#Miche zacharias imagines
zoozvie · 1 month
Imagine: When your fellow officers and commander find out your secret
Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë, Miche Zacharias, and Levi Ackerman
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Levi is the first to knock on your office door, disrupting your solitude for the evening and you get up to let him in. Thankfully he’s a quiet shadow, without any energy to even complain about his trip to the inner wall. He makes a pot of tea quickly and slumps over in a chair pulled next to your desk as you work. A habit you fell into on the slower nights at HQ. He only spoke to question why your window was cracked open this time of day, and you informed him the late nights you’ve been pulling since everyone was away made the room stuffy.
Hange is next, you can tell by the ‘thunk’ of a body that runs into your door before they ask if you were there. You answer that it’s unlocked, and they let themselves in while chattering about the survey corps representative meeting everyone just came back from. Levi grumbles that he’d like a moment of peace without thinking about the inner wall pricks they had to entertain for hours, and Hange takes post on the corner of your desk that’s unoccupied. 
Erwin poked his head into your cracked open door a little after the first two joined, greeting everyone in the professional way he did before declaring how perfect it was to catch us in one place before anyone headed back to their quarters. He wanted to discuss technicalities on the paperwork that was distributed and to get everyone’s signatures. You agreed, although a little disheartened, to conduct one final meeting before putting an end to your night. Although there was one signature missing that Levi offered to fetch the owner of so he didn’t have to listen to ‘more political horse-shit’. You and Erwin exchanged pleasantries as he sat on one side of the sofa, to catch up on the weeks you weren’t able to converse properly over the leftover tea.
Levi finally came back with Miche in tow, already having informed him of the ‘party’ you were all having in your office, and sat back into his claimed seat. Miche greeted you warmly but didn’t move to sit on the sofa with Erwin, perhaps trying to make the meeting finish quickly.
Erwin began addressing the paperwork you all had but fell silent as a loud sniff pierced through his speech. Everyone looked at Miche expectantly, and he sniffed once, twice more. Turning his head about the room with a perplexed expression before looking back at you with a quirked eyebrow. You held your composure with your back straight and interlocking fingers on your desk. Maintaining the perfect image of professionalism, you stared right back at him. The other three’s heads swived comically between you two before pinning to the side of the room where your broom closet’s door was shut. A quiet rustling and scratching at the wood door had their attention, the tension between you and Miche stifling. You cleared your throat to defend your dignity–
When a soft ‘meow’ echoed inside the closet, your posture slumped over in defeat. Hange slowly walked over and cracked the door open before exclaiming as two, no, three, four young cats sprang out from their captivity, bobbing between everyone's legs before hopping up to your windowsill and jumping out. A younger black and white cat straggled behind to cheekily rub his body against Levi’s foot before joining the others.
The damage was done, most of your expression hidden behind your hands as you sheepishly smiled at the commander. Everyone thankfully had some level of amusement in your antics beside Levi, who reached over to pick a long strand of fur from your coat sleeve to tease you. You made a face at him. You’ve been alone at HQ for a while, no harm in keeping new company.
They just won’t find out you’ve named some after each of them. Little Levi may have gotten close to knowing his namesake but you’ll make sure at least that secret is kept hidden. For your own peace of mind.
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h1nanii · 1 year
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Minors dni 🌞
They just love killing everyone with the biggest dick
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Like everyone who reaches the height of 6’+ ft has to die.
Most of em were probably virgins too like atleast give them some 🐱 first (preferably mine😋😋) 😓
But maybe not porco, bro seems like the type to go to a brothel/ strip club during his free time and get all the bitches on him cause he’s an honorable marleyan ☠️
Poor Berty with that fuck ass haircut had to last only 3 seasons(not if u count s1 part 2 and s3 part 2) but yeah Yk he woulda been whimpering and all of he wasn’t so whipped for Annie (I am too Ngl).
Erwin coulda had some pussy if he wasn’t so buried for his dreams(quite literally 🪦) but now that I think about it…. Didn’t he get his bitch taken by his friend back when he was a cadet or something? Poor guy.
Mike/miche was gone too fucking soon
Y’all remember what Doja said right? Exactly. Imagine riding that bigass nose of his😍 (I need help) he had good character too💔💔
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wimbledonsoot · 2 years
TROPEY - event masterlist <3
So. Guys. Hey. It's been a while. Requests are sitting in my asks from like... four months ago (some even longer than that), my DSMP 'phase' (hyperfixation) is relatively dead, and I've slowly but steadily tumbled into the abyss known as anime and manga.
So that's what this event is about. It's celebrating new beginnings, new motivation, new ideas, and also, a new username (thus, the reason my moots are tagged).
The event is simple. Send in a request with a trope (any trope) and a character from one of the fandoms listed below, and I'll write a short-ish drabble (500+ words -> as high as 2000, potentially) for it. This event is on until the 20th of December, and requests will be answered by December 31st.
[nothing yet]
keep the requests exclusive to the below mentioned fandoms
mild nsfw is allowed, but I reserve the right to reject asks that I am uncomfortable writing
obviously, my previous boundaries apply as well
FANDOMS: (links are for summaries on fandom websites)
attack on titan
my hero academia
romantic killer
SUGGESTED TROPES: (note that any are permitted)
one bed
knife to throat
drunken confessions
sex pollen
bang or die
huddle for warmth
also im going from @wimbledonsoot to @xrwins (the cycle... it has finished :0)
(moot taggy time: @jadeissues @alyssys @aleenapallaz @mars-yknow @andwhentheworldendsthenwhat @beeindaclouds @fayeisuppose @the-ult-alpha-trans @on-the-outside)
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youre-ackermine · 3 months
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Sunburst: a sudden brief appearance of the full sun from behind clouds
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Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe / Petra Ral / Erwin Smith / Miche Zacharias / Nanaba / Zeke Jaeger / Nifa (mention) / Moblit Berner (mention) / Yelena (mention)
Pairing: Levihan (friendship) / Rivetra / Zekehan / Erumike (implied)
Wordcount: 2265 approx.
Modern AU / SFW / Levihan slow burn / High school friends / Established relationships / Non-binary AFAB Hange Zoe / Swearwords / POV Levi Ackerman
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His mood probably couldn’t get gloomier now that he had finished all the tasks -most likely meant to distract him from his dejection now he thought about it- that Miche had assigned to him since morning.
He was sitting on the steps leading to the porch, a glass of iced-tea from the bowl he had freshly prepared in hand. On the surface his face showed all the usual signs of annoyance and boredom that seemed to be his signature expression but, if you could get a closer look, melancholy tinged his features quite unexpectedly as he scrolled on his phone.
Levi frowned, squinting his eyes in the sun and gluing them to the screen. His heart sank when he saw Petra’s latest post on Instagram, a picture of Nifa and herself, all smiles as they drank some fruity cocktail from a ridiculously huge coconut through colorful straws. A nasty surge of jealousy stung him when he noticed the lustful glances a bunch of guys sitting with them around a restaurant table cast her way.
“The fuck that means,” he mumbled under his breath. 
They were supposed to drink stupid cocktails from stupid coconuts together and they were supposed to bask in the sun on this stupid white sand beach together and they were supposed to soak in this stupid warm lagoon water together. But she had gone on vacation with Nifa instead, arguing she needed time. And space. To find herself, to recharge. To think about them.
Yeah, they were on a break. Yeah, she had decided this one-sidedly. Yeah, she had urged him to pack some of his stuff and stay at his best friend’s for a while. Yeah, he didn’t understand the fuck why she wanted this but he had obliged. Yeah, he would oblige again and again. And fucking yeah, he would do anything she asked if it meant he could win her back.
But dammit! Seeing her having a good time away from him, seeing her smiling as he was still stuck in anger and sadness after four weeks apart, imagining other men ogling her perfect curves, flirting with her, or even laying their dirty hands on her was tearing his heart apart.
A firm yet friendly pat on his shoulder snapped Levi off his stupor. He glanced sideways at Erwin as he sat down next to him.
“No point in hurting yourself over something you can’t control, Levi,” his best friend said, a hint of concern in his soft tone. A faint but incredibly fond smile appeared on Erwin’s face. “Get rid of your phone for now and go freshen up. You wouldn’t want Miche to scold you in front of the guests, would you?”
“As if I gave two shits about what that blond titan thinks!” Levi replied, rolling his eyes. He got up and pocketed his phone nonetheless, heading to his bedroom to change clothes.
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He was pouring a refreshing drink for Nanaba, casually catching up with her, when a boisterous exclamation caught their attention. Everybody raised their heads and glasses, cheering the guest of honor as they waved frantically from the driveway where they were stepping out of their car.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe you all came! I’m so happy!” Hange shrieked, eyes sparkling with excitement and a huge smile on their face.
They laughed heartily as their step-brother picked them up in his arms and spun them around as if they weighed nothing.
“Happy birthday, Nerdling,” Miche whispered in their ear, his mustache tickling their skin when he pecked their cheek.
He loosened his embrace and let Hange go. Their gaze wandered around the garden to greet their guests, their radiant smile growing wider and reaching their eyes as they finally fell on their best friend.
“Happy birthday Hans!” she said, her arms wrapping around them. They held each other tight for a while until Hange peeked past Nanaba’s shoulder and recognised the short man standing next to the iced-tea bowl, his pouring gesture frozen in the air.
Hange’s eyes widened. “Holy Walls! Grumpy Pants, is that you?!”
“Tch… No shit, Four-Eyes,” he deadpanned, still gripping Nanaba’s glass by the rim.
