#Kim Poirier
film-o-teka · 1 month
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Decoys, 2004
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drewbadger68 · 2 years
31 Days Of Halloween 🎃🖤👻
Dawn Of The Dead. 2004. ♥️
CJ🖤 Going out like a fucking champ!!
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frankenpagie · 24 days
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Dawn of the Dead (2004)
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skate-the-onion · 1 month
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World Championships + text post memes part 1/4 ( 1 2 3 4 )
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wintrydapples · 1 year
Figure skaters as magical doors- a thread:
Yuzuru Hanyu
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Junhwan Cha
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Satoko Miyahara
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Nathan Chen (I tried so hard to find a door for either the hot cheeto costume or the later space one but such a door does not exist, lol)
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Rika Kihara
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Eunsoo Lim
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Keiji Tanaka (really wanted a door for The Shirt from Hip Hip Chin Chin but again, pinterest did not deliver)
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Mai Mihara
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Karen Chen
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Marin Honda
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Kevin Aymoz
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Yuna Shiraiwa
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Piper Gilles (and Paul Poirier but Piper is the one that matches)
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Kailani Craine
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Misato Komatsubara (and Tim Koleto, but again we're looking at Misato's dress here)
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Yelim Kim
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Tara Prasad
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Mone Chiba
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Bradie Tennell
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Shun Sato
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Adam Siao Him Fa
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Haein Lee
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Sihyeong Lee
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Rion Sumiyoshi (THIS. DRESS.)
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Bonus Yuzuru Hanyu with door cats
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kitchen-light · 3 months
Hello friends. Mosab Abu Toha is hosting another virtual poetry event to help raise funds for MECA (Middle East Children's Alliance) on February 7, 2024 at 7PM EST. The poets & writers on the line-up include: Priscilla Wathington, Nathalie Khankan, Neeli Cherkovski, Ariel Resnikoff, Garrett Caples, Steve Dickison, Evan Kennedy, Andrew Joron, Sophia Dahlin, Lindsey Boldt, mimi tempestt, Tonya Foster, Norma Cole, Trisha Low, Syd Staiti, Kim Shuck, Ava Koohbor, Julien Poirier, Susan Gervitz, Soledad Con Carne, Barbara Jane Reyes, Carlos Quinteros III, Josiah Luis Alderete, Patrick James Dunagan, Agneta Falk Hirschman, and Brian Lucas. More information can be found at the Eventbrite page here.
Please consider signing up and donating 🙏
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macaroni-rascal · 2 months
Montreal Worlds 2024 Day 2&3
HOLY WOW! What a couple days that was. This is going to be a wild ramble and bullet point list of things that I can remember and stick out in the onslaught of skating that I've seen in the past 48 hours. It's also 11:30pm, so bear with me.
Roman clean program? In front of me and God and all of Montreal? Utterly wild, so exciting in the building.
Aleksandr Selevko is such a force, I enjoyed his skate SO much, what a magnetic skater.
JASON BROWN. What a serve, he is so beloved, you could just tell the whole crowd was so behind him and love him so much, it was such a stunning piece of skating.
The announcer's saying Lukas Britschgi instead of Deniss was so hilarious, and he had a lovely skate to boot.
Speaking of Lukas, LOVED him, he's so fun.
YUMAAAAAAAA. That is all.
Shoma Uno made me cry and he needs to pay for emotional damages, he had such a good warm up I was buzzing and kept excitedly hitting my friend's knee whenever he landed another clean jump. QUAD TOE TRIPLE TOE!
Ilia was there.
DEANNA STELLATO THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE. The fact that she normally has such an intense reaction post good skate, but instead this time she just leaned forward, half crying, going 'oh my god' made me cry too. The roof blew off the fucking place. It was a singular moment in my life. I am just so unbelievably happy for her and all that she has achieved. Max was so good, so steady, so fucking wonderful. I am in awe of this team.
