#Ministry of Bass
ministryofbass1 · 1 year
Tune in and Turn Up: The Benefits of a High-Quality Car Stereo
If you're looking to upgrade your car's audio system, there's no better way to do so than by investing in a high-quality car stereo. A good car stereo system can provide a range of benefits, from improved sound quality to enhanced entertainment options. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of a high-quality car stereo system, with a particular focus on the Ministry of Bass.
What is Ministry of Bass?
Before we dive into the benefits of a high-quality car stereo, let's take a moment to introduce the Ministry of Bass. Ministry of Bass is a premium audio brand that specializes in car audio systems. They offer a range of products, from subwoofers to amplifiers, that are designed to provide the highest quality audio experience possible.
Now, let's explore some of the benefits of a high-quality car stereo.
Improved Sound Quality
One of the most obvious benefits of a high-quality car stereo is improved sound quality. A good car stereo system can provide crisp, clear audio that allows you to fully appreciate your favorite songs. With Ministry of Bass products, you can expect exceptional sound quality that brings your music to life.
Enhanced Entertainment Options
A high-quality car stereo can also provide enhanced entertainment options. With features like Bluetooth connectivity, you can easily connect your phone or other device to your car stereo and stream music, podcasts, or audiobooks. Ministry of Bass offers a range of products with advanced connectivity options, so you can enjoy all your favorite content on the go.
Increased Resale Value
Another benefit of a high-quality car stereo is increased resale value. If you're looking to sell your car in the future, a premium audio system can be a major selling point. Potential buyers will be more likely to consider your car if it comes with a high-quality car stereo, especially one from a reputable brand like Ministry of Bass.
Better Driving Experience
Finally, a high-quality car stereo can provide a better overall driving experience. With great sound quality and advanced features, you can enjoy your time on the road more fully. Whether you're taking a long road trip or just commuting to work, a good car stereo can make the journey more enjoyable.
In conclusion, a high-quality car stereo system can provide a range of benefits, from improved sound quality to enhanced entertainment options. If you're in the market for a car stereo upgrade, consider Ministry of Bass for a premium audio experience that will take your driving to the next level.
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thefollows · 4 months
The return of Paul Barker!
"And we're recruiting an old mate from the early days. Paul Barker is going to rejoin the band and we're going to record together and that will be our last one."
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
Headcanons: The Ghouls first meeting / Developing a crush on you
The Ghoulettes + Mountain version here
• Standoff-ish, is feisty with you at first
• Copia has to remind him to be nice to you since you're still new to the ministry.
• Has a lot of trust issues, but you are patient with him.
• You always greet him with a smile and he just sneers at you. But that doesn't stop you from making an effort for friendship
• One day you do something extra thoughtful and you mend the neck of his favorite guitar when he broke it in a fit of rage. He. Was. Speechless.
• "You did this? But, I've been such an ass to you..." "It's no problem, I know how much it meant"
• His feelings for you did a complete 180. He didn't make any rude face expressions when you smiled at him, he could only look away an blush. Other times he'd just wave.
• His tail wags when he sees you despite his face holding no expression. He has to tuck it in his trousers it gets so bad.
• You complement his long hair and he let's you touch it. His face has never been so red when you leaned closer to run your fingers through it.
• "Fuck, I'm such a pathetic loser. (Reader) would never think of me that way"
• He gnaws at his claws while daydreaming about you
• Warm and welcoming when you first meet
• Instantly becomes friends with you, he's definitely one of the more extroverted ghouls from the rest of the group.
• Finally, he has a work buddy. It's a little exhausting being Copias right-hand ghoul.
• Enjoys your company so much that he asks you to help out with more things around the ministry
• At first he thought he'd only see you as a good friend. But one day he hears you humming one of his favorite songs while in the library. He stays extra silent so you don't know he's there. Fell for you so hard you could compare it to falling down the steps.
• His pointed ears perk up everytime he hears you, smells you, hell, even by looking at you.
• Copia ships you two
• You gave him a little peck on the cheek when he bought you your favorite food while working. He left your office with the widest grin the world had ever seen.
• Never washed his cheek again until Cumulus had to basically hose his face down.
• Puffs his chest out to look more macho, always loves it when you complement his strength.
• Introverted. A ghoul of few words. Doesn't say anything when you first meet, only nods his head.
• As soon as you talk to him, he averts his eyes and keeps conversations short.
• You understand that he doesn't like talking, so you try communicating without words before he's comfortable enough talking to you.
• Seeing him while in a meeting, your eyes met. He was about to look away but you slip him a note from under the table.
• 'hiii, how r u?'
• His heart skips a beat, but he gives you a thumbs up.
• First it was notes, then it was hand gestures and face expressions. Finally, you two started having conversations
• He becomes more confident after you two became friends. Spoke up and had more faith in himself.
• He started crushing when you cared enough to slip him that note.
• Writes songs about you but hides them in his acoustic guitar. (Yes he plays bass, but likes to play acoustic guitars from time to time)
• He LOVES your eyes, he feels enraptured in your gaze.
• Flirty, very flirty
• You can only laugh at his corny pick up lines. That satisfies him enough to know that you have a good sense of humor
• Is naturally very talkative, so it's easy to have conversations with him.
• Continues with using pickup lines on you, honestly he's never had anyone to use them on besides some of his fellow ghouls.
• Until the day comes when you flirt back with him. Satan, that awoke something in him.
• Also, he's very touchy, so he constantly wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder.
• You think nothing of it since you've seen him do the same with Dewdrop and Phantom. But he's definitely doing it just so the other Ghouls know you're his.
• Loves to show his teeth off for you, you've nicknamed him "Biggy Smiles"
• Quietly purrs when he hears you talk
• The ghouls know how badly he wants you, he talks about you nonstop.
• This man is so down bad. Catch him making up scenarios about you and him. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
• Likes to watch you work from afar, he doesn't want to make his love for you too obvious just yet
• Ah yes, the new guy.
• You were there when he was summoned from the depths of hell.
• The first person he laid eyes on was not Papa, but you. You intrigued him in a way no other human has.
• You were assigned to teach him all of his tasks, introducing him to the other ghouls, and to fit him for his Ritual/concert clothing.
• He is very playful with you, he treats you like a fellow ghoul.
• Follows you around like a lost puppy, still doesn't feel like he fits in. You tell him that he's being silly and that the other Ghouls like him despite what he thinks.
• Well, he also just wants to be with you. He's very protective when he's around you, especially with the more flirty ghouls sneaking glances at you now and again.
• He likes his ghoul friends, but will fight for you if they even think of making an advance towards you.
• He's also a flirt, will tease you when you're working. It's worse when it's at a ritual and he sees you in the front of the crowd. He puts his guitar his shoulder, kneels down, and stares at you while smirking.
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thelampisaflashlight · 2 months
The ghouls, but specifically stuff about the water/water hybrids ghouls. Let's go.
-Due to the instability of his vessel, Water, the first ghoul to hold the bass position in the band, was destroyed by his own magic, and thus returned to the pit.
His successor, Lake, and Lake's subsequent replacement, River, also succumbed to this same issue, but, after an unfortunate amount of trial and error, the ministry was able to create their first viable water ghoul; Delta.
However, until Mist's summoning not long after, the ministry could not confirm whether or not they truly fixed the issue or not, as Delta was a hybrid, leading to the false conclusion that his quintessence magic kept him from succumbing to his water side.
-It's largely Delta's fault that there's a tradition of "bullying the new guy" among the band ghouls, generally speaking, but especially in regards to new water ghouls.
Delta teased Mist, Mist teased Dew... and then Delta decided to tease Dew, too.
Rain managed to escape this particular hazing ritual largely because Delta enjoyed teasing Dew more than him, and because Dew elected to go the, "I don't want to talk to you." route instead.
-Since leaving the band, Delta has been more in-tune with his quintessence side, and so he has taken up a position in the abbey's infirmary as part of the medical staff.
This is the only place where his antics involving Dew/teasing him are strictly not allowed, a rule which he respects due to his want to retain his job.
He also does not use any of Dew's -or anyone's- health information in his jokes, as even he thinks that would be crossing a line.
-Mist and Rain are saltwater variant ghouls, whereas Delta and Dew are freshwater, with their secondary subcategories...
Mist-Abyssopelagic Zone (The Abyss) variant, Rain-Mesopelagic Zone (The Twilight Zone) variant, Dew-Tundra/Plains Hybrid variant, Delta-Wetland/Temperate Forest Hybrid variant.
...This basically means they're all water, but their relationship with it is very different.
Mist's water magic is survival/instinct based, meaning it is used predominantly for hunting, whereas Rain's is used more so for camouflaging him, allowing him to glamour himself more readily than others.
Since Delta and Dew are hybrids, their magic is a bit more specific in terms of which form they have the most control of it in.
Delta can only manipulate freshwater containing dirt and debris, meaning he's good at removing impurities from water and cleaning it/cleansing wounds, which makes him an excellent addition to the medical staff.
And Dew can... Dew can make ice? Act like a humidifier?
...Yeah, he kind of got the short end of the stick on that one.
And lastly;
-The water ghouls all have a pact that if anyone messes with one of them, then they're all obligated to jump said person, no further questions asked.
One witness to such an event heard the "victim" shouting, "THE BITCHES HAVE UNIONIZED!" and indeed, indeed they had.
