#Linda is a proud therapist
anonymousewrites · 4 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 5) Chapter Two
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Two: You Became an Idiot While in Hell
Summary: Chloe is on a strange case and has to face quite the unexpected face.
Mouse Note: Second official chapter! Sorry for the late post, I read JJK Chapter 2551 and couldn't process anything
            “Los Angeles,” breathed Lucifer. The last thing he had needed when acknowledging a new arrival in Hell, Lee, was a reminder of his old life on Earth. Of Chloe. Of (Y/N).
            His kid. The person he cared about more than any other, the one he’d returned to Hell to protect. The kid that would want him to help Lee’s murderer be brought to justice because (Y/N) was a good person.
            Lucifer couldn’t avoid the reminders of them and their heart. So he did the only thing he could. Lucifer turned to face Lee and squared his shoulders.
            “I’m going to do something I haven’t done in ages, for old time’s sake,” said Lucifer. “I’m going to solve your murder.” For (Y/N). Because it is the right thing to do, and that’s what they’d want.
            The only thing Lucifer wanted was to make his kid proud.
            Chloe’s case was not going well. Not only were there very few leads, but she had forced herself to dress up to investigate, and now, instead of really knowing what happened, another man was dead.
            “Well, no ID on your street kebab yet, but I found this on him, a .45,” said Ella. “Same as the one that killed Lee.”
            “Yep,” said Chloe.
            “And my Spidey-senses tell me this is our murder weapon, but I’ll know more when I get back to the lab,” said Ella.
            “Okay, great. Good,” said Chloe, walking away.
            She knelt over the body of the dead man and sighed. She needed answers, but so far, she had very few, and none of them seemed to lead her to the truth behind Lee’s death.
            The man’s dead body coughed, and Chloe jumped. He coughed up blood and sat up weakly, body still covered in lacerations and the literal embodiment of death.
            “Oh, man, I’m so sorry,” said the corpse(?). “That’s gross.” Chloe stared. “Hey, are you the detective? I’m a demon, and Lord Lucifer sent me to give you a message about the case.”
            “Lucifer.” Chloe’s eyes widened. “How is he?”
            “He’s the King of Hell, so he’s great,” said the demon. “But, uh, sometimes a bit…sad, I guess. Don’t tell him I said that. Anyways, he wanted me to tell you…uh, it’s safe where you stored it.”
            Chloe furrowed her brow. “What? What’s safe?”
            “The thing that you stored?” said the demon.
            “ ‘Stored?’ ” repeated Chloe. “Where?”
            “I don’t know, you’re the one who stored it,” said the demon.
            “Wait, I stored it?” said Chloe.
            “Yeah, it’s safe where you stored it.” The demon groaned. “Oh, crap. This body’s too jacked up to keep working. But you got this…And, uh, Lucifer says to say hi to ‘(Y/N).’ ” The body fell back, dead.
            “Wait, wait!” cried Chloe, but the corpse was a corpse once again.
            “Decker?” said Ella, approaching. “What the hell, did you move the body?”
            Chloe groaned. Now she just had more questions. And, what was worse, she had a message from Lucifer to (Y/N), but Chloe wasn’t sure if she should give it to them. After all, their mental health had already spiraled just from Lucifer’s leaving. She didn’t want to trigger anything worse by letting Lucifer saying “hello” without (Y/N) getting to see him return.
            She resigned herself to ask Linda for advice. After all, a therapist should know how to help (Y/N). Hopefully. Then again, (Y/N) wasn’t exactly human, so what did Chloe know? Or anyone.
            Other than Lucifer. He took care of them.
            Oh, god, Chloe was going to feel better no matter what she did. If she told (Y/N) Lucifer said “hi” but still wasn’t coming back, she risked them spiraling and growing angry. If she didn’t tell (Y/N) anything, she’d feel super guilty and risk their anger if they found out she hid something like this from them.
            Chloe was so screwed.
            “Hey, uh, Linda?” Chloe stepped into the therapist’s house.
            “Oh, hi, Chloe,” said Linda, smiling as she bounced Charlie in her arms. “Welcome in. I thought you and Maze were working on a case.”
            “We are,” said Chloe. “But, uh, something’s going on, and I wanted to talk to you about it…”
            “Is something wrong?” said Linda, frowning.
            “A demon paid me a visit,” said Chloe.
            Linda’s eyes widened. “What?” The last time demons had come to Earth, it had ended in kidnapping and near-death. “What’s going on?”
            “Lucifer sent me a message,” said Chloe.
            “Oh. Really?” Linda was surprised.
            “Yeah, it didn’t really make sense,” muttered Chloe. She shook her head. “But that’s not what I’m concerned about. I’m concerned about (Y/N). Lucifer wants me to say hello to them for him.”
            Linda pursed her lips. “And you don’t know whether or not to tell them.” Linda was a therapist; she knew what Chloe was concerned about.
            “What do you think?” said Chloe, furrowing her brow.
            “I think you shouldn’t tell them,” said Linda.
            “What if they find out I hid something and get angry?” said Chloe.
            “(Y/N) needs to move on from Lucifer leaving,” said Linda. “I know that hiding things might seem…counterintuitive, but they’re mourning. To be constantly reminded of Lucifer and told that he’s trying to speak to them but isn’t coming back could cause more harm. He isn’t coming back. (Y/N) needs to have time to wrestle with that and become accustomed to that fact.”
            Chloe nodded. Right. Lucifer wasn’t coming back. That was, unfortunately, a fact.
            Another unfortunate fact was that in the late night, Chloe found herself in a gunfight defending Meg, Lee’s sister.
            “Meg, listen to me,” said Chloe. “You can do this. We’re not gonna die her.” She steeled herself. She was going to face everything that came towards her. “Get ready.”
            Above them, several guns went off, and Chloe and Meg ducked down farther behind the kitchen island. The three men were still on the attack, and the pair were still in danger. The bullets ran out, and tense silence descended.
            A confident whistle broke the quiet, and everyone paused in confusion. A man walked into the kitchen, and the gunmen glared.
            “What the hell?” said Rod, the first.
            “Hello, bad guys!” chirped a voice that made Chloe’s heart skip a beat.
            Lucifer? No, Chloe had to be imagining it. He couldn’t be here, no matter how much she wanted him to be.
            “Who’s this crazy fool?!” said Rod.
            “I hope I’m not late to the party,” continued who Chloe hoped was Lucifer.
            Unable to keep herself from looking, Chloe peered around the corner. Her eyes widened. It was Lucifer. He was there. On earth. In the kitchen. Here when she was in danger!
            One of the men noticed her, aimed, and fired. She ducked back, but Lucifer already grabbed him and slammed him through the wall. The second man aimed at Lucifer, but Chloe interceded and shot him. Meg made a run for it while Lucifer grabbed the gun from Rod’s hands before he could harm anyone. He broke it between his hands, and Chloe knocked Rod out with the butt of her gun before he could do more.
            Chloe and Lucifer stared at one another. Lucifer smiled and took a step forward.
            “Thought you could use a hand, but…” Lucifer gestured to the amputated hand (another part of the mess Chloe had been dealing with). “Looks like someone beat me to it.”
            Chloe didn’t respond. All she could do was gaze at him. She could barely believe it. So, she did the one thing she could to convince herself Lucifer was real. She kissed him. Lucifer returned her act of affection, pulling her close.
            He’s real. He’s here.
            (Y/N) glared at the screen. “That’s bullshit! Just because it’s in black, that doesn’t mean the design is ‘chic!’ ”
            “Birdie, relax, it’s a TV show,” said Em.
            “But the judges are being stupid! They always say that colorful outfits are worse than all black!” said (Y/N), huffing.
            “This is Project Runway,” said Em.
            “I don’t think it’s that serious,” said Em.
            “Taste is important,” grumbled (Y/N).
            “I’m going to turn this off if you keep going crazy, Birdie,” said Em.
            “Fiiiiiine,” said (Y/N), slouching in their seat.
            The elevator dinged, and Em and (Y/N) exchanged glances. They hadn’t gotten texts from anyone saying they were coming over, and almost every time someone came over unannounced, it meant trouble.
            Em slid towards the table they kept a demon blade taped under, and (Y/N) narrowed their eyes, letting the shadows stir around their feet.
            The elevator doors slid open. A man stepped out. (Y/N)’s eyes widened.
            Lucifer stood in the Penthouse and smiled confidently at Em and (Y/N). “Hello!”
            “What-How—” Em stared.
            (Y/N) was frozen, eyes wide.
            “I’ve returned!” said Lucifer, grinning as if nothing was wrong, as if this wasn’t insane. “Well, it’s good to see nothing has changed around here.” He walked through the Penthouse, looking around in satisfaction.
            “…Is that all you have to say?”
            Em tensed as (Y/N) spoke. The shadows swirled around their feet, and their hands had curled into fists. The look in their eyes was dark and dangerous. Em saw it clearly; (Y/N) was furious.
            “Of course. I’m back, isn’t that what counts?” said Lucifer brightly.
            “No,” hissed (Y/N). “No, that isn’t! You left! You abandoned me! You said you wouldn’t, and you did!” They marched up to Lucifer, and the shadows behind them spread out, cloaking the room in darkness. “So you don’t get to just walk back in without an apology!”
            “(Y/N)—” began Lucifer.
            “What is wrong with you?” snapped (Y/N).
            “(Y/N), I’m here now,” said Lucifer. He reached out, and shadows leapt up to grab his arm as (Y/N) glared at him.
            “Yeah, you are. After abandoning me,” said (Y/N). “So it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than walking back into my life to make it up to me.”
            “What can I do? Give you money?” said Lucifer, smiling and raising his hands to show he was open to anything.
            (Y/N) scoffed. “That’s what you think I want? You became an idiot while in Hell. You should know that’s not what I care about.” They turned away and walked towards their room. “Just go away again. You didn’t care when you left, and you clearly don’t care now.”
            “(Y/N), I want to make it up to you. Just tell me how,” said Lucifer.
            “My dad knew what I would want,” said (Y/N). They glared at him in their doorway. “But he abandoned me. So fuck you.” They slammed the door.
            Silence, and Em’s brow creased in worry for (Y/N).
            “Well…that didn’t go as well as I’d planned,” said Lucifer.
            “…You should’ve known (Y/N) would react that way,” said Em, quietly. “Your leaving hurt them.”
            “I know,” said Lucifer, smiling. “But don’t worry, everyone will be alright. I’ll handle everything.”
            He walked away, and Em was left alone in the living room in the middle of the worst situation possible: a regressing Lucifer (in terms of relationships with others) and a pissed-off (Y/N).
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br1ghtestlight · 7 months
Trick or treat! 👻🍭😈
"After all that, they STILL wouldn't give my dad a refund. Anyway, that's how my family ended up living on a fishing boat for three months in the Atlantic Ocean. It wasn't all bad, though. I still keep in touch with that fisherman," Teddy rambled to Bob as he wiped down the counter. Linda was out running errands and his kids were at school, so he didn't have anybody to help him escape from Teddy's non-stop conversation and stories. Bob loved his friend, but that handyman LOVED to talk. It was exhausting for somebody who was as introverted as Bob. Social interaction was hard for him, even with his close friends and family.
