mspaint-turtles · 1 year
how many dabloons do the ourtles have
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they have enough,,,
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lesbiancarat · 10 months
Code name SEVENTEEN🕶️ 조슈아, 버논 요원의 특별한 만남 | '미션 임파서블: 데드 레코닝 PART ONE' INTERVIEW🎙
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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c0rpseductor · 3 months
cannot even articulate how pissed i am about this thing i remembered
when i was really little my dads mom got me and my two younger cousins matching Easter presents. they were cute little junk plushies, like, these little easter ducks in different colors, and i got really attached to mine and named him mr. ducky. i lost him one day and was really upset about it.
EXCEPT!!! fucking. UGH. i really don’t like making a huge habit of talking about this but im going to Blow Up and it’s my blog. id been switching a lot recently with a part that’s a little kid and remembers more about my/our childhood, so i remembered or found out or whatever what actually happened to the toy and im like. livid.
my parents openly complained in front of me that my grandma shouldn’t have gotten me more toys because i already have too many stuffed animals basically the minute she was out of earshot. they used to be real fucking anal about the amount of stuffed animals i was allowed to have, and make me go through them all every so often to donate because they didn’t like them taking up space (i had a lot but never enough to cause any kind of problem, it was purely fucking punitive bc they knew it would make me sob for ages). so they hated my duck already. and then he went missing and they didn’t try to help me very much and were just kind of like Oh well! Maybe he’ll turn up haha! <- FUCKING UNBOTHERED.
and some time after initially losing my duck i got taken to goodwill and saw a suspiciously identical duck in the plushie section my parents wouldn’t let me have. im like. Dead sure they took and got rid of it bc they thought it was just junk and i didn’t need more toys, and pretended they hadn’t, bc they had a petty fucking grudge against a toy my grandmother got me. FOR EASTER. fucking whooooo does that to their kid.
of course i’m so incandescently pissed i want to confront my mom about it but of fucking course nothing would come of it bc it’s insane. but it’s not really About the toy anyway. it’s like. how much do you have to resent your child to take their treasured belongings in secret? how little regard do you have to have for your kid to do that kind of horseshit? it baffles me. sometimes they could genuinely do such nice and thoughtful stuff but then other times they would do shit like this. and of course they were also horribly abusive but im just so fixated on this bc it’s new and like. i don’t get how you can even pretend to like your kid so convincingly when you have this level of simultaneous disdain for the fact that he’s a child who draws breath at all. god forbid our son have toys. Jesus Christ
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thebewilderer · 9 months
hey on the off chance that you give a shit, i just saw your tags on a post making fun of your coworker for not being able to round 9.79 up to 10, and i just wanted to say irt your comment about not respecting people who cant do maths even when they have a calculator and sheet of paper that dyscalculia is a very real learning disability and it doesnt make someone inherently stupid or childish. not that im saying this is what your coworker has, just that you specifically said you dont respect people who cant do maths even with help, which was a little ableist. not coming for you or anything, just thought id offer a bit of experience. have a good day.
so i queue most of my posts so i don't remember the exact post you're talking about, but i do remember the story i was telling, and your retelling is pretty disingenuous, so i'll retell it here. i'll call my coworker "michelle," because that's her name and she's awful enough that i don't care about keeping her anonymous.
anyways, so the customer's total was $9.79, and they wanted to round it up to ten for a donation. we don't have a "roundup" button, so we have to manually enter the cents they want to donate.
(i don't remember the specific post (and honestly i don't care enough about this ask to go looking for it), but i'm sure i said something along the lines of "i don't fault people for not being able to do the mental math, that's not the issue" because that's what i say when i tell the story in real life, just to clarify that that's not the issue i have)
next to every register we have two things that are relevant here. one is a calculator. michelle used the calculator, and i have no idea what she put in but it gave her the answer of 31 cents, which she entered into the register. this is obviously not correct, and the customer's total afterwards was $10.10 instead of their desired $10.00. she then called me over to complain that the calculator was broken and gave her the wrong answer.
the second relevant thing we have next to each register is a small piece of laminated paper taped to the side of the screen. it looks something like this:
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after i corrected the cents amount and the customers left, i showed her this sheet.
she said "oh yeah, haha, i don't know how to use that"
taking a deep breath to control my initial urge to facepalm, i explained to her that all she had to do was look at the 79 under the leftmost "if" column, and then go across to the "then" column to see that she needed to type in 21 cents.
this completely baffled her.
i came up with more examples: "see so like, if the total ends in .12, you'd go to this column-" here I pointed to the exact row and column that had the 12 in it, "-and you'd go across to here-" and i moved my finger horizontally to the 88 next to it, "-and you'd enter in 88 cents!"
and she said
and this still pains me
she said "oh, so if the customer has something that costs like, $12.65, i'd enter in 88 cents!"
and for a second my brain stopped. i went into more detail about how it's the ending two numbers, not the beginning two numbers. i think she might have gotten it by the end, but who fuckin knows. the conversation ended with her saying something along the lines of "these sheets are so confusing!"
anyways so that's the actual story.
the parts i didn't mention were that the customers were hispanic people who spoke very very little english. michelle was asking them every question in the book in very fast english ("do you want the card? here's a thousand reasons why. do you want to donate? do you want to round up?") and these poor women clearly just wanted to get their shit and leave.
and then after the painstaking lesson on how to look at the sheet of paper, michelle made the comment "i don't know why they'd come in here if they don't speak english" with an accompanying half-laugh that white women always do when they expect you to agree with them on their racism. i mention this part because that's why i'm so nasty about her. i don't dislike her because she's stupid. i dislike her because she's a racist trumper antivaxxer.
and just so you know, sometimes people are just not smart. there doesn't always have to be a learning disability involved. i know someone who has dyscalculia. i was engaged to them for four years. i know it's a thing. but there's a difference between his inability to do math and number-related shit and her unwillingness to acknowledge that she's bad at numbers and tendency to blame everything around her for her ineptitude.
i know i'm an outlier with math. it's why i have an explicit disclaimer i mention every time i tell that story that i have no problem with people who can't do mental math, that i know it's normal to not be able to do mental math, and that not being able to do mental math doesn't mean you're automatically the stupidest person alive. i know very few people who can do that in their heads. sure, i personally think it's odd that people can't do it automatically, but i use my empathy-human brain to acknowledge that since it's such a large portion of the population that can't do it, it's probably me that's weird. people aren't stupid for not being able to do mental math. i feel like i've made this very clear, both on this post and on my blog in general (i have many posts where i acknowledge that math and stem fields aren't the be-all-end-all of intelligence. this is not a secret.)
and side note: it doesn't make someone bad or less of a person if they're stupid, it just makes them not smart. even on this website, we have a tendency to go "you're not stupid, you're just smart in other areas!" which is kind of demeaning imo. some people just aren't smart. and it doesn't make them a bad person to not be smart! what makes someone a good or bad person is how they treat other people.
and as a concluding note to you personally, you probably shouldn't start your messages with "on the off chance that you give a shit." it's extremely aggressive right off the bat, puts the person who receives it on the defense immediately, and also ironically makes them a lot less likely to give a shit, or respond in good faith. just a protip.
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Yay! Another Tyrian x Watts fanfiction for Nuts and Volts week! Seriously I cant get enough of these guys! Anyway, hope everyone over at @nutsandvoltsweek enjoys it!
Waltzing into love
Warnings: literally just some mild cursing.
They hated it. Every single second of being stuck in the stuffy, crowded room full of pompous, rich assholes. Arthur glared at anyone unfortunate enough to make eye contact with him and he stayed as far away from the dance floor as possible. He hated parties as much as he hated people. He would much rather be back in the grimm lands, tinkering away at his inventions without a single interruption. But he was not the only one who hated being there. As grand and beautiful as Atlesian parties were, they had a very strict policy to them. No Faunus, No improper dress, and absolutely No exceptions. Tyrian, as sporadic and chaotic as the man was, unfortunately was the best fit to go with Arthur to this party. Salem decided that Hazel would be too intimidating, Emerald and Mercury were too young,  and Cinder would have stuck out like a sore thumb. So Tyrian was voluntold to attend as Arthur's date. He sulked even more than Arthur did. He might have even hated it more than the mustached man. Due to the strict policy, Tyrian had to wear what he considered "constrictive" clothing. And worst of all he couldn't even use his tail! Arthur had insisted he hide it, since it was against the rules. Tyrian fought him on it, to no avail as he knew Arthur was right. So the two brooded in their fancy clothing in a corner of the ballroom. They avoided everyone and if it wasn't for Arthur's accursed reputation he would have never even attended this godforsaken party. Maybe he could figure out some way to fake his death or even actually die just to avoid these parties.
"This is pointless!" Tyrian growled.
"It's not entirely pointless, but it's Incredibly dull." Arthur retorted, focusing all his attention on his scroll.
"Why did I have to come here?! I hate this! I feel like I'm restricting all my natural instincts!" Tyrian continued to complain as he pulled on the dark purple tie around his neck.
"Stop pulling at that you'll undo it! And you know why she chose you to come with me. And stop tugging on the tie!" Arthur said angrily as he turned towards Tyrian, who had managed to actually undo his tie. "How did you even? Ugh just let me fix it!" Arthur swatted away Tyrians hands and grabbed ahold of the tie. Fastening it once again.
"Ahem, am I interrupting anything?" The unwanted and annoying voice of Jaques Schnee broke through Arthurs grumbling. His brow twitched in annoyance and he sighed before facing the unbearable aristocrat.
