#Like how theyre all so unique and some are really smart but theyre also so
bacchusen · 11 months
I see a lot of treat Tallulah as very innocent and naive and I don’t really think that’s the case. Don’t get me wrong, Tallulah and the other eggs are very much children and they, you know, act like immature children sometimes. But y’all underestimate my girl. Tallulah was the one who took up the incentive of moving out of Torre de Tallulah despite all the memories she shared with Wilbur while living in it. She has the emotional maturity to both sympathize and love Quackity, while recognizing that he’s not physically and emotionally capable of taking care of her. I mean she literally accepted that she exists to die, and she’s more afraid that she might die before seeing her dad again. She is caring and compassionate but that doesn’t stop her from being smart. Give my girl more credit!!! she is doing the best she can!!
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selfawarecobalt · 24 days
bro that fight was absolutely ridiculous! I love Gray but that was clearly main character syndrome. when Freed said that the rune won't cancel every magic to give Gray a chance I knew this was the first excuse to have the Raijinshuu lose. if serious, Freed could've just cancelled everything and the fight would've been over before it even began. then the Gray doesn't feel the torture rune excuse out of nowhere and the fact that Gray won against Evergreen Bickslow AND Freed with all ridiculous reasons and then struggled against an injured and exhausted Mirajane afterwards while Freed was holding up great against an emotional-overdrive, rage power Mira in the fight with her, it's all just so badly written. I would've given Gray the advantage of using devil slayer magic against people like Mira and Freed but at least make it a damn good and difficult fight because not only Mira is a power to be reckoned with, Freed has been set up to be too. then there are Ever and Bickslow qith their eye magics as well, and how they were knocked out was a joke too. I dont want this animated.
EXACTLY. I’ll be the first to admit gray would be powerful enough to defeat individual members of the thunder legion (that main character power boost) but that was an utter piss take. gray still struggled against just bixlow during their first fight, even if he couldve beaten him. that “um actually gray cant feel pain in this form” was completely stupid. ive seen a lot of awful things from modern fairy tail but that was undoubtedly the worst. also that “omg of course i feel pain i was hitting my comewades :((((“ INFURIATED me. didnt have that energy during what i assume was meant to be a “comedic” scene of him just beating the shit out of freed when he was already down. also the whole “lets rip the clothes off the only girl!” thing made me want to barf. i genuinely believe it would’ve been better for their characters if the thunder legion had been killed in the tartaros arc.
also YEAH THE WHOLE “struggled against an exhausted and injured mira” genuinely gave me vertigo after i finally escaped from having it shoved down my eyeholes. like yeah mira was rusty during her fight with freed but she was absolutely rage filled, and it was really emphasised just how powerful she was, and it was STILL a tough fight. against just freed. the whole thunder legion vs gray shouldve been a sweep in the other direction. weve seen they can all work together, using their unique magics to complicate things for enemies.
cant think where else to put this so im slapping this in here. EVEN THOUGH GRAY HAS DEMON SLAYER MAGIC NOW FREED HAS A FUCKING SWORD. also that stupid “gray teleports behind evergreen and bixlow” thing? WHAT KIND OF DEMON SLAYER MAGIC IS THAT. all fairy tail main characters are the worst type of mary sue. and i LIKE mary sues.
evergreen can turn people to stone and fire hundreds of BULLETS and explosions. bixlow can use his babies to beat the shit out of long distance targets and take control of their bodies (NOT TURN THEM CHIBI. HIRO.). FREED CAN FUCKING TURN INTO A DEMON AND ALMOST INSTANTLY TRAP PEOPLE AND DEPRIVE THEM OF OXYGEN, AND CUT A GODDAMN TORNADO IN HALF. THESE ARE VETERAN FIGHTERS WHO WERE ONCE ABLE TO DAMN NEAR TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE GUILD. now theyre just a joke. their personalities have been completely erased and replaced with “omg laxus!!”. im going to hurl
if you HAD to make up an excuse to weaken them, sure you could make up some shit about “oh the barrier particles damaged their magic containers” BUT EVEN THEN THEYRE STILL SMART ENOUGH TO WORK TOGETHER.
seriously. this was the most blatant case of main character nepotism ive literally ever seen. i genuinely despise 100yq, it always felt so lazy and uncreative. uhh yeah actually surprise theres four more acnologias but more powerful. yeah theyre were never mentioned before so what. every character looks the same now. the lucyification of the fairy tail girls needs to be studied. this infection is taking away every single character and the only reactions im seeing to it are “omg glow up!!”
(also i HATE seeing people talk about the spinoff characters like “omg so cute its like an alternate universe” NO ITS JUST LAZY. HE ONLY KNOWS LIKE 4 CHARACTER TYPES AS MAIN CHARACTERS AND IM SICK OF NOONE ACKNOWLEDGING IT)
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kitkatcadillac · 5 months
i have not gotten all the way through the hbomberguy video yet or anything im just a little more than halfway through but since i dont know how to talk about anything else ill say this is only a microdetail brought to mind by his mentioning of some of somertons plagiarism and using being gay(as a marginalized group) as a selling point and defense
but that it is so fucking twisted to claim to be a queer rights activist and supporter and then steal a trans asians article, written from and about the pov of a trans asian person, to remove so much of the personal trans experience and input so often "lgbtq"
like not to tinfoil hat on you but i think theres this thing thats been going on for years thats had its ups! and its had its downs. but that is ultimately, that "lgbtq" has been pushed into being marketable but in this really fucked up way wherein its like... if its gay, great! if its lgbtq, fantastic! but you get into LITERALLY!!!! any other labels that are considered "othering" (see: less marketable) it gets dicey.
like. look me in the eyes. i know, and you know, that he did that in part because he was trying to hide, well, plagiarism. but he isnt the only one that sees unique queer identities and their experiences and knows if he just packages it up pretty... if he makes himself sound smart, and if he blankets it over to "lgbtq" its more marketable.
listen. im not saying you should not ever love lgbtq or queer as blanket terms. but by referring to every singularly, uniquely queer experience as lgbtq, as queer, when it defines itself as something more specific, it ends up having a smear effect of erasure.
i think unfortunately the nature of marketability is competition, and it just sucks that that makes stupid football teams out of everything. if theres a market for it theyre gonna start a fight about it. dems vs reps, queers vs straights, gays vs trans. its very easy to want to turn everything into a fight, into support this and ditch this, instead of actually taking the time to create like... learning opportunities. a big point in all of this shouldnt be like oh well fuck these people in particular, it should be to be careful about the information youre consuming and to do some research yourself too.
theres also a good point that im seeing so many people that are surprised and shocked about people they respected and trusted turning out to be this way and never realizing so many messed up things about the sort of messages those people have been putting out. i mean like, okay, weve all seen the you are not immune to propaganda garfield, but seriously. the transphobic rhetoric was right there. the misogyny was right there. the BLATANT misinformation about gay history and its relationship with corporate was RIGHT THERE, in a nicely packaged form with clear and agreeable speaking, nice video and audio editing, and (obviously) quotable, sharable information.
👏 be! 👏 fucking! 👏 careful! 👏 about letting someones grab on marketability trick you into making an already bleak situation worse. it is so fucking easy to get caught up in us-and-them rhetoric when that is so much the worst thing to do im begging you. do not discover your mistakes and respond to them by doubling down when you recognize that it is a mistake.
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spatio-rift · 2 years
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His feelings for the team run deeper than anyone else’s!
Kurofes: Imayoshi | Wakamatsu | Sakurai | Susa
Wakamatsus kurofes pages (2!! wow!) now fully translated and put together all nicely!! because i love him and he deserves it!! using alisayamins scans again for the pages above!
