#Monkey wrench analysis
plushs-stuff · 1 year
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Kinda hard to see but in the first opening of shrikes room in episode one of Monkey wrench you can see a photo of shrike and I assume a group of old friends.
Makes you wonder if they'll come up, perhaps they had a falling out? We know that Shrike used to work for League of Aligned worlds aka L. A. W, specifically in the navy of L. A. W. which I find very interesting because at multiple points Shrike expresses a lot of sustain for L. A. W. Like in episode one when Beebs brought up the news of Lady kara supposedly killing another wealthy law supporter Shrike says
" Probably deserved it. Supporting Laww and all..oh and speaking of miserable!"
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I don't think we can come to the conclusion that his prior career did not align with his preferences of chaos, cuz we all know shrike loves to fight and shoot a blaster. So taking all that into accountability he probably stopped for some other reason.
It could just be his somewhat easy to anger personality but in the photo he does not look happy, like at all. Though his friends look the exact opposite.
In episode two the guys actually even take a job presented to them as being from " L.A.W." well until it was proven otherwise. But at some point Beebs references something Shrike said before the job, before the start of the episode. About not trusting the job they're currently taking, agreeing with what he said and claiming he might be right. This aligns with Shrikes not so savory history with L.A.W and what he might assume or expect of the organization.
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Shrike also then states the above which is interesting to mention he talks about holding a gun in relationship to L.A.W caring or not caring about you, from someone who fought in L.A.W Navy.
This shows L.A.W probably isn't afraid to get their hands dirty.
Also in episode two when they finally do apprehend the crazy scientist lady and turn her into L.A.W, one of the L.A.W workers forgets a certain line I assume you say when arresting someone in the L.A.W organization. Shrike is then there and able to repeat the whole saying where he could not. Although in a very unenthused tone of voice.
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After, the blue guy offers shrike to help in the arrest, Shrike looks very disgusted at this idea and then immediately denies walking away annoyed,
" Nah Amigo, That ain't my thing no more."
Again GO WATCH MONKEY WRENCH it is amazing and beautifully animated, I know it's hard for me to get into a show when you have to track it down but Monkey wrench is available free on youtube! And you don't have to worry about the plot picking up when in their first two episodes a lot of action, comedy and world building are included!
Again creator credits to: @monkey-wrench-zeurel
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toastedclownery · 3 months
Okay I'm gonna be a bit crazy on the main tag and share a theory
I think Beebs tried applying for Civil service but couldn't because of his... History
I think it went like this
He was studying/training for it and he was about to be accepted
Something... Tragic happened. The "accident" where he lost his limbs? That might or might not have been his fault. But he was charged for it
He was no longer able to apply because he has a criminal record now?
We've seen a couple of times that he's ready and prone to help and protect people, it's just something in his nature
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Also he's very quick to adapting to other species' customs or societies, or their biology. Like being respectful to Punti, and being surprisingly chill when he was communicating with the Agari's phantom.
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It would explain the speech he gave before attacking Us, it'd be something that he learned from his training
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Maybe his glove which is a similar blue to Killix' uniform and his multi-tool?
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Now I don't have evidence for this last point but it's giving me vibes okay. I think he might have been banished from his home planet for what happened in the accident, too.
We barely know anything about Walrinian culture, but I figure their tusks are important. At least with real walruses, tusks are a form of status. I think him removing his tusks (or possibly having them removed against his will?) could be a sign of dishonor.
Or maybe he just lost them in the accident and he just filed them down. But either way, the Symbolism is still there. He no longer has a connection with his home planet and culture.
Beebs strikes me as someone who knows what it's like to lose it all, and he really doesn't want it to happen again, so he plays it very safe with everything he does. Like for example how he wants to slowly build up on the Monkey Wrench company
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And I'm willing to say he's taking this approach with Shrike's friendship too.
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He's the opposite to Shrike, he dislikes risk. I think it was this accident or... Whatever happened that shaped him into what he's like today. And it would make this conversation with Us make more sense.
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If all of this is right (or close), that means he's lost so much. The majority of his limbs, the direction he was going to take with his life as a civil servant, possibly the link to his family and his culture. All of this happening so quickly might have motivated him to...
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ryzies-ralley · 5 months
Random fan observation amongst my art posts but I was watching Monkey wrench's new episode & realized that while people have already pointed out the fact Scritch Repaired Beeb's Arm (@calpalsworld to be specific)
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but I also noticed we can see the very first time Scritch notices Beeb's arm isn't very stable
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I'm pretty new to monkey wrench's fandom & general lore so the only observation I've made off this is the fact it's amusing how differently Scratch & Shrike Get along compared to Beebs & Scritch
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Anyway Hello monkey wrench fandom.
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We're never going to get an explanation for how baron is related to the red queen and king :/
Probably not XD
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I came to the conclusion that she's adopted.
In Monkey Wrench Island she is portrayed as German, since she's a parody of the Red Baron.
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So... either they retconned her character, or the German thing was an act, because she was trying to distance herself from her family on Fairy Tale Island... I hate this.
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cheeekycharchar · 10 months
I just realized what Michael Sheen's face was doing during the end credits and OMFG he is beyond amazing! *o*
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I already did an indepth analysis on why Aziraphale acted the way he did after that heart wrenching kiss scene.. but it wasn't until @charlotteharlatan post about the Nightingale song on the car's radio could have been that got my brain into a tizzy.
"Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. Two of these were wrong."
Many people paint Aziraphale as this gullible innocent character but don't forget.. he is highly intelligent. Completely traumatized by his past abusive relationship with Heaven but intelligent.
When Metatron told him of their Second Coming plan.. how quickly he put things together before stepping onto that elevator. He turns toward Crowley to give him one last look and heads up to Heaven.
And for the next minute.. we watch as Michael Sheen micro-contorts his expression through the stages of grief.
Shock from hearing Heaven's plans for the Second Coming. Anger for realizing what he was just tricked into doing. Despair for what he gave up when he thought he was making the right choice. And then reorganizing his thoughts and acceptance of his current situation. And that final smirk.. ;) oh.. OH! That is the face of an Angel on a mission against Heaven. And he's already made up his mind. Stop Heaven's plans (again). Get revenge on them for forcing him into this situation. And of course, to get his Crowley back.
