leregalgourmand · 2 months
Kedjenou de poulet
Le kédjénou ou kedjenou est un ragout très pimenté, fait à base de viande de brousse (biche, agouti, lièvre, pintade etc...) ou de poulet ou de lapin ou de canard. En Afrique de l'Ouest et plus particulièrement de la Côte d'Ivoire (peuple Akan). .........
Le kédjénou ou kedjenou est un ragout très pimenté, fait à base de viande de brousse (biche, agouti, lièvre, pintade etc…) ou de poulet ou de lapin ou de canard. En Afrique de l’Ouest et plus particulièrement de la Côte d’Ivoire (peuple Akan). C’est un repas de fermiers. Traditionnellement, la recette se fait dans un récipient en terre cuite appelé canari posé sur un feu de bois. La viande doit…
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hansonhaleigh · 7 months
Kedjenou WCFC2014 : Cote DIvoire
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belifii · 2 years
L'attiéké, le nouvel or blanc ivoirien. D’Abidjan à New York en passant par Paris, Pékin ou Brazzaville, l’attieke se mange à toutes les sauces. Souvent imité mais jamais égalé, ce plat ivoirien veut afficher sa singularité notamment en garantissant sa qualité d’origine. Attieke de Côte d’Ivoire s’exporte bien dans le monde et ça rapporte Moses Turahirwa est le créatif créateur d'une marque de prêt-à-porter Made in Rwanda. Reconnaissable à ses motifs traditionnels géométriques, ornés de perles, et broderies, son style a conquis de nombreux cœurs et continue sa percée, bien au-delà du pays des Mille Collines. Pour voir d'autres épisodes de Questions Réponses : La fabuleuse affaire de Henri Nyakarundi Hapsatou Sy "rien n’est impossible" L’attieke à toutes les sauces Attiéké (également orthographié acheke ) est un plat d'accompagnement à base de manioc qui fait partie de la cuisine de la Côte d'Ivoire en Afrique . attieke-1 Le plat est préparé à partir de pulpe de manioc fermentée râpée ou granulée. Attiéké séché est également préparé, qui est similaire en texture au couscous . C'est un plat courant et traditionnel en Côte d'Ivoire qui est originaire du sud du pays, et les méthodes de production sont bien connues en Côte d'Ivoire mais également au Bénin et au Burkina Faso . En Côte d'Ivoire, le plat est souvent accompagné de Kedjenou , un ragoût mijoté . L'attiéké frais peut se gâter rapidement et doit généralement être consommé dans les 24 heures suivant sa préparation. Sa périssabilité à court terme a créé quelques problèmes dans sa distribution de masse des zones rurales aux environnements urbains. Méthode de préparation Le manioc est pelé, râpé et mélangé avec une petite quantité de manioc qui a été préalablement fermenté qui est le démarreur. (L'entrée a des noms différents selon l'ethnie qui la produit: mangnan Ebrié lidjrou à Adjoukrou et bêdêfon à Allandjan.) Attiéké, couscous de manioc. Spécialité culinaire de Côte d'Ivoire La pâte est laissée à fermenter pendant un ou deux jours. Une fois le temps de fermentation terminé et l' acide cyanhydrique qui existe en grande partie dans le manioc naturel a été éliminé, la pulpe est essorée, tamisée et séchée, puis la cuisson finale se fait par cuisson à la vapeur de la pulpe. Après quelques minutes de cuisson, l'attiéké est prêt à être consommé. Il est préférable de l'accompagner de poisson grillé et de poivron ou de tomate. L'attiéké vendu sur les marchés est généralement précuit et peut être chauffé pendant environ 10 minutes au micro-ondes à 750W. https://youtu.be/tVuA_RM6EsM?t=84
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blackchefs · 2 years
10 Absolutely Delicious West African Dishes You Need to Try Immediately
African food has a rich and strong history. The common thread between most West African foods is the ingredients used. Over time, the dishes that have been cooked have been influenced by other cultures through wars, conquest, and even exploration. You see traces of European, Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisine in many of the best African dishes that are widely known today. An important part of the interest is giving new life to traditional cuisines around the globe, especially in America. Most of the products are produced locally by replanting seeds or growing foods in a way that uses sustainable methods such as crop rotation so they can improve the run-down soils to exaggerate the taste in the cooked dishes.
