#Mass Effect headcanons
lassieposting · 8 months
So anyway I think it would be funny if Garrus kept getting a bit distracted during his extensive research into human biology
Like obviously he reads the pamphlets (helpfully provided by Mordin) and watches the porn (gleefully provided by Joker) but he also does a bunch of his own extranet deep-diving because he's Like That, he's got Detective Brain, and he doesn't half-ass anything
But he knows the Normandy extranet hub is not private: Cerberus is probably spying on all of them, EDI has unrestricted systems access and a tendency to share anything she finds interesting with Joker, Legion can hack into anything, Tali likes to gossip. So, to a) avoid putting Shepard in an awkward position with the Illusive Man and b) keep his sex life private, he uses vague search terms. Human biology. Human organs. Evolution of humanity. Human reproductive cycle. Interesting facts about humans. Interspecies workplace communication.
And then he gets sidetracked. 50 Weird Facts About Humans leads him to 10 Reasons Humans Are Scary which leads him to an article about humans as persistence predators. An Overview Of Human Body Parts leads him to 5 Body Parts Humans Don't Actually Need which leads him to articles on wisdom teeth and tonsils and the appendix, which can apparently explode at random. He gets clickbaited.
And now he has all this new knowledge he finds fascinating and wants to share! So he starts doing things like telling Kelly how many bones she has, or explaining Why Humans Evolved Eyelashes at the dinner table and then asking Jack why she evolved eye hairs, but not head hairs. Or asking Jacob how tall he is, and then thoughtfully musing about how that's short for his species.
And, in Shepard's cabin, when he nervously mentions having done some research, she slinks over to get all up in his personal space in her bathtowel and asks him what he learned. At which point he panics, all the sexy one liners about sensitive spots evacuate his brain immediately, and he blurts out that according to the extranet, the anus is the first part of an infant human to develop in the womb, so, you know, when Saren said humans were a bunch of assholes he was not technically wrong
(Shepard looks at him for a minute. Like, a really long minute. Just blinking. He's fairly sure he's about to be booted into the elevator and she'll keep the wine, to get over this disastrous encounter. And then she explodes with laughter, tells him he's ridiculous, and shuts him up by kissing him, because at least someone here has her head in the game)
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Me: alright, time to sleep!
My brain: Commander Shepard probably has different names across different alien cultures and societies because even if people know what their name sounds like originally, not all species have the biological configuration (i.e. teeth, lips) to make the sh and p sounds and names are often adapted across languages anyway. Some of their names might preserve a phoneme or two and tweak the rest to fit the sounds a species favors (clicks? trills? something else?); other names give up on the original sound altogether and instead come up with a word in the target language that can be interpreted as “a shepherd,” names that mean “guide” or “watcher” or “usher.” Names that get made up when an alien says, in their own language, “Commander Term-for-human-that-herds-animals” and then whatever that sounds like gets contracted into a shorter, more manageable name. Maybe sometimes Commander Shepard hears folks greet them and the translator says Shepard, but what they hear is something entirely different: an echo of their influence crossing cultural boundaries, a galaxy-wide awareness of the role they have to play.
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ferniliciousness · 8 months
Mass effect headcannon for you cause I can't share with anyone else lmao
Ok when you first go to the citadel after Eden Prime in me1 the vi guide tells you that it's the first time You've been there. So tell me, after you recruit Garrus (who lives on the Citadel and has for years atp), WHY ARE WE THE ONE LEADING THE GROUP!
I got lost so much my first playthrough and still continue to do so after 40+ hours in the first game (2nd playthrough). You cannot tell me that Garrus does not joke with Shepard about how they constantly get lost, and it just gets worse as they get to know each other more. The mercenary outposts where you get lost in the maze, the tunnels on Feros, or the labyrinth that is the hallways on noveria. Hell I couldn't find the garage entrance on noveria for 10 minutes and was running around like a crazy person.
(bonus points if Wrex is on your squad cause you know he's just encouraging Garrus)
And yes this trend continued into the second and third game. To the point where I was yelling at Garrus for Shepard because I just know he was being a smartass about it lmao.
Garrus: Shepard, we've literally been here 50 times before. How are you still lost? I think I should be concerned atp.
