#Mod Octavia will remember this.
mixology-expert · 6 months
...Mix sighs and leaves to get back to his bar.
At least it would be nice to see Drunkie and the others again, I suppose..
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realmermaid333 · 2 months
Tigris character analysis ramble LOL
I'm not sure if someone has already pointed this out or if this has been discussed before, but I was thinking how maybe Tigris turned herself into a tiger via body modifications, and chose to eat only raw meat to cope with past cannibalism and sexual trauma. We hear Coryo speak a lot about cannibalism in the Capitol during the war, and how much it disgusted him. I mean, the boy can't even look at Persephone Price without thinking about it. Part of me thinks maybe Tigris secretly took some meat off of the bodies in the street as well and ate it so Coryo could eat the lima beans and stuff that they got from Pluribus, and other food they scavenged.
I feel like she would have avoided having Coryo eat it, and would have instead wanted him to be able to eat normal food to "maintain his dignity". Though there is the scene where Tigris says he must be "too young to remember how bad things got" when he insisted that she never did anything disgraceful for survival. She did seem to hint that they all did disgraceful things- including Coryo. But Tigris would have thought poorly of herself for eating a human, and we know that being forced into cannibalism is very traumatizing. Maybe she thought of herself as a "beast" or a "monster" for it so she chose to turn herself into a tiger. And eating raw meat would fit into that persona. Maybe she did it as a form of self-punishment after she decided to be a tiger and succumb to being the beast she thought of herself as. Or maybe it was soothing for her to relive eating the meat in a more controlled way. Like with raw steak rather than human meat.
We know that her and Snow had a falling out, and there are many different factors that could have played into it. Like Snow sex trafficking victors, shaming her for her body modifications, or just him being generally cruel to others, etc. There is another theory I saw online that maybe Snow forced Tigris into the body mods to make her seem less "weak" or "easy to abuse" like how he'd described her early on in TBOSAS. We know that he could be very possessive of her, so I could see this being a possibility.
Though I think it is more likely that her body mods were her own doing, especially since eccentric body mods like hers were becoming more normalized in the Capitol. Like how Katniss's stylist, Octavia, had green skin in the first book and she changed the color of her skin somehow throughout the trilogy. But then again, we know that whatever happened between her and Snow was bad enough that she was pleased when Katniss said she was going to kill him.
But maybe Tigris also saw herself as "having a sweetness that welcomed abuse" so she thought making herself look "scary" would protect her from experiencing sexual abuse again, as it's somewhat implied in the books that Tigris had to turn to prostitution for food as a teen.
I also think Snow may have used Tigris's change in appearance as an excuse for firing her from her stylist position, when in all reality it was for other reasons, like her disagreeing with his actions. I like the theory that Tigris was Finnick's stylist. It would make sense that maybe Tigris would end up being a stylist in the games if she didn't have many other options, we know she was pretty against the Games so how she even got that job in the first place is something I am so curious about. Maybe she became numb to it, or hopeless and bitter. Maybe Snow offered her the position and expected her to take it. She could have done it to avoid further conflict with him because she still loved him. And maybe Tigris figured that she could at least bond with and comfort the children before they inevitably died in the Games. There are many possibilities.
But I could see her being Finnick's stylist, and maybe she really liked him and bonded with him. And when he won, she of course maintained that bond with him, and would have seen him on his Victory Tour and every time he was in the Capitol. Maybe he confided in her when he was being sex trafficked, or mentioned it nonchalantly, and that was when Tigris realized that Snow was doing this to literal children, and it wasn't just the older, adult victors choosing to go into sex work or something like Snow could have led her to believe.
This could have started a big fight between her and Snow and led to her being fired from the Games. This would especially make sense since she was a stylist long enough that Katniss remembered seeing her on tv, but also enough time passed that it took her a while to recognize her. Finnick won the 65th Games, so Katniss would have been seven the last time she saw Tigris on screen (assuming Tigris was fired before the 66th HGs) but it still wouldn't be hard for her to remember seeing a tiger lady.
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The Receipts - The Second Supermoon of Doom (Oct 2015), Part I
MOD NOTE: Okay, this month we start getting into some parts of the timeline where I will have to openly label things as “fandom folklore” or “conjecture” because I just do not have the first hand notes about it, only later gossip. (Remember, I only got in the fandom around March 2016, so this is slightly before my activity.) I’ll make it very clear where that happens. If someone reading this does have first hand knowledge or screencaps, please contact me.
Also, this is where we’re going to get into the issue of DELETED Jenny tweets. Obviously, Jenny’s twitter account is now gone, so all her tweets are now deleted. However, when I note DELETED tweet somewhere, I am noting a tweet she deleted the same day she made it or slightly after. Those seem to be ones which may have said a little too much, or been too leading, when read in a certain light. Okay, let’s go!
Oct 1 – Octavia kicks it off with a tweet about how much she loves Chris
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Oct 6 – Chris posts a tweet that shows he’s still reading his impermanence writings
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Oct 7 – First day of Gifted principal photography, Savannah
Oct 8 – Gifted filming on Tybee Island
Jenny makes a tweet that makes it seem she’s lonely:
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Oct 9 – Filming Gifted, Atlanta
Oct 12 – Gifted filming, Savannah
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(Remember this look, lol.)
On the same day, Jenny makes a strange tweet about married relations:
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Oct 14 -  Jenny makes a trio of tweets that make it sound like she’s mostly still hanging out on her own:
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Oct 15 – a fan encounter with Chris out at dinner, Savannah
Oct 16 – Gifted filming, Tybee Island
Oct 19 – Gifted filming, Tybee Island
The first Jenny tweet where it starts to become clearer that something is happening and changing in their working relationship:
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Okay, that's PART I of October 2015 - because I'm pretty sure this will be too long to post as one whole post. Check back for PART II!
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 months
February 7: The Expanse 1x04
Why would you introduce my beautiful wife Captain Yao just to kill her one episode later??? I will riot in the streets.
Seriously, I really was like immediately attached to her, in a way I haven’t been to any other character in this show yet, and I was all ready for her to be a fave and now she’s gone. Truly a disappointment. Also it makes me kind of annoyed that Cop 2 is still alive because while I had no particular issues with him, having him be surprise alive in the same ep as another, worse, more definitive death… so sad for me specifically.
Second thought: my favorite parts of this show are the world building sections and my least favorite are the action sequences. All the tense life-or-death-situation scenes are really boring to me still. I mean admittedly action is not my genre in general but something about the action scenes in this show just seem particularly… flat, for some reason? I just feel no intensity and no urgency about them at all and I honestly kind of zoned out through them. In this ep, I’m talking specifically about the crew stopping up the wholes in the prison cell, and the run to the escape ship during gunfire.
But the world building is exquisite. I’m really into all the information we’re getting on Mars and how they see Earth—and themselves. Every new bit of information is simultaneously exciting and surprising and unpredictable, and also fits in perfectly with all of the other information, providing an overall picture of the society that feels coherent and real. And this even though we’ve seen very few Martian characters and not yet seen their home world at all.
I was also really excited about all the tech in the dead guy that the detectives were examining (as a side note, probably shouldn’t get attached to her, and I still don’t entirely get what she does, but Octavia is growing on me a lot). It sort of reminded me of Dollhouse in its future episodes except the tech was spread throughout the body instead of being mind-focused. Like, body mods, even data storage as part of the body mods, isn’t a NEW idea but it’s an idea I LIKE and I appreciated how they were developing it here. Also the term ‘gear head.’
I did not really get what was happening with the shootout in the corridor of the Donninger, which ended with that guy getting his arm blown off and then it just healed itself. Part of this is that as soon as the shoot out started I zoned out entirely because as I said, I just cannot care. So I probably missed important information. I think…he was one of the people who boarded the ship? One of the mystery antagonists? His space suit was different than the red-faced Martian ones. But they also called him a mole? Maybe? And something about a weapon that wouldn’t be able to fire. I probably should have rewatched the scene but I wanted to keep going. I also don’t know what it meant that his arm healed itself right away but based on the expression on Holden’s face, I think that’s supposed to be a mystery.
As far as I can tell, the mystery antagonists are OPA-aligned (based on the scene where the guy kicked all the Mormons off the ship he was building, and also the stuff with the guy being tortured in the first couple episodes) but there’s something Extra about them. The arm-healing thing, for one. Maybe it’s Mormon tech? LMAO.
Oh, just remembered. Another thing I like about the world building on this show is how normal Earth looks. Like clearly this is far in the future and there’s a lot of new tech and so on and so forth, and Earth from a distance looks quite different as well, with the degree to which it’s been built up at least in major cities—but it’s not all sleek futuristic houses or minimalism or just sweeping amounts of shiny new advanced entertainment etc. The houses are just houses, the clothes are just clothes, the people still read books and talk about dinosaurs. It makes everything feel more real and believable, and sort of helps ground the (sometimes very far out) worlds of this possible future with the actual world.
I was surprised by the insta-jump to found family among Holden and the crew. His insistence he needed to get back to ‘his people’ was a little meh for me, which I KNOW is completely unfair. The show has objectively earned the right to have him be protective of them, after their recent adventures and given that they’re the last survivors of their ship. But most of what we’ve seen from them has just been infighting… it’s hard for me to feel yet like they actually like each other and would be so deeply loyal. Meh. I don’t know. At least the most annoying of them has bitten the dust. I am not sad about it.
Also WHY are there so many Mormons? Are they like really important or is this just an extensive riff off a sort of joke (even in the future and even in space, white men in suits will try to evangelize you)?
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[me, considering sending in milo to distract lantern for bob]
[me, remembering that milo is drawing in octavias room]
[me: well shit. youre on your own buddy...]
-[mod lily]
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sharky857 · 1 month
Space Monkeys as… Tenno?
No, this is not going to be about some funky cross over. 😂
Since my latest hyperfixation is still set on CSATSM, and considering that Warframe has become my top addiction for what concerns gaming since the last 5-ish years or so, my brain came up with its own One Million Dollar Question™:
"Which monkey/ape would use which warframe?"
Without further ado, here's my takes. This list has been typed by keeping in mind only 'frames released until this point (so, there won't be any Jade and later 'frame).
Moreover, even though it won't be mentioned anywhere, each 'frame is to be considered as their "Prime" variant, when already available.
Captain Simian Starter Warframe: Excalibur Later on: Mesa, no ifs no buts. At least until he'll learn the existence of the so-called "nukers", either a Saryn or a Volt, for clearing tilesets even more quickly. Might also go absolutely banana with the Railjack missions.
Shao Lin Starter Warframe: Excalibur Later on: Would stick to Baruuk, being drawn in by his in-game description. However, if peeved enough, she might give a shot at other 'frames, especially those that revolve around the use of melee weapons (Kullervo, Styanax, Excalibur Umbra… you name them). If she's still unfamiliar with some tilesets and/or that new to the game/new areas, Shao Lin will also sift through them inch by inch to acquire familiarity and every single resource she may grab. She's also the one figuring out how to solve puzzles to unlock hidden rooms. Her favourite mission would be on Pavlov (Lua, spy mission). Would also give some "Conclave" a shot, if she could find anyone willing to play those PVP modes.
Spydor Starter Warframe: "Meh, whatever" (twas a spider monkey picking one at random) Later on: He's that one player lurking in trade chat and/or at Maroo's bazaar, trying to convince "rookie mooks" to buy an unranked pressure point mod for 100 plats or something. Assuming he is not getting perma-banned in the process, he might stick to those 'frames who would allow him to go safely AFK while letting the rest of the team deal with whatever "mook" and objective. Might put some actual effort in the Index and against Exploiter Orb (credits galore, babey!) If actually banned, Spydor won't hesitate to come back with as many new accounts as possible.
