#Mister Demi
ginahrom · 1 month
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Cell block tango starts playing:)
Swap au from Sky92474221 (Twitter/X)
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beastlecreamxx · 1 month
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Cheeseball swap Mister Demi meets Swap Mister Demi
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sarimwonderland75 · 2 months
Miss Circle Devouring Her Student
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The Demi Scream
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Made this At school :)
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6roe · 1 month
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anywaayy whatchu guys think abt mr demi having a deer tail n a bigass fckin belt😊😊😊 (my headcanon ))
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dollcherray · 2 months
Hello! Could you do Yandere!Mister Demi Headcanons? :D
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✮⋆˙ LOVE YOU SO </3 ୨୧
Yandere Mister Demi x Reader
A/N: so, since i think student x teacher relationships are hella wrong, you are a teacher in this, gender neutral for yall sillies, made Mister Demi in the way i see him since i dont know much about him, Edit: I GOT TRICKED!!! I JUST FOUND OUT THAT WIKI WAS LYING, HES NOT A LIBRARIAN!!! HES A FUCKING MUSIC TEACHER FUCK-
TW: Yandere topics, death topics, reader is so done, paranoia, overthinking, remember: this is not healthy, stay way from individuals who act like this and seek help if they act in such way towards you.
type: angst(?), romantic and headcanons.
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୨୧ First things first, lets get into how you met eachother, you were another teacher in that godforsaken school, having to fight everyday in that violent place like your life depended on it (and it probably is).
୨୧ Although you would share some kindness here and there with some people in the school, especially the students since they have to study hard if they dont want to... well... die by the cold and brutal hands of the teachers, you felt pity for them, sincerely, you still feel sad about Abbie's brutal death, poor kid met a horrible demise just because of an F.
୨୧ You met Mister Demi in his library of course, he was really scared at first, because you were another teacher and he knows how the teachers there were cruel in that school, but... you were surprisingly nice! he even striked an pleasant conversation with you.
୨୧ And thats how you two started to get acquainted, day after day you would stop by the library to have a chat with your new friend who seemed like a (and only) decent person in such depraved place, nice! (bold of you to assume anyone could be normal in that place.)
୨୧ Demi would grow more and more enloved by you and wouldnt really acknowledge it at first, but after some time when his heart is hurting and thumping like crazy in his chest everytime you arent with him.
୨୧ Demi would start to have obsessive thoughts of you after some time when you two start hanging out even when you guys arent in the library, its like the more intimate you become, the more obsessive he becomes.
୨୧ Demi is obsessive, paranoid, dependent, harmless and anxious, he feels like hes going to die whenever you arent with him or when you have to leave him to do something important, he REALLY enjoys your company, sometimes he just wants to grab you by the hand and hold onto you until he thinks its enough.
୨୧ but he really tries to hide the fact that he likes that much, he doesnt wanna seem noisy or annoying to you, because it can make you avoid him and he would be devastated, Demi really overthinks of how you see him, he tries to be perfect to you so you wont leave him, please dont leave him!
୨୧ But Demi knows that wasnt correct and that wasnt the right thing to do if he wanted to stay with you, so he would just let you go, fighting with his frustration, he loves you very much and doesnt know how to deal with that.
୨୧ Demi often writes in a book everything he feels about you, so he would not take the risk of his losing his cool and doing something that will push you away from him and his grasp, so he would just deposit every little sick obsession he has in his book who probably by now would have 20 pages of his feelings about you. (minimum)
୨୧ Demi would be VERY touch starved, he often would find lots of excuses just to get you to end up touching him, even if its a minimal, the librarian even fakes crying so he could feel your hug for a prolongated time since he asks for that for "comfort". Basically: he isnt crying, hes just creating reasons.