Shepard: oh shut up Garrus, I'm sure this is all very funny. (Goes down the wrong hallway again)
Tali: (shaking their head in disappointment while desperately trying not to laugh)
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shadesofmauve · 1 year
It all fits: The asari as conservative capitalists
[Thanks to @swaps55, @comeoniwantacoolname, @shadoedseptmbr, and everyone else who contributed to this wild red-string-connecting ride. Don't know all the tumblr names]
The asari: galactic influencers known for elegance and diplomacy. The only full natural biotics, powerful, graceful, and attractive to everyone they meet. The species at the pinnacle of advanced biotic technology.
And holders of immense wealth, acquired over 1,000-year life spans spent playing capitalist chess with galactic society.
Yes, the asari are the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy, but they're not innovators. They're ahead because protheans masquerading as gods gave them hot civilization tips that equated to a millennia-long head-start. They're ahead of the rest, but they move slowly. Within a few centuries — well within the life-time of most asari living today — they'll lose that technological advantage. From asari board rooms to Thessian political think-tanks, this is seen as a looming disaster.
Thankfully for the asari, long life-spans also mean the opportunity to amass huge amounts of wealth. You don't need to be an innovator if you can hire the best minds in the galaxy and lock them under a brutal non-compete contract. Buy out the competition entirely if you can; if that won't work, steal their secrets. You know how the council prohibited genetic modification and AI research because of 'ethics' and 'galactic safety'? Those laws also just happened to effectively quash scientific study in two areas where the asari were already starting to lag behind.
Ever wonder why the volus,creators of the whole financial system, don't have a seat on the council!? Who would want to keep the people who understand financial systems away from power, if not the people who are successfully gaming that system?
The asari reputation as master negotiators is chalked up to experience, skill, and empathy, but the unspoken threat is their ability to stop any negotiation dead in it's tracks. They are the masters of stalling, stonewalling, and passive blockades. Other species might filibuster. An asari can walk away from the table and wait for you to die.
It may look like galactic civilization is a multi-species effort gracefully guided by wise elder asari. It's actually a bunch of shorter-lived species being held over a barrel by sexy blue Mitch McConnell.
Sure, their kids go out and dance at bars or get involved in mercenary groups. That's fine: other species tend to underestimate you when all they see is your trust-fund kids tearing it up on their decades-long spring break. And it's not that risky. Mamma can always buy junior's way into the best armor (or out of jail).
A vastly-longer life lends itself to even more unethical behavior, though. Y'know that super popular dating site? Did you know if you dig through the front companies it's asari-owned? Did you realize when you submitted your genetic profile to 'help find your perfect match using proprietary technology' you also signed away rights to your own genome? No, of course you didn't — the fine-print is forty-six pages long! Forty-six pages is nothing to an attorney with a thousand-year life span! And they REFUSE to share their matching algorithm. Why?! Because they're BREEDING US. They can choose the traits they want using your own genetic code, and only match you with mates likely to pass them on! It's not a service, it's eugenics via tindr. It doesn't matter if doing that via dating app is wildly inefficient; when you have 1,000 years inefficiency doesn't matter!
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autocon23 · 1 year
Another Mass Effect Headcannon:
You know how when Shepard used the beacon on Eden Prime at the beginning, the beacon almost killed them?
Do you remember how both Dr. Chakwas AMD Javik commented on how it's changed them?
I imagine that there was some kind of repercussions to their health. Like if they touch smaller artifacts and other beacons or anything Prothean related, including when Javik had been "reading" them or Leviathan, it leaves behind some kind of side effects.
Like, depending on what it is, it can go from migraines to full on seizures?? Maybe experience the memories of the Protheans who interacted with the artifacts last in the form of nightmares? Maybe they get nose bleeds and brain lesions and aneryuisms?
Think about it. They're always dizzy or nauseous or have headaches whenever whatever they're interacting with is strong. I don't know if it was overlooked or just never thought of, but I feel like it's something to think about. To me, at least. The stress of the war and the pain over those who are lost during it along with all the mental health issues Shepard already has just adds onto it.
I hadn't seen anyone else mention it in fanfics or here. Maybe I had and just forgot or maybe haven't seen it yet. But I always imagined that, if Shepard survives the war, they HAVE to retire due to the brain dage they received from using Prothean beacons and Leviathan on top of whatever injuries they had sustained during the last battle against the Reapers.