Glad M/K went back to that free program, a shame about her doubling, and wow did she ever take it hard. It's definitely their best program, for the love of God Bruno Marcotte STOP LETTING YOUR FUCKING SISTER CHOREOGRAPH EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM. DON'T ME COME TO OAKVILLE! I'LL DO IT!
So so happy for Hase and Volodin, they had such a lovely skate, a very well deserved medal, they've had such momentum all season.
Moment of silence of Conti and Macii, that was rough.
Pairs in person made me age about 15 years, so if I have grey hair in the coming months, I know who to blame. Holy shit, it's exhilarating but also tense as hell. I loved it!
Hannah Lim, you're a fucking star.
Mrazkes are deeply underwhelming, like wow, they skate very small.
Lopareva and Brissaud also skate very very small. I kept looking up at the time thinking the program would be over and it wasn't. Not a fan at all.
Cpom CRUSHED IT and it was so awesome to see.
LAJOIE AND LAGHA MY LOVES! Easily the performance of the night, and not even close. So glad they got here after battling injury, so proud of them.
Gilles and Poirier are slooooooooooow. Very slow. Maybe the slowest of the last two groups. It's glaring. How have they not worked on this? They also skate small.
Guignard and Fabbri had a good lift, and a cringe everything else.
I just watched Evan during their performance and wow does he do not a lot. It's the Madi show and he's barely a supporting actor.
Fear and Gibson were there.
Besides her heinous jumps, Isabeau created a moment, and it was lovely to experience.
Big ups to Chaeyon Kim for a solid, if boring and slightly cold, free skate. On this night, a well deserved bronze.
Leona, oh Leona. The whole crowd deflated when she fell. Such a shame.
OKAY SO CUTE MOMENT! So Kimmy Repond's dad was sitting ldown and across from me two rows, he was about 4 feet from me. I didn't know he was her dad at the start, but I knew by the end, because he was SO dad about the whole skate. Then when she skated clean, he jumped up, a man below me went and shook his hand and went "Are you her dad?" and he got tears in his eyes, put his hand on his chest, and went 'She is my daughter." I just about sobbed my brains out. So beautiful. He then didn't clap once for the next Swiss skater, which I do not fault him for, major dad behaviour.
Moment of silence for Amber Glenn.
Josefin Taljegard, I love you.
The people around me and I all started chatting about 30 minutes into the women's free skate, by the end of it, I would go to war for all of them. Camaraderie between skating fans is very fun.
Still a giant fuck you to the woman who asked me if NikS. raped me when I pointed out to my friend he shouldn't be competing, special place in hell for you, you hot garbage person.
I got very cold during the women's free, got a hot chocolate, it wasn't good, but it saved my life, and for that I thank it.
Accidentally got up late (9:36am for a rendez vous at 10am) for breakfast with my brother, still arrived at 10:01am, I am a superhero.
Still fuck the seats in the venue, they need about 4 inches on all sides to be even remotely comfortable, including 4 more inches of leg room. We are humans, not dead sardines, for the love of GOD.
Kaori's speed and power made me gasp a few times.
I can't remember anything else but I know other things happened, ah well, it's almost midnight, I ordered late night pizza take out like a boss, I'm gonna eat that, unwind, and hopefully sleep more than four hours.
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thomasmartinnutt · 25 days
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Chance Encounters #007
Gordon Mumma, Vladislav Delay & Eyvind Aarset, Ben Frost, Alial Straa, Charles Olsen, Graham Lambkin & Áine O’Dwyer, Félicia Atkinson, Feronia Wennborg, Yama Yuki, Permanent Six Flags, Sarah Davarchi & Sean McCann, Angus Carlyle, Pierre Schaeffer & Pierre Henry, Charlie Morrow, AGF & Delay, Valentina Magaletti & Laila Sakimi, Geneva Skeet, Merzbow, Mats Gustafsson & Balazs Pandi, LFO, Michiko Hirayama, Eliane Radigue, Stephen Vitiello, Cia Rinne & Sebastian Eskilden, Felicity Mangan, Kim Cascone, Roméo Poirier, Francisco Lopez, Ganavya, Caroline Shaw & Attacca Quartet, The Australian Art Orchestra, Clara de Asis & Ryoko Akama, Paul Beaudoin
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@plaidetchocolatchaud raspberry flip, merci pour ce nom. Je suis encore ému de la performance de ce patineur, ça m'arrive pour la première fois. C'est très fort ce qu'il a fait, ce qu'il a donné...
