#Life of African Grey
fleshdyke · 14 days
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missing them rn
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goannafr · 2 years
omg ive seen these things going around about this stupid influencer who among other things (such as racism) has been apparently arousing her pet parrot. and like, sure, it’s not common knowledge that you shouldn’t pat a parrot basically anywhere but the top of the head but you should research the shit out of an animal you plan on owning BEFORE you bring it home right?? or at the very least, once you’ve brought it home. not wait until you get told off by commenters on the internet. and apparently she STILL does it despite being told not to because she thinks it’s funny. 
you really DON’T want a parrot forming a sexual pair-bond with you, no matter how cute or funny you think it is, it’s detrimental to that animal’s well-being. anyway I thought that it would be a budgie or cockatiel, maybe a conure. but no, it’s a fucking african grey
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
me, knocking back THC drinks and xanax: I’m going to commune with a parrot again.
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tiktokparrot · 1 year
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
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Front and back swimsuit kiryu
#Yakuza liveblog#urghg his stomach looks kind of soft#from this angle ... he should literally get a little fat i dont know why theyre so scared of him getting fat he would look so good#if you guy doesnt jiggle when you fuck him then what is the point of fucking him just sayin ..#kiryu should have red swim trunks too i think he would like it... his african grey drip .... i want to dress him up in clothes that he#would like ... like sure he would look great in a nice suit but also have you seen him in loose homeclothes#now thats a shape i could fuck the shit out of. im literally sorry haruka is right there i need to become more normal#also i like how utterly vibrant his tattoo looks in this scene because by right it should have been when he already left the life behind#theres no real reason for him to touch it up but he looks like hes just been to the tattoo parlour to recolour it#narratively kind of looks like hes perfectly happy and healthy and in his element and flourishing when hes taking care of morning glory#and harukas little sunhat ! She is so cute every single little girl should get a white tank top and a straw hat with a ribbon#but also is she wearing two layers ? What is up with that girl isnt it hot out in the sun ..#would it be a little fucked up if kiryu was wearing a shirt but then he gave it to her to hold while he went fishing#and haruka just wore it over her clothes and kiryus shirt just drowned her because she is so small#shiittt i cant get over how good he looks from this angle .. with just enough low res to smooth out his stomach .. get rid of the washboard#im fucked .. its over for me..
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fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
Yall wanna hear a kinda funny, kinda sad story about my grandmother and hetero-normativity?
Ok, so... when my grandmother was in her 50s (I was an infant), she met a woman at the Unitarian Church. And, as can happen when you meet your soul mate, this event made it impossible for her to deny parts of herself that she had fiercely hidden her whole life.
All the drama- their affair being found out, the divorce with my grandfather, the court battle over who got the house, happened while I was a baby. Even in my earliest memories, it's just Mama Jo and Oma, and my grandfather lived elsewhere (first his own apartment, then a nursing home, then with us.)
But here's the thing- no one ever explained any of this to me. No one ever sat down and was like "hey, Rosie, so do you know what a lesbian is?" It was the 90s. It was Texas. I think my mom was still kinda processing all this, and just assumed that like... I was gonna figure it out. Don't mention it, let it just be normal. Like I think my mom thought that if she explained the situation, she would be making it weird? I dunno.
But like. In the 90s, in all the movies I had seen and books I had read, do you know how many same sex couples I had seen? Like. 0. Do you know how many "platonic best friend/roommates" I had seen? A lot. I had no context, is what I'm saying.
I literally thought this was a Golden Girls, roommates, besties situation until I was like...I dunno, 11? 12?
It was actually their parrot, an African Grey named Spike, imitating my grandmothers voice saying "Johanna, honey, it's getting late", that triggered the MIND BLOWN moment as I realized that *there's only one master bedroom and it only has 1 waterbed* when all the pieces finally clicked.
Anyway. I think it's a real important thing for kids to know queer people exist, for a lot of reasons, but also because kids can be clueless and it's embarrassing to have your grandmother be outted by a parrot because everyone just thought you'd figure it out on your own.
