#Magnolia lore
hyperfixozone · 7 months
Here is Part 2!! I'm honestly really having fun with all of this and it really helps me get my story going so I might keep this up !! ---------------------- CROSS
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Spooky bat (...that is a vampire...) that lives in the deeper parts of Hells Valley. He easily communicates with anyone, as he gets straight to the point and wastes no time. He's blunt and has a soft side to him as well, you just have to be close to him. He is one of the only ones besides the Shrine Keepers and the Royals that can travel to the Overworld by himself. He is a messenger and a ferry in Hells Valley, and is very trusted. He is friends with Yoru as well, and can get him to go where he is needed quickly without resistance. "I'll need to get ahold of either Syndrone or Eclipse. Hang tight. Don't do anything stupid." Cross goes off and goes to see Nightmare, another Shrine Keeper. ---------------------- NIGHTMARE
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Nightmare is a very serious guy. He is what is called an Igami. He is also a Shrine Keeper, and the 'portal' between all realms. Not much is known about him at all, as only a few can see him, including Cross and Eclipse. ---------------------- ECLIPSE
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Eclipse is a very powerful being, known to rise the moon and whatnot, but those are just rumors...right? She is the Overworld portal, meaning she has to open a portal for people to get to other realms. Only a few can do this, those being Syndrone, all Shrine Keepers, and Cross; with permission. Not much is known about Eclipse either, as she is a very silent individual. She is barely seen speaking to others, but when she does, she has a heart of gold. The other Portal, Syndrone, does not. ---------------------- That ends part 2 ! This one was longer but I feel like it was more organized too! I'm starting to get excited showing my babs to other people!! If you guys have any questions, please let me know!! I would love to answer any questions about them. I will also be continuing this as well, as it is very fun! ---------------------- ONCE AGAIN, THE ART IS NOT MINE AT ALL. DO NOT REPOST OR STEAL. Credits of Cross's art goes to Kopiko Credits of Nightmare's art goes to Glitch Credits of Eclipse's art goes to Ecliipse They are all on Toyhou.se !!
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prxnce · 26 days
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now how did lilly-bo chique and bianca rubble go from bridgeport to... magnolia... promenade? how long can a spellcaster last in moonwood mill without being... cast out? answer key will be in the love letter save VERSION 2...........
thee other townies: pt. 1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6 | pt.7 | pt.8 | pt.9 | pt.10
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beeholyshit · 1 month
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What would u do if I told you I'm about to adopt another baby?
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jpriest85-blog · 9 months
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With @friendlybowlofsoup God of Red Mountain if blog becoming active again and the news the game will be updated and moving to twine. I've been inspired to try drawing my Magnolia spirit Kyung again. I've also been replaying the demo to refamilerize myself with the story and help me develop Kyung's character. I've come up with some information and Headcanons for Kyung, although they'll probably change once the full game is released.
Info & Headcanons
Kyung's appearance is based on Saucer Magnolias and the flowers commonly come in colors of white, pink and maroon.
In keeping with that color scheme, Kyung resembles an albino with her pale complexion and hair paired with redish eyes.
Kyung is quite tall when taking a human form at about 6ft./182.88cms
Kyung's pupils normally resemble a flower shape, but when her curse becomes active, they become slit shaped like a fox.
When Kyung was young, she had a fondness for beetles and would often collect large beetles she found on the mountain to show to Big Sister.
In addition to the Lotus salve, Kyung tries to practice self-control to help keep the curse at bay. She's also taken to different activities and hobbies to help cultivate a serene mental state like meditation, martial arts, and embroidery. As a result of these efforts, she gives off a very dignified and elegant persona.
Kyung has also been known to indulge in her share of vices as she's a habitual smoker and often indulges in drinking.
Kyung's self-discipline is also broken whenever Foxes are involved. Kyung still harbors a lot of rage and grief about what happened. Even the mention of foxes will sometimes trigger a snap in her composure and cue mental Kill Bill sirens.
After the death of Big Sister, Kyung rarely lets herself get too close to others over the years. Partly because others tend to avoid her because of her curse, and she'd rather not risk harming someone she cares about if she ever lost control of herself. As a result, when Kyung does develop an emotional attachment to someone, she becomes fiercely protective.
