#Nude Tapestries
quill-n · 5 months
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[ID] A digital drawing of Mollymauk Tealeaf from Critical Role. Molly is a lavender tiefling with red eyes, lots of jewelry on his horns, and an elaborate tattoo of peacock feathers, roses, and snake scales encompassing his right shoulder and arm. He is sitting, leaning back casually on his arm with one knee propped up. He is entirely nude except for his jewelry and an embroidered tapestry draped over his thighs, covering his crotch. He is holding up a platter full of an assortment of fruits. There are top surgery scars on his chest. He is looking off to the side with a slight smirk. [end ID]
bonus commentary from my friends
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[ID] A screenshot of Discord messages. The first one reading, "oh i can only imagine how long it took to draw all that fruit..." The second message reading, "The plate of grapes and apples looks difficult to draw too lol" [end ID]
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packing-n-punching · 5 months
Towers Built, and Towers Falling Down - 2
CW: Bath Sex, AFAB Reader, Princess-Y Nicknames, Sweet and Caring Abby, No Explicit Aftercare, Sneaking Around.
Word Count : 2K
(This is a part two to this fic here)
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Steam fills the air in the stone walled chamber as jug after jug of hot water is poured into the large wooden basin, the servants file in and out of the door as the broad shoulders of Abby keep the door propped open while you sit watching idly from the small cushioned stool in the corner of the washroom. The various tapestries adorning the walls give an air of comfort, a needed distraction as you wait for the preparations to finish, the cold air from the open window causing your skin to goosebump whilst sitting in nothing but a light linen shift. One of the chambermaids proceeds to pour a sweet smelling oil into the warm water, as she dips a hand into the bath you break your silence, “What is that? The oil, I mean.”
She turns to you, curtseying. “Rose, my lady. As far as I am aware.” Lifting the jug, she bows again and leaves. The quiet that now falls across the chamber is comfortable as Abby steps inside, the door closing behind her as she does so. Turning from you to face the door you watch the muscles in her back and across her shoulders ripple as she slides the heavy iron latch down, locking the door and protecting you from any intrusion. Stepping behind the willow branch screen, you strip off the final layer of your shift and lay it across the stool you’d previously been sitting on. As you step out from behind the screen you watch Abby as she catches sight of your nude state and rolls up the sleeves on the tight grey peasant shirt she has on, “Well princess, the water isn’t going to get any warmer.” She speaks with a deep smirk and playfulness in her eyes as she holds out a hand for you to climb into the washbasin.
“Abby. Won’t you get in with me?”
She folds her arms and shakes her head, “I can’t.”
You wrap your arms around her waist, pressing naked curves against her clothed torso. “Please Abby?” Your eyes meet hers, wide and filled with a faux innocence that never failed to cause a pink tint to flood the knight’s neck and cheeks. “Princess. You and I both know that we shouldn’t.
“Just because we shouldn’t doesn’t mean we can’t.”
She huffs a sigh, but steps back from your embrace immediately missing the warmth of your thick arms and proceeds to tug the soft cloth of her shirt over her head leaving her in her thin chest bindings and linen trousers. 
“Get in and I’ll finish getting undressed, princess.”
You nod in the negative, blatantly refusing to follow her instructions. With a lifted eyebrow and a smirk, Abby corners you against the basin and her body. “Wanna try that again?” You repeat your previous action, shaking your head but this time with far less vigor and conviction.
 “One more time. Get in.”
A final refusal and suddenly you’re flying. Strong arms have wrapped around your thighs, large warm hands gripping under the curve of your ass and you’re thrown over her shoulder. Leaving you fully exposed. The water splashes around you with some spilling out of the tub as Abby unceremoniously plops you into the warm bath water.
“HOW DARE YOU?!” You gasp, feigning anger as you move so that a soft hand covers your heart. Abby takes your other hand into hers as she kneels down on the stone floor, she places a small peck to your knuckle before looking you dead in the eyes. “If my lady can find it in her heart to forgive me, I would be most obliged. Or pardon me, actually.”
“Actually,” you pause to bat your eyelashes at her, “my knight. I don’t think I can forgive you.”
“Oh, and may I ask why, my lady?” The smirk in Abby’s voice causes heat to crawl up your neck as she teases you in a similar way to how you’d teased her. It was revenge. And Abby was extremely good at revenge.
“Well- I- it’s because…”
“Because?” She prompts through her smirk.
“You haven’t earned my forgiveness! And certainly not a pardon.”
At this exclamation, Abby rises from her kneeling as she gets up with a stretch, with a few long strides she positions herself behind you. You try to turn to face her in this new arrangement, but are met with the sound of water spilling out over the rim of your wooden prison and onto the stone below. With a warm hand on your shoulder, Abby guides you back to face the wall as you had been previously.
Now with only your hearing to give you any indication of the blonde’s position behind you, you close your eyes in an attempt to focus in on the microscopic sounds she was making. ‘Rustling… maybe her trousers? No, she still had her belt on…’
As Abby gets undressed as quietly as possible knowing the in’s and out’s of your mind, how it works and how you’re most likely trying to figure out every move she’s making. Sliding the linen down her thighs and to the ground, she doesn’t let it fall but instead sets it gently onto the floor, the soft brown leather of her belt going with it, the small knife that was normally sheathed in it having been set to the side before you’d even gotten into the bath. Her chest bindings follow and she rubs the little red creases the material has left on her skin. As she finishes undressing, she bends to peek over your shoulder to see your eyes still tightly closed, the creases that line your face as it scrunches in concentration. The sight causes a light puff of air to escape her lungs, a quiet laugh.
The proximity of the noise causes you to jump, how she had managed to get as close as she had is beyond you and you tilt your head, eyes now open wide, and are met with the visage of an extremely naked mountain of a woman. “I- uh…” You trail off as you take in every inch of her skin, the freckles you wished that you could see every hour of the day, each little curve of her muscle causing heat to flood your whole body.
“Come on, princess. You have to shift up.”
You scooch forward and pull your legs in together as Abby steps over the rim and into the bath, as she sits down her body displaces a large amount of water. Thick muscled calves slide past the plush of your hips and thighs, long legs rub against your comparatively shorter ones as her hands move against the rolls of your sides and down to rest on the curve of your stomach. You lean into the warmth of her broad chest and she leans into your back, lips meet the nape of your neck and shoulders as she peppers chaste sweet kisses across the skin. 
Taking in deep breaths, the warm, damp air fills your lungs as Abby continues her show of affection. Her hands that had remained stationary on your stomach begin to trail lower down the little shelf above your folds, she narrowly avoids touching your core as her nails dig little dents and raise the skin of your upper thighs. This elicits a high pitched whine to slip from your lips and the sound is met with a slight pinch to the flesh of your inner thigh, “Now princess, is that an appropriate sound-”
“No! But…”
“But what, your highness?” Her breath is hot on the shell of your ear. When you don’t say anything, she continues to prompt you, “Tell me what you want.” 
As you wriggle further against the blonde sat behind you, her hands slide into place. One with the fingers spread wide to encompass the underside of your breast, rough skin squeezing the soft flesh. Occasionally a finger rubs up against your nipple, the water from her digits wetting the pebbled buds. Soft whimpers fall from your mouth as Abby’s mouth runs kisses and nibbles as she spreads your lips under the water.
Fingers running through the course tight curls of hair, one hand reaches round keeping you spread open as a single thick finger tip runs circles around your clit. Teasing. Circles, round and round but never applying full pressure or coming into full contact with the little nub. She occasionally slips a straight line across your clit, a chuckle falls from her mouth as you push against her hand - desperation becoming even more evident.
“Abby please-!” You whine.
“Words, princess.”
“Fuck me. Please. Fuck m-,” you’re cut off by your own body betraying you, a moan rattles out of your body as slides two thick fingers inside and gives into you, applying straight pressure to your desperate clit with the flat of her thumb.
In and out, she plunges her fingers deep inside of you, stretching. Your breathing is heavy. She continues at a steady pace, constant and smooth fluid movements help to build a tight pressure in your lower stomach. As she continues, the pressure builds and builds and builds. You writhe in her grasp, strong biceps wrap lovingly around you squishing the soft flesh slightly as she attempts to hold you in place as she continues to fuck your weeping cunt.
“You feel so warm around me, Princess.” The blonde whispers into one of your ears, before moving her mouth to leave a warning nip at the lobe of the ear at the other side, “keep your voice down, if you want to finish at any point soon.”
As you feel yourself getting closer and closer, your thighs close on impulse but Abby’s thick wrist doesn’t stop and her fingers don't rest. Not even for one second. You whip around, moaning as water seeps and splashes onto the floor with your movements.
A knock on the door causes you to freeze but Abby keeps going, seemingly not caring.
A muffled voice asks through the door, “Are you alright?” And as you struggle to catch your breath, you squeak out a quick but satisfactory ‘Yes! I’m fine.’
Abigail is relentless and her fingers keep edging you closer and closer. As you two hear the attendant leaves, you cum. One of her hands covers your mouth and you bite into the flesh while she barely winces, too busy keeping you quiet and whispering sweet comforts into your ear.
She bends you forward by your waist and slides out from behind you, you watch her firm muscled ass grab walk away and grab a bathrobe from a stool in the corner, her feet leaving a trail of wet foot prints to where she now stands with her arms outstretched holding the robe out for you to slide on. She watches with dark, needy eyes as you emerge from the water, she watches as droplets fall down your body and gathers in the folds of skin, gods does she want to fuck you again… but she settles for running her hands along the soft plush of your sides.
“I am slightly disappointed I didn’t get to return the favour, Abigail.” 
“Oh really? How’s about you meet me in the stable tomorrow morning?” She quips as she gets redressed, you’re left to marvel at how only the very ends of her hair got wet, and you’re left nodding before fully processing what she’s said. 
She presses a chaste kiss to your lips and leaves but not before peeking her head back in, “see you then, princess.”
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If you liked this please reblog, thicc reblogs save writer lives.
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odysseylenoirwrites · 5 months
Only With You (Loki x Black!Reader)
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Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, manipulation, mentions of stalking, they're both delulu for each other, MDNI.
W/C: 1.9k
Saw this image on tiktok and immediately got the idea for this. I love a good villain. cr: ilikeitbetterinmydreams
Loki x Black Reader
You vanished into thin air. There is no trace of you or any way to identify you. Nothing was removed from your residence—everything was in place, even your phone, wallet, and identification.
Your family prays for your return. They hang up flyers and mourn the loss of you.
But, you're not missing.
You are lost in your own world with the love of your life. The man that would move heaven and earth and other galaxies and realms for you. The most powerful man you've ever met.
You are lost with him.
Being absorbed into a world where no one knows your name, who you are, or anything else about you is the perfect scenario that Loki has created for you.
There is something inherently addictive about being with him. He has changed your view of the world as you know it.
Because he's introduced you to a world that belongs to him, Asgard.
Loki, with his mischievous smile and piercing green eyes, was a force to be reckoned with. He showed you worlds unimaginable, each more breathtaking than the last. The two of you would stroll through ethereal gardens ablaze with vibrant flowers that seemed to possess their own life. You would float hand in hand amidst the swirling nebulae, your laughter echoing across the cosmic tapestry.
"Y/n," Loki speaks to you ever so softly, but his tone holds such masculine energy that always commands your attention.
He stands before you in a cream silk blouse with enough of his bare chest exposed. His pants hug his beautiful thighs, and his boots press against the hardwood floor.
"Yes, Loki?"
Your eyes meet his, and just the touch of his gaze on your skin is enough to make you want him.
The candlelight flickers behind him, creating a cozy, intimate background against his pale skin. 
But those eyes are full of dark things that he's done. Something he wouldn't dare utter to you.
Because he's explained to you that you're the only good thing in his life, you're the only thing he's worth living for. So, instead of continuing his reign of darkness, he has decided to devote his time and energy to creating a life with you.
So, when Loki asked you to leave your life behind and create a new one with him in Asgard, you didn't hesitate. Nothing or no one has ever made you this happy.
"Your bath is ready," Loki says, extending his hand to you.
"Thank you, Loki."
You stand up and lock hands with your lover. Your bare feet dance along the floor, and you follow him into the bathroom.
The bathroom is a grandiose space, adorned with marble and gold accents. The air carries a hint of lavender, courtesy of the bath oils Loki has personally selected for your relaxation. 
As you step inside, the warm steam fills the room, instantly enveloping you in a cocoon of comfort.
The scent of lavender, eucalyptus, and your favorite bath salts hit your nose before your eyes look at the tub. Your bathtub is lined with pink candles.
Loki undresses you, removes your sweater, and tosses your bra. His hand unbuckles your pants as those blue piercing eyes stare deep into your soul.
After every article of clothing is removed, Loki undresses himself. You marvel at him as he's before you, completely nude.
Loki steps into the bathtub first and gets in after. You lean back against his chest, and his warm arms wrap around you.
Loki gestures for you to step into the ornate bathtub, and you oblige, feeling the soothing water caress your skin like a gentle embrace. As you sink into the depths, he whispers in your ear. 
"I want to take care of you, Y/n," he whispers, his voice echoing in the intimate space. "To shower you with love and protect you from any harm."
"I know and I feel safe with you."
"You're not lonely, are you?" Loki asks.
"No, all I need is you."
"It's quite selfless of you to give up everything you knew and love to be with me. I always try to honor you in every way I can because of your dedication."
"I wanted to leave. My life was boring and mundane before meeting you six months ago."
"I know. I watched you... aimlessly admiring you through your window watching you sleep every night for months. I knew that you needed someone to protect you."
"I did... I long for you before I even knew who you were. You complete me. I'm nothing with you."
"You're so loyal and devoted. My brother is coming to visit tomorrow. He's excited to meet you."
"I thought you weren't close to him anymore."
You remember the many conversations has shared with you in that very tub. He's poured out his heart to you about how his brother, Thor, has mistreated him. Loki has expressed how he never fit in with his family, and his brother always made a point to remind him that he's adopted. 
Unsurprisingly, you're not quite happy to meet a man who doesn't see how amazing your lover is. 
"Things can change."
"Well, I look forward to meeting him, then."
"Now, get on all fours so I can show you how much I appreciate my Angel."
Your heart flutters at the thought of being one with him again. You miss him being inside of you.
"Want me to appreciate you, right?" Loki asks.
Loki watches you get into position and how quickly you obey him. A smirk plays on his lips at how easily it was to put you under his spell.
Sure, his initial intention was to trick you into submitting to him and running off to Asgard with him. But the more he learned about you, the more he developed real feelings for you.
He felt he'd never experienced before, nor was it capable for him to amass. 
Your beautiful dark wavy hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and the water swirls around you as you wait for your Loki, your KKing, to take you. 
Loki loves seeing you wait patiently for him. A warmth that only you can spark swirls throughout his body and sits in his crotch. His dick twitches for you. 
