#Muslim Issues
melandrops · 7 months
hollywood could never top the casual but meaningful representation that horror fiction podcasts have
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caitlinjohns77 · 3 months
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chaiaurchaandni · 8 months
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kvtnisseverdeen · 6 months
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A Lutheran church in Bethlehem is displaying a sombre Christmas message, with a nativity scene that depicts an infant Jesus surrounded by rubble to reflect the devastation in Gaza.
Inside the West Bank church, a model of baby Jesus lies swaddled in a kaffiyeh, the distinctive patterned Palestinian scarf, as a light glows from amid the stones.
Rev Munther Isaac, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, said that the image was intended to portray the suffering of families in Gaza.
“We came with the idea of a manger in the rubble and it’s inspired from the difficult images we see on a daily basis on our television screens of children being pulled from under the rubble in Gaza. These images break us and are devastating. We are tired of the world rationalising and justifying the killing of our children in Gaza.”
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bijoumikhawal · 2 months
something. Interesting to me is when human characters going up against a more powerful being (alien, divine, transformed human, etc) they use the phrase "we're like ants/flies/mice to them", not only to convey their comparative lack of power, but also to convey the disregard the being has for humans. Because it implies that the human norm is to disregard these creatures, or even dislike them, and doesn't really reflect on what that may imply about human cultures where that sentiment is indeed common.
It reminds me about how I was talking to someone at work and mentioned how much the bugs bother me at work because they get on my papers, and I have to smack my clipboard to get them off without squishing them. He immediately said something like "why? Squish them, they're annoying". It baffled me for a second, so I just told him I don't like to have stains on my papers, since that seemed like a reason he'd understand- but really, when I accidentally squish bugs while brushing them off, I feel bad. They aren't hurting me. They don't even comprehend that they're annoying or why.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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indigosabyss · 2 months
Unexpected Baggage Pt 3
Erik left the bar with three cooling bodies inside, hands tucked into his pocket as the door shut itself behind him.
Kamala was watching him carefully, positioned far away from the windows. He had asked her to wait outside, but he knew she had heard everything. Whether she could speak German or not, the gunshot and screams and blood splatters should be enough context for her to know what happened.
"I know..." He started off uncomfortably, "I know you have nowhere else to go. But that had to be done. The things they've done- you can't imagine."
"It happens, I guess." She replied dully, "Not, not really my place to say, is it? I just want Monica back."
Right. The woman named Monica Rambeau, who Kamala had come from the future to rescue.
"I have no idea how to do that." He admitted, "Searching the entire world is... An impossible task. But I'll try to figure out a way."
Kamala nodded, and briskly began walking away from the bar, "Let's get out of here. You get any information from the Nazis that I didn't hear?"
"He's in Miami." Erik replied, following after her.
"The... Herr Doktor guy or some other person connected to him?" Her question was disinterested, but he knew she was just pretending at it.
"It's Schmidt." He confirmed, and didn't add Finally, but the bitter excitement still poured through.
"He work for HYDRA?"
Kamala nodded, readjusting her grip on her bag, "HYDRA, scientific weapons development division of Nazi Germany? They took over an American counter-terrorism wing after WW2. Huge scandal when the documents all got leaked. My friend Bruno and I learned cryptography to help decode them."
All this she delivered in quick expressionless monologue, and then tacking on, "Or, you know. Things could have gone differently in this dimension."
But too many details were lining up perfectly in his mind.
"Well." Erik decided, "Good thing America is our next stop."
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zhengzi · 6 months
i do think a lot of people in the west, at least the young people, have no memory of what it's like to live under the threat of being criminalised for your queerness
like i still live in a country where it's illegal to be gay or trans. i do have a tendency to relate more so to literature from older gays who lived through the times when it was still criminalised. im incredibly lucky that i can just be myself with my family and friends, so im not closeted 24/7 and i have my safe spaces. but i do not get to be open about it in public. i have to hold my breath every time i do anything government related or have to present id in some way since im male-presenting while having female identification.
so to see westerners saying 'ohhh I'd be a criminal in these countries', you'll just be a tourist, you have fucking passport privilege, my government is not gonna go after a white queer like you. and also on top of that be racist about it, yeah fuck you
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caitlinjohns77 · 2 months
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As a disabled revert, i feel like i will be told im wearing my hijab for attention.
