respectthepetty · 1 year
Me trying to explain the main characters in Chains of Heart
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sp0o0kylights · 2 months
Part Eight
We left off: Eddie has an injured leg, Gareth is concussed, there’s a now injured manticore in Hawkins and possibly a moving gate in the walls of the lab, which is storing mysterious, glowing green goo. Prior to all that, Steve was having a breakdown about leaving Hawkins brought on by his parents returning home.
Gareth has noticed Steve’s “crush” on Eddie, *all* of Hellfire is painfully aware of Eddie’s crush on Steve, and Hopper just showed up to the Byers in Scooby Doo pajamas.
Cue the music.
One minute Hopper was shaking a finger at the pile of children on the couch, spittle flying from his mouth as he demanded everyone both talk and shut up--
(“They can’t do both, Jim.”
“I don’t care Joyce, I--”
“Well I care, and you’re in my house, so I suggest you shut up.”
“Fine, but--”
“I was shutting up!”)
--and the next Steve had wrapped Gareth’s own hands around a warm mug, quietly leaning into his ear to ask if he was okay.
Gareth nodded jerkily, blinking back to the present, fighting off the panic attack that had dogged him all night.
“Yup. I’m great--good! I’m totally good.”
Steve snorted (a gross but common Steve sound) but otherwise left Gareth with a squeeze of his shoulder, before taking the other mug he had over to Eddie.
Who, Gareth realized, was staring at Hopper with the resigned air of a man glaring down his own executioner.
“What I don’t understand,” Lucas was saying as Steve tried to get Eddie to take a mug, “is what the manticore’s guarding.”
“You didn’t hear the green goo story?” Dustin said conversationally, like this was a Tuesday and not the middle of the night after a monster attack, head craning around to look at his friend.
Gareth had to give it to the kid, he had balls of fucking iron to ignore the look Hopper was shooting his way.
“Green goo?” Hopper butted in, needing an answer but clearly not eager to hear it
(Behind Gareth, Steve had resorted to physically taking Eddie’s hands, and wrapping them around the mug. He kept them there, fingers over Eddie’s as he leaned in, whispering something into the older teen’s ear, clearly trying to get his attention off Hopper.
It didn’t seem to be working until Steve said--or did--something, and then suddenly Eddie was taking in a shuddering, wobbly breath, eyes darting to look up into Steve’s. He took the mug much the same way Gareth had, though he blanked his face out a hell of a lot faster.)
“Glowing green goo. It’s--wait, where’d that guy go, he explained it really well.” Dustin leaned his entire body out from the couch, looking towards the wall of Hellfire members. “Hey, you! Stuck Stewart!”
Grant and Jeff slid away from Stewart immediately.
Who pointedly dumbly towards himself, squawking out a startled, “Me?”
“Yes, you.” Dustin said, like this was a fucking gameshow. “Tell Hop what you told me.”
As Hopper turned to face them with a startled expression, it became evident that he was just now realizing the teenagers in the kitchen weren't the ones he had expected to encounter.
His gaze swept over them in a clinical assessment, as if memorizing their faces so he could write them up later. Each of them let out a sigh of relief when he moved onto the next person, before his eyes landed on Eddie--and stayed.
“Munson?” He hissed, causing half of Hellfire to flinch.
To Eddie’s credit, he didn't react. Just reclined in the chair like he owned it, and raised the mug of chocolate Steve had just let go of.
“Nice jammies, Hop.” He said in lue of a greeting.
“Ignore him.” Dustin demanded, in a tone that had Jeff and Grant both side eyeing him. “The glowing goo is the important thing here.”
He gestured with his hand in a 'get on with it' motion, shooting an impatient look at Stewart.
Who audibly swallowed.
“So there uh, there was a rumor…” Stewart started, the story coming out in jerky, hesitant waves.
He kept looking at Hopper as if the man would interrupt him at any minute, and Gareth couldn’t tell if he was hoping to be cut off or happy to be allowed to talk.
He got it all out though--the rumors about the goo, the weird trucks and people loitering around town.
How a friend (omitting, Gareth noted with muted amusement, that Mikey was both an adult and the Hideout’s bartender) put it all together, spun it up into some crazy conspiracy theory and fed it to half the town’s best gossips.
The entire time Stewart spoke, Hopper was staring Eddie down.
Hellfire didn’t miss it.
Joyce didn’t either, and even Jonathan looked a bit fidgety.
(The kids looked perfectly fine, but then, they didn’t seem to realize Hopper wasn’t exactly focused on the whole goo thing.)
Stewart’s story ended, tailing off awkwardly when it became clear he had nothing else to add, and that everyone was waiting for Hopper to say something.
“Jim…” Joyce started, tone low in warning, which seemed to kickstart the chief back to life.
“Right. So we have one group of dumbass teenagers who went into the lab on a dare,” Hopper drawled, in that “don’t you bullshit me” tone cops just loved to use, “a second group of dumbass children who went in because they apparently, haven’t learned their lesson about meddling in government affairs, and Munson here—-”
Hopper flicked a hand at Eddie.
“—-was involved because his friends called him for help and not because the lab is the perfect spot to get high with a large number of people. Do I have that right?”
They all exchanged a nervous look with one another, but no one said a word.
Hellfire as a whole was used to getting their shit rocked by teachers, shop owners, and occasionally, the cops (usually an idiot who wanted to throw their weight around by busting up band practice or searching a car for drugs).
Pissing off the Chief of police though? That was an activity Eddie typically did solo.
And boy was Hopper pissed off, fury building waves as he leaned in like a predator opening its mouth right before it ate its prey.
“This shit? The Upside Down, monster shit? Isn’t something I screw around with. Especially not when my daughter’s involved. So we’re going to try this again, and this time, I want to hear the truth.”
He held up a hand to halt the explosion of protests from the kids section without bothering to even look in their direction.
“From Munson.” He finished, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eddie answered by taking a noisy slurp from his mug.
Gareth winced, but this sort of back and forth was par the course for a Munson-Hopper encounter, and he knew better than to get in the middle of it.
Steve, apparently, did not.
“Stewart just told you the truth.” He said flatly, giving Hopper a look that was just as stubborn as the chief’s own.
Who very much did not appreciate it.
“You said it yourself.” Steve interrupted, holding firm against the chief’s scowl. “The Upside Down isn’t something we screw around with.”
“Tell him, Steve!” Dustin crowed from the couch.
“Shut it.” Steve and Hopper responded in unison, and then did a remarkable job of pretending they hadn’t said a word.
(Gareth had the worst vision of Steve in an alternate life as a police officer. A deputy maybe, with shaved hair, constantly chewing on tobacco and fucking up poor people’s lives. He’d probably have an obnoxious nickname. Like Gator or some shit.
Thank God Hellfire had gotten there first.)
“I was there when they called Eddie.” Steve continued, before Hopper could growl something out. “If we were all doing drugs, we’d still be high, and Eddie wouldn’t have teeth marks in his thigh.”
There was yet another pause, in which Gareth was fairly sure the tension was going to give him a heart attack.
Within it, Hopper did a double take, noting Eddie’s injury for the first time--and how he only had one pant leg, the other replaced by a stark white bandage and pale skin.
“Fine.” He grit out, teeth clenched so tight Gareth thought they might shatter against each other. “Is there anything else I should know about the ‘goo story’ then?”
“You missed the part where El wouldn’t let us call you, because she felt you wouldn’t listen to her.” Mike snarked from El’s right.
“Wonder why.” Max added darkly, from her own spot on El’s left. “Don’t you have a walkie? Why didn’t you answer the code red?”
Apparently, they had decided Steve had won this entire exchange, and it was safe to dogpile on their own displeasure. Gareth was absolutely astounded that the glare Hopper turned their direction didn’t melt them all on the spot.
(Likely, given how this all seemed to be a normal encounter for everyone involved, they were used to it.
Gareth was very much not.)
Hopper whipped his head around to Mike, anger still simmering, “And I’m sure you, Michael Wheeler, didn’t have any qualms about not calling me.”
“He did not want me to go either.” El said bluntly. “I told him you would not listen, and if either of you stopped me, people would die.”
She nodded then, towards Stewart, as if to indicate he was one such person.
For the second time that night, Stewart pointed at his own chest, eyes saucer wide.
“No one else,” El finished grimly, “will die.”
The chief dragged his hands through his hair and then down his face.
“Alright.” He forced out. “I get your point-- but! We’re talking about how you went about this later. Not now!” He added, before the kids could erupt. “Later!”
“So what are we going to do about the Manticore?” Mike spat the question more so than he said it, but Gareth was happy someone was bringing that part up.
Because monster problem or not--what the fuck were they going to do about it?
Since the Chief of Police was here, did that mean the entire police force knew there were monsters in Hawkins? Was there some kind of--monster hunting squad that went around at night?
The more he thought about it the more questions he had, and in turn, the more Gareth’s anxiety threatened to mutiny once again, which was not helped by the concussion he was positive he’d acquired.