GO S3 is gonna be INSANE :D
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When I say Bylers are misinterpreting what is happening in the narrative and overstating stuff on the show, and making stuff up in the process... I mean that they go by fanon and ignore the canon narrative. I do think Byler is endgame. I myself am a Byler shipper. However, I also think most Bylers' takes are all wrong or heavily misinterpreted. And honestly? They are consistently being disproven by canon on the show. People's takes regarding El were all wrong. She still has feelings for Mike and wasn't angry with him, she was thinking about Max at the cabin scene. The expectation for her to just break up with Mike and for Mlvn to end quickly in the next season is baseless and sounds very hilarious if we go by canon instead of fanon.
I don't think this situation is as complicated as ppl are making out to be. The most likely scenario is that El will potentially break up with Mike in EP4 or later on, and they will realize that they are incompatible in their relationship, and over the time we will see Mike and Will getting closer and then entering a relationship by the end of the show in the last episode. And while I would want Mike to have an explored and explicit sexuality and coming of age storyline, I feel like that is more envisioned and will happen in Will's narrative specifically as the Duffers also talked about. While Mike's is more about realizing his self worth and choosing to be with Will bc he realizes he loves Will and they're more compatible to be together, and the painting is also used as a plot device for Mike to realize that because Will later on decides to admit the truth to Mike and Mike accepts Will's feelings and realizes he also feels the same and they're fit for each other.
I feel like the fandom is really overstating/misinterpretating what is happening with Byler/Mlvn and that's the reason why their theories are either falling apart by the canon narrative, or getting disproven by the show.
Misinterpretation is always a possibility, but I disagree that Bylers are “making stuff up.” For the most part, Byler theories, even the arguably “out there” ones come from careful analysis and a genuine response to what is shown on screen. I wouldn’t say Bylers are ignoring the canon narrative because I think most Byler analysts are trying to genuinely engage with the canon narrative. With regards to the popular theory that El was mad with Mike, this wasn’t pulled out of thin air but by watching the show. I mean, she genuinely doesn’t look happy with Mike, and her being done with him or no longer having feelings for him would have been consistent with her previous actions as well. So it wasn’t crazy.
But yes, it’s an interpretation. And I agree that The Piggyback script threw a monkey wrench into that interpretation. The thing about interpretations is that they can be wrong. Based on the script, you’re right that it does seem like El still has feelings for Mike and wasn’t mad with Mike about the monologue but about losing. I do still find this concerning, not in terms of Mike’s character necessarily, but in terms of El’s character. I’ve already shared my thoughts on this matter. I’m concerned about character regression. (However, it’s important to note that things in Stranger Things do often change from script to how things are portrayed on screen. I’m still of the belief that in terms of the monologue scene and its aftermath, some things still aren’t adding up. But we’ll see in Season 5).
A lot of Bylers were of the opinion that El and Mike were gonna completely break up in the first episode and that maybe they already broke up secretly off screen during the missing time. I think this is largely due to our desire to see our boys 😉 get together as quickly as possible. But that was never really my position. I think they wanna drag out the love triangle as much as possible for angst/drama, and there still are a lot of shoes to drop such as the painting lie.
You mention that you don’t think this situation is as complicated as people are making it out to be, and that is certainly possible. Your thoughts on what will happen with Byler/Mlleven are a possibility for sure. But I actually think this approach would be more complicated. Most of the general audience is still convinced that Mike is exclusively straight and could never ever be gay or bi or queer in any way. Many of them also don’t like Mike’s character anymore due to his confusing actions in Season 3 and 4. We know better, but the easiest way to explain both of these things is to get inside his head. I really really hope Mike gets Vecnaed, and while it’s not a certainty, I still think there’s lots of evidence for it within the text of the show. If we don’t get into his head, if the problem with Migration Pattern is just incompatibility and nothing more, it raises so many questions and doesn’t really explain anything about Season 3 and 4. And coupled with the love confession monologue, if we operate under the assumption that Mike wasn’t lying at all, it also comes dangerously close to Will being basically a second option. And I don’t think that’s the message we really want the show to convey.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
The poor pet is so confused. Like the poor bastard is just hiding under Koan's bed. Eventually he comes out. And Prowl once the low priority thread at the back of his processor finishes it analysis "Fuck did you do to my agent?!" Tits and carying belly forward waddling beligerantly at Tarn.
Nickel's loving wrath is exctly what Prowl needs in his life. Also the flash backs to Ratchet's wrath. Prowl devoutly hopes they never meet and compare notes.
Prowl's tendency to glitch throw monkey wrenchs in things too I'd imagine.
ohhhhh, no yeah Prowl being the surly bastard he is has gotta confuse Dominus in his very vulnerable Domesticated state
Prowl has made the connection and is correct, Kaon, what the fuck did you do to his agent.
Exactly Prowl is instantly comparing Nickel to Ratty and he's so right for that
Ohhh Prowl's glitches definitely make things more than a little .•°☆funky☆°•.
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(That fact that I can put absolutely anything is a wee bit daunting, but figured I'd just go with it!)
So, because my library is nice but lacking in the sequels to most series, I've read A Game of Thrones, the two graphic novels about Dunk and Egg (A Hedge Knight and the Sworn Sword one), as well as the collection of stories that the graphics novels are based on 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms'. But I've read most of the wiki, a bunch of asoiaf fanfics, and reddit asoiaf spoilers so basically got the plot points for the majority of the stuff anyways.
The following contains spoilers for A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.
"And then he heard the laughter, sharp and cruel as a whip, and the voice of Ser Alliser Thorne. "Not only a bastard, but a traitor's bastard," he was telling the men around him."
