#If mix remembers something
mixology-expert · 6 months
...Mix sighs and leaves to get back to his bar.
At least it would be nice to see Drunkie and the others again, I suppose..
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spielzeugkaiser · 15 days
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I appear for one hot second with another self indulgent nostalgia piece! It's my birthday today, I'm now [redacted] years old and I'm reminiscing about the passage of time..
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samwpmarleau · 1 year
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jamie + learning
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accirax · 4 months
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🌟🍬🤖🎈Congrats to Wonderlands x Showtime for finishing their 4x4!🌟🍬🤖🎈
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crunchchute · 6 months
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koddlet · 9 months
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collage of that dream that stuck with me
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wife-beam · 1 month
a lot of people act like sqq’s main character trait is obliviousness and i could not disagree more
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canisalbus · 5 months
About the accents: if someone has a very "proper" Italian they are either foreigners or politicians/dignitaries/etc. So that fits perfectly for Machete, but I think it would be so funny if he sometimes slipped up and used a Nepalese word bc he forgot one in "proper" Italian lol
(Funny to me cause Naples has its own language in addition to accent, and most people don't actually know those words)
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leafwateraddict · 1 month
Ok hypothetically if i were to make a Heathers self insert au would sans be JD or veronica
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ok so
the instructions were for Wally, not the whrp/qa/You. which is especially interesting, because I think we all assumed they were instructions from Wally - after all, he's the one telling the whrp that they have work to do, he's sending envelopes (assumedly), he's sort of the driving force behind the whole in-universe project. he calls the shots, in a way. he's the one with the phone.
so who the hell is giving Wally instructions?
is it related to the distorted "extra" voice under Wally's in some of his hidden record audios? is it related to Sally's "monster"? is there someone else in Home?
just... there's a whole 'nother layer underneath Wally that i think is really scary. there's something else there, i feel. i Fear. i wonder if Wally is aware of it, or if he isn't quite as aware as we all - including him - like to think. how aware can a puppet be if they can't see their own strings (so to speak)? it's one thing to know what you are, and another entirely to understand what that entails.
#is there a puppetmaster? something or someone lurking underneath the surface?#i know there's not like... a Big Bad if i remember correctly#but im really suspicious that there is something Extra fucking with wally#like i really hope wally is acting of his own accord#but then again - what if its a mix of him acting on his own AND something else pushing him forward#is there something trying to get Out of home?#i think now of the 'im going to get it out' sentence from the about us page#i feel like wally is trying to stay In. i feel like he just wants to revive the show but he wants to Stay#so what the hell is trying get Out. to Leave#that sentence could just be talking about the show / memories of it#but now. im just. im thinking#homebogging#and i cant remember exactly but something about wally closing the guestbook bc it wasnt 'fun' anymore for some reason#i doubt the extra secret Something is home themself#because home seems to be Suffering to an extent from wally's attempts to connect with the 'outside' world#SO WHAT IS IT? HUH#i swear to fuck its connected to sally's so-called monster. the distortion. the spiral/eye pit. something looking through wally#which - no too many thoughts about that to say in tags#AND WHY IS WALLY DOING WHAT WHATEVER IT IS SAYS#is it automatic? like a 'oh. instructions. ill follow them' or does he Know who's talking to him or or or#i feel like an entire layer of the story was just revealed to us in one small simple marvelous update#who the hell is telling wally darling what to do...
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Cuckoo Clocks
Red Robin (Kinda) AU where everything during that timeline happens and Tim finally has his proof Bruce is still alive and he's ready to tell the JL and stop Ra's (whose on his way to Gotham to destroy all of things/people Bruce loves to get back at Tim for the whole blowing up his bases thing) all at once...
Only he suddenly finds a glowing green sticky note on his forehead. He is no doubt confused and jumpy from everything so far so he's tempted to forget about it and just move on but Tim has always been curious so he reads it.
"Finding the Lost in the stream will not be easy to fish out even with help gained. Find me first and I might lend you the correct lure.
Finish your battle with the False Immortal and find Phantom, he shall lead you to me and should you be right on time, I might be inclined to help.
And Tim... well, he's done a hell of a lot of questionable things so far at this point, why not take a chance on this too.
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the-witchhunter · 10 months
DP x DC 50's High School AU... Or is it?
Just imagine if you will, a very aesthetic 1950's high school setting. The Waynes live in the idyllic little town of Amity Park, going to Casper High, and living their lives.
Dick is the oldest son, off to college but still stopping by to visit, all letterman jacket and smiles. Jason, the bad boy greaser is trying to finish up his senior year of high school, a little late, but spending time in Juvie put his life on hold. He's trying his best, spending time working on his motorcycle and hanging with his study buddy, Jazz Fenton. Tim enjoying high school life with his family, studying hard and enjoying photography club. Gee, Tim's life sure is perfect
or is it?
Tim can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Sometimes, he remembers something else. He has memories of his life here, and they must be real, his family is here, Jason, Bruce, Alfred, and even Dick when he's back from the Teen Titans college. Wait... Dick wasn't in college, was he? Wasn't he a cop in Blood Haven? Was he the local cop? That's right, Dick is the local cop, all sunshine and feeding his eternal sweet tooth with donuts. How could he forget that? He loved his family! Sure, there had been some rough spots, like when Jason died went to juvie, but they were together now, a real family.
But sometimes Tim has dreams, of another time, of another place. But they can't be true, can they? YES! No, That made no sense. Thinking about it made his head hurt.
Then there was the matter of the boy in his class, Danny Fenton. He kept catching him staring. Danny would just look at him funny. Sometimes he would say weird things. Tim would write him off as just an oddball, but sometimes what he said reminded him of his dreams.
Tim wasn't sure what it was, but something was up. He was going to find out what it was, and maybe, just maybe, Danny Fenton was the first step to solving this mystery
Tim wished for a more idyllic life and to get along with his brothers while on a mission in Amity Park. One reality warping genie ghost later and now they're stuck in something like a 1950's sitcom with altered memories.
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askblueandviolet · 3 months
Hey blue or mayor- I got a question.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine is chocolate.
Also here have this *put flower crown on his head*
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Headcanon that Seven of Nine and Naomi actually find Neelix’s cooking to be fine because it’s the only food they’ve ever eaten/their first introduction to food and when they get to Earth everyone’s so excited to show them Alpha quadrant foods but neither of them likes anything they’re offered very much. Seven doesn’t really care either way except that she has to get used to a whole new palette and Naomi likes the obvious (Ex: candy, cake) but frequently complains that nothing tastes ‘right’. Naomi: -pushing away a slice of pizza- I don’t like it... Tom: You’re kidding me. You don’t like pizza? Naomi: It doesn’t taste right! Make it how Neelix used to. Tom: You want me to put gerhalorian beets and yuk mushrooms in the sauce so it congeals into a lumpy, slightly sour mess? Is that what you want, Naomi? Naomi: Yeah :(  I want Naomi and Icheb to work tirelessly together on a side project for years until finally doing it - being able to communicate clearly with those in the Delta quadrant! Icheb uses it to speak to the other borg children (now adults) and Naomi immediately uses it to call Neelix and ask him to find the nearest time portal and toss a big box of leola root into it. She’s been craving it for years! No one told her the Alpha quadrant didn’t have leola root, she wouldn’t have gone otherwise!
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gunsblazingg · 1 month
Why do the rabbids. have an account on here.
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cruelcruelsummr · 2 years
homestuck fans who started reading after the comic ended, reblog and share when you started reading and why. I’m curious how many of us there are
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