Your life was nothing but chaos before he walked into your life. Loki carefully and cautiously waited for months before even approaching you. 
He noted your very particular hobbies, things you liked and disliked. He observed you at work with your friends and family. He wanted to know as much as he could before the first conversation. He needed to understand you completely. 
He knew that to win your heart, he had to show you that he genuinely cared about every aspect of your life.
"Angel," Loki speaks. 
He runs his hand down your smooth back, and your body jolts to his touch. He runs his hand down your ass, slides from your pussy, and stops at your clit.
"Yes? My King."
The words roll off your tongue, and he runs his hand between your thighs.
You rock your core against his palm. Your eyes are closed, and you're lost in the moment with your love. 
"You're soaked."
"I've missed you."
"We made love last night."
"I know... but you make me.. Needy."
You admit. No one has ever made you feel this way. 
The euphoric feeling of his finger teasing your clit is sending your body to new heights.
"Cum for your King," Loki growls. It's enough to push you over the edge. 
Your body spills over to another realm as you reach your peak. His words, combined with his skillful touch, are all you need to submit to your King. 
"I love how obedient you are. Look at me."
You turn around and stare into his icy-blue eyes. You straddle his waist.
"Ride me, beautiful."
You grab his length and slide down onto him. You moan at the feeling of your love being inside of you again. There's something about him that you adore so much. You can't get over how good it feels to have him buried inside of you. 
Your bodies rock together, and Loki holds you in place with a grip around your waist. His eyes lock in with yours. The way he admires you should be a sin.
You bask in the moment of being one with Loki, your King. The only man you will ever serve. Your heart races with excitement, and each time he bounces you on his dick, it brings you to a new level of passion. 
"You're so pretty, Y/n," Loki compliments you. "Taking my dick like this. You're doing so good."
"Thank you, King."
Your stomach flutters, hearing you compliment him like this. Your skin heats up, and your face grows hot. Loki leans forward, kissing you on your collarbone.
You roll your hips, and he meets your movement. He picks you up, and your legs wrap around his waist. You toss your arms around his shoulders. 
Loki pounds into you at a merciless rhythm. His movements are erratic, but you're lost in the moment. He slips his tongue into your mouth, and you deepen the passionate kiss. 
"I love being inside of you.. So wet for me." Loki mentions in between kisses. 
You moan into his mouth, feeling him thrust deep inside of you. He hits your G-spot with precision, and your legs shake with pleasure.
"Harder, King," you beg.
He smirks, kissing you harder as he increases his pace. His thrusts become more forceful, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
"You're so beautiful when you beg for me," Loki whispers. "I love seeing you like this, completely at my mercy."
Your heart pounds in your chest as he continues to dominate you, his blue eyes never leaving your face. His hands grip your waist tightly, pulling you closer with each thrust.
"I want to see you cum, Y/n," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "Tell me when you're going to cum for me."
The intensity of his words makes your core quiver. "I'm going to cum," you cry out. 
The sensations are intense and overwhelming, as if everything that has been building between us finally reaches its peak. 
Every cell in your body is alight with excitement and love as Loki thrusts into me with wild abandon. Your screams of passion mix with his growls of desire as he works us both to the brink of ecstasy.
"Cum for me, Y/n," Loki demands, the intensity in his voice making your heart race. You can't hold back any longer. You feel your muscles tighten around him, and you cry out as waves of pleasure wash over me.
Loki slows his movements, his breath ragged. He pulls out of me, leaving me feeling empty and exposed. You look up at him, your heart racing and your body trembling.
"You're mine, Y/n," Loki says, his voice soft but firm. "And you will be for the rest of your life."
You smile up at him, feeling a surge of love and devotion wash over me. You know in that moment that your life has changed for the better. You are no longer the same person you were before Loki came into your life.
"Yes, King," You whisper, your voice shaking with desire and passion.
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"Noonday Heat" (1903 - Henry Scott Tuke) / "La Dame à la licorne (The Lady and the Unicorn)" (c. 1500)
NOONDAY HEAT: I just love it because... the sort of subtextual queerness of it, or at least boyish love, whether platonic or romantic or sexual. The quiet intimacy of a good day with another boy in that so-often awkward stage of adolescence but it's not awkward here in this moment. It can't be. When you're faced with such a true call to love another sort-of-boy, sort-of-man as a sort-of-boy, sort-of-man, it can't be. (@skamortuus)
LA DAME À LA LICORNE (THE LADY AND THE UNICORN): You are in the Musée de Cluny. There is a room, separated, and dark, but people walk in and out so it is not a closed room. It must be investigated. You walk in. The lights are dim, but not dim enough to hide the huge panels of fabric facing you, and your eyes adjust anyway. Each is over ten feet tall and most are wider. A semi-circle of reds and blues. They are labelled with the five senses, and so too the tapestries portray them. Touch; a young lady holds a pennant and gently cups the unicorn's horn. Taste, Smell, Hearing. Sight, the lady holds a mirror to show the unicorn itself, with one hand on the unicorn's neck. They are a semi-circle, facing the last one. À Mon Seul Désir.
The unicorn and the lion hold the tent flaps, while the lady holds her necklace. And you are left to wonder. What about the necklace is her sole desire? But then, maybe you're not THAT fluent in french and that's not what it actually means. Is desire a sixth sense perhaps?
And you're also struck with the memory of the opening of the Last Unicorn. These aren't those tapestries, of course, but the riot of flowers and the docile unicorn interacting with the young lady reminds you anyway.
The rest of the museum calls you away, finally, but the ivory statuettes do not stop you from thinking about weavers on looms, six hundred years ago, weaving flowers and unicorns. (@kaerran)
(”Noonday Heat” is an oil on canvas painting by Henry Scott Tuke. It measures 91 cm (35.8 in) by 143 cm (56.2 in) and is located in the Falmouth Art Gallery in Cornwall. Another version of this painting has both the figures naked; Tuke was known for painting nude boys and men and his work remains popular among openly gay artists.
"The Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries were woven in Flanders out of wool and silk. The six pieces range from 3.10 m × 3.30 m (10.2 ft × 10.8 ft) to 3.80 m × 4.64 m (12.5 ft × 15.2 ft). The tapestry portrayed above is of the "À mon seul désir" tapestry, the other five being themed on the five senses. They are exhibited in a purpose-made room in the Musée de Cluny.)
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saradika · 10 months
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— BLEED FOR ME | epilogue
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mand’alor!vampire!din djarin x f!reader
rated e - 1.6k
haunted hoedown: vampire!au + “i would burn the world for you.” + vampire has a taste for specific blood + revenge + (one-sided) enemies to lovers (+2 secrets!)
tags: vampire!au, sexual innuendos/references and nude cuddling, sweet and sappy fluff
a/n: honestly I just wanted to write a sweet little ending for them - this epilogue is optional! 💕
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It's the last evening you'll wake like this.
There's a sort of melancholy with that knowledge. A thrill that comes soon after, as you already look to the future. All the changes that you will live to see, with Din at your side.
The adjustment will take some time getting used to, you're sure. But in ways, you're already living among them. The dusk is now your dawn, and there's solace found in a life spent walking under the stars. 
But the diet... well, that will be one of the largest changes. The delicate pastries, the jams and the freshly-baked bread from the downstairs kitchen will be certainly something you’ll miss. But with time, you’re sure you will manage.
As you stir in the large bed - the last dregs of light filter through cracks around the arched windows, slipping in at the edges.
Rich pinks and purples fading into grey as they are dragged across the stone floor of the massive room you now share with Din - disappearing with the sun.
The room of slate grey now woven with shades of indigo and violet and gold. The starry night sky brought with you, when your things mixed with his. Reminders from your beloved tower, woven into tapestries that hang on the walls.
The rack of clothes near the door is now filled to the brim with pieces you now wear proudly. The books you've collected now line his shelves, next to your ottoman.
Everything weaving together so neatly. 
Your lives have become entwined as well. There had been some adjusting, after he had returned to you. After that long morning spent, entwined in the sheets.
Time had been taken after, days and weeks spent with the intent of getting to know each other. Putting the knowledge of your bond aside - starting fresh, wiping the slate from before clean. 
And now... that feels like a lifetime ago. 
You cherish the few stolen minutes as your mate rests beside you - waiting for full darkness before he stirs. Your hand props up your chin as your eyes trace over his features, not wanting to wake him.  
Over the bare expanse of his chest, the curve of a shoulder. The slight, persisting furrow of his brow. Parted lips, the points of his teeth just barely visible.
Dreamless, in his dormancy. 
Among the list of changes, that is one thing that you do not think you will mind. Because with time, you have moved on from the before.
But it still comes back to visit you, in your dreams. Waking up in a sweat as the fire licks at you. The echo of the throbbing in your head, the ghosts of the faces that swim before you.
Compared to that - the soft silence is appealing. Perhaps preferable.
And soon he stirs, under your admiring gaze.
Under the fingertips that can't help but reach out and touch. Across the scars and marks you've come to know so well. Dark eyes fluttering open, the low groan as his muscles flex with his languid stretch - as he pulls you closer. 
"Today is the day." You tell him, and he smiles.
He smiles more often, now. For you, behind closed doors and in stolen moments. A rich, ringing laugh that makes you feel accomplished when you can pull it from him.
Still so much the reserved man that you had met so long ago, but you know his humor now. The dry quips and the sighs, and each time you hear them - you think you fall just a little harder. 
"It is," He agrees, his knuckles brushing your cheek.
There's a glittering look in his eye - before his hand is grabbing your calf, thrown across his waist. Pulling you to him, on top of him. Straddling his waist - your thighs squeezing his hips, as your hands flatten against his chest.
A little squeak as you find your balance, with a shift of your hips. The air cold above the nest of blankets, chilled by the thick walls of stone and the frost that's begun to nip at the grass outside. 
Your skin pebbling, as his hands smooths over your thighs - trying to warm you. His sleepy gaze dragging over skin that's just as bare as his.
Lingering on the remnants from the morning before. The pretty marks against your skin, the twin sets of bruises lingering on the soft swells of your breasts.
Some, you still heal. 
But there's others - ones tucked beneath layers of silver and crimson silk - that you leave.  A secret something for him to rediscover later, when he strips the clothes from you.
"Are you nervous?" He asks, as his thumb sweeps across your skin. 
After a moment of thought your nose scrunches, as you shake your head, "You said it wouldn't hurt."
"Wouldn't hurt too badly." He clarifies, carefully, "You'll be... uncomfortable. From what I remember. But I'll be with you."
You supposed it would be uncomfortable. To have your blood all but drained, leaving you open for it to be replaced.
But you can't help but think that there was a sick sort of romanticism in the ritual. At the thought of his essence being the first you will feed on - the final step of your transformation.  
"If you're with me, then I can do anything." You smile.
Fingers bite into your skin, as his hips rock upward at your words. His cock twitching where it’s trapped snugly between your thighs, pressing against the soft curve of your ass.
His words come out distracted, "Maybe when this is over, you can convince Fennec. Show her that it isn't so bad. She's never seen the ritual done, before."
"I'm surprised she hasn’t changed yet." You can't help but move with him - a subtle rock of your hips that has an eyebrow raising, "She pretends not to be interested, but I saw her listening when I was talking about tonight with Boba."
Boba - who had chosen this path of life for himself, like you had. Following in his father's footsteps. A friendship had formed, and you know that he was someone who you could talk to without bias - who would give you each and every detail with an open clarity.
The messiness of your first hunt. The sharp bite of silver, the sear of the midday sun. The hunger.
Because, you knew that deep down - Din secretly held onto the wish to have with him. Just as you did.
"Perhaps she’s nervous. She’s had a close enough brush with death already.”
"I doubt that," Din’s guess makes your smile, as you counter, "Fennec isn't afraid of anything. I'm much more scared, and I'm still-"
His expression changes then, eyebrows pinching in concern. Hands bracing on your hips to pin you down, halting your teasing as he pushes himself up on an elbow. 
"If you've changed your mind cyare, we can wait." Din tells you - solemnly and with no judgement, "As long as you need."
His words, his concern, warms you.
But you don't want to wait any longer. The thought had already first come to you, soon after your first evenings together. Only for that wish to intensify in those weeks and months that followed.
Sometimes it felt like it had taken so long to find Din. Even longer for him - neither one of you thinking or even suspecting that your mate might be out there. Waiting. Destined for them.
The idea that you wouldn't want to - that you could live with the idea of him existing in a world where you weren't right there, by his side was...
Impossible. Unthinkable.
"That's not what I meant." You frown, your head shaking, "We've talked about it."
His look softens, "I know we have. I just mean that either way, it's your choice."
“I’ve thought plenty about it,” You gently assure him, “I want this.”
You know that the choice has always been yours. And maybe that's one of the reasons you want it so badly. The very human urge to reach out and sink your teeth into the ripe fruit of immortality.
A smile, then - as your mind wanders. Wanting to turn him away from his concern - to bring that smile back.
"Besides, don't you think it will be nice, once you don't have to hold back?" You coo, distracting him again - taking advantage of this way his hands had loosed, with another pointed wiggle of your hips, "If I'm going to be your riduur, then I should-"
He interrupts you, with a voice that is rough and firm - the voice of a Mand'alor.
"You will be my riduur, vampire or not."
It makes your heart race, a fluttering of your pulse. Just how much he loves, how he always has. The true nature of those names he’s called you from the beginning carefully confessed, repeated reverently in your ear.
Groaned against your skin with the pump of his hips, the familiar swirl of his fingers. Mixing in with praise, choked out and ragged as he buries himself in you.
Whispered softy in the early morning after, as you both drift off together.
And now quickly you’ve caught up - falling head-over-heels as well. With his kindness and his ferocity and his loyalty, all so carefully woven into everything he did.
You think you would have fallen, even if he wasn’t your soulmate.
The upcoming ceremony is for tradition - something that you both want. But it’s not needed to prove your devotion - not with the way you both know deep down that the bond of your mark and your entwined souls more than joins you.
That it already tethers you together - throughout space and time.
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum." You murmur - the words finally sounding smooth, with the hours of practice, "That's what I want. Forever."
You can feel his smile, as he pushes up to kiss you. Slowly moving down to your throat, the thrill of his open-mouth kiss heightened with the sharp scrape of teeth - a mimicry of later.
His voice is soft and smooth as he repeats the words. So full of love that it makes you ache, as his lips press against your skin. As he swears one more vow.
"Then forever is what I will give you.”
