#Noel Neil
chernobog13 · 6 months
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"Great Caesar's Ghost! Don't I pay you lot enough to buy more than one set of clothes?"
The Adventures of Superman (1952-1958) television series had an extremely low budget, and generally two seasons' worth of episodes were shot all at once.
As an additional money-saving measure, all Daily Planet scenes for all episodes in a season were shot at the same time in bulk. That is why Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, and Inspector Henderson (if he happened to be visiting the offices) were always in the same outfit. Otherwise the changes in outfits would've driven the script supervisor (known as the script girl back then), who was the person responsible for continuity between shots, absolutely crazy.
It's only when the characters are away from the Daily Planet do you see them in different outfits. Except for Clark. He pretty much wore that same double-breasted suit through all 104 episodes.
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craigfernandez · 1 year
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enidonline · 10 months
Even more since the last ones got so much love
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The poets as random TikTok screenshots
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Mr Keating
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toddanderrperry · 1 month
ATTENTION DPS FANS: i’m rewriting the Dead Poets Society book right now! I just finished the first scene in the chapel with the four pillars and where Neil and Todd talk to Nolan with their parents. I’m taking script from the actual movie and book but improvising it. This will transcend the book, END HAPPILY (no neil death, no fired keating, no expelled charlie), and go on through their sophomore, junior, and senior years because I want this to be very long! It will be Neil/Todd-centric with ships of temporary Knox/Chris, endgame Knox/Charlie, Ginny/Chris, and Meeks/Pitts. It is on ao3 under @/mqddiegh.
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toddtakefive · 2 months
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uhmmm cheesed to feet you / more of these cause it’s been forever since i posted to last ones, obligatory disclaimer that some of these are kinda old
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starcrime · 1 month
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dead poets society (1989)
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ar0ace-m3ss · 2 months
No matter how many times I reread good omens, I can never picture Michael Sheen and David Tennant- I always picture Aziraphale as Richard Ayoade and crowley as Noel fielding
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puns-and-musicals · 4 months
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@sparrowflysouth and I watched Dead Poets Society for the first time the other night. We had some thoughts.
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radiofree-america · 1 month
I made some things
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2lnteu · 6 months
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Everyone is here !
That was actually really fun to draw
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dogguq · 6 months
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craigfernandez · 1 year
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pingunaa · 3 days
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amorisastrum · 7 days
What if the Knox and Chris sub-plot had meaning?
Okay I'm starting this post off by restating my downright hatred for Knox. I do not like his character, what he did was wrong, it's creepy and fucking disgusting. I will however like to talk about how his relationship with Chris could have potentially added to the story.
We all know (at least I hope) that practically everything in this film has meaning. I had spent ages wondering why they thought it was a good idea to include this frankly ridiculous sub plot to the story. And then I thought about it. Like really thought about it. I don't exactly remember what I was doing when I thought about it, but I do know that I had DPS playing in the background. (I initially thought about this on April 7th. It is May 29th when I am typing this up.)
So, here are all my reasons as to why I think they added the Knox and Chris sub-plot!
My first point is about this scene:
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I believe that this line could be a form of foreshadowing. Yes, it is Knox being a dramatic and insufferable prick but it also feels like it could be more. Obviously it isn't Knox who dies in the end, but the idea of not being able to have something leading to suicide feels very important to the story.
Neil is unable to achieve a career in acting because of his father. As well as this, he is being taken away from his family. His real family. By not being able to have this thing that he so desperately wants, he feels like there is no other solution than death.
Knox says that if he can't have Chris he will kill himself, Neil has practically everything he loves stripped away from him- he cannot have it. So... He kills himself. There is a lot of foreshadowing in this film that hints to Neil's death at the end of the film and I do truly believe that this is a part of that foreshadowing.
My next point is that it is used as a form of contrast.
We see that Knox is extremely open about his attraction to Chris... In a multitude of ways, repeatedly throughout the film. Whether his actions that show his attraction are good or not is a different matter (Knox... God how I hate you.)
