spllwys · 14 days
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sleep token rituals 8/? 𝅘𝅥𝅯 source — @twilighttowayvision — "I want to have you to myself, for once..."
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sleepy-edits · 6 months
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r0semultiverse · 1 month
Qrow’s Semblance is Fortune! 🐦‍⬛
I talked about this briefly before, having speculated that Clover’s pin carries on his good luck after death or that Qrow has just done a lot of training mentally and/or physically. @benevolentslut had some amazing additions as well & I want to sum up this theory for you as best as I can as we reached similar conclusions even before I had read her reblog.
Qrow has only been in the negative all his life, mentally and emotionally.
This man has had barely any positivity in his life.
"His whole life he's been the epitome of cynicism and pessimism." - @benevolentslut
Qrow grew up under constant stress & threat of those around him.
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Needless to say, but I don't think he could trust anyone he grew up around except maybe Raven.
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Then he has to constantly worry about being found out by the other huntsmen! Also growing up with the threat of huntsmen and Grimm the entire time!
Then Oz drops the whole Salem problem on him & I'm sure that didn't help his mental health in the slightest!
"His sister leaves him and their team, and then summer disappears." - @benevolentslut Yeahhhh he is losing everyone close to him in one way or another! That cannot be a fun experience!
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This look like the face of a guy that's doing okay?
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I'm just going to copy paste this here as I hadn't noticed it & it feels worth noting that the intensity of his misfortune seems to increase with the increasing mental strain.
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While we don't know for sure that all of these things are a byproduct of Qrow's misfortune semblance, it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. Notice the worsening of his mental health resulting in potentially more disastrous outcomes. 😰
"we see him blaming himself constantly for everything that goes wrong, and it only causes that to become more true." - @benevolentslut
She lists a lot more examples of where Qrow's semblance has potentially worked this way in the original post. Clover comes along & starts lifting him up, giving him actual hope. He now has a little seed of hope planted in him. 🍀
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Wow, Qrow is doing so good for himself lately! I sure hope nothing-
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Oh... oh no. From his perspective Ruby & Yang could literally be dead. He is stricken with grief as he watches it all unfold & probably sunk back down into a negative spot mentally. He may even blame himself in some way.
When you're this low, there's a saying that goes "nowhere to go but up."
I firmly believe that Qrow would see things that way, especially after reaching his lowest point. He can only do his best to help those around him. Though he's the most alone he's ever been, he's becoming a part of a new community where people help one another. In that sense, it's impossible to be alone. In spite of it all, he slowly finds his mental health improving! Ruby's message to the world is bringing people together! 🌹
"and we see him take up clover's role, both in terms of how he's helping out around shade, and more literally, in the unmissable parallel where he catches the guy who trips." - @benevolentslut
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Ruby & Clover have both filled him with hope & he's more optimistic than he's ever been, which results in bursts good fortune! ✨
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There's also already a premise for shifts in mental health and trauma resulting in semblance evolution.
Cinder betrayed Neo & so she winds up in the Ever After & through her form changes is showing us that she now has negative feelings towards Cinder.
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She's so upset that her semblance starts to make multiple clones of her which it has never been able to do before. Her Overactive Imagination semblance has evolved due to the state of her mental health.
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Her semblance begins to evolve so much to where she can create entire architectural structures and buildings out of it!
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She can even use it to talk through the people she recreates, something she's not physically capable of herself.
While we do have to take into account that the Ever After plays by rules that are a little bit different at times; this absolutely confirms that semblances, much like people, can change & grow! 💪
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My conclusion: Volume 10 & beyond will show Qrow's personal semblance evolution as he finds out that his power is actually Fortune itself & the ability to control it, good and the bad.
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leafsfromthevine · 3 months
thank you all for 200 (plus some!) followers mwah im giving you all a big hug big kiss big hand on shoulder thank u for supporting my antics have random zukka gif !!!!!
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fairyvearths · 1 year
these two windows
FANDOM: one piece WORD COUNT: 5, 500+ on tumblr. 9, 300+ on ao3 PAIRING: monkey d. luffy x roronoa zoro x reader WARNINGS: cursing, i guess. lots of banter/teasing. forced close proximity. kissing towards the end, and leaning towards suggestive. if you’re going to read it on ao3, pls pls pls look at the tags on there first before continuing SUMMARY: you’re crushing on your two best friends, who are in a relationship with each other. you try not to be too obvious about. (you're very obvious about it.)
NOTE: @some-piece​​ hello bas!! i am your valentines for the @onepiece-blorboexchange​. i know this is very very late, but i hope this makes up for it 💖 to bas, please read it on ao3, there is so much more to the fic than what’s here on tumblr. to everyone else, if you’re 18+ and want to read some, uh,, unholy stuff, you can head on over as well. otherwise, enjoy this little fluff piece. also to mod lale, thank you for granting me the extension. i’m still late though, so orz
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You don’t mind being saddled with looking after Luffy and Zoro—presenting no fight when Nami lists out the groups.
She gives you an apologetic grimace but you wave away her concerns; it’s easy to dismiss her worries when Luffy smiles at you, eyes closed, cheeks squishing as his lips stretch wide.
Your heart does a funny little flip flop, and you manage a grin back at him, trying to ignore the fluttering in your throat. You hold his gaze for another half second before you look away—cheeks dangerously warm. As you turn your head, you catch Zoro’s eye, flickering your attention to him when you see him watching you.
You try not to grimace, knowing how he gets when Sanji or Usopp—Hell, even some of the other captains you’ve met along the way—are a little too affectionate with Luffy for Zoro’s comfort. You back a step away from Luffy, refocusing on Nami as she organises the last of the crew.
She announces budgets and shopping lists before handing out pouches of Beli. When she gets to your team, she sighs softly. She spares a glance at the others, lips thinning into a straight line. She looks, for all intents and purposes, like she’s fighting a losing war in her mind. Nami passes the bag to you. “Don’t… let them buy things, okay?” she whispers.
With what you hope is a reassuring smile, you swipe the pouch. “You can trust me.”
She looks anything but reassured. “I don’t.”
You wink. “That’s the spirit!”
She blinks, glances at the others shouldering on their bags, preparing to depart. “This was a mistake,” she laments to herself. “Maybe I should reshuffle the groups.”
Luffy’s yell carries over the ship.
You have a second to react, turning to him to see what’s going on before something firm collides into your body, warmth wounding tightly around your middle.
A breath escapes you and you’re tilting backwards, the unexpected weight shifting your centre of gravity.
A hand on your back steadies you, another on your arm to pull you back upright. You can feel the heat even through the shirt you’re wearing.
“Oi.” Zoro’s gruff voice comes from beside you, and it takes his intonation for you to realise that Luffy had been the one to crash onto you.
Luffy has his legs coiled around your waist, arm’s curled snake-like over and under yours.
Zoro admonishes him, letting go of your arm now that you’re standing upright again. He swats the back of his hand on Luffy’s arm. “Careful.”
“Keep the group!” Luffy implores Nami. “I like it like this.”
You pretend that that doesn’t fill you with a cloud of warmth. That it doesn’t feel like the sun is shining directly on you. You back up a step in an attempt to get away from the rising feelings in this conversation, but you belatedly realise you can’t; Luffy is on you, Zoro has a bracing hand against your back. You’re quite literally trapped here.
Nami throws a look around the small group before landing on you, something in her face that you can’t quite place. She grins, light of mischief dancing behind her eyes. “Okay,” she relents, in that tone you know means that there wasn’t that much of a fight to begin with. “I’ll keep the group.”
