theequestriansims · 3 months
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Member Spotlight: @westwoodequestriancenter1 ••• Hey everyone!! My name is Mia and I own and run Westwood Equestrian Center & Westwood Kennels!! We are known for our top bloodline Borzois that we breed occasionally!! Though we also specialize in showing and training PREs, Barock Pintos & Appaloosa Sport Horses!! Though of course we have some other gorgeous breeds! As well as this Mia shows her dogs in Shutzhund, Conformation & Obidence. Follow along on our Instagram and Tumblr to see some gorgeous horses and dogs!!
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ohkaycafe · 1 year
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✨️ Member Spotlight: @visag14 ✨️
VisaG is a digital artist that specializes in character and creature design as well as illustration. You'll find her work nestled into nearly every artbook/zine the community has as she is always willing to jump in and collaborate. VisaG is a longtime member of our community and integral part of our every day life!
We whole heartedly recommend checking out her work:
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katseyeworld · 2 months
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beyourownuk · 3 months
Interview Spotlight With Arati Nar
Arati Nar started her retail career as part of the core team at Ocado during their startup years and grew to lead the marketing team through the online retailer’s colossal growth, exiting in 2015. Arati learnt first-hand the power of business with authenticity and the consumer at its heart. The knowledge and experience she gained during these years at Ocado were paramount when she finally…
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sisaloofafump · 3 months
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I think about this quote everyday. You're right Arthur, they ARE best friends and it IS kind of adorable
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brickcentral · 17 days
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🤩 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: paps.bricks Hello everyone! It's time to direct the spotlight toward our community members, and today we will get to know better paps.bricks!
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"Hi everyone. I am Skevos Papageorgiou from Nicosia, Cyprus and I work as a teacher at a primary school.
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During the pandemic, I stumbled upon the fascinating world of toy photography, initially experimenting with Playmobil figures. Yet, it was the captivating LEGO creations that truly sparked my imagination.
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Despite never owning a LEGO set before last year, I started collecting my first modulars, finding endless inspiration for my snapshots.
My favorite photo subjects derive from the Wild West, pirate adventures and the medieval era. But I also tend to like the simplicity of everyday life scenes.
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In my photos I always include some sort of building like workplaces, rooms, or facades etc because they add depth and give viewers more to explore beyond just the minifigure. These details enhance the storytelling in each image, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in it.
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Once my setup is ready, I always shoot at the eye level of the minifigure for reasons we're all familiar with. From there, it's all about experimenting with the aperture, lighting, angle, and more until I achieve the desired result.
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Drawing ideas from Pinterest, my main goal is to create narratives and capture moments infusing each photo with a unique story. I only wish the process from conception to setup and finally the photo wouldn’t span several days. I must admit I envy people who complete their work in the blink of an eye.
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Despite the time-consuming nature of this hobby, every moment spent orchestrating these miniature scenes is incredibly soothing and enjoyable. Though, I must admit, once the shoot is over, the eagerness to tidy up and store everything back in drawers is undeniable!
For my photos I use an Olympus M. Zuiko Digital 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6, a couple of RGB lights by ulanzi and A4 papers as a reflector.
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Thank you to the LEGO community for embracing my creative endeavors, and here’s to many more adventures in the world of toy photography!"
Thank you for accepting our invitation and let the community knows you better!
If you want some insights on the exclusive picture and for a better view of the others, head to our blog at https://brickentral.net/.
- @theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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gmgt-mifa · 11 days
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This is your reminder that for one short moment, cotton candy chan was real
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hamable · 10 months
I didn’t realize how deep the itch was until now, but Mentopolis is scratching a narrative/meta narrative itch that’s one of my favorite things as a reader and writer. Like they all have roles in the human body and in the brain and everything they do in their little body society correlates in real time to Elias Hodge’s body and getting to decipher what each relationship and interaction means both for the characters and for the mentality of Elias is mmmmm scrumptious delicious I love it I eat it up
More thoughts in notes
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alistonjdrake · 5 months
Through Ice & Terror: AKA The Project June Hopes to Outline this Year
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one girlfailure black/bi protag + my geniune love and defense of love triangles/messy romantic situations + a gilded age America-inspired fantasy setting + a drop of an ice age + fantasy of manners = the wip I hope to fully outline this year!
Her dangerously charming ex-husband, her loyal childhood friend, her beguiling former fiancé, and a mysterious politician in need of a wife all threaten to upend the slight peace of Naomi Nettles' existence. Born without the gift of Insight, the ability to see the monsters that plague the world outside the cities in the Frost Wastes, and a trait ruefully abundant in her family, Naomi is treated as little more than expendable. An embarrassment to her family and peers and seemingly with little social standing in a stifling community, when her mother calls her home to introduce her to one Vivian Quinlan -An upstart politician from the capital desperate enough to marry the last single Nettles daughter - Naomi finally believes things are looking up. That is until one of her former romantic prospects winds up dead and Naomi finds herself firmly in the middle of a murderous conspiracy between several factions that could threaten to undo the fragile alliances between the cities among the Frost Wastes and what little normalcy remains in Naomi's life.
This is a less a wip intro and more so the beginning of what I hope will serve as a year-long accountability thread as I flesh out my ideas, characters, and get a concrete hold on the story before I officially start it (but, as I am myself, some stuff is already written and I'm really doing this to feel out interest)
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They should revive Sensation Comics and make it a Wonder Fam anthology series, similar to the current Action Comics.
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theequestriansims · 3 months
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Member Spotlight: @kelseybeehilleq ••• Hi all! Kelsey here with Beehill Sport Horses. I’ve been a member of TES since October of 2023 and have been absolutely loving every second of it. Our facility focuses on the breeding, starting, training, and competing of hunters, jumpers, and equitation horses. I have a few side businesses, as well - I run Beehill Photo Editing Services and am a co-owner of The Equestrian Sims BIY Studbook. I adore this community and would love if you stopped by to say hello!
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Fred looking Sweet in S O U R
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ohkaycafe · 1 year
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✨️ Member Spotlight: A3rrona ✨️
A3rrona is an artist that specializes in character and creature concept and design; Not only do they create beautiful pieces of art but they inspire others to create and do their very best. You will find A3rrona's work in countless community projects and events.
A3rrona is a longtime member of the cafe and has assumed a "Community Sage" role to reflect that; Thank you for being such a huge part of the cafe and helping mold it into what it is today.
I absolutely recommend checking out their work and supporting them on social media: Instagram
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katseyeworld · 2 months
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beyourownuk · 4 months
Interview Spotlight With Kuljeet Kaur Sohal
Interview Spotlight With Kuljeet Kaur Sohal #BEYOUROWN
Kuljeet Kaur Sohal is mum to two young boys and CEO of Uzuri Aesthetics, an award-winning online luxury skincare company known across the UK for its premium, medical-grade skincare products.  An expert in her field, Kuljeet is a Level 7 trained aesthetic practitioner and prescribing pharmacist. Her passion for skincare started at a young age. While growing up, Kuljeet suffered from eczema, which…
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unproduciblesmackdown · 9 months
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immediately obsessed with this pic posted by summer stock ensemble member hannah balagot, "Sunday grills with Will"
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