#National FCCLA
wausaupilot · 11 months
D.C. Everest alumna earns second in FCCLA National Competition
Congratulations - what an honor!
Wausau Pilot & Review Recent D.C. Everest  alumna Elizabeth Krause earned second place in the U.S. in the Teach and Train event at the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America national competition. The event took place from July 2-6 in Denver, Colo. Stacy Peterson, FCCLA Advisor and Family and Consumer Education teacher noted that in her “20+  years of advising FCCLA, this is the first…
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scorejust · 2 years
Thing one thing two
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They apologized and said that our room wouldn't be ready until the next day. Papa bear was furious and demanded that we get the room we paid for. Mama and Papa bear dispersed the room keys to the eleven of us there, but were missing a room set of keys. The night we arrived, we went to check into our rooms. It has waterfalls, a lazy river, and numerous amounts of plants throughout the hotel. We took a nine hour Charter Bus ride down there, but it was worth it. We were so excited to travel to Nashville. Thing Two and I made it to FCCLA Nationals in Nashville, Tennessee. This was one Halloween Thing Two and I will never forget. We walked up and down neighborhoods to collect candy in our pillowcases. We believe that if you dress up for Halloween, you can go trick-or-treating. On Halloween, we dressed in our Thing One and Thing Two costumes. We knew that we would have to go all out for our senior year Halloween. We knew that these shirts were the perfect fit for us, so we purchased Thing One and Thing Two shirts.įor the past few years, we have matched our costumes for Halloween. We both looked at each other and started laughing. Seuss themed shirts that ranged from Thing One to Thing Six (Yes, this is where we got the nicknames from). They had a large quantity of shirts, sweats, hoodies and much more to choose from.Īfter looking around the store for a while, we noticed Dr. One, in particular, was a custom design t-shirt store. There were so many stores to choose from. Last year, we went to Pentwater and went shopping up town. Thing Two and I go on vacation every year together.
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evitnews · 7 years
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East Valley fashion students earn gold at National FCCLA competition
Photos by Kim Foulger, EVIT Fashion, Interiors and Textiles instructor.
Congratulations to EVIT Fashion, Interior and Textiles - FIT students Victoria Luckey & Katherine Danko, who won two fashion design gold medals at the National Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Leadership Conference & Competition! #WeAreEVIT
Enroll in the EVIT FIT program: evit.com/admissions.
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ughseoks-main · 6 years
there’s something so,, nice about feeling accomplished 
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Tonight was a dream.
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deadnamed · 4 years
okay HOLD ON explain ur whole chef thing to me r u aiming to be a professional chef? r u in a competition rn? lay it out for me 👀
lmao okay! I'm aiming to be a professional chef, my current skill level is advanced culinary and im in a school “club” i guess called FCCLA and its a district -> state ->national competition and I'm competing in their culinary competition tomorrow at state level iirc, its a team competition (both of my teammates are only intro to culinary level tho and one of them doesn't like cooking so we probably won't win anyway), we have one hour to make five different. I’m making a steak Diane and a garden salad and my teammates are making crepes, oven-roasted potatoes and stringbean+mushrooms  
Also something else kinda confusing, me and my teamates are both in Intro to Culinary but I’m at a Advanced culinary level because at my previous school, the Foods and Nutrition class I took was basically intro to culinary, while their Foods and Nutrition class was the actual foods and nutrition corse 
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fandom-blackhole · 5 years
So just a quick post. I am currently a senior in high school, and better yet I am my high school's Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) President. I am currently doing a project through the organization that I can compete in called Students Taking Action for Recognition (STAR) Event. I chose the category Advkcacy and have to promote a concern or topic that is relevant at the time. I chose to focus on the rise of youth mental illness and suicide. I am making this post because Wednesday (1-6-19) I will be competing for the first time and I am trying to reach out to more people because the people of my school aren't really getting involved. So please I ask of you to go follow my Twitter @SaveTheBrain_18. I post almost every weekend and share things that are really touching and super important and need to be shared. Please share this with others. Reblog, like, do whatever.
If you do not have Twitter here are the videos:
I want you all to know that you are important. Someone will miss you. YOU ARE ENOUGH! I am always open to just listen, because I know that is what is needed sometimes. I love you all.
