pcttrailsidereader · 2 years
Flee for Your Life? Wildfires transform hiking in California's mountains
This is an excerpt from an article published on August 21, 2022 in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. I wish so many of our posts were not related to wildfires but fires have become a critical issue in trip planning and trip safety. Make sure you read to the recommendations at the end of the piece.
By Ethan Baron
Andrew Schrock woke around midnight smelling smoke on a backpacking trip late last month in California’s far north.
“I heard what I thought was rain but was ashes on the tent,” said Schrock, 43.
Using a satellite-based device from the Klamath National Forest near the Oregon border, he texted family and friends back home to find out what was happening – but “no one was up.”
He’d had cell service a mile back along the iconic Pacific Crest Trail that stretches from Mexico to Canada, so he set out alone in the dark, got online, and discovered that the McKinney Fire – which has since grown to more than 60,000 acres, killed four people and required the rescue of 60 hikers from the California side of the trail – had ignited behind him to the south the previous afternoon.
Ask anyone who hikes in California’s mountains about wildfires and you’ll likely get an earful about canceled trips, detours, lung-burning smoke and, possibly, harrowing escapes. Backcountry travelers are increasingly finding themselves on the dangerous edge of a changing climate that is driving drought, parching forests, spreading tree-killing beetles and altering weather patterns. Add in heavy vegetation buildup from decades of fire suppression, and you have frequent, ferocious forest fires that scramble hikers’ best-laid plans and demand new tactics for staying safe.
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Schrock, of Long Beach, flew from Ashland, Oregon, to Fresno and then caught a bus to Yosemite to get back into the Sierra Nevada and finish his vacation covering more ground and enjoying the wilderness on his multi-year quest to complete the Pacific Crest Trail, he recalled while taking a snack break beside Lower Echo Lake near Lake Tahoe.
Dallan Clancy of Belmont, 68, finishing up a day hike 100 miles west of Sacramento at Carson Pass, said he had to cancel an overnight trip last September in the southern Sierra because the U.S. Forest Service shut access to all but one of California’s national forests over fire risks, including what the agency called “fire behavior that is beyond the norm of our experience and models such as large, quick runs in the night.” Clancy said he and four friends are aiming to do the trip this year, “unless it gets really bad.”
“We’ve always made note of escape routes, but on this trip, we actually planned our escape routes. We wanted to know the routes we could take to get out to a road,” said Jack Daro, a Southern California musician taking a break at Carson Pass during a backpacking trek to Yosemite National Park.
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Hikers in years past “just went and did whatever you wanted to do wherever you wanted to go,” Wilkinson said. But 2020 marked a transformation, with the million-acre August Complex Fire, the Creek Fire northeast of Fresno that led to helicopter evacuations of hundreds of people including hikers on the John Muir Trail, and other massive blazes launching California into the age of mega-fires, Wilkinson said.
Nine of California’s 20 biggest fires since 1932 have occurred in the past three years, torching 4.1 million acres, according to Cal Fire. This year’s five biggest blazes have burned 116,000 acres, and “we’re just now getting into peak wildfire season,” Wilkinson said.
U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Adrienne Freeman noted that fire can move much faster in today’s baked-crisp forests. “The window between OK and not OK,” Freeman said, “is becoming shorter and shorter.”
Backcountry journeyers who think seeing smoke but no flames means they’re fine may be mistaken, Wilkinson said. “Fire can move like a freight train, much faster than a person can run.”
Some hikers have dramatically changed the way they travel. Loetitia Saint-Jacques, 50, a Tahoe City veterinary technician, was on an overnight trip this month near South Lake Tahoe. Before the mega-fires, she and her companions would take long trips into deep wilderness. “We don’t go as remote now,” Saint-Jacques said. “Now it’s shorter trips. We do overnights, instead of five to eight days.”
Long-distance speed-hiker Ella Raff had multiple run-ins with wildfire and its fallout after embarking on the Pacific Crest Trail in June to walk from Mexico to Canada. Last month, the Washburn Fire in Yosemite shrouded her in smoke for two days. “I was just breathing heavy smoke 24/7. It’s not very fun,” said Raff, 29, of Portland. Farther north in California, traversing 85 miles of trail charred from last year’s nearly million-acre Dixie Fire left Raff covered in ash and dismayed by a “surreal” landscape with little animal life.
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Soon after, she smelled smoke from the McKinney Fire. As she was nearing the Oregon border, authorities shut the trail ahead. More than 100 miles of the route remain closed, with the fire, which started July 29, now almost contained. Raff made her way to Portland, then to Washington to hike the trail southward from Canada.