"Why Jaques, what a pleasure to see you again." Arthur lied through his teeth.
"A pleasure as well. Who, may I ask, are you?" He directed the question towards Tyrian who stiffened as a response.
"Uh, Tyrian Callows, associate of Watts here." He shook the older man's hand in forced politeness.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Callows. I had no idea Arthur was into such… interesting company." His tone of voice and the way he glanced at Arthur smugly,  clearly portrayed that he suspected something else. "why I'd even say you might be planning something… more forbidding." Tyrian pailed, could he really figure them out that easily? He looked at Arthur and they shared a panicked look.
"Jaques if you're suggesting-" Arthur started to accuse him but Jaques cut him off.
"Oh come now Arthur, you know i wouldn't care if you were gay, it's quite common nowadays, and I've been suspecting it for a while anyway-" Watts and Tyrians faces went bright red. "I was simply baffled that you managed to find someone to deal with your arrogance." He finished.
"I-my arrogance- excuse me?!" Arthur said offhandedly. Jaques only laughed at him.
"Relax, you know that the General himself is gay right? Really it doesn't matter here, why not show some affection! Have a dance or two! There's nothing to hide." And before Arthur, pr even Tyrian for that matter, could stutter out a response Jaques turned on his heels and walked away smirking.
"Does he think-? I mean really?" Tyrian asked before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. His entire body shook with each inhale of breath. As he laughed and laughed Arthur's face grew more and more red, out of both embarrassment and anger.
"You shut up!" He snapped at Tyrian. Whose laughter seemed never ending. Making Arthurs anger grow.
"Re- hehehe- relax Arthur. Haha, as far as we know, this could be an advantage." Tyrian offered through dying giggles.
"What do you mean?" Arthurs anger sizzled but he stopped feeling the innate need to punch the Faunus. Tyrian wiped a tear from his eye.
"Well think about it. You could gain some massive publicity points if you came out as gay, and if we did it here it would be massively successful. All we have to do is dance a little bit and maybe hold hands. People will come to the conclusion on their own and it'll be all over the news tomorrow. "Infamous inventor Arthur Watts supporting his community through love!" Can you imagine that?" Arthur paused.
Unhinged, deranged, murderous, insane… and intelligent. Those are the words Arthur would use to describe Tyrian right now. As unpredictable as the man is, he could read people and play off them better than even Salem herself.
"That… could work." Arthur poundered. The plan was foolproof, and even if it went wrong then it would cause protests in the communities drawing grimm in. "Yes. It would work quite well." Arthur hummed to himself and Tyrian smirked.
"Well then let's get to it and put on a show!" He cheered in a manic giggle as he pulled Arthur away from their protective corner and into the center of the dancefloor. Arthur huffed behind him, not expecting the pull. Although he should really expect everything from Tyrian.
"I told you to relax already Arthur! All we need to do is dance a bit and act all coupley." Tyrian smirked again and Arthur got some sort of primal feeling in his gut to run. As if something far more sinister than even they had planned was happening. But he ignored it, it was not the first, or last, time he would have that feeling while with the scorpion.
"It's Impossible to relax with you" he retorted harshly, shifting himself and Tyrian into a waltzing position. Slowly the music ran through the room and the many people around them began to move to the three step beat.
"Your words wound me Arthur," Tyrian mocked. "I'm the most relaxing person I know! Well besides Hazel." He held back a giggle.
"Your a caffeinated maniac trapped inside a padded room. I absolutely do not find you relaxing!" Arthur all but growled.
"A bit touchy aren't you? Was it something that Mr. Schnee said that caught your nerves?" He smirked wildly at Arthur who tried his best to keep his composure. As he tried to calm his breathing Tyrians insane smile reached his eyes. "Oh my, your heart rate picked up! I must be onto something!" Arthur started to panic.
"You did not- wait you can sense my heart rate? No, nevermind that!" He attempted to gather his thoughts as he and Tyrian glided across the ballroom floor, sliding in time with everyone around them. If you weren't right next to the pair it would be like they were just enjoying themselves and not having a frantic argument.
"Poor Arthur Watts, not admitting that old Mr. Schnee was right! What an exciting evening this has become!" Tyrians giggles seemed to pour out of his mouth.
"Would you just shut up! I've already said that to you tonight, you psychopath! Now stop talking and lets finish this stupid dance!" Arthur was pissed off now, he couldn't stand looking at Tyrians pretty eyes or his handsome face any longer. So he decided to do something about it. As the song approached it's climax he brought Tyrian into a sudden spin, catching the scorpion off guard. As he pulled Tyrian back into him, he made up his mind. Placing one foot behind Tyrians and throwing his center of balance off, he dipped the younger man. He heard people around them gasp, some of them seemed shocked, but through all the noise he heard two distinct things. One: Jaques Schnee saying " I called it!", and two, Tyrian Callows' sharp inhale of breath. He pulled them back up. Releasing Tyrians lips as he did, and then he turned and walked out of the room.
Tyrian stumbled, that was not expected at all. He knew Arthur was gay but he never dared to dream that Arthur liked him. He got over the shock, more delayed than he'd like, but nevertheless he rushed after Arthur and found the man pacing an empty hallway.
"Why did I do that? What was the logic of that? It was pointless, im pointless. For fucks sake we're both adults why couldn't I just talk to him!?" Arthur mutters to himself as he paced, not even noticing that Tyrian was right next to him. "Damnit, that was so stupid! Why is he so handsomely intimidating? What can't I just be normal-"
"Because you're Arthur Watts, inventor and doctor, smarter than anyone else i know and absolutely hopelessly in love with me" Tyrian interrupted, his voice caught Arthur off guard and he would never admit how much that genuinely scared him.
"Ty- Tyrian look, what I-" he was cut off as said man lunged at him suddenly, crowding his precious space.
"Just shut up and kiss me again" the scorpion demanded as he rolled his eyes and pulled Arthur into him. Their lips crashed together again, yet the feeling was different. Before Arthur could barely feel the kiss at all, but now he felt like sparks were flying down his spine and static was invading his mind. Arthur let himself fall mentally, his brilliant mind failing him when he needed it most, so he just let it happen. Let his body do the talking for once.
Tyrian on the other hand was practically shaking with joy, he had a crush on the doctor for a while now but he truly never believed Arthur would like him back, let alone make the first move! He could not be happier even if his own goddess showed up just then! He felt as if nothing could ruin this sweet moment of love. And he was right, not a soul came out of the party to find them and they were left alone in the hallway. As Tyrian let go of Arthur he smiled. Not a crazed, classic Tyrian smile, but a calm, genuine one. Arthur felt his heart skip more than one beat, and he was sure Tyrian felt it too. Soon enough Tyrians soft laughter bubbled out of his mouth.
"What's so funny?" Arthur asked, his usual scoff lightened just a touch.
"Well the fact that we literally waltzed into love." Arthur's eyes rolled.
"That was cheesy." He huffed as he set his head on Tyrians shoulder.
"No, parmesan is cheesy." Arthur sighed. The moment was ruined by the man who created it. And he could not help the small smile that was hidden by his mustache. Maybe tonight was worth the party.
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jjkfire · 7 years
Wrapped Around; pt.6
Jimin x Reader x Tae // College!AU // 11.8k words 
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Summary: Freshman year was a mess and sophomore year doesn’t seem to be looking too good either. You know boys like them are no good for you but maybe they’re just your kind of type
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
A/N: hur hur finally!!! I always feel horrible for making y’all wait for a month for each chapter haha. also, im running out of appropriate vmin gifs lmaooo
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 | Part 3.5 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7
Jimin silently stuffs a spoonful into his mouth and although he had no appetite, the mere thought of this being something you made is enough to push him to forcefully swallow it. He thinks perhaps if he ate enough of it, it could help fill the vague emptiness he felt in his chest but he knew that only one thing could do that and that was you.
“So, he went to the ball with this Mina girl?” Solji asks, her voice slightly fuzzy over the phone speaker.
You let out a low hum of agreement, sinking down onto your bed, the phone still pressed to your ear.
“Because she asked?”
“Yes,” You sigh, setting your phone next to your head after selecting the loudspeaker option on your screen.
"And you had a week to ask him to the ball but you didn’t?”
“Well, I mean… yeah… but whatever, that’s not my point,” You groan. “My point is that he slept with Mina.”
“And is that a surprise to you? You really can’t blame him can you?” She asks. “He probably waited for you to ask him out to the ball and when you didn’t, he assumed you weren’t interested and went for someone else who was.”
“But I am interested,” You grumble, running your hand over your face in frustration.
“Well, how would you expect him to know you’re interested in him if you never show it?” Solji questions. “He’s not a mind reader you know…”
“But we— he knows it, I’m sure he does.”
“Y/N, trust me when I say boys are daft sometimes.”
“Forget it,” You sigh, waving your arms in the air in defeat. “I’m over it, over him.”
“Sure,” She laughs and you can just imagine her rolling her eyes at you.
“I’m serious!” You frown. “This is all probably just a fun game to him. I don’t want a guy who isn’t able to keep it in his pants for like 5 seconds.”
“Won’t you look at this? Kettle calling the pot black,” She scoffs. “Do you need a reminder of the number of boys you burned through freshman year?”
“Shh, we do not speak of the cursed freshman year,” You scold but you find yourself laughing along with Solji by the time you end your sentence.
“Anyway, stop ignoring the poor boy. I’m tired of seeing all of his cryptic emo tweets about you on my timeline.”
