#Mickey Diaper Bag
freshlypicked4 · 2 months
Mickey Diaper Bag | Freshly Picked
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Freshly Picked's Mickey Diaper Bag is a delightful tribute to the beloved Mickey Mouse himself. Crafted from durable materials, it offers ample storage, insulated pockets, and a wipeable interior for easy cleaning.
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diaperbagbackpack · 8 months
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kiankiwi · 4 months
What about dad Jacob showing off his little girl to Sydney Sweeney while they’re filming euphoria 🥺💕❤️💕
Jacob walks onto the set of an early shoot holding his toddler, the moon still high in the sky. She whines as he walks toward the makeup trailers. "I know munchkin, we'll get you inside soon."
Sydney gasps in the make up chair as soon as her eyes land on Genevieve. "Hi pretty girl! What'cha doing?" The toddler whined and snuggled deeper into Jacob's shoulder. "Sorry, she's still pretty clingy to me right now. She should be up for a cuddle after I get her some milk. Here bubba, you lay down while daddy goes to get your milk okay?" Jacob set the diaper bag and toddler down on the couch in the trailer and went in search of milk for her.
All the crew and make up and hair people fawned over Jacob as a dad and they all absolutely melted when he brought Genevieve to set. Even if it was an early shoot and she was grumpy from being up early. Him being a dad made him insanely hotter and you could tell the way all the girls on set crowded around him ONLY when Genevieve was around to be her daddy's little wing girl. But he only had eyes for you. As shown by the wedding ring he often wore around his neck when he was working. Some of the girls decided to be bold flirts though, that was okay, Sydney always had your back if any crew or hair and make up got inappropriate.
"Here we go, princess." Jacob sat down with her and recognizing her Mickey Mouse sippy was now filled with warm milk, Genevieve immediately crawled into her daddy's lap and kinda just slouches against him tiredly and of course Sydney grabs Jacob's phone and takes a million photos to text to you while he's busy with the bub.
Half an hour later Jacob was needed on set for some Nate heavy scenes. "I can watch her, I don't have to be there for another hour or so that way she can sleep." Sydney offers.
Sydney gets an extended sleepy cuddle in while Jacob does some scenes and once Genevieve officially wakes up for the day around eight, she starts getting whiny because she can't see her dad anywhere so Auntie Syd walks her to set where Jacob is and points to him. "There's daddy! Do you see him! What's he doing huh?" She makes sure there's no inappropriate scenes to filmed today before taking her on set in search.
Once Jacob notices his Genny is there, he finishes his scene and walks up, immediately breaking character from Scary Nate back to Dad Jacob and holds his hands out for Sydney to pass her over giving her a noisy cheek kiss. "Hi squish! Did you have a good nap with Auntie Syd? Did you like watching daddy?" And all Genny says is "'Nak? 'nak daddy" Jacob laughs, "Yeah we can get you a snack bub."
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romanthesecond · 1 month
Today was a Bad day with a capital B. 
Well, on P.E. days, all the other kids would change in the classroom while Roman went to the toilets to change, but after years of this routine, someone had gotten curious and followed him. 
For as long as Roman could remember, he’d been in diapers. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t tell when he needed the bathroom. There had been many trips to the doctors, to therapists, even to church, all made with the hope that he’d get better. Unfortunately, nothing had worked
So, by the time Roman finished changing into his sports clothes, all of his classmates knew his secret. He’d walked back into class to stares, grins, and whispers.
I heard his diapers are proper baby ones, with dumb princesses on them.
No way! Roman? Really?
Explains why he’s so bad at math then, if he’s secretly a big baby!
He definitely wasn’t crying, because no matter what those dumb kids said, he wasn’t a baby.
Instead, Roman ran out the classroom, out the school, and onto the field. He ran until he reached the green fence that ran around the school to make sure no one was early. There, he dropped his bag on the floor and quickly followed it, choosing to curl up on the ground and scream.
Roman loved screaming. Just like he knew his eyes were brown, and that he had ten toes, he knew his lungs were made to scream. So he laid there on the muddy grass, hugging his Mickey Mouse backpack to his chest, and screamed as loud as he could.
It didn’t take long for someone to come grab him. While he hadn’t run this far in a long time, Roman had a habit of bolting whenever he got upset. He did the same at home, so much so that
whenever the toddler received a new book, Logan would do whatever he could to please Roman in order to make sure he’d have peace and quiet.
“Roman, sweetie, we’ve called your dad, and he’s come to pick you up.” Mrs Erdem said, her face all screwed up. 
The adults in the office took turns being the one to come calm him down, and today was his least favorite. Mrs Erdem was like a mouse, with big ears and a quiet voice. She never treated Roman as nicely as the other teachers. Even though she used nice names, she always looked at him the way he looked at math: a big, useless problem that he didn’t want to solve.
“FINE!” Roman replied, getting up and glaring at her.
She glared right back at him.
“Don’t you yell at me, young man. If you didn’t want your little friends to tease you, you shouldn’t act so immature.” Mrs Erdem snapped, grabbing his wrist and dragging him across the field.
Roman whined and hissed as they walked to the front office, failing to pull his arm out of her grip. Even when he asked quietly, she wouldn’t let go, no matter how much he insisted that she was-
“-hurting him! Let go of my son, you hag!” Remus yelled, pushing past the security and snatching Roman away from her. “Fuck, take deep breaths, Little Prince. Daddy’s here now, it’s okay.”
Roman just shook his head, his bottom lip trembling.
“No, Daddy, it’s not. Everyone knows my secret, and they were so mean, and Mrs Erdem said it was my fault, and, and-” It was like the words were erupting from his throat without warning, just spewing out no matter how much Roman wanted to keep them inside.
His dad pulled him into a hug, and gently stroked the back of his head, making Roman melt. His dads both seemed to have magic powers, because their hugs always made him feel better, even if it was only a little bit.