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artdecodude · 2 months
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I love it when two things I love but are way not related collide with each other. Case in point: I Art Deco (duh) and I love Industrial & Deathrock music; this is Lead into Gold's 12" single for Idiot/Blackened Heart, Hatred on legendary Wax Trax Records. This is (and still is Paul Barker's project). Paul is best known as the bass player for Ministry & Revolting Cocks back in their heyday. The Art Deco album art are from two Chicago Bridges. One bridge with the female subject, if sketchy sources are correct, is the Ogden Bridge, which was totaled in 1994 (this single came out in 1990). The Ashland Avenue bridge is still there but google maps doesn't show any artwork anywhere. The artist for both is Scipione del Campo, who did many other Chicagoland pieces in the same style.
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shreeader · 10 months
Hallway Crush; Phantom Ghoul x Reader
Words: 2715
Pronouns: they/them
WARNINGS: Lots of fluff, like so much fluff, it’s kinda tooth-rotting, the band Ghost is Satanic, mentions of people being gay, slight overthinking, cute stuff, pretty minimal use of y/n
Summary: Phantom sees you at a ritual, and then starts passing by you in the hallway everyday.
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A new ghoul. Correction, two new ghouls. They were adorably excited to be part of the ministry; it was obvious on their masked faces.
They already had nicknames from the siblings of sin as well. The ghoul who had taken the position of rhythm guitarist was nicknamed Phantom, and the new female multi-ghoul was nicknamed Aurora. Both had their variations, but Phantom and Aurora stuck the most.
Some of the people in the ministry were sad that Aether was no longer wanted and Sunshine was gone as well, but most welcomed the new ghouls with open arms.
The hallways of the ministry were warmed to a certain degree from the summer heat outside. People were walking the halls, buzzing with excitement for the upcoming ritual. It was later that night, but those setting up were rushing around all over the place, stressing over everything.
Everyone stopped when they heard a muffled microphone screeching from the separate building, and Papa Emeritus IV’s voice rang through once it was finished. “Mic check.” He said before his wonderful voice sang out lyrics to whatever song he could think of, which so happened to be Mary On A Cross.
Smiles lit up the faces as everyone somehow grew even more excited. You stared out the window toward the building with everyone, a grin on your face as well. You and your friends had luckily won the tickets to be in the pit, which were raffled out to several members each ritual out of fairness.
Some of your friends wanted to be on Sodo’s side or toward the middle where they would be able to see Papa better, but you wanted to be on Phantom’s side. The new ghoul has piqued your interest, so you wanted to see what he could do.
A guitar pierced the air, a complex sound with chords that didn’t sound like they belonged to Sodo. People let out squeals of excitement as chatter picked up.
“That’s gotta be Phantom!” One of your friends yelled, jumping while using one of your other friend’s shoulders as a boost.
The deep sound of a bass guitar rang out, gaining even more squeals and sounds of excitement from those in the hall. “Rain!” A chuckle left your lips as you felt the same as everyone else in the hall. No matter how many times you’ve all heard them warming up, the joy still ran its course.
It was almost impossible to get used to them, especially whenever they spice it up.
Another guitar cut through, the chords and skill outdoing the rhythm guitar as if it were a competition. “Oh my Satan, Sodo!” Those around you yelled loudly and there was no doubt fans of the lead guitarist roaming the halls.
One of your friends turned to you, their purple hair bright and colorful. “We should all go get ready!” Erin exclaimed, grabbing your hand and your other friend’s hand. The rest of the group followed as they dragged you throughout the hall.
You stood in the slow-moving line, chatting with your friends. Excitement coursed through your veins as your turn was next. You happily gave your ticket to the user, and they let you enter the pit.
Erin agreed to be on Phantom’s side of the stage with you, making you happy and full of relief. You managed to snag spots right in front of the barrier. “No matter how many times I’ve been, it still feels like a fever dream!” You yelled to Erin, who nodded in agreement.
It felt like forever before it started. The curtain dropped as Kaisarion began playing. You and Erin were quick to join in with everyone’s shouts of excitement and sang along to the lyrics. Phantom played expertly as you pulled out your phone and aimed your camera at him.
Throughout the ritual, he interacted with the crowd a lot. He seemed to keep his eyes on you quite often, even staring at you during Cirice and Mummy Dust. He had tossed a pick to you, which you had caught with a big grin on your face.
At the end of the ritual, you had also gotten a drumstick from Mountain, while Erin gained picks from both Swiss and Rain. You weren’t envious of their treasures because you had your own, and you could only guess that you’d get more trinkets later in life.
You held the drumstick and pick tightly in your grasp, still feeling euphoric and slightly lightheaded from the ritual. Erin had slung their arm around your shoulders as they laughed, leading you to your other friends before you could go get something to eat from the ministry’s cafeteria.
The members of the ministry were still buzzing from the excitement of the previous night. Everyone did their tasks happily as they hummed whatever song was stuck in their head. Everyone included you, as you walked through the halls with a smile on your face as you hummed the solo that Phantom had done during Square Hammer.
People stopped and said hi to whoever was walking in the halls, and you were quick to do so yourself. Your eyes landed on the ghoul you were just thinking about, making a shy grin land on your lips as you greeted him. He returned your smile, and it seemed almost as if it was a brighter smile than the ones he had given others.
You both continued on with your assigned things as you passed by each other.
The following days, you saw him several times. Each time, he gave you the same bright smile and happy greeting, which you gladly reciprocated.
Your friends had begun to notice. They had gotten smiles and greetings from him, but none of them had gotten the same toothy smile and adorable little “hello” that you got from him.
Some of the other ghouls had begun to notice as well, and it quickly spread around in their little circle. Swiss had been the first to notice, which some found somewhat surprising. They didn’t believe him until Cumulus confirmed it herself, and most of them have paid attention to it since.
At lunch after quite a few days of the hallway meets, your friends had been staring at you. It made you feel uncomfortable, so you spoke up. “Why am I being stared at like a Jesus promoter trying to force Christianity on us?”
Erin tried to hold back the smile that wanted to force itself on their lips. “So,” they finally spoke. “Phantom.”
You raised your brows in confusion, wondering why they were bringing up the rhythm guitarist. “What about him?”
“Do you like him?” Your lesbian friend Dahlia asked, leaning forward as a cheeky smile rested on her dark red lips.
“He’s my favorite ghoul, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Dahlia laughed, and Riley spoke up from his spot next to her. “She means romantically.” Your face heated up, causing laughter to sound from several of your friends’ mouths.
“Even if I were, there would still be so many other people who are as well, so why single me out?” You asked, gripping onto your fork tightly. Your gaze quickly travelled each of their faces.
Taylor bumped her shoulder to yours with a light smile. “Because there’s no way he doesn’t like you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah right. I don’t believe you guys.” You huffed, your heart racing in your chest. Phantom was cute, and if he had an interest in you…
You shook the thought from your head. There’s no way he would have any interest in you. It’s ridiculous. If anything, he was merely just a hallway crush. That’s it. Someone you only like when you see them in the hallway. Plus, he has a ton of fans who would kill to be with him.
Yet there was still that spark of hope in your chest. It had been so tiny before.
You had noticed how much happier he looked at the sight of you.
You had noticed that before that ritual you were in front of him at, he never took that hallway.
You had noticed that after that ritual, he had started taking that hallway everyday since he saw you there.
You had noticed that he often seemed reluctant to leave after saying hello to you in the hallway.
You had noticed his body language becoming a little shyer around you.
You had noticed that he never had his mask pulled up in the hallway, but everywhere else, it was put snugly above his nose.
Your friends had taken that spark of hope and added fuel, turning it into a tiny flame that you wanted to nurture into a much larger one.
You refrained from doing that, for your mind kept you from believing your friends. You just couldn’t believe them. There was no way you could without solid proof from Phantom.
You zoned back in to see them giving you soft smiles. “You’re so adorable.” Erin laughed, shoving some of the food on the tray in front of them into their mouth.
You were zoned out while roaming the halls later that night, not noticing you ended up in the spot where he always passes by you. You stopped where he usually managed to stop you, your attention returning.
Your eyes focused on the hardwood floors first before they trailed up and to the right, looking out the giant window. The moon was bright and full, providing more light to the dim hallway than it usually would. Stars were visible here and there, dotting the partly cloudy, night sky.
The quiet hallway was cooler than it was during the day, but it wasn’t anywhere close enough to leave you shivering. It was peaceful, making you almost wish you had brought a book or at least something to do with you.
Your thoughts were plagued by thoughts of Phantom. Your friends’ words forced thoughts of him even further forward in your mind than you would ever like to admit. You wondered if they were just trying to embarrass you or something, but you doubted that. Your friends were good people, and people you’ve known for a while and shared several secrets with.
Soft footsteps dragged your eyes from the moon, and there was a tall figure dressed in all black walking down the hall. It had no curves, nor was it as short as most of the ghoulettes, so you ruled out that possibility. You could barely make out the horns on his head, basically screaming that it was a ghoul.
As he grew closer, you noticed him reach up to the mask covering the lower half of his face. His pale hand with the black ring on the index finger moved it down from beneath his mask. His lips formed into the oh so familiar smile that you’ve been seeing in the hallway the past couple of days.