“Still so handsome behind the scowl, right Shorty?” They chuckled and winked at him before turning to another guest.
For some reason his stomach churned.
A rhetorical question. Obviously.
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The festive afternoon was drawing to a close. The birthday cake was nothing more than a few forgotten crumbs on a plate by now, the opened gifts had been thrown haphazardly on Hange’s car backseat, and the last guests had said their goodbyes a while ago.
Trash bags in hand, Miche, Erwin and Nanaba busied themselves around the garden and the terrace to throw paper plates and plastic cups away.
Levi had found the party more pleasant than expected. And definitely more pleasant than he would ever admit. 
After flitting from one friend to the next, Hange had finally pulled out a chair to sit across from him in his favourite corner of the garden, near a bush of fragrant roses that always reminded him of his mother’s perfume.
They hadn’t met since the graduation ceremony a few years ago. They had caught up on what they had both been doing since then, inadvertently -and frankly, as an afterthought, much to his relief- dodging the matters of the heart.
He knew from Miche that they had been studying abroad in a prestigious university in Hizuru and had recently come back to work in a renowned research company in Trost, dragging their all-time lab partner Moblit -the fuck was this name by the way?- along with them. They had asked him a lot of questions about his work as an architect and his accomplishments in his hobbies. MMA techniques seemed to fascinate them by the way.
Levi's mind had been at ease listening to Hange’s enthusiastic babbling for hours, taking in their lively face and their bright, beautiful brown eyes behind their stained glasses. He had forgotten his worries for a while, lulled into a blissful daze by their voice, his heart almost soothed by their cheerful presence.
As the sun slowly set behind a hill, the gate creaked open to reveal a tall blond man with a well-trimmed beard and a pair of golden round glasses. Levi looked up at the newcomer who gestured to him to remain silent while he smoothly joined them, careful not to crunch the gravel under his feet.
Sensing something was off when their eyes fell on Levi’s face, Hange stopped their rant about whatever toxic plant they were blabbering about.
“Shorty? Something’s wrong? You’re as white as Moblit’s asscheeks all of a sudden!” they asked in a worried tone.
Moblit's assch-, what? Taken aback, Levi didn’t have time enough to retort.
Hange squealed when the man slid his hands over their waist from behind, but tilted their head back to look at him and flashed a beaming smile. He kissed their lips, lingering a bit too much to Levi’s liking, forcing him to avert his gaze in a burst of decency.
“By the Walls Zeke, I missed you so much!” Hange asked between kisses. “I’ve been waiting for you all day! Where have you been?”
Levi felt more and more like a creep, staring at the couple.
“Yelena missed her train to her parents' town so I gave her a drive there. Thought you wouldn’t mind, Honey!”
“Oh, Yelena… Of course I don’t mind!” Their voice faltered uncharacteristically.
Levi’s chest tightened as he noticed the way Hange’s face fell with their half-assed reply. How could someone be oblivious or careless enough to let down someone as kind as Hange on their own birthday? How could someone be cruel enough and bear to swipe Hange’s bright smile off their face?
That monkey could, of course.
Hange’s smile quickly came back to enlighten their face though. They got up, fidgeting with the paper napkin they still held in their hands. They tittered and gestured between both men.
“Oh, I'm sorry! Let me introduce you, guys!” they blurted out. “Zeke Darling, this is Levi Ackerman, Erwin’s best friend. Shorty, this is my fiancé Zeke Jaeger.”
Levi got up, gritting his teeth as he extended his hand and shook Zeke’s in a tight grip.
“What are the odds! You’re both renowned architects now I think about it!” Hange exclaimed cheerfully.
“Oh but your friend and I have already met before Honey!” The blond man smirked. “I won the Trost Finance Center building project over him!”
Zeke let go of Levi’s hand.
“Nice to see you again Ackerman,” he added with a feigned joviality.
He snaked his arm around Hange’s waist to pull them closer.
“Let’s go Honey! It’s getting late and I’d like to make it up to you tonight,” he said in a disgusting husky voice, shamelessly kissing his fiancée’s skin under their ear until they blushed and gasped like a shy teenager. Levi clenched his fists.
Hange stuttered as they bid him goodbye, promising to meet again soon over a cup of coffee, and waved to their hosts and best friend before heading to their car. They giggled when Zeke slid his hand down the small of their back and over their ass, whispering something in their ear as they walked down the driveway.
Levi’s eyes followed the rear lights until the car turned left at the end of the street, leaving a hollow feeling in his guts.
A friendly arm wrapped around his shoulder and Nanaba dragged him towards the house.
“C’mon Munchkin, let’s grab a beer and order a pizza!”
She pecked him on the cheek.
“So fucking gross Nana, I can’t stand wet kisses,” he grumbled.
“Of course you can’t sweetie.”
But he couldn’t help but smile when she pulled him closer to kiss him again and burst out laughing when he swiftly wiped his cheek.
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Levi relished in the cool sensation of the breeze over his skin and the comforting warmth of his tea. The chirping of crickets nearby was lulling him into a peaceful slumber. He felt his stiff shoulders, his clenched jaw, his tense nape finally relax.
“So, Hange…” Erwin started once Nanaba had left and Miche had gone to bed.
“The fuck are you talking ‘bout Four-Eyes?” he replied, all the tension washing back over him.
Erwin raised his hands in a gesture of appeasement. “You seemed to get along well today, is all.”
Here we go, you blond bastard.
Erwin’s speech was only getting started and pain already throbbed in his head. Levi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Yeah, ‘twas nice to catch up after all those years. They’re not so bad to talk to.” He paused.  “Distracted me from this shitty life of mine for a bit.”
“I could tell.” Erwin took a sip of coffee and placed the cup back on the saucer. “You didn’t seem to enjoy Zeke’s company though.”
“That monkey? Hell no! You know how dirty he played with the Finance Tower project and fucked me over! How could I ever want to see this shithead again, you dumbass?”
Erwin knew better than to reply yet.
“How this brainiac is engaged to such a jerk is beyond me! Like, it’s their birthday and he shows up when the party's over, with all his lovey-dovey shit to cover up how he spent the afternoon with someone else instead… Disrespectful at the very least ‘f you ask me!”
Erwin smirked at his friend’s rant.
“What’s with the smirk, moron?”
“Nothing really.” Erwin’s gaze softened. “I don’t remember hearing you say so many words in one go. Ever. I wonder what got into you.” He chuckled.
Levi clicked his tongue. “Nothing special. We were having a nice little talk with Four-Eyes and I started to forget the crap piling up in my life at the moment and that fucking monkey ruined it all.”
Silence settled for a few minutes between both men.
“Seemed to do you good talking with someone else. You’re gonna hang with them again? I mean Hange.” Erwin asked after a while.
“Er yeah I guess… They mentioned a cup of coffee or shit some day soon.”
“Good! We’re your friends and we’re all worried about you, Levi. But, as you won't talk to us then talk with Hange. Anything that makes you feel better.”
Levi facepalmed to soothe the increasing pounding in his head and sighed.
“Could you mind your own fucking business for once, Blondie?” he hissed, rubbing his temples in a circle. “You’re giving me a headache.”
Erwin stood up, put a hand on Levi’s shoulder and squeezed it.
“Well, I’ll leave you alone then.”
He scooped his coffee cup off the table and took a few steps towards the door before turning around.
“Try to sleep tonight. You need to get some rest.”
Levi remained silent.
Erwin’s steps echoed in the evening darkness and he stopped briefly when gripping the handle.
“Good night Levi. See you tomorrow.”
As the door softly clicked shut, Levi let out a sharp breath he was holding for some time.
Yeah. Another day full of crap. The sparkle Hange had briefly brought in his otherwise dull life today was at least something he supposed.
“Shit! Life sucks, huh Four-Eyes?” he muttered to himself. His day couldn’t get any shittier than it already was, right?
Something vibrated in his back pocket. He fished his phone and answered without even thinking.
“Levi?” Petra’s voice. His body stiffened.
“Uhm yeah…” He ran his fingers through his hair to try and shut down his nervousness.
“We need to talk.”
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Requested by anon // Prompt #30 "Where have you been?" from this drabble challenge
Proofreading @dont-f-with-moogles Thank you so much for your help Terra Darling 🩶
Header & dividers @youre-ackermine
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A/N: Crossposted on AO3 as chapter 2 of my series It's not like I've got something grand to say to you // This takes place one year before Dumbstruck // English is not my usual language
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wall-maria-fritz · 2 years
Hii, I was wondering if I could get some random headcanons for Erwin, Miche, and Reiner plsss
The Big Blonde Boys
Random Headcannons for Erwin, Miche, and Reiner
Warnings: S4 Spoilers!
I will also be touching on slight smut but nothing graphic.
I really went ham on this one.
Scribblings MASTERLIST
Erwin Smith
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· Erwin is a hopeless sweet tooth. He loves strawberries and custards most especially.
· I’m convinced that Erwin Smith has what Wall Marians would say is a “refined” accent. Seeing how cultured and charming Erwin can be, he probably came from a considerably well off family.
· Erwin may have inherited his curiosity and innate genius from his father, but his charm and natural capacity for leadership? He got that from his mother, alright! I imagine his mother was very clever woman who could’ve hailed from minor nobility. I won’t be surprised if she held a few local government positions over the years.
· It’s a hoot to think about, knowing how blessed Erwin is with social graces, but he’s a terrible dancer! His mother has tried to make him work on his waltzes and quadrilles growing up, but poor Erwin just can’t get rid of his two left feet.
