#MEMES — answered
unhlnged · 10 months
Thought-provoking headcanon meme
@sarcaasmic asked
🎁 – Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not?
Birthdays in the Cameron household were a huge thing – if they were Sarah’s birthdays. Rafe couldn’t really remember celebrating his birthdays like that, but he still remembered what he got for some of his birthdays.
On his 5th birthday Rafe got a plushie whale, he loved so much, he carried it around everywhere and lost it to the sea when he threw it from his father’s boat in a rage fit and it didn’t swim back to him, though he waited.
On his 6th birthday he got told that he would have another baby sister and that was the best present ever.
On his 9th birthday he got forgotten, since it was just a few days after his mother was gone and never came back, though he waited.
On his 11th birthday he got a drone, which he crashed into the rooftop that very same day. He didn’t care. He didn’t want it anyway. He wanted a Ken doll, so his sister would let him play with her and her friends. But dolls are not for boys.
On his 14th birthday he got a watch and a punch with the fist from his dad, because he cracked the glass when he got in a fight at school.
On his 16th birthday he got a car he crashed that very night. He wasn’t a bad driver, and it had nothing to do with the fact that he had failed the driving test. He was a good driver, he was just drunk. Very drunk.
On his 17th birthday he got his first line of coke from a guy whose name he only learned later.
On his 18th birthday he got told that he was an adult now and needed to get his shit together.
On his 20th birthday he got so high, he forgot himself.
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cthulhued · 1 year
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@kingsnack sent  📱 for an insight of TOMMY HAGAN’S phone.
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itashiro-hitsuchiha · 16 days
Rumor has it Yuuma has been seeing Rangiku Matsumoto in secret for the past few months
Send "Rumor Has It..." And a rumor about my muse and see how they respond.
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"So what if I am? She's usually the first one I see on my way to visit my sister so it's only natural." Is he telling the truth? Or is he just bluffing going along with it?
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a-crookedtouch-a · 7 months
(Marionmaverick, Calem) "Yeah yeah, they're so sad. They're also the silliest idiots in all of Faerun."
“Oh I wouldn’t call them sad exactly. Pathetic, yes.” He stood some distance away from the more boisterous celebratory of the patrons. Drunk upon a table and demonstrating the worst coordination in dancing he had the displeasure of witnessing. “Idiots, they most definitely are. I was hoping for a bit more excitement than whatever this is.” He motioned vaguely to spectacle before them.
If only he had better vintage wine or something more filling than swine’s blood in his goblet. Alas! The night was to be a total loss.
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mahoushojoumonster · 7 months
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The party is in full swing, people talking and drinking in celebration. It would almost be deafening, except for the little alcove they find themselves tucked into, a quieter space, just out of the way enough to watch the revelry without being seen for a moment.
Mana finishes her drink and places the cup down, enjoying the feeling of slight fuzziness that fills her head. Not enough to be drunk, just enough to blur the edges a little. She hums along to the music, giggling as she watches some fancy courtesan make the always-futile attempt to woo Priest Seth.
“That poor woman… no idea who she’s dealing with.” She rolls her eyes and turns to Atem, eyes sparkling. “Should we go rescue… him? Her? I’m honestly not so sure who is more in need of it, but he looks pissed.”
She flits back around to let him see, leaning over his shoulder to continue watching, wobbling only slightly on her tiptoes, and she finds herself pitching into his back a little. She steadies herself with a soft apology, before biting her lip, trying to steel her nerves over a sudden intrusive thought that has taken her fancy.
She clears her throat, before leaning down and pressing her lips to his shoulder in a soft kiss. Her fingers travel down his arm to take his hand, unusually bold for being as out in the open as they were. As she squeezes his hand, she kisses at the skin of his shoulder again, giving him a soft nuzzle.
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“I love you,” she mumbles. And then she bites over where she’s just kissed, feeling more than a little awkward. “Hehe… you should probably make a reappearance at your party soon…”
💋✨ @ofthepuzzle | different ways to kiss someone
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prokopetz · 3 months
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midnightepiphany · 2 years
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going through my old journals as part of therapy homework and i'm reading a section written in the emotional wreckage of a full-on breakdown when i get hit with this line:
There is never a satisfying answer to ‘Why didn’t they love me?’
