#Level Up Your Crypto Game
trusted-brand · 1 month
Level Up Your Crypto Game: A Review of Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP Digital Membership Area
The world of cryptocurrency can be a thrilling yet intimidating space. With new coins emerging daily and market fluctuations keeping you on your toes, navigating this digital landscape requires knowledge and guidance. That's where the Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP Digital Membership Area comes in. Since joining, I've seen a dramatic improvement in my understanding and confidence in the crypto market.
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Treasure Trove of Educational Resources
One of the most valuable aspects of the Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP membership is its extensive library of educational resources. It caters to all experience levels, from absolute beginners to seasoned traders. I particularly appreciated the well-structured learning modules that took me through the fundamentals of blockchain technology, different coin types, and essential trading strategies. The content is clear, concise, and delivered in an engaging format that makes learning enjoyable.
Expert Insights and Market Analysis
Beyond the basic education, what truly sets Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP apart is the access to exclusive market analysis and insights from industry experts. Daily updates, in-depth reports, and expert forecasts provide invaluable guidance when making investment decisions. These resources have helped me stay ahead of trends, identify potential opportunities, and make informed choices about my cryptocurrency portfolio.
Building Confidence Through Community Support
The Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP membership offers more than just information. It fosters a supportive community where members can connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. The online forum allows me to interact with like-minded individuals, ask questions, and gain valuable perspectives from seasoned crypto enthusiasts. This sense of community has been instrumental in building my confidence and navigating the complexities of the market with a sense of shared experience.
User-Friendly Platform and Ongoing Support
The user interface of the Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP platform is incredibly user-friendly. All the resources, analysis tools, and community forums are easily accessible and well-organized. Additionally, the membership provides ongoing support through a dedicated customer service team. Whenever I've had a question or needed clarification, the team has been prompt, helpful, and readily available.
Investing in Your Crypto Future
Joining the Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP Digital Membership Area has been an investment that has truly paid off. The comprehensive education, expert insights, supportive community, and user-friendly platform have empowered me to navigate the crypto market with greater confidence and knowledge. If you're serious about taking your cryptocurrency journey to the next level, I highly recommend checking out this membership. It's a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn, grow, and thrive in the exciting world of digital assets.
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txttletale · 5 months
You've probs answered this- but thoughts on ai art's environmental impact?
i mean not great but even the highest estimates i've seen don't put it above, like, gaming. & obviously there is a degrowth argument to be had about if either of those things can sustainably keep using that level of energy but like many things that people get really worked up about wrt AI, if you took it seriously as a problem on its own terms you would v. quickly realize AI art is at the bottom of your priorities.
it feels in a lot of ways like people just recycled their arguments against crypto and NFTS--people similarly overblew the amount of energy those were using, by the way, but the hostility was imo justified there because the fundamentals of blockchain tech require infinite growth of energy expenditure in such a way that mass adoption would obviously necessitate mass increases in that expenditure. that's not true with AI art, which will probably get more efficient and cheaper as the technology develops because bottlenecking computing power isn't a core element of the tech.
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half-oz-eddie · 4 months
I am so utterly obsessed with rag-tag team heist movies so I made a Stranger things heist crew AU roster
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Steve "Moneybags" Harrington's heist crew used to be a team of 2, the other being Dustin "Phisher" Henderson. Steve was the only person Claudia Henderson trusted to look after her son, and as Dustin grew older, the two of them became close friends.
Steve watched Dustin hack into all sorts of databases, uncover the truth behind town conspiracies and even hack a few of his bullies.
When Mr. harrington cut Steve off financially, he wanted to get back at him, and pull a "prank" with Dustin to empty out an offshore bank account that his father kept hidden from Mrs. Harrington.
The plan went smoothly. A little too smoothly, maybe. Or perhaps Dustin was a natural at this, that's what Steve believed. And since it was that easy for Steve and Dustin to get their hands on $1.5 Million, they decided to take their pranks to another level.
Steve proposed for their next prank, they should clean out one of Mr. Harrington's friends' cryptocurrency. He explains to Dustin how the asshole keeps his assets on a physical drive in his house that they could wipe while he was away on vacation.
Dustin agrees and suggests they bring Eddie "Safecrack" Munson into the fold. He tells Steve Eddie's trustworthy and knows how to pick locks and hotwire cars, y'know, just in case.
Eddie, of course, is thrilled by the idea. Not only does he love a little mischief, he'd love to get his hands on some money and a fast car. "However," Eddie told them "we'll need someone to drive one of those fancy cars outta there. We may be good drivers...but we're not that good. But not to worry, I know a guy."
The guy in question? Billy "Wheels" Hargrove. A California bad boy who knows plenty about fast cars and fast cash, so he's in without question. He also doesn't mind hassling pretty boy Harrington. (there's so much sexual tension between them. Billy's the one who gave Steve his code name. He said 'the hair' didn't quite fit.). But Billy's not doing anything unless his stepsister, Max "Sticky Fingers" Mayfield can come in and swipe whatever isn't nailed down for a cut.
They used to have a complicated relationship, but they bonded by shoplifting whatever Billy's dad wouldn't let them have. Max was a skilled thief. She could get out of any store with anything that she wanted, and Billy would drive away like a bat outta hell. She lifted consoles, games and even a little lipgloss, for Billy.
So their first heist goes without a hitch, and after wiping millions in crypto off some hard drives, swiping some expensive paintings and a 2020 Mclaren, they can't resist the urge to plan bigger heists together.
Billy suggests they call up his coworker Heather "Chameleon" Holloway. "She's got more wigs than personalities" He joked. When they brought Heather onto the team, she showed them her massive walk in closet, full of clothes, wigs, shoes and more. Not to mention, she could use her charm and distract anyone. Heather was bored at home, spending time perfecting her hair and makeup skills. She could change her appearance to look like a completely different person. It was all the fun she had. Her mom was always wine drunk, and her dad was a jerk who ignored her because he wanted a son, so she was happy to be part of a team that didn't treat her like she was invisible.
Under normal circumstances, they'd never spend time together, but now? They're an inseperable friend group.
They've made some friends (and enemies) in their line of work, but everyday is an adventure.
They recently took on a half a billion dollar heist job for a mysterious man by the name of Henry Creel, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead...
Tagging some people: @shieldofiron @adelacreations @dragonflylady77 @harringroveera @bigdumbbambieyes
Because I love your writing and I'd love to hear how y'all would include some other characters/ships in the mix. I just love heist AUs so much~
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n3xii · 1 year
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Overcoming blockages - your current situational and how to overcome the obstacles in your path. Close your eyes, take a few breathe ans let your intution guide the reading
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Pile one
I feel like you guys are struggling to stand up to old beliefs. These old ideas seem Intimidating to overcome, you've had them for so long it feels like it's impossible to think in a different way. They bully you almost. These beliefs are likely about a manifestion, goal or desire you have. You want to embrace newness, you know you want a new mindset but these old beliefs just keep aggressively shutting them down. You feel like you must overcome mental limitations before taking action. Honestly, the best way to overcome this is to just take action anyways. Manifest it, start the routine, put the job application in! It doesn't matter. You're combating old beliefs and limitations with your mind, but spirit says you gotta do it through action too. After all, It's our behavior that informs what we believe.