“Don’t you listen to her, or those kids. There is nothing wrong with you, Roman. Come on, let's take you home,” He whispered, shooting a glare at the woman over his son's head, “I think it’s time for some ice cream.”
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darlingian · 1 year
People don’t talk enough about the wardrobe in Shameless. Like yes, we all are somewhat aware of the shirts that Ian and Mickey share. But like, Ian has the same winter jacket for at least 4 seasons!! (Long and navy with the orange lining)
Liam’s diaper bag is a really old 90s style one that I bet had been used with every kid since Fiona. 
Fiona has little holes and snags in her clothes. 
Carl almost constantly has stains.
There’s an off white long sleeve half button shirt that Ian wears in season 1 and Mickey wears all the way in season 11. 
It’s an effing wild attention to detail. Because of course clothes for that family (and associates) aren’t things you can easily spend money on and if it ain’t ruined, it’s still wearable. 
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such-a-barbarian · 6 months
w e e k l y t a g w e d n e s d a y
thanks for the tag @mybrainismelted!
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: I don't know man, my dad is pretty kickass. Even if I could pick a new one I'd still choose my dad. But, if I have to pick, maybe Keith Mars. He seems like a cool dude and I totally want to be PI with him.
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? Ethics and safety also not issues? Then a tiger - obviously I want a giant cat to cuddle me on the couch.
what is your Chinese takeout order?: My city has a Chinese place that is famous for its egg rolls. I actually have no idea if they are famous outside of my town, but they do ship them frozen across the province. All that to say is they are very good and for sure on my order. Also generally anyone of the following: lemon chicken, general tao chicken, veggies chow mein, beef and broccoli, and fried rice
what's your favourite emoji?: I am peak millennial so obviously, it's 😂
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: Greenhouse for sure. Ian and I are growing all the tomatoes year-round! haha
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: Oh man, I know it asks for only one, but there are so many good Canadian shows that hold such a special place in my heart! Mr. Dressup, Fred Penner's Place, Polka Dot Door, The Elephant Show, Under the Umbrella Tree, The Big Comfy Couch, and the most wonderfully bizarre and crazy Today's Special.
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: It sat blank for probably a year before I posted anything. I'm actually kinda surprised I'm not blocked by a bunch of you thinking I was a bot...
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: I was for sure a hippy in another life.
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: I have no idea, maybe hogwarts?
what is your favourite piece of art?: Not sure I really have one, but I did have a very unexpected visceral reaction to seeing A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat in person. So maybe that 🤷🏻‍♀️
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: do I own water bottles? yes. Do I have one that I use regularly and is dedicated to me? no. We have family nalgenes.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?: Only one bed. Will read every time.
do you carry a daily bag? Just my clutch wallet if I'm solo. I've got a diaper bag backpack that is 95% snacks if I'm with the kids.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: no.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: A/B/O fics. I didn't read any for the longest time. Didn't really think it was my thing and then M8TE sucked me in and I haven't looked back.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: Over the shoulder like in season 4? Probably not. But like a piggyback? yeah, probably for a little bit.
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: Agree with @mybrainismelted they for sure steal it from each other whenever they visit each other.
Let's see I'll tag @jrooc, @krystallouwho, @juliakayyy, @francesroserecs, @bawlbrayker. @callivich, @iansfreckles, @iansw0rld, @lupeloto, @tanktopgallavich, @transmickey, and @zutaralesbian
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@ahopelessromanticwritersworld requested: "I would like to humbly request number 19 from the kids prompt with Mickey and Reuben in the Werwolf au!"
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|| prompt list ||
prompt: one is forced to take of a child and handles it much better than expected. when their significant other finds them, they're absorbed in a game with the child
au: werewolf
word count: 1125
warnings: domestic fluff, pregnancy mention, mickey and reuben being so in love
✎……masterlist on pinned
✎……sorry this took me so long, my darling <3
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There was a knock at the door and Mickey jumped up from the couch to answer it. Reuben just chuckled at his mate, knowing how excited he had been for the past several weeks for this day.
Flinging open the door, he revealed his Alpha and Luna standing on the other side. Jake holding their one-and-a-half-year-old son on his hip, and Ronnie sporting a large baby bump.
“Hey, Noah, my little buddy!” Mickey greeted as he held out his hands for the tot.
And Noah went easily, little grin on his face showing off his dimples when he was finally in Mickey’s grasp. Noah was a cuddly kid. He would let anyone hold him if his parents allowed it. But if it was a member of the pack it was a whole nother story. Sometimes Jake and Ronnie wondered if he preferred the pack over his own parents.
Mickey moved away from the doorway, tickling Noah’s side to make his shoulders bunch up.
“Hey, guys, come on in,” Reuben said as he got up from the couch. 
“Oh, we’re actually here,” Ronnie joked, stepping through the threshold with a hand rubbing soothingly into her belly. “For a second there I thought we were invisible.” 
Mickey looked away from the baby with a guilty smile. “Sorry. You’re just not as cute.” 
“Hilarious,” Jake scoffed lightly with a smile, knowing it was true and setting down the stuffed full diaper bag at his feet.
Reuben came to stand beside his mate, hands in his jean pockets. “How’re you feelin’, Luna?”
“Very pregnant,” Ronnie replied on a sigh, “Ready to relax for a minute before pup gets here.” 
“Pup!” Noah echoed with a grin, finger pointed at Ronnie. 
“Yeah? Is your little brother in there?” Mickey asked, stepping closer so Noah could put his little hand on his mama’s belly. “Got any big plans for the babymoon?”
Ronnie shook her head as Jake came to stand behind her. Strong arms wrapping around her middle, chin hooking over her shoulder as he kissed lightly at her neck. Reuben smiled as he watched them. Listening to his Luna explain that they were just going to stay home, let Jake do the nesting he’s been itching to do for weeks now but couldn’t because of Noah. They were made to be parents, it seemed. Took to it like ducks on water.
