#Legolas x Fem!reader
faeriichaii · 4 months
hi!! i’ve never requested smth before but your writing is so good im gonna give it a shot💫 could i request a legolas x human reader where she somehow accidentally touches his pointy ears not knowing that they’re sensitive for elves and legolas asks her to keep doing it (fluff/like half smut more like teasing maybe?) and legolas is just this soft baby who begs her for her touch 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Sensitive ~ Legolas x Human!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much!! You're like so sweet <33 Oh that sounds very interesting 🤭 I like the idea!! I think I once read like one with a bunch of the elves where the reader accidentally touches their ears and like!! So I hope you enjoy the story <33 (and ngl I was so close to turn it into a smut rip)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff, lil bit smut (if you squint your eyes) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 875 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Aini Nin ~ My Angel ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Gi Melin ~ I love you ࿐ྂ
Summary: You knew that Legolas could endure quite a lot, but what you did not expect is his reaction to touching his pointy ears
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You loved keeping watch during the night. Everything seemed so calm and quiet and it was the only time of the day where you really get the chance to be by yourself. Where you get the chance to think about everything that happened so far and everything that still has to come. Sometimes Legolas joins you during your watch times. These were your favourite moments with him. You always have the most wonderful talks and share your thoughts with each other.
Being alone with him fills you up with joy and warmth. One could almost say you get drunk by his intoxicating charm that he shares specifically with you. Both of you were once more sitting on the logs, around a fire that has been put out for quite some time now, talking about the future ahead. “Do you think your father will like me?” You suddenly asked him, using a stick to draw a heart onto the dirt beneath you. “There is no way he could not. He will adore you as much as I do Aini Nin.”
A bashful smile graced your lips, as you wrote your initial, as well as his into the heart. “I can’t wait to meet your hometown my love. And your father. I want to see everything and get to know all about Mirkwood.” Looking up at him, you caught him already staring at you. His eyes were shining with love and care for you. “And I wish to visit your hometown. Learn all about your family and the customs you share.”
His arm snaked around your waist, in order to pull you into his warm side. Dropping the stick you used for your small drawing, you leaned into him. “Do you think we should take Gimli with us?” A laugh escaped Legolas lips at the thought of the dwarf running around the palace grounds. “I think that would either end up in multiple deaths or banishment on his side.” Chuckling at his response, you leaned your head onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“I love you.” You said, gazing up at him lovingly. “Gi melin, Meleth Nin.” He gave you a soft kiss on the lips, which you immediately reciprocated. You still were looking at him, shining in the moonlight like an angel sent from heaven, as you noticed one of his braids getting loose. “Oh Legolas, can I re-braid your hair?” “Of course.” With that you stood up to take your place on his lap. His hands gently laid on your waist, as you undid his hairdo.
“I wish I had soft hair like you do.” You said, brushing your fingers through his white strands. “Your hair is already perfect as it is Aini Nin.” He softly whispered, as he leaned into your touch. A gentle smile graced your lips. Quickly giving him a loving kiss on his temple, you resumed your work on his hair. Parting the strand into a few sections, you began to weave your fingers through them. The quietness of the forest was interrupted, as Legolas let out a hitched breath. You raised an eyebrow at the sound that escaped him but continued to braid his hair.
His hands tightened around your hips, as your fingers accidentally brushed against his ear. You noticed that his ears slowly gained a red colour by the tips. A smirk played on your lips, as you let your hand brush against his pointy ear once more. Legolas let out another shaky sigh. “Are you alright my love?” You asked him, playfulness evident in your words. “Yes, it’s just… my ears. They are sensitive.” A little giggle left your lips, as you abandoned the braid and instead focused on his ear. You gently let your fingers trail along the pointy form. The elf underneath you let out a soft whine at your touch, slightly leaning into your hand.
His breathing got ragged, hips also moving up into you while pressing you down on him. “Should I stop Meleth Nin?” You innocently asked, playing with the tip of his ear. “No, please. Don’t stop.” A whine followed his words, as you put your other hand around his other ear, massaging both of them equally. Warmth spread through your body at the sounds that escaped your lover underneath you. The elven prince tried his best to keep as subtle and quiet as possible, in order to not wake up the others around you. “Do you love it when I play with your beautiful elven ears?” “Yes.” His breathy answer was muffled, as he hid his face in your neck. “Please don’t stop.” He whispered, giving you a gentle kiss on the exposed skin. Legolas cheeks were rosy and so were your own. You knew that elves could endure quite a lot, but you did not expect them to have wobbly knees after just a touch to the ears.
Suddenly you stopped your little ministration, making the prince underneath you whine sadly. “I am sorry my love, but you don’t want to wake the others now, do you?” You said, smirking slightly at his flustered expression. His hands tightened around your waist, as he brought you closer. His warm breath hit your ear. “You are going to regret this.”
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gloomwitchwrites · 1 month
We Won't Be Missed
Legolas x Female Elf Reader
Content & Warnings: mild sexual content, fade to black, kissing, sneaking away, flirting, fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Dedicated to @firelightinferno
During a celebration in the Woodland Realm, Legolas suggests that the two of you sneak away for some alone time.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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Above you, the stars glimmer.
You don’t know how Legolas managed it, but the night sky is there, twinkling through pockets of canopy. Perhaps he sang to the trees, promised them sweet water or fair winds for their leaves to dance in. Whatever he did, they have opened up, revealing the dark sky and silvery bursts of light that break the inky expanse.
Smiling up at the dazzling lights, you twirl gently in a tight circle, the sheer fabric of your dress spinning with you. All around you, your fellow Elves dance by themselves or with a partner. Music plays, and there is gentle, contented laughter everywhere. It is a moment of celebration and of peace.
Warm hands grab hold of your waist but you’re not startled. Instead, you step into it, inhaling. A familiar woodsy scent fills your nostrils and then your lungs. Twisting in said grip, you find a face that you’d know anywhere.
His name hardly leaves your lips before he pulls you close.
“Legolas,” you breathe, voice nearly a sigh.
“My star,” he replies softly.
Heat creeps up your neck to inflame your cheeks. When it comes to public affection, Legolas is not one for boldness. He is typically subdued and reserved, and this singular moment is enough to surprise you.
“You’ve outdone yourself,” you compliment, gesturing outward to indicate the room.
Legolas blushes slightly under the praise.
It is true, and he should take pride in what he has accomplished. The large hall is beautifully decorated, hinting toward the oncoming summer that will draw forth warmer weather and the migrations of different creatures. The forest will shift, and new life will emerge. Everything is in bloom. Everything is earthy and rich.
“Your approval is a comfort,” he responds in that soft tone.
You turn to face Legolas completely. “But is my approval the only one you seek?”
The answer is already known to you, but you want to remind him why he’s done all this in the first place. Birthdays are not often celebrated by the Elves because time moves differently. For those who have dwelled for hundreds if not thousands of years, birthdays become insignificant. They are small memories, sometimes completely forgotten.
Yet Legolas decided to celebrate anyway. For his father.
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm, hasn’t celebrated anything since the death of his wife. Since that time, he has been stoic and cold. There has been celebrations and other such occasions, but Thranduil has either been absent or only made a brief appearance.
This party is a surprise. A way for a son to show his father that he cares.
Legolas turns in the direction of the throne, and you follow his gaze.
Thranduil is surrounded by his people. He is talking. Animated. A gentle smile on his face. The raven-haired woman sitting beside him says something, and Thranduil laughs, his smile widening.
You haven’t seen him this expressive in years.
“Do you think I’ve made him happy?”
You turn back to Legolas who gazes upon his father. The middle of his brow is tightly pinched.
“Your father?”
Legolas hesitates and then nods, like he isn’t entirely sure his father is appreciative of his efforts. When you don’t answer, Legolas tears his gaze away from his father and gives it to you. Before you is the man you love seeking validation.
“What do you think?” you ask softly, nodding toward the throne.
Legolas sighs and then glances back at his father. As Legolas watches, his features melt from hardness to peaceful contentment.
“You’ve done well,” you say. “He is happy.”
“He is,” sighs Legolas, a dreamy look on his face.
Smiling, you rest your head against his shoulder. Legolas wraps an arm around your waist and starts to sway to the music. Time passes, the two of you simply moving together, breathing in the essence of the other.
Legolas turns his head slightly, placing a quick kiss to the crown of your head. “Would you like to slip away?”
You pull back enough to glance up at him. Legolas’ smile is a bit sultry and it immediately warms you everywhere.
“What did you have in mind?” you ask curiously.
“We won’t be missed. We should take advantage of the opportunity.”
Private moments between the two of you have been scarce. Legolas may be your betrothed, but you hardly see him. Duty comes first, and sometimes that doesn’t always include you. A few hours alone would be nice. Perfect.
“I agree,” you answer, and Legolas beams. “Lead the way, my love.”
Legolas’ smile turns into a delighted grin. Sliding your hand into his, he guides you away from the dancing bodies and past the large casks of wine. No one turns to look or to question where the two of you might be off to. There is only your hand in his, and the teasing way he stops to push you into dark corners for chaste kisses before taking off again.
This boldness is new, and you find that you like it. He leads you to his private quarters, the place that will soon by your home. When the door completely shuts, Legolas pulls you into him, arms wrapping around your body like vines.
This time, his kisses are not chaste.
They are liquid heat and from it comes a burst of fire in your chest.
“Legolas,” you murmur, a hint of need in your tone. “My love.”
He only draws back enough to look into your eyes. His eyelids are heavy like he wants to devour you. A stuttering exhale leaves him, and then Legolas is grasping the side of your face, pulling you back to him.
Your bodies are pressed close. Hands roaming.
Elves mate only once. Legolas is it for you. There is to be a ceremony, but that is just a formality. To be skin to skin, to accept him into your body, is your acceptance of him.
Legolas’ hand slips between the delicate folds of fabric to graze over your bare thigh. You inhale sharply and Legolas steals the exhalation, his tongue delving for a taste. Your dress is nothing in his hands, the sheer material bunching as he touches.
“Is this too much?” he asks, voice raspy with need.
You shake your head, fingers digging into his shoulders. “No. I want more.”
Legolas hungrily draws you back to his mouth and your heart hammers in your chest. It is so loud it is all you hear.
To seal the bond, the two of you must become one. To be bare. Open.
The ceremony is only for the people.
“I love you,” murmurs Legolas against your lips. “With all my heart and all the stars in the sky.”
You grin. “And I love you. I never wish to be apart.”
Legolas makes a little purr in his throat. It sounds like contentment. “That will no longer trouble us come the end of summer.”
“Must we wait?” you ask softly. You slide your hands off his shoulders, bringing them to the twisted straps of your dress. You pull on them, drawing them over and down your shoulders. “I do not wish to.”
Legolas’ pale skin flushes before his mind catches up. “I cannot resist when you ask this sweetly.”
“That is why I asked,” you reply, matching his tone.
The dress falls from your body landing in a pool at your feet. His sultry gaze morphs into appreciation. His fingertips lightly trace over your flesh, leaving a trailing heat behind.
“Are you certain?”
“You are my betrothed. It is not wrong to want this.”
Legolas runs the back of his knuckles down your throat and over one breast. He leans forward, and sucks the nipple into his mouth. You moan, arching into him, one hand sliding to the back of his head. His other hand delves between your thighs, and that too twists your stomach into knots.
He brings that nipple to a stiff peak, and then moves to the other, his other hand still moving between your legs. That too springs to life, and then Legolas’ mouth trails further south over your stomach. Lower still to kiss between your thighs.
You gasp. Groan. Shudder as he learns your taste and brings you to an endless sea of stars.
“You are perfect,” he nearly growls, his words drifting upward to caress.
“I am yours,” you gasp out, fingers tangling in his silky hair.
He continues to explore with his tongue, and then he’s standing before you, removing his formal tunic, shedding all this clothes to match your own bareness.
“Let us go to bed,” you murmur, palms pressing against his bare chest.
Legolas’ hands slide to the backs of your thighs. He lifts and you’re locking your legs around his waist as he carries you to the bed. You cling to him, tasting yourself on him.
The bedsheets are cool against your back.
Legolas nuzzles the side of your face, his lips pressed against your ear as he speaks. “I shall give you no rest.”
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast
@protosslady @childofyuggoth @miaraei @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath
@berarenado @therealbloom @ninman82 @thewulf @ferns-fics
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entishramblings · 1 year
The Innocence of Brutality Pt.1 [Legolas/F!Reader]
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A.N: I've been working a lot on FATE (my long fic...you should check it out) so I haven't been posting many one-shots. BUT FINALLY....here you go! It's a bit different from my usual one-shots but hey I figured I may as well give it a go. This will have many parts depending on how much traction it gets  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Request: none
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Summary: The Reader is Rámaitë Mahtar, a warrior spirit race, and she meets the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring. 
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the Rámaitë Mahtar is not canon as I made up Rámaitë Mahtar. Also, all elvish was translated from a translator site—it may not be accurate.
Word count: ~8k (yes I went overboard)
Warnings: nudity (not sex), mentions of war, mentions of torture, violence, fluff
The Innocence of Brutality Masterlist — PART 2
The sky had been getting darker and darker as the hours went by, the sun slipping into a restless dream as a storm brewed. Clouds hung deep and gray high above the fellowship while claps of thunder neared them. It was a grumbling and crackling battle of light and dark. With every booming sound, the menacing void loomed closer and closer, electrifying the air with anxiety. It was casting above them at a rapid rate—a rate at which they could not outrun.
Gandalf squinted up at the sky as it churned and flashed again. "Hurry up. We don't have much time."
Legolas and Aragon exchanged a worried look before shifting their gaze to Gandalf, at the front of the group, who was now murmuring to himself. For the past two hours, he had been pushing a fast past—too fast for the hobbits and the exhausted mortals of the group.
They were all acutely aware that it had something to do with the strange storm bubbling above them, but other than that they knew not.