The outcome is trusting in your own intutuon more. Faith in yourself is so important because it's the foundation of ALL action. Having faith in what messages you receive emotionally and in your gut is key to trusting yourself in everything you do. It's alot easier to take action when we feel in our heart that it was the right thing to do, and I see you guys developing a stronger connection to your intution.
Pile two
I feel like this pile is struggling with the pressure to be successful on a person and financial level. It feels like alot of eyes are on you and you've got to perform well. You feel like you have to emobdy a niche or aesthetic perfectly otherwise you miswell be invisible. There's alot of pressure to spend money right, invest it in the best places and look expensive as well.
Honestly. Alot of people who felt drawn to this pile feel like they have dress and look expensive for others to admire. Your blockage is the fixation on what people think about how you present yourself and their opinions on how you invest or spend your money. It's no one's fucking business to be honest! You see people on tik tok, tumblr, Social media and start feeling in adequate because you don't have the same lipgloss, dresses or style as they do. You don't have the amount of money or attention. Listen, no rational person is judging your worth on those things. If they are, then that's their buisness to heal. The advice here is to be at peace with yourself. Don't resent yourself or others because of what you do or don't do. Find peace and harmony with yourself. Find sanctuary in your authenticity. Otherwise you will be stuck trying to make things fit in your life that don't fit. Stop trying to conform who you are and your image into a narrow idea and concept. You are more than just a niche, a brand, or an aesthetic. Stop letting tik tok, pintrest, imstagram and any social media app inform who and what you should be, what you should buy, what you should look like etc
Pile three
You just went through a painful ending and you feel stuck and paralyzed in that ending. Alot of you have invested wisely in something and it has completely fucked you over. This could have been stocks, Crypto, student loans in career path that u hate, even a mutual relationship that went wrong. The future you had in mind completely betrayed you and now traps you with what could have been. Others may be dealing with crippling mental illness at the moment.
Regardless of what it was, you're paralyzed by the possibility of what could have been. This is your blockage. Thr advice you're getting is to maintain faith. I know how hard it is. It feels like there's no hope and the story is over and that there's no good ending Faith keeps you connected. It keeps you motivated. You're stuck on what could have been but spirit doesn't end things or trigger mentally challenging times to play a sick game on you. Spirit does this because they know they have something bigger and better in mind. Naturally, having faith means having fear. It feels irrational to give in and believe that despite the current obstacles, something better is coming. But do it anyway. You can. Something better coming. You just don't see it yet because you're still coping with whatever has happened.
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
the legends with their s/o as a teammate
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𓆩♡𓆪 ft ; crypto, seer, mirage, octane, revenant
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n ; had to sneak in my little princess meow meow revenant !! i'll write a female legend centered part 2 soon if i feel like it <3
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the dropship screen interrupted the program it was televising to show everyone the lineups
his eyes widen a bit since you both rarely get paired in a squad together
his heart rate picked up a bit and seer could only giggle from the other side of the room
tried playing it off like he's unbothered
but please help the poor guy he's kinda dying inside
especially if it was duos, ya might need d.o.c on this one
isn't that different than he normally would be
but becomes really protective
he knows you wont actually die but he is the literal embodiment of the word paranoid so he will treat it like you will
always lets you go first whether its in buildings, tunnels, ziplines, etc.
like the gentleman he is
discreetly attempts to impress you with moves using his biwon blade
already at your side when you get knocked down, "don't worry, i've got you" he'd say as he grabs an injection then pierces your chest with it
he'd quickly press a kiss onto your forehead then go back to your other teammate/just by himself to finish off the rest of the remaining enemy squad
with adrenaline coursing through you, you healed up pretty quickly from the med kit he dropped before finishing that squad
it wasn't long until you heard him pinging things you needed such as a better evo shields, shield cells, optics and the like.
trusts you enough to protect him and actually take his time to scout out the area with his drone
waaaay more chill with you, not in a 'let's his guard down completely' but more in a 'not on the verge of snapping his teammate's neck'
winning with you makes it a hundred time more rewarding for him, that smile you give him especially if he had the last kill
he would kill for it
sneaks in a kiss on the way back to the dropship
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at the time, seer was chatting away with ramya at the dropship's lounge when it was announced the match was starting soon
you were tidying your room at the drop ship, making sure everything is spotless and at its place
the announcer's voice echoed throughout the dropship, reminding every legend that was within the vicinity of the approaching game, including you
all the legends gather at the drop area and it wasn't long until the squads were announced
a small laugh escapes seer as the screen shows you in the same squad with him
"this performance will be entertaining with you, beloved" he says to your direction as the platforms lower until everyone is faced with the breeze of kings canyon
"with you, it will be a spectacle" you reply, placing a light kiss on his right snakebite
whoever you poor teammate is would have to endure the endless romantic remarks you lover birds exchange
if it's just the both of you then the level of flirting that happens between you both cranks up
the most gentle lover ever
knows your limits and boundaries and never dares to push any of it
frequently asks if there's anything you need
"is there anything you find missing, my love?" he'd ask as your squad advance through crash site, making sure to look out for anything you potentially need
you tell him the certain optics, ammo type, or grenade you needed and its not long before he hands you those with a loving smile
he always has an eye and ear out if you're crafting or opening a care package
frequently checks if there are any heartbeats to be heard when your squad rotates the map
any squad approaching would be detected before they could even set foot to where they wanted to go
"i hear heartbeats approaching from the left, let us show them not to play with fire" he informs your squad, placing his exhibit shortly after
your squad was at a strategic position but unfortunately, you got downed by a grenade due to a knocked enemy blocking the only exit you had
the swiftness and grace seer executed when he heard you being knocked down was like no other
every heartbeat of an enemy he heard, soon ended as he rushes to your aid
"i won't let my flame die out yet, ifuru m" he says, quickly reviving you and helping you to your feet
informs your squad that there are no heartbeats he can hear as he lets you loot the death boxes and heal up
"phoenix kit here, we need to calm that heartbeat of yours" he says, hearing your heart rate from the adrenaline that was just injected into you
the ring started closing in but to your advantage, you were already within the next ring with seer using every survey beacon he sees
the number of legends and squads were quick to dissipate and it wasn't long until the remaining players were '?'
the sound of gunshots and explosives increased and seer gives a nod of approval that the enemy heartbeats were getting louder, meaning both squads were knocking each other out
your squad jumps into the fight, eliminating every last player with ease
seer managed to get the last kill with a grenade, finishing his act with grabbing your hand and waist and leaning into you, the distance of your faces decreasing as the announcer declare you both champions
"how about an encore for our audience?"