Then Reuben glanced at his mate, who was bouncing Noah on his hip. And behind the excitement and joy, he could see a bit of longing there too. A bit of sadness, maybe. He could feel it. Deep in his chest, where his connection to Mickey laid. 
After a bit more small talk and catching up, Jake decided it was time to go with a nod towards the door and a grunt that made Ronnie affectionately roll her eyes. 
“Everything you need is gonna be in here.” She kicked the diaper bag lightly. “Diapers, wipes, extra clothes. Make sure you put the breast milk in the fridge. I know you have toys here but I packed a few of his favorites just in case. And seriously, don’t hesitate to call if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay, okay — now get outta here you two! Enjoy your last weekend as parents of one!” Mickey shooed them towards the door.
But he let them both get one last kiss and hug from their son. Then they were gone. Mickey and Reuben followed them out onto the porch, let Noah watch as they climbed back into their Subaru and drive away. His little hand opening and closing in a wave as they went.
It was a beautiful May afternoon, the sun shining bright in the clear blue sky, so Mickey and Reuben decided to play with Noah outside for a bit before he went down for his nap. It was mostly a lot of running around. Noah shrieking happily at the top of  his little lungs and laughing whenever one of them would catch him. But he seemed to be having fun and wearing himself out. 
But eventually he lost interesting in that game. Opting instead to look through their flower garden, which he knew not to pick from. Reuben and Mickey sat down in the grass not too far off with a huff. Mickey’s shoulder leaned into his mate’s side.
“God, he’s so fucking cute,” Reuben sighed as he watched him reach up for a flower, then retract his hand with a look like he was scolding himself. 
“I know,” Mickey agreed with a grin. “Who would’ve thought our Alpha could make such cute pups.” 
“I think it’s mostly Ronnie,” Reuben joked, and Mickey barked out a laugh with his head thrown back. Reuben kissed his cheek. “Gonna go get the little guy some water. Want anything?” 
“No, I’m good. Thank you though.” Mickey looked up at him with a smile. 
And he really couldn’t help it, Reuben ducked down and pressed a sweet kiss to his grinning lips. Then he got up and headed inside. 
The unit controlled air inside was refreshing to Reuben’s burning skin as he came in through the backdoor of their cabin. After digging through the diaper bag, pulling out the three pairs of pajamas and what felt like ten outfits that Ronnie had packed, he finally found Noah’s water cup to fill at the sink. It was nearing three, and the little guy needed to go down for a nap before dinner. At the very least, a few hours to rest. Maybe they could throw on Bluey — the only thing Jake and Ronnie would allow him to watch when he was over at someone else’s house. Any other time, they were pretty strict about no screens. 
As Reuben filled the sippy-cup, he could hear Mickey talking through the open window above the sink. Looking out, he smiled at the sight before him. 
They were playing some game. Noah pointing and babbling at his mate before he would turn away and do a lap around one of their garden plots. Little arms swinging at his sides and head tilting this way and that. Reuben laughed at the sight, wondering where he got that from. 
When Noah made it back to Mickey still sitting with his legs stretched out in the grass, he started babbling complete nonsense and pointing at him again. 
“You son of a bitch,” Mickey said like he had just been convinced of something before hopping to his feet. “I’m in.” 
Then Noah wrapped one hand around Mickey’s finger and started leading him around the garden. Reuben turned off the water with a smile.
When the weekend is over, maybe it was time to start talking about starting their own family.
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Disney's are Family Too(Sneak Peak Their Golden Years Chpter 1980)
A/N: Dorothy was actually watched by Mickey and Minnie whenever the other Looney Tunes couldn't. Bugs and Mickey are like pseudo brothers bonding over carrying the loads they do being the Lead stars of 2 of the Largest Company's in the Industry.
"Daffy she dropped her pacy in the car-" Dolly whined in her father's arms as he walked up the porch as she started to cry,"Hey its okay little kit, Papa Dafs got your pacifier"
The duck ran up behind holding the item up,
"Right here duckling," He offered it to their daughter just as the door opened, Mickey smiling fondly,
"Heard someone's being fussy," he playfully teased as the little girl grabbed the item offered to her and settled sucking on it,
"Dolly dropped her favorite dummy in the car, so-"
"Little miss was throwing a fit" he opened his arms as Bugs nodded smiling as he passed the child to him along with slinging her Diaper bag around his shoulder, "Hi Dolly, how's my niece doing,"
She just blinked at him, before smiling, patting his cheek,
"Hi Unca Mike!" He laughed, as Bugs and Daffy shook their heads,
"She is the only one who gets away with that he playfully threatened as Dolly looked over his shoulder crowing
"Ant Mimi!" And Mickey turned so Minnie could scoop her up,
"Hello little rabbit! Oh Aunties so excited to see you," She hugged the little girl as she laughed, before side hugging Bugs so she didn't squish the kit,"We got her promise,"
"Oh I know, just a whole month. It's gonna be long" Bugs sighed, Daffy nodded in agreement as he set down the suitcase full of her clothing
"We will take so many photos for you two, and we have a special trip planned." Mickey grinned before playing peek a boo with Dolly, who squealed a big smile on the kits face,
The Duck and Rabbit smiled watching the interaction,
"Oh we know she'll have fun. I just wish it wasn't so long," The pair of mice gave him a knowing expression as the clock chimed
"Oh bugger we need to be going to the airport, " The rabbit leaned down and placed a kiss to his child's forhead Daffy doing the same, cupping his ducklings face as she leaned into the touch he said
"You be good for them, okay?" Their kit bobbed her head
"Kay Papa!" Another kiss was placed before they walked out ,
"Thank you again you guys"
"Of course" Mickey replied as Bugs slipped out and the door shut "Now who wants ice cream before supper,"
"Michael Mouse!" Came Minnies scolding yet amused voice, the 2 year old grinning as her uncle scooped her up and made a beeline for the kitchen,
"Oh we won't spoil our Supper, just have a little bit." She shook her head as he placed the child in the booster seat,
As Minnie moved around the kitchen to begin making supper as Mickey pulled out the ice cream, and a singular bowl they could share, he didn't mind, as he scooped out a tiny bit of the treat handing the spoon to the kit who smiled
"Unca Mike, tank you!" He grabbed a napkin and tied a bib around her neck, before he sat down as he helped her take a scoop from the bowl, watching Dolly try to lick it like an ice cream cone, making a mess of her face
Pulling a disposable camera out as she was focused on the special treat he got a picture, before he helped the child wipe her muzzle she grunted trying to pull away to his amusement before delving back into it, he snuck a spoonful not noticing Minnie with her more professional camera got a photo of the pair's exchange,
She was grateful for Bugs and Daffy, for Dolly. A hand subconsciously finding itself on her abdomen, before turning to the sink, they had been trying over the last nearly decade since they'd married in 73 however with 1981 around the corner they found themselves unable, Dolly and Max helped ease the pain of the reality they faced, a future without children the one thing they wished for seemingly wouldn't happen.
