#KEEP IN MIND this is not a comprehensive list of everyone i love seeing
girlfox · 17 days
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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calmcal · 1 year
roommate adjacent -steve harrington
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summary: A comprehensive list of why Robin Buckley is the best roommate in all of history; written by Y/N (and Robin Buckley....) one: she has the best movie recommendations for any mood, in all genres, for anytime of the year. two: she has a killer sense of fashion, total grunge/rock and roller/thrift store buying chic. three: she's not afraid to call anyone out on their dingus behaviours (and it happens a lot... hey!) and finally: her best friend steve...yeah. pairing: modern steve harrington x fem!reader word count: 2.9k note: hi, yes, welcome! this has been sitting in my drafts for far to long, it's been on my mind far longer than i'd care to admit. so i finally sat down and planned it all out, so enjoy this purely self indulgent steve fic I have literally fallen in love with! this first part is a little short, with very little steve, but i promise it get's better, so bare with me!
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There's a universal hatred that's shared between those who can't drive, stormy weather. It's a common enemy they all share, the threatening grey clouds that loom over everyone, cackling at the thought of downpouring on some poor unexpecting souls. Drenching their clothes, soaking them to the bone, sticking them with the dreaded shivers and in worse case scenarios, gifting them with the god awful flu.
Yes it's a formidable foe.
One you were currently battling.
And loosing rather pitifully.
You held an umbrella tight in your hands, air whipping around you like a whirlwind, threatening to blow you down with a single gust. Well that might have been over exaggerating, but it was well within range to rip the umbrella from your iron grip. Splattering raindrops fell heavily on the small plastic tarp that made up the umbrella, sloshing down the pointed top and landing around your feet in little puddles. Stray drops slipping onto her cheeks, coating your skin with a sheen of cold water.
A shiver passed over your spine, winter was finally settling into your cozy little college town, and the weather was coming in full force. You wouldn't have been surprised if it started snowing tomorrow, but that was another battle, right now, you were more concerned with making it back to your dorm room in once piece.
And hopefully, mostly dry.
But it seemed the sky gods heard your hopeful pleas, and in your attempt in keeping dry, another strong gust blew your umbrella straight up, bending the little metal rods holding the plastic top covering your head, blowing back and exposing your entire body to the onslaught of rain.
"Crap!" You cried out, trying to reign in your clearly out of control umbrella.
But the wind had other ideas, blowing and bellowing around you, like it was laughing at your attempt. You tried to pry the arms of the umbrella back the right way, the way it was supposed to look, but the frail little arms screeched out in protest, wanting to follow the current of the wind, rather than your hand.
You grumbled a few nasty curse words at the umbrella, fulling knowing it wasn't going to cooperate.
You looked in the direction of your building, it wasn't far, another two minutes or so, you contemplated the thought of just making a run for it, leaving your umbrella behind, or standing there like a dingus, trying to fix something that was clearly broken for good.
The rain was splattering down heavier now, flattening your hair to your head, making it a little difficult to see, making your clothes stick to your shivering skin, goosebumps raising on every inch of exposed skin.
You bit your lip, thinking for a moment.
"Stupid piece of plastic" You spat at the umbrella, throwing it at your feet, like the offending pieces of metal and plastic had scorned you. "Can't even do the one job you were made for"
No one would blame you for leaving the umbrella on the walkway, clearly noticing the broken arms and upside down cone. No one was going to condemn you for littering, it's an act of kindness really, more than the umbrella deserved.
You hiked your back further up your shoulder, crossing your arms over your chest, tilting your head down a little. It did little to keep you dry, but you were a lost cause the moment your umbrella died, you'd given up on keeping dry. You made quick and precise steps towards your building, ignoring the chill that is slowly settling into your skin.
As if tormenting you, a clap of thunder boomed from somewhere behind you, and the rain followed tenfold, pelting you with icy drops of water.
"Shit!" You muttered, using your hands to cover your head from their harsh impact.
Now you were making a run for it.
Forget keeping equal steps to keep from slipping in the puddles that lined the sidewalk, you didn't care anymore, you needed to get out of the storm before the clouds decided they wanted to drown you in the middle of your college campus.
With a huffing laugh you reached the building, pulling the thick wooden doors open with a strength you didn't know you possessed. Warm air whipping around your water slicked skin, goosebumps returning. You took a deep breath, inhaling the warm air, filling your lungs.
You trudged up the stairs to the third floor, the elevator seemingly always out of order, you seriously cursed this day. Puddles formed around your feet with every step you took, squelching under your boots, making you cringe, thinking about the poor person who had to use the stairs after you, stepping into a wet surprise.
It was only water, they'd be fine, right?
You didn't care anymore, all you cared about was getting back to your dorm and getting out of these stupidly drenched clothes.
You breathed out a sigh of pure delight at the sight of your door, decorated with a whiteboard, your roommates squiggly writing covering the white backdrop.
Be back soon, meeting up with a friend, love Robin ❤️
You felt glad that Robin wasn't in the room, the last thing you needed was your roommate laughing at your misfortune. She'd do it out of love, obviously, but unnecessary love.
Having Robin Buckley as a roommate was a blessing. You'd been so scared that you'd have to share a small room with someone you didn't like, someone who didn't know personal boundaries, who didn't know how to keep a clean room or possibly even worse, someone who was obnoxiously boring.
But on the first day, you got stuck with Robin. A girl who was socially awkward and charmingly outgoing at the same time. She'd talked your ear off the first minute you met her, before falling silent when she realised you hadn't even introduced yourself to her. You loved her the moment you met, couldn't have asked for a better roommate.
She shared her love of movies with you, having the most expansive collection of movies on a hard drive, everything from the biggest blockbuster of all time, to weird indie movies in different languages. She had an expressive way of dressing, one day she'd wearing clashing colours of yellow pink, collared shirts with blocky stripes, khaki pants that you were sure didn't belong to her (they were like two sizes too big), to wearing black on black, chunky bracelets, layers of necklaces decorating her neck, black pleated skirts paired with ripped tights. On any given day, it was always a surprise; what Robin was going to wear.
You loved her confidence.
But with her confidence grew with you, the more she felt comfortable on calling you out on your 'dingus behaviours', a favourite of Robin's creative pass times. She didn't do it often, and she was well within her right when she did it.
Coming into your shared room, dripping wet, a dingus move indeed.
You were really glad she wasn't home right now.
You, with much difficulty, unlocked the door. You slung your bag off your shoulder, letting it plop down on the floor beside the door, ignoring the plopping sound that followed, following your slightly less damp boots, with a heavy thud. Trying to peel your coat from your soaking wet body, a different story, the fabric ignoring your pleas to cooperate. Clinging to you like a second skin, heavy with water.
With a huff, a lot of tugging and pulling, and a few jumps here and there, your coat finally fell from your body, landing on the floor with your bag.
"I hate the rain" You muttered to yourself, hanging the coat on the coat rack.
You trudged further into the room, bypassing the couch and the little kitchenet, heading straight for the small bathroom. You switched of the flickering light, waiting for a second, before the tiled room was lit up with dim yellow light.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror.
Well, you've certainly looked better.
Your hair was plastered to your forehead, stray strands sticking to your damp cheeks. Your white sweater was clinging to you, like a fluffy second skin, weighing you down by half a pound. You were dreading trying to take that off, and you didn't even want to think about your drenched jeans.
Wet denim, what a nightmare.
You smoothed the strands of hair from your face, twisting your hair into a low ponytail, wringing the water from your hair into the sink.
"Hey, I'm back!" Robin's voice reached your ears, sounding like she'd swung the door wide open, probably expecting you to have been sitting on the couch. "Whoa, what's with the water park in the doorway?"
"Sorry" You called out in return, scrunching your sweater up, wringing the water out of that too, not that it did much.
You sighed, deciding it was better if you just took it off. You lifted the hem of the sweater from your body, cringing again as the fabric clung to your damp skin.
"Planning a fun extra curricular without me?" Robin's teasing remark followed.
"Funny" You muttered, pulling the fabric halfway up your torso, tugging harshly, pulling left and right to loosen the sweater, huffing, a little out of breath. "I'm calling it, this has literally been the worst day of my life"
"Feeling over dramatic are we?" Robin chuckled, her voice sounding a little closer now.
"I feel I deserve the right to be over dramatic" Your voice was muffled by your sweater, having got it over your chest, now the neck was stuck.
You gave a little tug, wincing a little as it gave a little struggle, but a tug and a wiggle allowed it to give way, leaving you clad in your wet jeans, semi dry white cotton bra, and a sweater that continued to drip on the tile floor held in your hands.
"My umbrella decided to die on me, right at the moment the rain kicked up a notch, not to mention the wind, totally uncool" You continued after taking the sweater off, throwing it in the washing basket, a problem for future Y/N.
You took a towel from the hanger, swiping it across your skin, trying your best to dry yourself off, before turning your attention to your hair, wrapping the scratching fabric around the dripping strands, the towel sitting tall atop your head.
"I keep telling you, you need to get your licence" Robin's singsong tone teased.
"Yeah, cause I'm gonna take advice from my roommate, who also doesn't have a licence" You retorted playfully, switching the bathroom light off.
"Yeah, and if you get yours, you can take me places instead" Robin matter of factly replied, sounding smug in her idea. "It's a win, win"
"For you maybe" You muttered, feeling gross still wearing your wet jeans. "I've decided that wet denim was invented by satan, just to torture me"
Robin snorted.
You rounded the corner, not looking in Robin's direction, so used to walking around your roommate in a half state of dress. Robin had become accustomed to the act very quickly, living in such close quarters with someone, got you comfortable rather quickly, alarmingly so.
"Seriously, it's itchy, and it just sticks to you in all the wrong places" You whined, looking through the clean piles of clothes you left on the back of the couch, looking for a pair of your pajama pants.
"So, don't wear jeans when it rains"
"Hilarious, become a comedian would ya?"
"It's my backup plan, you know, if this whole college thing doesn't work out"
"You've got potential"
"Your overconfident too, it works"
"Maybe you should put some more clothes on, I think you're freaking Steve out" Robin sounded like she was holding back a cackle.
You paused, lifting your eyes from the pile of clothes in your hands, to see Robin standing in the kitchenet, but she wasn't alone.
Steve, Robin's best friend, a man you've met only a handful of times, was standing beside Robin. Trying his best to look anywhere but your half dressed figure, cheeks turning a bright shade of red, arms crossed over his chest as he tried his best to act nonchalant, shifting his weight from his left leg, to his right.
You took a moment to admire him, what with him avoiding all eye contact. Taking in the way his hair seemingly flopped just the right way, brown strands looking perfectly styled, but in a way that one might mistake it for an effortless look. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt, a shirt that stretched right across his broad shoulders, looking a little tight around his chest, biceps peeking out of the sleeve, giving you a free show of his tensed muscles. His shirt was tucked into a pair of blue jeans, black belt separating the two tones of blue, a white and grey windbreaker was tied around his waist.