· Erwin loves mystery novels! Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie is a particular favorite of his. His love for mystery really honed his problem-solving skills as a child. His father was almost convinced he’d grow up to be a detective.
· You didn’t hear this from me but… Erwin may or may not have written a poem or two for Marie before. He likely never sent it, but it’s there. Hidden away in some old forgotten journal from forever ago. Marie would be the only women he’s ever written a poem for.
It was entitled, “If I Dare Say What I Think.”
· Sandalwood is his preferred scent.
· This man has a worrisome coffee addiction. It’s probably borne out of late nights endlessly mulling over the Scouting Legion’s survival.
· His favorite season is autumn. During then, he allows himself to grow a beard and feel all warm and cozy with it.
· I like to think Erwin has an older brother who’s just as handsome and charming as he is. Except, this Smith gets to take jabs at and mess with his baby brother (this is suuper self-indulgent, I know. But imagine it.)
· In his younger years, the Commander was a formidable ladies man. Sure he still is, but he was far more self-indulgent back in his cadet days.
· Erwin’s an excellent pianist. It’s one of the skills his parents insisted he learned, and it has turned into a form of therapy for him on his days off. His favorite piece is Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy.
· If he ever did go to university, Erwin would definitely be a fraternity president. We’d deadass go all Elle Woods on him. Don’t lie.
· Growing up, Erwin would often go sledding and playing hockey with his dad and brother.
· He likes to work out in the dead of the night, especially when stressed. Seeing him drenched in sweat and lifting weights at 4am is no rare sight. It’s really the only time he’s found in order to keep in shape, and it’s so much more peaceful to do it when everyone else is sleeping.
· He prefers scotch over brandy.
· On particularly difficult days, Erwin allows himself a cigarette. He doesn’t indulge himself as much as he did during his cadet days, though. (Each time done away from his commanding officer’s sight, of course.) He’s aware that the vice does him no favors.
· It certainly isn’t beyond the Commander to flirt with the ladies of nobility if it meant a guarantee on Legion funding. And oh, how thoroughly does Commander Erwin leave these women smitten.
Miche Zacharias
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· This man adores horses. In fact, he works with them so much, that he tends to close off the day smelling as musky as them, you know? All I’m saying is, from all the physical exertions Miche does to care for the beasts, he just ends up smelling very much like a working man.
· Miche Zacharias is a lecherous dog. He’s probably fucked half the town at this point, and he can care less whether or not you know of this reputation. In his eyes, he’s a man with natural urges, and as such takes care of said urges. That’s it. He never sleeps with fellow soldiers, though. Preferring the village ladies and a visit to the brothel or two.
· He’s definitely a favorite client at brothels.
· I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s fathered a child or two along his many err… escapades. Besides, he can smell when a woman is ovulating.
· Secretly, his beard is a sense of pride and joy for him. He takes great care to maintain it.
· Miche has a very provincial drawl to his accent. I suspect he comes from a family of hunters and farmers, much like Sasha’s background. His knack for sniffing out animals (and now titans) probably came in handy when hunting back then.
· Miche is clearly very athletic, and he’s pretty much played every sport out there. But he especially enjoys soccer and football.
· Believe it or not, Miche is capable of delivering a baby! His experience with helping mares deliver their calf, as well as assisting his mother one time when no one else but him could help her give birth to his sister, told him just what to do.
· Miche probably has a whole gaggle of sisters, with him being the only boy in the family.
· Miche HATES cleaning and greasing his gear. His big fingers aren’t very ideal for handling small bits and bobs, as well as the fact that his hands are just rough in nature. Having to be careful and gentle is a real struggle for him, and he used to pass on his 3DMG upkeep to Erwin as a cadet if he can help it. Nowadays, Nanaba does the job for him. Bless her.
· When he’s drunk, he sings.
· When’s absolutely wrecked he yodels.
· He used to play cowboy a lot as a child.
· Miche is huge meat eater. He makes a mean roast too! He often takes up roasting and grilling duties on the rare Scouting Legion celebrations. Miche is honestly a wonderful cook.
· Miche is a heavy smoker. He was likely the one who influenced Erwin to start smoking as cadets.
· Miche primarily entered the military to support his sisters. But when his parents found out he joined the Scouts, they were upset for a time. But thanks to his sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Zacharias have come around to accept their son’s choice.
· Miche likes his women full and curvy. Do NOT make him choose between tits or ass. Just don’t. Erwin found out the hard way not to when they went out drinking once. Don’t.
· He wears briefs instead of boxers, and definitely sleeps naked.
· Miche loves to go camping. He’s at home in the great outdoors, and anyways, there ain’t no doorways for him to duck under and still bump his head at in the wilderness.
· When not in uniform, he likes to wear his thick flannels.
· Chopping wood is his anger management therapy.
· He has such a high alcohol tolerance. Beer is to Miche as coffee is to Erwin. In fact he’d drink this as a night cap.
· He’s a casual guitar player.
· When he first saw Erwin in his cadet class, he thought he was a “stuck up bitch boy.”
· Levi is “str0ngbw0i”
· He’s surprisingly good friends with Hanji! He can actually tolerate her prattling. He’s a patient man.
· Get this, Miche is actually a fine gardener. Erwin and Levi recently found out that the flowers he’d give his women are ones he’s grown himself. Erwin and Levi would never tell him they know, though.
Reiner Braun
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· A shameless flirt, but you could already guess that.
· An excellent chess player!
· He may be a beefcake, but he’s relatively well read. He spends his off time reading strategy and philosophy books. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is a favorite.
· This man definitely enjoys football. He may have also played baseball with Zeke before.
· Reiner’s a terrific dancer. He often hits on girls by asking them to dance, then sweeping them off their feet.
· Reiner is also a fine guitarist. (Although he only really picked up the instrument to impress girls.)
· Honestly? Reiner is hilarious! His dates love his sense of humor.
· Reiner is also very protective by nature. It’s likely why the 104th sees him like an older brother. But more so with girls, he’s very gentlemanly towards them, and ensure that they are cared for.
· Reiner has a thing for tiny women. He likes the especially delicate-looking ones; like dolls.
· Reiner definitely has that fuckboy-lip-bite-look when he’s flirting and drunk.
· As a child, Reiner wanted to be an actor. This is thanks to all the theatrical plays his mother takes him to.
· He sings well too! He’s a bass.
· In his most casual clothes, Reiner likes to wear tank tops and muscle tees.
· In his most private thoughts, Reiner has entertained dreams about having children more than once. But he promptly brushes these aside. No time for that with a mission to complete.
· For Reiner Braun, the way to his heart is indeed through his stomach. He loves it when a girl cooks for him.
· I imagine that his mother was once a baker, and so taught her son how to bake as well. Reiner can make a pretty decent cheesecake.
· This big guy has a fear of clowns. You can imagine how much of a handful he must be whenever he’d see a clown in a Marleyan festival as a child.
· Reiner is actually good at debates! He can be very persuasive, and can easily win arguments.
· He and Bertholdt would nerd out over comics in the middle of the night. It’s why they chose adjacent bunks. Jean would call them fanboys, Reiner calls him an “uncultured swine.”
· Reiner spends like, 20 minutes doing his hair in the morning.
· Citrus and Spice are his preferred scents.
· Reiner was a very hyperactive little boy, and so accumulated a lot of scars caused by childhood stupidity. Like that one scar near his hairline above his temple, from when he tried “flying” off a flight of stairs as a 5 year old.
· He’s a good shot.
· Reiner would 100% play Dungeons and Dragons if he could.
· He loves dogs, especially the big breeds! He had a pet mastiff named Lady as a child.
· As a little boy, he had a bear named Mr. Snuggles that he carried around everywhere he went.
· When he was training to be a warrior, he probably had a puppy crush on Pieck. All that changed of course when he returned from Paradise.
Accepting requests! Here are the rules.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can you do Miche x male reader? Like male y/n is a tian shifter and would do anything to protect Miche even if the others deem it wrong. 18+ smit and some angest? If you want..🥺
So sorry this took me a bit. I really had to think about it to make sure I was doing a good job with it. I did cut out the smut only because it would have been too quick for this. I really REALLY hope you like it! ❤️
On Top of the World
Pairing: Miche x Male Reader
Content: Nearly all fluff, tiny bit of angst
Word Count: ~ 2,900
Summary: Reader is a Marleyan warrior, similar to a titan shifter, and one day he feels the need to save a scout from titans.
A/N: I am totally out of my comfort zone on this one since I don’t have much experience writing for a male reader, so I hope I didn’t do terribly. Thank you for the request and I hope you like it!
You remember the first time you saved Miche. You directly disobeyed orders and followed your commander. You were told to continue forward and clear a way for him as he stayed back, moving in to interact with one of the island devils who had killed four of Zeke’s titans in a few swift movements. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You had never seen someone moving so quickly and smoothly. His tall body flying through the air, jumping from titan to titan, his silky hair blowing all around his face as he spun and flipped. That’s all it took for you to follow Zeke as he approached the man. Your interest already completely attached to him.
You knew you couldn’t let Zeke know you were following him so you moved around the trees, hiding in areas he couldn’t see you. You were a small titan, not like the others, certainly not like Zeke. You were a minion to him, just a little busy bee that did what he asked.
You watched as Zeke spoke to him, the horrified look in his eyes was understandable. Zeke was an intimidating titan even for you. You couldn’t believe the strength of him, trying to stand on two broken legs as titans closed around him. That’s when your body took over and you can barely remember how it happened. One moment you were hidden in the trees watching it all happen and then next moment you were running, slashing through titans with your hands and running with Miche in your arms.
