#Loki Friggasson
The Unsealed Skies (4)
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Warnings: mentions of family deaths, past infidelity, Thor spoilers, arguments, and insults.
“I’m not very fond of you mortals either.”
The activity in the squad room crashed to a standstill and you rose to your full height, “You are not welcome here Ares.”
“You have forgotten what it means to be a god.  These mortals do not deserve your help.”
Loki gnashed his teeth together, “Whatever my sister chooses to do is no concern of yours, kin killer.”
“You are as hypocritical as my family was.  You sought the destruction of Jotunheim and nearly destroyed the realm thereby plunging the Nine Realms into chaos.”
Loki started forwards but your arm snapped out and pulled him back, “What?” He hissed.  “I am to be judged by this weak excuse for a god?”
You shook your head, “Listen.”
Holding his tongue Loki did as you instructed and then his frown grew deeper, “The company that is approaching is not the pleasant type.  The girl you saved gave an interview.”
“She spoke to the press.”  Olivia confirmed, exiting her office in a rush.
“I’ll head ‘em off.”  John declared, striding out of the squad room.
“Thanks Munch.  That should buy you enough time to flee.”
“Flee?  Olivia, what?  Why?  If this is because I didn’t tell you-”
“It’s not.”  Olivia cut you off, “You did the right thing but with Thor and Loki and New York, the world can’t handle any more gods right now.  When it comes out that the Greek and Norse Gods were going to be connected because you two were to be united in marriage, all hell’s going to break loose.  Our past cases will be reopened and the DA’s office will be inundated with calls that you used your power to force people into admitting guilt.  That’ll be enough for several retrials and for judges to claim reasonable doubt.  Kim will do what she can but we can’t have any more fuel added to the fire.”
“This isn’t fair!  She did the right thing saving that girl.”  Sonny burst out.
“And look how she is treated because of it.”
“No one asked you!  If you hadn’t cheated on her, she wouldn’t have needed to hide for so long!”
“Hours ago, you told me to run to protect someone.  Now I’m telling you to run to protect yourself.” 
“Liv…I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologise for.  Go!”
Loki and Ares reached for you but Ares was closer and quicker.  You were swept into the god’s embrace and the room around you blurred.
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angrenwen · 2 years
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puckwritesstuff · 1 year
💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs
MCs for the Love and Thunder arc!
Prince Thor Odinsson - Thor hasn't been home in quite a while, instead he's been spending his time out in the galaxy with the Guardians and on his own. He's been homesick for a while and has decided to visit New Asgard to see his sister-in-law and nephew again.
King Sigyn Heimdallsdóttir - After the defeat of Jörmungandr, Sigyn was given over custody of the dragon's horde, which she has been using to upgrade the infrastructure of New Asgard and finally renovate the Great Hall with new rooms for her and her family.
Queen Loki Friggasson - Loki has settled quite well into his new role as Queen, and is enjoying the comforts of a domestic life with his beloved wife and son. He's been trying to atone for what he's done (and things he hasn't done but people associate him with), but he is in a tentative accord with the rest of the court.
Mayor Brunnhilde - After the first elections in Asgard's history, Brunnhilde was made mayor of New Asgard unanimously (because they didn't quite understand how elections work and no one else was put forward as a candidate). She's very happy being with Sif, but there are still pangs of regret and loss over the rest of the Valkyries.
Dr. Jane Foster - Jane was busy in her lab when she collapsed without warning. Dr. Lewis, her research partner, immediately got her to the hospital where Jane was diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia that had been developing since being exposed to the Aether and the large amount of gamma radiation that involved. She comes to New Asgard to seek an alternative course of treatment and finds something else entirely.
Thank you for the ask!
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 27
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!gifted!reader Content: All the smut. Be smart about it and use protection unlike some idiots in this story. A/N: Yeah, I’m not posting regularly yet. We got told this week at work that we are in fact NOT returning to our old place (which we had left “temporarily” due to better use of resources during COVID19 wave 1). That sucks. A lot. So I’m still stressed and semi-depressed and now also sad that we won’t have the surroundings needed to complete our job which is to train/rehabilitate people with apoplexia. Anyways...ask or re-blog for tag.
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27. Eat Me, Drink Me
...   Reader   ...