Hopper scoffed, “We are not doing anything. We are going back to bed after I call your parents and tell them you’ve been out all night!”
Groans filled the room, the sound of children facing a future grounding, en mass.
“Then,” he continued loudly, “I’ll call Owens.”
“And if Owens doesn’t do anything?” Dustin challenged. “‘Cause he clearly didn’t clean up well last time. Are we just going to let a manticore run around? What if more come through? What if--”
“Just because none of you trust me doesn’t mean I don’t do my job,” Hopper interrupted, “which includes knowing what to do if this shit came back. We adults did discuss that after last time, believe it or not.”
Gareth was old enough to school the doubt off his face, but the kids had no such qualms.
“What Hop means is that we need to have a little more faith in him.” Joyce soothed, and Gareth noticed that unlike a lot of adult men he’d been around, Hopper let her. “He’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”
“This just means we’re waiting until he falls in a hole again.” Mike stage whispered to Will, who coughed hard to hide his laugh.
“There aren’t any holes this time!” Hopper screeched, voice rising in pitch.
“Okay, okay, enough.” Joyce pacified, moving to stand in the middle of the room (notably,between the harpy children and Hopper). “What’s important is that everyone lived, we know there’s a thing in the lab, and that no one is going back for it until it’s dead. Agreed?”
She paused, and when no such agreements came, hardened her voice in a way that had every person under eighteen snapping to attention. “Agreed!?”
“Yes.” Chorused the children (and at least three members of Hellfire.)
“Good.” Joyce nodded so hard her hair bounced. Putting her hands on her hips, she added; “Now we start the process of getting all of you home.”
“Someone get me the phone, we’re starting with you Wheeler.” Hopper tacked on.
Mike just flung himself back into the couch with a dramatic eye roll and a not so subtle raise of his middle finger.
“As for the rest of you, get out.” Hopper said, weaving past Steve to get to the phone in the kitchen.
A second later, when it was clear no one had moved, he poked his head around the corner.
“Do I need to call all your parents too?” He demanded, as Hellfire dumbly stood there. “Get!”
Hellfire got.
Hopper grabbed Steve right before he’d left, muttering something about needing to talk to him and Jonathan.
Eddie chose to hang back, propping himself on the van's hood, and Gareth, not wanting to go home, opted to keep him company
“Hopper’s not going to eat him.” He whispered, when two minutes dragged into seven and the fidgeting got to be too much for him.
“True, but he's catching hell because Hopper's not buying his story." Eddie retorted, voice equally hushed.
As if raising their voices might summon Hopper and his fiery temper right to them.
"It's nothing we haven't heard before," Gareth remarked, resisting the urge to suggest once more that Eddie get off his leg and go sit in the car.
“There weren't monsters before.” Eddie countered, mouth around a hangnail.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It might.” Eddie muttered darkly. “If Hopper makes it matter, it fucking might.”
“How the hell is Hopper going to make it matter?" Gareth mused aloud, though deep down, he already knew.
Eddie was Hellfire's guardian, both within and beyond the school walls. Being with him meant having a shield to hide behind, protection against the casual cruelty the people of Hawkins were so fond of.
Sure, there were mean kids, nasty teachers, and even the occasional unpleasant gas station attendant, but they weren't the real issue—not by a long shot.
It was the ones who looked at Eddie and truly believed some of the bullshit.
Hopper didn’t act like the church folk. The ones who sent their pastors and youth leaders out on the warpath, knocking on doors and setting up outside of businesses.
Those individuals had attempted to drive away Eddie's friends before, thinking they could "rescue them" in the process—Gareth himself had once endured a week of being stalked by some idiot he had stood up to in Eddie's defense.
The man had made it his mission, and Gareth, too young at the time to know better, had felt helpless as every adult he turned to dismissed the blatant stalking.
All because that "nice" youth leader claimed he just wanted to help.
The asshole had practically hunted Gareth down-- always making himself known, always accompanied by a friend or two. A couple of little comments in his pocket, ready and waiting, and a grin that didn’t match his eyes.
The words he said weren’t threats, but the tone he said them in was.
Eddie got it worst of all of them though, when the church crowd started.
Their attention wasn’t always on him, and truthfully they hadn’t really put any real energy into their own bullshit for a few years now--but they always came back to him.
Like he was an old and favored chew toy, and if they just tried hard enough, they’d crack him in two.
Which meant this wasn’t about what Hopper said.
It’s what he could do.
Thankfully Steve appeared before Eddie could spiral further, looking surprised to see them still waiting.
“Oh.” He ran a hand through his hair as he came down the stairs. “You guys didn’t have to stay.”
Eddie shot him a flat look.
"And leave you alone with Hopper?"
"I wasn't exactly alone, but thanks."
Steve's smile was slight, tinged with relief, and Eddie fell right into him, leaning into Steve's space (and making a show of his limp as he did).
“We were going to ask if you’re coming back with us anyway. Figure you might not want to go back to your place after tonight.” He said, as if he and Gareth had discussed any such thing.
You waited outside just to tell me that?" Steve asked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he gently pushed Eddie back. "Ed, you should be sitting in your car, off that leg."
(Not that Steve wanted Eddie to go far, Gareth noted with his own amusement, as Steve stepped to follow.)
"I tried telling him that, but he wouldn't listen!" He tattled to Steve, simply because he could.
He got a middle finger behind Eddie’s back in retaliation.
“I figured it’d piss Hopper right off if I offered you a place to crash right after he warned you away from me.” Eddie said, ignoring the both of them.
“He didn’t warn me away.” Steve said, beginning the process of herding the older teen into his van.
Eddie let out a snort. "Seriously? That wasn't a full-blown 'rethink your life choices, hanging out with trash like him' speech?”
“You’re not trash.”
Eddie snorted again, hasher this time before glancing away.
He was entirely unprepared for Steve to reach out, catching him by the arm much the same way Hopper had caught him.
“Eddie.” Steve said, abruptly serious. “You’re not trash.”
He said it like he meant it, voice low, eyes drilling into Eddie’s.
Gareth couldn't tear his own eyes away, even though that stare wasn't even intended for him.
“No one here is trash,” Steve declared firmly. “Hopper was just asking if Jonathan and I could babysit El for a couple of nights while he’s working. But even if he had tried to tell me I couldn't hang out with you, I would have told him to shove it. Like you said earlier today—we don’t abandon our friends, and we don’t leave them to deal with stuff alone.”
Gareth knew his best friend like the back of his hand and that level of honesty?
It was too much for Eddie, and normally, he’d run.
Was in fact, a little more than infamous for bolting when confronted about his own insecurities.
Maybe it was because Eddie's leg was in no shape for him to run, or maybe it was the reassuring grip of Steve's hand on his arm. It could even have been the intensity in Steve's gaze, as if he could convince Eddie of anything just by staring at him--but Eddie didn’t move.
He didn't even avert his gaze, although Gareth half expected him to.
“If you say so.” He tried to sing-song the words but they fell flat. “Let’s go, the Munson couch awaits us.”
Steve didn’t say anything about how Eddie pulled himself away, backing out of range.
He watched him though.
Even after Eddie had turned around, waving a hand at Gareth to get into the drivers seat.
Steve kept watching until Gareth nudged him out of it, murmuring a quiet “Come on, dude” to get him going too.
Saw the little frown line burrow its way into Steve’s forehead, like he’d figured out part of a puzzle that had long evaded him, and didn’t like the answer he’d come too.
(Gareth himself didn’t have time for any such revelations, given he faced the monstrous task of driving Eddie’s van.
His learners permit quaked in his wallet at the mere thought, but somehow, they made it back in one piece anyway.)
Steve had reassured them that feeling restless was normal after….
(There wasn’t a word strong enough to capture the intensity of the last few hours.
Gareth eventually stopped trying, accepting it as a blur of horror, anxiety, and impending dread. It felt like a nightmare that others remembered vividly but faded for him, like a movie becoming less real once you left the theater.)
Their conversation centered around going through the last few years, Steve filling in holes that made life make a hell of a lot more sense compared to all the bullshit the government had come up with.
None of it sounded real, and several pieces had Eddie and Gareth both gawking, but after the lab?
Not a part of it could be easily discounted.
Gareth couldn’t pinpoint when he finally succumbed to sleep.
Hadn’t intended too, and knew immediately upon clawing back to reality that his back was in a world of hurt from the way he’d curled into Wayne’s ancient armchair.
It was still dark outside, the lights warm on the inside of the trailer, and he figured he couldn’t have been out for long.
The blurry red 5:05 from his watch confirmed his suspicions, and Gareth got two seconds to wonder if this is his life now--catching whatever sleep he can in weird little bursts-- before harsh whispering picked up to his left.
The Munson’s living room was small. Small enough for Eddie to know better about how the sound carries, even if he was whisper-fighting.
Or at least, whisper-arguing, anyway.
“I just wish you’d see yourself the way everyone else sees you.” Steve was saying, sounding both bitchy and confused. Like he couldn’t quite believe he was having such a stupid conversation, but was going to point out the obvious anyway.
