#Modern!John Thornton x Fem!Reader
fizzyxcustard · 1 year
I've Loved You Forever.
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: North & South (modern AU)
Pairings: Modern John Thornton x Fem!Reader/Fem!Reader x OC
Warnings: Language, angst, pining.
Summary: It is the Christmas party for John Thornton and his workers from Marlborough Mills. You have all been allowed to take partners, and that means your boyfriend of eighteen months is there. When he is asked if he loves you and can't answer, John Thornton's rage comes out full throttle, especially as he's been in love with you for quite some time.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
I tend to use Lucas North pictures as my modern Thornton images. This idea actually came to me randomly a few days ago when I was reading on the train.
Thank you to @knittastically and @lathalea for helping me who to choose the character for this idea. I may open this scenario up to other RA characters if people are interested and would like to request.
It was your work Christmas party, and your manager John Thornton had been kind enough to let everyone bring their partners along. However, you noticed that he still remained at the head of the table alone. There was no one at his side like the majority of everyone else around the table. Due to the size of your whole party, it was spilling over on to a second table. A couple of the machinery operators from Marlborough Mills, where you all worked, were sat with their wives, off to the side of the main table. Your boyfriend of eighteen months, Stuart, was beside you. As usual, he seemed to naturally turn all heads towards him. He was joking about someone he worked with, an unfortunate soul whom he disliked, and enjoyed tormenting.
John looked at Stuart and silently scoffed. The man was a prick! Self-absorbed, entitled, opinionated, sarcastic. How the hell had you even got with a man like this? You were everything that Stuart wasn’t. 
The conversation, you noticed, seemed to steer to a more personal topic. Kelly, one of the wives of a colleague, grinned at Stuart across the table. “So do you love her? Are you planning to put a ring on her finger?” How had the conversation turned to this? Where had your thoughts been up until this moment?
Stuart began to blanch and tried to divert the topic. Never once though did he look at you. 
“Become a bit speechless there, Stu?” John hissed, resting his arms on the table. 
Kelly recoiled back, knowing that she had inadvertently caused a potential argument for later.
“Aren’t you going to answer Kelly’s question?” John growled again. “Or is that an answer you’ve got to think long and hard about?” 
“John,” you said softly, looking up sheepishly at your boss. “It’s okay.” 
Stuart got up from his seat quickly. “Anybody for another drink?” 
John’s livid stare followed Stuart to the bar, and everyone else around the table had noticed. Why had John become so defensive? 
In your embarrassment and hurt, you got up, excusing yourself from the table and slipped around the full tables and out into the chill of the evening air. A heat had rose in your head and prickles of pain rested behind your eyes, threatening tears. But you pushed them back, putting your self-control in place. Stuart had embarrassed you enough in public over the last eighteen months you’d been together, but never on such a scale as this. 
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice came. 
You looked up to see John Thornton a few feet away from you. “It’s fine, John.” 
“It’s not fine,” John exclaimed. “How long have you two been together?” 
“Eighteen months.” 
“And in that time he hasn’t figured out if he loves you? Fucking hell…” John seethed. “You’re going to just let him get away with doing that in front of you. You deserve so much better than that.” 
You sighed, chewing on your lip. “Plenty of people tell you you deserve something but you can’t see that inside yourself. And a lot of people will tell you that you deserve something but be completely unable to give that to you themselves. They’re fobbing it off for someone else to pick up.” 
John felt that all-consuming love for you rise. How had he kept it inside for all this time? You had been his right hand for the last two years, being the assistant manager, secretary and everything in between that John couldn’t always manage to take care of. When you had announced the fact you had a boyfriend, the pain cut John deep. It felt as though it would be a pain he would carry forever. And over that time you had been with Stuart, the pain had never dulled, he had only learned to live with it. 
“I’m not fobbing you off,” John said softly. “I’m telling you that you need a man who will love you, put you first, adore you. A man who will make you breakfast in the morning, constantly tell you how beautiful you are, give you gifts just because he wants to. Someone who can make you smile.” 
The intensity of John’s words and his gaze made your heart beat quicker. Butterflies began flapping viciously in your stomach. It was that same feeling you had had every day since meeting him. John Thornton was a gentleman; he was everything that Stuart wasn’t. He was the man you wanted to be doing all those things he’d only just moments ago spoken of. But surely he would never be prepared to do that for you. 
“I know you only mean well, John,” you said, turning to walk back into the pub. 
John caught your hand. His gaze was burning into yours, and you couldn’t help but sigh. You whispered his name, tightening your grip on his hand. You were inches apart, and despite the cold around you, you felt hot. Anticipation raced up your spine, and you felt your cheeks burn. 
“He can’t tell you he loves you,” John began. “But I can.” 
You took a painful inhale, waiting for him to speak again. 
John smiled. “I love you. It feels like I’ve loved you forever, and I won’t stop.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @xxbyimm @meganlpie @luna-xial @guardianofrivendell @eunoiaastralwings @msjava1972 @rachel1959 @asgardianhobbit98 @missihart23 @lemond57 @quiall321 @sazzlep @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @catthefearless @mrsdurin @evenstaredits @glassgulls @solairewisteria @aliasauthor @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 1 month
MAY: More content coming. More OCs and organization is coming along.