He was bigger than you thought he would be, your post in the trees not close enough to get a good look.
You weren’t a titan like the other shifters. You were considered a subclass to them. A lesser version created by Marley researchers in order to grow their army. You were the first one. A prototype. Something they liked to look at in horror, yet in the same breath, confidently ask you to do their bidding. You always listened, except that day.
You watched Miche squirm in your grip and you struggled to hold him. You weren’t as strong as titans were. You were certainly stronger in your titan form than human form, but significantly weaker than a normal titan.
“I’m not trying to hurt you.” You told him, your titan voice deep and throaty. His struggling stopped and you felt his body trembling at your voice. As soon as you shook off the titans following, you slowed down and gently placed Miche on the grass. You both sat there staring at each other. Miche unable to believe what he was seeing while the realization of what you just did hit you.
“You can talk.” Miche spoke first, still taking shallow breaths. You watched his broad chest rise and fall and wondered how it compared to the size of yours when you were in your human form.
“I can.” His eyes widened again at your voice and you took a step back, not wanting to scare him. “I—I’m a titan, but I’m also human.”
You were more of a shapeshifter than a titan, though someone looking at you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. The only difference was your eyes. You struggled to remember what your eyes looked like before you became what you were. Were they brown? Maybe green? You were sure they weren’t blue, but could never be certain how sure you were. It didn’t matter. They were now a luminescent glowing swirl of purples. Something to do with the chemical injections given to you during the experimentation phase of your transformation.
You explained all of this to Miche the second time you saw him. The second time you saved him. That first day was not the last. You would save him numerous times following that day. Each time was the same. Each time he knew you were coming. You could see a smile grow on his face as he picked up your scent.
You never understood his olfactory sense no matter how many times he explained it to you. He’d laugh at the confused look on your face each time he would try.
It was difficult what you were doing. The constant disappearing caught the attention of the warriors. They were always asking where you were running off to and you had to come up with excuse after excuse, lying to your comrades to spend time with the enemy. Those labels started becoming increasingly more confusing to you as did your feelings towards the man you were secretly escaping to meet.
Visiting Paradis wasn’t always top priority for Marley and in between the times you were able to see Miche, you found yourself lying in bed at night thinking about the times you were with him. He wasn’t at all how people of that island were described to you. He was funny and caring, someone you enjoyed spending time with. You often wondered if he thought the same about you. You wouldn’t describe yourself as funny, but he laughed quite a bit when you spoke. Serious conversations turned silly when he smiled.
That night wasn’t any different than the others. You were in bed, your thoughts quickly moving to Miche again. His broad shoulders and muscular arms at the front of your mind. You learned quickly that he was very playful, always play fighting, pretending to fight you when he became restless from sitting, laughing at himself when you playfully pushed him back. You tried not to think about his smile and his laugh as you felt a growing warmth in your stomach. Fighting it only made it worse though. The nights feeling so much longer unless you gave in.
You weren’t sure what it was that kept you going back to see him each and every time. It never occurred to you that he was making the same choice as you. Deciding himself that he wanted to see you each time you were on Paradis.
“Why do you come to see me?” You finally built the courage to ask him. You were thankful in your titan form he couldn’t see what you were feeling. He was sitting in the grass, looking up at the sky and shrugged.
“What else would I do?” He smiled. “Do I get to ask you a question?”
“When will you let me see you?” He finally looked away from the sky and directly at you. You tried to bring your eyebrows together, but your titan form prevented it, leaving you just staring at him.
“What do you mean? You’re seeing me now.”
“The real you.” He clarified.
He wanted to see you in your human form? What for? Was he trying to weaken you? This whole time was he trying to get closer to you in order to use you. He was using you to get to Marley, the get to the other warriors. He didn’t actually care about you. You didn’t know why you were thinking these things, but you were, you couldn’t help it.
“It’s fine, you don’t—”
“Why would you want to see me in my human form?” You stood up.
“Because I want to see you.” He laughed. Maybe it was a nervous laugh, but it felt like he was mocking you.
“What does it matter what I look like? Is that what you care about?” Miche stood up. He realized what you were feeling even without being able to see it or hear it in your tone.
“Y/N, I care about you.” He brought his hand to yours and you looked down at it. It was so small compared to yours, but you knew in your human form it would be so much bigger, able to completely cover yours as he closed his fingers around your hand. You pulled your hand away.
“You don’t care about me. If you did, you wouldn’t ask that.” You took a step back.
“I do ca—”
“You just want to see me weak and small. I’m not weak.” “I know you’re not. I wasn’t—Y/N, I wasn’t saying—”
He stopped speaking when you turned around and ran away, heading to meet back up with your comrades. Maybe they were right. Maybe this place was full of devils only out to get everyone. It didn’t feel right. None of it felt right. You felt confused and hurt. Why would Miche be like that? How could he be like that? He wasn’t anything like what you thought people here would be like. He was different. He had to be different. But when you thought about what he asked, you weren’t sure.
If he did care about you, why would he want to see you in a different way? If he cared about you in your titan form, that was how he saw you. Strong, tall, intimidating, a warrior. Why would he want your human form? Your human form was small, it was weak, it was tired and nothing special. That wasn’t what Miche cared about. He knows you as the titan that saved him. The tough, the durable, the giant titan that he could rely on. You were nothing like that in your human form. Nothing. He may not have known it, but you knew it. If he did care about you, it could only be in your titan form.
You stopped running. It was as if a wall were in front of you and you would hit it if you kept running, but the feeling you felt was more of a pull coming from behind you. A feeling that stopped you from leaving. You couldn’t. You felt something on your face and went to wipe it. Tears? You didn’t even know you could cry in this form.
There was a buzzing sound coming from behind you. You had never heard it before, but you knew what it was. That special gear the people of the island used to get around titans. The sound got closer and closer until it was right behind you, stopping suddenly and then you heard heavy breathing.
You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around. Even if all the reasons in your head told you to turn around. All the training you had told you to turn around, never turn your back on an enemy, but you didn’t. Miche wasn’t the enemy. Even though you knew the man you had fallen in love with was standing behind you, you didn’t turn around. You couldn’t.
“I won’t ask you to do it again.” He panted. “It really doesn’t matter to me what form you’re in.”
“Then why did you ask?” You stayed with your back to him.
“I… I don’t know.” He paused and you could almost hear his worry. “If this is the form you want me to see, if this is who you want to be, if this is who you are… I will love you either way.”
You turned your head, looking back at him and he smiled. The smile that set of everything. Your feelings, the reason you kept coming back. There was a familiar tingle in your spine and you cried out, your body shaking and bones cracking. Your transition from human to titan often went smoother than the other way around. It was painful and took much longer, your body tensing and sweating as it pushed through the unnatural process.
Your eyes were closed, but you could feel Miche’s eyes on you as your body twitched and shrunk down to half, a third, a quarter of the titan size. You struggled, but you managed to open them up enough to blink away the tears and see Miche’s face. He didn’t have the look of horror that you were expecting. There wasn’t even a look of disgust like you were used to from many of the Marleyan soldiers. It was a look you had never seen anyone give you before. It was a look you could only describe as adoration.
As soon as the shift was complete, you were forced to take shallow breaths as you tried to get enough air for your body. You held what was left of your pants to your stomach, trying your best to adjust to your weaker form. Your muscles felt tired, almost too tired to hold you up. This was a transition the other warriors never had to feel, they always kept their human form, hiding it in their titan’s nape. You, however, became something different, needing a period of adjustment as your remembered how to use your smaller body.
You took one final deep breath and slowly turned around. Miche stood in the same spot, unmoved from when he landed before your shifting started. You opened your mouth to say something, but you didn’t know what to say. There wasn’t really anything you could say.
Miche took a slow step forward, another slow step after that, and another step after that. Each step getting quicker than the previous one until he was standing in front of you. It felt strange and you knew he felt it too. You had never had to look up at him and he never had to look down at you.
He looked almost apprehensive as he stared at your face, trying to find parts of your titan face in your human one. He wouldn’t though, you were completely different. He looked into your eyes, the familiar swirling waves of purple and his face relaxed.
“Your eyes are the same.” He spoke softly.
“They don’t change.” His body stiffened slightly at your voice. It made sense. He had never heard you speak before and you wondered if it was uncomfortable for him to hear. He sniffed the air in front of you lightly.
“Your scent is the same too.”
“So this is you?” He asked. The question completely unnecessary because you both knew it was. Still, you found it difficult to speak the confirmation and instead just nodded, having to quickly look away. You weren’t sure if it was discomfort or embarrassment, maybe even shame.
You weren’t that small for a man. You were very average, but to a titan, you were small. To Miche, you were small. You thought of the first time you saw him, flying through the sky over the titans, twisting and spinning as he cut their nape. You remembered his heavy breathing and thought about how big he would seem if you were standing with him as you were in that moment.
Before you even really thought about it, your hand had lifted up, moving towards where your eyes lay on his chest. You were hesitant to touch him, not even really sure if he was okay with you being close to him. You looked like an entirely different person than he was used to. You started pulling your hand away, dropping it to your side and Miche grabbed it, pulling it to his chest and holding it there.
You didn’t even have time to enjoy it because soon after he wrapped his arms around your body and lifted you up from the ground. Your legs were swinging as he spun in a circle and laughed, his smile seemed different somehow and before you knew it, you were smiling with him. The feeling of his strong arms wrapping around you felt so warm, your heart was slamming in your chest at the feeling.