Maybe they could look into adoption perhaps? It might sound selfish however she really wished for a child of their own, she was jolted out of her thoughts by Mickeys hand gently resting on her arm as he leaned over to place the dish now empty in the sink,
"Hey you alright?" He asked with tenderness and a knowing expression,
"Yeah, just thinking," She answered, as the mouse leaned over and placed a kiss to her forehead,
"It's alright," he whispered, before wrapping his arms around her hugging her from behind, before they heard the chair scoot out and Mickey turned quickly to help the child down,
She washed the bowl but smiled over her shoulder as she could see her wonderful husband wiping off the child's muzzle, hearing him ask
"Seriously kiddo, how in the world do you get ice cream on the top of your head?" As Dolly giggled and in her small voice answered
"Don know...magic?" Making her Uncle laugh again as he took a rag and wiped it off, before tossing it into the laundry and scooping her up,
"Sounds about right kid, magics playful like that," he smiled as he let some flow and she gasped, as it flitted around her and made all sorts of shapes of animals, before fading, the kit looking a little bit sad,"How about we go play with Pluto while Aunt Minnie cooks?"
Instantly, she perked up, clapping her hands,
"Pluto pluto!" Making him smile as he walked out,
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pimpyourworld · 21 days
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Mickey Mouse Diaper Backpack Bag
New moms, meet your magical match! Personalized and customizable Mickey Mouse Diaper Bag Backpack is the perfect blend of style, functionality, and Disney charm.
Introducing the Must-Have Mickey Diaper Bag:
Reliable & Roomy: Crafted from top-quality nylon, this feather-light diaper bag is built to last, effortlessly accommodating all your baby's necessities. You can trust in its durability, leaving you with one less thing to worry about.
Functional Organization: This bag features one main zipper pocket, three elastic side pockets, and a netted compartment, so you can stay organized during errands or day trips with your toddler.
Personalized Touch: Make it your own! Personalize your Mickey Mouse diaper backpack with a name or message to ensure it stands out in any crowd.
Comfort & Convenience: Designed with your comfort in mind, this bag features adjustable shoulder straps and a cushioned back panel for easy carrying. It's the perfect companion for diaper changes on the go, making your life a little easier.
Dimensions: 15.0" x 10.8" x 6.7" (perfect for all your baby essentials!)
Search for "Disney Mickey Mouse Diaper Bag" and discover the magic!
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freshlypicked4 · 3 months
Mickey diaper bag | Freshly Picked
Looking for a diaper bag that's both practical and adorable? Enter the Mickey Diaper Bag by Freshly Picked! This stylish accessory combines the magic of Disney with the functionality every parent needs. With multiple compartments and durable materials, it keeps all your baby essentials organized while on the go. Say goodbye to rummaging through cluttered bags and hello to hassle-free outings with your little one.
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theidntheego · 1 year
JE, S first day in school!
I was feeling really nervous and although I know this is a milestone and she eventually has to be independent I can’t help but feel the need to be there. It will be her first time being away from familiar faces and today’s chance of a parent staying for the half day was generally better than what I thought except for the 10-11 ish part where she started crying for papa. Running to the door and knocking on it umpteen times.
When we first arrived we were made to take temp and there’s this futuristic like machine that the kids have to stand in front and the next was to check her mouth for hfmd which was to no avail because she hadn’t wanted to open her mouth.
We mixed in with the nursery kids and she was still generally well till another kid wanted to take the toy that she was playing with. No sharing for kids, I guess she’s not used to having her toys taken away from her. And then we shifted over to her classroom where there were 3 other kids just playing by themselves. I guess they were quite seasoned, as they watched on a newcomer.
Breakfast was quite unappetizing tbh.
English lessons Ll in a bag, sounded quite fun and interactive. Almost like Ms Rachel live.
Then it was crying time, coincided with the Chinese lesson and also diaper time were it was so cute watching them hold on to their diaper and putting their hands behind each other to form a line, waiting along the wall for their diaper change, factory style, one after another.
The tap was quite child friendly and JE loved to play with the water
There was music lesson and they were introduced to diff animals and drum from the assistant teacher and even Mozart and Jane Austen puppet like seriously at their age? Not sure what the purpose is..
It was an eye opener for me
- the poor little girl who wept silently, in stark contrast to JE’s loud wails. She was just sitting in the butterfly stretch position , just sobbing. Wanted to give her a hug but it was impossible with JE’s wails.
- how this kind boy wanted to help je to keep her bottle, much to her anger and his fright at her cries
- Mickey Mouse jacket Indian boy somehow made je’a cries less distinct.
- the small and salty portion of breakfast egg and how my poor girl
And so when she was having her downtime we went out, she somehow garnered the friendliness to wave and high five through the door at the gym.
And how we both sat outside plucking croissants, how she finally laughed when we were together away.