The outfit shouldn't have looked at good, but Steve seemed to make it work... he made it look cute.
All taunt and lean figure just leaning against the stove.
"Sorry Steve" You replied, feeling your cheeks warm.
"It's cool, it's your room, so whatever... Not whatever, I mean, you can undress all you want, NO, wait--" Steve stumbled over his words, still trying to not look at you, but he slipped up a few times, eyes trailing over her half dresses torso, cheeks turning even redder each time.
"Dingus" Robin muttered.
"I'm just... I'm gonna go and get changed, in my room" You replied, feeling embarrassed.
"Good, this is common space, respect it" Robin joked.
"Shut up" You retorted, taking your clothes in your arms, flinging your hand back, flipping your roommate off, which brought out the cackle Robin was stuffing back.
You huffed.
So much for that impression.
Steve probably though you were crazy.
All the talk of wet jeans and your stupid umbrella story, you wouldn't blame Steve for thinking you're out of your mind, who still had a little twinge of pink on his cheeks and couldn't quite make eye contact with you.
You tried your best to shake the thoughts from your mind, heading to your room, to change, and quite possibly bury yourself under your covers, never to be seen again.
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"What was that?"
It wasn't the sound of Robin's shill voice that made Steve jump, it was the harsh slap that followed the question. Her palm slapping right across his arm, a harsh smacking sound rang though his ears.
"Ow!" Steve exclaimed, cupping his assaulted arm. "W-what was that for?!"
"For ogling my roommate like she's walking porn" Robin remarked with a knowing look, raising a brow.
"That wasn't what happened and you know it" Steve's eyes narrowed, looking at Robin with an annoyance she acquainted with his motherly persona.
"It's what it looked like from here"
Steve huffed, knowing no matter what he said, Robin was going to argue back tenfold with him, it was one of the few things she was good at.
"I didn't even look at her, I was being a gentleman" Steve narrowed his eyes, letting Robin know, this wasn't up for debate anymore.
"After you stared at her boobs for like, a whole minute" Robin muttered, pushing Steve with her shoulder, walking away from the taller man, practically throwing herself on the couch.
"That didn't happen!" Steve shouted, pointing a finger at Robin.
"Sure it didn't Stevie" Robin hummed, looking to smug for her own good.
Robin was only making this a big deal because Steve had mentioned, on a few occasions, that he thought her roommate was cute. He'd often ask Robin how you were, how college was treating the both of you, but paying keen attention whenever she mentioned you. Allowing his eyes to linger on you, the very few times he saw you in person, never having the courage to say more than a few words to you (something Robin torments him with on the daily, his lack of skills with women). He'd even made the grave mistake of asking Robin if you were single once, she couldn't stop gushing over his little crush on you, she never let him forget it.
But it wasn't a crush.
It wasn't!
Steve didn't know you well enough to put a name to whatever it was he was feeling, it certainly wasn't a crush. But he'd be lying if he didn't think you were insanely attractive, and seeing you in a pair of jeans that looked like a second skin stuck to your thighs, making your butt look all the more fuller and perky. Not to mention the bra, if Steve thought about it too long, he was sure he was going to pitch a tent. If he closed his eyes, he could picture your smooth skin, all supple and glistening with droplets of water. The cotton bra wasn't fancy, but it made your breasts look perky and ready for his awaiting hands--
No, stop it!
Steve shook his head, a little harder than he intended, to try and shake the thoughts of you from his mind.
The last thing he needed was for you to come back into the room and see Steve standing in your little kitchenet with a boner.
Yeah, that wasn't going to get him anywhere.
"She lives!" Robin's voice brought him back for good.
"Reluctantly so" Your soft voice returned the humour, throwing yourself onto the other end of the couch, still a little flustered, courtesy of Steve.
You turned your head, making eye contact with Steve. You gave a subtle smile, tilting your head.
"It's fine Steve, really" You shook your head, as if reading his inner thoughts. "It's not a big deal, forgotten already"
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chipthekeeper · 11 months
Ranking Velcinta moments by how insane they make me feel, a(n overly) comprehensive list
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As promised, here's my way too detailed ranking of all 18-ish of their moments. This (predictably) got obnoxiously long toward the end, so venture under the cut if you actually care and/or don't mind a lot of scrolling.
18. Valley One (Ep. 6)
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I'm relatively sane about this. Except when I think about how they probably slept in that little hut the night before. Also when I think about how this is one of the very few shots in which they're both visible and (relatively) in focus.
17. "No farewells tonight." (Ep. 5)
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Mostly was insane about this when the episode first came out and I was SO. FUCKING. WORRIED. that they were gonna die in the next one.
16. "What are they doing?" (Ep. 5)
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Girlfriends who scowl together stay together (please Tony Gilroy I'm begging you).
15. Feeding the dray (Ep. 5)
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The fact that Cinta is smiling here is what makes me most crazy. Also I just adore this flash of simple domesticity with them. Ahh, what could have been....
14. "Have you heard from Cinta?" (Ep. 7)
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Vel not being able to look Kleya in the eye when she asks about Cinta makes me crazy mostly for the whole "Vel/Kleya exes" plot but of course this whole part had me jumping out of my seat on first watch.
13. "The rebellion comes first. We take what's left." (Ep. 9)
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(went all-caps way before I thought I would, maybe this one should be higher....)
12. Into the smoke (Ep. 12)
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She looks so worried when Cinta isn't where she's supposed to be and then she sprints INTO the melee while everyone else is running AWAY. I'M NOT FINE!!!!
11. At the campfire (Ep. 4)
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I swear to y'all that the first time I watched this episode and saw them sitting so close I was like "oh. hey" fully intending to ship them even if that was literally all we got. And then holy fucking shit we got everything I was too afraid to ask for. So this moment always has a special place in my heart.
10. "What's she doing?" (Ep. 4)
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It. Makes. Me. CRAZY. That the first time they share a scene together, they're literally always in the same frame.
Like....they've been connected from the VERY beginning, even if the show revealed them being together rather slowly. Also it's everything to me that the first time we see Cinta it's Taramyn asking her what Vel is up to bringing a new guy in. Because if anyone would know, it would be her.
9. "Stay focused, Clem." (Ep. 5)
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All of the territorial Vel stuff is great to me but I especially love this moment. First of all Cinta's little smirk. And also it's just so....idk it's a quiet moment of contemplation and probably anxiety but we can't not take a second to tell Clem to back off.
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I'm combining this with the "you can dress yourself" bit too because that moment just makes me laugh with how Vel's always in the background watching and then immediately jumps up to give Clem the business and use his scuffle with Skeen as an excuse to mark her territory.
8. "Closet?" "Empty." (Ep. 12)
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That bit of dialogue made my gay little self so happy and then they went and did the whole "that's blood" "it's not mine" thing and I'll never recover. Vel being so concerned that she won't even let Cinta keep packing, but then at the very end she's a little impressed/turned on??? 10/10 no notes. (okay I have one note and that's "you're really just going to leave me hanging like that for two years?????" but that's a different post)
7. "Get down!" (Ep. 6)
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Truly one of my favorite scenes in the whole show is when Vel almost loses her shit at the top of the dam. The tension is insane, her fear is PALPABLE, and I absolutely love that it's Cinta just calling her out for stalling and then yelling at her that breaks her out of it.
But the thing that makes me feel most crazy about this scene is this:
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Someone please explain to me WHY Cinta makes the jump while looking directly at Vel. EXPLAIN IT TO ME. Or else I will just continue to believe it's because part of her is scared up there too and looking at Vel is what helps her take the leap. That is a crazy thought -- I'm pretty sure she's fine -- but if it's not that then I don't get why she's even facing that way??
6. This (Ep. 8)
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THE MUSIC. THE FADE. THE SORROW. I like literally can't even talk about this one. But it does make me feel a lot how obvious it is that Vel's thoughts are soooooooooo far from the fight here:
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While at the same time there's not a thought in Cinta's head about her:
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Breaks my fucking heart.
5. "No. She didn't tell me." (Ep. 5)
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Whew. This moment. For a while I was mostly happy about this moment because it was just one more piece of evidence that they were together before that was fully confirmed.
But then my headcanon brain took over while I was writing my multichapter fic and it has been fucking me up ever since. Because I'm always going to wonder if all their drama was always going to happen the way it did or if Vel betraying Cinta's trust as a partner was some kind of breaking point.
Is that probably just me? Yes. Does it matter? Not to this ranking.
4. "She's already sharin' a blanket if that's what you're wonderin'." (Ep. 5)
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I was!!! I was wonderin'!!!!! And I will forever use this phrase as a euphemism for being a lesbian.
What I would not give........to experience this line and this shot for the first time again. Or at least know what I sounded like giving a joyous shout.
3. "Tell me you'll be alright." (Ep. 6)
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This is the one that I would probably sound the most insane trying to talk about out loud. It would be a lot of me like verbally keysmashing and somehow going "!!!!!!" out loud.
The hand-hold that saved my life? The EMOTION in their eyes when they look at each other??? Vel starting to go in for the goodbye kiss right in front of the hostages' salad but then just not????????
2. "Come away from the window." (Ep. 12)
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I have to start by talking about Vel's cute little sad grin in this scene when she's like "nice to see you too" and Cinta like glares back at her. That made me feel crazy enough but then this whole scene that I want to say I can't even put into words even though I have in fact already done it.
The desperation on Vel's part is what kills me. Not that she's desperate for attention or love or whatever people always try to pin on her here (and of course it is that to some degree) but that she's desperate to keep Cinta from losing herself. She's so desperate but all she can do is ask. All she can do is hope Cinta will turn around and take a break. And she does.
I have never screamed so loud about a scene just ending.
Whatever, it gave me something to write and I enjoyed doing that.
1. "You love me because I show you what you need to see." (Ep. 8)
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And here we are. The scene that has taken up space in my brain more than any other single thing since I saw it. I've been over it so many times. Watching and taking notes, staring at the gifs, studying the screencaps, trying to wrap my head around every little line and gesture and movement and emotion. I've spent hours on it, and I still find myself coming back to think about it and wondering if I've truly understood it all.
Just getting them reunited after Aldhani was such a relief (even though it was jarring at first to just see Cinta and be like "how the fuck did you get here?"). But then the conversation just knocked me on my ass.
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"Haven't we been apart long enough?" YES YOU HAVE!!
"We take what's left." NOOOO TAKE IT ALL
"That's cold...even for you." Stabbing me in the face would be less painful.
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And then...hearing the words "you love me" from one woman to another woman in a Star Wars show....not a book, not a comic...a show. Truly meant everything to me. I was so fucking happy to hear those words that I couldn't even process how goddamn sad the rest of it was until later. Once I did I had a stomachache for an entire week. I have one again right now.