“Hello.” That one word made your heart flutter. His perfect voice sent your cheeks straight into a pit of lava, warming them up fast.
Your gut churned as you managed to splay a soft smile on your lips. “Hi.” You said your usual response, wringing your hands together in front of you. “Are you just passing by?”
“Only if you want me to be.”
He let out a small chuckle, and you were quick to shake your head. “No, I don’t.” You let your eyes trail over his masked face, which was covered in shadows.
It felt weird to see him in the shadows while you were in the moonlight. It’d normally be the other way around, as he was a managed sort of chaotic on stage. He shifted, eyes looked out at the moon as his smile stayed on his face. “It’s a gorgeous night, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, it is.” You turned your eyes to look out the window as well. You couldn’t tell if the silence was a soft, uncomfortable one, or if it was an insufferable, awkward one. You looked back to see him looking at you.
He opened his mouth to speak, trying to find the right words, yet you could only assume they failed him as his mouth shut once again. “What’s your name?” He managed to ask, still giving you that toothy grin he still only gave you.
“(Y/n).” You answered, trying to keep your smile more toned down than it felt like it was going to be. “Do you normally pass through here at night or was this just a coincidence?”
Phantom let out an airy chuckle, almost as if he was embarrassed by what he was about to admit. “I started coming down this hall every night and standing at this window as a habit. I guess I was hoping you’d pass through here at this time, so I could see you.”
If you weren’t blushing before, you sure as hell were now. Your heart beat fast in your chest, and you felt as if he could hear it from his position near you. Your fingertips felt cold, yet your ears and neck burned with heat. Your brain had nearly short-circuited.
You didn’t know if you could handle a confession at that point. One of the ghouls hoping he could see you by coming to the same spot in the hallway that he sees you every day was honestly one of the cutest and most endearing things you’ve ever heard.
He stood there in front of you, playing with the ring on his index finger as he stared at you. That toothy grin was merely just an awkward smile now, and you could feel a dopey one appearing on your face.
“That’s so adorable.” You breathed out, bringing your cold fingertips to your cheeks as his awkward smile turned into a relieved one. His lips were so expressive, even though they were also masked most of the time.
He took a step closer to you, the light shining a bit on his mask. It showed the long black horns perfectly, and you noticed how part of the mask had been scratched. You hoped it had just been a design choice of his and not anything serious.
Phantom took another step, stopping just in front of you. You craned your neck up to look into the pieces of plastic in front of his eyes. The moonlight was cheeky as it snuck in there somehow, giving you the faintest outline of his eyes.
They were probably so gorgeous beneath his mask, but you wouldn’t ask him to take it off out of respect and safety. He leaned his head down toward you as he brought his hands up.
They gently grabbed your cheeks, palms rough with calluses from playing guitar and who knows what else; however, they were so warm against your already warm cheeks. Your hands placed themselves above his as you both kept your smiles, albeit however shaky they were.
He was careful not to let the tips of his horns touch you as he leaned the forehead of his mask against your forehead. You could just barely feel his breath on your face, and you managed to make out his eyes shutting behind his mask.
You watched him for any sign of movement before you let your eyes fall closed. “Hello.” He whispered, warning a small giggle from you at how silly it was.
“Hi.” You responded, and Phantom’s hands moved to intertwine with yours, pulling them down from your face to rest between you two.
You fluttered your eyes open to see him staring at you. “What do you say to getting to know each other?” His voice was hopeful, making the spark of hope in your chest ignite once more.
The spark that had turned into a small flame, was growing into a bonfire. You figured that it would soon turn into a raging inferno or blaze.
You squeezed his hands in your tender moment with him, the moonlight shining through the window onto you both so softly, yet so perfectly. “I say yes.”
It was honestly incredible how after a ritual, seeing each other in the hallways and giving each other little greetings turned out. His smile, his personality, his voice, just him. He became a hallway crush, and you hoped he would become something more.
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tojisun · 7 months
sun u should explain the ghost band lore bc i’m interested but no nothing about them
oki oki so ani this might take a while bc i went crazy explaining and it might be too long so uhm find the tl;dr at the end 😭
i swooned when i saw u ask this bc!!! mwah mwah <333 idk it made me so giddy teehee <33 also! this is what i know so far so there might be lapses in my explanation hhh
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the band ghost or ghost (or ‘ghost bc’)
- they are are theatrical rock band mostly known for their satirical approach to organized religion (roman catholicism); they have a parody of the ministry (from the papacy down to the clergymen [dubbed as brothers/sisters of sins]). there are criticism that they are satanic and, well, that is their lore.
the current singer is called papa emeritus iv
- papa iv is endearingly called popia because before being papa, he was known as cardinal copia. he succeeded the previous three papa emeritus (primo, secondo, terzo) after the three have been killed. he also inherited the ghouls (specifically terzo’s ghouls).
- primo, secondo, terzo, copia are all acted by the same guy (tobias forge)! the lore is that they’re all brothers, fathered by papa nihil, but that copia wasn’t recognized as his son until later on when the three papas were killed. the ones who organized the deaths of the previous papas is sister imperator, copia’s mom.
- the papas, in order: primo, secondo, terzo, copia (cardinal), copia (papa)
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nameless ghouls
- they are the people that tobias forge (papa) hires to play live! theyre not a concrete band since these instrumentalists could be/had been replaceable :((
- when ghost debuted, there were only four ghouls: fire, water, earth, quintessence. these titles are reflections of the instruments they play! fire (lead guitar). water (bass guitar). earth (drums). quintessence (rhythm guitar). later a keyboard instrumentalist was added and they were dubbed as the air ghoul.
- as the band grew more popular and more instrumentalists came and went, the fans began naming them. at the top of my head; notable old members include: alpha (fire). omega (quintessence). mist (water). ifrit (fire). zephyr (air).
- i think it was in 2019 when the ghouls were established and no one left (until, that is, june 2023). they were: dewdrop (fire; previously water so he replaced ifrit as lead guitarist). rain (water; bass guitar). aether (quintessence; rhythm guitar). mountain (earth; drums). swiss (multi ghoul - means he is a backup vocals, acoustic guitarist, tambourine). cumulus (air; keyboard and backup vocals). cirrus (air - keyboard and keystar). sunshine (multi; backup vocals).
- nameless ghouls as of july 2023: dewdrop (fire). rain (water). phantom (quintessence - he replaced aether). mountain (earth). swiss (multi). cumulus (air). cirrus (air). aurora (multi - she replaced sunshine).
- fave: nameless ghouls aren’t all just men!! cirrus, cumulus, sunshine, and aurora are ghoulettes
- i finally know who is who when they don’t have their instruments 😭
- they all wear the same thing for anonymity, although fans know who they are unmasked!
other fun info
- a ghost concert is called ‘ritual’
- they have this episodes (??) of more lore called ‘chapters’
- there are talks that copia will be replaced by a new papa but copia’s goodbye had been too quiet and peaceful so fans speculate that tobias forge is gonna do smthn else?
- papa nihil plays the saxophone!
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tl;dr - tobias forge is a huge fucking nerd who made a whole satanic ministry and band for flare!
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moldycantaloupe · 1 month
Mushy May Day 11
(Bonus prompt 8) first kiss
Pairing; Mountain/Dewdrop
note; this is during Era III
thanks as always to @forlorn-crows for the prompts!
Dew could not stop looking at that tall ass earth ghoul throughout the show, which was bad for the show.
He wanted to hate him, he wanted to hate that overly chilled out ghoul for so long, but it was so hard when he was just so loveable and caring. He made Dew’s coffee sometimes and it was always better than how he made it. At the ministry he would always do a double check on Dew right before Mass, sometimes he even found something to fuss over. He grew flowers for him, for hell’s sake. He was so caring, and it was so infuriating.
And oh, the passion that Mountain possessed. He treated his kit better than Dew ever treated his bass. He always did double, triple checks preshow to make sure he would be good to perform at his peak. And his peak was just… peak. He swung his sticks and kicked his legs and whatever else with so much enthusiasm, it was almost overwhelming to watch.
It was after bows, and Dew couldn’t get off of stage any faster to try and catch that lanky ghoul. Mountain was chatting with Ifrit about something, something that he honestly could care less about, because he needed to be with Mountain, needed to do something with him.
“Mount!” Dew called out. Mountain turned and stopped, his eyes striking against the chrome of the mask. He tilted his head in a question and Dew simply grabbed his forearm and began walking. Ifrit whistle “go get ‘em!” that he promptly ignored with a huff.
“What’s going on, droplet?” Mountain was ironically stumbling trying to keep up with the water ghoul. Dew gave him no answer and pushed the two of them to a small corner in the venue, somewhere away from prying eyes and any rush of people. He rangled his masks off and stared up at Mountain, breathing heavily. Mountain reluctantly did the same, carefully clicking the mask and balaclava off of his face. His brows were furrowed together and Dew could see his lips form a small frown.
“What’s going on?” Mountain asked again, his voice hushed. Dew shook his head and laughed, what a scene he accidentally created.
“Sorry, nothing, uh-” he took a deep breath and looked back into those eyes, the concern now turned confusion. He smiled slightly, baring his fangs. “You just… I just wanted to say good job. Tonight.”
Mountain blinked at him. “You’re hiding me away to… compliment me?” He chuckled. “Seems pretty excessive, yeah?”