How she had to be carried by the admin while I peed
How she ran towards some random door and we lost her diaper that she was holding even without realizing…
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kiankiwi · 11 months
baby love
imagine we have a day off from work and we think we’re gonna have a chill day maybe get some chores done since austin was sleeping in later than usual but then when we finally check in on him we notice that the poor thing is sick. he has a full messy diaper (some even spilling out. and he can see even through his onesie that his belly is super bloated. and the poor thing whines when we pick him up and give him a quick bath before changing him. and the poor baby is just so cuddly since he doesn’t feel good. and we cuddle him all day. and while we’re cuddling him on the couch with his favorite show on he goes in his diaper on us super loud and he just sobs from embarrassment but he seems to relax a bit when he’s done. his poor tummy🥺
We just know the whole day we will be holding him twenty four seven even if we get touched out or overstimulated. Our comfort doesn't matter, his does. Even us walking around with him makes him whine so we just park us on the couch, turn on a show (probably mickey tbh) and get all our supplies while Aus gets comfy. We get his blankie, his paci, a puke bucket, some burp clothes, his medicine, some extra diapers and wipes and everything we'd need. We basically pack the diaper bag even though we're just going to be staying the whole day on the couch or wherever Aus wants to be.
Usually he loves baths but the warm water makes his belly hurt again so we have to be super quick to avoid an accident in the bath and when we get back and he's in new jammies and everything, we resist the urge to bounce him because we know we're just waiting to be puked on.
We settle in with him laying on our chest even though his belly hurts and it's best not to lay on his belly, he still does because he needs a contact nap. We get through about four episodes of mickey just rubbing his back and tugging his curls a little bit and just out of nowhere he noisily goes again and he's so embarrassed and is so apologetic bc he knows it blew out past his onesie and we're totally okay with it because better out than in of course and we're just like "woah, feel better bub?" and as he's crying he just continues crying but nods he does feel a bit more empty and less crampy.
"Yeah? Can we go change you? Or are you still feeling sick?" We ask as we fully get ready for him to projectile vomit to deal with the pain. And he just whines and points to his pants like "change me now please"
"Alright, let's get you nice and clean okay?" Aus snuggles into us and hates how long this change is because all he wants is skin to skin and he hates how long he has to lay down for us to clean him up
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backtousa1 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Baby Mini Diaper Bag Black Mickey Mouse Personalized "Brooks" EUC.
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arrowflier · 3 years
can you write a fic where they talk about having kids? maybe after the finale and mickey kinda starts the conversation 👀
It started slowly, and it started with Franny.
She had been staying over more often lately, Debbie taking night jobs again to make ends meet--though at least she was tending bar at a friend's place and not at risk of losing the rest of her toes this time. Debbie would bring Franny over after school and drop her at their door with a backpack full of clothes and crayons, staying just long enough to give her daughter a kiss and threaten Ian and Mickey with the same.
Sometimes Mickey pretended it annoyed him.
"What if we had plans, man?" he'd grumble as he helped Franny off with her coat and tucked her bag into the corner by the door.
"It's Wednesday, Mick," Ian would reply patiently. "We never go out on Wednesdays. Besides," he'd add as he ruffled Franny's hair and sent her ahead into the living room, "Debs asked us like two days ago."
"Didn't say goin' out kinds of plans," Mickey would mumble so Franny couldn't hear. "And she didn't ask, she fuckin' told."
Ian would just snort a laugh at his antics. "Please," he'd drawl, "you'll fall asleep with Fran on the couch by 10, you always do."
There would be no answer to that. Mickey would pout and grumble all day about it if he could, but as soon as their niece stepped through their doorway, it was all smiles and playful teasing and chasing each other through the apartment and down the hallways (much to the displeasure of their stuffier neighbors).
Ian loved watching them. For all of Mickey's insistence that he wasn't ready, or that he'd make a terrible father, he certainly did right by the children already in his life. And when you spent all day playing with a child, feeding them, bathing and dressing them and reading them to sleep, well. It wasn't that different from having one of your own. Not that he would ever say that to Mickey, though. He knew better now than to push.
So it was a surprise when, a few weeks into this new arrangement, Mickey brought it up on his own, albeit in his own, Mickey way.
"We gotta get a bigger place," he mused one morning as they brushed against each other in the narrow kitchen.
Why?” Ian asked, curious. “It’s just us, and we've been doing fine so far. Unless…,” he paused, turning from the open refrigerator to eye Mickey cautiously. “Unless you need some space...?”
Mickey rolled his eyes, and brushed past again roughly enough to knock into Ian's shoulder with his own.
“No, Ian, I don’t need fuckin’ space, jesus,” he answered. “But we need another bedroom." To Ian's confused look, he expanded on the thought. "Franny sleeps here all the time, man, think it’s time she gets an upgrade from the sofa, that’s all."
Oh. That made sense. Ian hid a smile as he ducked his head back into the fridge, pretending to search for the eggs that were right there on the shelf.
"Sure Mick," he agreed. "The lease is up soon, we can start looking for a two bedroom."
It's quiet behind him, and he pulls back just in time to catch Mickey biting his lip nervously, though the other man doesn't see.
“And maybe we can fit a couple beds in there," Mickey said casually, betrayed only by a slight hitch in his breath and the way his eyes darted everywhere but Ian's face. "Just in case.”
Just in case. Ian's heart soared.
"Good idea," he forced himself to say in a normal voice. He didn't want to scare this idea away. He knew by the way Mickey looked at him that he hadn't quite managed the nonchalant tone he was going for, but that was okay. They could both pretend it was no big deal.
They didn't talk about it for a while after that. Not until Lip started bringing Fred around.
"You sure your girl is okay with this?" Mickey asked the first time, holding the kid away from him like he was a ticking bomb.
Lip just chuckled. "Are you kidding?" he asked. "This was her idea, Milkovich, you can't get out of uncle duties that easy."
Mickey looked offended at that, automatically bringing Fred closer to his chest and putting a protective hand on his back.
Ian stepped in before he could say anything too brash.