Aragon, who was bringing up the flank with Legolas, leaned in towards the elf. He lowered his voice to a whisper as he spoke in the elvish tongue, not wanting to worry the hobbits who were straggling and struggling before them. "Man- na- ho pent? Tur- cin hear ha? (What is he saying? Can you hear it?)"
Legolas sent a deadpan look to his friend. "Cin attindo nin edhelen tûr? (You doubt my elvish abilities?)"
Aragorn rolled his eyes, his tone dripping with sarcasm and faked irritability. "Tharchol- man an tuin -o ammen who are róvan -o lhaw, nin mellon. (Translate for those of us who are hard of hearing, my friend)."
Legolas' lip tugged slightly upward, like the stem of a flower reaching for the light, as he turned his attention back to Gandalf; however, that grin faded quite quickly as he picked up the words falling from the Maiar's lips.
"What? What is it?" Aragorn hissed, now in the common tongue, for they were far enough behind the others not to be heard.
Legolas shook his head as he lowered his voice. "He is worried. We are moving too slow."
"Too slow? Even I would not pick this pace to escape an oncoming storm."
Legolas pressed his lips into a tight line, tilting his head as he continued to listen to the wizard's muttering. "He thinks this weather is....unnatural."
Aragorn cast a weary and suspicious look up at the ever-darkening shadow upon them. "Sauron?" he whispered.
Legolas frowned. "I do not know. It doesn't necessarily feel...evil."
"What does it feel like?"
The elvish Prince shook his head, unsure.
Aragorn raised a thick brow. "You can't identify it? You are rather old. You must have felt such a feeling before."
Legolas shot him a gare at the words that came out rather a bit insulting.
His friend only smirked in reply.
The talking ceased between the two men, but they kept glancing up at the swirling clouds, which were now twisting with strange colors—hints of dulled oranges, pinks, purples, and blues. It most definitely was not natural. They were sure of that.
The storm continued to grow worse and worse with every advancing step. The pair now hung close to the hobbits considering the harsh weather conditions. The hot wind began whipping around them, making it harder to push against, as hail pelted them. The air was also stiff and murky, tension and power leaking into the atmosphere, which only produced more concern. An unusual combination of weather, yes. It was quite strange. It was terrifying.
"Gandalf!" Aragorn called out just as he yanked Sam out of the way of an entire tree turning and tumbling through the air. "We must seek shelter."
The wizard only shook his head as he turned to yell over the harsh sounds. "No. We must move further. We must get away from this."
"It will be the death of the hobbits!" Boromir interjected as he held tightly onto Pippin's shoulder. "We need to stop!"
"I wouldn't stop in this even if I had gotten my legs ripped off!" Gandalf snapped.
The cerulean blue eyes of the elf filled with worry. As an elf, he trusted Mithranduil and his wisdom, but this behavior made Legolas anxious. Never had the wizard been so admit about a concern. Not like this. "What is it, Gandalf? What worries you?"
The old man's gray eyes shifted to the center peak of the storm, where the light and thunder seemed to originate yet also hang calmly. He did not answer the elf's question though. Instead, his lips parted as a hole and began to open in the center. It was only then that he spoke. "We are too late."
With that, something began to tumble from the clouds. It spun, twisted, and warped—the winds tearing and clawing at it as if the world did not want its existence in this plane.
Legolas stepped forward, squinting.
What is that?
The Prince took another step.
A limb? No, it couldn't be.
Yet, as the object descended, he could make out flailing arms and legs, whipping hair, and...and wings.
"By the Valar," Legolas whispered.
"W-what is that?" Boromir stuttered, his anxiety dripping from his tone for he could not see what the elf could.
"A—a woman," Legolas breathed out. "A winged woman."
All eyes twisted and turned, necks cranking upwards in hopes to make out the figure Legolas described.
As the wind threw her into a rather forceful descent, she was finally close enough for the other members of the fellowship to make out her shape.
With gaping mouths, they all stared.
Her body, merely thirty feet away, slammed into the ground....hard.
Rocks and dirt were flung from every direction, which caused the men to raise their arms, turn their backs, and shield their eyes.
As the dust settled and the whipping wind hung still, the storm was silent and unmoving. Slowly, they turned back to see what was just delivered unto them.
A large crater had opened up, yet they couldn't make out the being that lay within. All they could see was a smoldering pile of feathers and little flickering flames.
Instantly, Legolas moved forward. His elvish body easily and quickly pushed him to the front of the group. He was about to pass Gandalf, but the wizard flung out his arm and stopped him—surprisingly fast reflexes for the old man.
"Don't," he muttered simply.
Legolas' brows pulled tight. "Is she one of Sauron's? Do you know that to be true?"
Gandalf, with narrowed eyes, shook his head. "No. Something far more dangerous."
The Prince shifted his weight. "What is she?"
Gandalf glanced at all the curious eyes upon him before his deep voice huffed across the dirt as he reluctantly spoke his next words. "Rámaite Mahtar."
Legolas spoke the translation. "Winged Warrior."
Gandalf nodded. "Before the Maiar were created, the Valar built a breed of warrior spirits. Strong, fierce, and utterly brutal. They used them once, and only once, to help defeat the darkness that occupied the lands long before they were molded into what we wander today."
"Why? Why only once?" Aragorn interjected. "Not even to defeat Morgoth?"
"Because they destroyed everything."
"We are here, are we not?" Boromir replied.
The wizard's eyes narrowed. "But before, we were not, were we? I would not dare interact with such a creature."
"But why was she sent here then?" Legolas rebutted.
As quick as an arrow, Gandalf's form shifted towards Legolas rather aggressively, and he barked his next words. "She could not have been sent here! She must have escaped to here!"
"Escaped?" Aragorn questioned.
"We don't have time for this. We must move while she is still. We can only hope that she is dead."
Legolas shook his head, muttering to himself for a moment, as he strained his elvish ears to listen.
Badum, badum.
Badum, badum, badum.
"She is not dead," he breathed out.
Badum, badum.
Not able to bear leaving a living woman, probably juried, behind, he shoved his bow into Gandalf's hand and took off in her direction.
"Legolas! Legolas!" Gandalf yelled, vexed.
But he did not falter. The Prince skipped across the rock and stone until he climbed to the top of the crater. Curiously, he peered over the edge.
About ten feet across and five or six down, among the dirt and dust, there she lay.
Her naked body, covered in ash, was curled in on itself like that of a baby deer left alone in the forest. Her (h/c) hair was sprawled messily across her face, blocking her features from view. It concealed her. It hid her. It was a block in the path to her soul...if she had one. Gandalf did say they were brutal. Regardless, much of Legolas' focus was on another part of the being: her wings. They now laid across the ground coated in the same dust....and blood. One wing specifically was badly damaged. It was broken. It was warped. It was snapped at the bone. It looked bad....very bad.
"By the Valar," he breathed out.
Legolas knew he would need to get a closer look at that wing. There was still a chance he could repair it. If he didn't, an untreated injury like that would kill her. He knew could help her. He knew could heal her. He knew it.
The Prince felt the fellowship's eyes on him as he began to slowly climb into the crater, being sure to avoid some of the smoldering embers and flames that still flickered within. He was slow as he approached the woman, for he didn't want to startle her.
Unfortunately, he did.
As his foot, silent in step, settled approximately two feet away from her, her eyes snapped open. He got a flash of brilliant (e/c) as they stared into his cerulean blues—for barely half of a second. As quick as an arrow leaving a bowstring, her form snapped upright and her wings warped around her entire body—forming a shield. It was a broken, bloody shield but a shield nonetheless.
Legolas faltered back. She was quick....maybe even quicker than him. And most definitely unpredictable.
Softly, Legolas spoke. "I am not going to hurt you." He took a cautious step forward, reclaiming his previous position. He could feel the fellowship's gaze still burning into him. They had moved closer to see what would take place. He could sense it. He focused back on the barricade of bloody feathers before him. "You are injured. Let me help."
One of the wings shifted, barely noticeable to any being of mortal descent, but Legolas was not one of those, was he? He could see the very small gap in the cascade of pain and dust. And, through this waterfall of despair, peered one of those curious (e/c) eyes.
Legolas knew he was being evaluated. She was examining and studying him. She was deciding if he was a threat.
He raised his palms, showing he was not going to touch the knives on his belt and back. "I am here to help," he repeated.
There was no motion.
He swallowed dryly as he thought back to Gandalf's words. The woman was a warrior. She was born of a warrior race. She was created to destroy and decimate entire worlds. Supposedly. Regardless, if she was going to kill him, she would have already.
With shaky hands, he opted to make a decision on how he would proceed. He reached forward. The Prince let his palm gently touch the un-injured wing in an attempt to move it out of the way to see the figure.
Wrong decision.
In an instant, the wings flew open and spread wide. The injured stretch of feathers hung at an awkward, bloody, and most certainly painful angle, but that didn't seem to matter to the woman. Her hand wrapped itself around Legolas' throat tightly. His own came up to hers in a poor attempt to pry off her grasp as his feet rose from the ground. Wheezing and huffing sounded from his lips, but she did not stop. Instead, those brilliant, (e/c) eyes only stared through the ash coating her face and form. That vibrant color burned into him with rage, anxiety, and....and fear.
Instantly, loud shrieks sounded from the hobbits—which were quickly shushed by the others, for they knew what may happen if the woman's attention focused on them.
Aragorn, however, still pulled his bow, ready to fire—not that it would do much.
But, at the sound of that panic, the woman's head snapped towards the group of people watching the interaction. She tilted her head curiously.
Legolas, thinking the same thought that his friends had, tried to speak to get her attention. He would rather it be on him than on them. Therefore, his raspy, broken voice sounded weakly. "Friend. We–we are friends."
Once again, those (e/c) eyes twisted back to him. The woman tilted her head again, her gaze peering into his.
The word then rolled off her tongue strangely and uncertainly, as if she was unsure of the sound. "F-friend."
"We-we can help," he wheezed out, desperately.
"We can help," she repeated.
"P-please," he whispered, his vision starting to blur.
All in one moment, the tightness fell from his neck as she abruptly dropped her hand. As soon as his feet hit the dirt, Legolas bent forward. He placed his hands upon his knees as he desperately tried to get air back into his lungs. He inhaled it in long gulps, begging it to fill his lungs.
He was defenseless. He was nothing against her. He knew it. And she knew it too.
She stood there, as still as stone, watching him as he recovered.
Aragorn took aim once again.
"Wait, laddie," Gimli muttered, putting a hand on the Ranger's bow.
Aragorn glanced at him suspiciously but lowered it nonetheless.
As Legolas stood upright once more, he peered at the woman before him. His gaze was cautious, for he feared she might wrap that viperous grip around his throat again; but, still, his curiosity and desire to help wouldn't fade. He needed to know more.
The Prince shifted as he took to observing her.
She wasn't exactly what he expected. She was human-like. She was elf-like. She was in the same image....but not. Something about her looks seemed slightly off. It was different, but not in a prominent or bad way. She just seemed...distinct. She seemed evolved. She seemed primitive. All contradictions. All at the same time. Yet, still, she was similar enough to pass as human or elf...well, mostly. Her ears were not pointed but she held that eternal expression of the elves. She was in between the two races. The woman was smaller than him—excluding the massive wingspan of what had to be nearly sixteen feet—as most beings were, for he was indeed an elf. Apparently, even the Rámaite Mahtar didn't have the height of elves either. Regardless of all this, she still stood proudly and powerfully before him.
She could kill him in an instant.
"You are injured," he began, his voice now rough, as he glanced at her broken wing. "I can help you."
She squinted curiously at him, once again. "Help," she stated, with no tone or inflection.
Legolas nodded. "Yes. I can help heal you if you will allow me."
Her gaze poured confusion into his.
Slowly, Legolas moved to the broken wing. He stopped as he arrived at the section that was ruptured and cautiously lifted his hands. He looked to her for permission, except nothing but that empty stare looked back at him. Therefore, making a decision, he took the wing in his hand.
Wrong decision. Again.
Immediately, she jerked back and hissed at him.
Legolas' hands flung to the sides of his head in a motion of surrender. "It's alright," he said calmly. "I am just examining it. I am here to help you."
Still, she held a frown of distrust.
He slowly touched the wing again, and she snapped an angry snarl at him.
"Shh, shh. It's okay," he whispered. Legolas then placed his palm upon her wing for the third time.
This time, she winced but did not make any motions to attack him.
As Legolas began to examine it, he spoke to her. "My name is Legolas."
She tilted her head, now seemingly interested. "Leg-o-las," she repeated.
He smiled and nodded. "And you? What are you named?"
That interest practically evaporated into nothingness in one second. She turned her head away from him, focusing on the group staring at them both. She basically ignored the elf. Clearly, she was not worried about an attack from him.
"Alright," he mumbled to himself. "I suppose I will have to earn your trust before I learn your name."
She did not look at him.
As he examined her wing, he told her of what he discovered—though he wasn't sure she was really listening. "It is broken. Still hanging on limply though. I can bind it with supplies and provide medicine for the wound." He let his hands fall as he moved back to face her, trying to get her attention. "If you come with me, to my friends, I can help."
She tilted her head, now looking at him. "Come with...."
"Yes. That is where we have supplies. That is where I can help."
Legolas took a couple of steps to his friends, before looking back to see if she was coming.
Seeing this, the woman took a cautious step forward.
Legolas smiled softly, holding out his hand in an inviting manner.
She, however, did not take it. She just pushed past him, her good wing knocking into him rather aggressively, as she continued towards the group.
Legolas jogged to catch up to her, being sure to avoid the massive wings this time, for he knew his friends may panic at the way she was approaching them. It most certainly seemed menacing.
They all shifted nervously when they saw her advance, but Legolas was still alive so they presumed the woman had made peace with him...hopefully.
She stopped about three feet in front of them, waiting for Legolas.
He ducked under her wing and stood before their gaping gazes. "We are going to help her."