Eddie wasn’t doing much better, his words as sharp as the knife he’d used to stab the manticore.
“What, as the town freak? The local satanist? The ugly queer who's out to steal the children?”
Gareth managed to sneak a peak in time to see Eddie’s face twisted in disgust.
“Not those assholes--the ones that know you. Everyone that matters.” Steve countered, easily and immediately. “The Hellfire Club, Wayne, Dustin.”
There was a pause, but he could have sworn he heard Steve follow up with a quiet but hopeful, “Me.”
Gareth twisted ever so slightly, giving himself an eyeful of the room.
Both his friends sat on the couch facing each other. They were close, like they’d been sharing snacks or body heat before things had gone south, Eddie’s hands nearly missing smacking into Steve’s face as he gestured.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Steve continued doggedly.
Eddie’s hands froze in air, before he could make whatever gesture he’d intended.
“I said I’m sorry.” Steve repeated, that painful sincerity Gareth would have never guessed him capable of on full display. “For the part I played in calling you all that shit. You’re none of those things, Eddie. You’re the opposite of all of it.”
The hands dropped into Eddie’s lap, like twin birds shot out of the sky.
“I am, though.” He muttered.
Steve’s frown deepened, his reassurance quick. “No, you’re not.”
“Yeah, Steve. I am.”
“Okay, fine.” Angry, Steve leaned forward into Eddie’s space.
Backed into the side of the couch and wall as he was, it trapped Eddie quite nicely.
“I know the parents down at the church don’t know the difference between D&D and actual demons, but I do. So unless you suddenly learned how to be quiet about fucking ritual sacrifice of all things, then I refuse to buy that you’re a literal Satanist and not just engaging in the drama.”
Gareth saw the moment Eddie realized he was pinned, that he wasn’t getting out of his conversation without shoving Steve back.
Knew this was building into a blow up before Eddie’s mouth even opened.
“I’m not a Satanist, but I definitely am queer.” He shot back, eyes hard. “So you can shove whatever grand ideas you’re having about my character back up your ass.”
Gareth hadn’t moved much, years of living with his siblings making it possible to watch what’s happening without alerting anyone in the room that he was awake, but he almost ruined it with how quickly he sucked in his own breath.
Steve was a good guy.
Had been a good guy to them, but there have been plenty of other “good guys” Gareth knew who suddenly weren’t so great the second Eddie’s sexuality came up.
It’s why Gareth himself hadn’t often admitted to his own muddled sexuality, too afraid of getting the same bullshit aimed his way.
Why would anyone want to pursue men, after watching more than a few realize they liked Eddie and promptly lose their shit so hard they became a danger to any man who so much as looked at them the wrong way?
It was terrifying--and so was the realization that Gareth can’t kick Steve’s ass. 
He doesn’t want to even try, but gets himself ready for emotional upheaval anyway--and whatever may come after.
Even if they’re all dead on their feet from fighting a literal monster.
‘Excellent fucking timing Eds.’ He thought sourly, despite the guilt of thinking it. It’s not Eddie’s fault--and Steve’s reaction, whatever it may be, isn’t either.
'God does it suck to be gay in a rural ass, small town.'
Thankfully, Steve doesn’t pull away.
Doesn’t act like Eddie’s got a contagious disease like some of the basketball team does, or like it’s his God given duty to either rid the earth of him now that Eddie’s finally admitted to what half the town has accused him of being, or have some violent crisis over his own clearly repressed gay crush. 
Is still very much in Eddie’s space, even if he’s being awfully quiet--for long enough that Gareth can see Eddie start to shut down.
“Okay.” Steve said finally, clearly knowing he needs to say something but seemingly struggling to figure out what, “But you’re not evil, and you’re definitely not stealing children, so you’re beating out the US government.”
“Oh boy, I beat out the government that’s kidnapping and torturing people! Such a high bar.”
Steve winced. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Yeah? What did you mean then?” Eddie challenged. “We both know you’re not the kind to want to associate with the queers.”
“I didn't, I--” Steve took a breath, fumbling and knowing it. “I know I've been an asshole in the past, and I also know I was wrong."
He stared hard at Eddie. "I don’t care if you’re gay. That doesn’t, that shouldn’t--matter.”
Eddie met his gaze. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
Between them sat all the times Steve, or a former friend of his, decided a random victim was queer. The knowing smirks and taunts that followed after they spewed out various slurs.
How some of the rumors they started stuck around. 
Steve had never really engaged with a lot of the bullying people often attributed to him as King of the Jockstraps, but he wasn't an innocent bystander either, and Gareth couldn't fault Eddie for challenging that change of heart. 
Even now, after Steve had long vacated his throne. 
“Well that sucks for you then, doesn’t it?” Steve snapped. “Because I’m not going anywhere, Munson. You can mack on some dude all you like, and I’m still going to be there to remind you you’re not evil for doing it. Or for being into nerdy shit and terrible music!”
“My music isn’t terrible!” Eddie screeched automatically.
Gareth anticipated Eddie calling out Steve on his obvious bait—seriously, that wouldn’t have worked in a game even with a nat 20—but found himself underestimating Steve's bantering skills as their ex-jock just plowed right ahead.
“It is! It’s just--screaming. Screaming with loud ass guitars!”
“Oh my God, I am going to sit you down and make you listen to so many albums. The screaming is a core part of the range of emotions in the songs--”
“Range? Eddie there isn’t any range, it’s just dudes who are angry--”
“Fuck you, it is not!” Eddie was howling, both of them too into their argument to remember they were trying to be quiet to begin with.
“I bet you five dollars! Five entire dollars, that you could not find me a singular song I like out of your entire metal collection.”
“Ten dollars! And the largest Pizza this shithole town has to offer!”
“Deal!” Steve shouted, chest heaving.
They breathed together for a moment, before the tension between them fizzled out, fading into something more uncertain.
Delicate, even though Gareth was fairly certain Steve had expertly maneuvered Eddie right where he wanted him.
Eddie seemed to realize it too, folding back into himself as he tugged a finger around his hair, pulling it in front of his face.
“You really wouldn't care if I kissed a guy in front of you?” Eddie's question isn't overtly vulnerable, but Gareth knows better.
He understands the significance of this.
Of Steve’s acceptance, more than anyone else's.
The jock had become so deeply bonded to them—all of them—that the rejection would wound Eddie in a way few could truly understand. Crack his otherwise impenetrable shield, the ricochet tearing through a substantial portion of his resilience.
“And I'd probably tell you to find a room, but hey, I said that to Tommy and Carol too,” Steve retorts, nudging Eddie's thigh.
Eddie rewards him with a small smile
Steve seems to know more is needed, and offers it up right alongside his heart. “I’m serious. I know I kinda butchered it but--the queer thing shouldn’t be a problem to begin with. It’s stupid that it is.”
"Steven Harrington, did I just witness personal growth?" Eddie teased, his smile widening. "What's next, admitting that college sports are ridiculous?"
“Don’t be a dick,” Steve scoffed, but his own smile mirrored Eddie’s as he looked away. 
Despite his head still partly tucked into his arm, Gareth found himself grinning.
It was a welcome relief after an otherwise horrific night.
Sensing it was now or never, Gareth made a show of untangling himself, stretching upward with a moan that startled both Eddie and Steve.
“Be careful saying that shit, Steve,” He said, jerking a thumb towards his best friend. “He’ll take it as an invitation to make out with people in front of you.”
Eddie gasped, hand flying over his heart in mock offense.
“I would never!”
“He’s a real horndog, once he even tried to make out with a guy on stage on top of my drumset.” Gareth continued, sticking out his tongue.
He deserved the pillow thrown his way but Gareth took the hit with grace, laughing as Eddie huffed at him.
“For the last time I wasn’t making out with that guy, he was trying to punch me!”
“With his mouth?”
“With his head, which you damn well know."  Eddie accused, clawing blindly for another pillow. "Gareth you are shameless, how long have you been listening in!?”
“As much as I enjoy the calming effects of mindless screaming, I'd wager it was when you guys conveniently forgot I was in the room."
“I take it you uh, know?” Steve injected hesitantly, eyes moving between Eddie and Gareth and oh--oh, he was being protective.
'That’s cute.' Gareth thinks.
Even if he’s rolling his eyes at the very idea that he posses any kind of threat.
“Dude, I clocked Eddie before he clocked me.” He said, just to take some heat from Eddie--and because it was one of the few opportunities where he could say it. “We’ve spent many a math period discussing if Sting was hotter than Axl Rose.”
If Eddie can be brave, Gareth could too.
“You did not.” Eddie spits back, the offense mounting. “You absolutely did not clock me first you lying liar--”
“Oh.” Steve blinked, finger flicking out between them as if he’s connected two dots and feels awfully stupid about not seeing it before. “I uh, I didn’t, are you guys--”
And oh, the horror that crashes into Gareth when he figured out what Steve was asking.
