#Lord of Spirits Podcast
"Historically, in the pre-counter-Reformation, it’s pretty darn clear and I think hard to argue with, that Roman Catholicism was teaching and this is what the Reformers are reacting against, that grace received in the lives of people through the sacraments enabled them to, in various ways, accrue merit by different means. ...to accrue merit, which merit, when it reached a certain point, qualified one for eternal life...."
"So that merit is always produced. Even in that medieval Roman Catholic system, that merit was always produced by the work of grace, although grace was seen as a quantifiable, created substance, and that’s a whole other debate—but was always produced by grace in the person’s life..."
"And that saints accrued more merit than was required for eternal life. That merit goes into the treasury. That treasury is accessible by the keys of St. Peter and can be given out; that merit can be given out in the form of grace by, in particular, the bishop of Rome, the pope of Rome. And that’s the system they’re reacting against."
"So they saw that—the Reformers saw that and did not—this is why I say this is a reactionary position—they didn’t throw the whole thing out and start over from the Bible. They didn’t, and they don’t claim to. Many Evangelical Protestants today talk like they did, but Luther and Calvin would smack you upside the head if you said that, told them they threw everything out and started over."
"But what they said was— They agreed, yes, there’s a certain amount of merit you need for eternal life, but Christ earned it all, and the whole thing gets imputed into your account, all at once, when you’re justified...."
"That’s it. And so it’s not related to the things you do, it’s not even related to the sacraments."
-- DeYoung, Fr. Stephen. “Ancient Faith Ministries.” Doomsday - The Lord of Spirits | Ancient Faith Ministries
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wizebook · 1 year
happy pride month audio drama community
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EDIT: ID in alt, fellas!!
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arcanigenum · 1 year
Fr Jeremy before he criticizes someone: "As your spiritual father I'm gonna ask you not to argue with me now-"
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mybuddyjimmy · 1 year
Episode 516 - Colossians 3 - The Gospel Road 01152023
Episode 516 – Colossians 3 – The Gospel Road 01152023
We are not tacos and cannot make everyione happy. Though many of us try. I do the same and it gets me in to trouble. Remember to be kind and love one another. That is the best we can do at times.
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beardedtheologians · 2 years
10.20.22 Beardcast Part 6 with Rev. Chris Moore
10.20.22 Beardcast Part 6 with Rev. Chris Moore
In part 6 of our Lord’s Prayer, we sat down with Rev. Chris Moore the Senior Minister at Fellowship Congregational Church UCC in Tulsa, Ok. Connect with the Bearded Theologians at https://www.linktr.ee/Beardedtheologians
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lowkeycasanova · 9 months
hiii, just finished watching vinnie and fannita podcast, if your requests are open, could write something where his gf either in the background of that podcast or also as a guest with vinnie?
like that podcast was so funny and i want it so bad incorporated into a fic lol
thank uuuu💜
Lmao I love this idea. But I wrote it as bullet points. Sorry if it’s not what you expected.
*Vinnie's comments are bolded*
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You’ve known of Fannita and her humor from her tik tok videos so you were excited to see how this played out.
As soon as Vinnie sat down in the chair, the flirty banter was on full display. Which you were well aware that was gonna happen beforehand.
The segment begins and Fannita teases him about the attention he gets from girls, being a pretty boy, and their "relationship".
You stand in the background, already laughing while watching their exchange.
"Your outfit reminds me of the movie Footloose" she told him. Fannita just be saying anything. And you love her for that.
She pokes fun at him just like you do and it's hilarious. But you also love how she asks the real questions. Doing the Lord's work.
"Why did you take a shot of that like it was vodka? That's blue gatorade." You are a victim of the sassy man apocalypse.
"Foot play, toe sucking- no." "He loves that! Why are you lying?" "No I don't!" "Why you lying?" "Bro-" "I heard through the grapevine that you looovvvee sucking toes." "What grapevine???" "The one that's...over there." she subtly points in your direction. Your eyes widen as you laugh. No way is she bringing you into this mess.
