#My main reason for keeping a distance from celebrities is because I don't like how easy it is for me to read people
amethystina · 4 months
Hellooo, I have a question! it's not related to TDJ, I was just curious if you are from any fandom (a singer/band/group fandom). You don't need to answer if you do not want!
I guess that depends on how you define "being from a fandom"? I'm a fan of a lot of singers/bands/groups, but I don't engage with the fandoms. Well, aside from the occasional reblogs from MVs and such, I guess? Nor do I take part in or consume the usual fandom content. I don't even watch interviews unless I have a really good reason to xD
So, based on that, I don't think I am from any fandoms?
Which I know sounds weird to some, but it's what works best for me. I prefer to just focus on the music itself because I have very little interest in getting to know the performers as people. Which some might argue limits my understanding of the music — since there might be deep, personal reasons for it — but it's just how I feel the most comfortable. I prefer to keep a certain distance between me and singers/idols/actors/authors etc. because I, personally, don't feel a need to know what goes on in the lives of these very real people. I just like the stuff they make :)
The only fandoms I'm in are those related to fictional media like movies, dramas, books etc., because that feels safer for me. I can obsess about a fictional character like it's my job, but I feel no such desire when it comes to real people. That's not to say I think it's wrong or weird for other people to do so — knock yourself out! I hope you have a lovely time! :D It's just not something I enjoy.
(Tbh, I'm often told that I'm the weird one? Like, a lot of people have questioned why I don't like to know more about the talented people whose content I consume because that seems to be the norm. But I guess I'm the exception that proves the rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
But, as mentioned, I'm a fan of a lot of things! Especially music! I've got a pretty hefty K-pop album collection at this point and have around 30 GB of music on my computer. But, even then, my focus is on the actual media itself and I rarely venture outside of that.
... well, this was a rather disappointing answer, wasn't it? Sorry about that x'D
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by-glass-and-waves · 4 months
More unused writing stuff for Courtship!
This one might be suitable as a oneshot for AO3 - but actually the info surrounding their arrival to the Gateway is different now, so maybe it could be separate from Courtship... meh I'll chew on it
This is set in the beginning of Courtship, when everyone is celebrating the liberation of The One Who Waits by the Lamb's hand.
It's about the Twins and Forneus reuniting :)
"… The Lamb's kindness touched the Twin Guardians, and so they pledged their loyalty to the one their God favored…" -The Book of New Beginnings
The feast was grand, the followers merry. The Lamb invited their allies across the lands to partake in the celebration. Forneus, Rakshasa and his wife, and the Lamb were in charge of the food. There was much dancing into the night, with a bonfire lit in the main plaza. The Lamb drifted from group to group of followers and allies alike.
They found Baal and Aym attempting to keep themselves inconspicuous, huddled under a tree by the farms.
"What are you doing here?" They asked with their head tilted to the side. The bell on their collar jingled as the camellias bounced with it. Aym sighed.
"Our mother-" he gestured to the cat near the bonfire laughing with Flinky, "-we can't- we shouldn't-" Baal cut in.
"We left her when we were young and foolish. We don't regret our service to The One Who Waits, but we shouldn't have left her so suddenly like that." They both looked longingly at their mother in the distance.
This was a much different sight from the two cats who kneeled at the side of The One Who Waits. How curious that they would reveal their vulnerabilities so quickly to them. Was it because of their elevated status with The One Who Waits? The Lamb looked from one twin to the other before crossing their arms.
"I'll have you know that she talks about the both of you whenever I encounter her. She misses you very much. Why don't I talk with her for you-"
Baal shook his head while Aym waved his hands frantically. Lamb frowned. "You'll need to do this eventually. The longer you delay, the more all of you will be hurt. Aren't you miserable right now because you won't even show your faces to her?"
Aym opened his mouth to protest when Baal held up a hand and spoke. "Very well, little Lamb. Take us to her." The Lamb took their hands with a smile and began leading them to Forneus.
They arrived at the bonfire as Forneus handed the Lighthouse Keeper a plate of food. The two brothers attempted to hide their visages behind their veils and by turning their heads away as the Lamb dragged them over.
"Forneus!" The cat's ears perked up. "Oh, my dear little Lamb! Are you having some more food?" Her eyes wandered to the twins. "Oh…? And who are these two fine gentlemen you're bringing with you?"
They smiled as they swung the two in front of them. "Maybe you should ask them yourself."
Aym raised his head first. He met Forneus' gaze and immediately looked away. The mother gasped.
"Is it you? Aym, my love?" She looked over to the other cat who slowly met her gaze. "Baal? Oh, my true loves returned to me!" She laughed and pulled both of them into a hug, tears forming in her eyes. "How I longed to see you so!" The twins buried their faces into her fur, mumbling how they missed her too. Baal turned to the Lamb, mouthing a thank you before turning back to his mother.
The Lamb was all smiles as they watched the scene before them. The others began to surround the three, finding another reason to celebrate tonight.
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tirednerd2012 · 2 years
Imagine some kind of AU where Jonathan and Nancy fall for each other while being study pals. Two nerds just falling for each other is good for the soul
Nancy excels in everything, but for some reason she hit a roadblock with something like her history class. But she knows Jonathan is like the top student in that class. She’s seen his papers, getting almost 100% every time. She also knows Jonathan struggles in their chem class. They’ve barely talked, a few greetings when their brothers hang out, but Nancy doesn’t think she’s ever heard him speak.
So she tracks him down at lunch in the library, makes a deal that they help each other and she won’t ever bother him again after the year is over.
They study after school a lot, helping each other and getting closer as friends. Both celebrate getting respective B’s in the class they originally struggled in. Nancy is sad it’ll be over in the summer. She catches herself staring at Jonathan while he writes out some formulas and oh no, she has a crush. Fuck.
Jonathan is also panicking, but became self aware of the crush months ago.
Oh my God yes. Two school nerds falling in love gives me life (this is actually one of the main ways my fiance and I became friends, we were in the same classes in college and studied together). But this isn't anything with the Upside Down going on, just Jonathan and Nancy being able to be normalish teenagers and doing schoolwork. Jonathan still helps out in his house a lot, but tries to be a good example for Will and not stress his mom out by doing well in school on top of everything else. Nancy thrives on academic excellence.
She and Jonathan don't talk often, more so just waves when he picks up Will from their house. He's the one to do it since their mom works late and Jonathan doesn't like the concept of Will biking the distance alone. He doesn't talk much to Nancy, but he's polite to the Wheeler parents and listens when Will goes on about the campaign or whatever the boys did that day. He ruffles Will's hair and he always has his backpack with him.
They're ahead in all their classes, besides history for Nancy and chemistry for Jonathan. So Nancy proposes they help each other out. She asks if he'd be willing to help her in history in return for her help in chemistry, since they both have A's in the respective classes. She thinks he's not really her biggest fan so she promises she'll leave him alone at the end of the semester. He agrees and comes with Will after school rather than just going to the library for a bit while he waits on his brother.
And the two grow close fast. Jonathan develops feelings first, but he keeps them a secret. Meanwhile Nancy starts falling harder for him as she watches how he acts around her family. He helps her with history, explaining what was going on in great detail and with a glimmer in his eyes. Then Holly asks him to play one day and he agrees. Nancy knew he had to be good with kids because of how good he was with Will, but he ends up in a tiara and lets Holly put hair pieces in his hair with no complaint. He helps Mrs. Wheeler bring out dinner and he's even able to hold a conversation with Ted without looking annoyed. Sometimes they end up needing to study later than they planned and Will falls asleep on the couch waiting for them, so she's seen on more than one occasion Jonathan carefully lifting Will in his arms and holding him like he's the most precious thing in the world while he gets Will to the car and buckles him in.
Jonathan is quiet at school, but she's found him eating his lunch in the library and joins him every day. They study then, too, but also just talk about life. Turns out Jonathan wants to be a photographer and she wants to be a journalist. When she makes a comment about hwo they'd be a great team, he blushes and she remembers her promise, that she'd leave him alone at the end of the semester so she shakes her head and goes back to working.
She's straight up stared at his lips as he works on an equation and when he catches her stare, he turns red. By the end of the semester, they're celebrating their B's in the classes they struggle in and Nancy is disappointed they're not going to be hanging out anymore. Jonathan is the one to say that he doesn't want to stop seeing her and wants to still be around her.
There's silence for a moment before Nancy kisses him and he returns it, pulling her into him and they hold each other, their papers long forgotten on the ground as they separate, but stay close. And Jonathan reminds her that they do make a good team.
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alarrytale · 8 months
Hello, I recently started reading your thoughts on your blog and i agree with most of them. I have been in the fandom for 3 years now and have believed that he ain't a father to F for the same no of years. for the first year, i was waiting in hopes that this could end, I was more optimism and thought that the change that happened post aug 2021 was leading somewhere to it's ending. but now in sept 2023, I feel like..... I mean this shit, is it ever even ending? I feel so tired for them. I get so upset when I think about it. at this point I don't care about Larry, if they have broken up or still together (I believe they are together but even if they are not and have mutually broken up, it's okay for me. I am not waiting for the told you so moment, even though I would love to support them when they come out if they want to) but I just want bbg to end. I just want Louis as an artist to be out of the constraints, to be his own person and to not be blacklisted (??? ; because I read somewhere about it and it hurts me so much to think about how cruel this world is, some people get so much for mediocrity and some don't even get a fair chance). anyway, its just that bbg and Louis career sabotage have affected me so much. I know I need to take a major step back to focus on my life and to avoid anymore parasocial relationships. but... idk, do you think that BBG is ever going to end? it's not a sustainable lie but post aug 2021, it seems like Louis is trying to be that father image in the fandom. it would suck if it doesn't end. jabduendidkif. I don't want this year's Christmas to also be like the earlier ones. Free the baby as well. he doesn't deserve it.
Hi, anon!
Yes, bg is going to end! The main reason for that is that it's fake and that Louis doesn't want it. Bg ending is on the top of my wishlist. But i don't think it's good for us to make it a focal point or obsess over it. We will keep looking for signs that it's ending and just be disappointed when it's not. Time moves slowly that way too. Just try to forget it and go for muted optimism. The day it finally ends take the day off work and go home and cry tears of relief and joy, and celebrate (that's my plan anyways).
We as fans can't influence this in any way, and we need to accept it. I want Louis to be free too, but the music business isn't fair. The ones with the most money, most connections, best at horsetrading and the ones with the best standing will win. It isn't about talent or quality, not even popularity. Award shows is just politics. It's an ugly business alltogether. And even if both Louis and Harry were free, they still would have to deal with the politics of the business. That's just how it is.
Bg isn't over until it's over, and we have to prepare for more shenanigans unfortunatly. But when it happenes just ignore it. You've been through it before and it's is expected. It's predictable. Try to distance yourself from it. It's a marathon not a sprint, so don't drain yourself emotionally over it. You come first, and take breaks if neccessary. Vent to someone about it. Call them out on their lies. Refuse to be gaslighted. But if it's too draining, remove yourself from it. Your're going to be fine! 🩵
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
I think my main Murderdock thoughts right now is how he seems to distance himself from his past, at least prior to the Hand’s entrance into his life. We never see him visit Fogwells or anything of that sort. You could say that the red he starts wearing is reminiscent of the red Jack wears when boxing but that’s about it.
I certainly agree, and I think there's a lot we can explore in this. Now, of course by some token, he's not the main character in this story so you might initially be forgiven for thinking "well, he's here to be a bad guy maybe that info isn't relevant" except we get an INCREDIBLE lore drop near the end that helps crack open his characterization and tells you just how informed all of the character design/motivation choices have been. (Also noteworthy that after he tells his life story, he kills the person listening, indicating that he does feel the weight of his past but opts to keep it all close to his chest.)
Whereas most other versions of Matt can barely introduce themselves before blurting out "my dad was a boxer" we don't hear Matt speak of his family until his flashback. I might even go so far as to say that he doesn't hold his father in nearly as high regard as other versions of Matt do, especially since Murderdock sees lying, cheating and killing as perfectly acceptable business strategies, his respect for someone choosing honor and pride over their own life likely isn't much. (Although I could see a begrudging acceptance that Jack's choice opened the door for Matt to become who he is now, for better or worse. It's definitely worse.)
It's for that reason that I don't think his penchant for red has anything to do with Jack. One of the things Murderdock and 616 Matt have in common is their flair for the dramatic. We see it in canon Matt's creation of Mike and certainly in the Public Defender suit from the Waid run. Notably, the Public Defender suit comes at a time when Matt is embracing his role as a super celebrity, he's done hiding and he's using the suit as a new sort of costume to broadcast his persona. Meanwhile, Murderdock doesn't actually start the series wearing red! He starts in subdued grey and black and slowly adds increasing amounts of red to his clothing until he finally has a bright red suit and tie. Likewise, I think we can read this as a conscious choice, not to pay tribute to Jack, but to broadcast his new chosen role as Gwen's villain, her undoing, the devil on her shoulder. It's a costume just as much as Daredevil's suit is, and it's been chosen specifically to express the part he is playing (because Murderdock is absolutely above all else, a performer).
I am curious if he has any attachment to people or places related to his time training with the Hand, but as they discouraged attachments (as evidenced by the line about testing the ease with which you could kill your first lover) I doubt he has many. If he did, I think he likewise would have had to keep them to himself, lest the Hand find a way to exploit them.
