#Listen I just want more interesting drama in this cat soap opera
boilingrain · 11 months
If it wasn't for the fact that Warrior Cats is full of plotlines that weren't really thought out fully and/or had potential but went nowhere, I'd be a little surprised that nobody in Thunderclan during the Power of Three was looking at Ashfur and Jayfeather and going "hm..."
Squirrelflight briefly dated a gray cat with blue eyes and then later one of the kits the brought home and claimed were hers was gray with blue eyes and you're telling me nobody jumped to any conclusions and just accepted that all 3 of them were Brambleclaw's?
(Though tbf I haven't read TNP in a while but I think Squilf & Ash broke up before Lion, Holly & Jay would've been conceived by Leaf & Crow so maybe that's why nobody assumed things)
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! Headcanon #6 (Submission)
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This is an awesome Headcanon prompt submitted by this wonderful anon. Thank you so much for your submission because this was a really good one!
So, you, as MC, are obsessed with Otome games and they basically taken over your life. (Like me with Obey Me!... but that’s neither here nor there...) but how do the demon boi brothers and the undatables react to your favorite... obsession... (I’ve been dating some men... with pixels and a den, and they’re good at relieving my... tension~.)
The bois~
Lucifer: Just does not understand why you are so infatuated by such a trivial little game on your D.D.D. Everything you could ever want was right here, in front of you... right next to you, and you want to someone who isn’t even real? Lucifer gets secretly jealous of you checking your phone on dates with him, or even when you’re on your free time... Like hello? Avatar of Pride right here... he sees the amusement it brings to you, but it only makes him try harder to be the one who entertains and loves you.
Mammon: He is jealous right away, first of all, time and attention that could go into him, goes into a silly game? And Grimm that you have going into the game as well, not going to him outright?! The scandal, the deception, the disgrace... “I thought I was your first guy... not some... weirdo electrical guy on your D.D.D.!” He is quick to make fun of you for liking that stuff, “You know you’re just as bad as Levi!” but does a complete 180 when you start outright ignoring his teasing, or avoiding him while playing your otome games. He’s like a fox, having the noisiness of an annoyed cat, and attention seeking behavior of a dog. And constantly trying to steal your things... mostly your heart, but you know how it goes.
Leviathan: Finally does not feel alone anymore when he finds out you love otome games as well. You and him spend hours upon hours playing similar otome games and having discussions, debates, and even arguments about your favorite dateables. You both keep yourselves updated about the dating routes, and how to get the best endings of their routes. Because you both are gamers and like to get the best experience! Gamers 4 Life!
Satan: It took a bit for Satan to come around, but it wasn’t until you introduced Satan to visual novels, and said how Otome Games were similar to them, and how many different endings there were, that he started getting interested, and got into them himself. Satan is more than happy to try different routes and different personality traits of the “protagonist” and even has a few favorites that match with some of your own. Satan adores the books that let you choose your adventure. And he does the good and bad endings both so easily... it’s scary how it seems that he has apathy for how he treats the characters, but to Satan, it’s another choose your own adventure that comes with visualized characters and a bit of voice acting~.
Asmodeus: The most loving brother gets into them when he sees how cute some of the people on their are, and he wants to see if he can love them all. He gets only the best endings for everyone because Asmo is Charm School™️. He also gets a few ideas of flirtations from the games. But what’s most fascinating to him is that everyone is different, they charmed different from real life, and it’s difficult cause Asmo’s charm doesn’t affect Digital characters, so it gives him a challenge to really work for someone’s reciprocated attraction.
Beelzebub: Beel... oh sweet baby Beel... he just started watching you play your otome games while he was eating snacks one day, and suddenly he was hooked on the choose your soap opera. (I Headcanon that Beel gets into soap operas at times while at he eats, and listens to audio novels while working out.) He always gives you advice about who to choose because of his own preference, and what he sees from the game’s drama. If he were to get into Otome games himself, he would only play one or two routes because he would see more red flags with others than the one or two routes he has his sights on.
Belphegor: He half gets into them because you play them while he sleeps and you cuddle together, so it’s a mutual agreement. When he’s awake, or half asleep, he always gives you advice about what dialogue option, or direction you should to go in. It doesn’t matter which route you choose, cause they are pretty much all dateable for a reason, so why not? “But you also need your sleep, so come sleep with me when you’re done for the time being...”
The besties~ (one contains minor Spoilers so read at your own risk)
Diavolo: Team Interested, you show him your game during lunchtime, and Diavolo is intrigued, he asks where he can get this game, and he gets into it. Of course, Barbatos is always there to help keep Diavolo’s newest obsession from interfering with student council work. Lucifer is not happy that you got Diavolo into your silly Otome games, now there are three Levis in his life... how could you? You even started a secret group chat of you, Diavolo, Levi, Satan, and Asmo called “My Boi-tomes” where you discuss your favorite games and critique others. It’s a good time.