Below the cut is the transcription + some notes and comments!! Hope you enjoy it!!💝
The short-tempered, hot-blooded, aggressive center!!
PROFILE ●Height: 193cm ●Weight: 85kg ●Birthday: April 16 (aries) ●Blood type: A ●Motto: Where there is a will, there is a way ●Favorite food: Yakisoba ●Hobby: Cycling ●Special skill: Chugging milk (i really do love that its specifically milk. He could just be good at chugging drinks but it has to be milk) ●Best school subject: Geography ●Committee: Disciplinary committee -> if youre curious about what they do like i was, according to a quick search, their main tasks seem to be checking uniforms, belongings and tardy students; acting as security during school festivals by patrolling the grounds; organizing bicycles every morning (checking if theyre in the right spot for each grade and class); giving traffic safety instructions at the crosswalk next to the school; greet students in the morning like the student council... theyre generally asked to act as role models to the students or to substitute for homeroom teachers so apparently theyre not very popular ●Family: Father, mother, younger brother ●Not good at: Getting along with Aomine ●Special skill (basketball): High post -> spin move ●Type of girls he likes: Slightly airheaded girls -> i dont know if 'airhead' would be the exact word, but when i looked up the term online i found an article calling these people similar to the exact kind of people imayoshis profile says hes not good with, so im using the same word (i think its absolutely hilarious). its apparently more like, someone who looks smart and reliable but is actually quite clumsy in reality. People who often make mistakes without any bad intentions and despite their best efforts. A little careless. ●How he spends his time off: Cycling ●Why he started playing basketball: On a gut feeling ●Player he has his eye on: Kiyoshi Teppei
This center supports the team's offense and defense with his strong body! He's a player full of youthful vigor who wears his emotions on his face.
A center combining speed and power! He's a player who can boast of both height and a strong body! The combination of speed and power makes him a formidable opponent who not only provides a stable defense for his team, but is also quick on the counterattack—his scoring ability is not to be underestimated!
Wakamatsu Kousuke’s memorable line: During the first round of the Winter Cup, he takes possession of the ball with a unique shout in a rebound battle against Seirin's Kiyoshi! His burning fighting spirit shines through his words!!
Fans’ favorite characteristic: He tends to rush forward recklessly, yet his simple character fires up those watching him! Although he can't see eye to eye with Aomine, he still gives his all for the sake of bringing victory to the team.
His feelings for the team run deeper than anyone else's His love for his team is strong, and he always pays attention to those around him. He is set to become the new captain after the 3rd years' retirement.
Power that rivals Kagami's! His reaction speed and strength under the hoop are top-class.
He hates Aomine... He can't stand Aomine's selfish behavior, but he acknowledges his skill when it comes to basketball.
A word from Fujimaki-sensei! You could say I like him the best out of everyone in Touou. I hope he can get along with Aomine. -> his comment in wakamatsus character bible entry was also like 'i like that hes simple. ah, but he really is noisy.' i love that hes loved by fujimaki haha
KUROtter!! I love him!!! (Mx. M, Kanagawa Prefecture) Doseeei!! I love passionate characters! (Mx. K, Akita Prefecture)
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waywardstation · 2 years
Uniquely, something that really stands out to me when talking to my older family about the starvation/poverty periods that they faced decades ago, is just how much is edible when you look for it. one thing that sticks with me is how a substitute to grain and leafy veg that they would use would be flower buds and pollen. They would turn palm flowers to stir fry, dandelion greens were gold, banana peels could be ground up. In especially lean moments, shredded cabbage and soy was the basis for most meals, and soy functioned often as a filler in ground meat since the textures are similar and the taste would impart on it. Cactus(nopal) and fleshy plants tend to be popular filler for stir-frys.
Tuber roots like taro, boniato, malanga, acorns, and even some trees roots can be converted to flour, or turned to a good way to fill up a soup. Theres a number of popular drinks (stole, pinollios) that are fairly filling due to having corn meal as a thickening agent. I imagine you can easily do the same to apricorns!
Heck just boiled plain works as well, as someone who's eaten it regularly, malanga sits like a concrete block with just a few bite, you stay full for a while (theyre still a regular staple part of diet in South America)
Dry fish was very popular whenever you can get it, as it could be ground up into a flower, salted and stored to be turned into small cakes with some filler that would be a easy way to stretch out some protein, since you could do it to even small thumb sized fish.
Humanity is very tolerant to just how much they can eat, its outstanding the tenacity and ingenuity we have.
All of you anons are so smart and educated holy arceus above!!
The apricorn swap out is especially intriguing to me, and I’d love to attribute these different things to ingredients within the game!
I could give qualities of the listed Tuber roots to Sand Radishes and sootfoot roots.
There are medicinal leeks which are really common vegetables in several areas of Hisui, and pop pods, which are a sea vegetable that, peculiarly, you can also find in the Alabaster Icelands. Maybe they can act as common fillers.
I’ve always looked at vivichokes as artichoke/cabbage stand-ins too.
Kings leaves and caster ferns could perhaps have some use to them as well? But I don’t think I see those in the alabaster Icelands very much, so maybe not, in terms of the Pearl Clan meals.
I can always make up things to fit equivalents to these as well, as I made up Snow Nettle in my fic It’s Just A Cold. They’re stiff blue fronds that simply give off a scent when damp. Perhaps I can reintroduce those in this upcoming fic!
Thank you SO MUCH for sending this anon!! This is very very helpful information!!
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moonglittering · 1 year
12 & 19
✨ @seeasunset. meme. still accepting!
12. what is your muse’s love language?
i know you didnt ask for astrology, planetary ho facts but this guy is a virgo venus, 3rd house. gemini mars, 12th house. very logical and helpful in how he displays love. so his love language is basically acts of service. he’ll say ‘ i love you ’ and he loves to say it but for him it sometimes doesn’t have the same impact as say… ironing his boyfriends clothes or making him a little container of hand lotion mixed with ingredients he picked out himself.
he’s very practical about it. like… he’ll give his mans something, but its something useful. he’ll run his errands for him. run a bath for him. display his love by making life easier for the lucky fella he chooses…. cooking, closet rearranging, etc…. doin the taxes heehee he loves doing other peoples taxes that’s the business degree side of his education peekin thru. so his way of going about it is a bit mature~
vi also likes to give books and letters. <: ) the letters are never sappy, theyre usually very just. sweet and almost boring lol. he just wants to rant for 2 pages about how he was cold in the morning, his new favorite smoothie joint, and a nice park bench where yall can sit later in the evening. 
this kind of goes in how he likes to be loved, too. he doesn’t want any empty, useless gifts that he can’t use. he likes flowers ‘cause those have a billion ways to be re-purposed, books, art supplies, unique jewelry from a corner market or something. he’s not a very…. ‘ take me to an amusement park / touristy place / mass manufactured garbage location and buy me a cute lil trinket that serves no purpose or something that can’t at least be displayed in an artful fashion ’ type. that’s…
oh his dignity withers at the thought of it lol. 
really…. get him a cute, handmade bowl sold at some cute shop in town.
he’ll return the favor by making a really gorgeous salad for yall to share in said bowl.
everyone wins!
how he feels about the other love languages, officially:
- doesn't give a fuck about words of affirmation, because he doesn't like that kind of sap like just tell him his ass is phat and he's smart. - physical touch is nice. :) like super nice... he likes to hold hands while watching pretentious movies. - he likes his quality time so he doesn't like too much of it. he's busy also he likes his space... he doesn't like feeling smothered. - the only gifts he like are handmade ones or stuff he can use.
ultimately the ultimate romantic gesture is him rollin his man a joint and his man rollin him one in exchange and it's very perfect rolled! in gold foil!