"In the blink of an eye, Jon had vaulted onto the table, dagger in his hand. Pyp made a grab for him, but he wrenched his leg away, and then he was sprinting down the table and kicking the bowl from Ser Alliser's hand. Stew went flying everywhere, spattering the brothers. Thorne recoiled. People were shouting, but Jon Snow did not hear them. He lunged at Ser Alliser's face with the dagger, slashing at those cold onyx eyes, but Sam threw himself between them and before Jon could get around him, Pyp was on his back clinging like a monkey, and Grenn was grabbing his arm while Toad wrenched the knife from his fingers." (Jon VII, AGoT)
Seriously! This is like a peak moment! Like if I'm ranking early Jon Snow moments, this is just peak. Jon's pissed off and on a mission to absolutely destroy Thorne for running his damn mouth.
It's just so wild and chaotic and all at once, it just stood out when I read it and solidified it as something to remember when reading it (which is big because my memory is shoddy when it's been a bit since reading something). Not only is Thorne being such an ass here, he's being an ass to a 14/15 year old boy because the same boy happened to hurt his damn ego.
Iike, yes, Jon, go stab him. I mean realistically it's a terrible idea but I doubt I'd be thinking rationally either if some ass called my father a traitor (and it's not like Jon like being called a bastard either). Also love how you can probably assume Jon's friends had an internal monologue of "oh shit we gotta stop Jon before he gets his head cut off". This is just another example of how tight their friendship and bonds are, sweet sweet character growth.
Just felt like sharing one of my favorite moments that I felt got overlooked (watch me say this and find out there's already 50 posts on tumblr about this) but didn't feel like doing a super indepth analysis of character stuff either.
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shinygoku · 2 years
Isekai or Birthplace? Why not both?
With the brand new Movie Trailer clearly showing The Mushroom Kingdom to be a strange new place for Mario, a buncha fans (usually on the younger side) have reacted in bewilderment: “Mario is an Isekai?!” or “Oh god, they’re making the movie an Isekai...!”. This gets the response from (usually older) fans to say “What? Didn’t you know? It’s been like this since Super Show!” or those who correctly point to the original Super Mario Bros. on NES.
The ‘Other World’ factor of the Marioverse is like many other things in the Marioverse; an Axiom! It’s often true, but it ain’t always... Y’see, this franchise prioritises the Fun over the Logic in just about every aspect, and trying to nail down everything that occurs, even if just in the ‘Mainline’ part of the series, is a fool’s errand. The best you can do is to take a broader approach, to step back a bit and see what collectively makes a pretty picture, even if you’ve gotta discard some things here and there.
So, what I’m getting to here is to raise the main point of contention among these Isekai discussions -- has the Isekai factor been Retcon’d by Yoshi’s Island or Odyssey, or is it still a valid interpretation?
I’ll do a very quick rundown of SOME of the games and settings to get the ball rolling...
DONKEY KONG The first appearance of our Mario (then Jumpman), situated in a massive construction site with huge steel girders. This is in New York.
MARIO BROS There’s creepy beasties coming out of pipes! Mario and his Brother work together to fight them off in the huge subterranean sewer system. This is also in New York.
SUPER MARIO BROS The Bros are in a strange world populated by similar, but different critters, there are Friendly NPCs who are Mushroom Men, and they’re trying to save a Fairytale Princess from a Sorta-Dragon who lives in a big menacing castle and breathes fire. The Bros are also affected by Powerups native to this land. This is in the Mushroom Kingdom.
SUPER SHOW Unambiguously depicts the Bros as natives of Brooklyn. Of course, Super Show is very fast and loose with the Actual Game Canon, of which there wasn’t much at the time. Still, this was many kid’s first exposure to the idea, and the episodes make a point of calling Earth “The Real World” in comparison to the various Fantastical settings of each episode.
YOSHI’S ISLAND This prequel to the mainline series shakes things up - Mario and Luigi are established as Twins for the first time (compare with something like the Live Action Movie, where there’s a substantial gap), and also shows them to belong to parents who live in small Mushroom houses... after being delivered literally by a Stork, no less!
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I, for one, adore Yoshi’s Island and I’m ready to embrace its take on things above others, but then... does it actually contradict anything offered in the games before? I actually have a theory for how this can work, but before that there’s one last notable outlier to address.
SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY Odyssey throws a Monkey Wrench into the works by making an actual retcon: It wasn’t New York city, but New Donk! The famous face-off between Mario and Donkey Kong? It was here, baby! Pauline became the Mayor! There’s hideous bugs in an extensive underground system, akin to buzzing brutes in Mario Bros! It’d be quite a smooth transference and denial of Isekai if not for... the Oddities. Like how New Donkers tower over Mario, and even Pauline and Peach look vastly different when they’re much closer in height. And that the Italian reps in the same game seem to be living ...fork people.
...So, we still have the mystery of just where Mario and Luigi came from, where they once belonged! New Donk is a pretty clear attempt to blend the urban origins with the modern spin, but it asks as many questions as it answers, leaving me with a net of nothin’ much when it comes to this analysis.
Here’s where I offer my humble theory, again after re-stating that it’s impossible to put too fine a point on anything. Mario Canon is at best an impressionist painting, not a technical schematic!
Mario and Luigi are essentially the Moses or Superman of the verse.
In the opening to Yoshi’s Island, the Stork loses the babies because Kamek specifically sought them out -- to kill them! Or well, to prevent them from growing up to foil the foiling they’d then be doing to the Koopa Kingdom. He says something along those lines before one of many boss battles, and the whole game is an escort mission of re-uniting the babies and getting them to safety.
At the end, a short and sweet scene is shown of the parents finding the Brothers on their doorstep, “Heroes are born!!” reads the narration and then ....well for one thing, I ignore DS and New Island lmao-- but seriously, after this, perhaps the parents find out how horribly wrong it could have gone, or another close call does happen off screen and spooks them. If Kamek was able to look into a crystal ball and see the doom Mario and Luigi would spell in the future, could the Good Guys have done the same thing?
So, in order to keep the kids safe from swooping Koopa attacks, the family instead moves somewhere far away... some place where the impressionistic kids pick up thick accents and a love for pasta-based cuisine. They grow into manual labourers, working hard for the money. Maybe the parents went with them, maybe not. Maybe they died, or maybe they decided the new area was preferable to their Smurf House. Either way...