Which ultimately is the cause for his detachment from his past. He sees that kind of information (Gwen's devotion to living up to her father's expectation, Foggy's uncomfortable but unbreakable ties to himself) as ammunition he can use. He's not about to hand it over to anyone else.
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senespera-ffxiv · 1 year
//endwalker level 90 dungeon spoilers
I have like. mixed feelings about The Dead Ends and it's largely tied to my mixed feelings about how they used Close the Distance in Ultima Thule. For starters, though, I do have to mention that Ultima Thule is straight up my favorite thing they've done plot-wise. Literally no competition, this thing made me cry so fucking hard and fit in with the thematic content of Endwalker so well that even though it does the easily messed up trope of "killing everyone off at the end" it makes every single death have purpose to it so it works in the end. It works so goddamn well. Ough.
The music, especially, works really well in Ultima Thule. I especially liked the way that it built up with every sacrifice, like your allies are the one weaving the song together. It was a really cool way of portraying the power of teamwork, collective action, and friendship in a way that was a little more abstract. And it fits thematically with the final boss too, being the "Endsinger" because "Close the Distance" is now recontextualized as a counter to the Endsinger. A song of hope to counter the song of the end, The Answer/Response to the Endsinger's Call, etc.
So why. Why. Did they decide to make a completely separate track for The Dead Ends. That dungeon can essentially be considered the perfect manifestation of Meteion's lament over the inevitable heat death of the universe and it would make *so* much fucking sense to have Close the Distance in its original form playing the entire time, like a victory parade as you beat back her suicidal nihilism with a song of bittersweet hope for an uncertain future. That arrangement doesn't count, it doesn't have any of the impact of the original song and it would've been so cool to have that song smoothly transition from the field of Ultima Thule and into the dungeon.
To me at least, it kind of feels like they were trying to recapture the magic of Amaurot with that last dungeon, what with the sweeping orchestral remix of the final area's music. But the reason why it worked with Amaurot is because that song hits the tone of that dungeon perfectly. It's desperate, it's epic, it is filled with the overwhelming sadness and longing for the old Amaurot and it makes me emotional every time I manage to get that dungeon in roulette. With the Dead Ends, I don't get any of that. I just get "oh it's an orchestral remix of Close the Distance." It's hopeful, yes, it's filled with a sense of purpose, but it doesn't hit the same notes as the original.
And so imagine how much more annoyed I was when I found out that the music persisted after clearing the main quest. Because to me, at least, the music staying there even after everyone's back and safe and sound and everything's done with just sort of cheapens the impact of the song. It no longer feels special, it just becomes "the overworld theme of Ultima Thule" not "the song that you and your allies sacrificed so much to create." I would've much preferred if it reverted to that first, quiet, muffled version that plays when you first land. The base echoes that Thancred gives you are now recontextualized as the last remaining echoes of Your Song as it slowly fades, having fulfilled its purpose. The painful memories of what happened there are slowly dulling as you celebrate your victory. On a certain level, they'll always stay with you, but they won't stay at the forefront of your memory. The pain of losing Thancred, Estinien, Y'shtola and Urianger, G'raha, and Alphinaud and Alisaie, even for a few moments, will forever stay but only as echoes, reminding you how important it is to cherish your friends and allies.
And if you ever feel like listening to the entire song again, just queue up for The Dead Ends. Refute the song of the end with a song of bittersweet hope. As many times as it takes to keep those lingering thoughts that "nothing matters" at bay.
Anyways, that's enough rambling from me. The thematic content of Endwalker is very special to me because I constantly and consistently have small bouts of existential terror and angst, and I can't even begin to express how gratifying it is to see the philosophy that I had developed to counteract it presented in such a manner in the game. Fighting those kinds of thoughts and any other sort of hardships and challenges that come your way are, I think, a never-ending battle and I think that the game could've just made a few adjustments to better reflect that. I am still very pleased with how it's currently presented.
I get the depression but also the serotonin lol. The best combo.
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lifetimeshipper · 1 year
New Life, New Obstacles
Chapter 26
Bumblebee and Ultra Magnus were looking at the gate wondering where Strongarm and Steeljaw were, they had been gone for a long time, "Any sign of them yet?" Grimlock asks as he and the others walk up to them looking at the gate.
"Not yet, I hope they're okay," Bumblebee replied with concern.
"Yeah, me too," said Arcee. A few moments later the two come driving in. They all go running up to them.
"Where have you two been!?" Magnus asked in both concern and anger.
"We got held up by the rain," Strongarm replied with a little hesitation, feeling bad for making them worry. She wasn't lying, it was raining when she first woke up. But the main reason it took them so long was because they were fragging in the cave.
"The rain ended a while ago," Magnus pointed out.
"There was a landslide, we had to take the long way back."
"We're just glad you're both safe," Bumblebee says with a comforting smile.
"Thank you, sir."
"How come you didn't call?" Optimus asked.
"We tried but the storm was interfering with the signal," Steeljaw replied.
"I see."
"I am still confused as to how you can get the sparklings clean when they're still inside their carriers," Grimlock said, "And how can they open their gift if they're not here?"
"It's just what it's called, it's where the females get together and have like a party to celebrate the new life that's fixing to come. We open the gifts and they are given to the sparkling when it comes," Arcee explains to him.
Metalsound was lying on a blanket beside Strongarm. Strongarm and Arcee are currently at eight months while Metalsound is at seven months, and the sparklings have moved to their abdomens where they're pretty much fully grown now. Everyone had gotten the femmes a gift for their sparklings. Shockwave stood beside Predaking keeping their distance from the Autobots.
"You guys do know that this is for femmes only, right? No guys allowed," Arcee explained to the fellas.
"But we wanted to see you open the gifts," Jetstorm replied slightly disappointedly.
"The twins can stay since they're young ones," Strongarm points out.
"Aww, I wanted to see the looks on your faces when you opened my present," Grimlock whined.
"Sorry, Grimlock, but rules are rules," Strongarm tells the Dinobot.
Grimlock walked away slowly as he joined Shockwave and Predaking, "You're going to love it!" He called to them.
"I'm sure we will!" They call back to him.
"You girls stay safe you hear," Bumblebee tells them out of concern.
"'Bee, it's a baby shower. What's going to happen?" Metalsound asked with a chuckle.
"There are still 'Cons on the loose."
"And you guys will make sure that we stay safe. Now shoo so we can open these," Arcee says with slight annoyance.
Steeljaw, Thunderhoof, and Wheeljack were hesitant about leaving their mates but they all went anyway.
"OK, who should open their gift first?" Strongarm asked as she looked at the small pile of presents.
"Why don't we all just take one and open it," Arcee replies.
"Sounds like a good idea," Metalsound agreed. The twins walked over to the pile with Windblade each picking up a gift for the girls. They then go back and hand the gifts to them.
"Do you require assistance, Metalsound?" Slipstream asked when the Predacon tried to open her gift with her teeth.
"Yes," she replied feeling defeated. He helps her open it. Inside was a stuffed storm grey Predacon dragon, "Awwww, it's so cute," Metalsound squeed as she looked to see who it was from.
"Who is it from?" Slipstream asked.
"It's from Predaking."
"We got one too," Arcee says.
"Yes, and very cute," Strongarm added.
"I'm going to name it Stormchaser," the she-wolf replied as she nuzzled the toy.
"OK, next gift," Windblade said with a chuckle as she picked up another gift.
Strongarm opened the gift, "What is it?" She asked holding up a baby rattle as she shook it.
"It's called a rattle, babies like to shake it," Arcee replied.
Metalsound growled as she saw her gift. Picking it up she chucked it as far as she could, "A picture of yourself is not a gift, Sideswipe!" She yelled.
"I got one too," Strongarm said, "And why is there a flower in his mouth?"
"Don't know. But he needs to learn about gifts," Windblade replied with a giggle.
"So, when are you two going to get together?" Arcee asked as she set her picture of Sideswipe to the side, "It's obvious that you like each other."
"Ugh, I don't know what Slick's deal is. After that stunt he pulled with Strongarm I'm not sure I want to be with him."
"He apologized to me for that. He hasn't said anything about it to you?" Strongarm asked in concern.
"Yeah he told me, but it still doesn't cover the fact that he still has feelings for you as well as for me."
"If I weren't seven months pregnant I would knock some sense into him and tell him to get his priorities straight," Metalsound said, getting more frustrated with the kid. Slipstream slowly backed away when he saw her fangs. 
Thunderhoof shuddered when he felt a negative vibe over the bond before he slapped Sideswipe on the back of his helm.
"Ow, what was that for?" Sideswipe asked rubbing the back of his helm. He looked at Thunderhoof who was glaring at him.
"Get your priorities straight!" Thunderhoof said as he left to get an Energon cube.
"What are you talking about!?"
Thunderhoof waves him off.
Strongarm opened her gift from Shockwave, it was a blanket, "I didn't expect this, it's so soft," she said as she felt the soft material.
"That's nice. We didn't get anything from Shockwave," Arcee said.
"Well, it's to be expected, Strongarm is Steeljaw's mate after all," Metalsound explained.
"By the way, how did Shockwave take the news of you being Steeljaw's mate? You never told us," Arcee questioned.
"Surprisingly well, he's happy that we're getting along and that we are having a sparkling."
"I never saw him as one to show emotions," Jetstorm replied.
"Me neither given his reputation, and Steeljaw thought for sure he would beat his aft for mating with an Autobot, but instead he congratulated us and wished us the best of luck."
"That's good he accepted the news so well," Arcee said with a smile.
"Yeah, very surprising but good," Metalsound said as Jetstorm opened her next gift, revealing a music box from Soundwave.
"Of course, Soundwave would make it a music box," Arcee teased.
"I wonder what song it is. May I play it, Metalsound?" Jetstorm asked and the she-wolf nodded. Turning the key the box opened with a soft piano melody with a small wolf figurine spinning. Instantly recognizing the song she started singing along. Strongarm played hers and the song Steeljaw was playing on their first date started playing on the box.
"Those are very pretty," Arcee complimented.
"Sure is," Strongarm said with a big smile.
Metalsound laid her helm down as she listened to the song playing, "Did you get one, Arcee?" She asked.
"No, Wheeljack and I don't have a song."
"You should have said something, I have the perfect song for you two," she grinned.
"Really? What?"
She started playing the song, it was a softer version than the original.
"That's pretty," Arcee says with a smile.
"I thought you would like it," Metalsound said smiling back at her.
"Was that all of the gifts?" Strongarm asked.
"Yeah, that's all."
"I'm sure Grimlock would like to see us when we open his gift," Metalsound said with a chuckle.
Strongarm hands the picture of Sideswipe to Windblade and Windblade takes the picture looking at Strongarm a little confused, "Why are you giving this to me?"
"Because if I take this picture back and Steeljaw sees it he will flip out and I don't want to think about what he will do, he's still ticked at Sideswipe for pulling that stunt."
"I would be ticked off too," Windblade said while clenching her servo and glaring at the picture of the red mech.
"Besides, you're the only one without a picture of him."
"What made him think giving you three, already bonded femmes, a picture of himself was a good idea?"
"Not sure."
"Why don't you go ask him?" Arcee asked, "Just make sure the two of you are alone first."
"Yeah, I think I will."
"Good luck!" Strongarm called as the seeker started leaving.
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Take Me Home Tonight
Robert De Niro x Reader
Set in the early 70s in L.A., hardly any plot, mostly smut 🤗
TW: verrrrry smutty, some vulgar words
Word Count: 3.8k
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The atmosphere at The Roxy tonight is really buzzing; people are pouring in to see the newest band, and everyone knows that bands have to roll through the clubs in Los Angeles before they'll make it big in the United States.
You had become good friends with some people that worked there, and the owners certainly didn't mind the extra help, especially since it was free. Though, you do get something out of it when you meet all the bands and celebrities and executives that come through here.
You helped greet people as they came in and passed out flyers for upcoming concerts. Sometimes you would help put up posters or get the bands set up on stage before events.
"(Y/N)! Get in here!" Your friend calls from across the room that an audience is beginning to pack into. You leave your stack of flyers on a table for people to take, and join your friends in the dressing rooms. "Hey! I know you like to meet the band, and they have a little bit of time," your friend says. He befriended you a few months ago, and you think he really has a crush on you. You don't have feelings for him, but you are nice to him because he gets you backstage all the time.
He puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you through door of the dressing room. There are of course lots of girls hanging out back there trying to get with some famous guy, not that you were any different. The guys in the band are all sat around with their big hair and lots of eyeliner, surrounded bottles of alcohol, drugs, and girls. Some staff is hanging out back there, making sure things stay tame. There are also some people back there because they're kind of popular; a lot of up-and-coming artists, actors, and models networking with one another.
Your friend takes you around the room introducing you to anyone who will stop long enough to talk to you. Just a few people away, you see a very cute guy who you're hoping you'll be able to introduce yourself to. When the models you're talking to kind of start taking to each other, you take the chance to slip away and find your way over to that cutie.
Just as you're about to speak to him, you feel your friend's hand on your shoulder. You feel yourself cringing a bit on the inside, because you had really hoped to talk to the hot guy alone.
"Oh, (Y/N)!! This is Robert! Robert De Niro! He's an actor from New York!" your friend more or less shouts.
The guy, who is apparently named Robert, turns to face you, giving you a bright smile with a hint of smugness, "Hey, (Y/N), right? It's nice to meet you."