Kyung is prone to combat flirting when she develops a romantic interest in someone. Either ther the combination of adrenaline and experiencing her lover's strength and skill during training first hand just really gets her turned on. Or if her lover isn't used to combat, she'll try teaching them self-defense out of protectiveness and have a hard time resisting trying to sneak a kiss or embrace them.
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mlady-magnolia · 9 months
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Grace being the Main Character(tm) ft. Brandt being a math man!
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clovencraft · 4 months
Are your cats based in/on a certain clan?
I kept the clans ambiguous in their backstories so that I'd have some wiggle room to place them in different stories/AUs, but I definitely have preferences.
Snailshine and Magnoliabreeze have ThunderClan vibes. It's hard to explain but they do. Dawnfall could truly go anywhere, but TC would be the most fun.
Redhaze and Spottedfawn's stories were made with ThunderClan in mind, hence the wooded backgrounds, but recently I've favored WindClan for them as well. Redhaze's behavior would stand out more in WC, I feel— and Spottedfawn's long leggies would be right at home.
Lostwind and Flaxhound are WindClan warriors too. Lostwind's suffix literally comes from her clan (having fought against being named Losttail). Flaxhound's dad was a barn cat but his mama was a WC warrior. She's a fun character too.
Coldstar was originally created to be the leader of a fanmade clan: MoonClan. Out of the canon clans, however, he'd be most at home in WindClan.
Tigerleap, Thornrush and Newteye were made with RiverClan in mind. Tigerleap would love fishing. Thornrush is much scarier when she isn't hindered by water. Newteye is already a mystery so being a cat that likes water would be on brand for them.
Swampkit has ShadowClan built into her heart. It's hard to imagine her anywhere else. Talon joins ShadowClan in a few AUs as well (warrior name: Talonheart), though I generally prefer her to be a loner.
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starcyri · 2 months
Continuation of
By: StarCyri
(Final Part)
Years had past since then, The Princess and the young witch’s friendship grew stronger, but not without rumors surrounding them, one may say that the young witch must be tricking the poor princess, others say that the young witch must have been planning something to ambush the whole kingdom, but of course those rumors are just rumors, Magnolia and Calytrix ignored those rumors, instead they remain good friends...or are they? After all years had past, they looked different, Calytrix, now has a purple dress and a witch hat, her dress resembles a flower, and hair tied into twin braids, her Lavender eyes still shine as bright as stars, and Magnolia now wears a white dress, which also resembles a flower, an elegant flower at best, she wears a Southern Magnolia flower accessory in her hair, her hair was also braided, just not into two, and her eyes still resembles a healthy leaf, and now they are almost 18, both Magnolia and
Calytrix looked at eachother, like it was different from their childhood, it felt different, they... they seem in denial of their feelings yet they brushed it off.
But they have at least people who are there to support them...until suddenly at the day of Magnolia’s Coronation, an incident occured, no one seems to know why but The King and Queen suddenly fell very ill, which paused the Coronation, both of the King and Queen were both weak, and unable to even move, many doctors have tried to heal them had failed, and even both Zinnia and Calytrix tried to heal them, but there was nothing they could do, but in the last attempt to save the King and Queen, Zinnia sets off far from the kingdom, to get a special potion to cure their illness, but..the day came where the King and Queen died by the illness, the whole Kingdom was in despair by what was supposed to be the time where Magnolia gets crowned, ended up being a tragedy.
Magnolia, trapped herself in her room, sobbed as she received the news of her parents passing, right besides her was Calytrix, patting her hair gently, trying to comfort her dearest.
“Why... Why must they die now..? the people still need them- I still need them!” Magnolia cried out, as she clings to Calytrix, Calytrix says nothing as she only gently brushes Magnolia’s white hair, both embraced each other in this tragic moment, never letting go anytime soon.
“It will be alright, White Flower” Calytrix tried reassuring “How can you be so sure? Star Flower...?” Magnolia replied, sniffling against the young witch “I’m not sure, but.. I’m sure we can get this through together, you, can get through this, your parents after all... they... they know your strong, capable of being a ruler” Calytrix softly says, cupping Magnolia’s cheeks, wiping her tears away.