"Forehead kisses. Turn on." "Turn on." he smiles, looking up and making eye contact with you.
You love how more comfortable he became as the podcast went on.
And Vinnie is a good sport, responding with witty comebacks and sharing the playful anecdotes, all in the spirit of the show.
You don't feel any type of way about the sexual nature of the banter. Who wouldn't flirt with him when given the chance? You get to do it everyday.
"Do you curve slightly to the right or left?" She asked. He answered with a laugh, his face beet red. "You know, if you don't want to answer, there's someone else in the studio who can. And I'm sure you already know who it is." You fucking lost it. She definitely takes being a dicktective seriously. "Shut. Up." he responded with as much seriousness as he could muster. "My fault. I'll be quiet."
You meet up with Fannita afterwards and you're trying to calm down from laughing so much. She told you that she hoped nothing she said made you uncomfortable. You thanked her for that, but honestly, you knew it was all in good fun. You share the same sense of humor and you laughed the whole time. To you, it was playful teasing and her energetic/animated personality made it better. It was a genuine moment of appreciation from Fannita who praised you two as a couple.
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Adventure Arc: A Song on a Silent Night
Before we begin I’d like to get personal for a moment. About a year ago I decided I was going to step away from this blog as a daily format and only post when I was really inspired to. It was a drastic step, but one I had to make because I was so burnt out and so deep in seasonal depression that I was on the edge of having a breakdown. Ironically, it was this specific adventure arc that did it for me, as I felt pressured to make something for the holiday season but literally couldn't get words on the page. Taking a break turned out to be the best thing for me. This past year has been great and I’ve actually had enough energy to not only do the projects that are important to me, but to also improve my writing.   My partner and I have written a narrative podcast and we’re shopping it around to producers at the moment, I couldn’t be more excited. (BTW if you happen to be in the business, give me a shout) In many ways it’s very cathartic to come back and finish this adventure. I’d even say it was easy, since I didn’t have the pressure I self imposed because I thought I needed it to write. I just wanted to say: Take care of yourselves friends. Nurture yourself and good art will follow. I am so thankful to have you all as my audience and I hope you know that no matter how bleak the season gets it’s an absolute joy to write for you.
It’s the coldest night of the year, and despite all the lights on in town no one is home. They have been snatched from their beds and their hearthsides by a sinister song that carries on the wind and has spirited them off to another world. Our heroes must follow, and in order to get their friends and family back they must lay siege to the sorrowful heart of winter itself.
Find out what led to these events, and their outcome, below the cut.
Into:   Some weeks before the disappearances begin, the party are sent into the cold to check on a missing mail shipment, only to end up clashing against a group of hobgoblins intent on ruining the holiday season. From there, acts that might be construed as harmless planks escalate into outright malice as it becomes clear the hobs are disappearing townsfolk, working off some sort of list given to them by an unknown villain. 
Adventure Hooks:
If you’re running this adventure arc as part of a longer campaign, consider previewing the hob’s lair long before the villains every arrive, an old ruin where fey and witches are said to revel during the new moon. Having a low level party venture out to the ruins for a test of bravery only to return months later as veteran heroes will show them just how far they’ve grown.
From deadly pranks to highway robbery, each act of malicious mischief committed by the goblins is accompanied by a list of names and seemingly innocuous offenses, evidently ripped off a far larger list in possession of their leader. The party are likely to collect more than a few scraps of these over the course of their journeys, and will be surprised when they begin to form together, laying out a series of disappearances that stretches back some years. 