“No! God no.” Gareth shuddered, delighting in the way Eddie’s jaw crashed down at the sight. “And if I ever consider it, I need you to take me out back and shoot me, Steve. Right between the eyes, for the greater good.”
“Wow Gary, just stick a knife in my back why don’t you--”
“I’m gonna be real,” Steve cut in, before they could fake-argue their way into a real fight, “I never actually thought about liking both. Guys and girls, I mean.”
He blushed, as both Gareth and Eddie turned to look at him.
“Oh Stevie,” Eddie cooed, “there are so many more options than just "liking both.”
He made air quotes with his fingers, attention immediately diverted away from murdering Gareth with whatever objects he could grab. 
Steve gave him a side eye that was more than well deserved.
“I feel like I don’t want to know.” He said flatly.
“Too late.” Gareth told him, resigned. “You get to hear the speech now.”
“There’s a speech?”
“Steve, it's me. Of course there’s a speech.” Eddie tutted, resettling himself on the couch so that he’s sitting cross legged. “It’s an hour long so strap yourself in big guy, we have a lot of ground to cover!”
Crisis firmly averted, Gareth curls back up in the chair, tired smile on his face as Steve and Eddie go right back to bantering, the tension having vanished from the room.
This is a rare outcome, given their life and the world they live in, but one Gareth’s incredibly thankful for.
Can’t quite believe it, but then, King Steve had surprised a lot of them ever since he’d hung up his crown.
Perhaps Hellfire was a good influence on people after all.
Back at the Byers, outside on the front porch, Hopper and Joyce were arguing over a cigarette.
(They both believe they’re being very quiet about it, but the pillow Jonathan had jammed over his ears said otherwise.)
“Remind me to make you work on your approach with disciplining children.” Joyce was saying, as she snatched the cigarette out of Hopper’s hands.
“What?! I thought that went pretty well considering they broke back into the lab and almost killed themselves.” He responded, waiting until she’d taken a deep inhale before trying to get it back.
“And I’m sure taking potshots at the poorest kid in the room was a necessary part of that process. It’s probably written down in the police handbook, even.”
“I wasn’t taking potshots Joyce--”
“No, of course not, you were just throwing random criticism and assumptions around, willy nilly and--oh, wait, that’s the exact definition of a potshot--”
“He deals drugs! Look me in the eyes and tell me Munson doling out weed doesn’t make more sense then the lot of them chasing down some--some goo story!?”
There’s a weighty pause, in which one can only imagine Joyce Byers face says more words than her mouth ever could.
It was very impactful.
“I mean--okay, maybe not our kids, but the teenagers?” Hopper’s voice dives into a disbelieving kind of whine, reserved for those who are aware the point they’re arguing may in fact, be wrong, but are desperately defending it anyway. “Come on. Drugs is the clear answer!" 
“Even if that was what was happening, then you shouldn’t be discussing it in a room full of children who have survived what those kids have, Jim. It could have been a separate conversation, given in a much calmer and less threatening tone of voice.”
“Oh my God, Joyce--”
“Don’t you ‘oh my God!’ me, you asked for lessons on being a better parent and I am holding you to them!”
There’s a brief scuffle over the cigarette, as both seem to realize Joyce is letting it smoke out in her hand.
She does not stop talking however, even as their hands slap at each other. 
“That includes parenting the teenagers in this town, because in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the Chief of police! So you signed up to see them all at their worst, and you get to deal with the fallout of that!”
“Fine! Fine. I’ll apologize to the goddamn high school drug dealer. Is that what you want!?”
Another pause, this one filled with that awkward sort of tension when an argument has fizzled out, and neither party knows quite where they stand with each other yet.
“What voice am I supposed to use?” Hopper mused, finally winning the bid for the cigarette and jamming it into his mouth.
“Anyone except the grumbly bear voice.”
“The grumbly bear voice?”
“You know,” Joyce drops her own voice in a comical rendition of Hopper’s, “How dare you kids run off! You’ll be the death of me and this town!”
She laughs, and Hopper, shockingly, laughs along with her.
“I don’t sound like that.” He defends, bumping Joyce gently with his shoulder, and she in return, bumps him right back.
Both of them grinning, both of them blushing a little.
They keep talking, the cigarette eventually put aside and forgotten as they do.
Truth be told, they hadn’t needed it--but the excuse was nice.
(Inside, Jonathan rolled the pillow on top of his face in a suffocation attempt, unsure of what he’d done in life to deserve all this but desperately wishing he didn’t have to listen to his mother flirt.
Or worse--Hop flirting back.)
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slayerkitty · 1 year
Ohhhhkaaaaay. *deep breaths*
It's Chains of Heart finale discussion time.
1. So Din/Lue's response to hearing Sai has been kidnapped is to go visit his mother and ask to eat? What? How about meeting up with your crowd of helpers and you know, GET YOUR SISTER BACK? While I appreciate the emotion of the scene with his mom and her realization after the fact, it was such a wtaf moment because he knew Sai was taken and was doing nothing.
2. Still a little unsure if Ken knew Din was Lue the night before, cause it does seem that Hin's insistence that Din is Lue broke his brain a little but if he didn't know, I needed more of a reaction.
3. How did Din/Lue not get shot in the shootout? Seriously, how? Everyone shoots like Stormtroopers, I guess.
4. I enjoyed the fight with the knife guy. That was good.
5. I get that Ingpha is basically evil, but I figured he was just into the illegal lumber trade and maybe some drug running. I did not anticipate human and/or organ trafficking, but I guess you gotta diversify when you're evil.
6. I enjoyed the Din/Lue and Ingpha confrontation; THE GLOVES WERE OFF! However, the editing there was so weird. For a show as cinematic as this one, I needed more there. Ingpha gets shot and then we cut to him in the river and where the fuck does Sai go?! We does see her in the last shot, but how did she get on the rock there? She's still tied and blindfolded. What? It kinda took me out of the scene.
7. I guess I don't understand why they didn't rally to cover up Din/Lue's part in Ingpha's murder. Sai was blindfolded, she don't know. Ken can just lie? So can Dr Fiance? I just??
8. THAT'S IT? THAT'S HOW IT ENDS? NO CONVERSATION, EXPLANATION, DIN JUST DISAPPEARS? (Obviously, Sai implies Din will be back for her wedding, but that was just not enough for me)
9. WHERE IS LUE'S KID? (What is "question we'll never have the answer to, Alex")
I don't know. I wanted more from this episode (and the show in general). Do we think the vaguely open ending could imply a push for a season 2?
Overall, I genuinely enjoyed the insanity and confusion that is this show. It was very, very pretty to look at, and Ken's shrine to Din is possibly only second to the shrine from Secret Crush on You. The bones of something really brilliant are here, just not quite what I was hoping for.
@respectthepetty @fiction-is-queer @meghangrove8 @dribs-and-drabbles
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sleepcrisis · 9 months
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"You're Finally Asleep."
Moon x OC
I was bored and I made this whole shebang with my oc in an hour soooo
Let's fucking go
That was the hundredth time he has said that word in an hour. Lue was surprised that he didn't even give up already.
"I told you a thousand times, I can't. I'm working."
"So?" Moon rotated his faceplate upsidedown. "That does not mean you can ruin your sleep cycle like this."
"I still have an apartment y'know? I can sleep there." Lue shrugged, continuing to stare at the computer's security desk. Thankfully enough he was never allowed behind it, due to his protocols. "I still have a life outside of work."
"And what life would that be?"
Okay, ouch.
Moon had that raspy chuckle again, mocking her. "I'm surprised you didn't even kill me just yet."
"How can I? Sun..means a lot to you." Moon sighed, "As much as I hate that thought, maybe even thinking about strangling y— I know! Shut it."
"Well at least we both know that was a lie." Lue snickered.
Ah, at least Sun wasn't blocked from his line of vision again. That was a good step so far.
"Don't make me change my mind."
"Whatever you say, Starboy." That nickname almost always makes him annoyed.
"Please do refrain from calling me that, stupid kid."
Lue raised their head up from the computer, "You used to talk to kids like that Starboy?"
"Oh I oughta-" Moon was so close to grabbing them by the neck, his right optic was blinking rapidly with anger. But he couldn't even move another inch, making him angrier. But the static between his fingers stopped him.
He faced away from the desk, trying to cool himself down.
A few moments of silence has passed.
"... You still need to sleep, starlight."
"I told you," Lue shook their head, "I can't. I have insomnia anyways. Can't sleep that easily even if I wanted to."
Moon paused, his neck rotating as his head was facing them. Totally was not uncomfortable by the sight of it.
"... You're kidding."
"No, I'm not?" Lue raised a brow. What was his deal anyway?
"Step away from the desk."
"NOW." Now that surprised them.
"Okay, okay! Jesus, man what is your problem?" Lue then hopped off from the seat of their desk, now walking in front of him. They crossed their arms, annoyed. "Now what?"
Moon then grabbed them by the shoulder, hoisting them up bridal style right. Lue's eyes went wide, "H-Hey!"
The skyline was hooked right into Moon's back almost immediately, lifting then up into the air.