like wow babe. good fucking point
#like you were on the ground biting the carpet and dry sobbing while you wrote that and still. good fucking point#not a shitpost#cptsd#and it's true. there's never a satisfying answer#the truth is i know why i wasn't loved#i analyzed my parent's traumas and abuse to death. i understand why i alienated and was alienated from my siblings#i know why my mom was too overwhelmed to be capable of nurturing#i know why my dad vanished into addiction and avoidance#the details of our cycles of trauma and cptsd and family history i have a phd in all of it#i understood perfectly. i spent years studying and now i knew the answer#and guess what? IT WAS NOT SATISFYING!!!#because they still didn't love me! and i still couldn't change that!#it was still a completely unsatisfying state of affairs!#so like. when the people who are supposed to love you...don't.#when the people who are supposed to take care of you...fail to#you can look for answers and reasons and explanations#but that's not actually going to FIX your situation.#and it's probably not within your ability TO fix the situation. (and definitely not your job)#because you don't need answers--you need a new situation#*inserts Just Walk Out. You Can Leave!!! (Running Skeleton) Meme*#and yes. walking out isn't always possible.#but for you i hope it will be one day soon. and i hope you build the courage to take that leap.#stepping away from the people who failed to love you...it feels like being untethered but also like being lighter than air#new and scary. immensely relieving. the future opens up. empty but empty like a canvas. blindingly bright until your eyes adjust#like climbing out of a pit you called home and for the first time realizing how bright the light of day can truly be#when you aren't just getting glimpses from the bottom of a hole
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hailmarymachine · 1 year
“ is… that my shirt you’re wearing? ”  
One of the kids accidentally spilled their dunkin' all over his shirt between classes. At least it was halfway through the day, he told himself. Now at least he only had to smell like caramel swirl for three more hours (if he was looking at the positives). Did he plan on using one of his backup shirts instead? Only when he was sure he'd had it here and not back at the apartment to get washed. The guilt settled in his chest, hoping Miguel wouldn't be bothered by the idea - but now he wasn't so sure the guy actually was okay with this kind of boundary being crossed. Flash swallowed, thinking carefully what to say next. "Yeah uh- ...sorry."
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qiinamii · 10 months
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"Xiao does things" (and friends) twitter log part 2
-- UPDATE: removed some of the arts to make its own individual post since I am bad at organizing, sorry! (but the last one is new lol) xD
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unhlnged · 9 months
📸 From Chrissy
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📸 Send me a picture of your muse, for my muse to react to! 
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Oh my god. Rafe swallowed hard when he saw that picture of Chrissy. She was just so beautiful. So fragile.
He looked over to her, sitting at the table next to him busy with her task and he hoped he hadn’t said that out loud.
They were sitting so close to each other, but had not once touched arms, not even accidentally – or “accidentally”. A few days ago, she had talked about how she had to sort thousands of photos for the local magazine. A tedious task she had volunteered to do because the girl who used to do that was somehow gone (yet another mysterious Hawkins incident) and Chrissy had always had a too pure heart and would even help some losers with their loser magazine. And when she talked about what she would be doing that Saturday afternoon, Rafe had spoken before thinking and offered his help. A very un-Rafe thing to do, he knew that himself. So now, instead of getting wasted with his jock friends, he had been looking through piles and piles of photos for the past twenty minutes or so with Chrissy Cunningham. Pictures showing town hall meetings and sports games, gardening competitions and school events. Pictures showing old and new buildings, giant potatoes, portraits and snapshots of random people. And that one photo of her. Rafe immediately felt an uncalled for surge of jealousy of who ever took that picture.
Hopefully unnoticed, he placed a hand on the photo, moved it slowly over the table and dropped it onto his lap from which he quickly snatched it and – hopefully still unnoticed – put it into his jeans pocket. Why did he do that? Did that mean that he …? – Shut up!
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cthulhued · 1 year
❦ ( maybe...consider steve & chrissy? ) @storyfm
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itashiro-hitsuchiha · 2 months
📝 Naruto
Send me “📝 + (fandom)” and I’ll reply with a character I would RP from that fandom
Oh boy....this is gonna be a tough one as I do like a majority of the characters but aside from the two I currently have I am unsure about trying any of the other ones there. But if I HAD to pick I'd probably try either Naruto himself, or maybe someone like Ino or something. I can't really say for sure.
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a-crookedtouch-a · 7 months
"I do think Boo, the miniature giant space hamster, does have opinions. You just won't know what they are." (from Shadowheart lol)
“Well of course we won’t!” Astarion was visibly frustrated over this bloody creature. He spent enough time in Minsc’s presence the day before. Where everyone pretended and catered to his delusion. Astarion's willingness to play along snuffed out; somewhere between the docks and the Sundries. “The hamster doesn’t say a damn thing. We both know it. We shouldn’t indulge Minsc by pretending.”
“Ugh.” The sound of disgust came unbidden. “I thought you better than this, Shadowheart. Being the—“ He made a vague gesture with his hand. “—sensible one.”
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dahliadagger · 7 months
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sir you'll have to specify that a little
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forecast0ctopus · 1 month
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putting those men in a Situation
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