Barbatos: He is interested when Diavolo gets interested, he is able to see possible futures, and thus knows how to make sure that Diavolo doesn’t get upset with a choice he made in one of the games you so eagerly introduced him to. He is appreciative that Diavolo has a new hobby and a circle of friends that are into his new hobby. He just wish he would stay focused on his work.
Solomon: Wise sorcerer Solomon... his one weakness is Otome games. He is happy to finally have someone to geek out with, and he’s happy that it’s you. You exchange stories about the bad choices you both made in other games to make sure neither of you make the same mistake the other made. Solomon sometimes hangs out with you and you two send energy and gifts to each other, and you invite him into the My Boi-tomes group chat, but he would rather share the obsession with you and only you.
Simeon: Oh he helped write a few of your favorite Otome games and is delighted to see that you enjoy his work. His writing is just so well made, and gives so much dimension to 2D dateables, and you are just so invested in the story, you have to get Simeon’s autograph. To be honest, you shouldn’t have been surprised that he had a hand in the TSL Otome game that you recently got into... but it’s still a bit starstriking.
(Not gonna do Luke cause... yeah no...)
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tsu9live · 3 years
Before I start, this is in no offence to anyone else’s opinion. You are all valid and probably make more sense than me. This is a bit of a rant and then a short character study.
Warning: This got too long.
I tend to come online for manga updates and ended up reading through opinion posts because I am a curious cat. Most of the time I come across really well-thought out posts, really valid points. But then MHA is also a soap opera/family drama where the main character is not supposed to have any progress in his story unless its to bolster or move along the other favs . But then they shouldn’t be bolstering his story either because why is a story about Deku’s journey all about Deku?
But then there are people who are happy Deku is finally edgy and they want him to wipe the floor with his classmates who love him and are willing to fight him if only to get through to him. So there are both extremes and honestly there is validity in all these thoughts because despite the writer’s intentions, a reader brings the story to life.
I personally hate making my own predictions because most of the time I feel it ruins the experience of reading a work for me. I go in with different expectations and when the story goes a different way I don’t enjoy it as much but I feel its more my fault.
So I do understand and respect the difference of opinion because there is no fandom without discourse.
In my opinion though, this Deku solo arc was a long time coming and I think Horikoshi has handled it really weird. I’m still trying to understand what he wants us to think about.
A story about heroes and putting your life on the line for someone else is controversial, but, I thought it was a given. Recklessness had been part of Deku’s character but an overly-cautious character would do nothing. Deku’s lack of self-preservation wasn’t unnatural for a hero, he rushed in to save Bakugo from the slime-villain when Pros stood by putting himself at risk but it spurred AM to act. Katsuki experienced it as well during the war arc, when his body moved to save Deku.
Going to Kamino to save Bakugo was suicidal, reckless and potentially flawed but story-wise it made sense. How is hero-work anything than risky? Kirishima and Todoroki initiated it.
Disclaimer: Deku, Bakugo, Uraraka, Momo, Toga and Shigaraki are characters that are very dear to me because they have had me extremely invested since the beginning of the story. This is my personal opinion, flaws, rant... basically me working through my feelings about this manga I had been obsessed with recently.
1) There is an opinion where Bakugo had a right to be upset/angry/bully Deku because he wanted to be a hero but did nothing for it. Firstly, I don’t understand the need to justify his behaviour when he himself has expressed regret on it. People want others to move on from the “go jump off the roof comment” but won’t stop talking about how everything about Bully Bakugo was justified. Deku was weaker, but he had the same dreams, dreams that were the basis of their friendship earlier on. Regardless of how Deku wanted to achieve them, Bakugo had no right to keep trying to stop him from doing so. No, 5, 10, 14 year old Bakugo did not do so because he had the brilliant foresight that Deku would be self-sacrificial and it was for his sake, he was an angry kid and Deku was a timid, wannabe that confused him, intimidated him even. Taking out his anger was a way of working through those feelings. He was in Deku’s words “a punching bag”. In a world where the powerful reign, Bakugo couldn’t understand how a quirk less, weak little boy could think he could stand shoulder to shoulder with someone as gifted as Bakugo. Yeah, society is very much to blame. The change and maturity Bakugo goes through where he is humbled by a cast of amazing hero students who are just as gifted yet with inspiring personalities and then traumatic consequences of being kidnapped, watching his hero use the last of his powers to hold back a great evil, having that fight with Deku where he bared himself open, failing the licensing exam, training with todoroki, the internship... the war has changed him in a way that has brought out his full potential as a hero and a person. There is a lot to admire about him yet I see so many people fixate on headcanons that glorify his every action/word instead of praising the amazing person he has become/how well written his growth has been.