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he was serving drinks at the dropship bar when the abrupt cut announced the match, "approaching drop site"
was excited to see you in the lineup with him, then that excitement turned into nervousness
"you're stuck with ol witt now! not that its a bad thing- you should be grateful not everyone has the opp- oppor- chance!" he wriggles his brows to you as you both hop onto the platform
"keep it in your pants, elliot." you reply while looking at the map, deciding on a place to land as jumpmaster
"keep what in my pant- wait- HEY!" unfortunately for him, by the time he understood what you said you already launched the squad
he always protects you even if there are no squads near
does that spy movie thing where he pretends he has an earpiece before turning the corner and pointing the gun
knows your exact favorite gun and the optics you need
drops batteries and med kits but pretends its already there to hear you commend him
"thank you, babe. appreciate it," you say, stuffing the kits in your backpack
"anything for you, beautiful" he finger guns while winking. you try to stuff the laugh in when he almost trips while doing it
likes carrying you and loves it when its the other way around
he knows he can handle them too but seeing you so focused on knocking down the other squad while he heals up, gives him butterflies in his stomach
an absolute SUCKER for pda and kisses from you
he hands you the hop-up you've been looking for since the beginning of the match "voila! as always i've got your back so you are very welcome"
you kiss his cheek as your own form of thanks
he quickly turns into a blushing mess, "oh- oh wow okay- right here too- not that i don't like it- i love it"
he continues like that for a few minutes, contradicting himself every other words and before other teams could hear him and shoot your squad down, you cup his cheeks with your palms and place a firm kiss on his lips
it quickly did the job with shutting him up and oh did he feel like he was gonna melt in your hands
he can't stop the smile on his face throughout the remainder of the match
when you're knocked he deploys his dupes and rushes to your side "i'm here, can't let you leave me so soon, "
sticks to your side most of the time, rambling about whatever because he knows you'd always listen to him
would totally do that hero thing where he sacrifices himself as a body shield so you can live on and win the match for him
doesn't turn out the way he wanted though, seeing that you scolded his ass nonstop after the match for doing something as idiotic as that
ego boost to the thousands when you win with him, brags non stop that someone might just duct tape his mouth
"of course we're champions! we're a force to be reckoned with!" he shouts at the cameras capturing your winning moment
once all the press things are dealt with, he can finally be with you to relish in glory and comfort
slinging his arm around you to pull you closer, he gives you a celebratory kiss, "told you being stuck with me has its advan- ad- perks- yeah i meant perks psh"
you lean into him and just hum in reply, the fatigue a match brings is unmatched
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the moment the screen flashed the lineup he was in for the match, he couldn't stop the grin behind that mask
octane ended up running and jumping around the dropship while waiting because he couldn't contain his excitement
gushes to you how fun it's gonna be in a trio/duo with him
caustic was so annoyed he almost gassed the entire place
finds excitement in finding the exact items you requested, looking forward to the praise
"hop-up here, turbocharger, only for mi cariño"
"how kind of you, thank you," you'd kiss the side of the mask that covered his cheek
he gets a rush from your encouragement, adrenaline and stim running through his veins from running and your compliments
huge ego boost
he WILL bridal style carry you to cover if you're really hurt
after that, he'd fight off the enemy squad and the moment they're eliminated, he sprints back to you to check if you're fine
makes sure you're revved up and fine before running off again
tries to keep it professional for the cameras and everything, but still loves to kiss you
when he knows there's no squad nearby he uses every pickup line that wattson taught him (the poor 3rd teammate)
randomly picks you up to run off somewhere
"wha- hey! tavio where are you taking me again!"
"can't let mi amor die of heat here!" he shouts in the midst of the sound of his metal legs working, 'how considerate' you thought, smiling that he noticed you were sweating a lot from the lava that surrounded lava siphon
he love love loves to show you cool tricks with his jump pad, although sometimes it ends in you having to stop him because he was gonna use a grenade again
or you get eliminated by another squad out of nowhere
either way, he had fun with you and he's content with it, although winning could've made it better
when you do win though he's so happy he could run circles around an oval
peppers you with endless kisses in your own private time
"we should be in a squad more often, makes us a deadly duo huh, mi cielito?"
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mostly doesn't care whoever his teammates are, he's just satisfied to kill
but he wonders why is it that when he saw your banner beside his, he actually wanted to try for once
"you're spared this time, skinbag" he leans to you when you're lining up on the dropship
becomes a bit more docile when you're around
actually waits for you but gets a little impatient sometimes
"hurry up! there are skins to collect!" his robotic voice interrupts of your squads' comms
"i am literally crafting!" you shout back, checking the map to see he's already across the location
you could only sigh and wait for your med kit to finish, before running across the map to catch up to him
he'd see your panting state and laugh, quoting how "humans are so weak"
you give him the annoyed side eye and he only grins
he sometimes drops shields or syringes when he notices you have yet to heal, claiming "i don't need it" or "since you're fragile"
you can't tell whether to be touched or annoyed so you just take it
you're also probably the only person he'd say thank you to, reluctantly of course
he finds joy in knowing you just watched him execute a kill perfectly
he assures you firmly that it's not to impress you but "what you should look out for"
if you're camping he loves to literally stare into your eyes, his metal ones turning and adjusting with no indication to ever blink
maybe it's to intimidate you but every time you have to remind him
"we are literally dating, i could not be fazed at all," you mutter, working on the optics of your gun to your style
confused why you get so happy after kissing him but since it makes you happy he just lets you do it
doesn't care about pda, couldn't care less about what others think because he would literally let you hold his hand while shooting people with the other
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© this work is by cryptonite-exe, please do not copy and post on any other platform.
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red-archivist · 22 days
finally caught up on tmagp!
eps 11-15 thots below
ep 11:
celia? again?? jack???
"Besides, I’m sweet enough already" is such a dad joke. As in, literally a joke my own dad has made several times
Ink5oul cameo!
lollll the change to stuffy business language
ah, ink5oul you can't be stealing corpses now, behave
GWEN Thank you, Alice. ALICE I… Sure. Whatever. Don’t get used to it.
tsun tsun~
"he's one of our externals" what a way to phrase it. also tells us that the oiar/the government works with several monsters
ep 12:
omg he's actually asking her out? fair play
"I think I'm done with Magnus stuff" buddy boy, its episode 12- magnus stuff isn't done with you, i can tell you that much
"Date of Incident: 9 March 2024" ooh v recent huh
stags are the worst, jordan, ty
oh. bonzo is back. lena meant it when she said to keep an eye out
the groom's was the name gwen handed over i assume
gwen. gwendolyn. you are not okay.