19. is there someone your muse has a crush on, but who you don’t actually have a ship with?
strictly speaking to his main verse, which is the verse where all of these super duper apply? ... nope! still looking into buying a walter white body pillow.
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mejomonster · 2 years
ok but in earnestness I love his character. The enterance after a business yakuza meeting to contrast 1 how He's extra and will do this to prove a point 2 he's the mad dog of tojo and you are gonna get bit if you fuck over the clan 3 showcases so well how he balances his persona with his intelligence.
He knows this is a fucked situation. So he uses his extreme Persona to point out its fucked up to Terada, support the old tojo clan leaders complaints in a strong way, and remind the new blood that this is an established clan with competent people who matter too.
Then the car ride after again. His subordinate also wears eyeliner and more fun clothing, him and majima rocking punk bi chic with an air of casual and classy (nice fashionable unique clothes they like but also in majimas case tits out and subordinate no suit just comfy sweater shirt). Compared to the entire tojo clan meeting of men in dark suits. Without even nishikis old white getup to contrast anymore. So there's this whole vibe majima and his family are going for, to be a bit less to the book a bit less to the norm a bit more Themselves before anything else, and then to seem less Business hungry than the others - showing they value self over business or success. To look less ambitious, not an enemy to the top. But still competent at being the strongest, bringing in the most cash to prove a point. Majima is intensely smart (he ran the Grand, he survived intense shit, and he aims to help ppl around him survive who he picks yo care about). He doesn't want to be at the top, he wants to survive and thrive as himself in this Life he's IN and he clearly seems to aim for that for his family too. The car ride indicating at first a LOT of his intelligence and contemplations, an obvious sign why the subordinate probably likes and wants to work for him. Then his true concerns get asked about too close to home, and majima barks - yelling at the subordinate to floor it and stop asking stuff. A very obvious show that majimas bark is very much an act he does to manipulate people to be at the distance he wants or needs them to be. Despite that bark, his subordinates still end up somewhat trusting and admiring of him if this guy and nishida are anything to go by.
It's no surprise majimas family splits from tojo, and even tries to go legit into construction. Majima is a smart man, instills loyalty cause he can't quite cover up his intelligence or care fully to the ppl close enough like nishida (and like Kiryu). So of course they back him doing the crazy money stunt at the meeting, dress like him even though it clearly sets them apart from the tojo clan suits, and side with him whatever crazy idea he cooks up - from jumping kiryu in a baseball batting cage, to quitting the yakuza and buying purgatory. Much of the time his bark is loud and intense and bites at them too, but underneath it there's some gems and his subordinates stick around for that. It's no wonder he appeals in a way that instills more loyalty than say Terada (similarly the Kazuma family tends to instil tightness in its ranks).
Then on a shallower note. I fucking love and miss his fighting style. I love seeing majimas side of all this. I love the additional story for majima. I love that he dresses like he does. I love his characterization and I already LOVED characters that put on acts (hi Zhao Yunlan, Spock, Shen Wei, probably most of my faves), and this particular mini story they made for him is showing off his act versus internal motivation really well. In fact so far all of kiwami 2 has. When he re sees kiryu he puts on a light act of entertainment, then competition, which kiryu smiles at cause he's used to this play by now and way majima handles things. Then majima wont take his hand but Is happy theyre back to normal fighting, agrees to help and because he Is smart and does care points out kiryu is being played, then wants to go it alone on his construction issues (because he's not owing people, he doesn't wanr ppl hurt cause of him unless it's on purpose so he can control the fallout, he doesn't want kiryu admitting they really have grown from acquaintances who hoped well of each other from a distance - if u ignore majima everywhere side quests a bit lol - to actually friends who actually consistently side with each other). But kiryu is well himself, stubborn and entirely straightforward, and pushes majima go let him be part of the team. I loved majimas characterization already, and I love it evolving in this particular game.
I also am now loving getting to see the majima family members. More of them please.
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knucklegagging · 1 year
When Of Herbs and Alter talks (or really anyone on YouTuber) all I can do is wonder why they're not embarassed that this is their job.
Like how do their friends and family not point out how shameful it is to talk about your fucked up shit? Or just your controversial opinions? Or just your opinions? Or breathe?
Do these ppl seriously have "supportive" friends and family even w all their issues AND all the spectacle of making video recorded content that is literally them jacking off to the sound of their own voices like it's gold? That's wild.
Everything I do has to be anonymous cuz of any of my ppl knew anything about me they'd either leave or never let me live it down.
How the FUCK do these YouTubers have so much arrogance in thinking they're important enough to GET PAID to just babble into a camera???
I could do that. But all the comments would be hate comments. Is it just cuz theyre hot? No lie I really think it is largely to do w the fact they're always hot or at the very least middling in attractiveness. You never see an unattractive person getting media fame on any type of platform no matter how smart or witty or incredible they are. Someone needs to name me one person on the internet who is legitimately making a living off being on the internet who ISNT abnormally attractive while also almost always being at best borderline at the edge of average and dumb as bricks. Wtf is up w that??
Like Dorian is hot but can any of us really say theyre saying anything new or unique or particularly insightful? A lot of times they say magnificently stupid shit about having sex with vampire ghosts and how they condone Tessa Holliday lying about being anorexic for clout because Dorian's a weirdass little people pleaser who always wants to be controversial so long as it caters to the left. Honestly, Dorian is a dumbass. And they put on this overly touchy tryhard vocalization when reading the stories they've written like a bad actress trying to perform for a buck of blow..
I'm not even trying to be mean, but are any of us really subscribed because of their brain? Or is it all just hot goth with a deep voice who gives us some level of nostalgia for our ED bullshit? Cuz I'm convinced it's the latter. If she was ugly and called herself a she instead of a they (for woke relevance) nobody would listen.
I don't get why pretty people never seem to undersytanf that they are rarely talented, and are actually just stroking themselves in front of a camera.
Don't get me wrong, genuinely no hate to them. I like Dorian just fine most of the time. Think irl we'd probably even be friendly. BUT why do hot ppl have such an unawareness for how cringe this stuff is? They're all untouchable and it's weird. It's like their ego is always the size of Mt Everest and I do not understand how no one has ever told them that maybe talking about shoving glowsticks down your throat at night clubs and resurrecting a ghoul and how much they regret it... Maybe those things should be better left hidden from the internet?
Hot ppl can literally say, do, or think anything. Film it. Put it online. And there's never a single fucking repercussion. Meanwhile, an ugly person could eloquently detail the importance of phosphorulase kinase and express specifically why it is a hexadecameric holoenzyme based on the qualities of it's subunit isoforms and how mRNA splicing helps us understand this blah blah blah BUT I swear to you all the comments would be about how they need a nose job and their voice is stupid and they're ugly and did they ever notice one of their eyebrows is higher than the other and it fucking never ends.
I hate everyone.
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shotorozu · 3 years
i feel like im annoying lol but here i am again 🥴
🥴 how do da boys react to a super bimbo mc like shes busty, sweet, innocent, helpful as much as she can be and doesnt really realize when people are hitting on her, she just thinks theyre being extra friendly. (Tamaki, izuku, shoto, denki, bakougo) or any of ur choice
Sorry if I’m being annoying ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)? and tysm
bimbo s/o
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, amajiki tamaki (bnha)
probably (?) part one // ?
legend : [Y/N = your name] female! s/o, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack (x reader)
note(s) : sooo 🤩 it’s my birthday tomorrow, not excited about that?? not sure! but im definitely gonna post more tomorrow, just because
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bakugou katsuki
you didn’t seem like his type tbh. you’re kinda an airhead, and you’re sweet and helpful to everyone
and awfully innocent,,
so, you seemed like the person that bakugou would try and stay away from, but nope!
not in this case. i’m not sure what conspired in this explosive blond’s head, but he had a oddly specific attraction to you
he used to hate being around you, but it’s also quite entertaining being around you but why, you may ask?
not only are you super nice, and helpful, but you’re very likable too! which caused you to get secret admirers, and fanboys
but you also so happen to be clueless as fuck, so katsuki would always stick around— obviously very amused, only to tell you what their true intentions are
“what do they mean, go out? like,, outside?”