"We're just surprised, that's all," he told his brother. "Tami doesn't usually let Fred out of her sight."
Lip shrugged, then clapped Ian on the back, squeezing the back of this neck once before letting go. "She sees how good you guys are with Franny, and we need a break, man," he admitted. "Besides, she thinks Mickey here is some sort of kindred spirit."
They both raise their eyebrows at him until he explains.
"You know, willingly joining the Gallagher crazy and all," he said, only half joking. "If only she knew what an upgrade it was for this one," he added with a nod to Mickey, darting out the door before they can do anything about it.
"Diapers are in the bag," he shouted back to them, "try not to kill my kid!"
Ian and Mickey stared at each other after closing the door behind him, the stared at Fred, who had settled his head against Mickey's shoulder and was staring up at him with soft, sleepy eyes.
"Well," Mickey said slowly. "What the fuck do we do now?"
As it turned out, Mickey was great with babies, too. Of course he was.
They had Freddie in the bath after he had ruined his last diaper, Mickey keeping him safely propped up while Ian scrubbed him down. Neither of them mentioned the last time they had done this, but they both remembered the drill.
"Kids are fuckin' nasty," Mickey said, wrinkling his nose as Ian washed away the last of the mess.
"You're fucking nasty," Ian retorted, and then they were splashing each other with the dirty bathwater until a wave of it got Mickey in the face.
He sputtered, trying to grab for something to wipe it off without letting go of Fred, who was watching them and giggling.
"You asshole," Mickey growled, "you know where that's been, jesus Ian!"
Ian laughed at him, but stood and fetched a clean washcloth. He threw it at Mickey, then grabbed Fred out of the water and bundled him into their fluffiest towel, leaving Mickey muttering curses behind them as they move out to the bedroom.
Later that night, with Fred sleeping quietly next to them in his worn pack'n play, Mickey brought it up again.
"Don't they make, like, little kid bath things?" he questioned in the darkness. "We should get one of those, make things easier."
Ian rolled over to face him. "Yeah," he said slowly, "but Fred will be too big for that soon anyway."
He could feel the sheets shift when Mickey shrugged. "Should get one anyway," he said. "Might come in handy."
Ian didn't answer for a long moment, then answered with a simple, "okay."
He fell asleep smiling that night.
Things finally came to a head a few months later, when Ian got home to find a brochure on the table.
A brochure for an adoption agency.
He stared at it. Grabbed a beer out of the fridge, took a long sip. Stared at it some more.
He was still standing there when Mickey came in from the bedroom, and stopped still for just a second before continuing toward the fridge.
"Hey," Mickey said as he grabbed his own beer. "What are you thinkin'?"
Ian just looked at him.
"About that," Mickey clarified, motioning toward the pamphlet with the bottom of his bottle. "The adoption thing."
Ian swallowed hard, and took another drink before answering.
"Not thinking much yet," he admitted. "But I'm wondering where it came from."
Mickey rubbed at his eyebrow with the thumb of his free hand, not looking at Ian as he answered.
"Got it from some lady a few doors down," he revealed. "Said they're lookin' for more couples to step up."
"We wouldn't qualify," Ian managed to say past the lump in his throat. "Two ex-cons, gay, self-employed?" He forced an awkward laugh. "We're like a nightmare for those places."
He wasn't sure what he expected from that, but it wasn't for Mickey to come closer, setting down his beer to wrap and arm around Ian's back.
"Hey," he said softly, shaking Ian a little. "It don't gotta be adoption, man, just..." he hesitated, but pushed on, "been thinkin' about it, you know?"
That made Ian smile. "Yeah, I know," he admitted. "You're not as subtle as you think."
He turned in Mickey's half-embrace, leaning a hip against the table and bringing his own arm up so he could tease the hair at the back of Mickey's neck.
"You sure you're ready for this, Milkovich?" he whispered, hand moving to cup Mickey's face, thumb stroking at his cheek.
Mickey smiled back, leaning closer. "Damn straight, Gallagher," he murmured just before their lips brushed. "Damn straight."
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
One Year: January
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Summary: Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Content warning: nothing really yet, douchey dad, occasional cursing, mentions of drinking and sex later
Notes: eighteen thousand years later here is the next chapter 💛
december // masterlist // february
Three days after Christmas, Y/N and Asher’s father rolled into town to throw a New Year’s event at the house for some new investors. As soon as he reappeared, she immediately fell off the grid, ignoring every text and call from Clint. Two days before New Year's had called her and left a message:
“Hey, gorgeous. I haven’t heard from you in a few days and now I know you’re ignoring my calls. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I want you to know that I’m not running. Saying I’m falling or you would be a lie because I’ve already fallen. If anyone ever heard this message, I’d made fun of for being such a sap, but I don’t care. Call me or text me and let me know that you and Asher are at least okay.”
Y/N had broken down in tears when she heard the message and as soon as Asher was in bed, she called him back: “Hi.”
“Hey, gorgeous. What’s going on?”
She sniffled, “My dad’s back in town.”
“Shit, I’m coming over.”
“What, no! You don’t need to do that. It’s just hard on Asher, which makes it hard on me.”
“You gave me a key. I’m coming over.”
Before she could argue, Clint hung up and drove straight over to the house. He immediately walked up to Y/N’s room and found her curled up on the bed. They didn’t speak as he just curled around her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest. It only took her a few seconds to start crying and Clint just held her tighter. Eventually, she fell asleep and from the dark circles, this was the first proper sleep she had had in days.
Clint had eventually followed behind Y/N and fell asleep. Around 2, a cry had him jolt out of bed. He felt her grumble next to him, but she was not fully awake. Another cry fully woke Clint up and he realized that it was storming outside and that it was Asher calling for Y/N. He got out of bed and hurried down the hall. When he got into the bedroom, the six-year-old threw himself into Clint’s arms. He wrapped his arms around the little boy and rubbed Asher’s back. “Did the storm scare you?”