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Anyway, here is my grandma and her wife, my Oma, after they moved to Albuquerque to be artsy gay cowboys and live their best life. They helped run a "Lesbian Dude Ranch" out there (basically just with funding and financial support. As Oma has explained "traditionally, most lesbians don't have a lot of money" so they wrote the checks and let the younger ladies actually run the ranch.)
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jenmdixon · 11 months
This is what it is like to hear an African Grey parrot dream while they’re taking a nap. Our Lucy has been doing this her entire life and it’s adorable. (She’s 22 and a true empress of our household.)
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
officially finished yellowjackets s2 I'm hrghrgnrghrnggnng <- rabid
#thoughts#yellowjackets#yellowjackets posting#blind ranting in tags#MISTYYYY MY FAVORITE MISTTYYYYYY#her dynamic w walter makes me hysterical they're both awful people they're perfect for each other. she's more unhinged though#also MISTY. MISTY YOUR FUCKING BIRD. YOU CAN'T SKIP OFF TO A CULT WITH AN AFRICAN GREY IN THAT SMALLASS CAGE. MISTY CALIGULA WILL STARVE#WHY DO YOU EVEN OWN THAT THAT'S UNETHICAL. AT LEAST TRY MAN COME ON#GOOOOODDDDD GOD GOD THIS SHOW.. IT'S VERY GOOD...#nat............ :( god though. her entire life her entire story. nat#I have not said a word abt shauna in all my ranting but ooh shauna.. she's. second favorite character. and callie.. they're both trying#both trying to love each other and work things out when neither of them will communicate properly. and jeff too I guess#I really love callie. she's trying to hold herself together and love + trust her family when she's surrounded by nonstop lying and#secrets that scare her and only make things more confusing#taissa.. HOOKED on her story.. v worried about her family. the new puppy better be taken care of#a part of me refuses to believe anything truly supernatural is happening; they Are a bunch of traumatized people#but then the symbols are unexplained; how they were already there; who put them there; etc; 'it' as a physical presence. a house even#and even lottie twists 'its' meanings to fit the situation; first it chose nat-- then it chose javi.#javi. javi. aghhghh. the shots can be so dark sometimes I can't make out the environment he hit out in#and now coach is there..! very worried about how he hasn't shown up present-day so I think he's going to die. he might freeze out there#gonna be honest I thought he was going to end things when he was lost in his own fantasies of a better life. I thought he would've#fled into that headspace and never come out#that mystery of the dripping in the cabin left unsolved. could've been a leak? something that could've aided the fire?
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uglyandtraveling · 1 year
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damekestre · 1 year
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Life with a bird.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Here's the thing, folks.
I've personally discussed this with the black people in my life, and not all of them are magic workers.
And they've told me how they feel about this whole white magic versus black magic thing, which is that the concept is racist, colorist, and antiblack.
As a woman of color, I agree with them, because I've seen with my own eyes, how the terms white magic and black magic have been used, in media, in real life, and in online spiritual spaces.
It's a fact that no small number of white people (white Christians as well as other white spiritual circles) have long treated African diasporic practices such as Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santería, etc. as dark and evil, and therefore called them black (bad) magic. And to portray themselves as the opposite, white witches among the modern witchcraft movements would literally call themselves "white witches" who practice white (good) magic, almost as a means of counteracting the "black magic", aka the bad magic of those people of color.
It's white supremacy, plain and simple. Just stop with the white/black/grey magic baloney. It's costs nothing.
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fleshdyke · 1 year
currently thinking abt presley the spix macaw
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cryptidcr3ature · 21 days
So I was in the middle of nowhere all weekend so I had a list made on my notes app for a post and forgot about it.
Bodecia- A mutt (probably part pit bull) dog who terrorized everyone and ate at least one of the entire gangs boots.
Old Boy- A Chesapeake Bay retriever who John cannot get out of the water.
The count- A cockatoo. Dutch acquired it from a very reputable breeder and treats that bird like a god. It also knows how to talk but only curses out the gang.
Silver dollar- An African Grey parrot. Hosea rescued his parrot from a bad situation and because of the situation, he can’t fly. However that means Hosea walks everywhere with that parrot on his shoulder. The bird sings show-tunes often.