And then it ends with the most fucking beautiful hand-hold and yet another tiny look that makes me feel crazy in and of itself (which I've done a whole post on by itself), and despite my broken heart I have hope.
If I am ever able to watch this scene and not feel seventeen emotions at once, it's over for me.
Easy number one.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
hey I have another request since you asked to keep them coming. how about academic rivals with victor vale (lockland era) turned to allies (*cough* lovers) fighting against eli? it would be also awesome for reader to be an EO <33
I am so so so sorry about the long wait, but thank you for being patient! This request is amazing and I hope I did it justice; it's my first time writing rivals to lovers allies, so I hope it's okay! Please feel free to leave feedback and let me know what you think. Thanks again for the great requests!🤍
Warnings: angst, fluff, discussions of death and EOs, reader's ability is discussed (it's controlling vehicles), reader and Victor call each other stupid/just are generally mean to each other, spoilers for Vicious. I think that's all?
Word Count: ~4.6k words
A/N: We need more Victor Vale gifs.
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10 Years Ago - Lockland
You’re sitting in the quiet library, tapping your pen against your lower lip as you look back and forth between the open textbook and your nearly full notebook. The Comprehensive Science Seminar is ending, and it’s time to declare a thesis. You’ve been fighting through this course and are struggling to find the perfect topic. An idea pops into your head, and you scribble it on the last page of your notebook. As you pull the pen away, someone drops a paper onto your book.
“Wow, 95. You must be so proud,” you say emotionlessly, pushing the paper across the table as the owner, Victor Vale, sits across from you.
“It’s alright. What’d you get?” Victor asks, and you swear you see the hint of a smile.
“I don’t know, I haven’t been in to see Professor Lyne yet. No doubt it’s a 96 or higher.” You send him a fake smile before looking back at your notes.
“Hmm. And your thesis?”
Victor stares at you before shrugging. “Coming along nicely.”
“Mine too. Now if you don’t mind.”
“Right, right. I wouldn’t want to bother Lockland’s number 2 student. See you tomorrow.”
“Not if there’s any hope in the world.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and groan quietly. I need a better thesis if I want to beat him, you think, and open a different textbook.
14 Years Ago - Lockland
“Mr. Vale, you will be paired with… your neighbor, nice planning,” the professor announces.
He continues down the list as you look over at Mr. Vale.
“I’ll handle it,” he mutters, reaching for the worksheet.
You slap a hand onto it, stopping him as you argue, “That’s not gonna work for me. I don’t really need the fate of my GPA in… those hands.”
The corner of his lip twitches up for just a moment. “Well these hands happen to have a better GPA than you. So, if it works for you, I’ll give yours a little boost. They love charity work here, it’s like an extracurricular.”
“Well, as much as I appreciate that,” you bite out, “I don’t trust you or your high GPA hands. So we do it together, or I take the A and tell everyone that you didn’t demonstrate the signature ‘Lockland Teamwork.’”
Victor cracks his neck before pushing the paper toward your side of the lab table. “Fine. But if we don’t do well on this I will make sure you never show your face at Lockland again.”
“Yeah, we’ll see how you feel after you lose your title of highest GPA, Vale.”
10 Years Ago - Lockland
“All right. It’s time to declare your thesis,” Professor Lyne announces.
You stare at the back of Victor’s head, two thesis options on a notecard on your desk. Are you waiting to see what he picks? Maybe. But you’re one or two higher grades away from taking Victor’s class ranking, and you will do it. If it’s the last thing you do.
Professor Lyne goes through his warnings about what makes a good thesis, and then you drown everything out. Bouncing your leg, you hope this goes well.
“And you, Mr. Vale?” Professor Lyne asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
You see Victor look at Eli, then he turns and glances at you. Your brows furrow as he answers, “Adrenal inducers.”
Professor Lyne begins to argue, and Victor adds, “Adrenaline and its physical and emotional inducers and consequences. Biochemical thresholds. Fight or flight, That kind of thing.”
Watching with bated breath, you’re surprised when Professor Lyne nods and says, “Don’t make me regret it.”
You can practically feel the victory radiating off Victor as Professor Lyne turns his attention to you, sitting between Eli and Victor, a row behind. You state your first thesis idea, and Professor Lyne tilts his head as he nods.
“Excellent choice,” he says. “Eli Cardale.”
You take a deep breath, a small smile on your face. This smile, however, falls as Eli answers.
“EOs,” Eli says calmly.
You don’t hear the rest of the conversation until the end when Professor Lyne concedes with a simple: “Fine.”
Fine? you think. He’s going to kill someone; he’s insane.
Victor follows Eli outside, and for a brief moment, you’re concerned, then you realize that his concern for his psycho friend may give you the advantage you need.
You can win even after sacrificing a pawn, after all.
With your entire focus on beating Victor, you hardly notice that you haven’t seen him around as much. At least until you learn he tried to kill himself. After an internal war, wondering if you should visit him, you get in your car and drive to the hospital where he is.
When you find his room, you knock on the door. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“Wow. Great to see you too, oh, it was no problem to come down and see you,” you respond.
Victor shakes his head. “Thanks, I guess. Why are you here?”
You shrug. “I figured I could apologize, since my amazing thesis drove you to such lengths.”
Victor barks out a harsh laugh. “You wish this was about you.”
“Then what’s it about?”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Right, because I’m just a stupid girl whose GPA isn’t as high as yours and my mommy and daddy don’t write self-help books that end up with cryptic, messed-up messages.”
“See? Don’t understand.”
“Well, then, in that case, I’ll get going. I’ve got an ‘excellent’ thesis to work on. See ya, Vale, unless they finally see that it’s not just smart up there.”
You walk out, fuming. Victor is a lot of things, and infuriating is at the top of the list. He thinks you’re too stupid to understand? You’d bet money you know what happened.
In your car, you look down at your phone and find Eli’s number, prepared to check your hypothesis that he was involved. It rings as you drive, and you hear Eli answer just before you see a truck swerve into your lane.
10 Years Ago - Lockland Medical Center
You gasp for air when you wake up. Doctors and nurses are surrounding you; one pulls an adrenaline shot away as the others keep you still to tend to your wounds. Losing control is something you don’t usually feel, and you don’t like it. Their voices fade as your blinks grow slower, control slipping from your grasp.
The light in the hospital room is not helpful in your battle to open your eyes. When your surroundings become clear, you see the date on the wall. Your thesis is due tomorrow.
“Um, excuse me?” you ask a passing nurse. “I really need to get going, I have a thesis due.”
“Someone is on their way to talk with you,” she says kindly before hurrying out.
Professor Lyne’s assistant knocks on the door a few minutes later, sorrow and hurt in his eyes. “I was sorry to hear about your accident, but I’m glad you’re doing better. Modern medicine is something to behold.”
“Right,” you mumble. “And my thesis?”
“You’ll receive full credit for the course and have an indefinite extension. Professor Lyne…” His voice catches, and he clears his throat before continuing, “Professor Lyne had an accident at the school. He passed away yesterday.”
“He’s gone?”
“Yes, I’m sorry. I reviewed your thesis draft with him the previous day and he was very impressed, so when you are able to submit it, I have no doubt you will receive praise.”
A tear rolls down his cheek, and he hastily excuses himself. Professor Lyne was impressed; you wonder if he reviewed Victor’s work. Or if Victor even did any work after his “accident.”
“Hello?” you ask, answering your phone.
“Hey, it’s Eli. Victor tried to kill me,” Eli says quickly.
“Eli?” you ask after a moment. “How did you get my number?”
“Focus! Vic. Tried. To. Kill. Me,” he repeats slowly.
You probably deserved it, you think. Instead of saying that, you ask, “But you’re okay?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Victor is messed up though.”
“Eli, why are you telling me this?”
“Think about it. He tolerates me, but he hates you. Just be careful.”
Eli ends the call, and you decide he’s crazier than you thought. You glance around the hospital room, stopping to look out the window and feel a strange buzzing sensation as a truck passes outside. It swerves onto the curb, then the buzzing fades, and the driver corrects his mistake and keeps driving. Weird.
“Ma’am, I have the paperwork here if you’re ready to leave,” a nurse informs you.
“Oh, I am,” you answer, reaching for the pen.
9 Years Ago - Lockland
You walk the stage and accept your degree. The small class in your Comprehensive Science Seminar receives a special ceremony. Except for the two who didn’t submit their theses: Victor Vale and Eli Cardale. You thought that if either of them went to jail, it would be Eli. After hearing what Victor did to Angie Knight, you realize that maybe your academic hatred for him stemmed from a deeper understanding of his character.
It happens again when you leave the ceremony to enter the next part of your life and start a new job with your new degree. You look at a truck and feel a buzzing before it swerves. You step back, and it doesn’t stop; at the last second before impact, you flip your hand to the side, and the truck rolls over, stopping in the middle of the road.
You look between your hand and the truck, and worry fills your mind as you realize Eli was right.
Two Weeks Ago - Wrighton Penitentiary 
“Who’re you here to see?”
“Victor Vale,” you answer.
The disinterested guard taps a few keys on a computer. “He was in solitary for a long time. Folks like that don’t usually get visitors.”
You nod. “It’s been a long time. He’s not in solitary anymore, so I can see him, right?”
The guard huffs before pushing a clipboard through the small opening in the bulletproof glass. “Sign these, then go through the metal detectors. They’ll show you where to go.”
“Thank you.”
You rush through the paperwork and then through the security checkpoint. Sitting in front of the bulletproof divider, you tap your fingers on the metal table, glancing between the phone and the door. When Victor enters, his eyes land on you, as cold and hateful as ever.
“Hey,” you say into the phone after he picks the other side up.
“What do you want?”
“That’s your go-to line, isn’t it?”
“It’s been years,” Victor spits out your last name, “why now?”
You look around before lowering your voice to say, “He was right and you know something.”
“Eli. Who else, Victor? The guy you… injured.”
“What exactly do you want from me?”
“Answers! And don’t tell me that I won’t understand, I’m the one with a college degree and you’re in a jail cell,” you snap.
“Top of the class?” You nod, and Victor mumbles, “Just because I dropped out.”
“I would’ve beat your little ‘flight or fight’ thesis and you know it. Now tell me what happened.”
“Nothing happened and nothing is going to happen. My time’s up. Bye.”
He slams the phone and storms out, not sparing a glance over his shoulder. The ache you refused to acknowledge disappears as he does. That’s what I thought, you think.
You spend the next few days trying to figure out what power Eli has. If Victor attempted to kill him and failed, then Eli must be invincible. There’s a way around that; there has to be. Staying near the prison wasn’t a conscious choice, but you’re less than a mile away, just in case.
One Week Ago - Wrighton Penitentiary 
Reading on your porch, you don’t expect to witness someone trying to steal your car. Focusing, you rev the engine and flash the headlights as you walk toward them.