Changing jumping-off points, routes, destinations, or timing to cope with uncertainty about fires is now routine for hikers in California. The Caldor Fire, which ravaged 220,000 acres southwest of Lake Tahoe last year from August to October, forced Truckee artist Danae Anderson, 63, to cancel three backpacking trips. “Everything was too smoky up here,” said Anderson, hiking beside Lower Echo Lake. She went to Yosemite instead.
Reckless target shooting by a father and son allegedly caused the Caldor Fire. The inferno’s scar stretches nearly 50 miles southwest of Echo Lakes in a swath up to 15 miles wide, much of it a blackened wasteland of lifeless trees, some downed, some standing without greenery, granite on many boulders shattered in places by the intense heat. More than 80 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail were closed from the fire’s start last August until early this year. Hikers passing through such areas may find water scarce, and standing dead trees can pose a deadly toppling hazard, said Matt Rump, a trail stewardship staffer for the Pacific Crest Trail Association.
Crews take down the most dangerous trees, but because there are so many dead, and they provide important wildlife habitat, officials accept some risk to hikers, under the calculus that “if you get whacked, it’s your time,” said Cheryl Bailey, 73, a volunteer for the Tahoe Rim Trail Association, as she walked along the 2 1/2 miles of the rim trail that run through the Caldor scar and that she’s been helping rebuild.
Some hikers console themselves with fire’s importance to forest health, but many of today’s blazes burn so hot they kill trees accustomed to lower-intensity fires.
In the Echo Chalet store where Schrock, who fled the McKinney Fire, bought snacks, cashier Georgia Sprague, 22, chatted with the trekkers whose ebbs and flows depend on fires and smoke. Many expressed urgency over climate change.
“They feel a lot of a push to get out,” she said, “and see the world before it burns up.”
Wildfire safety tips for hikers
Recommendations for staying safe while hiking in the age of mega-fires:
Check websites such as InciWeb for fire information and PurpleAir for air-quality information before, and if possible during, backcountry trips.
2. Give friends and family your itinerary, always know your location and pay close attention to your surroundings in case you need to retreat.
3. Know whether fires are prohibited where you’re going.
4. Carry paper maps in addition to any digital maps or apps.
5. Use cell phones and satellite-based devices to monitor weather, fires, wind, air quality and alerts such as Red Flag wildfire warnings, and to stay in close contact with people not in the wilderness who may have better access to weather and fire information. Many satellite-based messaging devices such as the popular Garmin inReach also act as rescue beacons; trekkers wishing to stay less connected may prefer personal locator beacons that are only for emergency rescue.
6. Pay attention to signs at trailheads and trail junctions.
7. Gather crowd-sourced fire and trail information from reliable websites and forums.
8. Carry an N95 mask in case of smoke.
9. Watch the sky for smoke, and use your nose to detect it.
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doomsayersunited · 2 years
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nyaawn · 29 days
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Cait Sith Carried like a Cat.
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rioblitzle · 7 months
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this is how people talk about pokemon
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zaacoy · 5 months
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genia-caliber · 3 months
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Whatever you need to tell yourself, Twilight.
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thisisrealy2kok · 1 month
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Various - Jungle Tekno (Phat + Phuturistic) (1995)
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I have not seen Wonka, but every single time I see Fickelgruber I can only see Elias Bloody Bouchard. It's incurable.
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(I'm pretty sure this connection has already been made but, if not, please see my vision rn)
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mrstsung · 3 months
Hc time!
Shang tsung hcs
This is cary hiroyuki tagawa shang tsung. Mk11 and or 95 movie
There are Things i feel shang tsung would totally do or is willing to do.,most definitely. However whether or not he acts upon said things. Is context sensitive and depends entirely upon the relationship between you n him.
*An example. Shang i hc,doesn't initiate hugs at first to strangers,he will accept them wholeheartedly if you initiate. But he wont outright hug you,if he doesn't know you. But if you're the type to hug people,he will indulge. Give him time. A least a couple of weeks to get the feel of your vibes soul .
Scenario example. You greet him for the first time. You bow,handshake,and even hug him. He won't initiate a hug. He bows first,then a handshake. As proper greeting. If you hug him he will oblige,but he won't be the first one to outright hug as a greeting. But over time,he may greet you that way.
Hugs and other close proximity forms of affection are kinda intimate. He won't say no per say. But he won't be the one to initiate them until he feels comfortable with you enough. How long is various,who knows with that man. A couple of weeks should be enough. But it could be a few days. Or a few years. Or a few seconds. Who tf knows with that man.