Gor Starter Warframe: He would blindly trust the in game description and choose Excalibur. Might also take him a while to get through that very first quest, because too busy reading/listening to directions, instructions and tips, in fear of missing something Very Important™. Later on: Would stick to either Rhino and/or Revenant, finding them the easiest to play with. As long as he remembers to recast "Iron Skin" and "Mesmer Skin" respectively, all is good. He might also struggle a bit to let go of that "Excalibaby", even after obtaining the "Umbra" variant, due to developing some sentimental attachment to it. Simian and the others may try to convince Gor in this sense, but it would be all to no avail. He wouldn't dare to feed them to a Helminth either, preferring to craft unranked ones from scratch and feed those to that thing instead. Later on they all would gift him some inventory slots, so that he can keep all his warframes.
Doc. Splitz Starter: Mag Later on: Lavos, Protea or even Vauban would be his go-to 'frames. Additionally, both himself and Splitzy would develop a small liking/fascination for Otak and Loid. For… No real reason. Honest.
Splitzy Starter: Mag (doc. Splitz beat him to the selection screen) Later on: Octavia. He would spend hours trying to fit the best bits of country line dances on her Mandachord. One might or might not also spot his Octavia constantly emote-dancing while the "bluetooth of doom" commits a slaughter all around.
Orbitron Starter Warframe: "Why is there no cheese? :(" (going to pick whatever at random) Later on: Wukong and Limbo, aka: those 'frames known for being effin' trolls.
BONUS ROUND WITH OCs (under "keep reading" so those uninterested can move along)
Brenda Starter: Mag (bubbling enemies and watching them hit themselves feels somewhat cathartic) Later on: Miss "I can do this I don't need no stinkin' help" would stick to either Oberon or Wisp. Would also adore Railjack missions with a squad, and you'll have to pry the pilot seat off of her cold, dead hands.
Jordan Starter: Volt (a clean tileset is a happy tileset~) Later on: Still sticking to a Volt, but also not disregarding other 'frames. All would depends on whether he'll go solo or nah, and what type of mission it's gonna be.
Deneb Starter: "Meh :/" (would pick one at random; he's definitely been dragged into this against his own will) Later on: "Last seen online: it's been 84 years"
Mintaka Starter: Excalibur Later on: Watch her go on a slaughterfest with Garuda. Might switch over to Valkyr when feeling slightly less murder-y. Might switch over to Ash when a mission requires some stealth. Would enter anything Duviri only if "Stalker" is in the current roster.
Maxine Starter: Mag ("SHE CUTE! :3" she said) Later on: Still sticking to a Mag. But also to a Nova, Octavia, Yareli, Nezha, Volt, Gauss, Grendel, Nidus… Anything she might deem as "cute :3" for one reason or another. She would also make "meme builds" that actually wipe entire tilesets in seconds. Won't hesitate to go for level capping Steel Path endless missions.
Captain Orion Starter: Excalibur Later on: Would play exclusively in a squad, and would pick only warframes that could offer any kind of support and buff to others, from Trinity to Wisp. He's also the one instantly onto the other players when they are downed. Would also not mind in the slightest to be always the one with the least damage dealt and/or kills, preferring to let others go ham in their carnage (being bloodthirsty is just not his style).
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n7viper · 1 year
I am so so sick of people criticizing warframe and its monetization only to be hit with “yeah but you can get everything except certain cosmetics in the game for free!! you just have to grind for it”
yes, it’s true! you’re absolutely correct. but the way that rng works in the game and the drop chances they’ve set are absolutely disgusting. I have been playing off and on for over NINE years. I have 2600+ hours in the game. I have never ONCE gotten hate or despair, but I’m fucking drowning in dread and molten impact or whatever stupid fucking mod he drops. they both have a less than THREE PERCENT chance to drop from a random encounter enemy if you've done second dream (so... most everyone). and it's only a FIVE percent chance if you haven't/his target hasn't. how is that fair?
abysmal drop rates don’t keep me engaged, they leave me feeling defeated. there is nothing I can do to remedy drop chances like that. there's no skill that I can master that will help me improve. I can't keep practicing with a certain weapon to improve. I'm at the mercy of a cruel rng system that doesn't cut you any slack.
I remember looking at voruna's drop chances on the wiki after that update and saw that all of her piece bps are in rot c of some new survival node. why would i bother? I only got og octavia from prime — otherwise, I couldn’t get the last piece of her to drop from ods.
also I think the prime access pack pricing is aggressive and horrible, among other things. I hate some of the packs that you can buy in the market (fucking MOD packs and their ilk; are you kidding me??) that DE just doesn’t do much about despite community backlash. I’ve gotten suspended once for buying prime access from a cheap 3rd party and I’d fucking do it again.
sorry, I know DE are the little uwu devs that everyone loves, but I just cannot with them. the game is what it is, and it’s incredibly meaningful to me. I met a lot of wonderful people and 3 of the absolute best friends that i could ask for. it has hands down THE most amazing movement/parkour system that I have never seen matched in any other game. I love the melee weapons and stances (tonbo gang) so so much. but I think people don’t call them out on their bullshit enough. people only care to get mad when they nerf things (which yeah, deserved, but ugh)
this post has no point except that I saw yet another post where someone said warframe was "two steps up from a gacha in terms of monetization, since at least you know what you're getting when you spend way too much money on this free game" and there were lots of comments in the reblogs like "ACKSHUALLY it's not gacha, you can get everything free" and after nine years I'm fucking tired of that argument.
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to all the mods, how did you get into mlp and who is your favorite background pony :0?
i got into mlp around age 7 or 8, and i dont quite remember how lol. i think it either just was on the hub a lot and i watched it out of curiosity or it was all over the internet and i watched it for the same reason...i always loved horses though!! i took horse riding lessons as a young kid and i also collected bella sara cards and played howrse competitively! my fav background ponies are probably dr whooves, muffins vinyl and octavia though! i also quite like zecora and luna but i think theyre both secondary chars lol. - mod twilight
I got into mlp through one of my friends when i was fairly young!! we liked to watch the old movies on vhs!!! and my favourite background ponies are Lyra and Bonbon and also Dr Whooves - Mod Braeburn
I liked it a little bit as a preteen and a kid, I had a few of the toys (brushable rainbowdash was my fav) But me and my gf both got back into it fairly recently!! My favorite background character is probably DJ pon-3! - Mod Rainbowdash
I got into in young and it was the only thing i ever drew and since I connected so deeply and loved art it was my favorite thing. (up until the show ended) Ive also been rekindling my love for it with this blog and art! I also LOVE thorax - Mod Big Mac
I was in love with it when I was a kid and enjoyed it in secret in middle school but now that I'm older I feel more comfortable in enjoying it again!! Me and my partner got back into it together! I think the character design and pleasant friendly atmosphere was the biggest draw for me :) My favourite background pony is Fleur De Lis -mod starcatcher
I grew up on g1 and g3 so those gens were my introduction!! My mom handed me down her g1 toys and vhs’s and I watched and played with g3 as it came out. Hasbro has a customer for life lol! And I know it’s a bit of a basic answer, but my fav background characters from g4 have to by lyra and bonbon. The absolute joy I felt when I saw that representation for the first time comes back to me every time I see them onscreen ;-; - mod applejack 
i was (and still am, i guess) a massive horse girl, and i spent literal hours watching my little pony clips wherever i could find them, it didn’t even really matter what gen it was, usually gen one or three . it wasn’t long before my parents noticed, started getting me stuff, and it kind of became my thing, so whenever holiday seasons came around everyone knew what to get me . lost my mind when gen 4 came out, jumped into the fandom, had a blast, and now i’m back here lol . my favorite background pony is screwball ! <3 - mod luna
ive always loved mlp since i was a kid! my love for it reemerged about 2~ years ago & now im here! i grew up solely on g4 so i havent seen any of the other generations yet! i think the thing thats keeping me so invested is the culture surrounding mlp & its fandom. its very lovely and im so glad to be a part of it <3 my fav bg ponies are probably muffins or bonbon/lyra! - mod button mash
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Banished (Part 51)
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Word Count: 10K
*Based off episode 4x06 of the 100, We Will Rise*
*Bold/Italics are Trig!*
Previous episode...
The fire on Alpha station was put out as your people worked together, the rain falling from the sky providing help as well. Jaha stood in the middle of camp, looking at the destroyed ship with a somber face as Jasper walked up.
Jasper looked up into the sky, the rain falling on his face. “It’s not black rain.”
Jaha continued to look at the Ark, broken to pieces and no longer offering survival. “It will be colorless when it comes.”
“How are we gonna know?” Jasper asked him as he continued to look up in the falling rain.
“Pain.” Jaha sighed. “Chaos. Death.”
Jasper rolled his eyes as he listened. “Same old, same old then.” He smirked before looking around. Children were curled into their parents, some coughing and some sleeping before Jasper saw the frown still on Jaha’s face. “Jeez, cheer up Jaha. Once you accept there’s nothing to be done, there’s nothing to worry about.” Jasper didn’t find one problem with Alpha Stations destruction. He had no plans to be inside when Praimfaya hit anyways.
There was a group of men, stock piling parts of the ship that had fallen and still reusable as Jaha watched on. “We’ll find a way.” He said before Jasper chuckled.
“I found a way.” He whispered. “If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.” Jasper jokingly quotes Dr. Seuss as he walked away, leaving Jaha to mull over his words as the man pulled out the pendent from the dead man you all found in the bunker. He’ll find a way to survive
Following Ilian’s decision to set fire to the ship, he was put in the cell to keep him safe and to make sure he doesn’t pull another stunt. Kane stood next to you, asking if you were alright from your coughing when the angry mod ran past you. It didn’t take a genius to know they were going for Ilian. Kane called for the guard as you both ran after them. By the time you arrived, Ilian was already being beaten, covered in his own blood as you and Kane both tore people off him. One man hit you in the mouth and kicked your left foot out from under you, before you realized Kane pulled out his gun. Yet you had already landed on your knee, laying on the ground with a split lip and a throbbing leg.
He fired 3 shots into the air.
The shouting ceased as everyone looked to Kane. He aimed the gun at the crowd, getting them to backup from Ilian. “I will shoot the next person who touches this man, so help me!” He threatened as people looked around deciding it wasn’t worth it. Kane stuck a hand out to you, helping you off the ground as you touched your lip, feeling the slight blood coating as you patted it away. Kane continued to look at the crowd, daring anyone to attack, but they didn’t and chose to leave. “Good choice.” When the last person left the room, including the guard, Kane dropped the gun and looked to see your lip. “Go check with Clarke, let her take a look at you.” He told you but you shook your head.
“I don’t need to get checked out, it’s just a lip.”
“And your leg?” He motioned down at you limping enough for him to notice. You sighed and avoided looking at him. “You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine, Kane.” You told him, getting him to stop worrying. You nodded towards Ilian groaning on the ground. “But he might not be. Let’s just get him to the med bay.” You started to help Ilian up before realizing Kane was helping. He was too busy just watching you, noticing how tired you were. “Earth to Kane. You planning to help or are you just going stand there and let me do all the work?” Sighing lightly, he put his gun away, and threw Ilian’s other over his shoulder as you dragged him to the med bay.
“Stage two re-entry in 5” The computer informed Raven before it started to count down. She was sat in the rocket, looking at the screens in front of her as she worked the shaking rocket.
She pushed herself on. “Come on, you can do this.” She muttered, more focus than ever.
“Main booster engaged. Fuel levels critical and dropping fast.” The computer was finished counting down as Raven looked to the fuel, seeing it at 20%.
“No, no, no!” She chanted, trying her best to push on despite the warnings being yelled at her. The fuel hit 0% as Raven grunted, trying to make the rocket last.