"Are you serious?!" Boromir gruffed out. "The wizard said–"
"She is a living being. We will not let her become a victim of Sauron's manipulation. We are going to help her."
Boromir released a rough exhale. He knew what the elf was saying. And he was right. It was either them or Sauron. And they could presume that if she sided with Sauron, it would mean their end.
Aragorn nodded, accepting the situation much quicker than Legolas would have thought. "Alright. We must find a place nearby to camp for the night."
Legolas turned to look at Gandalf.
Would the wizard approve?
He would not look at the elf.
Apparently not.
Legolas sighed. He knew this would cause strain within the group, but what was he to do? This was the only option. Rámaite Mahtar or not, she needed help.
Therefore, he, with nothing else to say, took to following Aragorn—and the winged woman followed him.
Pippin, however, stood still, gaping as the naked figure strutted past him.
"Advert your eyes, Pip!" Sam huffed out in exacerbation. "It's not proper to look at a woman when she's unclothed!!"
The little hobbit, whose lips were parted and whose eyes were still fixated on the woman's ash-covered chest, replied. "I wasn't lookin!"
"Yes, ya were!" Merry replied with a giggle. "But so was I!"
"Come on," Frodo interjected. "Let's not stray from the group."
With that, they moved towards an area encircled by trees and rocks amount a mile away. The fellowship then began to set up camp and the sun started to set—the previously menacing weather entirely gone from existence. Aragorn started a fire as Boromir collected more wood and dropped it near the center. Sam began to unpack his cooking supplies, the rest of the hobbits huddling around him and stealing some scraps as he began. Gimli took to smoking his pipe, Gandalf doing the same but with a wary gaze on the strange woman who now joined them.
Legolas motioned to a log near the fire, in efforts to get the winged being to sit, as he gathered the healing supplies from his bag.
She glanced around at the group of people around her. Seeing Gandalf and Gimli upon a different log, she looked back to the stretch of wood that Legolas had gestured to. Cautiously, she moved towards it and sat down.
She stared at the various individuals around her and that stare was felt. Every so often, they would glance at her with anxiety in their eyes. Except Gandalf. His eyes never left her.
After a moment or so, one of the men, Aragorn, approached her. With a small smile, he passed her a long stretch of fabric before turning back to the fire.
She tilted her head as she took it before placing it limply on her lap—not necessarily covering much.
Legolas looked up from his leather satchel of healing herbs and pressed his lips together to suppress a small smile as he witnessed her little frown. She looked so confused. Despite knowing how lethal she was, it was cute.
He stood, taking his leather bag with him. He placed it at her feet before gently taking the blanket from her lap. He smiled softly, to assure her there was no harm to come, as he draped it over her body. Legolas did his best to swirl it across her skin while leaving her wings free from the fabric. She only looked up at him as he did it.
The Prince stepped back and was about to move to her left—towards the break in her wing—when a gust of wind rushed through his hair. There the injured wing curled, the wound now directly in front of her, and, therefore, him.
He knew what she meant by that: heal me.
Legolas knelt upon the soil and took to making an athelas paste with a mortar and pestle. She watched him curiously as he did so. Soon enough, he gently took the injury in his hand and began to smear the healing property onto the afflicted area. She let him.
"This will help stop any bleeding and prevent infection. Though, I will have to tend to the wound regularly."
She did not answer. Instead, her brilliant eyes were focused on those behind the elf. He glanced up at her as her gaze shifted with every word of conversation between his friends.
The Prince's brows pulled together.
When Aragorn spoke, her eyes were on him.
When Gimli spoke, her eyes moved.
When Boromir spoke, her eyes drifted again.
Boromir was the first to notice Legolas noticing such a pattern and, in turn, noticed the said pattern.
He stood. In an accusatory tone, he barked out a rough demand. "What is she doing?"
Instantly, all eyes shifted to the woman.
"She's just sittin there, lad," Gimli gruffed, drawing another breath from his pipe.
Her eyes went to Gimli...again.
"Nay, she's—she's looking at us," he argued.
Her eyes focused back on Boromir.
Gimli rolled her eyes. "Eh, let the lassie look. What is she gonna do?"
"What is she gonna do," sounded again....but not from any man. No, no, it came from her—from the woman.
Instantly, all eyes stuck to her like tree sap.
"That!" Boromir huffed as he pointed. "What was that?!"
"What was that," she repeated.
"Stop it!" Boromir snapped.
"Stop it," she replied.
"I said! STOP!"
"I said. Stop."
The hobbits' eyes were wide. Frodo stepped behind his friends. Sam grasped onto an empty pan. Merry and Pippin's mouths fell open, food falling from them as they stared in fear—like the rest of them.
Surprisingly, Gandalf was the next to speak. "She's learning, you fools."
She repeated his words: "She's learning, you fools."
"Every word you speak, every action you do, every look you give...She learns."
Each member of the fellowship's eyes filtered back to the woman as the sentence sounded again: "Every word you speak, every action you do, every look you give...She learns.
"What do you mean?" Frodo asked, now emerging from the hobbit blob and shakily walking towards the woman.
"What do you mean."
Aragorn grabbed the hobbit's arm, stopping him. In a parental-like tone, he spoke. "He means that she is incredibly intelligent."
"He means that she is incredibly intelligent."
Gandalf nodded, drawing from his pipe again. "Rámaite Mahtar are incredibly intelligent, smart, and deadly creatures. And you are feeding it."
Her tone echoed him again. "Rámaite Mahtar are incredibly intelligent, smart, and deadly creatures. And you are feeding it."
"Just get her to stop it!" Boromir snapped.
"I will not stop it," she stated.
At that, all sound was sucked out of the air. Everything seemed to be still but the breeze that shuffled lightly through the leaves. Did they just hear that correctly? Those words—they were not repeats.
Her voice then sounded again, slightly unsure. "I want to learning."
Legolas looked up at her from his kneeling position. In a soft and gentle tone, he spoke ever so quietly. "I want to learn."
A small smile pulled at her lips. "I want to learn," she repeated.
"Don't teach her!" Boromir yelled. "You want her to get smarter faster? You want her to learn how to kill us quicker?"
Legolas stood up, his form blocking the woman from Boromir's view. "She already knows how to kill us. And she hasn't. What is the harm in helping her learn how to communicate with us? She is a living being, you should treat her like one."
Boromir took a menacing step forward as he pointed at her. "A living being?! She might be, but she–she is an animal!"
Legolas narrowed his eyes. "She is more similar to us in likeness and image than any wild beast."
Boromir snorted. "And she has ensnared you with it." He raised a hand, motioning to the woman behind Legolas. "With those breasts, that ass, and those warm folds between her legs—I bet you just want to bury yourself in there—"
Legolas' fists balled and he practically growled at the person insulting him...and the woman. "You, human, know nothing of elvish culture. How dare—"
"ENOUGH!" Aragorn interrupted. "She is learning. Do you want her to learn this?! Hmm? You want her to learn anger and violence? More than she already knows?"
The Ranger huffed slightly, dropping Frodo's arm and picking up a, rather large, stick to poke the fire with. "That's what I thought," was his gruff reply as he sat down upon a log.
Slowly, the fellowship dissipated back to their own tasks, uneasiness hanging in the air.
Legolas turned back to the woman. She was already focused on him with those frustrated, confused, (e/c) eyes of hers. Legolas knew she didn't understand what Boromir's words meant, for she was still figuring out what words were, but he presumed she could pick up on the basics of interaction by now.
She tilted her head at the elf.
He knew that she knew that he was upset.
He inhaled through his nose, releasing a long breath as he knelt down in front of her once again. "Don't mind Boromir. There is a lot of unease with our quest."
"Quest?" she questioned.
He nodded slightly, unsure of what to answer. He knew that his companions would not appreciate him telling her of their strenuous mission. They were already irritated with his decision to bring the woman into their group. Besides, he was unsure if she would even be able to understand it if he tried to explain it. Yes, it seemed she was grasping the basics of their language, but that was all at the moment: the basics.
Therefore, instead, he decided to comment on what he was doing. "I am going to wrap your wing in a bandage now. We don't want any dirt or grim getting in there, do we?" He smiled gently, glancing up at her ash-covered face before moving to finish the winding. "My, uh, my father and I used to repair injured birds' wings. At my home, in Greenwood, we have a great castle. It's strong for defense but the stone isn't so great for the creatures of the sky. Some of them have, unfortunately, flown into it. When I was a young elfling, he taught me how to mend their wings from such injuries. Yours are not far off from that of a bird, though significantly more damaged."
She tilted her head. "Bird?"
He bobbed his head, looking up at her. "Birds," he repeated gently. He pointed up to the sky and imitated the sound they make through a soft whistle.
She smiled, a little giggle escaping her lips.
Legolas grinned too. He liked her laugh. It didn't seem so scary or deadly. It was almost childlike, to be honest. He wondered if Gandalf had truly been right....she didn't seem that utterly, completely terrifying. Yes, she may have almost killed him earlier, but she could have just been scared. Living beings react when you scare them.
He looked back at her adorable face and instantly, his mind began racing through what else he could do to make her laugh. He wished to hear more of those little, bright giggles again.
Feeling embarrassment filter through his blood at that thought, he glanced back down at the wing.
The Prince tucked the last of the wrapping into itself before looking to her once again. "How about we get that ash off of you?" With that, he dug through his bag until he pulled out a rag. He then removed his water skin from his belt, using his teeth to pull open the stopper. He took a quick sip, then held it out to her.
She cautiously took it from him, twisting it in her hands, before glancing at the man before her.
He nodded encouragingly.
She raised the leather-skin to her lips and took a sip. It spilled down her chin as she did so, but she drank most of it. She then handed it back to him, almost in a shy manner.
Legolas poured some of it onto the swatch of the fabric before lifting it to the woman. He then gently began to wipe the grim from her skin, revealing the natural curves and extensions of her face, until there was no more ash upon her expression.
As he pulled the now gray fabric down to pour more water on it, she looked down at it. Her lips parted as she reached a dirty hand to her now clean face. She looked back to Legolas with an expression of surprise.
After a moment, she held out her hand to him.
He raised his brows slightly but began to wipe the ash from her hand, wrist, and arm. As he did so, he noticed something that made his heart freeze. Purple bruises, now uncovered from the ash, hung upon her wrist. Legolas glanced at her other hand. He could see the same purple and blue hue peaking through the dirt. He was sure to be extra gentle as he cleaned it, for he knew it must be painful. His mind, however, was now spinning with more questions.
Gandalf had said that she had to have escaped. What had she escaped from? It was obvious that she had been restrained. Why had she been? Was she tied up for a rather big reason? How dangerous was she, really? Should they be worried?
She lifted her hand in front of her face and examined it before another giggle left her lips. Valar—it was so adorable. She then pulled her leg out from the blanket and set it before the elf, her dirty foot resting upon his thigh.
Legolas' mouth parted at the action that would, in any other circumstance, seem sexual. She didn't know that though. No, she just wanted to be clean.
With nervous hands, Legolas took her calf in his grasp as he gently scrubbed away again. Valar, if his father saw him now, he surely would be smacked. She removed that leg from him and place her other in its spot. Her eyes were asking him to do the same for it. So he did. Once that leg was washed from the elements, she stood upright and began tugging on the blanket that Legolas had wrapped around her.
Understanding what she was bout to ask, and deeming it too provocative for their circumstances and his culture, he too stood and held out the rag.
She tilted her head.
"Learning, yes?"
Tentatively, she took the rag from his hand. "Leaning."
He smiled before turning away and scrambling to collect his medicinal supplies. He did not wish to be beside her when that blanket finally fell. It wasn't proper. With his leather bag hung over his shoulder, he began making his way towards Aragorn and the now blazing fire.
"Legolas," the winged woman's voice called out, seemingly urgent.
He turned, along with the rest of the fellowship.
"(Y/N)," she stated.
He blinked. "(Y/N)?"
She nodded. "Yes," she paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to convey what she wanted to say. "Legolas. You. (Y/N). Me."
"Your name? It is (Y/N)?"
She dipped her head up and down ever so slightly.
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Legolas replied with a smile.
She grinned.
He then took to sitting beside Aragorn at the fire. He gratefully accepted a bowl of sausages and vegetables from Sam, for he hadn't realized how hungry he had been.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) took off the blanket and began to scrub away at her body. Every member of the fellowship, including the elf, avoided looking at her. They might be men but they were respectful. Legolas had seemingly decided for them that the Rámaite Mahtar was to be of their group, at least for the time being, and they were going to respect that—as well as her honor.
As they ate, Aragorn nudged the elf and spoke in a low tone. "So, (Y/N)."
Legolas swallowed. "I do not think she is going to kill us. If she was going to, she already would have."
"I suppose so." He stated. That is not what he had intended by his words. Aragorn sent a quick look at the woman before turning back to Legolas with a raised brow. "We should find her some clothing, don't you think?"
The elf only nodded, his cheeks red as he refused to look at the winged being.
"Don't suppose the hobbits' would fit her. Neither would yours. Or mine. I doubt Gandalf would spare his robe either."
Legolas chuckled at that. "I don't see many options. We will just have to make do. I think I may have an extra tunic. Those wings of hers will make it a bit difficult though."
Aragorn nodded. "I have an extra pair of trousers."
The two then began to ruffle through their belongings until they pulled out what they could.
"What about shoes? She has small feet. Smaller than mine and yours," Legolas said.
The Ranger snorted as he sent a glance at the footprint on Legolas' thigh. "You would know, wouldn't you?" The Ranger then tossed the trousers to his friend.
"Aragorn," he whispered in a slightly irked tone for he didn't appreciate the comment or the fact that he had to be the one to approach the rather very naked woman...again!
He smirked. "You will figure it out."
"But why do I–"
"She trusts you, doesn't she? She told you her name."
"I–" Legolas began, but the man had already walked away.
With a sigh, the elf began to approach (Y/N).
His gaze refused to drift anywhere but from her face to the ground—nothing in-between. He cleared his throat. "(Y/N)."