"Huh. Teddy, I don't think you've ever told me about your dad before," Bob said. "I've heard hundreds of stories about your mom, uh, but I've never heard you talk about your dad."
"Oh, well… He's dead, so—You know how it is," Teddy said awkwardly. "Don't want to tell people stories about a dead person. Brings the whole mood down."
Bob shrugged and focused his attention on Teddy. He knew what it felt like to lose a parent, and how uncomfortable talking about that could be with people who didn't understand. He ignored that and questioned Teddy further. "How old were you when he died? I was, uh, twelve when my mom died."
Teddy took a second to count out the years on his fingers before he answered. "I was thirty six years old, I think. Maybe thirty seven. He had a heart attack and was in the hospital for a few days… I didn't visit him, because we hadn't really talked for a few years. Didn't even know what happened until he was already dead. He and my mom were divorced, and I didn't keep up with his side of the family. I still don't."
"I'm sorry, Teddy," Bob said genuinely. Losing his mother was the hardest thing that he'd ever gone through, but he couldn't imagine how he would have coped if it happened so suddenly and when they weren't on good terms. Teddy's relationship with his father was obviously a lot more complicated than Bob's relationship with his mother, but losing a parent was never easy.
"Eh. It's alright. I didn't really get along with him, anyway. I mean, I WANTED to get along with him, but he didn't really seem to… like me," Teddy's expression darkened for a moment before he continued, as if he was remembering something from his childhood that he'd long forgotten. "I don't really think about him all that often, especially 'cause he's been dead for such a long time. He's more like a weird uncle from my childhood than, like, my actual dad. Does that make sense?"
Bob grunted in response and Teddy continued talking.
"I don't really miss him, I don't think. I mean, he was my dad and I'll always love 'em, but… He was so mean, Bobby. He was an alcoholic, y'know, and he treated my mom like crap. Me and Dana, too. It's hard to think about him without thinkin' about all the bad things that happened when I was a kid. Most of them were his fault. My therapist says that it's normal to feel resentful of my parents for what happened when I was a kid and how they treated us, but I don't know. Daddy issues. We all got 'em, right?"
Bob nodded. "My relationship with my dad is, uh, complicated. He's… a lot to be around, but he was also pretty much all of my childhood. At least you still have your mom around, and you have your sister."
"Dana is amazing, Bob. I should introduce you to her at some point. She's going back to college and studying to be a dental hygienist. Can you believe that? First person in our family to go college," Teddy perked up at the mention of his sister.
Bob had never met Dana, but he knew from the stories that Teddy told about her that he was very proud of everything his younger sister had accomplished in her life. Bob occasionally wondered what it would be like if he had a brother or sister, especially after seeing how close his own children were to each other. His father told him that they'd never planned on having another child after Bob was born, but he couldn't help but wonder if their decision had been influenced by his mother's worsening health.
"Yeah, it would be great to meet your sister," Bob agreed. "And, uh, if you ever feel like talking to me about your dad or telling stories about him—that's not a problem. I don't mind. I mean, I know what it's like to lose a parent."
"Yeah, but they're my only family. I gotta love 'em," Teddy sighed.
"I mean, that's not entirely true."
"Whaddya mean, Bobby?"
"We're kind of like your family too, aren't we? Me, Linda, the kids… You've always been a part of our family. You've been with us from the start."
"Hey! We could try setting our parents up on a date. Then we'd be best friends AND brothers! What do you say, Bobby?"
Bob grimaced. Ignoring the fact that Big Bob hadn't gone on a date since Lily died nor had he shown any interest in doing so, and Teddy's mother's obvious preference for dating younger men, he really didn't think he would want to be Teddy's brother. He was a good friend, but he was not sure about being related to him for the rest of his life. That didn't sound fun. "I don't know about that, Teddy."
"Yeah, you're probably right. You'd probably be a really annoying brother," Teddy agreed. "And I already HAVE a younger sibling! Don't need another of those."
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Wilmon Endgame, or maybe not? Erik Lives, but maybe it was good that he didn't?
The thing I really like about fanfiction is how people try to fix something, usually with fix-it AU. The same thing we try over and over in real life. But unfortunately, we can't fix things, we can move on and do what is next in life.
But well, this is about our beloved late prince Erik. In fanfiction we have a LOT of Erik Lives AU, and I LIVE for them, specially when there are Erik x Simon interactions (Erik x Linda too <3). But, it comes, in my opinion, out of a desire to make things better. To make things right. But, oh boy, if there is something it's absolutelly inevitable, is time and death. And in fiction we absolutelly are permitted to "do overs" and create whole worlds full of what ifs.
What I'm getting at here? There are some really interesting facts about fanfiction with Erik Lives tropes. Our favorite big prince makes Wilmon SO MUCH EASIER. There're some ideas that permeate SO MUCH of Erik Lives fanfiction, and I love it so much. There are two of them I would like to talk about.
First one is the idea that the sex tape would still be out, it comes sometimes with the accident leaving erik in a coma, and later waking up and helping wilmon, or, just August being the scumbag he is and letting out anyway, and Erik comes to the rescue.
The second one is the idea that the sextape never came to be. And Willhem is just happy and giddy with Simon. In this kind of universe, usually Erik acts as a Wise Old Man Trope (Gandalf of sorts), leading Wille's journey easily.
BOTH of this ideas (and a lot of other ones) comes with the "what this precious little sweet ball of ansiousness boy would do if I was not here to protect him?" trope. And this is the part that get me. Because you see, I imagine fanfiction as a paralel universe from canon. In this case, the YoungRoyalsVerse. There are a LOT of fanmade works that are as good as the series. And common, we should know by now that the main media, and the paralel industry of creative writing can be equiparably good. It's a matter of oportunity and networking, not really a fair competition. :P
And here comes the part that invariably makes me cry. We KNOW what happens if Erik wasn't there. Because what makes we want to write about Erik, is because we first learned he WAS NOT there. And Wille did really all right. I'm proud of Wille. I'm proud of Simon. They did very all right due the really shitty situation they were in. (Let's hope it continues to get better in this last season!)
My therapist always say this thing that makes me wonder: the very best way to grow is the problems we face. The hardest things we achieve are always the ones we will have the most growth from. I'm a Wilmon apologist and endgame believer, but even if it is not the case in canon media, I do believe our Wilmon had one hell of a Journey, and I'm really happy about it. With all the drama. Even having to endure Sargust.
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bleakfated · 1 year
ways to tie your muses to some of mine apart from the obvious, hunters met on a case type thing... but I would always be down for any of my hunters having saved muses that know nothing about the supernatural from a threat and rocking their world
Alex Mills --
Vampires or humans tied to her past being exploited by the vampires in the nest that kidnapped her.
Her first gf that she got close with when she first moved in with Jody? They skipped class and smoked weed under the bleachers but she had to move away from Sioux Falls leaving Alex pretty open to be easily manipulated by "Henry"
Nursing colleagues !!
Alyssa Moore --
FBI agents that have had the displeasure of dealing with her or hunters that's she has tracked down to get her hands on the truth about what the Winchesters did to her sister
Friends from San Francisco where she grew up, that watched how much her sister's death hardened her
College friends from Stanford about three years after Jess dies, plus seven more for her undergrad and law school
Bela Talbot --
Demon friends demon friends demon friends she's a demon get it
Hunters and other humans /monsters alike that she screwed over in her past finding out her identity
She's back to her old ways of thievery with a bit more bloodshed to live more lavishly, a home isn't necessary for a demon but even hell couldn't beat her love of luxury out of her. She could be in contact with your muse for objects, selling an object, or bogus psychic readings
Cassie Robinson --
A big time journalist in Chicago. I would die for Ennis Ross because I headcanon that he saved her from a vampire which prompted her to start her blog journaling true information about how to kill monsters
Annoyed monsters finding out she runs the blog and trying to get her to take it down?? Beautiful
Hunters finding her blog and tracking her down thinking she's a useful ally to have and she's like lol I don't hunt but they remain friendly and she's a contact when they run into a monster not yet published about yet
Charlotte Perrin --
I would sell my soul for someone to be one of her hunter "kids". These are young people she has met or saved on the job that have had everything taken from her by the Supernatural much like herself. It includes those that continue to hunt and those that she gives money and a new identity to start a normal life over in a new town -- she checks on them frequently as well.
Humans that remember her as the girl that was never seen again after her parent's deaths
Linda Martin --
Since she's going to be a therapist for hunters and the supernatural she probably needs a few bodyguards lol
Madeline Cardelle --
Obviously the witches that she trusts enough to employ at her store
Regular customers at her shop, unknowing humans, hunters, witches or otherwise
Hunters that see past her being a witch because she mostly uses it for her business and hasn't killed in a very long time. She's not catty in that way.
Other witches that escaped the BMOL around the time that she did or after
Hunters that she gets close enough to that she uses her powers for good when not being threatened like she had been with the Carmichaels
Miles Asher --
I just think people that knew him at MIT getting involved in the supernatural in any way enough to meet him again at the Roadhouse is super interesting
Natalia Sinclair --
Any supernatural creature that has spent time in Chicago being friends with her, she's less likely to have disdain for the other species than the rest of the family
Befriended humans or perhaps someone she starts to become smitten for again despite her best judgment. Perhaps close enough that she feels safe in telling her secret
Someone to convince her she's strong enough to leave her family behind and live a life she's proud of. That she doesn't have to watch humans kill themselves over her
Paxton Whitmore --
Werewolves that he's helped either gain control over their wolf or at least tie themselves down good enough on full moons
Teddy Bristol --
The Crossroads needs more bartenders!!
People that know his remaining family and believe him to be responsible for his parents deaths
In search of someone a woman hunter that broke his heart, will need to be heavily plotted and someone I've written with for a bit. More info here
Tyson Brady --
Demon: Who was he palling around with between Azazel's death and being the stableboy of the horsemen?? We need to know.
Demon: Who's he friends with in an AU where he's not caught by the Winchesters??
Human: Stanford friendos. High School rich boy/girl friendos. People on the baseball team with him in either setting??
Human: People he meets when he's a resurrected wreck, plagued by nightmares of Jess dying at his hands and the pain in all of his friends faces so many times over. How could they not see he wasn't himself??
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motownfiction · 2 years
gasping for air
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For a water sign, Daniel is a pretty shitty swimmer.
He was early to walk and late to swim, which his mother blames on his father. Frank was a lifeguard when he and Linda met. It was supposed to be up to him to teach the kids how to swim and float; float and swim. He put it off when Daniel was three, five, and eight. Now he’s ten, and he’s tired of treading in the shallow end of the pool with his friends. Reluctantly, Frank gives into Linda’s demands. He packs the kids up and sneaks them into the pool at Paun Park.