Luffy giggles, something light that bubbles out onto your shoulder and his limbs tighten around your body. The hand on your back gets heavier.
Uh oh.
Zoro’s getting angry.
He’s gonna take it out on you.
“Okay,” you say, keeping your voice purposefully light and devoid of the awkwardness you feel in this situation. “You’re getting heavy, Luffy.” You don’t give him a choice, shifting your weight to steady yourself before grabbing his thighs to pull him from you.
“I said, be careful.” Zoro digs his hand a little harsher, pushing you upright.
Luffy wriggles out of your grasp, climbing you like some sort of snake.
The change in weight unbalances you and you careen towards the deck, back first.
There’s yells, coming from you, Zoro and Luffy and you hit something firm, the air crushing out of you as you land.
“You fucking gremlin,” Zoro breathes, voice strained. It’s only because his chest is reverberating against your upper back do you realise that you’ve fallen on him.
Oh, shit.
You try to get off him, but Luffy is resting his weight atop you. 
He’s laughing, like it really doesn’t concern him at all that he’s still clinging onto you, half fallen into your lap while you’re on top of his boyfriend.
You crane your neck to look up at Nami, who’d been the one to speak.
She blinks down on the three of you, looking very much like she’s trying to hide a smile. “You guys…” She chuckles. “Do your thing, I’m gonna.” Not even bothering to finish her sentence, she turns, walking away to the group that she’s organised for herself.
“Hey.” Zoro places a gentle hand on your side to grab your attention and you whip your head to face him at the touch. “You okay?”
Your heart stutters in your chest; his hand is resting on the side of your ribcage. His gaze, always magnetising and heavy, feels even more so with his face literal inches from yours. Your mouth is drying, your throat sticks to itself.
Has he always been this pretty? Handsome, yes, that is a relatively objective fact about him. But pretty? It’s his eye that draws you in; a cool shade of grey that has, at times, looked silver under different lighting. He blinks down at you, lips parting, probably to speak again.
But you’re staring at his mouth, heart roaring deafeningly in your head so you don’t really hear what he has to say, if anything. You don’t remember moving, but your face is getting closer to his. Close enough that you can feel his breath on your cheek, and—
You pull away, heat rising up from your chest, flushing across your neck. What the fuck?
(So caught up in your own thoughts, you miss how Zoro’s hand falls away, fingers curling into a loose fist by his knee. You miss how he shoots a quick glance at Luffy, both their faces pinching in disappointment. And, most importantly, you miss that you weren’t the one moving at all—Zoro had leant into your space.)
You’re crushing on your two best friends, who are in a relationship with each other. Big whoop, that’s not news to you. You’re usually much more inconspicuous than this—fucking relax.
Your heart drops into your stomach when you realise that Luffy is staring at the two of you, expression unreadable.
“We should get going,” you throw out into the air. “Before the shops close.”
Zoro hums, a short noise that you can’t quite read.
“You didn’t answer his question,” Luffy says. He leans forward, a little pout on his lips. 
You back away, jerking lightly when you bump into Zoro’s shoulder. You find some weird middle ground, holding yourself awkwardly so you’re equally distant from them both. “What?”
“We fell,” Luffy reiterates. “Zoro asked if you were okay.”
“Um.” You take stock of yourself; yes, you’ve been jarred around slightly, but, all things considered, you’re surprisingly unharmed.  If you forget about the tightness in your chest, and your heart hammering away, the only thing of note is that Luffy is a pressing weight on you, but that can be easily fixed. “I’m fine.”
“You’re lying,” Luffy says, blunt.
He blinks at you, expectant.
“He means, you don’t seem fine,” Zoro pipes up from behind.
Fuck that Captain’s Intuition.
“Uh.” You swallow a wave of panic. “I wasn’t hurt in the fall,” you try instead.
Luffy stares at you for a second longer before nodding, satisfied. He climbs off you, arms already stretching to grab onto the ship’s bannister and slingshot him onto the island, smile splitting his cheeks, a yell of adventure on his lips
“I…” You sigh, defeated. “We were supposed to stick as a group.”
“We’ll catch up,” Zoro muses. He’s already stood up and he reaches down, offering you a hand. “C’mon.”
You take it, gingerly, trying not to think too much about his hand in yours. It’s normal, you tell yourself. People help each other off the floor all the time. Don’t think too much about it. “Yeah,” you say, because talking always made it easier to keep your mind off of things. “but Nami probably put me with you two to keep you both on a leash.”
Zoro smirks as he pulls you up. “You think you can tame me?” he asks, voice dangerously low. His grip on your hand tightens and your heart squeezes with it.
You think you forget how to breathe, frozen in a stupor.
When you don’t react, Zoro releases your fingers, turning around so you don’t see the grin fighting its way on his face. “Let’s go,” he says as he begins walking.
You blink after him, once.
The fluttering in your chest settles onto your sternum. Wait, hang on. “You don’t know where you’re going!” That thought sobers you up enough to bound over to him. “Maybe it’s better if I lead.”
Zoro furrows his brows as he shoots you a glance out of his periphery. “What do you mean?”
“It’s just…” You’re trying to find a way to phrase your words without offending him. “You—Where do you think the market is?” you try instead.
He shrugs, shoulders hunching up to his neck. “Doesn’t really matter, does it?”
“We find Luffy,” he says. “He always gets us where we need to be.”
Your steps falter, watching Zoro as he continues walking across the deck like what he said wasn’t out of the norm for him.
Roronoa Zoro—a sap?
Kinda cute.
No sooner does the thought enter your mind do you dismiss it quickly. Stop that, stop it.
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It’s supposed to be an uneventful supply run.
In-and-out. Quick. Efficient.
That was the plan. Or, at least, Nami’s plan.  
You should have known that none of those words would be in Luffy’s or Zoro’s vocabulary.
And Nami should’ve known it wouldn’t be in yours either. Honestly, what was she thinking, putting you with them? There’s no way you would’ve babysat them. At times, it feels like you enabled them, more so than anything, but—
You know what, actually?
No, no.
You aren’t taking the blame today. And you’re not blaming Luffy or Zoro either. None of this was any of your faults.
Because who, in their right minds, would have predicted that this small island would have a Marine Festival?
“What the fuck’s a Marine Festival?” Nami hisses, through the Baby Den Den Mushi.
“Exactly!” You force your voice into a whisper, glancing to your right, outside the edge of the wall.
No one is looking.
“A shit ton of Marines are marching through town,” you inform her, “and we’re, kinda, maybe stuck in an alley.” The way the houses are laid out means the gap between the buildings progressively grows smaller the further in you go. And at the sole entrance of the alley, are all the Marines on the island, apparently. Slowly walking like some parade.
Music, cheers, and confetti, included.
Nami sighs, exasperation lacing the breath of air. You can see the exhaustion lining her brows on the transponder snail. “At least—Please tell me you’re still with Luffy and Zoro, though?”
“Yeah.” Unfortunately.
In your initial panic after seeing the Marines, you’d pulled Zoro into the closest hiding place. You then grabbed Luffy and yanked him in with you.
Zoro had shuffled into the space, until he could barely wedge himself further, shoulders too wide to go any deeper. Which is good, you tell yourself, because the only way out is the only way in, and you’re standing right there.
And you’ve kept Luffy directly in front of you, giving you the opportunity to stop him before he runs out into the town—or worse; go deeper into the alley because his bodily rubber properties would allow him to.
God forbid either of them be left unchecked with Marines.
In your, more hopeful, infancy of ten minutes ago, you’d waited for the Marines to scatter. But they kept marching, and marching, and, so, you called Nami to tell her the news.
