pastafossa · 1 year
i’m curious and idk if you’ve answered something like this before but what type of music do you think matt and jane like, both individually or maybe what they’re introduced each other too etc etc
ok so I've been thinking about this since it came in but haven't had time until now BUT
Matt first! Matt mentions in S2 at the gala that he likes to listen to 90s Top 40. This includes a shit ton of good stuff - you've got everyone from Whitney Houston and Elton John to Nirvana and Green Day (no way teenage Matt didn't have a Green Day period). On top of that, in the comics iirc he mentions enjoying Jazz, and I know Charlie's been asked the same question and said he imagined Matt would like listening to classical (if I was building on that last one along with Matt's stated fondness for 90s top 40, I'd say he'd especially enjoy, say, an artist like David Garrett who frequently does rock covers with his violin). I could pick just one of those to lean into as to what Matt likes, but I don't think I need to. I think it's far more likely that Matt's a blend of musical tastes, because with his heightened senses, there'd be different things to appreciate with each. And while I do think there are songs and sounds he finds unpleasant, I think he can swing around pretty easily between genres. I see him listening to a fair amount of 90s/2000s rock (tends to drown the world out, and the rebellious streak in him probably takes some pleasure in enjoying what he might have been told was 'worldly listening' by nuns). But I also see him as enjoying a fair amount of softer classical songs or pop and folk (easier on his ears, or nice for dates as we know), as well as jazz (relaxing). This is great for Jane, because it means Matt would have an excellent talent for pulling out old hits she only vaguely remembers listening to but really enjoyed, and also for following her on whatever musical journey she takes - he'd also be a little more up to date on music than her, so he'd probably introduce her to some new(ish) alt artists, softer sounds usually - Jaymes Young, some of Hozier's newer stuff, songs he thinks she'll connect to.
Sweet moment: somewhere lost in the mountain of asks in my box I vaguely remember someone saying they could see Matt liking to play Jane love songs to see if he could get her to sing them later, like she was singing to him. And I love this and agree with it. Especially on bad and broken, self-loathing days, cause he needs love on those days, wants to hear Jane hum or quietly sing the words, because then it's like she's singing all that love to him. And once she figures out that's what he's doing, she makes a point of doing it more often, even putting on the songs herself and mumbling them quietly as he lays with his head on her chest, her fingers in his hair.
Jane next. I had to think about this for a while (and as always, as musical preferences are VERY personal, ya'll are free to disregard this). I can tell you that while she's ok with classical now and can even enjoy it sometimes (first date), she had to work at that one with Ciro since there was a lot of classical played 'for brain development' while she was at White Coat's facility. Outside that though, she wasn't sure what she liked when she first came out. She tried a lot of things with Ciro and Eli and Sophia, much like she did with food, hunting for what she enjoyed. I think, at least initially, a lot of the music she heard - classical, pop, jazz, country, ballads, Disney even - was too... gentle. Cause this poor kid? She was angry. She felt awkward, out of place. She still felt trapped by nightmares and PTSD, and wanted to feel free, to shout, to revel in something that wasn't slow and measured and soft, something that seemed to acknowledge the pain of what she'd went through. But you know what channeled those feelings really well? Fucking punk rock. And if we assume she's close to Matt's age, then at 16 she was freed at the right time to roll right into Green Day, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance. I think she vibed hard with that genre during those few years with Ciro before going on the run again, and it's something she'll always have a fondness for even if she's now expanded her tastes - because ultimately I think, with where she's at now, she's become a bit of a racoon. She'd delight in listening to artists across multiple genres based solely on some random quirk or line or chorus that stuck in her head, just because she can. Which means Matt's just as likely to come home to Jane howling along to a nostalgic punk rock song as he is to her blasting some random Broadway tune she heard in a cab (no one is immune to Lin Manuel) or a Taylor Swift song on loop because this sounds like us, Matt, what the fuck, have you heard this?
Funny moment: needless to say she is not prepared for Dance Dance to be her song of the evening as Matt walks through the door one night - she freezes, wondering if this is going to be an Ow My Ears song.
At least until he throws out, 'I'm two quarters and a heart down' and tosses his cane as her eyes light up and he grins-
-then the chorus hits and they both fucking rock.
They both wind up collapsed on the floor giggling. And that's when she is reminded that, yet again, Matt is the perfect man to go with her wherever her music journey takes her.
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I’m not sure where you’re ask went, but its gone. So, here it is.
Ask: Hello. I have a question for you; How would the 2p Allies react to finding how that their darling was homeless? I like to imagine that, during the stalking phase of things, they realize that Y/N is staying in an abandoned building/sleeping in a car/living in a makeshift shelter/campsite in the woods. My personal preference is for a combination of these with the campsite being used for most of the year and Y/N switching to a car/abandoned building in inclement weather and then moving back to the woods before they are discovered in their temporary accommodations. I would really like to know how the yandere 2ps react upon discovering this situation. (Please don’t feel obligated to answer if this topic makes you feel uncomfortable.)
Summer’s reign on the land had begun to wane with the attack of a cool breeze. It rattled not only the leaves on the trees but also the young woman that walked beneath their full arms.
(Y/N)’s spine shuttered as she cuddled deeper into her red and black plaid jacket. Breathing deeply as the warmth slowly returned like the rise of a freshly squished piece of memory foam.
Standing tall once more, (Y/N) turned off the park’s asphalt path. Her scuffed boots crunched the foliage under her foot as she swept branches out of her way. Until she came to a familiar clearing.
As the meadow’s tall grass greeted her with gentle waves, (Y/N)’s shoulders relaxed. Her (E/C) looked toward its shaved center, where her faded blue, tattered tent stood like the ruins of a castle awaiting its lost queen’s return. The fire ring full of white, fluffy ash, and smoked wood quickened her summoning at the promise of dinner and hypnotic entertainment.
All the while, she was unaware of the shadow lingering in the tree line.
America: Under the influence of nature’s rhythm, (Y/N)’s evening and night went as smoothly as a newborn’s first in this world.
The hum of cicadas and the singing of birds acted like an alarm as (Y/N) stretched her stiff body. Muscles burned for a moment before a purr-worthy tingle came from their relaxation.
Shaking the sleep from her eyes, (Y/N) shuffled around, changed, and packed a small, silver bag of toiletries into a large black bag full of her necessities for the day.
(Y/N) left the tent, she inhaled deeply. Letting the fresh, morning air fill her lungs as she began to jog back to society.
Her steps were muffled until they turned into the loud taps on the asphalt.
Alone, she continued on, passing under trees and around water fountains. Lost in the wonder of her inner monologue, she didn’t feel the stare on her back until a thunderous, mechanical roar ripped away her peace.
Much like a terrified rabbit, (Y/N) whipped around to face her potential predator.
At the path’s end was a large, green hilltop. On its peak was a man, dressed in all black leather, his face covered by a dark helmet. The creator of the cacophony was the matte, black Ninja bike between his legs.
(Y/N) stepped back. Her body tensed as it prepared to run. With the second roar acting as a start pistol, she sprinted.
Dashing down the path, she could feel the vibrations from the approaching bike. (Y/N) dove to the side, rolling and sliding in the wet grass when she felt fingers graze her jacket.  
Panting, she was horrified when the bike turned around sharply, kicking up the dirt in an arch. Charging her once more. Scrambling and falling from the dew, (Y/N) could only scream when she was forcibly pulled across the man’s lap.
Her cries for help were hidden by the machine’s screams. Pushing and struggling against the man did nothing for his grip was stronger than steel cables.
She was helpless and scared of what was to come from this strange man.
France: The fire danced and sang with a crackle of dying wood as (Y/N) relaxed against one of her wooden log seats.
A bowl full of simple, canned chili sat in her relaxed hands as she looked up to the sky. The stars blurred like reminders about battery life on a dying phone as the exhaustion of the day began to lower her eyelids.
Grunting and wobbling to a stand, (Y/N) washed her dishes and cooled the fire allowing its grey steam to hiss from the blue bucket of water before heading to her tent. Hoping to reset her biological clock for the next day.
So deep was her sleep that she did not hear the near-silent shift of dirt, nor feel the ground’s momentarily disappearance that became a gentle rocking.
Birds chirped their loud sonnets of greeting to the bright morning. The frequency and intense volume made her brow twitch, once then twice. Before (Y/N) grumbled, opening her eyes and quibbling her way outside, ready to shout for the birds to shut their mouths.
When she froze at the unzipped tent door. Her jaw dropped at the tall cement walls around her.
Eyes roaming, she crept outward. Spinning around to view the small suburban yard. The only thing besides her tent and the grass was the grey house with a man behind her.
She watched as the man leaned against the black railing. His face was hollow from many nights without rest and a cigarette in his teeth. Stubble and greasy blond hair completed the look of someone that was too old and tired to care about the desires of others.
Frozen still, she listened as he called out to her by name.
“Don’t be difficult, it’s time to come inside. I’ve even got the help preparing a bath for you.”
Shaking, she shook her head no, she shuffled back to her tent. Zipping it up she hoped with squeezed eyes that she would awake back in the meadow.
It was silent until the unzipping of the door only confirmed her new reality as cold hands grabbed her arms. Dragging her to the terrifyingly strange man.
Canada: Arms deep in her tent, (Y/N) began to pull everything she needed from her tent. Canned goods, a pot, large bottles of water, and a bundle of wood were set by her knees.
She was smacking the imaginary dirt off her hands when the loud snap of a stick took made her pause. Slowly she looked in the direction of the sound. Her eyes widened and her heart began to pick up its pace at the monster before her.
A large polar bear with crimson-stained claws and maw stood no more than twelve feet from her. Its wild fur and small bead-like eyes sent earth-splitting tremors through her world. The scent of decay that emitted from the beast caused vomit and bile to lurch up her throat like an aggressive dog barley being held back by a leash.
Swallowing, (Y/N) floundered backward keeping low to ground. As much as she preyed that the predator did not see her, it was in vain as the animal lunged.
(Y/N) shrieked and sprinted deeper into the woods. Dodging trees and holding back cries as cuts appeared from the thorny foliage.
It felt like the bear was chasing her for miles as she was forced to alter her path with each lunge and swipe.
(Y/N) followed the yell to the right, spotting a cabin with a man in the distance. His scarred hands waved her toward safety as he ran to her, grabbing (Y/N)’s arm to force her forward up the stairs.
“The door’s open, go!
Staggering she watched as the tall, lumberjack wrestled with the bear. Still screaming for her to hide in his home.
Only nodding, she followed his orders and hid deep within the coat closet of his cabin. Covering her ears as she waited for the battle to end. Wondering if her savior survived.
Her ears perked at the sound of the front door creaking open, and to her relief, she heard only one set of footsteps.
She peeked out the door and gasped at the sight of her mostly unmangled hero. His large arms suffered minor gashes and bruises which darkened his flannel by a few spots.
Their eyes made contact. His brightened at her safety and her full of concern as she approached. Asking if he was alright and how she could thank him.
Chuckling, he answered. “We’re not out of the woods yet, Maple. That bear’s gonna hang around for a while.”
Fear-filled, (Y/N) stuttered. “W-what am I supposed to do? I live in those woods.”
“Well,” The man scratched the back of his head. “You could stay with me. Even repaying the favor by helping around my house. But importantly you’ll also be safe.”
England: (Y/N) rubbed her feet, sore from the miles trekked in old boots as she sat on the cushioned orange sleeping bag.
With her feet now eased of their deep ache, she flopped back. Ready to embrace the darkness of dreamless sleep.
Her heavy lids closed only to snap open at the sound of a dying shriek. She rushed to her elbows and listened closely. More screams and cries cut through the night like a knife slicing human flesh.
Racing through the night, a simple switchblade in hand, (Y/N) followed death’s whistle like a dog to its owner.
Pushing through the overgrowth, (Y/N) nearly vomited at the blood-soaked man before her.
His ribcage was forced open like angel wings erupting from his chest. Body position like he was attempting to crawl away while maintaining eye contact with a deadly predator. His intestines were thrown to the side like rope meant to anchor a boat, his lungs full of punctures, and his heart was gone.
A squeaky choked sob took the place of the vomit that should have been allowed to flow. (Y/N) backed up a step. Shock left her unsure of what to do.
“Poor dear.” Cooed a British accent behind her.
Her hair whipped into her face as she spun to face a thin, pale man with strawberry blond hair. Covered in blood.
“Who are you?” She whispered, curling into herself.
Giggling like a schoolchild at a fearful kitten, he came closer. “You’re husband, dearie.”
 A sudden sharp blow to the back of the head forced her down to her knees. (Y/N) groaned and attempted to recover as the world swirled around her.
“Don’t worry poppet. I’ll fill you in once you wake up.”
The swirling didn’t stop. It progressed to darkness.
Russia: (Y/N)’s night turned to day like the sweet summer breeze. Now refreshed she gathered supplies to begin her restock.
A wallet, an empty backpack, and two large totes were all she needed as she left the comfort of the meadow.
The journey to the store as well as the shopping was like a repeat cut scene in a videogame. The change came on the return trip.
As she walked down the empty sidewalks, a black 1930s GAZ matched her pace. No matter how she moved through the maze of alleys, there the car was. It played with her mind like it was a sick game.
Fear and anger flared like the heat from an open flame as she steeled herself. Standing tall, (Y/N) yelled to the stoic vehicle.
“What do you want?!”
(Y/N) gasped and her knees trembled as more cars appeared. Each one was the same make and model. Her mind ran with questions that had no answers as a car door clicked open. 
A man of tall stature and with a stoic expression that offered no comfort left the vehicle. He stood still for only long enough to close the door before his long legs closed the distance. 
With no choice but to bend her neck back. She looked into his crimson eyes and was enraptured by his deep voice that numbed her brain.
“Privet, little one.” His tone was gentle, as he emptied her hand of the tote and laid a kiss upon her knuckle. “I believe it is time we discussed your living situation.”
Blinking rapidly, removing her hand from the cold kiss. (Y/N) laughed. “Umm… no. I don’t know you and what the heck do you know.”
“Enough. Now, let us be off.” He turned and took a few steps, before stopping when (Y/N) didn’t move.
“Darling, I did not ask. Come now, or else.”
Shaking, (Y/N) asked, “Else what?”
Force was all he said as banditti began to reveal themselves from their identical cars.
China: Groggily (Y/N)’s mind processed the sounds of barking and slapping against her canvas tent. With some effort, she stumbled toward the door. Opening it with a struggle.
As the panel fell, a bright flash blinded her for a moment; before the shadow of an officer dressed in blue filled her vision.
“Get out of the tent.” His voice was thick with authority.
 Compiling, (Y/N) did not want more trouble for being caught camping within a public park. She stood with her hands up, glancing around. She noted in her view that there were three other officers, two with growling K-9 units.
Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself. “On what grounds are you holding me.”
The same officer from before held up a bag full of white crystals. “Squatting and drug possession.”
Like a whip's crack, she denied knowledge of the foul substance. Claiming that it was placed, screaming for a print dust. Her verbal protesting grew louder as the officers moved to take her to the flashing cop car.
Once within the car, she shuddered into silence. The drive and screening process was faster than the color changes of the siren’s light.
Stuck within her mind unable to process the event, she sat shivering in the dark cell. Crying into her knees as her fears came to the forefront of her solitude.
Left in her torment, she ignored the two sets of footsteps that stopped in front of her cell. The soft, warm voice that called out to her awoke her from the pain.
(Y/N) stared with red, itchy eyes at the arresting officer and his strange Chinese partner. Unsure of what both were going to do with her in the dark.
“See, Jin.” He gestured. “Told ya I would catch her for ya. Now, you’re end of the deal?”
This, Jin, nodded and handed the crooked cop a large bag of the same substance that was claimed to be found at her campsite.
“YOU!” (Y/N) accused, jumping to her feet as she jabbed a finger at the drug dealer.
“Yes, me.” Jin smiled, his eyes twinkling in the darkness.
“Now will you come quietly or do you need a few more days to stew before I force you home?”
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mattscoquette · 2 months
“ 𝐨𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝜗𝜚 “
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: based off of mary's song by taylor swift
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: kissing, slight arguing, no use of y/n
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.1k
𝐚/𝐧: this is one of my fav taylor swift songs i hope u all enjoy reading this much as i did writing it !! matt is so mary’s song coded so i had to do this. i love u all ty for all the love i’ve been getting on my writing!
xoxo ₊˚⊹ ୨ৎ
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i was seven and you were nine
i looked at you like the stars that shine
and our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love
you were in the backyard, running around on the wooden play set your dad had built for your fifth birthday. it was an early evening in mid august, the heat of the summer day finally beginning to cool down. your family invited the neighbors over for a barbecue for about the third time this week, and it was only thursday.
“matty,” you giggled, brushing the dirt off your knees from the slight tumble you took, “i said no tag backs.” your mother had put your auburn hair into braids for today, which were beginning to fall out from all of your running around. you wore a light green sundress, bringing out the slight green specks in your usual blue irises.
matt laughed back down at you, running away once more, yelling you’re it. you watched as the taller blonde boy made his way down the slide, getting his washed out overalls wet from the sprinkler water that was spraying around the yard.
you two continued to run around while your dad was cooking, admiring the way the two children interacted.
“i bet they’ll get married on day.” he told matt’s dad.
take me back when our world was one block wide
i dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried
later that night, matt and his family stayed past dinner to have a bonfire. matt, being the big boy he said he was, convinced his parents to let him walk up the road to the connivence store with you to retrieve things to make s’mores with. he was nine now, after all. following thirty minutes of being told to stick together and don’t talk to strangers, you and matt made the quarter of a mile trek with the thirty dollars your mom gave you two.
although the walk wasn’t that far, it still was still exhausting seemed to take days, especially to your poor seven year old self. to make the time pass, you and matt threw rocks down the sidewalk, racing each other to see who’d get there first. matt won, but only because you were tired, or so you claimed.
you two began walking again, hands swinging next to one another.
“truth or dare, matty?” you spoke, grinning over at matt, flashing your new grown up teeth that were starting to grow in.
“hmmm,” matt began, already knowing his answer. he shuffled his feet on the sidewalk, trailing behind you slightly to make you look back and laugh. “dare.”
you thought for a moment, trying to come up with a dare. there wasn’t much to do seeing as you two were walking to the store.
“kiss me” you giggled, puckering your lips out at matt. when he began to pucker his back, you ran up the road to the store shrieking.
well, i was sixteen when suddenly i wasn't that little girl you used to see
you and matt stayed friends your whole childhood. constantly at each other’s houses, having after school play dates or movie nights during the weekend. you two were inseparable. over the years, you two began to change, both physically and mentally. you shot up when you were about 12, standing a few inches taller than matt, until he came home from summer camp taller than you again. you two went through the awkward teenage phases together, finally now growing out of it.
today was your sixteenth birthday, and matt was over at your house with his family for dinner and cake. you’d always been pretty to matt, but over the last year he’s watched you grow into the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. you’d grown tall, having long slim legs that seemed to be miles high. your hair stayed the same color, unlike matt’s who’s had turned brunette over time. you started wearing makeup recently, not much, but enough to accentuate your already stunning features.
matt watched you in awe as you blew out your birthday candles, silently hoping you wished for him. after dessert, the two of you found yourselves outside sitting on the swings of the play set you two used to once roam. you looked beautiful underneath the stars, wearing a brand new blue sundress you bought last weekend. you and matt gazed at each other, both secretly wanting more than you had now.
“remember when i used to give you birthday punches?” matt laughed, peering down into his lap and swinging ever-so-slightly.
you giggled, recalling the time he’d accidentally hit you so hard you’d bruised. he cried for days afterwards, he felt so bad.
“do i get any this year?” you asked him, leaning over into him more as he sat next to you, staring back into your blue eyes.
she shook his head. “i can give you something else.”
you didn’t realize how far you two leaned in until you felt his soft lips pressed to yours.
you smiled lightly as matt pulled away, suddenly feeling them again back on your own.
this went on well past sixteen, finally letting go of so much pent up feelings towards one another, as the both of you spent the whole night exchanging kisses back and forth on your old play set. at the end of the night he asked you to be his girlfriend.
take me back to the time we had our very first fight
the slamming of doors instead of kissing goodnight
you and matt had been together for two years now. it was late spring, and you got accepted into your dream college. the only problem was the school was on the other side of the country. matt had stayed home after graduation, deciding he wanted to pursue a career in youtube with his brothers. you two were currently yelling back and forth about the future of your relationship.
“it’s not fair for you to leave!” matt argues, running his hands through his messy hair.
“we’ll be fine, matt,” you assured him also sounding upset, “this is my dream we’re talking about here.”
“how do you know we’ll be okay? we’ve spent our whole lives together.” the brunette boy shot back.
you began to feel tears prick your eyes, blinking to keep them at bay. he was right, you didn’t know for sure if you two would make it.
“i waited my whole life to finally be with you, i’m not losing you now.” matt shouted, his eyes becoming red with tears as well.
“you won’t lose me!” you tried to plea, full on crying now.
matt huffed, walking out of your bedroom, slamming the door behind him. you spent the whole night sobbing into your pillow, hugging a sweatshirt you had of matt’s. he’d done the same thing, waking up extra early the next morning to show up to your front door with flowers.
upon seeing your poor boy at the door with red puffy eyes clutching a bouquet of daisies, you pulled him in for the tightest hug you had in you. “i’m sorry pretty girl” he kept muttering into the side of your head, repedealty kissing you over and over again. you spent the day with him cuddling on the couch, legs intertwined with one another as you watched the movie. you were both uncertain about the future, but you had right now, and that’s what was most important.
a few years had gone and come around
we were sitting at our favorite spot in town and you looked at me, got down on one knee
matt decided to go out west with you to school. he couldn’t bare the idea of not being together for four years. he got an apartment that you two shared together, finally being able to wake up next to your favorite person everyday. little mundane things showed the love you two shared. you would wake up early for class, making an extra cup of coffee you’d set out for matt while you both ate breakfast together. you two had shared drawers, often finding his t-shirts mixed into your clothes. matt would always shower while you were in the bathroom getting ready for the day. little things.
it was now the summer after your college graduation, and you and matt were home visiting your families. upon arrival, his mother had sneakily given matt her engagement ring to propose to you with. you had no idea, so when matt had dropped to one knee in front of the connivence store you bought marshmallows from all those years back, you couldn’t contain your excitement.
take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle
our whole town came and our mamas cried
you and matt decided to get married the next summer, right in your old backyard. the once sturdy playground was now old and rotting, so your dad broke it apart and rebuilt it as the archway you and matt stood under as you exchanged your vows.
you both stood facing one another, hand in hand as you listened to the officiant list off the promises you two swore to keep until death do you part. matt looked at you beaming, tears in his eyes as he imagined the future he would share with the girl next door he fell in love with so many years ago.
“you may kiss the bride.” the man spoke as matt pulled you in. he grabbed your waist, spinning you around so he was holding you up as you leaned backwards, kissing you like you were the air he needed to breathe. you both smiled as you shared the moment with your families and friends, something they had all been waiting for since you both were kids.
take me home where we met so many years before
we'll rock our babies on that very front porch
you ended up moving into matt’s old childhood home after his parents moved out of state to retire. you made it a whole project together, updating the wall colors and floorboards, making it your home. you two spent countless days and nights at the hardware store, buying and returning supplies to make sure your new home together was perfect.
you both sat in the center of the living room, the furniture covered in plastic as a fresh coat of burgundy was plastered on the walls. exhausted from the day’s work, you two ordered chinese takeout for dinner.
“when should we tell everyone about the girls?” you asked matt, taking a bite into a spring roll. a few months ago, you found out you were pregnant. at the last doctor’s visit, you two were informed you had twin girls growing inside you. you and matt were absolutely ecstatic, already beginning to prepare the nursery.
“i don’t know, i just hope they have your hair.” he smiled back at you tiredly but with love in his eyes.
after all this time, you and i
a quick six months after that, you brought two beautiful baby girls into the world, who did in fact have your hair. matt loved you three to pieces, constantly attacking you guys with bear hugs when he returned home from long days at work.
becoming a parent was easily the best thing that ever happened to you and matt. you both promised to raise and love your girls as best you could, and you two had absolutely delivered. everyone loved the twins, claiming them to be “angels sent from heaven.”
as time went on, your girls got older, until eventually they were packing up for college, going to the same school you went to. the first few months were rough, you two not being used the quiet in the once loud and booming house. the quiet reminded you of your time before you were a parent, and when it used to just be you and matt.
i'll be eighty-seven, you'll be eighty-nine
i’ ll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky
you couldn’t have asked for a more perfect life. you spent all your time with the people who loved you the most, something a tangible item could never live up to. you and matt were sat on the porch of your house, waiting for one of your daughter’s to come home from the hospital with her first baby. you looked over at your husband, meeting the blue eyes you fell for so many years ago. you think about all the time’s you’ve shared together, both good and bad. you remember the big things, like being matt’s date to his prom, and the smaller things, like his promise to constantly keep your vases filled with fresh flowers.
you think to way back when you were seven years old, playing in your backyard with matt as your dad’s joked about you two growing up and getting married. oh my my my.
@alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Crossing Worlds
This all started because of this
Damian Wayne, age 18, son of Bruce Wayne the Batman. Was surprisingly walking aimlessly through the manor. He knew his father was in his study, Tim was in the cave, Jason, Dick, and Alfred were somewhere but that didn't matter to him. It was a rare moment where the manor was quiet, but his mind was anything but.
He found himself in one of the music rooms.
He went over to a blue and silver Stratocaster, what looked like two small earring hoops were pushed through the strap, the blue metal with each having three onyx bats shown against the matte strap. He plugged it in and begin to strum, after a while a melody was in his mind and he followed the song in his head. He was vaguely aware of his family coming in during the song, but he continued, his mind solely focused on the music.
"Wow I didn't know you could play Baby Bird" Grayson complemented after he had finished.
"Tt. I am proficient at many instruments" he responded calmly.
"Okay Demon Spawn is good at guitar" Todd started "Do you know any Jagged Stone songs?"
"Who?" he asked confused, this was apparently the wrong thing to say.
"What!!!" all three of his brothers shouted simultaneously.
It was Todd that spoke up again "We are totally listening to his albums now" Todd pushed and guided Damian to the game room and placed a CD into the player, tossing the album case to him. After a three full albums Damian spoke again "I've never heard any of those but they were good I suppose" again that was the wrong thing to say.
As all three yelled "What" again.
"How hard did Croc hit you yesterday?" Drake asked.
What I had a run in with Ivy. And that was just to help her find Harley.
He must have shown his confusion because his brothers were about to descend on him but then all of them heard a crash. That sent everyone into alert. Within a moment Damian took point his katana in his hands, Drake and Grayson behind him, and Todd brought up the rear a glock in each hand.
They heard a high pitched chirping from the music room, so it was as good a place to start as any. They opened the door to see a...is that a bat. The bat must have noticed them because they were now facing them just floating there.
"Wait why are you floating not flapping your wings?" Damian didn't realize he spoke aloud but he didn't expect it to answer back.
"I don't need to" it answered gruffly.
"It can talk. Why can it talk?" Grayson shrieked behind him.
"First off it has a name and it's Damon" the little bat, Damon, crossed it’s wings "and second I am a Kwami."
"And what is a Kwami?" Drake asked.
"Simply put Kwami are pocket sized gods bound to miraculous or jewelry." Damon explained "I am the Kwami of space, sorry for pulling you with me pup." By now the little god was floating in front of Damian.
That was when he realized he was talking to him. "What do you mean?" he asked and held out his hand and the Kwami hung upside down from his fingers.
"Essentially my miraculous was lost in space and ended up in your world. You unconsciously activated my miraculous which allowed me to come home but you were pulled into it with me." he explained.
"So this isn't Demon Spawn" Todd spoke the question on everyone’s mind.
"No. He is saying this Damian is from an alternate universe" Drake explained "its the multiverse theory."