“Yeah, well…” he worried his lip between his teeth, a habit he can already hear Aether lecture to him about again, and sighed. “Good job, man.”
Mountain smiled, bright and genuine. He reached a hand down and rested it against Dew’s cheek, a gesture he leaned into with a hum. Dew could see the cogs rotating in that head of his, something he did often. It was always a good way to get to actually look at him without the problem of being caught.
But those cogs seemed to be working tonight. Slowly, slow enough that Dew could back out at any point, Mountain leaned low and close. Dew met him halfway, hands unsure what to do but hung out in the air as their lips pressed together in a chaste kiss. A peck, really. They leaned their foreheads together, eyes locked in a fierce staring contest that was way too intimate to be anything challenging. Mountain kissed him one more time, smiling into it.
“Thanks.” He mumbled when he pulled away.
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nefariousghoul · 1 month
Mushy May Day 4- Wound Tending/First Aid
pairings: raindrop
word count: 1456
summary: rain is still fairly new to the ministry and feels constantly criticized by dew. after another mess up in rehearsals, dew gets upset. rain runs off to the lake, where dew unexpectedly approaches him.
content warnings: fluff w some angst. brief mentions of injuries/bleeding, brief mention of yelling, rain cries a little bit
thanks to @forlorn-crows for the prompts and @ghuleh-recs for the dividers!!
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It’s a brisk autumn night at the ministry. The skies were full of stars and a few stray clouds. A gentle breeze drifts through, the water moving softly with it.
Rain had just been summoned a few months prior. He was still settling into life at the ministry. His room was still bare. Aside from the basic furniture it came with, all he had in there was his bass and a few rocks he’d collected from the lake. Rehearsals started becoming more frequent with the tour coming up, and they began to run longer.
Rain always blamed himself for rehearsals running much later than usual. He just couldn’t get the songs down. He wasn’t as confident as Swiss or Dew on stage. He’d fumble the notes during the same part of Miasma every time, and he would lose tempo, causing the whole band to stop playing.
Dew had become fed up with Rain’s mistakes, causing him to act out briefly. Yelling at Rain, asking him why he couldn’t get the rhythm down and if he was dumb, until he stormed off, leaving the rest of the ghouls on stage in a stunned silence. Rain's eyes began to burn as he quickly and quietly put his bass back in its case before leaving the room.
He didn’t understand why Dew was so upset with him all the time. Rain had only ever been kind. The rest of the pack had taken a liking to rain, all except dewdrop. No matter what Rain did Dew always seemed to be mad at him for it. He couldn’t figure out what he’d done wrong, and it frustrated him beyond belief.
That’s where he found himself now. He ran and ran through the forest behind the ministry, falling a few times as he tripped on a few stray branches, until he reached the lake. He approached slowly, his chest heaving. He walked until he reached the edge of the dock, sitting down and letting his feet rest in the water.
He kept his gaze down, watching the water ripple as his feet swayed beneath it. He took in a deep breath as he focused on the water. Being in his element helped him calm down and made him feel whole. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, staring, before the tears started to fall. He brought a hand up to wipe them away when a voice startled him from behind, causing him to jump slightly before turning to see who it was.
“Are you okay?” Dew said. his hands fidgeting with the loose threads of his shirt as he tried to meet Rain’s gaze, failing miserably.
Rain quickly wiped the tears from his face, his brows furrowing as he realized it was dewdrop that had approached him. His heartbeat quickened as he felt anxiety begin to course through him. Why was dew here? Was he going to just get mad at me again? He thought to himself. He searched Dew's face and only found concern and maybe guilt..?
He cleared his throat slightly. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” Rain said, giving Dew a small grin.
It was now Dew’s turn to look confused as he gave Rain a once-over, seeing that his knees were bleeding. It appeared that they had been scraped at some point.
Dew sighed. “Rain. You’re literally bleeding. You are not okay.” he said, pointing to the water ghoul’s knees.
Rain quickly followed his finger to see what he’d been pointing at, and he saw that he had in fact been bleeding. His jaw dropped slightly as he realized it must’ve happened when he was running through the trees. He looked back up at Dew.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I am.” he let out a nervous chuckle.
“I’m okay though, Dew. You don’t have to worry about me.” He gave Dew a (what he thought was) convincing smile, but Dew saw right through it.
Dew rolled his eyes before reaching his hand out to rain; his face stayed unchanged from the slightly annoyed look he always wore. Rain looked up at him with furrowed brows. His palms began to grow sweaty as he tried to figure out why Dew had come to check on him. He hadn’t shown Rain an ounce of kindness since he was summoned.
“What?” Rain stuttered out, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes searched Dew’s looking for some kind of hate behind them, only to find a soft hint of genuine concern.
“C’mon. Gotta get ya back to the den.” Dew muttered. His tone was the same ornery one as always. “It’s getting late. i-“ he stuttered. “They’re worried about you, waterlily.” Dew’s cheeks flushed softly as he realized his little slip-up. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, missing the gentle tug at Rain's lips.
Rain's gaze fell to his lap once more as his cheeks flushed a light purple color. He met Dew’s gaze once more, moving his hand to grab Dew's own.
Dew's eyes shot open when Rain’s hand grabbed his. the cool temperature of the water ghoul’s hand against his own making his stomach flutter. He gently tugged on Rain's arm, helping him stand before letting go, already missing his cool touch. Dew’s gaze fell to the floor as Rain slightly towered over him due to his height.
They both began making the short walk back to the ministry in an awkward but comfortable silence. The pair both stole shy glances at each other while the other looked away.
As they approached the door leading to the ghoul den, Dewdrop opened the door, bowing dramatically as Rain let out a giggle at the gesture. Dew quietly shut the door leading rain into the room. His cheeks still had a slight blush to them since his slip-up.
Dew opened the door to his room, letting rain enter first. Rain paused as he entered, taking in the contents of Dew’s room. It was cleaner than he expected and very organized. There were a few band posters here and there, a mess of music sheets piled along the desk, and his bed was made.
Dew paused, turning to face rain.
“You alright, rainy?” His blush deepened as he saw rain looking around his room.
Rain met his gaze, blushing slightly. “Oh, yeah sorry. I like your room.” he said sheepishly, walking towards him. Dew gave him a curt nod as a shy grin made its way onto his face before continuing to walk towards the attached bathroom.
“Thanks, Rain.”
They entered the small but spacious bathroom. To the left, there was a large shower. Next to it was the toilet, along with some rugs littered across the floor. To the right was a small vanity, which Dew was hastily tidying up. Rain smiled to himself as dew seemed to be becoming flustered.
After Dew had cleaned the vanity off, which had been pretty clean before, besides a few hair products left out, he turned to face rain tapping the countertop.
“hop up here. gotta clean up those scrapes.”
Rain blushed, ducking his head slightly as he hopped up on the counter. He let his feet dangle as he glanced over to Dew, who had placed a first aid kit on the counter.
Dew crouched down and faintly grabbed Rain’s leg, inspecting the wound. Rain flinched slightly as dew got a little too close to it.
“Sorry,” Dew muttered.
“It’s okay.” Rain whispered back, not meeting his eyes.
Dew grabbed the first aid kit, opening it to grab a few bandages and some alcohol pads. He looked up Rain.
“Alright, it doesn’t look like you’re gonna need stitches, so that’s good.” He patted rain’s calf softly.
“I do need to clean these up though. It might sting, just don’t bite me, alright?” He said it with a slight smile.
Rain let out a chuckle before nodding. Dew began cleaning the scrapes along Rain’s knees. Rain let out a quiet hiss as the alcohol burned against his skin.
“Almost done.”
He placed bandages over them before standing up. Rain had a shy smile on his face as he kept his gaze on the floor.
“All done, Rainy,” he said, putting the first aid kit back in the cabinet below.
“Thank you, Dew,” Rain said, glancing down at him.
“For what?” Dew said, standing up.
“For helping me and for coming to check on me.”
Dew’s blush returned as he avoided Rain’s gaze. He let out a nervous laugh, toying with the edge of his shirt.
“No problem, just don’t tell anyone, or I’ll have to kill you,” he said jokingly, as his expression fell flat.
Rain let out another chuckle as his smile widened and his eyes twinkled.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Dewy.”
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you-know-honey · 8 months
𝕯𝖊𝖊𝖕 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘
Chapter I:ℜ𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔶 𝔇𝔞𝔶
Sodo/Dewdrop x fem!reader
Summary: Copia summons a new nameless ghoul
Word Count: 1977
Note: bad english, i'm new to this whole ghost thing, correct me if i'm wrong on anything, I will use a name for the protagonist for more practicality.
Chapter II...→
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The place was devoured by darkness, thunder rumbled outside the abbey like cries from heaven in response to profane acts, the wind hit the stained glass windows and lightning illuminated them with a flash of light, stained glass windows that reflected images of Baphomet and other demons. . Regarding Cardinal Copia, his face seemed extremely serious, something unusual for him but the situation warranted it. In each corner of a pentagram were each Ghoul and Ghoulette, the tools of the ritual. It would be an important night, a gift for the group, a refreshing element for the world.
Copia looked up at the sky, looking behind the glass dome above their heads at the moon obscuring the sun, the time had come, he walked down the stairs towards the group, with a light touch to the ground and the gunpowder ignited, burning powerful and bright, until completing the figure of a pentagram connecting with each Ghoul. The group placed their instruments in front of them, giving each other a supportive look.