“I just—Why can’t we chaos our way out of here?” you lament; the prospect of being stuck in the cramped passage for any longer than you already have doesn’t sit well with you.
Luffy perks up, eyes illuminating with a gleam that you can see, even with the dim lighting. Zoro leans in closer, arm flush with yours.
You pretend not to notice and focus all your attention on the Den Den Mushi in your palm.
“Because we need to wait for the Log Pose to calibrate.” 
Your lips press into a thin line, unimpressed. “How long’s that gonna take?”
You roll your eyes, displeasure roving through your features.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me—”
Oh, shit.
She can see your expressions, too. 
“Wait—no, no-no,” you clamour to your own defence. “I wasn’t rolling my eyes at you, it was at the situation.”
The snail is silent, looking very indifferent.
“Nami,” you whine, “I promise.”
“Uh-huh,” she finally says, sceptical. 
“Just lay low until the Log Pose resets, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, and then to make up for the eye-roll, you add, “Love you.”
Without missing a beat, Nami responds, “That’s fifty Beli for loving me.”
You splutter. “Hello?”
She hums. “If you can’t afford to pay, you can’t afford to love me.”
“Yeah, alright.” You chuckle, grinning at her antics. “You ain’t worth it, anyways.”
Nami yells—the beginning of her tirade spilling through the Baby Den Den Mushi.
You jump, hand over the snail’s mouth to muffle it before you hang up on her. “What the Hell,” you breathe, turning your attention to the entrance of the alleyway.
The Marines keep marching.
“Scale of one to ten,” you say, lightly, “how badly do you think she’ll beat my ass when we get back?”
Luffy makes a sound like he’s thinking. “Four.”
“Just four?” Surely it’d be higher than that—it’s Nami.
“She’ll try on a seven,” Luffy elaborates, “but you’re strong, so four.”
You blink at him, a blush beginning to creep up your neck that you hope they don’t see. “You think I’m strong?”
Luffy beams, cheeks stretching. “Yep!”
Oh. You look away, breath stuttering in your chest. Your fingers twitch as you try to find something to do so you’re not forced to stare at him. Belatedly, you realise you’re still holding the communication device. You try to open your bag, but your left arm bumps into Zoro where he’s still leaning against you.
He’d been so quiet, presence strangely comfortable and safe, that you’d forgotten to register he was there.
“Uh.” You turn to face him, but he seems unfazed by your accidental touch. “Sorry,” you mumble.
He dismisses your apology with a grunt.
When he doesn’t offer anything else, you clear your throat. “Can you possibly move back a bit? I need to get to my bag.”
“Can’t,” Zoro says. “‘S too narrow.”
“Ah. Well—”
“Here.” He takes the snail from your hand, hand brushing against your own fingers and you try not to let your breathing change too much. He attempts to undo the clasp on your bag with one hand, but he struggles. “Luffy,” he finally says after giving up.
Without hesitance, Luffy leans over and fiddles with it. His knuckles scrape against the fabric of your shirt as he works.
Your heart flutters into your throat until all you hear is your own heartbeat thudding away in your ears. You hold your breath, afraid that if you did try to breathe, your lungs would stutter and you’d give yourself away.
Luffy holds the flap against your waist and Zoro places the Den Den Mushi inside.
You stare at the bag, watching their hands move so you don’t have to look at their faces and fluster yourself even more.
Once inside, Luffy releases the flap so it falls back into place and Zoro buckles up the clasp again. Neither of them move back to their original position, crowding into your space even though they have no reason to be.
Or, maybe, they’re just trying to get closer to each other.
That would make more sense. 
You should move out of their way.
You slide over to the right, closer towards the exit but your shoe trips over something.
Luffy yelps.
You flail for balance.
Luffy steadies himself on the wall next to you, and you fall on his outstretched arm instead of the floor, and Zoro grabs you both by the elbow.
“The Hell are you two doing?” he barks, tugging lightly to pull you upright before letting go. He sinks his back on the roughened bricks.
“Sorry—I’m sorry!” Judging by Luffy’s earlier exclamation, you realised you kicked his foot.
“What were you up to?” Luffy asks, head tilting in puzzlement. He doesn’t remove his arm from beside you and if you were to sidestep to get further away from his limb, you’d only be crowding into Zoro’s space.
“I was trying to get out of your way,” you answer honestly, “let you two be closer, or something.”
Luffy’s lip downturns. “You don’t want to be closer?”
You blink. Then, “Bit weird, is all.” You’re trying not to read too much into his words; take him at face value, don’t assume his intentions.
“What’s weird about you being closer?” Luffy leans forward—trying to prove his point, or out of interest, you’re not sure.
Regardless, you inch away, back of hitting the wall. Your shoulders brush against Zoro’s. You spare a glance at him, but he only watches, face impassive. You let out a small breath, once again cursing the small enclosement you’re trapped in. “I don’t—This is—” Your voice is getting smaller and smaller.
“Relax,” Zoro says.
“I am relaxed,” you fire back.
He makes a sceptical noise. 
With how close he is to you, it wouldn’t take that much effort to elbow him in the ribs, so you take advantage of that and do so, earning a grunt. “Fuck off.”
As you settle back against the wall, you realise; you’re calmer. Less nervous than you had been before.
Son of a bitch.
You’re barely able to hide the smile that rises to your lips; somehow, Zoro grew to know you. But he’s right—if you’re going to be stuck here for the next hour or so, you shouldn’t be so tense about it. “You guys don’t have claustrophobia, do you?” you inquire, suddenly realising that this wouldn’t be an ideal situation if they did. 
“What’s claustrophobia?” Luffy’s nose scrunches in confusion.
Zoro shuffles, like he’s shrugging. “Afraid of Santa Claus.”
A laugh startles out of you at the answer and you cover your mouth to muffle yourself.
“Oh,” Luffy says, sincere. “No.”
You shake your head. “That’s not what it means,” you manage to say in between giggles.
“What do you mean?” Zoro presses, the same time Luffy asks, “What’s so funny?”
“Wait.” Newfound chuckles linger in your throat and you turn your head to face Zoro. “Is that—Do you really think that’s what that means?”
Zoro blinks at you, lips pressing into a thin line. “Well—I don’t anymore.”
“No-no,” you beg, grabbing his arm. “I’m not making fun of you.”
“Ya-huh.” Zoro is doubtful, and you don’t blame him because you’re still laughing. “Can definitely feel you’re not.”
“What does it mean, then?” Luffy implores, leaning into your space. 
You smile at him, quick huff of breath escaping your nostrils. “Afraid of small spaces.”
“Ah.” Luffy nods. “So, Zoro was stupid.”
“Shut up!” Zoro hisses, leaning across you to smack Luffy’s arm.
You can’t help but laugh at their antics, chest tightening as your breath sticks in your chest because you’re not taking in enough air. You try to be quiet about it, not wanting to alert the Marines.
“You didn’t even know what it meant,” Zoro snaps. 
“But I didn’t get it wrong!” Luffy fires back. “Hey.” He batters your arm to get your attention. “Zoro’s stupid, right?” 
You try to stifle your laughs, but to no avail. You shake your head, making a cutthroat motion with your hand to let them know you can’t be a part of this conversation. 
It takes another couple minutes for you to collect yourself, especially when Zoro and Luffy start to silently wrestle with each other, doing more harm to themselves when they crash their own elbows and knees into the walls instead of each other. 
“I have another question,” Luffy pipes when you’re taking a final, big breath. 
“Uh-huh?” you croak, wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“Who’s Santa Claus?” 