“no, dumbo. they wanna date you.”
“..like the calendar?”
“hah?? are you dumb?” he actually hated how oblivious you were at first, but he just got used to it
but this clueless airhead trait of yours is what he also hates, because when he developed feelings for you— he’d have to tell you
and,, he’s not the best with being direct with romantic stuff. so— you can see how that went.
he ended up confessing you in the most direct way he could’ve said it, but you still. didn’t. understand.
“fuck sake, i want to be your significant other. your fucking lover, the bitch that’ll be with you until this dumbass brain of yours stops working.”
okay, he was a little too direct, but at least you know his feelings!
when you both finally get together, everyone is shocked. like,, you, the sweetheart that likes helping people— dating thee bakugou katsuki??
everyone thought you were threatened to date him, because you didn’t understand other people’s advances— but in reality, katsuki just told you what he felt
straight from the heart.
also, since you’re also quite busty, katsuki loves sleeping on them— he literally won’t sleep, until he has his head resting on those milkers of yours
“maybe this is all you’re good for, huh? a fuckin’ head rest. there might not be anything up there, but at least it gives me some good fuckin’ sleep.”
he,, doesn’t mean that. you’re useful in so many other ways, but he loves pretending that he thinks that way, because of your replies
“ah, yes! i’m fine with being your head rest, katsuki. rest well, love!”
you’re not hurt, because he makes it a point to tell you multiple times a day that you mean lots to him.
but he gets super mad when people tell you that you’re stupid. because he can only tell you that!!
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todoroki shouto
you also didn’t seem like you’d be his type,, everyone thought he would’ve wanted someone that’s smart as momo, or something similar
but he’s very content with being with you, for reasons he can’t seem to figure out.
he has his habit of watching you help people from afar, and he couldn’t help but smile whenever he engages in conversations with you
yeah sure, you might be more of an airhead than most people— but you have a heart of gold! and that’s what gathered his attention
sometimes, he’s quite clueless to some social cues— but even he can connect the dots
which you can’t seem to do. but you’re in luck! shouto’s usually the one that tells you what they mean
it’s something he loves and hates, only because of how popular you are with people in general.
sometimes, shouto debates if he should even tell you what they mean— because well,, he likes you.
usually, shouto would interpret things to you like this
“,, they like you,, romantically.”
“shou, are you sure? they look like they wanna be my friend!” he lets you call him by his first name, just because of how content you look by calling him ‘shouto’
he ends up whispering something into your ear, and your eyes light up in realization. “oh! so how princess bubblegum likes marceline?”
“,, yeah.”
but being shouto todoroki has it’s advantages. he isn’t afraid of being as direct as he could possibly be.
“may i have the honor of being your lifelong partner?”
“oh, romantically. i’d love to be your lover, Y/N.”
“..oh! that’s what you meant.”
the way he sees you stumble with your words, as you pace back in forth— completely flustered by his words
makes him smile
and it all ends well when his friends see that his wallpaper is literally him laying down on your chest
which is something he always wanted to do
“shouto,, did you finally confess?!”
“yes. they said yes.”
they’re not really surprised that you understood, courtesy to shouto’s bluntness.
he is your protector against all of the people that make you seem useless. man literally lashed out when his father asked him to date someone with ‘more intelligence’
“Y/N may not be the definition of being book smart, but Y/N’s not useless!”
in short— he’s the bimbo protector! he’ll always be patient around you, and he would never dare to dumb you down.
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amajiki tamaki
oh lOrd, please help him
you’re so kind, sweet, and helpful. you’d help anyone— regardless of their personality. and that’s what made tamaki interested in you
but you’re also very popular. which he could see why— since you’re attractive in a unique and special way.
tamaki absolutely disliked the idea of your kindness being taken advantaged of. i mean,, the guts of some people!
but he also hated being the one to break the news to you good or bad
he’s not good with the blunt stuff either, and he might’ve been worried about being around you— because well,, you look like you wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
“tamaki, what do they mean by ‘coming home with them for a nice time’ do they.. want to play mario cart with me?”
he looks like he needs to pass out, but he ends up telling you anyway. he’s just lucky that you could hear him.
but he sighs in relief when you end up kindly declining
nejire and mirio are SO amused by this pairing. i mean, it’s an interesting dynamic! how could they not be invested?
yet, they refuse to even explain things to you, especially when tamaki’s around to do said explaining
because apparently, ‘it’ll help you socialize more, especially with Y/N!’
but remember when i said that tamaki wasn’t great with the blunt approach? yeah— he’d have a heart attack, just trying to explain his feelings
“i— uhm how do i say this,, would you like t-to go out for some dinner with m-me?”
“oh sure! i should go tell mirio and nejire” you’d say that with a smile, and it felt like he was going to pass away on the spot.
nejire and mirio were the ones the tell you that ‘no, tamaki doesn’t want to be friendly with you, because he wants to romantically date you.’
and it felt like forever when they were explaining how and why, while tamaki was sitting in the corner.
but thank GOD! because you like him too!
super hesitant on resting on your chest, i mean,, to him, it looked like the nicest pillow for the deepest sleep! but he wasn’t sure if that’d be okay
because no!! to!! taking!! advantage!! of!! Y/N’s!! kindness!!
speaking of that, despite the fact that he’s socially awkward— he will not hesitate on defending you from any haters!
like, when people say that “tamaki and Y/N are such an awkward couple. tamaki’s super awkward, it looks like there’s nothing in Y/N’s brain. maybe she’s brainless”
because how dare they. not everyone is book smart— but that doesn’t give people the right to call you stupid!
“Y/N’s not brainless! she’s kind, helpful, and the sweetest p-person i have ever met. i suggest you take that back!”
in short— it gives him heart palpitations just having to explain things to you, but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it, if he can be with you
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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sholangagaga · 2 years
Do your version of glamrocks ever think about what it's like to be truly human and free? Think about it, sometimes the parents really do have to be kinda freaked at how human the synthetics are, religious people probably also hate them, not to mention all the bad rumours circling the entire franchise as a whole
Do you think they sometimes wished that they could escape all that and be free? That they can just, turn human for a day just to go out and explore the world they always hear about if they listen to customers? That they are curious about being a human person? Wonder what it feels like to function, move and walk and have human limitations? To try new clothing and see the limits of humanity and nature?
Sorry for the rambling
This is a really thought out ask, I'm glad you brought it to my attention!
Some synthetics definitely worry about it moreso than others, that's for sure. Its definitely a question of the nature of the machine. Fazbear Entertainment made these things just so lifelike and so human, for what reason? What's their endgame? To create the perfect human? Is it really just for Entertainment purposes?