1.Waakye rice and beans
Waakye is one of the most amazing dishes commonly found in most homes and can be prepared with a variety of ingredients according to preference. Some seasoned waakye connoisseurs argue that it should be flavored with an authentic local condiment called 'domolow' (pronounced: Dome-low) and others insist that it should be eaten with a light pepper sauce while other people prefer to eat theirs boiled with hard-boiled eggs. Whichever way, Waakye served with these combined contents alone or whatever other foods you might want to add to the Waakye dish will always make your stomach content.
Fufu is a foodstuff that can be made from cassava, yams, cocoyam, and plantain depending on preference or region of procurement. Fufu is best served with proteins such as tilapia, snails (konde, bobo), lamb stew (ground meat) okra, and egusi leaf soup.
3.Groundnut stew
Groundnut stew is often prepared with mutton, chicken, or beef. The dish has several variations, but the core of it is composed almost entirely of groundnuts or peanut butter. Tomatoes, onions, and peppers can also be used in addition to the aforementioned ingredients depending on what you're looking for. As a side, many people like groundnut stew with fufú, white rice, couscous, or sweet potatoes.
Kedjenou Popular in western countries, Kedjenou (or Kedjenfu) is a delicious chicken stew cooked slow and low over fire or coal in a terracotta pot. Traditionally served with attieke, other flaked or mashed starches go well with it too! Also, it adapts well with variety such as guinea fowl or chicken and tastes awesome.
5.Jollof rice
Jollof rice is a dish that many people like to include in their menu whether serving it as is or modifying it. The basic ingredients consist of rice, tomato paste, pasta, onions, red pepper powders, salt, and pepper. Beyond that, it can be modified nearly any way; with different spices or additional vegetables and meats. Jollof rice is considered one of the top dishes worldwide.
6.Egusi soup
Egusi soup is a savory broth prepared from ground egusi seeds, a vegetable that resembles a gourd or squash. The soup is made by boiling the ground seeds in water with additional vegetables, greens and any kind of meat one would like to include. It’s really important to use authentic ingredients as well because it helps ensure that you are getting something healthy instead of just something edible. There are many variations of Egusi soup. Some regions serve it as an Egusi paste that looks similar to a thicker consistency of butterscotch pudding while other regions will add very little water to get the soup they want, meaning it boils down till nothing is left and only thickens slightly; adding spices such as red onions and pepper. However, this recipe contains more tomatoes than the more hearty versions which also includes other green leaves with some fish stock for flavor.
Suya is a spicy kebab (skewered meat) that is very popular. Generally, Suya is made with skewered beef, mutton, or chicken. The thinly sliced meat is marinated in various aromatic spices and barbecued for a long time. Suya is best served with further selections of dried pepper mixed with spices and sliced onions.
Ndole is a tasty, flavourful dish made of bitter herbs (cooked multiple times to remove bitterness), stewed nuts, crushed spices, and fish or beef. It is often eaten with plantains, rice, or potatoes.
9.Eddoe soup
Eddoe is a tough, woody-skinned tuber that grows in the tropics of South Asia and Africa. It's similar to yams or sweet potatoes but with a more delicate flavor, reminiscent of celery root. This soup is aromatic and hearty, featuring simple flavors and the main ingredient such as fish, chicken, or beef.
10.Ogbono soup  
Ogbono soup is a savory dish served in Nigeria. It's made from the fruits of the ogbono tree - and beautiful fruit it is! These are low-starch fruits that grow in Africa, Asia, and Australia. All types of meat can be added to this recipe - including fish, chicken, beef, or potentially even crayfish and goat if you feel adventurous! You'll usually eat this hearty soup with fufu or pounded yam or rice - but if okra is added to the mix (which has been known to happen), there will be a subtly slippery texture after it thins out as it sits.
Why do West African-Inspired plant-based dishes make for healthy eating?
West African food recipe is a masterpiece. It focuses on the amazing and diverse range of vegetables available to the people of this region, who consume a plant-based diet all through a healthy eating month.