"Moon! Put me the FUCK down!"
Lue screeched, holding onto the lunar animatronic for dear life. That only made Moon raised a brow in amusement, leaving another raspy chuckle escape from his voice box. "What? Is our pessimistic and fearless Luanne Simmons is actually a wimp? You really need to tone down your swearing."
"Put me down!"
Even with her struggling in his arms, they were right on top of the daycare's balcony, stepping inside the curtains. Lue sighed in relief, "Finall—!"
They were soon enough dropped to the floor, making them groan in annoyance. "You're a twisted son of a bitch, you know that?"
Moon snickered, "Charmed."
What an asshole.
"You little-"
"Wait here."
Lue raised a brow, slowly sitting up straight as Moon left outside the curtain. They dusted off any imaginary dust from their pants, looking to where they are as of the moment.
God, it was a mess everywhere. Cluttered clothes and messy drawings from children all over the walls, hell even mangled security bots were laying around in the corner.
There was even a beanbag couch right beside it.
Is this Sun and Moon's room?
How can cleanfreaks like them even leave their room like this to rot? That concerned them a little.
"I'm back." Lue turned around to see Moon walking inside with something balled in his fist.
"What's in there?"
"A moondrop candy. It helps the little ones sleep."
"Oh, so basically like a melatonin gummy?" They should really be worried about what Fazbear treats their guests. Especially on how they had the bright idea on how giving melatonin to kids would quote on quote, "help."
"In a way, yes."
Moon walked up to them, sitting on the dirty floor right next to Lue. "Here." He grabbed her wrist, placing the candy inside her palm. He held onto her fingers, closing the candy within it.
Lue took back their wrist, opening their hand. The moondrop candy was covered in bluish purple plastic, littered in stars with a moon in the middle. Cute, and fitting.
They opened the wrapper to see soft blue candy, before popping it right into their mouth.
It tasted sweetly like flowers and honey. With a hint of vanilla and lavender. It was rather nice.
"Now sleep."
Lue sighed, remembering why they were even there in the first place.
"Like I said, I can't sleep that easily at all."
Moon furrowed his eyebrow, now pulling them right over into his lap. They looked rather smaller that way.
"What the-"
"Shh.." He placed a finger over their lips, trying to keep them quiet.
Lue grumbled, grabbing onto his wrist. "... But I'm on the job, Moon. I can't just slack off!"
"I can cover for you, y'know."
Is he serious right now?
"... Really?" Lue eyed him suspiciously.
Moon rolled his eyes, "Yes. Really. I have your database files in my head, I have them for anyone who works here."
Lue bit their lip, fiddling with their fingers. "Is... there a particular reason why are you doing this for me? Is it just your protocol or something else?"
"Who knows, really?" Moon shrugged, being the cryptic little shit he almost always was. "Kind of felt like it."
The bloodthirsty Moon? Doing something like this? The guy who absolutely hates any coworkers he had to deal with? What the hell is happening?
"You're unbelievable."
"I know."
That left a small chuckle escape their lips, shaking their head. Lue hesitantly leaned over to Moon's chest plate, hearing the mechanical whirring that was most likely his hard drive.
Moon's body went stiff the moment they were in contact with his chest, staring at them. "You want me to sing a song for you so you could actually sleep for once?"
Lue hummed, shrugging. "Go for it."
Surprisingly, he actually had a really nice voice that could lull any children into sleep. It felt so calming, so relieving than to the Moon they were even used to seeing for the past month. What happened to him in the first place anyway? Why was he like this?
But even before they could have more of those thoughts, a small yawn escaped their lips. Their eyes started to droop, falling deeper into the abyss.
Moon stared at them for a good minute, now realizing they were finally asleep. "Finally.." He sighed, lifting their head up with support.
"You're finally asleep."
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vanillatalc · 9 months
anyway in other news
today was pretty decent - ben got a case of the sads at about 9pm but actually recovered p fast and without any crying that i saw but he was in the bath for a bunch of the evening so i cannot verify this. the sad attacks are definitely getting more spread out + (i think from an outsider perspective) less intense. i genuinely think as well that we hadn't had sex in ages (ofc the week ana was away my period started so we didnt really bother) which made us both kind of :(
we had sex :) + read to each other. ben asked if we could do more reading out loud to each other at bedtime bc he really liked our matsuo basho reading. i liked it as well - i think i focused much better on teh words than i usually do - so ben picked a shortlist of books to read next (i haven't read a book in like 10y so there's no point me picking one) + i picked one from that + anyway we're reading "this is how you lose the time war" and im reading all of red's bits + he's doing blue. ill be honest... not fully sure about teh writing style... ben used the word florid as a compliment + i would use the same word, but as an insult lol. (very very representative of our characters i think) some of the sentences i really like but so far i cant feel much of a difference btwn red + blue - like if one of them wrote very floridly + one of them wrote very starkly i feel i'd appreciate that more bc you would be getting some insight into the characters but as it stands, the entire thing feels a bit like a creative writing exercise to me. we're not that far in tho so maybe it will capture me more as we go i should send ben some of my fanfic (look it's just a hobby) + see what he thinks lol
we played chess next to each other in bed :) he's been making some tentative little steps into learning / playing the game :)
i had intended on doing more work than i ended up doing but i think sometimes just spending hours and hours with your partner doing not much is the best way to spend a saturday
ana is back now! i forgot to say yesterday but they are back :) i did miss them a lot! whenever we're apart i yearn and pine
god, also! i forgot to say the other day but i needed something to watch while i cleaned my alpaca the other day + settled on red white and royal b lue + it was the tropiest shit ive ever seen in my life. i dont know if it's bc the author (it's an adaptation) comes from fanfic or bc the fanfic style has become indistinguishable from YA style more generally these days but it was kind of nuts to me how much the film could have just been a collection of AO3 tags?? im not even bashing fanfic bc i ahve written it since i was a kid and some fanfic is better than some published work and it's all a rich tapestry. HOWEVER this film was just crazy in its ... nothingness?? it was a perfectly fine watch i guess if you're looking for a princess diaries-y gay romance + god knows there are enough sugary romance films about straight people and those cut from the rainbow cloth also deserve their fair share of merry dross but yeah i was just surprised!! idk
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Thinking about @petpetparkofficial’s kids and-
The idea of the siblings bonding over gaming is adorable and also I headcanon that they have a Family Dnd game.
Also I’m convinced that at least once Walucia just walked up to Lue like she knew her or they were friends and Lue has no idea who she is and is just confused and awkward about the entire thing
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lavenderdaisyhoney · 2 years
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a/n: A collection of handcanons of when our faves be crushing on you. Ty for the idea @tomurastrashpanda 💓💓
warnings: none, sfw
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mans does NOT know how to act so he’ll just be his typical self
he’ll do little things like bring you tea or help you carry heavy items
he’ll listen to you ramble on for hours
gives you advice, only when you ask for it though
takes care of you in little ways like covering you with a blanket when you fall asleep or making sure you’ve eaten that day
thinks it’s impossible for you to like him back because you have way more to offer than he does
often finds himself thinking of you for the majority of his days and nights
everything he sees reminds him of you someway, somehow
has a cute little nickname for you that only HE knows
gets jealous when you’re laughing with other people
Levi’s thoughts: Hmm, they’re looking a little tired. I should lighten the amount of work I give them. No. That’s not fair. Oh who cares. I dare anyone to say anything. They’re so cute when they stretch like that. Why are they laughing with everyone they meet? Don’t they know how precious their smiles are?
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mans gonna be a blushing mess anytime you’re near him
you’ll be on his mind 25/8
he’ll take any and every opportunity to talk to you or spend time with you
will @ anyone who he feels his bothering you
in tune with your emotions and always seems to know exactly what you need
remembers the little things you tell him and brings it up later during conversations
is always eager to help you even though he knows you’re more than capable
bumped into you by accident once and kept his hands on your waist a couple of seconds too long. He later dreamed about slow dancing with you, hands on your waist for however long he wants
matches your chaotic vibes whenever need be. He’s actually pretty funny and it comes out more when he’s with you
has already planned many dates
Jean practicing in front of the mirror: “Hey, Y/N. You’ve been wanting to see this film right? I have tickets for it. Wanna go together?” No. *shakes his head* You gotta be more suave. You can’t let them know you have an insane crush on them. *leans head against mirror* I really like them.
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a MESS. Omg he’s so adorable he legit doesn’t know how to function
has already pictured your wedding “must marry them”
in his head y’all have three kids and live a happy life
knows what you need exactly when you need it
could listen to you ramble for hours and when you finish, he wishes for more hours to pass by
once grazed your hand by accident and has been thinking about it nonstop since then. Refused to wash his hand until Eren made him
brings you gifts throughout the day. An apple, a piece of paper he folded into the shape of a bird
has sniffed you more than once yet surprisingly has never been caught by you (mans spending too much time with Miche)
he can’t help but wonder if you feel an ounce of what he feels for you
has written about you in his journal and hopes you do the same for him:
Journal Entry 115: I saw them again today. It was at sunset, I hid behind the pillar of a random building because I couldn’t bring myself to talk to them. They looked so beautiful. The glow of the sun surrounded them like a halo, creating a warm cocoon.Time moves slowly when I look at them. Nothing else matters. Their laugh though? That sounds is music to my ears. Maybe one day they’ll laugh because of me. God, I wanna marry them.