All of them have probably wondered what it would be like to be human at some point or another. What it would be like to have flesh and blood, to grow old, get sick, to have children, etc. But at the end of the day, they really can never know. Their programming won't even allow them to leave the buildings theyre made for! Theyre so advanced, so smart and self aware and unique, that some of them are content that they ARE human, no matter what is inside them or the fact they have to charge or anything like that
Theyre probably used to the stares, the insults, the rumors
But thats not their job to worry about any of that. Their job is to entertain, to bring smiles, to be themselves. As long as there's someone out there, be it a child or an adult, who draws some sort of happiness from what a synthetic does, then they're happy with that. They love humans, regardless of what humans think of them
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. i would actually get the idea people look down on the underworld gods bc like yeah theyre scary and unwelcomed, but like its undercut by rachel making them the most desirable and most powerful for?? reasons?? like she wants them to be underdogs while at the same time being the best at everything, which is her issue with persephone too, she also has to be powerless and humble but also the most unique and powerful. she wants us to root for them when they have no actual struggles.
2. i dont take reviews for anything, tbh. the "professional" reviews LO got were all by people who are also at the same printing house, so theyre literally paid to say something nice for marketing even if they dont like it (i work in publishing, we do this all the time), and amazon reviews arent regulated, so of course LO stans will flood it to fluff it up. thats what let's play fans have been doing too for years now too, despite it being wattpad markipiler fanfic.
3. I know comparing characters isn’t right but honestly LO has enough wrong going on I won’t feel bad. Persphone isn’t interesting on her own in LO. A lot of her character is having things happen to her except for flirting with Hades and killing mortals (and maybe running away as a reaction to Zeus). Persphone we are told she is smart, naive, powerful but powerless. Her character literally is whatever RS thinks fits the chapter the best. Persphone has no clear goals other than wanting Hades, what’s her major? What was the next step after college? Do the other gods go to college? Why doesn’t she know what sleeping to the top means but knows so much about flirting with a man who has a gf? What was she suppose to be doing if she never met hades?
Although the other female cast may not be likeable, they do actually do stuff that drives their own character
Minthe may have fallen into a shitty relationship with Hades, but she feels sick about the ring and treats Hades because he doesn’t listen to her. She leads Persphone to the wrong location cause she doesn’t like her. She fights hades (not a good thing but does something to the plot)
Daphne has Persphones background, grew up in the mortal realm. However she’s a lot more interesting. Demeter probably isn’t strict with Daphne, but Daphne is now and influencer with business deals and when forced to Dave Apollo bits and threatens him. And even before with Apollo wanted to find out her own opinions on the guy.
Hecate isn’t a main character but enjoys to be in the plot and leaves the plot as she pleases, she’s support but also seems like there more to her than shown. She likes chaos, gardening, and expanding her knowledge.
Aphrodite, drove the plot with the drugs and car thing, NOT A GOOD THING but actually did something. Was looking for her husband, testing her son may not be the best character but actually leaves marks on the story telling despite not showing up a lot.
Artemis, invites Persphone into her home, has always been this sliver footed hunter, was doing fine before persphone, but also has her own family issues
Demeter fought in a war, has her own morals and ethics when raising a daughter, may have messed up but again actually contributes to the plot
Hera pushes HXP together and apart, has her own interesting drama, seduced Kronos and paid for it gravely, DID have an affair with hades. Not good things but contributions.
Thetis manipulates people
Persphone just doesn’t do much herself in the comic. She didn’t want to go to the party, she didn’t want the job, a lot of the plot is having her having something happen to her. The drugging, the Apollo the offers, Meg offering her clothes even. She doesn’t drive the plot other than flirting with Hades even knowing about Minthe, killing those mortals, and turning Minthe into a plant, but none of those things are even framed as wrong. It’s like even when she does make a “mistake” it doesn’t “count”
5. Since we’re talking about self-inserts, hell, I have like 3 characters in my book that can be argued to be my self inserts. But the difference is that while I project onto them plenty, I still remember they are my CHARACTERS, not me. I give them flaws, I write them how I would any other, and I make them suffer consequences when needed. There’s a difference between that and whatever the hell RS is doing with Persephone
-----FP Spoilers-----
6. Not to beat a dead horse but even with Hades saying he misspoke in calling Persephone his wife - considering they arent dating and have only known each other for a short time period, it still sounds weird, right? Like in the newer chapters (I think) Hades and Persephone discuss going on a "first date" after the trial is over which would be fine - except A). It sounds as though even if Persephone gets a punishment (like lets say its a Prometheus treatment kinda thing) that they'll just go behind Zeus' back + authority to go on dates anyway, regardless of punishment or not, and B). Hades calling Persephone his wife indicates that despite not even being on a proper date or even knowing her all that well that he already thinks of her as such, which seems a bit presumptuous considering everything thats been happening.
Also ive seen claims far and between that months have passed if not a year since Persephone went on the run / the beginning of the comic - does anyone have a source for that? (The timeline makes everything confusing).
Also, I was told that the trial doesnt take place in the underworld - that it actually takes place in Olympus?? Anyone got a source? Pls and thanks. 
From OP, not Anon: From the episodes currently on FP, the trial does take place on Olympus. The underworld is in a constant state of darkness and the place where the trial is being held shows it's visibly daytime. Also, it hasn't been months or a time skip. Some people were confused by Hades's wording because he said 'months'. Saying weeks would've been way better and less confusing.
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codyobi-inactive · 3 years
ok so. damn.
this will be very unorganized
the bad batch has......... potential. but there is a Lot that needs to get done first.
who. did that. to echo. who????? why is he blue??????? and theyre all white?? their eyes are so washed out??? like i knew it was bad from all the promos but god fucking damn they look SO bad. star wars has struggled with this since the beginning. the clones don't look anything like temuera morrison (i stfg if i hear a damn thing about running out of """""jango juice""""") and they did a great job modeling obi wan after ewan mcgregor so the only real reason they didn't do the same for the clones is racism.
same for omega, they dont look anything like a clone. like??? that child is White
also, omega is trans. i do make the rules.
the way they treat wrecker is absolute shit. i couldnt help but cringe at some of his lines bc it was SO forced. like that part in the eval with tarkin when hunter signaled to tech and wrecker, wrecker didn't understand anything? really?? this gimmick they're trying to shove down our throats that wrecker is so unbelievably stupid is not only lazy and racist, it's also just not feasible in gffa. it's just not possible for him to be that dumb and not die on the field of battle. even if he disobeys orders, he would still have to know basic communication, organizational tactics, and use critical thinking. the way they portary him is so one dimensional and lazy, it's infuriating. and he's the darkest of them all, huh. wonder what that's about.
do tech's smart genes also make him look like a nerd?? that hairline is so disrespectful. and he's the lightest of them all, huh. wonder what that's about.
(aside from echo, but thats a different rant.)
speaking of echo, order 66 should have been a bigger deal, right? he worked directly with anakin, obi wan, and ahsoka. he knew them pretty well, and he knows rex and cody work closely with them too, so..? order 66 comes through and he doesn't even mention that? he gets orders to kill all jedi and he's surprised i guess but still way too chill about it.
to circle back around to lazy writing, the show tries soooo hard to make "regs" antagonists almost immediately. after watching seven seasons of TCW and learning and loving so much about the clones, it was such a difficult adjustment for me to just.. see the clones in TBB treated the same way they treat droids in TCW. like. that's a whole human person whose free will was just ripped away from them. man.
also, order 66 is a tragedy not just for the jedi but for the clones as well. anakin says it himself near the end of season seven, loyalty means everything to the clones. TBB was an opportunity to see order 66 from a unique perspective, we kind of got something like that with ahsoka and rex, but it would have been a completely new point of view in TBB, but it felt like that opportunity was just thrown away. instead it was like..... idk. it just really far off from how i expected TBB to address systematic genocide.