Boaz- A rainbow boa. Javier is a reptile geek and has a really nice set up. He has had snakes all his life but nothing compares to Boaz. That snake is his first born child.
Taima- A German Shorthair pointer who was surrendered for being too energetic, and she still doesn’t trust a lot of people. However Charles takes her to the park every day for a hike, plays with her at every possible opportunity, and has been doing everything to get her to trust him. She’s absolutely a cuddle bug around him.
Maggie- A standard poodle who knows more tricks than any other dog in the gang. She is extremely well behaved, however she is spoiled by Lenny a lot. She will not eat if anyone feeds her but Lenny, but she will always beg for a treat from the others.
Brown Jack- The biggest, friendliest dog possible. He’s a mutt and no one knows what he is but he is LARGE. Bill carries him around like a baby though.
Ennis- A fuckass hamster that bites everyone. Sean loves that little guy though, even though his fingers are perpetually covered in bandages from hamster bites.
Old belle- an extremely judgmental Russian blue cat. She’ll always just stare at everyone and John has threatened to fight the cat.
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Help. I bet you smart sleuthers have already covered this topic somewhere around our Tumblr neighborhood, but per usual I'm late to the party. Will someone please help me better understand Sparry's so-called "visit" with the King because the photographs and timing just don't add up. Connecting the dots seems to reveal 2 rebellious overseas unroyals who were determined to show up at Clarence House with or without permission.
On Tuesday, I felt annoyed to see the Royal Family YouTube channel (unaffiliated w/the BRF) patched into a live stream outside of Buckingham Palace. I thought it was a ridiculous invasion of privacy. Now I understand that the King was previously scheduled to arrive at BP (late morning) and the media was waiting to capture the first photo of king Charles post -treatment.
It seems Charles & Camilla were on a tight schedule which could explain the early morning (or overnight) visit with Beatrice & Edo.
The British media obviously knew that Charles was expected at BP and yet they disregarded this important bit of information to focus on Sparry's PR talking points---- all the while these manipulative talking heads knew the King had a prior engagement in his diary.
Pressure Pressure Pressure is what The Meghans wickedly tried to apply to Charles & William. There was even a mention of an EMPTY Frogmore Cottage. How low can these 2 go?🤬
Perhaps Mr and Mrs Sparry informed the men in grey of their plans to gatecrash the king & queen's departure. "Coming with or without permission." This would also explain why they flooded the media with Sparry's intention to see his father "within the next 2 days" followed by that crystal clear photograph at LAX. Someone around our Tumblr community or perhaps on reddit shared a catchy manifesting term...I'm sorry I didn't write it down bc it perfectly describes how The Meghans use her sharp elbows to bully their way through life.
All of this MANIFESTING crap to manipulate a face to face meeting with Charles: a man reeling from a life threatening diagnosis, recovering from an invasive procedure, and preparing for some sort of systemic poison.
Have I mentioned that The Meghans SUCK at compassion!!!
Beatrice & Edo
Doesn't it seem likely that family members have been welcomed to Clarence House (post-diagnosis) to wish Charles well before his Sandringham retreat-----perhaps the beginning of holistic treatments or simply to recover from the 1st of several adjuvant treatments.
The couple seems dressed for an early morning visit with a family member, NOT an audience with the King of England.
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Perhaps Sparry told the Palace "Me too! I'm coming to see my father too" and he was told "not this week," and MEgain responded "we'll see about that!"
I seem to remember Sparry had to be forced (by the Queen Elizabeth) to speak to his father and that meeting ended with shouting.
I also seem to remember Sparry had no time to give his family before or after His father's coronation.
As a courtesy, the men in grey delayed KC's departure & granted Sparry an audience with His Majesty the King, not a visit/block of time for a father-son brunch or lunch.
Sparry wearing all black upon his entrance to Clarence House but upon departure he's photographed wearing black and white, with a tie. Why didn't Sparry change clothes on the airplane?
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This publicity stunt was meant to bury the African Parks story and the story about the (mon)ARCHewell revolving door. The Meghans have proven to the family (yet again) that there is no bottom to their depravity.
It was also a test for His Majesty's government as they push for IPP status, a campaign for royal housing, and of course information gathering for blackmail.