He is absolutely touch starved tho(you can't convince me otherwise). That's why he allows it. But he's awkward ok?*
Again shang tsung is context sensitive as a character. But that's what makes him fun af to write. Endless possibilities,but he has a formula,method to his "madness",etc.
But here is more random hcs of mine of shang tsung:
Shang tsung would totally shapeshift into other characters to try to "sway your opinion of them" to get you more interested in him,joining him,etc. Whether you actually fall for this is all depending on you.
Like i said with the initial reaction to physical affection. He won't say no. But he may be flustered a bit by it. But once the ice is broken so to speak,over a period of time. He will initiate. And oh boy,this man is grabby grabby hands.
Shang tsung loves to pepper his lover in kisses. Especially from Behind.
Shang tsung absolutely CAN'T STAND STAYING DIRTY. like kombat is kombat,blood is blood. And shit happens. And you're gonna be messy. He is no stranger to this. But staying that way? For days?! Hell no. He NEEDS to bathe at some point or another otherwise he'll be grumpy af and not happy at all. A day or two without it,fine but that's the most he will feel comfortable with. Other than that he will be a a foul mood till he showers.
Shang tsung absolutely loves spicy food,but a reasonable amount. Unlike a certain thundergod . His fave spicy meal is a pork or beef noodle soup. He tends to eat it on special occasions,like lunar year or during tournaments.
He lives on an island so most of his diet would consist of seafood,tropical fruits foreign and domestic,and light but flavorful meals. But heavier foods he tends to only eat like i said during special occasions or on occasion. His fave fruit btw is melon,pineapple,mangos and peaches. And coconut. But not just for food but for hair,body care,etc. Very versatile. So if you give him any gifts,fruit is such a simple and sweet gesture to him.
Shang tsung really likes watching you. Not in a creepy way. But in a "i admire you,like a peice of art" kinda way. Like looking at a beautiful sunset,like he genuinely loves watching you. He's a people watcher definitely. But you,he just admires. Both up close and afar.
Shang tsung if he likes you. Like Genuinely loves you,is interested in you or wants to pursue you. NOBODY,NOT EVEN THE GODS WILL STOP HIM! also a surefire way to know. Is he kinda becomes mother hen around you. He starts saying things like "take a coat dear,or you'll catch a cold" or "ugh,let me do that/get that for you. You'll hurt yourself" "ugh so helpless" then proceeds to do it anyways because he care. He may seem nagging to those that don't know. But that's because those that do (more likely raiden) will see that shit and go *poggers* . Another way you'd know is he lets you do things that require "in close proximity" like tending his hair,helping him bathe or put on his armor,making him tea and bringing it to him. Pouring his wine. He trusts you with his well being. So yeah....he likes you. He loves you. Otherwise you wouldn't even be allowed to breathe in his direction that close.
Shang has a slightly softer bed than most that he grew up with(this man is over 500yrs old. So he's old old school chinese. However i feel shang tsung even for his time was kind of a progressive man. So traditional yes but not a bigoted dick ok?). Shang tsung was spoiled by the soft and silk beds in outworld when he got to be able to sleep in them. He has to have a ton of pillows and blankets. But he still prefers a slightly firmer bed. More like a medium firmness perhaps. I see shang tsung overall loving luxurious things. Of course this was all earned from his fights from tournaments past,rewards from his service once as shao Kahn's courtly mage,and even stolen profits that kollector gave him as tribute to offer for both being a mole and to keep his head and soul in tact.
Shang tsung likes soft light ambiance while sleeping. Sometimes he'll have a soul lantern nearby. But if you dont feel comfortable with that. He'll make them something more soothing. Like butterflies or fireflies. And the sounds will be more pleasant. Or he can silence them if that's better. The ocean waves and natural nature that can be heard throughout the island is soothing enough.
I hc shang tsung just has a natural aura of both absolutely calming energy and absolutely terrifying energy. He can either make you feel in absolute danger but too scared to move. Or....he can lull you,calm you,soothe you,and put your mind at ease. If it's genuine,this works wonders if you have anxiety(like moi). If he isn't genuine,and it's a means to an end. All the more to spread his influence. However.....you're special....so it's not likely the latter unless you're an enemy. But you're his beloved...so count your blessings.
Speaking of which,if you're his beloved nobody in their right mind would harm you. Or their souls would be absolutely taken.
