#Odysseus and Penelope reunion
athamad · 1 year
Ah yes finally I'm finished, Ratings of Odysseus and Penelope's reunion artworks let's get started!!!
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-I like this very much
-but Odysseus isn't participating enough
-your wife is on her knees Odysseus do something!!!!
-Aww they're about to kiss...l think?
-I feel like they can just rub noses forever
-love the third wheel back there
-also love the hand placements
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-l love this
-theyre not gonna kiss tho
-they can stare at each other for days
-and l support that
-the women in the back are Athena and Homer(I'm the chair)
-basic but love it overall
-again love the hand placements
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-Penelope why are you grabbing Odysseus' beard so aggressively???
-l get why you're mad but damn
-I mean he might like it?
-why are they kneeling
-are you gonna make out on the floor or what?
-"If I'm going down you're coming with me." "yes babe ❤️"
-who are the other guys?
-l don't like the crowd that much
-too crowded 😬
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-why are you guys so lifeless???
-l don't like this
-at least the coloring is nice
-but a hand hold isn't enough
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-this is too perfect
-I love the idea of Penelope just jumping into Odysseus after she figured out it was really him
-and Odysseus is like "l got you babe"
-this is too much l love it
-l like the art style too
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-this is so good
-Penelope my beloved
-Odysseus is a bit lifeless
-dude show some emotion we don't judge
-overall l like it
-but Odysseus is cold for no reason
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-now this is unique
-malewife Odysseus? Sign me up
-l love it
-Odysseus is probably giving a romantic speech
-Telemachus is flabbergasted
-there are things going on on the background but not important
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-theyre so in love l wanna eat them
-Penelope threw herself at him and he caught her
-ugh l love them
-Athena is like "my job is done here"
-for the third time those hand placements are so good l will eat this artwork
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-why are you so angry? Hello???
-Penelope is so cute l wanna pinch her cheeks
-if you don't hug her l will
-and then beat you with a stick
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-theyre so cute I'm gonna explode
-the ideal couple
-Penelope threw herself at him
-They don't look like they will kiss but it's fine
-nevermind they will
-Athena represents all of us
So, uh, that's it! This was fun tbh, l might do this again with another moment from the Odyssey (maybe Naussica finding him or his step grandma realizing who he is) but let me know what you think :D
Uhhhh, have a nice day!
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isp-annafer · 10 days
Hey folks who have read The Illiad and The Odyssey, what translation would you recommend?
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chubbygaysunite · 3 months
i can’t imagine that after getting back to his house odysseus ever went back to his old normal look. he just decided to keep the lost-at-sea style and rule like that. how would he even come back from ten years of beard? i bet he sits upside down on his throne and throws parsnips at unruly diplomats or something
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cowboyscaviar · 2 months
odysseus after showing up in ithaca and seeing penelope for the first time in 20 or so years: this is so sad alexa play how you get the girl (Taylor’s Version)
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finelythreadedsky · 9 months
Ἠῶ δ᾽ αὖτε | ῥύσατ᾽ ἐπ᾽ Ὠκεανῷ χρυσόθρονον???????? the time-traveling goddess Pallas Athene indeed
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gotstabbedbyapen · 8 months
Listening to "If I Killed Someone For You" (by Alec Benjamin) and I imagine...
Odysseus is covered in the blood of the suitors he'd slaughtered, and he stands in front of Penelope, anxiously awaiting her judgment. And the lyrics speak for them.
“Would you love me more If I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hand? They're the same ones that I used When I killed someone for you.”
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Do you think…
That in private, in the deep dark recesses of their bedroom, the night before he sailed away for war, he took her face in his hands and smoothed away the tears, his cool palms soothing her hot cheeks, her anguished eyes meeting his longing ones. Do you think he kissed her forehead with his soft yet slightly chapped lips, bringing his lips to her ears and softly whispering that if he didn’t return, he wouldn’t blame her. He truly wouldn’t. Telemachus would need a father after all. This was a thought that could not be said except in the darkest recesses of night. After all, the queen had to keep the throne safe for the king, everyone knew this. But Odysseus knew what the lonely nights would be like, and he ached for the same fate to befall his Penelope. The dearest person to him, the deepest he’s ever loved, the joy of his life. All these applied to his son too, of course. But in a different way. 