GWEN Thanks, Alice. Utterly useless as always. ALICE Anytime.
okay but purposely useless. purposely joking and irritating bc if you cant take it seriously it cant hurt you- that attitude is going to bite Alice sooner rather then later
ep 13:
ooh date night (morning)
"it all went downhill" > proceeds to describe being generally successful- oh sammy we got to work on this hang-up
oh alice's parents are both dead? so just her and the little brother she is always looking after and giving money to anytime he is mentioned? bet that hasn't given her a complex
oh celia, you know the cases are real you're just trying to sound him out
"is it my fault?" GWENNNNNNN 😭
"we are... managing... the bad guys" oh boy
crypto bro, betting against your own life is a crazy idea what is wrong with you?
it reminds me of the dice case, a luck/circumstances based thing where you try to beat a rigged game
oof. sam. you hit a sore point there "professional"
"Stop trying to make an impact" is alice's motto tbh
ep 14:
"i went through the same thing when i started" i knew Alice had gone snooping, you dont get that avoidant without having tried first. of course, raises the question of what scared her off?
alice stop running away from your feelings challenge level: impossible
where the hell is there a marsh near Newcastle-Under-Lyme?
ooohhh boy hello sudden tone change
snake mannnnn, mannnn full of snakkeeessss
rejection notes from an institute....
ep 15:
sam. sam this is not smoother flirting than before
The Pillowman... we are making a note in case that's important
awww Alice loves her brother so much... shame that she's pitching him in such an awkward, intrusive way
"babies... are cool..." same, Alice
the fucking harpsichord? in the bg of the case reading is making me sooooo tense. i know what's going to happen and they're just drawing it out 10/10
oh. oh no. this is not what i thought was going to happen. i thought sure okay, rich assholes hunting ppl through the woods not... making them hunt each other oh this is so much more fucked up
"none of them got far" JESUS oh its not even all of them, just him
and now he is being hunted, okay
FUCK, the gunshot
oh. why is she in the office
mowbray... is she one of the 'externals'...
LADY MOWBRAY Catch you next time, dearie. CELIA No, you won't.
oh that's vicious, celia knows she's a threat and won't give her a single inch, her hackles are raised sky-high
ah! sudden rock music!
And we finally meet Luke, hello
ummmm and another new voice??
this is... the presence alice thought was following her? the thing she and sam set loose from the institute?
well. fuck.
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tuesday again 5/23/2023
six sentences or less bc that's the kind of week it is
straighten up and fly right from the nat king cole songbook, covered by sammy davis junior. i have a lot of fondness for the nat king cole songbook bc my grandmother had a lot of fondness for it, and this one was very comfortably in our (contralto) ranges. really burrowing into the comforting familiar as we enter the Cross Country Move Hellzone (tm). spotify
lot of documentation for work bc i am trying to build a google sheet + calendar for our grants and reports such that when someone adds OR EDITS a row in the grant/report tracker it creates a new google calendar event OR UPDATES existing events. i may have to give up on that second half.
in non-work stuff, it is hysterical how many hackers brian krebs (infosec reporter/journalist/researcher) is able to interview. like when this guy was asked "yo is this your code targeting a specific mastodon server with a crypto scam" the response was
Clicking the “open chat in Telegram” button on Zipper’s Lolzteam profile page launched a Telegram instant message chat window where the user Quotpw responded almost immediately. Asked if they were aware their domain was being used to manage a spam botnet that was pelting Mastodon instances with crypto scam spam, Quotpw confirmed the spam was powered by their software.
“It was made for a limited circle of people,” Quotpw said, noting that they recently released the bot software as open source on GitHub.
we live in the stupidest possible cyberpunk future.
i don't know jack about shit about cars and i don't know what the fuck jennings motorsports on youtube is talking about 80% of the time but a friendly guy with a calm voice talking through how he's going to get some cars in the worst shape you've ever seen up and running again? yes good thanks, i've blown through his entire backlog in the last week in my second monitor while i've cleaned data. this man is essentially rebuilding this rare limited edition shiny holographic car from half a frame and a panel LOOK how fucked this thing is.
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love the Will It Run? videos bc the answer is almost always yes AND SOMETIMES HE EVEN DRIVES THEM DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY AND BACK even if the cars are barely holding themselves together. the horse souls in these machines can be coaxed back into resurrection with the proper burnt offerings and application of liquefied dinosaur
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the charm of Powerwash Simulator is somewhat dampened by its extremely buggy achievements bc i KNOW i could get all 40 so fuckin easy if they just WORKED. i didn't get the "main campaign completed!" achievement despite spending nearly forty hours 100%ing every job, so i think the rarity of the achievements is somewhat inaccurate, bc it's more like, did you happen to play through that level at a time when the achievement was working? despite all that, it has been incredibly effective at damping generalized moving anxiety and it's a tremendous catch-up-on-podcasts game. it's hysterical to me this was published by square enix bc this style of simulator game is usually published by Playway or a Playway company, a shadowy network of about a hundred small polish studios, many of which went public and had IPOs in order to hand over a controlling interest of the company to Playway. long history of annoying business practices such as remaking more popular games with the serial numbers filed off and making demos to gauge interest and THEN only making about one full game for every twenty demos, which is very irritating for players. not this one tho, it's in fucking brighton in the uk, no relation!
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this is going to be cleaning and move prep for the next six weeks. i deep cleaned (even mopped!) my kitchen and bathroom last weekend bc it uh. really needed it, and that's the most exciting thing i did. no progress on cleaning the flip clock radio bc i do not currently have the patience to sit down with qtips and get in all the little grooves.
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lamardeuse · 5 months
2023 Fannish Year in Review
Man, it's been a while since I've done one of these! 11 stories and one vid is pretty good for me, especially since it's been A Year!
Do you promise not to tell (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 2500 words)
“Morning, Eddie,” Buck says. The grin banished, he tries for a friendly smile, not an I know how my name sounds in your mouth when you're coming smile. He thinks he does a pretty good job.
Eddie's eyes narrow. Fine, maybe it's not that good.
Where Tomorrow Shines (Buck/Eddie, M, c. 3600 words)
Buck finds Eddie - and himself - in a crowd.
A falta de pan, tortillas (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 3000 words)
He's kicking himself for not getting up sooner, because by the time he gets there at a quarter to eight, Eddie's looking frazzled. His hair is uncharacteristically messy, and he has a hunted look in his eye, and he's –
Okay, so he's beautiful. And it's not like that's news to Buck, but lately it's been hitting him like a two by four to the back of the skull at some pretty inconvenient times. Like right now.
to flow toward it (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 2400 words)
Eddie belatedly realizes that he's been standing there silently staring at Buck and shakes himself from his reverie. He opens his mouth and says, “Stay.”
Oh, Christ.
Leveling Up (Buck/Eddie, M, c. 5900 words)
When he rose to his feet, he found both Eddie and Maddie staring at him. “What?”
“You, uh,” Eddie said, his eyes looking sort of glazed over. “You just did measurements by eye. And math.”
“In your head,” Maddie said.
“Huh,” Buck said. “Yeah, that was – weird.”
We'd be so grand at the game (Buck/Eddie, E, c. 12000 words)
“How are we gonna practice dating if we can't even take the first step?”
Three hours later, when he was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling, Eddie would not be able to pinpoint with any certainty what possessed him to say what he said next. All he knew was that at the time, it seemed like the perfect answer, the obvious solution.