Also shang tsung could read me anything and I'd be happy. I feel most people agree. Also i hc he loves books and loves to read. He loves to sniff books. I know weird. But yeah. You ever smell a good book? Like an old book? Good shit right there.
Shang tsung smells like incense,old books and scrolls,and some other indescribable scent. Something that is sort of an aphrodisiac that is very enticing. What that is specifically depends entirely upon the individual. And it can change or vary depending on the person and if he wants it to be something gentle and inviting. Or something horrible and terrifying(he literally smells dangerous) or he will have a smell that will absolutely make you randy. Either way that man's natural cologne is intoxicating af. He doesn't really need any perfumes,those are for you my dear. Not him. Tho he may use them on occasion if he needs to feel...."cleaner" flesh pits,alchemy,and the trials of kombat are no joke honey.
I may write some more,maybe specific things. But for now enjoy.
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americiumam · 9 months
would anyone be interested in a barriss/barrissoka day
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barbiesona <3 she comes w a marker so u can draw on her
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
currently foaming at the mouth because i went onto max to step through episodes and gif snuffle™ when like,,,
i was struck by the realization that soon, almost too soon, there's going to be an option to switch between two different seasons.
like there won't just be one season there anymore. there will be two.
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
Hey do you wanna test if you know every chonny jash song? Like EVERY chonny jash song? Like all 107 songs on his channel?
Well now you can :}
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wonubb · 1 year
Small gestures that aren’t small for me
Took the courage to write my first OT13 series (not sure what to call this tbh). Will post updates per birth year then the maknaes. Enjoy!
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You like this, right? So, here you go.
You were greeted by a paper bag when you arrived at your work desk on Monday morning. You checked the note first to make sure it’s supposed to be yours.
The note immediately put a smile on your face. It reads ‘I love you, will see you this afternoon. Love, Cheol.’
You opened the bag and saw the scarf that you have been eyeing at the store. You immediately sent a text to Cheol to say thank you.
“You’re welcome. I noticed that you checked it for a long time at the store and figured you’d really like to have it. I’m happy you loved it.”
“Yeah, I was trying to save up for it. I appreciate it, babe. Thanks again.” You replied.
“You are always welcome. Stay warm, baby and I’ll see you later. Let’s pick up dinner and go to the dorm, the boys have a lot of souvenirs for you from our Japan trip.” You wore the scarf around your neck and caught a whiff of Cheol’s perfume. You smiled to yourself. You can’t wait for work to be over so you can see your boyfriend.
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Leaning on your shoulder with back hugs
Jeonghan is known to be a sweet guy. He loves to tease people around him of course, but he’s really affectionate. He’d like to have you beside him always when you go out with the boys.
Today too where you’re currently at a coffee shop. You volunteered to order since the boys just came from practice. Seungkwan came with you to catch up and talk about the latest drama series that you both are watching.
While you were so enthusiastically telling him about the spoiler for next week’s episode, you felt someone approaching. A littler later, Hannie’s chin is on your shoulder and his arms around your waist, he’d always like to give you back hugs, and he loves receiving those from you just as much.
“Ahh hyung seriously, can noona and I just have some time to talk drama?” The younger complained.
“Why, talk to her I won’t say anything, I’ll just listen.” You and Seungkwan both know that’s not going to happen.
“You’re so clingy, hyung, one day I’ll kidnap her so we can just watch our favorite shows without interruption.” SK complained.
“Yah, you can try. This one’s not going anywhere without me.” Hannie kissed your cheek and tighten his grip.
“You koala. Go back there, I’ll be with you shortly.” You pushed him away and ignored his whining. “I love you, I’ll tell you the newest gossip I got from Seungkwan.”
“I knew it! You two are so exhausting. Be thankful I love you both.” SK glared at you both.
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Opening every door for you
Joshua loves to tell people he’s Seventeen’s gentleman. Well, he is. He’s particularly attentive too, especially to you. But what always warms your heart is the way he likes to open doors for you. Even if you’re walking ahead of him, his hands would always reach for the door handle first.
You would always say thank you to him at first then he said its his pleasure. Now, you two would exchange smiles when he opens doors for you.
Today you joined him and his brothers to dinner. They’re celebrating their last tour in Japan and decided to eat at a restaurant. It went great and you all had a fun time.
On your way out, you noticed that the members walked at the back while you and Josh are walking in front. Josh reached for your hands while his other hand is in his pocket. He smiled to you first before opening the door. What you both didn’t know is the other members’ plan. They all went after you, giving Josh their sweetest smiles. Your boyfriend didn’t have a choice but to continue holding the door until the last member, shaking his head while he laughs.