Do you think she jerked away from him then, shock and betrayal flashing through her eyes a moment until, coming back an instant later she took his head in her hands, her slender arms wrapping around her husband as she nuzzled deeply into his face and neck. Do you think her husband’s voice broke as he repeated this sentiment to the fierce shaking of his wife’s head as she emphatically retorted “no nO NO! Never, Odysseus, NEVER. You are ᾰ̓γᾰπητός. Most beloved.” And do you think that that’s when Penelope feels Odysseus let himself go, when he starts trembling and shaking and surrendering to the feeling of total wrongness and terror and despair at this entire situation. That Agamemnon’s delegation of men slept soundly downstairs, waiting to rip him away from his life for the next however many years of war there would be? And do you think then that Odysseus and Penelope clung to each other then, in the darkest recesses of the night, their desires and minds and hearts all tangled up together as one as they felt the fullness of each other’s love for the last time in twenty years?
And do you think that, twenty years later, far greyer and far more aged, that they sprang into that very same bed again, together, rejoicing and worshipping in the revelation of their reunion. Clinging to each other with the same longing as before, now tinged with the disbelieving ecstasy of one whose life had been over but now had just begun. Do you think that their lovemaking lasted long into the night and far into the morning? And do you think that more importantly than that they learned each other’s hearts and minds again while learning each other’s new bodies again with the same glee and abandon that they’d had when they were young and carefree. 
Do you think every kiss after their reunion was as full of surprise and hope as their first had been, behind the great tree that they had eventually formed into their bed. Do you think that, blushing and stammering as children, they were shy with one another at first, until, as in the beginning, one of them cracked a joke or said a line that just set them off laughing…and then it was all as it had been before. 
Do you think that they loved one another through it all?
Yes, I really think they did. 
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wolfythewitch · 7 months
I’ll be honest. I was a little bit along for the ride with the odyssey thing- like I enjoyed reading it and like epic but didn’t fully *get* it y’know ? anyways that’s changed because of that reunion animation. I haven’t listened to hadestown in so long so didn’t expect hades to come in and then it was odysseus and oh my god this has changed me. 
HAHA I skipped some bits like the whole her tricking him thing, mostly cause it wouldn't fit in the song. I figured showing the bed was like a shorthand for it. This was inspired by that one passage in the Odyssey where when Penelope runs down to see if Odysseus was truly alive, she finds him sitting by a pillar, eyes on the ground, waiting for her reaction
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Which btw the entire part this text was from makes me so sad fun fact
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wizardysseus · 30 days
top five odyssey moments
5. odysseus in the underworld, book 11.
did you know that you can't embrace a ghost even if you try three times? even if the ghost is your mother?
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4. nausicaa discovers a disreputable vagrant, book 6.
the odysseus-nausicaa interactions are so special to me. she's my brave little princess and he's so delicate with her. the fuckin, tree at delos metaphor. what is this man thinking. i hope nausicaa is happy!!!
this quote is from book 8 but i'm including it anyway:
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3. athena meets odysseus in ithaca, book 13.
athena obscures from odysseus that he's back in his own land, so that she can be the one to tell him, and then she lets him lie about his identity for a full page before she reveals herself.
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this is also the conversation where she says "this is why i like you; anyone normal would have gone home to see his wife and children by now!" they are Cronies. she Can Make Him Worse.
2. odysseus strings the bow, book 21.
many parts of the bow contest i love, including penelope retrieving the bow from the storeroom and pausing to weep over it, and telling the suitors she will always remember this house, even in her dreams. but the moment he does the deed after everyone else has failed... hghkgh the narrative tension. Complete With Sound Effects.
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the riddle of the olive tree bed, book 23.
i've written about the reunion at some length and still have more to say.
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athamad · 1 year
Odysseus: Penelope, it's me! Your husband, I'm back!
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el-255 · 20 days
I find it so poignant in Epic the idea that all of Odysseus’s actions of ‘kindness’ so to speak always come back to bite him in the end (going to the cave to try and show open arms in trusting the lotus eaters, offering the wine to Polyphemus, sparing Polyphemus, his apology to Poseidon) except for his plea to Circe after denying her advances.
And you know why I think that is? Because it’s the only open arms approach that is completely sincere in nature.