“I knew I was smarter than you, but I didn’t think you were this much of an idiot,” you tell Victor.
“How did you do that?” he asks.
“I already told you, I know more than you think.”
“We need your car,” Victor says.
“Not without me. You can take it, on the condition I go with it.”
“Absolutely not. Give me the keys or we’ll take it another way,” Victor threatens.
You square your shoulders and look into his eyes with the same tenacity and stubbornness he hated in college.
“How? Gonna hurt me again; use the pain to distract me? Is that your thing?”
The man with him looks back and forth between you.
“You don’t know half as much as you think you do.”
You rev the engine and watch Victor’s eyes move to the car. “I know that you and Eli are EOs. And I know that you’re both crazy, but you’re not quite as crazy. Now, do you want to stand here until you get caught or take me up on the offer and get out of here?”
“I don’t want you coming with us,” he snaps.
You see a police car approaching and direct it into a U-turn to send it in the other direction.
“An EO? Thought you were smart enough to notice, Vale. Last chance: car or no car?”
“Fine,” he concedes as sirens grow louder. “But I’m driving.”
“Not a chance. Besides, I can control it from the passenger seat, idiot.”
Victor rolls his eyes as he rushes to the passenger side, sitting low in the seat as his (friend? acquaintance?) lays down in the backseat. You introduce yourself quickly.
“Mitch,” he answers. “Thanks for covering for us.”
“Mostly you, Mitch.”
“So I’ve heard,” he mumbles.
“Where are we going?” you ask.
“We can go to my parents’ house. They’re on a book tour,” Victor answers.
“Of course they are. Then what?”
“We find him.”
You nod, directing police cars past you as you turn off of the main road.
“And kill him, I presume? Since you failed last time,” you add.
“How do you know about that?”
“He called me. Warned me that since you hated me more than him, I was probably next.”
“And you didn’t care?”
“I was in the hospital, so yeah, it wasn’t really a top priority.”
“How’d you die?” Mitch asks. “Sorry, is that insensitive? I’m new to the Extra-Ordinary thing.”
“It should be insensitive, but it’s fine,” you answer gently. Softer than you’ve ever talked to Victor. “I was in a car accident after I visited Prince Vale over here after his overdose. A failed attempt at getting superpowers, I realize now.”
“You were in a wreck? I didn’t know,” Victor says, pulling himself up into the seat.
“I’m shocked,” you answer sarcastically, “because you always cared so much about me. We hate each other, Victor, I didn’t expect flowers.”
Victor nods and tells you how to get to his parents’ house. Mitch sighs after each of his hurtful comments, but you’re immune to them.
10 Days Ago - On the Road
“They’re back,” Mitch says, looking at the armored truck out the back window.
“I can get them off our trail, for good, but it will put a target on our back,” you offer.
“Not alone, you can’t,” Victor argues.
You nod. “Then what do we do?”
“Stop the car.”
You do as he says, telling Mitch to get down as you and Victor get out of the car.
“I am smart enough to do this by myself,” you whisper.
“Sure you are,” Victor replies. “Flip it and I’ll finish them off.”
“Okay,” you breathe out before focusing on flipping the vehicle end over end into a roadside ditch.
You watch as Victor approaches the cracked windshield. Closing your eyes as if it will protect you against the pained screams, you hear the last officer take his final breath before Victor returns to the car.
“Let’s go,” he hurries you. “If it helps your conscience, you didn’t kill any of them, just hurt them.”
If only you could believe that.
One Week Ago - Vale House
“Is that who I think it is?” you ask, looking over Mitch’s shoulder.
“I don’t know, I haven’t seen him,” Mitch answers. “Is it? This just says ‘Civilian Hero Saves Bank.’”
“Yeah, that’s Eli Cardale. He hasn’t aged a day, though.”
You’re leaning over onto the table, reading the article when Victor enters.
“What’s so interesting?” Victor asks.
“Mitch found Eli,” you answer.
He joins you, his arm brushing against yours, and for once, you don’t immediately pull away.
“Merit,” Mitch says. “He’s some kind of vigilante.”
You and Victor make the same sound: muted amusement covered by exasperation. Mitch looks at you, then back to the screen.
“The article doesn’t say his name? I thought he’d want the fame,” you add.
“He doesn’t. He thinks God sent him back to take care of EOs.”
“Eli Cardale thinks he’s God? That makes sense.”
“Ever. He changed his name to Eli Ever.”
“Someone was jealous of someone else’s alliteration, Peter Parker,” you point out, smiling as Victor sighs.
The night before you leave for Merit, you ask Mitch to find Victor’s records, reading the reports of both deaths - his overdose and the one he caused. After his overdose, no one told you he died, and you had no idea about what happened with Angie.
“What are you doing?” Victor asks, suddenly behind you.
“Getting answers,” you reply, turning the computer off and walking away.
Victor follows you through the large glass doors onto the deck.
“So it’s okay for you to go digging around in my past when you won’t answer a single question about yours?” Victor snaps.
“What do you want to know? That I got hit by a truck and brought back to life two times? That I put everything I had left into that thesis? That the first time I realized I had a power was because of you?”
“Why didn’t you tell anyone? You knew Eli and I were looking into EOs.”
“This isn’t my fault, Victor!”
“You were being reckless! Still are!”
“And you’re still stupid! Who in their right mind kills themselves, not once, but twice, just to get superpowers?” you yell, stepping closer to Victor.
“You have powers too! And we both know I’m not the stupid one here.”
“Are we seriously arguing over who’s smarter? We just killed several people, Victor!”
“We? There was no we when we had that group project and you deleted my work to replace it with your own.”
“You were wrong and you know it,” you reply, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
“My GPA begs to differ.”
“You didn’t even graduate and you’re still infuriating.”
“And you’re smarter than you think, just won’t apply yourself like I do!”
“Shut up, Victor.”
“Make me.”
You grab his coat and pull him in, crashing your lips against his. His hands meet your waist, and he slows the kiss, moving his lips against yours. When you realize what you’re doing, you pull back.
“We- uh- we can’t stay here forever, your parents have to come back eventually,” you say quietly, Victor’s coat still in your hands.
“I know, but I don’t think we can do this alone. I can turn myself in and get another guy. Someone who can kill the unkillable.”
“That’s an incredibly stupid idea, Victor.”
“Do you have a better one?” Victor asks sharply.
“A few, actually. And they don’t require you to go back to prison and leave me here.”
“I’m not pulling you into this, too. If Eli kills me....”
“That’s not your decision, Vic.”
He takes a few deep breaths before nodding. “Okay,” he whispers.
Six Days Ago - Merit
You and Victor walk out of a store with several supplies, including Mitch’s chocolate milk and a first aid kit for Sydney’s gunshot wound. She’s only been with you for a few hours since you drove into Merit, but you feel attached to her already. Suddenly, you drop the bags as an intense pain overwhelms your senses.
“Vic?” you ask, looking up at him.
You watch, helpless, as he calls the police with an anonymous tip that escaped convict Victor Vale was seen in Merit.
“You lied to me!” you accuse through your tears. “Don’t do this!”
He kneels before you, brushing his finger over your cheekbone and kissing your forehead. “I’ll find you when I get out.”
“I’ll find you if you don’t. Please don’t be stupid about this,” you beg.
“See you around. Maybe study biology to pass the time and we can have a rematch test,” Victor says before standing and approaching the curb.
He raises his hands and falls to his knees as the police descend upon him and handcuff him. Even though you could stop it all with the wave of a hand, you watch, vowing to keep your promise or die trying. And you would have done better in that biology class if your teacher had been a fair grader.
You return to the room at the Esquire, tears still running down your face.
“What happened?” Sydney asks, rushing to your side when you enter.
“That idiot got himself arrested just to break out again with more help,” you answer, no emotion in your voice. “So we have to do something.”
“Okay, this is when Victor would tell you not to be stupid,” Mitch interjects.
“Well, Victor thinks I’m stupid all the time. Let’s prove him right,” you reply, shrugging.
“How?” Mitch asks.
“Sydney Vale here is going to visit her big brother, I’m going to crash a truck into a wall and we’re going to make sure Eli is ready for the taking as soon as Victor is out. Maybe not in that order.”
“Meaning?” Mitch asks carefully.
“No time for questions. You stay here and send me layouts of the jail and Sydney and I will bring Victor back soon.”
Sydney wordlessly follows you, more than happy to help you get Victor back. 
Five Days Ago - Merit Police Department
The time and place have been set: Midnight at Falcon Price. Now, to get the last member of your team back.
You and Sydney sit across from Victor, pretending to be checking on him until you create an excuse to leave.
“Is she okay?” Victor asks.
“Cover your head,” Sydney whispers.
Victor’s eyes widen when he hears brakes squeal and horns blowing, but he covers his head like Sydney asks. When the front end of a semi breaks through the wall before reversing out, Victor turns up the pain around him to distract everyone as he gets Sydney over the bulletproof divider and outside.
You rev the engine of the car you’re in and smile as Victor and Sydney climb in.
“I told you to wait,” Victor admonishes.
“We found him and we have a meeting. Four days, so find a new partner.”
“We need to figure out how Eli is finding them,” Victor mumbles.
“Mitch is working on it,” you reply.
“You know that was stupid, right?” Victor asks, changing the subject.
“Isn’t everything I do?”
“Maybe not everything,” Victor answers slowly, thinking about what happened at his parents’ house.
“Maybe not,” you agree, smiling.
10 Hours to Midnight - Merit
“You’re not going,” Victor repeats.
“Yes, I am. You need backup and I’m not just going to sit here,” you argue. You lower your voice to add, “Sydney may buy your promise that you’re coming back, but I’m not stupid enough to trust you again. At least not yet. So I go, or no one goes.”
“This is prison break day all over again,” Victor mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a hesitant yes.”
“Perfect. Then let’s finish this, Victor.”
“And then what?”
“Biology test then a shot at freedom,” you answer. “In that order.”
Midnight - Falcon Price
You promised you wouldn’t interfere until you had to, but you can’t watch Eli touch Victor again. The building isn’t solid, yet you stand as you hear a large truck nearby. Directing it toward the building, you hope it doesn’t hurt Victor any more than he already is. Angling it so it affects the side where Eli is pacing more than where Victor is kneeling, bloody and bruised, you increase the speed and run it straight into the south corner of the Falcon Price project.
The building tilts and drops several feet as the load shifts onto the truck wedge in the load-bearing beams. Eli stumbles backward as you rush toward Victor.
“I should have known,” Eli says with a dark chuckle. “Although I wish I’d thought to recruit you before you two realized the line between hate and tolerance is so thin.”
“You would know,” you snap, wrapping an arm around Victor.
“But you see,” Eli continues, moving to the edge and looking over. “A truck isn’t enough to stop me. I’m invincible because God isn’t finished with me.”