He holds out his hand for you to shake; you put your hand in his, which he gently squeezes.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you, too," is all you can really get out as the man in front of you gently pulls your hand towards him and places a kiss on your knuckles. His eyes stay locked with yours the whole time. After a short pause, you pipe up, "So you're an actor? Theatre or film?"
"Eh, a little bit of both, but more films recently."
"Oooh, any movies I would've seen on the big screen?"
He lets out a little chuckle, clearly not a fan of bragging on himself, "Um, maybe. I was in Mean Streets a couple years ago."
"Oh yeah! I saw that. Were you the main character?"
"No, that was my friend, Harvey; I played his best friend, the guy who blows up the mailbox at the beginning."
"No way! No way that's you! You look totally different now. Your haircut is a lot better now!" You both have a laugh as Robert steps closer to you and slips arm arm around your waist. Your friend had been called over somewhere else.
"Say, that guy that was with you, he's not your boyfriend, is he?" Robert asks, a bit more confident than he had been here.
"Oh, no!! We're just friends, and he gets me into shows here," you rub your hand up and down a spot on Robert's side right above his hip before letting your hand drop back down next to you.
"Mmm, so he's not gonna be jealous if I hold onto you for the night?" Everyone in the room starts to shuffle out; the band is about to go on. However, Robert holds you firmly to your spot with his arm that was still on your waist. He even presses his fingers into you when you make a move like you're about to go with everyone else.
"Well, he does have a crush on me, but he knows I don't like him back-"
"(Y/N)! You guys coming? Show starts in 5!" Speak of the Devil. Your friend calls to you, urging you to leave the dressing room and go with him.
"I'll be out soon! I'm just gonna talk to Robert a few more minutes," you say, just to get your friend off your back.
"Alright," he yells out before leaving the room and shutting the door. You and Robert are alone now, and Robert immediately takes advantage of this bybeing much more handsy than he had been before. He pulls you into him and puts a hand on the side of your face, his fingertips tangled up in your hair a bit.
"Woah! What's the rush?" you ask, putring your hands on his chest in an effort to slow him down.
"You said you were only gonna stay a few more minutes," Robert leans in and begins to whisper in your ear, "I just wanna make the most of it, and I certainly wouldn't want to make a liar out of you."
You don't say anything; in fact, you're trying really hard not to lose your cool, because that was kind of hot. You move your hands away from his chest, one landing in his side and the other on the side of his neck, mirroring his hand.
As you lean in and let your chest rest against his, he takes that as a sign and pulls you towards him with the hand tangled in your hair and begins kissing you, gently for just a second but then much more passionately.
You don't know what else to do besides surrender your mouth to him. By now the band was playing very loudly from the main stage, and you felt secluded in your own little world with Robert. He pulls away from the kiss, and gently graces his fingertips over your neck, perhaps testing the waters for if you might be into that kind of thing.
You decide to make a move on him, showing him that you can take charge as well. Your lips latch on to his neck letting your tongue and lips work on him. He leans his head back, letting out a low moan and giving you more access to the skin there. He lets out a small gasp when your teeth nip at him. You can only imagine him blushing over letting out that little gasp, how cute that would look on him.
He puts his hand on the back of your head, urging you to keep going, pressing your face into him. You work your way up to the shell of his ear, and when he lets out a needy moan, you kiss him gently on the earlobe and let out a giggle.
"What's so funny?" he breathes out.
You pull away to get a good look at him. "Nothing," you say, observing the pink flush on his cheeks and neck and the lust blown look in his eyes, "you're just cute. That's all." You step back from him and turn to walk away.
"Hey! Where are you going?" He says, shifting awkwardly.
"Aren't you here for a concert? And I thought you said you didn't wanna make a liar out of me... It's been more than a few minutes." You turn back to him, but at a distance now. You're able to really take in his figure, not to mention the bulge that had formed at the front of his pants.
Robert rushes over to go with you, slipping his hand into yours as you lead the way out into the concert crowd.
The concert is wild; the band really has the crowd raring to party. Robert never strays far from you, keeping his hand in yours or his arms around you while you dance for him. The place is packed, so it gives you a reason to stay extra close to him. You make a point of rubbing up against him often, and he responds by squeezing your hips or nuzzling into your neck leaving quick little kisses.
The evening turns into a bit of a teasing game, as you dance against Robert, and he showers you in affection.
• • •
After the concert, you head back into the dressing room like you normally would, but this time with Robert in tow. He whispers in your ear, "Why don't we just head out of this place, baby? You know I can't wait to get you alone."
"This is what I normally do after the shows, I don't want my friends to think I've ditched them for a guy," you giggle, "and besides, it would be rude to leave without congratulating the band."
"Mmmm..." he whines, "I guess I'm not the one with a reputation to uphold here in LA." You both chuckle as you head back into the dressing rooms.
As an unspoken compromise to Robert, you make it quick saying goodnight to the band. In a matter of a few minutes, you're out on the street hailing a taxi.
"Where ya headed?" the taxi driver asks as Robert pulls you into the backseat. He gives the name of his hotel; you hadn't really discussed where you were going, just that you needed to go somewhere.
The taxi starts rolling, and immediately, Robert's lips are on yours. He wastes no time getting to business, as he grabs your legs and pulls you over to straddle his lap. You felt a little embarrassed about the taxi driver watching, but you kept going anyway. You run your hand over Robert's chest and through his hair as you makeout fiercely. The man beneath you wraps his arms around you, so he can press your chest into his.
The way his tongue explored your mouth... You had never experienced anything like it. He was very good at what he was doing. You let out a moan against his mouth, and you feel his hips move underneath you. He gets a grip on your hair with one hand and puts the other one your hip, pushing you down as he bucks his hips up into you. You let out a loud gasp as you feel his hardness against you.
You cradle your head in the crook of his neck trying to catch your breath as you rub his chest with your hands. "Robert?" It's almost a whisper because you're so close to his ear.
"Hmm?" he questions, clearly worked up.
"Maybe we should slow down a bit, I'd hate for this to reach an end before we even get out the taxi."
"Yeah... You're right," he says through a breathy chuckle. He rubs your head lightly, enjoying you cuddling into him. There's a bit of a lull in conversation and in action. "You know, I think you're really beautiful. I should've told you that earlier."
For the first time that night, you see Robert's sweet, vulnerable side. You can tell that he likes hooking up with girls, but that he likes to hook up with girls that he actually likes, not just anyone random. He cups your cheek in his hand, once again, and strokes his thumb over your chin and lightly presses on your bottom lip. You lightly take the tip of his thumb in your mouth, sucking on it. Robert makes a small noise and pulls his thumb from your mouth, then he gently brings you in for a kiss, much slower and more sensual this time. Between kisses, you stare into each other's eyes with nervous smiles; somehow this seems more intimate than what you had been doing before.
Amidst your comfortable silence, the taxi stops at Robert's hotel. Naturally, he invites you up to his room. He quickly pays the driver and takes you by the hand into the hotel.
Upon reaching his room, he opens the door for you, but before you can go too far, he grabs you by the arm and pins you against the wall with his body. His hand finds your cheek again, and he kisses you gently. As your kissing intensifies, his hand slides down to your neck, giving a gentle squeeze. When you let out a little whimper, he can't help but be a little proud of himself. He likes the idea of you making noises because of him.
His lips move down and find your neck, returning the favor from earlier. When you start letting out little gasps and moans, Robert continues his onslaught by leaving little love bites and sucking on the skin there. You put your fingers in his hair, tugging on it whenever you ball your hand into a first. You seem to both be hitting all the right buttons on the other person.
By this point, the man in front of you is majorly turned on again, and he lets you know this but pressing his hips against yours, letting you feel how hard he is for you. You can tell he is desperate for a little attention, so you slide a have around to the front of his pants, applying some extra pressure where it was needed. He rests his head on your shoulder and groans somewhat loudly, as he rocks his hips into your open palm.
"(Y/N)..." he nearly whines for you, "I want you. I want you so bad." He places some kisses over the small bruises forming on your neck.
You get right next to his ear to whisper, "Then take me..."
With that, he wraps your legs around his waist and carries you the short distance to the bed. He lays you down and within a second is on top of you, kissing you again and again.
You begin unbottuning his shirt, and he quickly pulls it off and throws it on the floor. Your hands travel down to his pants and unlatch his belt, while he starts giving attention to your shoulders and collarbone. As you get his zipper down, he says, "Thank you, honey, those were starting to get uncomfortable," after a short pause for more kissing, he asks, "You look very cute in this dress, but would you mind if I took it off?"
"No, I wouldn't mind, sweet boy," you answer as Robert lays his head on your chest, looking up at you with those pretty eyes.
He stands up beside the bed, and you certainly don't mind the view of him shirtless with his pants undone and his hard length outlined in his underwear.
You turn over and lay on your tummy, giving Robert access to the zipper on the back of your dress. As he unzips it, he leaves a trail of kisses down your back. You get on your hands and knees to let the dress slide off your arms, as Robert slides it over your hips and butt. He kneads one of your cheeks for a moment before you turn over and he slides your dress down your legs and drops it on the floor.
"Mmm, you've got a cute butt," he says. You lean up and pull his pants off, before he crawls back onto the bed. He lies next to you running a hand over your thighs, testing the waters before going further. When he leans in to kiss you, you feel his hand gently start to rub circles on your clit over your panties. You reach over and palm him roughly through his underwear as you continue to make out.
Robert moves your panties to the side and slides a finger into you, which earns a loud moan from you. You start to lose your composure as he curls that finger, hitting a sensitive spot inside you. He continues to massage your clit with his thumb, as he adds fingers to stretch you properly.
"You have such a lovely blush, especially when you're this turned on," he whispers to you. As you start to writhe around, your body practically begging for him, he decides he can't wait any longer. He removes his fingers and gets on top of you, hands working at the back of your bra while he kisses you. Once the article of clothing is gone, he cups at your breasts, squeezing lightly and teasing your nipples. He places a few nips and sucks across your exposed chest before moving down and grabbing at your panties. He gets on his knees at the foot of the bed and slides then down your legs before tossing the cloth aside.
He stays there, looking down at you, while he rubs a hand on one of your legs. "You're so beautiful," he says so quietly.
"You're just saying that because I have my clothes off," you giggle while sitting up in front of him.
"No! I told you earlier in the car you were beautiful! You're just... pretty, gorgeous, sexy, all of it."
You blush a little at the sweet man, before telling him, "Stand up."
He does as he's told by backing off the bed and standing on the floor. You sit on the edge of the bed in front of him, and tease at the hem of his boxer briefs with your fingertips. You look up at him and slowly pull the fabric down off of his hips. His hard length finally freed, you gently take it in your hands and start stroking him up and down. He immediately relaxes into your touch, moaning lightly at the feeling of it.
You lean towards him and press your lips to the side of his cock, working your way up to the tip. Still stroking him between kisses, a ball of precum starts to form, so you spread it around the with your thumb, earning a loud moan from Robert as he bucks his hips. You start placing sloppy kisses on the head of his penis, before you open your mouth, taking a bit of his length. His hand quickly finds your hair, tugging at it as you please him with your tongue.
Suddenly, he tugs your hair, which pulls you off of his length. He looks at you with pleading eyes, and says, "I want you, (Y/N). Now."
"Oh, well yes sir!" You joke and crawl back in the bed. He lays down between your legs, his cock teasing at your entrance. Robert being the romantic that he is, just couldn't help but kiss you some more before doing anything else.
While he kisses you, he gently starts pushing into you, using a hand to guide it. His hips rock back and forth in tiny motions as he slowly works his way deeper inside you. You're both moaning furiously against each other's lips, finally feeling what you'd wanted all evening.
You hook your legs on his hips, and his actions become bigger as he gains better access to you. As he's making love to you, he never stops looking into your eyes, and he always has a hand cradling your head in some way, whether it's behind you head in your hair, stroking your cheek with his knuckles, or stroking your lips with his thumb.
Feeling him push in and out of you while he showers you in his affection really has you on cloud nine. He's an incredible lover, and he feels amazing.
As he shifts his legs slightly to find a different angle inside you, he hits that sweet spot that makes any girl go crazy. He picks up his pace hitting that spot over and over and snakes a hand down to play with your clit. In no time, you're a mess; you don't even think you could form a word if your life depended on it.
You start to become a bit noisy as Robert leads you towards your climax. He really enjoys the sound you're making: your moans and whines and even a little bit of yelling.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so good," he says in a breathy voice, "you gonna cum for me?"
You simply furrow your eyebrows and nod excitedly. His fingers teasing the same spot relentlessly combined with the feeling of his hard length rubbing over that sensitive area inside you, it sends you over the edge. Your hips start bucking and a string of sounds comes out of your mouth as you reach your orgasm.
Robert starts to grunt and moan as you tighten around him. His hand move up to your hair, and he changes position a little bit to be closer to you. You could tell he was close.
He wraps a hand around the back of one of your thighs pushing it up towards you chest, getting a deeper position. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, as he fucks into you quickly. A few seconds later, he gasps and presses his lips to yours, moaning against them. He pumps into you in a few long slow strokes, reaching his climax.
He starts giving you soft, sweet little kisses, while he comes down from his high. He presses his forehead to yours and looks into your eyes for a moment before rolling off of you. Your legs are shaky as you ease them down onto the bed.