Here are the crisis hotlines as well:
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Veterans' Crisis Line: 1 800 273 8255/ text 838255
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wespeakglobal · 2 years
Leadership Conference - San Diego
Leadership Conference – San Diego
Save the date for the 2022 National Leadership Conference June 29 – July 3 in San Diego, CA. You can keep up with updates from National FCCLA on their website.   FCCLA is the only career and technical in-school student organization with the family as the central focus. Participation in state and national programs and chapter activities help members become strong leaders in family, careers and…
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ksstradio · 3 years
2 Como-Pickton FCCLA Members Earn Silver Medals, 1 Serves As Volunteer At National Meet
2 Como-Pickton FCCLA Members Earn Silver Medals, 1 Serves As Volunteer At National Meet
Last week, three members of the Como-Pickton High School Family Career and Community Leaders of America Chapter participated in the 2021 National FCCLA Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Como-Pickton FCCLA members Chelsey Osborne, Logan Langley and Presley Cummins at the 2021 National FCCLA Convention. Chelsey Osborne and Logan Langley competed at the national conference and came…
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masksandtruths · 6 years
Tag Game
Tag Game
Rules: Tag some people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend @there-must-be-a-lock @atwistoffate
I’m 5′4. Except for my mom, everyone in my family is very tall. We got stuck with the short gene.
Brown hair naturally, but it's been blonde and auburn and almost black. It's kind of wavy. I can scrunch it or curl it or straighten it so that's nice, but I don't know how to do much else. Hairstyling is NOT my forte.
Brown eyes. As I used to say as a kid, "Got em from my daddy but my mama put em in." Long eyelashes...this is one thing I've always liked about myself.
Big ole head haha...my uncle called me E.T. as a kid. I like to think it's just full of brains. Ya feel me @escabell.
I'm...ummm...how do I say this...I have a bit of junk in my trunk, maybe? Or I'm a tad thick? I work out regularly but that's not going anywhere or changing anytime soon lol. Good thing my husband likes it ;)
I like to think of myself as kind and understanding. My mom always drilled on me to think before I said or did or made decisions about things, so I'm pretty rational even in intense situations. She always told me to think about others and to try to see it from their perspective and understand their motives and intentions, and I'll always be grateful for that. Even when my temper flares (which is pretty often thanks to my dad), I can control it well and calm myself down. I love making people happy and learning all about them. 
I'm a total nerd and I’m okay with that. When I find something that interests me or a new hobby, I read and research all sorts of stuff (which is what led me to Tumblr after I started watching Supernatural).
I love laughing, even if it’s at myself. I try to find joy in every single day.
I work in sales and deal with people all day every day, so when I’m out of the office, I’m a little antisocial.  I can handle being in crowds and may appear to be extroverted, but I think I’m more of an introvert at heart. I’d take my husband, my dogs, and a good book or game or tv show over a fancy party ANY day.
Oh lort...wellllll...let’s see. 
I’m semi-athletic (I say semi because I am also skilled at tripping over flat surfaces). Played softball and volleyball in high school. Grew up riding cutting horses. I workout a lot. I scuba dive and snowboard. 
Also, it appears that a few folks on here believe I’m a decent writer.
I can pencil sketch a little bit. 
Pretty decent shot with a rifle. 
I manage a small business with a couple employees and do well under pressure.
I always enjoyed doing plays and speaking contests in high school and college, and did well at both, so I guess I could add public speaking.
Just got into baking and have gotten decent at pies and a few cakes. 
Ummmm...that’s all I can think of right now so moving on!
Reading, writing, watching tv/movies, working out, snowboarding, scuba diving, riding four wheelers,  riding jet skis, riding horses, playing softball, shooting guns, fishing, eating, baking, going to plays, traveling, hanging out with family/close friends. 
Won state competitions in FFA and FCCLA in high school and got to compete at Nationals.
Completed college at Texas A&M and did internships in Dallas and in Washington DC before moving to Houston for work. I got to fly all over the county for that job, which was pretty cool at times. 
I’ve traveled to St. Lucia,Turks and Caicos, Belize, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and several places in Mexico over the years, but have yet to make it to South America or “overseas”. I have lots of places on my bucketlist though. 
I’ve traveled to most states within the U.S. at one time or another. 
I feel like I’ve done a lot, but none of it really seems noteworthy enough to include here haha
My life:
My life isn’t too terribly thrilling but I love it. I work really hard to make my dad proud of the job I’m doing with the business he started, and we’ve won several awards in the years since I moved home, so that means a lot to me. 
I grew up on ranches. Both my dad’s and my mom’s side of the family own land, and now I’m starting to help with them as well. We raise pecans, and cattle and horses and have to manage lots of people and paperwork regarding mineral rights on the acreage. I ran a tractor and mowed some pasture for the first time this fall...whoop whoop.
I adore my family...well most of them. parents, surviving grandparents, a few cousins, some aunts and uncles, my in-laws, my little sis, my niece and nephew.)
