randomreasonstolive · 11 months
Reason to Live #9217
  Nudging those you love to take care of themselves. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Behavioural scientist Dr David Halpern heads up Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, the world’s first government institution that uses behavioural economics to examine and influence human behaviour, to ‘nudge’ us into making better decisions. Seemingly small and subtle solutions have led to huge improvements across tax, healthcare, pensions, employment, crime reduction, energy conservation and economic growth.
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my-life-fm · 4 months
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hören: https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/upload/podcast/231201-Coronapolitik-ohne-rechtliche-Grundlage-NDS.mp3
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maureenbol · 6 months
Nudging: hoe trek je mensen over de streep?
Met nudging beïnvloed je het gedrag van mensen. Je geeft ze op subtiele wijze een duwtje in de goede richting. Zo trek je mensen over de streep om te doen wat jij wil dat zij doen.
Met nudging beïnvloed je het gedrag van mensen. Je geeft ze op subtiele wijze een duwtje in de goede richting. Zo trek je mensen over de streep om te doen wat jij wil dat zij doen. In de natuur kom je nudging overal tegen. Al die kleurige bloemen in de lente en de zomer zijn niet alleen mooi om mooi te zijn. Hun kleuren trekken insecten aan. En dan hebben ze ook nog zo’n heerlijke, zoete geur.…
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datenarche · 8 months
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city-of-longevity · 9 months
Ageing does not begin when a population becomes old.
The city of longevity is about influencing behaviors in everyday gestures, along the course of life, not when we get old. Has it not become an everyday act for millions of people to order food at home with a delivery app? And what influence does that order have on our health and our lifelong risk of obesity? Can calorie labels on food delivery apps influence lower-calorie orders and help sustain healthier lifestyles? Sure they can.
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bearbench · 11 months
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tenth-sentence · 11 months
A pair of captive males, for example, engaged in courtship and sexual behaviors with each other, including rolling, nudging, gentle biting, and splashing, often with erect penises.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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econovice · 11 months
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you have no idea what i wouldn't give just for them to have more scenes together
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Don’t Force, but Nudge & Guide!
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ambersvida · 1 year
Nudging, the new travel #inspo
Like many people, I love to travel and will take any chance I can to fly to a new country or do a repeat visit to a region I love. In my early 20s I came across Scott's Cheap Flights and became enamored with the simple platform and the affordable flights from my nearest airports flowing into my inbox every week. In 2017, I even purchased birthday tickets for my brother and I to travel to Ireland for his first European trip. "Celebrate St.Patrick's Day in Ireland!" I clicked immediately and bought the tickets in less than 30 minutes. It helped me stop overthinking the long list of countries I wanted to fly him to.
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After reading, A Practitioner's Guide to Nudging, it became clear that Scott's cheap flights was activating the desired behavior of my purchasing a flight via their platform by using a mindful encouraging tactic which simplified the ticket buying process for me. The emails are tailored for me with flights taking off from my local airport. Working off of the simple assumption that people like to travel Scott's Cheap Flights are able to get subscribers, free and paid, to use their services, proving that NUDGING really works....even when you don't know you are being nudged.
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angelovicente · 1 year
The Power of Nudging: Revolutionizing Branding Strategies One Nudge at a Time
Are you struggling to create a lasting impact on your target audience? Are you looking for innovative ways to motivate them to engage with your brand? The answer lies in the powerful concept of nudging!
Nudging is an approach grounded in behavioral science that subtly encourages people to make better decisions. By incorporating nudging into your branding strategies, you can gently guide your audience towards the desired behavior without them even realizing it!
🌟 Here's how to connect the nudging framework with branding strategies:
1️⃣ Boost self-control or activate desired behavior: Craft marketing messages that encourage self-control, like promoting a healthier lifestyle, or activate desired behavior, like using eco-friendly products. Remember, the key is subtlety!
2️⃣ Externally-imposed or self-imposed nudges: Provide tools or resources that your audience can voluntarily adopt to help them make better decisions, like a budget planner for financial planning or a workout app for fitness enthusiasts.
3️⃣ Mindful or mindless decision-making: Design your brand's communication to encourage more cognitive, deliberate decision-making, or use emotion, framing, and anchoring to sway decisions towards your brand's offerings.
4️⃣ Encourage or discourage behavior: Develop campaigns that encourage positive behavior, like participating in a recycling program, or discourage negative behavior, like avoiding single-use plastics.
💡 Pro tip: Identify bottlenecks in your target audience's decision-making process and apply nudges to address these challenges. Remember to keep your audience's needs, motivations, and emotions in mind while designing your nudges.
Incorporating nudging into your branding strategy can revolutionize how your audience perceives and engages with your brand. Embrace the power of nudging and watch your brand soar to new heights!
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akanemnon · 8 months
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Realization in 3, 2, 1...
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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maureenbol · 6 months
Hoe beïnvloedt de overheid jouw brein?
Hoe beïnvloedt de overheid mijn brein? Daar is onderzoek naar gedaan. Vind hier voorbeelden van nudging.
Hoe beïnvloedt de overheid mijn brein? Heb je je dat wel eens afgevraagd? Want de overheid wil er onder andere voor zorgen, dat wij alle wetten en plichten naleven. Nu zijn wij, natuurlijk, geen kuddedieren. Geen brave schaapjes die precies doen wat ons gezegd wordt. Dus waarom doen we het dan toch (bijna) allemaal? Daar is onderzoek naar gedaan. Er zijn diverse manieren om mensen te laten doen…
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
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your favourite arach-narchists 🕷️
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