2) “Deku wanted to be a hero and he did nothing for it”. “He could have been a quirkless hero like Batman.” Listen, the story is about AFO vs OFA first and foremost. Hori has done a good job of worldbuilding and adding a cast of interesting characters that its easy to forget what the main plot point of the story is. But it really is about a weak/timid boy who was born with a sort of handicap who dared to dream to be someone strong enough to have others rely on him instead. A lot of the times people want to become something they feel they needed, someone who gave people hope just by existing. Its natural for someone who is ‘considered useless’ to want to be the most useful person ever. His mother didn’t believe he could do it, Bakugo told him repeatedly he shouldn’t even try, everyone else made fun of him, and his hero gave him a wake-up call, no... you can’t be a hero without a quirk. Deku studied heroes and quirks all his life, hoping he’d find something that could work for his advantage. Not every hero relies on physical strength, their bodies are adapted to the nature of their quirks. Deku’s analysis, quick-thinking and impulsive nature is what helped him progress even after getting the quirk because he didn’t gain control until really late. People act like he was handed power, seem to forget he has just learned to use it without consequences. His studies of quirks also made him the best candidate to get new quirks, quirks that he has learned to utilise as tools quickly and efficiently. He was doing what he thought was going to help him become a hero without guidance, without backing and constant discouragements. Its admirable and relatable. If you don’t relate to him that’s fine, your life was different.
Batman was loaded. Deku is not an inventor. The Editors shot that idea down because it would not have survived in a genre where power fantasies are the main hooks. Aizawa, sure he’s training Shinso because he sees his potential now but he would have either expelled Deku/moved him to General studies on that first day for scoring the least in that test. He changed his mind not because of Deku’s quirk but because of Deku’s ingenuity.
When Deku did find his guidance, he tried to do years of work/training in a short period of time. He acknowledges how far behind he is, that the rest are leagues above him and all he wants is to be able to stand side by side with those incredible people and he would go to all lengths to do so. DEKU has never said he wants to be the number one hero. He always says he wants to be one so reliable he saves people with a smile and later on, he wants to be a hero that can save without having other people worry about him. Bakugo works hard, he’s not just exceptional he works hard for it, all of 1A do but saying Deku does nothing when he is constantly shown, studying, training his body, understanding his shortcomings and working on it is just petty. You don’t like him because of his saviour complex, newsflash, that is a hero thing. Hero course is about that, Deku’s is just highlighted because of how often he gets hurt. How can you be a Todoroki stan and hate Deku (although to be fair its your right, I’m just making a point), the kid saw Shouto and decided that it was more important for Shouto to stop hurting and gave him a hell of a fight. I still remember Shouto’s smile, it gave me goose bumps.
Deku’s lack of self-preservation is a part of his programming so much that he hasn’t noticed it yet. Deku broke his bones, but he didn’t realise the permanent damage. When Deku got injured with Muscular, he was never intending to fight him alone. He wanted backup, his phone was broken and he wanted to get Kouta out and tried but Muscular gave him no opening. He was driven into a corner and fought his way out. Like Aizawa said, “He got that injured because he has no intention of dying.” Before rushing to find Bakugo, he informed his superior first, knowing she can spread the message.
The fight with Stain, he messaged his location to all his classmates, didn’t intend to fight Stain alone, just defend Iida long enough for help to come along. Fight with overhaul, he just wanted to get Eri away and when he understood Eri’s power, he gave her the opportunity to fight back against her oppressor by teaming up with him, keeping her secure with the cape made out of Lemillion’s hair. During the whole fight he was present-minded enough to take the fight away from civilians and managed to prevent damage and casualties. During Natsuo’s rescue he played support.
During the war arc, he realised with despair that Shigaraki was coming in all his destructive glory for him and tried to stop him before but he didn’t object to Bakugo joining him. In the movie Heroes Rising (the initially planned ending) he willingly gave OFA to Bakugo, because he trusts him with his life, and was willing to be quirkless again if that’s what it took to keep the kids safe, and himself and Bakugo alive. Its mostly been good decisions on his part.
Its the war arc that’s been his downfall. Watching his childhood friend/rival almost die, his best friend, his mentors almost die while he could barely hold Shigaraki back set off a fight or flight response in him. The seriousness of how Shigaraki came for him and left such death and destruction in his wake because he was not strong enough and AFO is a monster and the sight of Shigaraki and the reality of his situation pushed him down the current path. His solo arc started well because constantly training in the field has helped him master his quirk, and he had the backup of the vestiges who trained and guided him in learning to use it as a toolset instead of a one-punch solution. Then coming face to face with the flaws of hero society and the power, manipulative nature and destructive intentions of AFO has prepared him emotionally. He is not acting like AM, he hasn’t in a while. He is acting like NANA and i don’t blame him because she’s in his head. No adult stopped him from doing this, instead using him as bait to lure out the league.
When they started realising he’s spiralling out of control, that’s when they realised they messed up.
He’s running on adrenaline/fumes alone and I think he’s actually terrified.