“And when He is?” you ask.
“He’ll find a way.”
“How do you think you get to heaven, Cardale?” you ask, stalling.
The light of a plane catches your attention.
“It’s Ever,” he nearly growls.
“I’ve always wondered if it’s a plane that takes you to heaven,” you continue, willing yourself to control more than just trucks.
“You are as stupid as Victor said,” Eli mutters before raising his voice to ask, “What’s with the heaven questions? Didn't get an answer when you died at Lockand?”
“Yes or no on the plane, Eli?” you yell over the growing noise of the plane engine. “Because I think it’s time to board!”
You toss yourself over Victor as the plane crashes into the edge of the building, pulling Eli out of sight. Holding onto the chair bolted to the ground, you keep Victor from sliding over the edge as he tries to remain conscious.
“Was that a plane? I thought it was just trucks,” he mumbles as he pulls himself up.
“Apparently not. Now we need to get out of here before all those cops get here.”
“Didn’t think of that when I killed Serena.”
“Don’t think about that, Vic. Let’s focus on getting back to Sydney and Mitch; you have a promise to keep.”
After Midnight - Vale House
“Hey,” you call as you walk onto the deck and close the door behind you. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Eli survived, but Snell took him in for murder. Serena was really powerful," he answers, turning to face you.
“You did it.”
“You did most of it. Without the truck and plane, he would have killed me.”
“Maybe. What now?”
“I don’t think this will ever be over,” he says, sighing. “But for now…”
He leans in, and you lay your hands on his chest as you ask, “Biology test?”
“Depends. What does the winner get?”
“Hmm. Two days without the loser calling them stupid,” you suggest.
“That’s it? A make or break biology test and that’s the prize?”
“The title, bragging rights, what more do you need, Vale?”
He gets closer before answering, “I think you know.”
“Ah, you want to read my thesis. Well, I’m sure we can work something out.”
Victor presses his forehead against yours. “I’m going to win, so how about I pick the prize?”
“At the rate you’re going, softie, it’ll probably be a prize for me too. If you win.”
“We’ll see.”
Victor steps back, and you take his hand to lead him inside. He watches you and mumbles, “I’m not sure there is a punishment with you, stupid.”
“Heard that!”
20 notes · View notes
torchickentacos · 2 years
Every Opportunity Pokemon Missed by not having Drew in Destiny Deoxys: A Non-Comprehensive But Still Long-Ass list
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Art above- credit to the lovely @salon-maiden-anabel ! So. This is a topic that, if my sister mentions, she knows I will go off about it at the dinner table while my mother stares on confusedly. This is a topic I feel very strongly about, and I decided to put it into words for this post-and I KNOW I'm not the only one with strong feelings about this topic! @raich-raichu I know you showed interest in this topic when I said I'd do it so hope you don't mind if I @ you! THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE: PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE REBLOG WITH YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND/OR ADDITIONS ON THIS. I thrive on hearing everyone's takes and opinions. Images are included which makes it kind of long, each number on my list has a corresponding image below. For funsies. Also, I imagine this happening right before the last grand festival, though I know that’s incorrect. It just gives me more developed characters to work with since advanced and battle frontier Drew are pretty different development wise. This is with late AG Drew.
Some background. Why do I think Drew should be in Destiny Deoxys (which will be referred to as DD for the sake of my carpal tunnel)? What is the connection? Why DD and not, say Temple of the Sea? The key is the location. Drew is canonically from LaRousse City. And DD is the ONLY time we ever get to see it. Connection has been established. So... what would he even do in the movie? I'm glad you asked! Let's get into it. A numbered list of every missed opportunity the writers had by not including him.
1.) Character building through backstory. We know little to nothing about Drew's backstory, and this would have been a really natural way to learn more about it. We could have had a scene where we learn, oh, this is the flower shop his mother worked at and he grew up helping tend to the plants or whatever. This is the garden where he met budew. Just little things here and there would have been fascinating, and this movie's setting was a PERFECT opportunity for it. Plus, here's the vision. We get a semi emotional, nostalgic scene with his favorite place as a child, right? Rare Drew emotional moment, maybe sharing it with May and co.? And then, later in the movie, we see that place destroyed by the conflict in the city and we get an emotional sad moment there!!!! And in the ending credits with the song??? WE SEE HIM AND HIS POKEMON STAYING BEHIND IN THE CITY AND STARTING TO REBUILD IT (after waving at Ash and co. on the train back to mainland Hoenn). Guys, my vision is CLEAR AS DAY. Greenhouse time.
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2.) Seeing him interact with other characters. Drew isn't the most extroverted guy out there, and we only ever really see him talk to Ash, May, Solidad, Harley, and Brianna. Also, May is the only consistent one in that list. That's literally five people, for those of you keeping count at home. In DD? A large cast of interesting characters for him to interact with, possibly childhood acquaintances that know him! We have Rebecca, purple hair metagross trainer who likes her computer more than most people. Sid, a human golden retriever. Rafe, who's basically Drew but with brown hair and none of the redeeming qualities. The two twins, whose names are never spoken and are only in the credits as Audrey and Kathryn (one of them also has a masquerain iirc, or at least a Surskit!). And Tory, kid who is scared of pokemon and tbh I wouldn't change Tory's role or screen interactions much. I would, however, say the others have a lot of potential for interactions with Drew. Rafe taunting both Ash and Drew at the same time? Rebecca and Drew getting along well because they're the only two who appreciate silence as a form of hanging out? Audrey and Katherine taking little sibling roles, possibly? Tons of possibilities here.
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3.) Shamelessly plugging the contestshipping agenda here, but why else do you all follow me? Anyways, Sid from Destiny Deoxys has a sweet but entirely blatant crush on May (who actually knows and does not give much of a shit, though they get along well anyways). Now, I usually do not like jealousy tropes. I think they're easy to do poorly and for them to come across as posessive, which I am not a fan of. HOWEVER, I am a fan of Drew being all moody and bitchy /affectionate. I can see it going either one of two ways: one, we get asshole Drew back from season one of Advanced, who makes snide remarks at Sid who would likely brush it off as fun banter, further annoying Drew who literally cannot get under Sid's skin due to Sid's overwhelming optimism, or two, we get the Drew that has all of his walls up, hiding behind this cool facade of professionalism and aloofness, sort of emotionally overcompensating for trying to hide how much it irks him. Either way, would have been fun. Could have been used for comedy, too, since May is dumb as shit with the guy who has genuine feelings for her, but clocks the puppy love crush from Sid immediately. Would I have trusted the pokemon company to do this trope well? No, but it could have been funny as hell in the right hands.
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4.) On that note, THE PASSPORT PHOTO SCENE. May isn't the most photogenic person in the world. Does he tease her about it? Does he make some offhand remark about how he thinks she looks nice before aloof-ly and deftly moving on from the topic, leaving her with the rare compliment as she tries to figure out if he was serious or not (or was it for her beautifly)? Does he show her how to retake it? DOES SHE GENUINELY SMILE IN THAT RETAKE PHOTO, LOOKING AT HIM BEHIND THE CAMERA ROBOT THING???????ASDFGHJKL so much potential with this already gold scene.
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5.) More location-based character building. LaRousse City is home to the (or at least a) Battle Tower, and no mention of contests. This means, likely, that LaRousse is a very battle-enthusiast city. Did this make Drew feel like an outcast as a kid, being interested in something different from his peers? Could have been interesting.
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6.) Let Drew have his hero moment. Let's be honest- most of the times that we see him, he's being either a jerk (affectionate), head-over-heels in love, or pathetic (see: Who What When Where Wynaut drowning incident). And in what I would categorize as an adventure anime, he has remarkably... little adventuring, save for a traipse in the woods with On Cloud Arcanine. This can be his moment to actually shine! He's obviously a great battler, though he prefers contest-oriented formats. He beat Ash with a type disadvantage. He's a strong trainer- let him put it to use and try to hold off the Deoxys clones (bonus points if he's holding them off from May, not that she needs him to save her ass).
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7.) Forced togetherness with the crew. We know Drew has no issue spending time with May, and he's at the very least quite tolerant of Ash. But... Brock? Max? Fun fact, Brock CANONICALLY does NOT like Drew. At all. Calls him nails on a chalkboard. Makes this face at him (pictured below). Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want more of that. Tell me to my face that you don't want more of him having to socialize and of Brock being... like this. Shit's hilarious.
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Look at him.
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I need more of this in my life.
8.) The angst. He has his entire city destroyed, let him have a grieving moment for it. Hell, let him have a moment where May tries to reach out and he has to decide if he's going to let her in or shut her out. Does he snap, like he did in May, We Harley Drew'd Ya? Does he let her in, like The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing? Do the other LaRoussians reach out to him and let him know, hey, we're in this together? DO THE PLUSLE AND MINUN TRY TO CHEER HIM UP??????
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9.) Let him get separated from the group, or let the group get separated from him. Let him have panic, uncertainty, worry for his newfound friends. Humanize him a little bit for casual viewers who know him as 'that asshole with the roses'. You know how Pokemon loves shots of people reaching out to save someone? Give me that. Let him not reach their hand in time as Deoxys clones pull them away or as they get lost in a swarm of security bots. Give me a Drew that thinks he’s failed, that it’s his fault. It isn’t of course, I just like putting him through it. Then… give me a reunion scene. An “oh my god, you’re all safe, I thought I had lost you” scene. Did you guys know we don’t get a single contestshipping hug????? Ever???? No, her keeping him from drowning doesn’t count. I think that’s a crime and I think a “thank god you’re alive” hug, from either end, would be amazing. Ship mode activated. Imagine. May, spotting him from across the city plaza once the dust settles, and sprinting to him, nearly knocking him over with a hug that he hesitantly returns, before realizing he doesn’t want to let go. Alternately, the other way around: he lets his walls down long enough to hug her, to feel safe to break down for a minute in her arms because he was so fucking worried. May, short-circuiting slightly because wait, is this really the same rival that she accidentally threw a frisbee at and hated so long ago? Give me Sid reacting forlornly in the background too fhdhhf. I love Sid, he’ll be ok. (Also: Brock having a moment of “Oh. You’re still alive. Great.” Kidding, mostly.) also… Brock giving Sid a “yeah, I know how it feels” pat on the back???? Just a concept.
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10.) More Roselia teasing him. She's the biggest contestshipper out there. I love this little green rose gal. We need more of her being snarky to her trainer. She had so much personality with so few appearances, I love her. GIVE HIS OTHER POKEMON PERSONALITIES TOO!!!! Give them time to shine! My own takes here, but I like to think Absol is over Drew's bullshit 24/7 and is the serious one of the group. Flygon? no thoughts head empty, like most reptiles. Ft. a picture of my own no thoughts head empty reptile, who made friends with a cricket in his cleaning bowl below under Roselia gif. The others, no idea but there's my takes.