So Mario’s working at a construction site with huge steel girders one day, when a strange huge ape grabs Mario’s then-Girlfriend and climbs up to the top... time passes, and Mario and his timid brother are working in the sewers..... time passes again, they go through a weird new pipe, and they’re in the strange land with towering mushrooms. Unbeknownst to them, they made it back home.
tl;dr: They were natives of the Mushroom Kingdom but grew up on Earth. Eventually fate or something else causes them to switch Worlds again, and they’re still the only Italian Americans in the Mushroom Kingdom to this day! Isekai while Yoshi’s Island compliant! 😎🍄
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itsgeecheebitch · 2 years
I wonder if the nutshell method of story telling could be applied to Attack On Titan. The nutshell involves eight story elements
Set up want: Eren had many desires that are all interconnected but only one of his desires is tested in the story. Imo that desire is his desire for the walls to come down. The walls trap humanity like cattle, it deprives them of their freedom. Makes people complacent with being trapped and doing nothing to solve their problem(the titans).
Point of no return: Eren gets his desire for the walls to come down in the form of the Colossal titan tearing down wall Shiganshina and the Armor titan taking down wall Maria
Catch: His mother, someone he cares about, dies
Major Flaw: Eren has many noticable flaws but the catch only tests one of those flaws. I think it's his worldview: he expects everyone to fight for the right to be free. Anyone who refuses to fight were cowards in his eyes. Either you fight or you're no better than cattle or a slave
Crisis: I think Eren's lowest point was at the end of season 3 when they made it to the beach. He realizes the fight isn't over, they're still not free, they're still not safe. I think this is also where he begins to regret his set up want of wanting the walls to come down. He lost so many people he loved as a result. He nearly lost Armin. He can't bare the thought of losing anyone else dear to him
Climatic choice: Eren decides to do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves, thus moving away from his flawed worldview and moving towards his strength. Remember, in the beginning Eren expected everyone to fight, that was how people prove their worth in his eyes. Either you fight for the right to be free or you live the rest of your life no better than cattle. Now his thinking changed. Now he doesn't want the people he loves to fight for freedom, he wants them to be safe, he wants to protect them, he wants them to be happy. He's willing to shoulder the burden of fighting so they won't have to
Resolution: Eren decides to commit mass genocide to protect the people he cares about
I'm not sure if I nutshelled AOT correctly but I think I came close to it. I also know that that little plot twist of Eren influencing the past also throws a monkey wrench into my analysis but I feel like it mostly fits. At the end of the day he did everything for the sake of protecting the people he loved, even if it meant sacrificing a few
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sqinsights · 4 months
Navigating the Hazy World of Cannabis Testing: A Rollercoaster Ride from Potency to Pesticides
Welcome to the wild, green world of cannabis testing, where chromatography, liquid chromatography, and the occasional mass spectrometry come together for a scientific symphony. In this blog post, we'll take a lighthearted journey through the recently published Global Cannabis Testing Market Insights report, trying to make sense of the numbers and trends without getting too lost in the haze.
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Cannabis Testing Market Rollercoaster: Buckle up, folks! The global cannabis testing market is on a rollercoaster ride, promising a CAGR of 13.5% and aiming to reach a whopping USD 19.28 Billion by 2030. It seems like everyone's jumping on the cannabis bandwagon, thanks to its alleged magical powers in treating neurological and mental disorders. With 264 million people dealing with depression, cannabis testing is here to evaluate if it's the hero we all need or just another green sidekick.
Market Snapshot: Let's dive into the market snapshot – USD 6.17 Billion in 2021, cannabis cultivators and growers holding the scepter, and a growth rate that would make even the most ambitious startups jealous. The market is spreading its green wings across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Looks like everyone wants a piece of the cannabis pie.
Analysis by End-Use: In the great cannabis testing arena, laboratories, cannabis cultivators, and drug manufacturers are battling for supremacy. Laboratories are like the nerds of the class, quietly doing their thing, while cannabis cultivators and growers are the cool kids on the block, forming strategic partnerships to stay on the right side of government regulations. Meanwhile, cannabis drug manufacturers are sprinting towards the finish line with a rapid CAGR, probably fueled by the therapeutic potential of marijuana.
Analysis by Test: Potency testing is the rockstar of the cannabis testing world, taking center stage and owning the spotlight. Terpene analysis, on the other hand, plays the supporting role, bringing out the aromas and flavors that make each cannabis strain a unique character in this green drama. It's like a cannabis Shakespearean play, with terpenes stealing the show in the background. For More Information:
Regional Insights: North America, with its 84.6% revenue share, is the heavyweight champion of the cannabis testing market. Thanks to the proliferation of testing laboratories, the region is blazing a trail through the green fields of regulation. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific is gearing up for a 25.9% CAGR, as the trend of legalizing medical cannabis spreads like wildfire. Safety and efficacy are the new buzzwords in this part of the world.
Market Dynamics – The Green Ride: Hold on tight, because the ride is about to get bumpy. The legalization of medical cannabis is the engine driving this rollercoaster, with cannabis testing laboratories popping up like mushrooms after the rain. But here's the twist – the lack of standardized testing protocols is like a monkey wrench in the gears. The cannabis testing market might be green, but it's not without its challenges.
Competitive Landscape: The global Cannabis Testing Market is a dynamic battlefield, where established brands, emerging players, and specialized producers clash for supremacy. It's a game of innovation, with top players like Shimadzu Scientific Instruments and Agilent Technologies making headlines with their cutting-edge developments. In this ever-evolving sector, adaptability and innovation are the keys to success.
Key Market Trends – Not Your Average High: The driving force behind the growth of the cannabis testing market is the progressive legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use. Governments, investors, and industry players are all rushing to grab a piece of the cannabis testing pie. It's not just a market trend; it's a green revolution.
Conclusion – Navigating the Green Haze: As we step off the cannabis testing rollercoaster, one thing is clear – the market is high on growth potential. From potency testing to terpene analysis, the world of cannabis testing is expanding, with laboratories, cultivators, and drug manufacturers playing their roles in this green drama. So, grab your lab coat and join the journey through the green haze of cannabis testing – it's a wild ride!