Lola takes to the water like a fish. She’s not in the water for an hour before she’s doing flips and tricks like she was born at the bottom of the ocean. For the first time in all her life, even the day she was born, Frank seems proud to have a daughter. It doesn’t last.
He’s too ashamed to have a son.
Daniel is stuck in the shallow end of the pool. He’s not sure why. Adventure has never frightened him before. This is the boy who walked through a corn maze all by himself on the second-grade field trip to Upland Hills. This is the boy who dressed like the Fonz for Halloween for the sole purpose of telling Gina Lumetta he thought she was cute. And now, he’s stuck in the shallow end of the pool.
He doesn’t know how to move under his father’s gaze.
Frank charges toward him in the water like Poseidon himself. He points toward the twelve-foot deep end of the pool and bellows at Daniel to get in it and learn something. Everybody can hear him, but it’s 1977, and he can get away with it.
Daniel’s not sure what goes through his mind as he hoists himself out of the shallow end and makes his way toward the diving board. The high dive, too, because Frank always says go big or go home. Years from now, he’ll tell his therapist that he was tired of being afraid (to make himself look better). They’ll both know it’s bullshit, but it will go unstated.
He holds his breath and jumps into the twelve-foot-deep water without thinking. Just does it. Goes big without going home. As he sinks to the bottom of the pool, he thinks about what it would be like to die there. He thinks about how horrible it would be.
So, he saves himself. Instincts kick in, and he swims to the edge of the pool, gasping for air and clinging to the edges like a sanctuary. His vision is blurry, but he can see his father swimming over to him. Daniel smiles, expecting some sort of pat on the back or atta boy or any of the other things a father is supposed to tell his son.
But Frank just tells him to do it again.
And Daniel does. Over and over. Over and over.
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devilstherapist · 7 months
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@magaprima moved for beta from here
Grinning and laughing softly, she nodded. “Oh he hates that I can tell him no. It means he can’t divert the conversation from whatever we’re working on.” It does give Linda a big stroke of pride that she could essentially ‘resist’ the devil. Lucifer would always be a good memory to her, because he helped her get out of her awful marriage, among other things, if she was being honest. “Oh. That makes more sense then.” Though she didn’t fully understand the whole psychic trail thing, maybe Lilith could teach her some more about it later.
It did seem likely that it would take longer than her human life cycle in order to help Lucifer actually deal with a lot of his anger and other issues, and she didn’t know if he’d ever find another therapist like her who would be able to put up with his antics. “Yeah, that’s been on my mind too. I don’t know what he’ll do when I’m gone.” Of course she had come to terms with the fact that she literally could die at any given moment, given all of the relationships that she currently had. The Devil, a demon, a couple of cops, but she wasn't sure how they all fit together. Being friends with the Devil alone should have been cause for concern, but it was just a normal day for her now. 
Listening to her explanation of her loathing, Linda nodded, jotting a couple of things down about it. Religions on Earth had always revered the Gods of their religion, even though there were many. She didn’t quite understand how he could be so admired if he was as awful as Lilith described him to be. She hadn’t met him as of yet, but she was kind of expecting it to happen any day now, especially with her circle of friends being who they were. Lilith seemed like she was always very put together, and that she was very calculated in her decisions, and that likely all stemmed from her experiences in the Garden when she was banished. Everything that the woman said really had a deep root in that hatred. But there was also immense power hiding under the exterior, she had figured that out on her own. “Interesting.” She quietly noted, looking back up at Lilith from her notes.
The moment of interest did not go unnoticed by Linda. Lilith was proud of Maze, and she was happy to hear it, but just as soon as it came, it left, and she was back to nonchalance. Linda was always proud of Maze too, if she was being honest. Being that her best friend was a demon, and she really had learned to open up to people she’d never expected, like Trixie, the doctor had her own proud moments. “It’s alright to be proud of her. And it’s alright to be proud of yourself for opening up with her when you do.”
 A small, knowing smile curled up on her lips, and Linda leaned forward a little. “Here’s a little secret, Lilith. She’s not that different from us. Not being a human to begin with doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have emotions to share. She just learned to repress them and is just starting to learn that they can be healthy.” 
She laughed a little at the comment of tying Maze up with Hellfire. She’d probably enjoy that, now that Linda was thinking about it, but that was beside the point. She shrugged a little. “I think she'd be more willing to talk and to listen than you give her credit for, Lilith. But,” she paused, tilting her head a little as she thought about it, “It might take a few tries at the conversation before Mazikeen thinks you’re serious about it.”
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iodos84 · 2 years
Freedom isn't free, or something.
My therapist feels when I talk about my childhood, I become two things: very animated and very, very angry. I wouldn't say I'm entirely angry. Yes, I am angry at how self-absorbed, abusive, and apathetic the adults in my life were. But I'm slowly recognizing that goddamn, if there is such a thing as upward mobility or bootstrapping, I fucking did it. I literally raised myself from the age of five. And the things that I did to survive are things that I'm proud of. I shouldn't have had to do manual labor to get school clothes or steal cold meds or stress about where I was going to go when I turned eighteen, but I fucking dreamt about that freedom and kept it in my line of sight as the ultimate prize. I needed adults posturing like they gave a shit to keep the paper trail minimized, but I didn't NEED them. However, what I do think I needed was to start talking about it.
Sometimes I think about what my life would have been like had my dad fought for us, if I had moved to Sacramento with my grandmother like planned. But it's moved to, what if I had known about emancipation and what if I had had the ability to do that. I try not to stay there, because it's dangerous. Sometimes it's nice to think about if I had choices.
I've always struggled with sleeping. When I was still living with my grandmother, our family friend Linda gave me a baby pink boombox that I played while I stared up at the ceiling. I wondered what it'd be like to buy housewares, to live in a dorm, to slowdance with someone, to sleep in. The last few weeks, my insomnia has been getting bad again. As a rule of thumb, I've tried to keep my phone out of my room at bedtime. Lately I've reverted back to listening to music and drifting to things I wanna do or places that I want to go.
I wonder what's up with that.
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ranger-of-estel · 4 years
Deckerstar (friendship or OTP, I'm feeling angst) + “She’s at the hospital. I—I don’t know what happened.”
“She’s at the hospital. I—I don’t know what happened.” Deckerstar - Established (alternate S5 where Lucifer got to come back without Michael ever being involved)
 So...this one got away from me. And honestly I have at least double this amount in my head for a continuation on this. But if I wait until I have time to write all of it then it’s more of a short story than a prompt fill, so I finally decided to cut it here.
First time writing these characters, so here’s hoping I didn’t butcher them.
               They are at the precinct, Ella updating them with what she’s found on their most recent case. Chloe stepped out for a call, and conversation slips to local events while they wait for her to return.
               “I’m just saying,” Ella points at him with a thin piece of metal. “I’ve heard you perform, you’d sell out a concert.”
               “I am not disagreeing, Miss Lopez.” Lucifer shrugs, “but Lux stays quite full as it is.”
               “That’s not –” She cuts off as the door opens, “Chloe, tell Lucifer…” She frowns, voice suddenly concerned, “Chloe?”
               Lucifer turns to face his partner, a fear he hasn’t seen in their eyes since…”Trixie?”
               She nods, “The school just called. She’s at the hospital,” he voice cracks, “I don’t know what happened. All they’ll say is she fell and –”
               “Detective,” she takes a shuddering breath as he takes her hand. “That’s it.” He turns to Ella, “Miss Lopes, would you be so kind as to inform the Captain that Detective Decker has had a family emergency?”
               “Totally!” She comes around the table, pulling the detective into a tight hug. Ash she pulls away she looks up at him, “keep me posted.”
               He nods, “of course.” He follows as Chloe grabs her bag, waiting to take her arm until they are outside.
               “What are you doing?” Chloe glares as he leads her to the side of the precinct. “Lucifer, this isn’t the time for your theatrics.”
               “On the contrary, it seems like exactly the time.” He opens his wings, holding an arm out. “Even you can’t drive faster than an Angel flies.” He tilts his head, “unless you would rather deal with lunch hour traffic?”
               “No,” She allows him to tuck her into his side, arms around his neck as he grabs her by the waist. Her only warning is his grip tightening, and then they are moving. It’s all so fast she hardly has time to register, his hands steadying her as he lands in an ally.
               “Easy, Chloe.” Her hand goes to her head, which is spinning. “Unfortunately you humans don’t handle flight as well as we do.”
               “No kidding.” After another minute the spinning has stopped, she’s mildly nauseated but ignores it.
               “You go ahead,” he motions toward the hospital. Before she can protest he waves a hand dismissively, “I’m just going back for the car. You can hardly tell the Captain that the devil flew you to the hospital when if he asks why our cars were still parked.”
               She nods, “Lucifer!” she grabs his wrist, his wings dropping as he looks at her. “Thank you.”
               He softens, “you needn’t thank me, not for this.” He motions toward the building once more, “now go, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
               Once back to his car he breaks speed limits and a few traffic laws to get back to the hospital. Once he’s parked he makes his way to the front desk. “Trixie Decker,” he states before the young receptionist has time to speak.
               “I’m sorry, but I don’t have a Trixie in my system.” She replies with a frown.
               “Ah, my apologies dear. Try Beatrice Decker,”
               Another moment of typing and she nods to herself, “are you the father?”
               “No,” he shakes his head. “But she is….family.” There’s a sentence he’d never expected to say. The woman nods again, giving him the room number and brief directions.
               When Lucifer arrives Chloe is sitting next to the bed; Trixie is unconscious, a bandaged wrapped around her head. There’s a cold fury settling in his chest, but for now he buries the need to punish someone in favor of comforting his partner.
               Chloe looks up when he comes into the room, rising to close the distance between them. The fear has shifted into concern, a frown etched on her lips. “They think it’s a mild concussion.” She turns back to face the bed, arms crossing over her chest. “All the school rep said she fell.”
               “Was no one watching them? Didn’t anyone see what happened?” He asks, looking from Chloe to the child then back.
               “They don’t want to tell me anything other than they are ‘still gathering information.’” He assumes her tone is a direct mockery of the representative she’d spoken with. “Doctor said once she wakes up and they can run a few tests they’ll have a better idea of the extent of the damage…” her voice wavers, trailing off before she take a shuddering breath.
               “Hey,” he gently tugs at her wrist, Chloe instantly pushing into his chest as his arms wrap around her. “She’s a strong little creature…like her mother.” He rests his chin on the top of her head, “I suspect Trixie will be up and about in no time.”
               He waits until she begins to pull away to release her, reaching up to push loose hair from her face. She nods, giving him a weak smile. She reaches down, grabbing her phone as she takes another step away from him. “I should try and reach Dan again,” she runs a hand through her hair. “He’s camping and the school wasn’t able to reach him.”
               “If it’s all right with you, I’m going to go find where they sell caffeinated beverages.” He tilts his head, “Would you like anything?”
               “Actually, a coffee sounds amazing.” She smiles at him, and with a dip of his head he’s taken to the halls once more. It doesn’t take long for him to procure the coffees and a pastry. He stops in one of the waiting rooms, pulling out his own phone.