“Warning. Brace for impact.” Raven was still stressing, hoping the rocket would pull through. Fire exploded on the screen in front of her as she groaned and leaned back in her seat, the lights in the rocket turning off. “Mission fail.” The screen lit up red as Raven read over the report of her failed simulation. “Exterior damage 100%. Cargo Damage 100%. Fatality 100%”
“Way to go, Raven.” Murphy was outside the rocket, playing with a toy car as he spoke over the speaker in his ear to the one in Raven’s. “Nuclear death wave 42, mankind 0.”
Raven rolled her eyes as she turned on her microphone. “Do you want to get in here and try it?”
“Nah, kind of busy out here.” He told her, focusing on his toy car. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to be responsible for everyone in the world dying.”
Raven was getting irritated by Murphy’s presence as she went over her failed simulation. “Abby said you had to watch. No one said you had to weigh in.” She reminded him.
Murphy chuckled softly. “That’s me, always going above and beyond. Speaking of, you keep starting your fuel at 75%. Maybe that’s your problem.”
“Pay attention. 10 barrels of hydrazine is all we have at Arkadia. If there was more, then I wouldn’t be having a landing problem.” Her sentence stopped as a headache ripped through her brain, making her pause and hold her forehead. “Damn it.” She groaned.
Murphy stopped playing with the car, looking back to the rocket. “You okay in there?”
“I’m fine. Shut up.” She snapped at him.
Murphy wasn’t deterred from her attitude. “Do you want me to wake up the doc?”
Raven’s headache started fading as she denied his question. “I’m good.” She said. She started to set up the simulation again, setting the fuel gage to 75%. “I’m running it again.”
Murphy sighed. “Sure. 28th time’s a charm, right?” He joked sarcastically as Raven ignored him, starting the simulation up again.
“Simulation starting.” The computer told her before the rocket on the screen launched into space, letting Raven try again.
Clarke woke up in her bed early the next morning, forgetting any idea of sleeping in. She reached over to her nightstand, grabbing her shirt that sat on top. She was about to pull it over her head before seeing a drawing she had done ages ago of Lexa before she passed hung onto Clarke’s wall. A pang in her heart caused Clarke to stop, just living in the memory of her deceased ex-girlfriend.
“Don’t you sleep?” Clarke finished throwing her shirt on before turning around and smiling at Niylah laying in Clarke’s bed. “Everyone needs rest, Clarke.” Clarke sighed in content as she moved across the room to pick up her pants. “There she goes.”
“I have to.” Clarke reminded her as she slipped on the last article of her clothes. “Going to the island today to bring rocket fuel to my Mom and Raven so they go into space to make Nightblood. It’s now officially our only hope.”
Niylah nodded softly, feeling the guilt in her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop that boy from destroying your home.”
“It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have left you and Octavia.” Niylah was about to object but Clarke didn’t let her get a word in. “Besides, now we don’t have to worry about kicking 450 people out when the death wave hits or sharing it with Azgeda.” Clarke assured her, remembering when you had told her about promising half of Alpha to Ice Nation, not that it mattered anymore.
“Lexa would be proud of you.” Niylah said as Clarke stopped dressing for a moment, sparing a glance up. “We’re all your people. She believed that, too.” Niylah stood out of the bed, walking over to Clarke. “She lives on through you.” Niylah was trying to get Clarke to understand, but the look on Clarke’s face told Niylah she was thinking of something else. “What is it?”
Clarke looked her in the eyes. “I want you to stay here. You can stay in my room until I get back.” Clarke said but Niylah just shook her head.
“Clarke, I’m not asking for anything more than this moment. That’s how I live.”
“I know.” Clarke said as she grabbed her hand. “But Niylah please, once we solve Nightblood, it’ll be distributed to Arkadia and Polis first. I’d feel better knowing you were here to get it.” Niylah stayed silent, thinking over Clarke’s offer before smiling with a nod. “Good.” Clarke smiled as well. “I’ll let med bay know they have an extra hand.”
After Clarke threw her jacket on, she pulled Niylah to her, embracing in a kiss before pulling away. “Now go save us all.” Clarke nodded, sharing one last look with Niylah before leaving.
The plan for today was for Clarke and Bellamy to take the hydrazine to the lab. Roan was going as well to supervise, not trusting Skaikru not to betray him. Right now, you were listening to Monty tell you, Bellamy, Kane and Roan about the outcome of yesterday’s disaster. “Sectors 3, 4 and 5 had sustained the most damage. We lost the server room, all of our processors, life support systems, and half our living quarters. Backup power will keep the lights on at night in the room that survived, but there will be no heat or running water. And no way to restore it or reseal the ship before the radiation gets here.”
You nodded your head, trying to keep yourself from biting and hurting your cut lip more. “Is there any good news?” Bellamy asked as you agreed, not at all seeing a good part to this.
“No one died.” Kane said as you turned your head to look at him, seeing him staring past you to Bellamy.
“Forget the Ark.” Clarke called out as you all turned to look at her. She stood next to Kane. “It was never going to save us all anyway. We need to focus on the Nightblood situation. Is the fuel loaded?”
“It’s in process, but Clarke, it’s not going to be an easy ride.” Bellamy told her and you nodded slowly, looking towards Roan.
He met your eye briefly before Clarke caught on, growing concerned. “What don’t I know?”
Roan cleared his throat. “With the secret of Praimfaya out, I sent Echo and my army back to Polis to keep peace.”
“That’s good. We can’t distribute the cure without peace.”
“More than half of them deserted along the way. With the end coming, they want to be home. I don’t blame them.”
Clarke nodded, her face falling somber. Bellamy jumped into the conversation. “Do you blame them for burning Trikru villages on the way?” He asked and you smacked his arm lightly enough to get his attention, sending him a frown.
“That’s funny coming from you.” Roan spit back and your frown shifted to him.
“Stop, both of you.” You said to them, crossing your arms in front of you. Bellamy’s eyes furrowed as he watched Roan stare at you but you weren’t focused on him, instead your attention was on Kane as he spoke and put a hand on your upper back.
“We know the woods are a war zone.” He looked down at you, seeing you subconsciously rub a finger across the split on your lip as you listened. “After what happened to Ilian,” you tore your hand away, now aware of your actions as Kane looked up at Bellamy, “I can’t spare many of the guard to protect you.”
Bellamy sighed, giving him a thin smile as Roan spoke up. “My security detail can protect us.” He offered.
“Thank you.” Kane told him. “That’s very generous.”
Roan nodded looking around the table before ending at you. “We’re all in this together now.” He said before walking out.
Bellamy watched him leave, not missing you watching as well. “I’m going to go say goodbye to Octavia before we leave.” He muttered and you gave him a short smile he returned before leaving and Monty followed behind.
You were about to leave as well before overhearing Kane and Clarke’s conversation. “I’m going with you.” He said to the girl as you stopped right outside the doorway, out of view from Kane and Clarke.
“You can’t.” you silently agreed with Clarke as Kane reminded her that he was Chancellor. “That’s why you can’t go. After everything that happened this morning, out people need you here, now more than ever.” The look in Kane’s eyes made Clarke know why he wanted to go so badly. “I know you’re worried about my mother.”
Kane took a deep breath. “She’s going into space in a 100-year-old rocket. Do you have any idea how many things could go wrong?”
“Raven says the rocket’s intact.” Clarke promised. “She’d like a little more fuel, but as long as we get her what we’ve got, she said she’ll get them both back down safely.” Kane still wasn’t convinced as Clarke gave him a smile. “Look, we have to try. I’ll send her your love.”
You inhaled sharply, listening to Kane agree to Clarke’s statement. Did Kane love Abby? As long as you’ve known him, Kane’s never been in love before, or at least, you didn’t think he had.
Inside the room, Kane and Clarke shared an awkward hug before Kane walked out of the room, not seeing you as he went the other way down the hall. As soon as he was out, you walked back in, catching Clarke’s attention by your sudden reappearance.
“You got enough room for one more?” you asked as she furrowed her brows. “I figure it’s worth going. Roan doesn’t trust anyone but me, and I don’t think Bellamy’s so keen on the idea of Roan being there in the first place.”
“You don’t want to stay here?”
“Yeah, I think I wanna risk getting a black eye to match my lip.” You joked and chuckled, but Clarke didn’t laugh. She couldn’t even offer you a smile and you knew she was worried about the trip. You put your hands on her shoulders. “Look, I know you don’t trust Roan, and I know you don’t trust his men, but the only way we’re getting through this today is letting them protect us. Abby and Raven need the hydrazine. I’m not seeing another option here.”
“You’re right.” She sighed and you dropped your arms. You gave her one more grin before leaving her alone.
Octavia laid on her side in the med bay, facing away from the entrance as she watched the numerous people bouncing around and helping the people wrapped in bandages. Bellamy walked inside, immediately seeing his sister as he stood behind her. “You gave us a scare.” He said, trying to break the ice. He was immensely happy his sister was alive, but she didn’t anything to do with Bellamy choosing to ignore him instead. “You saved so many people, O. Without you getting here to warn us Azgeda was coming, we’d be at war.”
“Get out.” She growled at him.
Bellamy took an unsteady breath. “Octavia, I thought you were dead.” He kept his voice soft, quiet to not crack.
“Octavia is dead.” She mumbled, staring straight ahead, numb to the emotions she should be feeling. “She died when you killed Lincoln.”
Bellamy’s heart was breaking. “Please don’t say that, O. I’m your brother.”
She turned around, slowly looking Bellamy in his eyes. “Why do you think you’re still alive.” When she turned back around, Bellamy could feel his chest constrict and he couldn’t be in here any longer. He left his sister in the med bay to hate him as she stared off, detaching herself from the world.
The rover was being filled by Monty and a few Arkadia soldiers, Roan watching them as you tried not to limp up to him, your arms crossed in front of you when you got his attention. “Bellamy, Clarke, and I are riding in the front. You and your men will ride in the back with the fuel.”
Roan nodded his head, but one of his men listening in didn’t like the idea. “The King of Azgeda follows no one.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “He will if he has no plans on dying today. Besides, I think your King can speak for himself.”
“It’s all right, Seiku.” Roan interrupted, raising an eye at you. “Best we stay out of sight for now.” Seiku nodded, sending you a slight glare you gave a sarcastic smile too.
As Seiku left, Bellamy walked right past you, looking upset but he didn’t stop to talk, only saying it was time to go. The last barrel was put in the rover as Monty jumped off and Clarke walked up, joining you and Roan. “We ready?” you asked as Monty nodded.
“Locked and loaded. I do, however, feel the need to reiterate, you’re about to drive the last 10 barrels of hydrazine known to man, a cargo which Raven needs every last drop of, through hostile territory packed with warring clans, over uneven roads where one serious bump could cause an explosion that would not only kill all of you but wipe out mankind’s only remaining chance at survival.” Monty’s words weren’t comforting at all, every bad situation running through your head.
“So, no pressure?” you joked obviously feeling all sorts of pressure.
Roan looked to you, Monty doing so as well as his face remained stoic. “No, Y/N. Lots of pressure.”
You sighed, nodding your head just a little. “That was a…” Monty didn’t let you finish before he walked away. You watched him leave as you finished your thought. “joke.”
Roan watched your face fall. “Everything okay?”
You looked up at him, nodding your head as fast as you could. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m- I’m fine. Just uh, I’ll be right there.” You didn’t wait for Roan to answer as you took off after your friend. “Monty!” Monty let out a huff as he stopped walking, turning annoyed to see you jog up to him. “Are we good?” you asked as you stood in front of him.
“Fine.” He shrugged but didn’t spare a glance to you.