The swooping rush in your belly is extended as soon as the blue cloud dumps the two of you on solid ground by Loki pushing you backward. Your back against cold metal, you manage a peek at the surroundings despite the grip the god has in your hair. There’s only a hint of distant light coming through the windows because there’s very little room between the hull and the cave wall, but it is enough to reveal sharp lines in a familiar design.
“The ship.” Is he taking you away from Asgard?
“Yes,” he chuckles darkly, body suddenly flush against you and his other hand digging into your waist just shy of painful, “I intend to have you screaming my name, begging for more as I ravish you.”
Heh. “Words.” Your sneer makes his brows arch beautifully. “Empty words.”
“Have care, [Y/N] -” he begins with a deep growl.
“Or what? You’re all noise, like a mosquito buzzing in the night but just like an insect all you’ve done is leave an anno-”
Snarling at your taunt, he latches on to the tender spot on your neck just below the ear. Teeth graze over your skin, leaving a sting that he soothes right away by kissing his way along your jaw before he claims your mouth. Claim. There’s no better word for it as his tongue dances along your lips and tangles with yours, nearly distracting from the new occupation of Loki’s hands that roughly are untying knots and bows in your clothes before pulling the dress down around your waist. Immediately, he busies himself with your breasts. Long fingers massaging them, pinching your nipples as his mouth draws the first moans from you by sucking, kissing, licking, biting.
Half-dazed, you begin to fumble with Loki’s clothes, enjoying the simplicity of the tunic and leather trousers he has been wearing under the disguise, and it takes little time before his torso is bared to you and your hands skim the smooth skin of his ass (trousers abandoned mid-thigh).
“Impatient, pet?”
You love the smirk on his lips as he teases. Clearly, you’re not the only one wanting more because his erection is pressing against your pelvis, long and hard with the promise of filling the emptiness within. Managing to squeeze a hand between your bodies, you grab his cock and deliver a slow stroke from balls to crown. Fuck, he looks good. The thought makes you smile at the god who’s eyes have closed in bliss at the sensation...but then the trance breaks and he steps out of reach, yanking the dress so it pools around your feet before literally lifting you over his shoulder as though you weigh nothing.
“Enough of your taunts,” he growls against your hip, allowing his teeth to dig in as he carries you to his cabin where he tosses you on the bed. “I’ll ruin you for all other men. I’m a god. You’d do well to remember that.”
“There you go with the talking again.”
Moving up in the bed, you’re hyper aware of the state of undress Loki is seeing you in. The only scrap of fabric clinging to your body is the underwear – a flimsy scrap of silk barely covering you pussy and held on to your body with some lace – and, oh, does he like what he sees! Following you on hands and knees (trousers now discarded), the raven-haired man is upon you mouth first, kissing his way up your legs while paying extra attention to your inner thighs after noticing the sighs it elicits.
The only problem is, every time you reach for him, the god bats away your hands. It’s annoying. I’ve not gotten him this far only to be denied touching. Cool, smooth skin that screams for caresses of fingertips. Ropy muscles, bunching and rolling with each movement as a testament to the strength he possesses even if he isn’t bulky like his brother. No. The god’s body is made for endurance and flexibility. For fucking you into tomorrow in positions you’ve probably not even dreamed of. And you want it.
You’re just about to do something about it when the tip of his tongue delves between the folds, dragging the pooling wetness to your clit where he pauses, adds pressure, and then flicks it with a satisfied chuckle.
“You will get more...if you behave,” Loki smirks.
The taste of pleasure is still buzzing along your spine and you’re almost willing to do anything as long as it gets you more. Wait...You had had a plan before getting swooped up and dropped onto the bed. Push him.
“Of course,” your mocking tone makes him arch a brow, “throwing in some distraction rather than act. I should have known.” You’re aware that he’s allowing you to push him back with a foot against his chest, permitting you to get onto your knees and hover over him. “If I wanted a talker, I’d go to Fandral.”
The sound of the blond man’s name ignites something in Loki. You can see it instantaneously because his eyes flood with the colour of blood and the teeth revealed as he snarls looks more like those of a predator. Large hands grab you by your hips and drag you on top of him, expertly positioning your soaked cunt against the tip of his cock.
“Never...” he pulls you down, the slow drag against your inner walls delicious - “...compare me...” with a last tug and thrust, Loki bottoms out - “...to him.” In a heartbeat, he’s got you back against the wall, lips growling against your mouth. “I’m a god.”