Thanks for patience all. I'm getting used to this formatting.
Also my A03 links will be up next month. 💋
Also I generally post the new content on Fridays and continuing content on the same day or week it starts.
Strange & Wonderful Script
(On hold until June because of writing event)
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(Richard Armitage x OC - Kayla Crowe)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Queen of the Forest - OC x RA original story
*Teasers release mid June *
Other fics in progress:
Have some Jason Statham content I made awhile back with RA in it. Lol. Circa 2014.
Transporter 4 script
Tom Bateman stuff coming up soon. (His voice is scottish velvet and i cant help myself)
A continuation or derivation of his series called; Beachum House.
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Tom Hiddleston (but modern not Loki content, I am a recluse amount of time away from catching up on Marvel universe. If they put Richard in the Marvel universe again I will happily catch up. 😆)
I loved him in John Le Carre's - Night Manager
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Lyn's Writing Event 2024
Week 1:
The Faroes Curse - William Farrow x OC Delphine Part 1 Part 2
A Superior Find - Dr Scott White x OC Mika Deerheart
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Considering Chimera - Dr Scott White x OC Jennifer Turner
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Exploring the Barrens - Ray Levine x fem reader
Pockets Full of Gold - Thorin Oakenshield & company in Dale
Heart-Scorched in the Desert - Guy of Gisborne x OC Navaneeth
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Week 2:
Reclaiming Purity - Dr Astrov x OC Cassandra
Part 1 ....
Awkward & Sweet - John Standring x OC Felicity Boies. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
For Ursa's Benefit - Adam Price x OC Callisto
Part 1. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Descension Upon Jupiter - Joe Burkett x OC Sephira
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Spoils of War - Raymond de Merville as Mars x Rhea Silvia depiction. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Week 3:
Minibreak in Kyllini, Greece - RA x Kayla Crowe
Part 1 Part 2 poss Part 3 (3 day weekend)
Norse - skipped for now
A Calculated Risk - John Porter x Raymond de Merville x OC Dina Sayed
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Disembodied Souls - Harry Kennedy x OC
Part 1 Part 2
The Katarite (Storyteller) - Raymond Merville x OC Mizuki Heiki Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Worshipping the Goddess - Claude Becker x OC Kiara. Part 1 Part 2
Pure Surrender - Daniel Miller x Francis Dolarhyde x OC Chasca Flores (Full Fic)
Week 4:
Just A Minor Disaster- RA x fem! reader
A Sweet Stroll - John & Margaret Thornton
A Swiss Escape - Daniel Miller x OC Courtney Roeber
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whirlwind Awareness - Gary Fuller x Allison Stone (Fuller)
Getting Dirty in Cozumel - Thorin (modern AU) x Fem! Reader. (18++) Intro Full
*** announcement **
Rest of challenge will be posted in the trickle days of the weekend. Just been too challenging to squeeze in during work days the last week or so. And I was losing inspirational momentum too, work has been real brain draining.
Here are the markers though;
Hurricane - Lucas North x OC
Wildfire - John Porter x OC (in development - these are always heavy)
Challenge Days;
Medusa - Thorin x Medusa
Tooth First Into Her - Ray Levine x (fem werewolf) Jesula Paul
Part 1 Part 2
Volcanic Eruption- RA x fem ( in Iceland)
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sorisooyaa · 2 years
Moodboard / Banner / Blend Masterlist
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Enemies to Lovers - Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Lathalea’s Post
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A Secret is Found Out -  Thorin x OC (Diamonds and Ashes | Raelynn Adair story)
Coffee Shop - Daniel Miller x Fem!Reader
Kidnapped - Raymond De Merville x Fem!OC
Crossover - Thorin Oakenshield x Eternal!OC
Oblivious Of Feelings - Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Comfort - John Thornton x Fem!Reader
Lies - Thorin Oakenshield and Fëanor
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Arranged Marriage - Raymond De Merville x Fem!OC
Love Triangle - Ray Levine x Fem!OC x Cassie
Illness - Dr. Scott White x Fem!OC
Angel/Demon - Modern!Dragon Sickness!Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!OC
Matching Tattoos - Francis Dolarhyde x Fem!OC
Werewolf/Vampire - Vampire!Thorin Oakenshield x Werewolf!Fem!Reader
Body Swap - Thorin Oakenshield and Thranduil / Thorin x Wife!Reader
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Break Up - Lucas North x Fem!OC
Time Travel - Raymond De Merville x Reader /  Father!Raymond De Merville x daughter!ofc
Accident - Francis Dolarhyde x Reader
Birthday - Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Proposal - Dr. Mikhail Astrov x Fem!OC
Looming Anniversary - Thorin Oakenshield x Wife!Reader
Be Careful What You Wish For - Modern!Dragon Sickness!Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!OC
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Vacation/Holiday - Modern!Thorin Oakenshield x Wife!Reader
Pirates - Thorin Oakenshield x Mermaid!Reader
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Thank you for the likes, comments and reblogs 💖
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
I've Loved You Forever (2)
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Part 1
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: North & South (modern AU)
Pairings: Modern John Thornton x Fem!Reader/Fem!Reader x OC
Warnings: Language, angst, pining.