“I’m not ignoring him,” You retort. “I’m just busy.”
“Doing what? Lounging around the house in your pyjamas?”
“Hey I’ll have you know that simply doing nothing is a privilege we lose every time the semester begins so, I’ll spend as much time lounging around without judgement, thank you.”
Idiot, Solji mumbles under her breath and you laugh along with her.
With time, the conversation switches focus and you listen about her talk about her winter break so far. As you hear her speak about her calm, drama-free holiday, you can’t help but agree with Solji, that it was you who had created all of this mess for yourself. 
Just because you had shared a few intimate moments with Jimin, didn’t mean that he had to be exclusive with you because the truth was he didn’t owe you anything, not even an explanation which he so graciously offered. Honestly, you were just being a huge baby by ignoring him, refusing to deal with the feelings you had for him, dragging him and others down in your state of confusion. You end the call with Solji feeling much lighter about everything. Maybe you could salvage this winter break after all.
Jimin’s heart skips a beat when he hears you calling out for the boys come movie day on Monday. You throw your arms over the shoulders of both Hoseok and Taehyung before sending a blinding smile Jimin’s way.
“Well, well… look who finally decided to show up for once,” Taehyung glowers.
“Oh come on,” You groan. “I only missed one week.”
“So you’re not busy anymore?” Taehyung lifts his eyebrows at you, his tone so condescending you almost feel like slapping him across the face.
“Yup,” You answer with a warning glare before your lips curl up into a soft smile. “My aunt didn’t have any errands for me to run today.”
“Ahh, it’s good to have you back,” Hoseok smiles, slinging his arm across your shoulder, completely unaware of the silent conversation you were having with Taehyung.
Jimin stays quiet, watching the whole exchange cautiously. You smile warmly at him, as if the two of you hadn’t argued just a few days ago and he’s completely baffled. So, you suddenly weren’t mad anymore? Had Mina told you the truth about the night of the ball? That had to be it. You were practically seething the night he found you in his home but here you were joking around with all of them like nothing had happened. Jimin wasn’t complaining of course, he missed your playful jests, your adorable scowl.
The three of you prance around the adjoined arcade, playing a few rounds of assorted games. Many of which Jimin lost on purpose just so he could see you rub it in his face, a million-watt smile gracing your lips but there’s something that seems to be missing from your smile that he can’t quite pinpoint. 
Everything seemed rather normal… well at least normal enough after all that’s happened. Although he notices that you’re keeping a notable distance, choosing instead to cling to Taehyung but hey, baby steps… at least you were here at all.
After spending a sizable amount on game tokens and snacks, the three of you finally pick a movie to watch, some action-comedy movie and as silly as it seems, Jimin was giddy at the thought of finally being able to sit next to you.
As usual, he takes his place beside you, the other boys sitting next to him on the opposite side. He spends most of the movie glancing at you rather than the screen, looking for a hint of a playful smirk that you would usually send his way but your eyes were practically glued to the screen the whole time. Perhaps the movie was just that good? 
Jimin tries to pay attention to the battle happening on screen but his heart starts palpitating at the thought of finally being able to interlace his fingers with yours again. He felt like a twelve-year-old who had finally scored a date with the prettiest girl in school and he wonders if you knew you had that effect on him, how your presence alone was enough to render him into nothing but a nervous boy.
Halfway through the movie, Jimin spots your hand resting below the arm rest that divided the space between the both of you and a light smile graces his lips. Although you usually did place your hand there earlier towards the beginning the movie, at least it was there now and this was his chance. 
His hand inches towards yours, his pinky brushing yours and suddenly he feels your hand jerk away, retreating towards the popcorn bucket instead. Jimin’s heart drops, the feeling of pain pinching at his chest and if the lights were switched on, you’d be able to see the undeniable sight of worry etched into his features. He glances at you, the bright flashes from the screen illuminates your face for a few brief moments, revealing an unreadable blank expression and he sighs, rubbing his hands down his thighs nervously.
For the rest of the movie, you place your hands on your lap, not wanting a repeat of the attempt and Jimin’s frown only grows deeper. So, he was wrong. You were still mad at him or not... and he’s not sure if this was better or worse because when you were angry at him a few days ago, at least that meant that you were upset with him, that the situation had bothered you. Now that you were smiling at him, as if you were unfazed by it all, did it mean that you no longer cared for him? That maybe you weren't mad at him at all... Maybe you secretly detested him. Jimin just needed to get you alone, corner you into answering him. He knows you hate being put on the spot but your mixed signals were literally driving him insane. 
When the movie ended, Jimin had meant to ask if he could talk to you alone but as the four of you stand in the lobby of the theatre listening to Taehyung rant about the movie, you suddenly bolt the moment you see your bus arrive, frantically waving the boys goodbye as you shout your apologies for your sudden leave. Jimin only lets out a heavy sigh as he watches you disappear into the bus. It was almost as if you could sense the impending serious conversation he had been planning to have. He should have known something wasn’t right. Your smile seemed empty and you hadn’t actually uttered a direct sentence to just him all afternoon. Damn it. His heart aches, painfully so and he hates it. He hates you.
You jump onto the the bus, letting out a long exhale as you plop yourself down onto the nearest empty seat. Pretending Jimin had no effect on you was a lot more tiring than you thought it would’ve been. No matter how many times you’ve told yourself to let it go, that it was fine that he had slept with Mina, half of you was still unbelievably mad at him while the other half of you craved to be held in his arms. Pathetic, you scoffed. Why couldn’t you just make up your mind about him and stick to that decision? 
God, you remember how you panicked when you felt his hand brush up against yours. You weren’t sure if it was deliberate or by accident so you tried to play it off by pretending like you wanted to grab some popcorn. You think you did a pretty good job of trying to hide your emotions but when you saw his constant glances while Taehyung was talking, you knew that Jimin knew something was off. Knowing Jimin, he was going to be straightforward and ask you point blank what exactly was happening between the both of you and truthfully you didn’t have an answer to that so rather than trying to figure it out with him, you took the coward’s way out.
Mina strolls over to your house as you shovel the snow out of the driveway, watching on as you curse each time you plunge the shovel into the layer of white that blanketed the cobblestone path. You notice her a few moments later as she climbs up to sit on the short wall that divided your houses and you finally put down the shovel to greet her with a smile.
The both of you indulge in small talk, about how the last few days went for each other and truly you feel a little guilty because you had been giving her the cold shoulder over something that wasn’t really her fault. She makes no mention of Jimin for the first solid 10 minutes and it surprises you because she usually opened her conversation with the mention of him but then just like clockwork, he comes up in one of her stories. Apparently, he had been avoiding her, refusing to reply to her texts and you shake your head knowing that this was classic Jimin. It was as if he was begging for you to hate him. Unbelievable that he’d give his childhood friend the exact same treatment. An A class asshole, he was.
“He’s a douche,” She grumbles and you nod your head, agreeing to the fact. “But I still like him,” She groans, head in her hands and you frown, stopping yourself short of saying me too.
Breaking two hearts at one time… you expect nothing less from Park Jimin to be honest. 
She leaps off the wall, dusting the snow off her pants with a deep sigh before turning to you with a large smile on her face. She informs you of a last-minute party she had decided to hold in celebration of her parents both leaving yet again for another work trip, singing gleefully about the set-up she had managed to get done within such a short span of time. It’s obvious that she was throwing the party in a ploy to lure Jimin to her house and boy is she smart because say the word party and he would come running. You didn’t really want to go, especially with how you had left the theatre abruptly yesterday but the promise of alcohol and good music has you nodding your head yes… even if you weren’t too happy with the guest list.
At a quarter past 9, a few people have already begun to show up but what surprises Mina is Jimin strolling in this early into the night, alone too. He had given a rather vague answer of we’ll see over text so she wasn’t even sure he was going to show up at all but she had mentioned that you were going to be there too in the following text and although there was no reply to that, she should’ve guessed that it was all she needed to say to have him come running.
“Hey, Mina,” He greets, handing her a bottle of liquor. 
“Hey stranger,” She smiles, placing the bottle down on the counter. 
He laughs off the greeting awkwardly, grabbing himself a beer bottle from the fridge.
“I’ve got a question to ask,” Jimin grunts, having trouble with the bottle opener.
“Shoot,” She smirks. Mina has a feeling she knew just what he was going to ask. After all, she knew just why he had been ignoring her.
“Why did you tell Y/N about us sleeping together—” He whispers the last two words, his two hands brought up to mimic quotation marks. “—when I specifically asked you not to?”
“About that,” She laughs. “I didn’t tell her personally as per se. Her cousin asked about my hickey so I told him and she just happened to be listening to our conversation,” She licks her lips, pouring herself a drink. “I kept my promise, I didn’t tell her.”
"Mina,” He groans. “Telling the story while she is in the vicinity isn’t exactly what I’d consider keeping your promise.”
She simply shrugs her shoulders, unbothered, choosing instead to move into the living room where the other guests were gathered.
“Fix this,” Jimin demands with a stern grip on her shoulder.
“How do you suggest I do that?” She questions, whipping around to lift her eyebrows at him. “It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?”
Jimin stares back in confusion. He doesn’t recognise the girl standing before him at all. Her words seemed to drip with poison and envy, almost malicious, nothing like the sweet girl he grew up with.
“Look, I don’t know what’s gotten into you,” He starts. “But just—”
“Jimin!” Taehyung shouts as he climbs onto the boy’s back, clinging onto him like a koala and Jimin lets out a groan. Tae always had horrible timing. As he struggles to shrug Tae off his back, Hoseok snags the bottle out of Jimin’s grasp, downing most of the drink before he places it back into his hand.
