#Livin Thing
psychedelic-soul · 4 months
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sunkcostzine · 8 months
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Livin' Thing
Black Sheep, Springfield, IL
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magneticelectric · 1 year
Electric Light Orchestra - Livin' Thing
Jeff and the boys from their classic 1976 album ’ A New World Record’. A friend informs me this clip is from the American Music Awards but I stand to be corrected :)  
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kroovv · 22 days
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I’m doing a little goal over on my ko-fi to get myself a new laptop so i can stream again! ✨any help is super appreciated
You can find my ko-fi here
I will also be opening coloured sketch bust commissions on my Patreon tonight for my £5+ tiers
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Y’know, there’s a bunch of Billy adopted by Danny Phantom stories and prompts. But what if instead he was adopted by reformed Dan Phantom. 
Give him a dad who is trying his best not to murder but Billy is making it very hard not to at least commit a few crimes. It’s just a few, right? It couldn’t be that bad, but he is trying this whole self-restraint thing.  He hasn’t failed. Yet. 
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chronicowboy · 5 months
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We ain't angry at you, love We'll be waitin' for you, love And we'll all be here forever And we'll all be here forever
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shesmore-shoebill · 1 month
Obvs, I am saying this as someone who posts about Amangela but doesn't make edits but. Honestly the way Amanda talked about the Amangela edits makes me so. relieved. Like, phew. I'm glad shes not bothered by it, I'm glad she sees it as like, the storytelling (functionally) it is, and not as actual speculation about her life or Angela's (which. It Isnt. And SHOULD NOT BE.) and I'm glad that she finds it hilarious, and not upsetting or bad. (I think finding it strange makes total sense, and what she and Courtney and Shayne are saying about people functionally making up stories and storylines. is. True. thats what we're doing lmfao).
But also she definitely sees some of this stuff AND we know Angela has sent her at least one Amangela edit AND she IS requesting Amangela honeymoon edit. so. we live in this world now.
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ot3 · 3 months
its kinda funny to me how high praise for hades' story is because don't get me wrong i enjoy the characters a ton i think they're all really fun and cute but if you actually take the stuff happening in hades seriously as a narrative then WOW it falls short in some major ways
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lokiina · 20 days
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There are 0 thoughts behind those eyes rn.
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bidaryl · 3 months
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bonefall · 8 months
where’s that little horror piece about kits never growing up in Starclan? because I remember it so vividly but I can’t find it.
The one about Bright Stream?
Weird that it's so hard to find! It's probably because it's got such heavy tags lmao.
I really mean it though like, canon's permakitten system and the idea that Bright Stream is up there, forever taking care of fetus children who were filled by sudden knowledge and yet never grow past that point absolutely horrifies me. Jesus Christ. I don't know how anyone reads that final scene in Path of Stars and isn't filled with itching, white-hot existential dread, man.
Sometimes you just gotta write horror about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#partner and i were joking the other day about how like#they are the one known as The Horror Blogger and im the funny cat guy#because it's literally the opposite irl. you have NO idea#They are the one who is squeamish and I am the one that is like#only scared if there's 17 different kinds of existential horror#Which tbf is important in my line of work#But let me tell YOU. One thing that gets me every time? Fucked up afterlives#Probably from all the religious trauma but. Still.#''turns out your whole life is actually teetering on the precipice of a steep drop into the jaws of unknowable gods--#and their concept of omnibenevolent and omnimalevolent are self-defined''#''in death your life only has meaning to those still living and yet you're conscious to experience it''#''you will helplessly watch people you thought loved YOU reduce your memory into how you SERVED them''#''Powerless to stop it you will find that you were only valued as a tool in someone else's life''#''There is no peace in death just being tired and uncomfortable forever''#EURGH#It's why my most feared monsters are actually ghosts and vampires and certain zombies#Because it's not really about the monster it's more about what that monster implies for the afterlife#Certain zombies especially. ngl. Night of the livin dead 2 has the scariest ones ever#Intelligent. Violent. Able to FEEL themselves rotting and the only relief is to consume everything you ever loved#BRR#they did eat a bunch of cops tho so... at least they have that going for them#BONES MCRAMBLES IN THE TAGS#bone babble
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attoye · 9 months
Mom and Dad - ❤️⚔️🩵
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dontruinmymorning · 1 year
What if….