Let me explain a little further, everything I’ve listed up to that point has been deception in some sort of way, they only went to the cave on the advice of the lotus eaters because they were desperate. I have no doubt that if given any other choice, Odysseus wouldn’t have gone. He only offered the wine to Polyphemus in an attempt to bargain for his and his crew’s lives and he ends up spiking it with lotus anyways so even if Polyphemus had let them go, he still would’ve ended up being betrayed in some sense. Him sparing Polyphemus is an act of spite against Athena and Polyphemus because he believes himself to be above any sort of repercussions and wants to taunt him for killing his friends. And finally, his apology to Poseidon is insincere at best because at no point does he ever utter the words “I’m sorry”. Not that Poseidon would’ve let him go anyways because I firmly believe at that point he’d already made up his mind to kill Odysseus and his crew but it’s the thought that counts and Odysseus clearly wasn’t sorry in the slightest, only sorry it came back to bite him.
Then we move to Circe and that’s when Odysseus’s luck changes when, after telling her that he will not cheat on his wife, she shows him mercy and helps him out. Because Odysseus was sincere in his affections for his wife and Circe, a woman who has been burned and abused by men in the past, has watched her nymphs suffer at the hands of men, and as a woman who deems all men as pigs because she believes they do not care for women at all, respects him for that. It humanises him.
It gives Circe some sort of hope that things could be better. Her line “maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more” may be immediately followed up with her declaring that instead one day it could need her more and things will get worse, but it gives Circe hope that she never had before. Circe already held the views of her final line, it’s nothing new for her to be untrustworthy of men at best, but for a moment, she wants to believe in a world where men are good and her nymphs would be safe even without her protection. A world where she would be safe.
All because Odysseus was finally being sincere to someone and genuinely poured his heart out which worked! Circe let his men go and helped them get to the underworld which she didn’t have to do at all, she could’ve sent them on their merry way and washed her hands of the whole incident but she didn’t. She wanted to believe in the love between Odysseus and Penelope and did everything in her power to make their reunion possible.
This makes his turn to becoming a monster in the underworld saga all the more upsetting because one good outcome to his kindness does not change others that got his friends killed so he completely gives up on it and embraces the role of being a monster who doesn’t care for anything but getting home, no matter the cost.
Even by the point of his plea for mercy from Circe, a part of Odysseus has already given up on everything Polites tried to in-still in him, but loves his wife so much that he’d never even fathom betraying her despite the fact that he believes cheating on her with Circe (unaware that her seduction is only a farce to kill him) will make her release his men and she’d likely never know that Odysseus had betrayed her. He still can’t do it, it’s Odysseus’s last ditch attempt to try and resolve things peacefully and he’s only doing it for the love of his wife.
It’s tragic irony that the very thing he believes in so sincerely, humanises him so much, and garners him the most help and sympathy is what leads to his downfall to a monster, his love for his wife and his son.
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sevi007 · 2 months
Hades 2 rambling (no I have not had time to watch the dev stream yet, I‘m just excited):
* Since there is Odysseus, is there going to be Penelope? Telemachus? Is it going to be our job to reunite them, like we did with Achilles and Patroculus?
* From what I gathered, Melinoe did not get to grow up with Hades, Persephone and Zagreus. So no sibling moments? ToT But I need those in my life! I hope they will at least get some typical sibling-bonding afterwards. Oh, and PRANKS. I need them to pull pranks.
* There seem to be characters like Hercules, and what could be Polyphemus which did not make it into the stream, so I'm not sure if they are confirmed to show up but - If so, I wonder if Odysseus and Polyphemus will have beef - or Odysseus and Poseidon, for that matter. You know, the whole Odysee and "Nobody" thing? Blinding Polyphemus? It could be a bit like that uneasy relationship Thanatos and Sysiphus had got going.
For that matter, I want a running gag with Odysseus being "Nobody" please. So much potential. So much annoying everyone, including the narrator.
Also do Achilles and Patroclus KNOW Odysseus in this iteration? Based on the myths, they should from the Trojan war. That would be an interesting reunion
* I should hope the characters from the first game will return, and if they do, I want Theseus and Hercules to meet up. One calls himself the strongest hero / champion, the other is regularly known as THE strongest hero in Greece myth. I say FIGHT (not literally. Or, maybe a little? XD)
* I need at least one jelaous moment from Zag over Melinoe‘s ghost arm
* The other way around, I need an Oh moment from Melinoe (who hopefully will have met Than and Meg at that point) when she realizes her big bro is in a relationship with Death and a Fury. Yes I will just assume they will keep that relationship going in the second game.