She turned, her wing nearly knocking into him.
"I, uh, I brought you some clothes."
She tilted her head and walked towards him until she was only inches away. He could feel her hot breath upon his skin. It tingled at his lips and brushed upon his nose. He could even smell her distinct scent—most ash and fresh soil, but there was something else there. Something different. He could hear her heart too, beating steadily, as if she didn't know what she was doing to him. And he could see that ever-present curious gaze of hers, examining him. Every part that made her living and free was there. It was right in front of him.
Legolas swallowed dryly and shifted his feet uncomfortably, before placing the bundle in her hands.
(Y/N) accepted it. She grasped onto the top fabric, letting the rest of them crumble to the floor.
She frowned at the trousers in her hands, twisting them trying to figure out what to do with them.
"They-they are to cover you. Trousers. To-to cover your legs."
Her frown deepened.
Legolas cleared his throat as he patted his thigh. "Legs."
She held up the pants. "Legs."
He shook his head. "No, no." As his face turned the color of a rose, he gently moved his hand forward, allowing a singular finger to poke her thigh. "Legs," he repeated. The Prince then touched the fabric in her hands. "Trousers." He then pulled at his own pants. "You wear them."
She nodded, understanding.
(Y/N) held them open as she lifted her leg to fit it through the hole. It easily slipped in and she moved to do the same to the next one. This, however, did not go so smoothly. She instantly began to wobble. Out of instinct, Legolas reached out and steadied her by the waist.
She pulled the pants up, her fingers brushing against his.
Instantly, he let go of her form....and she let go of the trousers. And, of course, they slipped. Quickly, she caught them, her eyes wide as she looked up at Legolas. "Help."
He pressed his lips together to prevent a little laugh. As uncomfortable as this situation was, he would have to admit that it was a bit amusing. But seeing this...this pure behavior. Well, there was no way she could have destroyed entire worlds—not with that kind of innocence to her. She seemed so...so precious. So young. So malleable. Gandalf had to be wrong.
Nodding to acknowledge her plee, Legolas tugged out a long stretch of fabric from one of his pockets. It was meant to bind wounds, leftover from wrapping her wing, but it would have to make do as a belt. He quickly looped it through the small hoops upon Aragorn's pants and tied it taught in the front. He then bent down to roll up the trousers around her ankles, for they practically swallowed her feet. While Legolas was down there, he grabbed the tunic she had dropped only moments before. He stood once again and began to dress her in it, trying his best not to look at her breasts. Luckily, it was a wrapping tunic, so it went rather quickly—until he got to her back. He, quite fortunately, was able to weave it around the part of the wings that extended from her skin so they could still move at ease. It wasn't perfect, but—once again—it would have to do. Legolas then began to pull some more fabric from one of his bags. He ripped it into smaller strips and began to bind her feet to serve as temporary shoes.
"There you are," he stated simply as he stood upright.
She smiled, playing with some of the soft material that now coated her body. "There I are!"
The corner of Legolas' lip tugged upwards just a bit. "There I am," he corrected.
She nodded. "There I am."
He bobbed his head as a means of telling her she was correct. The Prince then took to moving back to his place near the fire. He knew it was a bit abrupt to leave (Y/N) there, but he was unsure of what else to do. Besides, if he was being honest, his pants were now feeling a bit too tight for his liking and he wanted to take a couple of steps away from what had caused such a thing—especially before anyone noticed.
Much to his dismay, she followed him—stopping by Gandalf for just a moment to give him a rather large sniff. The wizard glared at her.
Legolas, once again, sat down on the log next to Aragorn. And she sat next to him.
The Prince swallowed dryly. Not what he had intended.
Aragorn, of course, saw that subtle discomfort and snorted rather obnoxiously.
(Y/N) frowned at the Ranger, not understanding, but she quickly became disinterested in the interaction. Instead, she settled her elbows upon her thighs and rested her face in her hands. She let her gaze become absorbed by the flames.
After a couple of minutes of this, Legolas—feeling guilt swell in his chest for his rather rude behavior of abandonment towards her—spoke again. "It is called fire."
She sighed, almost longingly. "I know....fire."
Legolas raised a brow and Aragorn shifted uncomfortably. She was speaking of the last time she was on a physical plane like this. She was speaking of the destruction Gandalf had mentioned. She had to be.
"You know fire?" Legolas pryed.
She bobbed her head. "I know fire. Fire was before."
"Do you like fire?" Aragorn asked, a bit too boldly for Legolas' liking.
She frowned, her eyes drifting to her bandaged wing. "Fire hurts."
The two men exchanged a look.
Before anything else could be said, Sam surprisingly approached. He seemed nervous as he did so, timid and unsure as the plate in his hand shook ever so slightly. "I, uh, lady (Y/N)," he began. "I made you up a plate. I reckon ya gotta be hungry after that fall you had there. Some fine sausages will do you good and help to heal that injury of yours."
"Does she even eat?" Aragorn whispered to Legolas.
The elf shrugged. "I–I don't know."
Cautiously, she took the plate from Sam as well as the fork he passed her. The object moved strangely in her hand as she looked at the others eating—trying to figure out what she was supposed to do. Her gaze settled on Gimli, who was shoveling the meat into his mouth way too quickly. Slowly, she impaled one of the sausages and brought it to her mouth. She chewed, just as the others did, and swallowed. Suddenly, the hunger seemed to settle in. She quickly continued the motions and, within minutes, that plate was empty. Suppose Gimli was good at teaching at least something, despite not knowing that he was doing such a thing.
(Y/N) looked up at Sam. "Like sausages."
The hobbit smiled, a little breath of relief escaping him, as he took the plate back. He was about to walk away when she reached out and grabbed onto his sleeve.
His form stilled almost immediately, and Aragorn's hand danced across the hilt of his sword.
"Sausages," (Y/N) stated.
"You–you would like more?" Sam stuttered.
She nodded.
"I–I can get you more sausages. We have some extra that will go bad if they don't get eaten up."
She released his sleeve and he nervously scurried off before returning with another plate.
She eagerly took it and cleaned it right off. Passing the plate back to him, she sighed, placing a hand on her stomach. "Good sausages."
Sam smiled shyly. He supposed that if someone who didn't know much about food liked his meal, he better be good at cooking. Therefore, failing to hide his grin, he disappeared back to his cooking supplies to tidy up.
The fellowship began to settle down for the night. The hobbits seemed to pile themselves together in a puddle of blankets and Gimli and Boromir laid out their bedrolls.
"I can take first watch," Aragorn stated simply as the sound of snoring started.
"Do you want company?" Legolas asked.
Surprisingly, it was Gandalf who interjected. With his attention still on (Y/N), he spoke. "I will do so, Legolas. You have had a long day, haven't you? You should rest."
The elf frowned at the subtle coolty upon the wizard's tone. He knew why, of course, but he didn't exactly appreciate it.
"Very well then," Legolas replied. With that, the elf stood and began to set up his sleeping roll as well. He laid down upon it with a quiet sigh. As angry as he was at Gandalf's little comment, he did indeed need the rest. Taking care of (Y/N) had been a lot—mentally, physically, and emotionally. He needed to close his eyes. He needed to just....think. Had he done the right thing? Should he have pulled her from that crater?
(Y/N) did not move to sleep, however. Instead, she stood up and began to explore their mini campsite—Aragorn and Gandalf's weary gaze hanging upon her.
As she strut about, picking up sticks and stones and examining them, their eyes followed. She tapped two rocks together curiously. Little clinking sounds echoed ever so quietly. She did it again, and again, before suddenly dropping them and moving on. She then plucked a leaf from a tree and began chewing on it, abruptly spitting it out only seconds later.
Aragorn and Gandalf exchanged a confused look. Well, this was interesting.
(Y/N) continued on with her mission of discovery. As she stomped through the camp, her exhausted wings dragged down upon the ground—knocking Sam's neatly stacked dishes onto the dirt—earning a couple of grumbles and groans from the sleeping men. She didn't seem to care or realize, for that matter.
Instead, she picked up Legolas' bag and began to pick random things out of it. She lifted a little leather pouch from its depths and pulled at the strings. She sniffed what was inside. Reaching into it, she pulled out some leaves. (Y/N) held them above her, examining them in the firelight, before putting them back in their container. She then pulled out another little leather pouch and yanked it open. She stuck her hand into this one too but pulled out a gold coin instead of herbs. She sniffed it. She put it in her mouth. She spit it out. (Y/N) reached into the bag once again and pulled out a sheathed knife.
At this, Aragorn and Gandalf shifted. What was she going to do with that?
She began twisting it around until she figured out how to pull the weapon from the sheath. Aragorn's fingers filtered over the hilt of his sword once again. She, however, held the blade close to her face and sniffed it. She then took her finger and poked the sharp point. Jumping at the pain, she frowned. (Y/N) watched as a little bit of blood prickled upon her finger, just for a moment, before wiping it on her trousers—well, Aragorn's trousers. It seemed she was more surprised than hurt.
She sheathed the blade and put it back in the bag.
(Y/N) continued doing this with all of the objects in Legolas' bag until she went through the entire thing. She then stood up again and went around to find something else to examine.
Soon enough, as the night's watches changed, the winged woman got tired. She eventually sat down, leaned her back upon a tree, and wrapped her dropping wings around her. There, she fell asleep.
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
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Everything Tag: @scxundress @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @brun-lieve @hey-its-nonny  @mirclealignr @elizabeth-anya-knight @sydney-1209 @laneynoir
Everything But Smut Tag: @goldfearless @Brethil13 (?)
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back @mylittle-escapingdreams @abandoncloud9 @bweakmybonez
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
The Elvish Bride
Pairing: Legolas x fem!reader 
Category: One-shot/Would Include...
Summary: What would happen if you and Prince Legolas were the main characters on an adventure strangely similar to the events of The Princess Bride. 
Warning: None
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- You hardly noticed Legolas at first.
- Your family was one of the very few to receive Thranduil’s favor and be allowed to live among the elves.  
- Of course, it didn’t hurt that his son Legolas had fallen for you the moment he laid eyes on you helping your father with the chores. 
- Your mother and father knew what was transpiring the moment Legolas appeared at their doorstep offering to help with the chores so you wouldn’t have to. 
- They thanked the stars and maiar above for gracing you with the chance to become a princess and future queen. 
- You, however, gave Legolas nothing more than a quick glance up and down. “So you’re the new farm boy.” 
- “Yes, my lady.” Legolas bowed his head towards you. 
- “Very well then.” You turned around with a swish of your skirts. “Polish my saddle for me. I want to see my face in it by morning.” 
- Your parents fairly collapsed in horror. 
- Legolas gave nothing more than a small smile. “As you wish.” 
- And so it continued that way for years. You ordering Legolas around, Legolas responding with the same phrase.
- “As you wish.”
- Finally, you realized that every time he said that, he was truly saying I love you with every inch of his being...and that you loved him back just as deeply. 
- The day you gathered enough courage to tell him was the day Legolas announced to the kingdom that he had selected the woman that would be his bride and future queen. 
- However, you had hardly begun to court when Thranduil received word of the One Ring’s resurgence and the emergency meeting in Rivendell. 
- Legolas has no choice but to go and fight against the spreading evil. 
- You beg him to stay, but Legolas promises that you and he will be wed the moment he returns. 
- And he will always return to you.  
- Time passes.
- When King Thranduil appears at your doorstep, you knew something was wrong. 
- Tears glistened in his eyes. “My lady...My son...Your Legolas was killed in an orc battle.” 
- Your heart stuttered to a halt, and then died completely.
- “Thank you for telling me, Arda.” You turned around and went to your room without another word. 
- You swore you would never love again. 
Part 2
Fanfic Masterlist
Taglist Request Form
Writer’s Haven Taglist: @alexxavicry 
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Drabble nugget:
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Why can he not take his eyes off you?
The daughter of another world, brought here to Middle-earth. You are everything Middle-earth women are not.
The fascination, the intrigue… is it love?
One thing is for certain, Legolas knows he’s never felt it before.
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literainey · 8 months
could you write something with Legolas comforting reader (physical affection please 🙏🙇‍♀️) after a bad day? he sees her and instantly can tell something is wrong. thank you!!!
₊˚ ✰` ꒱ DELICATE
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⟡˳⋆ FEATURING : legolas x fem!reader ❨ comfort ៸៸ fluff ៸៸ established relationship ❩ ⟡˳⋆ WC : 0.4k ⟡˳⋆ NOTES : apologies for leaving this in my inbox for so long i wanted to save it to write it during a bad day of my own loool…legolas would 100% be supremeee at comforting reader ‼️🙏 ty again for sending a req <33
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WHEN THE PRINCE SEES YOU in your crestfallen state, his arms instinctively reach out. Your sights lay on the ground before you through half lidded eyes, an overwhelming vulnerability prodding at your back as he approaches with a slender hand outstretched. He cups your cheek as he leans in to press a soft kiss onto your temple while a strong arm encircles your waist from behind.
There are no words needed in this moment of such tender care, but he uses them anyway as he engulfs you in his safe embrace. “My starlight…” He breathes. You turn to face him and immediately bury your face into his chest, eyes clenching shut with a feeble attempt to halt your incoming tears, yet they seep into his tunic and dampen the icy blue into a mass of grey, and when you look up to meet his softened gaze he can barely withhold the sight. “What troubles you?” He says, catching a freshly fallen tear with his thumb. Revealing your burdens proves much harder than you can handle at the moment, with a relentless lump that barricades your throat from speaking. You bring your palm up to brush over your dampened cheeks, and through your misty vision you see the gentle look of utter concern presented on his features. You lean your forehead onto his chest, clutching the fabric of his tunic and breathing deeply to gather yourself in an attempt to preserve what remaining composure you still possess. He listens with patience while you murmur softly through trembling breaths of the day you had, not once freeing you from his arms as he offers words of comfort and understanding.
