#Need conk crete
riftgoddess · 7 months
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Absolutely destroyed this stone shore for gravel
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belligerentbagel · 1 year
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in every universe
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noneedtofearorhope · 2 months
I saw your post about dam removal. I know.
Dams can have quite a significant environmental impact But aren't they also one of the Best forms of clean power generation. Is there not a way to make dams with very little Environmental impact but still have good power. It's just that removing the dam Doesn't seem like something that would be immediately good especially when we're trying to prevent Climate change.
bottom line is that i believe the primary way to combat climate change is to drastically reduce energy use. without doing research, my first thought would be to use water mills rather than dams. because another advantage there would be the use of sustainable materials. wood can be grown locally and sustainably in a way that would reduce co2, whereas conk crete is like... not that.
oh, one way to make dams with very little environmental impact did just come to mind. beavers! 🤭
but yeah, i think it's better to start with the assumption that electricity will be a thing of the past, and then find ways to work it back in when and where you can do so sustainably (tbh im not sure that's possible, what with the needing of various metals, but im open to the possibility)
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animalfreek · 2 years
ADHD witch things to do when you feel like you'll go insane if you don't do something immediately
Obv these are things I do that significantly help when I suddenly get the ADHD mega zoomies and need to redirect my energy. These are also specific witchy things!
Go for a walk! Sounds basic, but go outside and walk for a little bit. See if you can identify any flowers or trees you see along the way. When you get back you can -
Scrapbook or work on your grimoire! Sometimes I need to do something artsy but regular drawing isn't doing it for me. This is a great way to be creative, focus on something, and it keeps both hands busy. Write down a new spell and add some flair, or jot down the plants you could identify outside. Look up their magickal properties and put that down too! You never know when you might need the information.
Water your plants or tend to your garden! I'm personally awful at remembering to water my plants 💀 so I mostly have succulents that require little to no water. Still, when I think about it I go take care of them! Water, clean up any dead leaves, and trim if it needs it
Play with your pets! It's very important to have a strong bond with your pets, and the perfect way to strengthen it is by playing! The perfect time to play is during a zoomie moment. Get down on all fours with them and get in the moment! Roll around with them! Your pet will undoubtedly love it. (Also good for my fellow therians)
Take your pet outside! If you have one that you can't play with like this, such as reptiles, birds, or other animal, then take them outside if you can! Default loves to sit on the conk crete in the sun or run around in the grass. Just make sure you keep a close eye on them.
Talk to your deity! If you're a huge verbal stimmer like I am then you probably love talking, whether it makes sense or not. If you're working with a deity, talk to them! Tell them about your day, get theatrical, use big movements to accentuate your words and act like you're putting on a play for them of your day's events!
Reorganize your altar or shrine space! One of my absolute favorite things to do when I'm having a certified ADHD Moment™ is to clean. I'll move everything off the shelf, wipe it down, wipe down the objects, and then put them back in a new order! This keeps things fresh and interesting.
Spend some time with your deck! Haven't used your tarot cards in a while? Take some time to learn a new way to shuffle them, a new spread, or brush up on the cards and their meanings. Organize the cards and put them in order again! This can "reset" the energy in your deck, like cleansing!
Put some good energy into your space! Turn on your favorite songs and just get jiggy with it! Dance like nobody's watching and feel good! Fill your space with that happy, giddy energy!!!
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luimagines · 6 months
Hi, I'm sorry for this but I've been thinking of a Philomena Cunk like reader with the chain and one of her iconic words,"Brutalism is when there’s concrete. The more conk they crete, the more brutalismer it is." Or the “It’s hard to believe I’m walking through the ruins of the first ever city… because I’m not. That’s in Iraq, which is miles away and fucking dangerous.” these are the one's that stuck with me, and I've been laughing at it (I think I need help😭) (this reader is also pretty unhinged 🌝)
Admittedly, I had to look this up.
"The more conk they crete..." Oh my god. XD
This would probably be the most chaotic reader in history. Enough to drive even The Chain into wondering how on earth they're even still alive and kicking.
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
every time I type "omar rudberg" into the tags to tag a post I get absolutely sandblasted into the conk crete because one time. ONE TIME. i used the tag "omar got mike wazowski'd". the absolute mental distress i feel because i forget every time until im reblogging a photo of Omar. and it's fucking There. it's the first tag suggestion every time.
i just need to impart the knowledge that every time I reblog a photo of him you have to understand I suffer through "Omar is so pretty this isn't fucking FAIR lemme reblo- OH FUCK OH GOD MIKE WAZOWSKI'D!!!!!!!" and feeling like my brain was placed in a jar of jello as I attempt to start typing Rudberg so that the tag Goes Away.
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esspurrr · 7 months
im gonna build this lighthouse in my survival world when i get home but i need fuck tons of Conk Crete (and dye)
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sablegear0 · 11 months
So I need to blog about Kairo, because the computers and tunnels post reminded me of this strange and beautiful game.