You look at the man next to you, who is lying there with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed, and you let out a small laugh.
He cracks an eye open and asks, "What's so funny?" with a smirk.
"Nothing," you say, cuddling in to his side, "it's just been a crazy night."
"Mmm... Yes it has," he answers, putting an arm around you, "god, you're so pretty."
"Pretty enough to make you come back to L.A. sometime?"
"Definitely," he whispers with a kiss to your forehead.
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margarethelstone-2 · 3 years
if I loved you less (i might talk about it more)
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requested by one and only @nerdypanda3126. thanks so much!
Read on AO3!
"Taichi... You still like me, don't you?"
The young man in question raised his eyes from the book he'd been trying to read for the past quarter, and fixed them on Chihaya, confused. It wasn't just the question that surprised him, even though its content sure would have been enough to puzzle a better prepared soul.
The fact that Chihaya had barely spoken at all for most of their time together today was the main reason why he felt startled by her words now.
She really had been quiet for most of the day, even though they were spending it at his place, determined, as she herself had claimed, not to get in the way of his studies. Taichi had tried to make her realise that it wasn't what he wanted at all, that the very reason he'd invited her over was to get a break from all the reading and just relax a little. He'd explained over and over again that he needed her to be a distraction; tried – unsuccessfully – to get it into her head that she was actually doing him a favour. He knew how much of a workaholic he could be and so he specifically planned the visit as a means to enforce the necessary break he might not have taken otherwise.
He had told her all of that. And yet, she'd remained quiet.
All the way until now, that is.
And just what on earth was she going on about?
"What's with that question? You know the answer to that," he replied casually, almost dismissively, before going back to the textbook in his hand. He really had no idea what had gotten into her all of the sudden, but then again, he didn't care to delve on the subject. He knew she'd tell him anyway.
"I was just wondering," she answered, a trace of hurt ringing in her voice; Taichi needed to hold back the smile that sprang on his lips at the sight of her pout. "Is it so bad if I do?"
Taichi hummed in thought.
"Is that why you've been so quiet all day?" he asked right after. "You've been just busy considering my possible affection for you?"
"Stop with the mockery. I'm thinking of it seriously."
"Oh? And what conclusions did you come to?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I'd come to any."
He had no choice but to close the book and put it away after a statement he'd just heard. Not that he minded. Throwing it on the floor rather carelessly, he sat up straight in his corner of the couch and, resting his chin on his palm, he fixed his gaze on the girl seated by his desk on the other side of the room.
She really was being impossible today.
Well, he supposed that wasn't anything new. He'd known Chihaya long and well enough to not be fazed by the swings in her mood or the inane schemes she so often came up with. He had learnt to expect the unexpected, every day, every hour of his otherwise boring life, because that was obviously the only way to keep up with her. The one thing he had to keep doing if he still wanted to be a part of her life.
Because that was how Ayase Chihaya was.
Chihaya. His best friend. His fiercest karuta rival. The girl he'd been in love with since fourth grade of primary school and the girl who'd rejected him straightforwardly at the very beginning of their third year in Mizusawa High. The girl whom he'd thought he could never win over, on whom he'd given up again and again, fooling himself he could move on and blight the love he'd had for her since he'd been a ten year old squirt.
He sighed and shook his head, remembering her question from a moment before.
She knew damn well he was still head over heels for her.
She was his girlfriend, for sanity's sake.
"I can't believe you actually have asked, you know," he picked up with the same fake weariness he'd shown before, if only to cover his growing amusement. Seeing her very real anxiety made him assume a more solemn expression, as he asked, "Seriously, what brought this on? Are you mad about something?"
"I'm not mad," she disagreed instantly, and with good emphasis.
"Are you unhappy then? Did I do something to make you feel like that?"
Again, she denied. Now she just looked sad. "That's not it."
Wrong. She was flustered.
"Then what is it?" Taichi asked, as gently and warmly as he could. Not for the first time, he felt grateful for all the hard training his patience had received. It was obvious that Chihaya needed that from him now. "It's not like I could get over you like this, you of all people should be aware of that. You're the most important person in my life. The best companion I could think of. You know I get lonely and grumpy when I can't see you, and you know I still get absurdly jealous, even though I hate being so. And so I can't help but think there's something else I'm not doing right."
Taichi stopped there, waiting for her to, if not answer his question, then to contradict him in one way or another, at least. After all, he really was at a loss.
He thought he'd been doing a fairly good job as a boyfriend, when all was said and done. He'd already shared Chihaya's most important interest and it wasn't difficult to at least understand the new ones she'd found. He made sure to be there for her when she needed him, and tried his best to give her space when she needed that more. True, he'd had some trouble coming for help on his part, but even that was a thing of a past rather than present – certainly not something that could shock Chihaya into thinking like this.
He would think that the all-day-long date he'd come up with and seen through in celebration of their first anniversary as a couple last week was a good show of how much he still cared.
He wasn't perfect. Neither was she. But never in his life would he have thought that he'd failed to get his feelings across.
"Chihaya," he prompted once more, his voice audibly quieter. "Please tell me what it is. I can't fix it if I don't know what's broken."
She looked up from the floor she'd been glaring at for a while and met his gaze, a shadow of unease still clouding her big brown eyes. She opened her mouth to answer; she closed it instantly and looked away again, abashed. There was a hint of pink on her cheeks, and it only grew darker as the time passed, though whether it was because of embarrassment or something more alarming, Taichi couldn't tell yet.
"It's because you never say it."
He supposed his eyes opened wider than ever, what's with the utter astonishment he felt growing inside him immediately. For a few moments, he could do nothing but stare, the craziness of the situation overwhelming enough to successfully prevent him from forming a sensible thought, and much less coming up with any kind of solution. One look at Chihaya was enough to sober him up, however.
She was distressed. She was insecure.
No matter how stupid he thought the reason to be, he could hardly allow the situation to last.
With a groan that was bound to startle her, he bent over and buried his face in his hands.
Only one thing he could do now.
"Come here," he said, his face still hidden behind one hand as he tore the other one away and beckoned her towards him. "No excuses. You'll talk later. Now just come here, please."
She did, albeit tentatively, as if afraid of the reaction he might show her. With his patience starting to run thin at last, Taichi didn't wait for her to cover the whole distance, instead reaching out and grabbing her by the wrist, only to pull her down on the couch right next to him.
And then he pulled her even closer, locking her in a bone-crushing hug.
"I'm gonna do something to you," he mumbled into her hair, his voice a mixture of laughter and complaint. "You cruel, cruel, woman. Have you no heart? Here I am, mind reeling as I try to figure out what the hell I did wrong again and you say it's because I don't say I like you enough. As if you didn't already know you've got a firmer hold of my heart than I ever did. Tell me, am I really this bad at showing you that I care that you doubt it?"
It was Chihaya's turn to growl at him, though it surely – and fortunately – didn't stop her from burying her face even deeper into his chest and digging her fingers into the shirt on his back. Again, Taichi laughed at the display, but didn't loosen his grip one bit.
That silly, unbelievable, most beloved girl.
"This and that are different things," she muttered finally in response against his buttons, her stubborn indignation probably being the only reason why he could discern the words at all. "There are different kinds of love languages. We even talked about it, you know."
"Yes. And as far as I remember, we've already established that neither of us cared for this one. So your argument doesn't work."
Well, this was a lie, or at least, it wasn’t fully true. After all, he could never get tired of hearing her say those words, to him and him only. But he didn't need it that much, not when he already knew of so many other ways in which Chihaya expressed her love towards him. He'd always assumed it was the same for her, too.
Funnily enough, he still didn't think he was mistaken.
"I've had feelings for you for the past fourteen years, you dummy, I wouldn't change my mind just because you decided to return them," he threw in only half-jokingly, as if to make sure he got his point across before moving onto the next part. "So? Care to tell me what's the source of it all?"
He felt her tense against him for a split second, only to relax in the next moment with a long, weary sigh. He waited for her to make herself comfortable in his arms, shifting ever so slightly to make it easier for them both. And then he heard her speak.
"I met up with Kana-chan the other day," she admitted weakly. "Her and Desktomu. And I guess... They're always so sweet with one another, now more than ever. I suppose... It made me feel a little jealous. But most of all, it just made me think."
"And you decided that I'd fallen out of love with you, because I don't talk like Komano does?"
"I didn't decide anything, I told you already. I just wondered if maybe I was doing something wrong to deserve that treatment. Sorry for being so terribly scared of losing you again because of my own foolishness."
Words caught in his throat as Taichi tried to protest against this new development. That last addition Chihaya had made – and more importantly, the wounded, truly uncertain voice with which she'd spoken – would have been enough to melt his heart even if he had actually been angry with her. Right now, he had to hold back from grabbing her by the chin and kissing her senseless until all the idiotic ideas evaporated from her overworked mind.
The things she did to him without as much as trying.
You evil little imp.
"They're newly-weds. You can't use them for reference," he managed to stutter out at least, conveniently ignoring the hoarseness of his own voice and the emotion that hovered behind it. "Not to mention, those two are the opposite of us when it comes to talking about feelings openly. There's a reason they got together six years before we did. Just because something works for them doesn't mean it's the best course for us to take as well."
He smiled again and planted a kiss at the top of her hair, before adding, "I still can't believe you really doubted me, though."
She huffed and pulled away, although she still didn't move from her place on the couch. They were still close; close enough for Taichi to see the light reflecting in her eyes and the blush that hadn't left her cheeks, and to reach out and comb her tangled hair with his fingers. Another gesture so full of love, even though it was but a fraction of all that she made him feel.
"Well, since I never understood what had made you fall in love with me in the first place, it's only natural that I'd have this kind of doubts."
He chuckled and she smiled on her part, her obstinacy giving it to the desire to just be with him. It was another thing Taichi was able to read in her eyes – and, knowing the feeling well enough from his own experience, he had no trouble deciphering it.
Delayed, the first part of her sentence entered his brain.
What made me fall for you, I wonder?
He didn't know. It had been so long since he’d realised his feelings after all, and longer still since those feelings had been born. Even all those years earlier, he probably wouldn’t have been able to point out the reasons clearly, never mind finding the one spark that had started it – trying to do so now seemed downright impossible.
There were so many reasons, after all.
Maybe it was because she had never considered herself a possible love interest for anyone, first when she was too engrossed in karuta and later, when she thought she didn't deserve to be one. Maybe it was her hot-headedness and her drive, and how different she'd always been from him, and yet never failed to tell him how much she'd admired and envied those qualities of his that she lacked.
Maybe it was the fact that she'd always been with him, so close and so dear and yet so impossible to grasp.
Maybe it was because she'd loved him long before either of them dared believe that was the case.
"Maybe," he said out loud, though in fact not loud at all, his lips moving against her forehead as he leaned in to put a kiss there, too. "Maybe, if I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more."
Edging away, Taichi saw tears gathering in her eyes. He wiped them away with his thumb, his hand cupping the side of her jaw fittingly.
And then he kissed her properly.
Just like he had wanted to ever since he'd first seen her that day.
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coldvampire · 2 years
hope you don't mind a mild rant but honestly, nines and the malkavian fledging seem like a good example of opposites attract. he offers encouragement and real stability. the pc offers understanding and zero judgement. i feel like they could let the other see all their weaknesses and demons and not feel ashamed about it. they could actually have total honesty in a world where trusting your fellow kindred is usually a death sentence.
anon i respect u & your truth however i think im gonna actually have to disagree on that one fgfhgjhk
under the cut because i got lengthy lmao
it's been a bit since i've done a replay but i do play the malkavian pc almost exclusively when i do, and while i do recall him being one of the characters who treats them a bit better than some people, he's not exactly their biggest fan. in fact, if you try to take the dialogue options that do expose a bit of his inner workings, he gets pretty irate. as much as i love him i don't see him as someone who would enjoy being with someone who can get inside his head like that non consensually. maybe if the fledgling holds off a bit then it wouldn't be the same, but imo because nines is someone who clearly has some sort of wall between himself & 99% of the people he interacts with, i see him having a constant low-level wariness of malkavians at best. honestly, i'm not too sure he can offer them the level of stability you describe here.
i also read a lot of the malkavian's transparency, esp at the start, as just saying shit without really being aware of kindred culture & society. later on they might do it to make people uncomfortable to gain an upper hand when interacting with them, but initially it definitely struck me as someone who just didn't know the rules yet.
also if we're talking opposites attract in our ships lmao, i stand by my brujah/ventrue preferences. when developing the relationship between nines and katerina, it takes them a hot minute before they're able to read their partner well. years, in fact & the connection between them is fundamentally based on their shared set of values that override any issues they have with the other clan. it's that stubborn resilience and the deep capacity to care for their loved ones while also grappling with the impulse to keep the world at arm's length. ventrue & brujah come off to me as two sides of the same coin, they just approach problem solving in ways that can sometimes conflict. i enjoy that push and pull dynamic between kat/nines and want the audience's takeaway from them to be two people who aren't together because of fate or destiny, they're together because they want to be & because they work at it.
it also helps i think, that she's very much not the fledgling--they've got a few decades of history & knowing each other to work with, and based on what's going on & how it affects his mental state, i think he would be far more open to getting with someone he already had something established with vs someone new & young. i can't see him actually being comfortable with engaging with the fledgling that way, regardless of clan. less about the potential age gap (we're all adults here it's fine), more about the power dynamics he would no doubt be aware of & the difference in life experience. he's somewhat of a celebrity in anarch circles, especially with the neonates, and i'm willing to bet he puts some very intentional distance between them because of it. conversely, when working with katerina, she's actually got about a decade of vampirism on him, and she also knew him before he was the baron of downtown. there's no issues with them calling the other out on their shit or being too starstruck (for lack of a better word) to address certain issues. imo the 'level playing field' aspect of them is a major asset.
now, malkavian ships? there's a reason i hooked up my malkvian pc, mitchell, with beckett post-game lmao. she's actually in a polycule scenario, but her main partners are beckett & VV. vv i just like a lot as a character and she gets little enough screentime that i can fill in the gaps with her (she also doesn't seem uncomfortable around the malkavian pc unless they ask her about susan, otherwise there's no real change i picked up on in her interactions). and beckett specifically i think may be the only character in the whole game who doesn't talk down to or show discomfort at any point around the malkavian fledgling? there may be someone else im just not recalling atm but he stuck out to me. he really just talks to them like they're any other person and doesn't get defensive or dismissive, which is very much appreciated. and even then i still can't see him pursuing anything with the fledgling until after the sarcophagus business is taken care of. basically, he just comes off as someone who inherently respects them & doesn't begrudge any of their quirks.
again, love nines to death but there's room for improvement when it comes to his interactions with the malkavian pc.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
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Series : To all the boys
Pairing : Jeon Wonwoo x reader
Type : non idol au, ex-lovers au
Genre : angst, drama, fluff, romance
Warnings : none
Word count : 1.5k approx
Synopsis : You decided to write some letters to every boy who was a part of your past as your last message after getting diagnosed with chronical disease.