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cyare - beloved | riduur - spouse
ni kar'tayli gar darasuum - "I love you." / I will know you forever”
(one of my fave parts of vampire/human romances is the ‘so do they turn too?’ and since they are soulmates I thought that would be fun to explore as a sweet little ending for this series. Thank you all so much again for reading! 💖)
(Tags: @dameron-grant-spector, @sugadolly, @writingsofestella, @spaceydragons, @-ohsolovely-, @survivingandenduring, @queenquazar, @alitaar, @dindjarinsslut, @creatureoftheunderworldd, @margowritesthings, @your-slutty-gf, @dindjarins-brown-eyed-girl, @lovers-liability, @swissy23)
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serene-sun · 2 months
Okay last thing bc I don’t wanna spam and I’ve sent 2 ideas already but any chance you could do some headcannons or a blurb (whichever you prefer) about a threeway with Ifrit and Omega?
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warnings: sexual themes but no sex
“Another hundred out of papa's pay check?” You tease softly as the ghoul slides a large bill into the hem of your bra, “If I had known you two were so spoiled I would have charged more.” 
“Are you suggesting our talent doesn't get us any reward?” Ifirt says softly into your ear as his claw trails up your neck.
“Oh no I know the way you parade on stage gets you several…rewards…” You reply with red lips pressing against the soft skin of Omega’s cheek.
The quint ghoul lets out a little grunt as your hand cups his groin, his eyes never leaving your pale thighs as they slightly part.
The ministry was known for its sexual energy, but what some didn't know was that there was a secret brothel that took place on weekend nights. It was an abandoned chapel on the western side of the grounds that was repurposed with tapestries and rugs, pillows and soft furniture and warm lights to the brothel it was now. The sisters and brothers of sin who worked it paid by the hour, some by the minute depending on how sensual they got with clients.
You, a sister of sin, was one of the many who had regulars. It wasn't rare for ghouls to show up, but it was rare for them to truly hold a bond with the whores. 
These nights after black mass, Ifrit and Omega held a common lust for you. They would come after or before mass to see you. 
Omega was a massive ghoul, it was no secret he was the leader of his pack. He was phlegmatic and sensual, his strict demeanor coating his lustful words of praise and pride. Omega had a calming effect from his quintessence, it made women and men swoon over him. 
The ghoul had two large horns with a few cracks and chips made of lapis lazuli and two fiery white eyes that glowed. His tail swayed softly against the carpet, it was black and furry with small strands of white hair across his body. 
Ifrit was also a large ghoul, more on the smaller side but he was also seen as one of the leaders of his group. His horns shiny and polished, the red carnelian crystal of them reflected lights beautifully as he talked with intent. 
The ghouls were truly ineffable in power, their strength scared people and their will haunted others. But some, women like you, sought enjoyment out of the fear. The way their claws could cut through skin so easily, and their ability to know your thoughts and actions spiked an interest in you that made your whole body tingle. But you knew the terrific beasts were sagacious with their lives.
You were fervent for this with the ghouls, this connection they had with you would grow every visit. It would be a lie to say you hadn't had dreams of them at night, or watched them about their day.
An average man would say you were meretricious, having no value other than your outer beauty. But ifrit and Omega made you feel special, like no other sibling there. Sometimes they would bring you gifts like expensive lingerie or wine.
“Tell me my love, how can I please you tonight?” Omega grumbled into your ear as his claw trailed up your leg, snapping against the fishnets threatening to break them. 
His gentle touch sent a shiver down your spine, “Take off your clothes,” You ask as Ifirt licks behind your ear.
You had always ameliorated uncomfortable guests, you never got as far as letting them have actual sex. You would only go as far as being nude and pleasuring each other, ignoring the real sex. But you felt now in the air that these ghouls were growing impatient with this “rule” of yours.
The quint and fire ghoul undressed, leaving just you clothed in lingerie and your hair thrown messily into a clip. 
The room had cleared out, leaving the prostitutes resting other than yourself. The quiet atmosphere raised with heat, not from the crackling fireplace but from the sexual tension as you took the two ghouls erections in your hands.
You felt heat drip into your gut, like molten lava that tempted you to draw you into a dark abyss. The candles flickered, and you closed your eyes focusing on the intense fire that grew between your legs as you felt the net against your legs tear against a sharp claw. You whined unintentionally as the hands roamed up your chest and tugged at the lace of your bra. 
“Have me, please..” You whine, cracking your eyes open to be pushed back against the bed of pillows
The night would continue not like any other, and you would be filled with absolute bliss.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 hours
Little Sister
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Aegon Targaryen Couple - Aegon X Reader Reader - Y/n Targaryen (Daughter of Viserys and Alicent) Rating - Smut Word Count - 3687
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Y/n stood in the grass of the Red Keep’s gardens, playing with butterflies and spiderwebs. She wore a beautiful gown of green and was ignoring the scowls of her older brother Aegon sat in his usual attire with a cup of wine in hand. The two were supposed to be on a date together in the gardens as their mother Alicent demanded due to their upcoming wedding.
Aegon watched Y/n prance around in her fancy gown and he rolled his eyes, "What nonsense are you even saying?"
"Why are you so grumpy big brother?" She asked as she turned to him pulling her face to make a frown
Aegon crossed his arms and glared at Y/n. "Why do you think, Y/n? We're on a date and you're acting like an idiot, prancing around instead of spending real time with me. I bet you don't even know how to have fun."
"oh… Okay," she giggled hopping over to his bench and sitting on the grass beside the bench "Suggest the funs?"
Aegon raised an eyebrow, slightly amused despite himself. It seemed like Y/n was finally willing to listen and have some fun. "Well, for starters, we could go out and ride dragons. Or if you want something more relaxing we could do some archery or sword fighting practice." Aegon leaned closer and grinned. "Or we could do something even more exciting and get some wine and go for a little adventure around the Red Keep. Anything's better than just sitting around here in the gardens."
"adventure!" She giggled "We can go find all the tapestries or we can find the bones in the dungeons or we could find where all the rats sit!"
Aegon couldn't help but chuckle at Y/n's excitement and innocent enthusiasm. "Alright, an adventure it is. Let's go! Which one do you want to do first? The tapestries, the bones, or the rats?"
"whichever you like big brother" she giggled holding his hand and jumping up and down
Aegon smirked, "Well then, let's start with the tapestries. If we're going to find clues, they're as good a place as any to start. Lead the way, little sister."
Aegon grinned and set out with Y/n, ready for an exciting adventure through the castle in search of tapestries, clues and maybe even a little bit of trouble.
As Y/n took Aegon from one tapestry to another, pointing out the various details and symbols, Aegon started to see her in a new light. She might be a bit strange and eccentric, but she had a passion for learning and a curiosity that was refreshing. Aegon listened to her explanations intently, nodding along and adding a comment here and there. As the tour continued, he found himself enjoying the time with her, enjoying the way her eyes lit up with excitement as she pointed out the different stories woven into the tapestries.
She stopped at a particular tapestry in the library turning her head to the side as she looks at the tapestry, Aegon watched as Y/n stared at the tapestry, her eyes widening in surprise. He raised an eyebrow, wondering what had caught her attention.
"What is it? Is something wrong with this one?" Aegon stepped closer, studying the tapestry himself. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but he knew Y/n had a unique way of seeing the world.
"… All the other tapestries are so literal?" She pouted "Kings, queens, dragons and castles … Why doesn't this one?" She asked pointing to the tapestry that depicted an old scene forgetting by time the meaning and reasoning of. The tapestry showed a woman lying nude with a dragon wrapped around her as if mating
The image of the woman wrapped in the dragon's embrace left Aegon feeling a mixture of confusion and curiosity. He had never heard a story of a Targaryen queen… no, of any woman having an intimate relationship with a dragon. Aegon turned to Y/n, his eyes still fixed on the tapestry. "I-… Do you know what the meaning of this tapestry is, Y/n?"
"… I assume dragon blood or Targaryens mating with normal people of Westeros? I guess? Or … Maybe in old valyira having dragon blood was literal?"
Aegon could feel his face heating up as he listened to Y/n's explanation. The possibility of Targaryen queens mating with dragons was a strange and disturbing thought, but from the tapestry, it was undeniable that it had occurred. Aegon cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice steady. "Well… I suppose it's possible that in old Valeria some Targaryens were so obsessed with their connection to dragons that they took it that far. But even then, it still feels… wrong."
"I don't know maybe it's just art .."
Aegon nodded, trying to keep a straight face. "Yes, maybe it's just art. A strange and unusual depiction, but perhaps it's just someone's imagination runs wild. Let's move on to the next tapestry, shall we?"
Aegon smiled, doing his best to push away the uneasy feeling of the last tapestry as he and Y/n turned to the next one, hoping to find something more mundane and less disturbing there.
She giggled moving close to the new tapestry, she laughed hard as she brushed her hand on it,
Aegon blinked in surprise as Y/n burst into laughter, seemingly amused by something on the tapestry. "What is it?" Aegon asked, puzzled by her reaction. He turned to the tapestry, but didn't see anything funny or amusing. All he saw was yet another dull depiction of a Targaryen king and his sword Blackfyre. Aegon leaned closer to Y/n, curious as to what could have made her laugh so hard.
"sword." She giggled
Aegon raised an eyebrow, wondering if Y/n had finally lost her mind. "What about the sword? It's not that funny." Aegon scoffed, trying to figure out what was so amusing about Blackfyre. As far as he could see, it was just a plain old sword, even if it was Valyrian steel.
"I like to imagine that whenever they depict kings and their swords they play with the size and perspective based on the kings .. you know"
Aegon couldn't help but chuckle as he realized what Y/n was saying. He had never thought of it before, but now that she mentioned it, it was amusing to think that kings would exaggerate the size of their swords in their own tapestries to appear more impressive. "You know what? You might be onto something here. I never really considered that before, but it does make a certain kind of sense. Maybe this king was compensating for something?" Aegon grinned, his mood lightened by her observation.
"Maybe you'll have a tapestry when your king and your sword will be the size of the whole! Thorne room!"
Aegon laughed at that, imagining himself in a tapestry towering over the room with his sword as large as a mountain. "Now that would be a sight to behold. I can just imagine the looks on everyone's faces when they see me like that. They would think I was some kind of god! But I think I'll stick to real life and leave the gigantic sword-wielding for the tapestries."
"or that you were compensating,"
Aegon chuckled, conceding the point to Y/n. "You're not wrong. It would be quite obvious that I'd be overcompensating if I had a sword that big It's a good thing I don't have anything I need to overcompensate for in the first place." Aegon grinned, teasing Y/n. "But you should worry more about your own tapestry, little sister.”
"I won't get a tapestry" she giggled "I'd be happy just as a name on a family tree in the books that's all" she giggled, "I don't know Aegon I've never seen your sword I don't know if it needs overcompensating,"
Aegon grinned, still teasing Y/n. "You think you're so humble, don't you? But don't pretend like you don't want your own tapestry just like me and Aemond. I bet deep down you want to be depicted with a thousand giant bugs as your loyal soldiers. And don't pretend like you're not curious about my sword size now. Perhaps I should invite you to the training yards more often to witness its full glory firsthand."
"why? I could find out now if I wanted"
Aegon raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Y/n's remark. He couldn't help but chuckle, amused at the audacity of her words. "Are you really suggesting what I think you're suggesting, little sister? You want to… see my sword right now?"
Aegon smirked, leaning closer to Y/n. "I could if I wanted"
Aegon chuckled, enjoying the playfulness in Y/n's eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for then? Go ahead, take a look."
she giggled and gave his nose a kiss before she knelt on the wooden floor and held out her hands "Sword please"
Aegon's heart skipped a beat at the small kiss, enjoying the playful mood between them. He smiled, amused by her request. "Alright then, little sister. You can have my sword for a moment." He unstrapped his sword from his hip and rested it in her hands, watching her closely to see what she would do.
she held the old sword on her hands but immediately tossed it on the floor "Sword please"
"Y/n! what are you doing? Why did you throw the sword on the floor? I thought you wanted to see it!"
"I do."
Aegon's confusion deepened. He picked up the sword from the floor and placed it back in her hands. "Here, take it again. But be careful with it. Valyrian steel is prized for good reason and it's not something to be casually tossed aside."
she immediately tossed it again
Aegon's eyes widened in disbelief as Y/n tossed the Valyrian steel sword again. "What in the name of the Seven are you doing? Valyrian steel is valuable and difficult to come by! Why are you treating it like a toy? Do you have any idea what that sword is worth?"
"sword" she giggled putting her hand on his belt
“Oh…” Aegon's confusion gave way to amusement as he realized what Y/n was really asking for. He chuckled, enjoying her playful antics. "Alright, you little menace. I think you've had your fun with my sword. But since you've been such a good sport, I suppose I can give you a different kind of sword to play with." With a smirk, Aegon reached for his belt and loosened his trousers slightly, then took Y/n's hand and placed it on his soft cock, "There, now you've got your hands on a different kind of sword. But remember, this one is even more valuable and needs to be handled with care. And it's definitely not for tossing around like a toy."
she pouted slightly "oh …"
Aegon chuckled at her pouty expression, finding her attempt at disappointment amusing. "Do I detect a hint of disappointment in your voice, little sister? What's wrong, is my sword not to your liking?" He grinned, teasing her.
she pouts and gives him sad puppy eyes "why doesn't your sword want to play with me Aegon?"
Aegon's heart melted a little at her sad puppy eyes, but he couldn't help but continue to tease her. "Oh it wants to play with you, Y/n, but it's a very special sword, and it only plays with people who deserve it." He smirked, reaching out to muss her hair affectionately.
"does it need rubs?" She asked taking him in her hand and stroking back and forth attempting to harden him,
Aegon chuckled, his amused expression quickly changing to one of surprise as he felt her hand on him. "Rubs? I didn't realize you were such an expert in sword care, little sister. But I'll admit, a few gentle rubs might help him feel… more playful."
Aegon couldn't help but smile at her innocence and the playful banter between them. Aegon's smirk deepened as he felt her hands moving on him, and he couldn't help but marvel at her naivete and confidence. "You're a natural at this, you know that? Just a few minutes ago you were tossing swords on the floor, now you're handling this one like a pro." He chuckled, enjoying the feeling of her touch and her innocent curiosity.
"Aegon! Why won't he play with me big brother?" She whines
Aegon chuckled, finding her innocent determination to make him respond quite endearing. "Why do you think, Y/n? Perhaps it's because you're playing with him too gently. Maybe you need to be a little more… assertive in your approach. Show him how much fun you can really be."
she nodded and began to kiss him pressing her lips softly to his hardening erection,
Aegon's eyes widened slightly at the sudden sensation of her lips on him, mixing with the gentle touch of her hands. He gasped slightly in surprise, feeling a rush of pleasure coursing through his body. "Oh… " He gasped, feeling himself grow harder under her touch. "That's more like it, little sister. You're beginning to understand how to handle this sword now."
she peppered kisses all over him, "more!" She giggled
Aegon groaned as her kisses drove him wild, his hardness growing with each touch. "You have the touch of a dragon queen, Y/n. You know just how to handle this sword." He couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness and the sound of her giggling as she continued "Yes, yes… more… I think you've nearly got it now, little sister."
she giggled and began lapping at him as she kissed, and rubbed clearly egar to get him as hard as possible
Aegon's breath caught in his throat as her tongue and kisses sent waves of pleasure through his body, his hardness growing harder under her touch. "Oh gods, Y/n… yes, keep doing that…" He groaned, struggling to speak as her touch seemed to take him over, bringing him closer to the edge. "I… I think you've finally found the correct way to play with my sword, little sister."