Arguably this is used as a juxtaposition. Knox (and Chris?) are relatively open about their attraction to one another- while Neil and Todd are very closed off about it. It is never explicitly stated that Neil and Todd like each other in that way, but through subtext it is heavily implied.
Why might this be? Well, considering the film is set in 1959, it could be because homosexuality simply wasn't legal at this point in time. Neil and Todd weren't allowed to be open about liking each other. Being open about it could put them in danger, they had no choice but to stay quiet.
However, as well as a contrast, it poses similarities between Knox and Chris and Neil and Todd. By setting up this contrast, it only brings to the surface some quite significant similarities.
Because let's be real.
How can THIS be a look of true love...
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And THIS not be?
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Or falling in love or admiring one's beauty or WHATEVER you want to call it. That's not the point. The point is, they're not that different.
You can see similarities between Knox's behaviour towards Chris and Todd's behaviour towards Neil (and vice versa). One of the main similarities is, well, how they look at one another. I personally don't see how the way Knox and Chris look at each other is true love but the way Todd and Neil look at one another is just... Them being roommates.
The juxtaposition between the two sets of people (I didn't know how else to say this) just doesn't seem accidental. The constant mention of Knox's feelings and love towards Chris just makes the way Neil and Todd interact more obviously... Romantic? Loving?
Their love is stated to allow the audience to see how similar they are to Todd and Neil, while still sticking to one of the key concepts of the film - conformity. Neil and Todd having to conform to societal standards, not being able to share their love for one another.
Knox's feelings for Chris are explicitly stated, repeatedly, because Todd's and Neil's can't. It makes it more noticeable. Neil and Todd's feelings can't really be stated due to the law. So they do it with Knox instead. The similarities can be seen throughout the film in how Knox treats Chris and how Neil and Todd treat one another.
Because again, how can Knox look at Chris like that and that show that he is in love, but Neil look at Todd like that and that just be... Them being friends?
The answer is, it can't. Not really.
Although Knox is a lot more explicit with his feelings towards Chris than the other two are with one another, the feelings they have are the same. Whether it is portrayed in the same way or not, it's love.
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augiewrites · 7 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 4)
summary: y/n finds yet another note in their desk and sees something interesting on a late night walk home from the library
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count : 1.1k
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a/n: i think this is my favorite chapter so far—thanks for all the love on this story :)
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Y/N didn’t receive another letter that week. Doubt was swirling in their mind—what if their admirer had lost interest? Maybe they met a real, feasible person and forgot about them. The endless swirl of scenarios was eating them alive. They needed a distraction, but they knew it wouldn’t do much for them. Their mind bounced straight back to their poet during any moment of silence.
They had taken Meeks and Pitts up on their offer to study with them, and they found themselves growing increasingly fond of the two boys. Y/N would be elated if their poet turned out to be anything like them.
Passion was a rare commodity at Welton, and dissent was especially hard to come by. Y/N had been beginning to feel as though they were the only person unhappy with being forced into conformity—or, at least, the only person willing to vocalize their discontent.
That changed as they got to know Meeks, Pitts, and, in turn, the random assortment of boys that popped in during these study sessions. They had forgotten how good it felt to speak their mind to non judgmental ears. Hell, even the ever-bashful Todd Anderson was slowly coming out of his shell in their presence.
The only issue, of course, was Charlie Dalton.
There was just something about the boy that got under their skin.
The line between confidence and arrogance was extremely thin, and Charlie was constantly teetering along that threshold. 
If there were a social hierarchy within the group, Charlie was at the top of it—and the boy was well aware. The other boys were often onlooking Charlie’s antics with a noticeable level of admiration.
Y/N knew that there had to be another layer behind—far behind—the boy’s often pompous attitude. After all, at every teenager’s core is a half-child that wants nothing more than to feel a sense of belonging. A level of vulnerability that most teenage boys don’t want being observed.
A level of vulnerability that Y/N didn’t stick around long enough to see in Charlie Dalton.
The boy in question was currently reciting an excerpt from Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew.
“Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth,
Unapt to toil and trouble in the world,
But that our soft conditions and our hearts
Should well agree with our external parts?”
Y/N couldn’t help but think that his voice was quite nice—velvety and assured.
They shook the thought from their mind and opened up their desk. A gasp was suppressed at the sight of a neatly folded piece of stationary atop their mess.
Eager hands unfolded the parchment as discreetly as possible.
Darling Y/N,
Did you know that you get this adorable wrinkle between your eyebrows when you’re frustrated? I love seeing it almost as much as the dimple of your cheek when you smile.
In shadows cast by moonlight's gentle gleam, A heart entwined in love's elusive dream. Captivated by a smile so divine, Another's joy, a radiant sign.
Each curve and grace, a sunlit dance, Ignites a flame, a tender trance. In stolen glances, a world unfolds, Where every story of passion is told.
A symphony in the heart's soft sigh, A love that blossoms, soaring high. With every grin, a melody sweet, Two souls in rhythm, destined to meet. I hope to see that smile again soon.
x, Yours.
Y/N’s entire body was buzzing as they flipped to a blank page of their notebook.
In crowds unknown, a face concealed, Yet a whispering heart, its fate revealed. Mystery veils, like a silent star, In the vast unknown, I find you, afar.
No words exchanged, no history traced, Yet in your presence, a love embraced. Falling in realms of the unseen,  An enchantment, profound and serene.
Y/N ripped the page out and left it on top of the clutter within their desk. They didn’t look back once when the class was dismissed.
���We should probably head back to the dorms if we don’t want to get reamed for missing bed checks.”
Y/N and Meeks were the only members of their study group left conscious. Charlie was long asleep—spread across the seats of four chairs.
“That’s too bad,” Y/N grinned, “this is the first time I’m actually enjoying Dalton’s company.”
“You always enjoy my company, Y/N,” Charlie muttered with his eyes still shut, “don’t lie to poor Steven.”
“Whatever helps you rest easy.”
Meeks just shook his head. the ghost of an amused smile threatening his lips, “you live in the East wing, right? One of us should walk with you.”
“I think I’ll survive, Meeks,” Y/N said on a laugh, “you need to be getting back to tuck Pitts in, anyway.”
The two exchanged good nights and good lucks on the Latin oral the next day before Y/N left Meeks in charge of rousing Charlie.
It was uncharacteristically warm for late January, and Y/N decided to take the slightly longer scenic route back to their dorm. They would happily be chastised for getting back slightly after curfew if it meant they were able to be outside for a while and still be able to feel all their limbs.
A hushed giggle floated across the courtyard, snapping Y/N out of their thoughts. They spotted a familiar head of shaggy brown hair accompanied by another with perfectly curled blonde locks.
“Knox, really,” another giggle, “I have to go.”
“C’mon, Chris. Just a couple more minu—” his head snapped toward the sound of Y/N’s soft footsteps. The panic in his expression quickly melted into relief and a sly smile.
“Hurry, Chris! Hide,” he gently pushed the girl behind him, “we have a spy on our hands.”
Y/N stuck their hands in their coat pockets, feeling as though they were the one caught instead of the couple before them.
“Just an innocent bystander, I swear,” Y/N shot them a sheepish smile.
Chris nudged Knox, looking much more anxious than the boy.
He startled, glancing between Chris and Y/N with a soft, “oh.”
“Chris, this is Y/N—a friend of the poets,” poets? “Y/N, this is Chris, my girlfr—”
“His friend,” Chris interrupted, “it’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
Knox held a hand over his heart, feigning offense, “she’s just in denial. Girlfriend.”
“Denial is probably the safest option here. Smart woman,” Y/N smirked at the boy, “I should be getting back. I’ll let you two…finish up here.”
Y/N barely registered the pair’s goodbyes as they walked away. Their thoughts were in overdrive.
I guess it’s not Knox. I should have realized that sooner. I guess that pathetic poem really wooed Chris. Y/N laughed lightly to themselves. What did he mean, “a friend of the poets”? 
The more Y/N found out, the more confusing it all felt.
part five
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