               He listens to it ring before finally there’s a female voice on the other side. “Hello?”
               “Doctor,” he greets. “I need your advice?”
               “Oh, um sure. What’s going on?” Linda asks, Charlie cooing in the background.
               “The Detec- Chloe’s daughter is in the hospital,” he’s suddenly cut off.
               “Oh my God Lucifier, what happened?” Linda’s voice has pitched and he sighs.
               “She apparently fell at school, they believe it’s a concussion.” He replies adding before she can cut him off once more. “I need to know how to help Chloe. All of my experience thus far has been her in the hospital, not someone she cares about.”
               Linda’s voice softens, “Lucifer, you’re already doing it. The best thing you can do for Chloe right now is be there to support her.” He hears Charlie begin to cry in the background, “look Lucifer, I have to go. But if there is anything you need just let us know.”
               “Of course. Thank you, Doctor.” He ends the call and after pocketing his phone grabs the drinks and pastry once more. It wasn’t the answer he had hoped for, but at least looking out for his partner was something he knew he could do.
               When he makes it back to the room Chloe is in the bedside chair once more, some of tension leaving her shoulders when she sees him. “I thought you might be hungry,” he offers the iced muffin alongside her coffee.
               She accepts them gratefully, motioning to the seat beside her. “Dan is on his way, but it will be a few hours before he can get here.”  
               “Well, until dear Daniel can arrive…I’m not going anywhere.” He reaches out to rest his hand on her leg. “I’m here as long as you need me.”
               “Damn it, Lucifer.” Chloe’s voice wavers, and he watches as she rubs her eyes with the back of her hand. Before he can voice concern she continues, “you’re going to make me cry…”
               “I’m…sorry?” He’s not sure exactly how to proceed, thankfully she doesn’t give him time to question himself.
               “No,” she sets the coffee down so she can grab his hands with hers. “I just…you’re…” she takes a slow breath. “It means a lot, that you’ll stay.” Her gaze drops to their hands, “There are so many questions, and I’m terrified…but you.” She looks up to give him a small smile. “You’re like an anchor, keeping me steady.” She leans, resting her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
               “As I said before, you needn’t thank me, love.” He runs his thumb over her knuckles. “I’ve no intention of leaving you to handle things alone, not anymore.” He presses a ghost of a kiss to her crown, “besides, the little gremlin has grown on me.”
It pulls a laugh from her, and for now that is enough.
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transyourjester · 6 years
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eppysboys · 3 years
Didn't Paul at some point in the late 90s/early 2000s (finally) decided to go to therapy?
Yes, after Linda died he saw a therapist and said that it helped him, which is really great, I'm proud that he said that, knowing how difficult that time must have been for him and knowing how kind of wary of psychiatry he had been (in that, he seemed to have a very period-typical-informed view of when therapy was needed for a person). He also said he was seeing a professional after his break up with Heather Mills.
The loss of his wife of 30 years has hit him so badly that he has sought the help of a professional counsellor.
He tells the Daily Mail: "He was great, particularly in helping me get rid of my guilt.
"Whenever anyone you care about dies, you wish you'd been perfect all the time you were with them. I wasn't. That made me feel very guilty after Linda died."
He went on: "The kids are a huge help, but it's still very hard. The worst thing about losing Linda is that I enjoyed being with her so much."
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xxskycrystalxx · 3 years
My Thoughts on Lucifer Season 6 [SPOILERS AHEAD]
In order to organize my thoughts better, I decided to break it up into parts (things I loved, disliked, etc.)
Things I Loved:
Deckerstar || We have been on a journey with Lucifer and Chloe since the very beginning. I am so thankful and overjoyed to see how they both developed as characters and as people who love each other. They’ve had so many hurdles/hardships/obstacles in their relationship that it took them until the fifth season to finally get together, after five whole years. To say that I’m proud to see what Deckerstar has become is an understatement, they give me life. There were sooooo many Deckerstar moments in this season that I absolutely loved, from exchanging “I love you’s,” to “partners til’ the end.” (+ flying together and radiating bde as they should) They are literally the epitome of “freaking soulmates,” the amount of love and sacrifices they had for each other just makes me tear up just thinking about them. Also them being actual parents this season was honestly a dream come true. I loved seeing them work and grow together as parents. (Rory calling Luci dad and his face just.. UGH MY HEART)  And their kiss(es) at Lux before Lucifer left, that has got to be my favorite above all. They both have come a long way and they deserved every bit of happiness they got. 
Maze & Eve’s wedding was absolutely beautiful. 
Dan finally getting the closure he needed and going to heaven + giving comfort to Trixie.
Amenadiel || I don’t know if I’ve said this much, but Amenadiel really is one of my most favorite characters on the show besides Lucifer and Chloe. I knew he would've become God sooner or later in the season and I’m glad he did, because we know that that’s his calling, and he’s doing amazingly. I also really liked him being in the LAPD. He got to really understand and see from a different perspective while being an officer there and learning from Officer Harris (which btw I love their camaraderie). I also really loved that Amenadiel and Maze’s friendship was shown more this season. 
The cartoon theme they had in “Yabba Dabba Do Me” was one of my favorite things on the show, and it reminded me just how much I had loved cartoons when I was a kid. And also seeing Lucifer and Chloe being cartoonized was the literal best.
I think we established the fact that Chloe is the best mom ever and she’s powerful af with or without Amenadiel’s rod. 
Lucifer has come a very longgggg way from where we last saw him in season one. The development was hard earned and he deserved it. “Because if the devil can be redeemed, then anyone can.”
“My socks are missing.”
Carol & Ella are C U T E
Linda writing a book about Lucifer and her first draft is essentially about 60% canon and the rest of it is like some really hilarious fanfiction LMAO || Ok jokes aside about the book though, it did help Rory see the other side of the story that she’s missed her whole life, she now knows how much Lucifer loves Chloe, how much he sacrificed her, and how he wouldn’t abandon her unless he had no choice. The flashbacks made me cry so much, it just makes me remember how much Lucifer and Chloe went through together. Linda Martin is the best therapist and the best friend the Devil could ask for. 
Even though the ‘goodbye’s’ Lucifer had to do before he thought he would disappear was sad and made me cry a lot, I really loved how he could finally tell his family, the people he loved, what he felt about them truly. “You’re my favorite brother, brother.” UGH MY HEART; ok but Lucifer and Chloe being in that panic room together and just trying to be with each other just... chef’s kiss. 
Everyone essentially got a happy ending. 
Things I Disliked/Wasn’t a Fan Of:
Time Travel || Look, don’t get me wrong. I love time travel. It’s great, it’s fun and it’s interesting. Was it the right choice to include it in the last season, when there was enough going on as it is with the supernatural? Idk, you tell me.
Lack of Trixie. Can a girl dream? The way I really thought we’d get some important or nice moments with Trixie (besides her and Dan) and Chloe + Lucifer......Mazeve’s wedding didn’t really count since they only really had like a few lines together. It would’ve been nice to see Trixie and Lucifer bond more, even comfort her when she’s feeling sad about her dad again. We didn’t even get her in the beach scene where Lucifer, Chloe, and Rory went as a FAMILY. Like I know she had her scene with Dan and helping him ascend to heaven, but was it really that hard to get her in a scene/moment with all four of them doing something as a family? And we didn’t even get a goodbye between her and Lucifer like what happened? 
What Amenadiel had, Lucifer should’ve gotten as well. Amenadiel as God, he still visited Earth many times, he was there for his son’s birthday’s and Christmas’s. Lucifer? Nope. He was down in hell the whole time. I know he made a promise to Rory to not change anything but I thought it was a torture for him not to be with Chloe like he had always wanted and had a family and spending time with his friends. More like a torture for me in frank. Seeing Chloe give birth without him, raise Rory without him, and even die without him literally broke my heart into a million pieces. He doesn’t even get the chance to see his daughter. Which is why I can understand why so many fans are disappointed with how Lucifer ended, how Deckerstar ended. But I did make my peace with it, sort of... since Lucifer and Chloe can spend an eternity together. 
I liked Rory, but she technically was the reason her parents were separated for so long, idk I’m a bit bitter about that. 
To wrap this up....
Thank you Lucifer, for being a show that will be forever treasured in the fans’ hearts. Thank you for making such an impact on me. I’ve been with this show for many years, I went on an amazing journey with the characters that I love, thank you for giving us Lucifer and Chloe, Linda, Maze, Amenadiel, Ella, Dan, Trixie, and more. The show just means so much to me and I’m honored to have watched the show grow and be renewed, every step of the way. I’m proud to be a Lucifan. And I want to really thank the amazing amazing cast for bringing the show to life. Thank you to Tom Ellis and Lauren German for having the absolute best chemistry ever, for the absolute spectacular and awards deserving acting, and the best real life friendship ever. I will miss you two muffin bffs so much. I love this show, it’s cast, it’s characters, to the bottom of my heart. Goodbye, Lucifer, and thank you for everything. 
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thewanderingace · 3 years
Okay I'm a little less emotional now and I've processed a bit so here's my disorganized thoughts during and about Lucifer season 6
Massive MASSIVE amount of spoilers under the cut!!
Lucifer has been my favorite show for the last 5 years and I've been through so many ups and downs with it that saying goodbye to it was HARD. The whole season just utterly wrecked me. I think I cried at least twice an episode but the final 2 episodes was non stop sobbing. Non stop.
To me, it felt like this season was one long goodbye and I loved it. Not just the cast and crew saying goodbye to the fans and the show but it gave us a way to say our goodbyes to the characters through them and I'm grateful for that. Did it hurt like a bitch the whole time? Oh yeah. My heart aches. But we got to say goodbye and it's not often we get to do that with tv shows. Even if not everything went the way I wanted to, I'm okay with that. I cried my eyes out the whole time and for hours afterwards but now that my emotions have settled somewhat, I'm okay with it all. I kinda like the bittersweetness of it.
Overall I loved the final season. It had some great funny moments, soooooo much intimate Deckerstar I mean the love between them is palpable every second they're together, and so many great character moments. This was really about the characters and the emotions and less about murders and action and plot. And as a fan of emotional character moments I loved that. And Tom's acting was fucking out of this world. I mean they all were but Tom especially gave the performance of a lifetime in my opinion.
Going into this final season my checklist of things I want to see happen was as follows:
Ella finds out the truth about the celestials
Lucifer does not become God. In fact I want him to focus on changing hell and helping people move on past their guilt and go to Heaven. Like Dan. I want him to help people like Dan. Or just change the system entirely so people like Dan don't end up in Hell
Amenadiel does become God
Linda continues being the therapist to the celestials
No more Maze and Lucifer fighting with each other
Dan moving on to Heaven and being with Charlotte
Ella being happy with Carol
Deckerstar happy and together at the end
That was everything I wanted and you know what? I GOT IT!