“We practice on each other.”
And the last age should show your heart (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 6200 words)
This was the worst idea ever.
Okay, maybe not the worst. Buck’s pretty sure this couldn't compete with the idea to, say, start a war or put all your savings in crypto. But on the list of crappy ideas he'd had, this was definitely in the top three, crappiness-wise.
My accidental happily ever after (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 6700 words)
As he ducked into a bush just in time to avoid being crushed under someone's boot, Buck sent up a silent prayer that the bad, weird days ahead never got any worse than this one.
buried my hands in saffron (Buck/Eddie, E, c. 4600 words)
The thing was, Eddie should have been ecstatic.
What are we gonna tell our friends when they say ooh-la-la (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 8700 words)
“You asking me on a date, Diaz?”
Buck had been saying things like that more often over the last few weeks, poking at the edges of what they were to each other. His tone was always teasing, but there was something pointed in it this time. Eddie's heart tried to hide behind his spine as he doggedly kept his eyes on the screen in front of them. “I'm trying to educate you. Your movie knowledge is appalling.”
Here Comes the Jackpot Question In Advance (Buck/Eddie, T, c. 4300 words)
Buck is determined to start the new year right.
Our Flag Means Death
Something Just Like This (various, not rated, vid)
Basically a love letter to our big queer pirate show. Spoilers up to 208.
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madamepestilence · 9 days
I swear to god I genuinely think Windows 11 should be reclassified as malware and banned internationally.
I have an extremely low-level economy laptop. I'm aware it's falling apart. My GPU is pretty bad, I only have 8 GB of RAM, last winter fucked up the fan, and the CPU is regularly hitting 92C now.
Unfortunately, that means that I get to experience shitty Windows 11 updates the hardest.
Over the past few weeks, multiple Windows updates have made my laptop increasingly worse. I used to be able to run Firefox, Steam, Discord, a Steam game, and even open Minecraft or GIMP and maybe have files open. I could watch Twitch streams or YouTube videos in the background of everything.
Then, suddenly, my computer starts freezing. Firefox is suddenly taking up 800 MB to 1.5 GB of RAM. For reference, I can only use 7.78 GB of my 8 GB RAM, and Windows 11 natively uses 4.5 to 5 GB of that at all times.
That means I actually have ~2.78 GB of RAM. This rendered me unable to watch Twitch streams or YouTube videos in the background while I have a game open.
Firefox updates. Windows updates twice. Suddenly it runs a bit smoother, and everything is using about 200 MB less RAM.
Then, suddenly, I can't have Firefox open at all in the background. It causes everything to freeze. I think it's the CPU temperature, of course, that would be causing issues.
Now, today, 22 May 2024, without any Windows updates, I suddenly cannot have even so much as Steam, Discord, and Team Fortress 2 open at the same time.
It uses 90-100% of my RAM at all times.
Windows 11 is malware. It is behaving as though it's a crypto miner or as though it's got an insidious AI creeping through it scraping data from my files.
On the off chance some fucker at Microsoft sees this, move to Windows 12 and remove all your bloatware. Don't think I haven't seen that thread on Microsoft Answers where a fuckton of people call out Windows 11 for being significantly worse than Windows 10.
To those of you who are itching to say Just buy a new laptop/buy a computer!, feel free to donate me several thousand dollars. I am in extreme poverty, I am currently a NEET, my phone is not currently able to text or call (meaning I can't get a job right now), and I cannot afford it.
To those of you who are itching to say Just use Linux instead!, the vast majority of people I talk to automatically assume I'm unfamiliar with Linux. Everybody knows what the fuck Linux is.
I miss using Linux Mint KDE, but again, I'm in extreme poverty, and I have a history of bricking computers trying to build them or install a new OS. This is my only laptop and I can't afford to replace it.
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isadorastarotcards · 1 year
Reading the Court Cards -Jobs and characteristics of each court card
Court cards can represent people or you in a reading. There are four groups of court cards with four different characters. Depending on how many court cards are in a reading and how they are facing each other can tell you a lot about your answer to your question. They can also represent characteristics in a reading. Many readers use court cards in love readings to figure out the zodiac, physical attributes and other characteristics of a future lover. Now let's go down the list of what each court card represents.
King of wands
Zodiac: All fire signs more commonly for Sagittarius I've noticed, also common to come up for Scorpio placements due to the s*xual nature of the king of wands.
Planet: Mars
Jobs: Father, Teacher, Politician, Marketing, Producer, Businessman, Relator, Agent, Motivational speaker or Manager.
Characteristics: S*xual person, athletic, outgoing, optimistic, innovative, competitive, magnetic, impulsive, protective, magnetic, obsessive, honest, charismatic, domineering
Queen of Wands
Zodiac: Leo in the traditional deck there are lions decorating her throne. Pisces as well.
Planet: Sun
Jobs: Counselors, Exotic dancers, Dancers, Artist, Performer, Art director, Interior design, Aerobics, Business women, Human Resources, restaurant, hotel, Actress, someone who works with animals.
Characteristics; Loud, proud, extroverted, confidently different, exaggerated expression, passionate, ambitious, warm, kind, fun, opinionated, rash, bossy.
Knight of Wands
Zodiac: Sagittarius, occasionally July leos/cancers
Planet: Jupiter
Jobs: Soldier, Construction worker, Marketing, Promoting, Electricians, travel guide, travel influencer, waiters, Day trading, working with cars, horse stables, stage actor, stage man, startup, sports, activism.
Characteristics: Charismatic, Adventurous, Energetic, moves around a lot, Fearless, foolish, happy go lucky, cocky, Superficial, Restless, Confident in his actions, believes more in people's actions than words. S*xual card as well.
Page of Wands
Zodiac: Aries
Planet: Mars
Jobs: Gym coach, trainer, sneaker designer, improv actor, entry level job, band member, stage hand, yoga instructor, taxi/Uber, someone who works with a lot of hot food, dog walker/caretaker, veterinarian assistant.
Characteristics: Outgoing, childish, lively, someone who needs a lot of stimulation, someone who falls in love easily, young soul, immature, optimistic, loves trying new things, takes chances, gambler, rash, easy going, impatient, doesn't keep mouth shut, naive.
King of Swords
Zodiac: Capricorn/Aquarius
Planet: Saturn
Jobs: lawyer, judge, mediator, CEO, tech industry, crypto, banker, telecommunications, accountant, insurance, brain surgeon, newspaper writer, tax office, news reporter, high government job, politician, math professor.
Characteristics: Cool tempered, business oriented, analytical, conservative, ambitious, authoritative, ruthless, dishonest but also blunt, high standards, disciplined, cruel, direct, introverted, mature, intellectual, integrity.
Queen of Swords
Zodiac: Libra can sometimes represent a 1st Deacon Virgo.