(Je n'ai pas vu ta réponse hier, il y a beaucoup de commentaires sur la vidéo, je préfère te répondre directement, j'espère que c'est OK)
Désolée je viens de voir que je me suis trompée en commentaire, c'est un raspberry twist ! Je suis désolée. Et je t'avoue que même en slow motion c'est compliqué de comprendre précisément le saut, perso je vois un saut papillon, avec une vrille, mais je peux me tromper (edit : je viens de regarder sur internet et ça m'a bel et bien l'air d'un saut papillon vrillé et des tutos sur internet existent) !
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Le saut papillon est l'un de mes sauts préférés en gr d'ailleurs, et j'apprenais à le faire, et c'est hyper dur de lui donner de l'amplitude, mais visuellement c'est un saut incroyable (en gif, Margarita Kolosov)
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Et oui, je suis fan aussi d'Ilia, c'est pas le patineur le plus artistique (mais ça va venir, par rapport à la saison dernière, il a fait d'énormes progrès sur ce niveau-là). Même si tu ne connais pas tous les détails, regarde le détail sur le plan technique et tous les record qu'il a battu sur cette performance, c'est complètement dingue. J'espère juste qu'il fait attention niveau blessures et qu'il va avoir une carrière longue ( en tant qu'ancienne fan de sasha, ma plus grande crainte est qu'il connaisse la même trajectoire, même si il est dans un milieu beaucoup (mais alors beaucoup) moins abusif).
Si tu en veux d'autres, je te fais une liste (un peu random, il se fait tard désolée, petit guide pour débutant.e fait vraiment à l'arrache) :
Yuzuru Hanyu (jpn) : considéré comme le meilleur patineur de l'histoire, ses sauts sont juste parfait, et sur le plan artistique il a dépassé de très loin tous les autres. C'est, entre autres, le premier patineur à avoir essayé le quadruple axel, qu'Ilia a été le premier à réussir en compétition. Regardes son programme libre des JO de 2018, c'est une dinguerie (il l'a fait en étant blessé)
Nathan Chen (usa) : Malgré ses costumes horribles, si tu aimes les sauts, il fera ton bonheur
Adam Siao Him Fa (fra): La nouvelle star du patinage français, qui a partagé la vedette avec Ilia pour les mondiaux avec l'incroyable remontée qu'il a faite. Si tu as aimé le raspberry twist d'Ilia, tu pourrais aimer son arabian et son salto arrière. Et il paraît qu'il veut essayer le quadruple axel lui aussi.
Le trio Yuna Kim/Mao Asada/ Carolina Kostner : l'âge d'or du patinage artistique féminin sans aucun doutes. Chacune était différente. Tu pourrais adorer Mao et son programme libre à Sotchi
Kaori Sakamoto (jpn) : La reine du patinage actuelle
Surya Bonaly (fra) : la légende française. Elle a honteusement été volée pendant toute sa carrière
Katarina Witt (ex-rda) : ça remonte à loin, mais son charisme n'a pas vieilli, et ses outfits sont toujours aussi iconiques
Sui/Han (Chine) : je regarde pas trop les couples (pourtant c'est une discipline avec des éléments hyper variés, j'aime bien), mais celui là était vraiment mon préféré
Anissina/Peizerat (fra) : le meilleur couple de danse sur glace français imo. Tous leurs programme ou presque sont des masterclass, ça n'a pas vieilli. Et Marina est la seule femme dans le patinage à avoir porté un homme, ça ne s'est pas refait.