“AFO is OFA’s responsibility” “Tell the world I am here” “You’re not as strong as me yet,” “You are not a worthy successor”
Deku isn’t self-centered and but I agree with the screw loose comment (its years of “you are useless, not good enough, not worthy and I bet a dozen or so concussions, bloodloss, dehydration lol). I know Bakugo means well and that’s how he talks. At the moment, he’s probably the only one whose sole goal is Deku’s survival. Deku’s like a wild animal, terrified, lost and as always backed into a corner. AFO has him where he wants him and I am curious to see how class 1 A are going to get through to him. I don’t want them to fight, all those fanarts of Bakugo reaching his hand out to Deku and then maybe punching him in the face would have been a lot better then the mocking (the slow clap was a little triggering for me) but again maybe it just bothers me and Deku needs it. I’ll just have to wait and see. Deku and his class together would be an unstopabble force and I am waiting for that to finally happen.
P.S. Class 1 A looks so mature, everyone going crazy about Bakugo and his tie and I’m here like, look at baby Kirishima and his roots <3
I’m sorry if I gave anyone a headache lol.
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kholran · 3 years
Tagged by @eirenical Thank you!
rules: create your own post and tag 9 people to get to know better or catch up with
last song listened to: “Tradition” from Fiddler on the Roof, in Yiddish
last movie watched: Uhhhh One of the Mystic Nine tie-in movies, I think?
currently watching: Nice to Meet You, starring Zhang Ming En. It’s...a soap opera. A Chinese soap opera. About jewelry designers. There are so many secrets. And so much backstabbing. I just want to yell at everyone, all the time, because all the drama revolves around people NOT JUST TALKING TO EACH OTHER ABOUT IMPORTANT SHIT. ZME is adorable though and makes everything better.
currently reading: Still mostly fanfic. I was in the middle of one of the Outlander books when I fell into a cdrama hole and I haven’t climbed out far enough yet to engage with other media.
currently craving: A vacation? A winning lottery ticket?
current project: I just finished my introductory pool noodle fic. So next up I have the sequel to that one, and then starting on concepts for the Liu Sang birthday event hosted by the lovely @merinnan
current mood: *screaming internally*
current wish: I don’t want to live in interesting times anymore.
currently learning: Everything there is to know about cat diabetes and equine leg injuries. Thanks, Bunny. Thanks, Shai.
something that makes you proud: Being able to write things that people actually enjoy reading. Also being like...really good with cats. Even the hissy spitty feral-born ones. I have yet to meet a cat that doesn’t eventually like me. Even my friend’s cat, who I petsit for occasionally, lets me pet him more than he lets her pet him.
I tag: whoever wants to do this and hasn’t yet.
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME! ♡     Turtle, a tiny chelonian cryptid of your imagination.
PRONOUNS! ♡     she / her / they
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     Pisces {sun, moon, and rising. I literally cannot get away from being a fishy!}
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡    taken
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡  Braveheart was the nickname of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, and not William Wallace no matter what the movie says.
2! ♡     All Cats are Dreamlands cats, but none of them shop at the Plateau of Leng.
3! ♡    Sharks have no bones.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡  currently? Tumblr and Discord. previously? we don’t have the time to list them all but the nightmares still linger from: IIRC, AoHell, MSN, Eyechat, etc.
GENDER! ♡    Neither Beth nor I have a preference for what gender other muses and muns happen to be, or lack there of. It’s always about how well mun/muse get along with one another. Beth and I can be fast friends with another muse or mortal enemies with them, so long as the muns involved can respect and befriend one another. So essentially, mun chemistry is a big factor. I have little time or patience for other muns who can’t be bothered to communicate, especially with the nature of the things I write. One thing I will admit to and I know that this is probably going to offend some folks, but I am honest with my own bullshit... I loathe Rule!63 and gender bending a character. If you play a trans character, that is great! Represent! If you play a non-binary character, that’s great! Represent! Transgender and Non-binary muns are also more than welcome here and I will die for you guys. But I see no inherent value in gender-bending an existing canon or OC muse. Unpopular opinion I know but like. I dunno it’s just not my D’jinni gig.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡   It is rare for me to dislike someone based on appearance alone but that being said.. Females FCs I greatly dislike: Nichole Kidman, Jennifer Connolly, Kiera Knightly Male FCs I greatly dislike: Woody Allen, Justin Bieber, pretty much most Youtube faces {Markiplier, Jack Septiceye, etc}, Stephen Collins, Chris Brown
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡   I have done both. Certain verses work best single ship {Main Beth, Star Wars AU, Justified AU, Deadwood AU} Others are happily multi-ship. One specific verse is poly-ship and that’s pretty much the only one.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  Listen guys, fluff can be great. Whether it’s brief comfort after a long angst, or a breath taken after something particularly intense has been written, or even a moment of domestic bliss can be amazing and character driven when treated with respect and care. And I am not opposed to that. Sometimes I will even really crave it. But I personally cannot sustain a fluffy thread for very long, especially if it’s random or not plotted out to some even slight degree. I also see a difference between Beth taking care of someone or {and this is speculation because it almost never happens} that someone takes care of Beth, and random fluff. Beth is a homebody nurturer and as such people find it ever so easy to take advantage of her good nature and her desire to genuinely make other people feel cared about. I, the mun however, am not Beth and while yes...I do try my hardest to be a nice, kind, and easy-going partner, have limits. If I feel you are taking advantage of me or Beth, I will talk to you. And if you continue to treat us like a door-mat, we will no longer be friends after that.