He set you down quickly, moving his hands to your cheeks, cupping your jaw and pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes went wide, your hands holding his shoulders, and you forgot to breathe. There was a strange buzzing in your body that you had never felt before. It moved through you quickly and settled in your stomach. It felt good. You felt high. You felt like you were on top of the world.
Your eyes slowly closed and you opened your mouth, your arms going around Miche’s neck to pull him closer to you. His tongue brushed over yours as his arms moved around your waist and he pulled you up, spinning you in a circle again. It was a feeling you wouldn’t have been able to describe to anyone and a feeling that no one had ever told you that you could feel.
He set you back down and smiled into your lips, pulling away. You had expected Miche to look at you differently once he saw you, the real you. What you hadn’t expected was how different he looked to you. His eyes were brighter, his smile wider, his voice warmer.
You both took a deep breath and smiled, his hand finding yours and holding it tightly while he swung it back and forth.
“I think I might be able to take you on now.” He joked. You looked up at him, trying to guess what he was talking about and he put his arms up, play punching your shoulder and you laughed.
“I can always shift back.” You jokingly threatened, lightly pushing his shoulder.
“Not yet.” He grabbed your hand and pulled it behind his back, bringing you up against his chest. “Just a little longer like this.”
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imagines-by-cleo · 2 years
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AoT Boys ~ Thighfucking Headcannons ~ NSFW
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This is the what he does when he already used every other one of your holes, and he does this like he does everything else in his life meaning he goes absolutely feral. He definitely wants to claim every part of your body and will start by leaving hickeys on the inside of your thighs, bonus points if you wear shorts or a skirt the next day so he can see them. Cums right between your thighs and waits a while before helping you get cleaned up just so he can watch it drip down your skin.
"You're mine, all of you."
Either on a lazy Sunday morning or on a late night before bed the two of you would be cuddling and you would 'accidentally' grind up against him a few times too many making him hard and a little embarrassed. He would be surprised that you suggest he take care of it between your thighs but he's absolutely thought about it before. Starts slow at first then slowly losses control until he's practically whimpering at the feeling of your soft skin, doesn't pull out or stop holding you tight even after he's done.
"Can we stay here a little longer?"
He would take you out for a night on the town and spend the whole time treating you like a princess but would be painfully obviously staring every time your dress rode up, of course he would try to play it cool but there was no hiding the fact that he was practically drooling over your legs. While the two of you are out walking he drags you into a dark alley and whispering about all the things he's wanted to to do you not talking to you like a lady anymore but like a common whore before slipping between your thighs while his hands kneed your soft flesh.
"I can't tell you how long I've wanted this."
Spends hours teasing you until you're so wet and ready for him only to end up fucking your thighs His goal was to make you beg for more while his dick was dragging against your wet slit, but he underestimated how good this would feel for him too. The two of you end up making a mess out of eachother as it turns into a challenge to see who's going to break down first as you both went barreling toward the edge. He might cheat by playing with your clit hoping to get you a little more desperate before he had to admit defeat.
"Come on, beg for me already."
He couldn't get any work done when you've been on his mind all day, he would have you in his office for a quickie but unfortunately you still needed to walk for the rest of the day so he had to come up with some alternative solutions. Finds you and slams you against the nearest wall not wasting any time tugging your clothes off just enough to get between your thighs and start pounding into them. He cums into your panties just to make you wear them for the rest of the day while promising to reward you for it later.
"You're being such a good girl for me.
After shaving your legs one day you decided to let him feel how smooth they were and oh lord did he feel them. He practically worships you gently grazing his fingers over every inch of skin, his lips following his touch as he kissed up your thighs giving special attention to every freckle or birthmark he ran into. He treats you like a porcelain doll and you let him use you as such when he slips his increasingly hard length between your legs and getting lost in the feeling all the while telling you how good they feel around him.
"They're so fuckin' soft."
You'd be fucking his thighs (damn he thicc) Pretty much the same as Eren only wayyyy more aggressive. He doesn't do it to remember that he owns you, he does it to remind you who you belong to. Goes wild, slapping your thighs the entire time just to feel them jiggle around him. Is not quiet about about it at all, even if you're in public everyone in a mile radius is gonna know what a dirty girl you are and how good you're making him feel.
"I know you like this just as much as I do."
He is so large and the amount of stamina he has is ridiculous meaning you could barely handle the first with him and when he asks for a second you have to decline even when he was touching and kissing you in all the right spots to try and change your mind. When he eventually grabs your thighs the idea comes to mind and you're more than happy to oblige him if it meant your pussy had time to recover. He finally finishes with a satisfied smile on his face leaving you with the knowledge that this was about to become a regular occurrence.
"We're gonna have to do that again."
Once you introduce thighfucking to this man he's gonna do it like there's no other way. We all know he has a breeding kink that he is fighting hard and he wouldn't want to risk actually getting you pregnant making this the perfect alternative. He would take his time with it, if he's not lubing your skin up then he's eating you out and letting the juice flow down until you're nice and slick. Talks you through the entire thing, telling you what to to, how to do it and when he's just about to cum all over your thighs.
"Squeeze them together just like that."
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
I love your husband headcanons, if you do plan to make more in the future I'd simply pass away for some Jean, Kenny, and Miche🥺💜
a/n: thank you so much mama hobi 🥺 i hope the kenny and miche ones were good because i've never written for them before fldsjfndsa (and i wasnt bothered to make banners for them lmfao sorry only cos i don't think id write much for them)
part 1
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He'd be a playful kind of husband
Tickle fights, random attacks of affection, and he'll still say some shitty pick-up lines as if he's not your husband pls. Like if you're going out somewhere and you dress up all nice, he'd be like "you look great right now but do you know what else would look great on you...? Me."
And he tries to be a cocky mf but we all know he's hiding his red ears behind his hair and he's nervous inside
He makes sure the marriage never gets boring, always coming up with spontaneous things to do together
I feel like he'd be the kind of person that would wake you up in the middle of the night to ask you a question about a theory of his or something
He has a mental goal to make you laugh at least five times a day, if he fails to do that then he thinks he's failed at being a good husband (this baby is the best husband, okay, so I don't know what he's talking about) and he'll make it up by pampering you
If you had a bad day, he won't ask you about it until you're ready
But until then, he'll try to make you smile or if you aren't in the mood for jokes or anything, he'll just suffocate you in his arms and cuddle you for however long :(
I think he'd get you presents randomly, like if he went out and saw something you would like, he'd just go get it
Honestly, I think he's the most romantic out of them
Also, he's canonically French (oui oui bonjour lmao ok sorry) and he knows that you love when he speaks French to you even if you don't know what he's saying lol
I think he wouldn't show too much pda, maybe just holding your hand and giving you a kiss on the cheek, probably not anything more
Jean does want babies but he's too shy to say because you probably haven't mentioned anything about kids
But one day it would accidentally slip out and you'd both be shocked about it but then you're both all smiley and happy, glad that you both want kids
This baby cries when he finds out you're pregnant, cries during your pregnancy when you cry when you have mood swings, and cries while and after you give birth
And he literally worships you every day, continuously thanking you for giving him a child
He would have a little girl, calling her his princess while you're his queen and spoils both of you so much
Will forever love you and your growing family
99/10 husband
Miche Zacharius
He would treat you so well pls
Compliments you whenever he has the chance and will always give you a good morning kiss with a compliment, and a welcome home kiss with a compliment
I think he would take you on the cutest and most romantic dates
And he's just romantic in general
He always has the best smelling bath soaps and bath bombs for when you take baths together
Always wants to see you happy and his own mood is affected by yours. So if you had a bad day and you come to him with a pout and a bad mood, he will be in a bad mood too
Both of you will probably comfort each other and fall asleep in each other's arms :(
The next day, you'll tell him whatever happened and he'll promise you that he'll fix whatever it is or try his best to
He probably has a bunch of pictures of you in his gallery from any moment he thinks is deemed picture-worthy (even if you're asleep or a random moment that isn't actually picture-worthy)
I think he loves to just take strolls around with you in comfortable silence, and if you're in a park or something, he'll pick a flower and tuck it into your hair and smile say that you look beautiful <3
I don't think he'd show pda much, only touching you with his hand on like your arm or shoulder to make sure you're always close to him
I think he doesn't mind kids, like he wouldn't mind if you don't have kids but he wouldn't say no to kids either
But if you want kids then he will happily give it to you
And suddenly he decides that he wants more kids because they're miracles and he didn't realise that he would love a tiny human this much
He would be very protective over his child, and you would tell him that it's not good to shelter them too much because then they wouldn't be able to experience life properly
He would also discipline them well, not too strict and not too soft
Would be very sad to see them grow up
So he would ask you if you want another child because he misses having a baby
Honestly, he'd be a very sweet and thoughtful husband so if you marry him, you're very lucky
Kenny Ackerman
Spoils you so damn much, there's no point in you having a job (he's lowkey just a sugar daddy okay)
He'd be so fucking lazy please, but he's also hard-working so he can spoil you
But on the weekends, he won't let you leave the bed until like an hour after you wake up because he just wants to laze around with you in his arms
Definitely loves morning sex but say bye because this is sfw lol
I think dates with him are rare, but when he does plan them, they will be amazing and so much fun
He only doesn't plan a lot of dates because he already spoils you so much and spends so much time with you
But obviously for important occasions, like birthdays and anniversaries, you'll have dates
You're in a bad mood? This man will fucking annoy you so much until you finally break a smile and tell him what happened
Trust me he will annoy you in every way possible; continuously calls your name, continuously prods your body (your cheek, your arm, your nose, your stomach, literally anywhere), continuously sighs and he just acts like it's his life mission to annoy you
But he only does it because he cares for you and wants to help you, so he gets happy when he finally sees your smile
He will show pda, this man does not care about what anyone says or thinks
Loves to show you off because you're his pretty baby
You sometimes have to scold him for being too touchy in public because he's not shy at all
Doesn't want kids, I know it
Thinks that children ruin the marriage and causes conflict
But if you want children, he will only give you one, no more than that
Turns out that he kinda does like children but still doesn't want more because they're too much work
However, he still loves your child dearly don't worry
But he's immensely happy when your child leaves the house because he can have you all to himself again lmao
Overall, 88/10 husband (he'd be a better sugar daddy ldjgnsfaj)
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Taglist (fill out this form or send in an ask!): @rintomoj @jeanscowboyhat-levisteacup
(a/n: miche and jean's hcs were lowkey inspired by mama hobi's and amber's anons lmao also thank you so much Amber for helping with miche and kenny <3)
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killerbananas · 2 years
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Miche breeds his fiancée while his friends join the merriment.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | 1,455 wc | afab!reader (she/her) x Miche x Erwin x Zeke
Warnings: breeding, anal, rough, air tight, tit fucking, come play, overstimulation, thumb in the bum, MM/MF/MMMF interactions, dark content/thoughts/lizard brain breeder bull possessiveness, au! just to be clear, vaginal and anal creampies, hair pulling, dummy thicc big dicc everywhere because size kink intended, oral, spit as lube, dom/sub/switching, degredation/humiliation, praise, objectification, pool sex, public sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism, Daddy
AN: This is an old work of mine previously posted on tumblr.