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vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ ケジェヌ | Kedjenou ・コートジボワールを発祥とする、鶏肉と野菜を用いたシチューである。ケジェヌは鶏肉もしくはホロホロチョウと野菜を火もしくは熱した炭の上に置いたカナリ(canari、素焼きの土鍋)で長時間煮込むことで作られる。コートジボワールの伝統料理であり、国内でも人気のある料理である。ケジェヌの準備には様々な方法がある。準備段階では液体をほとんど使用せず、肉を調理する際に出る肉汁を使用するのみである。これにより肉が柔らかくなり材料の旨味が凝縮される。時に、ケジェヌはバナナの葉でくるんだ材料を熱した炭の下に置いて調理することがある。コートジボワールでは、ケジェヌは伝統的にすりおろしたキャッサバで作る副菜、アチェケとともに供される。
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📍 16 rue Thorel 75002 Paris. (À 50m du Grand Rex) Ⓜ: Bonne Nouvelle. . Info / Résa : 0951917218 . . . #cuisineafricaine #dejeuner #figaro #Figaroscope #kedjenou #civ #lafrodisiacrestaurant #afrique #afrocooking #afronomique #afrofood #afro #cuisinefusion #saveursafricaines #realfooder #foodstagram #fooding #foodporn #foodundercover #foodies #food #africanfood #newrecipes #newrestaurant #parisresto #soir #sortiesparis (à L'Afrodisiac Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/lafrodisiacrestaurant/p/BvRS7arnJFN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=atltsjb9eymh
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cliffdvr · 7 years
Second Spin, Country 42: Côte D’Ivoire
Watch as I cook of the food of the Week 42 of my Second Spin: A Global Cooking Adventure, Côte D’Ivoire. Tonight's menu: Kedjenou (Ivorian Chicken Stew) with Attiéké (Fermented Cassava)
#food #international #cooking #CotedIvoire #IvoryCoast #kedjenou #chicken #stew #attiake #cassava #cliffieland
How it went for The Global Cooking Challenge (7/17/2013): http://cliffdvr.tumblr.com/post/55714263038/cooking-around-the-world-côte-divoire
One source for the kedjenou recipe: http://www.congocookbook.com/chicken_recipes/kedjenou.html
One source for the attiéké recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBpKMybclqo&ab_channel=Kadirecipes
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thvndring · 4 years
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King Kwame II is the youngest person to ever sit on the throne of Cote d'Ivoire, succeeding his father at only twenty-four. Widely loved by his people & most of his neighboring royals, Kwame is a confident, imposing figure who luckily hasn’t been forced to show off his skills in military strategy & is determined to keep the peace until he has no other option. Before becoming King, Kwame was the first (and so far only) Ivorian royal to compete in the Olympics. He competed on the 2016 National Sprinting Team & took home the Gold for the Men’s 100 Meter. Now a King, Kwame hopes to mend the relations between Cote d'Ivoire and the rest of the non-African world.
NAME: Kwǎmè of Côte d'Ivoire FULL NAME: Kwǎmè Afúom Píèsíe Aboah TITLE & STYLE: His Majesty The King, Kwǎmè II HOUSE: House of Aboah AGE: 24 HOME: Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivorie MARITAL STATUS: Single SEXUALITY: Bisexual LANGUAGE(S): French, Bantu, English POLITICS: Liberal Centrist
FACECLAIM: Jordan Calloway HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Brown HEIGHT: 6′2″ BUILD: Athletic
POSITIVE TRAITS: Analytical, Intelligent, Confident NEGATIVE TRAITS: Possessive, Uncouth, Compulsive GOALS/DESIRES: Increase Côte d'Ivoire’s influence FEARS : Selachophobia (Fear of Sharks) HOBBIES: Rugby, Basketball, Public Appearances MUSIC: DJ Arafat, Bebi Philip, Serge Beynaud MOVIES: The Intouchables, La Grande Vadrouille, My Golden Days FOOD: Kedjenou BEVERAGE: Bangui
FATHER: His Majesty the King, Asón (†) MOTHER: Her Highness Máanu, the Queen Mother BROTHER: His Highness Prince Koku BROTHER: His Highness Prince Komlã SISTER: Her Highness Princess Akosua BROTHER: His Highness Prince Bótwe
Evidence suggests that humans have lived in Cote d'Ivoire since 15,000 BCE. For centuries before the first European arrival in the region, Cote d'Ivoire was ruled by five major kingdoms. The House of Aboah traces their ancestry back to the Moronou Kingdo. Through a series of treaties with local kings & chiefs, the French were able to establish many trading posts in the area. By the 1700s, Cote d'Ivoire was an official French colony & by the 1880s, after French culture had deeply permeated the soon to be kingdom, the people led a revolt & put Queen Marie-Therese on the throne. The Kingdom had a very rocky start but the Queen led them through & her line of succession has remained wholly unbroken into the modern day.
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