#Lynn vents
massivementalitynut · 3 months
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I've been reading Moriarty the Patriot...
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motherdanger · 2 days
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burning up sore throat and what not
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mandysgirlf · 6 months
nothing more isolating than being a lesbian in a fandom that favours men ANYWAYS HERES A FUNNY MEME
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alynnl · 2 months
I went to the doctor about two weeks ago for worsening flare ups of my chronic illness symptoms and... (Personal rant, talk of finances and health issues ahead)
I was prescribed medicine for my IBS symptoms that made them noticeably worse
Technically against medical advice (the 24/7 nurse hotline) I stopped taking these meds because I can't be laid up with diarrhea and abdominal pain.
If I don't work, I don't get paid and I am terrified of falling behind on utilities because these companies don't cut anybody slack (I was threatened with an electric shut-off in 2019. The threat is real. They took every penny in my bank account back then. It feels like nothing short of extortion)
I had a complete abdomen ultrasound and it came back that all my organs (kidneys, liver, spleen, appendix, gallbladder etc) were normal
I just got billed for this ultrasound today and running the numbers in my head, I've been billed enough for half a day's wages
This is despite the receptionist at the front desk saying "Don't worry, your insurance will cover all of it! :)"
This is making me hesitant to get any more medical attention for my chronic illness at all because I'll definitely pay for it later
That feel when I still have to take matters into my own hands with Food Trial and Error and so many White Rice and Ginger Ale Days
I'm doing (relatively?) fine now only because of my own management of my illness and not the doctors'
What exactly was the point of it all?
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hatxsheep · 2 months
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i can’t even write correctly ugh (it’s supposed to be anything 😱)
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cherry-png · 3 months
AmberLynn Reid doesn’t understand she is also very privileged.
ALR loves to bring up how thin people are more privileged than bigger people will ever be, and I’m not going to deny a majority of society does tend to favour people who aren’t as big.
But ALR fails to acknowledge just how privileged she is as well. The fact that she’s able to plate herself more than three times a day is beyond a privilege. There are times, mainly in my past (I’m doing a bit better nowadays), when I didn’t know when my next meal was. There was a time when I literally was only able to eat my melatonin gummies for two days because that was the only source of food in the house.
I’ve literally had large portions of my hair fall out just from brushing or washing it because of how malnourished I was. ALR is so privileged to just film a stupid, half assed vlog and have enough money to pay her bills, stock her fridge and cabinets, and still be able to afford stuff for her three pets and buy bathroom essentials (shampoo, toilet paper, soap, etc).
I literally don’t want to hear it from her that she grew up poor and had a traumatic childhood, because guess what. There are so many people who share similar childhood experiences as her (such as myself) and aren’t using it as a random defence mechanism.
You don’t get to use ‘I had a traumatic childhood’ as a response for pity. I’m not going to deny ALR may have very well had a traumatic upbringing and grew up poor, but that fact that she currently has the ability to pick herself back up but actively chooses not to is just… and don’t even get me started on the way she self sabotages omg…
Okay I’m blabbering on now, sorry for that. Disclaimer; I understand eating disorders (in the context, an over eating disorder) can very much take over your life, and a rough upbringing won’t do anything to help it. It’s the fact that she doesn’t care to pick herself back up though. ALR is privileged in certain ways where other people struggle; Having an easy source of money (imo), being able to plate her food, etc.
And I’m genuinely not sorry if I sound mean in this post. ALR is not a ‘good’ person imo. Even if she decides to pick herself up, get her act together, take responsibility, and becomes a genuinely decent human being… that won’t erase all the harm she managed to cause throughout the years (speaking from the perspective of a person that experienced an abuser very similar to ALR for years).
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lynnlovesthestars · 1 month
I feel like everything I do is.. mid.. I draw and my art is shit, I program and my code is shit, i cook and my cooking is shit, I write and even that is shit . I feel like such a failure sometimes I wish I was just giving up on everything
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fxllen-rxse · 3 months
//I think I've reached the ultimate breaking point with my dad and his family...
So I'm randomly on Facebook again, which I've come to realize is probably not the best of ideas, but here I am anyway.