Holding you up, he pulls back almost completely before rutting into you at a pace that has your back arching and eyes rolling. The sheer force pushes you to the very edge because you know that a part of him is still trying to rein in some of the power in an unspoken wish not to hurt you.
... Loki   ...
His breath had been stolen and each attempt to regain it is shattered by the magnificent tightness of [Y/N] and her reaction to every thrust. Warm heat undulates around the Jotun’s cock in an attempt to draw him over the each prematurely while the gorgeous woman arches, presents her bosom for Loki to prey on greedily. Who am I to deny her?
Eagerly, he licks and bites at the nipples but barely manages to coax more than a half-swallowed moan from her lips. Loki grabs her by the jaw, forcing her to meet his eyes. I see. The challenge is blazing like a fire in her gaze.
A squelch fills the dim cabin as he withdraws, tossing the insolent woman onto the bunk again. This time, however, he leaves no time for her to taunt but embraces the straight legs against his own chest before leaning over her. For a split second, the male lingers with the tip of his cock at the entrance to heaven as he looks for the moment realization dawns upon her...all he gets is a wicked smile, empowering the thrust of his hips as he slams in.
Ravishing. Open mouthed, yet silent. Perfection. Hands clawing at his shoulders, nails leaving angry trails. Mine. Tight, wet, already quivering with the need for release.
But Loki keeps the speed controlled this time as he sheds the last layer of disguise and reveals the real him. The Jotun. The monster. Ridges rise, flooding his skin with the wintry colour and for once...he embraces it rather than hate it as his claws on one hand curl around her wrists, stretching [Y/N], exposing her even now as she willingly succumbs to the mercy of the beast within. A whimper breaks the relative silence as the Jötun markings have decorated his erection.
“Look at me,” he growls.
She obliges. Had he expected fear? Confusion? What Loki is treated to is an appreciative smirk.
“I see you.” Slowly bottoming earns him a gasp. “Finally.”
Cock punching out a steady speed – fast enough to make the woman breathless and slow enough for her to feel each inch and ridge – Loki fucks her steadily further up the bed until the each roll of his hips elicits drawn-out moans and ragged praises that never could have sounded sweeter than they do coming from the mortal’s lips. Balls tight, abdomen clenched, he drags her to the very edge and keeps her there until...
“Please! Loki!” [Y/N] begs with lust-blown eyes locked on him.
Claws scrape lightly towards her pelvis, drag through the short curls to where their bodies meet and he finds her clit with the pad of a finger. He has to fight himself to keep the pressure steady as the new stimulation sends a shudder through her perfect body. Almost. Aaalmost.
Then it happens. The epicentre of an earthquake buried inside [Y/N] sends the shock waves into Loki too, causing him to thrust deep and hard as she clenches around his cock.
The moan transforms into a scream, “Loki! Yeah!”
The tremors sends the Jotun tumbling after the human over the edge of bliss.
... Reader   ...
Gasping for air, you don’t even feel close to being in a real world. Fuck...that was amazing. Slumped on top of you, resting with his hips between your thighs lies a god whose appearance fades back to the pale person you first met in your own apartment. You had hated him then. Now I love him.
“Mmmm, my dear,” Loki mumbles against your neck, “your scream was sweet music.”
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fandomsallaroundme · 5 years
so is the solo loki series finally going to address the fact that loki killed his own biological father or that he is the rightful king of jotunheim so long as he has no biological siblings or that he is a direct victim of asgard's colonization of other planets and was kidnapped from and raised to despise his own people or the fact that he was tortured by thanos prior to the first avengers movie or is it just
going to continue ignoring those immensely important facts like every marvel movie so far
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
Thanks so much! I run the fest that fic was written for, so I was incredibly excited to write that fic and had a lot of fun with researching the island and incorporating all the quirky things about it into the fic. So pleased you enjoyed that one so much!
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lcstpaths-a · 6 years
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Loki&Thor prompt:
5 times Loki called himself by a name that didn't fit (Odinson, Laufeyson, Friggasson, Liesmith, i dont have an idea for the fifth lol) and the one time he used the most truthful one, Thorsbróðir (which my browser tells me means "brother of Thor")
aka the journey of growing up with someone and resenting them, and then making peace and forming an actual, healthy bond.