The goblins’ leader Klatterbell was having such a nice time in the mortal realm before the party got involved. As a hob-knight in service to an archfey of sorrow and frost, the material plane was practically a balmy vacation destination compared to his patron’s foreboding frozen realm. This led to Klatterbell slacking off on his task of collecting mortals and develop aspirations of becoming a sort of yuletide bandit lord.  Aspirations the party can’t help but thwart when they riad Klatterbell’s fortress and set the captives free.  The fight can end either two ways, either the party is defeated, captured, and banished through the portal to the frozen realm of the bleakfather,  or the party is victorious, and as his last act Klatterbell rips a horn from his belt and plays a haunting and mounrful note that will be picked up by the wind and transformed into a haunting tune. 
Returning home from defeating the goblins and rescuing the captives, the party find the town deserted, the strange music unleashed by Klatterbell’s horn echoing in the roar of an approaching winter storm. With their rescued townsfolk in toe, the party will begin to explore the eerily empty town, discovering that the inhabitants seemingly got up from what they were doing and walked into the cold, proceeding enmass to the edge of the settlement where the snow erases their footprints.   It’s at that point that the frost giants attack, walking out of the enroaching storm like it was a curtain between worlds. They’re here to mop up any townsfolk where were not swept up by the enchanting song and whisked away to the feywild, and maybe do some looting while they’re at it. 
Regardless of how it shakes out, the party will have to assail the realm of the Bleakfather, battling their way through a boreal wind that will seek to rip all warmth and joy from their bodies. The only way of getting through this storm is to think back on the moments of joy and light they’ve experienced through their adventures: the festivals, the little kindnesses, the gifts, the pranks, the games, the songs, their friends: These things will lend them strength when the cold and the dark creep in to swallow them… battling their way up the mountain, to rescue the townsfolk and perhaps defeat the archefey himself. 
Future Adventures: 
It wasn’t only the party’s neighbors that were taken captive by the bleakfather, scores of innocents from across the realms were taken by the frostgiants as thralls, all living out their indenture over the feywild’s timeless years. Hospitality will hold for the winter, but come spring the heroes will need to set off to find these people a place to live. 
With their slaves stolen and their fortress breached, the ice giants will scatter, some returning in months or years later at the head of raiding parties as they too seek a new home.  While some may be hesitant to give up their supremacy and seek to subdue the locals wherever they go, others may wish to live only in peace. 
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Pls summarize Naruto from start to finish
Ok strap in. A magical alien milf lands on earth and falls in love with an ugly human man and they fuck. Humans ain't shit and they tried to kill her for being a girlboss but after planting a giant tree and eating the magical fruit she easily killed a bunch of them including her ain't shit ass man too. Turns out she was preggers during the onslaught and gave birth to twin boys. Fast forward many years and they find out that she's a murderer bc she just kinda left the dead bodies in the backyard. They're like oh shit we gotta kill her now and she's like oh word? I gotta kill my son's now. They battle, she becomes a Kaiju, but the sons win. One of them becomes God on earth and the other becomes a security guard on the moon watching over milf mom. The moon was created as a prison. God then has two sons, one who's just an average Joe and the other is an edge lord. God is like only one of you will get my powers and so Joe and edge lord play rock paper scissors and Joe wins. Edge lord isn't happy about it so he makes anger his only personality trait for all eternity. Those two die but their spirits are constantly reincarnated into bisexual men's bodies who are constantly at war with each other when they just wanna fuck each other. It all leads into being reincarnated into Naruto (who's an industry plant and nepotism baby) and Sasuke (an alpha male podcaster that serves cunt) who fight to the death, fight to the death, and kiss a lil bit. Milf mom comes back to life bc the babadook makes a cameo appearance but Naruto and Sasuke play the uno reverse card and send her ass back to the pit. They fight a lil more and kiss a lil more but unfortunately they both lose an arm in the process but that doesn't stop them bc love wins! They saved the earth (oh yeah war #4 is going on this afternoon) and they end the cycle of hatred that plagued all their reincarnates so now they officially have minds of their own. It took 16 years for them to develop agency. The end.