He felt him nod against his neck. “Do you want to come to bed with Y/N and me? We could protect her from the storm together.”
“You protect me?”
“Always, buddy.” Clint carried Asher back into Y/N’s room and they crawled into the bed. She immediately pulled her brother close to her and Clint laid on the other side of him, his arm thrown across so that his hand was on her waist.
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The next morning, the trio was in the kitchen making Mickey Mouse pancakes. Clint was determined to cheer up the Y/L/N siblings. Music was playing and laughter echoed through the room. Asher nearly fell off the stool with how hard he was laughing when Y/N flipped a pancake into Clint’s face. As soon as they heard the front door close, the air grew thick with tension.
Clint watched as Y/N’s whole demeanor hardened and she unconsciously moved to stand closer to Asher. He watched a handsome man with grey hair stumble into the kitchen in a wrinkled suit. “Late night?” Y/N’s voice was unrecognizable, hard, and unfeeling.
“Dinner with a client ran long so I just got a room at a hotel,” He looked past and zoned in on the unfamiliar man in the kitchen, “And you are?”
“That’s Clint,” Asher piped up, “He’s my friend and Y/N’s boyfriend.”
He took a deep breath and put one hand on the small of Y/N’s back and held the other out to shake, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Y/L/N.”
“Pleasure. I’m assuming you will be my daughter’s date to the party?”
“Yes,” the older man flashed a charming smile and Clint started to understand how this man got away with everything, “A party for my investors on New Year’s Eve.”
Clint squeezed Y/N’s waist in comfort, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
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Y/N tried multiple times to convince Clint not to waste his time at the party, but he wouldn’t hear it. Even after he arrived with his garment bag thrown over his shoulder, she was trying to talk him out of this. She babbled away as she put on her makeup, “I‘m just saying that I know that Bucky is throwing a party. Nat told me. You shouldn’t have to miss out on a good time because of me.”
Clint had just pulled on his shirt and marched into the ensuite. He spun her around so that she was trapped against the counter, “You are not going to convince me to leave.”
He slammed his lips against her, feeling her hands travel up his chest to curl around the unbuttoned shirt. Clint wrapped one around her, pulling her as close as possible to him.
“Ew.” The couple separated and turned to see Asher standing in the doorway to the ensuite.
Clint kissed Y/N’s nose, “Nothing you say will change my mind. So get on board, gorgeous.” She just nodded dumbly, still reeling from the kiss. He went over to Asher and helped him up on the bed, “I have a surprise for you.” He pulled two ties out that were the team colors.
“We can match?” Asher was bouncing up and down.
“We can match.” Y/N watched from the doorway as Clint showed her little brother how to tie a tie. Emotions whirled through her. She hated that their father wasn’t the one having these little moments with Asher. However, she was in deep with Clint as he didn’t just tolerate Asher, but went out of his way to care and love the young boy. Y/N didn’t know how it had snuck up on her but in the last three months, she had fallen in love with the dorky blonde football player who she swore she wasn’t going to give the time of day. She shut the door to the bathroom and pulled on her gown.
When she opened the door, the two boys were taking selfies in the floor-length mirror. They turned to look at her and both their eyes widened. Asher was the first to speak, “You look so pretty, Y/N.”
She grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “And you look so handsome. I’ve got two good-looking dates tonight.” Clint was still staring and moved closer, swooping in for a kiss. Y/N could have cried with laughter at how affronted he looked when helping up a hand to stop him, “I’m wearing lipstick.”
“I don’t care,” he kissed her until she was breathless.
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The happiness and ease that they felt in her bedroom were dashed as soon as they walked down the stairs and were enveloped by the party. Y/N was trying to keep her composure as her father used Asher as a performing seal. Clint’s hand gripped her tightly, trying to keep her calm, but she was dying inside as she watched her little brother try to make their sperm donor proud. It was late into the night at this point and she could see that the young boy was struggling to keep his eyes open. She couldn’t hold it in any longer and wiggled her hand out of Clint’s. “Gorgeous…”
“I’ll be okay. Go see Tony and Pepper.” She made her way over and smiled charmingly at the guests, “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but it’s gotten very late. Dad, it is way past Asher’s bedtime.
He waved his eldest child away, “Oh it’s fine, he’s having a good time.”
“He actually has a playdate tomorrow and needs to be rested. So, he should really start his bedtime routine.
Her father’s eyes hardened, “I’m the parent and I’ve decided he’s okay to stay up a little while longer.” She scoffed and her father tried to shoot her a look. Asher started to well up at the tension and Y/N pulled him into her arms. They walked away from the group and she shot her father a glare as he followed them, “He should’ve been in bed over two hours ago. Don’t claim to be his parent when you haven’t done a damn thing. I’m the only mother he’s ever known. I’m the only parent he’s known in the past 6 years.”
“Not right now. This is not behavior for in front of guests. Why don’t we step into the study for this discussion.” He was gripping her arm and that’s what brought Clint back over to their side.
Y/N quickly passed the half-asleep Asher to him, “Would you mind taking him just for a few moments. I’ll be there soon, but I need to have a quick word with my father.”
Clint gripped her waist tight, “Are you okay?”
“No, but I need to be,” she kissed both of their cheeks, “I’ll be up soon. He’s going to need a bath since he’s covered in frosting.”
Y/N didn’t look back even though she felt Clint’s gaze on her as she walked away. The minute the door shut her father exploded, “How dare you! You don’t behave like that when we have guests over. It isn’t proper.”
“Screw proper behavior! I’ve been proper every day for nearly my whole life. Ever since mom got sick. You haven’t been around to try and now you claim that Asher is the product of anything you’ve done. That kid is amazing because he’s done everything without you. I did the midnight feeds and diaper changings. I’m the one that went to the library and checked out parenting books. When he fell off his bike, I helped him up, cleaned his cuts, and told him to try again and not to give up. I’ve done his back-to-school shopping, got his Halloween costumes every year. I helped him with his homework and I got a car so that someone could be there to pick him up every damn day. I’ve been to every concert and sports game. You don’t get to suddenly reappear randomly and use us as a pretty family in front of your friends and investors. You just a sperm donor.”