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wolf-stark · 4 years
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It's not technically correct but - Loki Friggasson
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Also cuz this is cute
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Hiddleston and Evans
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trioka · 4 years
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Half-Frost Giant and half Storm Giant, Loki was raised as one of the Aesir with no knowledge of their true heritage, after Odin, King of Asgard, found them as an infant, left to die, during the last war against the Frost Giants of Jötunheim. Ever since their early childhood, they’ve had an aptitude for magic, mayhem, and tricks, creating mischief wherever they went. While meant to be harmless pranks, they often spiralled out of control into catastrophe—which caused the Aesir to be somewhat less fond of Loki than they were of their elder brother Thor. 
Still, no matter how dire the circumstances their mischief might have caused, Loki was always able to fix it, somehow, so they lived their life in a rather carefree manner.
Though, their mischief would go too far when an attempt to teach Thor responsibility nearly ended in war between Asgard and Jötunheim and led to the elder’s banishment—and Loki discovered the truth about their heritage. Angry that they had been lied to, they seized the throne of Asgard and attempted to use the Bifröst to destroy Jötunheim, but they were stopped by Thor and fell from the Bifröst into the depths of space. 
Later, they were recruited by Thanos’ agents and sent with an army of Chitauri aliens to conquer the planet Midgard, or Earth, in exchange for the Tesseract, one of the Infinity Stones. They were armed with a sceptre containing the Mind Stone, which allowed them to control the minds of others, but their attack is eventually thwarted and they are defeated by the Avengers, and returned to an Asgardian prison. 
When the Dark Elves attack Asgard, Thor frees Loki so that they can show him a portal to Svartalfheim. There, they are fatally wounded while saving Thor’s life. However, they manage to survive, and, believing themselves to be abandoned, return to Asgard, using their magic to wipe their adoptive father’s memory, sending him to Earth, and shapeshifting into Odin to rule Asgard in his stead. 
Thor returns to Asgard to discover the truth, and takes Loki with him to earth to find Odin, who warns the pair of Hela’s impending attack. The pair try to save Asgard, but are ultimately unable to, and Loki summons Surtr, king of the Fire Giants, beginning Ragnarök to destroy Asgard and Hela’s power. The people of Asgard escape to Earth as their homeworld crumbles, Loki among them.
Wanted Connections
Thor - Adoptive Brother
Frigga - Adoptive Mother
Odin - Adoptive Father
Hel(a) - Sister or Daughter
Fenris/Fenrir - Son
Jormungandr - Son
Sigyn - Wife
Vali - Son
Narfi - Son
Loki Hvethrungr Friggasson is taken by Cinna.
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The Unsealed Skies (3)
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Warnings: Avengers spoilers, cursing, and mentions of infidelity.
“What the hell is he doing back here?” Sonny demanded, gesturing at Loki who was standing in Olivia’s office.  “Is he back for another shot at destroying the planet?”
“Forget him,” Fin ordered gruffly.  “I’m more worried about Ares.”
Sonny threw his hand up in the air, “I wish I could forget about the god that tried to take over our planet but it’s just not that easy.”
“(Name) is keeping him in check.  Ares is the wildcard that has her worried.”
“Three years!  Three years you’ve worked alongside me and you never told me that you’re an Asgardian!”
“That would defeat the purpose of me hiding, John.”
“You can make it up to me by telling me the truth about Bigfoot.”
“Bigfoot is not a yeti.  He was a Frost Giant that stumbled into your world and the only reason that there was minimal damage was due to Loki’s quick thinking.   He cast an illusion but it was less effective because too many people had already seen the giant.  Luckily over time, the legend became distorted.”
“What about the Loch Ness monster?”
“She’s not one of ours.  She belongs to a different pantheon of gods and the locals all adore her.”
“The Moon landing?”
“Not faked.  Though mother wonders why humanity is spending so much time focusing on the Heavens when the planet constantly is teetering on the brink of chaos.”
“I thought you didn’t have any contact with your family because you were in hiding?”  Sonny questioned with a disgusted look in Loki’s direction and crossing his arms.
“Mother was raised by witches.  As such, she used her magic to visit me in my dreams because she knew that would not raise suspicion.”
“Why exactly did you leave your life behind?”  Fin asked dubiously, “You had a life of luxury because you were an Asgardian princess.”