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deandoesthingstome · 8 months
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
I've been seeing this all over the place and I love it!
I have been tagged by many who I would tag, as well seen them tag many others I would also tag.
So in no particular order and also with knowledge that this list can in no way be comprehensive because I sometimes have a hard time remembering every author I have ever read or liked but I'm going to do my best to list who I can. And cut it, cause it gets wordy here:
@sillyrabbit81 for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is she was my entrance to this fandom with Even If You Don't Mean It. Her Sy is goals, not to mention her fantastic gif making skills. I mean, just LOOK AT THIS!!!
@mayloma my lover of everything Walter (and more, I know; Sy and August and Henry get her love, too.) Her Hideaway Walter is especially delicious.
@geralts-yenn another serious contender for feeding the fandom gifs and inspiration, but an author in her own right. Lots of minor Cavill characters get love from her but I'd be lying if I said I was ever not thinking about her Sy from Bonfire. Also, thank you for the tag, lovely!
@raccoon-eyed-rebel is my series go-to. Seriously, the number of her stories I have been or still am following with glee is astounding. I'm still waiting for a conclusion to Fixer-Upper with Sy, but it's the way she agrees to write me into the scenes with my favorites that really seals the deal for me. Not that I need everyone lusting after my man, but please, do enjoy my Pumpkin Spice king.
@hope-to-hell just gorgeous, sensual, dark and sticky stuff. I daydream about her collab fic with Walter calling a phone sex line every now and then. Sad and Lonely Boys has an unexpected Mike twist to it, but it hits so hard, I cannot resist it.
@ellethespaceunicorn just goes crazy on every Henry character. She loves them all, spends her time researching (read "watching all his movies to get the mannerisms and feels right") and just churns out ideas like there is no stopping her. So many options to choose from, but I still want to see more of Love, Napoleon. Another friend I need to thank for the tag. (And please, you flatter me, too.)
@littlefreya Demon of Lust doesn't do her justice. She is a masterclass in Cavill fanfic. So many ideas, so many stories, all filled with fantasy and desire and just pure, unadulterated fun. You'd think I'd run to her Sy, too, but it's August who makes my heart beat faster when I think of Freya. The Way to Hell will show you why.
@winter2112rose creates cute domestic bliss with our favorites. Sometimes, a bit of angst works its way in, but that's okay. Trust she has the best intentions in mind for your fave. If that fav is Walter, start with A Detective and His Baby Cubs. Thank you also, sweetheart, for the tag!
@itbmojojoejo this is a throwback fandom for me. Most you maybe don't know of my love for Finan the Agile from The Last Kingdom. But Mojo keeps me fed with Finan gifs and also has an amazing TLK 1950's crime lord AU Crimes of Passion that has me hooked and desperately hoping her muse and her free time hook up again soon.
I'm sure there are more. I imagine you could check out my FWW posts to see some other wonderful writers and the things I've said about them already, too.
Keep doing what you're doing, friends. For as long as it feels good.
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entomolog-t · 3 months
GtWAC - Finish Line in sight!
Alrighty! Thank you to everyone who participated in GtWAC!! I was so happy to see authors getting questions and fanart and reblogs, and I hope that this challenge was able to showcase some new authors you may not have seen read before!
Anyone is welcome to complete GtWAC at anytime if they'd like to do so- No writer is going to complain about a lil more appreciation.
I myself am still going strong with a few remaining days cause I am slow- I personally am about halfway done and would love to finish it off next week💕 Once I'm done I'm planning on taking the time to compile all the recommendations and put them into a big ol' summary.
Please keep in mind although I would love to read them all (and maybe in the future I will get to all of them) I won't be able to read each one so the list will not contain a comprehensive list of content warnings and such- please make sure to check the actual authors' posts.
Adding to that, Tumblr's tagging system is not infallible, so I can't guarantee every post will be visible when I go to make the fic summary list.
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated! I hope we brought some joy and appreciation to the writers in the community!
This was my first time putting together an event like this, and honestly I would love to do so again in the future!
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imakemywings · 1 year
Sapphic Book Recs
Moving outside the realm of fanning out over characters we already know, here are a few book recommendations that feature or center F/F relationships. (Note: I am NOT including comprehensive trigger warnings--please mind your triggers if you choose to check any of these out!)
The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir - My personal favorite on the list. If you’re into the F/F lit scene at all, I’m sure you’ve heard of these. TLT is a masterpiece of modern fantasy and has enough moments where its glib tone gives way into something raw and real that it keeps the stakes high and the reader invested. The characters jump off the page and the worldbuilding is colorful and strange. However, if you’re easily squicked by gore, you might want to give these a pass--necromancy is a central pillar of the world and Muir does not hold back on the ick factor.
Recommend if you:
Like stories that keep you guessing
Like messy characters
Savor a bit of codependency in your F/F
The Burning Kingdoms trilogy by Tasha Suri - TBK is a fantasy series set in a fictional country inspired by ancient India. Suri weaves together the stories of several characters and does an excellent job of showing how her two main protagonists--Priya and Malini--are torn between their attraction to each other and the roles of responsibility they choose to take up. Suri also does an excellent job of allowing the female characters to drive the plot, even where they don’t exist in positions of power. (Longer review here)
Recommend if you:
Want female-focused fantasy
Enjoy the push and pull of “duty vs. love”
Enjoy multi-POV stories that unfold gradually
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters - Fingersmith is a period romance piece that involves deceit, heist plans, and falling in love with the mark. This is one of those books where re-reading it a second time will definitely feel different than the first go. Waters does a great job with the interplay of the characters’ motivations which are gradually revealed throughout the book.
Recommend if you:
Enjoy spy/heist stories
Love it when characters lie to each other
Are mostly looking for romance
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - An epic high fantasy novel clocking in at over 800 pages, Priory covers a lot of ground and a lot of fantasy staples. Ead, an outsider to the court of Inys, has taken it upon herself to secretly guard the queen for reasons of her own--with the results you might hope for as she gets closer to Sabran.
Recommend if you:
Enjoy a romantic subplot but don't want it to take over the action
Enjoy multi-POV stories that unfold gradually
Like the tension of "duty vs. love”
Want an epic dragon-on-dragon fight
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston - If you just really want something lighthearted and if you’re a big reader of fanfiction, this might be your choice. OLS is a fluffy piece that relies heavily on the found family trope with just a dash of fantasy. The standout character is definitely love interest Jane, a suave, confident butch who sweeps protag August off her feet from day one. (Longer review here)
Recommend if you:
Are mostly looking for romance
Do not want lots of angst
Prefer a story where everyone gets along
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See - I debated including this one, because it is not explicitly F/F, which is going to be a deal-breaker for some people. But honestly the romantic and sexual undertones of Lily and Snow Flower’s relationship come across so strong I’m willing to put it up here. This book is set in 19th century China and centers around the intense friendship of two women, starting from childhood and through their adulthood. This one will take you on an emotional ride for sure. A film came out based on this, but in short my review on that is: the book is better!
Recommend if you:
Are okay with ambiguous relationships
Like looking at what women’s private lives looked like in the past
Are looking for something dramatic/emotional
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Hello Miss Karde! I have come to you again kindly beseeching you to behold some recommendations! I have said it once and i'll say it again I don't know how you keep doing this, but I'm grateful that you do!
Okie dokie! First up is the latest (and steaming hot!) chapter in the Shades of Dates Series (Soft hands for love) By @rain-on-kamino . OMG DOGMA!!! So sweet and then OH soooo steamy.... It's like witnessing the birth of a Dom... ooofta!! I giggled, my mind blanked, I had to stick my head in the freezer over the unwritten possibilities!!!!
Then there is the latest in the AU merWrecker Story Stormy Seas By @cloned-eyes . I wasn't sure when I started to read the series but it's cute and angsty and has mystery/ thriller vibes. But if that ain't yo jam then you should see the art they do! Gotta shout out this amazing piece of art of Shower Fives
For a feelgood giggle and all the cuties I reccomend you swing over to @ladykagewaki for her Bebe Batch comics they make me smile!
@daimyosprincess has truly gifted us with this Masterful series Ex Libris!!! It's got me feeling some kind of way.... Whoooooo it's hot. The latest (AND MOST INCINDIERIAY YET!!!!) chapter Dedication will have your panties spontaniously combust off of your body... you'll get second hand sub space....
Last but not least I have finally had the time to start reading the Chuckles fic with the lil Jedi bebos and OOOOOoooohhhhhhh!!!! Firstly I was not ready for the bittersweet amazingness that is going on (I'm only on ch 6), but Chuckles and the kiddos deserve the world. Mandalorians and their foundlings got me in the feels. THANK YOU!!!
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This is QUITE a list! Everything from dates with Dogma to Mermaid AUs and College AUs! Its COMPREHENSIVE and has something for EVERYONE! And thank you so much for the kind words about One Step at a Time! I promise I'm getting back to writing it, and I'm hoping to have the next chapter posted before too long!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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monako-jinn-stories · 10 months
Echo X Fem!Reader FanFic
A Returning Echo ~ After the Citadel
Main Master List
Story Master List
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Thirty Nine
There’s no words to describe Jawa Squad when you reach the Venator. Even though he’d been barely recognizable, you’d brought Tie back. Quin deserves to know what happened, and even though he might not want to see his love this way, he deserves the option. And Tie’s brothers deserve to say their proper goodbyes. 
Aid hasn’t left the medical ward since getting back on the Venator, and you know he’s busying his mind with taking care of everyone who’s injured. He’d even snapped at Hex when he tried to go see Steele, something that never happens with Aid. He’s the calm one, if not the hesitant and wary one. He never raises his voice, and yet he’d screamed and pulled his blaster on Hex before aiming it at his own head. Luckily, Sans had been around to stop it all, with Aid going right back to work afterward.
Sans and Hex are now keeping themselves busy with the able-bodied troopers, making sure reports are done properly and thoroughly. They’ve even found a new lead pilot, for the time being. All to keep themselves from facing the reality of losing another squad mate.
So you’re the one left to try and take care of Tie’s body. 
It’s hard to see what you’re doing through the tears that blur your vision. Shaking hands are not ideal for dipping a rag into water. A sob-wracked body makes most attempts at careful handling futile. After a while, you give up, resigning and dropping the rag to bring your hands up to cover your face as you cry.
You don’t know how long you’ve been sitting there, but after a while, the feeling of a hand on your shoulder startles you. You look up to see Codo standing at your side, and you realize you must’ve made it back to Coruscant. “Oh, my child,” he says as sympathy fills his eyes. He reaches over to grab the rag, still damp from earlier, and brings it up to wipe your face clean.
“No!” you scream, snatching the rag before it meets your skin, “t-that’s for Tie! Tie needs it! He’s-he’s so…there’s blood and dirt…I have to-to clean his face!” You sob the words out, but you don’t even know if they’re comprehensible or not. “H-he’s gonna wake up and…and he’s gonna-he needs his face cleaned! He won’t be able to open his eyes!”