She giggled and pulled back tapping him with her fingers and giving him kisses playing with his now completely hard state, playing around him him like he was her own little toy,
"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you, little sister? Do you like seeing what you've done to my sword? Feeling the effects of your touch?"
"I wanna play with him everyday"
Aegon chuckled, a mixture of amusement and desire stirring within him. "Every day, hm? You're truly dedicated, Y/n. But I don't think my sword could handle that, even for a princess. He'll need a chance to rest and recover between all this play." He grinned, reaching out to caress her cheek gently."But of course, if you're willing, I'm more than happy to let you play with him again."
"every day!" She pouts "Please Aegon"
Aegon smirked, unable to resist her begging, especially after the incredible pleasure she had just given him. "Very well then, little sister. From now on, you may play with him everyday. He'll be at your disposal, ready to be wielded by your talented hands." He laughed, enjoying the spark of excitement in her eyes at his promise. "But remember, you must take care not to exhaust him too much. We don't want him breaking on your watch, hmm?"
"yay!" She giggled kissing him all over again
Aegon laughed softly, enjoying the feeling of her kisses all over him. "You're truly a wonder, Y/n. So playful and joyful, with such a fierce desire to learn." He ran his fingers through her hair, a smile on his face. "Just promise me you won't use that desire on anyone other than me while we're playing, little sister. This sword is for you and you alone."
"only my big brother" she giggled "Can I Aegon can I?"
Aegon chuckled, her innocence and eagerness bringing a warmth to his heart. He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "You ask for permission now, do you? I like that. You're learning to be a good little sister, Y/n." he smirked, "Of course you can, little sister. Play with my sword whenever you like. It belongs to you."
She nodded and took him, she began to suck, and lap her tounge, moving her head back and forth
Aegon moaned softly as her lips and tongue worked their magic on him, his body shuddering with pleasure. "By the Seven, Y/n, you… oh… you've got the gift of pleasing a man." He gasped, his heart racing as he watched her, unable to tear his eyes away. He reached out, stroking her hair softly as she continued. "Just like that, little sister… just like that… you're doing so well…” Aegon's hand tangled in her hair, guiding her movements as she continued her ministrations. His breathing grew heavier, filled with pleasure. "Yes, that's it… just like that… just keep doing what you're doing, little sister…" He groaned, closing his eyes as he surrendered to the sensations she was giving him, his body completely in her control.
A knock suddenly came from the door, Aegon tried to stop her but she wouldn't stop, "Y/n… stop… someone's at the door…" But he was powerless to actually stop her, his voice failing him as the pleasure overwhelmed him. He tried to compose himself, but his breathing was heavy and labored.
she pulled back and peppered him with kisses as the door knocked again "we are betrothed. You are to be my king. There is surely no shame in a servent witnessing the prince be pleasured? Let them in. Let them see." She cooed for once the mad girl giggles where gone and she sounded like a targaryen queen before she returned to her work
Aegon found himself both surprised and aroused by her words and her shift in demeanor. The door knocked again, and he hesitated for a moment, weighing her words. Finally, he called out. "Yes… come in." He watched as a servant entered, taking in the sight of them together. His eyes widened, clearly shocked by what he was witnessing.
"Your uhh your grace -"
Aegon chuckled, noticing the servant boy's reaction and that the boy already got hard at the sight of Y/n doing this to Aegon. "Yes, boy? Speak your mind. What brings you here? And by the gods, close your mouth before you catch flies."
the boy nodded and did his best to look away "I uhh your mother has invited you both to dinner tonight in the royal chambers at nine." The boy nodded and watched as if knowing she had an audience she worked even harder and more seductively, moaning and letting Aegon play with her hair
Aegon nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he watched Y/n's increased efforts. "Very well. We will be there." He turned back to the boy for a moment. "That will be all. Close the door behind you. After all we don’t need everyone knowing do we little princess?"
"no my master" she playfully cooed up to Aegon before she returned to her work
Aegon chuckled, enjoying her playful response as much as he was enjoying her mouth. "That's my girl" He smirked, looking down at the boy. "Get lost now. We have a few hours before we need to be anywhere and I intend to enjoy them."
the boy nodded and bolted from the room shutting the door again,
Aegon chuckled, leaning back against the couch as Y/n continued her work, clearly enjoying the newfound thrill of having a servant witness their intimacy. "You're quite the little minx, aren't you, Y/n? Playing with your king and putting on a show for that poor servant boy? You seem to be enjoying our game of secret pleasure more than I ever could have imagined." His hand threaded through her hair, guiding her movements as he savoured the sensations she gave him.
she giggled as she kept working not even slowing keeping up her moans her hands even moved to massage his stomach to help ease him to release
Aegon groaned loudly, the combined sensations of her mouth and hands bringing him close to the edge. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. "By the gods, Y/n… you're going to make me.. I'm going to… oh… yes, just like that… just like that…" His body strained as he felt his orgasm building, his breaths ragged and heavy. With a final, shuddering groan, Aegon reached his peak. Pleasure surged through his body like lightning as he released himself into her mouth. His eyes rolled back, and he gasped for air, panting heavily from the intensity of it all
she giggled as she pulled back the moment he hit it meaning his seed now coated her face, hair, dress, and a little in her mouth "ummm tasty Aegon"
Aegon looked at her, a mix of astonishment and amusement on his face. He couldn't deny the sight of her, coated in his seed and giggling, was incredibly arousing. "By the gods, Y/n… you never fail to surprise me. You're like a wanton little dragoness, aren't you? Not caring how messy you get, as long as you have your fun." He chuckled, reaching down to gently wipe her face with his fingers, his eyes filled with desire.
she only giggled licking her hands and face excitedly "did I do good?"
Aegons' smirk widened, watching her lap up his seed with her tongue. "Yes, Y/n. You did very, very good. But you made quite a mess, didn't you? We'll need to clean you up before we attend dinner tonight."
"oww… No more play time?" She whines
Aegon chuckled, leaning down to gently kiss her forehead. He knew she was still somewhat inexperienced and didn't yet understand the consequences of her actions. "No more play time for now, little sister. We must clean you up and get ready for dinner. There will be plenty more playtime later, I promise you. But we don't want to keep our mother waiting, and we certainly don't want her or anyone else at the table tonight to see you in such a… disheveled state, right?"
she whined but nodded "fine…"
Aegon grinned, always a little amused by her impatience. "That's my good little sister. Now come here and let's get you cleaned up. We'll have you looking proper and presentable in no time." He took a nearby cloth and gently began wiping the mess from her face and hair, making sure to be careful and gentle as he did so. “Come on you can get ready for dinner in my chambers tonight,”
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lullabyes22-blog · 5 months
Snippet - Drifting - Mal de Mer
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Early morning delights...
Mal de Mer on AO3
This morning, though, his focus is purely on her.
Through the windowslats, bars of butterscotch sunlight pour. The ceiling fan cuts slowly through the humid air, redolent of seasalt and their bodies. Behind the carefully-cracked window, Mel can hear the trill of birdsong, and the rustle of palm fronds, and the gentle wash of the waves upon the shore.
Pink is the conch shell sitting on the endtable, a gift from Silco's deep dives. Mauve is the bedspread spilling lazily to the carpet, a soft puddle at the foot of the mattress. Blue is the hue of Silco's good eye, heavy-lidded with the residue of sleep, and a hungry lassitude as he rolls Mel onto her back.
Gold is the paint streaking the canvas on the easel behind him: a portrait awaiting her finishing touches before she has it packed for transit. Gold, like the frame she'll choose in Piltover: matching her wedding band, and attesting to the same. Gold, like the fractaling streak that ignites behind her eyelids, as Silco fans her thighs open to fit himself between them: the fullness of him dipping into her, teasing in and out, then sinking home.
Crying out, Mel thinks: This is how it ends.
In the days afterward, she won't remember her stay at the villa except as a flurry of sketches: the sea, the skies, the sands. And, most of all, the spiky loose-limbed silhouettes, all of which have resolved into a full-color nude on the canvas.
His torso, framed by the parabola of sunset, holds a deep-sea elegance. The lithe contours are etched by the eerie palette of fading twilight. Teals, and indigos, and amethysts:  each color evoked by the subtle interplay of water and shadow. His bare shoulders, caught against the coronal threads of sunlight, like sharp juts of coral. The torso, with its cobra's hood of sinew, tapering into a narrow waist. The hard cut of hipbones, showing the navel and the hair below it, then disappearing into the distorting medium of the sea.
His head is half-turned, the features indistinct: just a hint of aquiline nose, the cutting edge of jaw, and lips parted to bare a glint of teeth.
Greeting, or threat.
The eyes are what complete the piece.
They've been rendered in exacting detail. The right eye, she's captured in all its softness: the blue so vivid, it's like a drop of the ocean. A vibrant green rings the iris, and a band of gray limns the pupil. Sea and storm: fused. The left eye is a bottomless void: the sclera inked black. In the iris: a starburst of blood vessels, red lines spiderwebbing from the center, with an inlay of gold to mimic volcanic flare.
His scars, too, have been rendered patiently. The shadowy left side of his face is a latticework of crisscrossing gouges. In some spots, like the rippled sands on the shore. In others, the cragged rocks of the reef. Each contour is traced out with the precision of a goldbeater's needle. She's overlayed the scars in an impasto of cadmium red and jet black: a tapestry of violence, with a touch of decay.
In sum, it's a creature of myth. Half-submerged, and on the cusp of a choice:
Ascent, or descent.
In her ear, Silco whispers, "Where've you drifted off to?"
Mel's lashes flutter. His body, striped in gold, is a languid arch over hers. One hand, callused, cups her breast. The other, scarred, clasps her wrist loosely between the fingers, trapping it against the sheets. His body flows skin to skin with hers—achingly slow.
Mel, nuzzling underneath his jowl, breathes, "Nowhere."
"Nowhere, hm?"
His tongue whorls in the hollow behind her ear. She shivers, arching beneath him. The tip of afternoon, she thinks, is when he's at his best: the ferocity of the night's hunger faded, the frenzy of late evening's appetite yet to come.
The heat, still banked, becomes a thing to be savored.
"I was thinking," she whispers.
"About what?"
His palm, cradling her breast, traps the nipple between forefinger and thumb. He rolls it round and round. Mel's breath catches; she bites her lip.
"About—about you," she manages.
"I should hope so."
"The painting. It needs, mmmh, something."
"To complete it."
He gives her nipple a playful tweak, and she whimpers. His dark chuckle rumbles through her.  "A title, perhaps?"
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
May Faves
I’m finally here with the first instalment of Monthly Favourites 🥳 
This is going to be a Monthly post I’ll be doing with a round up of my favourite fics I’ve read the past month. I’ve picked a few to write longer thoughts on, and will add smaller thoughts for the rest. If I did long reviews for every fic, I don’t think I could keep up with this every month, but rest assured I loved every fic mentioned in this post!! Majority will be completed fics but there is a “WIP” section as well 😊
Happy reading, & if you enjoy this sort of content please let me know! 🥰
Let Loose Your Glow by @athousandrooms I’ve been following along with this fic during its WIP stage and it was completed recently! So of course I had to binge the whole thing and it was so worth the wait. It’s a fake dating fic that is SO soft!! Alex & Henry are so sweet in this fic and the slow burn is so !!! ahh no words but honestly this is one of those fics you can reread again and again and still feel all the feels over and over. Such a beautifully written fic!!
All the Old Showstoppers by @cha-melodius I’ve never watched any of the “Bake Off” shows (so I think any references went right over my head) BUT I enjoyed this fic so much regardless of my lack of “Bake Off” viewing. I loved reading about Henry and Alex’s journey as contestants on the show, but what was even more delightful was the growing feelings between them!! Also the ✨seductive spoon licking✨
i wake with your memory over me (that's a real fucking legacy) by @coffeecatsme Alex is Henry’s ski instructor in this fic - and from the get go I loved their interactions with each other! I also really loved the brother-sister dynamic between Henry and Bea in this!! 
YourMusicSucksAndYouLookLikeADickhead by @cloudywilmon Alex & Henry as neighbours is always such a fun time and this fic is no exception. It’s a super funny fic, and I especially love how Nora is written in this as well!
Count The Stars And Constellations by @everwitch-magiks Ohh my gosh, I loved this fic so much that I reread it about 3 times last month. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions reading this fic (excitement? frustration? Is heart-eyes an emotion? Cause that’s the only way to describe how I felt at the ending). Seriously read this beautiful fic 🥺
a rich and complex tapestry by @everwitch-magiks I feel like I could just repeat the review I wrote for everwitch’s other fic and it would still all apply for this one too. I was yet again going completely heart-eyed at the ending of this fic. I have no words to describe how much I loved this one?!
all's well that ends well to end up with you by @evanbuvkley This is such a sweet fic!! Alex accidentally kisses Henry and I love how things just spiral from there!!! Just go read it, you’ll love it I promise. 
Paint Stain Smiles by schmulte I loved the way Alex & Henry’s friendship develops in this fic (and of course the way the romance happens!!). The nude modelling is a lovely bonus. 
i just think about you all the time by @livinginrhythm Omg I just … loved everything about this fic? Alex is Catherine’s equerry which made me so intrigued at how things were going to turn out and the ending definitely had me screaming from the feels! 
✨More Faves✨
A little off the top by @clottedcreamfudge A hilarious misunderstanding!
bend the rules by @tedddylupin Blossoming romance during Covid Lockdown? Yes please
catch my breath to breathe your name by @jamespttr Really loved this fic - really wanted to shake some sense into Henry in this one!! 
Cognac and Malaise by M0ssPiglet Pez and Henry’s friendship here - loved it so much!
he got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue by @evanbuvkley Really sweet!! Also love that the rest of the Super Six feature 
(la)cross(e) my heart by weather_stained I found this fic so funny and Alex is perfectly written in this!!
like i'm the stranger here. by @chaa-kiao Love coworker AUs! The boys are very sweet in this - but also the angst!!! 
Cabin Fever by selkies_and_stars I love a fake dating fic!! Even better when they’re fake dating on a cruise ship (plus they’re also roommates AND there’s bed sharing). Their pining for each other had me wanting to shake them both.
for you alone by fel24601 Ok I LOVE this fic. I love how Henry and Alex’s relationship develops, I love how fluffy this fic is, I loved the smut, just everything about this fic is so lovely. It hasn’t been updated in a year BUT even in its unfinished state I found it very satisfying as it is. Even if it never gets finished I would reread it over and over!! Such a beautifully written fic - go give it some love. 