Summary: It is the Christmas party for John Thornton and his workers from Marlborough Mills. You have all been allowed to take partners, and that means your boyfriend of eighteen months is there. When he is asked if he loves you and can't answer, John Thornton's rage comes out full throttle, especially as he's been in love with you for quite some time.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
I tend to use Lucas North pictures as my modern Thornton images. This idea actually came to me randomly a few days ago when I was reading on the train.
As soon as you got home that night, after Stuart had dropped you back to your flat, you said farewell to him. Your mind was ablaze with John Thornton, and so much so that Stuart had to call you back for a kiss. The kiss was quick and only a peck. Of course Stuart noticed a difference in it, but he put it down to what he had said earlier that night and just told himself that you would be alright in a few days. Whenever you had a falling out, it didn’t take long for you to get over it. 
John paced his kitchen, his phone in hand. Should he call you? After he had admitted his feelings for you, you had disappeared back into the full pub where your boyfriend was still sat with everyone else. Thoughts and emotions raced. How could he put this right? Had he made a mistake telling you how he felt? The truth was, it would never be a mistake in his mind because he really did love you, more than he could express. Bearing his heart to you would never be a mistake in his eyes, even if your answer wasn’t the one he wished for. 
Suddenly your name flashed on his screen. With a grin and a sigh of relief, he answered the call. 
“John? We need to talk about tonight,” you told him. “I left without telling you where I stand. You shocked me; I’d never got that impression from you at all that you thought anything for me which surpassed friend and colleague.” 
Shit! Where was this going? Were you going to politely reject him? John held his breath. 
“The truth is…” 
John’s heart was pounding so hard now and he gripped his eyes closed, praying with everything inside him that your answer would mirror his confession. 
“The truth is…” you began again. “I…love you, too. I’ve never had anyone tell me they love me, and look me in the eyes and have so much passion there. John, it’s something I’ve always yearned for. And the way you spoke to me earlier, I know I can’t walk away from you. Even when I had all the rough times with Stuart, you were the one who was there in the midst of it all. I miss you already, and I’ve only been away from you about half an hour.” 
“Will you let me come and see you? I need to,” John asked. “Hearing you say this, I need to see you.” 
You sighed. “I want to see you so much, but I need to do the right thing and speak to Stuart first. You do understand, don’t you?” 
“Of course I do. I’d do the same,” John said, still smiling. Even at a time like this, you were faithful and honourable in your relationship with Stuart. 
“I’ll call you as soon as it’s done, John, I promise. I…love you.” Those words felt alien on your lips, but so right. They connected to your heart and your soul. The act of speaking them felt alien, but the place the words came from felt as though you had been born with it in your heart. 
“I love you, too. Goodnight.” 
Your conversation with Stuart got straight to the point, and you initiated it by recalling the events at the pub. “I know we’re not in love, Stuart. Tonight made me see that it’s like that from both sides. We’ve been together for eighteen months and surely something should have started to blossom now and it hasn’t.” 
Stuart chuckled. “And I’m guessing your boss has got something to do with this as well?” 
“Why do you think that?” you asked defensively. 
“It’s obvious he fancies you. The way he snapped at me, and then he followed you outside. I’ve known for a while now that you’ve got feelings for him, and I never said anything. I know we stayed together out of familiarity. We’re too different. When you had hard times, you went to him and not me. I knew a long time ago that you felt something for him.” 
Stuart’s understanding and cooperation shocked you, and for a second you were speechless. 
“John seems a nice bloke, apart from his temper. He’d be good for you like I never was.” 
The call ended with you both saying goodbye to each other and walking away on polite terms. For a few seconds you held your phone in your hand in disbelief, staring at it stupidly. You’d just broken up with your boyfriend of eighteen months and he was okay with it, very okay with it. Had your relationship really been that bad? In the sense that it was too familiar and comfortable.
John was still awake, sat in his living room, scrolling your Instagram page. There was only one photo of you and Stuart. The rest were memes, quotes, childhood photos and holiday pictures. There were even a few of you with your natural beauty hidden beneath a stupid filter. 
Are you still up? The text pinged on his phone. 
Yes. Is everything okay? He asked.
It’s done. You replied.
John couldn’t help but allow his urge to push him to make the call to you again. He sighed as he heard you answer. “It’s done?” he asked, his voice a whisper. 
“This means I’m now single, Mr. Thornton,” you giggled. 
John chuckled. “I was hoping that I could change that in person. But it’s midnight.”
“My door will be open if you get over here in ten minutes.” 