Content warning: Ableism, Islamophobia
I am a wheelchair user, and i am muslim. my school does not believe i need it, and i know they believe i do not need it. The way the staff speak to me, even if it’s just a “yes” or “no” says everything i need to know. i can tell they think it’s an attention thing.
now, i want to move forward in my religion. i feel wearing a hijab will bring me closer to Allah SWT. I actually feel guilty for not wearing it, but the fear of being kicked out of my school is greater.
i cannot express my religion without fear, and that will forever be the worst feeling.
Disabled Muslims are no where near as represented in media as they need to be. i cannot help my disability, nor can i help knowing that my faith is what i truly believe in.
We deserve better. Please take time to tell your disabled and/or Muslim friends that they are loved.
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lafleshlumpeater · 4 days
i'm now a terrorist because i don't condone genocide, SA, starving people, ethnic cleansing, colonialism, racism, torture and killing of innocent men, women, children and babies... what a world
if you think so highly of yourself and your uneducated, twisted opinion, send me an ask that's not anonymous. otherwise go and educate yourself to avoid embarrassing yourself in the future. stop taking in the garbage and filth the media is feeding you.
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sundaysundya · 7 months
there's a post going around saying that jewish people would be considered settlers (perjorative) anywhere they went that's annoying me because it fundamentally misunderstands what settler colonialism is. Moving somewhere and joining an existing community isn't being destructive, and those who claim it is are xenophobes and racists, and historically have been being antisemitic when saying this to jewish peoples in various countries! On the other hand zionists creating settlements on the west bank and telling palestians who are Also indigenous to the land that they have to leave on pain of death (or just killing them up front) is a totally different situation. It's just not true that it's impossible to go anywhere without displacing people. I think that recognizing that jewish ppl have been and are frequently targeted by xenophobia can be really clearly separated from the criticisms being made of Israel and zionist ideology.
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theamazingannie · 1 year
The fact that Owen has literally gotten into physical fights and is so chaotic and impulsive that his own team members assume the HR visit is for him is really something that should’ve been talked about more in-show
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mutable-manifestation · 10 months
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
Hi Ameera!
I saw on one of your other posts that you already have an exit strategy and are prepared to move out and cut contact should that be necessary for your safety, so I don't see any reason why you shouldn't come out if it's what you want!
I shall be wishing for your family to surprise you with acceptance and support, and for your contingencies to be unnecessary.
I am a Christian rather than a Muslim, so I can't speak to the specifics of your situation, but - if you haven't already - I'd recommend looking into what your religious text(s?) say about the LGBT+ community.
The first thing I did when I realized I was a lesbian was research.
The most I'd ever heard about gay people growing up was "gay marriage bad >:(" and even that only seemed to crop up around when gay marriage beginning to get legalized, so I looked into all of the relevant verses and tried to reconcile my sexuality with my faith.
I didn't want to go looking for validation, I just wanted answers, information, so I could gather my thoughts from there. So I looked at both sides.
The arguments I found that explained the bible as not against LGBT+ were all rooted in study and logic - meanings of words that were oversimplified in translation, historical contexts that I had been lacking prior, etc. All of it was rooted in trying to understand the original texts as and when they were written.
The arguments against LGBT+ all seemed to parrot the modern bible and "homosexuality is a sin" with no other arguments - or at least, no other arguments that could be applied only to homosexual people (example: "but gay couples can't have children!!!" yeah okay neither can infertile/sterile people and they can still get married/it isn't a sin for them to be in relationships). They were also all written with a hostile, hateful undertone (or overtone in some cases). Which. Christians are supposed to be known for our love, so any rhetoric based in hatred... and not even logic to back it? yeah. No.