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As it turns out, the Log Pose needed three hours before it recalibrated to the next island. When Nami’s call comes through, you can’t rush out of the alley quick enough. The restlessness of being trapped for so long resulted in absolute chaos as soon as the three of you were spotted by the Marines.
It’s not like you guys were trying to be found.
It’s not like you were trying to be subtle about your presence, either.
Needless to say, the number of injured Marines who were there before you arrived, compared to the number after was… drastically different.
You’re stretching out in the sun, enjoying the warm rays you’re able to catch, now that you aren’t in a dark alley filled with cold bricks. After telling Sanji you hadn’t had breakfast, and then later weren’t able to buy anything during lunch ‘for the sake of the crew,’ he’d whipped up something quick and somewhat light, so you’d still have room for dinner in a couple hours. You’d finish the last bite ages ago, but the sun feels too nice to leave, so your empty plate sits on the table. 
A shadow falls over you and you open your eyes, brows raising as Zoro rattles a plate onto the table. He pushes the first plate to the side before placing another next to it.
Luffy comes bounding over with empty bowls and spoons.
“You guys hungry too?” you yawn.
Zoro huffs in amusement. “When isn’t he?”
You chuckle. Then, after noticing how they’re more relatively cleaned up than usual, you pry, “Is this something special?”
“A date,” Zoro says, blunt.
“Ah.” You know a dismissal when you hear one. You stand, taking your plate to clear up more space for them. “Alright, I’ll get out of your way.”
In the distance, you hear a squeal before it’s muffled and a small crash. You turn to look at the level above, where you’re sure you heard the noise, but you don’t see anyone or anything there. You narrow your eyes, turning back to Zoro and Luffy. “Uh, have fun,” you say, departing for the kitchen.
(Zoro and Luffy watch you leave, eyes tracking as the door closes behind you. Luffy pouts, gaze forlornly drifting to the three bowls stacked on each other. Zoro groans, tilting his head back to the sky.
“How can someone be so stupid?” he muses.
Usopp tears Nami’s hand from his mouth and they jump out from their hiding spots, vaulting over the railing to join their Captain and first mate on the lower deck.
“What was that?” Nami hisses.
“Hey, keep it down,” Zoro grouses.
“What did you guys say?” Usopp accuses.
“Nothing!” Luffy protests. “Zoro said it was a date, and then—” He gestures towards the kitchen where you’ve disappeared into.
Nami stares at the both of them, their brows furrowing as they sit in their misery; Zoro on the beach chair you’d just vacated, and Luffy on the ground. Patient as a saint, she pulls in a deep breath. “Did you say it was a three person date?”
Zoro sits up, as Luffy turns to look at him.
A beat.
“No,” they both answer.
Usopp growls something that sounds more like squeal. “Are you—?”
“Keep it down!” Zoro hisses, pulling the sniper to the ground before his voice can escalate any louder.
Usopp lands with a grunt, effectively silenced. “Why are you both so stupid?” he bemoans.
“It was Zoro!” Luffy defends himself.
“Oi!” Zoro kicks at Luffy’s leg.
“Lord have mercy,” Nami sighs.)
Sanji looks up, wide eyes blinking owlishly when he sees you. “Uh…” He pauses in cutting the onion. “Why are you here?”
You throw a thumb over your shoulder, back out to the deck. “Zoro and Luffy are having a date.”
“Uh-huh?” he responds slowly.
“They set up at my table—I mean, I don’t know why ‘cos there’s like, two other tables out there, but, y’know.” You shrug, trying to be nonchalant, but you’re too annoyed; they didn’t have to kick you out so rudely.
It hurts a little, you have to admit to yourself. Especially after hanging out with them in the alley. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it wasn’t the worst, either. You had fun together, or so you thought.
“Wait, so what’d they say?” Sanji asks. “Exactly?”
You furrow your brows, heading to the sink to wash your plate. “That it was a date.”
“And that was it?”
“Yeah.” You rinse the soap off and place it on the dish rack.
“And they didn’t ask you anything.”
“Uh.” You wipe your hands on a towel, heading back to the counter. “No. What would they ask?”
Sanji looks about this close to bursting out in laughter.
“What?” you implore, thrown off by his expression.
He shakes his head, bowing his head to resume the prep work for dinner. “Nothing,” he sings, mirth underlying his tone. “What a bunch of priceless idiots.”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing,” he repeats.
“You gonna stay to help?” He tries to redirect your attention, easily grabbing a knife from the wooden block set and placing it on the counter, handle to you.
You huff. “Not if you’re hiding stuff from me.”
“I’m not hiding—” At your pointed look, he shrugs. “Okay, maybe, yeah,” he relents. “But, trust me,” he says beseechingly, “this isn’t something you want to hear from me.”
“You know you're leaving me with more questions, right?”
He scrapes the minced onions into a mixing bowl. “I don’t think I should say anything.”
The door opens at the end of his sentence and you peek over your shoulder, fully swivelling around in your chair when you see that it’s Luffy and Zoro. They enter the kitchen, letting the door shut behind them.
It’s silent.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, trying to sound casual.
“We weren’t clear,” Luffy says.
“Uh.” You look between the two of them, trying to figure out what conversation just got dropped into your lap. “About what?”
“Not in here,” Sanji begrudges.
“Shut it, Cook,” Zoro snaps.
“You are running out of favours, mosshead.”
“You can shove your—”
“Zoro!” Luffy whacks his arm into Zoro’s stomach.
Zoro actually looks ashamed, clenching his teeth together.
Sanji sighs. “Fine.” He takes off his apron and drapes it over a chair as he passes by. “Don’t touch anything,” he warns.
Zoro and Luffy turn to watch him leave, waiting until the door swings shut before rounding back to you.
“I don’t understand what’s happening.” You decide to speak up first, laying out your level of awareness.
“The date was supposed to be with you,” Luffy says.
You blink. “What?”
“The date—outside; you’re supposed to be there too.”
“Because we want you there,” Zoro states.
“And you want to be there, too,” Luffy adds.
You purse your lips. “I don’t want to third wheel—plus!” you yell when they open their mouths to interrupt you. “Dates don’t really include friends.”
“Not as a friend.” Luffy steps forward, stands in front of the chair you’re sitting on.
“What?” you ask, voice weak.
Luffy holds onto the chair on both sides of you, caging you against the counter and him. “Not as a friend,” he repeats. “We want you there on the date—as a date.”
You forget how to breathe, chest flooding with a tightness that almost hurts with every heartbeat. It’s fast, your heart thud, thudding away in your ears.
They want to date you.
They want to date you, too.
You’re not alone in your feelings for them.
‘We want you there,’ Zoro had said. ‘And you want to be there, too,’ Luffy had claimed.
He knew.
He knew.
Luffy says something, mouth opening in silent syllables that you don’t hear above your own thoughts.
You should probably answer him, ask him to repeat. But you lean forward, clutching his vest in your fist to pull him in and meet you halfway in a kiss.
Luffy groans into your mouth, wrapping his arms around your waist as he kisses back, searing and desperate and filled with so much affection that your heart bubbles away under your tongue. He’s almost leaning you back onto the counter with how much he’s pushing himself onto you.
When you part, he pulls you back upright onto the seat, breathing heavily. He laughs, pecks your lips again.
You smile in return at his joy.
You kissed him. You kissed Luffy, and he kissed you back.
Luffy looks over to the door and you follow suit.
Zoro is still standing at the entrance, watching.