Ella not only found out that they were all celestials, she figured it out on her own!! She's so smart! And I love how she was just 100% cool with it all because her faith has always been so strong. It was the fact that they didn't tell her that upset her and yeah I'm upset about that too and I really wish one of them had told her that they didn't tell her because they didn't want to hurt her. Linda and Chloe both knew how difficult it was for them to learn and Lucifer saw how affected they were. So they were in a way trying to protect Ella from pain. She had every right to be mad and upset. But I'm thrilled she is in the know now and the way she ran after Amenadiel to see him fly was amazing.Just the look on her face as she saw an angel fly was perfect.
I liked Linda's boredom with human problems as a therapist and how she's feeling unfulfilled in regular day to day problems. It's something I wondered about last season and I'm glad it was addressed. And I love that she continues to treat celestials like Adam XD. I wonder if her practice will just turn into a celestial therapy practice. Angels, demons, etc. All are welcome and she'd be amazing at it.
This is the best that Lucifer and Maze's relationship has ever been and I am LOVING IT! He asked for her advice and she didn't make fun of him or say something mean, she actual gave him her advice and he listened to it! Maze then supported his awkward ways of trying to get to know Rory and tried to show Rory that's he's trying! And when she asked him for help with Adam he came! And he listened to her!! She said her feelings and he listened!! And reacted appropriately!! AND HELPED HER!! "My best fiends wedding" omg!!! AND THEN!! He openly admits that she's his best friend during his goodbye!! I love it!! And he opens his arms for a hug!! AND THEY ACTUALLY HUGGED!!! Maze and Lucifer this season was so good!!!!
I had a feeling even before going into this season that Lucifer would not end up as God but that Amenadiel would and I am soooo glad that that is what happened! Lucifer as God didn't feel right and I'm glad there was a several episode long arc of Lucifer slowly coming to realize that not only is it not his calling but he doesn't want to do that job. He wants to help people but not like that. I love that growth for him.
I actually really liked Carol and I think he and Ella are cute together and I hope they'll be very happy. I mean the cuteness factor of them doing bad karate moves together nearly killed me. I also loved that Ella's trauma with Pete didn't go away but was embraced. Of course she wouldn't be okay after all that and I'm glad the writers didn't ignore it.
THE DECKERSTAR!!! THIS SEASON WAS PEAK DECKERSTAR AND I AM LIVING!!!! Where do I even start with this?! The Deckerstar love this season was so high that it destroyed me at the end. I mean the touches, the looks, the hugs, the kisses, the dancing, the dates, the beach cuddle, the nose kisses, the forehead kisses, the casual I love yous, the flying together, sexy times, the mutual support for each other, the pure LOVE between was so incredible. The fact that they had to be separated for so long, Lucifer alone in Hell and Chloe raising two kids alone, fucking hurts me heart so damn much but we got so many wonderful moments with them that it will sustain me. I mean their goodbye was so fucking beautiful and I'm devastated. It wouldn't so much if they're love wasn't so beautiful.
Some other things I really enjoyed about the season:
Lucifer geeking out about magic! That was hilarious and I loved how he tried so hard to not know how the tricks worked.
All of Episode 3. I really enjoyed this episode for a variety of reasons. 1 being the funny craziness of the cartoon hell loop. I mean that was bonkers and I couldn't stop laughing. I loved it. I also loved seeing Lucifer under control of the hell loop and how he made it so Jimmy could be with him mom. But what I loved most about it is this glimpse into what I assume Chloe and Lucifer are doing post show (also kinda confirmed by Ildy and Joe). We see the two of them investigating people's (Jimmy Barnes') hell loops for answers to their guilt in order to help them move onto Heaven. I love that with all my heart. They both continue to help people, Lucifer using what he's learned from Linda to help them with their emotions and Chloe using her badass detective skills to find the answers. They're gonna help so many people.
Lucifer's realization that he ends up caring for people he tries to help and how that's actually a good thing. That it's something to embrace. He's come so far emotionally and I'm so proud of him.
Lucifer's to do list made me laugh so much. Look at this:
Become God
Prove I love Rory
Check in with Father Frank
Azrael's blade still secure?
Start calling Dan "Casper"
Rewatch Bones
Visit Sao Paulo
Try Golden Gate with Chloe First of all the second thing is to prove he loves Rory? AORABLE!! But what caught my eye next is check in with Father Frank. FATHER FRANK!! IS HE IN HELL?!?! DOES LUCIFER CHECK IN WITH HIM A LOT??? Rewatch Bones! Call Dan Casper! I don't even want to know what Golden Gate is XD
Dad!Lucifer. Oh my god I never expected to enjoy Lucifer as a dad as much as I did. Lucifer would have been the best dad and he proved that. The presents he would have given his daughter were perfect, the talks between the two of them, the love he has for Rory was palpable and beautiful. I mean he barely knew her for a few moments and he immediately fell in love with her and would do anything for her. He loved Rory so much and he so desperately wanted to be in her life and it KILLS me that he didn't get to do that. His face when she made him promise to not change things was DEVASTATING! He wanted to be her dad. He wanted to see her grow up. And he didn't get that chance!! I HATE THIS!!! He would have been/was the best dad ever! The montage of them spending the day together was perfection. Sumo wrestling, water balloon fights, shopping, snacks, watching Bones together, his face while listening to her talk about More Bones. It was perfect and exactly how Lucifer would be as a Dad. Fun, attentive, caring. I'm heartbroken.
All of Episode 9. This, to me, felt like the episode for us and the cast and the crew to say goodbye and I'm so grateful for it. Lucifer making the round and saying his goodbyes had me sobbing. I loved them all and I love that Lucifer got say all the things he felt to the people he loved most before he had to leave. Each one was so perfect. Him telling Linda how much he loved her and she is the "most wonderful friends that a devil could ever have". Him telling Ella he was sorry and how he didn't want to leave without her knowing again and the "Ella Lopez STEM Initiative"!!!! I'm gonna cry. Even when he's gone she'll never forget him because of this. Him giving Lux to Amenadiel and telling him that "of all our siblings, I am glad it's you I spent all this time on Earth with. Because you are my favorite brother, brother." I'm dead. Him telling Maze that she is his best friend and he's sorry he didn't always treat her that way. THEIR HUG! His final moment with Dan being the clincher in getting him to Heaven. AND THE FINAL BEACH DAY WITH CHLOE AND RORY WAS SO PERFECT I'M CRYING! The three of them on the drive, Chloe drinking too much champaign, the cuddling on the sand, Lucifer and Rory hugging and their whole talk about how he felt after his father abandoned him. I loved it so much. My only complaint is that I wanted a scene with Trixie too.
Lucifer's love of Bones was really on point this season. I love that detail.
Maze and Eve's wedding. WAS. BEAUTIFUL! I loved their dresses, Linda walking Maze down, Eve owning her own person, their vows, their love, their reception, Maze and Trixie doing their handshake, Dan attending, Lucifer and Chloe being all lovey dovey, Maze's demon family attending as zombies. I loved it all!
Ghost Dan was both crazy funny and so fucking sad. I'm glad he was still here this season and got this arc. Him working through his guilt and moving onto Heaven. I knew all along that Dan's guilt he hadn't worked on was him leaving Trixie and not being a good father to her since he avoided seeing her. I loved that he got a chance to talk to her and that she told him he was being a dummy and she loved him so much.
The music choices. I already lost it at Hazy Shade of Winter but then they went and chose BLACK PARADE for the final scene in Hell and as soon as that first note hit, the fucking G note, I sobbed even harder (as if that was possible).
Bob and Katya cameos!!!
And on that note, I loved all of Lucifer's singing moments. Always do.
Dan playing ping pong with Baliol
But for all the things I loved, there were a few I did not. It's bound to happen and even though they're big they don't change my overall positive feelings about the season.
Here are the things I didn't like:
No Trixie. We barely had any Trixie this season and I hate it. I'm very very happy she was at Maze and Eve's wedding but why was that basically it! Luci didn't even say goodbye to her! They should have had a goodbye scene! Actually, he didn't have any scenes with her in the whole season except forthat tiny scene at the wedding when she asks them when they're getting married and he flounders and she laughs. THAT'S ALL WE GOT!!! I WANTED MORE DAMMIT! SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE WHEN CHLOE DIED!! The scene when she talks to Dan killed me though. I loved that.
This is the biggie. The one that gives me an immense amount of pain and anguish when I think about it because it's so damn sad. Lucifer never gets to see his daughter grow up, never gets to have his family, never sees his family again when they're alive, never gets to spend his life with Chloe on Earth. I understand why he needed to go and stay away from Rory. I do. I get it. But it doesn't make it hurt any less that he spent so so long alone in Hell again. That Chloe had to raise Rory on her own. That Lucifer didn't get to be there for Chloe while she was pregnant, didn't get to see Rory be born, didn't get to be there for her first or watch her grow. And he wanted to be there soooooo badly. It hurts to think about. Does he at least get visits from Amenadiel during this time? Does he get to visit with everyone else, Chloe even, if Rory doesn't know about it? Does he get to know how they're doing? Do they all talk about Lucifer and say they miss him and hope he's okay? Does he get to go up to Heaven occasionally and visit Dan and Charlotte and his siblings? He and Chloe sacrificed so much, Lucifer literally giving up EVERYTHING, so that they're daughter would find her peace. I hate this. It hurts so much.
That's about it I guess. I'm pretty satisfied with everything else.
Oh here are some of my headcanons I use to ease the pain in heart (which turns out both Ildy and Joe all but confirmed after I thought of them but before I could post them. So yay for that!):
Lucifer did stop by and visit Earth during those years as long as he was sure Rory wouldn't find out. A few minutes here and there to see Linda and Charlie, Maze and Eve, and if he could, a few moments with Chloe. Maybe sent notes or stole a few minutes alone with her. All that matter was Rory not knowing it. And if that really couldn't happen then....
Amenadiel visits his brother all the time. He tells him about his family in Earth. How they're doing, what they've been up to, if they're safe happy and healthy. He tells him all about chloe and rory and  brings tons of photos so even though he can't be there in person, he still knows how their lives are.
After Chloe dies and joins him in hell they occassionally take vacations. Now, chloe can't go to earth cause she's dead but they can go to heaven. So they vacation there. Lucifer flies her up and they visit with their family and then have beach days or dance or whatever their heart desires until they go back. Maybe they all have a party together.
Lux is now a part of Hell and is where they live happily together. Since he has control over hell loops he made one into Lux.
After Chloe dies, Rory flies to be with her family in hell as well and she and Lucifer spend eons making up for the time they both missed out on.
Rory and Lucifer go to Earth and check in on Trixie all the time.
Deckerstar spend an eternity happy, helping people work through their guilt and move on to Heaven.
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esmealux · 3 years
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The Devil Doesn’t Do Children
Part: 3 / ?
Setting: About a year after 5a
Word count: 3.9K
Rating: T
Warnings: There’s a flashback to their first night together which is not exactly graphic but not entirely innocent either. Skip if you like.