You waited, just a second to see if he’d add more before you let out a rather sad chuckle. “Really? Because a week ago if I asked you that, you would’ve given me more than just fine.” You waited for Monty to say something more again, but he stayed silent, only making eye contact. You sighed, remembering the one thing that had changed since a week ago. “If this is about me shock lashing Jasp-“
“You didn’t need to shock him!” He interrupted you, yelling a little and catching the attention of a few people around, Including Clarke, Roan and Bellamy who watched from the rover at Monty’s voice.
You swallowed, keeping your voice calm. “I’m sorry, Monty. He was going to read the list out, at the time-“
“It seemed like the right thing?” he stopped you, filling in the rest of your sentence. You couldn’t look at him, knowing he was hitting the nail on the head. Monty scoffed at you. “You know, Clarke and you aren’t the only ones doing what they think is right for the people.” Monty backed away from you and you felt completely awful.
You turned around, frowning when you realized Bellamy, Clarke and Roan were all still watching. You took a deep breath and approached them. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get this show on the road.” You climbed into the front seat without another care, hearing the door close before you let out a shaky breath and closing your eyes as Bellamy got inside, Clarke jumping in the backseat.
While Bellamy was hurting himself after talking to his sister, he comforted you, taking his hand in yours as you sat in silence and waited for Monty’s all clear before he steered out of Arkadia.
Continuing his amusement while Raven worked, Murphy was throwing a ball against the wall, catching it as it bounced back. After another failed attempt at the simulation, Raven let out a scream. Murphy wasn’t surprised as he talked to her over the earpiece. “All work and no play makes Raven a dull girl.” Murphy mumbled as he tossed the ball again. Inside the rocket, Raven was growing mad at Murphy as she climbed out. Murphy furrowed his brow. “You alright?” He asked but Raven was furious.
“I’ve had enough of your stupid, little jokes!” She yelled and pushed his chest away, moving past as Murphy watched her.
“Why don’t you take it easy, huh?” He told her. Raven stopped in her tracks, turning to look at Murphy with a glare.
She narrowed her eyes as she stepped closer. “Well you’re just a self-loathing bottom-feeder. Abby’s an idiot for trusting you.” Raven got in Murphy’s face, trying to intimidate him as she spoke. “She doesn’t know you like I do.” Murphy scoffed, turning away to not let her get the satisfaction her words were getting to him. “You’re a leech, Murphy. Sucking people dry and taking whatever you can so that you can survive.”
Murphy wasn’t going to sit there and let Raven berate him like this. “At least I’m not a mental patient like you, Raven.” He pushed past her but Raven didn’t let him get far.
She grabbed his arm, pulling him back and as he was forced to turn, she swung her fist into his face. “I hate you!” She screamed over and over again, her fist laying into Murphy repeatedly. The only way Raven stopped hitting him was when Luna, who had woken up at the sound of Raven’s yells, wrapped her arms around Raven and pulled her away. “Get off me!” Raven shouted as she tried to fight the hold.
Luna brought Raven to the ground, making Raven fall into her lap. “Breathe!” Luna stressed to the angered girl. “Breathe.” Raven still fought back, was Luna was getting through.
“Should I go get Abby?” Murphy asked as he watched Luna calm her.
“No.” Luna said, looking up briefly at Murphy before focusing on Raven. “Listen to my voice Raven. Breathe in, breathe out.” She took a deep breath before speaking in Raven’s ear and rocking Raven back and forth. “I give myself to the miracle of the sea.” She whispered. “Say it Raven. Say it. I give myself,” She paused, waiting as Raven repeated after her, “To the miracle,” Raven repeated again, “of the sea.” The calming technique worked as Raven cried silently in Luna’s lap, sitting up and feeling Luna’s gloved hand rub her shoulder. “I know the darkness.” Luna said to assure Raven it was alright. “It’s okay.”
Raven took a moment to herself, running her hand over her face before her wet eyes met Murphy. Slowly she rose to her feet, Murphy eying her carefully. “Let’s go again.” Raven told him before she took off for the rocket.
Murphy scoffed softly, not surprised in Raven’s apology absence. “She’ll be alright.” Luna promised him and Murphy held back an eye roll. “Will you be?”
Not sparing her a glance, he answered. “The darkness can kiss my worthless ass.” He muttered before ripping the communication piece out of his ear and tossing it to Luna. “You’re the new Raven-sitter.” He told her before walking off, laying a kick to the remote-controlled car he was playing with earlier before leaving, completely down with Raven and her rocket.
Bellamy had let go of your hand a while ago to be able to drive and the three of you stayed silent. You’d been driving for a while before you finally spoke up, turning to look at Bellamy with a frown. “You want to talk about it?” You asked, seeing his face fall slightly. You spoke softly, hoping Clarke wouldn’t listen in from the back, but not particularly caring if she does.
“Keep your eyes on the trees.” He said, trying to avoid the conversation, but you wouldn’t let him.
“Well, I want to talk about it, whenever you do.” You could see Bellamy processing your words as he reached over, taking your hand and squeezing slightly before grabbing the wheel again. You bit your lip. “She’ll forgive you. It’ll take time, but she will.” This wasn’t the first time you had to assure him, but it wasn’t that easy to Bellamy.
“We don’t have much time left, do we?” He raised a brow at you and you swallowed thickly, letting your gaze fall from Bellamy.
“Yeah, you were probably right, better not to talk about it.” You muttered and looked out the front window. Bellamy turned to you, feeling bad for making you even more upset than you were after speaking to Monty. He was about to say something before the road turned and you happened across a group of grounders. “Guys.” you said, shifting in your seat to look between them and him. Clarke moved to look between you guys.
“What is it?” She asked as you all stared out the window.
Bellamy put a hand on your lap before grabbing the radio to speak to the rest of the convoy. “Hang on. We’ve got a situation.” He spoke into the radio as you sighed, realizing what it was. “Looks like a Trikru checkpoint.” Bellamy said, sharing a look with you. In the truck with the fuel, Roan and his men stood up, aware that the truck shouldn’t have been stopping.
“They have wounded.” You pointed out, sharing a look with Clarke in the back. “It’s not a checkpoint.” You both started out of the rover before Bellamy stopped you.
“Y/N, no.”
You looked at him and let out a surprised scoff. “They could be hurt and you’re saying no to helping them?”
Bellamy’s face soften, realizing what it sounded like. “No, I’m saying you can’t help them. Besides, what are they going to do when they see Skaikiler?” It was then that you both realized Clarke had already left the rover to check out the wounded. “Clarke!” Bellamy called after her, groaning when he realized it was worthless. The guys in the truck behind you called up, asking what Clarke was doing as Bellamy gave you the side eye. “Being Clarke. No one gets out.” He told them before throwing the radio down and looking at you. “Stay here.”
You couldn’t get a word in but as soon as Bellamy was out of the rover you huffed. “Screw this, I’m leaving the rover.” You muttered and opened your door, sliding out as Bellamy turned at the sound, his face falling when he saw you join them.
“Wanheda. Skaikiler.” One man said, his eyes wide as they looked between you and Clarke.
“What happened here?” Clarke asked.
The man sighed and his face fell completely. “Azgeda burned our villages to the ground. My father caught an ax with his leg and we can’t stop the bleeding.” Clarke, the man, and Bellamy all rushed over to the older man laying on the ground. You stayed back, watching from a far as well as keeping your eye on the other men and women around. Some of them seemed to be watching you curiously as Clarke tried to help.
You tried to avoid the stares you were getting as you turned back to the convoy, seeing a little boy looking at the back truck. This wasn’t going to end good. “Bellamy.” You mumbled, getting his attention as he turned, eyes widening as Clarke and him both saw the kid. You started back to the rover
“There’s nothing we can do.” Clarke told the man as she stood up, Bellamy and her asking for the road to be cleared as the man shouted for his people to move before asking for a ride to Polis. You watched the kid carefully, making sure he wasn’t going to check the back of the rover where you had Roan and his men hid, but the kid made no plan to move.
“Hey kid!” You shouted as he stopped walking and looked at you heading towards him. “Why don’t you get away from there.” you called out but he just took one big step back, looking right into the back.
“Azgeda!” He shouted as your eyes widened. A hand landed on your arm and you were about to push it away before seeing it was Bellamy.
“Get in!” He yelled at you. You opened up his door and Bellamy helped you in because of your leg as you pushed your way through to sit in your seat as Clarke climbed in the back and Bellamy took his own seat. You were moving as fast as you could but Trikru grabbed their weapons and shot towards Roan and his men in the back.
As soon as it was clear, you leaned back in your chair, letting your eyes close as your calmed down. “Well, that went well.” You joked. In your head, you were thankful you got out of the rover, if you hadn’t seen the boy, who knows when or even if Clarke and Bellamy would’ve. Bellamy didn’t say anything, just looking at you out of the corner of his eye, seeing your eyes closed. You groaned as you felt the rover stop and opened your eyes. “What now?” You asked before seeing the running water.
Bellamy picked up the radio again, telling the other truck about the problem. The three of you climb out of the rover. “Murphy didn’t say anything about a river.” Clarke pointed out as you licked your lip feeling the healing split. You pulled your leg up a little, feeling the discomfort in your knee before letting it fall again with a huff.
“What else could go wrong?” Bellamy asked sarcastically. You turned around at the sound of another footsteps, seeing Roan join you three.
“The ice melted.” He pointed out as you sighed, running a over your face. “I’ll find us a place to cross upstream.” Roan offered and started up the rivers side.
He didn’t get far before Clarke stopped him. “Take the rover. You’ll cover more ground and it’s safer.” She looked at Bellamy at the end of her statement, meaning she was suggesting Bellamy go with him.
“With him?” Bellamy clarified.
“Bell, we have to get across the river.” You reminded him, offering a sad smile. “I’ll go with you.”
“You should stay here.” Clarke pulled you aside as she gave you a look.
“I can go.”
“You should rest your leg.” You scoffed and raised your brow at her. She just rolled her eyes at you. “I know it hurts Y/N. Just stay back with the truck, I’ll watch them.”
Your face softened, knowing she was right and your leg had been bothering you since you were rushed into the rover. “Alright. You got a deal Griffin.” You smiled at her before looking to Bellamy. “I’ll guard the fuel.”
When Bellamy realized you wouldn’t be going with him, he didn’t like the idea. “You’re staying here?”
You nodded and looked at Clarke. “I’ve been benched.” You joked, seeing Clarke smile momentarily before returning to her intense demeanor. Bellamy put his hands on his hips and looked at you. “I’ll be fine. Will you?” Your eyes flickered to Roan before back to Bellamy and it didn’t take Bellamy much to know you weren’t just talking about his safety.
“We won’t be gone long.” He told you and you narrowed your eyes slightly at him, seeing him crack a smile. “I’ll be fine.” You nodded, grabbing his hand briefly once Clarke and Roan had walked away and Bellamy climbed into the rover.
Roan walked around, taking your spot but before he could get inside Seiku stopped him. “My King, we should be going with you.”
Roan shook his head. “Nothing is more important than this cargo. Keep it safe.” He ordered and Seiku nodded and watched Roan climb into the rover and Clarke got into the back like she had earlier. Bellamy’s grip on the wheel was tight as you stood outside next to him. He looked out the window, seeing your attempt at a smile before he drove away, leaving you and the men with the fuel until they got back.
Murphy was having a hell of a good time in Becca’s office, repeating what Luna had said to Raven earlier. Only, he wasn’t doing so great. “I creep on myself… for the miracle… of a horny mistake.” Murphy mumbled, trying to figure out why it didn’t sound right. “I creep on myself…”
Luna entered the room, raising a brow at Murphy’s failed attempt. “It’s the intention that matters.” She spoke up, getting Murphy’s attention. He sighed as she got closer. “Raven needs you, John. She’s been in there a long time.”
“In case you haven’t realized, Raven hates my guts.”
“I don’t think that was her talking.” Luna told him as she replayed Raven’s outburst in her head.