What is it about the prince that compels you to fall apart with little restraint? Did it have anything to do with the delicate way in which he handles you? How he takes hold of your hand and guides you to lay your head on a pillow as he prepares you tea with only the freshest of herbs? Perhaps it was how his arms cocoon you into a nestled entanglement, kissing away the lone tear that slides down your cheek with hushed assurances. Maybe it was the way he spoke to you long after you are lulled to sleep, hands running up and downs your back in a slow caress while he whispers things of only love and support to you so you are reminded of his eternal devotion, even as you dream.
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sachiko1309 · 4 months
You are ours to please
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Summary: just pure smut, not much plot. This is the epiloge of a fanfiction I have written on Wattpad. Its called "the prophecy of the elven warrior" A fanfiction dealing with Visha the main character drawn between the Commander of the marchwardens and the prince of Mirkwood. Feel free to check it out, as it is finished now when I posted this. 😉🥰
Word count: 4521
Warnings: smut, threesome, rough sex, dom! Haldir, dom! Legolas, sub! reader, double penetration, anal, blackout and aftercare. This contains adult content. Minors DNI!!!
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I found myself in the bathroom of Haldir, Legolas and my room in Imraldis. The three of us managed to sneak away as the festivities of Legolas and my wedding were on a high, hoping that our disappearance would go unnoticed. It would be very unlikely between all the elves, but I couldn’t help myself but hope. Now I was naked in the big bathtub, that had more in common with a pool than a bathtub. It was embedded in the ground, deep enough that I was covered up to my chest when standing.
Legolas had joined me in the tub, while Haldir was sitting on the edge, watching us with his usual strong gaze. Like a predator, Legolas had slowly stalked me down, until I found myself pressed against the edge and between Haldirs legs. His naked thighs caging me in, hands holding me by my shoulders as if he was presenting me to Legolas.
Soon the other ellon was standing in front of me, a sly smile on his lips, as he saw in my eyes how much this position turned me on. “You like that, don’t you?” He asked and I couldn’t help but blush, looking aside to hide my embarrassment. Haldirs callused fingers tilted my head back to look at Legolas. “Answer him, meleth. How much do you like this?”
“Very.” I softly whispered, not really able to get much more out of my mouth. Legolas grin turned wolfish, as he took another step towards me. “By Valar how much I love it, when you are a little slut for us…” He turned to looked at Haldir. “Isn't she beautiful like this? Flustered and riled up. Ready to take us as we please?” A growl grew behind me, the grip on my shoulders reaching lower, weighing my breasts. “Indeed, it is, gwanur. Makes me want to take her right here. See how much she is able to take.”
His words felt like they had a double meaning. And when Legolas ears perked up, I knew they had planned something. “Well… there are ways to test how much she is capable to take. I wonder if she is willing to do it.” Them speaking about me, as if I wasn’t in the room, set something free in me, that I didn’t know I had. Immediately, I melted into Haldirs hands, not really thinking about where I was and what they had planned. All I could think about was them filling me up. Marking my body and fucking me senseless.
That’s why I nearly missed Haldir speaking up again: “Look at that. She is already a goner and we haven’t really started. Are you sure you want to do this, gwanur? She doesn’t look like she can handle much more…”
“Please…” I begged. “I want to do it.”
“You don’t even know what it is, nin iell.” Haldir whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to spread over my body. “I don’t care.” I whimpered. “I need you. Both of you. Now. Please. Make the heat go away… I cant… I need…” My sentence got interrupted with the sudden moan that rang through the room, when Haldirs fingers squeezed my nipples between them.
Legolas closed the distance between us, pressing me against the cold stone tiles on my back. Even though the water was hot, it suddenly felt cold compared to the heat that rose in my body. “You wanna take us both? At the same time?” He asked, speaking out what both of them had in mind. I froze at the offering, my eyes widening in shock, snapping between the two men. There was no uncertainty, no tease in them. Just honest curiosity and honest worry about me. “You don’t have to, nin galad. We don’t want to pressure you.” Legolas quickly added, misreading my silence as fear.
“Okey.” I said, trying to make my voice sound strong, but I failed miserably.
“What?” Legolas asked.
“I wanna try it.” I repeated, clearing what I wanted. “You made me curious and now I wanna know.”
Both men exchanged a look, before the sly smiles crept upon their faces once again. “You are such a good little slut for us, do you know that?” Haldir asked, close to my ear and his tone send shivers down my spine. “Such a greedy little girl. So desperate to be fucked, that you don’t care about anything else, isn’t that right?”
“Yes!” I exclaimed, letting my head lull back against his stomach. “I want you to take me. Please. I need you!”
“Start it!” Haldir growled and Legolas didn’t hesitate for one second, catching my lips in a searing kiss.
As my hands lifted, one to the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the damp strands of hair, and the other to his biceps, Legolas shoulders relaxed. His body was impossibly warm, skin searing beneath my palms as I pressed myself forward, reveling in it. Legolas soft and warm lips curved into a soft smile as his free hand found my waist. My heartbeat feeling too fast, too heavy for me to comprehend anything else.
When his tongue pressed to the seam of my lips, eager to deepen the kiss and sink entirely into it, the reprieve of the water was lost. There was only heat; the wall of muscle that was his body, the soft press of his hands as they gripped my hip, his mouth as he swallowed the noises of my pleasure eagerly, his heavy groan as I pressed even closer.
It silenced every thought that raced through my mind. I had imagined this a thousand times before, dreamt about it more often than I dared to admit. Having them both take me at the same time was something that had wandered my mind a long time, but I was always too scared to asked them to do it. Fearing they might be taken aback by it, or worse lose their respect for me.
With every swipe of his fingers, touch teasing as he brushed along the expanse my stomach, up my sides, just beneath the swell of my breast, my body grew warmer. It was all dizzying, more than I could have ever asked for.
Any thoughts of the future, the past, the moments in between, all ceased to exist as Legolas nipped at my bottom lip, biting into it, and dragging a loud moan from my throat. And when I broke the kiss to catch my breath, he simply redirected. His lips brushing along the curve of my jaw, down my throat, marking the soft skin of my shoulder and neck. Warm hands trailed lower, fingers wrapping around my thighs and lifting to hitch me over his hips as his teeth nipped at my pulse point just beneath my ear. “We thought about this a long time.” He whispered; his voice strained in harsh self-control.
Luckily, he managed to follow my train of thought where my voice failed. “We have lost track of how often, meleth.” He admitted, pausing only to mouth at the valley of my breasts. “It has been a deep wish for both of us. Have you take us at the same time. Caught between us, nowhere to flee, nowhere to hide. Forced to take the pleasure we give to you.”
As difficult as it was to formulate a coherent sentence, I blinked through the blurry vision that started to form in front of my eyes. “Thought about it too.” It was breathless, as Legolas hands lifted to my breasts, his touch certain as he kneaded the soft skin. “Wanted this. Both of you the same.” I added to make clear that I was consenting to this.
“We know.” Now it was Haldir that took lead of the conversation, enabling Legolas to fully concentrate on what he was doing. “You’re not subtle, nin iell.”
I gasped, not knowing if it was because of Legolas suddenly sucking on my nipple, or Haldirs confession that they knew I wanted it the whole time. Warm desire, syrupy and all-consuming, filled my stomach. Lust clouding my thoughts. He made it difficult for me to do more than groan, desperate for his touch, as the anxiety I had felt dissipated with each swipe of his fingers. They had a way of making me feel as if I was the only person in the world, the only one worthy of their time and attention.
“Please.” The plea was muffled, breathed into the night, but Legolas understood. His hum of acknowledgement was accompanied by one last sharp tug on my nipple, making me gasp. “I know, nin galad.” His hand dipped between my thighs, fingers ghosting along the sensitive inner skin as he met my eyes. “We are going to give you what you want.”
Soft hands ghosted along my thighs, pressing closer and closer to the aching center as Legolas leaned in to nose at the hinge of my jaw. A plea for more was on the tip of my tongue, a request for him to just touch me where I wanted it the most, but before I could ask, his fingers swiped through my folds. His thumb caught on the sensitive bundle of nerves and sent a jolt down my spine.
Legolas mouth curving into a grin, eager to hear just how good he made me feel. I imagined he would tease, take his time to work me into a frenzy. But his touch wasn’t rushed, there was no need for him. He knew he had all the time in the world.
There was a deliberateness to the swipe of his fingers through my folds, a sharp precision that had my vision turning blurry at the edges as he finally sank a finger into my heat, my body arching into his as he shifted even closer. Haldirs grip of his fingers pressed me against his abdomen, holding me upright as Legolas blue eyes searched my face. The grip would likely leave a bruise but I couldn’t wait to see the outline of his touch in the morning. Giving evidence of what had happened.
Focused on my pleasure, I felt the press of his cock against my hip growing more noticeable with every swipe of his fingers. The hard, heavy appendage twitched with each moan that escaped my mouth, with every gasp, as his fingers brushed against the spot that had me seeing stars.
Though the water and dimmed fair light made it difficult to see much, I could clearly see the size of him as my fingers swiped at the sensitive head. The thought of feeling him, of taking all that he had to give, made me clench around his fingers causing him to groan: “Careful of what you are setting in motion, because if you think that’s going to distract me from ruining you, you are wrong.” Behind me, I could hear Haldir chuckle lowly at his words, his fingers finding their way once again to my breasts and lower.
Slowly pushing me forward, he sunk into the water behind me, his hot and hard body pressing against my back and I could feel how turned on he got by just watching. When he had reached low enough to take a hold of my knees, he lifted me from the floor. Now I was hanging in his arms, unable to do much more than twitch, while Legolas worked me relentlessly.
The press of his fingers growing more insistent with every swipe of my hand, with every brush of my thumb over the sensitive head of his cock, and with every gasp that left my lips. He mouthed at the damp skin between my breasts, breath fanning over my hard nipples and leaving me with goosebumps, as his thumb circled my aching clit.
“Please.” He hummed at my pleads, as my fingers tugged at his hair. “Want to feel you. Need to feel you.” I pleaded, eager to finally feel them after spending so long imagining this moment. “Please.”
A small part of me expected a taunt, a tease from at least one of them, that called me a needy slut, but they seemed just as desperate as I was. “Whatever you want, nin iell.” Legolas acquiesced, hand leaving my center after a final circle to my bundle of nerves. Even as I whined at the loss, he shushed me. “Its alright, little one. We are here to take care of you.” Haldir shifted his position, tapping my leg to encourage me to wrap it around Legolas waist. The younger ellon smirking at the shaking of my limbs, as I waited to finally feel him. He kept his eyes trained on my face as he took a brief moment to tease.
The head of his cock caught at my entrance, pulling a soft gasp from my mouth as my hands wrapped around Haldirs neck to gain some sort of stability. I tipped my head to kiss the man holding me, desperate to kiss him for a long time now, as Legolas began to press forward.
Every inch of Legolas filling me felt incredible, too much but not quite enough at the same time, and I allowed myself a moment to revel in the feeling, moaning into Haldirs mouth. Having both of them so close, and being full of Legolas, was overwhelming in the best way. Haldir eagerly swallowed my noises of pleasure, took them in stride as he gave me a moment to adjust to the feeling of Legolas buried deep inside my core.
Legolas didn’t move, waiting for us to break our kiss. Slowly Haldir loosened my grip around his neck, wrapping my arms around the other elf instead. I wanted to argue, but the words I wanted to speak falling out of my head, when I felt Haldirs hands move. He started to stroke my sides, slowly making his way lower and down my back, gripping my ass tightly. I twitched in anticipation, my walls fluttering around Legolas cock, making him growl slightly. “Are you still sure about this?” Haldir asked and I nodded. “Words, nin ithil. I need you to say it.” He demanded, quickly dipping into his commanding voice.
“I am sure. Please. I want to feel you both.” I whimpered, clinging on to Legolas, split in fear and hot anticipation that run through my veins.
“Okey. Than stay like that. Its going to make things easier.” Haldir said and I could feel him move around. “Try to relax as much as possible. You are going to feel pressure. Just tell me, when its getting to much, or you want me to go slower, okey?”
“Okey.” I shut my eyes, searching for my safe place inside of me. Then I could feel the cold tip of his fingers press against my anus. Out of reflex I tensed up, whimpering. “Easy, little girl. We are here. Relax. Nothing is going to hurt you.” He murmured, kissing up and down my back, making me moan, when he bit into my shoulder. Before I even knew it, he had pushed one finger in and I was overwhelmed with the sudden fullness. “Fuck.” I breathed out, arching my back instinctively.
“Good?” He asked, lips still pressed against my skin.
“Yes… More please, Commander.” I whined, desperate to feel more.
He was going slower this time, pumping his finger in and out and when we reached a certain point, I knew why. A second finger putting slight pressure against my hole. “Breath, meleth. You are doing so good.” Taking his advice, I filled my lungs with air. “Hold your breath.” He ordered. “I am going to push, when you breath out, okey? When you are ready just do it.” I nodded, holding my breath a few second, before relaxing every muscle in my body and letting the air go. I could feel the next push to be wider, stretching me to a point that was just sharp for me to tap out, but then it was over. His two fingers sitting snugly inside of me and I couldn’t help but moan at the feeling.
Haldir was biting my neck in a split second to distract me from any pain, pressing me closer to Legolas, while smothering me with kisses and praises. “You did so good, nin galad. So, so good for us. I am proud of you.” Suddenly his fingers were moving once again, slowly fucking in and out of me.
“Yes… yes.” I mewled, arching into his movements, pressing my back against his chest. “Don’t stop, Commander. It feels so good.” He groaned at my words, capturing my lips with his, while he guided another finger to my hole. This time I was quicker to relax, making it easier for him to fill me up even more. Again, it shortly felt like it was too much, making me wince in pain. Both men stopped what they were doing, searching fear in my body language or my eyes, but there was none. Just pure lust and desire that were washing through my body.