"Exactly but unless you want to go back there are no consequences"
"There is always an effect with magic though." Grayson added intelligently.
"That is true for magic wielded by mortals" he answered "but I am not. My powers in this form are unlimited and volatile but not without balance. You pup exist in both so it has no consequence."
"Would this affect my memories?" Damian asked the god.
"Yes and no. Major events of an individuals past and character traits tend to stay the same. Smaller and more trivial events may be different" Damon explains. By this time Pennyworth and Father have been caught up and were listening. "More likely there are people added into this world who did not exist in yours."
"That would explain why you never heard of Jagged when we are always blasting his songs" Todd grumbled.
That was when an alarm sounded from Drake's phone.
"Speaking of which Jagged's concert is in two days and our flight to Paris is scheduled to leave in three hours." Drake informs us all.
"Shit" Todd yells as he runs out at the room.
"I'll bring the car around." Pennyworth spoke to no one in particular. Drake and Grayson followed him out. Leaving Damian, Damon, and Bruce in the room.
"Father" Damian didn't get to say any more before he was stopped.
"Yes" he answered.
"What? I'm confused. Father"
"Damon you may stay with Damian" he answered "Alfred explained a bit more about the miraculous and spoke fondly of one Duusu."
"So he was a past bird" Damon hummed "that would explain the trace magic on him." His father left and Damian was about to leave when Damon floated in his face "You might want to put on the earrings pup."
"Alright. Wait earrings does that mean" he couldn't help the shock in his voice.
"You need to get your ears pierced" Damon smirked, "seems so."
How can something so cute look so smug at his displeasure.
He could either do it in Paris or here in Gotham. You know what, why prolong the anticipation. So he went to find Todd. Granted he would never have willingly sought him out. But for this he trusted his brother's judgement. Surprisingly Todd didn't make a big deal of it. A quick shout to Pennyworth and they were out of the manor. Within 15 minutes they were in front of a Tattoo Parlor.
"Tt. I said I wanted a piercing, Todd, not a tattoo."
"I remember Demon spawn. You got the earrings."
Damian nodded and they went in. The whole process took about 20 minutes and was relatively painless. He got a double cartilage piercing on his right ear. He was given instructions for care and cleaning and a warning it would be sore for a while.
All in all, Todd isn't always an asshole and gave him some suggestions. Mainly that since he had wanted the cartilage pierced to only do one ear so he could sleep on the other until it is healed.
Back at the manor his bags were already packed. Whether it was Pennyworth or him from this world he didn't know but was grateful. Damon had taken to sleeping and hiding in his jacket pocket.
The airport and flight was uneventful. But it wasn't until they exited the airport when they noticed something was wrong. Well that wasn't hard when there was a giant baby on a rampage. Two figures one in red and one in black made quick work of the giant. A swarm of pink fixed the damage and were gone. Damian looked towards his father and brothers whose expressions mimicked his own shock.
He felt his phone vibrate, signaling a message. He was going to ignore it when he felt Damon poke him.
The message read :
Something is wrong, there are miraculous active.
Once in the hotel Drake went through the records from Paris while father went through the JL system. Damon had taken his phone and seemed to be writing, when he was done he flew over dropped his phone and shot him a smirk but his eyes were calculated.
"Damon" he called but the Kwami gone with only a salute and phased out of the room, so he opened the phone
If I'm not back in an hour get in uniform with the Big Bat and go to the inner floor of the Eiffel tower. I'm going to find the guardian to get a meeting with the heroes. To transform say or mumble 'Damon, Night Terror, to de-transform say 'Day Break' . Your weapons include dual swords and a grappling hook. Your powers allow you to open small pocket dimensions but in battle you can create shadows of yourself and whoever you want. Shadows are corporeal for about five minutes or until they receive enough damage to use it say, 'Shadow Runner'
Delete this.
Damian sighed, erased what was on the unsaved document and closed the application. He went back into the main room to see his Father in a meeting with Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, and Green Lanterns (Bravo and Foxtrot).
"We need to find out how we can help" Bravo, Hal Jordon, commented.
"All we know is that the miraculous are in play" Batman responded.
"Do we know which ones" Wonder Woman commented.
"Right now no."
"So asking for those of us who don't know, what is a miraculous?" Foxtrot, Jessica Cruz, asked.
"Essentially jewelry, like the lantern rings, but are powered by pocket sized gods"
"Heroes are called Ladybug and Chat Noir" Drake supplied from the other side of the room.
"The Ladybug and Black Cat then. Do we know who they are fighting?" Wonder Woman asked.
At that point in the conversation Damian noticed there was 30 minutes until the meet up so he went to get dressed in his Robin uniform.
"Honestly Bats if you don't like outside heroes in your city. How would they react to outside heroes who have never heard of them?" the Flash made a valid point.
Batman hummed and was going to speak, but Damian beat him.
"Then it is a good thing that Father and I are meeting the heroes in 15 minutes.” By now Damian was standing behind his father in full view of the league members. Everyone stared at him, he was pretty sure Superman was going to say something about his piercing. As the boy scout was pointing to Damian's right where two hammered platinum earrings were.
"Then we will give a report later then." his father signed off and turned to him expectantly.
"Damon" was his response.
'sigh' "Alright lets go."
The two of them slipped out of the hotel and made it to the Eiffel Tower unnoticed. They waited a few minutes until they heard what sounded like a grapple wire and a thump they couldn't place. Two teens no older than him were in front of them. The thump must have come from the baton the blonde boy dressed as a cat in leather was holding. The girl was in a red spotted spandex suit with hair so dark it shone blue.
"Pup" he heard Damon shout before flying over and hanging upside down from his bracer.
"Tt. At least you left a note before zipping off." Robin scolded the kwami.
"Yes and it worked out."
"You didn't know where to start did you?"
"No, but..."
"It worked"
That was when they noticed the two Parisians laughing and giggling respectively. A small smile, not smirk Damian can tell the difference, played an Batman's lips.
"So Monsieur Robin, you are the pup this one spoke of" Ladybug finally pushed past the giggles.
"Tt. you didn't introduce your self" he scolded yet again.
"Nope" Damon smirked popping the 'P' "that's why I have you pup." he flew up and landed on his head laying down.
"Tt. This" Robin pointed to the crown of his head "is Damon, Kwami of space" said Kwami lifted a paw and dropped it again.
"Why come and offer help now when you hadn't responded to our pleas before." Chat Noir seemed to bite out.
"Damon noticed the miraculous were active so we dug into it." Robin shrugged.
"Because a kwami tells you you believe it, when we have been asking the Justice league for help these past five years." Ladybug tried to remain calm, but there was a hard edge to her voice.
"The aren't any records for Paris from the past five years" Batman stated.
"What!" both Parisians yelled.
A chuckle escaped Damon, as he floated in front of the Parisians. "Its because of you little bug."
"What! I didn't do anything" she shook her head.
"Not consciously. You subconsciously erased those videos to avoid an akuma that was already empowered before turning. The same goes for the news outlets. You are unconsciously restricting the news of akuma to prevent already super powered threats." Damon explained.
"Oh" was spoken so softly Damian saw more than heard her say it.
"Robin why don't you transform and LB can catch Batman up on the situation while we patrol." Chat Noir attempted ease the group of the revelation Damon provided.
He looked to his father who gave him a nod. In a flash of indigo blue he transformed. A charcoal loose shirt, pants, and gloves. Black reinforced boots, vest, and greaves. The vest had a dark blue center, like the boots across the top of the foot. The greaves had a shocking blue cuff matching the blade edges of his twin swords, and the bats on both his boots and belt. A navy blue cape hung at his shoulders ending at his knees was held in place by two shoulder plates. A black mask covered the bottom half of his face, his hair turned midnight blue, and his eyes a haunting icy blue.
"What should we call you?" Ladybug asked him.
"Bat?" he answered slightly unsure.
"Maybe add a descriptor." his father stated a smirk on his face.
"Blue, no Nelly." He decided. "My name is Nelly Bat." His father nodded and Ladybug gave a wave as Chat Noir dragged him away to patrol.
This was shaping up to be an interesting world he fell into.
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cherrywoes · 3 years
prologue. (acanthus.)
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SAKURA HARUNO LOST THE ability to use medical ninjutsu when she turned twenty.
There had been no warning, no sputtering of her chakra, no imminent sign that she was about to lose the very foundation that her newfound strength had been built upon. She woke up one morning to her squad members with their throats slit, one just barely clinging on to life—a Hyuuga, her pretty lavender eyes wide with shock and desperation—and when Sakura sealed her hands over her pale throat, intent to close the wound as best she could and haul ass back to Konoha, there was nothing. No pale green chakra to flood her systems, no pinpoint accuracy of healing down to the very cells, nothing—just razor sharp chakra, cutting so deeply into her teammate’s throat that it went far enough to decapitate her completely.
Sakura watched the light fade from her eyes with pale pink strands of hair blowing into her face on a warm, humid breeze.
She continued this for some time—accidentally murdering her teammates when they were on the brink of death. Fear kept her from telling Tsunade. Ego kept her from revealing she was not, in fact, the prized healer of Konohagakure anymore. Arrogance forbade her from admitting any harm she had done. Sakura made herself forge the stories of her teammates’ deaths when she couldn’t sleep, their eyes haunting her dreams and her not so kind hands wrapped around their throats. It kept her up at night, so every afternoon, when she returned from narrowly avoiding every single healing session that was tossed her way at the clinic, after pushing them off on overworked nurses and doctors on overtime, she took enough sleeping pills to kill a horse three times over just to rest.
The people in her dreams were faceless, then, and easier to deal with when she woke up.
“Forehead, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Ino’s long blonde hair was a bit too bright in the sunlight. It was shinier than it had ever been, flourishing under the happiness of a successful pregnancy. She glowed, and it was even in her personality. She was chipper, far more perky, and while her appetite was something to be feared, it didn’t stop her observative eye from catching on to the dark circles underneath her friend’s eyes or the sallow look of her face. “Are you alright? Is Tsunade making you run night shifts again?”
Sakura sighed and rested her forehead on the cool marble tabletop. It felt nice against her heated skin; heated as if it was under the sun of the Suna desert. Suna, where she had managed to disembowel her adorable teammate instead of stitching her leaking intestines back together. Suna, where she had been forced to kill her second teammate who had witnessed it to hide her secret and spread his limbs amongst their enemies before returning home. Suna, where that ninja probably still remained, rotting in the hot sun and being picked apart by vultures.
Ino, a concerned hum exiting her mouth, pressed a hand to her forehead. “You’re burning up! Sakura, how long have you been like this?”
She didn’t answer and pressed her cheek further against the table. Her hair, long, longer than she had ever had it before, the ends brushing past her waist, stuck to the side of her face and neck, clinging with sweat. Her thoughts were muddied and sluggish. An image of a face flashed through her mind—cute, chubby with baby fat, and eyes of the lightest Yamanaka blue—in livid color, doused in vermillion red seconds later, Sakura’s rough hands held over her injured eyes.
“I’m so tired of this, Ino,” Sakura sighed. It was mumbled and nearly incoherent, but the blonde caught it anyways, pressing an ice cold cloth to her forehead. “I’m so tired of killing my teammates.”
“What?” Ino’s voice was tight. The lights around her warped in and out of focus. “Sakura, what did you just say?”
Sakura couldn’t answer. She slipped into darkness, the faces of her victims—her teammates—floating seamlessly through her dreams, as if they had never died at all.
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Sakura spent the next four months in a cell. She was given subpar food—a multigrain bar, some vitamins, IV fluids to flush her system of the high doses of sleeping pills, water that tasted far too much like chlorine—and equally appalling care. When her chakra cuffs dug into her wrists, no one came to heal them, so they scarred over and opened back up in an endless repetition until they were permanent accessories to her skin, shiny and puckered and irritated. When her period did eventually come, spotty and unusually light at best, they gave her tiny packets of pads for her to stretch through months, and if she suffered several bacterial infections afterwards, they didn’t much care. Her hair had grown long and matted, unbrushed, and combing it with her fingers did nothing to help the endless matts and knots that had grown near her nape. Her clothes were the same ones she had gone in with, so they were dirty, threadbare, and practically dry rotting off of her body.
She felt she deserved it—this torture. She was only afforded the barest of luxuries—her food and IV—because she was, despite what she had done, the Hokage’s apprentice. Former apprentice now, she figured, since they had most likely discovered what she had done. Four months was enough to follow Sakura’s bloody trail all the way back to her twentieth birthday when she had been sent out on a mission. It was also enough to compare the discrepancies in her reports; enough to exhume the bodies of the dead and charge her with a dozen counts of murder, and recover the other bodies she had neglected to bring back.
When anyone did deign to visit her, it was to cross reference what she had said with the actual truth. She had no reason to lie, anymore, not when her little slip of the tongue in a delirious fever had gotten her caught in the first place.
“Haruka Hyuuga.” Sakura could recognize Kakashi even when he wore the ANBU mask and attempted to disguise his voice. His hair was impossible to hide—she had tried on several occasions to dye it, only for it’s unusual hue to spring back within a few days and nearly blow their cover. He was, at the moment, playing the role of Hound, but she knew once the mask was off he would be her former partner, former teacher, and broken hearted friend; because he, of all people, would believe it was his fault she had ended up in a cell just because she was too proud to say she was an awful human being. “Do you remember her?”
“Yes.” Sakura leaned back against the small wooden shelf that made up her bed. It was covered with a thin white sheet that wasn’t much in the way of comfort, but as a kunoichi it didn’t bother her like it would a normal civilian. She dragged her shoes across the concrete floor to break the lack of noise within her section of the underground jail cells. They had been ground down to the latex-polyester sole when she paced in boredom or dropped her heels and skidded them as she walked. “She was the last one… Someone had gouged out her eyes. Or tried to, I think; it was all a blur. It didn’t matter in the end, though. I couldn’t heal her.”
Kakashi—Hound—was quiet as he wrote something down in his tiny square notepad. “When did you first lose your medical ninjutsu?”
Her pale pink eyebrows furrowed. No one had bothered with this line of inquiry before, past merely wanting the knowledge of when she had lost it in the first place. Kakashi was usually there to interrogate her about her teammates, nothing more. “When I turned twenty; so, maybe six or seven months ago.”
“And you had no precursory signs beforehand to indicate you would lose it?”
“No.” She shook her head slowly and reached for the small metal tin cup he had placed in her cell. She was surprised to find it was filled with her favorite drink—apple juice, of all things—and cherished the tiny little sips of flavor she was granted. “It just… happened. I was healing—or I thought I was?—and then it wasn’t… healing. It was cutting, sharp as a razor’s edge. I couldn’t have stopped it if I had wanted to by then.”
“But you continued going on missions after that, knowing you would hurt others in your attempts to use medical ninjutsu again.”
“I didn’t think that. That I would hurt them.” Sakura paused and admitted, so quietly it was barely a whisper,”I thought it would come back if I tried hard enough.”
More scribbling, this time a little slower than the previous. “I think you tried hard enough after the second person you killed.”
Hound stuffed the notepad into his white flak jacket. With a cursory nod to the guard standing just out of her field of view, he was gone, vanishing in a puff of smoke that had Sakura’s eyes watering.
“You know what they’re calling you, right?” The guard goaded when he was certain there was no one to hear him. Sakura closed her eyes; she didn’t want to know what they were saying about her out there. “They’re calling you ‘Ninja Killer Sakura’. Like teacher like student, huh?”
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A few days later, her Strength of a Hundred seal was gone, as if it never existed in the first place. The vast amount of chakra she had stored within it was gone, spirited away from her body. No one had removed it from her; no one had sealed it while she had been asleep. It had just disappeared in the same way her medical ninjutsu had, in nearly the same fashion. The only clue she had that it had vanished was the faint tingling in her forehead, right between her brows—but something else was clearly there, because the next guard in her rotation was calling for a Nara guard before she could wonder what it was.
She found out, later, after being immobilized by a shadow technique and examined by a medic, that the symbol upon her forehead had changed into a crimson red spider lily. It was no larger than the diamond had been, but was more ornate and complex, with interlocking rings centered at the bottom and sun phases etched into said rings. When the rest of her chakra, the chakra she used to maintain her health, was sealed off because of it, she didn’t complain.
She deserved it, after all.
“I don’t know if I should kill you or slap you and kill you and revive you so I can kill you again.”
Her next visitor was Tsunade. She hadn’t expected her to visit her at all, much less come traipsing in her cell with clean clothes, a basin of water, shampoo, soap, new shoes, and a pair of scissors. While the Hokage was angry, Sakura wasn’t sure if it was her fondness for her keeping her alive or the fact that it would be fairly inconvenient for the Senju woman to kill her and dispose of her without the council’s input.
“What were you thinking, Sakura?” Tsunade whirled on her, scissors in hand. She watched them cautiously, fiddling with the scars on her wrists when they itched. “Really, I mean, what was going on inside your head? I had thought you of all people would be level headed and rational—”
“Rational went out the window when I lost the only power keeping me equal with Sasuke and Naruto, Shishou.” Sakura met her gaze head on, unflinching. Her eyes were dull mimicries of the once vibrant jade they used to be; she was tired, sick, and most of all, guilt was eating her alive. “I lost everything keeping me from drowning in the ranks of endless genin. And now I’ve even lost the Strength of One Hundred seal—I don’t think I’ve been level headed or rational for a while.”
“I see.” Tsunade sighed. “That’s good, then. We can plea insanity—”
“You’re helping me?” Sakura blurted incredulously, her first real show of emotion in months.
“Of course. It isn’t out of the goodness of my heart, though. If I had my way you’d rot down here for the rest of your life.” The Hokage crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders. “But I owe a certain teacher of yours a favor, so after this we’ll be more than even. Now clean up and get dressed so I can cut your hair. Your trial starts today.”
When the cell door slammed behind her, Sakura picked up a clean rag—the cleanest thing she’d seen in months—and dipped it into the water. It was pleasantly cool as she ran it along her neck experimentally, bringing with it the grime and dirt of four months without a shower. When it came back visibly stained, she soaked it clean and lathered it with soap and got to work.
When she finished with her body and hair, the basin was almost pitch black. She wasn’t very surprised. She had seen worse when she returned home covered in dried blood, mud, dirt, and various other secretions she would rather not recall due to the pungent odor. She smelled like mint and watermelon, a scent she purchased personally before she had been put in prison, and she was momentarily comforted by the smell until the stench of mildew crept past it.
Tsunade had provided her with a simple long sleeved turtleneck she had seen many ANBU wear underneath their flak jackets and a pair of slightly too large pants that she quickly realized were men’s pants. She tucked the shirt as best she could with the sagging waistline and pulled on the standard issue civilian shoes (flats, uncomfortable on her high arches), and felt like an entirely new person. Clean, renewed, with clothes that didn’t smell like death and underwear that wasn’t blood stained for once, she felt a little bit of the old Sakura creep back in like a breath of fresh air.
When her former teacher returned and began hacking away at the giant knots in the back of her head, she allowed the faintest, most miniscule thread of hope to worm its way into her heart.
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masterlist ❚ 一 (ichi)
a/n: this is my first attempt at writing something out of my comfort zone (at least moderately; it's very tame compared to what i normally write.) feedback is appreciated! i just let the words flow and didn't take it too seriously. <3
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Jealousy Sin
Word Count: 4397
Pairing: Lou Miller x Tammy x Reader - Established Poly Relationship
Prompts “You’re so pretty” “And you are drunk, darling”, “Wait, say that again”, “Go fuck yourself,” “How about you fuck me yourself, you coward?!”, “Come on now, dear. Let’s not torture her any longer”
Warning: NSFW 18+, bad smut writing lmao. 
A/N; @existentialcrisiscat​ thank you for sending in this request and look just in time for your birthday tomorrow! I send you my best wishes and I hope you enjoy this early bday present, July babies are the best! 
Thank you @imnotasuperhero​ for reading over this! Second attempt at poly smut so enjoy the mess lmao!
Permanent Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome​ @natasha-danvers​
I do not own these pictures!
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Prompts 14,16,20,39 “You know that the heart of a shrimp is located in its head and that a snail can sleep for 2 to 3 years continuously,” You excite, reciting from a ‘50 fun facts’ book Constance left lying around the lounge area of Lou’s apartment building. Your back against Tammy’s side with your legs stretched out on the sofa while she twirls a strand of your hair around her finger loosely peeking over to look at the ridiculous book. You hear Lou scoff from the open kitchen, making her way to where you are.  She hands you both a glass of wine each before grabbing a hold of your ankles and lifting them up from the sofa so she can sit close to you; your legs now stretched out across her lap. 
“That’s ridiculous babe. You read the weirdest stuff.” She teases, tickling your feet lightly making you squirm and yelp slightly at the sudden sensation making her eyes twinkle with mischief. 
“Hey! It’s true, see!” You turn the book around for her to read. 
“She’s right Lou. They are real facts,” Tammy defends teasing the older woman slightly, knowing that it’s usually you against them. You smile smugly at her as she snatches the book from you grumbling about ‘the mess that girl brings every time she’s round here’ making you and Tammy laugh. The back and forth exchange continues for some time as you all enjoy a rare peaceful night in; with another successful heist for the two woman and your new promotion underway, the lighthearted mood continues into the late night with loving kisses exchanged and sweet caresses as you all stumble into bed, tangled up in sheets and limbs as hot wet kisses are pressed on warm glistening skin. 
Being with Lou and Tammy for the past six month has been the most wonderful ride you have ever been on and you never want it to stop. 
Pure Paradise
Two weeks later 
Over the past two weeks the little bubble you three had created started to show cracks leaving you feeling insecure and down right pissed off. You see, being with two women who lead a life of crime no matter how elegantly and successfully they do it, can be difficult. Their planning has to be precise with no page left unturned, if one thing goes wrong it could mean prison for them and no one wants that. They’ve only ran one big heist since you started dating but you were in your honeymoon phase with them back then, they could do no wrong in your eyes. The less frequent phone calls and texts were justified when the two women hung the moon in your mind: 
‘It’s a big job they have. They need to focus and make sure it goes right, they still love and care for you the same, Y/N’. Debbie would remind you quietly away from the others, always aware and seeing behind the fake persona. 
“You are not going out, Y/N. That’s final.” You stand in your black turtleneck dress and heels, arms crossed in defiance. 
“Yes, I am. I’m celebrating my promotion with my colleagues whether you two like it or not.” 
“Come on, darling. Stay with us we had this reservation booked for tonight for weeks,” Tammy pleads slightly a little confused by your decline. You usually love date nights, especially when it involves the two of them and  food from your favourite restaurant. 
“Why are you being like this Y/N? You’ve been distant the last week and a half and don’t think we haven’t noticed you sneaking out of our room in the middle of the night to sleep in the guest room.” You scoff at the word ‘our’. 
‘It hasn’t been our room for the last two weeks’ You think spitefully. 
“Why do you even care Lou! You and Tammy have been so busy with each other the past two weeks, you barely noticed me leave last week for TWO DAYS Lou. It took two days for either of you to message me and then when I am here you’re both hovering over building prints and potential crew members, I understand that this isn’t something I’m a part of but you could at least act like me not being a part of this doesn’t affect our relationship!” You shout aiming your anger at both women. While Tammy has the decency to look guilty and slightly apologetic, Lou’s face turns hard and cold. 
“I’m sorry if our job has taken an importance over yours for once! We thought you understood what you were getting yourself into when we asked you to be a part of our lives Y/N, stop being a clingy brat and grow up.” Lou rages, her chest raising and falling heavily. Tammy takes a step forward to chastise Lou for her burst of anger but before she can intervene you hold up a hand indicating for Tammy to stop as you chuckle humorlessly with unushered tears, speechless. You shake your head in disbelief before grabbing your clutch and rushing for the door and heading into the night. 
The bar is crowded, full of warm bodies pressed closely together as the dim blue lights glow over the dance floor. You feel the rush of alcohol swarm your mind making you dizzy as you sway lightly to the beat of the sound, you notice your phone illuminate with missed calls and worried texts from your significant others. Your pissed and upset state had quickly changed once you had hit your first bottle of wine and twirled around on the dance floor with your colleagues after some time and a few tequila shots later, the fight you had with them seems miles away. You feel funny and brave as you see Tammy’s name flash on your phone and press the green icon to answer. 
“Well... hello gorgeous,” You flirt, your voice deep and slurred. 
“Y/N? I can’t hear you much. Darling, please tell me where you are so I can come and get you and bring you home to us?” You scoff at that before stumbling towards the smoking area by the front of the club. 
“Tam-Tam, I’m fine. Apparently I’m a brat and this is what brats do right?” You mock, hearing Lou sigh slightly in the background:
 ‘Is that her? Let me talk to her’ You hear Tammy hush her as if batting her hand away from the phone making you giggle. 
Tammy has always been the calmer mediator between you and Lou. 
‘You drive her crazy with your bratty ways Y/N’ Tam teased one evening her hand wrapped tightly around your waist as you shrugged in fake innocence  while watching Lou struggle to contain herself from across the room at her makeshift bar where she stood with Rose and Debbie, you and Tammy knew that the dress you were wearing was a little on the short side and showed your chest off beautifully driving them both wild, especially Lou. 
“Baby you know she didn’t mean it… you know how hot headed she can get,” Tammy murmurs, bringing an offended ‘hey’ out of Lou in the background. You roll your eyes and huff, knowing how right she is. 
“Why don’t you tell me where you are darling? We miss you,” Tammy confesses softly, making your heart flutter slightly. But with dutch courage in your system, you simply roll your eyes. 
“Well it doesn’t feel like you have missed me at all,” You murmur, leaning heavily against the wall of the club watching the nightlife before you. 
“You know that's not true and I’m only going to ask you this one more time Y/N. Where are you?” 
“Eye spy with my little eye, something being with L.” You giggle at your attempt of humour giggling loudly as Tammy huffs on the other side of the phone. 
“Hilarious babe, really.” 
“You're supposed to say Lamppost,silly!” You exclaim, hiccuping in between your sentence making you giggle once more.
“I’m coming to get you,” Tammy states, you can hear her moving around as if gathering her keys and heading for the door but not before hearing her and Lou argue about who’s going to get you. You sigh in defeat, knowing you have had far too much to drink and secretly want to go home so you can wrap yourself up in their warmth. 
“I’m at Russo’s.” You mumble, sulking in defeat before hanging up. Your colleague Matt pops his head out of the door scanning the smoking area, looking for you. He sees you and waves before striding over. 
“Hey Y/N! Come back inside, Lucy is bringing another round to the table. We’re celebrating in style tonight sweetheart.” You cringe subtly at the pet name before smiling weakly at him. 
“I’m actually waiting for my ride. I think I’ve reached my limit for the night.” You try to joke making him laugh a little too much, he steps closer to you and leans against the wall next to you as he lights a cigarette before offering you one. You shake your head in decline before scanning the street hoping to see Tammy’s ‘soccer mom’ car. 
“You look amazing tonight, by the way. Those two women sure are lucky.” Matt compliments, his eyes scanning you from head to toe lingering too long on your chest making you wrap your leather jacket around you, hiding from his lustful look. You step back to try and put some distance between you. 
“Oh uh, thank you and if anyone should be the lucky one it’s definitely me.” You state trying to put the point across. 
Fuck off!
“Have you ever thought of expanding this ‘little relationship’ to four people or is it a women’s only type of thing?” You gape at him in disgust as he shrugs his shoulders and smiles cheekily thinking he’s being charming. Before you can retaliate you feel a strong arm wrap around you from behind, making you smile slightly knowing that familiar pull of electricity.
“We are perfectly happy with the three of us Mr.Lawson, if you would kindly remove yourself away from my girlfriend before I send you back in there with an even higher pitched voice than before that would be much appreciated,” Tammy suggests, her voice hard and commanding making you shiver slightly at her authoritative tone. She stands tall in her heels, putting herself slightly in front of you, blocking his view of you. You watch as he gulps and stutters over his words, his face red in embarrassment as he stumbles an apology before heading back inside. You go to tease her about throwing her top energy around like that in front of others outside of the bedroom but her face shows that she’s in no laughing mood, you throw her your most doe eyed look making her sigh in defeat; never being able to stay mad at you. 