Anticipation raced up your spine and butterflies flapped in your stomach with such ferocity. You watched at your window, until you saw a familiar vehicle pull up outside your maisonette block. A tall figure got out of the car, all veiled in shadow. That walk: you could spot it anywhere and recognise it amongst a dense crowd. 
John reached out to press your bell, but instead was greeted with your face. The door opened swiftly. He couldn’t help but smile at you, falling even more in love with you. He inhaled sharp, and stepped inside the flat. 
Your cheeks flushed bright red as John reached out and cupped your cheek. Then, slowly, he leaned down, being taller, and kissed you softly. Your arms immediately curled up his back and you both sank into the kiss. 
John wound his arms around your waist and pulled you in closer against him, your kiss deepening. 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @luna-xial @meganlpie @eunoiaastralwings @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @lemond57 @missihart23 @quiall321 @sazzlep @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @catthefearless @solairewisteria @aliasauthor @mrsdurin @evenstaredits @glassgulls @littlebird-99 @aliasauthor @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Can I request a dialogue prompt? "I'm not getting into bed with you - your feet are freezing and I know you'll use that against me." With a RA character (or himself) of your choice!
(I am sorry that this has taken so long for me to get to. I'm aware that I've still got prompts dating back to the beginning of the year. I really do apologise, but I hope you enjoy this all the same. And, of course, thank you for requesting. However, my ask box is now closed to new fic requests.)
Fandom: North and South (modern)
Pairings: Modern John Thornton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None. Just domestic fluff with everyone's favourite mill owner. ;)
Summary: You and John have been dating now few a few weeks after he attended your sisters wedding with you as a plus one. However, you're still trying to keep your relationship away from gossiping lips at work where he is your manager and owner of Marlborough Mills.
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You and John always made sure that you left the premises when no one else was around. All the workers from the main floor had disappeared half hour earlier and now the air was silent as the machinery had been powered down for the night.
John was at his desk in his office. You stood at the door, smiling as you watched him type up the last few orders and sign them off.
"Hey," he said softly, looking up from the monotony of the day's work to see your bright smile.
"Ready to go?" you asked.
"Yeah, just switching the computer off now," he replied.
You approached his desk and leaned down for a kiss, which was only meant to be a quick peck, but gradually became more heated. John's hand was cupping your face and the tips of his fingers laced in your hair. This man did nothing by half measure. He was all or nothing, and you loved that so much about him.
The two of you exited the building, locking up behind you. John took your hand, lacing his fingers between yours and walked with you over to his car. Every morning now and he picked up up and brought you in with him, then you left together. Tonight was your agreed night where he would stay at your flat.
While you prepared the food, John opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses. Wine had never been something you drank much of until you started seeing John, and he welcomed you to all the variety of flavours.
"I also need to change the bed sheets. The cat jumped up on the bed today with muddy paws," you told John as you stirred the softening pasta on the hob.
"I'm not getting into bed with you. Your feet are freezing and I know you'll use that against me," he chuckled.
"I've told you before, I can't sleep with socks on and I can't help having cold feet," you shot back, pouting. "Stop teasing me."
John edged in to you and wound his arm around your waist. "Oh, you love it when I tease you." He kissed the tip of your nose and then rested his nose against your neck, inhaling your sweet perfume, which by now was gradually getting weaker. "I know you don't get on with your sister but I'm really glad she decided to get married."
"Why are you talking about my sister's wedding?" you chuckled.
"Because without her getting married I wouldn't have had a good enough reason to go on a date with you."
"Oh, don't be daft," you laughed. "I'd have happily considered lunch in your office a date. I'd been waiting for months for you to make a move."
You saw John blush and kissed his cheek. "I never really thought you felt the same."
"I don't think I could have been any more obvious. I was always making excuses to come into your office. I fancied you straight away at my interview, although your mum did scare me."
John chuckled. "She scares most people, I think. But she was impressed with you at the interview."
The two of you kissed again, letting the passion rise. Neither of you noticed the water boiling over on the stove as you were too busy concentrating on each other.
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @i-did-not-mean-to @knitastically @middleearthpixie @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @xxbyimm @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @sunflwrnsunnieshine
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Illness (Armitage Summer Splash. Day 17.)
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As part of @lathalea and I’s Armitage Summer Splash, I present to you, day 17. 
Masterlist of fics for Summer Splash
Prompts: "I need space away from you." / Illness trope.  
Fandom: North and South (Modern AU)
Pairings: Slight modern John Thornton x Fem!Reader, Fem!Reader x OC mention
Warnings: Migraine mention.
Summary: While at work, your boss, John Thornton, notices that you don't look well and offers to take you home.
Comments/Notes: If anyone would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please say.
"I need space away from you," you exclaimed down the phone line. "No, I mean it...Leave me alone."
John could hear your raised voice from outside your office. He waited until you had put the phone down and then tapped on your office door, waiting for you to answer.
You sighed and rested your head in your hands. There was a throbbing in your temples and behind your eyes; it had been that way all morning, and the conversation with your on-the-verge-ex-boyfriend, has only exacerbated that.
"You don't look too good," John told you.