Summary: ‘Yes, well, colour us both fooled, Detective,” he cuts her off, “because based on some deduction I did today, and a not entirely ludicrous theory Linda had, it might be, in fact, possible. And I… I need to know for sure, so,’—he nudges the small package further in her direction and looks back up at her with pleading eyes—‘would you care for a wee?’
Author’s note: This is all I have for now, but I’ve already got some ideas for a part 4, so stay tuned. I would love to hear your honest feedback on this and/or your wishes for what the next part should contain. (Second time posting this part, because I accidentally reported my own post and then tumblr took it down (*cosmic face palm*) — and it’d even gotten more notes than any of my other pieces and some really heart-warming comments. Alas. They can’t be deleted from my heart.)
It’s not exactly unlike Lucifer to disappear for half a day—still, it makes Chloe anxious, and she doesn’t like wasting her energy on being anxious. When she had checked if he had answered any of her calls or texts for the fifty-sixth time in an hour, Chloe had put her phone in a Tupperware, placed it on the kitchen counter and retreated to the couch with a glass of wine. She knew he would come back; he always did. But until he did, she would need a 16% Zinfandel. God knows she deserved it after a day like today.
Even wrapped in a plaid and with candles lit around her, she’d still felt restless. The wine hadn’t calmed her nerves quickly enough. She hadn’t been in the mood for watching TV or putting on her usual pick-me-up playlist—instead, she’d felt an urge to do something she rarely had time for. With her wine glass in hand, she’d gone to the bookshelf, her free hand instinctively reaching for the photo album with ‘November 2007 - May 2008’ scrawled on the back. She’d dusted it off, sat down on the couch again and carefully opened it, as if the photos she knew it held might fly out like butterflies freed from a cage.
She flips through the pages. Nostalgia flutters in her chest and her head is now comfortably fuzzy from the wine. Most of the pictures in the first half of the album are candid shots of her and Dan, together and alone. From January and onwards, the ones of her are mostly taken from her chest and up. She hadn’t wanted her body to be documented, having felt self-conscious and uncomfortable, and most of all big. Now that the bump has turned into a strong and independent teenager, she wishes she’d wallowed in it a little more, enjoyed it while it lasted. She’s proud of Trixie, of who she has become, and it is nice to do some things with her now they couldn’t do when she was small. But sometimes, just once in a blue moon, a part of Chloe kinda longs for the time when they were inseparable; when she could carry Trixie on her hip; when they would play hide ’n’ seek in their old garden; when she could feel her little monkey snuggle into her side as they both fell asleep. The latter still happens sometimes, but the once little monkey has now outgrown her soft polar bear PJ, and her hair doesn’t smell like baby anymore.
Chloe has just reached the end of February when there’s a rhythmic knock on the door. Sighing at her guest’s unnecessary (albeit heart-warmingly considerate) politeness, she puts the photo album and the glass of wine down on the coffee table, wraps the blanket tighter around herself and yells, ‘You have a key, Lucifer!’
Five seconds later, he’s standing in her living room. He’s changed his clothes, looking impeccable and completely overdressed as usual, but his hair is in a disarray, like he’s been tugging at it, and his face is grey. He looks tired.
‘Where have you been?’ she asks him, her voice softer than she expected it would be. He sits down on the couch beside her, and she grabs one of his hands with both of her own.
He studies their fingers. ‘I just had a tête-à-tête with Linda.’
He’s been gone for seven hours, but she doesn’t ask what he’s been doing apart from seeing his therapist. She trusts him, and she trusts that whatever he’s been up to, it was what he needed to do to deal with… Yes, what exactly is it he’s been dealing with?
‘Wanna talk about it?’ she asks, reaching for her wine glass and raising it to her lips in an attempt to appear nonchalant. Before the delicious, dark red Zin can flow into her waiting mouth, the glass is removed from her hand.
‘What in Dad’s name are you drinking?!’ he berates her, as if she was chugging down Roundup directly from the jug.
She stares at him with wide eyes, trying to figure him out. ‘Uhm, a small glass of wine?’
He gives her a disapproving look. ‘When you’re-’
For some reason, he doesn’t say the rest, so she finishes for him, ‘Working tomorrow? Well, yes. I am. But in my defence, I really needed it. And since when are you one to deny me alcohol anyway? Just yesterday you put whiskey in my coffee—at work!’ She reaches out to get her glass back, but before she can get a hold of it, he leans his head back and downs the rest of her drink in one go.
She closes her eyes for a second and lets out an exasperated breath through her nose. ‘Seriously, what has gotten into you?’ she inquire, her eyes narrowing as he wipes her Zinfandel off his lips with the back of his hand.
He snorts and glances down at where the throw blanket is covering her abdomen.‘You’re one to talk.’ In any other situation, she would think he was making a lewd comment, but there’s something about his tone that throws her off. Annoyance? Frustration? She opens her mouth to ask him but stops when she notices his eyes are fixed on something beside her. Turning her head to see what has caught his attention, she realises it’s the open photo album. He carefully grabs the cover between his fingers and pulls it towards himself on the table, not taking his eyes off it. She’d just turned the page when he’d knocked and hadn’t seen the photos that are now displayed in front of them. Two of them are pictures of a very new-born Trixie, both taken at the hospital. One is a close-up of her perfect, little face and the other is of Dan nervously cradling her in his arms. Chloe feels warmth prickle behind her eyes.
‘Is this you?’ Lucifer asks, pointing to the photo in the top right corner on the left page. She feels heat creeping up in her cheeks as she takes in the photograph that actually caught his eye. She’d remembered it wrong when she’d thought there weren’t any pictures of her body in her third trimester. There was—is. Just one. Dan took it a couple of nights before she (finally) went into labour, insisting they ‘commemorate her strong and beautiful body’, or something like that. (She’d only given in because he’d promised her a back rub afterwards.) The picture is taken from the side, showing her form from mid-thigh to her head. She’s practically naked, only covered by a pair of white panties and her arm as it rests across her enlarged chest. Her hair is curled up into a messy bun on top of her head, her neck bent as she smiles down at her round and enormous belly.
She senses him gulp beside her and looks over at him, expecting some comments—either in the category of ‘How many humans did you have in there?!’ or a delighted exclamation like ‘Your breasts, Detective!’—but he doesn’t say anything. He just sits there and stares at the fourteen-year-old photo of her, silent and unreadable.
‘Okay, that’s it,’ she says, a little too sharply, shutting the album. Once she’s put it back on the shelf, she comes to stand across from him on the other side of the coffee table, arms crossed.  ‘What’s going on with you?’
He looks so shocked she feels a little bad, but then a mix of unsettling emotions set in his face and she knows she was right to confront him so directly.
With a deep sigh of surrender, he reaches inside his jacket, pulls out something from his pocket and places it on the table. It’s a flat and rectangular box, light blue and bright pink—medical and feminine.
‘Lucifer, I’m not in the mood for jokes right now,’ she tells him tiredly when she realises what the box contains. His brown eyes are sombre as they stare into her own.
‘As much as I wish it was, it’s not a joke.’
She eyes the small package before looking at him again. ‘So you actually think that I’m…?’ She trails off, suddenly finding it hard to pronounce the word. He nods.
Well, that explains a lot.
‘But that’s not possible,’ she states. ‘I mean, not just because you can’t, you know, but also-‘
‘Yes, well, colour us both fooled, Detective,” he cuts her off, “because based on some deduction I did today, and a not entirely ludicrous theory Linda had, it might be, in fact, possible. And I… I need to know for sure, so,’—he nudges the small package further in her direction and looks back up at her with pleading eyes—‘would you care for a wee?’
As she takes in his exhausted and anxious expression, she knows he won’t rest until they settle this once and for all. With a shrug and a ‘If it makes you feel better’ she grabs the unwrapped pregnancy test between them and climbs the stairs to go to the bathroom.
 He’s pacing her living room to the point he might wear a hole in her floor, and his Italian wingtips, but he can’t find it in himself to care.
Never in Lucifer’s incalculable lifetime has he waited this long for anything. He may have waited millennia upon millennia for her—his love, his saviour, his sun—but not consciously. And that makes all the difference.
Because waiting when you know you’re waiting, is torture. So he’s come to realise during the past thirty-six seconds. (Well, one hundred and sixty-eight, if you count the time it took her to get upstairs and urinate on the stick—but only thirty-six– thirty-seven seconds have passed since he’d finally heard her flush.) And now a little more than two minutes remain before he definitively finds out whether he really has made Chloe pregnant.
He needs a drink, or a bottle. Or five.
Momentarily breaking off his aimless parading, he goes to her kitchen in search for that zinfully strong wine he’d taken away from her before. Before he can find it, he changes his mind, remembering that he’s upgraded her tea selection to a hand-plucked assortment of fine liquor. He grabs the strongest spirit in sight and gulps down a good half of it before once again finding himself pacing the floor just in front of the stairs, bottle to his lips.
Fifty-eight seconds passed.
He tries to distract himself with happy thoughts, but his happy thoughts involve sex with Chloe, and that’s what got him into this imbroglio in the first place. Oh, how tainted some of his best memories have become now. He reminisces on that... incredible first night in his penthouse a little less than a year ago, when they had—finally—given into their incandescent desire and thrown themselves at each other. He remembers, clearer than anything, how she’d lied there, naked and glowing against his dark sheets. How he’d been completely overwhelmed with awe. How he’d kissed her swollen lips and dug his fingers into the soft skin at her waist as he’d slid into her, bare; how he’d savoured the feeling of her and nothing but her—no cheaply produced rubber between them. Just lust, and love, and warmth. Because, for the first time ever, there was only one, the one, and it was her, and they could feel every inch of each other without worry.
It’s his single sweetest memory, the best night of his infinite life, and now all he can think is how moronically naïve he’d been. How utterly stupid he was to believe that the rules that applied to everyone else also applied to her—her. The one person who was immune to his charms, the one person who made him vulnerable, made him human. The person who was created with him in mind.
But alea iacta est, the Rubicon is crossed, and he’s bought a lifetime supply of condoms (he’d donated his stock to a frat house a week before the aforementioned night)—just in case she doesn’t want to stuff herself with hormones again. That is, if the damage isn’t already done.
One minute and forty-two seconds till they have an answer.
He empties the bottle nestled in his arms and goes to find another one. Even in the Detective’s proximity, the alcohol won’t have the effect he’d wish it would, but the delectable taste and the comfortable burn in his throat might get his mind off things, if only for a couple of seconds.
It doesn’t. Two empty bottles later, and he’s still walking up and down her living room floor, watching the milliseconds pass on his pocket watch.
He tries focusing on objects in his surroundings—fixating a vase, or the offspring’s artworks, or the empty wine glass on the coffee table. But his eyes keep flicking back to a certain leather-bound photo album on the bookshelf, perpetually reminding him of the picture that had aroused a polyphony of unwanted emotions in him. First came astonishment (he’d never seen a picture of her pregnant body, and Dad help him, was it in an eyeful). Then came fear, adoration, panic, lust, despair, pride, jealousy—not in any particular order, one following after the other. No, they’d washed over him all at once, like razor-sharp darts hitting him from every direction, poisoning him, each inflicting him with their own flavour of pain. He knows he’ll never forget the picture, that it’ll pop up in his mind when he least expects it, and that it’ll take his breath away every time. But he doesn’t know what to think or feel about that, so he tries not to.