“Come on baby, let’s get you home.” She mutters into your ear as she pulls you closer to her side while guiding you over towards her car. 
You fumble around trying to get comfortable in the seat, once situated you relax against the warm seat as it heats up around you making you sigh contently. You lean your head to the side and face Tammy, taking in her soft features and full lips as the street lights hit her side profile making her look like an angel. 
“You’re so pretty,” You mumble to her, as you brush a finger across her cheek lightly and tuck a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
“And you are drunk, darling,” She teases back dismissively, although her soft smile and tinge of pink on her cheeks shows how affected she is by your statement. You grin lazily at her as you feel sleep succumb bringing you into darkness. 
You wake by the sound of Tammy’s whispering voice coaxing you awake. 
“Come on darling, you need to wake up. You can’t stay in here all night,” She whispers, shaking you slightly. 
“5 more minutes, mom.” You mumble, turning away from her making her laugh out loud which causes you to wake, eyes wide at your slip up. 
“Wait, say that again.” She asks, subtly getting her phone out. 
“You better put that phone away Tammy or I’m going to stay with Debbie for the night.” You threaten, knowing how jealous her and Lou get whenever Debbie flirts with you to tease her best friends; which you are more than happy to go along with. She scowls playfully. 
“Fine fine, come on then, you lightweight. We better get in before Lou sends out a search party for the both of us.” She murmurs, climbing out of her side and walking around to help you out of the car. You frown suddenly realising that it was only Tammy who came to get you. 
“Is she still really mad at me?” You ask sadly, starting to sober up slightly and relaying the fight from earlier in your head.
Tammy helps you out of the vehicle and wraps an arm around your waist before giving you a reassurance kiss on your temple. 
“Yes… but not as pissed off as she was earlier on. She… we both know we’ve been rather neglectful of you lately and we promise to make it up to you.” She confesses, her eyes showing how sorry she is. 
“I’m sorry for acting out like I did… I know how important it is to make sure the job runs smoothly, I should have been more understanding. I’m sorry Tam-Tam.’ You apologise, pecking her cheek lightly. 
You both walk steadily through the front door but stop in your tracks when you notice Lou sitting casually on one of the single chairs in the living room area, her legs spread wide in her black suit pants and white open button shirt revealing a peek of her black bra making you and Tammy gulp. 
“Lou I..” She holds her hand up, silencing your apology. 
“Did he touch you?” You frown in confusion not fully understanding her meaning.
“That guy from work, did he touch you?” 
“How do you know about th-” 
“Nine-ball,” you all say in unison, although Lou and Tammy’s casual tone in answer contrasting with your pissed off one doesn’t go unnoticed by either woman. 
“You were checking up on me through the security cameras!? Nice to know that not only am I a selfish brat, I'm also an unloyal one,” You snap towards them both as Tammy reaches for your hand, making you step back. 
“You know that’s not the reason, love. We didn’t know where you were, we needed to make sure you were safe,” Lou reasons for them both while Tammy nods in agreement, moving towards the middle space between you and Lou. 
“Oh because you care so much, fuck you both and your possessive asses.” You snapped in reply.
“Trust me, you haven’t seen me possessive yet sweetheart.” She says cockily as Tammy hums in agreement, clearly staying mutual within this argument you think sarcastically. 
“Well maybe I should go back out there and find him then, let’s see the real Tammy and Lou.“ You taunt, watching as both Tammy and Lou’s eyes flash dark, making your confident smug attitude flutter slightly. 
“Go fuck yourself,”  Lou spats clearing hitting a nerve, making you retaliate. 
“How about you fuck me yourself, you coward?!” You fight back, not realising that during your heated argument Tammy had slowly made her way behind you. You watch as Lou’s tense figure deflates. Her crystal blues flash with lust, swallowing quietly knowing that look all too well; the look that haunts your wet dreams whenever you’re apart from them.
“Is that what you want Y/N, you want us to show you who you belong to?” Lou questions grinning slightly, knowing that's exactly what you want while standing from the chair and stalking over towards you. She rolls up her sleeves slowly revealing the tattoos on her forearm as Tammy stands behind you placing her hands on either side of your hip keeping you in place, smirking knowingly. You shiver in anticipation, loving when they both take control over you. 
“I dunno Lou. Do you think she deserves it after the stunt she’s pulled tonight?”  Tammy questions Lou as if you weren’t trapped between the two women as Lou creeps dangerously closer, you bite your lip trying to hold back a moan as you feel Tammy’s wet tongue trace the shell of your ear. You watch as those blue eyes grow darker as they follow the direction of Tammy’s tongue carefully. Lou presses her front against your own; chest to chest, her nose brushing over yours before moving over your cheekbone and towards your ear, you watch from the corner of your eye as Tammy and Lou share a heated kiss over your shoulder making you groan loudly. This seems to draw their attention away from each other, their matching grins doing nothing to help the creeping wave of pleasure that ignites deep within your core. 
“Oh look Tam, it seems our darling girl wants our attention. Do you think we should give it to her?” 
‘Yes!’ You scream internally. Tammy laughs and takes sympathy to your doe-eyed expression gently cupping your face and turning you slightly towards her so she can place a chaste kiss on your lips. 
“I think we should... Besides we owe her an apology, I’m sure we can make it up to her.” Tammy mutters between placing quick wet kisses along the side of your jaw and neck. With that Lou swoops in and lifts you over her shoulder making you yelp out loud causing Tammy to giggle at her girlfriend’s actions before she slaps your ass and shushes you while she races ahead up the stairs, her hips swaying showing Lou her plump behind. You hear Lou growl low at Tammy’s teasing demeanor as she follows slowly after her up the stairs mindful of you being over her shoulder.
“Oh, am I just some sort of slave that you can carry around, you caveman?” You accuse, earning you a slap on the ass. 
“Ow! Watch it Miller. You know how tender my ass is,” 
“And I can’t wait to see that gorgeous ass all red on our bed, baby.” You squirm at that making Lou chuckle. 
She carries you into your shared bedroom before slowly lowering you down making you brush fronts as your feet touch the ground. She places a tender kiss to your mouth before looking over your shoulder and grinning, her eyes filled with glee and admiration. You turn around to face the bed, understanding Lou’s expression. Sitting upright against the headboard on top of satin sheets wearing a black lingerie babydoll set is Tammy. You lick your lips at the sight of her, drinking her in. 
“Did you have this on underneath those ‘mom’ clothes?” You tease, watching her roll her eyes at your poorly timed humor, loving it nevertheless. Her smirk confirms your suspicions. You watch as she slowly makes her way towards you both crawling on her hands and knees until she reaches the bottom of the bed, she kneels tall and beckons you both closer. You follow her call like a pirate to a siren as you are about to touch her, Lou wraps an arm around you, her chin against your shoulder. 
“You are far too overdressed,” she whispers huskily into your ear, as she slowly unzips the back of your dress letting it fall to the floor in a heap before placing sweet kisses along your shoulder blades and spanking your ass hard. You close your eyes at the sensation  and the feeling of cold air hitting against your warm skin, you feel a second pair of hands skim over your front tracing light touches across your chest before wrapping gently around your neck pulling your forward an inch as full luscious lips meet your own making you both moan in unison. You open your eyes and meet deep brown pools so full of love and passion. 
“Now, who's the one overdressed?” You tease making Tammy smirk mischievously before you both draw your attention to Lou who has left staggered marks along your neck and shoulder. She pulls away slightly and smirks as she unfastens the buttons of her dress shirt, you crotch in front of her and yank her suit trousers down in one sweep letting her step of them, you kiss your way back up her body while Tammy pushes her shirt off her shoulders, leaving us all equally in some state of undressed. Tammy grabs hold of your hand and pulls you towards the bed letting you fall onto your back as she crawls to lie beside you leaving trails of kisses up your body, you eye Lou who stands tall and confident at the foot of the bed in just her briefs; her bra now discarded into the pile of clothes on the floor. She slowly makes her way onto the bed as she licks, bites and kisses her way up your leg towards your inner thigh making you moan and clench slightly. 
“You can only cum if one of us says okay baby girl.” Tammy commands softly into your ear, you whimper and nod your head in agreement as Lou pulls your panties down your leg before placing a light kiss against your wet heat making you shudder at the sensitive flesh. Before you could catch your breath Lou dives her tongue deep into your entrance, fucking you with her tongue as Tammy wraps her mouth around your sensitive nipple biting gently, making you moan out loud with pleasure. They both continue their tongue motion over and over again making your body hot and wet with need for release but with Tammy’s words swirling around in your head, you hold off from releasing your pleasure. Lou slowly removes her tongue from your wet folds and presses a kiss on your clit before soaring forward to Tammy and kissing her hard and clumsily letting her tongue tangle with hers, they both moan enjoying the taste of you. You lick your lips at the raw sight of them both above you and whine for their attention as they both look back towards you once again. 
“Come on now. Dear. Let’s not torture her any longer,” Tammy teases, pulling away from Lou’s lips.
Lou moves to your other side and lets her tongue skim across your bottom lip before pressing her pale lips more firmly against your own, you feel another pair of lips on your own; the taste of vanilla lingers on your mouth knowing Tammy has joined you both in the fight for dominance as tongues tangle and clash together. You pull apart slowly savouring the moment before Tammy moves south towards your legs, wrapping her delicate hands around your ankles and pulling you further down the bed slightly. You frown in confusion before realising she was making room for Lou to sit comfortably above you with her thighs on either side of your face, you can see her arousal from above you making you whimper in want, licking your lips eagerly. You can practically hear the smirk in her voice: 
“Always so eager baby,” she teases, lowering herself a little bit more towards your awaiting mouth. You flick the tip of your tongue over her clit making her squirm and gasp you grin smugly knowing exactly where she likes it the most before taking the sensitive bundle of nerves between your teeth and wrapping your mouth around it, sucking hard. Your mouth releases her clit momentarily as you gasp at the feeling of two cold fingers filling your entrance and curling, hitting your most sensitive spot making you cry out as Tammy picks up her pace. 
“So wet and needy tonight darling.” She mutters before diving between your legs and taking your clit into her mouth. You feel Lou’s thighs tighten a fraction around your head making you refocus back onto the enjoyable task of making Lou come. You all continue to rile each other up, picking up your pace, thrusting your tongue deeper into her heat as you grind your hips further onto Tammy’s fingers. Tammy moans as she moves to sit in between your thigh as you bend your knee just enough to add pressure against her wet folds allowing her to grind herself against your bare skin, you bring your thumb over to her clit rubbing the sensitive nerves hard making her moan loudly. The room fills with loud cries of passion as desperate bodies continue to thrust against one another, the knot in your stomach begins to become tighter, you squint your eyes trying to hold off your orgasm. 
“Come for us baby, I want to hear you scream.” Lou breathes above you as she grinds hard one more time before allowing her own release. Lou removes herself from above you and lies lazily on her side facing you both, rubbing her fingers over her heat while she watches you and Tammy continue to grind roughly against one another; your fingers working faster and deeper as you both throw your head back in pure ecstasy letting yourself ride out your orgasm on Tammy’s fingers. Tammy collapses against your glistening skin leaning her head against your shoulder as you brush your fingertips softly against her back making her purr ever so slightly. Lou moves from her position and sits upright against the headboard gesturing for you both to join her, Tammy removes herself from your lap as you crawl over to Lou’s awaiting arms and curl into her side. Tammy moves to your other side and drapes an arm over your waist resting her hand gently on Lou’s hip, brushing her thumb back and forth; resting her forehead between your shoulder blades. You feel Tammy’s warm breath against your glistening skin as she speaks softly. 
“You belong with us Y/N. Don’t ever think we don’t love you or want you...we wouldn’t be us without you” With that said, she presses a light kiss to your back while Lou hums in agreement pulling you closer, her arm reaching across locking you in between their embrace, you smile cheekily.
“So does this mean I’m still a brat?” 
A slight pinch to your hip bone is your only reply. 
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melchron · 4 years
Nightmare Time Episode 3 Thoughts
I usually save this for the end of my thoughts but I have to say this now. OMG MATT DAHAN!!! I WILL NEVER NOT BE IMPRESSED BY HIM! Usually with the episodes I catch 1 or 2 motifs but I swear I caught everyone this time. And they all fit so well. My attention was evenly split between the music and the story this time. It was so freaking good. Matt deserves all the awards like omg.
I think this is the least laggy the theme has been. Good job going all out for the last one!
I said to my mom "Did Shashona record this video?" and she did!! Great cinematography Shashona!!
I also pointed out the Tim's daddy mask. I said "Aww he's wearing a mask for his son!". I guess my mom got confused and forgot Tim's name because she thought I was talking about Dylan's (nonexistent) son.
I kind of already knew this but I love that Ethan knows cars. I just likes that he has a hobby.
Lex cares about Tom so much I love it.
That Lexthan interaction was so cute. I love how he saw she was super sorry and scared and he just stopped being mad and comforted her. They are so cute I can't handle it!!
KENDALL!!! Ok so through out this whole thing I know everyone was excited for their favorite character to come back but I really just wanted to see Kendall again. I guess after BF I assumed we would never see her again because I couldn't see them working with children becoming a normal thing. But when the original cast announcement came out I got so happy to see her name. So I was super excited to see her.
Her covering her hair with a beanie looks better than the wig
Cineplex Teen is like Larry from tawog. I guess we should start calling him Obnoxious Teen then. Until we get a name.
I love that Tim immediately likes Becky. Wish I could say the same for my stepparents.
Santa Claus Is Going To High School bb. Also I want to hear the rest of that song. Also also how many wigs does Lauren own?
Why must they make love to this movie everytime? Can't we simply just watch it and make fun of like normal people? That way Tim can enjoy it too.
Good for Jane for making sure her son doesn't have to eat disgusting school lunch. She gets good mom points.
Aww Becky reassuring him he's not a Dummy
Becky is like really horny this episode. Honestly Tom's into so go ahead girl
OK OK OK SO Jane said they were driving home from her parents house. Which means they were still alive when Jane died. That was only a year and a half ago so the Perkins parents might have died more recently than we thought. It's like Spring of 2019 right? So Jane died around Fall 2017. I don't remember if this was said in the show (it probably was and I'm saying nothing new) but I think Black Friday takes place about a year after her death. Tgwdlm took place October 2018. They have to have died only a few months before then. How long had Emma been in Hatchetfield before tgwdlm? Maybe there is a possibility we can see a flashback of an interaction with her parents depending on how long it's been. Also that means Emma lost her whole family in the span of a few months omg. And Tim lost his mom and his grandparents in that time. I want to see how they grieved with all of that. Also I know I'm crossing universes here but Emma also almost died the same day Jane did. Some strange force must really have it out for the Perkins family. Good on Emma for surviving like a champ.
Ok so I thought they went scouting for girls because Jane didn't want the man she loved to have to devote the rest of his life to a car. I thought she was trying to help him move on. She was getting good lover points but those have since been redacted.
Jane is definitely bi and I love that for her. I don't care if she tried to kill her new crush. It was new enough for it to mean nothing.
Tom does look like a creep ngl
Jane reminds us she's a car a lot. Like girl we get it.
No. No. No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NOPE! We're not talking about it. I don't want to. I stared at James the whole and honestly same dude. I saw Nick in my peripheral vision and loved/hated that he was laughing. RIP to me watching this with my mom. RIP to Kendall. Actually rip to everyone who had to sit through that. RIP to Jaime and Dylan for having to perform that. RIP to the cursed rehearsals. Matt and Nick seriously took the time to sit down and write that. What the heck you two?!? This made me more uncomfy than the entirety of mamd and Ted's character combined. I wish I was exaggerating. Maybe this was just me but it felt longer than it needed to. The relief and worry I felt when Tim walked in is a feeling I can not explain. Glad he was clueless.
Tim sweetie I love you but SHUT UP
Jane is crazy and Jaime is doing such an amazing job at portraying that.
Yes Tom. Because grave digging is way crazier than possessed cars.
I asked my mom why the didn't just go grave digging for Jane's body but my mom said the body is probably all rotted and gross so that explains that.
Why didn't Becky just go inside? If she went far enough I doubt Jane would have been able to hit her even if she managed to break into the house. Also let's assume Becky's house had an upstairs. There, perfect safety.
Did Becky seriously die in the same woods as Stanley?
Ok so I thought the tree thing was a reference to little Irish girl Becky from the Black Friday sk10 stream. But now it seems like something more serious and bad happened so I'm curious.
DID JANE GET TOM ARRESTED?!?!? It seemed like she could drive herself at that point. Why not let him get out and get Becky yourself? Is this that self confidence thing Tom talked about?
Is she really about to have her son be obsessed with Ms. Becky for the rest of their lives or is she gonna tell him?
This next episode made me physically jump twice. I say literally a lot but I promise you I'm using it correctly when I say I literally jumped.
I saw the thing about the ukelele being a bday gift from the cast so this was super sweet
Ok personal time. My grandmother's name is Pamela and my mom decided to permanently cut ties with her a few months ago due to her abusive behavior. Me and my sibling are still allowed to talk to her whenever we please but we haven't seen her as much as we used to. I got kind of scared watching this with my mom because I was scared this would trigger something. She didn't say anything and I didn't want to bother her about if she was fine so I didn't say anything. Anyway this just kind of hit different for me.
"I want to be alone with my man." Ms what are you about to do to your Tv?
Duke seems chill. I like him.
Does Ms. Foster have a type or is being male good enough?
Hannah's 14? I thought she was the same age as Tim. I could have sworn in the BF commentary track they said she was 9 or 10. Did my brain make that up?
How does Kim change her hair so quickly? She did this in episode 2 too? I could never. I am very impressed.
Curt and Kim talking over the phone while standing shoulder to shoulder was funnier than it should have been
Ms. Holloway is cool. YAY MOSTLY GOOD WITCHES
How does Ms. Holloway know? I need a backstory please!!
Ok so I saw Jon in his cape and thought he might be the with. But then I saw James in his cape I y'know stopped thinking that. Anyway I'm obsessed with Jon and James in capes. Kind of wish Corey had one too.
OH I JUST THOUGHT THIS AS I'M TYPING NOW ok so that tree she was talking to at the beginning was one of the tree people. I'm embarrassed it took me this long to realise it.
Hannah is way too calm about these talking trees and sometimes spider ladies. I respect that.
There was a lot of black and white theming in this episode. More than normal. It makes me more curious about what exactly Hannah's connection to it is.
Hannah almost died in her own mind. I was kinda hating Ms. Holloway in this moment because she forced Hannah to go into her mind. But I know she had to so I'm cool with her again.
Did she really say just don't be scared next time? Like miss some actual advice would help.
CAN MS. HOLLOWAY'S MIND LEAVE HANNAH ALONE?? Like I know you didn't get the reaction you wanted out of her but you're seriously gonna give up and go for a little girl instead. Pathetic.
"What's shakin', Banana?" That was the first time I jumped.
What exactly is that 6-legged girl? I wish we had a visual. Also how couldn't Ms. Holloway help her? What was her issue? Npmd you got anything for me?
Wiley. Just seeing him come up. That was the second time I jumped.
Also everyone already said this but props to Joey for his commitment. Shaving in between episodes like omg sir you didn't have to go all out for this. But you did and I appreciate you for it. Also HE KEPT THE JACKET?? WHAT!??! Just fully committed to this character go off Joey!!
Usually I would laugh at stuff phasing through the green screen but this just made it creepier.
But also I love how the script had him listed at Wilbur above his lines. I remember Nick called him Wilbur once in the commentary track (possibly by accident) but it's nice to have it in cannon. I don't remember I any of the characters called him Wilbur because I'm so used to seeing Wilbur and Wiley used interchangeably but this was just nice to have canonized.
Dang Wiley she was already being choked in the physical world you didn't have to choke her in her mind too calm down
Is the mouth one (I see we've named him Nibbly. Good because his full name is too long to type out) gonna be the npmd villain? The pick color theme seems cool.
ANGELA'S TRANSITION THOUGH!!! Omg she switched roles seamlessly. And her voice too!! Go off Angela.
This is random and unrelated but I never noticed how big Mariah's eyes were before.
So Webby and the Doll Gang are all siblings? I find it interesting that the were described to all where black. And Webby's color theme is white. Like how the good and bad ukeleles were white and black. This might sound really dumb see as we don't have a 100% accurate visual of the black and white but I wonder if Webby ever left would it be 100% black? Like if Wiggly went through the portal would it become a little less black? Does this make sense? Also I'm starting to see the black and white as less of a bad place. Its starting to see more ominously neutral.
Hannah's favorite show is He-Man no I do accept criticism.
Ms. Holloway is a nerd. She saw Hannah make the reference and was like "Huh. I f she likes He-Man maybe making this hat a reference will make her like me." She would only know if she watched the show. But then again she seems to be stuck in the 80s so maybe she just thinks that's what's popular with the kids.
This episode was......a lot. So much happened. Loved all of it. I am scared of Nick and Matt's minds but also incredibly grateful for them. As usual everyone's acting was top notch.
I love this episode.
Also I'm just gonna say it. Jon ruined Nick's season one reveal.
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September 7, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Early in the wake of Trump’s presidency, Republican Party lawmakers facing upcoming elections appear to have made the calculation that radicalized Trump voters were vital to their political futures. They seemed to worry that they needed to protect themselves against primary candidates from the right, since primaries are famous for bringing out the strongest partisans. If they could win their primaries, though, they could rely on tradition, gerrymandering, and voter suppression to keep them in office.
So Republicans tried to bury the January 6 insurrection and former president Trump’s role in it. Although both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called attention to Trump’s responsibility for the attack immediately after it happened, they voted to acquit him of the charge of “incitement of insurrection” placed by the House of Representatives, and either to echo or not to oppose the accusation that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
Republican governors like Greg Abbott in Texas and Ron DeSantis in Florida, both of whom appear to have presidential ambitions, along with Kristi Noem in South Dakota, took strong stands against immigrants who they insisted were invading the country, masks that they claimed were stifling children, and now, in Texas (but soon to spread), against abortion. At the same time, Republican-dominated states dramatically restricted the right to vote.
This calculation is hardly a secret. In Washington state, two Trump-type candidates have recently challenged the popular Republican incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler, who voted for the former president’s impeachment. Trump has endorsed one of them, and Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz, a Trump loyalist, traveled there this weekend to boost that candidate's campaign.
Republicans in Texas have swung hard right to rally their white base in a state that is now majority minority. The governor recently directed state police to arrest immigrants believed to have come to America illegally. The Republican legislature has passed, and the Republican governor has signed, a draconian abortion law empowering neighbors to collect $10,000 if they win a lawsuit against anyone who “abets” an abortion after six weeks, before most people know they’re pregnant; a strong voter suppression bill; and a law that permits people to carry guns without a permit.
​​Democratic state Representative Ron Reynolds, vice chair of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, told the AP’s Will Weissert and Paul J. Weber: “They have to entertain and they have to appease because these are the people that are excited about voting in Republican primaries.”
But the Republicans' move right was always a political gamble. The fact that politics is getting so frantic suggests it is a gamble they are afraid they are losing.
Far from disappearing, the events of January 6 loom larger every day. On September 4, Jacob Chansley, who then called himself “QAnon Shaman” and was seen in the Senate Chamber on January 6, shirtless, painted, wearing a horned helmet, and carrying a flagpole topped with a spear, pleaded guilty to a felony. He could face 41 to 51 months in prison. He is one of 600 charged so far in the insurrection. Like others, he claimed he believed Trump had called him to the Capitol that day.
Some Republican lawmakers might be looking at Chansley’s four or so years in prison and getting nervous as they might face their own day of reckoning.
Senate Republicans filibustered the creation of a bipartisan commission to investigate the events of January 6, so the House created a select committee instead. McCarthy tried to sabotage the select committee by adding to it two representatives who had already declared their opposition to it; then, when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected them, McCarthy withdrew all the Republicans from the committee and refused to participate in it, clearly hoping to discredit its work as a partisan hit job. But Pelosi invited anti-Trump Republican representatives Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to participate in the committee, and they agreed. As of September 2, Cheney is now the committee’s vice-chair.
The committee has asked a wide variety of sources for a wide variety of records, prompting what certainly looks like concern from lawmakers who worked closely with the former president. When the select committee asked telecommunications companies to preserve the phone records of certain members of Congress, as well as the former president and members of his family, the lawmakers in question strongly opposed the committee’s request.
McCarthy claimed that any company turning over private information was “in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States,” although experts say there is no law that stops companies from complying with a subpoena (and, of course, Republicans demanded—and received—Hillary Clinton’s private data in 2016). McCarthy seemed to issue a threat when he said: “If companies still choose to violate federal law, a Republican majority will not forget and will stand with Americans to hold them fully accountable under the law.”
Eleven House Republicans wrote a letter to Yahoo (mistakenly addressing it to a CEO who left the company in 2017) warning that “the undersigned do not consent to the release of confidential call records or data,” claiming that “your company has a legal obligation to protect the data of your subscribers and customers,” and threatening that “[i]f you fail to comply with these obligations, we will pursue all legal remedies.”
The eleven lawmakers signing the letter were those most closely associated with Trump: Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Scott Perry (R-PA), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Jodie Hice (R-GA), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and Jim Banks (R-IN), who seems to have aims for higher office.
Greene warned that any company complying with the committee’s request would be “shut down.”
McCarthy also claimed that the Department of Justice had said Trump did not cause, incite, or provoke the violence on January 6. This prompted select committee chair Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Vice-Chair Cheney to issue a statement “on McCarthy’s January 6th misinformation campaign,” calling “reports of such a conclusion… baseless.”
The anti-government anti-mask movement also probably seemed like a better idea before the Delta variant hit. Governors like Abbott and DeSantis have doubled down on opposing mask mandates: DeSantis has gone so far as to use the government to prevent private businesses from requiring masks and to block local officials from requiring masks in schools.
But mask mandates are widely popular, and as hospitalizations and deaths spike among the unvaccinated, popular opinion is turning against anti-maskers. The area around Miami, Florida, has seen the deaths of at least 13 school staff from Covid-19; hospitalizations of children are rising; and north Idaho has begun to ration medical care; Covid hospitalizations on Labor Day 2021 were 61,000 higher than they were a year ago (99,000 versus 38,000), and health care workers are exhausted. Doctors are beginning to push back against the anti-maskers, while school boards in Florida are defying DeSantis’s ban and Texas schools are challenging Abbott’s rule in court.
While Trump-reflecting lawmakers are demanding Americans put their lives, and their children’s lives, on the line for “freedom,” news broke tonight that Trump and his son Don, Jr., will spend the night of September 11, 2021, the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, commenting on a "gamecast" of a boxing match between former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield (who stepped in when Oscar De La Hoya tested positive for Covid) and Vitor Belfort at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida. "I love great fighters and great fights," Trump said. "You won't want to miss this special event..."—which can be purchased for $49.99.
Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPoCovid hospitalizations, Labor Day 2020: 38K Covid hospitalizations, Labor Day 2021: 99K
Idaho moves to start rationing medical care amid surge in covid hospitalizationsThe surge illustrates how the delta variant has hampered progress in curbing the pandemic even as vaccines became widely available.washingtonpost.com
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September 7th 2021
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thebeastofblackmoor · 4 years
Nancy Drew Asks- Send me a Suspect!
Since it seems everyone is cooped up at home, I figured I’d make an ask game of my own to help the Clue Crew combat boredom... Send me a suspect and rb!
Daryl Gray: What kind of car do you drive? Connie Watson: Are you a part of any clubs? Hal Tanaka: Have you ever cheated in school? Hector “Hulk” Sanchez:  Do you play any sports? If so, which one(s)? Detective Beech: Do you keep a journal? What’s in it? Mitch Dillon: Have you ever blocked your number and if yes, why?