i cant fkn stand crosshair and his stupid toothpick lmao. he's so ugly
actually now that i think about it he’s only being a dickhead because of his chip. he doesn’t have free will either. he’s still ugly tho and i hate his voice BDJDBJE
idk. i'll probably have more thoughts on this later, i might watch it again just to see if i missed anything. its just really disappointing.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
some thoughts and questions:
about kingdom - seeing peniel join the mix of ateez and skz was odd for me lol that threw me entirely off and i think is the large reason why i’m personally not a big fan of it. i watch peniel’s stuff outside of kingdom and he’s just a v chill dude overall; even in btob’s performances, he’s not a big standout and is there and does his job. whereas for ateez and skz (i don’t watch skz enough but this is based on the kingdom content), their energies match very well with each other in terms of performance. ateez definitely wins in stage presence compared to skz but their sounds and dance compete, if that makes sense. what did you think of peniel in this performance (aside from the krumping mentioned in your long review, if you have any more thoughts)?
i also think wolf is such a bold song choice. it’s one of the sm staples - really only sm groups can pull off these songs and concepts because it was designed literally for them. e.g. snsd i got a boy, rv rookie, fx/tvxq/ nct songs. there’s a uniqueness to them that can’t be replicated imo. if a non-sm group is going to cover it, it’s almost always a fail (or is missing v important components to the song/performance that it lacks in comparison).
also, what do you think of the stages overall? like, in terms of variation. there’s nothing wrong with serious, dark, and/or thematic performances. but i feel like all of the groups are sticking to it because it makes their stages ‘valid’. if that makes sense. to simplify it, i wish groups did more ‘bright and fun’ concepts and played around more. ikon and btob are groups that do this but for these kingdom stages i don’t get the same energy.
about kpop in general - in your review of the recent kingdom ep, you mentioned that you can only think of 2-3 groups where most of (or all) members of the group have great stage presence. what groups do you think have this quality? off the top of my head, i think of shinee and seventeen. every time they perform, each member makes themselves known and carry their part. even for a large group like seventeen and some members get only like 3-5 seconds of screen time. when a member is missing it’s painfully obvious too.
this is so long and thoughtful, thank you! i’ll try to answer everything but if i miss something just let me know! i’m putting it under a cut because long.
ok to start: peniel. i agree, there is quite a bit of dissonance having him in with a group that’s comprised of 98-01 liners, and especially because he does have a very laid back personality. i do think he stepped it up pretty well in the stage, even if his energy wasn’t a perfect match. and he clearly did put on a different performance than he usually would, if eunkwang and minhyuk’s incoherent and hilarious screaming at the end of the stage was any indication. it was a smart choice to position him as the ‘alpha’ wolf of the stage. when there’s that large a gap of performing experience with idols, no matter what you do, it's going to show. even if he wasn’t a chill guy, his stage presence is just gonna be different. same thing with minhyuk in the rap stage. i know having a low member number puts them at a bit of a disadvantage, but btob (and subsequently ateez and skz) actually kinda lucked out in that regard for this stage. say for example, the full group was competing and they sent multiple members to the performance unit like the other two groups did. because ateez and skz are the same age and have relatively compatible performance styles, they can make a cohesive unit, but now you have multiple performers who have an incompatible style and will stand out from that group. how do you thematically bridge that gap within the performance itself? when you only have one unhammered nail, you can capitalize on that nail being unhammered. hence making peniel the alpha wolf, or making minhyuk the ‘boss’ at the end of the rap stage. there just isn’t enough time with this show to actually do the rehearsal to make a truly cohesive unit, so the best thing to do is highlight the difference. 
my position on covers is that it's futile to try and match the original perfectly, so match the energy but make it your own. one of my all time favourite covers is kings of leon’s dancing on my own. yes, the robyn song. also the 1975’s cover of thank u, next. rtk features a few stages that i think got the right idea, with pentagon’s follow and their collab with onf for kill this love. sm songs are tough for this for though because yea, they are pretty tailored to their groups, and the groups themselves have very unique signatures and theyre often so famous that it's hard to separate them from their contexts enough to pull off a more abstract cover.
honestly the variety of themes hasn’t been the worst? obviously i’m a person who likes narrative and thematic elements though so i'm going to be a little more biased towards those types of stages. i think people keep using the term ‘dark’ to describe any concept that’s vaguely thematic and has moody lighting. i wouldn’t describe any of btob’s stages as dark, or ikon’s, and i wouldn’t describe ateez’s wonderland stage as dark either.  i do want to see more variation in aesthetics, especially in the costumes. really only ateez and btob have got this one down; you can tell the group’s style and that it's the same designers/stylists, but there’s been enough variety that none of their looks have felt the same. tbz and sf9 have only worn embellished suits so far, ikon has not made much effort with their costumes all, and skz have just been alternating one stage black one stage white in like, exactly the same outfits. boring!!!! where is the drama!!! so yes, i would like to see everyone having a little more fun on stage and with their concepts, but i also dont know if i'm willing to risk the 60% chance that it will be school uniforms for the younger groups. because i really Do Not want that.
and as far as groups where all the members have great stage presence, i'm so sorry but i suspect you were typing this while i published a post where i detailed the exact reasons i dont find seventeen compelling, please do not be offended. i guess i can say they have good collective presence? the ones that i was thinking of are shinee and tvxq. shinee for obvious reasons, and tvxq is just two dudes, so they both have to have stage presence or the whole thing would have collapsed in 2011. oh, by default also superm, because sm cherry picked seven of their best performers and slapped them together in a group. honestly baekhyun is probably the weakest link in terms of stage presence but he makes up for it in screaming so i forgive him. if we wanna count 50%+, where the group has good presence as a whole but not all the members, i would say ateez, got7, mx, and vixx. vixx is a weird one because 50% of their stage presence is hakyeon, jaehwan, and hyuk being pretty normal charismatic dudes and 50% of it is leo’s absolutely incomprehensible cryptid vibes. why is he like that. we'll never know.
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karamazovdmitri · 3 years
Ive noticed people seem to admire ivan a lot and when they say “oh i relate to him” its their inner desire to find themselves in him somehow, to have his depth and complex world.
Remember in the beginning of the book ivan was more passive and wasnt introduced like the other two brothers were. He was the typical smart guy whos edgy and serious and all. And thats it until later on in the book. “See, i dont seem like much neither however i am complex like he is too. I am more than what i seem to be/what people give me credit for.”
But he is actually the hardest person to relate to. Like sure you can support his opinions and all, but ive seen people who say “oh im just like ivan” and arent but hes who they want to be. Its very interesting. He is really unique.
Also he deserved much better than katya
hey anon first of all thank you for the ask!! second of all............ im gonna say it from the get-go, im not sure im entirely with you here but lets talk.
so first of all, i definitely agree that ivan is the most lowkey of the brothers when first introduced, ive talked about that before and ive also joked about dostoevsky perfectly illustrating middle child syndrome there lmao so im on board with you, not the biggest impression at first, but he comes back and makes up for it big time in my opinion (ive said it before but despite him not being my favorite character, a lot of my favorite chapters of the book are ivan-centric ones) and i have to say... i cant bring myself to agree with the portrait you paint of him. sure i have called him edgy and whatnot before, and joke about it, but to me its more of a persona, an image? he might look smart and edgy, but i think once you’ve gone through pro and contra, it’s really hard to still pin him down as that. he’s not being your typical idk reddit atheist or whatever, im not gonna get into that specifically but returning the ticket etc etc, he has some fundamental moral disagreements that make him imo, the opposite of edgy. one of his big arguments is that if suffering is necessary thats one thing, but why have children be a part in it? he goes on so much about how its unacceptable for him that children must suffer, that they are not only allowed to suffer, but that they have to, and you know how it goes theres more than one chapter centering around that. and like to me, someone who cares so deeply about something like that i just cant in 100% good faith call edgy. there’s also the quote where he talks about how the sticky little leaves and the blue sky are so dear to him, and he literally says “i will be drunk with my own tenderness” and i just think.... if after that chapter you still think of ivan as a cold, serious, edgelord type, you really should reread it, because ivan is so deeply caring and human, and i think book V really is the turning point in showing us that. ANYWAY lmao that went on a bit longer than planned but i just believe that like... it’s really easy to misread ivan, while after all he is simply 23 years old and confused and desperately searching for answers, and answers that will stand his moral test. unlike his brother, he can’t just thrive off faith, despite the fact that personally i feel like he wishes he could, but that’s where you get more of the “rational” mind feel to him, but that doesnt make him all edge and no point.