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bigfan-fanfic · 12 days
Shield of Stars (Biotic!Reader x Kaidan Alenko x Steve Rogers)
@jayfeather965 male reader x Kaidan x Steve when Steve awakens in 2181 Mass Effect universe
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Historically, putting soldiers in the same platoon really was the closest way to getting people to bond.
Could it have been anything other than inevitable when you and Kaiden fell for the Captain?
Your group, the Brooklyn Squad, wasn't actually meant to see combat.
It was more of an honor guard for Steve, an honorary ambassador and a living relic - technically the first biotic made by humans.
Though Steve's body carries no element zero and he cannot manipulate mass effect fields, it was Erskine's formula and subsequent research that was able to prepare certain people for bio-amp implantation and help make safe biotics out of those exposed to eezo.
The Brooklyn Squad consists of Steve, you, Kaidan, a turian who has come to respect and appreciate Steve's ethics, an asari, and a few other human biotics. It doesn't technically have any jurisdiction or ability to enforce galactic law...
But after an incident in which the Squad discovered and liberated a bunch of sapients kidnapped and enslaved by batarians, it has become the personal overt task force of the Council.
Officially the turian is the commanding officer for the Brooklyn Squad, though the chain of command is unlike what Steve is used to, since he was in the military over two hundred years ago.
But Steve really does appreciate having not only a goal and missions, but people he can truly trust, like when he was part of the Howling Commandos.
It's different for him - seeing you and Kaidan kiss. He makes an awkward joke about fraternization to cover for his unease, which he looks into.
Steve's never only been into women. But for a long time he sort of had to be above all that, first when he was in the US Military during the war, and now when he's an icon and completely out of his own time.
It wasn't conducive to exploring romance or even his own feelings. But seeing you and Kaidan openly loving one another without any thought of retaliation or anger - it shocks him. And it gives him hope.
He talks a little to the other members of the Squad about it, about how love is now, in this world where people are citizens of planets and systems and humans are not alone - about plural marriage and polyamory and sexuality and gender expression
How turian culture differs from asari from human from salarian and so on. Steve learns and expands as the whole Squad helps him to accept himself, and everything else.
And that's when Steve asks you two out. Still unsure, but wanting to try - Steve asks you and Kaidan on a date, accepting the potential of you both saying no.
But you say yes.
Yes to a trip around the Citadel trying increasingly-unfamiliar foods and laughing at how all of you feel the same kind of wrong-footed.
Yes to a visit to a library for translated volumes of quarian legends and asari myths, and exploring writers from worlds beyond your own.
Yes to a night in to watch Fleet and Flotilla, and to start exploring not only classics that are still way past Steve's time, but things bridging the gap between his missing years and now.
Yes to finding an apartment on the Citadel for an extended shore leave where all of you can stay.
Yes to a trip back to Earth to meet Kaidan's parents, where he introduces you as the loves of his life.
Yes to the rings - beautifully crafted triple bands of gold uniting the three of you as one.
Yes to spending the rest of your lives together amongst the stars, fighting off Reapers and never, ever giving up on each other.
Because if time itself couldn't prevent your love story, nothing can.
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oonaluna-art · 1 year
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My buddy @for-the-love-of-starwars and I were chatting about Mass Effect, and I brought up the idea of Turians being born with fluffy down/feathers like T-rexes were theorized to have. We had an entire voice call designing this baby Turian who eventually turned into Garrus Vakarian. 
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shipsnthenight · 2 years
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LAST PANEL [HERE] (because tumblr is a virgin)
...to be continued?
This thing took me WAY too much time, but I am pretty happy with how it turned out. It's one of my most treasured headcanons from the end of Mass Effect 3. and it does have a part 2 that I will probably draw in the future.
All I ask is, please, if you enjoyed reading it, give it some love with reblogs and comments? It would mean a lot to me.
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katthekatt · 4 months
Some more of my Mass Effect headcannons, Drinking edition:
> in ME2 when Shepard gets poisoned in lower Afterlife its because of their cyber parts after being resurrected that they survive the poison, Miranda more or less made Shepard even harder to kill.