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santmat · 10 days
Third Eye During Meditation: "Close your eyes as in sleep, and look sweetly, lovingly, intently into the middle of the darkness lying in front of you. You will see a dark veil. That which sees the dark veil within, without the help of your physical eyes, IS the inner eye." (Master Kirpal Singh) Finding Your Third Eye, Seeing What You Can See - Initiation Into the Mysteries - Spiritual Awakening Radio @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/YmEJWdH2kII and @ wherever you follow podcasts (Apple, Spotify, etc…): https://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com Everyone has their own third eye whether they realize it or not. Through the Divine Path of Initiation one will learn of the spiritual practices that make it possible to access the third eye center, the seat of the soul, within the temple of the human body. We will discover for ourselves the Mysteries of the Spirit. The Kingdom of the Heavens will open up before us on this inward journey of the soul as we travel through vast realms of Light, Sound and Love on our way back to God. Today we explore Initiation, East and West, at first making use of Marcion's Reconstructed New Testament Apostolicon featuring an amazing, rather old and Gnostic sounding, translation of Saint Paul's First Corinthians chapter two, verses 6 through nine complete with archons and aeons. This manuscript from antiquity actually uses the word "Initiation". The goal of this Initiation is seeing in a new way with another kind of inner spiritual vision, the eye of the soul, and inner hearing with the ear of the soul. This is where we leave the outer world of the five senses behind. This is where we progress from theory, religion or philosophy to the world of practice, of inner experience. This is where the spiritual path truly begins. Also explored: The Gospel of Thomas on what "Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard"; the mystic poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras on the ascension of the soul; The Inner Journey Of The Soul Back To Its Origin, by George Arnsby Jones, an initiate of Kirpal Singh; words of encouragement and satsang discourses from Sant Kirpal Singh on Initiation and Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Light and Sound Meditation practice (sadhana of simran, dhyan and bhajan); recent satsang discourses by Baba Ram Singh also exploring this inward journey of the soul that takes place during meditation, the interior voyage back Home. The goal of this Path is not simply going TO the various inner planes or heavens of creation but to pass THROUGH them on our way back to the Most High Supreme Being given many names such as The Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar), The Nameless One (Anami Purush, Sat Purush), and The Lord of the Soul (Radhasoami). (RadhaSwami) In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, James Bean Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts Sant Mat Radhasoami A Satsang Without Walls
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My Pastor has been doing her homework...
This is for a regional Camp-meeting audience. Many may not know what that might be. It's a time of gathering for all Adventists within a region for purposes of community. Think of the Sunday of the triumph of Orthodoxy - only for a few more days, going into the weekend.
I've been listening to the latest (1,2) Lord of Spirits podcasts from Fr. Andrew Stephan Damick, and Fr. Stephen De Young, and the messages aren't directly contridictory.
In fact, to me, it sounded like my Pastor was reinterpreting Orthodox theology for a Protestant audience. I was fascinated.
The same was true for the first Evening Session.
I'm feeling a bit of disorientation.
Lord have mercy upon me, A Sinner.
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frozensnetwork · 9 months
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Coming in October
Return to Arendelle!
For the first time, Disney presents a new storytelling podcast featuring the beloved world of Frozen. Reunite with your favorite characters and meet new friends as Anna and Elsa work with a neighboring Queen to solve a mystery in the Enchanted Forest.
Queen Anna has a lot on her plate. She has welcomed Disa, the Queen of the small neighboring nation and her people to Arendelle when their kingdom is flooded. Disa is eager to learn about the scientific nature of magic.
Also in Arendelle is Lord Wolfgang, the Duke of Weselton’s nephew, on an apology tour for his uncle’s behavior. He very much wants to secure Queen Anna’s forgiveness and hopes to convince the people of Arendelle of the merits of trade with Weselton.
When a mysterious fire happens at the castle and the Spirits of Nature start acting up Elsa, Anna, and Disa travel to the Enchanted Forest to uncover the cause, where they discover mysterious steam-powered copper machines: automatons.