Mattie Jensen: Describe the plot of the last TV show you watched. Rick Arlen: What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Lillian Weiss: What’s the worst way you’ve ever broken up with somebody? Millie Strathorn: Would you consider yourself cluttered or organized? Dwayne Powers: Do you hold a grudge? Ralph Guardino: What is your job?
Rose Green: Do you talk with your hands? Abby Sideris: What is your star sign? Louis Chandler: What’s the oldest thing you own? Charlie Murphy: How many different places have you lived?
Dexter Egan: Did you get in trouble a lot as a kid? Professor Hotchkiss: Early bird or night owl (hoot hoot)? Lisa Ostrum: Do you speak another language? Jacques Brunais: Would you rather have a big or small wedding?
Brady Armstrong: What was the worst job you ever worked? Simone Mueller: Has anyone ever climbed out of your wardrobe? Nicholas Falcone: Have you ever been to a protest? Joseph Hughes: If you had to move away to live with family in another state, who would it be and where?
Joanna Riggs: What’s your favorite exhibit at the museum? Henrik van der Hune: Are you attracted to Henrik? this is a serious question I know a lot of you are or at least used to be.. what was the deal with that.. Alejandro del Rio: What country are you from? Taylor Sinclair: Do you have a nickname?
Red Knott: What’s your favorite animal? Emily Griffin: If you owned a store, what would it sell? Jeff Akers: Do you have any pets?
Harlan Bishop: Have you ever gotten into trouble with the law? Ingrid Corey: If you suddenly got a lot of money, how would you spend it? Joy Trent: Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist? Elliot Chen: If any, what kind of art do you do?
Katie Firestone: What is your favorite kind of sandwich? Holt Scotto: Political alignment? Andy Jason: Sharks or whales? Jenna Deblin: Starbucks or local coffee shop?
Dave Gregory: You got a steady back home? Tex Britten: Have you ever ridden a horse? Shorty Thurmond: Are you a good cook? Mary Yazzie: Have you ever had a secret relationship?
Linda Penvellyn: Are you married? Jane Penvellyn: Favorite mythological creature? Mrs. Drake: Do you have plants? Ethel Bossiny: What period in or piece of history fascinates you the most? Nigel Mookerjee: Do you scare easily?
Emily Crandall: When was the last time you stayed in your pajamas all day? Richard Topham: Have you ever seen a psychic? Jane Willoughby: What kind of accent do you have? Jim Archer: Are you good with money?
Lori Girard: Favorite celebrity? Charleena Purcell: What was the last book you read? Tino Balducci: Do you exaggerate stories?  John Grey: What’s the cheesiest TV show you watch?
Minette: Do you have any tattoos? JJ Ling: Most outrageous lie you’ve told? Heather McKay: Do you care about fashion? Dieter von Schwesterkrank: How many people have you dated? Jean-Michel Traquenard: Where do you do your best work?
Dr. Quigley Kim: Bugs: yay or nay? Big Island Mike: What’s your favorite meme? Pua Mapu: Have you ever been surfing? Malachi Craven: Do you take compliments well?
Ollie Randall: Have you ever been hunting? Freddie Randall: Do you like winter weather? Bill Kessler: Name a place from your childhood that holds a fond place in your heart. Yanni Volkstaia: Winter or summer sports? Lou Talbot: What did you major in or what would you like to major in, if applicable? Guadalupe Comillo: Did you have a “wolf phase” growing up?
Henry Bolet: Are you more goth, jock, nerd, or prep? Renee Amande: Do you have a secret stash of food in your room? Lamont Warrick: Do you have allergies? Gilbert Buford: Describe your best friend.
Margarita Fauberg: Do you prefer to spend time inside or outside? Helena Berg: What’s your favorite city in the world? Colin Baxter: Do you give a single shit about tesserae tiles?? Enrico Tazza: Favorite card game? Antonio Fango: Do you work in an office?
Kyler Mallory: Do you know much about your family history? Matt Simmons: Do you enjoy playing practical jokes? Kit Foley: Have you ever gotten into a physical fight? Donal Delaney: Favorite drink, alcoholic or otherwise? Fiona Malloy: What was your favorite toy as a kid?
Johnny Rolle: Favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?
Corine Meyers: Did you get good grades in high school? Izzy Romero: Were you popular in high school? Mel Corbalis: Do you play an instrument? Rachel & Kim Hubbard: Do you have any siblings?
Scott Varnell: What are you really passionate about? Debbie Kircum: Are you a hard worker? Frosty Harlow: Do you like photography? Chase Relerford: Have you ever stolen from a store? Pa: Do you do any theater?
Yumi Shimizu: Would you consider yourself bossy? Miwako Shimizu: Are you timid or assertive? Takae Nagai: Do you have any traditions you honor? Rentaro Aihara: Are you technical-minded? I was gonna ask if you like puzzles but, um, this is the friggin clue crew
Karl Weschler: Are you a leader or a follower? Anja Mittelmeier: Have you or would you lie on your resume?  Lukas Mittelmeier: Do you like to cause trouble? Renate Stoller: Tell us the best story you’ve got.
Deirdre Shannon: Do you get jealous easily? Brenda Carlton: Are you just the fucking worst? (HINT: No, because you’re not Brenda) Toni Scallari: Do you talk about people behind their backs? Alexei Markovic: Do you break things often?
Abdullah Bakhoum: Do you have high self-confidence? Lily Crewe: Favorite board game? Dylan Carter: Are people inclined to believe you, even when you lie? Jamila El-Dine: Do you believe there are aliens on other planets?
Victor Lossett: Are you strict? Ryan Kilpatrick: What’s your favorite kind of candy? Mason Quinto: Do you consider yourself a logical thinker? Ellie York: What “percent scientist” are you? Gray Cortright: Would you work a night shift?
Clara Thornton: Tell us a story you haven’t told almost anyone. Apparently “have you ever accidentally gotten someone killed?” isn’t an appropriate question for tumblr dot com Wade Thornton: Do you believe in ghosts? Jessalyn Thornton: Do you think spending a night on a haunted island with your best friend sounds like fun? Harper Thornton: What’s your favorite book? Colton Birchfield: How would you get the attention of someone you liked?
Alec Fell: Are you especially witty? Moira Chisholm: Again, since “have you ever accidentally gotten someone killed?” isn’t gonna cut it, I’ll go with: What are your hobbies? Ewan Macleod: What piece of spy gadgetry would you pick if you got to take one home? Zoe Wolf: Do you like to break the rules?
Sonny Joon: Do you doodle? Patrick Dowsett: Are you a good swimmer? Leena Patel: How did you meet your best friend? Kiri Nind: Why did you dedicate your life to being on trashy TV? Do you watch reality TV?
Xenia Doukas: Which fictional character do you relate to on a personal level? Niobe Papadaki: Are you a good public speaker? Grigor Karakinos: If you had to make up a fake identity for yourself, what first and last name would you pick and why? Thanos Ganas:  Do you think you’re intimidating?
Elisabet Grimursdottir: Are you a cat or a dog person? Dagny Silva: What’s your sexuality? Soren Bergursson: If you were a villain, what would be your weapon of choice? Gunnar Tonnisson: What stands out about your physical appearance?
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lovemollywho · 4 years
Bitter Rivals - Two
Previous Chapter
AN: Sorry this took a lot longer than anticipated! Originally I didn’t think that everyone was going to want a continuation but now I have more of a storyline in my head so there will be more chapters after this! Enjoy!
The following week after Aelin’s little present passed in a blur, but every so often Aelin would think back to the look on his face when he read the words on the chocolate and smile. However, she did have to find a new hiding spot for her sweets other than the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. Rowan had sent a couple of emails to Aelin throughout the week, setting up meeting dates and mentioning similar past cases but she wanted to be a step ahead of Rowan at all cost, so she picked up the phone and got to work.
“Mr. Whitethorn?” Rowan picked up his head from his computer screen to see his secretary stand in the middle of his door frame holding a box of case files that he had requested. It looked heavy so Rowan got up from his desk to help.
“Thank you Remelle,” Rowan said, placing the box on a coffee table, opening the contents, and shifting through the files. “Will you let Miss. Galathynius know that I would like to meet up sometime tomorrow around lunch if she has the time. I want to split these case files before the meeting with Mr. Havilliard.” Remelle pulled her iPad up to look through both his and Aelin’s calendars.
“Miss. Galanthynius cannot do tomorrow sir.” “Today then?” He asked. It was last minute but if she wanted to be petty about the chocolates he could be petty too.
Remelle shook her head. Rowan could feel himself getting frustrated with the beautiful blond woman. He really hadn’t meant to eat her chocolate but it had been a long day and while Rowan usually wasn’t one for sweets he had an intense craving. Seeing the bitter dark chocolate in the glass container wasn’t going to do the trick but if he had known that this was how she was going to act over something so trivial then he wouldn’t have bothered.
“Okay, well she’ll feel foolish when I walk into the Havilliard meeting with amazing suggestions, then the partnership will be good as mine. Remelle can you confer with Miss. Galanthynius’s secretary and set up a meeting sometime next week, and can you send for Miss. Lochan as soon as she can. Thank you.” Rowan continued to look through the box of files when he saw Remelle still standing in the doorway.
“That will be all,” Rowan said but Remelle shifted slightly from foot to foot looking nervous. Rowan narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”
“Sir, the reason that Miss. Galanthynius can’t do a meeting today or tomorrow is because she already has lunch dates with Mr. Havilliards team today and a meeting with Mr. Havilliard himself tomorrow.” Rowan saw red. He marched out of his office to the elevator, people in the hallway moved out of his way knowing that he was a man on a mission. He all but threw the door open to find Aelin standing, hunched over her desk writing something on a legal pad with her phone to her ear. Despite the loud noise that Rowan had made opening the door she never glanced up, continuing to write and even smiling at whatever was said by the person on the line. When she finished writing she looked up to Rowan, eyes flicking to his briefly before she turned her back on him to face the window.
The absolute nerve of this woman. Rowan was furious, he was angry. All this attitude over chocolate? Rowan decided then and there that she was nothing more than a spoiled child “Alright, but I don’t want Judge Zane see if we can switch to the judge that was on the Kozack case.” She nodded her head in agreement. “Alright I will see you Friday then?” She paused. “Great, bye.” She hung up the phone and turned to face Rowan placing a bright smile on her face.
“Yes, Mr. Whitethorn?” Her tone was light and it only added to Rowan’s frustration. Aelin started gathering things that she needed, checking her phone before looking up to Rowan waiting for an answer. She raised an eyebrow and Rowan was caught momentarily off guard at how good she looked. She was wearing a white vest with a long gold necklace that only highlighted her cleavage, with tailored white pants that fit the curve of her hips so well, ending with red suede stilettos that matched the matte red lipstick she was wearing. She wore her sexuality like a weapon that she had mastered, taking no prisoners as she dived a knife into your heart.
“Were you planning on telling me about your lunch meetings?” Rowan asked after a second too long.
“Oh that.” Aelin said, brushing past him to place the things she gathered into what looked to be an expensive tote bag. “They wanted to meet as soon as possible and you didn’t have anything open until at least two weeks from now. I took the initiative and set up the meetings.”
“We’re supposed to be working together Miss. Galanthynius.” Rowan said, trying to release some of the tension in his jaw. Aelin smirked. “Which is why I told Clarisse and Arobynn that you greenlit the meetings after we discussed your very busy schedule and workload. Poor Clarisse was worried that maybe you were taking on too much, but I told her that I had everything handled and that you would catch up when you could.”
“You did what?” Aelin smiled and shrugged. “If you’ll excuse me Mr. Whitethorn I have a lunch meeting to get to.” She left him standing in her office, a cross of anger, confusion, and amusement dancing on his face. This game wasn’t over by a long shot.
The meeting with Dorian Havilliard’s team went as well as could be expected but it was the lunch meeting today that had Aelin bouncing in her seat with excitement. True to her word she had sent an email to Rowan updating him with the notes that she had taken but hadn’t received an email back. That was fine with her, she had the high ground so far, and as long as she kept it the partnership would be hers. He had looked sexy storming into her office, but she had long perfected her poker face and wouldn’t let the sight of him phase her. There was a ping from her computer notifying her that she had received an interoffice message.
RWhitethorn: Thank you for catching me up. I’ve marked some of the case files you mentioned with notes that are attached. Let’s set up a meeting together to go over it before we meet with Dorian Havilliard again next week.
AGalanthynius: Perfect. I’ll look over it before I head to lunch with Mr. Havilliard. Monday work for you?
RWhitethorn: 10 am?
AGalanthynius: Perfect. I’ll put it on my calendar.
Aelin looked over Rowan’s notes and had to admire the information that he offered. If they weren’t up for the same promotion Aelin would have loved to sit down and ask Rowan questions about his past cases. He clearly was talented and attractive but that wouldn’t distract Aelin from the goals that she had in life. She made her own notes for the meeting before glancing at the clock and realizing that she had to leave if she was going to make it to her lunch meeting with Dorain on time.
“Mr. Whitethorn I have a lady here from Snowleapord Bakery.” Rowan smiled before getting up from his desk and buttoning the front of his suit jacket. Standing before him was a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and striking green eyes. She was dressed in a white shirt and jeans, the kind of casual chic that you see celebrities wearing that every woman tried to pull off. She was holding an iPad typing something in when Rowan stepped up to her.
“Rowan Whitethorn I presume?” The woman asked. Rowan nodded his head and offered her a smile, one that had been known to charm the pants off of most people. The woman smirked and offered her hand. “I’m Lysandra.” Rowan took her hand and shook it. “Oh I didn’t know that the bakery owner was going to deliver the order herself.”
Lysandra went back to typing something on her iPad. “My best friend works here and usually orders things for the office. I figure I would drop off your order and then go say hi.” She offered the iPad to him. “I just need you to sign here and then I can unload everything.”
Rowan took the iPad from here. “Who’s your friend?” He signed his name and handed the device back to her.
“Aelin Galanthynius. In fact she ordered chocolates from me for a coworker. Was that you?” Lysandra said and Rowan felt his shoulders stiffen but tried to brush it off with a smile.
“Yes, they were delicious, thank you.” Lysandra looked at him for a couple of seconds smiling pushing her tongue to the top of her teeth. “Uh-huh.” Was all she said, clearly knowing that Rowan was lying but played along to help him save face.
“Anyway, I’ll just go unload this chocolate buffet of items that you bought and then go say hi to Aelin.”
“Miss. Galathynius isn’t here I’m afraid.” Rowan said, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh? When is she coming back, do you know?”
“Sometime after 2pm I think.”
“Mr. Whitethorn, you told me the treats were only needed from noon to 2 pm, am I to understand that Aelin will not be here to enjoy the things I’ve made?” Rowan brought one hand out his pocket and rubbed his thumb on his bottom lip. Lysandra huffed out a small laugh, “You know I have to at least tell her what she’s missing right?” Rowan sighed and nodded.
“I didn’t know you had close ties with her, or else I would have asked another bakery.” Lysandra laughed a little, placing a comforting hand before pulling out her phone and walking away.
Aelin’s phone buzzed on the table slightly right as Dorain Havilliard walked up to where she was sitting. He was handsome in the way that anyone with dark hair and blue eyes was always handsome, but his smile made Aelin’s heart squeeze, there was beautiful and then there was breathtaking.
“Miss. Galanthynius?” Dorian held out his hand for Aelin to bring her hand to his mouth and placed a kiss on the back of her knuckles.
“Mr. Havilliard, thank you for taking the time to meet with me,” Aelin said, offering him a smile and gesturing for him to sit down.
“No, thank you. I understand that Mr. Whitethorn won’t be able to join us, I know that this meeting was last minute.” Aelin’s phone flashed with a notification but when she saw it was from Lysandra she turned the ringer down and placed her phone in her bag.
“So, Mr. Havilliard do you have any recommendations?” Aelin asked, picking up her menu.
The meeting with Dorian went as perfectly as Aelin could have planned. As the son of one of the most profitable export companies, the case between father and son was complicated, intriguing, and fascinating. She had mentioned some of the notes that Rowan had given her and was surprised at how well Dorian followed along. Surprisingly enough, Aelin couldn’t wait to tell Rowan everything that she had learned, wanting to get to work as soon as possible as she had a really good feeling that they could win this case together. Granted she knew that there were things that needed to be finessed but between her and Rowan she wasn’t too worried. Aelin got out as her driver pulled up outside of the building and remembered that Lysandra had sent her a text before her lunch meeting.
Best Bitch: Don’t get mad, I didn’t know you weren’t going to be in the office today Best Bitch: Also why didn’t you tell me how HOT Rowan Whitethorn was?!?!?!?!? Best Bitch: As your best friend I feel obligated to tell you that if I wasn’t happily dating your cousin I would want a date with that man ASAP Best Bitch: that jawline though Best Bitch: a n y w a y Best Bitch: Like I said I didn’t know, I thought he was waving the white flag
                                                                                                    ??????????????                                                                          What are you talking about??????                                                                   Also, he can’t be hot! Hes the ENEMY!
Aelin walked into the office super confused. Lysandra had yet to text her back but when she walked into the office kitchen to get something to drink she froze.
“What the fuck?” she whispered under her breath. The kitchen trash was overfilled with Lysandra’s green boxes, some were stacked on the side empty, the remains of a chocolate fountain on one of the tables. At least a 100 boxes were in the kitchen alone but Aelin knew that people would take boxes of Lys’s baked goods back to their offices to enjoy them later.
She grabbed a bottled water out of the fridge and pulled out her phone to send a text to Lysandra.
                                                                                           What the F U C K?!?!?!                                                                              HOW MUCH DID YOU BRING?                                                                              THERE’S NOTHING LEFT LYS!
Best Bitch: I’M SORRY! Best Bitch: I already have some brownies with your name on it at my apartment! Best Bitch: Come over after work? Best Bitch: I’ll kick Aedion out and we can get wine drunk?
Aelin sent back a GIF of someone raising a wine glass and headed back to her office. She couldn’t believe that Rowan had bought the entire office a sugar feast filled with chocolaty goodness and she hadn’t even been a part of it. That fucker knew she would be out of the office, this wasn’t a coincidence, this had been planned. When Aelin walked into her office, sitting on her desk was a green box with a white ribbon wrapped around it. Aelin felt some of her anger resign as she placed her bags down and went to her desk. He had left her something, maybe it was time for a cease-fire. After all, promotion or not she should still try to get along with the buzzard.
Aelin opened the box to find chocolate bark, the same kind that Rowan had eaten in the first place. Perhaps this was an apology for eating hers the other day. Aelin turned on her computer with a smile on her face, ready to shoot an email to Rowan thanking him. While she waited for her computer to load she grabbed one of the pieces of chocolate and took a huge bite out of it only for bitterness to explored in her mouth. Aelin spit out the chocolate and took a giant swig of her water. That fucker!
Inside the box was a folded up piece of paper, Aelin unfolded it to see two words written on it.
Game on.
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Plance Fic Part 5
A Day with the Holts
Part 4 can be found here if you missed it: https://truegryffindorforever2.tumblr.com/post/188743512520/plance
Lance arrived promptly at the Holt residence at 11:00 a.m. He walked up to their front doorstep and rang the doorbell. He heard Pidge’s voice from inside the house. “I’ll get it!” The door opened. Standing before him was a young woman that Lance almost didn’t recognize. She was wearing a light green, knee-length dress with a flouncy skirt, and with a darker green cardigan, and sensible black flats. Her hair was braided into a neat bun with a few stray curls to frame her face. Around her neck was the same golden heart-shaped locket that he had seen her wearing lately, but today she was also wearing sparkling golden earrings. He hadn’t ever seen Pidge dressed so femininely before. She had, apparently, experimented with the makeup that her mother bought her last night as well—eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara...Her brows seemed thinner and more carefully shaped, her cheeks rosier, her lips pinker, with a bit of gloss. She was stunning. Lance just gaped at her in shock.
“Hi, Lance! Please come inside.”
“Pidge, you look beautiful! I mean, not that you don’t always look beautiful, but today you look especially glamorous.” He couldn’t stop staring at her. She looked up at him and gave him a dazzling smile. Her already rosy cheeks seemed even pinker for a moment.
“Thank you. You look very handsome in blue. It brings out your eyes.”
I knew it, he thought, feeling his face heat up. She thinks I look good in blue. “I brought dessert, and another surprise for later.” He was carrying a white box from the bakery and a white bag filled with the cookies that Hunk baked. His guitar case was slung across his back.
“Let’s put those on the sideboard,” she said, indicating the white packages. “Is that your guitar?”
“Yes, I was hoping to play a song that I wrote for you later today.”
“You wrote a song for me?” Pidge looked absolutely delighted. Her eyes sparkled more than her earrings.
“I wrote a part for you to sing as well. I’ll teach you to later if you’d like.”
“Sure!” She was genuinely enthusiastic about the idea. “You really are Mr. Perfect,” she gushed. Lance looked incredibly bashful for a moment, but then smiled and set his guitar down in the living room.
“The dining room is this way,” Pidge called to him, beckoning him to follow her. He followed her into the next room, where, he saw, Sam had just finished setting the table.
“Hello, Lance.”
“Commander Holt, sir.” They shook hands.
“Katie, the oven timer just went off.”
“I’ve got it, Mom!” She disappeared into the kitchen. Sam and Lance followed her.
“Hello, Mrs. Holt.”
“Lance, dear, it’s good to see you again. Sam, could you pour the drinks? And Lance, could you grab the salad bowl?” Pidge had a large casserole dish, that she held with oven mitts. Colleen was carrying a basket, covered with a white cloth. Everyone followed her back into the dining room, where Bae Bae was excitedly jumping around and wagging her tail.
“Down, girl!” he heard Pidge say to her dog.
It took several moments, but everyone took turns serving the item that they had carried into the dining room. When at last they were ready to be seated, Lance pulled out a chair for Pidge, and she thanked him. Sam and Colleen exchanged approving smiles at this gesture. Lance was the last to be seated, and upon doing so, Mr. Holt asked that they bow their heads to say grace before the meal. Bae Bae already had her little paws on Lance’s thigh and whined for attention. Lance waited until the prayer was over to give the family’s beloved pet a scratch behind her ears.
“Aw, who’s a good girl, huh?” Lance asked.
“Bae Bae, leave Lance alone,” Colleen said. Pidge was giggling at them.
“So, Lance, how are things going with the young pilots that you are training?” Sam asked.
“Great, sir. The data collection module on the new virtual reality flight simulator has been upgraded, thanks to Pidge and Matt. We are able to give the pilot trainees more accurate feedback on their strengths and weaknesses than ever before, and design an individual training program for each candidate.”
Sam lifted his eyebrows. “That’s good to hear. Iverson says you’re a natural when it comes to teaching the youngest cadets. He says you have a way with kids.”
Pidge smiled proudly at her boyfriend, then looked at her father. “He really does, Dad. They absolutely love him.” Lance smiled as he took a sip of his drink.
“Iverson may be retiring as early as next year. He may be making a recommendation soon regarding the next head flight instructor.”
“I don’t expect that it will be me. I’m too young, and I don’t have the experience.”
“Actually, all of the Paladins have more combat hours than any of the MFE pilots, Lance. There’s so much Altean technology in the new Ares fighters that I think that a Paladin might actually be an ideal candidate for the job. I can put in a good word for you if you’d like.”
Lance beamed at him. “Thank you. I would really appreciate that, sir.” Colleen and her daughter exchanged knowing looks. Sam was beginning to warm up to Lance a bit.
“We will need more pilots that are familiar with alien technology when the Defender Project is in the testing phase. The designs that Matt and Katie have shown me are nothing short of astonishing. I think their work will go beyond anything I could have dreamed of when I designed the Atlas.”
“The Atlas is the most amazing craft in the history of human ingenuity,” Pidge said proudly. She gestured across the table. “My father, the humble genius.”
“I mean it Katie. You and Matt have surpassed me, and I couldn’t be more proud.”
“Dad, you just like to brag on your family.”
“I suppose that I do.” He grinned at his wife. “Colleen, the Caesar salad and baked ziti are excellent, as always.”
“I agree,” said Lance. “Mrs. Holt, you’re a great cook. Thanks for inviting me over.” He took another bite, then chewed and swallowed. “The garlic knots are outstanding. They taste just like the ones my mom makes.”
“Well, thank you for the compliments, guys, but I am afraid I cannot accept any praise for the garlic knots, Lance. I didn’t make them.”
“Those are Katie’s,” said Sam. “It’s her great-grandmother’s recipe.”
Lance looked at Pidge in surprise. She smirked at him. “All this, and I can cook, too.” She winked at him. They all laughed.
Dessert consisted of coffee and some of the gourmet cheesecake sampler that Lance had bought from the bakery on Tesla Avenue. Sam tried the traditional New York style, Colleen selected a slice of the strawberry cheesecake, and Lance had a chocolate chip flavored piece. Pidge, of course, had a peanut butter flavored slice. I knew she would love that, Lance thought.
When everyone was finished, they talked for a bit, about Matt, the other Paladins, and current events. Then they all helped Colleen clear the table and clean the kitchen. “I’ll finish up here,” she insisted. “Sam will need help moving the furniture.
Lance removed his sweater and rolled up his sleeves, then helped Sam move the living room furniture aside, while Pidge went into her room to change her shoes. She came back wearing her new, strappy high heels, and without her cardigan. He hadn’t realized that her dress was sleeveless and was designed to accentuate her slender figure’s gentle curves. Lance didn’t think it was possible, but she looked even more beautiful than when she first greeted him earlier. As she descended the staircase, he stared at her, transfixed.
Sam cleared his throat to break Lance from his reverie.
“Well, it’s best if you review the basics facing the same direction. Lance, stand to her left. We will review the box step first. You should join hands.
“That’s it. Left foot forward, slide right, feet together, right foot back, slide left, feet together...good...you’re getting the hang of it. Count it in six...1,2,3,4,5,6...”
“We should try it in dance position now, Dad.”
“All right, turn to face each other. Lance, raise your left hand and take Katie’s right hand. Good. Now, Katie, put your left hand on his shoulder. Lance, put your right hand on her back like this...”
They practiced the waltz, first with the counts, then with the music. Then Lance taught her the rumba, a dance that originated in Cuba. They were so lost in the music and each other’s gaze that they didn’t even hear Matt enter through the front door. He kissed his mother’s cheek and hugged his father. Bae Bae tried to leap into Matt’s arms, so he picked her up and was greeted with slobbery doggy affection. “Who’s the best girl, huh? There’s my Bae Bae!” He set the dog down and then turned to his sibling.
“What’s this I see? I thought Lance was dating my baby sister, but I come home to find him dancing around our living room with this glamorous young woman that I have never seen before.”
The music stopped. “Matt!” Pidge hugged her brother.
“Hey, Matt.” Lance shook his hand.
“You two look great together. Pidge used to have to dance with me when we were kids, and I was so clumsy, I always stepped on her feet.”
“Well, Lance hasn’t stepped on my feet, not even once,” Pidge said cheerily.
“I hate to interrupt your dance lesson, but I need to talk to Dad for a bit.”
“Is it the new navigation system design?”
“There are a few glitches I thought you could help me with.”
“I can help too,” said Pidge.
“Oh no you don’t, young lady,” Colleen interrupted. “I’ll take over the lesson from here.”
Colleen had them review the triple step and the rock step, which resulted in Lance and Pidge dancing the jitterbug around the room, laughing to the upbeat jazzy soundtrack Colleen selected. Lance taught Pidge another Cuban dance, the cha cha. They even tried a few simple lifts. (Lance picked her up with ease because Pidge was so lightweight.) Matt and Sam had returned from Sam’s study by then, and the Holts applauded when the song ended.
“Outstanding!” Sam was impressed.
“Sam, how about we give these kids a break, and show them how we used to dance when we were young?”