You sighed, “As the second born child of Frigga and Odin, I knew the expectations that were placed on me.  From a young age, I was schooled in diplomacy, royal customs, etiquette, and politics for all of the Nine Realms.  My education also included mastering different types of weaponry in a range of situations.  When I was informed that I was to marry the Greek equivalent of my younger brother, Thor, I accepted it for I knew nothing else.  Our engagement had almost become a marriage when I was treated to the sight of my fiancé with another goddess that belonged to the same pantheon he did.  In the moment I caught them, my fiancé assured me that this would be a repeat occurrence and so, I apologised to the King and Queen of Olympus because I could not marry their son and I returned to Asgard.  There I sought assistance from my mother and the gatekeeper, Heimdall.”
“She still is an Asgardian princess.  By Asgardian law, the marriage is null and void however, I doubt that the Greek pantheon shares that law.”  Loki remarked stiffly.  He had been so quiet in his approach that none of you had noticed that he had left Liv’s office.
“Your time on the run was for nothing?”  Fin demanded.  “You’ll still have to marry Ares with the knowledge that he plans to cheat?  So far, I’m not liking the Greeks.”
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angrenwen · 1 year
Poetry: "Funeral Blues" by W.H. Auden (read by Tom Hiddleston) (Poetry f...
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puckwritesstuff · 1 year
Only a week in and I've already got two chapters, this fic has consumed me and I am blazing through this draft.
Who wants a cast list?
Thor Odinsson the Mighty, Prince of Asgard
Sigyn Heimdallsdóttir the Unwavering, King of Asgard
Lady Rindr of Asgard
Astrid "Axl" Jörðsson
Loki Friggasson the Cunning, Queen of Asgard and Prince of Jotunheim
Brunnhilde of Asgard, Commander of the Valkyrie, Minister of the Interior, Mayor of New Asgard
Lord Fandral Freyrsson the Dashing, Knight of Vanaheim, Minister of State, Minister of Intelligence
Lord Theoric Freyrsson of Vanaheim
Lord Freyr Njordrsson of Vanaheim
Gorr the Godkiller
Nari Lokisson the Younger, Prince of Asgard and Jotunheim
Lady Jane Foster, PhD, the Mighty Thor
Lady Sif the Valiant, Shield-Maiden of Asgard, Chief of Staff to the King
Lady Iðunn of Asgard, Minister of Health
Lord Hogun Gullveigsson the Grim, Knight of Vanaheim, Minister of Justice
Sir Volstagg the Invincible, Knight of Nidavellir, Minister of Technology
King Zeus of Olympus and Omnipotence City, Son of Cronus
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 25
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!gifted!reader Content: Arguing and (you’ve asked for it, here it comes) muttiness! A/N: Have a return-to-work meeting with my wonderful boss tomorrow and I’m ofc nervous and imagining the worst of outcomes regardless how unrealistic they are. So it’s good to create some happy writing. Ask or re-blog for tag.
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25. Heaven Upside Down
...   Reader   ...
What a mess. At least tonight didn’t devolve into a veritable catastrophe when strictly considering the plan: Thor has agreed to look into your worries, and Fandral...well, maybe he’s used to rejection because he handled it surprisingly well while Sif didn’t even bat an eye. But that still leaves one problem. Loki.
Lowering the arm slowly, the room appears brightly lit in comparison and silvery light (finally escaped from the cloud) lands on Loki’s bare feet and the leather trousers before getting cut off where the tunic begins. It’s only now, you notice how the thin fabric softens every shadow of his toned body; his arms are crossed, sleeves rolled above the elbows in a futile attempt to grant more room for the god rather than ripping.
The stance says it all. This is a man that just got proven right. You’ll never hear the end of it, but maybe you can forego some of the humiliation by admitting your mistake.
“Yes,” you sigh as you roll to have your back to him, “I might not have meant to...but clearly Fandral expected more. I get your point from earlier...okay?”
“He falls in love with everyone, be it romantically or physically.”
Loki’s non-answer worries you despite your resignation. “I didn’t realize.”
“How could you? I didn’t warn you.” You can feel the bed dipping behind you. “But we both know my outrage had nothing to do with his desires.”
Not again! “Didn’t I just tell you?! Didn’t I prove I’m not attracted to him?!”
Turning back angrily, you almost headbutt him because he’s crept right over to you. Rather than letting you pull away again, he snakes an arm behind your back to plant a large hand between the shoulder blades and for the second time tonight, the distance separating the two of you is reduced to an inch or two.
Don’t tease me, please. The prayer dies before it’s voiced, swallowed by the burning need to remain in his embrace no matter what.