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Taglist: @porcoqalliard @coffeeforday @lue-arlert @fierydiamond @sinnerofthewalls @reiner69er @maddieschai @levis-hazelnut @pockcock @fairyfuyu @usernamehere91 @therealbisexualjesus @sashatanaka @daichisbunny
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Well then Hello! Now that I know your request is open, I wanted to ask for Thomas with a s/o who just moved into the small abandoned town and has two sons? (4 and 7 yr)
(Sorry if the asks are a little long 🤗👉👈)
New Kids In Town
The Texas chainsaw massacre: The Begining
Warnings: Yandere behavior (soon to be)
Summary: News spreads like wildfire when there are new people in town.
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The town was slowly becoming a ghost town; most of the residents left just like the business. First were some of the small family-owned businesses either moving or closing doors; then came the larger ones doing the equivalent. Now only a hand full of residents and businesses were still in this soon-to-be ghost town.
So, it was odd seeing someone move into a ghost town in progress. Especially a family of two small children and a seemingly lonesome parent. In such a small town, the news spreads fast.
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"Now I'll tell you, Lue, they moved into that big o'ld Jenson home, and it's only the three of them."
"Only three, that house is made for a family of seven," Lue Mae said before taking a sip of her tea.
" Mgh, sure right, but you know what else, Lue."
" I heard they didn't have a ring on their finger too."
"You don't think they're a- no they seem awfully modest, Lue." The friend of Lue said before taking a sip of their tea.
"Anyway, I heard from Pam that one of the boys is three and the other is seven, but they're the cutest things ever."
"You don't say," Lue says.
" I do, and I'm planning to meet them like next week just to see all of them in person."
" You know, maybe you should get that son of yours to talk to them."
" Maybe if that was possible," Lue said, looking away from her friend.
"Speaking of Thomas, It's getting dark; I wonder if that boy is on his way here?"
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You slowly drove past the slaughterhouse as cars pulled out of the place. You had your last load of boxes, and in the backseat, your two sleeping baby boys. The sky was turning that rose-pink color as the sun slowly set, somewhat explaining why there were so many cars leaving the slaughterhouse.
The weather was getting colder as night came, so it surprised you to see someone walking on the side of the road. At first, you thought they were some wanderer, but as you got closer to them, you realized that they came from the slaughterhouse. You started to drive slower as you were getting closer to him, cranking the passager window down.
As you pulled up as close as you could to the man, you slowed down to his pace. He had no reaction to you, not even a head turn.
You were starting to regret what you were doing; The man looked so imitating, but you couldn't back away now.
" Um, hey sir, do you need a ride?" you said with a bit of shakiness in your tone.
" It's getting awfully colder, and I would feel bad if I just passed in this weather."
Seemingly no response.; you sighed because of your failed attempt at getting the man's attention. Just before you decided to drive off, he tugged the door wide open. It stunned you for a bit, but you were glad that they accepted anyway.
Stopping the car, you watch him struggle a bit to get in, " You can adjust the seat the- nevermind." Before you could finish talking, he managed to fit himself in the seat. You continued to drive now with a stranger in your passager seat.
" So, where you headed sir," you asked.
He pointed straight ahead as a response.
You looked gave a slight smile as you continued to look at the road, " so how far is this place?" Looking back to him, you see him give a slight shrug.
"Not much of a talker, I see. You don't mind if I introduce myself."
Once again, you turned your head towards him, looking back to him to see responses; you see him nod his head.
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His eyes were glued to you as you talked to him. He could recall everything you said; your name, your son's names, how you came to Texas for a new life, and how seeming you guys were the new kids in towns. He was so invested in you that he almost missed his own stop.
" I'm so sorry that I almost missed your stop; I just got carried away talking," you said with a giggle.
He shrugged as he got out of your car, " Oh, where have my manners gone; I forgot to ask what's your name, sir."
It shocked him to hear you ask for his name; in his mind, this was the end of it. Digging his hand in his pocket, he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to you.
" Thomas, I like that name. Well, it was nice talking to you; hopefully, I'll see you around town," you said as you handed back the piece of paper to him.
Thomas could only stare as you waved goodbye to him before driving off. As he started to walk towards the home, Thomas already missed hearing you talk about yourself and your boys.
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inklore · 3 years
— 𝐅𝐀𝐐 ⋆ ˚。
this blog is strictly multifandom, but that does not mean that i don’t play favorites for certain fandoms/characters. so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
requests: are closed, but thots are always welcome!
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in no way shape or form should minors be interacting with anything on or posted to this blog. this is an 18+ space. anon hate and celebrity discourse also has no place here, so please respect that. if you are racist, homophobic, bigoted, zionist, islamphobic, judgmental to what people enjoy writing/reading, can’t depict fiction from real life, you will be blocked.
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𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
rpf, necrophilia, incest, pregnancy, daddy/little play, age play, spitting, kitten, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, underage scenarios, alpha/omega, domestic violence, kid fics, male!character x male!oc, i hate the word ‘doll’ as a pet name so i avoid it like the plague.
𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
smut (refer to the above list when it comes to this), fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to a certain degree), blood play, knife play, some bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, capture x captive, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, step siblings, supernatural, villainary, choking, mommy/daddy kink (to an extent).
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marvel ↷
miguel o’hara, hobie brown, marc spector, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, peter parker (all variants), yelena belova, joaquin torres, doctor strange, wade wilson, carol danvers, eddie brock, scott lang, hope van dyne, kate bishop, hela, pietro maximoff, logan howlett, wanda maximoff, steve rogers, kraven, cable, druig, makkari, thena, blade
dc universe ↷
dinah lance/black canary, diana prince, clark kent, pamela isley/poison ivy, arthur curry/aquaman, harley quinn, adrian chase, pattinson!bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler
top gun: maverick ↷
jake 'hangman' seresin, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace, beau 'cyclone' simpson, reuben 'payback' fitch
star wars ↷
poe dameron, finn, kylo ren/ben solo, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, young!han solo
scream ↷
ethan landry, stu macher, billy loomis, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, amber freeman, tara carpenter
bridgerton ↷
anthony bridgerton, colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, kate sharma, simon basset, phillip crane
house of the dragon ↷
ser harwin strong, daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen
american horror story ↷
cordelia goode, tristan duffy, michael langdon, harry gardner, madison montgomery, kit walker, xavier plympton, ally mayfair-richards
etc shows ↷
villanelle, lip gallagher, tommy miller, carmy berzatto, luca (the bear), kate parks, daisy jones, billy dunne, warren rhodes, geralt of rivia, love quinn, max wolfe, olivia benson, roman godfrey, dream the endless, lucifer (sandman), jonathan pine, mira phillips, the salesman (squid game), hwang jun ho (squid game), kim geon-woo (bloodhounds)
movies ↷
john wick, finnick odair, peeta mellark, johanna mason, han lue, cipher, walter de ville, tangerine, dave lizewski, thomas sharpe, james conrad, neil (tenet), edward cullen, millie / molotovgirl, dante reyes, thrandull, steve kemp, charlie swan, marquis vincent de gramont, keys (free guy), akira (john wick), beverly marsh (it two), ben hanscom (it two), keith (barbarian), frank (don't worry darling)
adam driver ↷
kylo ren/ben solo, adam sackler, flip zimmerman, phillip altman, charlie barber, henry mchenry, commander mills, rick smolan, officer ronnie peterson, matt the radar technician, clyde logan, paterson, jude
oscar isaac ↷
santiago garcia, poe dameron, nathan bateman, jonathan levy, william tell, blue jones, rydel keener
pedro pascal ↷
din djarin, javier peña, frankie morales, javi gutierrez, joel miller, dieter bravo
chris evans ↷
ransom drysdale, lloyd hansen, andy barber, ari levinson, frank adler, steve rogers, jake wyler
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I hate (love) Chains of Heart!
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This is the doctor from the first episode who Tee took Ken to after he was attacked on the bridge
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So he knows who Tee is and is actually working with him?!
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And Lue is a widower with a kid (but "that's not the issue"" <-what the fuck does that mean, Payu?!) who was in a car accident which he almost died in the same exact time Din supposedly died?!
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And Payu knew this?! Because Inspector Boon has been telling him this, but what about Papi? Isn't he the Inspector?! And that other friend has seen Ken with Lue in the future but he never saw Ken with Din in the future?!
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I can't even be happy about the gloves coming off (Lue is on Din's side and he has the same mannerisms as Din. HE IS DIN!) because Lue is staying right next door to Ken, yet they couldn't get into his room.
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What the fuck is going on, y'all?!
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That dad better be alive. That's all I gotta say because my ass is CONFUSED!