My husband is absolutely “my person”. He’s almost as big of a nerd as I am, and he loves and supports me unconditionally. 
I have three dogs that are my fur children and always make me happy. 
We try to travel several times a year. One trip is usually for snowboarding, another for scuba, and then a few smaller trips here or there when we can. 
Gosh...that all sounds really boring...soooo NEXT!
Random Stuff:
I was an only child until I was 17. My dad had recently gotten remarried and they had my little sis. I love that little nerd and she makes me so proud! 
I don’t even know what else to put here. I think my brain is fried. 
I’m also not going to tag anyone because I want any of my followers/friends that want to participate in this to do so and feel free to tag me. I would LOVE to know about every single one of you. Happy answering! Muah!! 
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lightsintheskye · 7 years
I noticed that you said you don’t make cookies for competitions ANYMORE, which immediately makes me curious. Did you bake competitively at some point in the past?
Yeah in highschool I’d do lots of stuff for FCCLA Culinary in Florida and would either do pastry/baking competitions- or watermelon carving or chocolatier stuff- I went to nationals once for fruit carving- and was asked to go to nationals more for baking stuff but we had like no money so I usually just won stuff around New Smyrna/Florida...Volusia County...you can probably google my name and find something maybe?? Idk @v@ high school was awful minus my friends I was pressured to do so much shit back then but cooking is kinda nice now?? I’ve only recently gotten back into it my passion for it died for a loooooooong while
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remade-graystudie · 7 years
My 2017-2018 First Semester Schedule and Activities
for anyone interested, heres what im up to this semester
honors pre calculus
honors spanish 3
anatomy and physiology
public speaking (dual credit)
civil engineering and architecture (dual credit)
ap us history
ap language and composition (dual credit--yes dual credit and ap!)
extra curriculars
lgbt spectrum alliance (president)
model united nations
math team
drama club (vice president)
family, career, and community leaders of america (fccla)
sat/act studying
asvab studying
mcdonalds (sunday, monday, thursday, saturday)
tutoring (every day for 1 hour with a 1st grader, when necessary for high schoolers)
scholarships (whenever they are available)
this year is definitely a busy year for me! its going good so far though. im excited for whats in store. if anyone is any of these classes and wants to talk about them or needs help, hit me up!
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Meeker FCCLA Successful at Nationals
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This year was a success for the Meeker High School FCCLA Chapter. Every year students can choose if they would like to participate in the State Leadership Conference in Denver, and they can also choose if they would like to compete at SLC. The competitive events through FCCLA are called STAR Events, and students who place first or second with a gold medal can continue to compete at the national level. This year Meeker FCCLA was very proud to have six chapter members to represent our community in Anaheim, California. The conference took place from the last days of June through the beginning of July. Meeker’s competitors included: Hadley Franklin, Sophia Goedert, Mariah Hood, Jeniffer Kincher, Kolbi Franklin, and Grace Gibson. At the awards session each student was rewarded with a medal that reflected their score on their presentation. Hadley, Mariah, Kolbi, and Grace earned a silver medal, and Jeniffer earned a bronze medal. Sophia’s project involved making a cheesecake, so it could not continue on to NLC, but since she earned first place gold at state she was allowed to attend the conference. The Meeker FCCLA Chapter would like to thank those in the community for all of their support for this trip. In my personal opinion, it was truly an amazing experience for us to grow and put our leadership skills into action.
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Macie Murrane
Guest Reporter
Members of FCCLA will be attending the District 5 meeting at Guthrie Center on November 21.
Sophomore Abby Blaine will attend the District 5 meeting.
“I like that there is always new people to meet and that you get to see who the old and new district officers are,” said Blaine. She is the District 5 treasurer, and takes care of all the finances in the district. She was elected as district treasurer at last year’s district meeting. Her responsibilities include balancing district accounts and making sure that all of the money spent for FCCLA is documented. “I like that I get to send payment receipts to everyone in the district,” said Blaine.
She is also the Southeast Polk chapter officer of national programs. Blaine believes that becoming an officer gives club members the full FCCLA experience and anyone wanting to become an officer should because it helps tremendously with leadership skills.
“[Being an officer] definitely helped me become more involved with FCCLA,” Blaine said.
Blaine has high hopes for the officer team that will be elected this year. As a standing officer, she will get to see the new officers off in a traditional ceremony. She hopes that this new officer team will communicate with each other well, and that they will plan an amazing year for the District. 
Blaine also believes that the District 5 meeting is fun for new members. 