“And... your the strongest princess I have known, and.. that ‘s why.. I lov-” before Calytrix could continue, a knock on the door was heard, neither Magnolia and Calytrix seem to want to get up and check who it was, but it was Magnolia’s duty anyway to get it, after all someone was knocking at her room, Magnolia hesitantly stood up and got up to open the door, as the door opens, she locked eyes with the same envy colored eyes, it was the Gardener boy, Hyacinth
“I must apologize for intruding your time your highness, but really I just want to say I’m very sorry for your loss, if you want someone to cry or someone wanting to listen to you, I’m here for you” Hyacinth says, it wasn’t the first time anyways that he had tried to make advances on the Princess several times in the past, and Magnolia always politely
brushed him off, she doesn’t really...feel comfortable around him, but maybe this time she’ll let this slide, not his offer though, just a change of heart of maybe finally opening up to him , after all he seemed genuine.
“Thank you for the kind offer, Hyacinth, I’ll maybe take that offer if Calytrix isn’t around to help with me” Magnolia closed her eyes lets out a slightly sad chuckle, getting the mood a bit up, but once she opened her eyes once more, she does not see Hyacinth smiling, instead he looked serious, which made Magnolia concerned.
“What’s the matter, Hyacinth?” Magnolia asked “Well... excuse my rudeness Princess but why speak highly of the witch? For all we know she can be the reason why your parents fell ill, you know how witches are, they are tricksters” Hyacinth replied with a serious tone, after Hyacinth said that, Magnolia’s heart dropped, “...How dare you question my friendship with her” Magnolia says, with a hint of anger in her tone, but Hyacinth continued on.
“Oh I apologize your highness but, you must agree what I have just said, that friend of yours is a witch, witches are known to be the most despicable, tricking their victims even if it-”
“She is NOT tricking me, Hyacinth Yellow, out of all your years here, you should know by now that Calytrix isn’t like that, even the King and Queen knows she isn’t like that! Calytrix.. Calytrix is my dearest companion! I demand an apology right now!” Magnolia cuts off Hyacinth, expressing her anger, now Calytrix, hearing her dearest friend’s anger tone, rushes to Magnolia “Is everything alright?” Calytrix asked, her face expressed in worry, but before Magnolia could answer her, Hyacinth bowed down.
“I apologize for saying such rude and sensitive things to your highness, especially during the time of your grieving, please allow me to make it up by a tea time afternoon with the finest tea” Both Calytrix and Magnolia looked at the kneeling gardener, Calytrix expressed pity
“Magnolia.. Maybe you should forgive him, after all, it is understandabl-”
“For many times I have said this, this is not acceptable Calytrix, you are my dearest companion and I cannot allow slander upon your name” Magnolia cuts off Calytrix, but continues “but this time I will forgive you, Hyacinth, carry on with your job, and tomorrow afternoon I’ll take up your offer with tea” right after Magnolia accepted Hyacinth’s offer, he immediately thanked Magnolia, completely ignoring Calytrix and carrying on with his job.
Calytrix could only sigh, she looked at her friend, who was obviously still mad at the interaction “You did not have to defend me once more Magnolia..” and Magnolia replied with “But they were slandering you! Of course I had to do something! And of course they were bothering me anyways while I was grieving! Out of all days he says that...” as words spilled in Magnolia’s mouth, so did tears spill in her eyes, “Out of..” words trailed off from Magnolia, as she broke down into sobs, Calytrix quickly went to her side, and immediately comfort her, once again, they embraced.
The next day came, Magnolia was sitting in the Tea room, she was a mess, her eyes were dark and puffy, and her figure was slump, she looked like a wilted Southern Magnolia Flower, she was waiting for what Hyacinth called, “The Finest Tea” she waited patiently, and there came Hyacinth, holding a tray of a tea set and biscuits
“I Hope I did not make you wait for long, Princess”
“You did not, Thank you for the tea, Hyacinth” Magnolia softly smiles at him, while Hyacinth smiles back, as he placed the tray in the tea table, Hyacinth stood there, but Magnolia gestured him to sit down, he was hesitant at first, but nevertheless, sat down comfortably.
“I apologize for such horrid words I have said yesterday, I just..” before Magnolia could continue, Hyacinth shook his head “No, it was clear it was my fault for saying insensitive words while you were grieving, I should have minded my words” Hyacinth says, but that made Magnolia sigh, there was no signs of him apologizing for saying horrible things about Calytrix “You seem to have forgotten another thing you have to apologize, listen Hyacinth, I could tell that you are a great man, but you have to understand that not all witches are bad, take Auntie Zinnia and Calytrix for example, they have not harmed people in here, and I doubt they ever will” as Magnolia says that, she drinks her tea, the tea tasted weird... she looked at Hyacinth to ask what was one of the tea’s ingredients, only to see him smile, not an innocent smile, he was grinning, which made Magnolia concerned and slightly nervous.