ANGST: I suppose a lot of what I write can fall into this category. Whether it’s main verse, SHIELD or Mage verses, or really any others, I gravitate toward drama, seriousness, pain, wounding, I mean.... She IS an ER nurse in most of her verses {or occasionally a COP/Secret Agent}. Most of her threads are interpersonal ones as well, and as such, are filled with the existential nature of what it means to be both human and maybe a little left of centre. Not only that, but given her background and history, there isn’t tons and tons of levity there. However, melodrama of soap-opera proportions, endless hurt/comfort on an endless lather/rinse/repeat cycle is also not my thing. If your muse is injured and needs help, or has emotional trouble, or symptomatic issues that can be worked through, that’s fantastic and sign me up. But there’s a line that should be watched carefully before it becomes ridiculous, and I would appreciate reciprocal attention from my mun partners. If Beth is going to be in your muse’s life, spare a thought for her on occasion. As I am a fiend for plotting though, I don’t see this as a bad thing, and something we can’t talk about to ensure maximum fun/enjoyment. I just need a little structure and direction to go in.
SMUT:  So. I mean. Who doesn’t love the thrill of romance, and the “kissing parts” of the story, to quote the Princess Bride? However if that’s your primary goal {which, good on you...do what you like. Fair winds and following seas to you}, you’re probably going to be disappointed here.  I do write smut, and I would like to thing I can write it well. Or at least well enough and adaptable enough to match my partner’s style/wants, etc. Beth is demisexual. She doesn’t experience primary physical attraction. In order to realise she might actually find you sexually attractive, she needs time to build up an emotional connection. And even if she does manage that, she might not know exactly how to express it. She is also qouiromantic meaning she cannot really tell if her feelings are romantic or platonic, something in between, aesthetically based, etc. She might never express any desires she may have, doesn’t have much in the realm of experience, has a lot of residual Catholic guilt, and a laundry list of other intimacy issues that are not easily overcome. We can talk about romance and shipping, but it’s not gonna be easy or fast and if that’s primarily what you’re looking for, we are probably not going to be a good fit together.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡  I absolutely require plotting for threads to go anywhere far, mostly because I tend to be a little scatterbrained and need some handrails and directions for where the story is going. However that doesn’t mean I need to plot out every single detail. Just...guidelines.  As for memes, yes!please! I will post them randomly as I find ones that interest me. Send me one. Send me a dozen. I am slow, and threads have priorities over asks but I will always answer them. Always. And if I don’t post a meme, but you see one on your dash that interests you? Pop the question in my ask and I will answer!
tagged by: the ever adorable Naynay and thank you darling.
tagging: Put on the eye patch and run out the long nines. You know you wanna.
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4th Comedy Monologue
“Hands up if you just love combining strange foods together and gauging down on them while watching netflix on a late night?”
Oh yes you over there what do you like to conjure up?  
Gravy and rice,Nandos mayo on pasta or...or  lightly salted Doritos dipped into a  KFC Oreo Krushem
KFC,Kentucky Fried Chicken or Kentucky I can’t say the word but this is what baby me would’ve called it Chicken  one of the biggest fast food chains in the world or mainly in the UK while America has so many fast food places we only have a couple of their places while the rest are mainly local
They have tacos,soups and stacked burgers over here we only have the odd few places and then the chippy down the street
Speaking of chips, who here has tried their new chunky chips yet?
Ok,quite a few of you enjoy your potatoes being chunky and the rest of you like chips how you like your make up covered in plastic and full of chemicals.
Personally despite not minding the new chunky chips I’d go with liking both of them  but I’ve seen mixed reviews
Some prefer the chunk others don’t, while some of their chips weren’t bad I get the same feeling from eating them that I get from our everyday weather
“It’s very dull isn’t it? like my eyes when I lose sleep”
Sometimes you just want to get the blanket out and have some britcom and chill
Which I know probably isn’t going to catch on since most of you prefer watching american teen dramas about comic book characters where the same person who plays Salem the cat
is the same guy who was in that old disney or nick tv show from your childhood
Either that or your someone more into looking at images of Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor’s actors from the Bohemian Rhapsody film
then again me neither, and I mean the Roger Taylor from Queen not the Roger Taylor from Duran Duran although they’re both cuties
John Deacon and Brian May’s actors too
When I watch films I try to teleport myself into the film’s universe as much as I can
I got a bit of a surprise when heard a northern irish actor playing one of Freddie’s lovers Paul Frenter
On hand Yay! More representation!, more film opportunities, on the other hand he plays the villian!