Mina greets everyone, smiling as she sees you striding into her home, your cousin by your side, the sight reminiscent of that of the night of the ball. You pull her into a hug before both you and your cousin make your way to the drinks table, your insides bubbling with excitement as the atmosphere of the party hits you. You fill your red solo cup with a multitude of assorted liquors, a mistake, you know, but you just wanted to reach that alcohol high as soon as possible. 
Jimin watches you carefully, unsure of what mood you were in today. Were you going to be furious with him like you were a few days ago? Or maybe just like yesterday, you were going to be surprisingly warm to him, with a side of mild confusion of course because nothing was ever straightforward with you.
It seems like you choose the latter when you sit down next to him, flashing him a curt smile before joining in on the conversation, shifting a little further up the couch to put some distance between you and him. Jimin silently thanks Taehyung who hands him a drink because lord knows he needed one if he was going to stay sane tonight. Between your confusing behaviour and Mina’s annoying one, he’s surprised he hasn’t screamed out in frustration yet. Why couldn’t Mina just clear things up for him and why couldn’t you just be open with how exactly you were feeling? Women, he sighs. They simply drove him mad.
Taehyung sits next to you, giving you a belated hug before encouraging you to down your drink with him. You meant to refuse the request but he flashes you that puppy dog smile and you find yourself throwing back your cup in one huge gulp. The alcohol stings your throat and you scrunch your face at the burning feeling which earns a laugh from Taehyung. Weak, he teases and you shove him away lightly with a frown on your face.
The drink had just about settled in your stomach when Hoseok comes barging in with shot glasses lined up. You refuse, obviously, but he brings up the topic of tradition and friendship and you groan, reluctantly agreeing to what is basically a one-way ticket to spending the night hugging a toilet bowl.
You’re not sure how Hoseok had managed to line up over 10 shots that quick but here the 4 of you were having 3 small glasses to each person. Your stomach churns when you lift up the first glass and as you chant the classic line before throwing back the drink, you can’t help but think back to how this very moment is usually the last memory you have of every crazy night you’ve ever had. If all goes to plan, throwing back this shot might very well be the last thing you remember tonight as well, which for the first time, might be a good thing.
Two shots in, you try hiding the last one underneath the coffee table but while doing so, Hoseok catches you and he sends you a disapproving look before he makes you drink two extra shots as a penalty. You beg Hoseok, asking him to let you off the hook but he starts pouring a third, warning you that you’d have to take another if you don’t start drinking. Letting out a groan, you twist the glass in your hand making a face as you bring it up to your lips. Taehyung, ever the gentleman starts pouring himself a shot to accompany you on carrying out your penalty. Well, if you were going down, at least you weren’t going down alone.
By the time you’re done, you don’t even dare to stand up because you’re sure your feet will just buckle underneath you. You lay back into the couch, your head nodding along to the music blaring over the speakers while your arms hung off the shoulders of both the boys seated on either side of you.
The next two hours are a blur in your mind. You find yourself enjoying the music and cheering on the boys as they - in your opinion - have one too many drinks and soon enough everyone on the couch is at your level… except for your cousin. Your cousin is having the time of his life, collecting a year’s worth of photos to blackmail you with, chuckling with each click of the camera. You shout for Hoseok to join the photo session but he’s nowhere to be found, probably in some corner of the house, shoving his tongue down the throat of that cute girl he liked. The boys on either side of you were just as drunk as you though and they comply to every photo request. Usually, you’ve had enough after one or two photos but tonight, you were way too gone to object, the three of you smiling as you all pose for yet another photo, as per your cousin’s instruction. In your state, you don’t notice the way Taehyung’s hand sits extremely low on your hips, neither do you notice the fact that Jimin has kissed you on your cheek close to 5 times now, each time whispering something a little too inappropriate in your ear when he pulls away. 
An ungodly amount of empty glasses lay upon the coffee table top, the sight an indication of how the three of you have managed to hit the sweet spot of being drunk. Each one of you had on the same smile, your heads lightheaded but your minds calm. Sober enough to remember tomorrow when reminded of significant events of the night before but drunk enough to be unable to tell when exactly the three of you had excused yourselves to the toilet to take an obscene amount of selfies on Taehyung’s phone.
“I’m tired,” Taehyung pouts.
“Aw baby, c'mere,” You coo, patting your thigh. Taehyung smiles delightedly before laying down, his head comfortably placed on your lap. He grabs your hand and places it in his hair, encouraging you to play with his soft locks and you do, a light smile gracing your lips as your fingers grazed his scalp in a quiet rhythm.
Jimin frowns at the mention of your pet name for Taehyung. He wanted to be called baby too. In the most innocent and childish way, he hates Taehyung. He hates how he knew all these details about you. He hates how you treat Taehyung with such endearment while he himself only got the cold shoulder or this fake warmth that you’ve recently begin to show him. Jimin wants you to smile at him genuinely or run your fingers through his hair. In other words, he wanted to be Taehyung. Jealousy nips at his insides and he finds himself cursing his best friend in his head. In his slight rage, Jimin reaches for Taehyung’s shoulders, lightly shoving him in an attempt to get him off your lap. He has had one too many shots though so all that’s really happening is his hand lightly gliding off Taehyung’s shoulders, his palm grasping nothing but air. Even so, Taehyung whines swatting away Jimin’s hand that hovered above him. 
“Babe, stop doing that,” You frown, removing your hand from Taehyung’s hair to pull away Jimin’s hand.
Babe. Hmm, he likes the sound of that. 
“Okay, babe,” He smirks, interlacing your fingers with his, an absolutely stupid smile on his face. He returns to his previous position his head resting against your shoulder, a sweet sigh escaping his lips as his thumb glides over yours in a soothingly repeated fashion. With a whine, Taehyung tugs your other hand prompting you to go back to stroking his hair and you oblige. You shut your eyes, tilting your head until your cheek rested against Jimin’s soft hair. 
Your cousin watches all of this, feeling like he was halfway between vomiting at how cringey this all was and laughing because he’s never seen you this affectionate before. He takes at least another dozen photos, knowing that this was a moment you’d love to forget but he will never ever let you live this down. In fact, he would never let you forget this whole night. Might even make a slideshow out of all the pictures as a special birthday surprise for you. You’ll love it for sure.
As it almost approaches midnight, the party has seemed to calm down a fair bit and you feel yourself drifting off to sleep. You shift uncomfortably, trying not to wake either of the boys but you’re unsuccessful. Jimin awakes from his short nap and gives your hand a short squeeze before nuzzling against your neck, letting out a hum of delight.
“I like you when you’re wasted,” Jimin yawns. “You’re a lot nicer.”
“So you hate me when I’m sober?”
“A little,” He hums. “But I hate you a lot when you ignore me,” He pouts, his sentence slightly slurred due to the alcohol that’s coursing through his veins.
“I have never ignored you,” You answer, feigning surprise.
“Tell that to all the messages I’ve sent to you that went unanswered,” He points accusingly in his drunken stupor, a single finger swaying in the air.
“I was busy.”
“Doing what?”
“You’re still angry at me,” He groans, noticing the blank expression you often wear when you’re trying to hide your emotions.
“I’m not.”
“You are and you won’t let me explain myself,” He whines, lifting his head to look at you but your eyes don’t meet, your gaze completely fixed on Taehyung’s head.
“I’m not,” You sigh. “I don’t want to hear an explanation because I just really don’t care.”
“So… you hate me?”
“What? I don’t,” You laugh. That was lie. You did hate him. “I said I just—”
“Then, kiss me.”
“What?” You question, your mouth going slightly dry at the way Jimin was staring at you.
“Kiss me,” He repeats.
“To prove you don’t hate me.”
“I’m not kissing you,” You frown. “I don’t hate you and I don’t know where—”
“If you don’t care and you don’t hate me, kiss me.”
“So, you do hate me… and you do care about what happ—”
There he goes again, sounding like a broken recorder. You put a finger to his lips, interrupting his sentence.
“If I kiss you, will you shut up?” You ask, annoyed with his constant badgering that did nothing to help with the throbbing sensation you felt in your head.
“Definitely,” He answers, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“Great,” You smile, turning your head fully to face him. Your lips are a hair’s breadth away and Jimin could feel his heart start to pound. Was it the alcohol or was it just you? He wasn’t sure. He wills himself to sit up straight, to sober up because shit, you were about to put your damn lips on his and he wants to be able to fully remember this tomorrow.
Except, he never feels them.
“Y/N,” Mina calls, tugging you off the couch roughly and instead of lips touching lips, your forehead bumps against Jimin’s harshly, a groan of pain leaving your throat as you rub the aching spot. Taehyung who has tumbled onto the floor, lets out a yelp of pain before he pulls himself back onto the couch, settling his head down in Jimin’s lap in the absence of yours.
You stumble into Mina when she pulls you forward again and she holds you up, before dragging you away, up the stairs and into her room.
Jimin sits on the couch feeling 1 part confused and 3 parts frustrated because you were so close to kissing him just seconds ago and then you were gone, being whisked away by Mina. What was with everyone and their shitty timing tonight? Your cousin who had been recording everything was on the floor, laughing like a madman and he wonders if a night out with you guys on a regular night during the semester was like this because if it was, he was going to get started on his request to transfer.
Mina guides you to her bed before she shuts the door with a frustrated groan, a look of pure disappointment on her face.