> speaking of drinking in ME2, Shepard has an episode of alcoholism during the events prior to the Suicide Mission, which is why we can drink at every location. During this, the new companions don't really see it as something that bad. They just think Shepard is just an alcoholic by habit and don't mess with their life. However, our Garrus and Tali know better, and by the time of the Suicide Mission, presuade Shepard to give up drinking for a while. Mordin, too, had called out Shepard on their drinking but with little success in actually preventing them from doing it.
> Earthborn Shepard has a history of drinking from an early age because of being in a gang, due to this, they have a higher tolerance towards it. And abuse this when companions challenge them, in particular James, Jack, Zaeed, and Grunt. If Kaidan or Ashley try to do it, Shepard passes on the offer.
> Earthborn Shepard, again, I think wouldn't mind if Grunt wanted to drink. Although I don't see Grunt doing it offen he does it to show dominance in bars. Colonist Shepard wouldn't encourage it like Earthborn Shep, but still would think it's not that bad and that it grows character if you are exposed to it young. Meanwhile, Spacer Shepard would definitely disapprove become of their strict upbringing.
> Zaeed and Jack share drinks once in a while and talk. Jack doesn't trust Zaeed much at first and thinks of him as just someone she can have a drink with that isn't Cerberus and knows how hard life is. With time, they grow a friendship, and Jack looks up to Zaeed, calling him a badass.
> While EDI and Legion are AI and can't get tipsy or drunk, the conventional way by the time of ME3 EDI has created a virus that works in the same way with its effects that takes about an hour to fight off. She hasn't used it and doesn't plan on doing so because it's counterproductive considering she is the Normandy. The virus was created only for the sole purpose of throwing it in Joker's face after he insisted EDI couldn't do it.
> Wrex and Garrus both don't drink much at all. Garrus drinks only for dates, and Wrex thinks that drinking is for people without courage and need to get it some other way. He has whoever shared a drink with Shepard after they had insisted on commemorating the Genophage cure.
>Thane and Samara don't drink, period, each with their own reasons.
>Miranda, for all her talk of being made perfect, actually has a low tolerance to alcohol. After Shepard learns that they don't leave her alone about it when she brings up being created flawless. Or in reverse, Miranda can't get drunk at all and is a neat party trick she prides herself on.
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drelldreams · 4 months
If they were mythological creatures: Mass Effect characters
Vampire edition:
- Wrex: Millenia old vampire of noble status. Leader of an ancient family clan. Mostly drinks animal blood, these days. Used to go on huge killing sprees in his younger days. VTMB style, he’s in charge of an organization to prevent vampires from getting discovered by the public.
- Miranda: Drinks human blood. Drains her victims, but only picks really horrible people to drink, and mostly men. A century and a half old.
- Aria: Drinks from humans whether innocent or not, but rarely kills them. They lose their memory after. Has a basic moral code that entails not to leave anyone just passed out in the streets because of the danger. Drains anyone who pisses her off. Approaching a thousand years.
- Morinth: Drains innocent victims, not leaving a single drop of blood in their body. No moral code. Never tried animal blood.
- Thane: Had moments where he drank human blood he deeply regrets. Lives off blood supplement pills, which keep him alive but in subpar condition. A few centuries old.
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slightlysaneee · 7 months
I saw a fanart on Pinterest where Shepard was covered in scars, real deep ones, so face, chest, legs, all pink and deformed (which make sense considering what she's been through and looks cool af).
And I'm thinking, Garrus getting scars in ME2 would make him look more like her in that case (he doesn't have that many scars because he's basically a sexy armadillo lol).
His scars are healing in ME3, while Shepard's still stay quite visible and then he goes with those lines (paraphrase):
The scars are starting fade... but I could get some new ones if that would help.
And I know he said it to flirt, showing how he still wants to be with her and be sexy for her, but he could also want to look more like her as well. Because he admires her and loves her in every way possible aslsjkqolalajkal
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lassieposting · 8 months
Concept: ME2, told through Shepard's very active text chain with bestest best buddy Wrex after he leaves the Normandy post-ME1.