Sam and Colleen demonstrated the foxtrot and the Viennese waltz with the ease of professional dancers, and Lance, Pidge, and Matt applauded. Matt left to run a few more errands while his sister and her boyfriend tried mimicking his parents demonstration.
When they had enough dancing for the day, Lance helped Sam put the living room back in order. Pidge had disappeared upstairs to change into a long green tunic, black leggings, and sensible shoes once more.
“There are plenty of leftovers we can eat for supper, and Matt is picking up pizza on his way home, so Lance should definitely stay to eat dinner with us.” Colleen was insistent.
“Thanks Mrs. Holt.” Lance reached for his guitar case. “I will sing for my supper, I but I need to practice first.”
“Come upstairs then,” Pidge suggested. Lance followed her up the stairs to her bedroom.
To be continued...
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nicostolemybones · 5 years
Transitioning to Manhood
Will felt a strange nostalgia looking at the box his mother had sent him, although it wasn’t a bittersweet feeling. It was a twisting feeling in his gut, a horrible reminder that his mom was clearing the house of all reminders of her child, trying to get the child she thought she remembered to snap out of a phase and return home. He picked up a knitted hat, barely the size of his fist- he’d been born premature, and his grandmother had knitted the tiny pink hat as soon as she received news of his birth. It was a pale pastel pink, almost white, a pearly quality to the colour, but years of collecting damp in a cardboard box had tinged it a dusty, damp grey. There were photographs, and Will was bombarded with pigtails and frilly dresses and patent shoes buckled with bows. “I think I would have cried if I’d been put in that monstrosity,” Lou-Ellen said softly, pointing at the photograph Will was currently holding, featuring him in a pink frilly dress for a Church wedding, holding a basket of bright pink and red rose petals, bawling his eyes out and lifting up the hem of the skirt to wipe his face. He looked about five.
The next picture showed the same dress covered in mud, Will grinning like a maniac chasing the vicar’s daughter with a worm in his hands and one shoe missing, hair a tangled mess. Cecil snorted and laughed. “Please tell me you put that worm down the back of her dress!”
“Nah, she picked up a bigger worm and chased me with it instead. We were friends in kindergarten,” Will replied, pointing out a photograph of him in pink flowery dungarees sitting opposite the girl, who was wearing the same dungarees in blue. “We made mud pies and put them in her father’s shoes in that picture,” Will said sadly, “we got into trouble for boyish behaviour and making a mess.” Will unceremoniously shoved the photographs into the bottom of the box, taking a few deep breaths.
“Are you okay, Will,” Lou-Ellen asked gently, placing her hand on his back and rubbing small circles.
“Yeah,” Will sighed, staring emptily into the box before picking out his birth certificate and staring at it. “I don’t know,” Will amended, and Cecil took the certificate out of his hands.
“We should burn this,” Cecil announced, “it’s useless. If you end up needing it for anything, you can just get it re-printed at the register office. Although you might wanna make some changes to it first. Until you can do that legally, Connor and Travis owe me a massive favour, if you’d like.�� Will let out a small laugh, burying his face in his hands.
“My whole childhood is in this box,” Will said quietly, “and my mom’s throwing away all of her favourite memories of me, and I can’t bring myself to look at them.”
“Hey,” Lou-Elllen began gently, “we’ll make new memories, new photographs.These aren’t your memories, they’re your mom’s ideal childhood for you, it’s all the parts she didn’t like taken out and the select few moments she did pruned carefully and displayed to be her image of perfection. You don’t have to keep any of this, because that’s not how your childhood felt to you. They aren’t pictures of you, they’re pictures of the child your mom wanted everybody to see, they aren’t pictures that truly represent your childhood. You aren’t obliged to hold onto somebody else's image of you.”
“We can burn all of it later, mate,” Cecil offered, “just us if you want. And Nico too, of course. Kayla and Austin too maybe, if they aren’t busy.”
“Yeah,” Will sighed, “shoot it with a burning arrow or something.”
“That’s the spirit,” Cecil grinned mischievously, taking the box from Will, “I’ll go take this to my cabin and get my siblings to thoroughly vandalise everything so before you burn it you can have a laugh.”
“Thanks,” Will laughed, and Lou-Ellen pulled him into her shoulder.
“I’ll see you later, dude,” Cecil smiled, “and you, my bi-hexual girlfriend!” He kissed Lou-Ellen’s cheek and jogged off.
“Do you wanna go find Nico?”
“He’s got training now,” Will replied, “but I wanna go talk to Clarisse, do you know where I could find her?”
“I saw her heading to her cabin before I came here,” Lou-Ellen replied, “I’m gonna go work on creating some more sigils, okay?” She kissed Will’s cheek before heading towards her cabin, and Will set out to find Clarisse. She wasn’t in her cabin, or in the armory- Will found her sitting outside the currently empty Aphrodite cabin, holding a pale green and cream chiffon scarf in her hands. Will sat beside her, bumping her shoulder.
“It was Silena’s,” Clarisse said gently, “her favourite hijab. She used to cover it with pins and I’d put flowers through the pins. After we burned her shroud, we uh… her parents invited me to her funeral, at the Masjid. The mosque, that is.”
“It’s beautiful,” Will said, “you should keep it. She’d want you to have it.”
“Yeah,” Clarisse sighed, “don’t tell anyone I went soft, you hear me, Solace?”
“Message received and understood,” Will smiled, and Clarisse punched him lightly in the arm.
“She taught me how to put on makeup,” Clarisse admitted, “she used to do it real subtle, so nobody would know. She’d contour my whole face and she’d put on neutral eye shadows and clear mascara, cherry chapstick muted with matte powder.”
“I never noticed you wearing makeup,” Will replied.
“That’s because that was the point. She made it look completely natural. I’m not exactly… feminine.”
“But she taught you how you could be butch and still be pretty, right?”
“Exactly,” Clarisse replied, “she helped me to pass.”
“A true ally,” Will smiled, resting his head on her shoulder, “how have you been recovering from surgery?”
“I’ve had worse pain,” Clarisse smiled, “I’m still getting used to the extra weight on my chest, but Chris likes them just as much as I do, I think.” Will chuckled lightly, and Clarisse put her arm around him. “Anyway, you look like shit, Solace, what happened?”
“My mom,” Will replied dejectedly, “she sent a box of stuff from my childhood. I’m gonna burn it all later. Cecil’s idea.”
“I’ll be right there with you,” Clarisse said, squeezing his shoulder roughly, “providing I can take a baseball bat to everything first.”
“You can rip the birth certificate before I shoot everything with a burning arrow” Will offered, and Clarisse chuckled lightly.
“That’s my boy,” Clarisse grinned, punching his arm lightly.
“The thing is… I don’t hate my childhood,” Will began honestly. “I didn’t always know I was trans, I didn’t always hate myself, I just couldn’t understand that weird out of place feeling, you know? I didn’t know why things made me uncomfortable. I only started figuring it out when I came to camp… and now, it hurts to look at all the pictures, because they… they don’t feel like I’m looking at photographs of me, and the more I tell myself that’s me, the more I can’t stand to look at them, because I look so female. But my childhood wasn’t a sad one, I… I was loved once, I used to pretend I had nightmares so my mom would give me these butter cookies with warm milk. She knew I was usually faking it, but she didn’t care as long as I smiled.”
“Tell me more,” Clarisse probed gently, before wrapping Silena’s scarf around his shoulders when she noticed a breeze, keeping her arm around his shoulder.
“She didn’t always have a lot of time for me, with the singing and all,” Will began, “but when she did have time for me, we always did something. She used to take me to my grandma’s farm a lot. The chickens didn’t like me much, but there was this baby calf my grandma let me name. Which was a terrible decision, I called it Dustbin Grass,” Will announced with a small laugh. Clarisse snorted, and Will continued. “Anyway, the calf used to come in through the back door and lay down in the middle of the sitting room, and I’d curl up next to the calf. We had a height chart on the wall, and I’d always compare my height with the calf every week. And other days, my mom would take me on day trips. Sometimes it was just to the local park or play area, we’d feed the ducks and sit in the sun with a picnic. I’d always go on the slide, although some days it was so hot the metal burned and I’d start crying. My mom always used to wrap me up in a warm hug and she’d tell me that it was all okay.”
“That sounds nice,” Clarisse said sincerely, and Will continued to share his memories.
“I wasn’t so good with all the school stuff. When I was a kid, I hadn’t been diagnosed with ADHD yet, or dyslexia, but I still struggled. I was behind everybody in the class on my reading and writing and my handwriting was always terrible. I used to get frustrated and walk out a lot. And after break time, I always had a hard time calming down, so I used to be super bouncy and I’d need something to fidget with. And of course, I was a kid, so the louder the better. I’d get into trouble a lot and get sent out of class. I used to cry because I thought I was dumb, but my mom always told me I was the smartest. She’d take me on nature walks, and she’d point out different trees and birds and insects and I’d tell her what they were. And at one point, I could identify native birds by their calls. My mom made me feel smart, and I didn’t feel smart again until I came to camp.”
“How the fuck did they think you were dumb?”
“Classism, sexism, and ableism. Anyway, my mom and I used to have pamper weekends, where we’d just sit out in the garden with bowls of cold water for our feet and face masks, and we’d watch the clouds if there were any. Mom never used to put enough sunscreen on herself and she used to end up looking like a lobster. We’d talk about how our weeks had been, and about my mom’s record deals and tours. She mainly toured the South, she didn’t usually go far out from Texas, but I’ve always been travel sick and I can’t really handle anything over half an hour, so it was always better to leave me at home with my grandma sometimes. My mom and I lived in the city in Austin, but my grandma lived on a ranch. She used to make me cookies all the time and she’d tell me stories of mom’s childhood and her childhood. She’d tell me how lucky I was. My grandma was a lesbian, but things when she were young were… well, worse than they are today, so… she married a man and had kids and buried who she was. She always told me that I couldn’t help who I was, and that if ever I figured myself out and I wasn’t straight, then it was okay and she’d love me just the same. The vicar used to sit and have tea with my grandma every day, because he had a gay son and he wanted her advise on how to support him.”
“Your gran is a legend,” Clarisse smiled, “is she still with us or…”
“I wish I knew,” Will sighed sadly, “grandpa died when I was six and the year after, my nan met a woman, and she moved away and my mom refused to let me have her address or contact her. Everyone always assumes my mom is kind and loving because I have such happy childhood memories. But when you have a child, if you can’t love your child unconditionally, then you never loved them at all. I grew up, knowing, just knowing… that one day, I’d do or say something and my mom would know I was bisexual and my mom wouldn’t love me anymore. Knowing that your own mother will stop loving you, for the very thing that gets you beat up in the playground, for the very thing that gets you harassed, knowing that your own mother believes with all of her heart that her child deserves to burn in hellfire and brimstone for eternity just for being attracted to somebody… from a young age I knew that my mother’s love was conditional. For years, I knew that I didn’t meet the conditions for my mother’s love. And then I stopped going home because I was scared and I wasn’t ready to be abandoned by the same woman who promised unconditional love. And then I came out as trans to her and… she sends me the box. And it’s not just a box to remind me of my childhood, it’s all her favourite memories. It’s the drawings she stuck to the fridge, the photos she showed guests, the things she was most proud of me for. It’s her way of telling me that she hates me so much that those memories are worthless to her. Happy childhoods are empty gestures when a parent’s love is conditional. And I have to face biphobia and transphobia every day of my life, but it’s worse knowing I don’t have a home. My home is a summer camp. I’m alone. If the woman who swore to love me unconditionally, swore by her bible to love me and protect me and fulfil her god given role as a parent, can cast me aside like I’m disgusting, then how am I ever meant to feel anything but wrong? How am I meant to convince myself I’m worthy of love? I can’t even use public restrooms without fearing for my safety, how am I meant to feel safe enough to trust anybody?”
“Hey,” Clarisse began, squeezing Will’s shoulder, “you’re never alone. No matter what, I’ve got your back. I’ll kick a transphobes teeth, you know I will. We have to stick together, we can’t let the community be divided, okay? We’ll look out for each other. You’re not unloved. I love you. My mom is your mom now, okay? Actually no, I’m your mom now, kiddo. And you have the best friends you could ask for, okay? Lou-Ellen can and will hex anybody who tries to put you down. Cecil’s always got your back, he pranked that Athena kid real good, remember? And you have Nico. You’re dating the Son of Hades. He can and will turn anyone into a ghost if they hurt you. That boy loves you, okay? Your self-worth is not defined by your mother’s prejudice. Nico’s friends- Jason, Percy, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, Leo- they’re all allies we can trust. You’re not a boy anymore, Solace, you’re a man now. You’re making your own way in a world where the odds are stacked against you. You just gotta keep going. People will hate you no matter what you do. So surround yourself with allies, keep going no matter how bleak, stay strong, and when you can’t stay strong, use your support network. We’ll both survive if we stick together. If you feel scared to go outside, come and find me. We’ll keep each other safe. And remember. You’re perfect, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Aphrodite would want you to respect yourself and love yourself. Your dad would want you to shine and spread light amongst the hate, to rise no matter how many times you’re pushed down. My dad would want you to fight back and never stop fighting for your rights, our rights, for what you believe in. And I’m sure most of the other gods support you too.”
“Damn girl, now I know why you’re in charge of motivational battle speeches,” Will smiled, and Clarisse ruffled his hair.
“Good boy. Now, you’re gonna get back to that infirmary, and carry on as normal, okay? And then we’re gonna burn your birth certificate and all the other stuff.”
“I had my T shot this morning,” Will stated with a small smile, “after a few months, people no longer misgender me when they hear my voice and for once in my life, I like how I sound. I feel like me. My dysphoria is… it’s so much less intense than it used to be. I feel safer in public, I feel confident enough to speak as loud as I want without fearing judgment or misgendering or violence.”
“You’re getting a bit of a fluffy mustache too there, Solace,” Clarisse teased light-heartedly, and Will laughed happily. “I’ve gotta go teach the Aphrodite girls some self-defence classes, you have to prepare for the influx of inevitable injuries because the Ares cabin and the Athena cabin are sparring in the arena.”
Will went about the rest of his day with his head held high. For once, he felt proud of who he was, of the man he’d become, of the way he hadn’t let the hate he’d heard turn him hateful, how he helped people, how he tried his best to make every camper feel like they had a safe space, a home. He never wanted anybody to feel the way he had for such a long time. He prided himself on his kindness, and he vowed never to lose it.
So later that day, the camp stood around a pit of flames at the beach, all turned out to show their solidarity bar a few. Will wore his flag as a cape, and everybody cheered when Clarisse marched in still in her armour from the day, with a ‘fuck the cis-tem’ jacket, and ripped up Will’s birth certificate. Will smiled as he threw the photographs into the flames, one by one, his friends all cheering and clapping. He watched every painful reminder, every perfect image of his mother’s ideal child- graffitied on with funny mustaches and devil horns on his mom, courtesy of the Hermes cabin- of conditional love and rejection, go up in flames. For once, Will wasn’t defined by his past, but rather by his future, one surrounded by allies and friends from all walks of life. People of many religions and races, sexualities, and genders. And even better, he received a loving kiss from his boyfriend in front of the crowd. For once, he didn’t look back.
@solangeloweek day 2, childhood/back story building
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motherofwoofers · 4 years
Chapter 9 I’d Rather Be Hibernating
Rena Rouge was a powerhouse. Curves built with muscle. Eyes assessing and cunning. She could escape nearly any situation and was almost impossible to trap in the first place. Her illusions had become so intricate that many held some form of physical quality. Mirage walls suddenly dense. An army of swarming projections, allowing one or two punches to actually connect. With a reporter's eye she was quick to find akumas, with her older sister a boxer, she could take a hit and give one back ten fold, her younger twin sisters teaching her patience in chaos.
Rena Rouge was simply a force to be reckoned with.
Instead of opting for darker guises like many of the team, she had taken color in stride. The orange turned metallic and ombre, a hot rod against a grey winter day. A small pattern of interlocked pentagons, like a turtle's shell lined her boots, the pattern nearly invisible, with barely there pin striping, ghosted along the deep black. Rena's deep connection to Carapace displayed. The way Chat had black matte spots hidden within his dark suit once upon a time.
The fox hero was battling a mom? Perhaps? A purple themed hero in pajamas wielding a giraffe baby toy was terrorizing the neighborhoods nearest to the bridge where the alert had sent them. A trail of bodies lead Ladybug, and soon Viperion, to the akumatized villain. They had been terrified at first, thinking the people had been struck dead, only to find they had been sent into a deep sleep, wherever they had been standing. Viperion stopped to see if they could be roused, while Ladybug moved ahead, following a bounding shadow along the rooftops.
She caught up with Chat Noir when he came to a stop along a building's roof, watching Rena easily dodging the victims blasts. Ladybug stood behind him, hands on her hips, as she watched the two in their dance. The villain hadn't proclaimed a self righteous name yet, but *had* sobbed angrily that she just wanted to *sleep*.
"Just a few minutes! That's all I needed!" Tears streamed down her face, in an unending stream. "All of Paris just NEEDS TO TAKE A NAP!" She let out a crazed scream.
"New mom?" Viperion's smooth voice came from Ladybug's otherside, and she turned to greet him, just as Chat nodded as well.
"Looks like it," Chat stood and stretched his back. "I almost feel bad for her. Good news, her kid is probably out cold right now. Sleeping. Bad news… her kids knocked out with akumatized power. And Mom here, is still awake."
"Chat!" Ladybug admonished. But he merely shrugged, before walking backwards off the building's edge. She sent him an eyeroll as he two finger saluted them.
"Hey, Sleeping Beauty!" She could here him already taunting, before he leapt back into view. "I thought the saying was 'Sleep when they sleep?" The mom swiveled so fast, anger boiling in her eyes, and completely forgot about Rena Rouge, who took the opportunity to join her team.
"Hey girl!" She panted lightly, but her eyes were bright with the thrill of the fight. "Scales!" Viperion tilted his head at her and flashed a smile. "Sleep deprived mom, obviously." Then she turned to watch Chat giving the akumatized victim the run around. "I haven't seen anything beyond the Sophie in her hand. Which as you can see, sends the lucky fools it hits into a deep sleep."
"Sounds pretty straight forward, for once," Viperion stepped up. Ladybug took the opportunity to study his form, what she had taken for black on his suit, was deep grey. The color allowed for more depth in his shape, highlighting his sculpted body in ways she had conveniently ignored previously. A sharp jab in her side, snapped Ladybug's eyes to Rena. The fox gave her a sly knowing look.
"I wouldn't ogle too much. That one's got eyes for someone else," though she spoke in a lowered tone, she wasn't nearly quiet enough to avoid over hearing. A deep red colored Ladybugs face, nearly matching her mask, and she had to look away as Viperion turned his head just enough to see them from the corner of his eyes. She felt an unfamiliar stutter catch in her chest, and instead of sticking around she moved off, deciding to leap off the building as well, flipping over herself easily. The sunny day was cold, but not debilitating in the way the storm had been. It was freeing to stretch her limbs again, if even for a day or two before the freeze came back.
Ladybug hit the pavement in a smooth landing then joined in the cat and mouse game with Chat Noir.
"Hoarding all the attention, Kitty?" She smirked, spinning her Yo-Yo to deflect an errant nap beam.
"Can't help it if they all want a piece of me, M'Lady," his baton extended right as he swung it, taking the sleepy akuma to the ground. She surprisingly rolled back into a stance, Sophie la Girafe sending out a few rapid fire beams, causing the heroes to somersault and leap back. "Nimble."
"It's those Mom reflexes," Ladybug chuckled. "Never underestimate their abilities."
"Dualy noted."
A bright purple light blasted out, then some of the people who had been sent to bed, began to rise and stir. They all began to angrily cry and advance on wobbly legs. Strong hands gripped around Ladybug's leg, yanking her down, before the pressure released as she hit the ground. Viperion was at her side, having removed the attacking man.
"I figured I'd join the fight, since you left me up there," he laughed loosely, as he leaned down, hand offered. She gripped it tightly as he pulled her up, Yo-Yo flashing out to knock back another attack.
"I was going to die from embarrassment if I stayed," she hooked an arm with him, as he moved towards her, rolling along her back before he kicked another sleep walker.
"I wouldn't have faulted you - hrng - the Ladyblog says I've got a nice ass," Viperion turned his smirk to her, as he caught the hand of another assailant within the strings of his Lyre, twisting, and then sending them rolling. "What was the term they used again?"
Ladybug rolled her eyes, smiling and turned away, Yo-Yo flipping out around a nearby lamp post, securing a trip wire.
"I think someone said you could *coil around them anytime*," her Yo-Yo zipped back to her, as Rena launched over them, winking as she did. She was pulling her flute out as she landed.
Viperion's deep laugh, edged with a wheeze, as he turned away, flipping the trash bin into the roadway, slowing the procession of walkers that were beginning to filter into the road from the previous streets they had passed.
"Still have more fan art of my ass than yours, Scales!" Chat Noir slid in, a cat-got-the-cream grin on his face. "Ladybug, we need to move in to get the akuma." She nodded as he dashed off, flicking a hot smile to Viperion before following suit. "I thought my ass was the only one you stared at, M'Lady." Chat's wide grin swept her way.
"Jealous?" A purple beam brushed past her face, and she dodged last moment. Before she could catch sight of the Sleep Deprived akuma, hedges shot up around them. Little fox statues hidden within the leaves. Chat Noir reached out to touch one, and his hand phased right through it.
"Should keep the masses back, though," then he kept moving, leading them towards the villain. An exasperated crying finally reached her ears. "It's in the teething toy, if you hadn't guessed."
"Just need to snag it then, and get back to our day," she paused as they got close to the opening of the center of the maze, the akuma likely only a few yards away. "Business today? LUCKY CHARM!"
"Unfortunately. Audrey is in town, so with Queen Bee in Africa, dealing with the terrorism, I don't have a buffer. Only a luncheon, though. A baby monitor?" His green eyes settled on the black and red radio in her hands.
"You know, you ask me everytime I get something. And honestly, I never know what I'm going to do," she clipped it to her belt, and prepped her Yo-Yo. "I gave up on simple forever ago."
"I could be Mr. Bug again," his cheeky grin, caused her to roll her eyes.
"Alright, let's do this. First to snatch it, gets a point." Her challenging grin matched his own.
"I've already got three on you, M'Lady," then he dashed out of the hedges, gaining the woman's attention. Her deeply bruised lids and red shot eyes, instantly landing on him. She whirled on Chat, Sophie's purple beam zeroing in, but the black cat was already moving. Always one step ahead, able to twist and shift mid air.
Ladybug, sent her Yo-Yo out, catching the woman's ankle, yanking her down to the pavement. She went to twist the cord and truss the akumatized victim quickly, but the woman had already sat up and aimed her sleeping ray at her. Ladybug dropped quickly, without releasing her hold on the woman's leg. Chat moved in, sinking behind the villain, baton capturing her arms to her chest, as her back braced against his. The akumatized item dropped to the ground.
"What was that about never underestimating a mom?" A fang poked smile.
"Hmpf," yanking her weapon back, she stalked forward and picked up Sophie la Girafe. She went to snap it in two, before a crackling came over the baby monitor at her side. "What the-"
"Congratulations, heroes!" A distinct female voice came through. "Was a little worried after that last battle, but back on your game it seems."
"Clearly, who else would be calling in the middle of a battle," Monarch's voice edged with sarcasm. Ladybug went to snap the item once more, but was stopped.
"WAIT! Wait, wait, wait," Monarch's voice came through quickly, and Ladybug lifted the monitor from her side. "You've already won, not going to try to stop you."
"Then why contact us at all?"
"Can't a villain just want to have a conversation with her enemies?" The voice purred on the other end.
"Could always just show us your face," Chat snapped out from behind the woman, who had stopped struggling.
"Now, now. Not yet. You couldn't handle my beauty anyways, *Kitty*," a quick laugh. "No. I just wanted to say I won't be in town for awhile. I've got things to do. Butterflies to catch… looking into some new species by the way. Anyways. I know you've got team members spread out in a few different places. I've got no interest in interfering with that. I'm going to go spend some time with family for the new year. Also, Nooroo is pretty dang tired in this weather. So we're going to head out. Not sure when we'll be back, so don't get lazy." Monarch drifted off for a second. "But enjoy yourselves for a week or two. Villain's honor to not cause trouble for a bit."
"Like that's even remotely believeable," Chat Noir bit out. Ladybug's fist tightened around the akuma.
"Take it as you will. I gave you my word," then the monitor went quiet. Ladybug snapped the toy, capturing the butterfly within. After purifying it a small blue butterfly fluttered off into the cold. Likely to freeze somewhere by nightfall.
She sent the Lucky Charm into the sky, allowing the pink swarm to fix the world around them. Waking the sleeping victims. Soon after Rena dropped the hedge illusion, and they all stared at each other momentarily.
Chat helped the woman off the ground, Anna, and stood next to her while she gathered herself.
"I'm just so wore out. She never sleeps," Anna dropped her face into her hands, wet tears streaming out between her fingers.
Ladybug reached out and pulled the woman to her, "It's difficult in the beginning. Don't be scared to reach out for help from friends or family, even services. Talk to your doctor about your options, too. You're not alone." The sirens of assistance vehicles were growing closer. Ladybug was still waiting for Paris to officially create a post akuma task force. Someone to pick the victims up; help them.
"I need to get back to my, Ella. She's home alone now!" Anna was immediately frantic and alert. "I can't wait for the police!"
"I'll take her. I know what area we started in," Rena Rouge had moved in, flute tucked away, gentle smile on her face, as she lifted the woman into her arms. Ladybug paused her for a moment, as Viperion stepped up as well.
"We need to discuss things later. Team meeting. I'll send details out," then she stepped back as the woman began to urge them, insistently. Rena nodded then headed off.
"Something happen?" Viperion asked, looking between Chat and Ladybug.
"Apparently. Send me the details, I need to get back to work." Before Chat Noir leapt off though, he made eye contact with Viperion, a hard stare that they both matched, before Viperion closed his eyes and nodded briefly. Then Chat bounded away, baton launching home over the nearest tangle of buildings.
"Do I need to ask?" Ladybug ventured, looking up at him.
"Just a warning," he smiled, looking down. "Are you short on time?"
"No, the cold isn't as draining today. Probably have another half hour. Why?" She smiled back, pulling her Yo-Yo out. "Do you have something in mind?"
"I was on the phone before I left with a beautiful woman, and she was threatening me about finding someone else to warm her up. I thought we could pay her a visit."
"You dont have other reaponsibilities to attend to first?"
"Those reaponsibilities can hold their horses."
"How sweet of you. Lead the way to this mystery woman of yours then," she laughed. Viperion gave her bun a gentle tug before he ran off, scaling the wall of a business building easily. Ladybug was after him before he could reach the roof, a self satisfied smile gleaming at him, as she stood waiting.
"Not all of us can just swing around town like Spider-Man," he grumbled teasingly. She grabbed her stomach and laughed whole heartedly.
"Okay, okay. No web shooters this time, I promise," she crossed her heart with a finger and winked. So he led her on a run of the city, in a circumventing manner towards there part of town, but neither direct nor destined for their homes. He took the opportunity to jump and move powerfully for fun and not in a need to conserve energy. In a way that made the soul sing.
She adored the way his face lit up as he moved. The way his muscles bunched and drew taught, flexible in ways only the skilled or miraculous could move. A true masterpiece of the human body, as they all were. But this particular body wanted to play and tease her own, and she let the fun envelope her.
He snatched her out of the air at one point, arms circling her waist easily, as he took her out of her own momentum, with his size and force. Spinning her as they moved to reduce the jarring stop.
"Lu-Viperion!" She shrieked, before they landed. Then he carried her once more, moving into an open window. It took Ladybug's eyes a moment to adjust to the dark, but a patched together lounge eventually came into view. Countless posters of shows old and recent, lined the walls. Spare cables were stacked and wound in all the corners. A few mismatched amps, two couches and an assortment of chairs. A fridge and small cabinet occupied one corner, the door another.