I relaxed once more, allowing Haldir to move his fingers, stretching me and making me ready for his cock. Legolas tried his best to keep his face straight, but I could feel that the pressure Haldirs finger produced and the strokes he could feel through my wall made it hard for him to concentrate on anything else.
“This feels even better than I imagined.” Legolas admission lingered on the edge of breathless, words nearly slurred. “Feels like heaven, bereth nin.” Him calling me his wife for the first time, made me rear up, a desperate yell on my lips. I nearly missed the possessive grin that formed on his lips. “Wife? That word is what makes you so needy? I thought us calling you a greedy little slut, made for only us to use and filled with our cum is what usually gets you going.” I whimpered even more, closing my eyes and falling back onto Haldirs chest, who just chuckled, keeping his act up on preparing my other hole for his cock.
“I think it still does, gwanur.” He growled. Legolas voice as smug as his, when he answered: “Oh I feel the same. So not only do you want to be a cock hungry slut, but a cock desperate wife? Is it that? Us possessing you not only by law but by the way we treat you? Use you to our pleasure only?”
“Yes!” I mewled, clinging onto his shoulders for dear life. “I want you to own me. Mark me. I want to be used by you and nobody else.”
“That’s right, bereth.” Legolas kept on talking sinful words into my ear. “There will be only us who are fucking you. No man will ever be good enough to have you. Because there simply is no man capable of giving you what you need. Only your prince and your commander.”
“Oh god!” I cried out, my limps starting to shake with anticipation. “Please. I cant… Please take me. I need you to take me!”
“Hmmm you are begging so beautiful.” Legolas hummed, looking above me at an equally smug Haldir. “I think she deserves some relieve, doesn’t she mellon?”
“That she does.” I heard Haldir groan behind me, slowly pulling his fingers out of me and pressing the tip of his cock against my entrance. When I gave him the green light, he carefully pushed in and the unknown feeling had me seeing stars in seconds. Both of the men held still, letting me catch a breath and get used to the feeling of being fully stuffed. They waited until I gave my okey, setting a slow and sensual pace that soon turned into hot torture.
I didn’t know how they managed to hold and fuck me, but I wasn’t able to spent a thought on it anyways. My mind was way too fogged up with the tingly feeling that started to spread from my center towards every string in my body. I closed my eyes, my head lulling back onto Haldirs shoulders, nails gripping and scratching Legolas shoulders. “Oh god, please. This feels so good.” I moaned, my voice slurred and shaky. The only thing I could focus on was the searing warmth of their chests caging me in, the sting of Legolas fingers digging into my thighs, and Haldirs bruising grip on my hips.
Time seemed to still as everything but this, everything but being filled to the brim, ceased to exist. One of Haldirs hands sneaking around my body, settling between my legs and on the bundle of nerves. Slowly he started to circle it, tugging a string of curses out of me, when the heat in my body started to rise even further.
I was tumbling closer to the edge, as my cries were reduced to nothing more than their names. They didn’t seem to mind, however, every cry that left my lips spurred them on. “We got you.” Haldir promised, pressing me impossibly closer to his chest. Legolas hips moved faster, sending water sloshing around us, matching the speed of Haldirs fingers on my clit. He pushed me higher and higher, not caring about anything else than my own pleasure. I could see it in his eyes. They were dark and blown with lust, trained on my face, taking in every twitch of my expression, feeding his arrogance with it.
And then it happened. I barreled over the edge, vision turning black at the edges and lips parting. Legolas mouth met mine, swallowing my cries of pleasure, noises he knew would alarm everyone close by. Haldir had his lips on my neck, sucking dark marks onto my skin, soothing the stinging pain with his soft tongue. Their actions drew a gasp from my lips, the warmth of my orgasm searing through me from within as I clenched around both of their cocks. That had Legolas nipping at my bottom lip in a warning, though a lazy grin betrayed him. “Watch it, nin iell.” He teased. “You don’t want to end it that quickly do you?”
“No!” I yelped, tugging Haldirs hand away from my center as I could feel the overstimulation turning unbearable. “Good girl.” He growled behind me. “Because you take what we give you, like the good little slut you are, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Commander!” I cried out. “I will take whatever you give me.”
At my words Legolas growled deeply, the grasp on my thighs turning painful, as he tried his best to keep him from coming right then and there. “I will never get over the feeling of your tight little pussy gripping my cock so hard. Because you are doing it so good, like a forsaken vixen.” Grabbing my throat, he pulled me in for a harsh kiss, interrupting the things I wanted to say.
“Yes, nin ithil?” He asked, speeding up his tempo, riling me further into Haldir.
“I forgot.” I mumbled, fingers grabbing anything they could feel. He laughed out at my words, letting go of my throat. “Already forgetting yourself? And we haven’t even been going that long.”
“I don’t care.” I whined. Relishing in the fire in my core. “I want more. Please, give me more.”
“Of course, meleth. Everything you want.” He answered, now thrusting as deep into me as he could. I let myself completely go. Not spending one thought on anything else than being fucked. “Kiss your Commander!” Legolas ordered, and as quick as I could, I turned my head. Switching my arms from Legolas shoulders to Haldirs neck, I let myself fall into the harsh kiss of my first husband. He gripped my neck, cutting off the air from filling my lungs and I knew that he was close to coming, his actions set on tipping me over the edge one last time.
I relished in the feeling of how they filled me up to the brim.
How Legolas stretched me with every move, hitting my sweet spot over and over again.
How Haldir forced himself against the rhythm of Legolas, massaging me as well.
The lush sounds they drew from me filled the room, mixing with the water splashing around us. I was a goner. Theirs, the moment Legolas decided to kiss me. That little loss of self-control he had, leading to this incredible constellation. I tapped Haldirs hand, to signal him I needed air. Desperately I sucked a breath down my throat, the sudden allowance of blood to my head, making my vision spin around. “I love you. Both of you!” I cried out, my body shaking between them and I wondered how I was still upright.
And all of that possession they had over me, fueled the heat in my core to the point I wasn’t even sure if I wasn’t already burning alive. “Promise me to never leave me.” I whimpered, clenching and shivering around their cocks. “Never, nin galad. We are never going to leave you. You are our bereth and we will give you the world. By Valar, we would kill for you, if it meant you will stay safe.” Haldir growled, gripping my hair, and turning my head once more to kiss him.
I could feel Legolas bending down to suck on my breasts, a hand I couldn’t identify sneaking between my legs again, pinching my sensitive pearl softly between two fingers. I arched my back against Haldirs chest, clasping onto Legolas arms. The knot in my core now under so much tension, that he threatened to snap any moment. Of course, they knew. They always did. Holding me by my neck with a bruising grip, Haldir stopped the kiss, forcing me to look at the other man, growling in my ear: “Cum. Now!”
And I did. Screaming out in pure bliss, I shuddered in their arms. My walls rhythmically flickering around their cocks. I didn’t know if my eyes were open or not, because my vision just went black, causing me to slump against a hard chest. The last thing I felt was hot seed shooting up my holes.
The next thing I saw, was the ceiling and the bathroom faucets being painted in soft yellow lights from the torches on the wall. Slowly my senses came back to me and I could feel Haldir clean me up softly. Concentrating on the feeling between my legs, I noticed, that Legolas kneeled beside me, holding a glass of water. “Hello there, meleth.” He softly said, helping me sit up. Handing me the glass of water he watched me closely, ready to catch me again.
“You blacked out for a few moments. We cleaned you roughly and got you some water.” He filled me in, taking the empty glass from my hands, steadying my frame, when I tried to get up. But once he saw how I tried to get towards the bedroom on wobbly feet, he just picked me up, carrying me through the door and setting me down on the bed. Soon both of my husbands joined me under the sheets, securely wrapping me up between them.
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jolieterestrial · 27 days
Sorry for my prolonged ABSENCE - i will provide more soon!!! I’m not absolutely in love with this but it’s something… part 3 I’m guessing to whatever the past held. Thranduil x fem!reader Enjoy!
I live to serve, but I didn’t know what I was serving @katt-grek-kytalizia
Previous part »»»
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“What is it leggy?”
“What did you do to ada? He’s more sulky than usual…I think he isn’t obsessed with your gift… that much?!”
“Really…? And you thought I couldn’t tell” you answered clearly frustrated at yourself that you didn’t have your perfect gift already figured out. Thranduil made sure to make every Valentines special and so did you. You had even made a promise under your favorite willow tree to never stop the tradition and never become one of those people who exchange gifts just out of obligation. You hate yourself for becoming exactly that- your work had clearly out done you.
“I’m sorry my boy, i don’t know how to make this better, I already gave him the silly watch and watched his face go completely flat.” You sighed while removing your work attire.
“But I thought you knew exactly what ada wanted like on Christmas”
“This is different leggy. I’m not keeping up with adas hobbies anymore… what does he like these days. Besides you my leaf?!”
“ why don’t you ask the person i think he loves most…”
“What- he doesn’t love anyone more than you my boy”
“Yeah…tell feren that”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Legolas’ jealousy. “Ara da’isenatha, [my little dragon] Feren is one of his oldest companions, they’re like… you and tauriel or-“
“Like you and Lindir nana?”
“Not really, Lindir probably hates me” you cringe at the latest antics you and your right hand man Lindir pulled. “Thinking of Feren…can you summon him from your father, he could know just what I can do to undo my damage”
“Nana, the only thing salvaging you gifting an elf a watch is probably hiding until the next valentines?”
“Leggy, do as i asked”
You were inspired now. Whatever Thranduil had going on in his pretty head… you’d find out through his chief lieutenant…”sounds like a solid plan, your grace”
“Oh, Feren did i say that out loud?!”
“We haven’t talked since Galion last disappeared”
“Well that wasn’t that long ago”
“Yes, he keeps entertaining the thought of taking my place as chief…”
“That’s no threat to you now is it? We’ll all be long settled in valinor before he quits emptying the barrels” you humor yourself.
“Your grace, what makes you confident I can clear up the mess lindir was so-“
“Don’t start- this rivalry between you two needs so seize. Just answer my questions Feren… So, what does thran do in his free time these days?”
“Free time?” Feren turns into a laughing mess. “Your grace, Forgive me but there’s no free time for us as of late… although…”
“Great. What is it”
“Although, the king hasn’t stopped rambling to me about this pretender from your kin.”
“You mean an actor?”
“No my lady, I mean this man pretends to know the ways of our kin and of our dare i say…magic”
“Do you mean to tell me my husband is rambling to you about Houdini?” Confused as ever, you couldn’t wait to ask where he learned about the stunt man you also admired but didn’t really care for beyond the general understanding.
“Yes that’s the title! Well, your grace, what have you in mind?”
You had so many questions but this meant…you could reenact one of the tricks. It wouldn’t be so hard. you had the solution to Redeem Lindir’s perfect gift…
“You’ll see.”
“ ‘you’ll see?!’ That’s what I get for betraying my friend.”
“You didn’t betray anyone Feren… in fact you made his day so. Much. Better.”
“No it is a betrayal on my part your grace, forget what i said… i was never summoned here.” Feren bolts off nervously to the gates. He wasn’t keen on your appearance in eryn gallen but over time he grew to like you- but as time passed he distanced himself- around the time when whispers came about on his secret fondness of the queen. You. But you never considered it a threat… (like the threat it was for queen catherine of aragon and lord stafford lol) everyone admires the consort?
“Lindir we have a solution”
Lindir unimpressed as ever, waited for your next order.
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maycat-19-142 · 5 months
Legolas x elf reader
A/n: I just finished the lotr for the 4 time and wow I forgot how long it is
⚠️:battles, fluff, PDA, gender neutral reader. Let me know if I missed anything
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You are a elf from a different region
You were sent to help and the moment legolas saw you
He almost died
You had a different look than most elfs
Your hair was styled non traditionally and your ear had cuffs on them
His first words to you were "hello you are gorgeous"
"Thank your not to bad your self" you said giving a hand for a hand shake
You Because close after you help him with herbs that are from your region that he was unfamiliar with
He found out you were one of the descendants of elfs that broke away thousands of years ago and you loved in the forests with monsters
You help him with monsters and different languages
He helped you with fighting and cooking
It was a very balanced thing
When you confessed was after you almost died in battle
He immediately found you and confessed his love
Nothing really changed after that but more PDA and he was more protective
Gimile lives to tease him and not you
So he will try not to hurt gimile but no promises if you're not around
Over all you love him and he loves you
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Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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elrondsimp · 1 year
The hobbit modern reader
After falling into middle earth the company learns a thing or two about you, the fact that you don’t do conflict is one of them.
So when you tell them that “my mom told me to never throw the first punch, but be dame sure to throw the last one” is something you live by, and have yet to have someone try you???
Well, let’s see the before and after reactions shall we???
Various hobbit reactions!
“I’ll finish what you start.”
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Bilbo Baggins: Bilbo, being more reserved and inclined towards avoiding conflict, may initially be taken aback by y/n's statement. However, as he witnesses y/n's skills in action, he might develop a newfound respect for their ability to defend themselves and their determination to stand up for what they believe in.
Gandalf: As a wise and experienced wizard, Gandalf might understand y/n's perspective on conflict and the importance of self-defense. He may see y/n's actions as a necessary means to protect themselves and their companions, and he could potentially offer guidance and support in honing their abilities.
Thorin Oakenshield: Thorin, being a proud and fierce leader, might appreciate y/n's willingness to fight for their beliefs. He might see y/n's actions as a sign of strength and courage, and their display could earn their respect as a valued member of the company.
Dwarves (Fili, Kili, Balin, etc.): The reactions of the other dwarves would likely vary. Some may be impressed by y/n's combat skills and view them as a valuable asset in their journey. Others might be more cautious or skeptical, as they may not fully understand y/n's approach to conflict or how it aligns with their own cultural values.
Elves (such as Legolas): Elves, known for their grace and skill in battle, may find common ground with y/n's approach. They could appreciate y/n's determination to defend themselves and their friends, and may even offer guidance or training to further refine y/n's combat abilities.