Ghosted by @cockleshells I really love the plot of this fic - it’s so different and definitely such an intriguing concept. Don’t be put off by the “Major Character Death” tag (and I say this as someone who avoids that tag like the plague) I’ve ignored it in this case because the author also tags “i can at least promise you guys a happy ending” so that’s defs been enough to assuage my fears. It’s an amazing fic so far, so give it a read!!
Never a Guarantee by @clottedcreamfudge If you haven’t already been following this fic - what are you doing!! Loving everything about this fic - it definitely gets you hooked straight away. The slow burn killed me in the best way 😩
That’s a wrap!! Stay tuned in early July for June Faves!
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Mommy!December:Day 15
Request: Impact Play+ Fluff w  Mommy!Hyunjin 
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Content Includes: Hard Dom Mommy!Hyunjin x sub!fem reader, praise, kissing, fluff, restraints (use of ribbon), use of a strap, clit slapping, mentions of c*nt, c*m and c*ck, talk of boundaries, oral (fem receiving), humiliation, aftercare
Word Count: 830 
Disclaimer: This fic contains mature themes, read with caution.
‘Can Mommy try something different?’ 
Your thighs were red with Hyunjin’s hand prints and your bare chest was shiny with a sheen of pain and pleasure, nipples aroused and eyes glazed. 
What Hyunjin couldn’t stop looking at however, was the growing stain in your white cotton panties, the only modesty piece on your otherwise nude figure. 
Your cheeks reddened with shyness at Hyunjin’s starved glance, his eyes scanning over your body with a primal need filling his chest. 
You wanted to curl your body up and cover yourself from his intimidating gaze but your hands were bound in red ribbon, resting comfortably in the crook of your back. 
‘What were you thinking of trying?’ You asked, eyes scanning over to the array of toys laid out along the desk in the bedroom, you gulped lightly as the anticipation sent a surge of heat through your core. 
‘Well’ Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair as he looked over to the desk as well, you could see his sweaty chest peeking through his unbuttoned black shirt. 
‘How about you pick for Mommy this time?’ Hyunjin glanced back at you with a smirk on his face, the enjoyment of seeing you so vulnerable for him had his cock swelling tightly in his briefs. 
‘The strap’ Your eyes darted to a small leather spanking paddle with gold tapestry around the handle, it looked so sexy in Hyunjin’s hands and the sting from his slaps on your thighs and arse were already fading. 
‘Mommy has been waiting to use that’ Hyunjin chuckled, walking towards you and rubbing your shoulders. 
‘You’re doing so well bunny, you look so beautiful right now’ Hyunjin kissed your forehead as a way of reassuring you. 
‘Colour?’ He asked, his hand cupping your face gently and a soft look in his eyes. 
‘Green’ You responded enthusiastically, your thighs rubbing together in anticipation. 
‘Good girl’
‘Ahh’ Your body jolted as Hyunjin spanked lightly along your pubic area, the panties cushioning the pain and sending a volt of pleasure right to your clit. 
‘Aww, did bunny enjoy that?’ A soft hand cupped your mound, his thumb rubbing soft circles to your clit through the panties, the friction causing the pleasure to build. 
‘You’re such a dirty girl for Mommy, dripping wet from my marks and slapping alone. Let’s see if you can cum from the paddle and my fingers alone’ 
His voice is dark and eyes stern, the end of the paddle just lightly pressed against your clit and sending jolts of pleasure down your spine and core. 
‘Count to 10 for Mommy’ 
‘1-Ahh!’ A light hit was smacked on your clit, a moan leaving your chest and nipples always hardening. 
‘Oh, you sound so pretty right now. I want to hear you scream’. 
Hyunjin paced forward, his hand softly kneading and tweaking your nipples. 
‘2-Ohh!’ Your head kicked back as the strap lightly smacked your clit again, Hyunjin’s fingers immediately rubbing firm circles around your clit. 
Your legs were starting to shake from the growing pressure in your core, back pressed against the door. 
‘Please Mommy, hit me again.’ 
Hyunjin’s eyes darkened at the sentence, his eyes predatory and his stance making you feel tiny. 
He looked terrifying. 
And it was so sexy. 
‘Oh, fuck the counting now. Not after those words’ Hyunjin kissed you feverishly, his bulge grinding against yours and you breathed moans into each other’s mouths. 
‘Mommy, please. Please let me cum’ you breathed out through kisses, ‘I need it, I’m so close’ 
Hyunjin immediately dropped to his knees, pressing kisses along your reddened thighs, his gaze not leaving yours. 
‘Mommy’s going to take care of you now, okay? Just let me make you feel good’. 
He quickly pulled your panties to the side, letting out a loud moan at the sight of your wet and glistening cunt. 
‘Such a pretty pussy for me’ He moaned out before pressing a few kitten licks to your clit and then completely wrapping his plush lips around your clit, he started to suck on his quickly, his tongue rapidly flicking the underside of your clit. 
‘You’re so wet, I want you to cum from Mommy’s tongue alone’ And then he dived back, paying all of his attention on your clit. 
The licking, sucking and nibbling of your clit had sent you in a headfirst orgasm, a loud and high-pitched whine leaving your throat. 
‘Just let Mommy lick you clean’ He breathed through his pussy, his tongue swiping through your folds and licking up most of your cum with his tongue. 
‘Absolutely delicious’ He sighed out as he stood back up, a proud smile on his face. 
‘Here, let’s get you out of these’ He turned you around and gently removed the ribbon from your wrists, you sighed out in relief and immediately started to shake your wrists around. 
‘Let me put some cream on your thighs and arse bunny and then Mommy wants to show how proud he is of you’.
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Thank you @chvnnie for the request!!
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @aris-ink @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @kodzukein @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes
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oldimgurpics · 1 year
The Future of oldimgurpics
Hello everyone. Activity has been kind of sporadic again—sorry about that, prior engagements and all. Posts will resume again in the near future, but there's something we need to talk about.
Over the last six months, this account has received a massive amount of new followers—well over triple what it had one year ago today. That's insane to me, especially when I consider the fact I've been running this blog for just north of six years now. I am grateful that you all share my niche interest in these nuggets of internet history I keep picking from the sieve, and would like to keep doing this for a good while longer; even if my inconsistent posting runs counter to that.
However, I may not be able to for much longer.
What's going on?
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This was posted yesterday on imgur's blog. At first glance, this seems kind of dire, and while it is pretty bad, it's not as bad is may seem. Imgur has done this kind of thing before, and this has been evident to me for quite some time. When I generate new images, there are far more failed fetch requests than successful ones—often two failed requests for every one success—and when I started, this certainly was not the case. Not only that, but I'm sure some of you have spotted broken imgur links across the web before, especially on forums, especially on help forums. You know, the worst place for an image to be broken? Isn't that lovely? It's tinypic for a new generation.
The issue is not the fact that it's getting rid of pornography, nudity, and sexually explicit content—that would actually be a good thing if not solely for the amount of people's stray nudes that are floating around in the void that would no longer be waiting for someone to accidentally find. The problem is that there is no way to root through what is considered inappropriate content without collaterally annihilating huge swathes of unrelated, inoffensive content along with it unless you basically do what I've been doing, and I doubt imgur—or any company for that matter—would be willing to supply the manpower to do something like that.
Unfortunately, pretty much no matter what happens, we are probably going to lose a vast amount of internet history from this, and while the bulk of that is so far buried under imgur's content servers that most will never even see those images, I still think it's a bad move. Even beyond the fact that it may spell the end of this blog, I think it's garbage that companies can just piss away millions upon billions of images.
Regardless of how mundane and unimportant most of what's on those servers are, (barring the illegal and morally reprehensible stuff) I believe it all still deserves to exist. These images come together into a disgusting, muddy, misguided, tapestry made out of words, photographs, memories that were once woven together with times, places, and people. And while most of those threads have been long severed from each other, I still believe burning the whole thing is wrong. So much of it is a product of an online environment we will never see again.
What can you do about this?
Pretty much absolutely nothing. As much as I want to be like "flood their support! ask them to reverse their decision! find which dipshit exec made this decision and [REDACTED]!" I know for a fact that absolutely nobody at support has any power to do anything about this, and hardly any action can be taken to change the course they've already charted. That sounds incredibly pessimistic, but I'm not without reasons for being so.
Sure, we could raise concerns, and get it sent up the chain of command, but this is more than likely the same bullshit song and dance we see across every website: the parent company doesn't like all those icky images (the ones with the boobs and dicks, mind you. not the ones with bigotry, or gore, or other illicit subjects—to a corporation, these things have a possibility to generate revenue, so they're all fine), and wants them gone to appease the advertising overlords who want to scrub every blemish, imperfection, and deviation from every corner of online to make the internet as sterile and banal as inhumanly possible. Perhaps all of that is pure, bitter conjecture; but be honest: would you be surprised?
Many people (rightfully) make a big deal about sites like photobucket, tinypic, and imageshack all being huge image hosts of the late aughts who basically dumped all their servers without much notice at all, and how that broke so much of the old internet. And while that was devastating, I assure you that if imgur manages to mangle this (and I'm sure they will, like any big web company tends to) this will be much worse than all three of those sites shitting the bed combined.
Imgur has been the biggest image host for over a decade now, and considering the increase in net activity that correlates to their popularity growth, there's an enormous amount of content that's going to break/becoming missing as a result of this. There are countless reddit posts that depend on imgur hosting. There are countless forum posts that will be illegible as a result of this. Hopefully this will be nowhere near the catastrophic degree I'm prognosticating, but I've been online for two decades, seen this kind of thing happen time and time again, and it's always worse than it was the last time.
You are free to do what you will about it. I won't push one way or the other. It just sucks, folks! But that brings me to:
What am I going to do about this?
Well, since the future of the blog is so uncertain, I'm going to start planning around the possibility that I may not be able to generate images for much longer, so there will be a few changes.
I already try to save all the images on this blog to my hard drive locally. Every time you save an image on imgur, the default image name is the URL it comes from, so I'll still have tentative proof that what I post is an imgur pic even if the URL 404s. I'm going to start saving a lot more now, though.
Queued posting will slow down from 4 times a day to just one. I know that's quite a bit lower than my previous output (if you don't look at averages lol), but this will ensure the blog keeps going for a while, even if the worst comes to pass and I'm unable to generate anything else for this blog.
Hope I'm making a bigger deal over this than I need to be. There's a chance I've typed all this out, and in six months time it will have absolutely no effect on how this blog functions. A year from now, many posts may not actually break the way I expect them to. I would love it if all my concerns were over nothing—sometimes, being wrong kind of owns, and this would definitely be one of those cases, but I won't take chances. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Either way, thank you for reading, and please don't be afraid to shoot an ask my way.
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echo-goes-mmm · 9 months
Divine Intervention AU #3
Warnings: non-sexual nudity
The next day was the same. And the next. And the next after that. Each night, Plaything would collapse from exhaustion and needed to be shaken awake each dawn. His legs and feet could have fallen off and he would have cried from relief. The men didn’t care, except when he’d stumbled and knocked his knees against the ground.
They’d shouted at him then, and let him ride for an hour while one of them walked beside.
After four straight days of travel, a city appeared in the distance. The buildings were grand, all white stone and shiny roofs. Marble statues and painted walls decorated the streets. 
He didn’t see any slaves.
They led him to a huge building, the roof topped with gold. They tied off their horses and brought him inside. The interior was marble in every direction, the floor so shiny he could see himself. Glowing golden lanterns lined the walls, hanging plants on each column, and the smoky scent of incense lingered in the air.
There was a fountain in the center, with benches and more potted flowers and trees arranged around it.
The back wall curved and tall stained windows let in golden light. Tapestries hung in between each window, and a large altar sat in the middle. 
Plaything wanted to look at the tapestries, but the men shoved him away, down a hall towards the back rooms.
Plaything prepared himself to meet his new master, but to his surprise the room had several people in it.
The room itself had a large tub in the center, steam coming off the water in waves. There were mirrors and tables with boxes of bottles, racks of clothing and displays of jewels.
And everyone was staring at him.
The men he was with met with a dark-haired woman and they exchanged a bag that clicked with gold. The men left.
She gave some official-sounding orders to her crew, and Plaything was led towards the tub. Another woman cut away his bindings and clothes, and said something he didn’t understand. He looked at her, blank, and she sighed a little.
She nudged him towards the tub, and he knew what she meant.
The water was hot, but not uncomfortably so. There was some sort of oil in the bath, and he could feel it pleasantly on his skin. He didn’t have much time to enjoy it, before the woman dumped a bucket of water over his head. She began to scrub his scalp, pouring bottles of perfumed soap over him, washing every inch until his skin felt raw.
Plaything was pulled out of the tub, and another person quickly dried him off. They had him sit, still nude, in a chair. He’d never been naked in a room with so many, but they seemed more focused on prettying him up than ogling.
There was no clock, but Plaything knew hours had passed by the time they were done. His skin had been rubbed with more oils, they draped him in silks and jewels, and he even had his ears pierced. They were finishing up his make-up when someone new burst in. Plaything had been vaguely close to the king at home before; he knew what a knight looked like. Was his new master the king of this place?
Whatever the knight said, it made them hurry. They guided Plaything back to the main room, and there stood a woman in long white robes embroidered with shiny gold threat. Next to her was another rich man, but not the king Plaything expected.
The knight placed his hand on Plaything’s shoulders. The rich man looked him up and down. He waved off the make-up staff. The woman, who must be a priest, shook her head, a frown on her face. She whispered to the rich man, who rolled his eyes at her. 
Plaything decided he did not like this man.
“I’m very sorry about all this,” she said to Plaything. 
“About what?” he hoped that the men wouldn’t understand him. They didn’t move to hit him, so he pressed on.  
“What’s going to happen to me?”
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight
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Unit Y-0U
Chapter One: A Hazy Introduction
Okay so Gabriela is a POC Deaf Mermaid that came from the lil mermaid series and I believe she deserves more recognition. Anyways you actually get isakied in ch 2 cause this got too long. Sorry bros
This is better on AO3
Many years have passed since the day you declared war on the Horned King. Many journalists and historians are recording it as “The Last of the Mage Wars” since this may be the last war ever fought with magic. You are a young adult now but are way beyond your years with all you have experienced. Leading this rebellion wasn’t easy as a teen, and it still isn’t now.
The years have been hard on your mind and body, especially your mind, as you wake up every day in what feels like a flesh prison. That damned king made you into this, and you will never forgive him for it. Even now, you still aren’t used to your ‘new’ cyber-flesh body, even though you’ve been in it for years. You have grown to tolerate it over time; however, there is no room to be picky with the current situations that are unraveling.