“My child,” Codo says gently, resting his hand on your shoulder again and trying to get you to meet his eye, “you know that he’s not going to wake up.”
“Yes he will!” you scream, shoving him away with the force. “He has to! H-he has a husband! And their daughter! How could you say that he won’t wake up when Trix still needs him?! She can’t lose any more! I can’t lose any more!” 
Codo sighs, shaking his head sadly and just sitting on the floor across from you. He watches as you reach up and start to wipe at Tie’s face, tears streaming constantly as you do. You don’t rub hard, as you don’t want to do any more damage to his already disfigured body. “You can’t put yourself through this kind of stress,” Codo says after a while, “you need to let yourself mourn. There are other people that will take care of him-”
“The damned Republic will just throw out his body as if he meant nothing at all,” you snap back, “It’s my duty as his general, and his friend, to take care of him and ensure that his brothers get to give him the goodbye he deserves. Trix and Quin deserve their closure as well.”
Codo remains quiet but nods, standing then and pulling his robe around his body. “Don’t push yourself too far, y/n,” he says, “you need to take time to rest and grieve.”
“I’ll rest when the war is over,” you reply, “and I’ll grieve when it’s time.”
It’s not till much later that night when you finally give yourself a break. His upper half is mostly cleaned, but it also highlights just how many cuts, scratches, and broken bones he has. You had barely been able to pull out all the scraps of clothing stuck in his wounds, and don’t exactly know what to do after that. There’s no point in bandaging them up, but you don’t want them to be exposed and rot.
When you leave the venator, you see Quin’s ship sitting in the hangar. You immediately feel your chest tighten as your eyes find the Chiss man and the young Mirilan girl beside him. Steele is leaning against the side of the ship with a crutch, and the lower half of his left leg is missing. His face is paler than normal, and you can tell it’s taking all his strength just to hold himself up. Hex isn’t far from his side, but he’s speaking to Quin, along with Sans.
Aid is speaking softly to Trix as she tries to understand the weight of what happened, and you can see her tears from where you stand. You don’t even know if you want to head over, not after the time you’d just spent tending to the one they’re missing. But it’s not your choice to make, as Quin meets your eyes, and you feel the pull of them.
“Y/n,” he says, nodding to you. You nod back. You’ve never been the closest of friends, but in times of grief, people come together.
“I’m sorry,” you manage, looking between him and Trix. “I…” you let your words trail off, not sure what exactly to say. What could you say? That you’re sorry for letting this happen? That at least he helped save everyone else? That in the end, his death won’t go unappreciated?
“You made him feel like more than just a weapon, that his life meant somethin’. You taught him how to love and have fun. I’m grateful he had you for a leader, and for a friend,” Quin replies, and you look up as he lets his tears fall freely. 
“You were the one who stole his heart away,” you laugh, though it’s only brief as you remember their meeting. “You and Trix changed him in ways that I could never have imagined or tried. I’m grateful he found both of you.”
He nods before reaching out for Trix, pulling her into his side. “When, uh,” he starts before clearing his throat, “when can we see him?”
“He’s not quite…cleaned up yet,” you say slowly, “I don’t want Trix seeing him the way he is now.”
“I understand,” Quin replies. “We’ll be here, on our ship. We need to…take some time.”
“Take all the time you need,” you reply, “and don’t get into too much alcohol. Your daughter still needs you, even if it hurts.” Quin just nods, and gently rests his hand on Trix’s back to guide her back onto the ship. Aid watches stoically as she cries louder. He’s always been her favorite uncle, and seeing her like this hurts him even more.
And as you watch Quin leading he and Tie’s daughter aboard their ship, your own reality hits you. Echoa will never go through the same loss that Trix is. She’ll never have known her father, but she’ll always know he’s missing. She won’t get to make memories like Trix once had, and they both will have to go on without their fathers there for them.
Echoa will have it easier in a way, because she had never gotten the chance to meet her father, and won’t know the person she’s missing. She’ll hear about him from stories, of course, but she’ll never have had a personal connection that is now severed. Trix, however, will have to live with the memory of her father for longer than she’d known him. She’ll never hear his words again, only having his past wisdom to push her forward.
Echoa will also have two uncles who are not going to be a part of her life now. Bomber she had never known, but you wonder if she’ll grow up and remember Tie’s boisterous laugh, his unique way of speaking, and his carefree attitude. 
“You should eat something,” Sans says, breaking you from your thoughts. “You haven’t had anything all day.”
“I don’t really have an appetite at the moment,” you reply, turning to face the others. Hex is now holding Steele’s weight as the other man leans on him. Aid is looking absentmindedly at Quin’s ship, and you can’t tell if his mind is swirling with thoughts, or if it’s remaining silent.
“You need to eat,” Aid says suddenly, his voice unusually bland and cold. “You’re going to only worsen your own physical and mental condition if you don’t eat. Hex,” he says, turning to his brother, “take Steele to the medical ward. I’ll bring some soup for him to eat as well as hook up some IVs and get some other fluids in him.”
“Yes, sir,” Hex replies with a sour tone, and you can see the tension immediately build between the two of them. Aid walks away then, leaving you with Sans as Hex and Steele hobble back to the medical ward.
“What are we going to do?” you ask, not bothering to turn and face him yet. You don’t want to see his reaction, but you need his answer.
“What we always do. Move forward, make sure that Tie’s death isn’t in vain.”
You sigh, looking down at the ground before closing your eyes. “This war…do you still believe in it?”
A moment of silence hangs between you and Sans, and you hear him moving around. When you look back up, he’s standing in front of you, standing proud and tall. “I still believe in this war, because if I don’t, then all my suffering, all the suffering of my brothers, will have been pointless. We exist for a reason, and that reason is this war. Without it, we have no purpose. So, yes. I still believe in this war, with my entire being.”
“And the Republic?” you ask, keeping your eyes locked on his.
“The Republic gave me my purpose. It gave me my life. I will believe in it until the day I die.”
“Despite all the wrongs it’s given you?”
“Despite all the wrongs, pain, suffering, and death.” You nod, feeling something changing inside of you. Slowly, you reach out and take his hand, and then a small step forward. His eyes flicker with something before his other hand comes up to gently hold your cheek. “As much as I would do anything to kiss you,” he mumbles, stopping you in your tracks, “now isn’t the time. Not when you’re grieving. I wouldn’t want you to regret it, or feel as though you used me.” After that, he leans forward and places a kiss on your forehead before stepping back and dropping your hand.
You watch as Sans turns to leave and head to the mess hall, leaving you to your thoughts. The Republic has slowly been losing your support, and soon you might have to make a decision of staying or becoming neutral. Of course, you won’t leave the war, but Dohbar might have to declare itself no longer a part of the larger democratic system. It’s a move you don’t want to make, but you can’t keep supporting a government that doesn’t care about or listen to its citizens.
The next morning, you find yourself lying in your bed, staring up at your ceiling as the sounds of Coruscant outside your window reach your ears. You feel like the weight of your body is being held to your bed, and you don’t even get up to answer the door when someone knocks. The person eventually lets themself in, and you sigh as you push yourself out of your bed and walk to your bedroom door, slipping your jedi robe on as you move. 
When you open it to look at who is inside, you’re greeted by the sight of Fives preparing to cook something. “I had a feeling you weren’t doing well,” he says as you quietly move closer, “I figured I should try and get you to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry,” you reply blandly, slipping into a seat at the table. 
Fives glances over his shoulder at you, holding eye contact for a second before refocusing on cooking. “You’ll become weak if you don’t keep eating. At least try something small.”
“I have things to do,” you reply, though it isn’t exactly true. You know there’s probably someone else tending to Tie’s body now, but you feel as though it’s still your responsibility.
Fives sighs, setting the spatula down before turning to you and folding his arms. “You’re only getting worse since Echo passed,” he starts, “there’s a darkness about you that keeps growing. I don’t like seeing you this way.”
“If I had the choice, I wouldn’t be like this.”
“Grief takes an unrelenting hold onto anyone it can. You have to have the strength to battle it and break free. It’ll always be there, but it won’t keep you in its grasp, you’ll keep it in your grasp. Eat,” he finishes, setting a plate down in front of you. “If not for me, then for Echo. For Echoa. For Tayah. For Tie.”
You shake your head, but pick up the fork and take a bite. He’s lost so many brothers, how does he do it? How can he stay so positive and keep his head up? How does he not let the grief overwhelm him? “Sometimes I wonder if I’m suited for this,” you say after a while. “The first deaths I faced were those of King and Queen Monako. People I had no care for. They raised me with only the care to ensure that I became the perfect person to inherit the throne. My interests didn’t matter. All that mattered was the future of Dohbar. The planet that prides itself on its military and ability to stay out of war for hundreds of years. I’m a warrior at heart, not a peace keeper. I can face the death of those who I did not care for with nothing but a spare glance, but those that I love…dealing with that kind of grief was never taught. Watching the life fade from someone’s eyes as you hold them close was never taught. Only receiving the news of death, and not being able to say a proper goodbye, was never taught. All that was taught was defend your planet, defend your fellow warriors, defend your honor. Never let your guard down, mourn the lost when the final battle is won. Take no prisoners. Accept no defeat. Accept no surrender. Remember that the only thing guaranteed is the moment you are living in. The future is a prize to be won, and the past is a curse that haunts you.” You pause to take a sip of your water, letting it chill your body as you set the glass down. “I was raised to believe that those closest to me would never be killed in battle simply because we thought we were the best. And perhaps we are, but the GAR is not the Dohbarian military. You don’t have the training that we do. You don’t have the same skills as us. You don’t have the same mindset. And that’s my downfall, I cannot be the best general for my battalion when my troops were not trained as I was.”
“What are you saying?” Fives asks slowly, “you can’t just leave the 17th. The Jedi won’t allow it, and no one could ever take your place.”
“I never said I was going to leave,” you reply, “I merely stated that I don’t belong where I am. I never once have felt like I belong.” You turn to look at him then, and you can see the conflict in his eyes. “Don’t say anything, Fives. There’s nothing to be said. You can have your denials and counterpoints, but keep them to yourself. No one knows me better than I do.”
Fives just nods, looking down before standing up. “Aid is tending to Tie, last that I knew. Sans was with him. Hex is with Steele as he’s getting his cybernetic put on.”
You remain silent as he walks to the door, but before he leaves, you stop him. “Fives,” you say, and he pauses, looking over his shoulder at you. You lean your head back and close your eyes, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m just…”
“I understand,” he says, and he offers a small smile when you look at him, “believe me, when I lost Echo…It wasn’t pretty.”
You let out an amused snort, a smirk appearing on your lips. “You’re never pretty,” you joke.