Viperion set her down gently on her feet, before turning to close the window and drop the blinds. Then his bright de-transforming teal light encompassed the room.
"Eggs in the fridge, Sass, like always," Ladybug turned to see the snake kwami zipping away.
"Spots off," Tikki popped out from the transformation quickly, and looked around the room, before Luka gestured toward the cabinets. Then she too went off to investigate.
"I play with a band in the club below, before you ask. This is their lounge of sorts. No one's here yet. Way too early," he laughed before dropping into one of the larger cushioned chairs. His fingers crooked towards her, before he curled them to himself, beckoning her. She moved without even thinking about it, but she stopped short and perched on the arm instead. Luka slid his hands away, allowing one to prop his head up on the other arm, giving her the space she needed.
The buzz of the refrigerator and the humm of traffic and people outside filled the room, in a way only the city can. The silence between them was easy, but also teetering in a way that required something to shift. This is where Luka shone best. In the in-between moments. Where people needed to think, make decisions, breathe. He'd learned the importance of peace and quiet young, even if he had lived in noise and chaos. Maybe more so because of it.
A deep breath, and Marinette leaned back, crashing into his lap, feet still dangling over the over-stuffed arm. Luka brushed her messy hair from her face gently, and tugged at the laces of his hoodie. She had transformed quickly after the phone call ended, and changing her attire was last on the list. She still wore pajamas from days passed.
"Monarch contacted us," she whispered. Marinette slid her feet up and braced them against the worn out fabric, nearly curled up in his lap. Luka shifted his legs slightly so that she settled comfortably against him.
"How so?" He kept his voice low as well. Creating a small intimate bubble within their chair, in the run down room, in the middle of a bustling city.
"Through my charm. She spoke to Chat and I." She kept her eyes on his hand as he toyed with the strings of the hoodie. Winding them between his long dexterous fingers. The moments ticked by, and they sat in silence. Luka began to run his fingers through her hair, picking at the tangles gently, and she closed her eyes to his touch.
"She says she will be out of town for awhile. Whether or not that's true is to be determined. She gave her word… But what's bothering me," her brows furrowed, lips pursing before she continued. "What's bothering me is that she knows we have team members on missions outside of Paris. I'm not sure if she knows of them all, and if not, which ones she does."
Luka didn't pause in his movements, didn't speak, and she opened her eyes to look at him. His eyelids were shut softly, hair hanging loose without a tie. The ends curved a bit, some of it brushing against his nose. She marvelled at his face in the light. It had been a long time since she had been so close. Able to see the darkness beneath his eyes, the cheekbones that had finally won out, shaping his face, the angle of his jaw cut, even if it lacked the squareness for modeling. He was beautiful. She had always thought so, but a beauty that some couldn't see beyond his exterior style. Then there were those who would willing throw bras and themselves on stage if they could, to entice a punk rocker.
His face was serene as he touched her gently. Reverently. As if he was savoring a moment he wasn't sure would happen again. Her breath caught as she watched him, and his eyes cracked open at her quiet noise. She gazed at him and he met her eyes evenly. He was open to her, she could see it. Anything she wanted to ask, he would answer.
Reaching up, she brushed his dark hair back from his face, letting it tuck behind his ear, fingertips brushing the shell of it and then down, loosely tapping her nail against his black gauge. She felt Luka's breath pause within his chest as she touched him. His fingers had stilled in her hair, and there was so much hope and question within his eyes. The confident flirting set aside to reveal himself.
Marinette slid her hand away, back to her chest, a blush blooming under her fading freckles. Then she frowned to herself.
"I think Juleka and Rose are impatiently waiting for you," her voice was quiet in the room. Still caught in the small bubble they had formed. "And Maman will notice my absence soon. Dumplings and all that." She waved her hand in the air, as the jitteriness of her nerves finally took hold.
"Hmmm. You're probably right. Man slaughter and all that," he teased, a smile taking over his lips, but the disappointment in their moment ending clear in his eyes. He helped her to her feet, and watched as Tikki came to settle against her shoulder, Sass sliding his arm against the red Kwami in farewell before hovering over Luka's head. She could see there was something he wanted to say, but kept it to himself.
"Will you," her voice sounded loud to her in the room all of a sudden, and she startled, embarrassed. But he waited. "Will you come by tonight. You don't have to come if you don't want too. Maybe try some of Maman's dumplings for dinner, or even just stop by for leftovers. I mean, you dont even have to eat them, you just mentioned you were interested. And I know she would love to see you. Of course I would love to see you too, its just-" Luka smiled as he brought two fingers to her slips to silence her.
"Yes, I will come. I'm not sure if I will make it in time for dinner. But I will see you tonight. If you want me too."
"I do. I- I mean, I want you too," she stuttered to a stop, taking a deep breath. "I want to see you tonight, Luka."
"Then I'll be there. Fully clothed, of course."
(((I'm going with the idea that as they get older, the ability to wield their miraculous becomes longer and more powerful. Instead of just whump, youre an adult now. Since we know from canon that when they're adults, there isn't a time or power constraint )))
Chapter 1- 21 on AO3
AO3 link here.
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storyalchemist · 5 years
a/n: absolutely no one asked for this, but i’ve had the idea of Andrew and Aaron in matching outfits stuck in my head for like a day and I wanted to write something for it. i promise it wasn’t supposed to be this long. 
it was a long play. months, actually. 
Nicky had dragged Neil out shopping on a Sunday, and for once Neil went willingly because it was almost Christmas and he needed to buy gifts. 
He wasn’t sure if the other foxes would appreciate gifts bought with blood money, but he figured they just wouldn’t find out.
So they’re in Abercrombie and Fitch or something and Neil’s fingering (? I don’t know if that’s the word) a navy long sleeve tee with some abstract art on it. it seems like something Andrew would like, and it was soft and warm enough for the cold January would bring. He took it off the rack in Andrew’s size and went to go meet up with Nicky at the register. To his surprise, Nicky is holding the same exact shirt. 
“I thought Aaron would like it. He needs something for the winter.” He says before spotting the item in Neil’s bag. They look at each other and Neil knows they have the same exact thought. Somehow, sometime, Aaron and Andrew will wear matching outfits. 
So Nicky and Neil plot and plot, and Nicky is so surprised that even though Neil is still and will most likely always be a dry texter, is palpably invested in the idea. Neil is surprised at this too. He thinks for an afternoon if Andrew would be actually, legitimately bothered by the prank, but he was pretty sure it was just too benign and harmless for Andrew to even care. So he goes along with the plan they’ve set up. 
Timeskip to after Christmas and Neil is lounging on Andrew’s bed as Andrew cleans the room. He’s a surprisingly tidy person, and Neil suspects that having control of his environment and how it looks helps him stay grounded, but he never asks. Andrew has moved on from organizing his desk to organizing his closet and there are clothes strewn around the room.
Feigning bored disinterest, Neil picks up one of the shirts closeby. Coincidentally, the very shirt he bought Andrew that day at the mall. 
“I gave you this for Christmas. You haven’t worn it yet,” he remarks into the otherwise silent room. Andrew only glances at him before getting back into folding his socks. He doesn’t say anything since Neil didn’t ask a question. 
“You should. I think the blue suits you.” Andrew shoots him a bored look and makes a point of rolling his eyes. Neil flops back onto the bed. Phase one is done. 
In the week afterward, if the washing machines in the building begin to malfunction just as Andrew’s washing his clothes, well that’s just bad luck and has nothing to do with the screwdriver under Neil’s bed. 
 Andrew’s freshly purged closet and failed wash day add up to him wearing some stuff he hasn’t worn in a while, including but not limited to; a tank that's a size too small (hot), a sweater that is two sizes too big (cute), and a lime green hoodie Neil had never seen before (weird, but not bad). 
Neil gets the confirmation text from Nicky while Andrew is in the shower. He moves quickly and silently, arranging the clothes in Andrew’s drawers just so and tiptoeing out of the room before he’s heard. When Andrew comes out of the bedroom, he’s wearing Neil’s gifted shirt. Neil only offers him a smile before getting up to go to practice. There’s a team meeting and he has to get there early to talk something over with Wymack and Dan, but he somehow convinces Andrew to let him go with Dan, and long story short, he’s there when all the foxes begin drifting in for the meeting. 
Andrew and Kevin show up on time, thanks to Kevin’s need to be on the court as soon as possible, if not earlier. Neil strategically stood, which allowed Aaron and Andrew to sit together if the plan went as it should. Nicky precedes Aaron’s entrance, and to Neil’s delight, Aaron is wearing the same exact outfit as Andrew, except for the shoes. 
The moment Aaron sees what Andrew is wearing he freezes, eyes narrowing. 
The first to notice is Allison, obviously, who does a bad job of turning a laugh into a cough and then starts coughing for real. Matt and Dan are next, with Dan squinting at Nicky, who had bravely taken the seat next to Andrew and was smiling at his shoes. Matt’s mouth is agape, and he’s looking between the twins as if he’s never seen either of them in his life and they just appeared in a puff of smoke. The rest of the team takes notice as well, and before long they’re just silent, staring. 
“Alright, we don’t have time to stand around ogling each other. We’ve got finals to win.” grumbled out Wymack, stepping into the area. Aaron’s face is splotchy pink as he moves stiffly to his spot on the couch, next to his twin. 
Side by side, with their arms hidden by their long sleeves, they’re nearly identical, except for their posture and expression. While Aaron is tense and staring intensely at the ground, Andrew is bored and has his headphones in, head tipped to the side, staring into space. 
Neil is pretty sure most of the seniors snag a photo or two of the pair before the meeting ends and they change out for practice. Aaron rounds on Nicky, Neil, and Andrew, “You planned this, didn’t you?” He said, glancing between the three of them before narrowing even more at Nicky, “I knew my clothes had been moved around. Katelyn helped you, didn’t she?” Neil left them to argue and went to the sinks where Andrew was rubbing at a stain on one of his jerseys. “Are you mad at me?” Andrew kept his gaze focused, “For putting me in a matching outfit with my brother? We were in the same womb. I’m sure there’s nothing worse than that.” He shut off the water from the sink, “You do owe me though.” Neil grinned and stepped into his space, dropping a light kiss onto Andrew’s hair. “Anything. Let’s go, before Kevin tries to physically haul us to the court.”
“As if he could.”
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fableweaver · 4 years
Arc of the Mother Witch
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Arc of the Mother Witch
The verdant forest was alive with new growth and greenery. The Aldan, once sluggish and withdrawn during the winter, were alive once again. Those with the green touch were out in great number in the city, tending to the new growth like mothers with children. Bailey however only enjoyed the sun when it filtered through her window in Ashel’s house. She was now on bed rest so close to her due date.  
“Still another month at least,” Elowen said as she straightened from her listening horn on Bailey’s belly. “According to the date, but I believe you might give birth sooner.”
“Hence the bedrest aye,” Bailey said pushing her night gown back down. Her belly was swollen greatly, she couldn’t be sure but it felt more than it had with Matt and Will. Yet Elowen insisted she could only hear one heartbeat.
It was still the Milk Moon, Vina as it was known in the new calendar. Bailey knew she wouldn’t give birth until the beginning of the Buck Moon, maybe the end of the Rose Moon if she gave birth early; but having done this before she was more sensitive. She was near now, and there was more than one child within her. She felt the weight of the spirit within her now; it was like she slept with a stone on her crushing her.
If not for her skills in the Elder Magic Bailey suspected her heart would have given out long ago. As it was she was meditating every day, naming herself over and over again to keep her strength up. She gathered what power she could from the sun and earth, letting it seep into her bones. Had Elowen not prescribed bedrest Bailey would have taken it anyways. Her joints constantly ached, her head pounded, and her muscles were as weak as uncooked noodles.
Before she had become bedridden she had set up a ward around her room and was glad of it. At night at times she sensed something testing those bindings and suspected once again the Crippled One hunted her. In Alma however she was safe, her ward gaining power from the ancient powers of earth and trees of the city. He stalked her but could not get to her.
As Elowen was packing away her midwife bag the nurse returned with Matt. Sadly she could not take care of Matt confined to her bed, so a servant was now caring for the child. He was old enough now to totter about, but not walk far on his own.
“Ma,” Matt said excited holding out his daily present to her. It was an acorn this time, Bailey sensing the power in the little seed. Bailey got daily visits from him where he brought her gifts from the garden. Often they were pebbles, pine cones, leaves, or flowers. Once it was a garden snail which was quickly taken by the servant. She enjoyed the gifts and Matt’s smile every time he presented her with one.
Yet she could see each object he brought her had a hint of power. Found objects had power, of luck and earth powers. It scared her to know her child even as a toddling babe had more power than any average person. She knew children often had a greater talent for the Elder Magic, one that they sometimes grew out of, but she feared Matt was showing far too much aptitude for it to be simply a phase. She also feared for Will and how his own powers were developing.
“Thank ye,” Bailey said smiling back at him and he grinned at her. She took the acorn and put it with the other stones in a dish on her beside. “Ye wanna read with me Matt?”
“Aye,” he answered nodding. The nurse left them as Bailey pulled out a book beginning to read to Matt. Though it was a history book Matt still seemed to listen as Bailey read.
Bailey read mostly, using her confinement as a time to search for the song in records. She was learning a great deal about Alda in her readings. The Aldan loved poetry, hence Ashel’s popularity, though Bailey preferred the narratives which still had standing in the Aldan literature. She read for pleasure as much for her search, and to learn of her mother’s people. She learned much, but not about the song.
There were mentions of it in some books, not as sightings but a subject. Some Aldan had written about the need to search for the song, these efforts going unheard by most. These texts suggested theories about where the song was, and even methods of searching for Eileen, but none gave anything solid. Bailey hoped Pepper was having better luck with Ioram’s journal; she had taken it with her to Odell. She read about the wandering king as much as she could, but most didn’t seem to know why he had started wandering.
Her reading to Matt was interrupted by Ashel arriving.
“How are you today my love?” Ashel said cheerfully as he sat on the bed and put one hand on her belly.
“The same,” Bailey answered. He hardly ever called her by her name, and she was getting tired of silly pet names. Ashel nodded, his hand rubbing her swollen belly, Bailey suppressing a shiver.
“I have another gift for you today,” Ashel said. He like Matt brought her daily gifts, Bailey still wondering at the contrast. Ashel took out a small wood box and Bailey took it. Opening it she found a fine silver ring. Like always it was something expensive, yet Bailey liked Matt’s gifts better. Sighing she took it out and put it on her index finger, looking back to Ashel to see him smiling.
“Thank ye,” Bailey said with a weak smile back at him. She didn’t have the energy anymore to deny him.
“You’re welcome,” Ashel said and leaned in to kiss her.
“Nowt!” Matt said loudly and Ashel stopped inches from her face.
“He wants me ta keep readin ta him,” Bailey said and Ashel pulled back, a smile on his face.
“Right I’m sorry,” Ashel said reaching over to ruffle Matt’s hair. Matt scowled and batted his hand away, sticking his tongue out at Ashel. “I’ll leave you to your reading then Bailey.”
He kissed her hand and stood leaving her alone with Matt once more.
“Ye baint like him do ye Matt?” Bailey said stroking Matt’s hair back in place. Matt just shook his head and pressed his face against her belly. Smiling sadly Bailey picked up the book and began reading again.
A servant brought lunch of roast chicken salad and fresh spring strawberries. Matt disliked the greens but enjoyed the strawberry mush she fed him. Finished with the meal she returned to reading, finally reading silently as Matt fell asleep next to her. She too dosed off and was woken by a tapping at the door.
“Come in,” Bailey said rubbing her eyes. When she looked she saw Alora stood at the foot of the bed. She looked sad, her eyes looking at Bailey with pity. Then Bailey noticed she held a child in her arms, what Bailey first thought was Matt until she realized Matt was just waking next to her.
“Will?” Bailey asked breathlessly and the child turned to her.
“Ma!” Will said excited, a lopsided smile lighting his face. Bailey gasped; his smile was just like Ian’s. Alora put him down on the bed and Will crawled over to her, Bailey scooping him up into her arms and kissing his hair. Matt next to her started to babble so she scooped him up as well, feeling tears running down her cheeks as she held both her children at last.
Her joy froze in her as she remembered Ian and looked up at Alora. She was still looking down at her with pity, and Bailey felt her heart clench.
“Alora, where be Ian?” Bailey asked afraid. Alora sighed wearily before she met her eyes, her gaze sad.
“He is dead Bailey,” Alora said simply. Bailey felt a moment of weightlessness, as if the world had gone still around her, before the weight of sorrow crashed down on her.
“Nowt,” she said softly. “He baint be dead, he got away from the battle…”
“Bailey, I’m afraid your lover died shortly after whatever parted you,” Alora said. “The man who delivered Will told us the tale. His name is Rork, a Hyrian. He said your lover had been badly wounded, fatally so. He passed Will to the man and told him to take him to Alda giving his name. He had been paid in Ian’s possessions, but was compensated for the duty he performed.”
“Where be he then?” Bailey said. “I’d hear from him that Ian be dead.”
“I’m afraid he was not let passed the borders,” Alora said sadly. “The guards there paid him for his troubles and delivered Will to Alma.”
Bailey couldn’t believe Ian was dead, Glen had said he was alright after they flight from the keep. But then… Glen had been a little cagy afterwards, and maybe he had seen Ian injured and thought he would be alright. What had she been going on all this time that Ian was alive? Hope, and nothing more. She felt as if something crumbled inside her, and she cried out.
Alora reached out to her but Bailey slapped her hand away.
“Get out!” Bailey shouted. “I baint want ta see ye ever gain.”
“Bailey…” Alora said hurt. “Please, I know you are hurt but…”
“Ye made me betray him,” Bailey wept.
“Don’t you see? He was long dead before that, you betrayed nothing.”
“Get out!” Bailey shrieked and the twins began to cry at her shout. Holding them close she began to weep brokenly, rocking back and forth.
“I’ll send Ashel…”
“I baint want ta see him,” Bailey moaned. “I baint want ta see anyun.”
“Very well,” Alora said as she left.
Bailey had no idea how long she wept, she cried until she was hoarse and eyes nearly swollen shut. At last she drew herself out of her sorrow to turn her attention to her children. Will and Matt had stopped crying and now sat facing each other on the bed. They were playing with a few of the stones Matt had collected, seeming content with each other.
“Will,” Bailey said and he looked at her. “Do ye remember me?”
“Ma,” he said pointing to her. “Matt,” he added pointing to Matt.
“Will,” Matt added pointing to Will who nodded.
“N Ian?” Bailey asked, her throat tight. “Do ye ken yer Da?”
Will looked at her and nodded, Bailey nearly weeping again seeing Ian’s features in Will.
“Will, be he dead?” Bailey asked but Will looked away back to the stones again. Either he didn’t remember, didn’t understand, or didn’t know. He was too young to understand.
Bailey didn’t want it to be true, but wanting it so didn’t make it true.
She spent the next few days is sorrow, unwilling to see anyone but the servant that served her and Will and Matt’s nurse. She lay in bed desolate, only eating when her servant made her. She took heart only from Matt and Will, especially Will. Whoever had cared for him had done a fine job, he was healthy and happy. He seemed to remember Matt and Matt him. He knew her as well but to what extent she couldn’t tell. She tried to question him, but he didn’t understand much.
After five days she had another visit from Elowen, the midwife as professional as always.
“Not much longer now,” she said once more after listening. Bailey didn’t move so Elowen pulled the covers back for her. “I heard about your lover.”
Bailey still didn’t respond so Elowen sighed, packing away her bag. Just as she reached the door it opened, showing Ashel at the door. Bailey was about to shout at him to leave, she had chased him off each time he had tried to console her, but he was looking at Elowen instead.
“Elowen,” Ashel said, his tone making the woman stop and look up at him. “The Lord Roth Ai is passing away from this world.”
Elowen froze, Bailey seeing her face take on a calm certainty.
“I am meant only to bring life into the world not lead it away,” Elowen said simply.
“I am well aware,” Ashel said. “No one can help my grandfather now. I am here to bring Bailey; he wishes to see her before he dies.”
“Very well,” Elowen said. Without further words, their silence speaking for their haste, they both went to the bed and help Bailey up. She didn’t object, the news had shocked her as well and she wanted to see the Lord Roth Ai before he passed. It was a slow process getting Bailey up on her feet and walking through the house, stairs nearly defeated her. She felt the great weight of what she carried, not just on her body but her spirit as well. At last they came to the chamber where the Lord lay dying.
The Aldan knew when they were about to die, this led to a tradition of the family seeing their loved one off. They built rooms in their houses, or in public places, just for the purpose of dying. The hall was wide and long, certainly big enough for all the people in it yet they lingered by the large windows away from the central bier as if afraid to approach the figure resting upon it.
Ignoring the great windows looking over gardens and the frescos painted upon the ceiling, Bailey walked to the bier with the assistance of Ashel. The Lord Lindir Roth Ai rested on the bier surrounded by lilies. He still breathed, but Bailey knew it was a breath measured in minutes not hours. His eyes opened when Bailey reached his side. She had met the duke only a few times but every time she had he had been asleep. He seemed aptly named, the Duke of the Sleeping Woods.
“Ah, at last I can lay open eyes upon you my dear,” Lindir said softly. “I have seen you only in dreams of late.”
“Long be yer dreams no doubt baint?” Bailey said and Lindir smiled lightly.
“And about to be longer still,” Lindir said with grim humor.
“Milord…” Bailey said, unsure of how to warn Lindir of the Crippled One.
“You wish to warn me of the soul eater,” Lindir said nodding. “I have seen onto the path I am about to walk in my dreams and know the danger about to come. Do you know why the dying sing the song?”
“Cause the aether ripples with it n they hear it as they lay dyin,” Bailey answered and Lindir smiled sadly.
“No my dear, if that were so every dying person would sing the song, and it would be upon the lips of every soul that lay asleep in deep dreams. No we sing to guard our spirits from the Crippled One.”
“How?” Bailey asked.
“I do not know how the song guards us,” Lindir said. “I feel it within me as I lay at the edge, and like a prayer it comes to me.”
“Do ye ken where the song be?” Bailey asked breathlessly and Lindir looked at her, but his eyes were no longer seeing her. She feared he would answer with the song itself, but instead he managed a few words.
“Walk in the shadow of the setting sun from the tears of She Brings Forth.”
“Lord Roth Ai,” Bailey said holding his hand but he no longer saw her.
“Charge to the Bells and march to the drums,” Lindir sang softly. “We’re off to war cause the battle comes.”
Bailey saw his spirit fade from his eyes and felt tears rise up. Ashel wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her away, his father coming forward to draw the veil over his dead father. The Aldan shed no tears, for them all the tears had been shed. Bailey was surprised she still had tears to shed; this death only sent another blow to her already wounded heart. It was all too much for her; she had seen too much death and loss.
“Come Bailey let’s get you to bed,” Ashel said kindly. She let him help her up and lead her back to her room. He left her be once she was settled, having to return to his family. She knew from her readings the tradition was to stay up mourning until the next day. The mourners would fast as well, eating nothing but nuts, berries, and water, as they prepared the body for cremation. The Aldan knew the spirit was freed of the body; to help the soul ride Fors Wheel the body would be burned.
Lindir would be wrapped in dry gauze wrappings dressed with rosemary oil and salt. His body would then rest for three days before it was rested on a bier of cedar wood. The wood all came from on special grove in Alda, the Sleeping Woods where Lindir had been Duke. The wood was cut and dried for a year before it was ready for the purpose it served. An oil made of pine resin would be added to the flames as well, to make sure the remains burned hot. If there were any bones left those would be ground up with a mortar made of petrified wood.
The ashes would then be spread into the soil to aid the trees in their growth. Only the ashes of the High Kings reserved different treatment. They were interned in stone urns in the Glen of the Spirit. She had read about the Glen, and the tree that stood there. The kings had been put to rest in a place of earth powers, under a tree of another world. The tree was a lost light spirit that wandered for a time immeasurable. Little was known of its past or why it came to Miread in the first place. All that was known was it arrived and died there, the tree taking root and form in that place. All this happened when the Phay were still young, before the race of men rose and even before some of the mortal races of the Phay.
The dead light spirit gave the place great earth powers, ones that the Phay often basked in. It was a place of power, so once the second High King Silvanus Alvar of the First House died he was interned there. Of course Bailey now knew why Absalom wasn’t buried there, he was still alive.
In Daun mourning took three days as well, the body laid out on rushes surrounded by candles. The body would be dressed in a mourning tunic and dusted with salt. A grave digger would come for the body after three days and they would be interned in a barrow, hill, or somewhere out on the moors. The family would never know where the body lay, only grave diggers knew where the dead were; this tradition was made so families could move on from the death.
In Alda it was taboo for a woman bearing life to partake in mourning rituals, life had to be clean of death. So Bailey was left alone to her own private mourning. She grieved for all the dead she knew. Her father Fergal, her step-mother Muriel, her two half-sisters Kelly and Sara, her aunt Ide and her son Owen, Ian’s mother Norah, her grandmothers Meadhbh and Rathnait, Taras Law, and Ian.
She didn’t let the nurse take Matt and Will that night; instead she had them curl up in bed next to her. She lay in bed stroking their downy hair lit silver from the moon through the window. The light changed and Bailey turned to see the shadow of a man crouched on the windowsill. He stepped into the room and closed the window silently, Bailey staring at him with sadness.
“Sos ye came ta haunt me?” Bailey asked softly and Ian froze from approaching the bed. “Leave Ian, ye belong in Tir Aesclinn.”
“Ye think I be dead?” Ian said softly a slight smile on his lips. Bailey stared at him shocked and realized then that he was solid and real. He had changed much in their time apart, his hair and beard grown out again, he seemed to have lost weight looking gaunt. Seeing him now brought tears to her eyes, of joy and sorrow.
“I be sorry Ian,” Bailey gasped softly, trying to hold back the flood of tears.
“Fer Ashel,” Ian said in a strained whisper. “Do ye love him?”
“Nowt,” Bailey answered. “But now I have his child in me Ian, there be nowt we can do bout that.”
Ian didn’t answer her as he stepped up to the bedside and put his hand on her belly. He frowned, standing still for a moment before snatching his hand back startled.
“Glen what did ye do?” Ian said shocked.
“Glen?” Bailey said puzzled.
“He said he had somewhat ta confess but he baint tell me yet,” Ian answered. “But I ken now. Bailey whatever be in ye baint be Ashel’s childe, it baint even be yers. Bailey ye have a changeling in ye.”
“But…” Bailey said thinking things over. “A changeling still needs a seed ta start, ifn Glen be responsible en…”
“Ye were already pregnant,” Ian answered. “I ken it might be that night after the raiders when ye were flushed with Elder Magic.”
“Aye,” Bailey said shocked, remembering the night well. While they had experienced death that night, the excitement of battle and her powers burning her blood made for a very long bout of passionate lovemaking. She remembered Ian holding her even though he had tears in his eyes from the night’s trials. It was very likely that her powers had overwhelmed the herbs she had been taking and her own natural responses to breast feeding.
“It baint matter,” Bailey said dully. “I still let Ashel touch me, he was still inside…”
“I baint lie Bailey that does hurt,” Ian said kneeling next to her and leaning over. “But it hurts more ta be away from ye. I love ye.”
She whimpered as he leaned down to kiss her, the soft touch of his lips stealing her resistance. She responded and she felt his tongue push into her mouth. All barriers broke then and her hands went up his arms to his neck tugging at his tunic as his went to her breasts. She groaned as Ian leaned on her belly, her breath taken from her as the weight in her pressed against her lungs.
“Sorry,” Ian gasped pulling back, his cheeks flushed and eyes bright despite his blindness. “Ye be alright?”
“Aye,” Bailey said catching her breath, her hand going to her belly.