The arguments explaining gay = okay were all based in love, compassion, and understanding - in logic and research.
It was easy enough for me to reconcile my faith and my sexuality because, as it happens, there was nothing incompatible about the two!
(To any side b or x christians who may read this: this isn't an invite to debate, you literally cannot change my mind and also I will simply block you. This is not my Theological Discussions account)
I'm not quite sure how Islam sees the LGBT+ community in terms of religious rhetoric - from my (very) brief research the only thing I could find was a quote or two about Sodom and Gomorrah, which I've seen plenty of break-downs regarding, though what the Quran (or other Islamic texts?) says may differ.
Once you've done your research and come to terms with the information as needed (again, if you haven't already), I'd write a list of common questions and arguments you're family might make and come up with responses.
I don't know your family. They may shut down and simply tell you to get out and never return. (the worst case scenario [I hope - I don't know your family but if you think there is any possibility of physical violence I would definitely recommend either a video call - so you can see facial expressions - or staying near an exit while coming out])
They might ask you for space to think (okay scenario - kinda in limbo here).
They may surprise you with acceptance (best case scenario)
But they may ask questions and try to argue (middling case scenario).
They may ask things like why you're gay, argue that it's against your religion, etc. In this case, you have a chance to talk them into being supportive.
Brainstorm questions with your girlfriend - as many as you both can think of - and go through them. A lot of answers will be easy, some you might need to think more about/do research on (at least, that's my experience). But at least you'll both be armed with all the information you might need in the middling scenario (and it makes it harder for them to make you doubt yourselves, if that's something either of you might struggle with).
Of course, if you've already accepted the possible need to cut contact and gotten ready to move out you might've already thought of all this. Still, I hope this has been of at least some help to you, even if that's just by serving as a reminder that you aren't alone in this and that there's a community out here that supports you.
I'll be wishing you luck; I hope both you and your girlfriend get the best case scenario :)
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sab-teraa · 9 months
Hijabi ban?????? In the democratic republic of South Africa?????????????????? SICK!!
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hussyknee · 7 months
the reason that the US treats the holocaust the way it does is so it can congratulate itself on "saving" jews from it and ending the holocaust. never mind that a huge reason so many jews died is bc the US basically wouldn't let us in after 2023 and we weren't able to escape Europe (many, many tried). Anyway the response to this isn't "stop thinking the holocaust is important" or "antisemitism isn't pervasive/non-Jews don't harbor subconscious antisemitism." Honestly your post is pretty gross and I've unfollowed. Sorry my intergenerational trauma no longer serves whatever political affiliation you have, and so now you have to minimize it as a reaction. Maybe Jews shouldn't be rhetorical tools at all. The Holocaust was a massive disaster to Jewish culture and soul and identity that will take centuries to heal from, and we never fully will. And none of that is what the US cares about. Be careful when you critique philosemitism you don't just veer into antisemitism instead. Because that's all philosemitism ever really was.
...why are you repeating everything I said back to me?
Me: ''The US governments
used philosemitism to weaponize the Holocaust by pushing a revionist narrative about their role in it
and making themselves look like the champion of Jews
to push their own military propaganda and deflect from their own ongoing war crimes and genocides
and turned antisemitism into a cudgel to attack anyone criticising Israel or the political establishment
(mostly BIPOC‚ so it looked like racism and anti-blackness mattered less)
all the while ignoring actual antisemitism or protecting their own Jewish citizens in any material way
as though the state had no role in empowering white Christian nationalism
because it served their purpose for Jews to migrate to Israel."
Some weirdo who can't read: ''you think antisemitism doesn't exist and the Holocaust doesn't matter??? Antisemite??"
I have better things to do than endlessly refute shit I never said nor implied and deal with your piss on the poor reading comprehension. This commitment to misunderstanding everything a PoC says and whitesplaining stuff we already said comes from your own racist suspicion and condescension. Dont let the door hit you on your way out.
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