Kairo is what I can only describe as a surreal Brutalist walking sim puzzler. Yes, as in “the more conk they crete, the more Brutalismer it is” Brutalism. I hope you like concrete textures and cubes because Kairo has a lot of that. It’s also among the handful of games that I think have irreversibly altered my brain chemistry (positive).
Kairo came out in 2013, so I wasn’t that young and impressionable at the time, but something in this game definitely struck a chord with me. It’s relaxed, contemplative, minimalistic. Scenic despite the simplicity of it, calming despite the starkness around you. Take a look at the Steam page linked above for some screenshots to get a sense of the visual style. (I used to have a bunch of screenshots I used for desktop backgrounds at one time but they seem to have vanished, so I unfortunately am not including images in this post.)
It’s a lot of simple, geometric, Brutalism-adjacent structures in various coloured light washes. But it’s... pretty in its own way. I think this was the piece of media that helped me come around to this sort of aesthetic. Previously, like the computers-and-tunnels post, I liked a grungier, more complicated feel to my industrial spaces, a la the Half-Life games. Bit Kairo... Kairo was serene.
The sound design, too, reflects this calm starkness of everything. The soundtrack is super ambient and synthy, usually calming and occasionally spooky. There are only two tracks I could even say come close to being “intense,” those being the menu theme and one particular area that seems designed to put you a bit on edge. The artist Wounds does a great job of conveying the empty, otherworldly vistas of Kairo. (It’s great reading music, too. Check it out here.)
I was rapt when I first found it, though it certainly helped that a favourite YouTuber at the time was how I discovered it. (Playlist here, KurtJMac’s run is commentated but he’s pretty lowkey overall.)
The puzzles range from extremely simple perspective/movement puzzles to moderately challenging password puzzles, excluding two notably obtuse examples - one where you have to memorize a series of notes and play them back in a room very far away, and another that (ideally) requires you to collaborate with other players to reveal the whole solution. Both of these thankfully are optional, and can be looked up online now that the game has been out for ages. Both, I believe, are also required for the game’s secret (not “true”) ending.
I’m not sure what else to say other than give it a try/watch it. I really cant recommend it enough, honestly. It’s very cheap on Steam and isn’t terribly long, complicated, or hardware-demanding. (Though if you do play it, I recommend turning off the visual-noise filter in the settings. It’s easier to look at and looks better without it.) Kairo is less a game and more a powerful vibe, I guess? It’s a walking sim with some puzzles in it, but it has a very unique feel to it. On reflection I think it’s due for a comeback; it has a lot of the “liminal space” feel that internetizens seem to be going nuts for lately, but predates it all by a clean decade.
It’s near and dear to my heart, and a game I come back to every now and then for a chill pick-me-up.
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rainydayscore · 9 months
i need to get my conk creted
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sunslants · 9 months
i need to conk lu guang like crete
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saturnmortis · 11 months
Oughhhh I need to smooch conk crete
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scorittanius · 3 months
I think I need my spine to be steamrolled like conk crete
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wizard-from-sasuke · 1 year
i wish it were easier to access nature. i need to get out of conk crete
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chesedelhim · 3 years
Things abt seattle so far
- jesus fuckin christ yall theres so many gddamn people here. "major city" means things in words sure but have you SEEN it
- the last time I was up here was like a lil over a decade ago so I have like, 3 memories of here and I do NOT remember shit being this biglarge
- there is noise all the fucking time forever. I thought my hometown was noisy at night bc u can usually hear the highway from my house. But there is always SOME KIND OF SOUND happening here
- there was like 4000 jesus signs on the way up here and idk what I expected but it wasnt that
- I cannot stress how fucking tall these buildings are. This should be illegal. What the fuck
- I want so badly to just vanish into the woods and go completely off the grid where are your gddamn TREES. we went from like the most beautiful old growth I've seen outside of my mountains to just conk crete.
- the fuck is w the jointed busses. They make me think of caterpillars kinda? Idk why they like. Have them like that but they're neat
- I've seen like. 40 starbucks. Why do you need 5 on one street. I dont get it
- speaking of the streets these ones are so LONG
- I feel like looking up at the wrong time shouldn't be able to blind you bc the mega fucklarge building caught a sunburst at exactly the moment necessary to ensure your retinas now have a tan
- this feels like my downtown but multiplied by like 1000
- (I did the math and this city is like 25× larger and that's just. So much)
- I was told there was gonna be ocean near here and yet have not seen ocean :(
- I havent even been like. Out and about, this was just shit on the way to the hotel, gd help me
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swampgallows · 2 years
after my workouts i go like ‘man that was a lot but it wasnt so tough. i dont feel sore’ then i go to take my shower and its like my legs are made of conk crete LMFAO. today was day 15 of ringfit and my form still needs a lot of work in a lot of ways but im gettin the hang of it and sweatin quite a bit too
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swordmouse · 5 years
A ranking of solid minecraft blocks by edibility
1. Dried Kelp Block, Hay Bale, Melon, Mushroom Stem, Red Mushroom Block, Brown Mushroom Block. These are blocks that you can more or less break into edible components. The best of the best if you’re eating solid minecraft blocks.