You stare at yourself in a cracked full-body mirror within your cramped personal quarters, privacy both a luxury and privilege you were grateful (and, in your mind, undeserving) to have, even if your office was small. The room was made up of a metal sleep capsule room, salvaged from the crashed aerial ships the king's men used. The capsule had enough space for a narrow bed and a ‘desk’ consisting of a welded-on thin piece of metal to the wall. The old and worn information sticker on the door advertised it as having ‘4x6x5(1.2x2x1.5m) feet of space. However, it might even be smaller due to how dented it is.
Still, to have your own small space rather than a cubby in the barracks meant a lot to you. A small part of you thinks that maybe no one wants to interact with you; Your creators didn’t, so why would anyone else? Sitting on the thin and moth-bitten mattress of your bed, you stare at your nude body in the mirror.
Years’ worth of horrific wounds and surgery scars adorned your flesh. Missing parts, discolored veins and skin, tattooed sigils, burns, frost marks, and other scars made up the tapestry that was your body. You traced the sigils of your familiars along with the scars on your body before resting your hand on your chest.
You remember when you first fused with those seven mages— now your parents, how your chest seemed to glow as multi-colored lights swirled around the fragments embedded in your soul. How their voices, now clear, were once garbled and unintelligible. Even now, when you push your magic— or rather the seven’s magic— too hard, you can sometimes see your chest glow. 
You pat down your head and rub your scarred face with your scarred hands. You weren’t used to this body. This human body. Were you always a human? You’re unsure; those king loyalists never bothered to tell you anything about yourself. You were starved for weeks and not even allowed basic hygiene. You remember how your hair would get so matted they would just shave it off. Injecting you with hormones and chemicals to make you stronger, taller, faster, the perfect weapon.
You are pretty out of your prime, though. Now scrawny with how rare food has become. You would often skip out on meals as well. Why should you eat when a soldier on the front lines or a starving kid would have more use for it? Maybe you don't deserve food. You would happily starve if it meant your soldiers were fine.
“Um… Unit… Is that your name? Ahem, sorry. We have run out of food, and the farms and livestock have become infected!” 
“What?! This isn’t good! Is there any way to combat this?”
“It is currently under treatment, but we will be weeks without food. There has been one suggestion by another leader?”
“A lot of the bodies, especially fae that can contain trace amounts of restorative magic with them, are recent and still very fresh.”
“… You don't mean…” You stared into the soldier's eyes as they avoided your gaze.
“… Do what needs to be done, but be transparent… And give the families a choice as well…”
‘Come on, kiddo, wakey wakey, get dressed. It's a big day today, remember?’ A certain gravelly voice whispers. ‘Oooh yeah yeah, we fight the king today,’ A particular hyena, Ed, mutters from within your head; you can feel his sigil move across your skin and buzz in excitement. ‘Stupid. We plan today, remember? Fighting that big ol bag o’ bones doesn’t happen for another week.’ Shenzi scolds. Soon the other familiars join in, and you can hear Raven and Diaval try to hush them before Scar lets out a roar telling them to silence.
The corners of your mouth perk up in a smile at their bickering, distracting you from the dysphoria that threatens to overtake you. Your bodysuit overtakes your skin right before your eyes, the thin, black, and skin-tight suit materializing on you. The cybernetic suit hums a bit, scanning your vitals to send to your phone as you look through the built-in shelves in your room for something presentable to wear.
A simple and rather loose beige shirt and some simple slacks are what you find in one cubby. The cybersuit camouflages against your skin, now invisible, allowing your arms to show. You materialized your scanner and your phone from the bodysuit pocket-dimension inventory, making sure you had everything. Rations, water, all of your weapons, and other such things as you check the time on your phone. The suit has already sent a report of your surroundings and health to your scanner, displaying everything on the paper-thin tablet.
[Seek Calorie Intake…]
Your leg bounced as yours on a creaky chair within the tactician room. The hyenas sit next to you, cackling and occasionally roughhousing to pass the time. ‘I can’t believe you actually let them out,’ Scar huffs. You can feel him stretching and rolling over to his side and sleeping again. ‘Well, they have been behaving well.’ ‘You should take the Jabberwock out on a walk too,’ The queen of Hearts says. ‘Not a bad idea…’
Queen Clarion's hum snaps you out of your thoughts. You watch as your fellow leader looks down at the wooden table, scratched up from all the daggers that have stabbed into it. The fae representative locks eyes with you and sends a reassuring smile that you return. She sits regally despite the circumstances, her youthful appearance deceptive from her actual age.
On your left, Gabriela, a black and deaf mermaid, adjusts the gem that allows her to breathe and float on land. The representative of the merfolk was always kind to you, and you even waved hello and signed ‘it’s tense today’ when she noticed your leg bouncing. You smile and force your body to stay still, signing back at your friend. Finally, behind Gabriela was Mowgli, a boy around your age who was chosen to represent the beast folk since they raised him. You remember his passionate speeches about the atrocities he has witnessed against the beast folk. The removal of ears and tails, the discrimination, the destruction of their homes which he swears to correct, he was a passionate young man.
They were all excellent leaders with you. Ensuring that each side of their arguments is heard and checking to see if each race has its needs met. A map is laid by Mowgli’s retainer, Bagheera, a panther man who often scouts the battlefields. Soon the other retainers and tacticians join. Another noticeable one was a fairy with rather large goggles, respectively, named Bobble. The fae was a fantastic mechanic and an even better tactician. Then came in a group of three little crab-mers, who often report on how the Mets were doing, Clawdia, Buster, and Tuffy.
Bobble's wings flutter as he sits down and clears his throat. “G-greetings, everybody! I, uh, went over the plans regarding the invasion of the castle and made some minor adjustments to it. Some old pirates have been operating the airships we’ll use to move our fleet. I think the main one was led by uh…. Captain Ja…ack, I think?” He chuckles dorkily, alleviating some stress as you listen intently. “Anyways…”
Gabriela notices your nervous expression and nudges you. You glance at her and the little octopus in her lap as she signs slowly and quietly, ‘There’s no need to worry. We got this.’ You smile and sign back ‘Thank you.’ ‘Pay attention, little diamond.’ Jafar scolds,
Bagheera glances at you from across the table. “Um Mx…” Bagheera pauses as he draws a blank at your lack of name, “Unit… You grew up on the castle grounds, correct?” “That is right, sir.” “The schematics and original mappings of the moat amendment mountains that the castle was built on are useless. There are too many waterways, and the king has started to cast fog all around the castle. Many paths and buildings are blocked or destroyed, and our fliers were blown back by gusts of wind before getting shot down.” You nodded.
“The sanctum is where he put weather protections around the castle. I know the castle well enough to break in and shut it off.” Bagheera and Bobble look at you with surprise, and the triplets look bored out of their mind. Bobble clears his throat again, “Then I think… You might be the only one capable of raiding the castle to open it up for invasion…” “Understood..” Everyone in the room looks at you, surprised you agreed so quickly.
“What?” You huff, “I have a plan.” You strut up to the map and move the pins out of the way. “The king is planning for us. He will probably put all his soldiers outside his castle's moat to prevent us from getting in the first place. That’s not to say the inside is safe from traps, though…” You trail off and close your eyes in concentration. “I will ensure our fleets are ready, and while the frontlines are overwhelmed and distracted, I’ll sneak in through the moat windows and disable the weather protection, allowing for the final push.” 
Everyone stares at you in silence, and Mowgli speaks in disbelief, “By yourself?” “I have my familiars.” “And if you run into the king?” You examine your nails for a second before replying bluntly and nonchalantly. “Then I’ll give him hell.”
You held onto Jetsam's back as he leaped out of the water, catching air. The eel jumped another small hill before landing in a pool of water below. The once flat plain you traverse is now filled with small ridges and depressions that fill with brackish and river water from the bodies of water and ocean near it. It was a perfect sanctuary for merfolk. You can see certain pools dedicated to families or soldiers prepping for battle.
A familiar mermaid waves you down, and you tap on Jetsam’s gills softly to get him to stop. He swims over to the edge of the pool on the hill before unceremoniously dumping you off and snickering, making you curse him under your breath. The eel then circles Gabriela in the water a few times before swimming back to you.
‘I didn’t think you would see me,’ she signs.
‘I have a keen eye…. So do you need something?’
Gabriela swims up to you, her hands twitching a bit, hesitant as she thinks of what to sign next. Her octopus Ollie looks between the two of you. Gabriela gets over her hesitation before she shoves something in your hand. You freeze and examine what she gave you: the magic relic that allows her on land.
“I… You’re giving this to me?” You ask, dumbfounded. Gabriela nods, reading your lips, and Ollie speaks up. “Gabriela wants you to have it for after the war ends and we win. She says that she hopes to return home to the ocean and that you can use it to visit us.” You stiffen before relaxing. “I promise I will visit you both.”
“Diaval, change form!” Maleficent’s magic coursed through you and the crow on your finger transformed before your eyes into a dragon. You send a happy and soothing feeling through your bond with him before hopping onto his back. The crow— now dragon— tilted his head up to look at you before taking off into the sky.
Mowgli hoots as you fly off to the Pi-air Ship in the sky. The dragon turned its body upside-down over the ship, allowing you to land on the deck before reverting to his original form and returning to you. You pop your back a bit before looking around the large ship, filled to the brim with fairies. You turned to where the captain stood near the wheel, his tankard filled with rum dripping down the sides. He looks over at you for a second before raising his mug. “There ya are, kid! Want a drink before the big fight?”
‘No! No drinking before war, queen's orders!’ The Red Queen huffs. ‘I mean, it might make things go more smoothly, Mary.’ Hade's jokes, his two henchmen murmuring in agreement. ‘My lady is right. It is too great of a risk,’ The deep guttural voice of the Jabberwock hisses, making the queen preen. ‘You and your familiar are all about rules. I mean, come ooon! Rules are so much fun to break!’ You can feel Hades talking with his hands, making Jafar roll his eyes. ‘They are not. They are there for a reason!’ ‘Oh, like you are one to talk, advisor-boy—‘
‘Quiet.’ You whisper in your head before shaking it. “No, thank you, Mr. Sparrow. I’m actually here to tell you and Queen Clarion to get ready.’
“It’s happening?”
“It's happening.”
“RALLY, EVERYONE! CHAAAARRRGGEE’ Mowgli yells with his soldiers as he leads them to charge to the castle walls. He watched as his soldiers began hacking down every one of the king's guards that stood in the way of the moat. Along the river ways around the battlefield, Gabriela signs to Ollie. Ollie speaks up, “Everyone! Flood the battlefield to the moat, support our front liners!” The mer chitter and click in agreement, more amphibious ones getting their weapons ready to begin invading.
Queen Clarion struts along the airship's deck in her golden pixie dust armor. “Cover the Unit as they descend and do not attempt to invade the castle until the barrier is destroyed! Understood?” As they agreed and prepared, the queen approached the bowsprit of the ship where you stand, overlooking the ground below you. You glance at the queen as she offers you a small bag of gold and azure pixie dust. “It can help you in a pinch” She smiles, and you gently take the bag and thank her.
As you approach the castle, you adjust your hooded cloak and light armor. On your side, you grabbed a cyber mask and modified it to your face to protect you from breathing in anything potentially toxic. You had everything, bow, arrows, potions, claymores, swords, polearms, daggers, and much more within your inventory. Your scanner tells you your heart rate is increasing. You take a deep breath as all the fae get ready to drop. Jumping onto the bowsprit, you walked backward until you reached the end. You looked into the queen's eyes and saluted her before dropping down.
Wings sprouted from your back as you fell, wings none other than Maleficent’s herself. Fae, pegasi, insect-folk, and harpies crowded around you to keep you from being spotted as you dove into the battlefield, some even sticking out their hands for a high-five. Looking up, you see the ships in the air fire at the castle walls, their cannonballs getting stuck in some sort of invisible barrier in the air, allowing only a few to leave a small dent or cracks in the wall. It was the perfect distraction you needed to fly through the window and land.
You tucked your wings away to save energy and remain stealthy as you scanned around. The garden changed a lot from when you were a kid. All of the plants were shriveled up and covered in what seemed like some black, inky substance. This strange ink, perhaps ichor, spread across the castle grounds like a disease. The ink you step on sticks to your boots as it tries to pull you down into it.
‘Try to avoid whatever that is guppy. My magic feels strange around it…’ Ursula trails off. ‘This castle is empty.’ Scar notes. ‘Where is everyone?’ You hear the red queen whisper. ‘Be careful, diamond, stay vigilant.’
You looked into the distance of the castle—a massive winding path leading up several mountains upon which the castle is built. A colossal bridge at the very top connects to the sanctum. It seems the only way to get there right now is the path, as the waterways look infected with ink, and flying would put a massive target on you. Furthermore, it would be best if you preserved all your magic and strength for the fight afterward.
You adjusted your mask and scarf before dashing on your tiptoes, quick and stealthily. The castle grounds felt empty, aside from a few bots here and there. Where was everyone? Are they perhaps hiding from that strange ink outside? Something was off. You followed the broken winding path up the sheer mountains to the castle. The air pressure is lowering, and the cold nips at your skin. You can feel light snowfall hitting your hood as fog sets in.
‘Something is wrong. Where is everybody?’ Queen Grimhilde speaks up in your head, making you jump from the sudden voice. ‘This has to be a trap. Iago, go scout ahead!’ Jafar orders and the commanding voice triggers a tattooed sigil on your body. A colorful parrot emerged from it, squawking a bit as he adjusted, muttering to himself. “Yeah, yeah, I’m goin!
You trail behind Iago as he disappears into the fog to scout. Just as quickly as he flew off, you see him return frantically. Flapping his wings manically, Iago dives into you, merging back within your body. “TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! TURN AROUND, TURN AROUND!!!” You dash to the side of the path near the cliff that it spirals up, watching as a giant cauldron-born bot charges ahead with a large claymore. The bot skids on the broken path and ends up falling off of the side of the spiral path. You felt it when the bot hit the ground.
Judging by the sounds of mechanical gears clicking, that cauldrot from before wasn’t the only one. You mutter an incantation under your breath while lifting your polearm to use it to cast. The fog around you started to fade and fly away, revealing three mechanical warriors thrice your size in front of you. One raised their legs to approach you, a lounge clunk ringing out with each step they took. The others ready their weapons, and one even locks onto you, ready to deploy its laser beam.
You take a deep breath with your polearm in hand before yelling out and charging the bot that approaches you, using your momentum to run up its leg and scale it. You use your spare hand that holds your polearm to jam it into the optics of the bot, making its whole body stutter. The second bot from earlier fires its beam at you, one you easily avoid, allowing it to hit the bot you were on.
Grabbing the small bag of pixie dust earlier, you sprinkle just a trace amount onto yourself to allow you longer jumps and slow falling. Springing off from the bots leg, you swap your polearm for another weapon. A blaster wouldn’t do much to these guys, you realize, and diving down with a claymore this high up the castle is risky. You instead opt for the bow resting on your back.