I hate this show because it has a death grip on me! I am addicted to this chaos! This show is a strategic hot mess. There are so many characters who have to be remembered. Everything means something but we won't know what until the last damn episode. Why are there so many people who keep coming back?!
A kid?! LUE HAS A KID?!!!!!!
I need to go lay down
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coffeeforday · 3 years
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Devil may care
(That you’re lost
and cannot be found)
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Content warning: modern au, oc content, angst (I feel like it is anyway), language, smoking, Flavie is a sad girl tm.
Author’s note: thank you to @lue-arlert for beta reading 🥰
Word count: 890
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When Levi decided to go back to his hometown he wasn’t expecting to find Flavie there with eyes dull and empty. He wasn’t expecting to see her at all actually. He used to envy her energy and restlessness during their school years together. He remembers his old best friend’s dreams going well over the town’s limit. She was hungry for adventures, nothing could keep her in this god forsaken place.
Now he’s sitting in his car, parked in front of the diner on the edge of town. His hand on the door handle, unmoving, after he recognized her. The more he looks, the less he doubts. There she is, taking orders at the window booth. Her hair is shorter than when they were younger. Her brown locks pulled messily into a half bun, her green eyes looking down at her notepad. Levi can’t take his gaze from Flavie’s lips, pulled into a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
Levi leans back on his seat and lets his hands drop on his thighs. They stopped having contact a long time ago. How did she end up here? She had sworn that the moment she’d step foot outside of town, she’d never come back. He didn’t know her as one to back from a promise. Especially when Flavie did leave, not even coming back when he needed her.
“Shit. I guess that’s when we stopped talking”, he breathed quietly.
When they both graduated high school, Flavie confessed her plan to hitchhike across the country, making him promise to join when he could. It didn’t go that way though.
The muffled sound of a door opening drags Levi out of his thoughts. His eyes shift to the source of the noise. The neon lighting of the restaurant’s sign shows it’s her that stepped out. She’s leaning against the wall of the building, shoulders low while lighting a cigarette. He clicks his tongue and a sigh follows. His mind drifts back to a teenage version of her, refusing to smoke the cigarettes a classmate had managed to snatch. He remembers his best friend, saying with a smirk, that “the day I start smoking is the day I've given up”. How long has it been since she has given up? Or was it just another thing she said that she couldn’t follow through with.
Another sigh escapes his lips. He should probably approach her here, and not in the diner, where he’ll be received with a bad “happy waitress” performance. He forces himself to grab his phone and wallet before the desire to drive away takes over. He doesn’t even feel his leg taking him out of his car, and Flavie doesn’t flinch as he closes the car door. He takes his time looking at her, a last chance to make sure it’s really her in this hell of a town, it really is. It might have been eight years, but he still hasn’t forgotten who had been his closest friend for so long.
It’s sad how things turned out. It really is. So many shared dreams that never bloomed, staying in a budding state that died unexpectedly. It took Levi years to get over it, worse than a breakup when it involves friendship. He carried the weight of grief, the one of someone that is still alive, but not the person they once were.
He takes a few steps toward her before calling out her name.
“Flavie”, he stays at a distance, unsure of what to do with his body, now that he initiated the talk.
Her head snaps up, annoyance glinting in her eyes before morphing into surprise. She quickly straightens up and throws away her cigarette, as if she was a kid being caught right handed. She knows he remembers what she once said.
“Levi. What brings you here?” She’s breathless as she says his name, probably not expecting to see him just like he was.
“I’m visiting Kenny.” Levi puts his hands in the pockets of his coat before adding, “he’s sick”.
She hums, “I heard he wasn’t doing well, I was wondering why he stopped coming.”
There’s a tense silence. Levi looks at her intently, but she can’t seem to look him in the eyes.
“Flavie, what are you doing here?” He breaks the silence. He needs an answer, not that he’s expecting one. As expected, she ignores the question.
“He told me you were in law school. How is that going? He seemed weirdly proud, not used to see him like th-”
“What are you doing, working at the town’s diner?”
She’s rambling, he may be out of practice with her methods of distractions, but he’s seen them enough to recognize them.
She finally lifts her empty eyes to face him. He notices the deep purple of the bags under them. Letting out a sigh, she shakes her head.
“I gotta get back to work, break’s over.”
Flavie reaches the door in a few steps. Her hand stops abruptly on the handle, stealing a last glance at the man before disappearing inside the restaurant. Levi is frozen in place. His plan to get food is completely forgotten too. Once he comes back to reality, he walks back to his car, continuing the drive to his uncle’s house.
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Tag list: @lue-arlert @fierydiamond @lavenderdaisyhoney @porcoqalliard @sinnerofthewalls
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slayerkitty · 1 year
Okay, I have three Chains of Heart questions this week.
1. So in episode 1, a body is found in the woods, Sai identifies the body as Din, we all assume (at least I did, maybe I missed something) that after their fall Ken was found but Din wasn't, and he died in the woods due to fall injuries. So how the hell does that match up with Sai telling people she took Din to South Korea for treatment and he died there? Like, why did she need to find his body in the woods then if she already had his death certificate? I AM SO CONFUSED. Is this a plot hole? Also, was the dead body actually the real Peter Lue?
2. Does Ken know that Lue is Din (I thought he did, but now I'm not so sure)? Because it seemed like he did with some of the flashbacks, etc, but then he says to Lue, "You want to be Din, here's your chance, make me forget him." It really confused me. This is also what I wanted from a The Gloves Are Off scene, way more emotional impact.
3. WHERE IS PETER LUE'S KID? Din took his life to get revenge, but omg, where is this child? Has Din interacted with this child? Maybe it's cause I'm a parent, but I can not let this go, lol.
@respectthepetty @fiction-is-queer @meghangrove8 @dribs-and-drabbles
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CW: Muzzle mention/talk; dehumanization; it as a pronoun; conditioning; barking(?); biting;
“C-c-can it be, be purple?” Blue asks looking at the little lined up paint dyes at the shelves of the store. So many different colors! It could be nice to match Bonnie’s fur, right? A soft little purple tone…
“…Of course” Master doesn’t even look, focused on checking the price tags on the things at his basket.
Blue picks up the hair dye… And puts it back on the shelves. Master said it was fine but, no, It’s not! No, no, no, no. This isn’t good. It... it has to be good. It has to be Blue.
It picks up the other dye again, the Blue one. The correct one, the one that says… says it is Blue and nothing else.
“…It should be muzzled” …a chill run through Blue’s spine, as it cracks his neck to look at some lady on a long floral dress, who has an annoyed expression.  
“Yes, probably”
Master doesn’t even turn to answer, still checking the tags. Blue bites its inner cheeks. It doesn’t, doesn’t want a muzzle… But it’s true. It bites. But only Master! As… As if that was any better. The lady scoffs and nods, arms crossed as if victorious.
“But you know, I haven’t bitten anyone this week lady”
…This throws Blue off guard. The lady as well, it seems. Master puts the things back on the basket, finally glancing at her. He smiles, pointy little teeth.
“…Not yet”
“…Oh for goddamn’s sake, you know I’m talking about the dog-“
She is cut short because Master barks. He launches himself towards her and barks straight at her face. Blue’s eyes widen and he hugs Bonnie close to his chest. The lady loses her balance, scrambling back against the shelves. She nearly falls but Master holds her and pulls her back on her feet.
“Oh, my, my bad” He gives her the most apologetic look Blue has seen on him so far. Of course, the lady is furious, but also surprised “…I’m not sure what I was thinking, I almost hurt you! I am so, so, so sorry. And, Lady, you are absolutely correct”
“W-what!?” the lady shouts at his face now “You damn punk…”
“I apologize again, Lady. I’m very sorry” He sighs, looking down as if regretting “…I’ll be sure to muzzle him next time”
The lady seems taken a back, confused, and very nervous, but trying to keep her pose.
“Good thing you’ve got some sense into you…” she scoffs, clearly just wanting to step away “…You damn kids…”
“Sorry M’am. Thank you for correcting me, have a blessed day…”
Master turns to him…  Pets his hair a little. It’s soothing but Blue is scared. This whole interaction went to fast for it to follow, and the context… Was Master angry now? It didn’t know. It didn’t seemed like he was but…
“Are you okay?”
“W-w-what w-w-hat was that?” it whispers.
“…Made her go away didn’t it?”
Master picks up the paint Blue is holding. Blue paint. He takes a look at it… Puts it on the shopping basket. Without a word, he picks the other one from the shelves – the purple one Blue asked for earlier, taking both of them to the cashier.
Blue try to just stay quiet and well behaved, now very afraid of Master being angry. He keeps its head down like a good pet. Had it done it? Finally ended Orfeu’s patience…? Or did that lady really convinced him that he wasn’t being a good pet owner – letting his pets go around and not muzzle them? Master never seemed to care much about other people. He had been called out plenty of times for the way he acted around his pets, but he, he always seemed un-phased. So… why now?