Where do the automatons come from and what are they doing? Who is directing them? Most importantly, how do Elsa, Anna, and Disa stop them from upsetting the natural balance of the Enchanted Forest and Arendelle?
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Ash Wednesday, Isaiah 6, and the blessing in our limitations
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Painting by Justin Simmons.
(If you're interested in listening to this post instead of reading it, I also shared this on my podcast, Blessed Are the Binary Breakers.)
I said, “Mourn for me; I’m ruined! I’m a man with unclean lips, and I live among a people with unclean lips. Yet I’ve seen the king, the Lord of heavenly forces!” Then one of the winged creatures flew to me, holding a glowing coal that ze had taken from the altar with tongs. Ze touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips. Your guilt has departed, and your sin is removed.” - Isaiah 6:5-7
Did the glowing coal leave a mark? A smear of dark? A bright burn?
Reading this text on Ash Wednesday, I can’t help but connect Isaiah’s coal and our ashy crosses:
He confesses himself unclean — admits his limits, where he and his people have failed.
We profess ourselves dust — acknowledge our limits, the finite time we have here and now, and how often we’ve failed to cherish that time.
In the confession, we open ourselves to blessing. Accepting our limits, we fall into God’s limitless love.
Why these physical, ritual actions — coal to the lips, ashes to the brow — to mark these limits and the blessings they yield?
God knows, respects, loves our existence as embodied spirits, inspirited bodies. She pairs spiritual gifts with tangible signs to help us experience Her truths with our whole selves.
A glowing coal — dead plants packed deep, transformed over eons, unburied at last and set alight — touches truth-telling lips to set them free.
Ashes of palm branches once waved in worship, burned down to begin the cycle anew, mark us as individually finite, but gathered into an infinite love.
Take time to prayerfully consider your own limits. What blessings, what liberation can you imagine flowing from our individual finitude? How can you connect your limited time and gifts to a greater whole, in small ways with great love?
- Shared on Daily Ripple for 14 Feb, 2024
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apilgrimpassingby · 17 days
Orthodox Vampires
(For @roses-red-and-pink)
Greek Orthodox vampires (referred to by their Greek name, vrykolakas, from here on out) are people who've lived intensely sinful lives, such that their bodies become vessels for demons after they die. They look like they did in life (no matter how much time has passed) but have long hair and nails and are bloated with drinking blood. Also, they can tell the future.
If you think someone might be a vrykolakas, add in the coffin a wax cross with the Christogram (abbreviated Greek for "Jesus Christ Conquers") written on it. You can get rid of them by burning them, but that's corpse desecration and quite likely murder, so it's an excommunication-worthy offence - the correct way is to have the local priest prepare holy water and pour it onto the vrykolakas.
I learnt about them from an episode of The Lord of Spirits (a popular Orthodox podcast), and they appear in the Pedalion, an 18th-century compilation of Orthodox canon law by St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite, and the 1867 Nomocanon, a popular 19th-century handbook for priests hearing confessions. The former says (quite forcefully) that the concept is total nonsense, and the latter says they really exist, but either way the solution is the same - people who burn vrykolakas should be denied Communion for several years as a punishment for corpse desecration, and the priests should prepare holy water and pour it on the vrykolakas.
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Frozen: Forces of Nature Podcast
Everything we know so far:
So as we all know and have been talking about for the past few days, there's a newly announced podcast called 'Frozen: Forces of Nature'. The podcast will tell a cannon story set after Frozen 2 and before Frozen 3. The podcast is going to be a 12 part series, 15 - 20 minutes each episode and this will be season 1. The story will feature two new characters; Queen Disa of Sankerhus and Wolfgang is the Duke of Weselton's nephew. It is set to release in October ahead of the 10th anniversary of the franchise (and the first movie). The plot goes as follows:
'The series follows Queen Anna, who has a lot on her plate – there are visitors in her Kingdom, a friend in need, and even the Duke of Weselton’s nephew skulking around – so when the Spirits of Nature start acting up, she knows she has to solve the problem – and fast – before things get more out of control. But when Anna and Elsa travel to the Enchanted Forest, they find mysterious copper machines that are disrupting the natural order of things. Who made these machines and what are they doing in the forest? And more importantly, how do Anna and Elsa stop them?'