Two arrows, two targets. You must hit them both at once unless you want them to smite you out of the air. Pulling the bowstring back and aiming, you close your eyes and focus. The tips of the arrows erupt into blue flames before you release them, watching as blue beams of fiery light hit your target dead in the optics. The sound of them shattering and the feeling of the heat from the arrows you shot die down as the bots fall with a screech of metal.
‘Bullseye! Good going, kiddo; I knew showing you how to use some fire would come in handy. No need to thank me!’ You scoff a bit at Lord Hades' sass. ‘Come on, let's get to the top already and show these bastards what’s coming!’ Iago squawks a bit at you from earlier. ‘You’re crazy, you know?!’ You chuckle a bit, using your slow falling to land carefully. 
Without the fog covering everything in front of you, you look around where the sanctum is. You have crossed the bridge you needed to. Now you were looking up at a sheer mountain that pierced the clouds above it. The spiraling staircase that led up to it was in ruins. If you fly, they will spot you and shoot you down, and there were no waterfalls to try and swim up. Your only hope was to climb and use what remains of the stairs as a cover.
Right as you go to climb, you are reminded that if there is a god, they hate you. Black clouds swirl and form around the sanctum tower above you. Lightning strikes, and it begins to pour down rain and hail. You let out a breath and ignored the wind and cold water hitting you as you used bandaged hands to grasp onto the side of the cliff, making your way up. At some point, you start climbing one-handed, using your other hand to adjust your mask, and pull out a sword as you hear squelching from above.
You were on autopilot from doing this for so long, adventuring and fighting. You didn’t even realize that you were hacking down flying abominations of flesh that tried to attack you as you braved the weather and rock you climbed. “So after this… then what?” You say aloud; there was no one around you, and no need to be overly stealthy anyways.
‘I dunno, actually, we’re not the heroes that got a happy ending.’ Hades huffs bitterly, his voice getting quiet. You remember what the seven have told you of their pasts. Though they didn’t tell you everything, you couldn’t help but feel bad for their treatment. ‘Villains never get a happy ending, yet all those spoiled brats that ruined their lives do!’ Mary huffs. The Red Queen's anger is quieter, like she gets when she’s down. You frown with her.
‘I say we take over this kingdom as our own.’ A vizier offers, just to get denied by a tired growl. ‘Honestly, after years of this, I don't see why you can’t just rest and ‘retire’ as you humans say…’ ‘What the fuck do you mean by retire?!” Flotsam sasses, both questioning and scandalized, making you and Ursula chuckle.
‘Enough. This isn’t our decision to make. This is up to them.’ Maleficent’s voice reverberates in your head. You pause your climbing for a moment as a moment of realization washes over you. For once, you were going to be free. To be in charge of your own life! To no longer be hit or starved, or taken advantage of ever again! The sound of squelching from a flying eyeball snaps you out of your thoughts. You huff and use your sword to slice it down the center before it even has a chance to hit you.
Your spare hand put the sword away for a minute to feel your pocket. The bulkiness of Gabriela’s gem in your pocket comforts you as you remember her words from earlier. “I think maybe… having a place of my own would be nice. But exploring also sounds fun…” You hum as you slash down a few more bats and other enemies. “Make friends… explore… I think I just really want some stability in my life… I don’t know. I never thought I’d make it this far.”
‘Is the little guppy thinking of someone?~’ Ursula teases. ‘Is it that little mermaid friend of yours?’ You puff out your cheeks slightly. “I mean, she did say to visit her after all of this…” Ursula pauses thoughtfully; you think she is getting ready to tease you again. ‘Little you loved the ocean. I’m sure you will find peace within the waves.’ ‘Oh, how I would love to host parties and have fun and start a big rose garden!’ ‘Regardless, I have no intention of allowing you to slack off after this is all over. Your manners and knowledge in all things shall be refined! You are to be cultured and strong.’ ‘Queen Grimhilde is right, little one. You have plenty of talent and potential that I refuse to let you waste.’ Jafar replies. 
‘Did I not just say to let the child decide for themselves? Despicable…’ ‘Now, now, my lady,' Diaval soothes, and you can hear Grimhilde’s Raven chuckle. ‘I’m sure we are all just excited that this will all be over soon.’
Aside from the enemies and the occasional turret you would have to dodge, the climb went by pretty quickly. You looked down at the clouds from where you were before gripping onto the very top of the mountain and pulling yourself up. You were right in front of the door to the sanctum. You stroll, allowing yourself some time to breathe and take in the view of the broken stone plaza and the clouds and setting sun that surrounded you. The stained glass walls of the sanctum were still beautiful, even when some strange inky substance was covering them.
Yet, despite the astounding feat of strength you displayed, some idiots had the gall to try and stop you. You allowed the few guards there were to charge at you before quickly stepping out the way and letting them stumble. Mages and soldiers shook in their boots as you approached them, their weapons drawn and pointed.
You huff, waving your hand to collect the rainwater around you into a ball of concentrated magic as a few more guards swung at you with predictable attacks. You easily dodged them without a single scratch on you as you unleashed the spell onto the other mages and guards that looked like they had some fight in them, knocking them down but not damaging them… yet…
“I do not have time for this. Either you die here, or you let me in. Killing you would be so much quicker than a hypnosis spell. Do you all understand?” The mages and the guards looked up at you, some shaking, some nodding. “Good. Now out of my sight if you know what’s good for you.” You walk forward, allowing the men and women from before to scramble out of your way. ‘They grow up so fast!’ Hades sniffs, and you can feel a rare chuckle from Queen Grimhilde. ‘I taught you well.’
You allowed yourself to take off your mask and breath the fresh and thin air around you. The smell of wet concrete and gravel was comforting after having to do so much while stuck in a stuffy mask. Pushing open the loud wooden door to the sanctum, you strode in, taking in the vastness and beauty of it all.
The area inside was a giant circle with a few wooden benches and notes, probably from the mages earlier. The floor was decorated with a beautiful mosaic depicting the black cauldron. The reflections from the stained glass windows highlighted the room beautifully. It was so quiet you could hear the thunder and pitter-patter of the rain against glass.
A large chalk sigil was drawn on the wall in the front of the room, and in the center was a glowing ruby—the magic barrier control. You grabbed your claymore with one hand and held it over your head. Magic surged through you before you slammed the claymore down, shattering the ruby. You paused a bit before smiling to yourself. You did it! You really did it! Now the others can invite the castle grounds, and this battle will be won! The war will be over! Before you can even go outside to check if the barriers are genuinely down, a low guttural voice interrupts you.  
“We meet again, you traitor child.”
Your heartbeat quickened and pounded in your head. Gripping your blade, you turned to see him—the Horned King in all his decaying glory. The skeletal figures rotting eyes bore into yours as his robes flowed in the wind. “Do you really think you can kill what is already dead?” The skeletal freak lets out a dry cackle that echoes in the room.
“Fine then, child. Allow us to settle what you started years ago.”
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xxxtyty · 2 months
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Prince-ish (part 1)
(Noncon, power struggle, transman, transphobia, fantasy)
The sun danced lazily through the delicate sheers, casting dappled shadows across the ornate tapestries that adorned the royal chamber. The scent of lavender and honeysuckle wafted in through the open window, mingling with the salt tang of the sea. It was a perfect summer's day, and the Prince sat back in the warm tub of water, toying with the rose petals that floated along the surface
He let out a contented sigh, reveling in the quiet solitude of the moment. It was a rare occasion indeed when he was able to indulge in such a simple pleasure without the constant scrutiny of his advisors and courtiers. His long, thick hair lay splayed out behind him like a dark, liquid curtain, hiding the smooth, supple curves of his back from view.
The royal advisor, Lord Vurren, stepped through the doorway, a look of shock etched on his usually composed features. The Prince didn’t hear him come in, his back to the man, humming softly as the sun shined on his soft pale skin. The advisor didn’t expect to see him like this. But still, he has seen many a royal man in the nude, this was no He stays quiet for a moment, about to speak up, when the prince sits up, stretching out of the tub and pulling at his length of hair. He had more curves than the advisor remembered, and then he saw something he didn’t expect: small, bulbous, female breasts.
Lord Vurren's mouth drops open, his heart racing. The Prince was a woman. He had been deceiving everyone. Turning back towards the tub, seemingly unaware of his presence. Pale skin glistens in the sunlight, and the prince lets out a contented sigh.
The advisors blood boils, anger rising in him. This stupid brat. How long could they claim a ruse like this? DI’d they expect no consequences?
"What do you think you're doing?" Lord Vurren demands in a forced hushness, his voice shaking with rage. The Prince turns to face him, with a look of confusion and fear.
“How long did you think you could hide this?”
The Prince opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. He'd never meant to deceive anyone; he felt like a man and rose to his responsibilities.
"You know this changes everything," Lord Vurren says, his voice cold and hard. "You cannot continue to rule as a woman."
The Prince's face crumples, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. "But I am a man."
Lord Vurren laughs, a harsh, bitter sound. "You really think so?” He asks, swiftly moving closer. The prince tries to pull away, but the bathtub holds him still.
"You may think you're a man, and you may act like one, but you can't change the facts." He leans in, his hot breath on the back of the prince’s neck as he comes up from behind.
“Shhhh… scream and all your guards will find out the liar you are.”
Lord Vurren's hot, moist breath tickles the Prince's ear as his fingers close around his exposed, feminine breast. The Prince arches his back, gasping in shock and pain, but Lord Vurren's grip is unyielding.
"This is what a woman looks like," he whispers, squeezing harder. "This is what you are. This is who you are." His other hand moves down, under the water, between the prince’s soft thighs.
The Prince lets out a strangled cry, more from shock than pain, and Lord Vurren chuckles darkly. "See? That's what a woman sounds like." His fingers part the prince's folds, finding the small, hard bud of flesh within. "And this," he says, rubbing it roughly, "is what a woman feels like."
The Prince tries to pull away again, but Lord Vurren's grip is too strong. "You cannot be our ruler," he says, his voice growing harsher as he forces the truth upon the prince. "You cannot lead us into war, you cannot make the hard decisions, you cannot father an heir."
The Prince's eyes widen, horror filling them. "No, please," he whispers. "I can." But Lord Vurren laughs, a cruel, mocking sound.
He twists the Prince's nipple roughly, hard enough to make the prince cry out in pain. "You think you can lead this kingdom? You're nothing but a helpless, pathetic thing. A woman." His hand slides further down, finding the Prince's wet, exposed flesh. He pushes two fingers inside, feeling the Prince's body yield and accommodate his intrusion.
The Prince's eyes roll back in his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please, stop," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own breath.
Lord Vurren's fingers thrust deeper into the Prince's body, finding his entrance slick with desire and pain. The Prince gasps, arching his back as Lord Vurren forces him further onto the edge of the tub. "You think you're in control here?" he snarls, his voice thick with lust and anger. "You're nothing but a woman. And a woman is a set of holes."
He pulls his fingers out, only to thrust them back in harder, faster. The Prince cries out, his body convulsing around Lord Vurren's hand. "Feel this empty hole, empty womb," Lord Vurren continues, his breath hot against the Prince's ear.
With his other hand, he grabs the Prince's hair, yanking his head back roughly. The Prince's eyes fly open, tears streaming down his face. Lord Vurren forces the Prince's mouth open, thrusting his fingers deeper, harder. The Prince tries to gag on his own sobs, but Lord Vurren is relentless. "This is what a woman is," he growls, his voice raw with lust and anger. "This is all you are."
His fingers find a rhythm, slamming into the Prince's body over and over, driving him to the brink of orgasm. The Prince's hips buck wildly, trying to find some release from the unyielding grip on his hair. But Lord Vurren only tightens his hold, relishing the power he has over the Prince's helpless body. The Prince just told him off the day before, making him look pathetic in front of the entire royal court. Now was his revenge.
As the Prince's orgasm builds, Lord Vurren pulls his fingers away, watching with a twisted smile as the Prince's body convulses and shudders. “Stand up,” the advisor orders.
The Prince, still gasping for breath, manages to obey. Lord Vurren takes a step back, assessing the damage he's inflicted. The Prince's chest heaves, his nipples still hard and sore from the rough treatment. Blood trickles down his inner thighs, a testament to the force with which Lord Vurren violated him. His eyes dart around the bathroom, haunted and lost.
“Don’t you see you’re a woman now?” The advisor mocks.
“You’re a pathetic excuse of a man,” the prince fires back with rage.
The advisor grabs the princes hair, dragging mercilessly to the royal chambers.
He throws the prince on the bed, straddling him. His hand reaches for the Prince's throat, squeezing it tightly. The Prince struggles beneath him, his eyes bulging. Lord Vurren leans down, whispering into the Prince's ear.
“How does it feel to be powerless?” He smiles darkly, slapping the thick breasts of the “Prince”.
The Prince gasps for air, his chest heaving. He tries to squirm out from under Lord Vurren, but the advisor's grip is like steel. He looks up at Lord Vurren, hatred and fear warring in his eyes.
Lord Vurren chuckles darkly, his breath hot against the Prince's neck. "Oh, you think you can resist me?" he asks, his voice cold and cruel. "You are nothing but a woman now, a weak, pathetic thing. A woman."
With one swift motion, Lord Vurren rolls him over and spanks him hard, the sound echoing through the room. Tears stream down his face, but Lord Vurren shows no mercy. He continues to spank him, harder and harder, until the Prince is sobbing uncontrollably.
"How does it feel to be nothing?" Lord Vurren asks, his voice cold and mocking. "To be reduced to this pathetic, helpless thing?" He pauses, grabbing a fistful of the Prince's hair, pulling his head back roughly. "To know that you will never again be the man you once were?" He grabs a fistful of the princes hair, making him look up at the mirror that faces them.
The Prince looks into the mirror, his eyes wide with horror. It was the body of a woman. His breasts are swollen and reddened from Lord Vurren's rough handling, and his body aches from the relentless spanking. He tries to speak, to protest, but no words come out.
Lord Vurren's hand tightens in his hair, forcing the Prince to look deeper into his own eyes. "This is who you are now," he says, his voice cold and merciless. "This is what you are. You are nothing but a woman, a pathetic, dressed up little princess"
The words cut like a knife, and the Prince feels a fresh wave of tears welling up in his eyes. He tries to struggle against Lord Vurren, but it's useless. He's trapped beneath the advisor's strong, cruel body. The mirror reflects his every movement, every tear, every gasp for breath.
Lord Vurren continues to hold the Prince's hair, forcing him to look at his own reflection. "You’re going to feel this like a woman, too,” he teases cruelly as he shoves his trousers down.
The Prince gasps in horror as he feels the advisor's hard cock against his sore entrance. Lord Vurren leans down, his breath hot against the Prince's neck. "Youre going to take me like a good girl," he growls.