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What Is Car Repair work?
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Auto repair work is the process of dealing with a cars and truck. It includes a team of grease monkey as well as technicians. These experts are trained to service vehicles and also ensure that they run as smoothly as possible. These specialists are the foundation of an automobile repair shop. If you require car repair services, a kealakekua mechanic can aid you obtain the vehicle back when driving immediately. The primary step in vehicle repair work is identifying the problem. 
The mechanic may fix the trouble by replacing a component. The final action involves putting whatever back with each other. The auto mechanic must have the ability to identify whether the issue can be resolved by replacing the component. In many cases, a basic replacement may address the problem. Prior to choosing a vehicle service center, you should inspect its licensing and online reputation. The vehicle Insurers Bureau preserves a list of signed up service center. This list is updated quarterly. If a store is licensed, they have to adhere to certain standards to remain in organization. 
Nevertheless, qualification does not ensure good work. It is much better to find a store that supplies a warranty. Routine vehicle maintenance is vital to keep your lorry running smoothly. It can help protect against a costly fixing later. When you follow a suggested upkeep schedule, you will avoid unanticipated expenses and headache. Even though automobile upkeep is easy, many customers opt to postpone it as a result of absence of time and awareness. If you can stay clear of auto fixing entirely, you can conserve yourself a great deal of money. 
Prior to accrediting repair, a car service center need to give you a created quote. The mechanic needs to discuss all the work that requires to be done as well as the prices entailed. You must also inspect the high quality of the substitute parts. On top of that, inspect the odometer reading when your auto was left for repair work. A final billing ought to likewise be supplied. Mechanics utilize a variety of devices and also analysis tools. 
These include specialized devices and computerized analysis devices. They additionally utilize hand devices like pliers, wrenches, as well as screwdrivers. Expert auto mechanics generally have countless dollars invested in their individual tool collection. Some auto mechanics even have electronic devices in their shop. If you notice an area on the car, it is a great suggestion to obtain it checked by an expert. Occasionally, little discolorations on the cars and truck's exterior may not suggest a major problem. 
However a huge damp area on the flooring can be an indicator that something requires to be fixed. You could need a new muffler or exhaust pipe. Also, check for too much oil consumption. This might be a sign of a malfunction in the engine. In addition to repairing the exterior of the vehicle, automobile service center focus on inner components. KEALAKEKUA AUTO REPAIR professionals are educated to check out as well as change broken components. They likewise have the knowledge to identify inner elements as well as job to make them function appropriately once again.
Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto_mechanic.
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cksmart-world · 2 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
June 7, 2022
Well, golly gosh all Friday. The wicked Utah Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (DABC) is no more. But wait, it can't be that good. In fact, there's something taking its place — the Utah Department of Alcohol Beverage Services (DABS). Oh no, say state regulators, this is no slight of hand, this is no PR stunt. They promise this is a whole new ballgame. But what it will look like remains a little foggy. Wilson and the band are hoping it includes something like DoorDash or GrubHub, where gig workers pull up in old Toyotas with your order. “Hello, is this DABS? Well send me out a quart of Wild Turkey and a sixer of Epic amber ale.” Don't hold your breath. While state bureaucrats use vague superlatives to describe the new outfit, the lawmaker who sponsored the changes was a little more circumspect. State Sen. Jerry Stevenson, R-Layton, said the department is evolving to meet the needs of a changing world. “[A]s we move through that process, if we don’t get it right this year, we’ll have a chance to get it right next year.” Sound familiar? Has there ever been a year when the Utah Legislature didn't mess with our whacky liquor laws? Very few people, living or dead, understand the convoluted regs and that's why real Utahns always have a pint under the driver's seat.
When history is finally written surrounding the Jan. 6 insurrection and failed coup by Donald Trump and his minions, Mike Pence will be emerge as the hero. Say what? That's right, although Pence appeared as a supplicant to the man who would be king, he saved our bacon. As events unfolded, Pence became Trump's last hope to steal the election. The plan was for the vice president, who also presided as president of the Senate, to reject the electoral votes submitted by the states. That would throw a monkey wrench into the outcome, giving the Trumpsters more time to organize their phony electors in six battleground states. The election would be tossed to the House, where each state would have only one vote — Trump would win 26 to 23. But in the days leading up to Jan. 6, 2021, Pence had balked at the traitorous scheme. When the mob stormed the Capitol, the House chambers were cleared and the Secret Service ushered Pence to a limousine to whisk him away from danger — how far away we'll never know. If he were absent when the Senate reconvened, Sen. Chuck Grassley, a staunch Trump supporter, would assume the role of Senate president pro tempore. What Grassley would have done is guess work, but Pence wasn't taking any chances. He refused to get into the car and Biden became president.
OK, everyone take a deep breath. Count to ten. Yes, the Inland Port Authority just let a no-bid $2 million contract. Yes, it's to a start-up nobody has ever heard of. And yes, it's only for two years. But lookit, it's the Utah way. That's how then- Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox and his “friends” were able to tackle Covid so quickly. We got a great deal on a trainload of hydroxychloroquine. We got Healthy Together, a multi-million mobile app. And we got TestUtah that cost millions more. Of course, none of these no-bid contracts worked out but that's not the point. The point was we had to act and by golly we did. Well, it's time to act again. That's why the Inland Port Authority, gave a no-bid contract to California-based QuayChain (pronounced “keychain”) Technologies. Sure, some get suspicious when companies spell their names so no one can pronounce them. But not to worry. This “pilot program” will install a couple dozen cameras that are connected to a 5G network. It's totally cutting edge — cameras and everything. Eventually, if it works, there will be hundreds of cameras making up the “Intelligent Crossroads Network” where data will be analyzed so that all the arriving and departing trains and trucks will be coordinated to reduce traffic and air pollution. What could possibly go wrong.