You looked up, wincing at the sudden burst of light. "Thanks for the compliment," you chuckled wryly.
"No, seriously. You look pale. Are you sure you're alright to be working? I heard your voice raised when I came down the hallway."
"I'll be fine. Just got a headache."
"It's not just a headache. You can barely keep your eyes open. You've got a migraine coming on. Let me give you a lift home. You can't drive like this. Come on."
John's demanding voice soothed you somehow. Even as the thumping behind your eyes seemed to gather momentum, you still silently appreciated having John there. Not only was he very easy on the eyes, but he was a damn good friend.
Kindly, John shut down your computer and tidied your desk, as you picked up your handbag and got up from the chair. A sudden wave of dizziness hit you.
John was quick on his feet and grabbed you before you fell to the floor. "You're definitely in need of some time off. And don't argue with me about it like you normally do."
You still managed to smile through the haze of dizziness.
Both of you walked out of the building slowly, John holding on to your arm and carrying your handbag in his other hand.
In the car and John leaned across you, snapping in your seatbelt.
"I'm not entirely unable to do things for myself, John," you told him.
"Shush, you," he replied playfully.
As John pulled out of his reserved space in the car park, you swayed to the side, allowing the gentle movement of the car to soothe you. The pain was still intense behind your eyes and in your temples, but the sway of the car lulled you into relaxation.
John kept an eye on you in between studying the road. His steel blue eyes would momentarily leave the traffic in front of him and flit to you. "I'll drop your car back later if you want me to," John said.
"It's alright. Don't worry about it," you said softy, feeling as if you were flying. Sleep wanted to overtake you. And it almost did as John pulled up outside your house.
Like back at the mill upon leaving, he helped you in, holding your arm. "Do you want me to get you a cup of tea or anything?" he asked. "I can make some food for you."
"Haven't you got a mill to run and get back to?" you asked, stumbling into the living room. You slumped down on the sofa, feeling a huge wave of relief wash over you.
"I also take the care and wellbeing of my staff very seriously," he replied with a grin. "Let me know if there's anything at all I can do for you; I can pop back later as well."
"Stop fussing. You've got your hot date with Margaret tonight to get ready for," you teased.
"Oh, she cancelled this morning," John replied. He was still hovering above you, looking like a spare piece of furniture.
"That's a shame. I'm sure there are lots of other things you'd rather be doing tonight, though, than looking after me."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed. You've got your boyfriend..."
"Meh, not much anymore. I can't be bothered with him. He's having tantrums again," you explained. "Could you just pull the curtains across for me, please? That light is killing my eyes."
"What happened?" John asked, pulling your curtains shut, and then sitting down in the armchair opposite you. "If you don't mind me asking."
You sighed. "He was getting a bit jealous."
"Really? What of?"
You swallowed hard. How ever could you admit that your boyfriend had been jealous of John? When you stayed over late at work, or when you gushed about your boss, you immediately saw your boyfriends jaw drop.
Eventually you sighed. To hell with it! "You," you replied. "He hated the fact that I was staying over late and talked about you a lot."
"Oh," John replied. His face fell into an expression of question. But he felt a pang of excitement. Was this his chance? Or was he seeing more into this than was really there?
"You know how some men are. They hate any competition."
"Competition? Hardly." John scoffed at that, trying to feign humility.
You chuckled awkwardly. "Well, he does have some competition, John. You're better looking than him for starters."
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @i-did-not-mean-to @xxbyimm @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @knitastically @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @sketch-and-write-lover @msjava1972 @lilacpulse @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @enchantzz @medusas-hairband @luna-xial
Richard Armitage tag list: @eunoiaastralwings @cryptichobbit
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fizzyxcustard · 2 months
I would like to imagine a modern Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader. Maybe a bit romance or more?
I was just looking through my requests and came across this one. I actually didn't realise that anyone liked my modern Raymond. I do have a soft spot for him, and haven't written anything for him since Betrayal (which also featured Lucas North from Spooks and my own OC, Amy Holland). I will definitely keep modern Raymond in mind for more fics. :) However, if you have any ideas or suggestions, I would LOVE to know. <3
Modern Guy of Gisborne and Modern John Thornton are also characters I can write for, too. :)
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
"I Never Knew It'd Be Like This"  (Armitage  Summer Splash Day 2)
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As part of @lathalea and I's Armitage Summer Splash, I present to you, day 2.
Masterlist of fics for Summer Splash
Prompts: Above image. "I never knew it'd be like this." Only one bed trope.
Fandom: North & South - modern John Thornton
Pairings: Modern!John Thornton x Fem!Reader (very slight)
Summary: You are John Thornton's secretary and have agreed to travel to New York with him in high hopes of sealing a deal for his company at Marlborough Mills. However, your boss begins to show that temper of his when things don't go according to plan.
Comments/Notes: If anyone would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please say. Another fic about hotels, seeing as day 1 had the main characters staying in a hotel.
John was exasperated. Your plane had been delayed by an hour. You had waited ninety minutes for your shuttle bus from JFK to Manhattan, and now you were standing in the reception of your hotel, being told that only one room had been booked.