୨୧ The librarian man would try to keep his red flags down so he doesnt risks on you catching on his troubling lovingly passion for you, that would probably push you away and he really doesnt want that
୨୧ But the red flags would start to lift up when Demi starts acting more and more erratic the more you two get intimate, like, he starts to get weirdly dissapointed whenever you have to leave and asks you lots of questions of where you are going and why even if its the room right next to the libraryor how he started to cling up to an extenct where hes almost climbing on ur back.
୨୧ If you found his book, he would be really scared, fuck scared, he'd be terrified, because he knows that everything he wrote in that book was not ethical, you would probably find his book in the library balcony where he forgot to hide it.
୨୧ if you do try to leave him, he would fucking breakdown, that polite and shy facade replaced by a lovesick and obsessive Demi, that was not the Demi you knew, the Demi that was clinging to your knee and begging to you not leave him was a totally different Demi you met.
୨୧ “I was being good!- i-i promise ill behave! please- please just dont leave me!"
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nekari61o · 2 months
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BESIDES THE OTHER GUYS ive also drawn fpe lately
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shape-person · 13 days
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Imagine your husband having a fatter ass than you.
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oldmanowenezra · 1 month
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I made one of them "Comfort Characters in Car" art things so here they be. From left to right: Winter King (Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake), Spamton (Deltarune), And Mister Demi (Fundamental Paper Education). Both Winter King and Demi are tired of Spamton's talking and are considering throwing him out.
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elaineellie · 2 months
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lulucutie2nitexd · 1 month
Can I have a yandere Miss Circle and Mr Demi x Fem reader?
I seriously have like 5 almost finished requests and the writing block hit me so hard because the only thing I wanna write about is FPE rn
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Remember that it is not okay to act like this in real life and if you do feel this way I'd advise you to get professional help.
Miss Circle❤️
• She's already murderous as is. Now she's obsessed with her co-worker and murderous? That's wonderful.
• She wouldn't dare let You catch her harming a student for a failing grade. She needs to always look innocent in front of you.
• She always tries to eat lunch with you if possible, and she packs some of the weirdest lunches too.
• She gets upset when you call her demon horns a cat ears, but she doesn't show it and just giggles.
• Her confidence can get overwhelming, she'll leave notes for you on your door asking for a date with something like "You're pretty >:3" and stuff.
• Occasionally she tries to pack you lunches but her own lunches are questionable so sometimes you have to pretend to like it.
• She can canonically change her height at any time and usually remains at 9'7, but she's used her ability to change in order to spy on you.
• She probably has atleast one picture of you guys together from a teacher meeting or something
You turn around to see someone approach you in the teachers lounge while you're getting water. "Hello there, I was questioning about something." She says confidently. However after getting to know her, you could see she was slightly nervous. "Yes miss circle?" You look at her smiling politely. The faint blush creeping onto her face as she tells you how much she admires you and that she adores you. "I've never felt such emotions. I never thought I'd say this to someone like you, but will You go out with me?"
You look at her smiling, heart feeling like it's going to burst out of your chest at any moment. "Yes, I will." You say to her somewhat flustered. The 9'7 demon lady giggling in excitement, happy beyond what words could ever explain. "Let's meet up tonight at 7pm after school" she said before running out of the teachers lounge with her inhumane speed. Later that night she meets you at your house, dressed neatly for the occasion. The simple yet beautiful picnic in the sunset was definitely something she'd always remember forever.
"I'm sorry Miss Circle, I don't reciprocate." You said looking away from her. She silently walks out of the room with no hint of any emotion or expression she's feeling right now. When you went home at night you couldn't help but feel like you where being followed. She picks you up from behind, using her compass to keep you stable off of the ground sandwiched between her and her arm. With her other hand she drugs you to sleep. You never had a choice anyway.
Mister Demi💚
• So shy when he met you, he tried to hide away to the library. Unfortunately for him you where in front of the teacher lounge exit so he had no escape.
• Fell for You when he watched how caring and compassionate You are with the students. He's seen what some other teachers do and he's not fond of it..