Little bit of back ground, my Nana (grandma on my dad's side) was hospitalized recently for stage 4 kidney failure. My dad also has kidney issues and is on dialysis for it, as well.
He called and told me this yesterday and I said my husband and I would be thinking of her.
This morning I was asking for her cell number to shoot her a message, but then he calls me and said she might have had a stroke last night. So it's escalated a little.
She lives in southern Texas. My dad and I resound in and around northeastern oklahoma (different places but not too far off). With my dad being on dialysis at home on a daily basis, I figured he isn't able to do any traveling. So never did the idea occur to me that he could go down and see his mom, my grandma.
Anyway, back to me scrolling on Facebook tonight. I come across a random post from my step sister's daughter in law, saying they have a 6-8 hour drive to make to Texas. The area where my grandma lives. She tagged my step sister, my step mom, and my dad.
Not one word was said to me that they were going to see her. My dad made no indication that they were, but somehow, this hurt. Like A LOT.
I have been shunned and treated differently by my step mom for years because I'm from a previous marriage and apparently was not raised in her own godamned image. She's treated me terribly while my dad just sit by and let her.
Through her, my dad has grandchildren and now great grandchildren. He has the ideal family. And they are not shy about it on Facebook, which this is not the first time this has happened.
Many times, I see "family" pics including my dad at some family function. I would only find out about all of these on said Facebook.
Now, this.
I don't think they meant for me to know, but that daughter in law made the mistake of friending me and posting about it.
Like, she's my grandma. Granted I haven't seen her in a years, but it's not exactly easy to just drop everything and travel affordably that far.
The fact they couldn't bother to just message me or something about them traveling to her.... I just.... I can't anymore.
I'm 36. My dad is the only real parent I have left, but honestly, I've reached a point where I feel like I've already lost him.
I can't keep going like this with him. I've tried and tried to maintain a relationship, but it's brushed off constantly like it's nothing. I'm only an afterthought for birthdays and holidays. That's it... And those are only phone calls or texts.
I just want to end it with them once and for all. My mental health can't handle this shit anymore...
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live-laugh-loverpool · 7 months
does anybody else have 600+ comments in their AO3 inbox and refuse to delete them, knowing they're precious mementos of each fic you've written and they can bring you serotonin during writer's block days? or am i the only one
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massivementalitynut · 3 months
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peeksyart · 2 years
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i am feeling feral tonight
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lynnarii · 10 months
When you find your dream home and then remember you're a millennial with nothing but debts to your name
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alynnl · 6 months
Health related vent under the cut.
I am going through absolute hell right now. I have some sort of infection in my upper left gums and the pain is making almost every part of my life harder. Eating is a chore that takes twice as long. Being awake feels like it takes more energy because I'm hurting all the time. I can only manage my pain in a number of ways, but I can't seem to make it stop entirely.
I also don't have dental insurance at the moment. The soonest I can get any type of coverage is January 1st. And if I want to get any actual work done without being put on a waiting list, I'll have to pay co-pays for everything. (I feel like the insurance industry is almost predatory this way. They want people to be hurting and desperate so they'll be forced to take the plan where the patient pays more outta pocket.)
But I'm hurting so bad that I know I need to get in sooner than January. So I have no choice but to get an appointment ASAP and just put it on credit.
This is just a horrible way to end the year and it's only compounding my holiday blues.
After today I only have two more days left of work at my school district til I'm off for the winter holidays. Working yesterday was almost unbearable and today might be similar, but I really need the money and I don't have paid time off.
It turns out the only gift I really wanted for the holidays is my health. And I don't even have that, at least not for now.
I feel like I need a miracle to get through the rest of this week, this month, and this year.
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fluffyfurry6663 · 2 years
Ain't no way people were leaking the 333 extension-
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chickynn · 2 years
guess who just got gifted an anemo vision 💪
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f4gbutchdyketwink · 2 months
I wonder if my mom ever felt bad for yelling at me. one time when I was maybe 8, I don't remember how it started but I probably was complaining about school and we got into an argument and she was yelling and talking about what the consequences were gonna be when we got home, but then once we chilled out and finished taking my grandparents to the doctor we went to a used game store and she got me a new ds game???
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