as for if he’s easy or not to relate to..... personally i cannot dictate that. ive said lately that being 23 myself, the passages on youth and youth carrying you through everything but feeling like it might all come crashing down in your thirties is extremely relatable to me. as someone who has some gripes with my own faith, some of his questionings are very relatable. and people can relate to his personality too, personally i do not as much, and being the first born of 3 siblings, i cannot relate to the middle child thing he has going on either, but im sure some people can. there’s many ways to relate to a character. that being said i do agree that maybe some people say theyre just like him while they want to be like him, im not doubting that this exists so yeah i’ll give that to you, but i dont think its necessarily bad. i think you can be like Oh i relate to his mindset, to this situation of his, and kinda. hope to absorb through osmosis what he does lmao
anyway not to drag this on forever, but at the end of the day i just think, ivan is SO much more than just an intellectual with his complex little opinion. just like his brothers, he has scars from a tumultuous childhood and the thing that plagues them all, which is: are you doomed to be a karamazov, is there no escape to it? he might seem externally more stable, but i think the more the book goes on the clearer it gets. ivan is not an entirely rational being, he IS very complex and deep for sure, and to me he’s also deeply human, with questions that i think a lot of people found themselves asking as well, and yeah idk how somehow along the way this became the Defending Ivan Karamazov Manifesto lmao but as i say.... just because i dont personally mention him as often as the other two, i still have so much deep love for him. also as for your last statement i honestly wont get into it because thats kinda besides the point and im still finding myself picking at ivan and katya’s relationship in each of my rereads i will say that it is a fascinating one to me though
SO? sorry i went on for SO LONG lmao i didnt plan on to but here we are, and i just want to say, this is really not to be read with a hostile tone or anything i think everyone can have their interpretation of the character but personally i just find it a little reductive to say he has nothing going on for him (”thats it”) while he has some of the most memorable and thought-inducing chapters imo, but yeah if i didnt scare you away youre always free to come back i just love discussing that book!!! and thank u again for the ask it was nice to get to talk about ivan for once lmao
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Further reactions to "The book of lost tales":
I appreciate that Idril canonically wears armor and does swordfighting.
I feel like I can actually imagine adult!Idril much better now like in armor and with open hair, distraught but ready to fight while babby Earendil does not yet realize the danger...
My first thought is that Earendil was probably cute in that baby chainmail. My second thought is OUCH, Idril and Tuor always made sure their growing baby had fitting chainmail cause they felt the apocalypse might get them at any moment. Imagine that, imagine them having the baby armor fitted every year or so :(
Its fun how much of the basic structure already exists but most of what you'd consider the main characters doesn't exist or is scattered across various minor roles The only Prince anywhere in sight is Turgon - Except for Team Doriath, theyre all accounted for. I suppose Maeglin is kinda there in name only with vaguely the same role & motivation, but looks personality and background all did a 180 since. Luthien is still pretty much "princesd classic" at this point, not quite the fearless go-getter from the final version - markedly this version tells Beren that she doesnt want to wander in the wilderness with him whereas the final one says she doesnt care and its Beren still wants to get the shiny so as not to ask this of her and also for his honor.
I mean in the finished version Id consider the 3rd and 4th gen royals to be the main characters (well, alobgside Team Doriath and the varioud human heroes) and theyre hardly here. Imagine the silm with no Finrod!
Feanor had no affiliation with the royal family whatsoever, and is also generally less super. He's just the guy who won the jewelsmithing competition, not the inventor of the whole discipline. Still seems to have been envisionad as a respected member of the community who gets called to the palace for crisis meetings and is listened to when he stsrts giving speeches. From the first he already has the backstory of going off the deep end (or at least growing disillusioned with Valinor) after a family member is killed by Melkor and theyre still the first to die, but its just some other rando unrelated to the royals
The situation regarding the humans is different - instead of Melkor leaking their existence, its Manwe who explains that the other continents were supposed to be for them eventually. So Feanor goes off on a tirade about weak puny mortals comes off as a more of a jerk unlike in the final version where Melkor barely knew about the humans and described them to the Noldor as a threat. On the other hand in this one, also very much unlike in the finished product, Melkor dupes even Manwe into being unfair to the elves as a whole. In this the final version is a definite improvement, both Feanor and the Valar come off as a lot more sympathetic and though still deceived he's partially right in some things at least, so you have more of a genuine tragedy rather than a simple feud
There is something to the idea of Commoner!Feanor tho. I guess some of this survived in his nomadic explorer lifestyle and how both his wife and mother (who arent mentioned here) eventually were the ones to get that background of being not especially pretty ladies who are not from the nobility but got renown, respect and acclaim for their unique talent and contribution to society, with each having invented things and Nerdanel also being renowed for her wisdom. Hes sort of an odysseus-like Figure in that sense. I suppose later developements necesitated that Maedhros & co. have an army not just a band of thieves, which means they needed to be nobles/lords. That said this being a society where artisans are very respected and half the lords have scholarly/artistic pursuits going, the gap was probably not as big to begin with as it might have been in say, medieval England. Esoecially since Nerdanel's father had been given special honor by one of the local deities and that the social order might have been a very recent thing in Miriel's time. One might speculate that the first generation of Lords started out as warriors during the great journey, or perhaps just Finwe's friend group.
Also found that bit intetesting where the Valar have to deal with the remaining political tensions and effects of Melkor's lies on the remaining population in Valinor... - i guess with the change of framing device it was less likely for news of something like this to reach Beleriand. That, or the existence of Finarfin and his repentance made this go smoother this over in later cannon
Turgon's go-down-with-the-ship moment reaaly got to me. Im half tempted to write a fic where his wife, siblings and dad glomp him on arrival in Mandos. I dont care that none of them exists yet in this continuity i want Turgon to get hugs
I love all the additional Detail that got compressed out in the shift from fairytale-ish to pseudohistoric style especially all the various Valinor magic insofofar as it is compatible with the final version - particularly love the idea of the connection between the lamps and the trees that is now integrated into my headcanon forever
Its actually explained what the doors of night are
If I had not already read unfinished tales or volumes X to XII where this is also apparent, this is where I would say: Ah so the Valar were supposed to be flawed characters. Manwe has an actual arc; by the time he sends Gandalf he finally "got" it. I think in the published silm the little arcs of Ulmo and Manwe are mostly just lost in compression/ less apparent when only some of the relevant scenes got in but not all
It occurred to me way too late that the "BG" chars are the most consistent because theyre at the start and most stories are written from beginning to end. Finwe doesnt get a dedicated paragraph of explicit description until HoME X but my takeaway was that he's described pretty much like I always imagined him anyways/ same vibe I always got from him... charismatic, thoughtful, enthusiastic, sanguine temperament, brave in a pinch but at times lets his judgement be clouded by personal sentiment (though that last bit is more apparent/salient as a character flaw once he became the father of a certain Problem Child) ...i guess this would be a result of jrrt having had a consistent idea of him in his head for a long time.