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His eyes connect with yours as you sink your folds down his length, jaw drawn back with his grasping fingers holding your gaze in one hand while the other guides your hip back to his own, fucking into you from behind. The girth smears the heated cream from your cunt as he works his way inside, stimulating your walls enough to draw a mewl from your lungs, ending in a soft hiccuping of ‘fuck.’
“Poor thing. Are you full? You’re only going to get stuffed more. Better get used to it, needy thing.”
He takes pity in the form of strumming your clitoris with his middle finger, the calloused digit inscribing volts of pleasure to your rippling walls. You squirm and attempt to draw your knees in with your ankles out to sink back fully onto his length as much as you think you can shove him. You just need him closer.
This brings your chest down onto Zeke’s erection, velvet rod slick with precome as he juts between the soft plumpness of your breasts. Miche’s hands recede from your body, replaced by Zeke’s lithe fingers plucking your nipples around his cock, hitching your knee higher to make it easier for Erwin to-
“Shh, it’s ok. Let him in there, sweetheart. I’ll keep a good eye on him. I know how to make him mind.”
He grabs Erwins jaw to drag him back for a dominating, nipping kiss that commands his obedience before he barrages past the already prepared muscles of your tush. You wrap your arms around Zeke’s hips as he ruts his cock against your boobs to brace your body better for Erwin to enter steadily. He nudges his head in before he takes a moment to swirl a decent drop of spit to add to the lube coalescing around where he splits you. Miche has stilled, holding Erwin up and back by the root of his blonde hair to control his pace while the other braces along the curvature of his abdomen, lightly applying pressure to the sensitive area below Erwin’s ribs.
Mind, he does. He minds how perfectly your ass swallows the head of his cock, disappearing into the plush flesh agonizingly slowly.
“I know you’re still pent up from watching us earlier.”
Erwin grunts a reluctant confirmation.
“You took her in the pool in front of everyone without anyone noticing. Just her little giggles and sighs as she sipped those cocktails with you behind her. I had to run to the bathroom just to calm down, I was so hard.”
“Not my fault. I couldn’t help it when she backed up against me. It was the best place to hide my dick at the time once she got me turned on. Fuckin’ minx.”
Erwin is halfway in when Zeke adds his two cents of recollection.
“Nah, it was pretty obvious to me what was going on. She gets this really intense blush on her chest all the way to her nipples under her suit top. Makes you just wanna paint these tits because they’re so goddamn luscious. Pretty fuckin’ baby. Taking those cocks so well. Are you and Miche still trying to get pregnant or can I come in that cunt later?”
“Just for that question, you get to come first, Jaeger, but you’re not allowed to get up.”
Erwin is fully in you now and Zeke keeps up his languid humping as a whiny moan leaves him when he realizes how stretched you are around Erwin’s cock. Miche pulls backwards to slowly find a rhythm to continue warming you up to their fillingness. He laps gently, tugging his length in and out while Erwin presses as far into your ass as he physically can, groin flush with your cheeks, drawing an overwhelming sensation that Miche’s movements help distract you from like a goddamn blessing. You can barely hear the praises all three men chorus as you slowly find a symbiotic rhythm to fall apart to.
Erwin braces both his hands high on your hips to hold himself steady, anchor, and build up the perfect method to complement how Miche is pulling long draws of his hips from your channel to press forward in quick succession. He loves seeing your small form buried beneath the writhing pile of bodies as you give and take pleasure in unbalancing torrents of hedonistic marathons that drive him mad.
He can feel how you keep spasming around him, constantly edging and feeling too packed full of hard male flesh to keep up with the thrusting, just getting used and trying to flutter massaging pulses around their tools when you can. It’s not easy and you cannot keep it up, but damn if you don’t try your best. There exists such a thin membranous layer between his cock and Erwin’s that it barely leaves his thoughts. The way he engages the well-formed muscles of his abdomen to fluidly, rhythmically fuck into your ass is like flint rock to light a fire with Miche as the kindling. He can even tell each time Smith pulls out far enough to teasingly drag the lip of his cockhead over his own. It makes Miche ram in impossibly harder than he means to, and by the third time that Erwin manages to do it, he hardly gives the man the respect of enough spit for lube on his thick thumb before he’s pressing pushing the invading digit between the taut muscles of Erin’s cheeks.
“You want me to come that badly, you have to remember the fucking pecking order here, Smith.”
A darkness passes over Erwin’s face that Miche and Zeke don’t miss. He can’t handle how torn he gets, fucking into his best friend’s fiancee’s ass like you’re a whore for sale, but also understanding how trusting and kind you are to let all of them use you like this. He puts up with Miche’s need to control and Zeke’s snippyness, but he can’t help thinking about how badly he wanted to just bend you over earlier for everyone at the party to see. He wanted them to watch him dominate you and run the gamut of emotions. He knew what a fine piece of pussy felt like and he missed coming in yours before Miche decided to knock you up himself.
A part of Erwin still wishes it was his seed impregnating you, but he also knows that once you start showing, it’ll be all Miche can do to keep him out of your cute little cunt. He’ll let Miche have his way now, the digit pressing unrelentingly hard into his ass getting him off every time he backs up from your warm hole and onto it. It’s harmonious pleasure as he feels the tightness that he fucks into with the longest strokes he can manage, doubling the intensity for himself.
Zeke snorts and checks in with you while the two neanderthals behind you bicker like an old married couple. You’ve got a touch of drool pooling at the corner of your mouth as Zeke curves up to touch your lips now, breasts still slick and serving to stimulate his balls as he uses your body to get off. He caresses your cheek gently, not breaking his pace, and encourages you to wrap your tongue around him.
“Hey. Didn’t I say not to move?”
“She started it by scooting down my lap. I can’t help that. She couldn’t stop backing up into the two of you like she’s in heat though, might be a little cockdumb.”
“She’s just a little breathless, getting plowed by three cocks has to take it out of a girl, I imagine.”
“Shut up, you egomaniac.”
“I’m fine. Just fuck me, please. I wanna come, Miche, please, baby, please. Won’t you fill me up? Aren’t I being a good girl?”
“Oh, angel. You beg so pretty.”
Your cries have Zeke bursting his load across your lips, chin, breasts, and Miche follows in short order, ramming tightly into your pussy as deep as he can shoot his life-giving gift to try to reach your womb. He drags down Smith with him, thumb still in place, while Erwin slips his hand down to give you the relief you’re now sobbing for as they shoot inside of you. He comes to the crippling grip of Miche’s hand involuntarily squeezing and the fluttering of your walls as sweet appreciative notes drip from your tongue like intoxicating honeysuckle.
“S-so fuckin’ good to me, ‘Win. Thank you.”
“Fuck! Miche, keep it in there, pleasepleaseplease, Daddy.”
“Jeager, didn’t Miche say not to fuckin’ move. I think you need to come again. Fuck my tits. I’m not the neediest cunt here and you can prove that for me... ‘Atta boy.”
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ack3rlady · 3 years
Everyday, Miche “forgets” his wallet before leaving for work just so that he can run back home for a second goodbye kiss.
He peeks his head in through the door and smirks upon finding you standing right there - the little, brown leather pouch in your hand, and a knowing smile on your face; something that just never seems to get old.
He pulls you close by grabbing your hand under the pretext of taking it from you and steals a quick peck. Once he finally has what he returned for, he rushes back out to the car.
Oh, and he takes the wallet too.
A blissful routine.
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
I JUST READ YOUR VETERANS WITH FILIPINO S/O AND IM SO PROUD WCEIWVEHHW, can i also request a veteran reaction to like, their s/o gets flirted with a guy and their s/o is totally oblivious. (also, nanaba is very cute, ate nana 😭✊)
wait but this is such a good request 🥺 maybe that’s just me, I like jealous headcanons lmao-
[author note: I have a few fic requests in my inbox rn! Please dw if u requested a fic, it takes me a little longer to write fics than headcanons so please don’t think I’m ignoring your request! I also had to rewrite this, I had a bad weekend and tumblr keeps deleting my drafts but I still want to provide for my followers, so I apologize that it’s only half of the veterans! I’ll add Nanaba and Moblit once I do get the motivation too! ]
Summary: S/O get’s flirted with, vets are big jealous babies.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: How Long - Charlie Puth.