If anything else pops up (especially after I can FINALLY watch that stream) I will add onto it but these are my most pressing thoughts right now
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dootznbootz · 6 months
"Ithaka by Adele Gaaras" AKA. I got Mindboggled by an Odyssey-inspired novel, get Boggled with me.
THis is just a little vent!! Do not harass this author or people who like this book! I'm not sharing this to necessarily hate on it but just wanted to share because...Mindboggle. (Also please note I have not read the book all the way through. BECAUSE OF SAID MINDBOGGLE. As I don't think it's good to "hate-read")
Also note, that the author says "it's not a version of Homer nor a retelling of the Odyssey, but a novel written under the influence of stories that I first read as a young child and that I've loved ever since."
Found this book in the "discarded" box at the library, probably should've taken that as a sign and since it was for free and no one else had taken it, I thought I'd grab it!
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And I got excited because the book is supposed to take place during the years Odysseus is away and it's PENELOPE'S perspective. Penelope raising Telemachus and cute toddler moments? Her, Anticlea, Laertes, (Maybe even Ctimene!) trying to cheer each other up as a family? Her ruling? So many cool things to explore!
But then I started to read and it was okay at first... But it skipped 13 years, which saddened me as, like I said, I wanted "young mother and child bonding together" But I went along with it.
But then there were other moments I didn't really care for. Weird "bad mother-in-law" Anticlea, ENOUGH WITH THAT. It happens to Demeter already! Stop it! Penelope says that she'll be a mean mother-in-law someday as well as "No one will be good enough for Telemachus" (???), Euryclea has a granddaughter who is the "main character", has AGAMEMNON be the one to put Telemachus in front of the plow >:( and a couple other moments that felt off so to see if this was "worth the read", I went ahead and went to the end as I won't lie I really wanted the "Reunion moment" 🥹
And here comes the Mindboggle.
Penelope has an affair.
She has an affair... WITH FUCKING LEODES!!!
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Honestly?? Like, I know it's supposed to be a "feminist" story. (says so on the reviews on the back) You never know with those if they're gonna villainize the male characters. I sadly was already expecting the whole "Even though text from the Odyssey states otherwise, Odysseus is clearly a womanizer"😮‍💨BUT AN AFFAIR?! WHAT IS FEMINIST ABOUT AN AFFAIR?! AND WITH LEODES?!?! WHY NOT MAKE A NEW CHARACTER?! A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON? Who's actually cool?
The worst part is? Odysseus is so fucking in love, as he should be. You would expect him to be "bad" to make her affair "okay". Especially as it kind of makes it out like he had "affairs" when it's known to someone with reading comprehension that he was SA'ed.
But he's complimenting her constantly, even as a beggar, and dotes on her and respects her. This novel ALSO makes Odysseus "nicer" and "polite" in an "I don't want to kill all these men but it's what I have to do". Which No! Let that man be PISSED. Get tf away from his wife and child! He can be an asshole and still adore his family!
This is supposed to be her introspecting during the morning after. Not explicit in any way but giving heads up anyways.
[...] she could not prevent herself from thinking of Leodes as Odysseus kissed her mouth and her hair and the soft places behind her ears. "Is this hard for you, wife? Is it strange? There's no hurry...I'll be gentle. I'll wait until..." "No,no...not strange. Kiss me again." "But you're crying..." "I can't help it. My feelings. I can't govern them, Odysseus."
(Page 354)
Like he's incredibly sweet. It makes it sadder because he's crying thinking about how much he missed her. BUT PENELOPE THINKS ABOUT HOW SHE'S CRYING BECAUSE SHE MISSES LEODES!!!
I couldn't stop thinking about Leodes. Remembering how it had been with him. And that made me cry. Odysseus didn't know. I don't think he knew. He thought the tears were for him. Tears of joy. Tears of passion. "Cry, my sweet wife. Let out all the tears that lie within you." "I'm so sorry...you deserve better than a sobbing woman after your journeyings. It will be better, I promise." "Don't say sorry. There's no need. I understand what you are feeling."
(Page 355)
Like you're taking away from Penelope AND Odysseus from something that is so fucking important to their story! HER STORY!!! The fact that they love each other so fucking much!!!
Not only that but the Father/son reunion was very lackluster.