[Received, 09.10.2020] | one | previous | next
You glared at Wonwoo when he tried to reach for your hand for the umpteenth time, you were angry at him and wanted to be in peace alone but he wasn't having any of it.
"Why are you so angry at me, is Seokmin that important to you?"
His question made you stop in your track, you crossed your arms across your chest clearly irritated at him.
"His importance isn't the topic of discussion but you beating him up just because he confessed he has feelings for me is."
He rolled his eyes at you making you huff in annoyance in return. You had just come to know about Wonwoo beating Seokmin up just because he confessed of having feelings for you.
"I just wanted to see if he was joking around, don't want your feeling to get hurt."
"How ironic."
"Don't show your attitude to me."
"Wonwoo please, I told you we are just talking, he did say he had feelings for me but that doesn't give you any right to beat him up."
He shook his head getting more and more irritated as the argument continued. He couldn't understand why you were getting so defensive over Seokmin, whose presence was unknown to you few months prior.
"Okay, I confess I may have threatened him and warn him to never play with your feelings and I may have grabbed his collar in this process but I just bluffed in front of you when I said I beat him up, I didn't know you would get so defensive of your lover."
You faceplamed yourself shocked to even think any of this being real.
"I for sure knew what he feels for me is genuine, you didn't have to confirm it like that but tell me what do you think? He's playing with me or?"
Wonwoo looked at you then at his feet, contemplating what to do to which you just groan in frustration making him sigh and continue.
"He genuinely feels for you, he's a good guy he'll keep you happy."
"You think so?"
"Well, he promised me."
"So, you want to say you're okay with me dating him?"
Wonwoo's breath hitched as he looked at you, he knew Seokmin would keep you happy but he wanted to be selfish and keep you at bay.
"You can date him if you want."
You waited for him to continue, your own heart beating loudly as thoughts ran inside your head.
If he said he wanted you to date Seokmin and it didn't affect him you'll do it, you'll give yourself a chance to love someone else and if he wanted you to stay then you wanted him to accept you in front of everyone.
You were tired of waiting for him, you wanted to enjoy your life without the constant heartbreaks he was throwing towards you.
"He's a good guy like I said, it's your life do whatever you want."
"You...aren't going to stop me? What if I fall in love with him, he's a great guy after all."
"You don't fall in love that easily but like I said it's your life."
You looked at him to find any hidden feelings in his eyes but he refused to have any eye contact with you. He looked at the side, gulping but he didn't meet your eyes.
"You sure about it? I'll accept him if you'll say that it doesn't affect you."
You took few steps closer to him, engulfing him in a hug, it was your first and last time to hold him, you knew it. This time around though, it didn't felt wrong cause you knew it was the last.
You didn't push him when he held you just as much tightly as you did.
"Tell me Wonwoo."
"I want you to be happy y/n, I'm sorry I kept you waiting but you deserve to be happy."
He pull away turning around, stuffing his hands inside his pockets making his way back inside the school.
"As you wish, I hope you realize I'm letting you go."
You looked at his retreating figure, he looked so casual about it, it was almost as if he was testing you, of whether you are strong enough to wait for him when he himself was weak to leave his girlfriend and accept you.
What sort of love he had for you when he couldn't even gather enough courage to make you his.
You decided you would give Seokmin a chance, tomorrow it was valentine's day and a perfect day for people who celebrated love. Maybe this was your chance to be happy and you weren't going to lose it.
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"Seokmin, eat this."
You smiled at him as you gave him few cookies from your box to which he smiled opening his mouth motioning you to feed him.
You rolled your eyes before feeding him, your and his friends cooing at how cute couple both of you were. You shook your head when you saw Wonwoo looking in your direction, he maintained an eye contact with you before going out of the cafeteria.
"I forgot something, I'll be back."
You excused yourself from others and made your way out of the cafeteria, you looked here and there until you saw Wonwoo going towards the direction of his class. You followed him.
He stopped when he entered his classroom and sit at the seat which was at the far end.
"Are you serious about him y/n?"
"Yes I am."
"You've got to me kidding me? You don't like doing such lovey dovey things, you don't like chivalry."
"Yeah I don't but it makes him happy."
Wonwoo glared at you before making his way towards you, grabbing your hand and tugging you closer to him.
"Wonwoo what are you doing?"
You kept your hand on his chest to have some distance as you tried to push him off you.
"Everyone thinks you two make a great couple, what's so great about you and him?"
"Why? Are you jealous?"
You successfully pushed him away from you but he held you hand so you won't go far away.
"What if I am?"
You raised your eyebrows at him, never had he ever confessed him being affected by any of your relationships or flings so it was new for you.
"Wow, I didn't know I would have such effect on you."
"Leave him."
"You've got to be kidding me."
How could he have the nerve to tell you to leave him when he was the one who asked you to say yes to him in first place.
"You yourself were the one who said he'll keep me happy and he is doing just that, why are you asking me to leave him? Because you realize that this may be the time you're going to lose me for real?"
"I thought it won't affect me okay?"
"So you're saying you would've let me go if it didn't affect you but now that it does you're not going to leave me and keep using me?"
Your head was paining with all the frustration that was etched inside you, how could he be so selfish? If he wanted you what was so hard about making you his?
The bell of the school rang, indicating that the lunch time was near and you were sure Seokmin and the rest of the students would start piling in and you didn't want to be seen here with Wonwoo alone at least not when Seokmin was aware the you had feeling for Wonwoo before accepting him.
"You love me, I'm not using you, all I ask for you is to wait, why is it so hard for you?"
"For how many more years Wonwoo? I've been waiting for you since the last 3 years and all you did in return was date the new transferred student, did you realize how much you've hurt me these past years? You are all happy and content in your relationship with Yena and still you expect me to wait till you get bored of her for you to finally come back to me? Or you're thinking about fooling around more?"
He just looked at you, speechless since he knew you were right. Was he really keeping you from getting your own happiness because of his own selfish reasons?
"Let me go Wonwoo, I don't want Seokmin to see us together, I don't want him to go through the pain I've went through because of you."
"Y/N, can't you give me a chance? I'll fix everything up."
You removed his hands from his grip, taking few steps back.
"I can't, I've made up my mind."
He scoffed trying his best of hold his emotions, he couldn't be venting out his anger and frustration in front of you, it wouldn't be good. He didn't want to scare you off.
"I asked you to wait till the right time comes."
His tone was almost as if he was begging for you to wait but he also knew it was too late for that.
"I've waited for you enough, I'm sorry I've moved on and you should pay more attention on your relationship too, I've nothing to do with you Woo, I hope you understand."
You walked backwards trying your best to not let your emotions take the best of you.
"The right time never comes."
You turned around walking out of the class just as other students started piling in. Wonwoo looked at your retreating figure till the time he could.
He clenched his fist tight when he saw Seokmin approaching you with a bright smile on his face as he hugged you before biding you goodbye and entering the class.
"I didn't know you were letting me go, I wouldn't have dig my own grave if I knew."
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Disclaimer: this post is not made to cause anger or to insult the Serbian government, it is simply made to report on the news what has been going this past days. Some of the information might be to strong, so please read on your own risk. People who are mention in this story will remain anonymous for their own safety.
#Serbia now:
On the 7th of July,2020, president Vučić announced that Belgrade will be closed and have a curfew between Friday and Monday and that more than five people should not be in the same space together. He talked about a lot of things like how many people are being tested, the possible 'lies' the government has been saying, Novi Pazar, a city located in south-west Serbia, who is in a critical situation because of COVID-19, respirators and many more. He talked about how people need to understand that this virus in not a joke in any possible way and people need to take more action and protect themselves and their family. The problem is half of the population does not believe the virus is either real or that it does not have the affect to enter the human body that fast. People are confused and keep asking the same question that nobody can answer. When he announced the possibility that people will have to stay the whole weekend in their homes, many people were frustrated with the decision and did not want to take his words for real. At the evening, massive numbers of people gathered at the National Assembly and started protesting. The protesting was not in anyway ' peaceful ' but ended being a disappointing vandalism.
Three cars and a police van were on fire. The damage was immediately posted. Hundreds of thousands of dinars are worth of damage.
Torches, tear gas, oysters and glass bottles were being thrown between the protesters and police.
Many people were injured and many police man were hurt. "It was a disaster. We tried stopping them but there were to many." said one policeman.
One of the protesters wanted to break in the National Assembly but were thrown out by the police.
Two men stopped an ambulance that was driving to the hospital with rotations. The two men were punished for their actions and many were disappointed with them.
Protesters DID NOT WANT any politician to join them and act like they care for citizens' rights.
Ana Brnabić was disappointed to see citizens' of Belgrade acting like 'h**li**ns'.
Kosovo was/is also another reason why people turned against Vučić.
Vučić was in the National Assembly but quickly evacuated with the situation going around.
A video of three men being hit and be*ten by the police after rejecting to leave the park was filmed and posted on different sites. The three men were laying on the ground in pain as the police left them.
A man, lost his father due to COVID 19 and blamed the government for lying about having enough respirators. He claimed his father was not given the treatment that was promised and was one of the most critical patient (and many other) in Belgrade. "This is for you, dad. I know you are watching and you are proud. I love you,dad. This is for you!" Said the man. After this video resurfaced the internet, everyone was angry that president Vučić lied about 'having enough respirators' and many left comments that they were not surprised and what a disappointment this country is for believing the words that come from the television.
Protesters are being accused of spreading COVID 19.
97% had masks but still did not distance.
Lockdown will be decided by the crisis staff.
The 8th and 9th of July,2020:
President Vučić has decided he will NOT make the decision about Belgrade. He admitted he has no right to make a decision he isn't to sure how to control.
Many faces were supporting the protest and they were not citizens' of Serbia. -Vučić.
Criminals were mention that they were the ones who were 'trashing' Belgrade.
COVID 19 has no connection with voting, football games etc.
Vučić kept bringing people down while making his people 'world leaders' and 'only hopes for Serbia'.
05.10.2000. is a wish protesters want to come true. ( The fall of Milošević)
Vučić is in shock why people keep bringing his country down while he is doing everything to make it 'grow'.
There will be rules for Belgrade no matter what.
Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac also started protesting.
Tonight (9th July.) protesters are peacefuly protesting and tend to keep it that way.
Politicians are calling out h**li*ga*ns and cri**na** after 'destroying Belgrade' and doing vandalism 'on purpose'.
Many people are angry that Belgrade is being in the situation where it's not safe anymore and being trashed by some idiots who don't even live there or came from a different city. They are accused of 'pretending to be Belgraders'. It is proven that they are more than 80% Belgraders in the world then in the own city. Belgrade is composed from all citizens' across Serbia.
Students are protesting after being told they have to leave their dorms for the third time because they need to be prepared for COVID 19 patients. "We don't feel safe. We want our rights!".
Protesters are being called out for fighting for their rights.
Politicians are calling protesters 'criminal slaves' for wanting to remove Vučić.
"We aren't allowed to stand for our rights. They tend to keep us locked when we thought everything is going undercontrol. They are playing for our rights. I lost my friend because she was told to stay home even though she had other medical problems. Instead of celebrating her birthday, I was mourning her name and crying. He (Vučić) doesn't care about us, he just wants the money. He has it. He is building Belgrade on Dunabe and he still thinks we care about some stupid project. How are we not going to protest? I do not like and I am against harmful and disgusting behaviour some people showed the first day and even now, but we can't just stand here and pretend everything is okay. He stole votes and as soon as he secured his seat, this country got even worse. How are we suppose to live here? How can we try and stay positive after everything he has done. My family lives in Kosovo. He gave it. He just sold that land like nothing. He doesn't care about people. He acts like a human but even the facade can't cover his personality. No one can look up to us and that's okay. We don't want '99 again. We want peace. We all want, all of us, we want to breath not to feel pressured. We tell our kids to get the hell away from this country and to never look back. There is no future here. We all know that. He always breaks his promises. Kids grow up and become adults, what children is he talking about?! Where is their future if he is only building Belgrade? What about the South? East? West? Where are their rights?! We are all equal and we all deserve so much more. We have to pray and hope for the best, but in this life we are always going to be left down. " a woman gave her thoughts about protesting.
