quietlotus · 4 months
“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world—above, below, and across—unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.”
— Gautama Buddha
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shionbluu · 6 months
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Inktober 13, 14 and 15!
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myloh · 3 months
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Nexomon fandom, I’ve got a little AU I’d like to share
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drakvuf · 7 months
kedvenc jelenetem a fináléból
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anacharafan · 25 days
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Hm... I haven't drawn fish in a bit...
... I'm sure it's fine. (@musicaldaydreams )
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That Metta drawing is not mine, btw.
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postmodernismruinedme · 4 months
May I be loving, open, and aware in this moment; If I cannot be loving, open, and aware in this moment, may I be kind; If I cannot be kind, may I be nonjudgmental; If I cannot be nonjudgmental, may I not cause harm; If I cannot not cause harm, may I cause the least harm possible.
- Larry Yang, "In the Moments of Non-Awakening"
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ganglesadoptivemother · 3 months
um gay man
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river-in-the-woods · 1 year
How to practice Metta
Mettā means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will, and active interest in others (Wiki)
The benefits of metta meditation
Aside from the incredibly positive feeling of love and connection that metta brings, it can also benefit one’s magical pursuits.
- Protection: The feeling of love and amity generated by metta meditation can be overwhelming, pacifying or plain repulsive to negative entities. Metta can’t replace a proper banishing when one is troubled by harmful magic/spirits, but prolonged practice does have a cleansing and vitalising effect on the practitioner that makes them more resilient to magical and spiritual harm.
- Healing: When metta is generated strongly, it can provide a great sense of peace and connection to the world that generally aids in healing one’s mind and body. This cannot be a substitute for the use of medicinal and psychiatric treatment, but it can act as a great embellishment.
- Cultivation: Kindness and generosity are cited as necessary qualities for spiritual attainment across cultures and religions, and this is no different in Buddhism. Compassion is a prerequisite for enlightenment, and metta meditation is one such way to cultivate this.
- Ritual work: Metta can be done prior to workings that bless, heal, pacify and unify. This puts one in a more beneficial state of mind to facilitate these workings and produce greater merit.
How does one generate metta even for those they hate?
To do this, first we must understand interdependence. Everything we are, everything we have, came from someone or something else. The parents that bore you, the people who raised you, the house you live in, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the laws that govern your country.
Every being is part of the so called web of life - we all exert some influence upon that web, and therefore upon the lives of countless beings beyond our perception.
Since all beings are interdependent, then it becomes clear that we should wish for everyone to be free from the five poisons: attachment, aversion, ignorance, pride, and jealousy.
If your enemy were to be liberated from the five poisons, and filled with happiness that is free from sorrow, they would have the wisdom and compassion to never harm you or anyone else. Likewise, if every being that exists is freed from the five poisons, suffering itself would cease to exist.
Since sentient beings are caught up in the cycle of rebirth, we meditate upon the idea that all beings, at some point in a past life, were kind and generous to us, and that through repeated negative circumstance and karmic habituation, they have become blind to their benevolent nature and thus cause harm to other beings.
The Four Immeasurables
So, the aim of the practice is to generate metta for all sentient beings, without exception. Whether it’s beings you love, hate, don’t know or don’t care about. Metta is about unconditional benevolence for all. Of course this is not an easy thing to do, but, that is the way to do it properly. One gets better at generating metta the more they practice.
A common way to begin is to recite the Four Immeasurables:
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering May all being enjoy pleasure that is free of sorrow And may all beings exist in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.
The source of your metta
However, since it is difficult to feel genuine love and compassion for all beings without exception, we can start with the beings we do care about.
Imagine someone in your life that you love and trust without fail. Whether it is a parent, teacher, friend, relative, spirit, deity, or otherwise. It can even be a fictional character you admire for their virtue and heroism, if that puts you in the right state of mind. But preferably it would be a real person who you know and love.
Visualise them resting comfortably in your heart, and remember your fondness for them. They are held gently in your memory, an overflowing spring that never runs dry. Through their love and devotion to you and others, they are the reason you understand what compassion is at all, and it would be a blessing indeed if every being had the honour of knowing them the way you do.
Rest in this state of loving kindness. Identify with it as much as possible.
That precious person’s metta is your own, and it is important that you recognise it as your metta. You are not a mere vessel that channels the benevolence of another source. Through experiencing metta, you become its source. You are that benevolence and it is inseparable from you.
Then, when you’re ready, let it radiate out from you. It should feel relaxed and effortless, as if you are a sun and your very nature is to shine. Everything and everyone this energy touches is purified, blessed, and returned to their most harmonious state. In the pure expanse of metta, all obstacles are dissolved, all negative entities are pacified, and all beings benefit.
To conclude the meditation, dedicate the merit accumulated from this practice to all beings.
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xlelife · 1 month
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XLE.LIFE's New Terms 2024 are now dripping on the platforms. Next up is Metta, not to be confused with Meta or Mata.
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luminousfire · 7 months
Christian loving-kindess, or forgiveness
Something I have learned from Buddhist friends is metta meditation. In this, one repeats loving words to close, mid, and far people, sometimes to all sentient beings.
I believe Christians can learn something similar. I am going to call this Christian metta, but it is not exactly loving-kindness. It is more of loving-forgiveness.
In this practice, I bring a person close to me to mind. I think of a minor thing they have done, perhaps they were late to meeting me, and I think "I forgive you." I then bring someone who I am not as close to, then someone who I do not know, and do the same.
I do the same for something slightly offensive, all the way to something greatly troubling. Just repeat "I forgive you."
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quietlotus · 8 months
“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world—above, below, and across—unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.”
— Gautama Buddha
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airteacher · 21 days
if tenzin has any regrets
//After reconnecting with his siblings, he regrets letting their relationship slip away in the first place. He recognizes that even though he isn't to blame for his father's short-comings, he still made choices that affected their relationship. He chose to more or less cut ties and keep contact at a minimal when he could have invited them over more often to be involved in their shared cultural heritage. Instead, he did nothing to try and repair things.
Another regret he has is not appreciating enough Aang's playful side. As a small child he had no problem playing games with him, but he was so eager to grow up and take on his responsibilities. Some point early on, he decided he couldn't afford to goof off anymore. Tenzin became less open to his father's invitations of fun, preferring studying and training.
Another still, is how he ended things with Lin. He feels he could have done a better job that took into account her emotional needs. But since they had been drifting apart for some time, he felt he already failed as a boyfriend to her. He convinced himself he wasn't good for her, and he was eager to start anew with Pema who breathed hope and fresh life in a part of his that felt dead. He regrets his role in letting the relationship turn into an empty husk and how much he hurt Lin in the breakup.
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myloh · 4 months
Alright Nexomon fans out here, honest opinion about this guy ?
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anacharafan · 2 months
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I've never posted my armadillo redesign of Metta on Tumblr??? Alright then-
Also, found out today armadillos can stand like a dumbass, so..
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raffaellopalandri · 1 year
Book of the Day - Living Kindness
Today’s Book of the Day is Living Kindness – Metta practice for the whole of our lives, written by Kevin Griffin in 2022, and published by Shambhala Publications. Kevin Griffin is a leader in the mindful movement and a Dharma Leader and Teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He is the author of five previous books, including One Breath at a Time. He has studied with the leading Western…
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