Post script — That's a wrap for another glorious week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of Harry and Meghan so you don't have to. And listen, keeping track of the Royals is about as boring as it gets. Wilson and the guys would rather watch cricket. Here's some good news: Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendehall, in conjunction with the SLCPD, is sponsoring a gun buyback on June 11 at the Public Safety Building, 475 So. 300 East. It's a start. There are some 400 million guns in this country. Think more guns make us safer? Think again. Here's something from our “fun file”: The Salt Lake Tribune called Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes a “fascist toady.” Reyes is at his best when he does nothing. He believes Trump won the election and recently, according to the Tribune, told an audience in Casper, Wyo. that “the government is coming for your lands.” But because he's a Republican, Utahns will elect Reyes again. Here in the Beehive State, we love fascist toadies. Last but not least, the Jan. 6 committee will hold it's first public hearing June 9 in primetime. It is said that the committee has enough evidence to show unequivocally that Donald Trump went to great lengths to plan and implement a coup. But don't be surprised if the Republicans continue to say it's all bunk.
Well Wilson, here we are again standing on the trembling lip of history. But this isn't the 1970s and this isn't Watergate. We're living in bizarre time where facts don't always matter. We need a little something to bolster our souls and give us hope during these troubled times. So tell the band to dig deep and bring it home:
By the rivers of Babylon Where he sat down And there he wept When he remembered Zion
'Cause the wicked carried us away in captivity Required from us a song How can we sing King Alpha's song In a strange land? Sing it out loud Sing a song of freedom, brother Sing a song of freedom, sister So, let the words of our mouth And the meditation of our heart Be acceptable in Thy sight Oh, Fari By the rivers of Babylon Where he sat down And there he wept When he remembered Zion
'Cause the wicked carried us away in captivity Required from us a song How can we sing King Alpha's song In a strange land?
So, let the words of our mouth And the meditation of our heart Be acceptable in Thy sight Oh, Fari
(Rivers of Babylon — Jimmy Cliff)
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We already knew that Monkey Wrench was the start of the main storyline, but the fact that Survival Island is technically the end O-O
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I had no idea that they actually acknowledged the aliens were the same. Coolio.
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Figured as much. But how come when the problem is solved, the islands don't immediately go back? Scary. And I think it's an even greater risk to have them interact with each other in such a way...
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Especially considering...
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Things like this can happen.
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helipackjack · 5 years
Me, reading chapter 6 of the Monkey Wrench fanfiction:
Robo-Jack: I don't care! I don't!
Jack: Then why are you telling me all of this?!
Robo-Jack: Because someone has to do it, and I'm all you've got!
Me: Nice, cool emotional moment.
Me, a day after reading the chapter and thinking about it, realizing that, whether it was intentional or not, @cosmictellsstories made a metaphor that Jack has no one but himself:
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moonchildridden · 3 years
PuthKaeng, the green&red couple: Daddy&Papi, mysterious man and lots of dots, everywhere
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Hello, beautiful people! It’s moonchild here and I hope none of you are tire of having to read the things I write because here I am, again, to talk about the only thing that gives me strength and energy to leave my bed in the morning, and the only couple that matters: PuthKaeng.
 Being honest, I had hopes that those two long ass analysis would be the last thing I would do related to them and would final begin to think about writing a fanfiction about them (yes, your resident analyst is a writer) but then, because they can’t seem to leave me alone and let me breath for five minutes, a special episode came out and my brain went back to work in overdrive and started analyzing everything. I hate my brain sometimes.
Anyways. I would like to say that this won’t (hopefully) be a long analysis just like the others, only a commentary of the episode in general, me connecting the revelations we had about the “mysterious man” and what were presented to us in the main arc of their story and me rambling in between, just because I can. Granted, the main focus of this post is to talk about the main focus of the special, which was to know who the mysterious man was, but that doesn’t stop us from talking about other things in the episode as well.
When it was announced that we would have something about PuthKaeng again, it was in the guise of being an extra scene and I rushed to finish my main analysis because I was afraid that whatever was in said extra scene would throw a lot of monkey wrenches on my theories that I was writing but unfortunately that didn’t happened, because the universe hates me sometimes. However, the universe also loves me because what we all thought would be a simple extra scene became a fucking 10 MINUTE SPECIAL EPISODE! Not only that, it gave me everything I wanted to see with them, and an opportunity to see them again in new things (P’Chewin, I know you have a series of them ready, give it to me).
 The special episode was just beautiful and amazing, cute, pillow-biting, intense, sensual and perfect, all in once. Their chemistry was point, their acting skills were on point, the deliverance of feelings and usage of body language was on point, a solid 10/10 in my book. I would give those 10 minutes an award if I could, but because I can’t, I’m gonna talk about it the best I can.
 A small disclaimer before I start: because the episode didn’t came with official subtitles (Ais Play/Copy A hates us, for sure), I had to search on YouTube for translations and found two, one of the entire episode and other of the first two and a half minutes. I’ll go back and forth between those two translations, especially when talking about the first minutes, because the translations are a bit different and convey different things, even if the context is the same. Just so you guys don’t find it weird having screenshots with different fonts.
 1. I’m addicted, I’m addicted only…
The episode opens with PuthKaeng in the same room, Kaeng busy doing something on his working table (probably something school related) and Puth playing videogames.
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The fact that they seem so comfortable being in the same space, each one doing something on their own, shows that they’ve established some sort of routine and just by being in the same geographic space is enough for them. Puth then receives a phone call and Kaeng at first didn’t seem to pay attention but turned around as soon as he heard the person on the other side of the call ask Puth “where he was?”, to what Puth answered that he was in “his boyfriend’s room” while looking at Kaeng. The caller asks Puth to “hang out/meet up”, making Kaeng arch an eyebrow, and Puth, while still looking at Kaeng, says that “he’s not going, because he wants to be with his boyfriend” and after that ends the call.
 The fact that he didn’t said Kaeng’s name and simply said “my boyfriend’s room” and “stay with my boyfriend” and the other person didn’t asked who said boyfriend was or made a big thing out of that, considering Puth’s past reputation, means that the person that called him knows exactly who that boyfriend was and that PuthKaeng’s relationship is not a secret to anyone. Also, the way the word “boyfriend” rolled out of Puth’s tongue, so easily, it shows that he’s proud to have someone to call boyfriend and have the opportunity to spend time with his boyfriend. Just…the happiness energy he pours in those 30 seconds-ish of call is overwhelming.