Montain set the rhythm with the drums, Cumulus took the keyboard with Cirrus, Swiss and Aurora started the singing, Phantom activated his rhythm guitar, Rain shone with his bass and Sodo showed off his guitar. The instrumental flooded the chapel, the melody reverberated in every foundation and made the place shake. The ritual had a single motive, a single need, each Ghoul gave his best, letting some of his essence flow over the fire, calling one of his own, inviting whatever responded on the other side to come out of the darkness and join them.
"Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub" Cardinal Copia sang, calling to the great leaders, asking for a demon from among his legions "Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer"
The place was filled with abysmal and intelligible murmurs, beings from the other side of the pentagram observing from the shadows without daring to cross the threshold. Copia looked proud and excited like a child to feel so many presences present with him, all interested in her vocation. Lightning fell around the Ministry with more force than before, attracted by the power, Swiss and Aurora began their prayers, in a language that only the creatures of the abyss could understand.
A murmur rose from everyone, a shiver ran through the body of all the Ghouls, something had answered the call and had crossed.
Thick black smoke emerged from the gunpowder and condensed into a humanoid figure with no fixed features other than shining fangs. He made small jumps inside the pentagram from one side to the other, looking (if you can put it that way) at each of the ghouls, analyzing them with amusement.
He danced with small childish leaps from one to another, from air to earth, from earth to quintessence, from quintessence to water. She tried to get closer to Sodo, the fire demon. He showed her fangs and the small cloud of smoke walked away scared, it was clear that she didn't want another Fire Ghoul and honestly one was more than enough. She snuck between Montain's drum set cymbals, breaking her personal space several times to check her height in amazement, the ghoul couldn't help but smile nervously.
Cirrus and Cumulus greeted the entity excitedly, letting out small laughs to get its attention. The figure floated towards them and smiled back, playing with the cloaks on their shoulders. She briefly made eye contact with Rain, but out of shyness it wasn't long before the ghoul looked away from her. The specter laughed softly and danced around Phantom a little, plucking the strings of his acoustic guitar with his ethereal hand. Swiss and Aurora laughed at the scene, enjoying seeing how the humanoid being seemed delighted with everyone present, both demons rubbing shoulders in complicity.
Cardinal Copia was excited, this was his first ritual to summon Ghouls from hell, although he somewhat regretted Sodo's bitter attitude, he counted on the others and especially the Ghoulettes to give a good welcome.
The figure took one more turn and his laughter echoed like a child. He returned to the center of the pentagram, looking at the eclipse behind the dome, and raised his hands to the sky, as if he could touch the moon. One after another drops of cold rain began to fall quickly, until they almost became a sea on the ministry, the figure smiled and turned towards Aurora, the latter tensed immediately and one shiver after another crossed her back. The air began to get cold and become salty, capable of hurting the nose when inhaling, everyone could feel it, even demons like Sodo so carried away in their element felt cold, the type that you can only find if you get lost in space or in the last circle of the hell.
Aurora took a step back. The band's instrumental was accompanied by a piano and an energetic female voice, the humanoid figure approached Swiss and extended his hand.
"Hello" the figure greeted before a group of lightning fell again, filling the entire room with absolute white, extinguishing the infernal fire and thus ending the ritual.
Everything returned to darkness after such a dramatic birth, Cardinal Copia applauded excitedly and the lights turned on showing a strange lump covered with a thin and opaque black fabric, a hand with shiny black enamelled nails peeking out of it.
The ghouls avoid the gaze of the lump on the ground, somewhat uncomfortable and extremely tired. But Cardinal Copia waited to see the slightest movement to ensure that the ritual had gone perfectly.
The lump trembled with a movement similar to a first breath.
"Okay, everyone out." announcement, the Cardinal "It's time to find out what they have sent us from hell"
The group's rib cage calmed and a huge sigh of relief escaped everyone's lips. Cirrus and Cumulus crossed their fingers, it was no secret that since Aurora's arrival no girl ghoul had arrived. The ghoul area needs more feminine energy.
"Swiss, can you wait outside?" Copia asked him.
Like owl heads, the group looked at Swiss waiting for his response. Even the disinterested Montain had turned to look.
"Yes," he responded with the firmest tone he could fake.
Aurora approached and pulled one of her sleeves, she didn't have to speak, her concern was obvious. The last time it had been Aether who had stayed at the ritual to bring Phantom. Aether never came back.
Swiss approached Aurora's ear in a hug. "I'm not going anywhere," she whispered, trying to calm her agitated essence.
The ghoulette didn't believe him, clearly. But I trust him, because Swiss never lied.
Inside, Swiss's soul wanted to run after them, but his duty prevented him from showing that kind of rebellion.
He turned to the Cardinal, this walk way towards Swiss handing him a shiny new helmet, accompanied by the usual uniform.
Copia crouched in front of the bundle, lifting the fabric a little to discover what it was hiding, squinting in case everything had failed, giving it more suspense. The figure trembled and both Copia and Swiss took a few steps back.
Little by little the figure stood up, showing a wild tangle of short black hair from which two small black horns with white tips protruded, its tail uncoiled from around its leg and waved behind its back, its hands holding the blanket to avoid being naked.
"She's a she," Swiss sighed with the air contained in his lungs and his lower lip slightly fallen.
"Wonderful" Copia pronounced with some pride, the girl raised her head quickly and the Cardinal was met with a gaze of coal-black pupils and eyelids that contrasted with the glaucous blue of his irises, the creature opened its mouth showing its fangs, perhaps to speak but I don't breathe out any words.
Swiss knocked after the Cardinal, a sign that he should start talking before everything became awkward.
"Do you want to get dressed?" Copia asked in a friendly tone. The girl nodded and the Cardinal nudged Swiss lightly to hand the package to the demon.
Her eyes lit up when he saw her clothes and without shame he completely dropped her blanket, amazed by everything he had before her. Swiss immediately looked at the ceiling and prayed to Satan that Copia had done the same. The lack of what they called modesty was normal in new ghouls, small details that lost importance in hell.
"It would be ideal if you could start with the pants," suggested Copia who had turned around.
They heard the fabric slide down her legs, the metal buttons clicked as she pushed them into the buttonholes of her pants, the next time she put her feet on the ground it was with the boots, giving her a few extra inches of height.
She continued dressing, tucking the Victorian-sleeved blouse into her arms and securing the vest to her body. She looked at herself for a few minutes, satisfied with her appearance.
"Already?" Copia asked, who had turned around with a hand over his eyes, he seemed somewhat uncomfortable or self-conscious about the situation.
"Yes" A feminine and friendly voice answered him.
Copia looked through his fingers to make sure before removing his hand from his face and remembering that he had a script to follow and had to start as soon as possible.
"Ahem…" He cleared his throat and began to speak. Swiss stood silently next to he, holding her helmet. "Do you know why you're here?"
"Yes" replied with a timid tone.
"You are here to be part of Ghost, to help me with your talent to bring the message of the Clergy to the whole world, do you understand that?" The young woman nodded "Do you understand that you are not indispensable and can be replaced if you become a stone in my way to fulfill my mission?" That was the part of Copia that he hated the most because he tended to get more attached to his ghouls and ghoulettes than he should, the punishment of returning to hell was too great for small delusions of fame or prominence, that is, he had forgiven Sodo several of those but He remembered that that was the reason why Papa Emeritus III had been taken out of circulation.
"I understand, sir." He pronounced as seriously as the situation warranted. "My only duty is to help you fulfill your duty to the Clergy and bring our Lord's message to the world."
The girl walked forward, face to face with Cardinal Copia. Now came the fun part, Copia took the helmet from Swiss's hands and placed it on the girl's head, thus sealing the 'contract'.
"Well…I…" Copia took a moment to remember the next step. "What's your name?"
"Aesir, sir," she responded quickly, almost over the Cardinal's question.
"Well…Aesir, the third quintessence ghoul" He raised his voice, proclaiming. "Welcome, dear" Copia lost the threatening and vehemently image that she had maintained until then, when she gave Aesir a warm welcome hug.
The girl seemed happy to have that hug but Swiss was sweating cold.
"He's one of your companions, Swiss," Copia said and the demon approached and extended his hand towards her.
"Hello," Aesir took Swiss's hand, shaking it in greeting.
"Swiss" I call Copia.
He sighed, afraid of the next words the Cardinal might say.
"Could you take Aesir with the others?" The ghoul's mouth opened a little in surprise, he was expecting farewell words "The girls will be very happy to see another female face in the pavilion."
Swiss smiled with deep relief and nodded. "Yes, Cardinal." He directed the girl to the door. "After you," he offered chivalrously.
"Oh, Aesir," Copia called. "If there is any problem, don't hesitate to tell me. In cases of emergencies or things like that." The Cardinal said goodbye.
"Bye," she said as Swiss closed the door behind them both.
I hope you like it, I'm new to the fandom and the lore is somewhat complicated, all help would be VERY welcome.
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ministryofbass1 · 1 year
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At the Ministry of Bass, we have a highly specialized team of expert installers that are happy to assist you in choosing the best car subwoofer. Our team will spend time asking you questions about your expectations and advise you on the best system for your budget and needs. Call our experts on 08 83715121 for the best deals. Or visit here:- https://ministryofbass.com.au/car-subwoofer
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xxrhysiexx · 9 days
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Meet my silly little nameless ghoul oc named Bonfire. He’s a fire ghoul of course and they play bass and some others too. He been around the ministry since Papa Emeritus |||. He’s besties with my sister of sin oc Zara Heart.