“I don’t actually believe you are right with that, Princess, witches are really terrible, in fact they have probably casted a spell against you and the late King and Queen, but don’t worry, your wondering why the tea tasted funny, because I made sure that tea you have is the reversal spell, where you can finally say the truth, Princess Magnolia” Hyacinth smiles sinisterly, it wasn’t a reversal spell, it’s obvious that it wasn’t any reversal spell, Calytrix or Zinnia would never, and Magnolia finally figured it out.
It was his plan from the start, to frame Calytrix.
“Now Princess, announce something for the whole Kingdom, tell them about Calytrix, your ‘dearest friend’ had tricked you, and murdered your parents”
Magnolia could not refuse Hyacinth’s demands anymore as her mind and body felt numb.
Calytrix was at Magnolia’s room, she sat on her bed and she seems to be making something... a Flower crown, specifically a Magnolia Flower Crown, Calytrix smiles as she made this, surely this could cheer up Magnolia just a little bit, right? Suddenly the door opens, Calytrix perked up.
“Oh! Your back! Magnolia look what I!-...I...” Calytrix words trailed, upon seeing Magnolia with Hyacinth and with two guards, Calytrix was confused upon seeing them, but nevertheless walked towards Magnolia “What’s wrong? Is there something that happened? Ah well- before anything though Magnolia, I have a gift for you!” immediately she presented the flower crown to Magnolia “Here! I know you haven’t felt- you know, happy in awhile but I made this to atleast cheer you up!” Calytrix continued to ramble on, and even placed the Flower on Magnolia’s hands, Calytrix didn’t seem to know what was going on.
A rip suddenly was heard, Calytrix stopped from her tracks as she sees Magnolia tearing her newly made Flower Crown, getting it destroyed piece by piece, each piercing Calytrix’s heart, that lead Calytrix unable to say anything.
“Arrest her, and cut off her hair.” Magnolia ordered, and two guards immediately pointed their weapons to Calytrix, who was too shocked and heartbroken to even react, her hair was cut, leaving Calytrix with a messy short hair, but before she could get taken away, Calytrix looked at Magnolia, with a betrayed face.
Was Calytrix’s word before being taken away, Magnolia only stared with no emotion, while right beside her was a man, patting her hair softly, telling her that she’s doing the right thing, but really, Magnolia could feel her tears inside of her.
Calytrix was thrown into a dungeon, she did not bother using her magic to escape, she could even if her hair was cut short, but she was sad and confused, she didn’t know what she did wrong to make Mangonlia angry, she pondered hard, trying to think of something, anything, hours pass and suddenly the dungeon opened and there goes Magnolia, with two guards, Hyacinth was no where to be seen, but it was Calytrix’s chance to ask what she did wrong.
“Magnolia! Please tell me what I have done wrong!? I-I don’t understand! I-I thought we were friends!-” Calytrix asked. “You tricked me, that’s what, you murdered my parents” Magnolia replied. “Tricked..? M-Murdered?- Magnolia, both you and I know I didn’t and would never do that!-” Calytrix says with a hurt tone. “That’s what you say, but your lying, I just know it. After all your a witch anyways, I should have never befriended you.” that... that broke Calytrix, the hope and light in her eyes die down as her only true friend, and the woman she loved, see her as a monster.
“We have decided your fate for punishment of tricking me and murdering The King and Queen, you will be executed in three days, surely that is enough time for you to think through your actions.” Magnolia turned away, as Calytrix stared blankly at her, once Magnolia was out of the dungeon, Calytrix’s tears fell, and then she sobbed and laid on the cold dirty dungeon floor.
‘So this was it? This is my punishment for being alive..? For being a witch...? For even hoping... why, why does everyone punish me for no reason..?’ Calytrix continued on sobbing ‘after all we’ve been together, you did not give me a chance to even say or defend myself.. Do you hate me that much..? What did I do to make you hate me now? I only just wanted to give you my love, my everything, you, you were my everything. And even everything, you still are, I still love you.’ memories filled Calytrix like a broken record, even after all of that she never blamed anyone, especially Magnolia for this.