In other official sources, they've given a little more detail about the events going on:
'Queen Anna has a lot on her plate. She has welcomed Disa, the Queen of the small neighboring nation and her people to Arendelle when their kingdom is flooded. Disa is eager to learn about the scientific nature of magic.
Also in Arendelle is Lord Wolfgang, the Duke of Weselton’s nephew, on an apology tour for his uncle’s behavior. He very much wants to secure Queen Anna’s forgiveness and hopes to convince the people of Arendelle of the merits of trade with Weselton.
When a mysterious fire happens at the castle and the Spirits of Nature start acting up Elsa, Anna, and Disa travel to the Enchanted Forest to uncover the cause, where they discover mysterious steam-powered copper machines: automatons.
Where do the automatons come from and what are they doing? Who is directing them? Most importantly, how do Elsa, Anna, and Disa stop them from upsetting the natural balance of the Enchanted Forest and Arendelle?'
So let's point out the key things here and other information in other official sources too:
- Anna is feeling the pressure of being Queen so far, which for me is no surprise given she wasn't prepared to be Queen so soon.
- The Duke of Weselton's nephew, Wolfgang is visiting Arendelle to apologize to Elsa and Anna on behalf of his uncle for the things he did in Frozen and restore the trading relationship of Weselton with Arendelle
- Queen Disa's Kingdom, Sankerhus, is flooded (most likely due to chaos in the forest) and hence she and her people temporarily move to Arendelle
- Sankerhus is one of the neighbouring Kingdoms of Arendelle, like the Southern Isles
- Queen Disa is intrigued by the "scientific nature of magic"
- A mysterious fire occurs in Arendelle castle which causes the spirits to go wild causing Elsa, Anna and Disa to travel to the Enchanted Forest where they discover steam - powered, copper machines called automatons
- The person who created these machines will most likely be revealed in the podcast
Some of you may be wondering why a podcast? Why not an official novel/ book? Why not a short? I was wondering the same thing when this was first announced. I had mixed feelings on this too. But the more I read posts and the more I thought about it the more I started seeing why the story was chosen to be in this format. I think with books and movies it's typical that that's how stories would be told to us. But I think Disney is trying a new way of telling stories without animation involved with audio steaming as a first of its franchises. It is said that it's also for parents to help kids reduce screen time and I also so that they save money for future animation projects especially for Frozen 3, which is a sensible thing to do honestly speaking. Perhaps they didn't make it a Short because the story was more detailed than just a simple one like Frozen Fever and Olaf's Frozen Adventure and the story would not fit in a short but a long enough to be a movie.
But you still might be unsure about the story of the podcast being with the whole nature Vs machine thing. But to be fair we don't know much about these machines or what their purpose is so we can't really say anything about it yet. All we know is that they are "steam powered, copper machines" and when I searched them up on Google I found images like these:
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They sound (by the name of it) and look very appropriate for the time period Frozen is set in. But let's not panic if you're still unsure with the machines taking the focus. Frozen is about magic - in each and every movie, long or short, they've explored some kind of magic. So it's given they're not gonna go all out with this science Vs magic theme. The characters and their intentions in the story are the focus of the story. When the sisters find out about these machines they will stop them because it disturbs the enchanted forest. That's the point - to get rid of these machines. Obviously what this person is doing is wrong and has to stop and that's what the sisters will be doing in the first season of the podcast. Besides the podcast cast multiple seasons so this will be the plot for season 1 only.