“Attending the meeting prepares [new members] for other big events to come, like STAR event competitions,” said Blaine. STAR events are the club’s competitive element. These projects are projects based on FCS classes and are presented in front of judges at the district, state, and national level. One of the STAR events from this year was a penny drive so the club could donate feminine hygiene products to youth shelters around Des Moines. 
The members that attend the District 5 meeting will be able to go to a number of breakout sessions. These breakout sessions are mini workshops, and make leadership skills better and help with other life skills. Last year, the breakout sessions focused on building your personal brand, like having an elevator speech about the club and how to talk about something that members are passionate about to get others interested. 
Not everyone was fond of the breakout sessions. 
“I hope the sessions this year focus more on FCCLA related topics and not random things,” Blaine said.
Since the District 5 meeting is in Guthrie Center, the club will be taking a bus at 7:00 am on November 21. 
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2018 NRAEF Scholars
Did you know that The National Restaurant Association Education Foundation (NRAEF) is awarding scholarships from $2,500 to $10,000? Since 1987, they have provided scholarships and grants to students and educators pursuing restaurant-related studies and training. 
The recipients represent the future of the restaurant and foodservice industry, and we’re so proud to share the launch of our 2018 NRAEF Scholarship Yearbook! In this yearbook, you’ll be able to take a closer look at some of the most recent NRAEF scholars and their backgrounds. 
Here are a few awesome scholarship winners and some details about their path in the restaurant industry! 
Hear From Hannah Moyles
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“I graduated this past May from Wake Technical Community College with an associate’s degrees in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management. This fall, I am transferring to East Carolina University to get my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management. After, I will go on to get my master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in Hospitality. I will be attending school online so I can continue to work full time and gain experience in my chosen field. Right now, I currently have two jobs. One of my jobs is at the Angus Barn, a local steakhouse, at which I work in the kitchen, the office, and the gift shop. I also began working this summer at Wake Tech Community College in the advising department. In the fall, I hope to begin an adjunct position as a hospitality instructor or as a culinary lab assistant. I am a student member of the American Culinary Federation and was named the 2018 Raleigh Durham chapter’s Student Chef of the Year. I am also a member of Wake Tech’s Phi Beta Lambda, the collegiate chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America. I won first place in Retail Management at the State Leadership Conference in April and I am going to compete at the national level in June.
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In the long-term, I hope to manage my own hospitality or foodservice operation with a consistent reputation for excellence. I would also like to teach students like myself, especially young women, who are interested in a career in the hospitality industry. In this way, I hope to give back to the community even a fraction of what has been given to me throughout my education and prepare the next generation for work in the industry.
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Again, I thank you for your generosity. This award means so much to me and other students in the hospitality industry. I hope to make you proud with all that I plan to accomplish.“
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We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you, Hannah! Surely it will be impressive. 
Hear from Christopher Rogers
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“I’m currently employed as a School Nutrition Manager at the Laurel School District in Laurel, Delaware, and work as a Summer Feeding Program Monitor for the State of Delaware. I’m married with two children. My wife is from Cardiff, Wales, which is located in the United Kingdom. I am also a retired veteran who will use this money toward my education in hospitality management to strengthen my school nutrition program for pre-K and kindergarten students. 
We are heavily involved in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast program. I will start my online bachelor’s degree at American Military University. The classes and materials will provide me with useful tools in marketing my program, which will in turn help increase participation. As veterans, we were constantly taught the importance of education and learning—and that no matter what your age is, you never stop learning, which is the basis for my academic goals and achievements. 
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We need to learn our jobs well to achieve success and in turn pass it on. This scholarship will pay for three of my classes and will allow me to focus on the coursework instead of where I’ll be getting the money to pay for a class. My short-term goal is to use all the knowledge gained to help grow my program and continue to provide healthy nutritious meals. My long-term goal is to become a district supervisor and use the same education to reach a wider audience.
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In closing, I would like to thank you once again for your extreme generosity. You cannot imagine what this scholarship means to me and my family, having worked in the industry for the last 30+ years, this is the first time I have ever won anything and I’m truly honored. I will ensure that I give back to the food industry and children what was given to me through this scholarship.”
Thank you for all of the wonderful work you do in the industry, Christopher! We know your continued education will help you reach even more of your goals. 
Hear from Emily Bell
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“From a young age, I have had a strong passion for cooking and experimenting with food science. In high school, I joined my school’s culinary team, through the Prostart program. From this program, I learned how to cook under pressure, work with a team, develop flavor profiles, and create art out of food. The program not only benefited me educationally but through state competitions, I developed my desire to be challenged, resulting in winning a 3rd place title with my ProStart team in 2017, as well as a 1st place in gourmet sweet cooking through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). 