The day of the execution came, in the fields where Calytrix and her aunt lived was the location of the execution, many people gathered around, wanting to see the young witch burn, many people were overjoyed that the young witch was finally getting what she “deserved”.
Magnolia sat down while Hyacinth was standing right next to her, they were also watching Calytrix’s execution, no emotions were going on her face, as Calytrix was tied up, Calytrix looked like a mess, she looked like she was beaten up in the past 3 days, her hair was cut short, and her dress was changed from the purple dress to a white dirty
dress, Calytrix looked down, not showing her face to anyone, the crowd looked at the young witch with hatred and disgust.
The kingdom’s people yelled out, hatred had filled their hearts, not even pity, they even threw stuff at her, but that didn’t seem to make Calytrix flinch anymore or wince in pain.
“...Burn her” Magnolia ordered, and the fire started, slowly burning Calytrix, but before the flames could overtake Calytrix, she finally raised her head, despite her beaten up face, instead of seeing despair in her eyes, Calytrix’s eyes shine bright once again.
Magnolia’s eyes widened.
Ba-dump, Ba-dump.
Calytrix smiled brightly despite the pain.
Ba-dump, Ba-dump, Ba-dump.
Calytrix mouthed something for Magnolia.
Tears fell down Magnolia’s cheeks, as finally, the spell was broken. What has she done?..
Magnolia screams.
It’s been a year since that incident, no one in the kingdom would believe her that Calytrix didn’t do anything, they could only see Hyacinth as the hero and the rightful King in the kingdom, Magnolia was forced to marry the man who had killed and framed the love of her life, she was Queen, and he was King, she couldn’t even look Zinnia in the eye when she came back after Calytrix’s execution, Magnolia has never seen her again since that day, Magnolia just sat on her throne room, spacing out, she was truly a mess, especially the fact that she, was carrying a child on the way, she remembered what Calytrix had mouthed, it wasn’t anything to make the spell disappear, no, the spell had a time limit, Calytrix last words, or well whispered, was ‘I love you, Magnolia’...she had wondered what her life would have been like if it wasn’t for Hyacinth, maybe..-
“Your Majesty” a guard enters the throne room and greets Magnolia “What do you want now” said the Queen bitterly, The knight just nervously stood there, but nevertheless replied “There seems to be a new species of Flowers appearing right by the place where The Star Flower Witch Calytrix lived and died at” now that caught Magnolia’s attention.
“New species?.. Take me to it now.” “Yes ma’am!”
Magnolia and her guards traveled around where Calytrix used to live, with Magnolia’s permission from her husband who could care less right now, she can visit the flower and name them, Magnolia could feel something heavy in her heart, after all, this used to be her dearly beloved’s home, and.. Where she died as they ventured on, finally they could see the field, and they were right, a new species of flowers bloomed, but..The Flower looked, unique, surely it definitely looks pretty, but it looked like a star, that reminds the Queen something.
Magnolia knelt down to one of the flowers, it seems like the available colors of the flowers were, Lavender or Violet, Pink, White, and Yellow, she chuckles to herself as she remembered what Calytrix had told her when they were in their teens
“You know, if I die I wonder if I’ll become the prettiest flower there is...ah well I bet I will be!” Calytrix giggles
“Now why would you think of something like that?” Magnolia asked, concerned.
“Eh..I don’t know, I just..Think, hey I bet I’ll be like a star shaped flower if I die!” Calytrix smiled brightly
“Stop talking about dying...” Magnolia covers her ears.
“Your Majesty, what would you like to call this new Flower?” a guard asked curiously.
Magnolia got up and closed her eyes as the wind blew gently around her, she then looked at the guards and said.
“Calytrix, This Flower’s name is officially Calytrix.”
Author’s note:
Hey! Yeah— told y’all the ending’s rushed, unless you guys think it’s not? Ah well, thank you for reading though! I do apologize for the tragic ending, like I said on the previous post, the story is tragic, this was a school project I’ve done months ago, writing a short story with the genres I’ve blindly picked, and I’ve picked fairytale, Romance, and finally a version of drama that I couldn’t remember, apologies, though this was fun to write as I remember! So please if you have any criticisms with my writing or the story please do tell! Also please be respectful about it too, thank you! I hope you all enjoyed this story, until then, I’ll post again next time :]
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torchiiko · 2 months
desire to stay up forever & ever vs the eepiness overtaking me
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artbytesslyn · 2 years
may i please make you aware that kleo’s canon height is over 7 ft tall
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ellistocracy · 2 months
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im tired of having to explain this 🙄
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neriyon · 2 months
How about... Claudien and Yulan for the shipping ask!