Virtue/Moir (can) : Jettes un œil à leur Tango de Roxanne et à leur gala sur Stay de Rihanna
Papadakis/Cizeron (fra) : Je ne dois pas avoir besoin de les présenter. Leurs meilleurs programmes sont ceux qui sont le moins classique je pense (Fame, leur danse rythmique de 2022). Big up à Gabriella pour avoir le courage de dénoncer les violences dans le patinage chez les femmes.
Gilles/Poirier (can): j'adore leur originalité ( leur programme de cette année sur Les Hauts de Hurlevent est une merveille)
Guignard/Fabri (ita) : (va regarder leur programme sur les flamands roses)
Si tu as envie de regarder de la gymnastique rhythmique (sport beaucoup trop sous-côté, parce qu'en plus des éléments gymniques et de la danse tu as des ENGINS D'ADRESSE)
Anna Bessonova (ukr) : sa routine la plus iconique est Hopak mais toutes, je dis, absolument TOUTES ses routines sont des chef d'œuvre. Elle s'est pris de plein fouet la concurrence russe et ses injustices, mais c'est la meilleure gymnaste
Elena Vitrichenko (ukr) : une icône, malheureusement les juges en avait décidé autrement
Almudena Cid (esp): la reine d'Espagne qui a disputé quatre finales olympiques
Les russes ont dominé la gr pendant deux décennies, mais seulement trois ont vraiment apporté quelque chose à ce sport : Evgenia Kanavea, Margarita Mamun (il y a eu un documentaire terrible sur sa préparation aux JO tu comprendras mieux pourquoi on ne peux plus défendre les russes tant que le système ne change pas) et Yana Kudryavtseva
Melitina Staniouta (blr) : je la mets juste pour son sublime pivot signature
Sofia Raffaeli (ita) : une des principales prétendantes à l'or olympique. Elle a besoin de force, elle s'est fait lâcher à la fin de la saison dernière par sa coach qui l'entraînait depuis toute petite
Polina Berezina et Alba Bautista (esp) : je les aime d'amour. Poli a mon âge et les rubans d'Alba sont des merveilles.
Eva Serrano (fra): Si les russes n'avaient pas falsifié les scores, elle serait la seule gymnaste française à avoir gagné une médaille olympique. Tkt, elle a pris sa revanche en étant juge 20 ans plus tard à Tokyo (quelle reine) où la Russie a été battue après 20 ans de domination sans partage.
Darja Varfolomeev (ger): n'écoute pas ce que ces haters disent sur Internet. si tu as aimé Ilia (et que tu es toujours là !) tu vas l'adorer. Ses difficultés sont folles, et elle est d'une consistance dingue et fait ses meilleurs performances sous pression. Pendant les mondiaux elle dansait sur les musiques des autres en attendant son score, et elle a un sourire plus gros que son visage. C'est la favorite pour les JO.
Takhmina Ikromova (uzb): la révélation des derniers mondiaux, et la gymnaste la plus complète. elle vient de gagner le concours général du grand prix de Thiais ce weekend
Barbara Domingos : première gymnaste brésilienne qui a du succès, tu devrais aimer son ruban et son cerceau sur le roi Lion
Stiliana Nikolova (bul) : La plus expressive de la bande et celle qui a le plus de responsabilité, le jour où elle arrivera à vaincre son stress pour les finales elle sera imbattable
Boryana Kaleyn (bul) : la GOAT. elle s'est essayé et a réussi à TOUS les styles musicaux, du classique au metal, à la K-pop, au folklore sibérien à des morceaux de musiques composés exprès pour elle. Le cycle précédant un nombre incalculable de médailles lui sont passées sous le nez à cause de l'inflation des scores russes.