“You shouldn’t have drank so much,” She sighs.
“Blame Hoseok!” You exclaim as you laid down on her bed, your legs dangling off the edge. 
“You were this close to kissing Jimin,” She glowers, her hand in front of your face, her thumb and index finger almost touching. “This close!”
“He asked me to!”
“And if he asked you to eat a pile of shit would you have done that too?”
“No… but—”
“You know how I feel about him,” She frowns.
You did. God, you’re a horrible human being but Park Jimin is the devil reincarnated and he tempted you at every turn.
“Sorry,” You mumble.
“You ruin everything,” She groans, kicking at the miscellaneous clothing on her floor.
A pang of pain runs through your chest and you stay silent, your anxiety beginning to claw at your throat.
“I didn’t sleep with him,” She exhales out of a sudden and you perk up, confused. “Because I wasn’t ready,” She quickly adds.
“That’s… that's—” You leave your sentence hanging, unsure what an appropriate response to a sentence like that sounds like so you shut your mouth, swinging your legs in silence.
“And he’s mad at me now because of that whole night and it’s all because of you,” She huffs, fully emphasising her last word.
There’s a second of silence, almost as if she was waiting for you to ask what exactly you had to do with all of this but you know better than to question her because Mina is seething at the moment and she looks absolutely terrifying.
“So, just do me a favour and stop getting in my way,” She grumbles, as if your existence in itself was a burden to her.
“Sorry,” You mumble again. Maybe you should’ve fought her, told her that she was getting in your way too but you were tired and you just wanted all of this damn drama to be over with. You wanted to go back to your first week here, the week where you hid from everyone… Everything had been much simpler then because no Jimin equaled to no problem.
Honestly, why was Mina here, getting mad at you when Jimin was just at fault, if not, even more so? He was playing the both of you, leaving both of you sad and confused but you know telling her that would get her even more riled up and if what she had said to you earlier was any indication of what she’s like when she’s truly angry, you didn’t really want to provoke her any further. She was simply too blind to see the truth.
With just a few words, it was as if the party had died and everything seemed to have dulled to grey. The elation that came with the alcohol was now replaced with a solemn feeling, one that seemed to swallow you whole. Mina had stormed out of the room after spitting out her final line and you laid on her bed, trying to collect your thoughts. With a loud exhale, you push yourself off the bed, and make your way towards the stairs, ready to go home and grab some much-needed shut eye.
When you find yourself in the living room, you see Mina talking to an obviously disinterested Jimin and you laugh to yourself. The poor girl was so in love with him and it seemed like he barely cared for her. You tap your cousin on the shoulder, pointing towards the door to signal that you were ready to go home and he simply nods, already having in mind just the conversation Mina just had with you.
“Babe, what about my kiss?” Jimin pouts with his head tilted to the side when he notices you saying your goodbyes.
Mina sends you a warning glare and you don’t know why but it makes you bubble with anger. You had planned to stay silent but who was she to threaten you like that? In that moment, you thank Hoseok for all the shots he had fed you throughout the night for you’d never let thoughts like these cross your mind but with a little bit of liquid courage, you feel a surge of confidence course through your body. A pinch of rebellion never killed anyone, right?
You smile sweetly at Mina and the look she gives you sends shivers down your spine but you’re turning towards Jimin, your mouth already moving.
“Sorry, babe. The host says you’re completely off limits,” You frown. “I’ve been told to stop getting in the way of things… to stop getting in between the both of you sweet, sweet lovers,” You sigh, a condescending smile on your lips.
You know you probably shouldn’t have said that but you were feeling rather spiteful especially after having had the time to fully digest everything Mina had said to you. Shame, you had really liked her before she revealed her true colours. If she thinks you ruin everything, then hell, you were going to make it your mission to.
“What the fuck?” Jimin growls, an immeasurable amount of anger behind his words. He turns to Mina, his eyebrows furrowed, jaw taut and fists clenched. Maybe it’s the alcohol that has him feeling this way because you’ve never seen him this angry before. You tug at your cousin’s sleeve, wanting to be far, far away before you have to witness a shouting match between the two of them and your cousin obliges, quickly ushering you towards the front door.
“Honestly Mina, what’s wrong with you?”
“She’s fucking making shit up, I didn’t say anything like that!” She exclaims, a crowd beginning to gather around them.
“No, I’ve had enough,” He shakes his head. “The last time you told me you didn’t say anything, you said exactly what I told you not to and who are you to—”
You don’t hear the rest of his sentence, your cousin promptly shutting the front door behind the both of you.
“Holy shit, aren’t you guys a dramatic bunch,” Your cousin exhales, guiding you down Mina’s driveway.
“I was just having fun,” You shrug.
“Hell yeah, you were,” He laughs, as he opens the front door to his house. “Just wait until tomorrow when I show you all the wonderful photos I’ve taken of this lovely night.”
You nod, fully aware that he probably has one too many embarrassing photos of you now but really how bad could they be? All you know is that you’re drunk, a little sad and unbelievably tired. All you wanted right now was to curl up into your bed and sleep. The best thing about being this wasted was that you didn’t have time to stop and recount the events of the night because the moment your head hits the pillow, you’re already falling deep into sleep.
You wake up with an absolute killer headache and a heavy sense of regret. Unfortunately, unlike most nights, you remember most of this one. Goddamn it, the one time you wanted to have no memory of the previous night, your brain decides to work against you.
The final sentence you had uttered before leaving Mina’s house still tastes bitter on your tongue but that is one thing you do not regret from the night before. You’ve never met someone who was so manipulative, showing you one side when needed and showing you another when things weren’t going her way. To think you felt bad for her, felt guilty for pushing her away. You shake your head in disappointment. Perhaps your subconscious knew better.
At breakfast, you get a full recap of the night before, completely against your will of course. Your cousin shows you photo after photo, each one more embarrassing than the next but at least you were having fun? The finale is of course the video of you with Taehyung on your lap and your face mere centimetres away from Jimin’s. You cringe while watching it and break out into laughter when you see the look on Jimin’s face as Mina drags you away. 
“Why did you have to go and piss off the only person that throws a decent party in this stinking town?” Your cousin frowns.
“Look, she definitely had bitch flakes for breakfast yesterday because the girl was downright nasty last night,” You huff. “I just couldn’t take it anymore.”
“Guess we’ll just have to raid my mum’s alcohol cabinet to get drunk,” He sighs.
“I’m sorry I ruined the remainder of your winter break,” You laugh, patting him on the head.
“Oh, don’t worry, all I have to do is look at this picture and it makes me feel all better,” Your cousin smiles, turning his phone to show it to you.
There’s a gasp and then a shriek that tears through the house.
“Delete that now!!!”
Your cousin is up on his feet, laughing wildly as he tries to escape from your killer grasp. 
“It’s really one of my favourite pictures of you,” He chuckles, ducking down to dodge the arm that you swing at him. “You look like such a sophisticated lady in it, don’t you think?”
“No!” You scream. “If you ever post that picture, trust that I’ll kill you with my bare hands,” You seethe.
It’s a picture you would later print to keep in a scrapbook hidden far, far away. One to remember your horrid teenage years by. 
It’s really not too bad of a photo. There’s three of you in it; yourself, Taehyung and Jimin, the drunk triplets. You’re sat in the middle of course, with Taehyung and Jimin on either side of you, which sounds normal except they’re both kissing you on the cheek and have one hand each on your breasts while you have two middle fingers raised with a look of fake shock on your face. Thank god movie day is cancelled today because you can’t even think about seeing the both of them before blushing bright red.
You finally get your cousin in a headlock, forcing him to delete the picture in front of you and he pretends to be upset at the loss of a great photo. He’s laughing internally at your proud look of success. You truly underestimated him. Did you take him for an amateur? Of course he had multiple copies of this very photo, all stored away for a day in which it would come in handy.
[10:07] Jimin: nerd
[10:07] Jimin: the season finale is out…
For a second the world stands still and you release your cousin from your hold. You’ve been waiting for the release of the finale for a whole week now. Wasn’t it supposed to be awkward between the both of you after last night? No, none of that matters not when it comes to the TV series that is basically the foundation on which your friendship with Jimin stands on.
[10:08] You: crap!!!!
[10:08] You: i’m not ready
[10:08] You: wait have you watched it already?
Watched it already? Without you? Never. 
[10:09] Jimin: nah not yet
A sudden realisation dawns on you and you let out a small cry.
[10:09] You: fuck my netflix subscription expired
Holy shit. For once the universe was working in his favour. He had made just the right purchase last month.
[10:09] Jimin: come over then
[10:09] Jimin: you have 10 minutes
You slip into your winter coat, putting on your boots in a hurry. Your cousin gives you a quizzical look and with the mention of the TV show and Jimin’s name, he lets out an exasperated groan. 
“Have fun talking about the whole Mina incident after you finish the episode!” He shouts but you slam the door shut, pretending that you didn’t hear a single word.
[10:10] You: bitch give me 15
[10:10] You: i’m legit running rn
Jimin smiles, getting off his bed to put his plan into work.
[10:10] Jimin: 9 minutes
[10:10] Jimin: tick tock, tick tock
You arrive at Jimin’s house almost 20 minutes after his last text, horribly off schedule, you know but really, you’ve never ran so hard in your life. You hope that he hasn’t started without you and if he did, you would force him to start from the beginning anyway.
Jimin hears you running up the stairs and he quickly pulls the blanket over him, placing his laptop gingerly on his lap.