When I went to see the film I expected some things but then again outside of their music I didn’t know much about the personal lives of Queen,
In one of the scenes with Paul Frenter I was like is this a film about classic rock legends or does it want me to break free?
So my/this country has been featured quite a few times recently in films hasn’t it
Derry Girls,Coming Home,Game of Thrones,Star Wars etc.
While I’m listing these I think your noticing something in the intonation and tone of my voice
It’s that despite being Northern Irish my voice doesn’t sound like I come from there
I come from the land of punk music,Nirvana and chip shops but because I looked up to Hannah Montana,Lady Gaga and P!nk for most of my life so as I got older I ended up sounding like a alternative instagram model before instagram even existed.
That and with the  stuff I was interested in I could go from being into Music,Games and books to being interested in the cultures of different countries
I used to love typical american based things,then japanese things during my weeaboo phase although I will admit that phase might still be going on,German things,Scandinavian things etc.etc.
In the year Instagram was invented 2010,I was on holiday on florida and because my yank voice of stars and stripes was developing the people in florida didn’t know I was from a different country that’s how confusing my voice was,
I mean I know now. some people here are like me and don’t have the accent but even before that as a child my voice was so high if someone went up to me or had a conversation with me it would be like talking to a balloon.
You’ll float too!   (evil voice)   (mickey mouse voice) Hiya Fellas it’s me Mickey Mouse
But if we are talking about representation and how we identify with certain people or characters
I’d say I’m not really much of a liam neeson type of irish person I’m more of a Ed Byrne irish person
I like potatoes,punk music and pirates how about ye
So speaking of certain generations liking certain other alternative things
A lot of people have started  liking blur recently
Then again who likes the gallaghers anyway?
So the people liking Blur are like what I used to be like about One Direction
Pulp are pretty good too I like me some of Jarvis Cocker
Jarvis Cocker in his younger days actually looked a  lot like Ed Byrne other times he looks like Tim Burton
There is one thing I disagree with Jarvis Cocker on though and it’s his short tea about michael jackson
Basically during the 1996 brit awards he showed his bum to the public in protest of the cringy performance michael jackson was doing
Oh,great now that makes it sound even more wrong
Jarvis was defintely off his cocker but he wasn’t mooning the moonwalker...ok he was
He  interviewed a furby on the radio moving on
So, Michael Jackson one of the rock legends alongside bowie and mercury
You either like him,adore him,not really care about him or dislike him based on the rumours and scandals created about him by certain people and publications
I love him,he was peculiar sometimes but I was fascinated by that by his neverland,
by his talent and by how he was able to reach into the hearts of millions
So many opportunities for comics and actors to make creative jokes or puns
but nope let’s joke about the one thing some people mainly associate him with outside of his music which he was tormented for the rest of his life.
Oh almost forgot my blanket,at least I’m not dangling it over a window balcony
(deadpan stare)
Cringing can at times feel like a sting from a bee
Speaking of bees we apparently won’t have them for much longer
Bees are now next to pandas and Tigers in the endangered animals of the USA
Have we learned nothing from the bad history of colonization!
Well in the words of Suggs  let’s bless the bees
Besides It’s the wasps you should be killing not the bloody bees
  you can remove the cause but not the symptom
It’s a bit of a mind flip as the future continues we are heading into a  time slip
Let’s do the Time Warp again!
I’ve recently been listening to the soundtrack of Rocky Horror Picture Show
But not just that the sequel too
Some of you know what I’m talking about and the rest are probably surprised that a rocky horror sequel even exists
It’s called Shock Treatment it came out in 1981 and it was less successful
It’s more focused on Brad and Janet as they live in a fictional town called Denton
Where everything is televised as the town is located inside a tv studio,
Not too different from 2019  seeing as we are all looking at screens that show manufactured faces,
The storyline is about how reality tv affects the public and mental health
Considering reality tv hasn’t changed much since then I’d say that film was quite accurate in it’s satire
Do I need to bring up roxanne from Celebrity Big Brother?  
Brad is not feeling good after the events of the first film so he and Janet have been having marriage problems.
They go on a game show hosted by tosser in a purple wig...I mean Barry Humphries as they sing about how they relate to refrigerators and toasters
Such a mood
Brad is then sent to the set of a fictional soap opera Dentonvale which takes place in a mental hospital
Where the character actors are played by some of the same actors from the original such as Patricia Quinn,Richard O'Brien and Nell Young
The songs are actually quite good
Especially the title song,little black dress,farley’s song,Breaking Out  and Me of Me
For those of you curious to see that film watch it
If you like rocky and if your ok with  rocky going from the sci-fi horror genre to the musical comedy genre
When you see that Time Warp sequence in Rocky Horror it’s like a circus just a group of talented people being their kooky,incredible fun vibrant selves
It’s art house,it’s shock humour,it’s surreal but it’s fun and it’s out of this world
Like Belfast sometimes a few weeks back I was there and the streets were full of performers
There were musicians,actors,comedians,stunt artists and even a very tall person on stilts
It’s things like these that make me realise how creative this country is
A lot of good talent is overshadowed from our lack of representation in media to being ignored in projects
Northern Ireland is a cool place
Kurt Cobain,Stiff Little Fingers,Van Morrison,Two Door Cinema Club,Patricia Quinn,Mark Ashton,Terri Hooley, Jimmy McShane and all you performers,singers,actors,dancers,designers,Producers,Directors,Artists and Creators
are all from here
I’m just a sweet transvestite from Hibernia--i ha ha
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it
No matter how the wind is blowing
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it
We just gotta keep going
The sun never sets for those who ride on it
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lairofsentinel · 7 years
Chat appreciation of Shadowhunters while watching it.