“It baint be ours,” Ian said, his hand enveloping hers. Bailey felt tears rise as she nodded knowing he was right. They might have conceived the child, but it was no longer their own.
“It baint be the Crippled Un be it?” Bailey asked suddenly worried.
“Nowt, it be o the Phay I can tell,” Ian answered. “N I ken we’ll need help birthing it.”
“Another dreamin place,” Bailey said knowing what Ian planned. “There be uns in the Deep Woods.”
“I planned on takin ye there cause we can hide there,” Ian said. “Seems it be needed more en that.”
“We’d best hurry en,” Bailey said. “I’ll be due soon since our dates were wrong.”
“Aye,” Ian said with a slight grin. “Let’s get ye up.”
He leaned down and helped her up onto her feet, holding her a moment in his arms.
“Ian, do ye forgive me?” Bailey asked looking up at him and saw his pain at that question.
“Ye ken I tried ta find the song Bailey,” Ian said. “I understand now what ye mean by duty, n why it drives ye. I abandoned ye Bailey, n ye were in so much pain.”
“But I ken another man had ye Bailey,” Ian continued, his fists clenching. “Ye hardly consented, it were like he raped ye. N I ken that’ll lie between us n I fear I’ll hurt ye in the same way.”
“Ian I love ye,” Bailey said and saw him blush. “We’ll work through the pain, I swear, cause I love ye.”
He nodded, a tear sliding down his cheek which she wiped away.
“Best get goin,” Ian said softly. “I’ll help ye get ta the rope.”
He helped her over to the window and opened it, Bailey seeing a rope hanging outside the window with a loop tied through it. Ian leaned out and snagged the rope, pulling it in to loop it around Bailey.
“I’ll be right behind ye with Matt n Will,” Ian said as he helped her out the window. The rope went taunt and for a moment Bailey hung out over empty air. She tried not to look down as the rope suddenly started to ascend to the roof. She reached the roof to see a Hyrian man pulling her up, the rope on a pulley system. The Hyrian reached out and pulled her onto the roof, helping her out of the loop.
“Sos ya be Bailey,” the Hyrian said critically looking at her. “I be Rork o Loamy Downs. I helped Ian out when he were in a pinch.”
“Thank ye,” Bailey said. “Ye be Ian’s friend?”
“Aye,” Rork answered lowly.
“En I hope we can be friends too,” Bailey said smiling at him and Rork looked at her disgusted.
“Friends?” Rork said. “Ya liken ta be friends with all men eh?”
“Nowt, I meant…”
“Ian told me bout ya, I guess he never saw how much o a harlot ya be,” Rork said. “Why ya, why’d he have ta love ya? Why nawt me?”
Shocked Bailey could only stare at him, surprised to find she was jealous. She wondered then if Rork and Ian had been intimate, and knew she had no right to complain if they had.
“I be sorry Rork,” Bailey said. “I only meant…”
“Shut it,” Rork said crossly. “Ya pity me taint ya? Well I taint want yar pity. What do ya even understand bout me?”
“I baint ken anything o ya Rork,” Bailey said sadly. “But might be we can understand un another now.”
“How be that?” Rork asked with distain.
“Cause we love the same man,” Bailey said. He stared at her seeming surprised, his scowl gone to slack jawed amazement. A hiss from below roused him and he hurried to lower the rope to Ian. Bailey stepped back to give him space as he began hauling Ian up. She watched carefully as Rork helped Ian onto the roof, seeing Rork’s care for Ian and confirming the feelings there.
Ian seemed familiar with Rork, but Bailey couldn’t read anything else from him. He had Matt and Will strapped to his back and chest, one hand on Matt’s head. He turned to her and smiled, Bailey’s heart leaping to see his crooked smile again.
“He’s gotten so big,” Ian said. “Ye ken if he’ll remember me?”
“Will remembered me n Matt,” Bailey answered. “I’ve been tellin Matt o ye.”
Ian nodded, his attention going back to Matt. Both children were asleep still, Bailey hoping they wouldn’t wake.
“We gotta leg it,” Rork said, he had been working on dismantling the ropes and pulleys while they had talked. He packed them away quickly and started to walk around the roof. The roof was rounded making for treacherous footing; they had been standing on a relatively even part of the roof before. Ian helped Bailey as they slowly made their way across the roof. At last they reached a tree branch that grew close to the roof, another rope tied to it. Bailey noticed the rope was taunt, leading off into the dark foliage.
“It be a zip line,” Rork said. “We’ll rig a sling fer ya missy n I’ll go firstsome.”
It took some time for Rork to rig a sling with the supplies he had in his bag and then get Bailey into it. Rork went first, a rope acting as his handle to slide down the zip line. Bailey went next and clung to the sling as she flew through the air. She expected to be battered with branches, but her flight was only mildly abrasive as she slid silently through the trees. She could hear Ian behind her, but just barely, no one would note the noise in the night.
Rork caught her at the end of the line, Bailey gasping as he helped her out of the sling. Ian arrived shortly after her, Matt and Will now awake and crying. Bailey went to Ian and soothed both children who calmed at her touch.
“There be two more zips after this,” Rork said. “Then we shimmy on down ta the forest floor.”
He untied the rope they had used as the zip line and tugged at it. Bailey was surprised to see it go lax and Rork reeled it in.
“Hyrian knots,” Rork answered with a grin. “I cogging some good ones ja.”
“Be bout all he kens,” Ian said jokingly and Rork elbowed him.
They walked some distance through the tree bridges until they reached another zip line, this one a little more hidden. As Rork said they had two more rides and then a decent to the forest floor. They had taken a twisted path, one that would be hard for anyone to trace especially as Rork removed all the zip lines. Bailey also noticed gnomes following them, obscuring their path, impressed by Ian’s foresight. Once on the forest floor they walked, heading southwest. It was nearing dawn now as they reached a cross roads where a man waited with two horses.
“It is good to see you again Bailey,” Basil said and Bailey smiled as she embraced him.
“Thank ye Basil,” Bailey said.
“The escape isn’t over yet,” Basil said gravely. “Me and Rork will be riding south to draw attention away and leave a trail. You and Ian still have a ways to hike until you reach your horses.”
“The gnomes can hide our trail,” Ian said.
“I can step us sideways,” Bailey said but Ian shook his head.
“Baint be a good idea fer ye ta use too much Elder Magic in yer state Bailey,” Ian said. “Am I right?”
“Aye,” Bailey said. Using her powers to get her through her pregnancy was one thing, but using them in excess could make her go into labor.
“The gnomes can hide us n warn us ifn there’ll be anyun nearby,” Ian said. “Now we’d best go afore the farmers wake.”
Rork stepped up and whispered something to Ian, giving him a quick kiss as well. Noticing her staring he winked at her as he mounted his horse. Bailey rolled her eyes and Rork smiled at that as he and Basil rode off. They disappeared quickly in the forest shadows, Bailey feeling her heart heavy to see them go.
“Come on,” Ian said taking her hand.
They walked through the hidden farms in the company of a troop of gnomes, a few riding on Ian’s shoulders or head. Matt and Will had fallen asleep again after the zip lines so they walked in silence. The gnomes warned them when to hide to avoid being seen, and just as the sun was rising they reached the forest edge.
Bailey knew the crossroads they had reached, it was the same place where they had bid farewell to Absalom. There waited two horses, Puzzle and Enbarr. Bailey went up to Puzzle and scratched him on his brow, the little horse closing his eyes in bliss.
“Do ye remember me Puzzle?” Bailey asked.
“Little,” Puzzle answered. “Apples.”
“Aye I gave ye apples when Taras baint looked,” Bailey said. “Be alright ifn I ride ye?”
“Apples?” Puzzle inquired and Bailey laughed. Ian took out an apple and handed it to her so she could give it to Puzzle. He munched on it content as Ian helped Bailey mount. Ian mounted Enbarr, settling Matt and Will before him on the horse.
Bailey led the way on Puzzle, the little horse walking with a smooth steady stride. They rode for most of the morning, stopping midmorning when Matt and Will finally woke. They stopped in a glen of willow trees to eat.
“Matt ye ken me?” Ian said with Matt on his lap facing him. Matt looked up at him solemnly before nodding. “Who be I en?”
“Da,” Matt answered and Ian laughed, holding Matt close and tickling him. “He been good Bailey? He baint get sick gain?”
“Aye he’s been real good, n nowt he only had a sniffle unce,” Bailey answered, moved by the sight.
“Will were sick unce,” Ian said. “He got better much faster though. He likes ta follow the gnomes around.”
“Matt likes the sylphs I ken,” Bailey said. “He always be watchin em. He also always brings me presents from the garden; he got Will inta it too.”
Ian nodded as he fed Matt and Will a porridge of wheat and brown sugar. The two sat on his lap patiently waiting for their mouthfuls of porridge, though Will occasionally kept reaching for the spoon before it was his turn. Bailey watched Ian, all his attention on his two sons, and felt warmth settle over her to be with him once more. She was surprised by how familiar it all felt, like she was returning home at last.
She dosed off in the sun, leaning against the warm tree. She woke to find she no longer rested against the tree but lay prone on Ian’s lap. Matt and Will slept on one side each, their heads resting on her breasts. She looked up at Ian and saw he too was asleep, snoring slightly as he always did. The sound echoed in her as she realized she had fallen asleep to that snore for over a year and had slept without it for months. Sadly she knew they had to get going.
“Ian,” Bailey said softly. Ian snorted and woke, yawning hugely. They slowly got up, Will and Matt waking fitfully before Bailey soothed them. She set them next to each other and they started to play in their own way. Bailey turned to Ian to find him staring at her, at least as much as he could being blind.
When she looked at him she felt her guilt rise up again, and he seemed to sense it. He leaned forward and kissed her, intensely. She was startled as his tongue went into her mouth and he moved closer pulling at her clothes. She managed to turn her head away from his kiss, but he continued to kiss her along her neck as his hand slipped into her gown to grasp her breast.
“Ian what ye be doin?” Bailey asked and then gasped as he kissed her just behind the ear as she liked it. He nuzzled against her ear, Bailey feeling his lips brush her ear, the bristle of his beard on her neck and face.
“Ye were thinkin on him,” Ian said, his voice husky in her ear. “I’ll make ye forget him.”
“Nowt Ian,” Bailey said pulling away so she could look him in the eye though he could not answer her in the same manor. “I weren’t thinkin o Ashel, I were thinkin on ye.”
“Bailey I can see auras,” Ian said. “I can see what you are feeling, I saw your guilt.”
“I were thinkin o ye Ian,” Bailey said a little more forcefully. “I feel guilty o’er what I did ta ye. I baint think on Ashel, he baint be tied ta me nowt more.”
“Ye say that but I can see it Bailey,” Ian said. “N I ken more en ye.”
“Ashel baint be…”
“Stop sayin his name!” Ian snapped and Bailey flinched from his tone. She saw him immediately regret those words so stood before he could voice an apology.
“We should get goin,” Bailey said. Ian sighed and broke camp before helping her mount. The rest of the day went by in a frosty silence between them, Bailey realizing Ian’s new sense while compensating for his sight came at a price. She couldn’t hide things from him; he would know her feelings even without her saying anything. While this had its benefits, for instance he knew she was telling the truth when she said she loved him, it had plenty of drawbacks.
As they rode Bailey tried to think of how to communicate to Ian what he was seeing in her meant to her. At last they stopped for the night, going about the chores of making camp in silence. Once Matt and Will were fed and asleep Bailey turned to Ian once again.
“I ken ye baint wanna hear bout him Ian but I ken we need ta talk bout it,” Bailey said. “Ashel n I talked unce bout why I might love ye. He said I could o been paired with anyun n fallen fer em as I did ye. He asked what I really loved bout ye, n questioned our love. N cause ye weren’t there I grew doubtful. How do I ken I love ye ifn I baint ever loved another?
“N en ye came back. I ken now I love ye cause it be like I be whole gain. I love how calm ye be, dependable, n like I just can rest easy round ye. I feel guilt cause I hurt ye Ian, n all this time I been only thinkin on ye. Every time I was with Ashel, talkin er anything, I kept comparin ye two n I can tell ye he baint hold a candle ta ye Ian. It baint be that he be a bad person, just he baint be ye. Like he always brought gifts, expensive uns, I got tired o it cause it felt like he was tryin ta bribe me. He baint be as soothin as ye, I always felt tense round him.”
“Why?” Ian asked startling her. “Why do ye feel so comfortable with me?”
“Cause that first night tagether,” Bailey answered. “With Ashel… I baint member the first bit cause I were drunk, but the mornin he were on me n lookin at me like… Well like I were his. I never felt that from ye Ian. When we first made love, ye were gentle n I could feel how nervous ye were like ye were afraid I would break.”
“Ye were cryin Bailey,” Ian said. “Didn’t it hurt ye? Didn’t I hurt ye that first time like Ashel did?”
“Nowt Ian,” Bailey said kindly. “That first time I were nervous too, n afraid aye, I feared the pain that were ta come. N ye ken Ian there were a sharp pain, n en it felt good. N ye took yer time bout it too, n even eased me out o it after ye finished. It weren’t bout just yer pleasure but mine as well, n I felt that from ye.”
“Bailey, it were my first time,” Ian said softly and Bailey was surprised having thought he had lovers before her. “I kenned it were hard on ye, sos I tried ta be gentle. I kenned I hurt ye goin in sos unce I finished I tried ta make ye feel better.”
“I be the only un ye’ve ever made love with Ian?” Bailey said and saw him wince.
“Nowt now,” Ian said. “Guess I have somewhat ta be guilty o’er too.”
“Rork ye mean,” Bailey said and Ian nodded. She could imagine it, Rork’s arms around Ian, and felt jealousy rise at the idea. She was jealous that Rork seen that side of Ian, a side she thought was only hers.
“Ye be jealous,” Ian said surprised and Bailey blushed.
“I baint sure I like bein able ta see my emotions Ian,” Bailey said crossly.
“It be the only way I can see ye Bailey,” Ian answered.
“Aye sorry,” Bailey said wearily. “I ken that Ian. Aye I be jealous, I want ta be the un ta make ye feel happy Ian. I baint mean only me, I just feel…”
“Like ye missed out,” Ian said and Bailey looked at him. “I see it in ye Bailey, n I also feel the same. We were each other’s first, n we thought we would be our only. Kennin another person seen ye in such an intimate way be hard.”
“Aye,” Bailey said. “Ian we have ta talk through this, n ken an argument baint be the end o this.”
“I ken Bailey,” Ian said. “How bout we take it slow physically too? Can I hold ye while we sleep?”
“Aye, I’d like that,” Bailey said going to his arms. They lay together warm and once again she fell asleep to the sound of his snores.
There was no sign of pursuit still from Alma, and after five days of riding they began to enter the Deep Woods. The change was gradual but around midday when it was still dark under the canopy Bailey felt comfortable that they were now fully into the Deep Woods.
The trees were old, Bailey feeling their age like the hushed remains of the dead. Only these creatures were alive, a life that was not full but more measured. The dark moss and lichen that covered the trees and ground ate the sound of the forest, making a lasting silence that echoed around them. Dark were the woods from the mosses and ivy that covered the trees, the light of the sun did not reach the ground making this place a permanent twilight. Trees were the wind made solid and took all the light they could, more creatures of air and darkness than earth and water.
The path they rode twisted and turned over rocks and gullies, Bailey still leading the way. There were gnomes in this place, but ones of greater power than the small ones she was used to. Some were hulking masses that had taken form as stones, covered in moss they slept centuries away under the trees. Bailey trusted the spirits that moved around them, but did not ask any for guidance.
The path would lead them to what they sought, or so Bailey hoped. Absalom had told her the dangers of the Deep Woods, how this place was close to the aether and so it was easy to get lost here. She had Ian spoke rarely over their camp fires at night, the thick darkness hard to penetrate with talk. Will and Matt were equally solemn on the dark forest paths, voicing little of their needs over the journey.
On their sixth day of travel they found the Riven Gates. Set in a depression the mossy behemoths of stone rested forgotten. Bailey could feel the power of the place and the pull of the lines into the aether. The weight of the child within her was crushing her spirit.
“I baint go in there,” Bailey gasped.
“But the path led here,” Ian said. “N baint this be a dreamin place.”
“Nowt, it be a place where the lines meet,” Bailey said shaking her head. “It baint be right fer what we need.”
“En why did we get here?” Ian asked puzzled.
“I baint ken,” Bailey said wearily. “But we’ll have ta ride back…”
“Wait, somewhat’s comin,” Ian said and Bailey looked to the gate. She could see nothing through the shadow of the stones, but she trusted Ian to see beyond sight. After a few moments a figure appeared out of the arms of the stones, one that Bailey knew well.
“Absalom!” Bailey said relieved and the old Aldan turned to her. She stared shocked because he seemed older if that were possible. He moved slowly out of the gate, walking up the hill to them like his body pained him. Ian quickly dismounted and helped him sit at the edge of the hill, setting Will and Matt next to him. When Ian was about to help Bailey dismount Absalom stopped him.
“Wait,” Absalom said. “Keep her there, we need to move out.”
“Move where?” Ian asked.
“I will lead you,” Absalom answered. “Through the gate.”
“The gate?” Ian said surprised.
“The Riven Gate be a gate ta the lines,” Bailey answered. “We can walk the lines physically. But why would we need ta enter the lines Absalom? Baint that be dangerous?”
“We can use the gate to travel somewhere else in a short time,” Absalom answered. “We enter the lines in one place and arrive in another.”
“Like what Iarliath did ta save us afore?” Ian said. “After the dragon fire?”
“Only powerful spirits like Iarliath don’t need gates to walk the lines physically,” Absalom said. “But they can only manage short distances. I too will only be able to handle a short distance.”
“I baint understand,” Ian said. “Ifn ye could do this why the gate?”
“Only powerful Phay or spirits don’t need a gate,” Absalom said. “For us we can’t enter the lines physically without it, but we can leave the lines without the gate. There is only one problem with that, which will suit our purpose perfectly.”
“N what be that?” Ian asked.
“We won’t know where we’ll end up,” Absalom answered.
Bailey felt worried; Absalom looked drained of strength and life. When an Aldan showed age it meant they were about to die, had Absalom finally reached that point?
“Bailey who be this?” Ian asked softly.
“Absalom o the Deep Woods,” Bailey answered.
“Ye mean…”
“Aye it be him, the first High King o the Nine Kingdoms,” Bailey said.
“Now I am just an old man,” Absalom said. “And you must be Ian.”
“Aye sir, pleased ta meet ye,” Ian said sounding nervous.
“I am glad you have your love once again,” Absalom said with a sad smile. “Both of you.”
“It baint be that simple,” Ian said sadly.
“Isn’t it?” Absalom said as he wearily stood up, lifting Matt and Will. He walked over and handed them to Ian, seeming stronger for his rest. “Take it from someone who has lived lifetimes lad, such small things tend to pale and fade under the passing of years. Only love grows deeper with those ages until it is something that links souls across lifetimes. Love conquers even death; I think it can handle a few mistakes made along the way.”
Ian was silent as he took his children, but Absalom’s words gave Bailey hope. She reached out and brushed Ian’s hair with her fingers, Ian turning to her. She knew he could not see her expression, but he could see her emotions. Bailey wished she could see his.
“Best get goin,” Ian said clearing his throat. He went and mounted his horse again, Absalom walking alongside Puzzle towards the gate.
“How is Toby?” Absalom asked.
“Basil been takin care o him,” Bailey said. “Oh, I hope he found someun ta take him, a lot sort o happened.”
“He’ll be fine,” Absalom said. “He’s a tough little dog.”
They reached the gate and Puzzle balked at the darkness between the stones. Bailey put one hand on her belly; fear a tight knot in her belly. Absalom took Puzzle by the halter and led him into the darkness. Bailey felt it close over her, the cold darkness enveloping her. Slowly from the darkness color emerged into the mist of aether. She looked around, able to see again, but there was nothing in sight but the swirling mist.
Ian cried out and Bailey turned in the saddle, afraid something had happened. Ian sat looking at his hand in awe, then he looked up and met her eyes.
“Bailey I can see,” Ian said amazed. He then looked down at Will and Matt, examining them closely seeing them for the first time.
“Here the body is not so limited as it is in Miread,” Absalom said, still leading them on through the aether. “But we must hurry.”
“What o the Crippled Un?” Bailey asked afraid.
“He hunts so we must hurry,” Absalom said.
Ian didn’t seem to be listening, his attention on Will and Matt, who both seemed more fascinated with the mists of aether. Ian then rode up next to Bailey and stared at her as well, which only made her blush. She couldn’t ask him to stop, but his attention was making her embarrassed.
A rippled wave through the aether made Bailey turn and see a shadow moving through the mist. Absalom stopped and motioned for silence, drawing the aether around them. The shadow passed them, but Bailey feared it was not for long.
“Here is as good as anywhere,” Absalom muttered. He reached out to the aether and with a sharp tug a tear appeared in the mist. “Quickly,” Absalom said motioning her through. Bailey had to duck as Puzzle rode through the opening, Bailey turning back to watch the others emerge.
Ian dismounted and led Enbarr through, Will and Matt tied to the saddle. She saw his face as he walked through the portal, his expression diming as his sight died. The look of despair on his face broke her heart. Absalom quickly followed and the gap behind them closed instantly.
Bailey looked around, startled by where they now were. They stood in the lee of a cliff, moss and grass growing thick on dark wet rocks. She could smell fresh water and turning again she looked out over a vast expanse of blue green water.
“Perfect,” Absalom said relieved. “We are on the Verde Sea.”
“Be this the coast?” Bailey asked, they had been at least ten days away from the Verde Sea.
“No, I think it is an island,” Absalom said. “I’d have to look around but I am pretty sure this is an island telling by the moss and lack of trees.”
“Ye ken where we be?” Ian asked as he took Matt and Will into his arms.
“No and that is why this place is perfect,” Absalom said. “We are lost.”
“Why that be a good thing?” Ian asked.
“Because the Crippled One will not find them,” Absalom answered.
“Ye mean Aoife?” Bailey asked puzzled.
“No, the Gates of Bone and Horn,” Absalom answered. “Aoife is linked to them. When she is born the gates will be born again with her, here.”
Bailey felt her heart clench with fear, and a sharp pain in her belly followed. She gasped and Ian went to her side concerned.
“Absalom, are ye sayin I have ta birth an elder Phay N these gates?” Bailey asked afraid. Absalom looked at her solemnly his eyes holding every year he lived.
“Yes, and I can sense it has already begun,” Absalom said.
Bailey could only hang her head, the weight on her only growing heavier. So it had begun.
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burger-licious · 6 years
Big Ol’ Plance Speculation
This is going to be realllly long. I don’t have the patience to separate stuff into multiple posts linking them all to one another, so I’ll just put it under a read more at a certain point. If you stay through the whole thing, you’re a champ! If you don’t that’s totally cool too. If you do read it all though, you won’t regret it! probably
Seriously though, this will be long. However I’ll mostly be talking about the moments I haven’t seen brought up before and how I believe they connect. I hope I’ll be able to bring up new, missed Plance moments that have gone unnoticed. So here we go!
S2E01 starts off right where season one left off. The wormhole they were traveling through to escape from Zarkon’s armada loses it’s integrity due to Haggar’s magic. The Paladins get separated and end up on different planets while Allura and Coran get stuck in a time loop in the temporal rift. Shiro and Keith wind up together, Lance and Hunk are together, and Pidge ends up by herself on what she calls a “trash nebula of some kind.” This is the first segment/situation out of the four groups we see before being cut back and forth between the others.
She talks to herself saying to stay calm and the best thing to do when you get lost in space is to stay put and wait for people to find you. It’ll be nice because she’ll get some “me” time.
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She begins to contemplate that for a couple seconds before saying:
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[Pidge]: “No-one to annoy me...” and then her expression changes.
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She loses the highlight in her eyes and is basically looking into the camera. I think it’s pretty obvious with that line she’s mostly talking about Lance and Hunk(possibly Coran too). Not to mention the nebula she’s stuck on and this scene in particular have a green, blue, and yellow atmosphere in the background. So I definitely think it’s safe to say between her dialogue and the colors making up pretty much all the background shots indicate how much she’s grown fond of the two. She’d rather be with them albeit slightly annoyed sometimes, HECK it sounds like she actually likes it, than to be without them. She doesn’t actually like the idea of being by herself. She wants to be around them. They’re fun and she enjoys their company. I also think it’s interesting because at this point it hasn’t even been that long. They JUST got separated. It probably hadn’t even been five minutes at this point and she’s already like “welp I’m bored can’t stand this let’s start looking for a way to find them”. 
And it’s not because she’s scared or anything, either, because the very next time we cut back to her she’s openly exploring the nebula’s surface. The only time we see her remotely scared, and it’s more of a startled, is when she meets the little trash poofs. A reaction that’s pretty short lived at that.
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All the little trash poofs come out and she greets them and EVEN APOLOGIZES to them for her rough landing. She’s talking to them with no hesitation or hint of fear they may be bad news. She then says, “I’m just waiting for my friends to find me.” Then the little poofs line up.
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[Pidge]: “Yeah! Friends!”
This means Pidge not only understood what the poofs were trying to demonstrate but also means she genuinely feels the other paladins are/are becoming her friends. She could have chose any other wording such as “teammates”/”Other Paladins” etc but she didn’t. Pidge is the first one we see who outright refers to the others as such.
(keep the poofs’ positioning in mind, because it’ll come up later, I promise.)
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I also think it’s pretty interesting the way she’s facing. It’s not front facing. You can tell by the position of her eyes and mouth she’s mostly looking toward the blue one. The pink and blue ones drift screen left and Pidge looks down while continuing to smile. On one hand I think it’s that she’s coming to terms and really reflecting on how she has people other than her family who mean something to her now, but on the other her face almost looks sad and this may be foreshadowing for the current Allurance we’ve seen in S7 and the possible Allurance to come along with S8. Whether she acknowledges it and takes action for herself to confess or quietly resigns now that she knows Allura is somewhat returning Lance’s feelings and that’s just how it is, who knows.
[This part will be a little bit of a segway, but also kind of not, so stay with me here] 
Continuing on to  S2E02, we get Lance and Hunk who end up in the underwater planet following Florona(?). At this point Lance hits us with this line:
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[Lance]: “And... If I just happen to find the future Mrs. Blue Lion, well, then that is alright with me.” 
At first this could just be seen as a throwaway line. He’s Loverboy Lance, he’s got girls on the brain. 
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But as we all later find out in S3E02, Allura becomes the Paladin of the Blue Lion. ie: Future Ms. Blue Lion. Now, if Lance’s previous line was purposefully meant to be foreshadowing, we can infer other conversations he has with himself/Blue to be foreshadowing as well.
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Which brings us to this scene. Blue essentially locks him out, he can’t get in anymore. He tries telling it they have work to do, to stop goofing off, asking why she’s mad at him/if she hates him, flirting, and apologizing for wanting to fly the Black Lion and saying it was just a phase. He can’t figure out why this is happening and when Allura comes to check out what’s going on, Red calls out to Lance and Allura explains why Red is accepting him. After dealing with the setup Lotor planned, we see Lance back in the hangar talking to Blue.
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[Lance]: “Well, ol’ Blue. We sure had some fun adventures, didn’t we? I wanted to stay with you, but sometimes what we want isn’t necessarily what we get. I’m gonna miss you, buddy.”
If this is foreshadowing as well, I think this is the biggest hint that Allurance will not be Lance’s endgame. Or at the very least, not his true endgame. If we hold to the metaphor of Blue=Allura, this means Allura will eventually reject/turn him down, just as the Blue Lion has effectively shut him out. Meanwhile, another lion waiting in silence opens up to him. I.e: Lance’s better/true fit. Lance has his doubts until Allura convinces him to go.