“You’re late,” He exhales, giving you a disappointed look when he sees you pop your head into his room.
“I’m so sorry,” You apologise, shrugging your coat off to hang it up. “It’s snowing a shit ton outside and—” An awkward shiver runs through you and you rub your hands down the side of your arms. “—fuck it’s cold in here,” You mumble before diving under Jimin’s blanket.
The moment you join Jimin in his bed, he hits play and he watches in delight as your face lights up the moment you hear the words previously on…
As the hour-long finale plays, you slowly inch closer towards Jimin, searching for more of his warmth, his thick blanket doing nothing to stop the chilly air that was pinching at your skin.
“Why is it so cold?” You murmur, mostly to yourself but Jimin hears you loud and clear.
“Yeah, the heating’s been a little cranky lately, sorry,” He answers, slipping his arm under you to pull you closer.
A complete and utter lie. 
Jimin had fiddled with the thermostat before you came, putting the heater onto its lowest setting just so you would have to scoot closer to him. It’s a genius plan, he thinks and one that’s obviously working since you were practically laying in his arms at the moment.
You’re so engrossed in the show that you don’t really notice how you were basically cuddling with Jimin currently. Perhaps you don’t realise it simply because it was so normal for you to be in this position with him. Either way, you’re happy because you’re warm and Jimin’s happy because you’re- in his opinion -right where you’re supposed to be. It’s a win-win situation really.
The episode had started off with a thrilling chase, the plot developing slowly as it went on and with 10 minutes left, you don’t think there’s much that can happen but it takes a dark turn, leaving you stunned as you watch characters whom you thought have main roles, start to drop like flies. A knife to the heart, a bullet to the head, each kill hurting more than the one before. You wince away in horror every time and there’s an accompanying squeeze to your side, a telltale sign that Jimin too was literally shitting bricks at the moment. At the end of the show, you’re left speechless as the closing shot shows a room full of dead people, all characters you have come to love.
You turn to Jimin to see a matching stunned expression and he utters three words, 
“Feel good movie?”
You’re nodding your head so fast that he giggles as he goes through a selection of movies. He makes his way down the list of rom-coms and stops at the one he knows to be your favourite. You smile at him, as if to say good job, and he only replies with an annoyed huff. A fake one of course. He secretly loved that movie too.
You barely get through 20 minutes of the movie before you find it hard to keep your eyes open. The activities from last night catching up to you, calling for you to shut your eyes. After 10 minutes of nodding off and waking up, you finally give in, choosing instead to curl up and go to sleep.
Jimin only notices some time after that you’ve fallen asleep. Your signature murmuring notifying him that you’ve drifted off to catch some shut eye. He shuts his laptop and sets it aside, shifting quietly so that he was now facing you. You let out a groan, squirming about in his hold and Jimin holds his breath, hoping that he hadn’t woken you up. You simply settle against his body, draping your arm across his middle while your leg wrapped around him, pulling him closer to you. 
He felt like he was in a dream. You being this close, tugging him towards you? Definitely had to be one especially with everything that has been happening between the both of you, last night being the obvious highlight of the whole disaster of a situation. Jimin had stood there arguing with Mina, the girl he would have given everything to had she asked him 5 years ago. She seemed so different standing in front of him, unrecognisable almost. Perhaps like she said, he had changed or maybe he was finally seeing her for who she truly was now that he was no longer under her spell. Taehyung and Hoseok always did say she was a little scary, that despite her bubbly personality, it seemed as if every move she made was calculated but Jimin had always dismissed that, unable to see anything past that teasing smile she always flashed him… until now.
Jimin tries to make sense of everything that has happened so far and he wonders how one innocent ‘yes, i’ll go to the ball with you’ had led to all of this mess. It’s all a little too much for him to process and all he truly wants is to enjoy this very moment of you laying in his bed, in his arms, all by your own will. Just the feeling of your warmth is enough to make him smile and he pulls you just an inch closer, tucking your head under his chin before he too shuts his eyes to nod off to sleep.
Jimin stirs from his sleep about an hour later, shivering wildly and he curses himself for turning down the heater so low. He dismisses that thought when he feels your breath against his neck. It was worth it. He’d bear the few hours of cold again if it meant seeing you in his arms.
Jimin lets out a light sigh before he moves downwards, wriggling slowly until he was face to face with you, pulling back ever so slightly to look at your calm features. It’s risky, he knows, but he can’t help himself and before he can think twice, he’s leaning in to place a light kiss on your forehead. He backs away quickly, hoping that you hadn’t felt that. You remain unmoving, your breathing still at the same pace and he lets out a sigh of relief. With a smile, he swoops down to place another kiss at the space between your eyebrows, letting that one linger for just a fraction longer before he moves to the tip of your nose. 
Jimin’s lips had barely left your nose when he notices your beady eyes staring back at him. He backs away slowly, truly hoping that you would somehow shut your eyes and go back to sleep but he knows he���s been caught. Damn.
“What are you doing?”
“Sorry,” Jimin mumbles, his head hanging low.
“I didn’t ask you to apologise,” You laugh. “I asked you what you were doing.”
“Kissing… kissing your nose,” He answers, his cheek beginning to glow with the slightest shade of pink.
You let out a short hum and Jimin is left slightly confused. He had fully expected you to have been hitting him or running out the door by now but you’re still here, completely relaxed in his hold, wearing a smile of mischief.
“What were you going to do next if I hadn’t woken up?”
“Nothing,” He answers, his voice quivering slightly at the way you seem to be staring darkly at him.
“You sure about that?” You question, a smirk playing at your lips.
Of course he wanted to go for your lips next but he had drawn the line there. That would have been borderline creepy, wouldn’t it?
“I’m sure,” He replies, this time his voice is strong, completely certain of what he was saying.
You shimmy your way closer to him, your nose bumping his and he could feel your breath on his lips as you spoke.
“Really?” You ask. “Pretty sure you were begging to kiss these lips last night.”
He shouldn’t… not when the both of you haven’t cleared things up yet but your lips were practically brushing against his as you whispered those words and he was just a man. A weak, weak man.
A whimper leaves his lips as he holds on to his last strand of self-control. Your eyes flutter shut and he gives in, surging forward to capture your lips between his own, completely entranced with the taste of you. Warmth blooms in his chest as your hands come up to grip the side of his face, his own hands sliding down to hold you delicately, pressing you as close to him as possible.
You had woken up a few minutes before Jimin, the cold cutting into your bones making it almost impossible for you to stay asleep. You keep your eyes shut, basking in the little warmth that radiated off Jimin, melting at the way he seemed to fit perfectly against you.
The first kiss on your forehead had taken you off guard but you try your best to pretend you were asleep, putting all your energy into making sure your smile didn’t show. The subsequent kisses cause a fluttering that feeling in the pit of your stomach and it was getting harder to maintain a blank, relaxed face. He moves further down your face, towards your lips and when his lips grazes the tip of your nose, you open your eyes to look at him, taking it as your chance to watch a flustered Jimin when he comes to realise that you’re awake.
You egg him on, feeling him tense beside you as you move closer and closer to him, your lips almost on his. The finale aside, you were a woman on a mission. When you had woken up in the morning and recounted the events of last night, you had made a decision. Though Mina’s belated confession made you smile a little, it didn’t change the fact that Jimin had intended to sleep with her that night and that if she was willing, it would’ve happened. You had thought it all out on your trek to Jimin’s house, planning to use his very own moves and words against him. A personal vendetta of yours, to see Jimin get all worked up over the things he said to all the girls he wanted to fuck. 
You were going to get him to play a rom com, hold his hand and kiss him at the crux of the movie. Then, you were going to have him moan and beg underneath you and for the finale, leave him alone and broken in his bed. Although, you have a feeling the last part wouldn’t work. You simply didn’t have enough power over him to make him feel that way. In any case, all of this was for you, for you to finally rid yourself of the player that was Park Jimin.
As much as you liked to believe there was something more going on between you and him, you realised that all of this, all of your feelings for him stemmed from that one night you gave into lust. That’s all it was between you and him, a manifestation of lust and you knew the only way to get rid of it was to get him out of your system. One more time, you tell yourself. It wasn’t going to be hard, you knew that. After all, you were giving Jimin exactly what he wanted. One more time with him and the both of you will go back to being former quiz partners and perhaps even just strangers. Perhaps it was a good thing that you had fallen asleep. It would have been a true shame if you had allowed Jimin to ruin what was your favourite movie of all time.
Jimin pulls away from the kiss momentarily to back himself up against the headboard, his hands tugging you along, your legs now on either side of him and he watches on in awe as you made yourself comfortable in his lap. If cuddling with you felt like a dream then having you straddle him and kiss him senseless felt like heaven. He takes his time with you, moving his lips languidly, wishing to drag this out for as long as you would allow him to.
You break away from the kiss to mark his neck, leaving petals of blue and purple on his soft skin. It’s so hard for Jimin to think clearly when he feels your ass grinding against his cock but his mind clears up just enough for him to remember that there’s still so much he needed to say to you.
“N-nerd,” He stutters, he intends to finish his sentence but you’re biting that spot behind his ear that has him writhing under you. His hands slip under your shirt, roaming your back before gripping your waist with such force, as if he was afraid you were suddenly going to leave.
Your hands tug at the hem of his shirt and he holds your wrists to stop you. Once you get his shirt off and he tears yours away, he knows his mind will no longer have the power to construct full sentences.