“No more games, pet,” the god whispers, “I know you desire me...care for me, even. Crave me.” Yes, yes I do! “Yet...you are too innocent to realize these feelings are not unrequited.”
Somewhere in another dimension, a record scratches to an abrupt halt. Not? Does that...?  Searching his face for any sign of mockery, you’re afraid what to find.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.”
Each of the words land on your lips, preceding the initially careful brush of Loki’s. You don’t object. Your brain is rapidly turning into mush, only capable of registering how marvellous it is and urging you to reciprocate.
... Loki   ...
He first hears the minuscule whimper and fears the woman is coming to her senses until the sound morphs into a moan which spills out as she parts her lips, giving him access to sweep beyond the initial plumpness with his tongue. Perfect.
Warm fingers cart through his hair, nails scraping to release a purring from deep in Loki’s chest and the vibrations pass into [Y/N]’s when he uses his body to press her back into the mattress. Pliant. Giving. Already, her legs have parted to accommodate him as he settles there to hold himself above the rapidly breathing figure suspended by an arm and hand, his other already alleviating the burning need to discover the slopes and expanses of this feminine world beneath him.
She sighs in answer, grasp shifting to pull herself closer only to be pushed back gently – otherwise he can’t undo the haphazardly tied bow of the robe and ruck up the shift – smiling mischievously as Loki’s tunic slides across his back and over his head. Only a heartbeat separates them. A heartbeat long enough to stoke the chaotic desire in the Jotun before [Y/N] is back in view again.
Skin against skin. Rough hands gliding across erotic curves with the promise of satisfaction. It’s an unspoken vow, only brought into existence as a quivering sigh leaves the woman’s lips while the god’s find and caress her nipples. Soon enough, she’s arching beneath Loki, tugging at the belt without fully paying attention to the task.
“Tsk tsk,” his admonishing whisper stalls her movement, “not yet.”
A deep kiss, heavy with longing. She is the altar at which I worship. Already, the heat from [Y/N]’s body is seeping into his own, making him feel...alive. Nothing compares. And he could do this forever, trail along the centre line from mouth to navel.
But not now. “Sleep, my dove.” He slips from the bed before she realizes what he is saying. “Your studies await you in just a few hours.”
The fury in her eyes as she sits up sends shivers down Loki’s spine. “Get back here!”
Hand outstretched, demanding. Lips puffed. Desire oozing from every pore. The sight nearly has the former prince crawling on all four to return to her, and even now the heat of [Y/N]’s vitality still lingers within him. Drawn, like a moth to the flame, his body is betraying him and propelling him just within reach without the consent of reason – a mutiny the Jotun cherishes when a kiss is stolen from him.
It takes all of his willpower to cast the spell but once sleep finally overtakes the woman, Loki gently lies her down and drapes her wraps her shapely body in the shift and robe before pulling the cover to her shoulders. A furrow wrinkles between her brows only to disappear after a gentle kiss to the area.
“Sleep, dearest,” he whispers.
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
WinterFrost Single Dads AU
Hey, ya'll. Told ya I was working on this thing. I've got about six chapters done, but I'm not ready to post it to AO3 just yet. One big reason for that is I don't have a title yet. So I thought I'd post a couple of chapters, let ya'll get a feel for it, then take any suggestions you might have.
Just a small note: I tend to name fics after song titles that inspired the story or somehow fit with the plot.
Anyhoo...here's the first chapter. I *might* post the second tomorrow. We'll see how the response to this goes.
xoxo, La
Pairing: Loki x Bucky Barnes (there are others past and future, but I'm not giving them away just yet)
Rating: M
Word count: 1,775
Summary: Loki is living a great life as a Manhattan lawyer and constantly partying with Tony Stark, his best friend. Loki's life before he came to New York more than a decade ago is a mystery for those close to him. But it's all about to come to light when he gets a call from someone in his past.
Bucky is just trying to catch a break. A few hookups with a fellow soldier led to a quickie marriage and baby -- and two years later, a quick divorce. His daughter is now eight years old and the light of his life. But he can't seem to get his shit together. Struggling to find a job and keep a hold on his sobriety, it's a one-night stand that gives him the kick in the ass he needs to be the man his daughter believes he is.
Warnings: Mature language and situations, some drug use, and talk about addiction.