They leave the store, Blue trying to hold back the tears and pleas… But it can’t any longer. Maybe if it asked for it, it wouldn’t be so bad.
“M-master… M-muzzle Blue please… B-b-blue… b-b-lue d-d-oes bite…B-b-lue is bad, bad, bad pet” it gives Master the pleading puppy eyes “Just, just…C-c-can it be, be the, the one without a bit… P-p-please? B-b-blue wouldn’t bite, bite s-s-omeone else, B-b-lue swears. B-b-blue wouldn’t w-w-ant to make Master a-a-shamed… But B-blue needs a muzzle. Please. J-just please not, not the bit one? Please?”
Master doesn’t answer. He looks Blue for a moment then checks his pockets for something. A irrational part of Blue tells it that it’s the muzzle – right there and then, despite him having no reason to have one with him. But no, Master hands something to Blue. He picks it up, cautiously observing it…
“A-a-a-a-a wallet?” his eyes widen again, as Blue tries to make sense, Master has a smirk “T-that l-lady’s wallet?”
“…Yeah. And I’m not gonna muzzle you, by the way. At all. And no I won’t punish you either, you’re not in trouble”
Was… Was it okay then? No muzzle?
He stares at is for a moment, trying to wrap his mind around just when – how he got this.
“It’s a skill”
“...C-c-can Blue learn? P—please? Teach Blue?” He gives the puppy eyes, Master smiles softly.
“Absolutely not”
“Hm? W-w-why? Blue will, will try its best!”
“That’s the problem. You’d get really good at it and use it against me”
Well… He wasn’t wrong.
“...You should have mu-muzzled B-blue w-w-when you had the cha-chance” Blue says with a frown, annoyed that it won’t get to learn. Master turns to ask why… But it’s too late and Blue bites. Master’s eyes twitch a little in pain.
“Good try… But still a no” he takes a deep breath “For the muzzle and the pick-pocketing”
“Hng” Blue lets go, pouting while it hugs Bonnie.
Tagging:@whumpropaganda  @whumpzone  @lave-whump  @freefallingup13  @fanmanga1357-blog  @lightdrinker @as-a-matter-of-whump @tears-and-lilies
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gh0stland · 3 years
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stage name: jieun
birth name: bae jieun
birth date: december 20, 1996
languages: korean, english, japanese
sexuality: bisexual
gender: female
face claim: jennie kim
height: 5'5
weight: 46kg
label: LUE Ent., SM Ent. (2012-2014)
group: GH0ST
position: main rapper
Second most popular member
she's a very dramatic person in a good way
Our favorite theatre kid, she took drama classes for eight years
was supposed to be on Produce 101 with Esther
An Ex-SM Trainee
This girl has selective hearing.
Her favorite color is Pink and she makes sure everyone knows she even was given the nickname "Ms. Pink" by their fans and staff
Was on Unpretty Rapstar
Least flexible member, the members make fun of her for it
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altervera · 2 years
Em... I've just seen the new clip and noticed lots of people freak out because Lou called Sacha "crush" (in english?) and Isi didn't correct her and somehow it's an official confirmation he has a crush on Sascha? i feel like I'm missing out on something... Maybe it's the translation? idk. So, i thought Lue was kidding/teasing/whatever and Isi backed up the joke by saying he's single-parenting Aurora the plant. And that's it? Just figure of speech? 🤷‍♀️
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lue-arlert · 3 years
Hi! <3 Could I please get a date with Reiner? I'm not a sugar baby lol. Pure fluff, if you don't mind. <3 Thank you!
ZEKI HELLO thank you for your patience while I got your date ready for you 🥰💚
I hope you have a lovely time with Reiner! 💚✨
WC: 1.2k
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You always had a crush on Reiner. When you were small kids, you always played together, always went and did what you could within the restricted areas, as far as you were allowed to wander in Marley.
When he started training and prepping to become an Honorary Marleyan Warrior, you didn’t know what was going on. You didn’t know why your friend was suddenly busy and couldn’t play anymore.
And as you grew older, seeing him ship off to the devil’s island, you cried and cried, fearing you would never see him again, afraid for him that he had a bloody Titan in him.
When he returned to Marley, you were elated. When you found out he returned alone, you were sad.
You greeted him at his arrival, glad that he remembered you after all these years, and nearly crying when he embraced you.
You were inseparable since then. It was nearly every day you spent together, catching up, talking about your lives during the times you were apart.
It took years of hiding your infatuation for him before you were fed up of it, confessing to him one day on a walk.
He was obviously shaken by your admission, but after mulling it over, he’d realized that he’d always had those same feelings. It took him a few minutes to gather the courage to ask you out, but when he finally did, it was a relief to the both of you.
There wasn’t much to be done around Marley. Even with Reiner’s military pay, you couldn’t afford a ‘fine dining’ date, so you decided a rooftop picnic would be the most creative thing you come up with.
It was the rooftop of your home, the unit nestled above the market your parents owned taller than the rest around it, having just enough of a view over the city and some grassy landscapes that you could maybe deem it romantic, in the right angle of sunlight.
You wore your prettiest dress, the one your mother made you for a family member’s wedding, with dainty little flowers embroidered around the hem and collar, sleeveless to show your soft arms, the band around your bicep matching the color of the details in your dress.
After your hair was good and fixed up, you left your bedroom to meet Reiner at the back door entrance to your home behind the market, waiting patiently against the wall with your hands behind your back.
The weather was perfect for your early morning date; the sun was rising, and the air was gentle and cool, soon to be warm and bright.
You were humming to yourself as you rolled a chunky rock under your foot, staring at the ground before you, when a pair of boots came into your vision, making your eyes trail upwards to meet Reiner’s amber irises.
A smile crept over your face and you reached out to his nervous, extended hand, taking his large fingers into your palm.
He greeted you quietly, standing awkwardly while holding your hand, unsure what to say.
After spending almost too much time staring up at his beautiful towering figure, you cleared your throat and led him to the staircase that climbed to the roof, a display of a small breakfast plated out across the table, various fruits and breads and some eggs on some old chipped dishes ready for you.
Reiner held back a smile as you motioned him to his seat, releasing his hand and sitting beside him at the round table, laying a fabric napkin over your legs.
You caught up on things from work and talked about plans for the week, laughing between bites of food and sipping at your coffees.
And after breakfast was long finished, you still continued to talk, leaning close to each other in your own chairs, elbows nearly touching.
There was a moment when you were talking that you realized Reiner was staring at you. It was different from how he normally looked at you, his eyes seemed to glimmer differently and they would trace the shape of your face, his chin resting in his palm as he leaned his elbow on the arm of his chair.
This made you stop, your eyes blinking as you tilted your head to look up at him.
“Are you okay, Rei?” You asked quietly.
He blinked in return, pausing a moment before nodding, dropping his hand from his face. “I… I just…” He pursed his lips, unsure of how to say what he wanted, but he carefully reached his hand over and took yours, wrapping his fingers around it.
You could feel how anxious he was, his palms damp around your hand—but you didn’t mind it.
You were happy to have him so close to you like this. You’d dreamed of this for so many years, of his hands being wrapped around yours, of him gazing at you like he was now.
“You can tell me anything, Rei.” His hand was now sandwiched between both of yours, your thumb grazing his knuckles as you shifted in your seat, crossing a knee over the other to face him better.
He nodded again, clearing his throat. “I’m… happy that you told me how you feel.”
The blush that took over his cheeks gave you butterflies.
“Yeah?” It took everything to hold your smile back.
“Yeah.” He pursed his lips again, then carefully took his hand from yours, gripped the arms of his chair and lifted it to scoot it closer to you, until it bumped against yours, then he sat back once more, taking your hand in his again, his arm grazing you.
You smiled and shifted in your seat to lean your head on his shoulder, watching the city beneath you and birds taking to the sky, and with how close you were now, you could smell his cheap cologne. It wasn’t a bad smell to you, it was inviting and warm, and right now it had you so comforted, so relaxed against his bulky frame.
He called your name to grab your attention and you tilted your head, craning your neck to get a good look at him.
“I, uh…” He looked away from you for a moment, then returned his gaze to yours, lifting his free hand to touch your cheek. “This… this has been nice. I-I want to do this again sometime.”
A wide grin spread over your face and you nodded, careful not to show too much excitement. “I would love that.”
Reiner finally allowed a soft smile to make its place over his lips, relieved that you still felt the same, that he didn’t do anything weird or awkward during the date to make you change your mind.
“Thank you for always being there for me.” He whispered, his thumb grazing the curve of your cheek.
“I’ll always be here for you, Rei,” you returned, leaning into his touch.
He nodded thoughtfully, then cupped your face, his pinky hooked under your jaw, and tilted your head up to him more, and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on your pretty lips, his own quivering just the slightest with nerves.
You reassuringly placed your hand on his chest as you kissed him back, no longer holding back the crazy smile that plastered itself on your face.
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Lue Arlert’s 100 Followers First Date Event - CLOSED
Thank you so much to @coffeeforday for letting me use her beautiful picture for the header 🥰
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