You swallow thickly, disappointment swirling in your gut because you don’t know what he’s feeling or thinking, but if it was something positive, he’d be more reactive, right? You pull your hands away from Luffy, clasping them in your lap. “You’re okay with this?” you ask him, voice quiet.
“I’m okay with it.” You can’t really pierce through his tone to know what he’s thinking.
“What about us?” you inquire. Zoro had become one of your best friends, and like Luffy, you’d developed a crush on him too. You’d hate for your new relationship with Luffy to erode your previous friendship with Zoro because he got jealous.
“What about us?”
If there was ever a time to define a relationship, it would be now, right? “Do we…” You clear your throat, shaking away the nerves.
Luffy slides a hand into yours, and, somehow, that gives you the courage you need.
“Do we get to kiss, too?” you question, hesitant.
Zoro tilts his head to the side. “Is that what you want?”
“Is that what you want?” you parrot back.
Zoro smirks. In seconds, he crosses the distance, hand cupping the side of your cheek.
Your heart flails wildly in your throat.
“Yes,” he whispers, and he brings your lips to his. He kisses you just as hungrily and passionately as Luffy did, thumb sliding across your jaw.
Your heart jumps into your throat and you gasp in a breath, only for him to dig deeper, tongue flicking against yours. You moan, a quiet noise that he swallows into his chest.
Warm lips attach to your neck and you almost choke, squeal of surprise sticking in your throat.
Zoro chuckles into your mouth, humming as he breaks away from you, kissing softly behind your jaw.
You’re panting softly, eyes rolling back as Luffy sucks on your skin. Your head feels cloudy, chest so full and light at the same time, heart beating so loudly you’re not sure how it hasn’t exploded out of your ribcage.
This is real.
This is happening.
“So, about that date,” you breathe, slotting your hand under Luffy’s jaw and lifting him off your neck.
“Fuck the date,” Zoro growls into your ear. He nips your earlobe.
You barely have time to react to that before someone slides their hand on your thigh, boldly going up higher and higher until their fingers rest just below your crotch. You groan, inhaling a quick breath.
Luffy grins at your reaction and you know it’s his hand. “Why don’t we get out of here?” he suggests. “And make you make more noises?”
Oh, shit. Eyes widening, you nod vigorously. “Yep, yeah.”
They pull away, Luffy sliding you off the chair before you all exit the kitchen together.
The cool air of the evening breeze washes over your hot skin. Usopp, Nami and Sanji are lounging around the now-deemed ‘date’ table and they look over when the door opens.
“Up there,” Zoro says, nodding his head to the crow’s nest.
Luffy pulls you along with him with such urgency that Usopp straightens his back.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
Luffy doesn’t respond, already climbing the ladder.
“Uh,” you start, stumbling after him.
“Don’t interrupt us,” Zoro suggests. “We wanna be left alone.”
“Oh,” Usopp says. Then, “No! I didn’t need to know that!”
“You asked, dummy.” Zoro waits for you to get higher on the ladder before he starts to ascend.
“Because I didn’t know!” Usopp wails.
Luffy has already reached the landing. Rather than wait for you to complete the climb, he stretches down and wraps an arm around you, pulling you off the ladder.
You yelp, flailing as he pulls you up. “Luffy!”
“Also,” Zoro continues, “you might not want to be near here; we’re probably gonna be loud.”
“Shut up!” Usopp screams, cheeks reddening.
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oranpo · 17 days
What particular genre of Clancy Brown do you enjoy most? 😁
Haha the one where he's old. I mean, not to out myself as an old man fucker here (although given my interests... and the circumstances... you can see it coming from miles away) but Clancy, in my opinion, just ages like fine wine😔💕💕💕
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Actually I lied. The one where he's an evil priest
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He's gorgeous, He's delicious. Please watch Carnivale.
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snoopysnose · 2 years
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Janine Teagues in every episode
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
Hii, I'm the admiration anon 🤸
I saw that you wanted me to elaborate my question. There are several points I would like to learn more about.
I'm curious about how is that admiration-love Izuku has towards Katsuki different and/or similar to the one Uraraka has towards Izuku.
What Toga has bring up in the narrative about wanting to be like or become the person you love and/or admire, how much coincide both relationships with Toga's idea of love.
Also, do you think Deku understood what Toga meant when she was talking to him recently about her ideas?
And I would like to know more about the differences between the admiration Izuku has towards All Might and Katsuki.
Thank you so much! 🙇
My brainrot is obviously the BKDK flavoured variety but I’ll do my best to answer you on this topic! (It’s not really something I’ve dwelled on). Also, thanks for clarifying your first ask for me, the result is sort of a mish mash of both asks... xD to everyone else, this is a whole ass meta. I hope it’s interesting for you :)
Admiration/Mimicry = (Romantic) Love ...?
There’s been an underlying theme in the manga where in trying to be like someone you admire it means you have romantic feelings for them. Which is strange because if that’s true then Izuku surely has been trying to copy Kacchan because he has romantic love for him. But it’s just not that simple for bkdk. It never has been with them. And while yes those feelings for Kacchan exist in some shape to him (even he might not be fully understanding his own heart yet), the logic behind Toga’s desires rings false to Izuku. Which is exactly why he only brings up All Might when everyone and their dog knows that when his feelings to win truly come out, so does his “inner Kacchan” and he mimicked him a few times as he tried to become a stronger hero-in-training. 
The reason he doesn’t think of Kacchan as his example is because his feelings towards Kacchan can’t be cheapened or simplified by this flawed and hollow logic of Toga’s. Because his mimicking isn’t at face value like Toga (physically turning into the person). Izuku has essentially been growing stronger and more confident as a hero in large part due to Kacchan and his encouraging support. As Kacchan is both somebody he strives for who motivates and pushes others just by being himself, and someone who possesses a confident personality that Izuku’s always admired and wished to have too. He has always longed to take in his favourite trait of Kacchan’s and become a determined hero who does not give up until he wins.
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This all started when Aoyama called out Ochaco when he correctly guessed that she was thinking “what would Deku do?” Ochaco has series-long been trying to draw inspiration as a hero from the person who inspires her most: Deku. Which is pretty uncanny because while Ochaco is going through her arc of admiring Izuku and wanting to be like him, various people brought it up to her as being in love (Aoyama, Toga, Mina). And when Izuku did the exact same thing as her, with Kacchan, this behaviour of Izuku copying and idolising Kacchan, because he recognises him as the ideal hero he strives for, is called out as love by no one. 
Izuku and Ochaco are both nice people that want to make others happy. But Ochaco struggled with being altruistic like Izuku, often putting herself down for not having the pure motivators she sees in her ideal version of him. She felt like she fell short and disliked that part of herself. And that is how she was much alike Kacchan, who went through over a decade of feeling inadequate and rejecting Izuku because of how that made him feel. (The parallels are a-plenty) So it must be said that when he finally overcame his inferiority complex and looked within, Kacchan also wanted to be more like Izuku, but I’ll talk about them more later.
~ Toga and Ochaco -> Izuku ~
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Deku and Toga is interesting only because Toga is not a normal thinking person. She’s clearly neuro-divergent with her takes on becoming people because she "loves them". But what she feels for them isn’t true love, in fact she might not know what love is supposed to be because a basis for it doesn’t exist thanks to her horrible parents who broke down and yelled at her for being too different. And she compensated for those essential missing connections by having herself a found family in the League. Deku called her “love” out with this one line:
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If you want to become me, why don’t you also want to share the same heart (morals, values, beliefs) as me? Translation in Toga’s brain: “Why can’t you just be normal!” - exactly how her parents and Ochaco made her feel.