Other: (Bard, Beorn, etc.): The reactions of characters like Bard the Bowman or Beorn would depend on their own perspectives and experiences with conflict. They may have different opinions on the use of violence, and their reactions could range from admiration to caution.
Overall, the company members would likely be intrigued and impressed by y/n's statement and subsequent display of their abilities. It could lead to deeper discussions and a better understanding of y/n's approach to conflict, forging new dynamics within the group as they navigate the challenges of their journey through Middle-earth.
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faeriichaii · 5 months
hiii. if it’s not a problem, could I request a Legolas x human reader where the reader catches the flu but Legolas thinks she is about to die or something like that because of how fragile human life is? everything very flufff 🙏 have a good dayy💗💗
Immunity ~ Legolas x fem!human!reader
A/N: Heyyy!! Of course it's no problem :) I love the plot I can picture it so well omg!! I hope you have a nice day as well and enjoy the story <33
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.1k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: Being sick is not fun, especially when you see Legolas' panicked gaze at your condition, which seems to get worse as the days pass by.
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As you woke up on the cold hard floor in the morning, you could already tell that you were getting a little sick. The weather on your journey seemed to be not playing in your favour, cold wind was constantly blowing, which was sometimes accompanied by rain or snow. You knew it was bound to happen at some point. Letting out a little cough you wrap up your small sleeping bag, next to Legolas’ and get on your way with the rest of the company. Walking beside the elven prince, you gave him a soft smile. “Good morning Meleth Nin. Did you sleep well?” His hand grasped yours gently, as he looked down at you, reciprocating your smile with one of his own.
“Yeah, I did, it just was a bit cold during the night.” One of his eyebrows raised up as he listened to your slightly deeper voice. “Are you alright?” You just gave him a nod, squeezing his hand to reassure him. “I’m alright love, don’t worry your pretty little head.” A chuckle left his lips, as he leaned towards you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. Giggling softly, you leaned your head on his shoulder. “Next time you are cold you can join me in my sleeping bag.” Legolas whispered sultry into your ear, while giving you a wink. A gasp escaped your lips, followed by a cough as you gently shoved him away by his shoulder.
He laughed at your reaction, throwing his arm around your waist to pull you closer once more. “I don’t know what you had in mind, but I just thought about a little bit of cuddling, that’s all.” Your eyes stared back into his. How can anybody look so breathtaking? He tried to lean in to give you a kiss on the lips and you really really wanted that as well, however knowing that you’re sick, you turned your face back to the path, resulting him giving you another peck on the cheek. Scrunching his eyebrows at you, the elven prince gave you a confused look, before you let out another cough.
“Meleth Nin, are you sure you are alright? Did I do something?” “No, of course not but I just remembered that Gimli gave us a stink eye yesterday. He wouldn’t even stop staring and at some point, started grumbling.” You partly lied, trying to hide the cough that was stuck in your throat. Gimli did in fact complain about your ‘constant smooching around’, however you knew that this wasn’t the real reason why you couldn’t kiss him. You just didn’t want him to catch a cold. A few coughs escaped your lips as you grabbed your water bottle to calm your aching throat down a bit. The cold liquid trickled down your throat, helping just a tiny bit. A hot beverage would definitely be the better choice, but that also calls for luxury that you currently can’t come by.
After the long walk of the day, you all set up camp. The fire was brightly lit, as you sat between Aragorn and Legolas. You held your half-eaten bread towards your lover. “Are you already full? You only ate half of the bread. You need to eat more.” You just smiled at him softly and brushed it off with a ‘Don’t worry, I ate a lot during the day.’, knowing you just can’t stomach more because of the flu that really started to catch up now. His gaze glimmered with worry. “Now if you will excuse me, I will go to bed early. I’m so tired because of the long walk today.” You gave Legolas a quick peck before you stood up from your place on the log and made yourself comfortable on your sleeping bag. The elven princes gaze never leaving your figure, even after you fell asleep.
“Aragorn, do you think (Y/N) is alright?” The man beside him turned his gaze from the fire towards your sleeping figure. “What do you mean? She seems normal to me.” Legolas’ gaze drops towards the fire. “Maybe you worry a little too much.” Aragorn says, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, before excusing himself to prepare his weapons for the upcoming day.
The next day you wake up you can already feel the goosebumps on your skin. You felt incredibly cold and hot at the same time. A groan left your lips as you tried to stand up. The world seemed to be spinning around itself as you fell back down with a huff. Legolas eyes widen as he stopped packing his things and approached your side quickly. Worry gleamed in his eyes, as he held you in his arms. He put a hand on your cheek, feeling your very hot face. “(Y/N) what is going on! Where are you hurt?” His gaze roamed your body for any kind of wound that could have been infected that led you to an almost dying stage. “Legolas I’m fine I just-“ A few coughs interrupted you as you grasped his forearm for stability to properly sit up once again. “Aragorn, (Y/N) is dying!” He shouted from the ground where the both of you sat.
Aragorn quickly approached the two of you as he inspected you for any kind of injury as well. “No, I’m not dying I just got sick, that’s all.” Another cough escaped your lips as you grabbed your water bottle beside you. A dumbfounded look spread across Legolas’ face, as he watched you drink. Chuckling a bit, Aragorn stood back up from the ground. “All she needs are some herbs from the woods and drink some tea. Do you think you can travel for a bit (Y/N)?” He asked you, concern slightly visible on his face. “Yes, I just shouldn’t have gotten up that quickly.” You smiled at him before standing up with Legolas, who still didn’t let go of you.
Turning in his arms you wrap your own around his neck. “See I’m alright Meleth Nin. I just need some tea.” He suddenly hugged you tightly. His hand stroked over your hair as he breathed in your smell, his face in your neck. A gentle kiss was placed on the exposed skin. After a little while he slowly let go of you. “I thought you were dying.” He confessed. His eyes burned with an intense fire, as he leaned down and pulled your face towards his, resulting in a kiss on the lips. Gasping softly, you tilted your head to the side. His thumbs stroking your cheeks lovingly, while you let your fingers flow through his hair. Heat spread to your cheeks as the both of you separated to catch some air. “Legolas don’t kiss me! You will catch a-“ He silences you with another kiss. “Meleth Nin don’t ever reject my kisses again while you’re sick.” “But-“ Another peck was placed on your lips. “I thought you knew I was immune to all kind of diseases.”
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yandere-delulu · 2 years
Eyes Like Rubies
Yandere! Platonic! Thranduil x Albino! Teen! Reader x Yandere! Platonic! Legolas
Summary: Legolas finally meets Y/N, and Thranduil says something he can’t take back
Warning: crying idk, at this point Y/N crying is kinda a given
A/N: This chapter is a little shorter than the others because where it ended was a good cut off point before going into the next chapter.
Chapter 3: Exchanged Words
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Finding the location his father had hidden Y/N away in had turned out to be a little harder than he was expecting, but Legolas was going to find her. He had to be careful not to arouse his father’s suspicion but part of him knew his father already guessed he would be looking for her room. 
‘He’ll have her room guarded, but it won’t be any normal guard. My father would only be satisfied if royal guards were stationed.’ Legolas pondered, walking through the halls, eyes glancing down corridors as he passed looking for anything that looked out of place. 
It wasn’t tell he had gone down several stairwells and a maze of hallways when he arrived at the old wing. One he had not ventured to since the realm had ceased having visitors, the old wing used to be where nobles and royalty would stay, yet now lays almost abandoned only ever used as extra bed when the healers have run out. Yet in this old wing near the end of the farthest hallway stood two royal guards, standing alert and flanking a door. It had to be where his father had kept Y/N.
Standing tall, Legolas approached with all the poise that had been drilled into his head over the decades of etiquette lessons. He had to approach this right or they would turn him away, and judging by the way they were looking at him they were already planning on how. Striding up to the guards, only stopping when they blocked his way with their spears.
“Forgive us my prince, but King Thranduil ordered for no one to be let in except for him and the healer.” One of them spoke.
“My father has given me permission to enter.” Legolas cooly spoke, eyes trained on theirs, he has to make it believable.
“If that were the case, King Thranduil would have informed us.” The other chimed in.
“My father is informing you now, do you expect the king to take time out of his busy day to come down here and tell you that I, the prince, can be let into this room?” Legolas harshley questioned, watching as their resolve start to crumble, “or should I go inform my father that you disobeyed an order?” he added, raising an eyebrow. The guards only lowered their heads, moving their pears to the side, allowing the blonde entry.
Slipping in, he quickly shut the door behind them, thanking the stars there was a lock which he slotted into place. The healer was nowhere in sight, which means it’s only a matter of time before they come back and bust his ruse. Glancing around the room had been cleaned, spotless compared to the dust covered rooms that filled this section of the old wing. 
Turning around, blue eyes met with startled red ones. She was awake and looking right at him from where she sat on the bed. 
“W-who are you?” She whispered, backing up on the bed slightly. “Where’s Linann?” She asked, eyes shifting around hurriedly, he could see a mist fill them, he needed to calm her down. Her crying might alert the guards and they might realize he locked the door and put two and two together. 
“My name is Legolas.” He spoke, trying to approach her, but it only seemed to drive her away. “Linann had to take care of a few people, so she sent me to look after you instead.” He lied, and Y/N seemed to buy it somewhat, relaxing alittle and scooting ever so slightly forward. 
“Are you an elf like Linann?” She curiously asked, eyes scanning him, before leaning, trying to see his ears. 
Turning his head, his ears in full view, he heard the child crawl closer. “Yes I’m an elf, everyone within the walls of the woodland realm are elves.” He spoke.
“Except for me” Y/N added, now at the end of the bed, red eyes beaming with curiosity, hesitance still lingering on her brow. “Your eyes,” She paused, and Legolas looked at her with confusion, “They are the same as the ones of the man-i mean elf who found me.” she wondered, looking to him for answers. 
Taking a seat on the bed, trying to not feel offended when Y/N shrunk back, she was still weerie of him, Legolas repeated in his head. “We have the same eyes because he’s my father.”  That seemed to catch the girl's interest, as she moved a little closer, now they were only sitting a few feet away. Legolas took this moment to actually look at Y/N, she looked so young, far too young to be wandering the forest alone, but what entranced him were her eyes, ruby red eyes that sparkled brighter than any stone, once that stared at his with the same curiosity. “Which parent do you share eyes with?” He asked, a smile on his face, expecting her to brightly tell him but he watched as bright rubies turned to dull rocks downcasting towards hands that idly played with the sheets on the bed. 
“I-i don’t know, i’ve never met my parents.” Her voice cracked, “I guess they were scared of them like most people and left me…” she trailed off, a small sniffle filling the thick air, white hair covering her downcast face. 
‘Was this why she was abandoned in the forest?’ Legolas wondarded, but quickly squandered his thoughts, turning towards the downtrodden girl. “Well I do not know what your parents were thinking, but I find your eyes quite beautiful.” He spoke with sincerity, looking down at the girl as shy shy turned to face him again. “Your eyes put the most stunning rubies to shame.” He continued, voice filled with honesty and sincerity. It was true, he found Y/N eyes beautiful, so unlike anything he had seen, yet when he gazes at them he feels a sense of peace. 
Sniffing, she rubbed her eyes, “You’re just saying that cause I'm crying right now.”
“I will happily shout it across the realm for all to hear!” He jested, earning a giggle from the white haired girl, one that sounded like the prettiest bells to the elf.
“Please don’t do that, it would be far too embarrassing.” She giggled, a small smile playing on her lips, matching the warm one on his.
“I will do it if you speak ill of your eyes again, and you can hold me to my word.” He swore, smile widening as he earned another round of soft giggles from Y/N who now only sat a foot away. 
“I’ll have to keep that in mind.” She chuckled, tears long dried up. “So how old are you Legolas?” She softly spoke, looking at him with a bright smile. 
“I’m 2870 years old.” He spoke matter of factly.
“Is that like an elf joke?” She quietly asked, giving an uncomfortable laugh.
“No it is no joke, elves live very long lives compared to men.” He spoke cautiously, beginning to wonder how much this child knows, even more so how old she is.
Y/N looked into his eyes and only saw the truth, with everything going on right now she is just gonna have to start rolling with the punches at this point she mused.
“That makes you super old compared to me.” Y/N laughed, covering her mouth trying to cover up her fit of giggles.
“Really I’m old, then my father must be ancient because he is well over 4000 years old.” Legolas defended, a laugh following, Y/N’s giggles were far too contagious, leading to them both falling over in a giggling mess, Y/N much more so than her companion.
It felt nice to be this free and open, Legolas cannot remember the last time he just talked with someone like this, joked around and had fun. It was not too common for elves, unless they were far too drunk to remember how to be dignified. “Then if you are having so much fun laughing at my age Y/N, how about sharing yours?” He snottly said in jest.
“Haha, okay, just don’t be too mean, I'm 13.” She giggled.
“You make fun of not only my age but my father’s age when you are only a baby!” He laughed, watching as her ruby eyes sparkled with tears, happy tears as she fell into another fit of giggles.
The two continued to talk back and forth, asking various things about each other, Legolas occasionally throwing a quip in about his dad, Y/N giggling away as she spoke to him, both having the time of their life.
Unaware of the ears that listened in on their joyus conversation. 
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Rushing through the ever winding hallways, Linann made quick steps. Y/N had just woken up and she must report it to King Thranduil immediately, lest she face the fate she so fears. Saying quick apologies as she brushes past the guards carrying armfulls of papers and books, weaving her way through the busy hallway and shoving through the door into her king’s study.
“My King, I’ve come to report that Y/N has woken up again and has remained conscious.” She spoke hastily, watching as he quickly rose from his chair and strided out the door, worry etching into her face as he grabbed his sword. Following after him, elves parted as he walked, not daring to impede their king, she walked a few steps behind. The journey was quiet, and she feared what may happen as she stared at the sword on his hip. 