Planet: Uranus/Venus
Jobs: Lecturer, executive, working in prisons, editors, journalists, coding, business women, quantum physics, statistics, lawyer, politics, publishing, medicine field, chemist, mediator, divorce lawyer.
Characteristics: Crone, critical of herself and others, analytical, direct, intelligently charming, truthful, just, constructive, single women, witty, pessimistic, realist, sharp, independent, sophisticated, can get a read on people very easily, women whose into psychological tricks.
Knight of Swords
Zodiac: Gemini/libra
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Radio station, media, stand up comedy, attorney, Translator, military, detective, game developer, para-educator, teacher, EMTs, administrator, analyst, people who work with weather. Jobs with a lot of communication or speed.
Characteristics: assertive, communicator, dashing, brave, speedy, talkative, opinionated, intelligent, determined, ambitious, sarcastic, comedic, impulsive, arrogant, self confident, dashing, over estimating themselves, goes into situations very quickly.
Page of Swords
Zodiac sign: All air signs
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Entry level communication jobs, Customer service, apprenticeship, maybe tattoo apprenticeship cause swords could be needles, technician, spy, blogger, flight attendant, leasing agent, student, IT person.
Characteristics: Curious, childish, thinking outside of the box, puzzle solver, quick thinker, complains a lot, nit picks, good writer, frank, alert of their surroundings, quick learner, agile, innovative, abrasive, observer and takes mental notes on people and their environment, lively, scholarly.
King of Cups
Zodiac sign: Pisces/Aquarius
Planet: Neptune
Jobs: High level entertainment or art industry, Doctor, photographer, stay at home dad, therapist, psychiatrist, marine biologist, veterinarian, working around water or boats, fisherman, teacher, CEO, owner of a club or bar or restaurant.
Characteristics: Kind, fatherly, stays in control of their emotions, family person, passionate, romantic, delusional, liar, exaggerates, creative, intuitive, opportunist, may like alcohol or drugs, passive aggressive, caring, charming, empathetic, flexible.
Queen of Cups
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Jobs: Stay at home mother, nurse, nursing home worker, zoologist, creative therapist (music, art), nutritionist, cosmetics industry, detective, party planner, actor, LPN, herbalist, case worker, massage therapist, physical therapist, seamstress, someone who cares for others and is creative.
Characteristics: Warm, maternal, heart of gold, loyal friend, imaginative, not punctual, intuitive, empathetic, can notice "vibes" very easily, nurturing, creative, sensitive, psychic, emotion over logic, peace keeper, bystander unless it's their children or family, illusions, dreamy, soft.
Knight of Cups
Zodiac sign: Scorpio/1st decon pisces
Planet: Pluto
Jobs: Diplomat, babysitter, health care, musician, writer, stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser, may have a job in spirituality, politician, graphic designer, zoologist, doggy daycare, daycare worker, groomer(pets), costal guard, pharmacist, graduate.
Characteristics: mediator, emotional, charismatic, idealizes everything around them, good at taking care of themselves, loyal, supportive, creative, jealous, possessive, moody, affectionate, love language might be gift giving, dreamer, polite, good with animals.
Page of Cups
Zodiac sign: All water signs
Element: Moon
Jobs: student, life guard, entry level jobs, counseling, art therapy, mental health worker, fisherman, model, artist for commissions, seamstress, content creator, retail worker.
Characteristics: Sensitive, fashionable, vain, nice, sweet, easily gets in relationships, obsessive, dreamer, gentle, loves love, positive, childish, cries easily, imaginative, good with animals, may have lots of pets, intuitive, intuitive dreams, optimistic
King of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn and Aries
Planet: Saturn
Jobs: Finance, Big CEO, banker, accountant, Stockbroker, financial advisor, something to do with the earth (landscape, plants, building, oil...), Lawyer, carpenter, landscaper, bodybuilder, executive, consultant, real estate, investor, flipping houses.
Characteristics: Strong willed, steady, responsible, calm headed, stubborn, authoritative, hard worker, if he has money he will make sure his family are taken care of, presents well, persistent, professional, solid, successful, dependable, reliable, provider, protective, determined, loyal, work ethic, good taste in food, good with money.
Queen of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn
Planet: Earth
Jobs: interior decorator, real estate agent, finical manager, business manager, business women, CEO, investor, angel investor, jeweler, personal shopper, someone who works with nature and animals, mother, private cook, business in the home, designer, psychologist.
Characteristics: Down to earth, calm, stable, knows herself and her surroundings, organized, materialistic, micromanager, green thumb, nurturing, silent, luxurious, compassionate, devoted, doesn't do flimsy relationships (friends and romance), knows what she wants and how to get it, dresses to impress, business minded.
Knight of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio, gemini
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Retail manager, quality control, explorer, herbalist, zoologist, biologist, blue collar worker, carpentry, potter, wood carver, soldier, landscape, works with horses, veterinarian, mechanic, security guard, works with safes and safe keeping stuff, works with metal and land, waiter.
Characteristics: Hard worker, grounded, efficient, diligent, ambitious, considerate, influential, has your best interest at heart, quiet, not a complainer, ambitious, good taste in food or cooking, patient, forgiving but if you cross this person most likely to play the long game, methodical, young person but old soul.
Page of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: all earth signs
Planet: Earth
Jobs: Cashier, entry level, beginning level business or accountant job, someone who makes a lot of money off small gigs, entrepreneurship, generally a good sign for careers as it means the person has a lot of potential and is going on the right path career wise.
Characteristics: Studious, focused on their goal, loyal, might be overworking themselves with too many goals and not enough balance, practical, methodical, rational, can indicate a person who is a little lazy but has potential, young at heart.
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
What’s truly incredible about Banter is how they can have small talk for forty minutes straight and they never ever dip their toes into a conversation for more than a few minutes or go beyond hovering above the surface level. Like I don’t know how the guys so committed to their blank slate personas decided a podcast would be the thing for them. They never share an opinion unless it’s one they know the fandom shares ie crypto sucks. And they’d never move beyond I fucked your mom jokes or ‘what’s your favorite tv show?’. Sapnap won’t even engage enough to not be on his phone the whole time even with guests.
But that’s a general problem with CC podcasts. I’ve seen every Tommyinnit interview. Each and everyone in the same. He has pre planned out answers for the exact same questions because no one has ever asked him anything unique. When you have someone who is more persona than person like say Dream, George, Tommy there is only so much you can get out of them so they don’t peel back the curtain too much. Dream said you can’t separate Georgenotfound from George but you clearly very much can. He keeps his opinions locked up tighter than his sailor mouth.
There is no way a podcast like Banter would ever really be idk intellectually provoking or something worth listening to when it’s essentially the same as background chatter in a stream minus the video game. And there is only so many times you can hear the same stories over and over again.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
+ lana del rey
Oh my god so many of her songs hit me so hard but honestly i think this is gonna be a long one because i kinda believe shes a generations poet...
Hear me outt okay, she has managed to peerfectly capture the 21st century hell in its simplest moments idk...