TW: some swearing, suggestive themes, yucky boys hitting on you.
Theme: Fluff, canonverse.
Characters: Erwin, Hange, Levi, Miche.
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Erwin Smith
Honestly even he couldn’t tell at first that the noble man (lets call him, Gene.) you were talking to was flirting with you.
You were absolutely oblivious, you think Gene is just having a conversation with you and Gene thinks you like him.
When Erwin notices it, at first he’s like “hmm, maybe Reader’s talking business with him.” And then Gene kissed the back of your hand, in which he felt his eye twitching. He started pouting really bad, he looked like a kicked puppy from across the ballroom. He didn’t want to be rude, so he kept reassuring himself that it was a friendly gesture.
You were absolutely clueless, like “this is fine.” clueless. You had no idea Gene was trying his hardest to court you. Until You felt Erwin behind you, that is.
You know those big coughs that you do to get someone’s attention. Yeah, Erwin coughed REALLY loud. Mind you, Erwin probably towers most nobles. So imagine the face on Gene when he saw this tall, titan-slaying commander towering over him. I think he almost peed his pants honestly, he was like “uh..it was nice meeting you, miss Last name, but uh..I- I uhm.. Igottago-“
Yeah he speed-walked his scared ass outta there, you were kinda just like “what?” You saw Erwin’s shadow and just turned around with the cutest smile on your face.
“Erwin!” You chirped, he softened his glare on the noble and looked at you, cue his pout coming back. “You really didn’t know?”
“Know what?” You asked, walking with him, hand in hand. You guys were walking back to your carriage to go home for the night.
“Reader, he was flirting with you, quite literally trying to court you.” Erwin groaned, his jealousy starting to show. You were still a bit confused, so you just stared at him with a blank expression.
“He was just being nice Erwin, come on.” You nudged his arm, trying to get him to loosen up, he looked at you, in which you looked at him with puppy dog eyes, in response he groaned, being a sucker for your puppy dog eyes.
He huffed, “you’re staying back at the headquarters from now on.” Your eyes widened slightly, “What?! Why?!” You shook him arm. “Because I don’t want you being flirted with, you’re mine reader, and I’m yours.” Erwin squished your cheeks together.
“Owf Cwouse I’m youws-“ you took his hands off your cheek. “You’re the only man for me,” you laughed as you entered the carriage.
“Now get in, I’m feeling a little empty inside and you’re the only who can fix that.”
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Levi Ackerman
Oh dear, if you’re willing to flirt with the Levi Ackerman’s S/O, you’re basically asking for a death wish.
He usually isn’t too jealous when it comes to someone flirting with his S/O genuinely because he’s either busy doing something or he isn’t there at all but...
He’s not called Humanity’s Strongest for nothing. Both of you were in charge for training the cadets. You were known for your kind behaviour, so obviously a lot of the cadets would ask for your training.
In which Levi was okay with because, duh less work for him. He was doing fine until he glanced at you and saw a male cadet getting a little too close. (calling him, Sam.)
You guys were in a secret relationship at the time, he didn’t want anyone teasing you or him about anything so both of you kept it a secret.
See, he regrets that decision right now because it’s really a pain in the ass to see Sam acting like he doesn’t know the moves when he knows damn well he taught the brat those moves a week ago.
So with a clenched jaw, he glared at Sam as you were behind the cadet, teaching him the same move Levi taught him.
Levi looked across the field to see you behind Sam, helping him strike his punch correctly, he felt angered and a little jealous, watching you be so touchy with him.
He sighed and shook his head, trying to calm himself to keep him from doing something, that is until he watched as Sam tripped you just so he could “catch” you. He caught you in those romantic poses.
You weren’t really paying attention to what he was trying to achieve and instead thanked him, unaware of his plan to kiss you. You tried to get out of Sam’s hold, until you realized that Sam was getting close to you.
You were about to start freaking out until someone pulled you into their arms, you looked at your “saviour”’s face, seeing it’s Levi. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to a section commander, cadet?” Sam gulped, walking back. “Just making sure captain Reader’s okay, captain Levi.” Sam saluted, sweating profusely.
“That requires you tripping them and almost kissing them?” Levi’s eyebrow raised as his arm tightened against your waist, that’s when a lightbulb lights up in your mind, ‘Is..is Levi jealous??’ “uh well-” Sam tried to explain himself, “I taught you this move last week, you have no excuse to ask for captain Reader’s help.”
A scowl was long planted on Levi’s face. Sam scoffed, “Okay, so I wanted to court captain Reader, but Sir, they’re single, you can’t blame for wanting to court them.” Levi took a step forward, you prevented him from beating Sam up.
“They’ve got a boyfriend.” He spat out, basically death staring Sam down. “And who’s that?” Sam laughed out.
Levi clicked his tongue, before you knew it, Levi’s lips were on yours. “Me.” He stated.
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Hange Zöe
Hange, they usually are chill most of the times, to be honest they don’t get too jealous, it’s only when it’s painfully obvious, that’s when it starts to tick them off.
I mean, making Levi Ackerman mad is one thing, but Hange?? I’m already planning your funeral. One of the corps’ rules, never ever make Hange Zöe mad.
It does not help when their S/O absolutely is oblivious. 
Hange starts off with being a little skeptical and glancing at you from afar. then it becomes a stare once in a while, and then their mood gets soiled.
they start to become irritated, at this one garrison squad member (let’s name him Avery) talking with you. You should actually be helping them with their experiments.
And they snap when they see you being offered a flower.
Little clueless Reader, just confirmed Avery’s death, it’s been signed this point on.
You could hear AND feel Hange’s stomps nearing both you and Avery.
God help the poor garrison member, because they’re about to be sent to heaven with how jealous and irritated Hange is.
“Hey, Avery.” Hange’s voice cut through your guys’ conversation, “Hange!” you chirped, holding onto the flower Avery had gifted you. “Hange! You’ve met Reader here right?” Avery asked, also unaware of Hange’s attitude.
“yes, they’re actually my partner.” Hange’s teeth was gritted as they took their rightful place beside you, pulling you close. Cue the awkward silence, “Oh my god, Hange I’m so sorry, I thought they were you know-” Hange didn’t even let him finish. 
“Just get the fuck out, Avery.” Hange gave him a glare that almost made Avery shit his pants. “Yes captain!” He saluted and left before Hange could murder him. “What was that about, Hange?” You asked as they took the flower out of your hand.
“He was courting you, and you were letting him, darling.” Hange stated, as you covered your mouth with your hand, “Oh! I’m sorry Hange! Darn it, I’m so oblivious.” You scolded yourself.
“It’s good you can still remember that you belong to me.” Hange continued, inspecting the flower gifted to you. “Of course, you only, Hange.” You agreed, looking at them. 
“Wanna prove it to me then, Reader?”
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Miche Zacharias
Miche is kind of like a grizzly bear, you should never be around him when he’s mad or jealous. 
He tends to be more aggressive when it comes to him being irritated, I don’t mean to headcanon him as a wolf, but I know he just growls when a little thing goes wrong.
He’s possessive over you now, but now he’s basically just suffocating you with his over-protectiveness.
I feel as if he can tell when someone has some kind of weird scent, and it basically spoils everything he can smell.
He tends to hover around you once he gets jealous, he’ll get clingy and probably need to have you touching him somehow, holding hands, side by side. He just needs to be touching you.
He’s the type of person to also just, push away who ever you’re talking with, and just drag you away. 
One time, you and him went on a date and the person who worked there hit on you right in front of him, Miche made him almost piss his pants.
Miche and you were out at an event for survery corps members, celebrating your recent successes with your latest expedition. Miche was with Erwin and Levi while you chatted up a storm with a noble named Walter. 
Miche could feel himself about to break his glass, watching you and Walter laugh together. “So, are you seeing anyone?” Walter asked, you stopped laughing, shocked that he’d ask you that question out of nowhere.
“What?-” At this point Walter had a hold of both of your hands, you were absolutely still in place, “Actually don’t mind that, can I court you?” A big smile was on Walter’s face, wondering about your answer. “I-” 
“You actually can’t, they have a boyfriend.” Miche had long appeared behind you, towering over both you and Walter. You closed your eyes, in a bit of relief, “Yes, this is Miche, he’s a section commander and my boyfriend.” You smiled, hooking your hand with Miche’s, silently hoping that Walter would leave you both alone.
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry, I thought you didn’t have a partner, that’s my fault.” Walter quickly apologized, seeing how intimidating Miche was. “well, I-..I should go, it was lovey meeting you and your boyfriend, Reader.” Walter speed-walked his way out of his situation, leaving you with a pouty and jealous Miche. 
“Why talk to those who look like they have it tiny, Reader?”
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holographicceo · 3 years
Yes!! Got it! Okay, favorite way to wind down! I will always request Miche and Erwin because I love him but I really am interested in your take on the warriors too! Thank you! 😘
🥰 Self care time
Erwin loves to curl up with a book, a glass of scotch, and you tucked into his side. You bought him a fancy book stand like this
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to use because you both love to read so much but sometimes can't stand not touching some part of each other. So when you're laying in bed he's got his book perched on this lap with one hand on the stand and that other wrapping around your waist as your reading your favorite book with your head resting on his upper arm and shoulder.