Finally coming upon the door, it felt like an eternity of silence, but what only amounted to 15 minutes to the old wing. Royal guard still stood at attention, standing far straighter in the presence of their king. Approaching the door they froze, Thranduil casting a suspicious gaze at the door, they could hear laughing coming from within.
“Y/N is to be alone, who is in there?” He questioned the guards, who began to worry, realizing that they had been played by the prince and now must face the wrath of their king.
“T-the prince, My King.” One spoke, trying to keep his voice steady.
“And why is he in there when my orders were to not allow anyone besides the healer or I inside?” Thranduil questions, icy blue iris digging into the guard.
“The Prince lied to us, The Prince said he received permission from My King to enter this room.” The other spoke, voice just as shaky as the others.
“I see.” Thranduil sneered, “Leave us, I’ll deal with your insubordination later.” The guards didn’t have to be told twice, hurrying down the hall, away from Thranduil’s wrath. 
Gripping the door handle, ready to swing it open, a laugh made the cold king pause, a laugh that had not graced these halls in many years.
His son’s laugh.
It had been so long since he had heard his son’s laugh that he had almost forgotten the sound. Another laugh was mixed in with Legolas’, a gentle one that rang like the softest bells, their harmonious chorus playing through the corridor. 
His son sounded so free, not marred down by the trauma of the past or burdened by duty, he sounded so….happy. It made Thranduil stand there and just listen, listen to the mindless conversation the two were having, not caring of the details, only listening to chuckles and giggles that flowed through the door. 
And Thranduil began to wonder, what if he just stops looking for Y/N village and just accepts the most absurd answer as the right one, and keeps her within these walls. She’ll be safe, well fed, she can be educated in the world she now resides in, but most of all she can bring back the happiness that has faded from his son, one that she has brought back just like she brought back flowers to the forest.
She just needs to stay here, because for the first time since his late wife’s death his son is happy, and if she is bringing such happiness, he cannot let that happiness slip through his fingers.
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“Wait-Wait you’re telling me that there are spiders here the size of this bed?!” Y/N Shouted in surprise, hands cupping her face, looking down right horrified.
“Do you not have giant spiders where you live?” LEgolas questioned in equal shock.
“NO! Ours are like maybe this big, at least this is the biggest i have ever seen.” Y/N made a circle with her fingers the size of a half dollar.
“Yours are so tiny they do not eat people do they?” Legolas questioned.
Y/N froze, looking at her new friend in horror, “No. no. no. That is not okay, Your spiders eat people!” She screeched, looking mortified. Legolas couldn't help but laugh at her expression, finding her face funny yet down right adorable. 
“And yours do not?” Legolas asked just to get a reaction, and he got what he hoped for.
“NO! Ours eat bugs and other spiders, but not like people. They’ll bite us if we get near them, but most are venomous.” She exclaimed, looking appalled he would even ask, her only response was a chuckle from the blonde who had far too much fun riling her up.
“You know next time I go on a hunt I can bring you with me and you can see one for yourself~.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows, only to get a face of disgust as a response and a loud NO shouted at him.
A rattle of the door cut their fun short.
Y/N quickly shrinking back, Legolas resting a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Do not worry, it is nothing to be afraid of. It is most likely Linann returning.” He spoke calmly, watching the nervous girl relax again, giving him a small smile. “I’m going to open the door okay?” He spoke, Y/N giving him a gentle nod.
“Open the door Legolas.” His father’s voice sounded from the other side.
“That doesn’t sound like Linann…Legolas I’m scared” Y/N whimpered, curling up on the bed.
“Hey-Hey now it will be okay, it is my dad, you know the one that’s ancient.” Legolas jokes, trying to calm Y/N down, seeing her relax once again, but still on edge. “I’m going to let him in okay.”
“I hope he’s as nice as you.” Y/N whispered. LEgolas can only hope his father is in a good mood.
Flipping the latch up, he opened the door, apologetic eyes meeting stern ones. Quickly moving aside as his father shoves in. “Tell me Legolas why is it I find you in all the places I tell you not to go.” 
“Well father, you did not tell me I could not come here.” The cold look shot his way told him his father was not too pleased with his answer. 
Striding to the foot of the bed, Thranduil towered over the child who could only cowar, “Your name is Y/N?” A quick nod, “You seem at a loss for words now, yet only a moment ago you and my son seemed to talk like there would be no sunrise.” He spoke callously, analyzing the child whose ruby eyes struggled to meet his own. “Well do you have nothing to say?” He scoffed. 
“Father, are you trying to intimidate her? she is just a child, can you not speak a little softer.” Legolas defended Y/N, who now could only look at her hands.
“A child? Then tell me how old you are? You surely must be old with that white hair.” Thranduil belittled, he needed to see if the child of man was wretched like the rest. If her heart was poisoned by the toxins they seemed so happy to fill their kins heads with. He will not allow this thing to get close only to hurt his son and break him more than what has already been done. So even if it seems cruel and hateful he must be, he’ll make this child show their true colors. 
Tears flowed like untouched streams from cryline ruby eyes, lips trembled, but even still the child forced herself to speak, “I’m 13 years old, sir.” She hiccuped, using her sleeve to rub away the tears, only for the steam to flow again. 
“Adar!” His son shouted, enraged, shoving past him to the girl that desperately tried to hold back her sobs. Crawling onto the bed, wrapping her in a gentle embrace, Y/N crying into his shoulder, while Legolas stares at his father with a wrathful expression. “Mútha (go away).” Legolas hisses through clenched teeth.
“Iôn (son)…” Thranduil breathed, he had pushed it too far. Y/N was only a child, no she was a baby, yet he took the rage he felt towards men out on a mere infant, and in the same breath had only driven a bigger wedge between his son and him. Yet his son only looked away when their eyes met, casting them down to the child in his arms, the child that he made cry. The child that had brought his son so much joy mere moments ago he had reduced to tears in a matter of words. Yet now he had no words, only left with the choice to leave as Legolas comforted Y/N.
Closing the door behind him, Linann quickly sensed her king wanted to be alone and made haste to leave. 
Thranduil stood his back against the door, putting his head into his hands. Unable to block out the whimpers and cries of the ruby eyed child, he stayed there wondering how he was going to fix the mistakes he made.
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entishramblings · 3 months
I will be posting a Legolas/Fem!Reader fic tomorrow!
If you would like to be tagged, please fill out my taglist form HERE
Stay tuned ;)
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springflwer07 · 2 years
So i don't have a particular idea for part 2, but maybe Legolas does his best to pay attention to her, but he is very occupied with his royal duties, and reader tries to help him. He is very stressed during the day, but after a few months, he finally finds a calm time, and proposes to her? Just something cute and fluff (angst is fine too)
Idk, feel free to write what you had in mind.♡
Legolas x Fem!Reader Part 2
 part 1/part2
Type: Fluff, maybe a little angst(just a little), comfort
Warnings: stressed Legolas
Enjoy =D
“I like reading and archery” the elf prince smiles down at me.
That was 2 weeks ago. 
Since then Legolas has been busy with his duties and we haven’t had a lot of time alone. Whenever we think we can talk alone and just relax, a guard will come in to take Legolas away.
I knocked on the doorframe of his study “Legolas, I was wondering if you had any freetime? We have not been able to properly talk to each other in a while”.
He sighs and puts down what he was working on “I know, I’m sorry but I have all this” he gestures to all the parchment on his paper “to deal with”.
“I understand, I will be in my chambers if you find yourself to be free” I smile sadly at the elf and turn to walk back to my room.
“Your father requests your presence at the throne”
“Your father wishes to speak to you”
“Your presence is requested in the forest, there are some spiders needed to be slain”
“Orcs have been spotted at the edge of the forest, your father requests that you make sure they do not go past”
“There’s some paperwork your father has requested you look at”
Wishes to
Your presence
At least one of those is used when Legolas is needed for something. There was one time he was giving me a courting braid and was requested for something halfway through. It’s safe to say that we have yet to properly braid each other’s hair..
A week later.
I walk into Legolas’s study without him noticing and go to stand behind him. I lightly hug him from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder so I can watch what he is doing.
“Hello” he says quietly, placing one of his hands over my own clasped hands.
“Hi,” I responded just as quietly “What are you doing?”
“Looking over some stuff my father requested I check”
A comfortable silence falls over us for a few minutes until I realize Legolas is gripping the quill, of which he was writing with, tight enough for his knuckles to go white and for the poor quill to begin splintering. I sigh and place a hand over his.
“You should take a break”
“I cannot”
“Why not?”
“Problems will occur if I do not. It will end badly”
I sigh again and softly kiss the top of his head before I walk away back to my chambers.
A Month Later.
I sit in bed with my back up against the headboard and a book in my lap. It’s a romance book. A tale of adventure and love. Recently that’s all I've been reading, romance books that end in a happy ending unlike my romance story. It’s sort of sad now that I think about it, reading love stories to make up for your own relationship?
I sigh and close the book, placing it on the bedside table. As the book touches the table a soft knock comes from my door. I get up, fix my nightgown, and open the door. To my surprise an elf prince is standing there with a single [F/C] rose in his hand.
“Oh hello” I say, stepping aside and smiling at the prince.
“Hello” He replies, stepping inside and handing me the rose.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I joke.
“We haven’t seen much of each other in… I am not sure how long, so I am here to make up for that lost time” 
I smile more as I walk over to a vase and place the rose in it. “I appreciate that”
“I suppose we will not be standing here talking the entire time, what do you have in mind?”
“Here,” He holds out his hand “I’ll show you”
I take hold of his hand and follow him as he leads me through the maze of halls until we reach a doorway that leads outside.
The courtyard we are in is beautiful, flowers and trees scattered here and there. There’s a stone bench at one side of the courtyard and a path at the other side. Legolas starts walking towards the path, pulling me along with him. On the sides of the path there are some flower bushes. I tug Legolas’s hand causing him to stop walking and look at me with confusion written on his face. I bend down slightly and pluck a single Gardenia from one of the bushes. I stand up and giggle softly as I place the flower in the prince’s hair. 
I watch as the tips of his ears flush a light pink, a smile slowly etching its way onto his face.
Instead of continuing down the path, Legolas leads me back the way we came and over to the bench. He sits down and pats the spot next to him, inviting me to sit down next to him. I gladly sit down next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. He sighs a happy sigh. We finally have time alone together. 
He lightly pushes my head off of his shoulder after a few minutes and stands up. Confused, I look at the elf and see that he’s nervously smiling back at me. Before I can say anything he takes a few steps making it so that he’s standing in front of me.
“I understand that maybe this is a tad soon and a bit untraditional, but I fear we may not have another moment alone for quite some time… Here goes…” 
He sighs and slowly drops to one knee and grabs both my hands. “I am aware we were arranged to marry each other in the first place so we did not have much of a choice. However, that does not mean I cannot still propose to you myself, so [Name]..” He lets go of one of my hands and reaches behind himself. He pulls out a dark green box, “Will you… will you marry me?” He asks with a nervous smile as he opens the box to reveal a simple but beautiful elvish ring.
I smile as small tears fill my eyes “I would love to” I say before Legolas stands up while gently pulling me up to stand as well. He puts the ring on my finger and places the box on the stone bench. Before I can say anything about how lovely the ring is I am being pulled in by a strong hand on my waist. He leans in close enough for me to feel his breath against my face and to smell a strong scent of faint mint, flowers, and the woods.
“Can I..?” He whispers while looking into my eyes. I nod ever so slightly and before I realize it his lips are on mine, soft and gentle. It’s a soft and sweet kiss that lasts only a few seconds.
As we part he smiles a sweet smile and rests his forehead against mine.
“I suppose we have a wedding to plan”
I tried my best TvT I really hope it’s liked - I honestly might do a few more parts to this(?) idk, lemme know if I should. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed this =D
Tags: @randomstory56 @crowsforquills @siriuslydestiny
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Oh happy four years!! Thank you for being with us! I would like to request a song prompt to mark the occasion please with Legolas through the song Paper Rings by Taylor.
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams Oh, you're the one I want
I imagine him being goofy with his wife and giving Thranduil constant headaches lmao!
It's Irene btw :D
Hi Irene! I'm so happy to hear from you! 💚 Thank you for sticking with me, and thank you for joining in on the celebration:
Thranduil gave a tired sigh before shaking his head in amusement as Legolas swept you off your feet, your dress swinging dramatically as your laughs rang through the hall.
He was simply trying to discuss your appearance with Legolas come to the next Feast of Starlight when Legolas came barrelling through the hall’s entrance.
Like a puppy excited that his owner returned, Legolas raced toward you. Except, this time, instead of you getting trampled by a pup, you were whisked away by a grinning elf. 
“Legolas!” You screeched but your voice was laced with giggles as he swung you around. 
If there was one way Thranduil would describe your love, it would be pure. Unadulterated, gentle, kind, passionate; a romance one would read about in books. 
As Thranduil smiled at your two’s antics, he recalled a moment he walked in on so many months ago. 
“How do you feel about…A moon-clasp?” Legolas’ voice was dripping with concern, making Thranduil stop in the hallway to listen in. 
“A moon-clasp?” You paused your movements in fixing your sleeve. 
“Or a ring…Or… I don’t know,” Thranduil nearly bursted into the room at the thought of you rejecting his son, but his heart came at ease with your next words. 
Approaching Legolas, you cupped his cheek with a bright smile. “You could give me a paper ring, a stick for all I care, Legolas.”
“I love you for you, always.” 
Tags in Bold mean that Tumblr will not let me tag you, please check your blog visibility setting! If you don’t have your blog visible, Tumblr doesn’t allow people to tag you.
The Elves- @eunoiaastralwings
Legolas- @skylarkvip @iloveyou3000morgan @katiegoddessofmischief @queenofmankind @dark-angel-is-back @elvish-sky @iwenttomordor
Forever- @lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien @ten-tenya-iida @legolaslovely @bthtallmadge2 @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms @cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
♡𝓛𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼♡
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- "dating legolas would include"
- "legolas dating a elf hc's"
- Galadriel dating fem!human would include
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