Chapter 1
The sound of his front door opening and closing pulled Loki from a deep sleep. So deep, it took him a moment to remember where he was and how he knew that was his front door. His eyes opened slowly, once, twice, and then again, to nothing but the darkness of what he was sure was his bedroom. Then he felt the pounding, incessant, pulsing around his entire head. Damn migraines. Loki let out a low groan, thought fuck it, and buried his face deeper into his pillow. Moments later, the door to his bedroom pushed open.
“Rise and shine,” a deep voice sang.
Loki grumbled at the familiar voice, and slowly, he turned his body, rolling onto his back. “Why are you always so chipper in the morning? Oh, for Norn’s sake!” He threw a pillow over his face as the curtains pulled open and let the blinding daylight flood the room. “Close them! I’ve got a damned migraine!”
“Ooh. So sorry, Mr. Friggasson. There’s a cup of tea on the nightstand. Would you like me to get you some water and a couple of ibuprofen?”
Another groan sounded through the room as Loki forced himself to sit up. “Yes, please,” he answered as he rubbed at his face before reaching for the two pillows to prop them up behind him. In his sleepy haze, he remembered to pull the bedsheet over his lap to keep his modesty. Loki reached out for the teacup first, cupping it in his large hand as he took a gentle sip. “Mmm, perfect. Thank you, Fandral. And, for the thousandth time, please stop calling me Mr. Friggasson.” He sipped again, ignoring Fandral’s giggle as he rummaged through Loki’s closet. “What time is it?”
“A quarter to eleven.”
Loki sputtered into his tea. “Quarter to eleven? Why did you let me sleep so late? I have meetings today.” Loki hurriedly set his drink down and started to rise, gathering the sheet to wrap around him. Fandral was suddenly there, nudging Loki back into the bed, “Relax, Loki. You’re fine. Your early meeting was canceled, the board meeting at the Tower was pushed to Thursday, and Mr. Stark canceled your lunch meeting.”
“Cancelled? Why?” Loki settled back in the bed, rubbing at his neck. “He didn’t say. But he left the message for me before three am, and there was a lot of noise in the background. So, take a guess.”
Loki snorted softly. “That’s your boss, Fanny. Don’t judge.”
“You’re my boss. Mr. Stark only signs the checks,” Fandral said through a smile as he laid out a pair of pants and a shirt on a chair in the corner for Loki to wear for the day. “Once the morning meeting was canceled, I thought I’d let you rest a little longer since you didn’t have to rush into the office.”
“Thanks,” Loki muttered from behind his cup.
Fandral gave him a nod and turned to head around the corner towards the master bathroom.
“Any other messages?” Loki called as he set the teacup back on the nightstand. He sat back, his face contorting in pain, willing the migraine to ease up. He made a mental note to see an optometrist already.
“Yes, a few. Natasha called. She got a lead on the security break from a couple of months ago, I guess? She said she’d have a report for you on the improvements she’s already made with F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Fandral stepped out with a small white bottle in one hand, a glass of water in the other. He handed the water to Loki before popping open the bottle and dropping two white tablets in Loki’s open palm. “Also, someone’s been trying to get a hold of you all morning. He’s called four times already. No real message, just ‘need to speak to Loki urgently.’ Someone named Thor.”
Loki went still. He swallowed down the pills and water in his mouth, watching Fandral’s retreating back. A million different questions ran through Loki’s mind, but he couldn’t decide on just one to ask, nor would Fandral be able to answer any of them, judging by what he’d just said. Fandral returned from the bathroom, and Loki hoped he didn’t look as panicked as he felt. “Someone named Thor, you say?”
Fandral, staring at his phone, made a noise of agreement. “Sounded foreign, but I couldn’t place the accent.”
“Norwegian.” Loki shook his head dismissively when Fandral looked at him with a quizzical look. “Did he say how to get a hold of him?”
“Yes. At least, I have the number for you.” Fandral lowered his phone, eyed Loki, who’d gone much paler in the last thirty seconds. “Are you all right?”
Not in the slightest. “Yes. Uh, Fandral, I’m going to take a shower.” Loki rose from the bed, his migraine still there but hardly forgotten. He held the bed sheet tight at his waist and walked around Fandral. “Listen, if he calls again, tell him I will call him back as soon as I’m free. If he doesn’t, when you hear the water stop, give me twenty minutes, then put the call through.”