After Puth puts down his phone and looks back at Kaeng, who is looking at Puth with a weird expression on his face, he get up his chair and goes to him, asking “what’s wrong, papi?” (I shit you not, when I heard that on the episode I blushed and almost screamed because it was so cute it gave diabetes) and Kaeng asked “why you (daddy) didn’t go?” (Puth calling Kaeng “papi” was one thing I was not ready to go through but Kaeng calling Puth “daddy” and find out those are the pet names they use with each other was the death of me. God, please receive my soul in heaven), receiving a “how can I go, I wanna stay here with you” as answer from Puth.
Kaeng says to Puth that his explanation is a “lie” and that “Puth wants to go, he can see it/he knows Puth very well” and Puth admits that, with a “sometimes, because he used to hang out a lot” but Kaeng says a soft, and jokingly, “I’m sulking now”, and after Puth asks Kaeng if he “isn’t bored of staying in the room?” because he “used to hang out a lot too”, Kaeng makes the CUTEST FACE EVER (pause to see how Kaeng’s eyes GLOW when he’s looking at Puth. Seriously, how much love can that guy keep in his eyes, for them to shine like that?) and says that “he’s not used like Puth but he’s never bored of Puth” and then they kiss.
This exchange makes me think that they are in the first weeks of dating and still trying to get used to the idea of being a couple (not that the way they were acting with each other before had any difference except the fact that they were not official but whatever), finding a common ground and a safe/comfort zone where they could stand and feel stable. New relationships are always that, new, and it takes time to get fully accustomed with them, let alone feel stable; it helps the fact that they are friends and knew basic things about each other, so now what they need to do is try to know about each other not as friends but as significant others. That’s why they like to spend time with each other and enjoy all the time they have together, to get to know what the other is like, as a boyfriend.
 (Before I continue, please appreciate Kaeng being totally baby. Thank you)
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After the kiss, Puth ask Kaeng if they “should find something to do?”, Kaeng, having understood something else with his question (I don’t blame him, the way Puth was touching his arm, I would’ve thought the same too) asks “here?” and after Puth said “yes”, Kaeng hits him lightly on the chest and complains that “he’s still sore” (not that I needed it that but PuthKaeng versatile confirmed in only one sentence). Puth then says that Kaeng “is thinking too much” and that he meant “go and find something fun to do”. Kaeng seems uncertain about that but, as we see next, he obliged.
And the date…guys, the date! Do you guys remember that Puth that didn’t wanted to anyone to know that he and Kaeng were sleeping together? That Puth that denied vehemently that he was dating Kaeng (at the time, he was right), made shitty excuses to Mon so he couldn’t pry for more details about what Kaeng had done to him in the night he went to their room? That Puth that didn’t even wanted to be see publically with Kaeng? Well, that Puth is now walking on the streets, holding his boyfriend’s hands and oozing happiness. Seriously, the way he smiles every time he looks at Kaeng, his body language showing that he’s totally relaxed with Kaeng on his side, the way they are having fun together, even with a simple thing as an ice cream cone that they can’t hold, is so fullfiling to watch because it shows that they are happy together. And Kaeng’s eye smile…he looks so cute and happy at the same time, it hurts seeing him so happy. They are soft with each other, feel happy with each other, feel good having each other as someone to spend time with, it just screams domesticity. They are that couple, people.
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And look how Puth just throw his head back while laughing. I remember seeing somewhere, years ago, that when someone laughs that way while they are with you, it means they are really having fun. And remembering that made this scene 100x better.
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  2. My entire heart, all of it that I have inside is for you
 Fast forward, we have PuthKaeng in a hotel room and the first thing I noticed is that they were holding hands (remember what I said about them always holding in intimate moments, back when they were only friends and how I always liked to think that it was something theirs, that they only did that with each other and how it sounded too…hum…how do I put this…not something that people that were not dating, especially players, would do? Yeah) and looking at each other (always the eye contact, people. This bitches been acting like a couple since the beginning), acting like the world were theirs and theirs alone.
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Kaeng looked at Puth from head to toe while Puth takes off the robe Kaeng was wearing and then Kaeng took off Puth’s robe but did that while he was doing that he started to kneel down and was ready to give Puth a blowjob but Puth stopped him before Kaeng could even do something about it. The way Kaeng didn’t disconnected his hands from Puth’s body shows that he enjoys feeling physically connected with the other man, in every opportunity he could get (I think that his behavior on episode 9 made that pretty clear but is never wrong to bring that fact back); Puth then asked why Kaeng was rushing things and Kaeng said that he was just warming up, before sharing a nose kiss and Kaeng kiss Puth’s nose (bringing back all the kisses from the main arc back and my thoughts about them being confirmed. Coming full circle here, people. Coming full circle!).
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 Kaeng’s statement about “being happy today” was something that even if he hadn’t told Puth, I’m pretty sure Puth could see that written all over his face, because the man was glowing with happiness like a Christmas tree in the middle of a shopping mall. After the Puth’s teasing about Kaeng being happy because he could “eat”, Kaeng asking if he could “eat tonight”, Puth saying that “tonight, he could only taste a little” and Kaeng pretending to “bite” Puth (they are talking about sex, people, nothing extraordinary here), Puth says that he would be back in a minute and then leaves the small bathroom (?) they were and this is where things start to get interesting.
 [A bit of a backstory about this: when the announcement of the “extra scene” came and people were excited to know who the “mysterious man” was, I became confused because I had no idea of what people were talking about. Even after someone commented about the mysterious man being about the man who sent that message to Kaeng on episode 9, I was still confused because for me a friend of his had sent the message but brushed aside, for the perspective of having an extra scene of PuthKaeng was above any confusion.]