“Oh, no it was.” Murphy stopped her. “You know that little limp she’s got? Yeah, that was me.”
“I don’t think she hates you as much as you hate yourself.”
Murphy didn’t want to listen to her talk about self-hate against himself. “Why do you even care about this? You’re the miracle, right? You’re gonna live through all this radiation either way.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be the last person on earth.”
“Why not? Because that kind of sounds nice to me.”
Luna shook her head at him before moving about the room. “I don’t believe that.”
“Then you don’t know me that well.”
Luna sighed and looked at him. “I know you stole that medicine for Adria.” She began. “I know you saved Raven from the drones.”
“I’m definitely rethinking that one right about now.” He interrupted her.
Luna’s face turned blank, done with Murphy’s attitude. “I know what it’s like to hate yourself John. Because of the color of my blood, I was raised to be a killer. The Flamekeepers harnessed my rage and taught me it was nobility. For years, I reveled in death and violence. I killed my own brother. Trust me when I tell you, if I found peace, so can you.”
Murphy was listening to her words, each one of them, but he wasn’t going to accept it. “I think peace is overrated.” He told her. “It’s the fighters that survive.”
And damnit, John Murphy was going to make sure he survived.
Octavia’s recovery in the med bay was getting better as Niylah helped her, stretching out her muscles in her leg by  the limb to her chest. Octavia was holding her breath, trying to keep her pained expression neutral until Niylah pulled her leg away. “Stronger already.” Niylah smiled as Octavia finally breathed out. “You’ll be running around in no time.” The silence in the med bay felt weird to Niylah as she as looked around, only seeing Ilian handcuffed to a bed on the other side of the bed lines. “Where’s his guards?” She asked Octavia who shrugged, not caring enough about Ilian. Niylah sighed and slowly lowered Octavia’s leg. “That’s enough for now. I’ll come back soon.” Octavia nodded and let Niylah leave the room.
As soon as Niylah was left from the room, Ilian spoke up. “I’m glad you’re alive.” He told Octavia as he played with his ties.
Octavia clenched her jaw. “You won’t be soon.” She told him. “Jus drein, Jus daun.”
Ilian rolled his head to look at her before looking at the ceiling. “I killed no one.”
“Wrong. You killed them all.” Ilian swallowed thickly at her tone. “And now they’re gonna kill you.”
Ilian paused for a moment, thinking about his options. “I didn’t know about Praimfaya. You can tell them that. I never meant to hurt anyone.”
“The sword doesn’t care about what you meant.” She stopped him. “It just cuts.” The silence before them settled and Ilian knew he was in danger.
The search for another way across the river came to an end as Bellamy, Clarke and Roan found a shallow path, enough to drive the rover through. “This will work.” Roan told them as they nodded and Clarke looked up to Bellamy.
“Radio Y/N and tell her?” She asked him and Bellamy agreed and pulled the radio from his pocket.
“Y/N come in. We found a crossing. Over.” He spoke directly into the call and waited to hear your voice, only it never came. “Cargo one, can you hear me? Over.” The three of their worries were increasing as you failed to respond again, Bellamy’s worries easily becoming the worst and by now they knew you weren’t alright.
“Something’s wrong.” Roan told Clarke and Bellamy as the three of them rushed to get into the rover again, heading back to see you and the fuel hopefully safe. Bellamy was driving as fast as he could to get back to you.
They reached to where they knew you were left with the truck, but you weren’t there. In fact, no one was there. “Be careful.” Clarke told Bellamy and Roan as they climbed out of the truck, looking around for any indication you were alright.
Bellamy pulled out the radio again, his voice frantic as he called you again. “Y/N, come in. Please tell me you’re alright. Over.” As the trio was looking around, Roan’s eyes flashed into the river, seeing a sack caught onto the rotted tree stuck in the ground.
“Over there!” He shouted and the three of them took off running. They were all equally worried as they drug it out from the water, knowing there was a body inside and terrified of whose. Bellamy stared at the symbol on the front before tearing the bag away. Inside wasn’t you, instead it was one of Roan’s men. “Seiku.” Roan mumbled and looked at his fallen soldier. He looked to Clarke and Bellamy. “We all know who did this.” He growled at them. “Trikru.”
“Where the hell are the others?” Clarke began looking around, walking into the water a little way to see if more body bags were caught.
“Where’s Y/N?” Bellamy filled in his desire to know, eyeing Roan carefully.
“They took the truck to Polis.” Roan reminded them of Trikru’s ask to join the convoy earlier. “That means at least one of yours is still alive.”  They all exchanged glances before rushing to the rover and taking off. There was hope you were alive and that was enough.
In Arkadia’s dining hall, Jaha was sat at the bar, nursing a cup of moonshine as Hardy and the men behind him spouted off about Ilian, finding the fact he’s still alive despicable. “How much longer do we let them protect that son of a bitch? This ship was supposed to keep us alive and now we’re all gonna die.” Hardy shouted to his following as Niylah walked in, stopping in her tracks slowly as she took in the scene. The man was still talking as Niylah spotted Monty listening in.
She made her way over and whispered to him. “The boy he’s talking about is in med bay with no protection.” She told him. Monty’s eyes widened before Jasper passed him, holding a cup and moving to get more moonshine.
Monty tried to stop him before he could pour it. “You really think that’s a good idea?”
Jasper looked at him and shrugged. “Moonshine? Absolutely.” Jasper walked off, refusing his best friend’s help at recovery. Monty turned back to the crowd, talk of labeling Ilian’s actions as a hate crime and demanding he be killed for it.
Moving across the room, Monty sat beside Jaha, using a whisper voice to talk. “Are you okay with all this?” He asked knowing the people listen to Jaha.
Jaha just took the last sip of his drink. “They’re just blowing off steam.”
The statement earned a scoff from Monty as he got closer to Jaha. “Blowing off steam like we were when we strung up Murphy for killing Wells?” Monty knew it was a low blow and the look of anguish on Jaha’s face let him know he struck a nerve. Jaha asked for a refill on his drink as Jasper obliged. Monty was growing irritated as the group grew more determined for Ilian’s head. “They listen to you. Say something!” He begged. Jaha however, turned his back on Monty, refusing to offer help. “With all due respect, your son would be ashamed of you.” He headed towards the door, muttering to Niylah along the way. “I’ll get Kane.” She nodded and he was gone.
In an attempt to calm Raven down, Luna sat next to her in the lab, repeating her meditation mantra for Raven to hear, but the girl was not stopping. “I’ve strained the air brakes, adjusted the grid fins and I’ve reversed the thrusters.” Raven looked at the screen, hoping her changes worked but it didn’t. “Damn it! What am I missing?” Luna tried speaking louder, hoping to get in Raven’s head but Raven just groaned at her. “Mediating isn’t going to help me land this stupid ship.” She pointed out.
Murphy had left Becca’s office, standing above the lab as he watched Raven’s freak out. “No but it might keep your brain from blowing up.” He shouted as he made his way down the stairs.
At his voice, Raven’s head begun hurting and he pressed her hand to her forehead, scrunching her face up. “Oh good, he’s back.” She grumbled before focusing on the screen again. “Okay, think. To land this ship in one piece, calculating the re-entry trajectory has to be perfect, deploying the thrusters has to be perfect, the burn rate has to be perfect.”
Murphy looked to Luna with an amused smile. “Maybe perfect is your problem.” He blurted out.
Raven stopped her work. “What?”
Murphy rolled his eyes and moved closer. “Perfect sucks. Why care about perfection if Abby and you walk away with the magic potion, right?”
“A controlled crash is still a crash.”
Luna sat up from her spot and joined the duo. “Swim away.”
Raven’s head picked up as she caught on. “A controlled crash into the water. Luna, its brilliant!”
“I’m sorry, Luna?” Murphy asked taking offense in the fact it was basically his idea.
Raven ignored him as she checked to see if a water landing would work. “Damn it. The computer won’t let me execute a controlled crash.”
“Screw the computer Raven.” Murphy stopped her from getting upset. “Fly it yourself.”
She looked back at Murphy who nodded to the computer, waiting for Raven to try. “Switching to manual.” She told the computer. The computer accepted the manual override as Raven gasped and made her way to the rocket. Murphy sighed and he started to walk the opposite way, but Raven’s voice as she turned around stopped him. “Murphy! Thank you.” Murphy didn’t reply to the girl’s gratitude, not at all expecting it. He watched Raven climb back into the rocket, preparing the simulation to manually land the rocket in the water.
Bellamy was driving the rover even faster than he had before, this time knowing for a fact you were in danger. Roan sat in the front seat, Clarke poking her head between them as she gripped the seats.
“We have to get to them before they reach Polis with the fuel. They’ll use it to make bombs and kill everyone.” Roan told them as Bellamy scoffed.
“You mean they’ll use it to kill Ice Nation.” He corrected Roan with a side glare. “All you care about is your own people.”
Roan shook his head. “Like you’re any better. That’s all anyone cares about.” Roan paused for a minute, thinking about everything you’ve done for his people and him. “Except maybe Y/N.” he mumbled.
“Can you guys not fight about this right now?” Clarke asked as she kept her eyes out the front window. Bellamy sighed, remembering his promise before he left of being fine, meaning he wouldn’t be fighting with Roan exactly like he was now. Coming to a fork in the road, a body laid on the ground and the rover came to a halt. Bellamy was about to leave the rover before Clarke grabbed his shoulder. “Bellamy, wait.” She stopped him.
Bellamy didn’t understand why he was stopping. “They left a dead body, we can pick up their trail.” He started out again but Roan stopped him this time.
“Trikru burn their dead.” He reminded Bellamy, knowing Clarke had caught on already. “They’re still here. Back up now.” Roan ordered.
Bellamy just groaned, letting his head fall back against his seat before looking out his window. “There’s no one here. They’ve taken the truck, the fuel, and Y/N!” Bellamy reminded them both, looking at Clarke on your name for the sake of her knowing what it meant to him to find you. Turning to Roan, his voice turned cold. “If you’re such a good tracker, go track.”
It took only a second before the rover was being attacked. Trikru men jumped on the rover, rocking it enough for Clarke to stumble in the back. “You were saying?” Roan asked sarcastically to Bellamy who sent them a glare.
The Trikru grounder Bellamy spoke to earlier came running at Bellamy’s door as Bellamy pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. “I don’t want to shoot you.” Bellamy warned as the man put his hands in the air. “Where’s the truck? What have you done with it?”
“Give us the king.” The man told him and Roan was figuring out what happened.
“Bellamy.” Roan mumbled and got both Clarke’s and Bellamy’s attention. “The truck’s not here.” He told them. Bellamy’s gun was still trained on the man as he looked at Roan.
Clarke was confused as well. “How do you know that?” She asked.
“Because everyone does what’s best for their own people.” He mumbled, recalling the point of their argument just minutes ago. “It was my men who took it.”
While Roan’s back was turned, a man tried to thrust his sword through Roan’s window but Bellamy warned him, giving him the opportunity to move. At the same moment, the back door to the rover opened and Clarke jumped out of her seat to the door. The man who had opened it trying to get inside as she kicked him in the chest, sending him to the ground and he rolled off to the side. Clarke closed the door and locked it before facing front. “Bellamy. Drive!” she shouted and Bellamy didn’t need to be told twice before he backed up, knocking off a few of the men before the rover took off. The rest fell to the ground, staring off as the rover disappeared past the trees.
Octavia let her leg dangle off the edge of the edge of her bed as she swung her knee back and forth. She glanced over her shoulder to Ilian who laid unmoved on the bed as Kane walked in, Monty and Sgt Miller and a few more guards following after him. “Lock this room down. They’re right behind us.” The door was closed per Kane’s orders.
Monty looked at the empty room. “Where is everyone?” He asked Octavia.