“You guys suck.” He said to his brothers.
“Our Joshy is so sweet. You really are a gentleman. Seventeen approved.” Cheol announced while nodding his head.
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
them reacting to your kiss scene in a drama; hyung line x fem!reader
request: Hey! Can I request the hyung line (95 and 96 liners) reacting to s/o (actress) having a kiss scene in their drama?
a/n: i hope this is up to standard! my computer is glitchy, so i apologies if there are any problems with this
cw: jealousy, possessiveness (not too much)
genre: blurb, fluff, established relationship, actress!y/n
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he was watching the drama you were playing in with you as soon as the episodes were out. so of course, he was very strict about you not spoiling what would happen. you tried to tell him: "hey this is the episode where there's a kiss scene", but he would just put his hands over his ears when you spoke - so afraid of spoilers. when he saw the scene, his jaw tensed up. you looked over at him and could barely hold in your laughter. he turned to you with a slight pout, and asked why you hadn't told him this happened in the episode. when you tried to tell him that you had, in fact, tried to tell him, he only started sulking more. "... can i have a kiss to make up for it?"
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he was on set when the kiss scene was supposed to happen. for some reason, he was free that day - and had decided to visit you, and take care of you during your breaks. you could feel his eyes on you as you were trying your best to do the emotional scene. the scene was set right outside your characters apartment - the love interest had gone to your character's apartment in the rain to proclaim his love for you, which you were supposed to respond to by kissing him. jeonghan knew this, he had read the script. however, as soon as the scene was finished, he pulled you in for a tight hug and put a towel around your head. he then leaned down to whisper in your ear: "that looked stupid, can i show you how to kiss for real?"
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as soon as you came home, you could smell food cooking in the kitchen. joshua had made you dinner after your long day at work. he asked about your day, and you told him how difficult the last scene was. when he asked you what scene it was, you cringed at the thought of having to tell him. by the look on your face, he already knew. he started sulking a bit, but didn't want you to feel bad. instead of saying anything about it, he just started holding you a bit closer, and placing small kisses here and there during the evening. "could you come here? i didn't kiss you right the last time."
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he had stopped by your filming site to walk you home later. you had one scene left: the kiss scene. as soon as jun heard of what kind of scene it was, he went into your trailer and waited for you there. you were a bit surprised at his calm demeanor, but shrugged it off to get your final scene done for the day. when you eventually did go back to your trailer, jun was there waiting for you. he didn't look at you, and you could tell he was sulking. you started making fun of him for it, but he started walking toward you and cornered you against a wall. when your back hit the cold wall, your mouth shut. jun placed his hands on the wall behind you, encasing you in his arms. "i'll make you forget about that kiss."
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he was watching it at home with you, and you had told him that there would be a kiss scene in this episode. so, he should've been prepared, but he wasn't. as soon as he saw it, he stood up and shouted loudly. you tried to calm him down and told him that the neighbors would complain again. eventually, he did settle down - but then you had another problem on your hands: he was sulking. obviously, this was hilarious and you couldn't stop laughing at him, but that only made him sulk more. you tried to hug him but he pushed you away. "i can't believe you... yes i know you told me, that doesn't matter!"
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you were surprised about how calm he was about it. he was at the film-site when the kiss scene was happening. you didn't know that he was there, it was a surprise visit on his part, and so when you got off the scene you almost screamed when you saw him. when you asked if he had seen you filming he only nodded, and said you did a good job. you tried to ask further, to see if there was any hidden jealousy in his words - but you found nothing. he really didn't see an issue with it, and almost thought you were insinuating that he would be jealous of your occupation, and not the kiss-scene you just filmed. "this is your workplace, and you're doing a damn good job at this. i don't think i should be jealous just because my girlfriend is so talented."
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he was watching the episode where it happens with you, completely expecting the scene. when it comes he doesn't react as you would've expected. he's excited for the progress in the drama, but he doesn't bat an eye at the fact that you're kissing another man. you were a bit shocked, as you expected him to get a bit protective, but he only sat there. you decided to ask him about it. and his explanation was pretty simple. "this isn't real, so i don't care. besides, i get to kiss you every single day - so you make up for it."
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pissmoon · 2 months
I like to watch true crime content about like fucked up sadistic murder cases, cannibalism, cults etc. but then the algorithm recommends you idiotic shit like cops just publishing videos where a person on drugs was trying to resist arrest and braindead cop lovers whining about wanting to crucify these people and how you can tell they are monster sociopaths because of their facial expressions and how they were mean to a cop
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