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Essentially calling out her definition of love and desire to be them skin-deep and hollow. She realised that Izuku can't help her, his response only causes her ptsd from her parents to flare up. She decides to let go of Izuku, because just like her own parents, he didn’t accept the brand of warped love she has on offer. 
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Also Izuku couldn't comprehend her love of him because it can only be realised by inflicting injury upon him. He understood her existence is a natural counter to danger sense because she doesn’t seek to kill him but her way of loving is to hurt him physically as a result of her quirk and her desire to become him. Regardless, Himiko is completely redeemable, and within reach of saving by Ochaco.
Which leads to the Togachaco fight. I think Ochaco eventually realised that just because she admired Izuku it didn’t mean she romantically loved him. Her feelings couldn’t compare to the real deal soul mates that were right in front of everyone's face with Kacchan and Izuku closing the distance and finally coming together. And she understood with Izuku’s response that trying to become like the person is not enough, at least for him, because you need to also align with his heart too. And though that is something she does a better job of than Toga, they are after all on the same path of becoming heroes, but it doesn’t really matter anymore because Ochaco has become fixated on returning Toga’s smile.
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At first, Ochaco didn’t understand why she felt the need to save Toga. She called herself weird. But she finally understood during their conversation with Izuku, that every action Toga has taken up until that point has been a cry for help, an SOS that she’s been sending out to anyone who might accept her. 
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Ochaco’s already been grasping the idea that in their world saving should not be exclusive rights for civilians, but everyone, heroes and even villains, are people that need saving as well. 
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That's a quality about her character that supports Izuku’s ideology and feelings towards Tenko. But unlike Izuku, who Ochaco figured out has already found his greatest pillar of support and person to stay by his side in Kacchan, Himiko has been suffering her entire life, completely alone and never truly having someone who loves, accepts and supports her. And that is beyond sad and completely unfathomable for a 17 year old girl with her whole life ahead of her. 
Did you know Kacchan and Izuku use two different kanji for save? Kacchan’s means lifting up/supporting and he has become a reliable person who acts with this feeling for Izuku’s sake. Izuku’s kanji nuance is “relieving the helpless of their suffering” and it seems like Ochaco has chosen to do just that for Toga.
Toga’s been ostracised by society simply for being divergent and having a strange vampiric quirk that requires hurting others. So in a way, Ochaco rescuing Toga is how her heart acts in alignment with Izuku in wanting to save a drowning person who just so happens to be a villain.
But the last thing we heard from Togachaco was they weren’t going to try to be anyone else anymore out of love and admiration, they are facing each other as “Toga Himiko” and “Uraraka Ochaco”. Which makes it seem like they’re both over the delusion that admiring and copying somebody means (romantically) loving them. Also Izuku kinda stomped all over this concept by bringing up All Might (lol) and telling Toga if she wants to be him so bad then copy his heart too and stop hurting people “out of love” like she’s been doing. Poor lil Himiko. At least Ochaco is catching on that Toga’s always been rejected by others and that is what makes her suffer so much.
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Sadly, the person she thought about the most couldn’t understand her either, in the end. But at least now she finally has someone willing to try. (She just doesn’t know it yet.)
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~ Kacchan and Izuku ~
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On the subject of the difference between Izuku’s admiration between All Might and Kacchan: Izuku said it himself. Kacchan was the person IN HIS LIFE and the most closest to him. He was around him every single day all throughout their school life. Even more so when they were children and friends, but they have grown up together. Izuku’s love and admiration was spawned by being in close proximity with somebody who had confidence and a determination to never give up. He saw these qualities in Kacchan he felt lacking in and admired and longed for them in himself. While All Might was a complete package hero in the distance, Kacchan was very much his personal hero in his life. His other half whose personality completed his own if you were to combine them. 
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His feelings towards him grew just by being around him day to day and watching him exist. Kacchan didn’t take shit from anyone and stood up for himself always. And despite knowing he should hate how these qualities made Kacchan act, he still found himself loving and mimicking those parts of Kacchan all the same because he draws a lot of comfort and confidence from him.
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Maybe all along he felt “It’s Kacchan... that’s just who he is” because Izuku had fully accepted Kacchan in a very holistic way and never stopped caring for him, despite his flaws. Everything Kacchan ever offered Izuku and to the world, Izuku took it with a smile on his face. But that’s love for you. True unconditional love Izuku has always felt for his Kacchan.
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I think Izuku’s love and mimicry of Kacchan has rung the most true in the series and that’s because while they’ve been in each other’s hearts this whole time, they have been very aware of the other person as a being separate from them and understood they have irreconcilable differences as individuals, but even that couldn’t stop the pull of their kizuna and finding their way back to each other. It took Kacchan a while, but they both accepted each other, even the bad parts that don’t sit well with them and absorbed the biggest piece of the other’s heart they felt lacking in to become improved versions of themselves, all while pushing and encouraging each other along the way.
It’s something more concrete than “What would they do”: It’s the other’s ego that exists in their heart that compels them and pulls them along on their journey. Kacchan’s ego helping Izuku be a more proud and confident person, and Izuku’s ego helping Kacchan become a team player that cares about helping others. Their greatest strengths had always repelled each other, until they eventually figured out that they actually compliment each other. It was only when their inescapable gravity pulled them back into each other’s orbit that they became happier, more rounded and complete.
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Toga/Ochaco to Izuku, Izuku to All Might, Izuku and Kacchan towards each other. On the surface the theme of admiration may seem the same, but they are fundamentally different. First, one idea is that admiration/mimicry = romantic love. The false concept you’re mentioning, which was (wrongly) pushed onto Ochaco by Aoyama and the more extreme version of becoming them pushed by an unhinged teenage girl who doesn’t care who she hurts to fulfill her needs, and has expressed some pretty warped feelings of love towards Izuku and Ochaco.
Izuku acknowledges that he admired All Might and longed to be like him too much. Because he had All Might point this out, but Kacchan also encouraged him multiple times to stop trying to be him and to instead aim even higher. To stay true to himself. He told Izuku they can both achieve this goal by leaning on each other. It’s a lesson Izuku’s heart has taught him over the last 12 years.
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Change born from his feelings of admiration and love for Kacchan comes so very naturally to Izuku. He compartmentalises Toga’s feelings from his own feelings because when he thought of wanting to become someone you admire, he could only think of All Might. That’s because he never tried to become Kacchan.
I think in his mind, his feelings for Kacchan don’t even compare to Toga’s (and formerly Ochaco's) towards him. Nor does his admiration towards All Might. (See: closest person in physical and also emotional sense) While he had been very consciously trying to copy All Might, to fill his shoes and become a replacement symbol of peace that’s just like him, he always saw Kacchan as this pure, untouchable existence that is very separate from his own. More than the feeling of wanting to become like him, Izuku longed to be close to him and walk by his side. He longed for and felt comforted by his confidence yes, but never once tried to be just like him, to become somebody that he wasn’t. 
He noted to himself that mimicking Kacchan came very natural to him when he really wants to win. That’s because he’s always held Kacchan’s confidence and determination and strength, Kacchan himself, close to his heart. It was so easy for Izuku to tap into his personality traits and movements because the source is so readily available. Kacchan’s presence is such a prominent beacon shining ever so brightly in his heart, that it blinds him.
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Because when it comes to Izuku and Kacchan, their entire time of knowing each other and reacting/responding to each other, neither of them stopped being Izuku or Kacchan, they retained their identities and always acted true to themselves, all while acknowledging the other person and constantly being inspired to do better by that persons greatest quality (The desire to win vs the need to save) thanks to All Might telling them they should embrace each other’s values because both are essential for the best hero work.