“Babe,” He whimpers. “We— fuck—” A roll of your hips causes his words to become mangled moans. “Fuck, okay,” He breathes, barely able to concentrate. “We need to t-talk first before—”
You press your lips against his, cutting off his sentence and he responds with a whine. You were really making this difficult for him.
“We can do that later,” You mumble. “I need you right now,” You whine.
Need. You needed him. Not want but need. He lets that sentence ring in his head one more time before he loses himself completely to your touch, your kiss.
Jimin shoves your hand away, opting to pull his shirt off to speed things up and in that time, you remove yours too. He marvels at your body, his nimble fingers unbuckling your bra in a split second and a guttural moan leaves his lips the moment your breasts come into view. His hands explore every single inch of your body, memorising each curve and dip while your hands tug at his locks, urging him to do something, anything.
All the pictures, all the events, everything that you and Jimin are plays in the back of your mind, warning you of what you are so adamant on destroying but you can’t find it in yourself to stop. Not even the horrifyingly embarrassing pictures from last night can prompt you to stop rolling your hips against him. He was extremely intoxicating, his signature smirk, his scent, all things that had you wanting more… even if it meant you were digging yourself deeper into a hole of despair. As you sat on him, his aching member pressing against your centre, you come to a realisation that you had horribly miscalculated just how much he affected you and that your grand plan was falling apart with every second. Regret. The emotion fills every crevice of your body but the heat pooling in the pit of your stomach makes it easy to forget it all, to simply stop thinking for a second and bask in the way Jimin was staring at you, his breaths already shallow.
“Baby, fuck, you need to stop that,” He groans. “My mum will be back soon.”
Damn, you loved the way the word baby rolled off his lips. Even if he called numerous girls by the same name, it still made you weak in the knees. You ignore his pleads, continuing your ministrations, watching as Jimin struggles to hold on to his sanity.
“We can be quick, can’t we?” You ask. “I bet I can have you coming in your pants before she gets here.”
Fuck. Jimin’s mind spins at the words that are falling from your lips and all he wants is to hear you say more, speak with more confidence about all the things you wanted to do to him. He can’t bring himself to say anything, his mind only able to prompt him to grab your hand and guide it towards his member that was growing achingly hard.
A light laugh bubbles from your lips as you saddle down further his thighs, your hand tugging down his sweatpants to reveal his member pressed against his boxers, a dark spot forming at where his tip was, pre-cum already leaking through. You palm him slowly through the thin sheet of cloth, the whines that escape his lips causing a pleasurable twist in the pit of your stomach and it takes everything in you to stop yourself from ripping his boxers right off.
“Babe, please,” He begs. “No teasing. I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” He whines.
You silence the rest of his protests with a kiss, letting your tongues dance together, a ton of unsaid words swallowed between the both of you. Your hand slips into his boxers, pumping him once, twice and Jimin detaches his lips from yours, his head rolling back to hit the headboard, rapid breathy whines falling from his lips.
You tug his boxers just enough to let his erection spring free, revealing his cock that made your mouth water, his tip red and angry. You build him closer to his release, your hand spreading his pre-cum down his shaft, gripping with just the right pressure before twisting your wrist to come up to his head, your fingers teasing at his slit. His head now buried in your neck as he tried to muffle his moans with kisses that he left on your supple skin.
Jimin’s almost there, your dirty whispers bringing him closer and closer to his high. Just a few more times and you’d have him blowing his load. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his hips thrusting upwards into your hand to chase his release.
A sharp ring sounds from your back pocket, slowly falling into the melodious tone you recognise as the one you had set as your aunt’s ringtone. Your hand stops dead in its track and Jimin continues thrusting his hip into your hand to urge you to keep going but you let your hand fall limp.
“Don’t,” He whines when he sees you reach for your back pocket. “Don’t answer that. Baby, I’m so close, please,” He begs.
You tilt you head to your side, flashing him a polite smile before pressing your phone to your ear.
“Hi Aunty!” You greet, tucking his member back into his boxers, wiping his pre-release all over the front of his sweatpants. Jimin lets out a frustrated groan, his head resting on the headboard with a thunk! as he gives you a disappointed frown. 
“Y/N, do you think you can stop by the store to pick something up for me?”
Jimin reaches for your hand, pulling it towards his cock, urging you to continue where you had left off but you simply shrug off his hold and send him a warning glare.
“Sure,” You answer. “What do you need me to get?”
Your aunt begins listing a few ingredients, a variety of vegetables but fuck, Jimin has on an evil smirk and you know you’re in trouble. He wraps a single arm around you, pulling you closer, while his other hand comes up to caress your breasts.
You frown at him, and mouth the words stop that to him but he simply shrugs his shoulders at you before his lips wraps around one of your buds, his tongue darting out to swirl around it. You’re delirious as you feel him suck at your skin, his mouth moving to leave patterns down the side of your breast, his hand massaging the other. The words slipping out from your phone’s speaker goes unheard as you tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, devoting all your energy into making sure your moans stay silent. Park Jimin really is the devil, is all your mind can conclude.
Your hand slips between the strands of his hair, tugging at them lightly before you pull harder, forcing Jimin to detach his lips from your nipple. He stares back at you with a sly grin, only to be met with your signature scowl and he leans in to peck your lips, to stop you from saying anything.
You hum into your phone, hoping your aunt hasn’t realised that you’ve been way too silent or worse, that she had heard anything that would have given her a clue of what exactly was happening behind the scenes. 
She’s still listing more ingredients, letting you know on what she was planning to cook and you let out another hum, wishing she would just end the damn call already. Jimin lets his hand slip to your waist as you speak to your aunt and when you give him no attention, he lets them venture further southwards, thumbing the waistband of your pants. He looks up at you but you’re staring into space with your eyebrows furrowed, like you were actually trying to listen to whatever your aunt was saying. As if, he scoffs. His finger slips into your pants, snapping the waistband of your panties against your skin teasingly, knowing full well that this would definitely get your attention.
You pull your phone away, your hand covering the mic as you send him another warning glare. “Jimin, stop that!” You whisper-shout and he only laughs, letting his other hand slip to your behind to leave a hard slap. A tiny gasp leaves your throat and you pray your aunt heard nothing. You move to climb off his lap, unable to tolerate him anymore but his strong hands hold you in place, not letting you move an inch. 
“Okay, I’ll stop,” He whispers into your ear, his light chuckles punctuating his sentence before he nibbles at your lobe. You bring back the phone to your ear just in time to hear your aunt ask if you had got all that and you answer with a curt yes. Crap, you were so screwed.
Jimin shifts under you, pulling you closer to him, your chest touching his and your centre pressed against his erection. It seemed like the word stop had a very different meaning in Jimin’s dictionary. You wriggle around, hoping he’ll release you but your efforts are futile and if anything, only riles him up further. His hips roll into yours letting your core feel his throbbing cock, aching for something, any form of friction. His lips busy themselves by returning the favour, marking your neck as you did his earlier. Low whimpers escape from your throat and your knuckles turn white from gripping your phone so hard, your mind screaming at you to not give into Jimin’s tricks.
There’s too much going on and you feel your resolve slowly crumbling, your mind on the verge of telling you to just toss your phone across the room and succumb to your desires. There’s a murmur on the other side of the phone and you let out a shaky yes, hoping that it had been a question your aunt was asking because you really hadn’t heard anything past ‘I need you to get me some vegetables.’
“Y/N, are you listening?” Your aunt questions, her tone clearly frustrated. “I need you to get them for me now, yeah?”
“Huh?” You question, mind still hazy from the way you felt heat pooling at your centre, the knot in your stomach growing tighter by the second.
“Y/N,” Your aunt grumbles. “Are you in the middle of something?”
“N-no, I’m listening,” You answer and Jimin giggles when you reach out to push him away.
"I said I need you to get me all of that right now.”
“Right now?” You repeat and Jimin backs away to look at you in confusion. Hell no. You’re not going to leave him here with blue balls are you?
“Yes and—”
"Wait, I-I caught most of what you told me,” You lie. “But I think you should still text me the list just so I don’t miss anything out.”
“Ah, my boy will meet you at the store and he has the list, so don’t worry about that.”
What. The. Fuck. She made you sit through all of that torture only to tell you that your cousin had the full list? What the hell was the point of this phone call then?
“He should be there already so meet him as soon as you can,” She chirps. “He always manages to miss something even when he has the list,” She groans.
“Sure, I’m on my way now,” You huff, trying your best to hide your annoyance before bidding her a curt goodbye.
When you hang up and put your phone back in your back pocket, you’re greeted with a look of bewilderment on Jimin’s face.
“No, no,” He growls. “You’re not going anywhere until you fix this,” He grunts, thrusting upwards. A light moan bubbles up your throat, completely betraying your thoughts.
“I-I can’t,” You mumble, trying to hide the moans that threatened to escape your lips. You search his bed for your bra, your hips still attached to his since he refused to let you go. 
“You have to baby,” He groans, running his hand through his hair. “You can’t leave me like this!” He exclaims, pointing to where you were sitting on, finally releasing his hold on you. 
You take the chance to climb off him and he whines, trying to pull you back to him but you slap his grabby hands away with a laugh.
“You said you were going to have me coming in my pants.”
“I failed,” You shrug.
Jimin flails around in his bed, throwing a temper tantrum like a child.
“I’ll eat you out, I’ll do anything,” He begs. “You can’t do this to me,” He whines like a 5-year-old.
“So you mean you weren’t planning to eat me out to begin with?” You question, hand on your hips.