Ensemble France : voir mon précédant post
Ensemble Bulgare "Les Golden Girls) : le groupe de 2018-2021 (surnommé Les Diamants) est le meilleur de l'histoire, et les petites nouvelles font de très belles routines. Leurs performances dans les années 80, qui leur ont valu leur surnom valent le coup d'œil
Ensemble d'Espagne : leur performance en 2016 sur Vida Carnaval est de l'or
Ensemble d'Ukraine : quand elles sont stables, elles sont merveilleuses. Jettes un œil sur leurs galas : Archangel et Angels and Demons
Ensemble de Chine : des reines
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fa-cat · 2 months
2024 World Figure Skating Championships Results
Women Gold: Kaori Sakamoto (JPN) — 222.96 Silver: Isabeau Levito (USA) — 212.16 Bronze: Kim Chae-Yeon (KOR) -- 203.59
Men Gold: Ilia Malinin (USA) — 333.76 Silver: Yuma Kagiyama (JPN) -- 309.65 Bronze: Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA) -- 284.39
Pairs Gold: Deanna Stellato-Dudek/Maxime Deschamps (CAN) — 221.56 Silver: Riku Miura/Ryuichi Kihara (JPN) -- 217.88 Bronze: Minerva Fabienne Hase/Nikita Volodin (GER) -- 210.40
Ice Dance Gold: Madison Chock/Evan Bates (USA) — 222.20 Silver: Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier (CAN) -- 219.68 Bronze: Charlène Guignard/Marco Fabbri (ITA) -- 216.52
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film-o-teka · 1 month
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Decoys, 2004
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who is into the gpf?
I guess you mean who qualified already for the GPF? 🤔
For now officially qualified are those skaters who have taken part in two events and numerically have done enough that they are under the top 6 of the GP series and cannot get kicked by the remaining skaters.
For men:
Shoma Uno (30 points), Kao Miura (26 points), Sota Yamamoto (26 points) and Daniel Grassl (24 points)
Still on the "could qualify" list are Adam Siao Him Fa with 22 points and Ilia Malinin, Keegan Messing and Shun Sato who still have to skate at GP Espoo.
For women:
Kaori Sakamoto (28 points), Yelim Kim (28 points), Isabeau Levito (26 points)
On the could qualify list Rinka Watanabe (22 points), Mai Mihara, Loena Hendrickx and Anastasia Gubanova who still have to compete at GP Espoo
For ice dance:
Guignard/Fabbri (30 points), Chock/Bates (28 points), Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen (28 points) Fear/Gibson (26 points)
Could still qualify Hawayek/Baker and Gilles/Poirier
I don't do Pairs bc tbh Pairs is just bad atm...😅
If you meant something else with your ask, feel free to ask again!
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GPF qualifications
In :
Kaori Sakamoto (28 pts)
Yelim Kim (28 pts)
Isabeau Levito (26 pts)
On the cusp : Rinka Watanabe and Rion Sumiyoshi have both 22 pts but Rinka has a gold and wins the tiebreaker.
Probable lineup : Kaori-Yelim-Loena-Mai-Isabeau-Rinka
Shoma Uno (30 pts)
Kao Miura (26 pts)
Sota Yamamoto (26 pts)
Daniel Grassl (24 pts)
On the cusp : Adam and Jun with 22 pts. Adam win the tiebreaker with his gold at IdF.
Ilia is a safe bet he has to finish at least 4th.
Shun needs at least a silver. A bronze will have him tie with Jun and Adam and loose to Adam. Keegan needs a win and Shun or Ilia flopping.
In : Miura/Kihara, Knierim/Frazer, Chan/Howe, Stellato-Dudek/Deschamps and Conti/Macii. Whoever wins at Espoo should complete the field.
Ice Dance
Lmao most predictable field.
In : Chock/Bates, the Canadanes, G/F, the Brits.
Gilles/Poirier and H/B should complete the lineup.
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shadowetienne · 1 year
GPF (and JGPF) 2022 Predictions (and Dream Podiums)
I’ve been enjoying this season a lot so far, though I’ve not watched every single competition all the way through the way I have some years. The results have been not entirely predictable (mostly in a good way), and there have been some interesting new faces in Junior and Senior competitions.