Whereas Izuku was already self-admitting that he was subconsciously bringing out what he should think were Kacchan’s worst qualities, Kacchan had to face his own weakness and find and isolate those feelings he didn’t know he was capable of in himself, but knew were some of Izuku’s greatest strengths.
And rather than just trying to become Izuku, Kacchan fully embraced an awareness of his own weaknesses and differences with Izuku, while acknowledging the missing parts he felt lacking in and actively worked on those areas to be better not only for the people that mattered, but also for himself. Because Katsuki’s name meaning is “win (against) yourself.” The change to his core character and defeating the past version of himself is absolutely fitting.
Though their pathing was different, both boys came to understand these missing pieces had been inside them all along, because the very existence of the person who embodied those values, had been residing in their heart the entire time. That’s why drawing it out in times of crisis is only natural for them. Simply by knowing each other as intimately as they do and shredding their negative past away, their hearts began coalescing, affecting and changing one another. It’s as if they have a very necessary piece of the other in themselves in the same way that Ying and Yang do. Just as Dark cannot exist without Light, Kacchan can not be without Izuku. Like two puzzle pieces built only for the other.
In ch 362... Kacchan was talking to that piece of Izuku he keeps in his heart because likewise, Izuku coming to the forefront of his mind is a very comforting thing for him. Thinking of the person he loves the most at what he believed to be the end... it was undeniably romantic and I can’t wait for them to come together...
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They have both shared mutual admiration, a desire to be closer, a deep connection and have each always held their most precious person, their very own personal hero, close to their heart.
Izuku and Kacchan don’t love each other because they consciously choose to mimic one another, they influenced change in each other’s very nature because they love each other.
And that’s the difference.
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cigarette-room · 2 months
What is your favorite blonco scene from the film?
the bathtub scene and the rope scene are wrestling to death on which one is better...
but we all know the real winner is this little bit right here:
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vintageurovision · 1 year
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Un Banc, Un Abre, Une Rue, Séverine | Monaco, Eurovision Song Contest 1971
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tentacletournament · 1 year
Okay, so I just read up on The Rot (aka Daddy Long Legs) because it’s good to learn about an opponent in depth and that’s something Soundwave would do as a sentient being. (DLLs are not sentient.)
If the competition is about which character would kill the other first, Daddy Long Legs would win.
If the competition is about which character is more interesting, Soundwave wins.
It depends on the criteria. And seeing as the description says, “Submit and vote for your favourite tentacle characters”, it all comes down to which contender is more liked/popular OVERALL. Not which one is more powerful.
I rest my case.
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ohhh ig yeah from a tournament standpoint all tournaments are popularity contests but also if we're analysing the blog desc this is specifically about tentacles and soundwave is metal and the rot is some sort of god consuming disease. if tentacles in terms of like limbs or tendrils of invertebrates then realistically among all the semi finalists the octokittens would win HOWEVER they also don't have an official design last i checked theyre actually just text and the only official design they have is a semi (?) official merch meaning FUKAMI SHOULD BE HERE GUYS I CANT BELIEVE HE LOST
(all of this is a joke btw this is fun)
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
Magnum X Eric fic
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You assholes got me to 150 followers, which means that I now must fulfill my end of the deal: The Captain Magnum x Eric fic.
Im not the best writer, so read at your own discretion.
1,218 words. All for you bunch of chaotic little gremlins. Enjoy!
The day was perfect. A beautiful sky, with the sun shining down on happy, smiling faces.There were people outside, enjoying life, spending time with family, admiring the outside world and all its beauty.
The walk to the park wasn't far for most. Just a few neighborhoods down. A nice stroll, if you will.
However, lost didn't know, that in one of those neighborhoods was a street.
On that street was a manor.
And in that manor-
"Not until you apologize!" The mustached man said, waving his pistol in Bims face.
"I already told you, it wasn't me!" Bim shouted, fearing for his safety the 3rd time today.
Eric could hear the daily commotion from his room. At this point, he'd gotten used to the chaos, knowing to hide out in his room when Wil was in one of his moods.
"There you go again! Don't test me, Bimmy boy!"
"Jim's, help!"
From what he could hear, Eric could only picture a fight breaking out in the hallway, moving around in a cloud of dust and fists like it was straight out of a cartoon. At least they decided to go further away from his room.
There wasn't much to do today. Ever since arriving at the manor, Eric didn't have to work, his dad having been immediately shunned by the egos. Sure, he was happier, much happier to be honest, but… it left him a little stuck.
He didn't do well with being on camera, so he couldn't work with the Jim's, and Wilford was a bit… much at times. Bim wasn't much better. So any of the open slots were gone.
Dark had reassured him that he didn't have to work. It still left him stuck.
What to do, what to do…
As if sent by whatever higher power was listening, a gentle knock on his door brought him out of his spiraling thoughts.
"Eric? Ye in there, lad?" He heard from the other side of the door.
Magnum was outside? Of his door of all places? And he was asking for him?
"Uhm, yeah. I'm here." He said.
Magnum slowly opened the door. He had to duck in order to look into the room. Not that there was much to look at anyway.
"Are ye doin' anything today?" The captain asked.
He could lie and say yes. He could make himself not look like a total loser. He could say he was getting ready to go outside. None of it would be true, but it would make him look less pathetic then he already was.
But what good was lying going to do?
"N-No." Eric admitted.
"Ah, perfect! I was wonderin' if ye wanted to go on a trip with me!"
Wait, what?
Magnum… wanted to be around him?
"Really?" He asked, as if this was some sick joke that the others were making him do. As if asking would make the pirate change his mind and realize the mistake he made.
"Really, lad. Feelin' a bit bored bein' stuck in the house all day. Figured I'd take you with me to go find somethin' to do."
He really wanted to hang out with him. It was actually happening.
"O-oh… okay. Uhm, let me grab my legs a-and we'll find something!" Eric said, already scrambling to find his prosthetics, as if the captain would leave him behind if he didn't find them fast enough.
"Aye, sounds like a plan, lad!" Magnum said with a smile.
As it turned out, this city was fucking wild.
The duo only made it even more wild.
It was enough that Magnum was at LEAST 7 feet tall on his tree trunks, and had to duck everywhere they went. But they also forgot to account for… people.
Everyone wanted to crowd around the pirate, kids wanted to climb up to try and grab his hat, others were storming him with questions.
The captain didn't mind one but. If anything, he ate up the attention, a kind smile on his face as he tried to answer everything thrown at him.
Eric on the other hand, was in shambles.
Everyone was close. Too close. The kind of closeness that made him want to turn into a puddle of goop and melt away from everything.
He never did well with crowds.
Which is why when the people decided they'd had enough of the pirate, the first thing Eric did was take the captains hand. As childish as it may have been, he just needed something to ground him.
"Are ye alright?" Magnum asked, noticing how distressed Eric looked.
"Y-Yeah," the other huffed out, trying to calm his nerves.
"Are ye sure? We can go back home if ye like."
Eric appreciated that the captain was concerned for him, but another part of him screamed louder. The part that told him that if he was to go home, he'd be weak.
"I-Im alright, Captain. Thank you."
The rest of their time together went semi-smooth.
They got some food… actually, they got an absurd amount of food. The captain was built like a tank, and he ate like a tank. And people started bets on whether or not he could keep eating (Spoiler alert, someone made a lot of money that day. And their server was given 500 for the trouble.)
Magnum had taken Eric to a petting zoo.
And then Eric took Magnum to a library.
The day went on like this. Just the two dragging each other along, spending time together, watching the other in their own form of content.