“They’re out there with them.” She told him seconds before pounding occurred on the now locked door.
“Open this door!” Hardy shouted at them. Kane and David positioned themselves between the door and Ilian.
“Sir. Maybe we should reconsider.” David wasn’t so keen on fighting the mob against someone who most likely doomed humanity. Kane turned down his mention, not up for surrendering. “On the Ark, we floated people for less.”
Kane snapped at him. “Mob rule will not dictate justice in this camp.” Hardy knocked again hard, his demand for the door to open not changing.
Monty joined the men, knowing the mob wouldn’t let up. “We can’t let them in here, they’ll kill him.”
Kane took a deep breath and pulled out his gun to check the bullets. David was quick to put in his objection but Kane disagreed. “If we let them descend into darkness, there’s no coming back.”
Octavia had been listening in to everything. A dilemma was playing in her head. “It’s the end of the world Kane.” She said and everyone looked at her. “Darkness is all we have.” She stood up from her bed and hit the button to open the door despite the cries of no from Monty and Kane. Hardy and his crew filed into the room and Kane was quick to point his gun at their heads.
David was going through a dilemma of his own as well. Follow orders or do what he feels is right. His breath exhaled as slow and he pulled out his shock baton, pressing it into Kane’s back as the man fell to the ground. “I’m sorry.” He told Kane who was groaning on the ground.
Hardy grabbed Kane’s now discarded gun and stepped over him. Octavia didn’t let him get going, putting a hand on his chest. “You can have his blood, but the kill is mine.” Hardy took a moment but nodded in agreement and Octavia let him go.
Hardy’s men cut Ilian free and hoisted him to his feet despite Ilian being too weak to stand himself and they carried him out, following as Octavia now led the mob out of the med bay.
Since discovering it was his people who stole the truck and you, Roan and Bellamy hadn’t fought anymore. Clarke also provided a level head on their hunt as the three of the them kept their eyes sharp. Coming upon a field, Roan was the first to spot the truck driving through. “There they are!”
Bellamy sped up, stepping on gas in hopes to catch up to the rover and find you alright. What he didn’t know was you were the one sitting in the driver’s seat, one of Roan’s men sitting next to you as you drove. You were terrified but you refused to let them see it, remembering the knife you were threatened with earlier sitting in his hand. Movement caught your attention in your side mirror and after a double take, you realized your friends were coming to save you. You started to let your foot off the gas, hoping to give Bellamy enough leeway to catch up but you were caught. When the man sitting next to you saw your foot easing off the gas without a reason, he looked behind the truck, seeing the rover peak through from behind the fuel containers.
“Stop them.” He told his buddy in the back before pressing his foot on top of yours, making the truck speed up. “Keep going.”
Roan, Clarke and Bellamy watched as the man in the back started to grab the fuel barrels, bringing them to the edge of the truck as much as he could. “What the hell is he doing?”
“He’s weaponizing the fuel.” Clarke told them as her eyes grew wide.
Roan glanced back at her. “I thought you said we needed every drop.”
“We do!”
Roan turned back to Bellamy. “Get me as close as you can!” He shouted before climbing into the back. Clarke moved out of his way before shifting into his seat next to Bellamy.
“You gotta be kidding me.” Bellamy grumbled as Clarke watched Roan climb out of the top hatch.
Bellamy pulled the rover up to the side of the truck and Clarke’s eyes went wide at the sight of you driving. “Y/N?”
You looked out the window briefly, meeting Bellamy’s eyes as a knife was pressed to your neck and you were forced to look away. “Now! Roan, do it!” He shouted and Roan made his leap into the truck before Bellamy sped the rover up ahead of the truck after Clarke and him came up with a plan and he yelled at you to give him a clean shot.
Roan landed on the back with his hands on his own man and the fight begun. Roan was pinned over the barrels before he pushed the man away shoving him, but the man tripped him and Roan was pinned once again. A knife was pulled on Roan but Roan kicked it away and the man stumbled backwards as Roan got up. The fight went on, neither person winning as the fuel dragged to the edge of the truck slowly shifted every time the truck rumbled until it was hanging off. Roan had finally got the upper hand, shoving his thumb into the man’s eyes. He screamed and let his guard down enough for Roan to grab his knife from him and shove it into his chest. The man’s fighting stopped as Roan killed him, whispering traitor in his ear before kicking him off the truck. When Roan noticed the barrel moving, he grabbed it, saving it from falling as well.
One man was dead but the other still held a knife to your throat, forcing you to keep driving. You watched your boyfriend and Clarke drive ahead, you didn’t know what the plan was, but Bellamy wanted a clean shot, so obviously he had a plan. Right?
The rover stopped ahead of you, right in your path and your stomach dropped. What was he doing? When his door opened and Bellamy pointed a gun at the truck, you understood.
Bellamy hoped his plan would work, talking it over briefly with Clarke before he jumped out. His gun was pointed on the grounder, but he needed the shot. “Come on, Y/N. Come on, Baby.” He muttered to himself as he got ready.
The truck was still driving straight, your direction unmoving and as soon as the grounder saw Bellamy’s gun, he tried to turn the wheel. You threw your elbow into his nose, sending him away from you and Bellamy had his shot. The bullet pierced through the man’s head as you watched. Realizing the truck was still going, you slammed your foot onto the break, watching as Bellamy backed himself into the rover with Clarke in fear but you didn’t let it touch him as you brought the truck to a quick stop.
Once you got over the terrifying part about this situation, you couldn’t look away from Bellamy. You smiled at him, seeing his as well. Bellamy was relieved and proud at the same time seeing you drive the rover. He’d know you’d tell him they did all the work and you just managed to get kidnapped, and he was right, but he would still be proud of you.
Octavia was leading the mob out of the Ark, the people dragging Ilian behind her and once he was outside people began yelling at him, telling him he’s dead and supporting the mob. Monty and Kane followed the mob as well, keeping an eye on Octavia and Ilian.
“How do we stop this?” Monty asked Kane. Kane didn’t have an answer for him as Ilian was forced to the ground. Monty took off running to Octavia, hoping to break through to his friend. “Octavia, please don’t do this. You’re not a murderer.”
Octavia didn’t look as Monty as she mumbled and cocked her gun before aiming at Ilian’s head. “You’re wrong.”
Ilian looked up at her, right past the barrel of the gun. “Get it over with.”
From the door of the Ark, Jaha and Kane had a plan. “Sound the alarm, now.” Jaha spoke into his radio as Kane nodded at him. The alarm sounded in the camp, alerting everyone of the fake black rain.
“Black rain!” Kane yelled his lie as people started panicking. “Everyone get inside!” Kane and Jaha ushered everyone inside the ark until it was finally Kane, Jaha, Monty, and Octavia still holding a gun to Ilian’s head. Kane approached Octavia carefully. “Octavia. Put the gun down and come inside.” He said to her but she wouldn’t listen, her gun not leaving Ilian’s head. Kane tried something else. “They put Lincoln on his knees, too.” Octavia sucked in a breath as the memory of her deceased love filled her thoughts. “Pike stood right there where you’re standing when they put the gun against his head.”
Octavia’s hand started shaking as she thought back, remembering Lincoln falling to his knees, how he looked up to her, speaking his last words to her before Pike killed him. “I was there.” Her voice betrayed her as she let her eyes close and Lincoln’s face was all she could see.
When she opened her eyes again, her hand shook more and Kane tried again. “If you do this, you’re no better than he was.” Octavia couldn’t take holding her emotions anymore. She let them break free, dropping the gun to the ground as she sobbed. Kane jumped into comfort mood, holding her arm and mumbling assurances to her. “It’s okay. It’s okay Octavia.” Octavia ripped her arm from him as she continued to cry, needing to separate herself. She headed to the gate, starting to run as she heard Kane chase after her. “Octavia, wait! Where are you going?!” He yelled but Octavia didn’t stop running.
Kane didn’t chase her far, hoping she’s alright, but knowing she needed to be alone. He turned around in time to see Jaha cutting Ilian’s bonds and he asked Jaha what he thinks he’s doing. “Saving our people.” Jaha answered. “Same as you.” He pulled Ilian to his feet, whispering in his ear. “You should run.” Ilian nodded and groan as his feet started running, taking him away from the camp in the direction Octavia ran. “From the ashes we will rise.” Jaha spoke to Kane and Monty as they watched Ilian disappear, knowing the rest of Arkadia isn’t going to like the fact Ilian was gone.
After you and the fuel were saved, Clarke and Roan rode the rest of the way in the truck with the fuel as Bellamy and you rode in the Rover together. Bellamy hadn’t let go of your hand since you started the ride this time. Clarke and Roan rode in awkward silence before Clarke sighed. “You’re a good King Roan.” She said as Roan disagreed.
“A king who runs an errand while his people are at war in Polis.”
“This errand is the most important thing right now and you know that.” Clarke stopped him from hating on himself.
Roan still wasn’t at ease. “If we do save everyone, then what?” He asks, making Clarke think. “What happens once we’re all turned into Nightbloods? Do we just keep killing each other?” Clarke didn’t have enough time to answer before Bellamy spoke on the radio, telling them you’ve made it.
You jumped out of the rover once it came to a stop, looking out in the water. It was beautiful, the horizon meeting the sky seamlessly as you grinned. Roan offered to unload the fuel with Clarke giving her help as Bellamy approached you. He stood next to you, both of you staring out as he grabbed your hand.
“I’m gonna take the Rover back to camp.” He whispered as you broke out of your staring and furrowed your brows at him.
“You’re not coming with us?” you asked sadly, not wanting to leave him. He shook his head, his frown enough to tell you why. “It’s Octavia, isn’t it?”
“It’s pathetic, right?” He laughed at himself softly as you turned him to look at you. “She hates me but I keep coming back.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Bell. She’s your sister. She’s just,” you stopped yourself, trying to find the right words, “She’s just confused right now. She knows how special you are and how important you are. She’ll come back to you.”
Bellamy’s hand squeezed yours as you smiled, hoping he’ll see you were right. He hated thinking about leaving you, he wanted to stay with you and Clarke, but he knew he had to go back for his sister, unaware of the fact his sister just left the camp.
“You’ll come back to me, right?” His voice was quiet as you smiled and brought a hand up to his cheek, cupping it and running your thumb across it.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Blake.” You joked and Bellamy laughed, feeling slightly better in the promise you were coming back to him. You leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips as he held your waist, pulling you into him. It was a goodbye kiss and an I’ll-see-you-soon kiss all in one, but one that was also broke apart by Clarke calling you both. You separated, sharing confused looks before jogging back to the rover.
Roan and Clarke were in the truck bed and moved one of the barrels, it wasn’t until it was done moving before you saw the arrow piercing through the bottom. “Trikru arrow.” Roan said before kicking the barrel out of the truck. It clattered to the ground as you looked up at an equally defeated and stressed Clarke. You had 10 barrels and you needed every last drop.
“Manual override.” Raven spoke to the computer as she grabbed the rocket’s controls.
“Manual Override engaged.” The computer told her and she let out a steady breath to hype herself up. “Landing pad within range at 600 feet.” She focused on the screen, watching as the water came in view, the rocket heading right towards it as the computer prepared her. “Brace for impact.” The rocket simulation ended once she hit the water. “Mission failed.” Yet Raven wouldn’t consider it failed just yet. “Exterior damage 15 %. Cargo destruction 0%. Fatality 0%.”
Raven was shocked as she read over the outcomes again. “We’re good.” She mumbled. She started to unbuckle herself, a smile spreading on her face as she spoke louder. “We’re good!” She repeated herself happily once more as she stepped out of the rocket. “Took every last drop of fuel, but I did it. I can put her down on the water just offshore.” Murphy and Luna approached her slowly with frowns. “We can survive.” When their expressions didn’t change, Raven’s stomach dropped. “What’s wrong?”