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Let's do the math:
An audience with a sovereign (or even a President) is only about 5-10 minutes plus or minus time for photographs.
Sparry arrived at Clarence House by 2:45pm. Charles & Camilla were in a vehicle by 3:30pm. Sparry (if the photo is current) changed into business attire while at Clarence House. How long was Sparry in the same room as Charles?
Have I mentioned that MEgain and Sparry are SCUM and so are the British talking heads who served as their mouthpieces!?!?!
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tiktokparrot · 20 days
Discover the emotional depth of African Grey parrots! Learn about their intelligence, affection, jealousy, and more in this simple and informative guide.
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starboltz · 3 months
My thoughts of the new Minecraft wolf variants!
With the recent announcement of the new wolf variants, I wanted to give my two bits about what real life animal each of the variants are based on! (I study animal ecology so I get excited when animals are depicted in anywhere)
The Pale Wolf, Black Wolf, Snowy Wolf, Ashen Wolf, and Woods Wolf
All of these wolf variants are based on the Grey Wolf (Canis lupus), whether it be the typical Plains Wolf (Canis lupus nubilus), or a different subspecies. The Grey Wolf is the most common wolf species found on the world, typically lives in packs of 4-9 members, and typically has 5 accepted subspecies in the science community - but in total has over 30 subspecies (determining subspecies can be tricky).
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The Pale Wolf is specifically meant to represent a Plains Wolf, as this design has been representing the Grey Wolf in Minecraft for at least 12 years. The Taiga biome is one of the biomes where Grey Wolves can be found, making it a great place to find Pale Wolves in Minecraft.
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The Black Wolf is not a subspecies, but rather a color variant of the Gray Wolf. The black coloring of their coats is not typically caused by melanism, but rather is a normal gene found in Grey Wolves. One of the causes of wolves having a black coat is due to the black gene being linked to higher immunity to canine distemper, meaning the black wolves that survive the virus are able to reproduce and pass on their black genes. Does this mean distemper exists in Minecraft? Probably not, but that's up to your interpretation.
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The Snowy Wolf is based on the Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos). Artic wolves' white coats help them blend into the snow to help them hunt prey, and to hide them from potential predators.
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The Ashen Wolf is likely based on the Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus). The Eurasian wolf can have similar coloring to the plains wolf, but has also been found with greyer coloring along its back, tail, and upper legs and face, and with white on its cheeks, underbelly and lower legs.
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I think that the Woods Wolf is based on the Tibetan/Himalayan Wolf (Canis lupus chanco). It was a challenge to find what subspecies the woods wolf was based on because most wolves don't have the deep brown-orange coloring seen on the woods wolf, but the Tibetan/Himalayan wolf can often be seen with these colorings in the wild.
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The Rusty Wolf
The Rusty Wolf is based on the Dhole (Cuon alpinus), also known as the Asiatic Wild Dog. Dholes have a rich tawny coat with a rich chocolatey tail. Unlike another popular red canine (the dingo), Dholes live in tropic forests, rainforests, and other habitats, making it an appropriate fit to be the jungle dwelling rusty wolf.
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The Spotted Wolf
The Spotted Wolf is based on the African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus), also known as the Painted Dog or the Cape Hunting Dog. This is variant is my favorite of the variants, and is one of my favorite canines of all time. African wild dogs live in savannah and grasslands biomes irl, and have beautiful coats ranging in different patterns of tawny, black, and white. I don't know if this is possible for Minecraft mechanics, but hopefully the spotted wolves will have different coat variants like their irl counterparts.
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The Striped Wolf
The Striped Wolf is based on the Aardwolf (Proteles cristata), which is a species of hyena, making them felids instead of canids! (Yes, hyenas are more closely related to cats than dogs). Aardwolves can be found in semi-arid and open plains, making the badlands a good place to find them in-game. Fun fact! Aardwolves mainly eat termites/ants. Hopefully the striped wolf won't starve in a "bugless" game (rip fireflies).
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The Chestnut Wolf
This one frustrates me. I couldn't find a canine or canine adjacent animal that had even a similar coat pattern. This is not a wolf. It is a dog. Probably a Norwegian Elkhound.
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