And no this isn't going to be the plot of Frozen 3 or anything similar because why would they make it the plot of the podcast and not of Frozen 3? Frozen 3 will be entirely different from this podcast. We still have a couple more years til Frozen 3 is out with a rough estimate. They might drop some Frozen 3 plot hints in these podcasts and some of the characters might make an appearance in the upcoming movie but the plot will be different. but highly doubt they would make Frozen all industrial machinery. If the person behind these machines has a good intention they might use their machinery to help advance Arendelle just a little more (I'm guessing). But they won't play a role in it. Frozen is about the characters - some of which have magic! Elsa and Anna have no links to machinery or anything so let's not jump to conclusions and judge the story without, let alone listening to it, but it even being out yet.
I don't think the podcast will be crucial to the story in Frozen 3 so if some of you don't want to watch it by all means don't but Frozen 3 is something different altogether. I think they're just trying to expand the franchise and keep the fandom alive and talking and theorising in the run up to the movie because it's fine Frozen fandom would die done because Frozen 2 was originally going to be the last movie of the movie series, but now that's it not they want to make sure we're all back in the game again.
We only have theories of our own. Nothing is confirmed regarding Frozen 3 other than the fact that the main Original cast will be returning (voices of Elsa, Ann, Olaf and Kristoff (plus Sven!)) and that it will be run with a new director instead of Jennifer Lee. Who else will be returning or will be joining new, we have to wait and see.
New changes to something old we love is hard but we have to give it a try in order to see if the change was good or not.
But in conclusion to this post, that's all we know so far about the podcast. Hope some of you found this useful if you didn't know something about the podcast.
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beardedtheologians · 2 years
10.13.22 Beardcast Part 5 on the Lord's Prayer with Rev. Angie Kotzmoyer
10.13.22 Beardcast Part 5 on the Lord’s Prayer with Rev. Angie Kotzmoyer
This week we continued our series on the Lord’s Prayer we sat down with our good friend the Rev. Angie Kotzmoyer.
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genrebender · 1 year
Some Canonically Queer Characters:
Asexuals and/or Aromatic:
-Jon Sims - asexual biromantic (The Magnus Archives)
-Jay - aromatic & asexual (Supernatural Academy -in show not sure about books)
-Alastor - aroace (Hazbin Hotel)
-Caduseus Clay - aroace (Critical Role: Campaign two the Mighty Nein)
-Lilith Clawthorne - aroace (The Owl House)
-Artemis/Diana aroace (PJO)
-Hestia aroace (PJO)
-Athena/Minerva alloromantic & asexual (PJO)
-Reyna Ramírez-Arellano alloromatic & asexual (PJO)
-Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
-Korra (The Legend of Korra)
-Asami Sato (The Legend of Korra)
-Millie (Helluva Boss)
-Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
-Loki (Marvel Comics and MCU)
-Loki (PJO/Magnus Chase books/Riordianverse)
-Tony Stark (Marvel Comics only)
-Logan/Wolverine (Comics non 161 universe)
-Jesper Fahey (Grishaverse/Six of Crows)
-Nina Zenik (Grishaverse/Six of Crows)
-Tommy Shepherd (Marvel Comics)
-David Alleyne (Marvel Comics)
-Hercules (Marvel Comics)
-Marvel Boy (Marvel Comics)
-Yizhi (Iron Widow)
-Shimin (Iron Widow)