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thepaperqueendom · 3 months
Ghoul HCs - Rain edition.
(I've been having so much Rain on the brain, it's not even funny any more.)
Rain is the only ghoul who truly loves rain (duh) and tends to be in a pissy mood when it's dry and sunny for long stretches of time. Luckily, with the ministry set in Sweden, the weather is usually quite changeable. When Sodo and Swiss spend their smoke break under the wide arch of the north entrance to shelter from the downpour, Rain joins them - not because he smokes, but because he'll happily stand a few feet away in the rain and get absolutely soaked (he then leaves puddles on the stone floor and gets in trouble).
Not only is he obsessed with bodies of water, he also brings an insane amount of water bottles everywhere and lets them pile up in weird places. It's an issue on tour that Rain is constantly stressed about dying of thirst (and highly dramatic about it). Sometimes he sees a stranger chugging from a huge-ass water bottle out in public and could cry out of jealousy. [he's me]
Speaking of crying, he's completely helpless around other people's tears (even though they're water). Almost as soon as someone's eyes get wet, Rain will start crying too and needs to be comforted himself.
He constantly cracks his joints. All of them, all the time - and whenever he moves, he cracks involuntarily. The other ghouls don't mind, but Papa gets the ick every time. He's thought about tying Rain up (not in a sexy way, just to make the sounds stop), but Rain can't play bass completely immobilized, can he? Also, the first time Swiss witnessed Rain pulling his own tail to crack his tail vertebrae and sighing in relief, the multi ghoul almost choked laughing.
He absolutely loves vintage clothing, it's one of his favorite human things ever. All ghouls have their distinctive styles and preferences when out of uniform, but Rain usually dresses like a mix between Peaky Blinders and 70s fashion with a few ruffly Victorian shirts thrown in. Think Ryan Ross but cool. Contrary to many people who hc Rain with blueish skin, I imagine him very pale with greyish undertones and grey eyes, so he can pull off wearing any colour, too.
I almost forgot the most important one: Rain is an avid reader. I know gamer Rain is a thing in the fandom, but reader Rain is close to my heart, and actually... why not both? His taste in books is, um, very broad. He prefers fantasy and thrillers, but doesn't mind if they're bad, you know? He's even known to enjoy the occasional cheap paperback with a scantily-clad human woman embracing a highlander type on the cover.
In general, Rain is more of a quiet type around those he doesn't know well and has a very wry kind of humour, but he can be a loud AF drama queen around his pack.
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mis4dv3nture · 5 months
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Pairing: Phantom x Rain
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 1.8k
Tags: teasing, choking, oral sex, anal sex, no prepping, dirty talking, degradation, just a dash of praise, MEAN RAIN, breeding kink, knotting, a few drops of blood, a bit of sweetness at the end
A/N: Sorry, this one sucks.
Cover pic credit: me :)
It all started as a joke.
Those teasing interactions on the stage made the crowd go crazy. And he liked that attention.
So why shouldn't he let him do it again? Just a few more rituals, right? Phantom was just trying to put on a show, who was he to stop him?
He didn't expect him to keep going even after the tour ended, he even took that squeeze on his ass after the last show as another joke.
But, back to the ministry, it didn't stop. Maybe, it was even worse.
And Rain couldn't say he didn't like it.
Firstly, during a movie night.
In the common room of the ministry, the quint ghoul sat next to him on the couch. Rain offered him half of his blanket, Phantom happily accepted and got closer to him, snuggling under the blanket between the water ghoul's arms, purring at that warm feeling.
It was barely halfway through the movie when no one was actually paying attention anymore: Swiss and Dewdrop excused themselves “to the bathroom” and never came back, Aurora and Cumulus fell asleep on the carpet, Mountain and Cirrus started whispering to each other gossips about some Siblings. Rain was the only one who was actually trying to understand the movie, Phantom, with his head on his shoulder, was paying attention to something else.
Rain felt the quint ghoul's hand gently squeezing his thigh, but he didn't care about it.
Or at least he tried.
The warm touch of the quint ghoul's hand was making him lose his mind, he blushed and tried to cover the redness on his face when he felt him slowly caressing his inner thigh. He readjusted himself under the blanket, trying to hide the bulge in his pants, without even looking at the little ghoul in the eye, completely losing all the attention towards the movie.
Then, during practice.
Everything was going as usual, when Phantom decided to try a new move. During Mummy Dust, he lifted his guitar and slowly started thrusting the air. And he kept staring at Rain with a grin.
<<Nice one, Bug!>>
Dewdrop highfived him, while the water ghoul kept playing pretending he didn't notice, grateful to have his bass covering him. Those smooth thrusts definitely made him feel *something*, his heart started going faster and faster, he almost fucked up some notes.
But as if that wasn't enough, the quint ghoul pulled another new move: he fell on his knees, heavily breathing, he gently rubbed himself against the guitar. He never stopped staring at Rain with that teasing grin on his face, he grabbed an amp, slowly moved his hand on it, making the water ghoul completely lose his mind.
Rain felt like crying, his knees got suddenly weak, a raging erection in his pants.
<<Be right back guys, I'm gonna… go to the bathroom real quick…>>
He muttered tripping in his own words, he ran out of the practice room, praying that nobody noticed anything.
And he kept going for days.
Teasing him, turning him on, getting him all worked up for… nothing. Every time, he always just disappeared leaving him with a problem to fix alone, all by himself in his room.
He daily hugged him from behind, making him shiver by pressing his length against him. He mindlessly whispered to him some teasing little things that never failed to make the water ghoul blush. Or he frequently readjusted himself in his sweatpants, right in front of Rain's eyes, always pretending he didn't know what he was doing.
<<Hi Rainy>>
The quint ghoul got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his hips, when Rain looked at him it was impossible to not look at the “V” on his lower abdomen.
<<Hello Bug>>
The water ghoul didn't get up from the couch, he tried to keep his focus on the crossword puzzle.
<<It's too fucking hot today…>> Phantom commented with a soft whimper. He was clearly back at his teasing-game again.
<<Isn't it, Rainy?>>
Rain tried to answer with an uninterested “Mh”, but it was difficult to hide how much he was already getting him all worked up.
<<It's getting more and more hot in here…>>
The quint ghoul pressed his back against a wall, then started to slowly massaging himself through the towel. Rain made the dumb mistake to look at him, and noticed how hard he was as he touched himself. The water ghoul bit his lip, he readjusted his position to try to hide the boner growing in his pants.
Phantom looked at him straight into his eyes with a grin.
<<What's wrong? Are you hot, Rainy?>>
And, finally, the poor water ghoul snapped.
In a blink of an eye Phantom found himself with his back still pressed against the wall and the water ghoul's tongue shoved deep inside his mouth, his tail wrapped around his thigh, his hand tight around his neck.
<<You bastard>> Rain interruppted that wet, lustful kiss. <<You fucking little bastard, did you like it? Did you have fun getting me all worked up this week just to leave me alone?>>
Phantom answered with a teasing smile.
<<I don't know what you're talking about>>
<<Shut up>>
The water ghoul tightened his grip around the little ghoul's neck, pulling a sudden moan out of him.
<<You've been making me horny for the entire week. Now pay the fucking consequences>>
He dragged him towards his room. Phantom couldn't be any happier.
Rain didn't even have the time to give him any order, the quint ghoul got on his knees in front of him immediately after slamming the door shut. He palmed at his thighs, looked at him with a grin.
<<It took you a while, Rainy>>
<<Shut the fuck up, Bug>>
<<Make me>>
The water ghoul quickly unbuckled his belt, freeing himself from his pants, Phantom stared at him, sinking his fang in his lower lip.
He barely let him grab at his hair before he threw himself on his lenght, getting it entirely in his mouth all at once. Rain whimpered, his knees suddenly got weak.
<<You fucking knew what you were doing, didn't you?>>
The quint ghoul quietly moaned, he grabbed at the bigger ghoul's thighs, working him with that not-so-inexperienced-anymore mouth.
<<Is this what you wanted?>>
Phantom nodded with a whine, drooling on the water ghoul's swollen erection.
<<You're such a little slut>>
With a firm thrust, Rain pushed himself all down the quint ghoul's throat, he lowered his gaze to look at him, grinning at the sight of tears running down his cheeks.
Phantom swirled his tongue over his tip, the water ghoul felt his orgasm rapidly approaching.
<<Mh- Bug, I'm…>>
The quint ghoul relaxed his jaw, pushed himself even further, burying his nose in his pubes, with a loud moan the water ghoul spilled hot, sweet pleasure all down his throat.
Phantom slowly pulled away, heavy breathing, he licked his lips with a sweet satisfied smile.
As soon as he got up Rain pushed him again against the wall.
<<You really think you're done, you little slut?>>
Phantom looked at him confused, blushing.
<<Oh, we haven't even started>>
The quint ghoul's heart started racing.
<<I thought you…>>
The water ghoul laughed, his voice got deeper.
<<You really thought you could just get away with this?>>
He got an hand around his throat again.