• Wrote a whole song for You on the piano but won't ever show you. He's to scared that you might dislike it or be uninterested.
• He doesn't know what he's feeling and so he panics, like, a lot. He talks to Miss Sasha about it and she tries her best to explain to him that he's having a crush but it just makes him panic more.
• A crush soon turns into infatuation and he's too deep in. He starts panicking immediately noticing that this isn't healthy. He's seen normal couples and none of them act the way he wants to act.
• Also cries to Miss Sasha about the unhealthy infatuation but she's ends up more concerned about his mental over his feelings.
• Gets urged by Miss Sasha to seek professional help so he gets therapy (which he's terrified about) but the feelings don't stop.
• Literally acts like a fan girl after you talk to him or even breathe the same air as him.
Miss Sasha walking up to you during lunch with second hand embarrassment, note neatly tucked away into the pocket of her shorts. She politely starts up some small talk with you before getting to the point. "Sorry to bother you but, Mister Demi has feelings for you. He sent me over with a note to give to you." She smiles at you handing over the note. The note says "I really like being around you, you're so pretty. Please like me back. I'm sorry"
"Miss Sasha, please tell him I feel the same." You say to her giggling. She's so excited to watch your and his new relationship blossom. Sasha does however tell you about the obsessive behavior and that he is getting professional help for it. Although you are very keen on staying with him to help him though it. She's so proud of both of you, and herself for being the amazing wing woman she totally is. She goes back to Mister Demi who's sitting across the lunchroom. When he hears the news he is joyus. But he also slams his head down to the table in embarrassment. He's really shy but gathers enough courage from Sasha cheering him on and you both exchange numbers.
"I'm sorry Miss Sasha, I don't believe I know Mister Demi well enough to form an opinion or feelings." She smiles and nods understandingly. However she whispers to you about the obsessive behavior and warns you about it. You're absolutely shocked. Glancing over to him immediately feeling uncomfortable. Sasha returning to Mister Demi with the news and handing him back the note. His whole world falls apart in front of everyone. He can't handle rejection well. He goes into a depressive and desperate state. Changing everything about him so that you'll love him. Eventually you don't even recognize him anymore until you realized how shy he is.
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herbertpock3t · 2 months
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*throws up art for a random fandom that I know NOTHING about*
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ginahrom · 7 days
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they are going to pay off their student debts:3
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beastlecreamxx · 1 month
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Mister Demi swap again :3
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ariesblaze666 · 2 months
Hihi!! Seen your reqs open :D I didn’t see any specifics on what you write, soo I want to request a canon x canon using Mister Demi & Miss Sasha! About how Mister Demi just adores her from afar before having some help from the other teachers to confess to Miss Sasha.
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Melodies of Love Mister Demi x Miss Sasha
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Start
In the bustling halls of Paper School, there existed a subtle symphony of emotions between two teachers: Mister Demi, the passionate music maestro, and Miss Sasha, the enchanting art aficionado.
Mister Demi found himself entranced by Miss Sasha's graceful demeanor and the effortless strokes of her paintbrush as she brought canvases to life. From afar, he admired her creativity, her poise, and the gentle melody of her laughter echoing through the corridors.
In his music room, amidst the crescendos and decrescendos of melodies, Mister Demi often found himself lost in thought, composing tunes inspired by the mere sight of Miss Sasha, his muse.
'There she is,' he would think, watching her delicately guide her students through the nuances of color and form. 'How I wish I could express the symphony of emotions she stirs within me.'
However, Mister Demi was too shy to approach Miss Sasha, fearing that his words would stumble like misplaced notes in a melody. Instead, he contented himself with stealing glances from across the schoolyard and weaving his unspoken adoration into every chord he played.
Meanwhile, Miss Sasha, immersed in her world of colors and textures, was oblivious to the silent serenade orchestrated by Mister Demi's heart.