This means Finwe's still alive at the time of the exodus which is just fun to see/interesting to know... Interestingly he sort of gets what later would be Finarfin's part of ineffectually telling everxone to please chill and think it over first while Feanor simply shouts louder (which is consistent with his actions before the sword incident in later canon where he initially spoke out against the suspiciozs regarding the Valar) - but its not exactly the same, he's more active than Finarfin later in that when "chillax" availed nothing he said that then at least they should talk with the other Kings and Manwe to leave with their blessing and get help leaving (This seems like it would have been the clusterfuck preventing million dollar suggestion in the universe where Feanor is related to him and values him) but when even that falls on death ears he decides that he "would not be parted from his people" and went to run the preparations. I find it interesting that the motivation is sentiment/attachment (even phrased as "he would not be parted from [his people]" same words/ expression as is later used for the formenos situation), not explicitly obligation as it later is for Fingolfin (who had promised to follow Feanor and didnt want to leave his subjects at the mercy of Feanor's recklessness )
Speaking of problem children. It seems the sons of Feanor were the Kaworu Nagisa of the Silmarillion in that originally all they do is show up at some point and kill Dior as an episodic villain-of-the-week. And then, it seems their role got bigger in each continuity/rewrite... probably has something to do with the Silmarils ending up in the title later making it in the sense their story that ends and begins with them. They have zero characterization beyond "fierce and wild" at this point, though in what teetsy bits there is we already have the idea that Maedhros is the leader and Curufin is the smart one/shemer/sweet-talker, though not the bit where Maedhros (or Maglor, or anyone really) is "the nice one". Which I guess explains why "Maglor" sounds like such a stereotypical villain name.
"The Ruin of Doriath" was purportedly the patchworkiest bit of the finished product, but I never noticed and it actually left quite an impression of me upon first reading, the visual of Melian sitting there with Thingol's corpse in her arms contemplating everything thinking back to how they met... she had the knowledge to warn him not to doom himself but couldnt get him to understand it because he doesnt see the world as she does.... After reading this though I wish there was a 'dynamic' rendition that combined all the best bits like, youd have to adapt it to the later canon's rendition of the dwarves, have Nargothrond exist etc. But i mean that just makes Finrod another dead/doomed relative of Thingol's whom bling cannot truly replace, like Luthien and Turin. In the Silmarillion you could easily read it as just an "honoured guest treatment" but here and in unfinished tales I get the impression that Thingol actually did see Turin as a son.
Already you see the idea of trying to make the stories all interconnected but there is less than there will be (the human heroes aren't related yet and there is basically no Nargothrond, which is later a common thread for many of the stories - a prototype shows up in the 'Tale of Turambar' tho complete with half baked prototypes of Orodreth and Finduillas
O boi im not even through yet
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seaspaces27 · 5 years
bfb and mechanical minds
in bfb, objects come in many different forms and shapes. today, we will be looking at a specific set of objects: tv, robot flower, remote, and roboty.
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what these specific objects have in common is that they're mechanical minds, but it doesnt just stop there.
when i hear the phrase “mechanical minds”, connotations like technology, robotics, and ai, start to come up. the last one in particular interests me. are the mechanical minds some form of advanced artificial intelligence?
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This is what golfball had to say about mechanical minds when choosing her team members in bfb1. what shes implying here is that mechanical minds are smarter than non-mechanical objects, but is this true? and if so, how exactly?
well, to answer all these questions, we first need to know what makes a mechanical mind a mechanical mind
1. structure the structure of a mechanical mind relates to machinery, whether this be as an electronic appliance or as robotic materials(e.g. metal, led lights, etc). in some cases, this can be beneficial, as roboty was able to survive being hit by a jawbreaker
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2. compute mechanical minds are shown to be able to make computations
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theyre able to take input data (”turn purple!”), process them(set screen to purple), and give off an output (display purple). this is a trait that is common in computers. with this ability, they can also make calculations
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in bfb6, tv was able to calculate and display the votes of who was to be eliminated in the team beep. what he did here is a task that i think would be very difficult for non-mechanically minded objects (as well as humans) to achieve. the fact that he computed (or at the very least, estimated) the votes to such exact values, plus his history of calculating votes in bfdia, shows that he must have been using an algorithm or some sophisticated neural network that he’s perfected with time.
3. connect to the internet..? remember abntt in bfb7? as they were stuck on the moon, they weren't able to directly compete in the competition, so they did it indirectly, by controlling remote through robot flower.
ethics aside, this shows us that mechanical minds are capable of sending data to other mechanical minds
you can kind of imagine it as an internet connection between networks. below is a visualisation i made of how such a topology would look like:
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tennis and basket ball send inputs to robot flower, who converts it to signals that the ship can send across to remote via the place robot flower(from now on, i’ll just refer to it as the internet) went to.
on a side note: perhaps the internet seems to be quite unknown to the mechanical minds? judging by how robot flower seems to be a bit confused upon entering the place.
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this however, may not apply to remote. she defended herself by trying to send a bomb over to her hackers, which, quickly took a turn once rf closed the connection. at first this might seem like no big deal, but the fact that shes even able to send a bomb (and in a short amount of time, too) over shows that she has some knowledge/experience of the internet, and more possibly, herself, and how she works.
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on one other side note about the internet. in the episode, you can see white star grid-like points moving in constant directions, moving pass a central area. could that be travelling data unrelated to robot flower and remote? and if so, would it mean the bfb universe isn't as quiet as we expect it to be?
4. sentience mechanical minds are, without a doubt, sentient. they can make sense of the world from their unique point of view, and experience the world
from the perspective of a designer or automator, this would be good, as the mechanicals dont have to act on simple if statements, but instead, make their own logical choices(whether by neural networks or whatever). however, with the ability to make decisions and experience things, comes the ability to feel emotions, and these emotions can have an effect on decision making, which can cause mechanical minds to make irrational decisions.
for example, the situations remote and robot flower went through in the screenshot above. i spoke about this last post with remote, where she had a choice of going against her teams morals by killing, or lose the challenge and have her body hacked. robot flower was also in a difficult dilemma, where she had to choose between killing everyone on the moon, or going against gb’s earlier instruction by closing the connection (may i add that its a bit ironic how remotes the one who sends a bomb instead of following her teams passive morals while rf valued the safety of her friends over the challenge).
in both instances, these two minds have demonstrated that they are not only capable of feeling emotions like fear and pressure, but that theyre also able to think for themselves. they can deviate from their original instructions and make a choice based on their own individual experience.
sentience is not a feature that differentiates mechanicals from non mechanicals. they can have this regardless, however, for such a thing to be possible in mechanical minds means that theyre a very very advanced form of machinery. if you hooked these machine minds up to a turing test, they'd pass it with ease
the answer now, to actually answer the question. are mechanical minds smarter?
well, in terms of computation, being able to calculate things faster than anyone else can come in handy.
in terms of internet access, it can be seen as a huge advantage. what abntt did in bfb7 may have failed, but it was really smart and creative. im surprised they havent used this technique more
there isnt much to say about structure, except that it helps make the mechanical minds capable of computation and internet access
in terms of sentience, thats where im not so sure. on one hand, you can make your own logical choices and do what you think is best, but on the other hand, your emotions can make you do irrational things? so i guess it cancels out..
overview but in general, i think there arent that many perks to being mechanical. the closer mechanical minds come to emulating non-mechanic behaviour, the less of a difference there is between the two.
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however, despite this seeming non-difference, we still get objects forming dichotomies and opinions about them.
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