Other reason's why people want to dismiss Vučić:
He promised everyone 100 Euros when COVID 19 became serious in Serbia. He realised his mistake and ended up giving the money to retired people and people with special needs. Other had to register. He went from helping to you have to do this so I don't embarrass myself.
People were paid to come and cheer for Vučić when he would give speeches.
He lied about the respirators.
People believe that the number of positive patients fell just so that elections could happen.
After elections, Serbia became the worst in numbers of positive cases.
Before elections 50-94 cases, 10-20 respirator patients, almost everyone is cured, Serbia is almost done with COVID 19.
After elections 300+ cases, 120-130 respirator patients, 1000+ in hospitals, 1000+ in isolation, Serbia the most critical on Balkan.
He knew Novi Pazar was going to blow up. He did not do anything.
Belgrade hospitals do not have respirators.
Belgrade has a population of 1 million residents and yet doesn't have the medical needs.
He doesn't have a full government. What kind of country is Serbia then?!
Something that cannot be answered:
Why do people who die from other reasons are COVID 19 victims?
How come the number of cases grew?
Did the government lied all this time?
Was professor Kon right all this time?
Why are people not in hospitals if positive?
How to isolate if you do not have your own bathroom and kitchen?
Why are there no punishments for not wearing a mask?
Is there really a vaccine?
Is the virus real? Is it possible to make it disappear?
Vandalism is not the answer. People have every right to judge Vučić. He is not that bad, but he is not a sweetheart either. Luckily people are peacefully protesting and want to learn to have manners. The police is trying everything to not fight the protesters. Punishing other people for the damage is not right. Being called disgusting names from politicians needs to STOP! We are all people with a heart, we say and do things we should not but that is not the point. Being called a cri**na* is disgusting. Everyone is frustrated with the virus going on but we have to be reasonable. If you are someone who lost a loved one due to COVID 19, my heart goes for you and everyone you love and care about. This is a scary year. It's breaking my heart so many people died not only because of COVID 19. The virus is not the main problem here. People are. This going on in Belgrade is eye opening. It shows people want a break. They want freedom. They want, like every other country, to feel safe. I totally understand the point of view from some people. I ,too, also know there is no future in Serbia until someone really comes and actually cares for people. If territory and fake promises are more relevant then a person breathing, my God save us.
Comment's about Vučić
We are a small country and we never were known for good things, but honestly, how can we have that if we don't have a leader?
Lies and lies. Breaking promises. Being disgusted with people that don't like your way of ''handling" a country. Manipulate people and bringing them down. Having politicians spit on your people?
Is that a joke or is Vučić going to take this seriously.
Kosovo is more important than people?
How cruel do you have to be?
How disgusting that sounds.
We are told people are dying for God's sake and yet you talk for 2 hours and that is it.
Tito is rolling in his grave.
Why does anyone expect something good from Vučić?
Oh Serbia, poor little Serbia.
- comments from different sources.
For more information of these protests, feel free to look them up. I gave my personal opinion and I missed a lot of information about this protests but I shared the ones that needed to be put here.
If you are someone from Serbia, feel free to speak and to be free. If you wanted a change and did not get it, either run or keep blessing this country. You deserve much more. You'll get past everything. Keep running. Fight peacefully. Be normal and be mature. I wish everyone so much and pray everyday we get some peace and actually feel like people.
Don't look up to politicians. Nušić told us everything we need to know.
Be safe while protesting! Keep yourself safe and don't let a politician ruin your life. Bring back the rights and the light we all need.
Bring Serbia where she should be.
Not underneath.
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kurtblogs · 3 years
Kurt's Blog
Hi my name is kurt paul L perez and im 17 years old,When i grow up i would like to be a biologist or a wildlife researcher
I see our community as a cheerful and a hardworking community however their are times we are often ignorant and greedy on our acts.As a student i would raise awareness by spreading the proper knowledge on our current social issues so that people will be woke with the current issues and how we can work together in order to fix it.
Reflection paper.
Significance and scope
1)This issue matters to me kse usto ko lng na talaga umunlad ang philipinas sa hirap at para ren may mga trabaho na ang mga walang trabaho at di na magugutom ang mga tao ulit.
2)The people because we depend on it on our everyday life and this is were we get our expenses.
3)this issue started at the 1990 when we stopped focusing on our agricultural practises.
1)This issue did not change people are still blind and did not mind the fact that we could become rich and powerful if we would just trust in our own agricultural powers and resources and that we would not need to depend on other countries for their help.
2)If we would not do anything about it the philipines would just depend much more on exported goods rather than making and importing the things we could make and do.
3)This is connected to everything because if we just trusted in our agricultural practises like before our economy would prosper and this could have an huge impact on the philipines just because we are good at farming and making rice.
4)Yes it is cause agricultural before is our source of income and that is the thing that boosted our country before but it changed just because of people now a days are buying exported products.
5)Its a problem cause farmers are now struggling just to make a living everyday because philipinos buy exported rice from other country's rather than on supporting our's.
6)This is a problem if we don't do anything our local farmers would go hungry and would not earn any money.
1)I feel sad because our government did not noticed this and did anything because that we could make quality rice more than any country could because that is the best thing we do and that our land is rich with minerals,I just felt really dissapointed also because they could have done something just by selling our own rice to other countries and eating our locally made food.
2)We could have prevented this from happening this from the start if we just trusted and that we should not depend on other countries for their rice and other products.by now if we did not stopped making and selling our own rice the philipines today is very prosperous and that everyone would have a job.
First trime exam
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Family disaster vid link.
Second trime SA 1
So the COVID-19 pandemic previously began at Wuhan at a wet commercial center from defiled
bats or different creatures that are on the lookout and that individuals are beginning to get
tainted individually from the infection until it spread worldwide from transportation, canned
products, conveyances, creatures, and from the ordinary items we contact. In any case, I accept
that this should be a bioweapon that china was trying and was made within a lab in Wuhan
where they made the infection and tried it to individuals on what could the impacts be
nevertheless nobody knows reality with regards to it however we likewise should be cautious on
what we eat to ensure that it is truly consumable and appropriately cleaned before serving or
eating it to keep getting any sort of disorder from it.
The Coronavirus pandemics truly did an enormous effect on us monetarily as well as in any
conceivable manner, our economy truly dropped drastically yet now is gradually turning out to
be ordinary again.this also did a very huge impact on our health because old and young kids
tend to be more susceptible to the virus because of weak or weakened immune systems and
that all of us need to do a mandatory quarantine when we go back to the philippines and a swab
test to see weather they are positive or negative once they got their results if they are negative
they would travel and go to other places if not they are going to be forced for self quarantine.
The safety of the filipinos is in-danger because we tend to not be serious at this pandemic only
from the start and that people now are being not aware that the covid pandemic is still here and
is very active and we tend to not mind it anymore by going outside and not wearing a mask and
going into huge gatherings like going to the mall and party celebrations. Even tho we are
protected by wearing masks and "social distancing" we can't deny the fact that the covid it over
because when you look at how many filipinos are infected it is already at the 300000 plus and
even going up even more slowly but surely if we don't do anything about this in no time we
would reach 1millon people that are infected at the philippines from this virus,to be honest the
government is not doing that much to help stop the covid pandemic.they are not putting more
efforts into our healthcare instead they had the money to improve manila bay instead of
spending it for our healthcare helping people. And funding more hospital beds or places where
people are infected could stay first.the citizens are helping as much by giving relief goods for the
people who could not get out of their places and by donating money to the hospitals to further
improve their healthcare.the ongoing developments on helping the pandemic ease is slow but is
working,by mass testing and giving people loan or money to the people to help finance their
everyday needs,for me all we need to to is full cooperation and trust on the government
hopefully that they would take this pandemic very seriously and help us rise again from the
pandemic and to be covid free for us to have a normal life again.
Editorial cartoon and writing about duterte's Administration.
Every Filipino medical professional knows the statistics. In recent years, this Southeast Asian
nation has ranked number one for exporting nurses and number two for sending doctors
overseas, according to the University of the Philippines in Manila.
Between 2004 and 2010, nearly 72 000 Filipino nurses were newly employed or rehired abroad,
according to data from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. The latest specific
numbers date back to 2008, when then-health secretary Francisco Duque estimated that 85% of
Filipino nurses were working in Western countries, while 70% of Filipinos were dying without
medical attention — a death rate not seen since the 1970s.
But Kenneth Ronquillo, director of the Health Human Resource Development Bureau of the
Department of Health, says the much-reported brain drain is, in fact, a myth.
“In terms of absolute doctors and nurses, the Philippines has always had an ample supply,” he
And in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, the Philippines may actually be facing the
opposite problem — a surplus — as a result of the fall in overseas demand. In mid-2011, the
Philippine Nurses Association warned that 287 000 nurses in this country of 90 million people
were either unemployed or lacking sufficient hours.
The other key concern has been that, too often, the best-qualified and best-trained doctors and
nurses are the ones who leave. Though overseas demand has, conversely, raised domestic
standards, says Ronquillo.
“The international community preference for our experienced nurses has led to higher
expenditures for training and development of fresh, local graduates,” he says, adding that
Western countries typically require two to three years prior experience.
The real problem in the Philippines, says Ronquillo, is that money is not being spent to make
sure that medical human resources are spread equitably across this archipelago nation; remote
areas are not only lacking doctors and nurses, but also hospitals and clinics.
So first of all i just wanted to point out that the main reason for this is low salary and on how
much we don't look at the naturally talented ones with the proper education because on how
some families don't have the sufficient money to help their sons to go onto proper education and
that itself is just wasted potential and that only the smart and talented doctors are almost all
overseas because of the high pay and lots of benefits for me its a waste cause we need them
here more. However due to the low pay and less benefits they rather work abroad and that the
cause of these is the government they don't give them a rise when they are the one of the most
important people we need for me lastly is that i hope that the government would do something
abt this cause for me this is just a huge waste on professional doctors because it would really
help us even now, because of the pandemic,
Sources:pssc.org.ph › Papers › Brain ...PDF
Brain Drain in the Philippines* Fact and Figures on the Drain - Philippine Social Science Council
There are many companies in the Philippines who have resorted to hiring people on a
contractual basis even if they are working on regular, ongoing tasks like normal employees
would in a company. As a result, these non-regular employees are deprived of the opportunity to
get secure, long-term employment. In most cases, they also do not receive the employee
benefits due them.
What is “endo?”
Endo is a colloquial term coined from shortening the phrase, “end-of-contract.” Here in our
country, employers are required to regularize employees after six (6) months of working for the
company, so some companies try to game the system by means of only hiring workers for a
maximum of five (5) months. The governing law regarding this matter is detailed under Article
281 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, which reads:
Probationary employment shall not exceed six (6) months from the date the employment.In most cases, they also do not receive the employee
benefits due them.
What is “endo?”
Endo is a colloquial term coined from shortening the phrase, “end-of-contract.” Here in our
country, employers are required to regularize employees after six (6) months of working for the
company, so some companies try to game the system by means of only hiring workers for a
maximum of five (5) months. The governing law regarding this matter is detailed under Article
281 of the Labor Code of the Philippines.
8)Second trime exam
) The issue is about ladies segregation and sexual orientation separation that they generally
consider ladies or and others in unexpected sex in comparison to they couldn't dominate same
as men do and that ladies or others of another sex consistently have been peered down
grinding away and are constantly tormented and annoyed. It's not generally men who are
predominant they generally imagine that they are prevalent than ladies since they think they are
more grounded and we ladies are powerless, well truth be told we are altogether equivalent.
With regards to the work environment, there is a much more grounded sense among the public
that the battleground is lopsided, still a disparity in compensation for people during a similar
occupation which is a demonstration of sex separation in the work environment. Sex
segregation is characterized as bias or separation dependent on a person's sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation balance is achieved when people can get to and appreciate equivalent. With
regards to the work environment, there is a much more grounded sense among the public that
the battleground is lopsided, still a disparity in compensation for people during a similar
occupation which is a demonstration of sex separation in the work environment. Sex
segregation is characterized as bias or separation dependent on a person's sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation balance is achieved when people can get to and appreciate equivalent prizes
and openings independent of their sex. Different nations have gained generous ground
concerning sex balance in ongoing periods. On the other hand, ladies actually persevere
through less compensation.
2) The difficulty that has caused this is that men's voice consistently pondered giving ladies the
simpler activities at work since they figure ladies couldn't find men doing the things they
accomplish in their work. Also, that the impact is that men regularly consider fewer ladies in light
of this that on the off chance that they are given a similar undertaking as to the men they
couldn't do it or do it as same as them. Large numbers of the state laws presently set up are
comparative in nature to government social liberties laws yet may offer extra assurance against
work related separation. Practically all states have received segregation laws identified with
work, with security against separation dependent on different elements, for example, race,
sexual orientation, age, conjugal status, public beginning, religion, or handicap.