“YUUMMM” she squealed as her tiny legs tried to carry her as fast as they could.
At first she was shy as she stuck to her mother, but once she convinced her it was really him, she let her joy overcome her.
His heart clenched at her speaking his mother tongue. His throat tightened seeing the happiness on her face. Happiness directed at him. A father she was just meeting today.
He had almost fell off the roof when he saw the child gripping to her mother’s clothes as water ravaged their land. He had been hopping from roof to roof under the pretence of supervising their onslaught, but he was really searching for her.
It had been almost 3 years, but he could never forget her. He stayed away for her protection but her memory remained permanent. They were always candid about where their loyalties lie if it ever came down to it. But, their relationship had been their only selfish action in their lives. It was something just for them for once.
It was beautiful and pure bliss until those close to them began to become suspicious. So to avoid detection they agreed to stay parted until there was a lull. But it was not to be. The surface dwellers became more aggressive in their hunt for vibranium so both their duties increased.
Now here he was watching his Okoye, his love, his sun, protecting a small child with her entire being. There was something about the child that pulled at him. He felt his stomach roll at the fear and determination in her eyes to protect the child.
As if she felt eyes on her she looked up and he saw the shock and resignation play across her face. Before he could react she was moving with the child to an aircraft. Only his stupor prevented him from leaping and chasing after her.
After they left Wakanda in their destruction, the child nagged at him for the rest of the day. She was lighter than Okoye but he could see the resemblance between them. Her hair was thick, but had a looser curl pattern. Okoye had had a child. He felt rage under his skin and a deep despondency at the thought of someone else impregnating his soulmate. But he knew it was unfair since they were separated so long. He may not have thought of anyone else, but Okoye was human.
His mind kept up thoughts of the child even if it was painful. Based on how she looks she looked about 2 years old. Calculating the gestation period- his eyes flew open. His heart stopped in his chest and he thought he would be the first talokanil to suffocate in water. If his math was right, there was a strong chance the little one is a fruit of his own loins.
He sprang up immediately at the thought. He had to know for certain, consequences be damned. He snuck from Talokan and sought the sun to his sky. He just hoped she still lived by the water.
When he arrived near her home he was surprised to see her waiting for him. She knew he would figure it out and seek her out for answers, even though their people were practically at war.
She confirmed what he already knew deep down. She had realised she was pregnant a month after they had separated. She wanted so bad to tell him, but she didn’t want to risk his life. Okoye knew he would do anything to be with her and their child, but their child needed him alive more than anything.
Okoye had never stopped loving Attuma. She never blamed him for them having to part. She would do it all over again if given the choice. She begged his forgiveness for leaving him in the dark but he would not have any of it. She did what she needed to protect their family and he would never grudge her for that.
She explained that she had recorded every stage of her pregnancy. From finding out to delivery. She still recorded their daughter’s every milestone to this day. She gifted him a set of kimoyo beads and told him to be careful with it. He vowed with his life.
“Is she-”
Okoye nodded her head, immediately knowing what he was asking.
“She is like your god-king. Except the ankle wings.” she chuckled to herself at that.
He couldn’t help smiling either. He wanted to show his waal his home some day. This line of thought brought a new wave of emotion with it. His throat felt like a boulder was stuck in it, but he swallowed past it and asked what he feared this whole time.
“Can i meet her?” his voice sounded strangled to his own ears.
He saw the slight relief in Okoye’s shoulders. As if she feared he would have been angry or disappointed in her.
“Of course. She asks about you constantly.”
That brought tears to his eyes. He had missed so much of his little girl already. He hoped he would get the chance to make up for all the lost time.
They agreed on a time and place and parted ways for the time being. Now here he was dropping to his knees with his arms spread wide as his ch'úupalo' ran to him.
“YUUM!” she yelled again once she got to her father.
He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her to him. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and squeezed him just as tight. She buried her face in his neck and held on. As if, like him, she was afraid he would disappear as soon as she let go.
They cling to each other for a while until he could no longer hold in his curiosity. He asked where she learnt that word and she told him it was from her mother. Okoye turned bashful and explained she had been teaching her the languages of both her parents so she could connect with the two nations.