Shadowhunter season 1: Paki dramas me: uh, ok. Solve soon. Boring. Shadowhunter season 1: Alec loves his “brother” me: Ughhh... c'mon, can't we not go there? Please?. Shadowhunter season 1: Paki drama turns into incest-like drama me: wow. The topic is a things here?. I thought this shit was not a thing here. Anyway, Paki drama. Let's pass to the important thing. Shadowhunter season 1: *people fight, punch, kick* me: AAHHHH please, someone teach everyone (except Hodge) how to fucking punch! It's painful to see those fish-punch, those catty-kicks and the whip. Please, no more whip. It's horrible to see how bad are those scenes. Shadowhunter season 1: Paki drama. “I love you. I can't. I go fuck my friend”. More Paki. Brother-zone. me: Pleaseeeeee. Stop this. I'm here for the gayness. Shadowhunter season 1: Magnus Bane appears me: Much better. Shadowhunter season 1: Magnus Bane shows he is intelligent, old, charismatic and despite everyone in the serie says he is a Lothario, he is loyal to his sentiments me: Wow. I love loyal-shit, so healthy. Very zevran. Shadowhunter season 1: Parabatai drama. me: uh.... this is weird. But for some reason, I like this. Showing other type of bonds beyond mere friendship and romantic relationships? ok. This is not bad. Relationships are weird things that not always are in those 2 extremes but in between. Shadowhunter season 1: Simon and friend-zone drama me: Ughhhhhhh. C'mon. Make this better... dont' go there.... Shadowhunter season 1: More paki drama. Now it's a mexican soap opera drama. That woman is her mother, that men is her father. *Oh, you are my brother*, and the friend's uncle's mother's son is her son... no, wait. Too much. Let's put all that in a AU. Me: Ughhh. Pain.... Shadowhunter season 1: Appears Luke and Raphael me: Good shit. Guys at the rescue, fucking kicking asses to anyone who is too dense. Shadowhunter season 1:  paki drama gets dense me: ughhh, Luke, bite them!. Stop this shit! Shadowhunter season 1:  Isabelle fights in heels me: *grabbing my chest painfully * Shadowhunter season 1:  Meliorn me: Wow. A sensual guy who is the embodiment of the beauty and the sensuality and he is not a boring white guy. Wow. Good shit there. Shadowhunter season 1: Malec episode me: I was here for the gayness.... but... c'mon... this is so fuckign cliché, childish, and so Mexican soap opera.... I was laughing there!. Instead of being shocked by the whole situation. Anyway.... Shadowhunter season 2: Paki drama. With demon-blood drama. “Mom wants me dead because I want to fuck my sister”. Me: *yawn  *  Pleaseeeee. Shadowhunter season 2: Magnus drama with his child traumas and the drama of death and immortality me: Oh, yeah. I knew you were a dark char. Delightful. Shadowhunter season 2:  Alec goes into beauty sleeping mode. me: Please... don't. Don't do the “sleeping” kiss scene to wake him. Shadowhunter season 2:  Magnus kisses Alec me: *grabbing my chest painfully * Stop thiiiis... *facepalm * give me good gayness.... pleaseeee. Shadowhunter season 2:  *Maia Appears * me: Oh, yeah, I needed that kind of woman. Werewolf woman that feels like a doggy when she is friendly and feels like a fucking fierce wolf  when angry. Yeah, I prefer CGI instead of bad punching scenes, too. Shadowhunter season 2:  Hodge dies. me: well, there it goes the only person in the whole serie who knows how to fight.... *cries* Shadowhunter season 2: Magnus and Camille drama. Me: Ok, that hits. That hits in the middle of the mortality, of the fear of loneliness and of “true love”. Shadowhunter season 2: Isabella becomes addict. In heels. Me: WOW. This is impressive. Loved that twist. Still please stop her whip... ugh. Shadowhunter season 2: Paki drama. Now I'm not your sister, but I dont know. You are now, once again, the same guy that you were in the first episode of the first season.  