The parts of government that are resolving this issue is the branch of equity that expresses
that any sort of separation or harassment of various sexes isn't permitted and you could be
placed into prison for segregating anybody regardless of the sex nor race of the person in
question is in no means are in effect yet appeared or improvement however for me I would
solve is to treat everybody the same and to never peer down on their gender, race nor
monetarily and that they base them on their skills, hard work and outlook on their work as
opposed to being one-sided based by the sex.
Research output about political dynasty
Article bill of rights.
On automatic review is a decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Bogo, Cebu, Branch 61,
finding appellant Dindo "Bebot" Mojello guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape with
homicide defined and penalized under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by
Republic Act No. 7659, and sentencing him to the supreme penalty of death.1
Appellant Dindo Mojello, alias "Bebot" was charged with the crime of rape with homicide in an
Information dated May 22, 1997, as follows That on the 15th day of December 1996, at about
11:00 o'clock in the evening, at Sitio Kota, Barangay Talisay, Municipality of Santa Fe, Province
of Cebu, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, moved by lewd design and by means of force, violence and intimidation, did then and
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously succeed in having carnal knowledge with Lenlen Rayco
under twelve (12) years of age and with mental deficiency, against her will and consent, and by
reason and/or on the occasion thereof, purposely to conceal the most brutal act and in
pursuance of his criminal design, the above-named accused, did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously with intent to kill, treacherously and employing personal violence,
attack, assault and kill the victim Lenlen Rayco, thereby inflicting upon the victim wounds on the
different parts of her body which caused her death.On January 21, 1999, the trial court rendered
judgment finding appellant
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape with homicide, and sentencing him tosuffer
the death penalty. From the facts found by the court a quo, it appears that on December 15,
1996, at or around 9:00 p.m., Rogelio Rayco was having some drinks with agroup which
included Roger Capacito and his wife and the spouses Borah and Arsolin Illustrismo at the
Capacito residence located at Barangay Talisay, Sta. Fe, Cebu. Rogelio Rayco left the group to
go home about an hour later. On his way home, he saw his niece, Lenlen Rayco, with appellant
Dindo Mojello, a nephew of Roger Capacito, walking together some thirty meters away towards
the direction of Sitio Kota. Since he was used to seeing them together on other occasions, he
did not find anything strange about this. He proceeded to his house. On December 16, 1996,
between 5:00 to 6:00 a.m., the Rayco family was informed that the body of Lenlen was found at
the seashore of Sitio Kota. Rogelio Rayco immediately proceeded to the site and saw the
lifeless, naked and bruised body of his niece. Rogelio was devastated by what he saw. A
remorse of conscience enveloped him for his failure to protect his niece. He even attempted to
take his own life several days after the incident. Appellant was arrested at Bantayan while
attempting to board a motor launch bound for Cadiz City. On an investigation conducted by
SPO2 Wilfredo Giducos, he admitted that he was the perpetrator of the dastardly deed.
Appellant was assisted by Atty. Isaias Giduquio during his custodial interrogation. His
confession was witnessed by Barangay Captains Wilfredo Batobalanos and Manolo Landao.
Batobalanos testified that after it was executed,
Final exam.
Definition of extrajudicial killing is when a government official is involved in an incident when they kill a person without sanction of any legal process.The usual targets are: political,trade union,dissident,religious.The well known example is a grade 11 Senior high school named Kian Loyd Delos Santos.
He was killed in Caloocan City.And the police claim that Delos Santos was involved in a drug operation in the place,and then they said that the victim was a drug runner and fired at him with a .45 caliber pistol during the incident.But the eyewitness said that they saw the policeman dragged Delos Santos in the dark alley,and shot him three times,leaving his body in a pen for pigs.Both PAO and NBI filed murder charges to those officers involved in the Delos Santos incident.Two days later a similar case also in Caloocan city also there was a teenager named Arnaiz 18 year old,and a former student in the University of the Philippines.Police claimed that the victim was robbing a taxi driver,and automatically shot him.According to Dr Edwin Erfe,chief of the Public Attorney’s Office forensic laboratory services,found in their autopsy that Arnaiz has deep abrasion and marks of showing he was handcuffed,dragged and severely beaten.De Guzman,Arnaiz’s last known companion,was found in a creek in Gapan Nueva Ecija province on September five.It was quite unclear how De Guzman Really died.After the forensics examination it showed that De Guzman has been stabbed 26 times, the knife pierce to his lungs and heart.According to Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre III,that some wounds Deguzman gain ,and indicated that the killers continue stabbing the victim even he already died.According to Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency,4,948 suspected drug users and dealers died during police operations from July 1,2016 to September 30,2018.They do not include the others who was killed by “unidentified gunman”.Philippine National Police claim 22,980 deaths since “war on drugs”.And began to be classified as “homicides under investigation”.his law has to stop,because it doesn't give a chance to the drug pushers and dealers to have a second chance to restart all over again ,and to those who were brutally murdered the innocent should be removed from their duty to set an example to not make the same mistake twice.
Speech link.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
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I'm glad my writing makes you happy!
Sorry for making you wait! And also, sorry if it isn't what you expected (cause I'm st00pid)
I think we might be able to see this new wealthy student some other time.
Trusting [Yandere bully - Headcanons]
Since you started studying in this school, you noticed how so many students here are actually really wealthy.
Some people were nice to you, some people didn't care about you being poor.
If it wasn't for the twins, you would actually make a lot of friends. That's the sad part.
You hate the fact that people are afraid of talking to you, but you can't fully blame them. If they did, they would be tormented as well, especially if they were poor like you.
Actually, for some reason the people that used to talk with you that had the same condition as you, suddenly decided to change schools.
You didn't hear anything from them anymore.
But anyway, you were in the school's library trying to find an book for your next school project. Your teacher had given some copies in class, but there were only a few that she had picked up, and you ended up being without one.
She said you should ask someone to share a book with you and make a project in group, but no one wanted to make this project with you. Only the twins. You aren't accepting their offer.
You find a copy of the book that you needed, but, it's too high on the shelve for you.
You struggle to reach it, when someone else grabs it. A student you haven't met before, he is a bit taller than you.
He said he wanted to read this book as is one of his favorites, and that was the last copy that the school library had, so you tell him you needed for an school project.
He looked a bit sad, but he seemed to understand that you needed it more than him, awwn poor guy, you felt a little bad about this but he seemed to not mind as much as you.
He, actually wasn't bothered about being close and talking to you. Should you do something? Should you say something?
"- . . . So, uhn, do you like reading?" You were trying to start an conversation as best as you could. You were a little desperate to meet new people, to talk to someone who isn't always belittling you.
He says that yes, he enjoys reading, he doesn't have an specific genre that he likes, well, maybe novel, but yeah, he enjoys reading pretty much anything.
You start to say your tastes, even if you aren't an bookworm yourself, you enjoy an good book from time to time.
This is going so well, you think. He seems to like talking with you with is really good! This is the best conversation that you had in a long time.
You start switching subjects, finding little things in familiar. He seems to be a nerdy boy, but also he loves animals so much, he has a chinchilla!
You want to celebrate this moment, it feels amazing to talk with this guy!
You part your ways, the student leaves you to go to the third year classes. Well, he is an really nice person! And a bit cute in a way.
You find yourself rethink about him and your silly little talk, gosh, you actually feel happy for talking with him.
Well, he is thinking the same.
He had heard about you, the twins plaything, to torment, to bully. He should have known better to never hear some random gossip, but he heard the rumours about you and the twins Coldwell. Everyone heard about it.
He planned on never talking to you, never saying anything about your name, as precaution for his on safety. He didn't need the twins to start targeting him again. It seems that everyone that talks with you, is doomed.
You were really nice. He saw you on the library, thinking that, if the twins aren't close, he could see for himself what type of person you were. He didn't want to read that book, he already had an copy of it, he just thought it would help him get closer to you.
It's funny when thinks of it, he always tried to avoid you at all costs, so he wouldn't be harmed. But somehow, he was always there, looking at a distance, seeing them treat you like an toy, with he hated it. He somehow, was always looking out to see if you were there, getting closer.
Thinking about you and twins every now and then since you were the school's main gossip. But thinking about you every second.
He feels so dumb now, avoiding you like an decease, but somehow, obsessively thinking about you. Thinking about if he should talk to you at least once, if he should interfere in the bullying at least once.
It was tempting, you were always trying to be close to people, but people avoided you. Sometimes you looked so sad.
He doesn't want you to be all alone like this, he know deep down, how it hurts to be all by yourself.
He thinks you're kinda cute, maybe it was the way you were struggling to get the book or just your little ways of expressing yourself.
He wants to get to know you better. Maybe you'll want to know him too?
Rumours around this school, spread like oxygene through the air.
A pretty boy was seen walking around with you. An third year. Walking around and talking with you.
Some say they saw him grabbing the book for you, some say they saw him patting your head, some say they saw you holding hands. Some say you were flirting with him, some say that you were offering him something, some say that they saw you two going out after school.
Basically, the truth mixes with lies and misinterpretetions of what really happened.
And basically, the twins are pissed.
"- WHAT??!"
Both can tell that there are some lies mixed in this rumours, after all, they know you wouldn't do such a thing.
You wouldn't just, go out with someone you just met, or, hold hands with them, right? It doesn't sound like an you-thing-to-do.
They're so afraid that those rumours might be true though. What if you were that easy? What if he likes you? What if you like him too? What if you have know him for a long time, and you were seeing each other, and you were happly dating in secret and-
Thinking about all possibilities, asking who saw and who knows exactly what happened.
No one seems to be telling the full story. This isn't going well.
The best option is to see for themselves. They could ask you, sure, but what guarantees that you wouldn't lie? You probably have been lying all this time to them.
Acting all shy to them, but probably being completely different on the inside.
They find you, sitting alone at lunchtime, God they wish they could just come in and take you away! But they need to see if this "pretty boy" appear.
Someone is coming close to you.
Oh, they know that guy! He was an close friend to them, until, he started being an wuss and decided to quit. Saying they were taking it "too far", that they were acting like kids.
"- Asshole."
They don't mind seeing him around school, they actually don't care about him. But seeing you be this, happy, close to someone else hurts them.
You two look like an couple, neither of them like this. Although being calm most of the time, the thought of loosing you to this guy makes Adrien want to cry on the spot.
And Alexandra is just having trouble keep it together. She is sad but also so angry at what she is seeing.
You look like your normal self, the one before the bullying started. Happy and excited about the little things in life. They never understood why you were like that.
They wanted to see that again.
And that asshole is just mocking them at this point, he looks like he is enjoying this a little too much. Getting too close to you.
They didn't know what to do! They can't loose you to this prick! They think for a while, until:
"- Oh . . . I think I have an idea . . ."
You were talking to your new friend, it was nice to eat lunch with company.
But you could see both twins coming closer, it seems like you can't take a break for one day.
"- Greetings sweetheart! We were looking for you!!" Alexandra says, she is ready to just grab you and run away but, they have a better plan in mind.
"- You never showed up, why did you leave us waiting?" Adrien asks you-and oh, yeah! You were supposed to go meet them in their favorite spot, but since they didn't say anything to you personally you didn't remember.
You normally go just so things don't get complicated. Not because you want to.
"- We see you already met our friend here, isn't he a cutie? We were wondering, what sweet lies have he feed you?"
. . .
"- . . . What? What do you mean?" You start to panic a little, please, they can't be telling the truth. Is an trick, right?
"- Your new boyfriend here and us are besties since childhood! We used to be playing around and planning our next big prank on little pests like you."
"- You want to know our best prank ever?"
"- Oh please, [Y/N] don't listen to-" Alexandra shushes him with her hand, a little too aggressively. That could count as an slap.
"- Sshh- Our best prank was making an pathetic student, that got lovestruck by our little charming prince over here, understand the cruel reality that they weren't in the same level!"
"- Do you remember their faces? When they started crying after you harshly rejected them? When told them you were so far above their reach?"
"- I-I'm not like that anymore!" He says, saying it more towards you than towards your bullies.
"- If I were you, I would be careful [Y/N]~"
"- You never know when he'll strike-"
"- S-Shut UP! How can I trust what you're saying, if all you have done was try to make my life miserable?!!" You yell at them, you can't hold it anymore, this hurts way too much!
"- . . . Well, we have never lied to you, have we?"
"- We have only ever told you the truth, you're beneath people like us, you're beneath people like him! An pathetic loser that needs to know their little place" They say as they start to go away.
"- Whenever he breaks your silly little heart, don't be surprised."
. . .
They're gone now.
God, you know you shouldn't listen to them, but can you trust someone you just met?
You start to cry a bit.
"- [Y/N], I'm sorry, I probably should have told you sooner. But please, I swear I'm not like that anymore! I feel terrible about it, and if I could I would-"
"- It's fine! You don't need to say anything now, I just, really need some time alone." You tell him, you need a little bit of space now.
He hesitates, but decided to go away and leave you alone for a bit.
The twins can't simply force the principal to expel him, can't just pick up a fight with him, can't blackmail him, but they can sure make you question your new friend's relationship with the twins.
You feel worst now, it feels like you can't trust anyone.
You'll probably talk to him later, but, you need some time alone.
He feels terrible for what he has done in the past, and feels even worse for not telling you sooner.
But he swears that he is going to make it up for you, somehow . . .
And both twins swear to bring up all of their fun times with this student, if it means making you go away from him.