“O-of course I was.”
“You’re stuttering, Park,” You tease. “That’s not very convincing.”
“That’s because your girls are literally staring me in the face right now,” He points towards your chest. “They make it really hard for me to think straight, you know?”
“Shame,” You shrug, while putting your bra on. “If you didn’t stutter maybe I’d be getting undressed,” You sigh as you pull your shirt back on.
“Baby please,” He cries, stalking over towards you. “What am I supposed to do with this if you leave?” He groans, fingers directing you to look at his member.
“You’re a big boy,” You smile. “Figure it out on your own, baby,” You tease, patting him lightly on the cheek. “Or maybe ask Mina… I’m sure she’d love to help.”
Jimin’s face immediately turns sour and you know you’ve gone a little too far but really, he walked right into that one.
He lets out a loud exhale as he watches you move towards his door, leaving him to deal with the problem in his pants, alone. He’s never been in this situation before. A girl actually leaving him with blue balls… but you’re a girl he’s shared quite a few firsts with. Most notably, the first time he’s felt himself slowly being driven insane by a girl.
Shit, he really didn’t want you to leave and not because of his semi-hard cock but because he just didn’t like seeing you go. Today was the first time you had smiled at him since the night of the ball. A genuine smile, not that crappy half smile you’ve been giving him lately or the other smile that never quite reach your eyes, one that had fake warmth behind it. This smile was that rare toothy grin that he thinks is reserved just for him. It’s not, but he likes to think that it is. On top of that, you even called him baby, albeit teasingly, it made his heart soar. It was like you wanted him to melt into a puddle right before you. 
You had to stay… and if you weren’t going to, he had to see you tomorrow. He has a second to decide what to do and before he can really think anything through, he hears his own voice ring around the room.
“Nerd,” He calls and you look back, lifting your eyebrows at him. “D-do you maybe… want to watch a movie tomorrow?” He asks, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
“You mean with the boys? Sure, just text the group—" 
"No, I mean… Just you and me,” He gulps. “Like last time… you know? and then maybe we can talk about last night, about everything,” He adds quickly. His mind is racing as he awaits your answer, his heart thudding against his ribcage, so much so it felt like it was going to jump right out of his chest. Christ, even his pre-competition jitters had nothing on you.
It’s interesting, watching Jimin shift around nervously and you almost feel pity for him. He’s a convincing actor, you’ll give him that. You mull over the invite for a while, seeing it as your chance to carry out your plan, perhaps a little better this time. Talk. He wants to talk… that’s new, you hum. The both of you rarely speak about the things that happened between the both of you, choosing to ignore it until it becomes forgotten. You absolutely didn’t want to ‘talk’ but just like today, you think you’ll be able to wriggle your way out of that.
“Sure,” You smile. “Text me the details later yeah?”
“Y-yeah, of course!” He answers, almost shouting out his reply. He had meant to say goodbye but he’s so excited that his mind is unable to string the right words together. By the time he finally gets his act together, you’re already running down the stairs and out of his house.
Jimin takes a lengthy shower, stroking himself to thought of you, pretending it was your lips around his cock but even then, the euphoria he felt didn’t compare to hearing you say yes to the movie date. He paints the tiles with spurts of white, his breath heavy as he comes down from his high and all that clouds his thoughts now was how good you looked sitting on top of him but how much better you looked sitting beside him, your hand in his.
Being infatuated with someone made him feel so lame, he sighs but the warmth that bloomed in his chest with every thought of you made it feel like it didn’t matter.
By the time Jimin is done with his long, long shower, his parents are already sat at the table, lunch completely laid out. His mother complains about how it’s freezing in their house and he nibbles at his lips, a light feeling of guilt swimming in his chest.
Jimin’s parents notice their son being a lot more perkier than usual and they don’t have to ask why when he starts dropping some trivia about you, something or rather someone he had stopped talking about for a while. It’s endearing really and they watch on in fascination as he lights up, eyes crinkling when he smiles. Oh they couldn’t wait until you came over the next time, excited to finally be able to fully embarrass their son in front of you, a few choice stories already lined up.
Midway through the lunch, there’s a faint ding that comes from Jimin’s back pocket but he’s far too preoccupied with the conversation at hand to notice. A string of messages light up the front of his screen, your name flashing above them.
[1:42] You: hey i’m gonna have to take a rain check on that movie tomorrow
[1:42] You: because
[1:42] You: guess who my aunt’s cooking for tonight?
[1:42] You: my parents!!!
[1:42] You: anyway i’m leaving for my hometown tonight
[1:42] You: so i’ll see you when we’re all back on campus :)
Ah, the universe strikes again. It’s mysterious ways forever working against Jimin.
There’s a dull pain that sits at the bottom of your chest when you type out your messages to the boys, your uneasiness intensifying as you typed out Jimin’s. You had definitely made the situation worse with your stunt this afternoon, further confusing yourself but maybe your short trip home would be able to clear things up for you or even better, help you forget all of it ever happened. Maybe like always, after returning to campus, both you and Jimin would pretend like nothing happened… the both of you were really good at doing that anyway. 
You shake your head, refusing to think about all of it anymore. You’re sure it’ll all work out because by the time the semester starts, you’ll all be back on campus where there would be a 100 other girls that Jimin could distract himself with and you’ll fade to the background, simply becoming another one of ‘those girls’ that he had had his fun with. Just another fuckboy, you tell yourself. Just another mistake. That’s all he was. Looks like you were going to have to look for another cuddle partner when you get back on campus and you had just the right person in mind…
A certain Kim Taehyung perhaps?
A/N: a lil insecure about how this chapter turned out bc i know this chap is kinda jumpy with the constant switching of viewpoints but I just idk hahaha I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! As always, thank you so much for reading and feedback is welcome!!!
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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jonghyyn · 7 years
Lol yes imagine anon here & I did submit the camping walkie talkie scenario. :) I had an ok day, the weather is getting warmer which means being miserable until Oct. I dont understand how white people just lie out in the sun tbh. Ur totally right. Why did I even assume Tae would stay w/ the kids? Minho would be w/ the kids and be super scout dad & go foraging w/ them. Can you imagine Jinki wearing those ugly fishing chest waders? He buys them for the whole gang and Jong looks extra smol in them
ahh so i guessed right!! hello pal its always great to see you 💕 im glad ur day was okay!! i hope this one was alright as well!! i hope it wasnt too hot however bc skjdjksdf i also hate the heat entirely. im probably going to sit here and complain every single day about how much i hate the heat until we’re all finally free again. summer is just Utter Misery time. i also dont have any form of air conditioning which is Terrible it can get pretty stuff in the daytime its just awful. i dont understand why anyone likes the heat like,,, u feel gross and sweaty and u cant Escape the feeling ever it rly baffles me. its starting to feel spring-summery here yet but the Hot days havent quite kicked in yet and im dreading hthem
but sdkfsjkf im glad u agree minho would stay w the kids!! minho would go foraging!! he’d also probably devise some kind of story and Lore for the forest to tell as they go exploring. it would be a very riveting story and he’d manage to tie in everything the kiddos pointed out to him as theyre walking by. he’d pretend there in some ancient mystical forest and all that hes really great at coming up w stuff like that on the fly and entertaining them. 
and yes!! jinki Would buy those. he’d come out of the cabin wearing them and everyone is like u ok spiritually buddy…. and hes all haha no worries i got some for the whole gang ! nobody gets left behind ! taemin takes a liking to them, most likely because taemin takes a liking to everything that looks as godawful as possible. he probably ends up wearing them when theyre back at home too, occasionally backwards. when anyone questions him hes all ‘im always fishing…. fishing for a Meaning in This Life’ which is about the point that everybody stops questioning him on anything ever. 
jonghyun wore those overall type things for his she is stages and im reminded of those kind of!! itd look kind of similar. they look pretty Unfashionable but the oversized one on jjong is just ??? so oddly endearing in its own way. he just sort of gets lost in it. jinki May have purposefully bought a size up bc hes endlessly endeared by jonghyun looking teeny and precious in oversized clothing. on kibums recommendation theyd take a bunch of silly group pictures in them posed in ridiculous ways, and one of the pictures would be minhos lockscreen for a good 5 months because thats just the type of person minho is
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yueqqi-main · 4 years
#honest to god youd think working with healthcare professionals selling supplies to them would be pretty easy#but there are some stray RNs and MDs that have a stick so far up their fucking ass they dont realize people are actualy living human beings#thankfully i dont deal with them a whole lot but still#im baffled about that one lady who was probably high off of shit claiming her scrubs were growing and threatening a lawsuit suit#since ‘her sister was an attorney’#then today i get to deal with this bitch who yelled at my associate for lightly chastising her son#WHO WAS RUNNING IN THE RACKS WITH REAL RISK OF POKING HIS EYE OUT ON THE HANGERS#and im not about the deal with us being liable for kids causing injury to themselves on the racks#and then she tries to return a pair of scrub pants after washing them claiming that the drawstring fell out on its own after one wash#and claiming it must be a vendor defect#so im over here silently like ‘ma’am have you never owned a fucking hoodie before’#and i just tave her the regular spiel that ‘sorry ma’am but its not in the original condition nor is it a vendor defect’#then she threatens to complain to my manager and even my regional since she got pissy that im the only manager on shift#fucking christ#honestly idfc since unlike other companies following policy is better than causing loss so haha she can find her scrubs elsewhere#although this does give me some perspective on how entitled people can and will mistreat retail workers then lie#to victimize themselves... hm
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