Like. Cerberus has a new omnitool for her aboard the SR2 and the first thing she does is try to contact him and Garrus. It takes a few days - and a few frustrating phone calls - to reactivate her old line and forward her messages and contacts and shit, but eventually they all ping her at once as the tool downloads them
10 November 2183
[10:46 GST] Urdnot Wrex: [11 missed calls]
[10:48 GST] Urdnot Wrex: pick up
[10:51 GST] Urdnot Wrex: answer me
[10:52 GST] Urdnot Wrex: alliancenewsnetwork.ex/breaking_news_ssv_normandy_shot_down_over_alchera
[10:53 GST] Urdnot Wrex: ur ok?
[12:01 GST] Urdnot Wrex: shepard?
[14:32 GST] Urdnot Wrex: SHEPARD???
10 November 2184
[8:51 GST] Urdnot Wrex: img_attachment_bottle_of_ryncol_very_blurry.jpg
[8:52 GST] Urdnot Wrex: cheers
[8:52 GST] Urdnot Wrex: fucking. pyjak
And she gets back in touch with him, explains what happened to her and why she was MIA for two years, has a bit of a quick cry maybe because she misses him and she's surrounded by Cerberus lifers and she just wants someone on board she can trust to have her back, and from then on Wrex has to get used to receiving weird contextless texts on a regular basis
[9:17 TNT] Shepard: LOOK WHO I FOUND
[9:17 TNT] Shepard: img_attachment_garrus_asleep_in_medbay_post_surgery.png
[9:18 TNT] Shepard: Ignore all the bandages, his face fell off but we fixed it. You will not believe what he's been doing im going to kill him
[13:18 TNT] Shepard: video_attachment_garrus_fascinated_by_medbay_automatic_doors.mp4
[13:18 TNT] Shepard: Anaesthetic is wearing off...slowly...
[17:08 TNT] Shepard: img_attachment_urz_wearing_hotdog_costume.png
[17:08 TNT] Shepard: :)
[17:09 TNT] Urdnot Wrex: i gave u that thing to win u credits and ur just putting it in stupid outfits
[17:10 TNT] Shepard: img_attachment_urz_asleep_on_bed_with_plushie.png
[17:11 TNT] Shepard: yeah :) he baby
[17:13 TNT] Shepard: instagram.ex/urztherescuevarren
[22:31 TNT] Shepard: img_attachment_harbinger_assuming_direct_control.png
[22:31 TNT] Shepard: wHaT tHe FuCk WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK
[22:47 TNT] Shepard: img_attachment_collector_corpses.png
[22:47 TNT] Shepard: nvm we good man these things UGLY
And of course, some go in the opposite direction.
[05:17 GST] Urdnot Wrex: so you finally did it eh
[05:25 GST] Shepard: Did what?
[05:29 GST] Urdnot Wrex: vakarian. about damn time
[05:41 GST] Shepard: oh my god 😂
[05:41 GST] Shepard: brb gonna go kill grunt
[05:42 GST] Urdnot Wrex: whatever a "step" dad is, he thinks hes getting one
Just. Shep and Wrex staying a big part of each others lives despite all the lightyears and star systems and backbreaking responsibility between them
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I’m especially curious about people’s thoughts on how some character deaths don’t make that much sense (glaring at the Thane writing) versus the need to have actual stakes in a story and making it feel like the war costs Shepard personally.
Also if you jump into this with Virmire Survivor hate you are obligated by HR to put on a clown costume and sit in the corner by yourself.
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monowires · 1 year
i love thinking about mshenko domestic scenarios like:
my shep is earthborn and thus doesn’t have a firsthand knowledge of general family traditions so kaidan & his mom invite him to join theirs after the war, and shepard learns he’s got a knack for accidentally burning the christmas cookies—he never was a good baker.
shepard shows kaidan some of his favorite places around the galaxy, the planets with the best views, that one restaurant on the corner of the block he grew up on; places only a wanderer would really know of.
kaidan introduces shepard to the world of traditional cooking—shepard never did quite learn how to cook anything more than enough to count as sustenance. between growing up on the streets and being biotic, shepard learned not to be picky, but this also meant he didn’t really learn how to make full-on dishes. 
kaidan helps shepard discover his hobbies—the man joined the alliance at 18, and he’s 29 by the time the trilogy starts, and street life didn’t leave much room for hobbies. turns out “shooting things until i either run out of bullets or run out of things to shoot” doesn’t count as a hobby.