Unbeknownst to him, the other teachers at Paper School had noticed Mister Demi's infatuation. Determined to unite the two kindred spirits, they hatched a plan to bring their love story to life.
One sunny afternoon, as Mister Demi plucked the strings of his guitar in the courtyard, he was startled by the unexpected presence of his fellow teachers.
"We have a proposition for you, Demi," Ms. Emily said while the other teacher gave him a knowing smiles.
Intrigued, Mister Demi listened as they outlined their plan to help him confess his feelings to Miss Sasha through a harmonious collaboration between art and music.
With newfound courage fueled by the support of his colleagues, Mister Demi composed a symphony of love, each note infused with the depths of his affection for Miss Sasha.
On the day of the grand reveal, as Miss Sasha led her students through an outdoor art exhibition, she was greeted by the enchanting strains of music drifting through the air.
Intrigued, she followed the sound until she reached the courtyard, where Mister Demi stood, his heart laid bare in the melodies he played.
With trembling hands and a voice filled with emotion, Mister Demi confessed his love to Miss Sasha, his words weaving seamlessly with the music that surrounded them.
Overwhelmed by the beauty of his gesture, Miss Sasha's heart soared, and she reached out to take his hand, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy.
From that moment on, Mister Demi and Miss Sasha's love blossomed like a masterpiece painted by the hands of fate, their union a testament to the power of music and art to transcend boundaries and bring souls together in perfect harmony.
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳End
Lol, this is shitty 🤣
But, thank you for the request
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heysayhappyface · 1 month
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Fundamental paper education random drawings.
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dollcherray · 2 months
Hiii!! Came to your blog and your writing is absolutely amazing!! :D Could I request some fluff with Mister Demi x Short!Insecure!Reader? (Gender Neutral for everyone to enjoy!) The reader is his teacher assistant who is learning to be a music teacher and is very insecure about their appearance and ability to help Demi.
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Mister Demi x Insecure and short reader
a/n: Thank you dear! i did the best i could in this fic for you but it got a bit short, im so sorry </3 and i also say sorry for the long wait, i had a hard day and needed some time to recover, but im back now!
TW: nothing ig, paranoia? if its even really paranoia and suggestive (straight up reproduction mentions)
Type: headcanons, fluff, romantic.
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୨୧ Demi was a very anxious person, you knew that because it was almost written all over his face, but despite that, he was still a proficient teacher, always worried about his work, not to mention he was statuesque too, everything you werent.
୨୧ Sometimes you question if you really deserve to be hus assistant, sure you were still learning but u should be at least decently skilled at the job by now... you really were nothing compared to him huh?
୨୧ Demi wouldnt really see your strange behavior at first, i mean, he would but, wouldnt associate to anything bad so then he continues with his work and teaching you with some things here and there to help you to improve your classes.
୨୧ The man would try anything to make you feel better, compliments right and left whenever you do something right, even if its little, he would still compliment you, the last thing he wants is you comparing youself to others or him, especially him:(
୨୧ Honestly, i dont think Demi would notice anything strange about you if you didnt really say anything to him, so, when you say what is going on your mind to him, Demi was flabbergasted, he had to take some time to process what you said.
୨୧ But since Demi is a bit anxious himself, he may or may not have some negative thoughts about himself from time to time, so i think he would get the whole degrading yourself part, but wont really get the part where you compare yourself to him of all people. (two mentally ill persons in love)
୨୧ About your appearance? he would gladly reassure you are STUNNING in his eyes, that being with kisses or words of assurance, sometimes between more "intimate" times he would praise you like, ALOT.
୨୧ This man is going to make you feel LOOVED because he truly thinks you are amazing and sooo pretty, so dont worry, he will try his best to make you feel better<3
୨୧ Of course, Demi does in his cute little way, like singing a song for you or writting a silly little poem for you, please appreciate his efforts<3
୨୧ “I love you to the moon and back my love”
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