Neither party said it, but they enjoyed the company. The domestic side of it all. They could just go and be together without all the chaos (Well, purposeful chaos)
It was calm.
It was fun.
They enjoyed it.
"Is that true? Y-You actually cut it open?" Eric asked the captain in disbelief.
"Aye. The damn thing nearly destroyed me ship. But she stood tall, even after that damn kraken attack. 's why I named her the Invincible." 
It was getting darker now. An orange hue was casted over everything, night drawing near. The two sat on a bench, looking over the park. A few streets down, and they would be back home. In their neighborhood. In their manor.
Eric hung onto every word of the captain's tales. He'd survived harsh storms, sea monsters beyond anything found in the books Eric had read, treacherous islands in search of riches. He was straight out of a fairytale.
He hadn't even noticed how close he'd gotten to the captain until he felt an arm go around him.
Eric froze. Not from fear… alright, maybe a little fear, but it wasn't that bad.
The captain immediately drew his touch back, and Eric regretted his choice.
"Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to make ye uncomfortable."
"Wait, no… it's alright. I swear." Eric said, hoping to convince the bigger man to hold him again.
Turns out, it didn't take much convincing, as the captain slowly put his arm back around the other, holding him closer.
Eric, now against the captains side, watched the sunset.
Eventually, they'd have to head home.
It wasn't a far walk. Just a few streets down.
But they could sit here for a bit.
Who could stop them?
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Tags by @egglygreg on this post:
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*whisper* this is the highest compliment in the universe holy cow—
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r0semultiverse · 10 months
Finally my app & activity area is fixed! Thank you all and to my new followers...
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colourme-feral · 1 year
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I posted 552 times in 2022
That's 552 more posts than 2021!
193 posts created (35%)
359 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 551 of my posts in 2022
#kinnporsche - 240 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 240 posts
#kinnporsche the filming locations - 61 posts
#vice versa - 59 posts
#vice versa the series - 58 posts
#a tale of thousand stars - 49 posts
#atots - 49 posts
#vice versa the locations - 45 posts
#the eclipse - 39 posts
#the eclipse the series - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#am i enjoying the fact that mangkorn currently doesn't have the upper hand? yeaaaaah maybeeeeee a bit too much 🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
My Top Posts in 2022:
A little about the scene where Tankhun is burning joss paper for Pete:
This is not a funeral.
They are burning joss paper (also known as hell money) for Pete in the afterlife, whom we realise is still alive shortly after. I don’t know that much about the practice, but from what I do know, this is a form of ancestor worship, but it can also be done for family members or people you know who are dead. You only really do it if you care for the deceased.
The burning of the joss paper is meant to provide for the deceased in their afterlife, as well as to appease King Yama, who is the ruler of Hell. The items burnt are supposed to be replicas of what the living have.
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The human effigies on the very right of the table are a replacement for living offerings, which were things like animals, but also humans. Over time, living offerings changed and they became replaced by things, such as grass and terracotta.
(An example of this is Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s unearthed tomb and the terracotta warriors, although evidence of living offerings were actually also found in the tomb. Sorry, I was a little obsessed with this for a while.)
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154 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Wild thought: Does Korn allow two of his sons to do whatever they want because from his experience with his own brother, Karn, two members of the same family being in the business will cause problems, like the ones he's currently facing?
This would explain why he likely bought the win in Kinn's singing competition, back when Kinn was presumably still just the spare and Tankhun was still the heir to the mafia empire.
It then makes sense why he isn't pushing present day Tankhun or Kim to be in the business, since there's Kinn, who is his current heir. Korn chooses to let his oldest son be eccentric and youngest be a musician.
By allowing two of his sons to do things that have nothing to do with his empire, Korn is able to throw his support behind Kinn and when Kinn takes over, there won't be anyone supporting his brothers to take over instead, since neither has developed any ties or power in that world.
This completely solidifies Kinn's power and position as heir and also rids Kinn of the future potential power play that might arise amongst the brothers otherwise.
You could also argue that this move will also help the three brothers maintain their relationship, since they won't be fighting, like Korn and Karn are currently doing, but that's for another post.
157 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Kinnporsche locations IRL
Kinnporsche: The boat which Porsche wakes up on after being kidnapped by Kinn and where Kinn tells him to be his bodyguard, but Porsche says he’d rather die.
IRL: Banyan Tree Bangkok’s dinner cruise boat
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162 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Doing a casual SCOY rewatch and I noticed some filming locations that it shares with other Thai BLs (SCOY ep 1-5 so far)
SCOY and Bad Buddy
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SCOY and Ghost Host Ghost House
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184 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Visually speaking, there’s so much call back here: They are on the boat that Kinn asked Porsche to be his bodyguard and in the background, is Wat Arun, where Kinn and Porsche first kissed on the pier and then ended their first date.
Of course, there’s also the fact that Tankhun is excited to be going out with his brother and his brother’s friends, which is completely different from the Tankhun in episode 2, who chose to stay away from people and not leave his home.
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In the background is the bridge that Kinn and Big were being pursued, in the first episode, which lead him to Hum Bar (Yok’s Bar) and of course, to Porsche.
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249 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ursaspecter · 1 month
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
Friendly reminder that asking your lycan partner to turn you is incredibly insensitive! Seriously can we retire this trope already? Not only is it just offensive, but no one would ever actually choose this life! Lycanthropy is a curse. Full stop.
🐾 superhowllock69 Follow
Ok user "moon-moon" as if that original meme wasn't created to mock pack nomenclature 🙄
Anyway I'm not gonna touch that internalized lycanphobia with a ten foot pole. Being turned by your partner is something that can be incredibly intimate as long as both parties are consenting and the one being turned is 100% sure they want it. Literally the only downside to transforming once a month is the pain, but midol works just fine. No one with these "lycanthropy bad" takes ever wants to discuss the legitimate positives that come with this "curse" lmao.
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
I'm literally reclaiming moon moon but go off I guess. Anyways turning your partner is absolutely disgusting and morally reprehensible and anyone who does it should be muzzled permanently.
🌜 impawssible Follow
lmao my wife literally saved my life when she turned me but i guess she should be muzzled huh? we run through the woods hunting deer together and can each haul in groceries in one trip now, but nooo she's obviously a danger to society because she cares enough about me to help me when insurance wouldn't cover my medicine
also it was confirmed that the creator of that meme literally makes and sells silver bullets so if you still wanna use moon moon for yourself that certainly is a choice. source: (X)
🦴 pupperoni Follow
I love that instead of naming the more common benefits of lycanthropy, you mentioned that you and your wife can carry all the groceries in one trip. I think that's definitely a positive that gets overlooked far too often and I commend you for speaking your truth, sir
🌜 impawssible Follow
lol thanks but I'm a woman 😅
🦴 pupperoni Follow
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🦇 count-fuckula Follow
Plus werewolf blood tastes way better and is as filling as 10 humans 👍
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
Oh my GOD you vampblr freaks will just flock to anything. It clearly says "vamps DNI" in my bio!
🐾 superhowllock Follow
lmaoooo of course you're a vampire exclusionist
🌕 daddy-fenris Follow
wasn't OP the same guy who said fursuits were offensive to lycanthropes and doxxed a werewolf fursuiter?
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
They ARE offensive and harmful to this community and I'm tired of pretending they're not. They perpetuate harmful depictions of what a humanoid wolf is actually like.
🌜 impawssible Follow
me when I dox someone for making candy colored animal costumes that look nothing like what a real werewolf does
🦴 pupperoni Follow
🌕 daddy-fenris Follow
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