the one thing kaidan CAN’T teach shepard is the ability to dance. he is utterly hopeless in that field. kaidan would ask him about it, but he doesn’t need to be told “come on, kaidan. the battlefield is my dance floor!” again.
shepard doesn’t much care for permanent domestic life. it’s too stagnant, he’s been a soldier for too long to do anything else. but he’d be lying if he said he wouldn’t be happy to wake up next to kaidan every morning for the rest of his life. so maybe he doesn’t retire, but they’re both spectres. the council will find that two of their spectres coincidentally take the same jobs and work as a pair.
shepard still won’t swim at the beach when they go together. he says something along the lines of “no thanks, i’ll stay in the sand. don’t want the hassle of getting all wet,” which in reality means, “yeah, ever since we tracked down leviathan, i sort of really hate oceans because i have no idea what’s in there.”
kaidan wants a cat. shepard says, “kaidan, i can barely take care of a house plant, what makes you think i’ll be able to take care of a cat?” (they get a cat.)
kaidan tells shepard that if he moves his things one more time to make room for his new model ships, he’s sleeping on the couch. (shepard moves kaidan’s things one more time to make room for his new model ships. kaidan isn’t a liar, but he doesn’t have it in him to condemn shepard to a night on the couch. not when shepard seems so… content.)
kaidan gets the grand idea to take shepard to a skating rink. he later wonders where he got that idea; shepard can’t even coordinate himself enough to dance properly. it was pretty funny, though, watching the renowned commander shepard stagger around on roller skates like he’d forgotten how to walk.
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dovahbeeotch · 1 year
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Garrus is always working; C-sec, calibrations, vigilante work, fighting reapers on Palavin etc. But he has so much personality, it's too bad we never get to see it on display in a more literally sense
Yesss so true!!!
- he talks to the television. Yells too. It gets heated. Constantly criticizing action films
- the fact that human hair falls out really freaks him out at first. finding it in the shower drain for the first time is traumatic
- on his days off Shepard finds him in front of the tv in a blanket burrito watching rom coms and feel good shows but he shuts them off AS SOON AS SHE WALKS IN SHE CANT KNOW HES A LIL SOFTIE
- guns are always nearby. bathroom? gun strapped to the toilet. kitchen? gun in the fridge. bedroom? gun under the mattress. pickle jar not opening? “Honey… where’s my mantis?”
- he talks to their pets. full on conversations with space hamster. buddy has so many thoughts he’s just gotta get them out sometimes. probably plays with the hamster a lot too in questionable ways
- constantly cold because he leaves the temperature where Shepard wants it. when she leaves it’s fair game though,,, he changes it before she gets back cuz he’s a lil simp
- he breaks a lot of stuff, especially if it’s human made. slams microwave doors too hard. tears down the shower curtain cuz his spur gets caught on it.
Hehehehe please add to this!!
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skinnypig2 · 1 year
hmmm let’s see
shepard is a lesbian
liara is an avid ally after her girlfriend shepard explained human queer oppression to her
garrus is trans
tali is trans and bi
Kaiden is bi
Ashley is working on her internalized homophobia
Wrex is homophobic but shepard is “one of the good ones” to him
joker didn’t know any gay people until he met shepard
anderson is a vigilant ally for his daughter shepard
hackett is a proud dad of all queer kids
Miranda is queer but she doesn’t accept herself until she’s been on the normandy a while
the Illusive man is gay, deeeeep in the closet, and wildly homophobic
Jacob says he’s an ally but he really does the bare minimum
kelly is bi
mordin is an ally (technically asexual)
grunt finds the existence of queer people entertaining
jack is nonbinary and pan
zaeed is supportive but has a very rudimentary view of trans people
kasumi is trans
thane just found out kolyat is bi and he’s learning for his son
samara looks down on humans for their historically oppressive behavior
legion is agender, aromantic, and asexual
james is trying hard to be a good ally
EDI is agender and asexual
traynor is a lesbian
cortez is gay and resilient
javik is pan but he intentionally doesn’t attend the Normandy’s pride party
cloned shepard is simultaneously gay and homophobic
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