Fandral frowned at Loki as he followed him with his eyes. “Sure, boss. Are you sure you’re feeling all right?”
“Fandral. I’m fine. Will you order some food? Get me a sandwich, please. Something toasted, turkey.” Distracted, Loki didn’t wait for Fandral to confirm. He walked into his bathroom and started the water in the shower, then moved to the sink. He stood before the mirror for a moment, thinking, fretting, irritated. Why would Thor be calling him after all this time? What could he possibly have to say to Loki? After more than ten years of no communication, Loki felt as if they were strangers.
The steam began to fill the room, fogging up the mirror, so Loki dropped the sheet and stepped under the spray. He let the hot water wash over him, easing the ache of his muscles. He took the showerhead in hand, adjusted the setting of the water, and held it over the back of his head to let the hot water pummel the skin of his neck and his scalp, hoping to make the migraine go away. Though with the newly added stress of a phone call with someone from his long-forgotten past, Loki wasn’t sure it would go away now.
Washing his body and hair quickly, after just fifteen minutes, Loki stepped out and went through the motions of grooming then getting dressed. When he stepped out into the living room, Fandral was just taking his food from its delivery packaging.
“Did he call?”
“No. Feel any better?”
Not at all. “Much. Fandral, could you give me some privacy?”
He froze with a wrapped sandwich half out of the bag. Only his eyes moved in Loki’s direction, “Um, sure? Do you want me to come back in, what, an hour?”
Loki shook his head. “No. In fact, why don’t you take the rest of the day off?” Fandral dropped the sandwich on the table and faced Loki fully, crossing his arms. “Don’t look at me like that. Nothing is wrong. I just don’t know how this conversation is going to go, and I’d rather not have an audience if you don’t mind.” He spotted a bag of chips and snatched it up, ripping it open to pop one into his mouth.
Fandral, still frowning, reached into the bag once again to split the napkins between the two of them. He repacked his meal, then lifted the bag from the table. “All right. Your phone is on the counter. I input the phone number since he called the office, not your cell phone. And – I’ll be available, just in case.”
“Thank you. Fandral.” Loki gave his back a quick pat as he paused beside him. “I mean it. Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Well, I think we both know that’s a mutual feeling.” He reached for Loki’s arm, giving his wrist a quick squeeze. “Call me later? So I know you’re all right?”
Loki nodded and didn’t move until he heard the door close behind Fandral. It was true; he didn’t know how he would function without Fandral. They were classmates in law school, and both started at equally prestigious firms upon graduation. They were good friends but fiercely competitive, too. Loki credited that manic drive to one-up each other for getting him to the top five percent of their graduating class. But after a few years, while Loki had been on the up-and-up, Fandral was drowning, barely keeping his head above water as a tax lawyer. Loki watched one of the first friends he’d made in New York crumble under pressure and struggled to help him find a way to deal. Eventually, Fandral walked away from the six-figure salary, the company car, and all the perks that came with it. Loki was impressed that Fandral
dared to do it. After a few months of getting help and finding a better mental space, Fandral moved off of Loki’s couch into a modest apartment that was a fraction the size of the loft he was in before and looked for a less-hectic job. Loki had snagged a cushy position as Stark Industries’ in-house counsel, thanks to his friendship with its C.E.O., and was still getting settled. Managing New York’s richest son’s money, company, and public image was turning out to be a full-time job. And Loki needed help. He’d already recruited Natasha Romanov, a former N.Y.P.D. Officer, he brought her on for her computer and investigative skills. So he offered Fandral a position as his assistant. Fandral took it and promised to be the best right-hand man. Loki expected he’d be bored within a month just answering phone calls and setting up meetings. But Fandral’s duties, mostly taken on of his own volition, had grown exponentially in the past five years. He acted as assistant, maid, valet, and social buffer for the notoriously introverted Loki.
Loki would be a mess without him.
Because he was starving, Loki wolfed down half his sandwich and chips, grateful that the shower, the food, and the medication had helped relieve the worst of his migraine. Taking a deep breath, Loki picked up his phone from where Fandral left it for him. His thumb hovered over the screen, over the unknown phone number. And with his heart in his throat, Loki tapped it. He listened. He waited. And, finally, after three rings, the line picked up.
“Hello, Thor.”
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marilyn-notmonroe · 5 years
I would have liked Infinity War more if Loki had called himself Friggasson instead of Odinsson.
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