#Monika feth
20-08-99 · 1 year
I am reading „der Schattengänger“ by Monika Feth. It is about a famous author who is being stalked by a psychopath.. it is really exciting I can’t wait to finish it. I‘m halfway through.
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bidgies · 5 months
3 & 17 for the book asks? 😊
Thank you for asking, Sae 😊
I already answered 3 but actually I just saw that I rated exactly 10 books with 5 stars, so I'll just put the rest of them in to order from 6 to 10?
3. What were your top five 10 books of the year? (continued from last ask)
10. The Tower of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski
I literally just put this at 10 because I don't remember what exactly happened in this one. I read the Witcher series at the beginning of the year, so it's all a bit muddied but apparently I liked this one a lot. I remember that I really liked Ciri though and I think she was in this one a lot
9. Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
I was very excited for this one because hey, a book about religious trauma and discovering you're queer! I think I must have somewhat liked it or I wouldn't have rated it five stars but it was a bit tedious to get through and not as relatable as I had hoped but there were some nice quotes that I picked from it
8. Legend by Marie Lu
Already talked about this one but seriously if you want to revisit your teenage YA dystopia phase this one and the rest in the series are pretty good, have great nuanced characters and solid world building
7. Der Scherbensammler by Monika Feth
This book is just deeply personally important to me and I didn't expect rereading it to be such a good experience but it was. I won't go into more detail here, if you want to know more, Sae, you can always ask on the mental health blog
6. Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
I got this one at a book festival by a book seller who swore up and down I'd love this book and if not, I should come find her at her bookstore and complain formally because she can't imagine I won't like it. I picked it up mostly because of her and because I read Zevin's Birthright trilogy when I was a teenager/young adult and liked that one. It's not my usual genre because it's about a group of friends in the 90s who develop video games together and it's focused a lot on their developing relationships and friendships. But it's good. It's very good and the characters really carry this one
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I already mentioned This Is How You Lose The Time War, right? It was recommended to me by probably the post that everyone on here saw but I did actually check out a short blurb of what it's about before reading and was like "hey, this is right up your alley with spies on opposing sides and time travel!" Like two of my favorite things. Plus, it's gay. Let's get this book. And I was prepared for it to be good. Everyone had said it was good. It was about literally three of my favorite things. I went in there expecting it to be very good. I was completely blown away. Like everything about it is so good, the characters, the writing style, the language, the development of their relationship, everything. I came away from this book wanting to reread it and analyze every word of it. Hell, I wanted to go back to uni so I could take a literature seminar on it and analyze together with others and discuss all of it and write a term paper on it. That's what this book did to me. It was so good that for a good three weeks after reading it, I couldn't get into anything else because this book had temporarily ruined me and everything else seemed bland next to it. High expectations completely surpassed
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itzzannax · 2 years
Monika Feth–Der Erdbeerpflücker Reihe Band 1
Thriller, Hochspannung, interessant
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Werbung | Autor: Monika Feth | 
Titel: Der Erdbeerpflücker Reihe 1 |
Alter: Ab 14 Jahren |
Übersetzung: ? |
Erscheinungsdatum: Dezember 2003 |
351 Seiten | Genre: Thriller |
Als ihre Freundin Caro ermordet aufgefunden wird, schwört Jette öffentlich Rache und macht den Mörder damit auf sich aufmerksam. Er nähert Jette als Freund, und sie verliebt sich in ihn, ohne zu ahnen, mit wem sie es in Wahrheit zu tun hat.
Das Buch hat mehrere Bände
Band 1: Der Erdbeerpflücker.
Band 2: Der Mädchenmaler.
Band 3: Scherbensammler.
Band 4: Der Schattengänger.
Band 5: Der Sommerfänger.
Band 6: Der Bildwächter.
Band 7: Der Libellenflüsterer.
Band 8: Die Julibraut.
Und vieles mehr..
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Das Buch ist gut für Thriller-Fans geeignet.
Bewertung insgesamt
Globale Bewertung
★★★★★☆ ( 4,4 / 5 )
Herzlichen Dank an den Verlag Penguin Random House für dieses Buchexemplar!
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„Ich bin nicht halb so stark, wie du denkst“, sagte sie. „Ich habe mich mit dieser Stärke oft nur gepanzert. Damit nicht alles zerbricht.“
Monika Feth - Fee
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drei-satzzeichen · 3 years
Cotta: Ihr seid vorsichtig, verstanden?
Justus: Sind wir doch immer, Inspektor.
Cotta: Sehr witzig.
Justus: Diesmal sind wir es. Sie können sich darauf verlassen.
Cotta: Wieso beruhigt mich das nicht?
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lilalausbub · 6 years
«wie schnell die tage sich verbrauchten. wie unbemerkt das leben verrann.»
- hortense
der bilderwächter von monika feth
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dianoschx · 6 years
Ich pendelte irgendwo dazwischen, trieb mich herum, vernachlässigte die Schule und wurde mit einem Schlag erwachsen.
Monika Feth | Der Erdbeerpflücker
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regenwand · 7 years
Und manchmal brauche ich mehr als das bisschen Leben. Manchmal brauche ich das Feuer unter der Haut, um zu wissen, ich bin noch da.
Der Erdbeerpflücker
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
1, 10, 17 + 29?
[end of the year book asks]
1. How many books did you read this year?
81! I wanted to top by count of 40 from last year, then I aimed for 80 to double it, and then I unexpectedly finished Still Lake and now I'm at 81 xD
10. A book that didn’t live up to your expectations
Monika Feth's Blutrosen. I used to love her books, but I guess I'm just not the target audience anymore or something, but it really didn't grip me. Didn't actually finish it, because it got on my nerves.