Interesting how this could be alluding to Allura not only turning him down in the coming season, but also quite literally leading/guiding him to the person who’s actually the right fit for him. Lance starts out with Blue, and his relationship with them is fine until a big event happens that forces a change(not only in the team as a whole, but Lance’s thinking as well) in the current dynamic. Lance heard the call but didn’t go to it until Allura pointed out it was calling for him specifically. And the reason was largely due in part to Lance accepting the situation as it was. Both with Keith being the more natural leader, and with Blue no longer connecting with him. He comes to terms with it and even essentially tells Blue goodbye. There’s a good chance this is how Lance’s relationships in S8 could play out as well. Essentially realizing what he said to Blue pertains to Allura as well and moving on. And while being turned down, Lance realizes who he actually likes.
Plus, in S2E04 we have a scene where Keith and Lance(moreso Lance) having and argument about the Blue Lion that could also possibly be pointing to Kallura, because he says:
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[Lance:] “Hey, why are you asking about my Lion? How many Lions do you need?[...] You’ve had your eye on the Blue Lion from day one![...] The Blue Lion’s with me! And we’re very happy together. Very happy!” 
This line here is very much how we see Lance acting towards Allura. He’s very defensive and anytime we’ve seen another person so much as “flirt” with her, Lance gets moody. Matt and Lotor of course being the biggest examples of this. It makes even more sense if we assume, because of the conversation on the tarmac at the end of S7 between the two, will lead to the beginning of S8 having Allurance start out the season. If they do get together, Lance will probably at some point question how happy they both are, because this line almost sounds like he’s trying to convince himself, more than Keith and Coran, he and Blue are happy together rather than not. And if Lance has these same thoughts about his relationship, he would definitely be a bit stubborn accepting one/both of them aren’t happy, seeing as he’s been trying to court Allura from day one. 
The we immediately cut to a scene where the Green Lion is the most prominent object in view.
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[getting back on track]
Now just prior to the previous line I mentioned in S2E02, Hunk says, “Lance, I know this mermaid thing is a dream of yours, but we really gotta go.” Lance replies with:
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[Lance]: “We will, big guy, we will! But let’s meet this queen first. Besides, maybe she can help us.” 
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So after the events of this episode, the Queen activates the energy beacon, and the very next image we see that’s not just the beam going off is:
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Pidge in the Green Lion coming through a wormhole. THEN Lance says to Hunk:
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[Lance]: “See Hunk? I told you they could help us.”
Now, the “they” in this line is referring to the merpeople, but overall? I think it’s referring to Pidge. Lance is the one to suggest following Florona(?) in the first place, while also stating that he may find the Future Mrs. Blue Lion(but in his character’s mind, means future partner) in the process. The episode opens with Lance saying that line and ends with Pidge being the only other Paladin whose voice we hear/Lion we see. And it’s right after we see Pidge coming to pick them up when Lance delivers the “I told you they could help us.” Which I think is really cool because his lines, as they’re said together are:
[Lance]: “We will, big guy, we will! But let’s meet this queen first. Besides, maybe she can help us. And... If I just happen to find the future Mrs. Blue Lion, well, then that is alright with me. [...] I told you they could help us.”
And who is the one, who, ultimately comes to their rescue? Everyone’s rescue? Pidge. Who is the one who got a satellite on a nearly abandoned trash nebula to work and send out the Green Lion’s energy, allowing Allura to lock onto it and escape the temporal rift/time loop? Pidge. Who’s the one to go get Shiro and Keith? Pidge. Who finds the Queen’s beacon? Pidge. And during both of the latter ones, Allura and Coran aren’t seen along with her. So not only is Pidge the one to help all of them, but you could also look at it like because of the beacon, Lance and Hunk were able to also *find* Pidge. 
Also it’s probably not meant as anything because I know he’s been animated with it before, but when Lance mentions finding the Future Mrs. Blue Lion he gets that sparkle on his teeth, which is also what the beacon looks like at distance to Pidge.
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TLDR: Pidge initiated the effort with the satellite, they “found” Pidge with the energy beacon(and that was only able to happen because of Lance insisting they follow the mermaid in the first place), and then Pidge helps them regroup. All three points of Lance’s lines here happen exactly in the way they were ordered.
Other nifty things to note in this episode relate to the mermaid Plaxum. While Blumfump explains their strategy for taking down the Queen, Lance says:
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[Lance, while using his own voice and a slighty higher voice for the imaginary lady]: “Then I’ll be a hero. Awww Lance. You’re so handsome -and- modest. Oh thank you for saving us. Can I kiss you? Maybe just a little.*knocks two rocks together while making kissy noises*” 
Just look at Plaxum’s face. She is giving a similar look to what we’ve seen Pidge give him before too. Plus. Y’all. She’s straight up colored with greens. At the end of the episode, Plaxum thanks Lance for helping save her people by giving him a smooch. Although this doesn’t exactly play into his previous fantasy, because she didn’t ask if she could kiss him. She just does it.
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Afterward, she removes her jellyfish/mask and drops her cloak to reveal what she actually looks like. Of course Lance is now smitten. And now we can see she also has hints of orange in addition to her shell belt thing and right by her cheeks also kind of looks pretty close to Pidge’s haircut yeah? Intended parallel or not, who knows. Even if it weren’t, it’d make sense to make this connection. Not only are the colors similar enough, but Plaxum wearing her Jellyfish and cloak is akin to Pidge disguising herself in her current outfit to sneak into the garrison. Each of them used theirs as means to an end. Plaxum used the jellyfish because she had to in order to block the mind control. Pidge had to cut her hair and change her image because the Garrison already knew who she was and what she looked like. I think it’d be safe to say Plaxum removing her jellyfish will be mirrored later by Pidge returning to her original look, after they’re done with their main storyline/end of the series. Plaxum kept her jellyfish on until her mission was complete and Pidge is keeping her hair short until her mission is finished as well. Hopefully she’ll give Lance a smooch too but only time will tell.
Moving onto S2E04, Greening the Cube, the team goes to the planet Olkarion after picking up their distress signal and having a makeshift snowball fight. They go to the armory and try to activate the tree pod things with only Pidge succeeding. The team splits up into two groups. Lance and Hunk go with Pidge and Shiro and Keith go with Ryner to save King Lubos.
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They could have had the team split up any way they wanted but they had the Garrison Trio together, right after Ryner says, “It means, you’re going to need to give your friends a ride!” Which, once again, shows that at least Pidge considers Lance and Hunk to be her friends. We don’t know for sure if Pidge chose them or if they called shotgun and jumped in, but still.
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This also mirrors S1E01 except Pidge and Lance switch places. The Garrison Trio are in the foreground while Shiro and Keith take a backseat. The Blue Lion and the Pod were a first for both of them. Pidge was the only one to activate a Pod by having a connection with it, just as Lance was the only one to activate Blue in a similar way.
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[Lance]: “WhOA! How’d you do that?”
While fighting the Cubes, Pidge gains a better connection with her Lion with a bit of help from Ryner and gains an ability where she can use veins. She uses this to destroy the cubes from the inside out. When Pidge first comes back and uses this power, Lance is the only one to comment/question how she learned to do that.
They defeat all the cubes and we get to the end of the episode where we see Pidge reflecting on what she learned while on Olkarion.
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[Pidge]: “You know, it’s weird. I’ve always been a tech junkie. That’s how I connected with the world. But for the first time, I feel connected to everything. I guess it’s like Ryner said, “We’re all made up of the same cosmic dust.”
Notice where she’s looking. Up and to her left. And it looks left-left at that. And who’s standing there?
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Not only does she look upwards to the left but she does so while emphasizing the “everything”. So I may be reaching but I think her saying this line means she’s feeling more connected to Lance than she might have before.
Moving onto S2E05, the team is once again trying to flee from Zarkon’s fleet. They succeed, but Coran finds the scaultrite lens stones are cracked. This is also the episode where the ship goes starts to go completely bonkers and tries to attack the Paladins. When they first realize something funky is going on, Zarkon catches up to them a second time and they try to wormhole again. This time a number of lenses completely break. Just before all the madness, Hunk was baking “cookies” that turned out to be the perfect temporary solution to allow them one more wormhole jump to last long enough to get away from Zarkon. The only catch is, all of the Paladins have to hold each lens in place while the beams are going off, and they have to stay completely still.
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[Coran]: “Now, nobody move if you want to live.” 
[Lance]: “I think I moved! I think I moved!” 
[Coran]: “Well, then move back to where you think you were!” 
Lance is definitely the one freaking out the most.
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As Allura is activating the Teleduv, Lance starts freaking out some more (understandably so) saying,  
[Lance]: “We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die!”
[Pidge]: “Hold tight, Lance!”
Pidge is the only one who tries to reassure him it will be fine, despite there being three other people who would have definitely also noticed Lance was on edge. You’d think the one reassuring him to stay strong would fit Shiro better, seeing as at the moment, Shiro is still the acting leader. He’s also usually the one encouraging the team on their missions, so it’d only make sense for him to do the same here. But he doesn’t.
In S2E06, the team realizes Zarkon has to be tracking them in some way. Shiro suggests that because they don’t know for sure how Zarkon is doing it, they should be the ones to go after him. Then we have Lance say:
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[Lance]: “The hunter becomes the hunted hmmm? Awesome! That’s a tagline from like six of my favorite movies.”
We immediately hear Pidge’s voice after this line, while the screen pans over to her, saying:
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[Pidge]: “As it happens, I took our list of recent Galra attacks and analyzed it for both commonalities and anomalies among the attack sites. I was hoping to create an algorithm that would, within a statistically acceptable margin of error, provide a list of target rich Galra environments. Color coded of course, because what are we, animals?”
[Lance]: “Cool. What is it again?”
[Hunk]: “It’s a Galra Finder?”
[Pidge]: “Well, Finder suggests that it locates the Galra, whereas it would be more accurate to say that my model predicts their likeliest -getting stares from everyone- Fine. It’s a Galra Finder.”     
Not only does this dialogue make sense for the plot, because Pidge revealing she essentially made a way to track them is literally the hunter (Zarkon/the Galra) becoming the hunted(by the Paladins). But it also has an undertone of a hint to Lance and Pidge’s relationship at the same time. Yes, Lance only mentions that hunter/hunted is a tagline from six of his favorite movies, but we can assume this means it’s one of his favorite lines overall as well. Even before the line of the hunter becoming the hunted, we know he’s into that because of the line I mentioned in S2E02! Remember?:
[Lance, while using his own voice and a slighty higher voice for the imaginary lady]: “Then I’ll be a hero. Awww Lance. You’re so handsome -and- modest. Oh thank you for saving us. Can I kiss you? Maybe just a little.*knocks two rocks together while making kissie noises*”
In his scenario, he saves the day but the girl is the one who makes the advances calling him handsome and asking if she can kiss him. Lance isn’t the one suggesting the action here. It’s whoever he’s talking to who initiates. Which would reverse the roles we see play out when Lance flirts. Lance is the one who makes first moves. He flirts and flatters, while the other person pretty much always rebuffs. He’s the hunter(a failing one, but hey). This means if someone were to say what Lance imagines in his fake scenario, then he becomes the hunted. So to have Pidge, who comes into focus immediately following hunter/hunted mentioning she DOES have a Galra Finder, makes me think there’s something more to that set of interactions than just the plot. I mean, right after Lance says that, Pidge doesn’t miss a beat with the “As it happens.” Almost sounding like, “As it happens, I *am* hunting you.”
They make their way to Taujeer and discover the planet is shedding it’s shell, while the residents are left stranded with only one working engine thanks to Morvak. Anybody into Plance most likely already knows about the blushing Lance does when Pidge says, “So the Galra were here. Lannnce?*smirks*”
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But we have a scene that comes up later, when the Paladins are trying stop the planet from shedding. While coming up with a plan, Hunk suggests they can stop said shedding by sewing the planet back together.
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[Hunk]: “That new Green Lion weapon causes vegetation to grow, right? Well, I was thinkin’ if you aim it at the cracks in the planet, the vines could act like stitches.”
[Shiro]: “Won’t the stitches get dissolved by the acid?”
[Pidge]: “The stitches might hold longer... if they’re frozen!” 
Not only is Pidge the one to suggest freezing the vines, but it directly requires Lance’s Lion as well. I may be wrong but I think this is really the only time in the series, at least up to this point, where two distinct Lion powers are combined for something other than just firing at enemies. And I just love thinking of it like a foreshadowing metaphor. The vines/Pidge are strong, but the ice/Lance help Pidge keep her composure/keep it together. A reach but I’d still like to think of it that way.
Skipping a few episodes, we come to S2E11, Stayin Alive. Most Plancers have probably seen this screencap numerous times as well. This is a scene shortly after they rescue Slav from Beta Traz. Allura calls to tell them the monster that was encased in crystal on the Balmera has broken free and needs the team back there. Then Lance says:
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[Lance]: “You got it, Princess. Sharpshooter is on the way.”
[Pidge]: “Sharpshooter?”
[Lance]: “It’s my new nickname, that I gave myself. J-just pass it on.”
Keep in mind: In just the previous episode, after Lance shoots Slav free from The prison warden guy, Shiro said: “Nice, Lance! That’s why we bring our sharpshooter!”
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 Then Lance strikes a similar pose as previously pictured:
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Except here, he isn’t blushing or embarrassed. Nor is he when he’s talking directly to Allura while calling himself Sharpshooter.
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It’s only after Pidge questions him that he blushes. We know later on, in S3E02 Lance took her questioning him here pretty hard as he thinks she doesn’t see him as a sharpshooter. And because he doesn’t see himself as the leader or anything else, believes she doesn’t as well. However, keep in mind prior to this, Pidge was being hit by Slav and screaming at the same time Shiro called Lance Sharpshooter. There’s a good chance because of those two things she didn’t hear him, therefore when Lance refers to himself that way, she’s probably wondering what he’s talking about.
Jumping through a few more episodes, this leads onto S3E02. With Shiro gone, they need to find a new Paladin for the Black Lion. Pidge brings up Allura was able to tell who would pilot what lion and then they all found and piloted them. Hunk then asks how she was able to do that, and if she could do it now. She says no and that she was able to immediately tell from their qualities which Lion would suit each of them best. Coran suggests Keith can become the new Paladin for the Black Lion due to piloting it when he needed to save Shiro. Lance interjects and then Pidge lists off what everyone's roles are:
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[Pidge]: “Yeah, we all have our thing! Keith’s the loner, I’m the brain, Hunk’s the nice one, Allura’s the decision maker, Coran’s the wise old guy, and Lance is the goofball!”
To which Lance replies:
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[Lance]: “Mhm yeah exactly totally right on. Wait a minute! I’m not a goofball! I’m like the cool, ninja sharpshooter.”
Now I’ve see some people try to say this is a main time where Pidge is mean to Lance. But is it really? We know in this episode he takes her calling him a goofball to heart, but I don’t think she meant it as a jab or insult. In fact, near the end of S2E11, there’s a scene where everyone is reflecting on the stuff that’s happened to them so far. At a point during the conversation, he lists off several things in a row.
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 [Lance]: “We faced sentries, a haunted castle, giant robeasts, a mall security guard-”
Pidge pops up, looking very excited saying:
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[Pidge]: “And don’t forget that cool cube thing!”
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[Lance]: Yeah! And that awful cube thing.
In both of these instances, neither of them are being mean. Pidge knows from S2E11 that Lance calls himself Sharpshooter. There’s no way she would have forgotten about it. If we also include the thought she’s had a crush on him either while they were in the Garrison or shortly after going into space, then she really wouldn’t have forgotten it. Her tone also sounds like she’s just messing with him, in the same way Lance does in this scene. He knows Pidge thought the cube was really cool, and he’s seen her geek out over other technology they’ve encountered so far. He’s playing with her. Like how family members/close friends rag on other, but all in good fun. What Pidge said has an effect unbeknownst to her on Lance, but these conversations happen before Shiro disappears. Lance also never confides those insecurities with Pidge, but does so almost exclusively with Keith and Allura. If he had shared those feeling with Pidge she most likely wouldn’t have said that in the first place. We’ve seen Lance seem to look up to Pidge’s opinions on numerous occasions and this could make for a really good arc for the both of them in S8. Pidge somehow learns Lance has been feeling extremely insecure-and partly due to her-which in turn leads to them talking it out. But that’s just speculation. Who other than the writers know how it’ll actually go down?
After Pidge remarks everyone’s roles, they each present themselves to the Black Lion. While presenting themselves, Pidge is the second to try. We get a shot of her in the cockpit sitting on the chair using her helmet as a kind of booster seat.
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Immediately following her is Lance. He takes a long time hoping he’ll be able to connect, but he doesn’t. The next shot we get is:
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Lance. Also sitting on his helmet, pouting. Not exactly Plancey per se, but it is interesting they’re the only two to do this, right after one another.
Another scene we’ve seen a lot is this one:
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On the first outing after switching lions, Pidge notices right away Lance isn’t with them. Keith being the newfound leader should have realized it first, or even Hunk. But Pidge is the one who points it out first.
[[[I’ve already touched on the biggest part of what I think is going on during s3E02 after this scene, in part two of this post, so I won’t be restating all that again here!]]]
Jumping all the way up to S4E03, after the reunion of Pidge and Matt, Pidge excitedly shows Matt around the ship. One of the things she thinks is important enough to show him is Kaltenecker.
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[Pidge]: “This is our cow.”
The “our” here could most definitely mean Voltron as a whole. But technically “our” refers to Lance and Pidge, because they bought the game system together, and she came along with it. Therefore, Kaltenecker is “their” cow, since they both made the purchase. And y’all.
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KALTENECKER HAS A BIG HEART ON HER BOOTY. A HEART. LOOK. It also kind of looks like there is: L, A/triangle, and a tree in the triangle mark. Plants, anyone? Anyhow.
Thanks to Matt’s data, Pidge is able to update the Galra Finder. Matt also has coded messages he couldn’t figure out. Thanks to Pidge and Hunk, they figure out how to decode the message. It’s a message from Zarkon for fleets to mobilize on a certain coordinate. By the end of the episode we hear another message, directly from Zarkkon this time, telling the Galra citizens to kill Lotor on sight.
According to their newly updated map, nothing is in that location. Shiro says they should be gathering intelligence before diving in, especially now that they know Zarkon is still alive. Pidge suggests they could go check it out. When Lance says he thinks they’d probably notice them, Pidge says they won’t if they’re cloaked.
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[Matt]: “You have cloaking? Who are you?”
Lance looks up to Matt as he says this and then Lance smiles on the “who are you?” Pidge took it as a compliment, and that’s how Matt meant it. To see Lance smiling as soon as Pidge gets praised is so touching.
One of the bigger things I’d like to mention has to do with the next part of this scene:
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[Pidge]: “I’m pretty sure I can upgrade Voltron with cloaking. We could all go.”
[Lance]: “Were you just waiting for your big brother to show up before you rolled that one out?”
Lance gives her an elbow/shoulder shove on her shoulder. An action we haven’t seen him do before in a casual way. We’ve seen an interaction near exact to this happen in the previous episode, S4E02, Reunion. Where did we see it? At the very end of the episode! Matt and Pidge are standing right outside the Garrison, and most likely the ship he’ll be leaving on, talking. Matt is super excited to go into space and Pidge is upset because she knows she’s going to miss him. The last scenes before the episode ends give us this:
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[Matt]: “I’ll be back soon.”
[Pidge]: “You better, or I’m coming up to space *shoves* and getting you.”
Pidge did it as a sign of playful affection, albeit rough, and it’s likely Lance was doing it in a similar way as well. It may not be, but my brain was telling me this seemed like a pretty intended parallel. This is given because both the scenes with Pidge/Matt and Pidge/Lance happen within the total runtime of less than a single episode.
Buckle up because now we’re really going to jump! All the way to S7E02. This is the episode where the Paladins head back to Earth. For the road trip, Lance decides he’ll be the one to choose who rides with who.
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As he’s saying this, The Green Lion is positioned right behind him and fairly prominently. It’s the only one of the five we see. At some point during the trip, the group comes to the realization they haven’t heard Pidge in a while, and she’s been all alone this whole time. Pidge being alone makes sense from the image above. The Green Lion is shown by itself, with Lance(who chose) in the foreground.
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[Hunk]: “Hey, why haven’t we heard from Pidge?”
[Lance]: “Yeah. Wait. Who’s in her Lion again?”
[Keith]: “I don’t know. You’re the one that came up with this grouping.”
[Hunk]: “Well, she must have... no, they’re with Keith. Then the wolf is with Allura. I have the mice.”
[Allura]: “Is she all alone?”
I don’t believe for a second Lance didn’t know he left Pidge by herself or that he “just forgot”. His face here, although it could be from essentially being called dumb, looks like he’s almost annoyed everyone is starting to put the pieces together.
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“Aw heck they freaking caught me. Sorry Pidge. Now they’re going to touch your stuff. She ends up with Coran, Romelle, the mice, and C/Kosmo.
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While making a pitstop at a Blade of Marmora base they discover to be abandoned, a Galran fleet attacks them, and they get back in the Lions. During the fight, C/Kosmo teleport both Coran and Romelle to Keith and Allura’s Lions, respectively. This leaves Pidge with just C/Kosmo(maybe the mice too?), who she was originally supposed to take anyway. I find it interesting how she pretty much ends up alone again, thanks to a heavily blue colored character. 
Next up, we have a scene from S7E03, where we hear two Galra soldiers talking.
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[Sentry #1]: “And then, I heard they was given away free Kalteneckers with every purchase!”
[Sentry #2]: “Wait, did you say free?”
This conversation seems a little out of place, right? We don’t usually see generic Galra soldiers having conversations that don’t have something to do with Zarkon/Lotor/their own goals/battle/etc. So why is it here? Why bring up Kaltenecker? Who would they have heard that from? Why now?
Shortly after this comes the “DON’T YOU TOUCH HER” moment and the Paladins/Axca fighting with Zethrid and Ezor. On the way to the hangar, they see two guards keeping watch on their bayards and helmets. At which point Lance asks:
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[Lance]: “They have weapons, and we don’t. Any suggestions?”
Pidge starts sliding out from the left meaning either Lance was specifically asking her, or he was asking Keith but Pidge already had an idea, only to be interrupted by Coran.
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[Coran]: “Unhand those bayards, ya scallywags!”
The first one seems more likely because right after he asks what they should do, Pidge comes into focus, and it looked like she was ready to say something. And if it is because of the first option, this is another example of Lance looking to Pidge because he values her input.
After kicking the guards’ butts and exiting through the hangar, they’re attacked by more soldiers.
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The first shot we get is Lance and Pidge in the foreground with the others in the background almost looking like pairs. Those pairs being: Shiro/Allura, Hunk/Romelle, and Coran/Krolia. We see no soldiers.
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A red beam fires from directly behind them and Lance and Pidge are the first to be shown noticing it.
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When they turn around, we get this shot. We see the soldiers, but that’s odd right? Pidge and Lance seemed a good bit ahead of everyone else and we were shown they were in fact right behind them. The shot fired from directly behind them, so when Pidge and Lance turn around, why don’t we see any of the other six people with them? I guess you could argue this shot is zoomed in so we can just focus on the sentries who are coming out better? But still.
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Then we see Pidge and Lance being the only ones to attack back against the soldiers before we switch back to Keith and Axca setting off an explosion and escaping themselves.
We have another scene in the very next episode, S7E04, that also seems kind of out place. It too, mentions Kaltenecker. After Lance is selected by Zarkon for the solo card we get what we can call an intermission, or commercial break. The commercial we see is for It’s Earth! The place where Pidge and Lance got their game console and Kaltenecker. This could just be a callback but that seems unlikely.
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We know the Paladins wake up and realize they all basically had a shared dream. And it’s generally believed dreams are a way for our brains to make sense of what happened during the day/sorting through memories. Lance and Pidge were the only ones to go to It’s Earth, and the game system and Kaltenecker were the most emphasized part of his ad. So if this really IS a collective dream, this has be coming from either Lance/Pidge, or both.
Moving onto S7E06, the Paladins have pretty much no power for their Lions. Shrio explains they could try to re-power the Lions themselves, like they’ve done once before. After his motivational speech and an add-on from Lance, Keith asks Shiro: “After all you went through, how did you find the strength to lead Voltron?” Shiro answers: 
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[Shiro]: “I had help. That’s why there are five of you. To lift each other up.”
Now this line coupled with this shot could have a few things going on in it. Allura and Hunk are both looking to Keith. We know Allura and Keith have had a couple heart to hearts. Her apologizing to Keith for how she acted when she learned he was Galra and also when they both separated themselves from the team when they thought Zarkon was locating Voltron through them. When it comes to Hunk, he and Keith have a heart to heart when Hunk gets back to Earth and he learns his family had been captured by the Galra. They talk it out and hug in both instances. But Lance and Pidge are looking directly at each other and the way it’s positioned, both their eye lines are over Keith’s and they’re making similar expressions in contrast to the other three. They haven’t had a heart to heart yet nor have either of them completely bonded with their Lions. Which means that could be something we’re heading for in S8, where they’ll somehow help each other complete that goal?
After the Paladins are hit by the unexplained energy pulse, they decide to tether the Lions together with zipline. While doing so, they get hit by another energy pulse and get separated from the Lions, but not from each other. This leads them all to link up by the arms. When they realize they have no kind of supplies on them, Keith explains:
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[Keith]: Our suits will recycle enough moisture to keep us hydrated for a little while. We just need to hang tight. We have each other.”
And. Well. This one everyone already knows, but.
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Pidge is sure as punch holding on tight. So basically this reads like: “The ones holding on tight have each other.” Meaning Lance and Pidge, since Pidge is the only one who seems like she’s really clutching onto somebody. This could also very well be a callback to when they were holding the lenses in place for the teleduv and Pidge tells Lance to “hang tight”.
Now, remember in the very first part of this post when I said to remember the trash poofs’ positions?
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Something was bothering me about this episode, and I couldn’t put my finger on it until I saw screencaps a bunch of people were posting and noticed what seemed weird about it. When the Paladins first link together in a circle, they’re positioned like so: 
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After experiencing their group hallucination with the space fish bird things, they regroup like this:
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Hunk moves between Keith and Allura while they both switch sides, and Lance and Pidge switch too, but they’re still linked together. Pidge is the only one still holding onto the two people she was originally linked with. This also now matches the way the poofs are aligned. Starting with Pidge and working our way clockwise we have: green/Pidge, blue/Lance, pink/Allura, and yellow/Hunk. The only color poof we don’t have is a red one. Black doesn’t count because Shiro is no longer a Lion pilot. Maybe this means something about how Keith tried to go off on his own, or maybe it means at some point he’ll break away from Voltron again. Who can say. Keith has a hallucination that seems to only effect him, and then they regroup for a third time. This time, it looks like this:
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Notice it? They go back to how they were grouped the first time. They break formation TWICE but Lance and Pidge still end up beside each other.
When they finally make it back to Earth, they find the Galra have already invaded and set up shop. They successfully take down the Zaiforge cannons with help from the MFEs and kill Sendak. Just when they think it’s over, they get attacked by a super powerful robeast. When it attacks, it directly hits the Green Lion with the Red Lion looking right at it. This one is pretty self explanatory and there isn’t too much to say say about it, but it’s still there.
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Lastly, our biggest hint that Plance will most likely be endgame is in the formation of Voltron itself. When it happens, we get the same animation pretty much every single time. We see two Lions shoot upward and intertwine, every time, and *only* two do this. And those ones are:
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The Red and Green Lions! With this, them linking arms, “to lift each other up” and everything else I’ve mentioned definitely seems like it’s going to build to something between Lance and Pidge. Whatever the outcome is, we’ll just have to wait and see! 
If none of these are actually parallels and it’s all coincidences and nothing matters then that’d sure suck. But this is how I interpreted these scenes and since I haven’t seen people really talking about most of the ones I mentioned(or I have something to add to the ones that have), I really wanted to put my thoughts out there on what I think the connections between them are. Anyway, let’s keep watering!
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