 Puth grabs his phone, goes to site on the border of the bathtub and is then revealed that he is the mysterious man! Mind you, we all had that revelation in an episode without subtitles, but the fact that he was sending messages to a guy that was in the same room as he was and there was no names displayed on top of the messages to identify the people in the conversation was enough for us to understand what was happening. Remember when I said that they were still getting used to the idea of being a couple and that new relationships take time to become stable? Well, Puth may be super-duper happy and see that Kaeng is happy with him but is normal to have doubts if the person next to you is actually happy or pretending just to make you happy, so Puth had to have that extra confirmation, so he used something that seemingly would make Kaeng be 100% honest (notice that Puth only does that after Kaeng said that he was happy).
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 It had been a total twist receiving that information but then we had to have a double twist when after Kaeng said “I think we should stop talking” and the “mysterious man” asked “why?”, Kaeng comes out of the bathroom, walks rather sensually towards Puth and after sitting next to him answers the question with a “because I have a boyfriend now” and then shows his tongue to Puth. Puth, understandable surprised with that turn of events, asks Kaeng if he had “always know that it was him?”, receives a nod from Kaeng, so asks “how Kaeng found out? Had he peeked on his phone?” and then Kaeng delivers a triple twist by saying that “there’s only one person he knows who likes to text dot at the end of sentences in Thai”.
 At that moment I was like “there’s no way that’s how Kaeng found out about Puth being the mysterious man”, so I went back to episodes 9 and 10, look for any moments where Puth sent any messages to confirm that he had that habit and there they were, clear as water, in EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE. I’m not saying that lightly, since the FIRST message that Puth sent in episode 9, which a reply to Nong Jumbo’s message about missing him, until the LAST message he sent, which was to Kaeng to tell him that he wanted to talk to him later, ALL had dots in the end.
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That made my jaw drop because it is such a small detail, something we had in front of us the entire time, but never actually stopped to pay attention and it was that fucking small detail that made Kaeng caught him as soon as he sent a message, pretending to be someone else.
 And the fact that Kaeng knew since the beginning that it was Puth brings forward two situations:
It is established that we started their main arc with Kaeng already liking Puth. And I said in the final part of my theory, in the timeline of events, that both of them had cut off contact with any potential sexual partners, so Kaeng only continued talking to the mysterious man because he knew it was Puth. If it weren’t for the inability of Puth for using fakes (seriously, that’s hilarious to be honest, being discovered because you like to use dots in the end of sentences. It’s like people knowing it’s me just because I never use abbreviations when I write messages. True story), Kaeng would’ve blocked him as soon the first message got in his Line account. Knowing that, no wonder he smiled after reading the message;
Puth sent the message, put down his phone and got back to the room whistling “Dear Friend”, a song that talks about someone having feelings for their friend, a situation they didn’t intended to happen. So, now we have a guy that receives a message from the other guy he likes, using a fake account, seeing said guy he likes, whom he just had two rounds, or possible more, of sex, getting back to the room whistling a song about a friend liking another friend. And considering that, in that scene, it was the first time we were introduced to that song in their story, it gives another meaning to everything, doesn’t?
Now, we need to understand why Puth resorted to such “extreme” measures to talk to Kaeng, if they were already talking normally and it’s not like any other person had access to his phone. If I hadn’t un-hold it the theory of Puth also liking Kaeng from the beginning, that specific scene of the revelation of him being the mysterious man would’ve make me do that on the spot. Taking in consideration that at the time of the unfolding of the events from episode 9 Puth thought that Kaeng was still sleeping around (even if he was suspecting of Kaeng having feelings for him), his own feelings had to be well hidden. However, feelings are sneaky little bitches that the longer you try to suppress them, stronger and hard to hide they become and Puth is an affectionate person with those he likes, so he needed to find a way of getting close to Kaeng without actually getting close to him and what better way of doing that than with a fake profile? That way Puth could’ve be a friend to Kaeng, probably even drop some hints about liking him and see how Kaeng would react to them, establish a connection with him and at the same time avoiding the possibility of getting his feelings rejected in real life, after all if Kaeng was still talking to other potential partners it wasn’t a good omen to him; like I said before, feelings made Puth really dirty.
 So, the cat is out of the bag. Puth knows that Kaeng knows that he’s the mysterious man sending him messages and don’t know how to feel about that, so he says that “now Kaeng knows it all, how much he loves him” (adding credibility to my idea of Puth having using the fake account to show that he liked Kaeng) and Kaeng tells Puth that he “doesn’t need to be embarrassed, because it’s cute”, that “he likes it” and then to Puth to “try to speak like in the text” aka being romantic. After this, we had the single most emotionally devastating moment of the entire episode and the perfect way of ending a special episode: Puth looked at Kaeng like the man in front of him was the most precious treasure he had encounter in his life and it is possible to see how he also has Kaeng in his eyes, just like Kaeng have him in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, open and closes his mouth once before saying “Kaeng, I love you”, his eyes shining with love just like Kaeng’s eyes were shining with love in the beginning of the episode, and Kaeng reply with a “I love you too” before they kiss and the episode ends.
 I highlighted Kaeng’s name in the love declaration because in this episode, this name had a special weight. Throughout the entirety of the episode, PuthKaeng always used “daddy” and “papi” to refer to themselves, a fact that made me feel more single than I already feel in a daily basis, but when the subject was to tell Kaeng how he feel about him, Puth preferred to use his name, in an almost reverent tone, and tell Kaeng that he loved him. And the way Kaeng’s eyes also shined after listening those words and the soft tone he used to answer Puth…honestly, I can’t deal with them anymore, I’m done.
 PuthKaeng has a story more complex than we could’ve ever predict. They are men with complex personalities, insecurities even with their appearances of people secure of what they want, don’t know how to express their feelings but when they do, you know is not something superficial, is the reality. It took them a long time to be together, they almost lost the opportunity to experience the love they have for each other, cried, made mistakes and misunderstood a lot of things. But now that they are together, I am sure that they will make everything in their power to make it work, will solve their problems the best way they can, will continue to support each other, be their best partners, their safe zones and each other’s hearts. After all, the love the have is forever; and even beyond that.
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