I’m going to take a stab at my predictions for the podiums of the GPF and JGPF and also my dream podiums. It will be interesting to see how these competitions turn out as a lead in to the second half of the season!
Predicted Podium
Shoma Uno JPN
Illia Malinin USA
Kao Miura JPN
I really do think that 3rd is wide open and 1st and 2nd will be between Shoma and Illia. I am putting Shoma above Illia in my predictions based on experience and consistency. Any mistake on a big element that Illia makes hits him hard, Shoma carries his scores with a more even distribution. But either order between the two of them wouldn’t surprise me.
Dream Podium
Shoma Uno JPN
Illia Malinin USA
Sota Yamamoto JPN
Overall, I would honestly be happy with just about any arrangement that has Shoma on the podium (preferably in first). There is a deep nostalgia about this field for me of having Shoma and Sota skating together on GPF ice again though, and I would love to see Sota podium. The only way I see Illia not on the podium is if he has a disaster of a skate, and I do not wish that on him at all. He’s an endearing kid, and I’m glad that he seems to be working on improving the artistic side of his skating.
Predicted Podium
Kaori Sakamoto JPN
Mai Mihara JPN
Loena Hendrickx BEL
Honestly, there is so little spread in this field when it comes to top scores this season. So much is going to depend on who has a good day and who doesn’t. Definitely keeps things interesting! I genuinely enjoy the skating of all of these skaters, and I hope that they all skate well.
Dream Podium
Kaori Sakamoto JPN
Kim Yelim KOR
Rinka Wantanabe JPN
Honestly, I’d be pretty happy with any podium. I want to see Kaori win this, partially because I don’t want to see her rattled from her 2nd place at her last major competition. I also just love her skating. Honestly, 3rd I dithered so much between Rinka and Mai, but I have been really deeply enjoying Rinka’s skating this season!
Predicted Podium
Riku Miura / Ryuichi Kihara JPN
Alexa Knierim / Brandon Frazier USA
Deanna Stellato-Dudek / Maxime DesChamps CAN
If you’d told me a few years ago that I would be putting a Japanese pair as my extremely strong favorite for winning the GPF in pairs, I would have been surprised, but Miura/Kihara have been so impressive this season! And I don’t know that there’s anyone in this field who can challenge them if they skate clean.
Dream Podium
Riku Miura / Ryuichi Kihara JPN
Rebecca Ghilardi / Filippo Ambrosini ITA
Emily Chan / Spencer Akira Howe USA
I think that realistically, the Italian and American pair I have here don’t have... that much chance at the podium outside of 3rd, but there’s a big race for third and not a huge amount in the scores after the drop off from Knierim/Frazier. Knierim/Frazier are fine and deserve their scores, but their skating doesn’t really resonate for me, so I’m more excited about some of the other pairs. Honestly though, Miura/Kihara on top of the podium is my big wish, and I think that it’s pretty likely to happen.
Ice Dance
Predicted Podium
Piper Gilles / Paul Poirier CAN
Charlene Guinard / Marco Fabbri ITA
Madison Chock / Evan Bates USA
Honestly, other than Gilles/Poirier having a great season so far, there’s not a lot in the scores between teams. There could easily be a lot of surprises in this podium (and Gilles/Poirier aren’t so far ahead that a single major mistake couldn’t shake things up). It’s interesting for sure! There’s only one team here that I think doesn’t have a huge shot for the podium (Hawayek/Baker, even though they’re one of my favorites here), and even for them, it’s not out of reach necessarily.
Dream Podium
Charlene Guinard / Marco Fabbri ITA
Piler Gilles / Paul Poirier CAN
Kaitlin Hawayek / Jean-Luc Baker USA
My biggest wish is honestly for a 3 country podium! I’d be pretty happy with any arrangement of skaters that gives me that, and I think that there’s a pretty good chance at us getting it (a 2 CAN team podium is probably the biggest possibility between us and that). There aren’t any teams here that I dislike, and I want to see everyone skate their best. I’d love to see Guinard/Fabbri win though because I’ve really enjoyed their skating for a long time, and it’s great to see them doing really well this season!