"- When he breaks your heart, we'll be here waiting for you with open arms :)!"
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daesungindistress · 5 years
Hi, Not a Seungri defender as such, but I've also not "cancelled" him yet. I've personally been following the investigation and evidence closely (like to the point of checking Korean sources). I don't know if it what I say matters to you, but I wanted to reassure you that a lot of the VIPs who are OT5 rn, aren't supporting blindly (although there's a few). In my research, I've found most accusations are unbacked media claims. However, if solid evidence should show. I'd change my opinion on it.
*to clarify what I mean by evidence. A lot of the accusations media claim Ri has done or is being investigated for are false. The assumption he was in the MOLKA has so far been disproven. The prostitution claims don’t meet up with other evidence (women out right deny it) And the two burning sun videos, both the woman dragged out and the woman supposedly drugged, have both stated these are but true. I’m not one to believe things blindly but all he women involved have denied all accusation (rn).
I understand that you want to wait for stronger evidence that might convince you to “cancel” him altogether, and that’s fine, but this far into the investigation much of the fandom has seen enough to decide that Seungri’s role in Big Bang has come to an end. The way I look at it, that is the spirit behind OT4 vs OT5. It doesn’t have to be about hating Seungri specifically, it’s more about Big Bang’s longevity… and at this time it’s tough to envision a Big Bang that can live on with Seungri in it. On that subject, I have to stop there because I’m currently in the process of writing another post about this, and I don’t want to use up all my thoughts on it here… or have to resort to repeating myself there.
As for the rest, I agree that Seungri probably isn’t guilty of everything he’s been accused of. But it’s likely he’s guilty of some things. Some of which may never be proven in court because, remember, he told his friends to change phones before turning them in to the police – which they did. It’s recently been reported that Seungri himself submitted a new phone too. He’s currently being investigated for that, this destruction of evidence, so we’ll see if it goes anywhere. By the way, this info was gathered by police during questioning of Seungri’s friends (CJH, JJY, etc).
This is an extremely important point to me. Because if he did tell his friends to ditch their old phones, and took the same measures himself, then that’s practically an admission of guilt, albeit an indirect one. Guilt for what, you ask? We may never know. He made sure we wouldn’t. He pledged to cooperate sincerely with the investigation, but… that doesn’t sound like cooperating sincerely to me. It’s exceedingly weird to me that people aren’t talking about this more.
As for the prostitution claims, yes, some women interviewed have denied. I mean… of course they’re going to deny it, prostitution is illegal in South Korea and confessing would land them in trouble. And yet, it is also possible that they’re being truthful and they are not, in fact, prostitutes. I’m willing to believe that. Keep in mind, however, that there have been multiple chats released that appear to be alluding to prostitution mediation / acting as a liaison in various locations, and the investigation is still ongoing. Police have said recently that they believe they’ve obtained some credible testimony and feel they’re making progress on those allegations, so again, yes or no, we’ll just have to wait and see. Seungri claims that many of those chats are being taken out of context. For some of them, I can accept that. For others… that rosy tint is fading fast.
The Burning Sun video of the woman being dragged is irrelevant, I think. Just a misunderstanding. Last I heard, that video showed her being forcibly removed from the club for causing a disturbance; the woman herself wrote the club a letter of apology and paid for damages. It is true, however, that women have been assaulted and secretly filmed inside the club Burning Sun; not sure about CCTV footage, but police caught two employees who were doing it, using a VIP bathroom and filming it on their phones. IIRC at least one of them is in custody. And many more women are speaking out now – specifically, about how they tried to report problems related to the club but were ignored or silenced by the local police (Gangnam district). It’s quite clear at this point that Burning Sun itself was a hotbed of illegal activity. Many arrests have been made on charges of drug use, and a few for drug distribution.
I’m not actually very interested in discussing Seungri’s role in Burning Sun, as I’m not convinced yet that he had much to do with the seedy goings-on there. Even the prostitution stuff I’m still pretty ‘meh’ about for reasons I don’t feel like going into right now. Gambling = whatever, his drug tests were clean, embezzlement… yeah that’s not great, he’ll probably just pay a fine. Tax evasion, again, sucks, probably another fine. Police collusion… jury’s still out on that one, but it definitely doesn’t reflect well on him, that he’s being questioned about it at all. Remember his comment: “Korean law is shit, that’s why I love it.” Dude. Dumb thing to say when you’re a highly-regarded celebrity who people look up and admire. And now it’s out there for the whole world to see.
Whew. And we haven’t even touched on the main source of fans’ outrage: m o l k a
It’s true that Seungri wasn’t in the majority of JJY’s molka chats and was instead in a chat reserved mostly for business. However, he was sent at least one molka video, and he did see it, because he responded to it. I’m not too fussed by his reply (”Who’s that? Oh, Oo-hyung lol”)… it comes off as more dismissive to me than anything – uninterested, mostly. Unfortunately for him, many are interpreting it as amusement. At the very least, he was aware of JJY’s molka/spycam fetish, because in his Chosun Ilbo interview he said, “Of course I tried to stop him. When I met him in person I tried to stop him and said, ‘Don’t do stuff like that, you’ll get in really big trouble.’” There’s no question anymore whether he did or did not know about his friend’s dirty habits / crimes against women. The most concerning thing, to me, is that he didn’t seem to care enough to cut ties with him because of it. If he had made a visible effort to distance himself, I think people might be more forgiving.
Also strange is his total failure to mention the women affected in any of his apologies. He’s taken the time to apologize to his former agency YG, his bandmates (seen translated as “teammates”), his fans, the Korean public, and even Mr. Kim following his assault by police at Burning Sun… but never once the women. Why? What does that say about him? I’m not sure, but I don’t think I like it.
In the end, here’s what it all boils down to, for me: whatever the extent of his involvement, it’s pretty obvious at this point that he’s not some innocent lamb being led to slaughter. Seungri let this relationship drag on for years and stuck with it, this shady bunch. This wasn’t just a one-time thing, a simple mistake anyone might make. Worse, he was warned by his hyungs many times – on camera, even, in front of fans, in front of TV audiences. They begged him not to mess up while they were away and Big Bang was dependent on him. They trusted him with the name BIGBANG. Will they, or anyone else for that matter, be willing to trust him with it again?
I hate to say it, but it looks like Seungri chose these people over Big Bang. He chose Jung Joonyoung, Choi Jonghoon, Yoo Insuk, and others over Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Dong Youngbae, and Kang Daesung. Forget the warnings, OT4 teased, complained, and scolded him often enough about not spending time with them outside of band-related activities. Well, I guess now we know why. He had other friends, other loyalties, other priorities. Even as recently as late February of this year, when the first KKT chats were dropped (the Arena prostitution chat), Seungri’s first concern was contacting his friends to make sure they’d be safe in the event of a “mandatory police investigation”. I don’t think he’s this horrible person that so many are making him out to be, no, but this is not behavior befitting a member of a world-renowned boyband with a tremendous following of adoring female fans. It’s a coveted position of great power and great responsibility – to his fans, to his bandmates, to himself. But with his burgeoning interest in business, I guess Seungri felt he had better, more important things and people to attend to.
And then on March 11, 2019, he saw the writing on the wall and left Big Bang.
I’m sad to lose him. But I think, in a way, we lost him a long time ago. We just didn’t know it yet.
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rosheneu-blog · 5 years
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Finally believed on the quote that, you'd never know anything unless you'll experience it. Yes. I will tell a great story that inspired me to write so. As I'm typing this, I shed a tear. Knowing that we're here, we've gone so far.
Two years ago, my friend introduced this man to me through facebook because that time, I was in pain. I want to focus my attention to others. Unexpectedly, there's this feeling that I can't explain. My first "hi" to him changed almost of my life. I never expected to like him, so him. I fell in love with him eventhough I didn't see him yet personally. I don't know but everytime I talk to him, I'm comfortable and feels like there's nothing in this world I wanna see except for him. It was on July when we stopped conversating. I heard a news from my friend that she likes another girl from their campus. It tore my heart into pieces but not as much pain. September when he came back, talked to me again and make it through. October 30, 2016 when he first court me. The love that I felt for him was like the feeling when I'm with my ex-boyfriend considering as my first one. At that time, I keep on doubting because of his looks, he might get by another girl that easy.
November 17, 2016 when we're finally official. Happiness floated. Smile bursts. Heartbeats flashed. All I know is, I'm just really thankful. At first, it's okay, normal cycle. But two weeks later, he keeps on playing online games. His time for me vanished. December 7, 2016, I go home. Checked my messenger, he finally said that we need space, he's demanding rather than asking for a breakup. Of course at my part, it was really unfair because how come that he'll decide on his own? How about my feelings? I beg him to stay. To talk about it. But I failed.
I'm in pain.
I'm wrecked.
I changed my dp into black.
I cried.
I, I.... I lost myself.
Since then, I didn't entertain any man again, well, I do but not as much as for him. December 21, 2016, I stalked him. I saw a post that tagged by a girl to him. It's about a post of relationship thingy that made a guess in my mind. Then I find out that it's really true. It's him and the girl that tagged him, they have a relationship. I keep again on asking to myself, where did I go wrong? Am I not enough? Am I ugly? Am I really this kind of girl that was easily left without any reason?
I really cried hard enough everynight. It made my academics poor. I feel that myself changed for that, I'm not the real me anymore. After New Year Celebration, I realized, I have to continue living normally and move on. First three consecutive months of the year 2017, I never talked to him nor stalked him. But on the month of April, he came back again, confessed that he want again our past bring to present and future again. I don't know what to feel but the only thing I know is, my heart really satisfied because it got what it wants. I didn't know the reason yet on why did he left me because he don't want to say. I let it, because it doesn't really matter, what matters most that time for me is him, he came back into me, again.
All I know, it will work finally. But then, one sad night, he didn't reply. It made me confused again. Why is he like that? He's so unfair! He keeps on leaving me without any reasons at all! That time, I felt pain again, nothing new I guess. I let my life continue until I reached my grade 10 and him, grade 9.
I heard again an another news that he falls hard for a girl. His classmate rather, that, considering also his first love. Every shared post that he has on his timeline makes me feel a trash. Every picture of them that I see made me shed a tear, honestly speaking. It really made me realized that his love for her was strong and unbreakable that no one could reach for. And for that, I stopped assumimg that he'll comeback that it's an impossible thing to happen. I keep on greeting him at his birthday but he didn't reply. Okay, so I told to myself that it's really time to forget him, even if it's too hard.
May 13, 2018, I saw him online and looks like they're ready separated and breakup happened unto them. So I ask him,what's wrong. He told me everything. On what pain did he suffer from his first love. He never knew that what he suffers that time, I already suffered it from him. So I kept on comforting him. My feelings returned. But I know he still loves that girl. But, lucky day arrived when he told me he likes me again. At first I told to myself that he will do again the same thing but I tried. I took again a risk. Even if the past still hurts.
As time passes by, my feelings for him goes deeper and deeper. I don't know if he feels the same too until he confessed sincerely that he finally learned to love me again. My first guess lets me want to prove that I'm not only his rebound. July 11, 20108 when we first met each other. I directly let his face seen by my family and meet his inner soul. He likes them. My family likes him too. But then again, his feelings for me, I know even if he don't tell me, it's not yet full. But at least there's love anymore that we can hold as we go deeper and deeper. August 11, when he starts courting me again. I know my love for him really formed. As well as he is. But I'm still afraid of the fact that if his first love will go back to him, he will leave me again like he used to, two times. But no, I challenged myself to be stronger for conflicts that may occur.
Three months after, It was November 14, 2018 when I finally released the magical words that made again us into official. But for a reason. Pain made me said it. For which after two weeks made us realize that it's really too early for us to take commitments. Actually, it's just that I'm not yet ready, I just tested him for his answers if he regrets to enter relationship this early. He said "Yes" and it really breaks my heart again. Actually, November 17 was my original plan for our date of being in a relationship so that it will be the date again, wayback two years ago when we were first heard to be couple.
There were so many problems that we encountered. A lot of problems. There's this one problem that it made the two of us decided to end. But luckily, it broke that decision.
One of our main problem is that we're in a long distance relationship wherein I was sent by my parents to study here in Tuguegarao while he left in Aparri for his grade 10 level of education.
Another is that, they will go to a swimming, where all of the members of their squad will go, including his first love that went to Aparri for a Christmas vacation. Of course, I'm a girl too, right? I'm an overthinker. Imagining that the one he loved most is there. I'm really afraid that he'll compare me to her. I admit, she's more beautiful than me, she's more sexy than me, she's more fare in complexion, she's more intelligent, she's better than me.
And hours ago, he's not in the mood. I'm included again in his attitude of being so very cold that he did two years ago. I triggered myself for the recent happenings that what if he'll do it again. What if he'll see his first love again and will go back to her? It's not all about the trust that I don't have, I DO TRUST HIM WITH ALL THAT I AM, but I don't trust his environment specially his friends, they don't like me honestly. They want his first love that also their bestfriend to be together again with my love.
I'm really afraid of what next chapters I shall encounter. All I know is that at this moment of time, I want to rest. Not to talk to him for the mean time for me to gain peace of mind and find also my self-worth. I don't know if why is he like that. He already know that I don't want cold replies but he still do it. Is this a sign?
Altnough, I really do love mi amore. That's all, goodnight! All the love!
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