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Ooooh, did not see that one coming!
Biggest hurdle for them is that Yulan is not the WoL so they didn't really meet during MSQ events. But Yulan is a goldsmith with an intense fascination towards mammets, and Claudien is a scholar, so they could theoretically meet due to their jobs. Either with Yulan being contracted to work on mammets in Labyrinthos, or with Yulan being asked about the crystal from pandae questline 🤔
Other than that, I don't really see too many problems for them~ Claudien is a good looking lad, and Yulan would be attracted to both his forward way of speaking his thoughts out loud and his dedication to his work. I can imagine Claudien blurting out his budding crush on Yulan, and the viera lad just going beet red and running off all angry looking, haha. I feel like he'd be forward enough to work it through Yulan's little bursts, and manage to calm the skittish goldsmith down enough to get him to open up about his own feelings.
Or, failing that, they'd be good buddies I think. Just like, chatting about their work, cool rocks found in Aitiascape or something.
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hyperfixozone · 7 months
I am here to rant about Yoru and Strawb. I took a break to finish the last comm I had for now ^.^ ! ---------------------- YORU
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He's a demon Magii and he resides in Hells Valley. He hardly goes to the Overworld, mostly staying in his area. He's not a sociable guy at all whatsoever. His personality is not the best. He's brutal socially and will bluntly tell you if he doesn't like you, which is usually the case. He hates a lot of things. He's very chill and laid back until he gets taunted and then he's VERY aggressive. The moon pendant he got from his friend Rose, who is a princess in Hells Valley.
---------------------- ROSE
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She's a very responsible young lady. Tasks are easy for her as she has strong magical powers to help her, and very easy focusing skills. She's not too social herself, which is why she gets along with Yoru. Yoru and Rose first met in the Castles garden, where she was watering her deceased mothers flowers. Yoru happened to be in the middle of the garden somehow, sitting by a patch of fire-roses, his favorite flowers. She comes up to him, at first very defensive. Thinking he was some sort of creep, she pins him down. "Huh?" That was it. She immediately started laughing and called him out: "You should not just say 'huh' when being tackled. What is wrong with you?" She sits by him and when he doesn't answer her for too long, she speaks up about the flowers. She asks him if he likes them and all she gets is a sarcastic response from him. She decides she likes him and stays with him. Years later, Yoru is given a mission from Rosary to seek out what all of the trouble is in the Overworld. Leaving Rose behind he says one more thing to her: "I might be back. Or not. If anything happens to me, don't get involved, princess." ---------------------- ROSARY
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Rosary is the keeper of a very old shrine. The only one left in Hells Valley. She is the protector of it and can feel whenever there is something off with it. She immediately knows something is wrong when a dull light comes out of it. "That is not supposed to be happening." She sends Cross to go get Yoru, who is now old enough to explore the Overworld. Not much else is known about Rosary, other than she's ancient, having been the keeper of this shrine since its early days. ---------------------- Anddd we'll end this here!! It's still very disorganized but I'll get it working. I just wanted to talk about it teehee. There will be multiple parts, as I'll probably do 3 characters each post. Rose's is a bit long just so you guys know!!! ---------------------- NONE OF THIS ART BELONGS TO ME SO PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THIS. I want to trust you all, and share my sillies with you. Credits to Yoru's art goes to Kopiko Credits to Rose's art goes to Zmo Credits to Rosary's art goes to Swiftystarss
All of these amazing artists are on Toyhou.se !
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duckapus · 6 months
The Grid
Finally came up with stuff for that shadowy "Real World" organization that orchestrated Tari's abduction that one time and currently has a Character-level Program agent in the Mushroom Kingdom.
So the Grid is actually a very recently created organization, who somehow (I do actually know how this time but it's spoilers for a storyline I want to do at some point) found out about the "multiverse" of living programs within the internet, and Glitch Productions' involvement with it. They've seen the writing on the wall and realized that with how quickly things are progressing there's no way the veil of secrecy can be maintained forever, and want their foot in the door before that happens so that GP aren't the only ones with a head start.