"you named your babe lilac heaven after your iphone eleven, crypto forever screams your stupid boyfriend, fuck you kevin" really captued a moment like no other.
"I had fifteen-year dances, church basement romances, yeah, I've cried. Spilling my guts with the Bowery Bums is the only love I've ever known, except for the stage, which I also call home, when I'm not... Servin' up God in a burnt coffee pot for the triad,
Hello, it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad, calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say, "Hi, Dad"
The juxtaposition between tragic beatnik starlets and the most famous woman u know on the ipad!! Hello!! Beautiful!! Genius!! Magnificent!!
Also she has beautiful imagery, the picture she paints here is so vivid and enticing
"Cause down in Arkansas, the stores are all closed, The kids in their hoodies, they dance super slow, We're white-hot forever, and only God knows"
Also Mariners Apartment Complex has some of my favourite lyrics in it too but on a more personal level...
"Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am, I'm your man"
"And who I am is a big time believer, that people can change, that you don't have to leave her..."
"My pastor told me when you leave, all you take are your memories, and I'm gonna take mine of you with me....my sisters first born child, I'm gonna take that too with me, my grandmothers last smile, I'm gonna take that too with me, its a beautiful life, remember that too for me..."
When i heard that the morning she released it i started crying in the street because it touched me so purely <3
Honestly i think shes fucking wonderful and so many of her lyrics are truly gorgeous.
I'll never forget the first time i saw her singing video games on the tv, "its you its you its all for you everything i do, i tell you all the time..." I'd never felt so completely understood and also like, all i wanted from that moment on was to meet someone i loved so much, that i could devote myself to so purely and completely. She truly is everything thats wrong with me now <3
Send me 🎧 and an artist and I'll give you sone of my favourite lyrics from them
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erickirkwo38452 · 11 months
🚀💰✨ Unveiling FunderPro: Revolutionizing Crypto Trading! ✨💰🚀
Hey, Crypto Crew! Buckle up and get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of cryptocurrencies 🌐📈 with FunderPro, the game-changing prop firm that's taking the trading scene by storm! 🌪️💥
🏢👔 Behind the Scenes: The Birth of FunderPro 👔🏢
Picture this: a group of visionary traders 🤓📊📉, huddled around a whiteboard 📝, brainstorming ideas that could reshape the crypto landscape. Their mission? To empower aspiring traders by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities needed to succeed in the thrilling world of digital assets. And thus, FunderPro was born! 🌟💡
🤝🌐 FunderPro: Bridging the Gap 🌐🤝
FunderPro, much like a sturdy bridge 🌉, connects enthusiastic traders with the global crypto market. This innovative prop firm acts as a catalyst, amplifying the potential of traders' talents and allowing them to ride the crypto wave like never before! 🌊🏄‍♂️
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Wondering what sets FunderPro apart from the rest? Here are some of the key advantages that make this prop firm a force to be reckoned with:
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Tronpick.io: The Ultimate Destination for Crypto Enthusiasts
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Cryptocurrencies have emerged as the most talked-about and debated topic in the financial world. The digital currencies have brought a paradigm shift in the way people perceive money, investments, and transactions. The decentralized and secure nature of cryptocurrencies has made them popular among people across the globe. And Tronpick.io is a platform that is leading the revolution in the world of cryptocurrencies.
Tronpick.io is a decentralized platform that is built on the Tron blockchain. It offers a range of services, including cryptocurrency trading, staking, and liquidity provision. The platform is designed to provide users with a seamless and secure trading experience. With its user-friendly interface, Tronpick.io is a one-stop-shop for all your cryptocurrency needs.
Here are some of the top features of Tronpick.io that make it stand out from other cryptocurrency platforms:
Security is a top priority for Tronpick.io, and the platform has implemented several security measures to protect user funds and personal information. The platform uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to secure user data and funds. Additionally, Tronpick.io follows strict KYC and AML policies to ensure that only legitimate users can access the platform.
       2. User-friendly Interface
Tronpick.io has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate the platform. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, you will find it easy to use Tronpick.io. The platform offers a range of trading tools and features that can help you make informed trading decisions.
      3. Range of Cryptocurrencies
Tronpick.io supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including TRX, USDT, BTC, ETH, and more. You can trade these cryptocurrencies against each other or against fiat currencies like USD and EUR.
     4. Liquidity Provision
Tronpick.io offers liquidity provision services, which can help traders access liquidity and improve trading performance. The platform has a dedicated team that works to ensure that there is always sufficient liquidity on the platform.
    5. Staking
Tronpick.io also offers staking services that enable users to earn passive income by holding cryptocurrencies. You can stake your cryptocurrencies and earn rewards in the form of additional tokens or coins.
Tronpick.io is a reliable and secure platform that offers a range of services for crypto enthusiasts. With its user-friendly interface, a wide range of cryptocurrencies, and advanced security features, Tronpick.io is the ultimate destination for traders and investors looking to take their cryptocurrency game to the next level.  Sign up today and start making money at
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moknows2023 · 1 year
KuCoin vs Kraken: Is one better than the other?
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When it comes to trading cryptocurrency, it is extremely important to pick the right exchange when buying and selling digital assets. And these days there are many different exchanges out there, so which one to pick?
In this series of comparisons we are looking at Kraken and KuCoin. Both exchanges are known and established in the field, but they also have some differences that are worth learning about.
In this blog post we will thus take a closer look at some of the most important areas, such as fees, safety for users and more. So if you are looking to find your new favorite exchange, read on!
Safety & Security
Kraken is an old player in the crypto game, having been established back in 2011. This makes them one of the oldest exchanges for crypto still running.
KuCoin was founded in 2017, so while also having some years of experience is not quite as old. Normally this would mean Kraken would be the winner in this comparison, but that's not the case.
This is because KuCoin has built their platform based on the experiences of other exchanges, and thus made some safety and security additions that are really quite extraordinary.
At the same time, users on Reddit, Twitter and other social media platforms have reported a large number of Kraken account hacks, leading to individuals losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets and crypto in recent times.
Fee structure
When it comes to fees, Kraken and KuCoin are somewhat similar. KuCoin does start with slightly lower fees for users at 0.1%, though Kraken is not that far behind, with a 0.16% maker and a 0.26% taker fee at the lowest levels.
Both platforms allow traders to level up their accounts based on trading volume and value, meaning that the more you trade, the lower your fees will be. But KuCoin seems to consistently have lower fees regardless of the levels, so that is what we would recommend you choose.
User verification
If you wish to create a profile on either site, it is worth considering the lengths you need to go in order to be verified. Kraken requires you to fill out a KYC questionnaire as well as comply with the KYC rules, while KuCoin offers you an account without this step.
This means KuCoin is more accessible for people around the world, so whether you are in the US, in Europe or Asia, KuCoin tends to be the cheaper, easier and better choice in most circumstances.
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francostrider · 1 year
Are Players Too Award-Focused?