Junior Men
Predicted Podium
Takeru Amine Kataise JPN
Nikolaj Memola ITA
Robert Yampolsky USA
One of the things about Juniors is that they are dramatically unpredictable. I am not confident at all in this prediction, though this podium in some order wouldn’t surprise me based on their skating and scores so far this season.
Dream Podium
Takeru Amine Kataise JPN
Nikolaj Memola ITA
Shunske Nakamura JPN
Honestly, that first place for Takeru is the one that I really care about; his skating is beautiful, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of it! None of the others here were people who hugely stood out to me. I’m putting Shunske in third for my dream podium because he’s the only person here other thank Takeru and Nikolaj whose programs I actually remember watching (even though I know I’ve watched all of them at least once this season).
Junior Women
Predicted Podium
Mao Shimada JPN
Hana Yoshida JPN
Shin Jia KOR
Third seems to be wide open, and no one here is unbeatable, though if Mao Shimada skates her full content, she’s going be very hard to beat. I really liked all of these skaters on the JGP circuit this year, and I think that it will be interesting to see how they progress, especially getting a little longer to spend in Juniors.
Dream Podium
Mao Shimada JPN
Shin Jia KOR
Kwon Minsol KOR
I picked my favorite programs of the set. There’s not that much chance of Minsol making the podium, but she is such a joy to watch, and really what I love about watching juniors (the fun of it, the joy and exuberance of skating that so rarely makes to the senior circuit). Mao’s got a lot of that too, and I am looking forward to both of them so much as they develop as skaters over the next few years. I like ever single skater here though, and I’m not going to be disappointed with just about any podium arrangement.
Junior Pairs
Predicted Podium
Anastasia Golubeva / Hektor Giotopoulus Moore AUS
Sophia Baram / Daniel Tiomentsev USA
Violetta Sierova / Ivan Khobta UKR
Based on scores so far this season, it is very likely going to be these three teams in this order. This is a place where there’s a pretty wide spread of scores qualifying, but also juniors can be extremely unpredictable. Did someone have a growth spurt? That could throw things off immensely? They’re also developing and growing fast, so we could see a huge tech jump from one of the teams that has been scoring lower. This is part of the fun of juniors.
Dream Podium
I’m just going to leave it open here. If there aren’t any major tech leaps, I probably would have it with my predicted podium just because I want everyone to skate well, and that’s probably what it will be if there are no major tech changes and everyone skates clean. I would love to see Sierova/Khobta have the tech jump to put them in first because they’re probably my favorites in this field!
Junior Ice Dance
Predicted Podium
Katerina Mrazkova / Daniel Mrazek CZE
Nadiia Bashynka / Peter Beaumont CAN
Hannah Lim / Ye Quan KOR
This, like pairs, is a field with a pretty wide point spread. Unless there are major tech improvements or someone makes major errors, I expect that one and two will be between Mrazkova/Mrazek and Bashynka/Beaumont. Third is more wide open, but this is juniors, juniors are unpredictable.
Dream Podium
Like with pairs, I’m leaving this open. I like all of the teams on my predicted podium, and I want to see everyone skate clean. It’s always exciting to see juniors with tech breakthroughs though, so it would be cool to see someone place higher than I’m expecting with everyone skating clean.
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moviesandmania · 3 years
DECOYS 2: ALIEN SEDUCTION (2007) Reviews and overview
DECOYS 2: ALIEN SEDUCTION (2007) Reviews and overview
‘It’s mating season’ Decoys 2: Alien Seduction is a 2007 Canadian science-fiction horror film set on a college campus of frisky teens. Unfortunately, some of the co-eds are aliens! Also known as Decoys: Alien Seduction The movie is a sequel to Decoys (2004). Directed by Jeffery Scott Lando [as Jeffery Lando] (Roboshark; Haunted High; Boogeyman; Goblin; Alien Incursion; Insecticidal) from a…
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