2. Blue Ice, Frosted Ice, Ice, Packed Ice, Snow Block. Who doesn’t love to crunch on some ice? Add some flavored syrup and these could be snow cones.
3. Nether Wart Block, Pumpkin. Sort of food-adjacent. You can make pie out of pumpkins, and it really feels like you ought to be able to eat nether wart.
4. Leaves, Carved Pumpkin, Grass Block. You might be able to derive some nutrients from these. Probably won’t be a pleasant meal, though.
5. Purpur Block, Purpur Pillar. I was initially going to put these way lower on the list, until I realized that purpur is made out of cooked fruit, making these blocks technically fruit tarts.
6. Scaffolding. Some bamboo is edible. Dried bamboo with a side of string is less edible.
7. Shulker Box, Slime Block. Are shulkers like insects? Is a shulker box their exoskeleton? Slime blocks might be a bit like lime jello. These blocks are both monster byproducts. Probably both edible. Definitely not vegetarian.
8. Coral Block, Bone Block, Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks, Infested Cobblestone, Infested Cracked Stone Bricks, Infested Mossy Stone Bricks, Infested Stone, Infested Stone Bricks. Crunchier than is ideal, but there may be some marrow in bone blocks, and the coral animal in coral blocks, which would make both blocks potential sources of protein. Silverfish are almost definitely edible.
9. Grass Path, Dead Coral Block. You saw my approval of grass and coral as potential mediocre food sources and thought, what if I ate a deader, more trampled, worse version of that? 
10. Block of Gold. Sometimes rich people put edible gold leaf on their food for fun. You can technically eat a block of gold, but you deserve the guillotine if you do.
11. Clay, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Podzol, Red Sand, Sand, Mycelium. If you find yourself wanting to eat these blocks, you almost definitely have pica.
12. Soul Sand. You have pica and also eat souls, I guess.
13. Log, Planks, Wood, Barrel, Bookshelf, Cartography Table, Stripped Wood, Crafting Table, Fletching Table. These are wood. Unless you’re a termite, probably don’t eat these.
14. Wool. I diagnose you with moth.
15. Sponge, Wet Sponge. Just kind of gross. Can you imagine the texture?
16. Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Dark Prismarine. Unknown edibility, probably too crunchy.
17. Nether Bricks, Red Nether Bricks, Smithing Table, Glazed Terracotta, Terracotta, Bricks, End Stone Bricks, Terracotta. Definitely too crunchy. Don’t eat bricks, kids.
18. Jukebox, Command Block, Dispenser, Dropper, Note Block, Observer, Redstone Lamp. Machinery is generally inedible. Don’t.
19. Block of Coal. You’ll get the gastrointestinal version of black lung.
20. Concrete, Concrete Powder. That’s conk crete, babey!! Probably don’t eat concrete, though.
21. Beacon. If you eat a beacon, do you think your body is transparent enough that the beam will go through? The light can pass through you when you stand on top of it…. You’d need to eat a beacon base too, though.
22. Andesite, Block of Diamond, Block of Emerald, Block of Iron, Block of Quartz, Block of Redstone, Chiseled Quartz Block, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Chiseled Sandstone, Chiseled Stone Bricks, Coal Ore, Cobblestone, Cracked Stone Bricks, Cut Red Sandstone, Cut Sandstone, Diamond Ore, Diorite, Emerald Ore, End Stone, Mossy Cobblestone, Mossy Stone Bricks, Nether Quartz Ore, Netherrack, Obsidian, Polished Andesite, Polished Diorite, Polished Granite, Glowstone, Gold Ore, Granite, Gravel, Iron Ore, Lapis Lazuli Block, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Smooth Quartz, Smooth Red Sandstone, Smooth Sandstone, Smooth Stone, Stone, Red Sandstone, Redstone Ore, Sandstone, Quartz Pillar. I’m not just gonna sit here and rank the edibility of all these rocks and minerals. Just don’t eat them. You’d probably break your teeth anyway.
23. Bedrock, Barrier. You’d definitely break your teeth.
24. Stained Glass, Glass, Sea Lantern. Unless your teeth are enchanted with silk touch, these will shatter in your mouth. 
25. Blast Furnace, Furnace, Smoker, Jack o'Lantern, Magma Block. Might set your mouth on fire, and not in a fun spicy way.
26. TNT. Don’t.
27. End Gateway. I have no idea what this would do to your body if you ate it. It is very pretty, though. If you eat it, eat it for science.
28. Spawner. Five word horror story: Mouth Full Of Cave Spiders.
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