To that end, they've been trying to create living Programs of their own. Now, Code Beings are relatively simple to make as long as you understand how programming works, but Character-level Programs are far more difficult to bring to life, especially on purpose. In fact, while the sheer volume of games and other media on the internet means there's likely at least one living copy of just about anything, the vast majority of games really are Just Games, rather than fully realized universes.
By studying Tari, they figured out the secret: creativity and passion. In order to purposely bring a program to life, its creator has to pour their heart and soul into their work, putting a bit of themselves into the very core of their character, and it has to be sincere, with the creative process itself taking priority over whatever Intended Purpose you may have for the end result. This is harder for a character-level program because their Intended Purpose is so intrinsically tied to their identity that the gap is much smaller. That's also a big part of why every set of SMGs needs one or two specifically dedicated Admins.
Speaking of SMGs, as far as most of the organization is aware their ultimate goal is to create their own version of the SMG program, since so far the Adminspace Admins, and by extension Glitch Productions, have something of a monopoly on the concept simply due to nobody else (besides Susie but that was a complicated situation) seriously throwing their hat in the ring.
Getting into some actual characters;
The organization's leader is the mysterious Director K. They're an absolute mystery to even their subordinates, going to great lengths to hide their appearance and mask their voice, and seem to have some sort of history with Glitch Productions.
Then there's their first Character-Level agent, Magnolia Astra. She's cold, calculating, composed, surprisingly charismatic when it's needed, and probably a few other "C words" you'd associate with a secret agent masquerading as a businesswoman. Her current mission is to give the Grid a foothold in the Mushroom Kingdom, both economically and through positive relations with certain highly influential characters (Jeeves for example), as well as acquire copies of the Haltman Works Co.'s files on the triplets' creation, since those are probably the most complete documentation of how to create and deploy an SMG Mod Package outside of Adminspace itself, and the Grid's not stupid enough to infiltrate that place with their current somewhat limited resources.
There's also Astra's handler/creator/partner/guy-in-the-chair/"word around the office is there's something going on between them" Agent Zed. Zed was chosen for this assignment due to his skill as an artist and programmer rather than as an agent, so he's honestly just a normal, kind of nerdy guy.
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kate-m-art · 2 years
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I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new in a while, been working on projects a lot but ajdjfk here's some p rough sketches I did the other day,, was researching fairy brides in Scottish, Irish and Welsh folklore and fell down a rabbit hole, will put a couple of my favorite ideas i stumbled across below the cut but akdkdk Just thinking about Maggie feeling a little homesick for the fae realm occasionally. She doesn't regret a single choice she made tho.
One idea that I ran across was that marrying a mortal resulted in banishment from the fae realm. That made much more sense to me as i don't see Mags making her marriage vows to Link conditional like happens in many folktales. When the husband inevitably violates the fae's conditions (even by accident) she up and leaves to return to her realm, leaving her husband and usually her children as well and yeah,,, just don't see that being the case with Maggie. Lady was very sure of what she wanted and,,, fairies dont make promises lightly, when she made her vows she knew the weight of it for her kind and meant them.
Another idea was that just like how mortals aren't supposed to eat fae food if they ever want to return home from the fae realm, fairies eating human food over years results in them becoming more mortal and human (which could be a reason lady aged right along with her husband and eventually passed even tho she used to be ageless.)
One more neat thing was that I read the Welsh tale Llyn y Fan Fach for the first time. It's about a lady of the lake (a fairy) marrying a human and ajdjfkkd tho she leaves at the end she teaches her children the art of healing and they and their descendants become known as Physicians of Myddfai. Just think it's neat cause for months now already planned for Mags to have a Welsh accent and ajdjfkfk already planned that she teaches Gayle how to follow in her footsteps as a healer since they share the same magic for it. Just think it's neat there's a legend out there w some parallels TvT
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theangrycomet-art · 2 years
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Rough Line Up for the Galarian gang’s outfits at the beginning at the night for my fic First Impressions
(Piers isn’t short he’s just the only adult that doesn’t break 6 ft here)
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mlady-magnolia · 9 months
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Guess who made a Mermaid AU~
I blame @nanocupcakes for this <3
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