In April of 2017, I faced a major health concern that challenged my perception of food, leading me to push myself to research how sodium impacts the body and how to keep myself healthy. I was told I needed to drastically adapt my sodium intake to less than half of what the average American consumes per day. Shockingly, I came to the realization that salt is in almost everything and that eating out became a major challenge. Rather than seeing this as a restriction in my life, I became drawn to food science and nutrition. My strong interest in nutrition is leading me to pursue a career in food as a nutritionist and a physician assistant at the University of Denver in the fall of 2018. 
With the scholarship, I will be granted this opportunity to make a difference in the nutritional world, in which I hope to help people who struggled with the same restrictions that I have."
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igotthegayonme · 7 years
Everyone is different. Let's remember that.
After reading some other’s experiences with the American school system, I decided that I have some things to say, as a dyslexic student, as a multimedia artist, and as a musician.
I have had some great experiences in my school district with some of my teachers. They understand that I have anxiety and depression and that it can effect my performance in class. But, there’s always the teachers who don’t.
My 5th grade Social Studies teacher shamed me for not getting commended on the STARR test because I marked questions down the wrong way. Example, I would answer it correctly in the booklet(answer B) but on the bubblesheet, I would put a different answer (answer d). I did this multiple times because of my dyslexia.
My 6th grade math teacher didn’t understand that I had a legitimate case of dyslexia in math. I would switch numbers around- the answer would be 15 and I would put down 51 as the answer instead. And despite my mom emailing over and over again to check with me if that was the case, she never believed it because “it didn’t exist when she was a kid”.
My 8th grade Social Studies teacher tried to fail me because he found out that I’m apart of LGBT.
My 9th grade Pre-AP English teacher gave me 50s on every major projects because I exceeded the expectation. But as soon as I turn in a project that I put the least effort in, I got a 92. She also called me out in front of all of her classes with said project and said that “anyone could do this piece of work”
The same teacher congratulated my older sister for getting into Nationals with her FCCLA project and then told me to be more like her [my older sister].
My 9th grade Speech teacher made fun of me in front of the class because I was too opinionated and made everyone upset.
My 10th grade Beginning Music Theory teacher hated how I grasped the concepts so well.
My 10th grade ART TEACHER told me that I’m too advanced to be in Art 1 and that I should dial it down because I’m making other students feel like crap about their art.
The same teacher I have this year, my 11th grade Sculpture teacher, discriminated a couple pieces of my girlfriend's work and validated it by saying “I’m an educator. I can do that.”
My 7 year old brother moved to Michigan with my mom. Both my sister and I have dyslexia. My brother is showing signs of dyslexia but the Michigan school system doesn’t have learning disability services. So, my brother might be held back because he thinks differently and struggles more.
And my 1 year old brother will have to deal with that too.
Those are a couple of bad experience that have made me hide who I am as a student and an artist in the classroom.
But, on another hand, there are some good experiences.
My 5th grade Science teacher congratulated me for almost getting commended on STARR.
My 7th grade English teacher happily told me that I had a great mind and that I shouldn’t hold back because she loved the way I wrote and thought. And as she handed out failing grades on major assignments, she would smile every time she handed me a 100.
My 7th and 8th grade math teacher always took my dyslexia into consideration when it came to grading tests and always encouraged me.
My 6th and 7th grade Choir teacher continuously pulled me out of the choir to show everyone what it would be like without me. She encouraged me to go to UIL Solo Contest where I got a 1 (the highest rating a singer can get). She encouraged me to go into Varsity choir. And although I didn’t go in middle school, I took her encouragement and am now in the highest level high school choir.
My 8th grade English teacher always believed in me and loved every piece of work I turned in because she loved to see a unique mind.
My 10th grade World History teacher always loved having me in class and wasn’t afraid to tell the class.
My 11th grade AP US History teacher loves the way I think about history and how I connect one event to another.
My high school choir and AP Music Theory teacher pulled me into her office and asked me what I wanted to do after high school. When I told her that I was debating between Performer, Sound engineer, or educator, she said “I think you would love being a choir teacher. Plus, we need more people like you. Kids these days need someone to look up to and they can definitely look up to you. I look up to you. You’re a lesbian, dyslexic musician and that’s amazing. I know some people with dyslexia that really love music but can’t read it. You never cease to amaze me. Everytime a student says they can’t do something, I’ll tell them your story.”
I promise, the people who hold you up in school are the people you should focus on. There will always be a critic. The American school system sucks, but there are some teachers that are there because they want to make an impact. Those are the amazing educators that challenge the system.
Those are the educators that are going to change the school system.
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