Miche loves to dance. Dancing as a way of winding down? Man loves some smooth jazz. He'll turn on his stereo, insist that vinyl is the best, and will pull you into his arms to dance the stress away. He loves when you pull him down to talk while you shift around in circles. He will spin you and dip you, and kiss you, then hold you close until he's thoroughly relaxed and then will sit on the couch with you in his lap and start a conversation about astro-physics.
Levi enjoys gardening. Has a room dedicated to plants. Major plant daddy because they don't require him to pick up poop. (He'll do it because he loves your pets but this is his hobby.) Has a small veggie garden as well because he does love seeing the fruits of his hard work go to good use. Will smile when he sees you cooking with the tomato's or making a salad with the cucumbers. He also makes small bouquets with the flowers from some of his plants for you. Leaves them on your pillow to come home to.
Hange loves pets. You guys have quiet the menagerie of animals. Not that you mind. Hange is S tier pet parent material. Will love going on walks with all your animals. Has leashed trained a cat before. You bought her a little backpack for the two birds you have. Will take a late night stroll around the park with you and your giant Dane to admire the way the stars look.
Reiner loves to cook and bake. His mom taught him how to cook from an early age so if she was working and he needed to eat he could. He took up baking on his own. Will bring you or leave you bake goods. He likes to try a new recipe weekly and wants you to taste test for him because you two have some of the weirdest conversations when he's not focused on other things.
Porco man loves his video games but he's not a COD kind of guy. He's a legend of Zelda or No man's sky kind of guy. He lives for the beautiful graphics of an immersive game like breath of the wild. Even better is if there's a multiplayer video game that you both enjoy. He likes the collaboration of working together to save the world. Will play board games and invite over Pieck and Reiner to play as well.
Pieck is secretly a talented makeup artist. Let her do your makeup and you'll be looking like a star. She loves skin care so she has the best routine. Will set up a spa in the bathroom for the two of you to do face masks and foot soaks.
Zeke is a writer. Has multiple journals with his thoughts and musings. Keeps a little sketch book as well to write and sketch. A lot of the time he loves watching you as he writes. You're his muse often times. He'll write poetry and draw a little sketch of you doing something mundane like sudoku. He'll sometimes leave a little rambling note in your jacket to find later in hopes it'll brighten his day.
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chloe-writes · 3 years
Headcanon for Levi and Erwin ( if you could other vets too) when the first time they see Marley
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AOT Headcanons for when the veterans are in Marley
[ associated w/ chapter 123 ]
— oddly specific AOT headcanons.
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• Erwin
- Speechless. This was definitely more than what he bargained for.
- His eyes soften when random little Marleyan kids come up to him and ask why his arm is missing.
- Was holding his tears back, thinking of how his father would have loved to see Marley.
- Hange was feeding a random person's car a carrot (thinking it was an animal) and the owner got mad so Erwin apologized on Hange's behalf.
- Finds himself invested and butting in strangers' game of chess, who were playing by the side of the road.
• Levi
- Was transfixed by the sight. He only ever dreamed of seeing the surface, but now he's here.
- The veterans made him wear a fedora hat so he could fit in with the crowd. Levi refuses to wear it at first because he thinks it looks foolish, but he actually secretly likes it. He's feeling himself in his little outfit.
- Makes a witty remark about how stupid Hange is by talking to an inanimate object. When in reality, Levi was about to speak to the car too, also thinking it was a horse of some sorts. But thankfully Hange beat him to it and saved him from embarrassment when Onyankopon told them it was nothing more than a lump of iron.
- Discovered ice cream, learned that comes in different flavors, and wondered if there's was a tea flavored one.
- Humanity's strongest soldiers develops a fear for clowns.
- Thinking about how Isabel and Farlan would have loved to see Marley. Mentally telling them—wherever they were right now— that he had come this far.
• Hange
- Happily volunteers when the street magician asks for a person from the crowd to perform a magic trick on.
- Teases Levi for being mistaken for a child.
- Got a brainfreeze from eating too much ice cream.
- Also got sugar rush from eating too much ice cream.
- Hange is non-binary. When mysoginistic Marleyan men were asking Hange why they weren't wearing a skirt considering they were a 'girl', the brunette just gave them the crazy look they'd also give to Sawney and Bean, to scare the men off.
• Moblit
- Puts Hange on a leash when their sugar rush kicks in.
- The one who enjoys Marleyan food the most among the vets.
- Sketched everything in sight without being told, knowing Hange would have appreciated it.
- It's canon that Moblit is the heaviest drinker in the Survey Corps, so he's the only vet that gets drunk along with the 104th.
- Just like Levi, he's also feeling himself in the fedora hat.
- Has said, "Hange, don't run off too far," for the nth time that day.
• Miche
- Thinks perfume is one of the greatest inventions of man. He considers bringing perfume home, at least it could cover up for the stinky pits he smells from people.
- Is bothered by how crowded the place is.
- Grabs a newspaper and pretends to know how to read Marleyan.
- A random kid called him "the boogie man" but he didn't understand the reference.
- Goes to a shoe store with the vets, gets annoyed when the store doesn't have his size.
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A/N: This isn't my forte, but I hope I did alright :)
[ Masterlist ]
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radiohand · 3 years
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AOT as partners
Warnings: Fluff
Characters: Miche, Erwin, Levi, Hange
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He would 100% be the type of boyfriend to wake up holding you with a big smile on his face.
He would giggle and bury his face against your hair.
When he has to leave for missions, he will always promise you that he will come back even if he knows that there is a chance he won’t. He just wants to see you smile.
Do you love back hugs?? Then this tall boi is your guy. He is so tall and broad that your body just is hidden against his.
3 am talks are a regular for you guys.
Will cook you breakfast in bed when you have had a hard week
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Did you ask for the perfect boyfriend? Erwin is THE MAN
He can tell when you are stressed. He will make a warm bath for you to just sit in while he holds your hand, listening to you talk about your stress and worries.
He will buy you flowers before he returns home from a mission.
Hug him in your sleep and he will MELT
When he gets injured and you clean him up, he calls you his little nurse.
One time you combed your hair like his and he broke out in laughter and pulled you into his arms. He kissed your head and held you for so long.
Forehead kisses all the time
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He cares so much about you
It is cannon this boy stutters and blushes when he likes someone so you will know right away he has a crush on you
He shows his love for you by making sure you never see his weaknesses.
Later on in the relationship, he will become more open and loving. I promise. Just give the man a chance.
Holds your hands a lot cause he doesn’t want to see you leave
He will lay his head against your back when he gets stressed.
He will treat you like a prince/princess/god
Never lets Kenny near you. No matter what
He keeps you such a secret that not even the Levi Squad knew about you.
But once they met you, they loved you so much. They are your bodyguards when Levi is busy due to Levi’s request
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Dear god the love this scientist holds for you
Will always show you dorky things they find
Basically a bird?
Like they will bring you rocks, pine cones, leaves, ANYTHING
When hugging they will rock you from side to side.
Puts their glasses on you from time to time
Whenever the scouts come back from a mission and Hange sees you in the crowd, Moblit physically has to restrain them so they don’t knock everything and everyone over just to get to you.
Poor Moblit. He has to stop Hange from buying gifts for you, stop Hange from taking you to the Titan labs, basically everything.
Definitely names Titans after you
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Hii, I was wondering if I could get some oddly specific headcanons for Miche pls
Ahhhh of course <3 I love Miche so much, he deserves more content. I hope these are alright, if you were looking for something different let me know :)
Oddly Specific Modern Miche Headcanons
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He refuses to go anywhere near the candle section of stores because it smells WAY too strong. He literally almost died walking past a bath and body works.
He is the number one consumer of mall pretzels. At least once a week he actually goes to the mall just to get a pretzel. Probably also gets a lemonade
He absolutely loves to mess with Levi, and he’s one of the only people who can live through it.
He carries around a purse, but the only thing inside is his phone and an extra pair of socks.
Speaking of socks, he loses them. All the time. At this point he basically just buys a new pack of them every week. You know how some people find all their lost socks like in the corner of their laundry room or something after months? Not Miche. He has never found a missing sock.
He knows a lot about wine and it really impresses people, but his favorite drink is an appletini. Everyone thinks he’s joking when he says it, but he very much is not.
Grandpa sweaters! So many of them, they’re just so cozy
In fact, most of his clothing could be described as grandpa fashion. And he’s entirely content.
He really likes cranberry juice
He buys a new charging chord for his phone like every two weeks.
His phone is still ALWAYS dead, though. Like seriously, nobody can ever get a hold of him, it’s a hazard
His handwriting is absolutely illegible. He can usually even get out of paperwork because everyone knows they won’t be able to read it anyway.
He spent years finding his favorite shampoo. He tested probably 50 different brands and kinds, and when he finally found one he liked, he’s been buying the same one ever since.
He went vegetarian for like six months when he was younger, but it just wasn’t sustainable for him. He still considers doing it again once in a while.
His dancing is mostly just bobbing up and down quietly, but every once in a while he will go absolutely crazy and burst out dancing. Everyone LOVES when this happens, it's so entertaining
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sincerelyyourmother · 3 years
Rules/Info🖤About me!🖤Navigation/tags🖤
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AOT finished works❤
Miche- | Angel
Porco- Sweet little thing~
Erwin- His Pretty Little Wife
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AOT wips/requests🤍
Jean- Deflowering (Jean pops his girls’ cherry)
Kenny- Dance for me (You give Kenny the lap dance of his life)
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