"I booked this myself a month ago," you told the blonde woman who was starting to grow quite scared of John. You could see her keep looking over at your rather annoyed boss who had the ability to make anyone shake just by the scowl on his face. "I made sure it was for two rooms."
John stepped away from the desk, recognising immediately why he had hired you as his secretary. You had the way with people that he didn't. When people had an issue with their wages, annual leave days or general working conditions, they came to you. Approaching John Thornton was a last resort.
"Okay, thank you," you said to the lady at reception, trying not to sigh and show your annoyance.
"What's happening? I had to step away because I knew I'd start shouting," John told you.
"They've apparently overbooked and they've only got one room available for us, and it's got one double bed," you sighed.
"Oh, this is bloody ridiculous!" John hissed. He dashed to the desk and began to ask if the manager was available.
"John! Calm down, please," you urged him.
The lady behind the desk was backing off, unsure what to do and showing signs that she hadn't been in this job for very long. Hotels always had their fair share of angry guests, and most staff members became used to it over time. This woman, however, did not have the confidence and assertiveness that most hotel staff had.
Ten minutes later, you and John admitted defeat and made your way to the elevator. But, on a positive note, you had now managed to get yourselves free drinks in the bar and free meals for the rest of your stay.
"I never knew it'd be like this," John mused to himself as you both stood in the elevator, feeling it shudder beneath you as it rose up the floors.
"New York. It's busy, stinks, and everything has gone wrong since we landed," he sighed, crossing his arms. "Makes me wonder if this place is cursed."
"Come on, stop being so pessimistic," you urged him. The loud ping of the elevator stopping drew you both out of your thoughts, and you stepped out onto the sixth floor, trailing your suitcases behind you.
"I'm glad it's only for two nights. I'll take the floor," John said as he looked upon the double bed dominating the centre of the room which you walked into. He couldn't deny that he felt a pang of something. Anticipation, maybe? A shiver raced up his spine, and he looked across to you, only to see you looking down at the beige carpet
"The bed is big enough for two people with plenty of space in the middle. You won't even know I'm there."
John smirked to himself. Of course he'd know you were there. Even when you weren't there, he still felt you somehow. He had spent enough time around you to acknowledge that his feelings ran deeper than purely platonic. And for a second he thought back on the men who worked in the mill, who would wolf whistle at you as they passed by the office. Then, to his amazement, some of them you even spoke to! Why would you ever entertain the idea of talking to men who only saw you as a piece of meat?
You looked out the window only to see dark and heavy clouds had settled over the city, and rain was falling. "We should make the most of those free meal tickets tonight," you chuckled.
You and John went down to the lounge area a couple of hours later, your special tickets in hand to give you access to free food and drinks. Suddenly, John's phone began to ring. He stepped away from you for a minute, excusing himself with a smile.
You sat down at a table and began to skim the menu, but John's irate voice wafted through the room. Customers of the lounge began to stare, their heads turning in the direction of the angry voice.
"If this is how you're going to manage your time then you can shove the fucking deal!" John boomed.
You tried not to focus on the sea of heads that had turned towards you and followed John to the seat opposite you.
"What's happened now?" you asked in frustration and embarrassment.
"The meeting for tomorrow has been cancelled, and they don't know when they can re-schedule it to. Possibly not for another three months. They can kiss my..."
"John?" You interrupted. "Just calm down for five minutes and enjoy some food."
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Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @meganlpie @linasofia @knitastically @xxbyimm @guardianofrivendell @middleearthpixie @sketch-and-write-lover @lilacpulse @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @msjava1972 @rachel1959
Richard Armitage tag list: @cryptichobbit @eunoiaastralwings
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Lathalea and Fizzyxcustard's Armitage Summer Splash - Masterlist
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Day 1 - "Did we make a mistake?" / Enemies to Lovers trope - (Lucas North x Fem!Reader)
Day 2 - "I never thought it'd be like this." / Only one bed trope - (Modern!John Thornton)
Day 3 - "I did it for you...for us." / Unrequited love trope (Francis Dolarhyde x Fem!Reader)
Day 4 - "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." / Betrayal trope (Lucas North x OC [Amy Holland from Covert Eyes] )
Day 5 - "I can't believe you did that." / Drunken admission of feelings trope. (John Porter x Fem!Reader)
Day 6 - "You've got to get over this." / Friends with benefits trope. (Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader) COLLAGE.
Day 7 - "I've never loved you." / Soulmates trope. (Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader)
Day 8 - "Show me your face." / A secret is told trope. (Adam Price x Fem!Reader)
Day 9 - "You need to get over this." / Coffee shop trope. (Ray Levine x Fem!Reader) COLLAGE.