One minute and three seconds to go.
He reaches into his pocket, wanting to occupy his mind with some endless scrolling through photos of beach parties and prime suits and other uncomplicated things, but remembers his phone died somewhere between flying to France for comfort foods and seeing Linda. So instead, he pictures his Detective in her bathroom, sitting on the edge of the tub, or perhaps pacing the room like himself, waiting with him. She hadn’t seemed too concerned when he’d voiced his suspicion—surprised, yes, but not concerned. Maybe she hadn’t completely believed him when he’d assured her it wasn’t in jest? Maybe she’d already been too tipsy to actually comprehend what he’d told her? It seemed implausible that she wouldn’t be the least bit anxious about the thought of a baby-Satan living in her womb. When she’d learned she was pregnant with Beatrice, she had, to quote her, been ‘absolutely terrified’. But when Lucifer, the Devil himself, had told her his progeny might be growing inside her, she’d just shrugged! Of course, genetically, she did have more to worry about with Daniel (with his unfortunate looks and all)—but still. Why hadn’t she been more scared? Why hadn’t she freaked outand stopped functioning altogether, like he had?
 Had she been…
 Does she want to have his baby? Is she sitting in her bathroom right now, hoping he’s right?
They’ve never talked about having children. He had, between grunts and moans and hungry kisses, assured her he was sterile, and she’d seemed more than happy to ride him bareback without getting back on the pill. But she has never told him—and he’d never seen the point in asking—whether she’d want a child together if they could.
Consequently, he has absolutely no idea what she’s feeling now that she might actually be carrying his spawn. He doesn’t even know if she’d want to keep it. He has an inkling she would.
 He hopes she would.
 Not because he longs to play house—he’s not insane—but because it’s always nice when people keep the gifts you give them.
Not that he sees having a dependant for eighteen years as a gift. But maybe the Detective does. After all, she does look at the urchin like she’s nothing short of a miracle—and not a messy adolescent who always throws her purple Chucks where people are bound to trip over them.
Just last week, he had (or the teenager had) ruined one of his favourite Prada shirts as he’d caught his foot on her misplaced footwear and spilt Pinot Noir all over himself.
And yet, he would do anything for the little slob. At the beginning, it’d been about keeping Chloe safe and happy, and with that came the side gig of protecting her child. But he can’t deny it’s more than that now. He doesn’t just tolerate Beatrice anymore; he likes her. Chloe would protest and say he more than likes her, but he’s not quite ready for that other L-word yet (Dad knows he doesn’t speak it easily). He must confess, however, that it’d done something to his heart when Trix, a month ago, had posted a picture on her Instagram of herself, Lucifer and Chloe on the beach, laughing about something he doesn’t remember now, and simply, without a second thought, had captioned it ‘family 💜💗🧡’.
He’d tapped the like-button but hadn’t commented something clever and witty like he usually does on her posts. Instead, he had taken a screenshot and made it his lock screen.
Even as an empty battery has left his phone screen black for the moment, he easily recalls the photo. They do resemble some sort of a family, the three of them. Trix might not have his genes, but she’d been wearing his spare pair of Ray-Bans, and the necklace he’d given her for her thirteenth birthday had, as per usual, been resting around her neck. And that is more than enough for him.
In fact, he couldn’t ask for more.
Which is why it is exceedingly exasperating and so damn confusing that this relatively new family of his may now be growing. What exactly is he supposed to think of that? He’s already struggling to not let Chloe and Beatrice down, to be as good as they so confidently believe he is—why does he have to deal with a third one? Someone who is his own flesh and blood, at that. Not that it matters; he’s learned a long time ago that blood is not always—aka. never—thicker than water. Nonetheless, he won’t let history repeat itself; he won’t– refuses to fail his child.
 But what if he does?
 What if he fails his own child?
 What if he fails the only family he’s ever had?
‘Negative,’ the Detective’s voice suddenly sounds as she descends the stairs, startling him out of his thoughts. He gives her an apologetical look when their eyes meet. ‘I know, I’m sorry. I am trying my best. It’s just, as tiny as it is in size, it’s a lot to wrap my head around.’
‘No, the test,’ she clarifies. ‘It’s negative.’ She walks over to meet him in three steps and hands him the white stick. ‘Not pregnant’ it says on the digital display.
‘But,’ he finds himself objecting, taking his eyes off the test to look at her face, ‘your morning sickness.’
She furrows her brow. ‘It was food poisoning, like you said. Trixie got it too—at school of all places. Dan had to pick her up and take her home.’
Having witnessed her mother’s reaction to their shared dinner first-hand, Lucifer is struck by empathy for the urchin. He makes a mental note to send her a funny video—later, when he’s sorted out the more urgent matters at hand.
‘But you’re late. Your menstruation was due nine days ago,’ he informs Chloe, presenting his other piece of evidence. She doesn’t bat an eye. ‘Well, yeah, it was late, but I was probably just getting back in sync with Ella or something, ‘cause I got it yesterday.’
Annoyance simmers in his chest. ‘Well, then why didn’t you bloody say so?!’
All the trouble—all the emotional torture he could have saved himself if she’d just thought to keep him updated on her menstrual cycle.
‘I tried!’ she defends. ‘But then you cut me off, and I figured you wouldn’t believe me before you saw a negative test anyway, so…’
‘And you didn’t think to tell me yesterday?’
‘Well, I first got it when I came home from work, and you got here late.’
He’d slipped out of Lux relatively early, considering he was the owner and the host of the night’s event, but it’d still been past 3.00 before he’d arrived at her flat and had found her and Beatrice snuggling on the couch, both sound asleep. Even as he’d gathered his snoring girlfriend in his arms and carried her up to her bedroom, she hadn’t stirred (if anything, she’d snored louder) and he had, in lieu of surprising her with some late-night cunnilingus, simply slid off her sweats, left on her knickers and t-shirt, and let her sleep.
‘Still, we live in the twenty-first century, Detective; the Short Message Service has been invented,’ he reminds her.
She glares at him, as if he is the one who’s being unreasonable. ‘You want me to text you when I get my period?’ He solemnly raises an eyebrow, demanding she take him seriously. ‘Okay, fine. If it means that much to you, I promise I’ll… notify you next time.’
That only irks him even more.
‘Well, it won’t matter next time, will it?! Because, evidently, I am as sterile as a castrate!’ There’s a loud clack as he puts down the negative pregnancy test on the shelf behind her, more forcefully than he intended. She stares at him with an expression he can’t quite read.
‘Are you not happy about this?’ she asks him.
A strident snort fills the room. ‘“Not happy”? Did you hurt your head, Detective?! Of course, I’m happy! I’m thrilled as a matter of fact. I mean, can you imagine me, the Devil—Lucifer Morningstar—with a baby? Dad no!’
She steps closer to him, reaches for his hand and intertwines their fingers. Her eyes are big and clear—shining with so much sympathy it makes him uncomfortable.
‘It’s okay to be disappointed, too, you know?’ she tells him softly, staring into his eyes, reaching for his soul. He looks up at a point above her head.
‘Well, I’m not,’ he assures her, articulating each word.
He senses her nodding, but she doesn’t seem entirely convinced. Annoyed at her scepticism, he looks back down at her and opens his mouth to stress just how delighted he is with the news. But before he can say anything, she squeezes his hand and leaves him with a tender smile as she goes to discard the test. Once done with the task, she heads for the stairs, but instead of going up to her bedroom immediately she pauses at the second step, hesitating. As she turns to face him, the hint of a smile remains on her lips, even as her expression remains concerningly grave. ‘I can, by the way,’ she says.
He knits his brows, not following.
‘I can imagine you—Lucifer Morningstar—with a baby. But if you’re not ready for that conversation, that’s okay.’
And then he is left at the bottom of the stairs, breathless and paralysed. Inside him, something shifts ever so slightly—yet just enough that he will never be the same again.
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
This is totally up to you if you want to answer this ask: What were Nesta's parents like? Their names, personalities, jobs, where they came from etc. Also curious about Nesta's aunt and uncle too :)
Okay, I SWEAR, I was gonna try and keep this brief. I literally whisper-screamed said to myself, “Keep it brief, Cara.”
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Nesta, Elain, and Feyre’s Parents: Tim and Ines (neé Afonso) Archeron. Tim was a third-generation native Californian, Ines was, as we know, from Portugal 🇵🇹
Archeron Grandparents:
Tim’s dad Rick was an attorney (and an antisemtic prick, see Nesta’s mention of him in Fucking Lawyers for an example).
His mom Marie was a housewife.
Rick was a functional alcoholic “big drinker” and died when Nesta was 14, Marie died while she was in college.
Afonso Grandparents:
Ines’s father Sebastião was a professor of Antiquities at The Univeristy of Coimbra
Her mother Heloísa worked in her father’s butcher shop until she had Ines (she a dope cook, y’all).
Sebastião died two years before In Vino Veritas starts. Heloísa is the only of the four grandparents still alive.
(SIDENOTE: can we fucking TALK about what she’s gonna say when she meets tall dark and gorgeous Portuguese-speaking wine expert Cassian??)
Heloísa: *in Portuguese* Amorzinho, why have you not married this man yet?
Nesta: Avó, stop!
Heloísa: *still in Portuguese and well within earshot of Cash* If I was forty years younger I would marry him myself!
Tim & Ines (background):
They were both lawyers, they met in law school at Stanford (high achieving runs in the family).
Tim was worked as an M&A (mergers and acquisitions) attorney (can be boring shit but a lotta moneyyy). Ines was a special prosecutor trying drug companies for malpractice and fraud (social justice warrior FTW)
They both worked a LOT, especially when the girls were really little, so the girls were raised by a nanny named Benigna (Beni). Ines had insisted on a nanny who spoke Portuguese, and Beni was from Brazil.
Beni got unexpectedly sick when Nesta was 10, and she died after a too-brief battle with breast cancer.
It was Nesta’s first real experience with loss and she was inconsolably heartbroken, making Tim and Ines realize that they’d allowed their children to be almost completely raised by someone else, and that the girls had basically just suffered the loss of a parent.
At that point Ines decided to cut back to working half time to spend time with the girls, who were 10, 6, and 4.
Between losing Beni and her parents having been gone so much when she was little, Nesta was incredibly anxious to please her parents and make them proud. She was involved in a lot of activities and was very hard on herself, especially for a child. She was serious and dedicated, and though Ines tried to calm the best of Nesta’s outward fretting, she didn’t know how to cope with the more deeply-routed issues of Nesta’s compulsion to be the best. Instead she wrote it off as Nesta being incredibly bright and kept signing Nesta up for activities and paying for any private lessons, competitions, workshops etc. that Nesta expressed interest in. (Look, Nesta had to have something to tell her therapist about)
Starting the year Beni died, they began to take trips to Portugal every summer to see Nesta’s avô and avozinha.
before that, they’d only gone a handful of times, and Sebastiâo and Heloísa were thrilled.