“I think you forget your place, young lady.”
“Ha. Don’t try to parent me. You’re not a parent!” Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to get herself under control, “If you were, you’d know the bare minimum isn’t good enough. Money isn’t enough. Your children deserve love and support. Asher deserves someone who shows up and that’s not you. Never again will you be allowed to use him for your business. I will make sure that he has a sleepover or appointment to take up his every hour when you’re in town. You are a stranger that happens to live under the same roof as us a couple nights a year. We’ve just been along for the ride. You’ve missed every birthday party and every Christmas morning for too many years. That’s over 20 birthdays so far. That’s 6 years of Christmas shopping I’ve done alone. That’s decorating Christmas trees without you. That’s late nights making birthday cakes. That’s the first steps, award ceremonies, and graduations. That kid is my life and I am his. You haven’t been around. Do you know how many nights I spent with him and he would ask why you weren’t there? Eventually, he just gave up hope. I’m glad your business is thriving but in the process of making this all happen, you forget something so much more important. You forgot your kids. Well, guess what, I never forgot. Not for a second. I’ve missed so much of my life for Asher and I won’t regret a second of it. He’s not your kid. He’s mine. And if you excuse me, I need to put him to bed.” She left the study, head held high, and headed straight for Asher’s room.
When she didn’t find them there, she hurried into her room and found Clint reading a book, with the six-year-old conked out on his shoulder. Y/N decided to take a moment and walked down the hallway and sat on the window seat, listening to the party still raging below. She rested her head on the window, feeling the cool January chill on her forehead. Silent tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks. She heard a throat clear and turned to see Clint standing a few feet away. He didn’t say anything, instead, he just let her curl up against him. He picked her up, carrying her to her room. He knelt down and slipped her heels off. Her breathing was shallow, as the argument played over and over in her mind. He pulled the dress down her shoulders and replaced it with one of his shirts that she’d claimed. He toed his shoes off and climbed into bed, pulling her down. They one curled around Asher and Clint looked at her, “You don’t need to talk tonight. You don’t even need to talk tomorrow. Just know that when we do have this conversation, it won’t scare me away. I’m in this for the long haul, whatever that means. I love you.”
It wasn't perfect, at that moment it wasn't even good, but the ball had dropped and it was January 1st. A new year and Y/N was going to make sure that life was better than ever before.
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chickawah23 · 2 years
Baby anon I hear you. I don’t know. I feel like this is going to open up a can of worms but it’s okay. I’m going to share my thoughts on the baby and leave it at that because i know for a fact that so many of you are going to turn this into a long Karlie bashing thing.
I maintain a healthy amount of skepticism I’m not really the pie in the sky, believe everything, type of person so I spend many a day squinting and keeping thoughts to myself and keeping things funny and fresh lol.
But I chose at a very specific point to share posts of the baby to an extent. (See bold below).
Reasons for my skepticism early on: I know Karlie wore a fake baby belly in November 2019 with Ashley Graham and 9 months or so later the news broke that she was preggers. So early on I was like was okay was KK showing us the long game in that video? Idk. Then the news “leak” from “sources” about her pregnancy. Everything felt like competing teams trying to structure the story. We still see some of that today. And I just was like idk what cluster fudge this is. Also the nightmare of the hullabaloo posting during Taylor’s performance was like what kind of sick twisted game is this? Additionally, I’m very much aware of her using the baby only to promote brands (the Ralph Lauren outfits, the strollers, the Louis V diaper bag, adidas kids, etc.).
Things that assuaged my skepticism a bit: during that zoom appearance with those high school students (where she talked about knowing a bit about the music business) while she was very pregnant. To me she looked physically uncomfortable like pregnancy discomfort. Her face puffed up and her skin looked a bit glossy and her nose spread a bit (but I guess all that can be faked with makeup). Additionally I remember noticing during that time her boobs looked bigger (i know that can be faked too). Also Ashley Graham had KK on her channel in December 2020 for that pregnant workout routine that promoted KK’s new adidas line. And I was like eh Idk if this is the long game. If it is that’s a strong prosthetic. All that stuff led me to think she was actually pregnant.
Then after the baby arrived: Karlie popping up to say the baby wasn’t actually born on the date her hullabaloo posted. Plus there was an outfit she wore while in Miami that made me think she had on post natal undergarments. Then KK posting the video of her mom feeding the baby while kk ate a snack off screen and pumped did it’s job selling the baby for me. Plus her continuing to use her mom for posts with the baby through Halloween. It honesty was the use of her mom that sold to me that KK had a baby. The disney trip with her family also kinda counts but I know she was just there promoting her new coding Mickey Mouse ears.
As an aside: things i keep note of include the fact that her sisters have all basically disappeared from social media after the baby was born (which is totally fine as they are free to do). But that hard stop... i found it interesting.
This is where I stand on the issue: I think Karlie had a real baby I don’t think it was with her hullabaloo.
I’m not telling anyone else how to feel about the baby. Honestly none of our opinions really matter in the grand scheme of things. It’s all just strangers chattering on the interweb about rich and famous strangers who need strangers on the interweb to talk about them. But I’m just coming along for the ride. I don’t mind posting a cute chunga munga pic when it comes. And moseying on with my day.
I still think Karlie has a good heart that translates into her being a good mama, but who knows I could be wrong (see strangers discussion above).
Lastly, I do not in the slightest mind being wrong about any of this. I hope my statements about Karlie looking pregnant are not taken as an insult if she was not pregnant lol. And if that is the case I would not be above joking about her baby pulling a Houdini or tuxedo mask Lolol
P.S I am also well aware the parts of the things I said here will be used to strengthen or weaken arguments regarding the baby legitimacy for other people (if it hasn’t already been pointed out by others) because that’s how this all works. It is what it is.
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