But mom dies now. Drama, drama, drama. Paki, paki, paki. Me: sigh Shadowhunter season 2: Cleophas, Angel's screams, all the lore of blood, demon and angelic blood and stuff. Me: Entertaining. Good. Shadowhunter season 2: Faery Queen wants war and makes a deal with Valentine. Me: WOW. Look that shitty asshole!. What a fucker! Shadowhunter season 2: Raphael and Isabella's addiction. Raphael asexuality. Isabelle polyamorous woman says “I dont care about sex, let's have a relationship”. Rapahel runs away. Lol. Me: Look at this good combination of chars. I can say that I like this. Shadowhunter season 2: Soul-sword leashed. Me: AAAHHHH. Magnus! Maia! LUKE! Shadowhunter season 2:  Vampire drinking angelic blood= daylight vampire. Me: Well, this is interesting... and I can see so many conflicts there.... Give me more. Probably season 3. Shadowhunter season 2: Paki drama. I'm not your brother, neither that woman is my mother, now I'm the son of another guy, and I rule over all of you, losers. Also, I'm not demon-blood creature, but an Angel itself, almost. I can activate my runes without stupid wand, you fucking bitches, I have GPS and I cure cancer. I'm fucking God!!!. Me: WHAT? Shadowhunter season 2: And my sister now works like a warlock. She can portal us. Me: WHAT!? Shadowhunter season 2: Greater demon. Magnus loses his body. And soon, will lose his life. Me: WHAAAT? Wait, slow down. What's this shit.  Can't anyone listen the fucker? He moves his hands in a Magnus way, please!. Nobody can't do that all the fucking time. What a losers these shadowhunters are.... god. The HANDS!, looks the hands!!! It's magnus! Obviously!!!. I'm disappointed of you, Alec. Shadowhunter season 2: Chips and DNA for all down-world creatures.  Simon says this looks like nazism. Maia says she is arrested by cops for being black, she didn't expect shadowhunters doing the same shit. Me: Worale. Esto es de la buena. This is getting deeper and more serious and getting better. Much better. Shadowhunter season 2: torture consequences over Magnus' mind. Mom-drama. Amber-cat eyes. Roasting step-dad. me: Wow. This character is the whole thing in this show. You can't stop comparing how plain are the rest with this one, simply because 400 years old is something hard to compete, ofc. Shadowhunter season 2: Valentine captured by Sebastian. Sebastian in general. More paki-incest drama. I was never loved, I want someone to love me. My fucked twisted daddy won't love me, so I try to be loved by my sister in ... any ways. Me: AAAAAAHHHHHH STOP THE SUBTLE INCEST DRAMA! Shadowhunter season 2: Parabatai drama. Me: sigh. Shadowhunter season 2: Alec's father, the same one who said Magnus was a Lothario, cheats on his wife. Me: Look who is the lothario. The flamboyant bi man clearly not. Shadowhunter season 2:  “You of all people, Alec, would understand what means to fall in love” says daddy. Me:  what an asshole! Magnus is not a fuckign affair, you fucker Shadowhunter season 2:  “magnus is not an affair, dad” Me:  There.  Alec will never do that to Magnus. He is too virgin and busy for that... lol. Besides... hell, Magnus is always there for him and has magic of all fucking types, he is intelligent and wise, always in a good mood, joking all the time, trustworthy as fuck. You have to be a shit to lie to him.... Shadowhunter season 2: Alec lies to Magnus while talking about Trust (TM). Me: Are.... are you.....*grabbing my chest painfully * Are you fuckign kidding me?.  Alec! You are not my fave, but hell.... you piece of shit. Shadowhunter season 2:  Magnus says “You lied to me, Alec. It seems that it runs in the family” Me:  Wow. Touché. Destroy his dark shadowhunter heart!!!!! Shadowhunter season 2: Magnus goes to ask for help to the Fairy Queen. Me: …. well.... that was excessive, no?. Magnus, you are old enough to know... this is not useful at all... c'mon, stupid asshole, you are just hurt because the fucker of your boyfriend lied to you. Bump him but don't fuck up all your people! Shadowhunter season 2: Magnus remember time with Alec. Scene of acceptance when he shows his cat eyes. “They are beautiful”. Me: Hell, this hits me 100 levels of my soul. Stupid scene. Stupid beautiful amber eyes. Shadowhunter season 2: Paki drama. I killed dad, and my no-bro/fuckbuddy is dead, and I will return him alive. Parabatai drama. Me:  Ugh, this can't be ok. Returning dead is proved to be a bad decision. Always. ALWAYS. The crow turned aggressive when he came back from death!. Shadowhunter season 2:  Ends Me: Yeah, Ok, season 2 was much better than 1. I liked the gayness here, but... no lesbians, fuck. Where is my healthy cute relationship of lesbians in a main char? I don't want lesbian in the background. Well, so far, I have Magnus. Healthy Magnus is so good. Shadowhunter season 3:  *dead people coming back from death + daylight vampire + angelic blood* in stand-by Me: uh... I can't decide who will be the villian: Jace or the fucking Queen.
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