“Clarke just radioed. They lost a barrel.”
“What?” Raven gasped out.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered but Raven couldn’t hear him. She started sucking in for a breath, her head paining her as she clutched it. “Raven?”
Raven’s seizure caused her to collapse on the ground. Murphy took off running, calling for Abby as loud and as fast as he could. Luna fell to the ground as well, trying her best to protect Raven’s head before seeing her mouth starting to foam. “Raven, it’s going to be okay. It’s okay, Raven.”
10 barrels.
Make that 9 now.
A/N: If you hadn’t, be sure to check out the Bonus Chapter!
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natblyda · 4 years
nobody asked for my fucking opinion but here i am serving it anyway part 2
guys!! i just thought of something mind blowing and and i felt the urgency to share:
remember when in the script of 7x11 levitt is like terrified of echo bc she just beaten the shit out him but she’s feeling sorry and about to apologize? yes
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here’s the trio octavia, levitt and echo fighting side by side against the disciples
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and here’s a second later poor baby levitt on the ground shot and who’s running towards him? octavia and ECHO!!
i honestly think echo is the one who’s going to save levitt!! i don’t know how maybe human shield? she almost killed him for her desperate need to avenge bellamy! (only for him breaking her heart a second after his return ( T_T) she definitely deserves better) and i’m sure she’s still feeling bad about it, plus she’s watching octavia, who already lost her brother, trying to save the life of the last person alive she loves (except hope ofc) i mean self-sacrifice mod activated!! ✌︎('ω') i don’t know if she’s going to die, but if that happens she’s getting the diyoza-like hero death!! character development and growth enter the chat
also this will explain hope’s scared look just like when the crystal liquid (wtf was that thing called?) touched diyoza and jordan trying to stop her from entering the battlefield
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echo is her only friend left and it will be so sad if she lose her too. (wtf again indra cracks me up)
this is my final thought ab this scene and i know i sound crazy but i’m desperately trying to convince myself octavia and levitt are going to live for the good of my mental health
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mixology-expert · 4 months
Its nice how every mod has their own fighting style
(Unrelated, but does anyone remember when we called xeya "octavia"? no? just me? ok...)
-mod kumo
YEAH its really fun to see what everyone comes up with
and. I mean, I go by many names, "octavia" just being one of them. Always been called both lol (eats popcorn)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Did you get an ask from a Stolas that was an apology to Octavia? I can't remember if I sent it....
We did! It’s still on the queue!
Mod Party Cat!
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Have you done HBO Rome? I had a browse but could not find any. I’d be very interested in these characters & their types!
Been over a decade since I watched episodes, but I remember the show had a lot of unhealthy NTJs and STPs in it (probably one reason, to be honest, I didn’t like it much -- too many callous emotionless decisions driven by ambition and opportunism, and no characters I liked or rooted for because of it).
Here’s what I remember / am guessing based on what I recall:
Lucius Vorenus - ESTJ 1w9 social
Titus Pullo - ESTP 8w7 self-pres
Atia - ENTJ 8w7 sexual
Octavian - ENTJ 3w4 self-pres or social
Octavia - ESFP
Mark Antony - ESTP 7w8 self-pres
Servilia - ENFJ (?)
- ENFP Mod
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rpgchoices · 4 years
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Useless rpgs recs. Rpgs where you can romance an elven or half-elven character
Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition = Viconia (drow), Aerie (elf) and Jaheira (half-elf) are all characters that a male protagonist can romance. There are also some added mods, in particulal the character Xan can be romanced by female elf protagonists with this mod.  
Icewind Dale 2 = this mod adds companions and romance! Elven female characters can romance Diriel, all female characters can romance Rizdaer (drow), while male characters can romance the half-elf Salomeya.
Pendula Swing = in this game you play as a lady dwarf and retired adventurer and among the romance option there is elven policewoman Marla Lee.
Arcanum of Steamwork and Magick Obscura = while not a full romance, you can have some romantic scenes with the elf Raven (both male and female protagonists).
Dragon Age: Origins = this game needs no introduction, and Zevran is the elven romantic interest for both females and males.
Divinity Original Sin 2 =  In this game you can play as Sebille, or you can play as a new character (or the other pre-made ones) and in that case Sebille is one of the romantic options.
Icewind Dale Enchanced Edition = No companions in the original game, but this mod adds companions with a lot of banter! Teri is an elven thief romancable by male characters, while the elven ranger Korin can be romanced by female characters.
Skyrim = no need for introductions!
Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire = the returning companion Aloth is now a romance option for both male and female characters!
Dragon Age 2 = Fenris and Merrill! (And some romantic scenes with Tallis). They can be both romanced by mHawke and fHawke.
Errant Kingdom = visual novel, Roux is a non binary elf and a romance option for any gender
Bound by Flame = female characters can romance the elven archer Rhelmar, while male characters can romance Edwen (I am actually not sure she is an elf)
Morrowind = this mod adds Julan, an Ashlander, as a companion and romance option for male and female characters. Technically Ashlanders are not elves, but they seem to be inspired from drows?
Dragon Age: Inquisition = this game has two elven romance options. Sera for female characters, and Solas for female elven characters.
Neverwinter Nights 2 = Elanee is an elf druid and she is a romance option for male characters. In Neverwinter Nights 1 Hordes of the Underdark male characters can romance Nathyrra.
Loren the Amazon Princess = female characters can romance the elf Rei, and in the expansion characters of both gender can romance Mesphit. In general these visual novel games by the same publisher have various elven romance options.
Pathfinder Kingmaker = Octavia is an half-elf rogue/wizard and a romance option for both female and male characters.
Spellforce 3 = as a female character you can romance Raith or Katra, while as a male character you can romance Yria.
Dragon Commander = in this game you play as... male? I think (if I remember correctly) and you can marry the elven princess Lohannah.
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous = not a lot is known about this future game, but we at least know that Camellia is one of the romance options and an half-elf shaman!
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redphienix · 5 years
An MR 22 says a thing about every frame they have right now for fun
Ash: I wish I liked you. I was so excited to hear about smoke grenade and so immediately sad when I saw how bad the duration is. At least lethal teleport is neat with a dagger and covert lethality, though I’ve never DONE that because why bother. Honestly? They should make smoke castable to refresh before it ends and base time should be longer. (I mean, what are they balancing for? Loki and Ash both feel outdated when Octavia and Ivara can just be invisible forever with no effort.)
Atlas: I wish you were good :( Saw your pose and thought “AWESOME”, Saw your punching ability and thought “COOL”, saw your rock friends and thought “NEAT!” only for everything you do feeling kinda meh. I wish rubble was more reliable, like dropping no matter what rather than just off petrified enemies or degrading slower, and I wish the punches were, well, cooler and the rock friends were, you know, good. :( Also I have never once seen his rock walls used to the benefit of anyone ever. All they do is reroute their pathing around it or get stuck on it FOREVER which in all situations where you’re blocking the enemies that isn’t... actually... that good... (Generally you want them DEAD for the next wave, not stuck)
Banshee: Before I took a break from the game you were busted with quake augment and I thought that was neat, now you’re not so it’s... fine. I like your toolkit, sonar is just good, quake is still nice, and silence is... alright silence isn’t as cool as I wish it was. First ability who?
Chroma: I hated you. Like ACTUALLY hated you. I thought your abilities were clunky and you were unplayable beyond end game people with a billion prime mods and arcanes to fund your nonsense. But then I gave you another shot because so many grinds call for you and my god. It really does just take a little strength and duration and he’s busted. More and he’s a god. Range and he’s a team player or narrow minded and he’s not. I still don’t LOVE him because all his good abilities are just buffs so he’s really just... kinda bland, but what he does he does very well. I wish he had abilities that ‘did’ something more than just two buffs that are good and two abilities that are so bad you might as well forget them (but dragon is cool :( ). I want to take advantage of his color-element passive but really you just pick the buff you want for your 2 and forget about it :/
Ember: Before I took a break from the game you were doing wonderfully! You caught the world on fire and the game’s lower level mindless grinds (like relic cracking) bent to your will. But now you’re just... kinda not that fun. I keep hearing that they nerf (minor rework*)’d her because she was OP and boring but like, she wasn’t OP because she’s pretty garbage at hard content? And I find it objectively fun to run around watching everything die on low level content so? So instead they just made her fire short range and meh for no reason? I mean, I’d welcome a rework, but I feel like she went from “1 is bad, 2 is a panic button, 3 is fun but bad, and 4 is godly in low content” to “bad” all in the name of balance while frames like Equinox still do THE EXACT SAME THING or Mesa can do LITERALLY ANY CONTENT AT ALL. Give her some love- even if it means a full rework, she SHOULD feel like she’s passively burning the world :(
Equinox: I really wanted to learn how to play Equinox when I first got her, but now I find it difficult to remember she has more than one ability out of her EIGHT. I used to love using the duality mod to make super temporary specters (That augment needs buffed) but then I learned that maim was the new ember and guess what? It is. Metamorphosis? Who cares. The buffs are temp when they should be permanent per day/night form. Rest/Rage? Rest is good for affinity farming but I have literally never done that because it’s boring and I get more rewards for doing SO, Rage is just more mod hungry speed-nova with utter garbage range so...I literally forget that Pacify/Provoke exist. They are fine I guess, but like, I’m probably just maiming with provoke on if I’m desperate and it’s fine as is. Mend is not a good heal compared to any other heal and Maim is just ember world on fire but not nerfed to be 5m wide. I want to adore Equinox but their toolkit- WHICH SHOULD BE THE MOST EXTENSIVE- feels so limited by how much better ONE of the 8 choices is.
Excalibur: I hated you when I started the game. I love you now. Thank you Umbra :) It’s funny how immediately more sturdy and less vulnerable I feel when I pick Umbra over any other frame, which is funny because I never play Excal, but when I do I feel unkillable.
Frost: Bubble, Avalanche, next. But truly I immediately go to him when I need to protect something- it’s hard to argue with consistency.
Gara: I hated you, then I found out you could bullet jump straight up and cast Mass to make your wall really really tall, then I hated you again, then I read about how you’re ‘supposed’ to play the frame by abusing Splinter Storm and using mass to regen the duration and honestly? I just never tried. I get it conceptually, but that just sounds clunky and weird- sure it’s “fine” since it amounts to maintaining one buff and spamming mass to lash for a quick bit of damage and reapply the buff but like. Doesn’t sound fun so I believe the hype but do not care.
Unfun Frost clone.
Garuda: You know? I was kinda hyped for her and then I just never gave her a chance. I leveled her in Hydron and never once used her outside of that instance. I should give her another shot because  LITERALLY have nothing to say outside of “You look neat and I dig having another Valkyr but this time edgy”. For now I’ll say my impressions are “1 feels weird, 2 is annoying for a heal it should just be a strong attack that spawns a health orb or 2, 3 feels out of place when she has no good ability to spam that would cost that energy it feels like it exists to lower HP for her passive which... if that’s the entire REAL purpose then it’s not a well thought out passive, 4 is cool but I never felt it was strong enough to care beyond spamming that excess energy I got from my 3 with it.
Harrow: I hate you. I spent SO long grinding for your darn defection part and leveling you was THE worst and now that I’ve maxed you I don’t care about ever using you. Yeah, your ability (notice I said ‘ability’ because face it Covenant is all that matters) is good sometimes, but I hate how it works and I hate using it. Also the rest of your kit doesn’t feel good to me. 1? Fine, I like this one. 2- A minor buff to reload and fire rate so I can heal partners by killing things? Weird. 3- Cast and then do my best to be the only one killing anything so I can give my partners energy which they will then use to kill things thus meaning I wasted my time using my 3? Okay. I just find the way Harow works to be weird- why does HE have to do the killing to give health/energy to allies? Why does Covenant work like that because it makes it pretty much only reliable during things like Eidolons so that’s a little narrow in scope. He’s weird, and wasn’t worth the grind.