Day 10 - "You always promised you'd never hurt me." / Kidnapped trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 11 - "I could stay like this forever." (Scott White x Fem!Reader)
Day 12 - "How dare you." / Oblivious of feelings trope. (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
Day 13 - "It was the best day of my life." / Comfort trope. (Guy of Gisborne and slight Fem!Reader)
Day 14 - "I wish I could go back." / Lies trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 15 - "How could you possibly think that?" / Arranged marriage trope. (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
Day 16 - Love triangle trope. (Ray Levine x Fem!Reader/Ray Levine x Cassie)
Day 17 - "I need space away from you." / Illness trope. (Modern John Thornton x Fem!Reader)
Day 18 - Angel/demon trope (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
Day 19 - "I can't do this." / Matching tattoos tope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 20 - "I feel like everyone has abandoned me." / Werewolf trope (Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader)
Day 21 - "It really suits you." / Body swap trope. (All Richard fandoms)
Day 22 - "We have all the time in the world." / Break up trope. (John Porter x Fem!Reader)
Day 23 - "Do you regret being with me?" / Time travel trope. (John Thornton x Fem!Reader) COLLAGE
Day 24 - "I need to see you." / Accident trope. (Ray Levine x Reader)
Day 25 - "I'm sorry." / Birthday trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 26 - "I miss you." / Proposal trope. (John Porter x Fem!Reader)
Day 27 - "Do not lie to me." / Anniversary trope. (Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader)
Day 28 - "Lets skip to the good part." / Dream trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 29 - "I never thought we'd ever find a way to each other." / Holiday or vacation trope. (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader in modern times)
Day 30 - "It meant nothing to me." / Pirates trope. (John Thornton x Fem!Reader)
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
Something Borrowed (1)
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Fandom: North and South (modern AU)
Summary: Requested by the wonderful @dabisburntnut Your eldest sister is getting married and you have been invited. However, your family are quite pushy about hooking you up with someone, so you ask your boss (and friend), John Thornton to go with you. 
Pairings: Modern!John Thornton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Silliness, insecurity, drunkenness, very slight anxiety mention, slight overweight!reader mention. 
Word count: 1544
Comments/Notes: My newest tag list is still under construction, so by all means send me an ask or message if you want to be added for all fics, a particular series or fandom. I’m using Lucas North as my modern!John Thornton. Come on, it’s RA anyway. ;) 
Music listened to while writing this piece: ASMR video by FredsVoice ASMR on YouTube.
Masterlist of fan fiction here
It was your lunch break. You plopped down in the seat opposite John, your boss and owner of the factory where you worked as his receptionist. “Can I borrow you for the weekend?” you asked, grinning.
John looked up from the stack of papers on his desk and gave a tired smile.
“You bloody well need it by the looks of it,” you said, seeing the dark circles beneath your friend’s eyes. Had John been sleeping at work again? A couple of times you’d come in at half seven, only to find him asleep in his chair, arms and head on the desk.
“Isn’t your sister getting married?” John asked, stretching back in his seat.
“She is, and my mum is pushing at me to take a guest with me, preferably a man,” you sighed.
“Ahh, a means to an end?” John chuckled wryly.
“No. I didn’t say that,” you replied. “I was thinking of asking you before, but you’ve been so snowed under with all these orders and signing them off, and opening up the new factory, I didn’t think you’d want to go. Or have time to. I’m comfortable with you, John. I don’t feel that with many people.”
John couldn’t help but smile shyly at you. “Well, I’m glad you feel like that.”
“The wedding is at some large country townhouse. Most of what my sister tells me just goes in one ear and out the other, so I don’t really know. All I know is that I’m getting a lift up with my auntie and uncle. We don’t want to take too many cars, so we’re all piling in as few as we can.”
John leaned forward in his chair and watched you, your arms moving this way and that as you explained everything to him. He loved watching you gesticulate; you were so passionate and every word you spoke always sounded so heartfelt. You did nothing by half measure. So if he had been invited to such a close family member’s wedding, then you must have really thought a lot of him.
When you left the office, John sighed to himself and leaned back in his chair, looking out the window behind him. His heart was finally beginning to settle back down to its normal rhythm. You always had this effect on him, but he enjoyed every second of it. The only thing he didn’t enjoy was pondering constantly if you actually felt something for him as he did you. Each lunch break you shared with him; you text each other regularly out of work and, a few times, John had even given you a lift to and from work when your car was being repaired.
For the next three days, you began searching for your dress. Of course, like you normally did, you left things to the last minute if they were things you didn’t want to do. Seeing your sister get married was not something that particularly bothered you; she had always seemed to dislike you, constantly taking the opposite stance to you in debates, and she made it clear that her life was more complete because she now had a man she was about to marry and had three children from a previous relationship. Her husband to be wasn’t much better either. Most of the time he ignored you, only passing pleasantries because he felt obliged. The saving grace in all of this was John. He would be your comfort and your familiarity. None of your family made sense to you. Your parents were middle-aged, fairly well off, and found more interest in their twice yearly holidays in Spain and Italy. Your two sisters had their own lives to lead now, and you rarely saw them.
It hadn’t come as a surprise that your sister hadn’t chosen you to be a bridesmaid or her maid of honour. Those titles went to your sister’s best friends, more people who looked down on you like you were a piece of excrement they had just trod in.