So, let’s skip the usual preamble and just dive in. What is award-focused? Well, presumably, it is a mercenary attitude in videogaming where a player will not do something unless a tangible award is at the other end. This could be at the end of a quest, or a long arduous set of events that leads to an award. Or it could simply be killing an NPC because they got good stuff, if you are a complete psychopath.
This has come up in MMO circles a number of times. Namely, the “Josh Strife Says” video on MMO Doomscrolling. In this stream, Josh makes the point for level scaling players in MMO, down scaling them, in order for them to participate with lower level friends without outright carrying the whole task. His friend, Callum Upton, states that there is no award or purpose to that. That there is no tangible award, and therefore players won’t do that. He also argues that it has the other effect of making a player’s level “meaningless”. The “award” he argues is being able to one shot any enemy in a given area.
So, to counter point Callum’s argument, the level objectively is not meaningless. To give an example, Guild Wars 2 does level you DOWN to an area in raw stat points and numbers. However, you still carry the abilities and manuevers to you unlocked via leveling up. In Elder Scrolls Online, everyone is basically at the same base power range, but, again, your abilities and tricks and other things you have unlocked makes leveling up meaningful.
Second counter point, bulldozing enemies is, frankly, kind of boring. You have all these abilities for spell interruption, defense debuffs, buffs for yourself, speed and so on. But those become utterly pointless if you’re one shotting enemies. Therefore, you’re “award” is just boring gameplay where nothing challenges you. A good RPG, in my mind, is strategic, requiring you to think, not just plow through.
Side note: I do respect Callum Upton. He is a game designer with experience I likely will never have and he is one of many people doing good work calling out the crypto-bros for their collective bullshit. I recommend his channel wholeheartedly.
But the point I’m trying to illustrate here is the overt focus on some kind of objective award gets in the way of what is supposed to make an MMO fun: Playing with friends in a fantasy world. A friend of mine, once she is done with her dissertation, is planning on getting back into ESO, and I’m excited because it is a game where I already have a character and it does not matter what level she is. I can just do whatever she is doing. Being at max level, with only the Champion Point system giving me anymore buffs, I’m not really looking for a new item anymore. I just want some friends to play with.
And my motivation for going into ESO was never the big weapons or whatever. My goals are thus: 1) Creating a character through look and ability so I can dream up a narrative in my head between him and the main story 2) See the story to its end, 3) Enjoy the combat and some bosses, 4) Do the dungeon raids because they are just good loud fun 5) Check out Tamriel from a time before the “main series”.
Now, I’m NOT saying I’m looking for NO tangible awards. Obviously, I want my equipment to keep up in order to do all those things, but that is a means to an end, not the award I’m shooting for. And little things I would like come up here and there. I wanted my first character, a battlemage take on the Sorcerer class, to have a daedric greatsword. And not just any daedric greatsword: The best I could conjure up. It’s not part of an equipment set, but I cherish that sword because of what it represents: The character’s mastery of sword combat and daedric arts.
Are there better weapons? Probably, if I dig deep enough, there is a more fitting weapon for my build. But the game, for what I’m trying to do, does not require that my numbers are absolute tip top. For me, what is more important, is the look and feel of the character, and part of that is the weapon he uses. For now, I am more interested in how any given story plays out along with the gameplay that comes with it.
But then comes another question: am I still being award focused? After all, I’m expecting SOMETHING on the other end of what I’m doing. I want to play as a hero in a fantasy setting, and I want at least a fitting end to the adventure. I want to see new sites, fun characters and a good note to end a character’s narrative on. I want to see the legendary items and weapons, even if the numbers behind them hold little meaning to me.
I put up with this grind once, redoing dungeons to get the right equipment (the right award) for the Raid Finder during WoW’s Cataclysm expansion. And to be honest, it was the worst part of that whole experience. Dungeons were still fun for the madness that can occur, but it also became infuriating because there were no more sidequests to break them up. Once I GOT to the Raids via the Raid Finder, it was a blast. I threw on my Nightwish playlist and then, during the last Deathwing section, threw on their song “Fantasmic”. There is very little that can top stuffing a giant death dragon into the abyss to symphonic metal. It was such an end, that I knew I could not top it, and so with that, plus my blooming relationship at the time, I decided that was the end of the story. Further experiences in games have veered me away from that game ever since. But my point is that the number crunching award system was a means to see the big ending, not because I needed the Deathwing Axe and it’s accompanying dagger.
(Side note: I lucked out and got both in the same loot role. So not only did I help save the world, I managed to piss off 24 WoW players in the process. It was an objectively complete victory.)
Perhaps it is more a question of what motivates you. If you do not care for number crunching, World of Warcraft is not the game for you. I’ve heard people say that the constant build of numbers is part of the fantasy, and I guess it is not my place to naysay them. I want story completion, character arcs (even if they are just mostly in my head), cool weapons because of what they are and not because of numbers, and nice scenery. Perhaps I am setting/story motivated rather than numbers motivated?
Yet, there is another part of the constant award that does not sit well with me. In short, it is abusive. In length, the constant skinner box design of games abuses award addiction. It encourages the tossing out of relatively new gear for SLIGHTLY newer gear because of a value that the developers just, well, MADE UP. As I have said before, there is literally no mechanical difference between using a level 5 knife in WoW versus a level 30 short sword. The actions will remain the same. The award is not so much a new toy to play with, but a slight variation of the SAME toy. The backstory weapon/armor is meaningless next to its numbers.
The other problem, as illustrated in Folding Idea’s video: Why It's Rude to Suck at Warcraft. Because everyone is so performance focused with their numbers, the world might as well not be there. The design of WoW is so numbers focused that it became more optimal to have the graphical settings as low as possible to not have any distractions. So art assets that a whole team put a lot of work into basically gets tossed out the window because of how the game was designed. The world might as well be a blank page.
And that is what this kind of number crunch boils things down to: A blank page covered in numbers. Why even have the world at all? This is why the constant focus on “objective number awards” disgusts me. The fantasy is gone, and just numbers. The same numbers at your desk at work. The same numbers a bunch of CEO ghouls want you to keep increasing. Just numbers and numbers and numbers, in order to get higher numbers and numbers and numbers.
Forget the actual lore of Azeroth. Forget the characters and motivations. Forget the music. Forget the artwork. Forget story telling. Everything is just numbers.
But here’s the ultimate kicker: Players are enabling this design. It is a constant cycle of addict and drug dealer mentality. There’s a bit of “chicken-and-egg” here: We are told from birth that having more is better. So games are designed that way, and therefore encourage that behavior. And need I go over how toxic their relationship with other players can get, all for the sake of “optimization”? It is a constant pissing contest over made up value. It is an excuse for this award system to keep going.
For players, I encourage that you step back from the usual number crunch, skinner boxes and whatnot and really ask yourself the following questions:
- Why did I play this game in the first place? - Am I still having fun? - Do I understand the greater context?
This is a conversation we need to have, because I suspect the awards have become poison. Poison to us as players, the worlds we play in and the stories we witness.
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