<<You spent the entire fucking week turning me on and then leaving me alone to fix it all by myself>>
The grip of his hand tightened, a sweet whine slipped out from the quint ghoul, who got even harder in his jeans
<<Now get me on that bed and fuck me so good that I won't even remember my own name>>
And Phantom's pants got painfully tight.
<<Water ghouls…>>
Rain smirked, laying on the bed, his legs laced around the little ghoul's hips.
<<…you’re always so damn wet>>
Phantom gently pushed deep inside of him, he started with slow thrusts, the water ghoul rolled his eyes from pleasure.
<<Shut up>> he whimpered <<fuck, go faster>>
The quint ghoul didn't listen.
<<How many times did you do it?>>
Rain looked at him confused.
<<How many times did you get off because of me?>>
<<Fuck off, Bug>>
He started rocking his hips towrds him.
<<Mh… faster…>>
The little ghoul ignored him again.
<<C’mon Rainy, I know you did it>>
He gave him a deeper thrust, the water ghoul whined.
<<Getting off all by yourself in your room just because of me, fucking desperately into your own fist, moaning my name, begging for my- >>
Rain grabbed him by the horns, lowering his head to crash their mouths together. He pulled away from the kiss, leaving a thread of saliva connecting them.
<<Then make me moan your name even louder>>
His voice sounded desperate.
<<Make me fucking scream, mh- go fuckin' faster…>>
Phantom grinned, then he finally decided to listen. As he started increasing his rhythm the water ghoul arched his back.
<<That's it, that's my good boy>>
The praise definitely did something to the quint ghoul, his dick twitched deep inside of the water ghoul.
He grabbed at Rain's length, laying untouched on his belly and leaking pre all over him.
<<You're such a mess, Rainy>>
The water ghoul was bearly able to hear him.
Phantom started stroking him, Rain's moans got even louder.
<<Good boy, doing so good for me>> he whimpered in a high pitched voice.
Looking at how much he was shaking he must have been really close, the quint ghoul also felt his own orgasm building up.
<<Fuck, Bug!>> The water ghoul sinked his claws in his thighs, leaving blood marks all over the quint ghoul's body.
<<Knot me, fuck your kits into me, lock me on your cock>>
As if the quint ghoul wasn't already feeling his knot swelling deep inside of him.
<<Bug, oooh, Bug…>>
They were both on the edge.
<<…fuck ...breed me!>>
Phantom was more then pleased to give him what he wanted.
<<I love you>> he whimpered, as gave him the last hard deep thrust that made them both see stars.
<<Were you serious about it?>>
Rain asked, caressing the little ghoul's back. He was still laying on top of him, he lifted his head to look at the water ghoul in the eyes.
<<About what you just told me>>
Phantom blushed, he buried his face in the crook of Rain's neck.
The water ghoul hugged him tighter.
<<I love you too, Bug>>
Phantom lifted his head again to lean for a kiss.
<<Wanna take a nice hot shower? Together?>> Rain asked.
The quint ghoul nodded with the biggest smile.
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mancer-in-the-abbey · 8 months
Listening to Steam Powered Giraffe as I am wont to do when I need a break from Ghost and Honeybee came on and now I can’t stop thinking about Dew and his relationship with the previous era.
Dew was alone for the majority of his life in the pit- not for any particularly tragic reasons, at least in his opinion. That’s just how his particular variant of water ghoul works: Young ghoul pups stay with their mothers till they’re old enough to hunt for themselves and eventually they just kind of… swim off on their own, likely never seeing their parent again unless by chance.
All this to say, Dew was never a particularly social person before coming topside. Being surrounded by so many people when he was first summoned was a hell of a culture shock to him, almost immediately putting him in fight or flight.
It helped that, in my mind, Dew wasn’t immediately summoned into the Ghost project and instead spent his first year as your run of the mill nameless ghoul. Being put on kitchen duty allowed him to watch how the human staff interacted and bonded. Over time, he was even accepted as one of their own, taught to do more than wash dishes and only speak when spoken to.
Yet, even with that, Dew found himself to be… missing something. His new life on the surface had awakened an ache like the pressure of the deep sea- this longing he hadn’t even known was there till he’d gotten the barest hint of fulfillment. It gnawed at him, day in and day out, but no matter what he did, what avenue he went down, he couldn’t find anything to quell the feeling.
And then, after the loss of almost all their instrumentalists, the Ghost project opened auditions.
It was a tense time in the abbey; no one was sure where the project was heading in the aftermath of the banishments and Terzo’s place in the ministry was coming under question. Dew, however, saw an opportunity for something better, something that just might give him the thing that soothed the ache quickly becoming unbearable to him.
And somehow, by a miracle of Satan himself if one were to ask Dew, he was picked to play bass.
And the ache was, indeed, quelled by his time with the band, but not by the fame or attention it brought like Dew thought it would.
No, the relief came in the form of his fellow musicians, both those summoned and those that passed the auditions with him.
The Meliora ghouls were, for all intents and purposes, Dew’s first real family: Aether opened him to a vulnerability he’d never thought possible, even with himself; Zephyr taught him everything there was to know about the abbey, its secrets, and how to make it home; Mountain was a solid figure in his life, a tree to take shelter under when things became uncertain; Mist, though she was no longer a part of the band, was Dew’s mentor in both bass playing and how to be a water ghoul on the surface; Omega, likewise, was as close to a father figure as he ever had.
And then there was Ifrit. Ifrit, the fiery hearth that warmed him in body and soul. Ifrit, his heat and passion natural foil to all of Dew’s cold and disinterest. Ifrit, who knew exactly when to push Dew out of his comfort zone and when to reel back.
The two were instrumental to each other’s growth, with Ifrit the one to go head first into everything and Dewdrop being the one to slow down and think. Separately, sure, they were their own people, but together they made one better whole, bolstering each other’s strengths and balancing each other’s flaws.
And then, one day, it was all taken away.
One day, Terzo was dragged off stage without warning. One day, Imperator decided he would be of more use as a fire ghoul than water. One day, he was walked into the ritual chamber as a water ghoul for the last time, his pack waiting outside the room- not allowed in for fear of interference.
One day he woke up in the medical wing, burning all over, boiling hot from the inside out, and only found Aether and Mountain at his bedside, the both of them wearing looks that told him all he needed to know of the fates of the others.
(Just before the ritual, Ifrit had pulled him in a hug tight enough to press carbon into diamonds, hiding his worry with a smile. “It’ll be alright,” he promised, “when it’s all over and you feel better, I’ll teach you everything I know about being a fire ghoul. It’ll be fun, you’ll see!”)
(What he wouldn’t give to hold him close, him and all his family together, one last time. What he wouldn’t give to be that little water ghoul again, surrounded by love and joy he’d never known before.)
Nowadays, Dew does alright for himself. He runs much hotter than he ever had before, is a bit quicker to temper than he used to be, but his new pack doesn’t seem to mind- and lords below, does he love his new pack with everything he has.
But still, every year on the anniversary of his first pack’s death, he distanced himself from the rest. He grabs a spare blanket and Ifrit’s old acoustic guitar, walks out to the woods outside the ministry, keeps walking till he finds a clearing he and Ifrit shared with one another, a private place for the both of them to get away when things ever got too much.
Dew stops in the middle of the small glade, spreads the blanket out on the wild grass, sits down, takes out the guitar, and plucks out a tune his wildfire used to play him.
“Hello, goodbye, Twas nice to know you, how I find myself without you, that I’ll never know.”
“I let myself go.”
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cirrus-ghoulette · 1 year
Spillways, Spillways
Tumblr media
Rating: Teen and Up
Word count: 2,283
Summary: While performing their last LA ritual of the tour, Rain has a seizure on stage and the other ghouls come to his assistance.
Warnings: Graphic depictions of a grand mal seizure and vomiting.
Find it on my AO3 Here, or read the whole thing beneath the cut!
Rain has seizures a maximum of three times per year.
No one knows what causes them, but the second Rain complains about a headache, all the ghouls are running to help him in case it's a prewarning before he seizes.
Most of the time it isn't, most of the time it is just a headache.
Thankfully, almost all of his seizures have been at the Ministry or on the tour bus, where he's alone with his pack and they can help him without judgement.
Almost all of his seizures, bar one.
They'd been absolutely killing it at their LA show.
Kaisarion, straight into Rats, a little break while Papa chatted with the audience, From the Pinnacle to the Pit, Devil Church.
They were about halfway through the song. Their Papa was singing his heart out about faith, rage, and pain.
Rain felt a sharp flash of pain pierce through his skull, as though someone was squeezing it tight. He exhaled slowly, steadied himself, fumbled his chords for a few bars, then picked up his place again.
He could feel Dew glaring at him. Of course he wouldn't miss the fact that he had fallen out of rhythm. Dew always held him to the highest standard, as he had once been in Rain's boots too.
Another pulsing pain, and a flash of white across his eyes. Rain stumbled back, trying to shield his goggles with one arm, thinking that one of the stage lights had hit him with its beam. He squeezed his eyes shut, let out a groan of pain muffled by his balaclava and drowned out by the screams of adoring fans.
A moment later, he cracked open an eye, only to find that everything was still blindingly bright. He squeezed his eyes shut again. It was fine, he could literally play his bass with his eyes closed.
His head throbbed again. The pain was getting worse with every pulse. A dizzy sensation washed over him, and that's when Rain realised what was going to happen.