Tim wasn’t close to his parents because of his dad was verbally abusive and his mother was permissive and enabling, so Nesta and the girls were much closer to her avô and avozinha.
Her grandfather spoke English but her grandmother didn’t really, so they spoke almost exclusively Portuguese when they were there (Tim was just sorta...j chilling with his incredibly mediocre Portuguese—he only usually stayed a week anyways, and he worked the whole time).
At home they spoke a mixture, Ines often spoke to the girls in Portuguese and they replied in English unless she insisted otherwise.
Family Ties...
Tim’s closest friend from law school (and the best man at his f*cking wedding) was Beron Vanserra.
Ines was not really a fan but she just sort of tolerated Beron for Tim’s sake, and Beron was clever enough to mostly behave when she was around, though he was definitely the friend who was always trying to coax Tim on a coke-filled bender to Vegas every time her back was turned
Whereas Tim and Ines had children later in life (Ines had Nesta at 35, Elain at 39, and Feyre at 41), Beron married his college sweetheart right out of law school, popped out two boys—August and Adrian—and fucked off for a younger wife. They got divorced without kids after like...a year
His third wife, Flavia, became good friends with Ines. She had her first boy, Eris, three years before Ines had Nesta. They were both pregnant around the same time with their seconds, Lucien and Elain.
The two couples were close and they took vacations together etc. AKA...the kids played together a lot as kids.
Tween/teen Nesta had an ENORMOUS crush on Eris. A senior in HS when she was a freshman, he...did not give a shit. When they ran into each other three years later (Nesta: 18 and two years into raising her two tween sisters and Eris: 21 and a swaggering senior prick at USC) and he hit on her that she was decided she hated him, lol
When Nesta was 14 (Eris: 17, Elain/Lucien: 10, Feyre: 8), it came out that Flavia had been having a longgggg term on-again, off-again affair with her college sweetheart. Screaming matches and paternity tests ensued...and it came out that Lucien was not Beron’s
Ines supported Flavia when Beron filed for divorce and came after Flavia with a VENGEANCE. Ines got Flavia a sick-ass divorce attorney, and sis cleaned up in the divorce 🧹 🧼 🧽 💵 . She and Beron had a very strained custody agreement, where Lucien mostly lived with his mom and saw his “dad” (Beron) only occasionally. Eris, who was about to go to college and was mad at his mom for this embarrassing secret, lived with Beron.
Tim, put off by how Beron handled Lucien’s paternity, distanced himself from Beron, and they were never close after that.
When Tim and Ines died, Flavia was one of the people who stepped up the most to help. Nesta was fiercely independent about the whole thing, but Flavia did babysit for Nesta when she had her own activities, and sometimes she would fill the Archeron fridge with groceries or do the mountain of laundry or take the younger girls back-to-school clothes shopping. Still, she was quiet about it knowing that Nesta considered herself a failure for any little thing she couldn’t do for her sisters.
Tim and Ines (personalities):
Tim was easy-going and fairly mild.
Of the three girls, Elain is most like him in temperament.
Like his dad, Tim was a total workaholic. He loved his daughters a lot, always bragging about them to colleagues and friends, but he wasn’t really around enough to really show them.
As a result, his main role as a parent was spoiling them with things.
Tim’s dad had been the diciplinarian, so Tim hated “being the bad guy” and was thus incredibly permissive. On the rare occasions that he was in charge of the girls alone for a weekend, there were...literally no rules.
Had he been alive, Tim would have strongly encouraged Nesta’s decision to pursue law school. He likely would have been more skeptical of Feyre’s choice to pursue fine art.
Ines was more type-A in her personality
Of the three, Nesta is most like her
As the daughter of a classics professor, she had a great love of classical art and music. She would have been pleased that Elain planned to be an academic like her Avô. She also highly encouraged Nesta’s pursuit of opera even though HS Nesta secretly would have rather done musical theatr (like literally any other teenager?)
Ines had been very close to her parents growing up and had planned to return to Portugal when she graduated law school; even though she loved Tim, she was sad when that didn’t happen
She was very nurturing with her girls, but less tolerant of them acting out. Appearances were important to her, and she expected her girls to be well-behaved.
Nesta, always desperate to please, was praised by every adult who ever met her for being perfectly well-behaved
Elain, easy-going and somewhat shy, was quiet and complaint by nature. She never caused problems and rarely even cried
Feyre, a fiercely independent spirit from day one, did not give a FUCK about making a scene if the need arose. Oh, it’s Christmas and Mamã bought Feyre a pretty dress to wear in the Christmas photos? Who cares; not Feyre! She wants to wear her Jasmine costume from Halloween, and if Mamã says she can’t, Feyre is PERFECTLY happy to make a good huge scene in the middle of the bougee photography studio...
Ines was an only child, Tim just had the one younger brother named Mike. Mike was the “disappointment” according to Rick, because he chose to major in communications and had no interest in law school.
Mike is incredibly unassuming and lived in Tim’s popular, affable shadow. Not lame but definitely unremarkable
The Archerons grew up in the affluent Beach town of Santa Barbara, but Mike was so vexed by his parents he move 385 miles away to Sacramento (if you know California, WEIRD flex on Sacramento of all places, but you do you Mikey)
He married a very sweet middle class girl named Linda and got a job in Insurance
They never had kids of their own, and though he and Tim were friendly, they didn’t really get together much because they just had vastly different lives/lifestyles
Mike and Linda were shocked and sort of bewildered when Tim and Ines died and they were awarded custody of the girls (literally do you not really know what it is to agree to be someone’s legal guardian, Michael ???) and they sort of started haphazardly making plans to move the girls up to Sacramento, even though every time Nesta called they weren’t much farther on arrangements.
Elain and Feyre FREAKED out when they were told they’d be leaving home and their friends and moving to Sacramento with Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda (10 yo Feyre: I HATE Sacramento, it’s a shithole!) and when Mike and Linda still didn’t really have any helpful insights on schools, etc (the Archeron girls all attended private school) Nesta decided the move made no sense.
She basically announced that they weren’t gonna move and that she was just going to handle the girls. Mike and LInda sort of (vaguely) protested before being like “yeah you right, we suck at this”. They still controlled Tim and Ines’s estate and helped Nesta deal with all that, but she took it over the MINUTE she turned 18 and they didn’t really have any part after that besides sheepishly calling like “so...hows everything going? Are you liking school okay?” 🤦‍♀️
Nesta tried to make an effort to be closer with them when they were all younger but like...as adults the Archeron girls have sort of tacitly agreed that Mike and Linda are sweet and they’re family but like...they aren’t that much fun to be around. They’d much rather go to sushi and get drunk on Christmas Eve rather than go to Sacramento and force polite conversation with their aunt and uncle
Okay so yeah! There is a far too detailed thing about her parents, hope you enjoy!
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ladyreclaimer · 4 years
Halo Characters at the Therapist
So last week I made a Halo MBTI blog post just for my own amusement, and today when scrolling through the internet I just thought I would text the accuracy of my typing these characters properly by watching A “16 personalities at the therapist” video and YOU GUYS... I was cackling. I have to say I’m quite proud how typing them worked out.  So I just spend 5 hours making gifs, captioning and shrinking them for tumblr just so you all can see. 
So here it is, Halo characters at the therapist based on MBTI personality types. (Images from Frank James’ Youtube Channel)
John-117 -The Master Chief (Mr. Has a lot of emotional repression)
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Cortana (Ms. Has no flaws but wants to help her loved ones.)
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Linda-058 (She just wants to stay in her own little world ok? Poor little murder sensei)
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Dr. Catherine Halsey (Paint it black starts playing in the background)
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Sam-034 (Baby...sweet baby boi too good for this world.)
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Fred-104 (Sensitive goof ball...is he pulling the therapist’s leg or being genuine? No one ever knows.)
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Veta (Angry professional woman who did not want these kids but now hands off them)
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Kelly-087 - (Literal goddess who is getting tired of mortals’ shenanigans)
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Roland (Baby shark do doo do doo do do)
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Captain Tom Lasky (Sweet Stressed Out Cinnamon Roll that he is)
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Cmdr. Sarah Palmer (Madame President)
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Arbiter - (Alien man just wants everyone to do their job so he can go home.)
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Dr. Glassman ( Poor man too intelligent to know he should have social anxiety) 
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Sgt. Avery Johnson (He knows what the ladies like.)
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(Buck kept corrupting...so I left him off this one...but basically he kept using memes to express how he feels...which also fits. )
This was like 10 hours of work total...granted I learned alot about file compression along the way...how much more niche can I make my content so that only 2 people enjoy it? 
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Okay but, can I like, rant about how wonderful you are? No but really, you are always kind and funny, very creative, smart... Your writing is SO GOOD, you have a very known blog in the fandom, but still you're too modest. Also you come up with new ideas, so we can look forward to reading your fics.
And you like to talk to us! I speak spanish (soy de latinoamérica XD) so I personally love when you talk about, idk, Jumin being "adopted" by a familia latina and those kind of things gdjshf
We won't hate you, you know that, right? Also, you're not "supposed to be happy" all the time. It's okay to feel sad sometimes, or to be afraid. But you're doing amazimg sweetie! Sometimes we just can't manage to do some things we love and we feel frustrated, but that doesn't mean that we are a failure. I'm super duper proud of you, and I hope your bad thoughts will give you a break, cause you're amazing❤️❤️
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Muchas gracias, este mensaje es hermoso y- aghh voy a llorar y todo. Ah es que, dios casi ni puedo hablar, esta es la cosa más linda que me han dicho muchísimas gracias 💕💕💕
Oh god I honestly can't even find the right words to express how happy this message has made me
Thank you so much, really, thank you. 💕💕💕
Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed and I don't know how to react. And I feel like now there are people that expect so much from me, and I really wanna give them the best of the best, but then I get nervous bc I feel like I could never reach that point.
And then there are other times where well, there's ✨self sabotage✨
Even if I'm a bit better from a bunch of stuff that have happened the past few years, there will be times where I feel like, down you know? Like back in that sad and depressed mood. and it just sucks because I feel like now I should be happy, I've been through all the phases, meds, therapists and even changed where I learn. I've started talking to other people and become a bit more confident, but it still feels like I'm doing something wrong on the inside, and then I feel bad bc well, I shouldn't be feeling bad.
But anyway the thing is, really thank you.
I mean, I know i always say this, but I seriously can't express anymore how happy I am :D
And I absolutely love talking with all of you, in fact, I'd love it that since I'm taking break from writing other things rn, to just talk about anything y'all come up with. I love this fandom very much, and the game too. And the people I've met bc of this game are amazing and wonderful, and I've done so many things I never thought I'd be able to do.
Thank you again for the message, and from now on I promise I will try my best! You all deserve it 💕
Thank you again you wonderful and amazing person. I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses and cake right now, thank you so much, and remember to take care of yourself too.
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