By the time you chose your dress, it was almost closing time, two days before the big day. You had settled on a lilac strap dress. It was quite modest, simple and wouldn’t (hopefully) bring too much attention to your thicker curves.
On the morning of your travel to the wedding venue, you got up and began your normal routine of shower, breakfast and podcasts on your phone. John would be arriving at ten and then your aunt and uncle at eleven to pick you both up. Your uncle was nearing eighty now so you had asked John if he would possibly take over driving half way as the town house was about a two-hour drive away in the middle of nowhere.
Your small suitcase was ready for the two-night stay away. The voice of a kind man spoke into your ears as he discussed ways of combating anxiety and making the most of your life. Listening to podcasts in a morning and journaling always encouraged you to meet the day with a brave face, and today you would desperately need that brave face. The thought of all your judgemental family in one place didn’t particularly please you. If only the earth could open up and you could disappear somewhere for a couple of days.
John arrived at ten promptly. You let him in and closed your eyes, basking in his wonderful aroma as he wafted past you. “Do you want any breakfast?” you asked.
“I already ate before I came out,” he replied. John placed his weekender bag down in the hallway next to your wheelie suitcase.
The drive to the venue was quite uneventful. Your uncle Mike drove slowly and you couldn’t help but keep looking across at John from your seat, ready to laugh at the speed. In the middle of you was your five-year-old niece, Lily. She kept looking up at John, grinning.
“Is this your boyfriend?” Lily asked you.
“No, he’s my friend,” you replied, blushing hard.
“Come on now, dear. You’d make a lovely couple,” your aunt Janet chuckled.
John folded his arms and looked out of the car window. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for him; his long legs made him look incredibly uncomfortable, as though he had been folded over many times to fit in the car.
“You should be looking for a nice husband, you know?” uncle Mike said, looking at you through the review mirror. “Mr. Thornton here seems like a good match.”
“Can we just change topic, please?” you insisted. “I think you’re embarrassing him.”
“We didn’t mean anything by it,” aunt Janet replied, sounding sad for upsetting you both.
Once you had arrived at the large house, the grounds covered in acres of trees, plantations and fountains, you all grabbed your belongings from the car and began a steady walk to the hotel which was situated just behind.
Lily held your hand, and for the first time you wondered why she had been forced to come with you. Why hadn’t she gone with your mum and dad? Not that you minded your niece coming along, but it seemed quite harsh breaking her up from her siblings. At least she was with family.
“Auntie (y/n)?” Lily asked politely.
“Yes, sweets?”
She beckoned you down with her small hand so she could whisper in your ear. Her high pitched, melodic voice became low in your ear. “Can you ask Mr. Thornton to dance with me?”
“I’m sure he won’t mind,” you replied, looking over at John.
“Pardon?” John asked, still looking a little uncomfortable and out of place.
“Lily was asking if you’d dance with her at the reception.”
John bent down to the little blonde haired girl and smiled. “You’ll be first on my list,” he said.
The sight of John interacting with your niece made you feel something warm in your chest and it spread outward through you.
“Come on, darlings,” aunt Janet called.
The hotel behind the main venue was a lot more modern, having television screens in the reception and plenty of coffee machines. “Hello,” a well set, dark-haired man said, offering you all a smile. He was dressed in a black suit and you noticed the name Peter on his name badge. “You must be part of the group for the wedding planned for this weekend?”
“We are,” aunt Janet said.
You still kept hold of Lily’s hand and watched John avert his gaze towards the door, as though he wanted to disappear and never be seen again.
“You’ve all been booked into rooms. Can I take all of your names, please?” Peter asked.
Of course you knew that Lily would have to check in properly with her mum and dad, who were strangely absent. Considering that your uncle drove so slow, you seemed to be the first group who had arrived.
Peter then turned to you and John. “I see we just have a ‘plus one’ for you, Sir,” he told John. “But can we take a name.”
“John Thornton.”
“That has all been checked for you. A king-size room is now available for you both.”
You blanched. “Is that one bed or two?” you asked.
“It’s one large bed.”
Oh, shit!
Main tag list: @shikin83​ @deepestfirefun​ @emrfangirl​ @dabisburntnut​ @aspookybunny​ @karlthecat15722​ @tigereyesf​ @swoopswishsward​ @sunnysidesidra @la-meneur-louve​ @moony-artnstuff​ @mama-tole-me-not-2-come​ @wolfavatar17​ @morganofthecoves1​ @narnvaeron​ @hobbitoferebor​ @meganlpie​ @thequeenoferebor​ @mynameisnoneya1991​ @jumpingmanatee​ @xxbyimm​ @annewoods91 @nowiloveandwilllove​ @inhabitant-of-the-void​ @thorinthehottotty​ @rachel1959​ @reinabell​ @paracosmfantasy​ @blankdblank​ @sherala007​ @creativelyquestioninglife​ @c-s-stars​ @phyreblue​ @middleearthmama​ @luna-xial​ 
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