He was also surprised she knew who he was immediately and Okoye once again explained that she made sure to tell Anaya about her father constantly so she knew she had one that loved her very much.
“She knows the way you look, the sound of your voice, even the way you smell.” At his bewilderment she continued, “You left a cloak with me and I never got around to returning it. She likes to sleep with it sometimes.” she couldn’t help the fond smile that stretched on her face.
He felt his emotions rise again. Cha’ac he hoped he would stop being such a mess soon. This was unbecoming of a high ranking general. He had found a secluded cave and watched all of Okoye’s recordings like a man starved. He took in every moment and committed them to memory. He had cried more during the viewings than he did in his entire life.
With the memory, he just held his daughter closer and inhaled her scent. He could not believe she was his and she was in his arms clinging to him for dear life.
“You came back early! Did you come to surprise me yuum?” He heard her tiny voice speak up from his neck.
It was obvious Okoye had told her he was away for a very long time, but he did not dwell too long on that. Him and Okoye would have their chance to talk. He tamped down his emotions from the question and responded without his voice shaking, “Yes I did in pequeño.”
“Did you miss me?!”
“Of course chan. I missed you everyday.”
He may not have known of her existence but he knew he would have if he did.
She beamed like a little star at his response. He saw the identical dimples in her cheeks that are an exact replica to the ones adorning his face.
“I missed you too baba!” she said hugging him tightly again.
He had removed his mask once he entered their meeting place so he kissed her head and held her to him.
She lifted her head again and asked, “did you bring me presents yuum?!”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the question. He was happy that the situation had not taken her childlike tendencies away from her. Okoye laughed to herself as well. She always brought something back for Anaya whenever she had to leave, so it’s not surprising she asked him that.
“Of course i did preciosa.”
She gasped and wriggled in his arms, obviously excited at the idea of gifts. He laughed again and crouched to place her on her own feet. She couldn’t help bobbing on the balls of her feet, barely restraining herself to wait for him to present his gifts.
He had went slightly overboard, but he could not come to regret it to see the joy on his little one’s face. He brought cloaks, dresses, dolls, blankets, jewellery and other mementos that would teach her about the other part of her heritage. He had made her her very own shell to contact him whenever she needed him, but he was waiting a while before he gave her that.
Anaya squealed at everything. She almost tackled him to the ground when she saw all her presents. She couldn’t believe they were all for her. Usually, Okoye tried not to spoil Anaya too much (though she failed most times) but she wouldn’t take this moment from Attuma and their daughter. He had 2 years of gifts to make up for so she let him do as he pleased.
She couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she watched father and daughter bond. Attuma took his time explaining everything and their meaning and Anaya soaked it all up like a sponge. She was already incredible smart for her age and Okoye was slightly fearful of how much more she would pick up as she got older. For now, she enjoyed that she still had her infantile wonder.
Attuma’s eyes met hers over their daughter’s head as she got lost in playing with her dolls. They had a conversation with looks and they both knew that they couldn’t stay apart anymore. Not now when Anaya had finally met her father and was already deeply in love with him. Their people were at war, but Anaya meant more than any of that.
Attuma had never thought of standing against his god-king, but he would stand against the entirety of Talokan and Wakanda to protect his daughter. This was no longer just about him and Okoye.
When they find out who Anaya really is they may come for her. They must be prepared.
Her parents will burn the world to make sure nothing happens to her.
yuum - father
in pequeño - my little one
preciosa - precious one
chan - little one
baba - father
I feel like there could be more, but idk if y’all want me to keep going. Is this any good or is it weak?
@pilesofpillows @tvreadsandsleep @theeblackmedusa @xblackreader @serena1276 @neptoons1998 @kaachikizary
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
i'm working on compiling a timeline of the keeper series and my GOD there are some busy days in here. did you remember that sophie searching prentice’s mind and then talking to lord cassius and searching candleshade and then going to the hideout she'd been kidnapped and tortured in and discovering that symbol on the floor all happened in one day? and that wasn't even the whole day? and that it was only the second day of the book?
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Can I just say if Batman (from DC) met Hiccup (From HTTYD) he would definitely adopt him. Smart malnourished & neglected child sneaking out at night is sending alarm bells ringing through his mind.
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alexalbongf · 11 months
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