17. Top five books of the year
Oooh, good question. In no particular order:
Jonathan Kellerman: When The Bough Breaks
Koogi: Killing Stalking
Asp Spreng: Horror Vacui. Dichter am Abgrund.
Tess Gerritsen: The Bone Garden
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin. Gentleman-Gauner. (Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur)
29. Did you finish any series?
I finally finished Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles, and I did actually "finish" Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware series, as in: I finally went through all the 34 books currently published, but the series isn't offically over yet, so I'll probably get to read another one of these next year or the year after.
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upside-down-uni · 4 years
heyyyyyy! I’m back and ready to catch up on the days of challenges I’ve missed, let’s GO!
01.08 - august goals:
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02.08 - currently reading: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty and Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
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03. - 07.08 - summer: Der Sommerfänger (The Summer-Catcher) by Monika Feth, a German thriller
- young author: Elizabeth Acevedo, I keep hearing great stuff about her and am very excited to finally read The Poet X
- your name in a book: My birthname has never been in any book I’ve read (courtesy of my parents giving me a cool rare name), and the one book my new name is in which I’ve also read is at my parents house. So have Mortal Engines by Philip Reeves in which Nuremberg a city close to where I grew up shows up (and is destroyed which I’m still mad about btw)
- best fictional food: I always wanted to try the elvish food in the Eragon series!
- OTP: for the sake of brevity I only offer you one of my OTP’s: Percabeth from the Riordanverse, they have been living in my head rent free for almost 8 years now.... (represented by Helden des Olymp - Das Zeichen der Athene (Mark Of Athena))
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bidgies · 5 months
2, 3 & 5? :)
Thank you for asking :)
2. Did you reread anything? What?
Yep! I reread Legend by Marie Lu which I first read when I was a teenager. I bought the original English version some years ago but then it was just on my to-read-pile for ages and this year I finally got to it. Still was as amazing as the first read
I also reread Der Scherbensammler by Monika Feth, which is a book I read over and over as a teenager and the only one I was downright obsessed with in the series because of Mina (one of the characters, for those who don't know it). Also still held up very well to my memories
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Okay, let me see...
5. The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
This was a very delightful lighthearted murder mystery about some retired old people who solve cold cases in their free time and then decide to solve the actual murder that happens at their retirement home. I still need to check out the rest of the series because this book was really fun
4. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
I was a huge Hunger Games fan back in the day so I had to read this and I actually think this is quite good for a prequel. I was prepared to hate it but it's actually good. Snow is such an odd choice for a main character and POV character because he's such a fucked up human being but also that made the book really interesting
3. The Deep by Rivers Solomon
This was a rather short book but the way it wove intergenerational trauma and memories into the fantasy setting of a sea-dwelling society felt really good and meaningful
2. She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
This was a really awesome historical retelling with fantasy elements that felt super natural and believable. Also I vibed with the gender vibes of the main character. Surprised me by how good it was
1. This Is How You Lose The Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar
I got sucked in by the tumblr propaganda and it was so worth it. This book is so good but I'll save the detailed thoughts for another ask I got
5. What genre did you read the most of?
Fantasy. 10/23 books
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28thaugust2008 · 4 years
Und manchmal brauch ich mehr als das bisschen Leben, manchmal brauch ich das Feuer unter der Haut um zu wissen ich bin noch da.
-Monika Feth - Die Julibraut
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catleen9 · 5 years
Monika Feth: Az eperszedő
Monika Feth: Az eperszedő
Nagyon régóta szerettem volna elolvasni Monika Feth: Az eperszedő című könyvét. Nem tudtam, hogy krimi – bár a borító alapján azért érezhettem volna –, egyszerűen a címe keltett fel bennem egy kedves emléket. Ennyi volt az indíttatásom oka. És ez az indíttatás olyan erősnek bizonyult, hogy még az sem tántorított el, hogy a molyok csupán 62%-ra értékelték a kötetet.
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watchaholics · 5 years
Monika Feth: Az eperszedő
Monika Feth: Az eperszedő
Nagyon régóta szerettem volna elolvasni Monika Feth: Az eperszedő című könyvét. Nem tudtam, hogy krimi – bár a borító alapján azért érezhettem volna –, egyszerűen a címe keltett fel bennem egy kedves emléket. Ennyi volt az indíttatásom oka. És ez az indíttatás olyan erősnek bizonyult, hogy még az sem tántorított el, hogy a molyok csupán 62%-ra értékelték a kötetet.
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vicbartons · 6 years
What's your favourite book and favourite book series? ♡
oh god, this is hard. but alright, have a top three:
more than this by patrick ness
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire sáenz and 
everyday by david levithan
and where series are concerned, i have to say that i am still a sucker for harry potter and i was crazy about monika feth´s “strawberry picker” series as a teen - which i guess count as psychological thrillers/ murder mysteries - which i still find myself rereading every now and again. 
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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26. Idol(s)
Uhh Idols ~ I have a few. For example Monika Feth, a Thriller author. I love it how see write everything so good down! Or Gaston Leroux with Phantom of the opera (Yes, I’m a big fan of this) or Susan Key with the phantom. I love it how well written it is. I want to write like them. And Shakespeare, I have written some of his books too. I’m really into literature and books, so I have a few Idols there. 
Of course is Tom Hiddleston a Idol for me too. Because of him and his speaks, that gave me courage to do things, that I wouldn’t do. Because of him I know what I want to do and learn... So yes.
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