The Prince tries to twist away, but Lord Vurren's grip on his hair is painfully tight. He feels the advisor's body press against his, the heat and strength of him. He shudders as Lord Vurren pushes inside, slowly penetrating his body. It feels like a violation beyond anything he's ever experienced.
Lord Vurren begins to thrust, his hips slapping against the Prince's ass with each movement. The Prince tries to squirm away, but there's nowhere to go. He feels tears streaming down his face, hot and salty. "Please," he whispers, "please stop."
But Lord Vurren only laughs, his breath hot against the Prince's ear. "Oh, no, my little princess," he says mockingly. "This is just the beginning."
He begins to thrust harder, faster, his hips slapping against the Prince's ass with brutal force. The Prince cries out in pain and humiliation, feeling as though he's being torn apart. Lord Vurren reaches around, roughly grabbing one of the Prince's breasts, squeezing it cruelly as he continues to pound into him.
The Prince tries to focus on something, anything else, to take his mind off the agony. His eyes dart around the room, landing on the ornate tapestries hanging on the walls, the massive four-poster bed they're in, the gleaming silver chandelier above them. But no matter where he looks, he can't escape the image of himself in the mirror, his body being used and abused by Lord Vurren.
With each brutal thrust, the Prince's body is pushed deeper into the mattress, the softness a cruel irony against the pain he feels. He tries to summon the strength to fight back, to push Lord Vurren off of him, but his limbs feel like jelly, his body numb from the onslaught. The advisor's hips slam into him again and again, each impact sending a wave of agony through the Prince's body.
“You’re my good little girl, aren’t you,”
Lord Vurren pants between gritted teeth, his voice twisted with pleasure and dominance. The Prince whimpers, unable to speak. He feels as if he's been torn in two, his body no longer his own. Lord Vurren's hand reaches between them, roughly fondling the Prince's swollen sex as he continues to thrust. The sensation is almost unbearable, and the Prince feels himself starting to climax against his will.
He looks through the mirror at Lord Vurren, pleading with the advisor to stop, but Lord Vurren only smirks down at him, his eyes cold and merciless. He pushes harder, faster, and the Prince feels as though he's about to explode. His body tenses, and with a hoarse cry, he orgasms around Lord Vurren's cock. The advisor follows suit, letting out a guttural groan as he releases himself deep inside the Prince.
Lord Vurren collapses on top of the Prince, their sweaty bodies pressed together. He rolls off of him a moment later, chuckling darkly. "There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The Prince looks at him in horror, unable to believe the words that have just left his mouth. He tries to get up, but his body feels weak and numb. The advisor is pulling on his pants unceremoniously. .
"You're lucky I don't have to tell anyone about this," Lord Vurren continues, straightening his clothes. "Or else you'd be in even more trouble than you are now. Just remember your place, my little princess. I make the decisions for you. No questions. Got it?”
The Prince looks up at him, his eyes filled with hate and disgust. He wants to lash out, to fight back, but he knows he can't. He can only nod weakly.
Lord Vurren smirks, clearly enjoying the Prince's discomfort. "Good girl. Now, why don't you get dressed and we'll get back to work. There are important decisions to be made, after all." He steps away, giving the Prince some space.
The Prince slowly pulls himself together, struggling to ignore the pain between his legs and the stickiness that coats his skin. He dresses as quickly as he can, wanting nothing more than to get away from Lord Vurren and the memory of what just happened. But as he follows the advisor out of the bedroom, he knows that there is no escape. Lord Vurren has complete control over him now.
They return to the study, where several members of the court are waiting anxiously. The Prince sits down at his desk, feeling the weight of his newfound lack of power.
As Lord Vurren takes his seat across from him, the Prince steels himself for another round of verbal assaults. Instead, Lord Vurren begins discussing the day's business in a calm, almost conversational tone. The Prince listens carefully, trying to understand the complex web of politics and alliances that have been woven around him.
He feels a sense of relief as Lord Vurren's attention seems to be elsewhere, but it's short-lived. The advisor casually leans over, his breath hot against the Prince's ear. "Don't think you're off the hook just yet, my little pet," he whispers. "We'll be revisiting our little secret very soon." The Prince feels a chill run down his spine at Lord Vurren's words, but he forces himself to maintain a neutral expression.
When it comes time to make a major decision, all eyes turn to the prince. But the advisor speaks up. “I strongly advise you reconsider peace with the nations to the south. We must send more spies.”
With slight hesitation, he just nods.
“But sire, are you sure?” One man asks terrified.
The prince looks to the advisor, who gives a smirk. He nods back at the advisor. He can feel the blood rushing to his face as he speaks. His voice is barely above a whisper, but it echoes throughout the room. "Yes. Lord Vurren's advice is sound. We will heed it." There's a moment of silence as everyone processes his words.
One man, clearly unhappy with the decision, tries to argue. "But sire, we have made great strides in peace talks! We could be on the brink of something historic!" The prince glares at him, anger and frustration welling up inside him. More arguing, more holding ground… more people that are beginning to turn against him.
Finally, Lord Vurren speaks up, his voice silencing the room. "Your highness, perhaps it would be best to reconsider your choice of advisors. There are those here who are more loyal to the kingdom than others." He pauses, looking pointedly at the dissenting man. "Perhaps it is time for a change."
It was the princes favorite. Lord curren has been against him from the start… now he was attempting to unseat him from his possision. The prince nods solemly, hating what he was doing. “You’re right, lord vurren.”
There are gasps of surprise around the room, but no one dares to interrupt. The prince looks at the man he had grown to trust, to respect. He can see the disappointment in his eyes, the betrayal.
Lord Vurren grins slyly as the guards lead the only uncorrupted man in the room away.
The rest of the meeting passes in a blur. The prince signs the orders, agrees to the treaties, and dismisses the courtiers. When at last the room is empty and quiet, Lord Vurren approaches him once more.
"Well, Your Highness," he says with a smirk, "I trust that was a lesson well learned. Now you understand the importance of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer." The Prince nods numbly, unable to meet his gaze. "Oh, and don't forget about our little arrangement. You wouldn't want me to tell everyone about your... indiscretions, would you?"
The weight of the day presses down on the Prince like an anvil. He can feel his resolve beginning to crumble under the relentless pressure of Lord Vurren's control. The thought of living the rest of his life as a puppet, constantly balancing on the edge of humiliation and destruction, is almost too much to bear.
The next morning, no servants wake him. Instead, he feels a caressing of his ass.
"You're not going anywhere," Lord Vurren whispers into his ear, his hot breath sending shivers down the Prince's spine. "Not until I say so." The Prince tries to move, to protest, but he's pinned down by unseen forces. He feels a cold, hard object press against his asshole. "Now, be a good princess and take what's yours."
The Prince's body tenses, his face flushing with humiliation and rage. But he knows that to resist now would be futile. He steels himself, preparing for the pain and degradation that is to come.
Lord Vurren pushes the cold, hard object deeper into the Prince's body, grunting with satisfaction as he does so. The Prince's eyes water from the intrusion, but he refuses to make a sound.
"That's it," Lord Vurren breathes. "Just relax and take it. You're going to feel so full... so owned."
The Prince tries to focus on breathing through the pain and humiliation, his face flushed and his body trembling beneath Lord Vurren's weight. He feels the cold length of the object inside him, stretching and twisting, filling him up in ways he never thought possible.
“There,” lord Vurren says in satisfaction, the object holding firm inside the prince.
“What… is that?” He asks slowly.
Lord Vurren chuckles darkly. "Why, that's your new sceptre, of course. You'll be using this to rule your kingdom with, from now on." He leans in close, his breath warm against the prince's ear. "And don't you forget it."
The Prince shudders, partly from the cold metal inside him and partly from the realization of what this meant. He was no longer the ruler of his kingdom; he was little more than a puppet. A marionette, dancing to Lord Vurren's twisted tune.
“Now let me feel your little slit…”
Lord Vurren's hands moved lower, forcing the Prince's legs further apart. He felt the cold touch of a finger against his entrance. The Prince tried to close his eyes, to block out the humiliation, but he couldn't help but feel the weight of Lord Vurren's gaze.
"That's right," Lord Vurren murmured, his voice like silk. "Let me see how much you've missed this. How much you still need me." His finger pressed inside, stretching the Prince.
The Prince gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the pain and the humiliation. He felt Lord Vurren's finger twist and probe, searching for a spot deep inside him. "Stop," he managed to choke out. "Please."
Lord Vurren withdrew his finger, only to press a second finger against the Prince's entrance. "Ah, you're so tight," he purred. "So ready for me." He pushed his fingers deeper, stretching the Prince's body to its limits. "And you will be ready for me," he whispered, his breath hot against the Prince's ear. "Whenever I want you."
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thekagehinacafe · 1 year
hiiii bestie ♡♡♡ i've been thinking abt kagehina wanting kids and i was wondering if u'd do something with that?? and can i order it with uhhh blackberry sauce, orange syrup, chocolate syrup and maybe a hint of espresso? tysm i love you !!!
i love u moreee !!! here u go ♡
[domesticity, holding hands, hand kink, implied smut (post-sex pillow talk)]
give you my wild, give you a child
Shoyo is in bed, setting sun peeking slightly through closed curtains, his husband's hands - beautiful, wonderful hands, romantic hands, hands that took him past the moon mere moments ago - lying delicately on his ass, head in his neck. He's nude - he doesn't care where his clothes have gone, stripped hours ago for the desperate need for proximity - and so is Tobio, the fresh bitemarks on his biceps starting to bruise.
Love binds them in this moment. Lust, the frenzy, brought them here, and love keeps them here, not paramours but partners; "til death do we part, my sunshine".
Shoyo feels that wanton hand trail up his waist, to his shoulder blades, to his cheek. Tobio looks so delicately at him, long fingers on smile lines, adoration in his stare.
"I love you," he murmurs, and it's almost romantic, between the sweat and the saliva and the slick.
Shoyo reaches for him, grasping at his hand, holding his palm like a sacred artifact. They lie there, regaining their breath, holding eachother and intertwining fingers, duvet discarded. They are marble statues, post-sex monuments, lewd tapestries.
"I love you too."
Tobio looks down, past his own straight nose and pointed chin.
"Have you ever-" he stumbles, to this day still struggling with sincerity, "-thought about kids?"
Smiling, Shoyo doesn't recoil, but bathes in the idea.
"I'd like that."
"Teaching them volleyball and- and you could make their bento-"
"Why would I have to make the bento, asshole? I wanna teach them to spike!"
Tobio looks grumpy, an old familiar glare that's lost its poison.
"Our kids will be setters, dumbass! And you're a better cook than me! Don't be stupid!"
"I'm not being stupid! You're a better cook than me, idiot!"
They bicker, a tradition of sorts. Hands never leave hands, noses never part, and words continue to pummel without ever causing pain. Their old habits have evolved, but will never leave them.
"And they'd HAVE to be spikers, mean-yama! You can't have a whole team of setters!"
"Fine! We'll have six kids, enough for a team, and I'll teach the setter!"
 Shoyo begins to laugh. How poetic - from arguments as children, which position was better, which was cooler, which got more time with the ball - now to arguments as adults, hand in beloved hand, about children, which position would be better, cooler, get more time with the ball.
History repeats itself in the most romantic of ways.
This, at least, is something Shoyo has always found.
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mayamidnightmelody · 6 days
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My Crush: Alison Brie
Alison Brie, an actress known for her roles in television series like "Community" and "GLOW," exudes a captivating sensuality that transcends mere physical beauty. Her allure stems from a multifaceted blend of charm, talent, and a magnetic presence that effortlessly commands attention.
One aspect of Alison Brie's sensuality lies in her ability to effortlessly embody a wide range of characters with depth and authenticity. Whether she's portraying the sharp-witted Annie Edison in "Community" or the determined wrestler Ruth Wilder in "GLOW," Brie infuses each role with a unique allure that draws viewers in. Her versatility as an actress allows her to navigate complex emotions with ease, adding layers of depth to her performances that resonate on a deeply emotional level.
Beyond her acting prowess, Alison Brie possesses a striking physical beauty that enhances her sensuality. With her luminous eyes, radiant smile, and graceful demeanor, she exudes a timeless elegance that captivates audiences. Her natural charisma is further amplified by her confidence and poise, creating an irresistible magnetism that leaves a lasting impression.
However, what truly sets Alison Brie apart is her ability to embrace her sexuality with confidence and authenticity. Whether she's embodying a sultry femme fatale or a quirky girl-next-door, Brie approaches each role with a fearlessness that allows her to explore the complexities of human desire and intimacy. Her willingness to embrace vulnerability on screen adds an intoxicating layer of authenticity to her portrayals, allowing viewers to connect with her on a deeply personal level.
Moreover, Alison Brie's sensuality extends beyond the confines of the screen, permeating every aspect of her persona. From her effortlessly chic fashion sense to her playful wit and infectious laughter, she exudes a magnetic charm that leaves a lasting impression wherever she goes. Her openness about her own experiences and willingness to engage with fans further reinforces her relatability, fostering a sense of intimacy that transcends the boundaries of celebrity.
In essence, Alison Brie's sensuality is a multifaceted tapestry woven from the threads of talent, beauty, and authenticity. With her captivating presence and unapologetic embrace of her sexuality, she continues to captivate audiences around the world, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape. Whether she's gracing the silver screen or lighting up the red carpet, Alison Brie remains a beacon of sensuality, inspiring admiration and awe in all who have the privilege of experiencing her artistry.
Alison Brie's comfort with baring her body in film roles reflects her confidence, artistic integrity, and commitment to her craft. For her, nudity in movies is not merely about physical exposure but about serving the story and portraying characters with authenticity.
Firstly, Brie's confidence in her own skin allows her to approach nude scenes with a sense of empowerment rather than vulnerability. She sees her body as a tool for artistic expression and is unafraid to showcase it in service of her roles. This confidence stems from a deep understanding and acceptance of her own body, allowing her to navigate nude scenes with grace and poise.
Moreover, Brie's commitment to her craft drives her willingness to explore challenging and provocative roles, even if they require nudity. She understands that nudity can be a powerful storytelling device, providing insight into a character's vulnerability, intimacy, or emotional state. By fully embracing these roles, Brie demonstrates her dedication to portraying characters with honesty and authenticity, regardless of the physical demands involved.
Additionally, Brie's openness to nudity in film reflects her artistic integrity and willingness to push boundaries in pursuit of meaningful storytelling. She understands that not all stories can be told without nudity, and she is willing to confront societal taboos and expectations in order to authentically portray the human experience. This willingness to take risks and challenge conventions is a testament to her artistic courage and commitment to her craft.
Overall, Alison Brie's comfort with nudity in film is a reflection of her confidence, artistic integrity, and commitment to authentic storytelling. By approaching nude scenes with grace, confidence, and a deep understanding of their narrative significance, she continues to push boundaries and captivate audiences with her bold and compelling performances.
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