Hildryn: I love you, never change. I wish I had arcanes to make you better, and I promise I’ll get them for you someday xoxo love you forever. But seriously, I am disappointed that I feel kinda.... weak playing as her without say good arcanes etc. I feel like all I have going for me is survivability and... that’s it? Like my exalted is fine, but not amazing, and her absorb is on the low side for me (I need to play with mods more to be fair) and her 4 is.... underwhelming. Clearly my mods are out of line, but I feel like an immovable wall that just sorta outlasts the enemy with her rather than an actual threat like most other frames. Love her though.
Hydroid: I used to love you. I still like you. What can I say, I like having the option to lame a mission out by sitting in the corner with pilfering tentacles between me and the enemy as I watch loot drop into my bucket. His kit doesn’t particularly interest me, but I mean, come on. Pilfering tentacles. I’m cool with it.
Inaros: You scare me, dude. I rarely ever touch this frame, but EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I do, I’m reminded that he’s literally invincible, can pocket sand stab everything to death instantly WHILE HEALING TO FULL, has roughly 30k armor with TONS of health, and honestly just feels like an invincible killing machine. Like Hildryn’s survivability with the addition of instant kill full heal pocket sand so more lethal. I should play him more maybe. The other abilities are fine. 4 is a given- that helps give the 4 billion armor. 3 is fine, I literally never use it but I know it can be used well. 2 is, well, 2 is good. Like ACTUALLY good, but I rarely remember to use it unless I’m thinking “I’m bored and while I am at full health, I’d like to eat this guy to become invincible for a bit and heal up to double full health while making a sand zombie. That sounds fun.”
Ivara: My true main. What can I say, I love soloing stuff and feeling like literally nothing can go wrong. Because literally nothing CAN go wrong when you play Ivara. Infinite Invisibility is busted but my god do I not want it to be right. <3
Limbo: You carried me so far in this game when I first started! Between you and Rhino I was able to get a real grip on things and learn how to actually play. Heck, Limbo still helps me plenty! Want to loot everything on a map for caches or resources or syndicate tokens or ayatan sculptures etc etc etc? Cata bomb! Want to do the Lua spy mission? Riftwalk through them all! Want to do a hard (non-corpus/corrupted) mission and be invincible? Stasis duration build!
He really is just fun to use and CAN be a godsend to a group, but you’ll still never find me running him in a group (beyond cata bombing) because of the stigma of banish spamming Limbos and how at this point everyone hates to see a cata defending a point at all despite the literal invincibility it brings with stasis and free energy orbs :(
Loki: You kinda suck! But let me roll that back. His invisibility is about as bad as Ash’s and his other tools are practically phased out of usefullness in today’s game. Radial can be good, and hey, I’ll never complain when I see a Heavy Gunner or Nox going melee, but wouldn’t it be nice for your 4 to kill those targets? You know... like most other frames? Passive sucks so hard I have to say it here. Honestly, I know why Loki was good in the past, but he just doesn’t fit today beyond making the corpus siege go faster by teleporting the bots down. That’s literally it. I wouldn’t argue to a revamp making him interesting again, I’d say he deserves it.
Mag: I should play around with your toolkit some more. I hear magnetize can be insane, but I’ve yet to actually toy with it. The other tools all feel half baked. 1 should be more controlled- like it should ALWAYS pull loot and it should pull everyone to stop in front of you, not slingshot them behind you. 2 is supposedly super good so I trust that and want to toy with it. 3... I mean it’s nice for partners? And it can strip armor with augment right? That’s alright I guess. and 4 is a not great but not terrible kill switch. She’s fine, mostly I just want to toy with that magnetize to see what I can make it do at some point.
Mesa: I don’t understand how multiple high profile content creators say she’s “Great, but not OP”. Mesa is OP. Pull your head out of your rear, or at the very least stop pretending you mean it and admit you say she’s not because you don’t want a nerf. I heard she was “great but not OP” before getting her. Got her. Got her prime. Played her. And fuck. She’s busted. EVERY SECOND of content in this game can be made miles easier with a mesa. She makes things dead. She tanks with shatter shield. She buffs AND does minor CC with her lasso. SHE’S. BUSTED. Stop pretending she ain’t. I’m saying I love her! I FRIGGIN’ LOVE PLAYING MESA and she’s quickly become one of my most played frames- doesn’t change that she’s utterly and entirely busted. She can run through content with no fear of dying all while LITERALLY everything around her drops dead. Busted. I love her.
Mirage: I used to like her. Kinda don’t see the point in running her when every other frame feels like a more complete version of her, but I don’t know. I like her clones. Cool frame.
Nekros: Loot frame. Not much to say, I use him a ton when I need stuff- everyone does. Desecrate with despoil is good. Shadows are alright outside of survival modes where they take up spawn slots. Terrify is... an ability, and soul punch sure does take up the 1 slot dun-nit?
Maybe he’s a bit boring since that’s all he has. But still. Loot. So I mean, he does that well, that’s enough.
Nezha: Sliding is fun, fire is fun, tossing the ring is not fun at least the last time I bothered to do it (on console it’s awkward to aim and charge an ability at the same time) spears are nice. He’s a fun frame. I never play him outside of gathering corrupted mods solo, but still. Respect.
Nidus: I should play Nidus more. I actually love his toolkit (surprise surprise from the frame known for having the best toolkit in terms of synergy) I don’t play Nidus like ever. I like him, but I never touch him.
Nova: Neat frame often shoved into boring roles. I think the antimatter nuke is awkward and kinda mediocre- it is strong but shooting it to make it hurt things feels... weird. The defense orbs should honestly just be defense and dissolve 1 per damage taken with a 5 second delay between each orb lost or something- the current method of them being an attack AND defense is... stupid. But yeah, I love her 4. Stack strength and you have an intense slow, stack negative strength and you have the speed nova build literally everyone is told to use when doing defense which is ‘meh’.
Nyx: I want Nyx to be better. I know she got a bit of a buff recent-ish which helped, but still. Chaos is pretty much just useful in interception, and her other abilities are just... kinda not. Anywhere.
Oberon: I Love Oberon And I’m Upset That Trinity Has A Heal That Basically Stomps Him Into The Dirt. I like my bushes. I like HOTs more than plain jane burst heals, let me plant bushes and put a HOT on my team.
Octavia: BUFF OCTAVIA BY GIVING US MORE FREEDOM IN CREATING MUSIC. Octavia is overpowered in like any mission if you’re smart about it. I hate how her 2 is objectively bad to use- that was a poor decision by DE because they made each of her 1-2-3 abilities a part of her collective song and the best use of her abilities is to just use 1-3-4 which means no bass :(
She’s amazing and I love her.
Revenant: Cool frame that I never want to use. Enthrall is a neat mind control with how it spreads among enemies, but the rest? Mesmer makes him unkillable in the right context which is good, but like, kinda boring. Reave or whatever is just.... no thanks. I hate Hydroid’s burst forward, I hate yours too. And Danse? It was neat when I first saw it at his release, but honestly it doesn’t hold up.
Rhino: You carried me through the first half of the game, my ferrite covered friend. Now I only use you when I feel like seeing how high I can get the ferrite to or I want to roar and stand on point in a defense mission (a job better done by chroma to be fair). But for what you did as I learned the game, much respect.
Saryn: Unbelievable frame. Who thought this was okay? To be fair, unlike Mesa Saryn isn’t OP in every circumstance. But still. What Saryn can do makes you FEEL like she’s OP in her own circumstances which I guess means she isn’t OP since it isn’t all the time. Whatever. I love Saryn’s tools a ton, like really a ton, but I only ever feel like she’s useful in things like SO where the enemies are insanely plentiful and you can keep spores up forever and a day.
Titania: One of the most fun and slept on frames, but for good reason I suppose. I mean, she’s not insane by any means, but come on. Going pixie and showering enemies in high damage archgun-like fire is fun all the time. The rest of her tools aren’t super interesting to me, but that 4 is a good ability.
Trinity: I hate how much better of a heal she has than Oberon. I hate it. Also her toolkit isn’t that interesting to me, but it’s objectively good. Energy Vampire for infinite energy, then spam 4 for an immortal team. The other abilities are ‘meh’ though. I mean link has it’s use for buffing your defense, but I have a habit of forgetting it and just avoiding dying the traditional ways- by killing things and using my teammates various abilities to hide from damage instead. My bad.
Valkyr: I want Valk to be insanely good, but instead she’s just pretty good and pretty damn fun to use. That’s enough. I like going berserk, so she’s fine.
Vauban: BUFF VAUBAN YOU COWARDS. REVAMP AND BUFF HIM. NO, LETTING HIM CHARGE HIS TESLAS IS NOT A BUFF!!!! IT’S WORTHLESS!!! BUFF HIM YOU COWARDS! Also am I the only one that thinks it’s redundant and dumb for him to have TWO CC stop in place moves? Bastille AND Vortex?
Also it bothers me a lot that Vortex is half the range of Bastille, it means people say to just use Bastille if that’s your intent- but I want to use vortex.... Honestly, I’d say get rid of bastille and buff the range on vortex -.-
Volt: Go fast, put up shield, go fast again, use electric circle for whatever reason. I honestly just think Volt is boring and needs work for the entertainment side of things- but I mean, speed is good like ALL the time and shields are good for eidolons so. He’s in a good place he just isn’t fun.
Wukong: I love wukong’s style. I love how defile can be used to become immortal, though I’ve yet to rely on it outside of testing in the simulcrum. I love how his “OH CRAP” evade button is to hide in the clouds. I love his exalted weapon being as silly and berserk as the monkey king deserves- but I feel like he’s just too weak on every positive aspect he has to be worth using when every other frame does it better. But still. I like him.
Zephyr: Not a fan. Tornados are whatever. Flying is dumb. Hovering is dumb. Her immunity button is cool but I’ve yet to abuse it. She’s fine I guess, but I just don’t think “I can jump high or throw RNG tornados” to be a good toolkit. Invincibility is good though, but like I said, still haven’t abused it beyond learning about it being abused.
If this was a few days in the future I’d be talking about Baruuk but he isn’t done cooking in the EZ bake just yet.
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spaceybot · 6 years
Ordis Headcanon
What if with every Cephalon Fragment that you recover Ordis changes? You’re basically bringing the fragments back to the codex inside the Orbiter every time you scan. And the Orbiter is Ordis’ “body” so...essentially:
You are returning his repressed memories to him.
When you listen to the fragments’ hidden transmissions that he recorded, doesn’t Ordis notice? He comments when you interact with the arsenal and the mod station, so why wouldn’t he know what’s up when you’re messing around in the codex? 
What if, as you uncover more and more of the fragments, the other voice that always interrupts him begins to sound LESS like an angry, cartoonishly blood-thirsty Ordis and more like Ordan Karris???
Like??????? It’s literally midnight am I missing something important here?
How would Ordis react to the Operator uncovering something that he explicitly doesn’t want them to know? How would the Operator react to knowing it? Even though Hunhow straight up name drops Ordan Karris, the Beast of the Bones in the Octavia’s Anthem quest your Operator doesn’t react but Ordis CLEARLY remembers, since he tries to deny being that person. The memories aren’t completely gone but its clear he is repressing them, or at least making sure we don’t know.
But what if, hypothetically, the player has found every single fragment? What if they already know?
I feel like maybe we are supposed to separate gameplay from story but I ALSO feel like it could be really nicely integrated this way, like you unlock a bonus quest centered around Ordis once you 100% the Cephalon Fragments.
There are so many stories to write and stuff to explore centered around this one headcanon. I am confused and I have many questions. 
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