He let out a panicked sound, once again drowned out by the crowd, and lifted the bass off his shoulders. He wasn't going to break his favourite piece of kit if his body decided that now was the best time to do this.
Again, daggers being glared into him by Dew. He didn't need to open his eyes to know that, he could feel it. Aether was probably giving him a weird look too. At this point, Rain didn't care.
Holding his guitar by the neck, he carefully started his journey to the edge of the stage. He stumbled, catching himself on Sunny's podium with his free hand. He took a deep breath, then pushed himself away from the podium with the same hand.
"Rain?" Sunny's voice called over the sound of Copia's vocals that she was definitely meant to be harmonising with. Her voice sounded too close. He carefully opened his eyes. She was kneeling at the edge of her podium, at eye height with him. "Rain, are you alright? You look like you're dr- Shit!"
Rain had collapsed to the floor. A second later, he started jerking violently, his body rolling from the way he had fallen on his side, onto his back. His left arm had completely tensed up and was drawn back against his chest. His right arm was flapping stiffly against the stage, the bass discarded beside his body. His back arched and he took sickening, gasping breaths as his whole body trembled stiffly.
Sunshine was over at Cumulus' podium in seconds, with the other ghoulette's podium only being a short gap away. She grabbed her arm and pulled her away from her keyboards, pointing desperately at the sight of Rain on the floor, who was now gurgling under his mask.
While Sunshine ran to get Copia's attention, Cumulus climbed down off of her podium and kneeled by Rain. Firstly, she yanked down his balaclava so that he could breathe easier. Then, she ripped off her cloak and folded it quickly, slotting it under Rain's head as it jerked forwards. She used the upward movement of his head to slide his helmet off in one swift motion, then rolled him onto his side. She couldn't care less if people saw his glamoured face right now. She cared more about the fact that her packmate was seizing.
She could hear more people running to her aid. Aether was beside her a second later, squatting down and looking over Rain with panicked eyes. Swiss was next, but he didn't stay long before running backstage to get some help.
"Ehh..." Copia's worried voice sounded over the speakers. "It appears one of my ghouls has, eh... Partied a little too hard, huh?" He looked terrified. Normally he had a good poker face. "We're going to get him moved to the dressing room to sober him up, now. Er..."
Copia looked over. His ghouls were circled around Rain, their cloaks pulled up to hide his body from view. He nodded proudly, before addressing the crowd again.
"My apologies, you know... These ghouls, they love to party... They drink me out of house and home! When I was a young bishop, in fact, I challenged one of Papa Terzo's ghouls to a drinking contest... I can no longer drink absinthe after that night." He rubbed his neck awkwardly and checked the ghouls again. He could still see Rain's boots on the floor. Fuck. Keep entertaining the crowd.
Inside the circle, Rain had stopped seizing. He was panting raggedly, completely unsure where he was, feeling too hot, his muscles in absolute agony. He carefully pushed himself up on trembling arms, looked up in confusion at the big-goggled eyes staring back down at him, then turned over and vomited onto the floor.
"Oh, gross." Dew hissed, stepping out of the way as another wave almost splattered onto his shoes. "Fuck..."
"Just get it up, Rain. You're alright." Aether soothed. He didn't even know if Rain could hear him, or if he knew what he was saying. "You'll feel better soon."
The stomping of boots. Swiss. He shoved into the circle, then stepped out again as Rain retched loudly. "Belial. Fuck. He is... Not good."
"We'd fucking gathered that." Dew growled, the stress of Rain's pain making him completely tetchy. Cirrus grabbed him by the nape, just for a second, just to remind him of his place before letting him go. Dew's shoulders hunched a tad submissively in response and he quietened down.
"Don't wanna get the human medics. They won't understand him. Managed to convince them to stay backstage. We really need to move him. Papa can only stall for so long-" Swiss was interrupted by another gag at his feet. Cumulus’ cape was ruined, saturated with bile. "- And Rain won't like to know he's out here once he properly comes to. Gotta get him backstage."
"He can't walk like this. Fuck, he can barely hold himself up." Aether muttered. "He's always been- in bed or on the sofa. Never somewhere where he's had to move. Shit."
"If you take him under one arm, I'll take him under the other." Mountain offered. He was stood behind Sunshine and Cumulus, peering over their heads. "I don't want you to carry him, cause he'll be on his back that way. If he's sick again, he'll choke. We'll help him walk, but take all his weight."
"Yep. Sounds like a plan. Careful of the sick, watch your feet." Aether advised. Then, he carefully reached down and wrapped his arm around Rain's back, pulling him against his side. Rain let out an anguished cry of pure pain, his head hanging low as Mountain wrapped his arm around him from the other side.
With the shield of the other ghouls, they carefully walked backstage, hoping that Rain's groans and sobs couldn't be picked up by the audience.
"Well..." Copia glanced over at Sunshine's stage. All that was left beside it was a puddle of vomit and a cape. "A round of applause for my ghouls! What a wonderful pack they are. Very caring. Lots of teamwork. Eh..." His mind was racing. He didn't know if he was to cancel the show, or just hold it back for an hour or so while they checked on Rain, or if they were to just perform without a bassist. It was their last night in LA and he really didn't want to ruin it. A voice in his ear spoke, telling him that their opening act was happy to perform a few songs while he checked on the ghoul. "Ah, I can hear my ghouls calling for me! They are such clingy things, si? In the meantime, please, give it up for Amon Amarth!"
Copia threw his arms in the air, eliciting a cry of joy from the crowd as the opening band ran on. He gave a quick nod of thanks to the lead singer before pacing backstage, turning off his mic and throwing it at the closest stagehand. "Where is he." He growled, turning on the assistant, his cheerful and slightly awkward stage persona completely missing.
"The- he's- your dressing room, Mr Ghost." The stagehand yelped, as if Copia was about to send Satan himself to smite him down.
Copia grumbled in response, then took off down the hallway to his dressing gown. He knocked quickly on the door, then entered anyways, shutting it quickly behind him. "How is he?"
The ghouls were all sat either on or around the one leather sofa in the room. Most of their helmets had been placed to the side. Rain was partially undressed, his shirt and boots off, a cape draped over his shoulders. He was laid on his side, curled up in a ball, looking pale but not as bad as he had been looking. Cumulus was sat on the arm of the sofa, slowly stroking his hair.
"He's feeling a little better." Cumulus said softly. "Try to keep your voice down, please, Papa. His head..." She explained, carefully dragging a strand of hair away from his lips with her claw. "He can't perform again tonight." There was a ripple of agreement throughout the group.
"I didn't think so." Copia crossed the room. He dropped to his knees in front of Rain, frowning at the pitiful look on his face. "Oh, ghoul." He murmured, cupping his cheek. Rain leaned into the touch. "It has been a while since your last one, huh?"
"Mhm..." Rain hummed, and even that noise sounded exhausted. "Sorry, Papa."
"Do not be sorry. You couldn't help it." Copia huffed. He checked his watch. "Right, ehh... I think the best course of action is to let him rest for now." He stood, then ran a hand through his hair as he thought it over. "And we will move, when he is ready, to the bus. I am not willing to play the rest of our set without our bassist."
There were a few noises of protest, but a quick glare from Copia put a stop to that. "He is your bandmate, your packmate, and he is not well. I will discuss this with Sister Imperator and take the hit for it." He pinched at the bridge of his nose and rubbed it at the thought of having to explain this one to her. "None of you say a word to her. I will sort it. We will reschedule another LA date and do the whole set over again."
"I'm so sorry." Rain whispered. There was a soft croon from his pack, shushing his apologies. They all knew he was mortified, but that he couldn't help it either.
"None of that." Aether said, rubbing Rain's thigh gently. "We're gonna give them the best show of their lives. They've just gotta wait a few months, is all."
"It's worth waiting that long for you at your best, Rainy." Sunshine whispered, her cheek rested on the sofa cushion by his ankles. It was her cape that Rain was using as a blanket. "You're gonna smash it. We all are. We're gonna put in our best efforts to make up for tonight."
"Fuuuuckkkk..." Rain groaned, sitting up slowly. Mountain supported his back, keeping him upright. "My bass..."
"Is fine." Dew finished. "You think I was gonna let her just lie out there? C'mon, Rainy, I taught you better." He scoffed quietly. He didn't mention how he abused his own guitar, but that was a different story. "Grabbed her as we left. She's fine. One strapped string that a tech's probably already fixing. You got lucky with how you fell. Could've been the end of Delilah. And you, for that matter. Sunny said you nearly cracked your head on the way down."
"Yeah, you landed on your shoulder first, at least." Sunny said, a hint of discomfort in her voice at having to relive such a sight already.
"Rest, ghoul." Copia murmured, looking down at Rain. The man definitely had some kind of supernatural powers, because Rain found himself obeying, laying back down. "I have some calls to make. When he wants to move to the bus, lay him in my bedroom. I won't have him in a bunk tonight." Copia spun on his heel, ready to walk out of the room, before pausing and walking back to Rain.
He kneeled and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. "You are making your Papa's hair grey, ghoulie. Rest up. I will check on you in the bus later."
With that, Copia strode out of the room while fishing his phone out of his waistcoat. Rain watched him go, then pressed himself back into the worn leather of the couch, content to rest until his Papa returned.
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