Lots of Argos content though. :'D
LIKE?!?!!? I'm just mindboggled. I don't necessarily "hate" this book. I'm more flabbergasted as I kind of find this whole situation funny. Although I am sad as I wanted moments of her being a young mom, her being with family, her ruling. etc. I just...wanted to VENT!
Again! Don't be mean to the author or people who like this book! I just had to vent about my mind getting boggled for my sanity!
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missmungoe · 5 months
have you ever thought about an odyssey!au for shanks and makino? ive thought about it for the longest time but ive never seen one
Oh boy have I ever! I mean, Siren’s Call is basically my Odyssey retelling, with their ten year separation, and Shanks returning home after a war (one of Makino’s pushy suitors is even named after one of Penelope’s suitors, and see also: the title), although maybe a more accurate way to put it would be that all of Shanties is my Odyssey AU, except instead of just one linear retelling, I’ve built several fics around different aspects of Homer’s epic.
You have Makino’s emotional unravelling and function as a figurative whirlpool in Charybdis, and pirate!Makino’s exaggerated reputation as a sea monster in Scylla. And of course, there’s Penelope, which is set during the timeskip after Shanks returns, only to find her beset by suitors (here distilled into one really annoying guy), and which deals specifically with devotion, and the struggles of being apart for so long. Tideswept even has Shanks as a literal king, returning in disguise to steal back his queen from her suitor. Many of Odysseus’ adventures are also flipped in my stories, so it’s Makino who forgets and spends ten years on a fabled island in Mnemosyne, and who journeys to the underworld in Andromeda Unbound, and Ithaca reverses the king’s return home with his queen going out to sea (finding her Ithaca).
So I feel like I’ve already written this story, and many times over - at least the parts of it that resonate with me with regards to Shanks and Makino, like their likemindedness (homophrosyne), and the enduring devotion between two people.
And at the end of every iteration, always, a reunion<3
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cutesilyo · 5 months
okay so in the tags of my reblogs i've been yapping about how percy's use of trickery and manipulation reminds me a lot of odysseus and how fitting it would be for percy and annabeth to essentially be modern-day odysseus and penelope
but ultimately i think it would be so funny if athena sees the resemblance. like even if percy isnt odysseus reincarnated, it'd be so funny if she saw echoes of the person who was basically her favorite pet in her rival's child. a rival's child who is dating her favorite daughter without her approval, mind you. imagine this with me: athena just. grumbling to herself because she wants to hate percy completely but she can't. because if he was anyone other than poseidon's son she would've been so happy to indulge herself in his lies and deception and happier to see him with annabeth. you know how, in the odyssey, athena convinces eos to let the dawn rise a little later so odysseus and penelope can enjoy the night of their reunion a little longer? that is how much she would've shipped percabeth. perhaps even a bit more.
and the only thing that would be funnier is if poseidon is absolutely oblivious to how much percy - his beloved son, his favorite son - resembles the man he tried his best to drown thousands of years ago. the hilarity of it all
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pelideswhore · 2 years
things we learn from the odyssey:
telemachus is hot (he has inherited odysseus’ eye and face/head shape and also his hands)
telemachus is shy and bad at socializing, cannot start/hold conversations
telemachus has two dogs
telemachus loves his mum, thinks she’s beautiful and takes care of her loads
and his dad! he wants to know everything he can about him
telemachus “why can’t you be more like your cousin” ithacides. telemachus and said cousin have never met.
menelaus regrets having started the war
hermes does not like working (who’s surprised)
odysseus is survivor of sexual assault
nausicaa looks like artemis
odysseus is the second best archer in the achaean army (after philoctetes, hercules’ bestie, aka the guy that killed paris)
circe sings while she works!
odysseus and his crew join/leave circe in autumn
agamemnon and achilles are continuing their feud in the afterlife through their alive sons
athena likes to show herself as a man to mortals. like. she does that a lot.
telemachus has trouble sleeping
menelaus displays symptoms of himbo malewife
telemachus has autism. i don’t make the rules.
the odyssey supports homeless people. fuck you america.
telemachus sneezed and penelope interprets this as an omen of death.
odysseus has, like, a dozen “that’s my girl” moments regarding penelope and it’s the cutest thing ever
odysseus was named by his grandad, and his name means “the annoyer”
there was wedding music playing during odysseus and penelope’s reunion <3
it took a month to get odysseus to leave for troy
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