-Zetain (Iron Widow)
-Mystique (Marvel Comics)
-Kate “Kitty” Pride (Marvel Comics)
-Harley Quinn (DC)
-Poison Ivy (DC)
-Catwoman (DC)
-Joker (DC)
-Tim Drake (DC)
-Wonder Woman (DC)
-Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! On Ice)
-Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
-Glimmer (She-Ra)
-Mermista (She-Ra)
-Sea Hawk (She-Ra)
-Lonnie (She-Ra)
-Rogelio (She-Ra)
-Kyle (She-Ra)
-Entrapta (She-Ra)
-Tim Stoker (TMA)
-Georgie Barker (TMA)
-Vax’ildan (Crit Role: Campaign 1 Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Vex’ahlia (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Allura (Vox Machina)
-Caleb Widowgast (Mighty Nein)
-Mollymauk/Lucien/Kingsley Tealeaf (Mighty Nein)
-Laerryn Coramar-Seelie (EXU Calamity)
-Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast)
-Star Lord (Marvel Comics)
-Apollo (PJO)
-Zeus/Jupiter (PJO)
-Poseidon/Neptune (PJO)
-Keyleth (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Essek Theylss - demisexual & demiromantic (The Mighty Nein)
-Deadpool (Marvel Comics and implied in movies)
-Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
-Rita (The Penumbra Podcast)
-Adora (She-Ra)
-Catra (She-Ra)
-Perfuma (She-Ra)
-Scorpia (She-Ra)
-Netossa (She-Ra)
-Spinnerella (She-Ra)
-Kima of Vord (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Beauregard Lionett (The Mighty Nein)
-Yahsa Nydoorin (The Mighty Nein)
-Kara Brunehilde (Venture Maidens)
-Rem (Venture Maidens)
-Gidget (Venture Maidens)
-Hemithea (Riodianverse)
-Josephine (Riodianverse)
-Lavinia Asimov (Riodianverse)
-George (She-Ra)
-Lance (She-Ra)
-Double Trouble (She-Ra)
-Taryon Darrington (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Shaun Gilmore (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Orym (Critical Role: Campaign 3 Hell’s Bells)
-Teddy Altman (Marvel Comics)
-Billy Kaplan (Marvel Comics)
-Bobby Drake (Marvel Comics)
-Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
-Cecil Gershwin Palmer (WTNV)
-Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale)
-Nico di Angelo (PJO)
-Hyacinthus (PJO)
-Ganymede (PJO)
-Wylan Van Eck (Grishaverse)
Trans (M&F):
-Jewelstar (She-Ra)
-Perfuma (She-Ra)
-Khemdal Dust (The Mighty Nein)
-Terra (The Mighty Nein)
-Yussa Errenis (The Mighty Nein)
-Sipriotes (Riodianverse)
-Double Trouble (She-Ra)
-Jay (Supernatural Academy)
-Bryce Feelid (The Mighty Nein)
-Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast)
-Raine Whispers (TOH)
-Masha (TOH)
-Pottery Barn??? (Riodianverse)
-Mother William non-binary & two-spirit (Riordianverse)
-Loki (Marvel Comics)
-Loki (Magnus Chase books)
-Mollymauk Tealeaf (The Might Nein)
-Bryce Feelid (The Mighty Nein)
-Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase books)
Not specified in cannon but generally queer:
-Amity Blight (TOH)
-Raine Whispers (TOH)
-Ed’s Clawthorne (TOH)
-Mara (She-Ra)
-Martin Blackwood MLM (TMA)
-Melanie King WLW (TMA)
-Victor Nikiforov (Yuri!!! On Ice)
-Scanlan Shorthalt (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Zahra Hydris (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Stolas (Helluva Boss)
-Eadwulf Grieve (The Mighty Nein)
-Zerxus Ilerez (EXU Calamity)
-Will Solace (PJO)
-Magnus Chase (Riodianverse)
-Piper McLean (PJO)
-Yizhi (Iron Widow)
-Li Shimin (Iron Widow)
-Wu Zetain (Iron Widow)
-Star Lord (Marvel Comics)
-Caleb Widowgast (The Mighty Nein)
-Astrid Becke (The Mighty Nein)
-Eadwulf Grieve (The Mighty Nein)
-Lonnie (She-Ra)
-Rogelio (She-Ra)
-Kyle (She-Ra)
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