He opens his mouth in mock offense, clapping his hand to his chest. “How rude,” he replies, “I am the most gorgeous clone there is.” 
“Try telling that to Sans or Howzer,” you laugh, and he joins in with you. “Thank you for the breakfast, and for getting me out of bed. I don’t think I would have done either if you hadn’t forced me.”
“I didn’t force you,” he chuckles, “you came out on your own when you heard me. And begrudgingly ate the food I set in front of you.”
“You know what I mean,” you reply, waving him off, “now come here and give me a hug.” You stand from your seat as he walks back over, taking you gently but securely into his arms. As you stand there, you reach out into the force and latch onto the calm and loving feelings coming from Fives, pulling them to surround you. Right now, you need everything you can get in order to keep your head up. Even with the war supposedly coming to an end soon, there’s still time left for more tragedy to strike.
The funeral is beautiful, taking place on the small planet where Quin and Tie first fell in love. The waterfall where Quin proposed gives off a breathtaking view. It’s a beautiful but solemn day, and even watching the sunset can’t get you to smile or stop the tears that flow. 
Trix is by Aid’s side, holding onto his hand as she trembles with grief. Aid remains stoic, but you see how the tears fall every few minutes. Sans has been wandering around with Quin, talking to different members of the 17th as they give him their condolences. Of course, they’d all known Tie longer than Quin had, but they can’t imagine what losing the love of your life might feel like.
Hex helps Steele maneuver his way around, reminiscing on stories of past times with Tie. Tie’s squadron, Bomber squadron, has already broken out the drinks to joke about their leader’s crazy flying. You stand alone, watching the sunset by the waterfall, wondering just where you went wrong with the plan. Why had it gone the way it did? Why hadn’t that cannon been destroyed?
The sudden beeping of your comm link pulls you back to reality, and you stare at it for a moment before answering. “General Jinn,” you reply monotonously, eyes watching a singular cloud float across the sky.
“Y/n, it’s Anakin,” the voice on the other end starts, “I really hate to do this, but we need a Jedi like you on a special mission.”
You pause, taking in his words. A Jedi like you. “Do you mean just me, or the whole 17th?”
“Just you, if that’s alright.”
“I don’t think the men are going to be ready to get back out in battle just yet,” you say while turning and looking at the soldiers. “I’ll head back to Coruscant, I’m not too far.”
“Alright, I’ll meet you in the hangar.”
When the comm ends, you sigh and begin to walk over, heading for Aid and Trix first. “Unfortunately, I have to head out early,” you say, motioning to your wrist comm, “but I hope you know that I’ll always be here for you,” you speak to Trix. She nods and wipes her tears, grip tightening on Aid’s hand. You look at him then, and his stoic expression seems to falter just slightly. “I’m sorry, Aid. Truly.”
“There’s nothing you or I could have done,” he replies, and you nod your head. You step forward slightly and pull him into a hug. At first, he doesn’t reciprocate, but after a few moments, his arms slowly wrap around you. His hold on you is almost crushing, but you don’t mind. As far as you know, he hasn’t let himself mourn yet, and this could be the dam beginning to break.
When you pull away, a single tear rolls down his cheek, and you gently reach up and swipe it away with your thumb as your palm holds his cheek. The two of you share a knowing look before you step away and head towards Sans and Quin. 
“Do you need me to come along with you?” Sans asks when you tell him that you’re heading out.
“No, Anakin said he just needed a Jedi like me, whatever that means.”
“Okay, well, be safe,” Sans says, pulling you into a hug. You melt into his hold, knowing that even if you don’t love him the way he loves you, he’ll always do his best to protect you. When you pull away, he places a small kiss on your forehead, and you smirk while rolling your eyes.
“Just because Echo isn’t here, that doesn’t mean you get to be my boyfriend now,” you tease.
“Ah, well, I’ll never give up,” he laughs back, and Quin has a sympathetic look on his face as you turn to him.
“I guess we both know how it feels to lose our loves,” Quin says softly, and you nod, reaching out to hug him.
“It’s not a good thing,” you reply, “and I wish you didn’t have to go through it.”
“It’s alright,” he says, “I knew the risks of him bein’ a clone trooper. I still chose to love him, as you did with Echo. Our kids will grow up, and we’ll make sure they know how amazin’ their fathers were.”
“Yes, we will,” you agree, pulling back and sharing a small smile with him. 
When you find Hex and Steele, the two are next to the small river that runs to the waterfall. Hex is standing and talking to some other members of the 17th while Steele rests on the ground, his hand letting the water run through his fingers. “It’s beautiful here,” Steele says as you stand next to him. “I wonder what it would be like to stay here forever.”
“Maybe this is where you can go when the war is over,” you suggest, but he just shakes his head.
“I’m a soldier, through and through,” he replies, “I think once this war is over, I’ll find some other soldierly job to do. So will Hex. As long as we’re together, we can get through anything. Especially grief.” You stay silent, not knowing exactly how to respond to that. You watch as he takes a rock and skips it across the flowing water. It goes nine times before sinking under the surface. “New record,” he chuckles softly, and you smile while running a hand through his hair. He looks up at you then, and you can’t help but notice how his long scar, running from the bottom of his left ear to the front of his neck, glows in the fading light. You think of the crazy story of how he got it as a cadet and let out a small giggle. He looks at you curiously, and you just shake your head. “I wish I could have seen that,” you say as you point to his scar. 
He lets out his own laugh, now remembering the incident as well. “You would have been on your ass in hysterics,” he chuckles, and you revel in seeing him smile again. He adjusts slightly, and the fading sun reflects off of his cybernetic leg.
“Is it getting easier?”
“A little, but Aid says not to push myself too much. He actually yelled at me about it,” Steele replies, scratching the back of his neck. “I might have fallen in front of him.”
“Fallen is an understatement,” Hex chimes in, having ended his conversation with the other troopers. “He full on tripped and went flailing to the ground.”
“It wasn’t that dramatic,” Steele counters, to which Hex lets out an unamused snort.
“Everything is overly dramatic with you,” Hex snarks before looking at you. “You’re heading out?”
“Yeah. Duty calls. Well, more like Anakin.”
“Be safe,” Hex replies before looking down at his twin. “Ready to move?”
“If I must,” Steele says before holding his arms out like a toddler for Hex to help him. You giggle as the two struggle, watching the scene before turning and walking away when it starts to get aggressive. As you do, you hear the unmistakable sound of bodies falling into water, followed only a few seconds later by Hex’s voice cursing Steele to the seven hells. 
Once back on your starfighter, you sit for a moment and watch the 17th in front of you. It’s a shame that you really only all get together at times like this. You don’t have any time for movie nights anymore, or big trips to Dohbar to relax. The war won’t let up, and neither will they. You just hope that one day, they’ll all be able to put their blasters down one last time, and walk away from the fighting and into a new, better life.
“Y/n, I’m glad you made it,” Anakin says as you walk towards him. 
You nod, folding your arms across your chest when you reach him. “So, what’s this mission we’re going on? And where’s Ahsoka?” You notice Anakin visibly flinch when you ask about his padawan, and immediately know something is wrong.
“Listen,” he says, “you’ve missed some things…I’m trying not to think about it too much…” You reach out and softly squeeze his shoulder, giving him a small bit of comfort, silently telling him that it’s okay. “She…she left the Order…her trial was too much and-and she couldn’t stay somewhere that would never fully trust her…”
“I know exactly how she feels,” you reply, “and I’m sorry that she left. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to lose a padawan.”
“I-I feel like I failed her,” he chokes out, and you step forward to take his face in your hands. It isn’t an intimate gesture, it’s one of pure sympathy for him.
“You didn’t fail her, Anakin,” you say softly, “you trained her to become strong enough to be confident on her own. She chose her own path, and she knew she could because of your teachings. She’ll survive the outside world because of you, and you’ll meet her again.” 
He nods and wipes his tears away, clearing his throat as he composes himself. “Thank you, y/n,” he says before gesturing for you to follow him to a fancy looking ship. 
“Besides,” you say quietly, more to yourself than him, “if anything, I failed Tayah…”
Anakin turns his head slightly to glance at you from over his shoulder. He notices as you close your eyes and clench your fists, burying the grief you feel over losing her to the Sith. “About Tayah,” he says as you climb on board, “this mission involves her.”
You freeze right before you’re about to sit down, breath hitching as you process his words. “What do you mean by that?”
“Well…Count Dooku has offered us a…trade off. He’s offered to give Tayah back to the Order if we give up something in return.”
“What are we giving up?” you ask while finally taking your seat.
Anakin looks away, busying himself with the flight controls. “I’m not quite sure, they said he’d make an offer to us once we begin our talk.”
“That doesn’t sound promising,” you say, doing a classic Obi Wan thinking pose. “What could he possibly want that he can’t tell us beforehand?”
Anakin remains silent, and you try to read his expression. You get a bad feeling but push it aside. You need to be focused, this is a matter of saving Tayah. It can’t go wrong, otherwise you’ll have failed her twice, and you might not get another chance to save her.
The flight over to Serenno is full of anticipation and silence. Whatever is bothering Anakin is more than just Ahsoka’s departure. He hadn’t been acting like this until he brought up the mission and the ‘trade off’. Is there a prisoner you don’t know about on board? You try to sense more than just Anakin’s life form, but nothing is there. That only makes you worry more, because he knows something you don’t, and he’s not wanting to share.
Castle Serenno is as grand as you imagined it would be, but you don’t let its impressive appearance distract you from why you’re here. Your mind stays focused on the idea of rescuing Tayah, and figuring out what Anakin is up to.
“Greetings, Jedi,” Dooku says as you approach the doors that he stands in front of, “I’m delighted to see that you are taking me up on my offer.”
“Not quite yet,” you say, holding up a hand, “you still have to inform us of what we are to be trading.”
“Ahh,” Dooku says, stroking his beard before meeting Anakin’s eyes, “I see you did not tell her.”
“Didn’t tell me what?” you ask, eyes darting to glare at Anakin dangerously.
He scratches the back of his neck, not meeting your gaze. “Let’s talk about it inside,” Anakin says, trying to get out of the uncomfortable situation.
“Yes, let’s,” Dooku agrees. As you walk in, you get a chill, and feel the absolute darkness inside. “It’s quite fitting for you to be here, y/n,” Dooku says as you walk, “for this is where you should have grown up.”
“And what could you possibly mean by that?” you ask, causing him to glance over his shoulder at you.
“You didn’t know about your mother?”
Your blood freezes as he speaks, and your mind instantly starts searching your memory for what he could possibly mean. All you really know about your mother is that she died after she gave birth to you. You never learned anything else. “What about my mother?”
He stops in front of a portrait, showcasing who you assume is his family. In it, there are two servants, a man and a woman who appear to be twins. Your body tenses as you recognize their eyes as your own. “This is my family,” Dooku confirms, “and two of our most humble servants. Estiv and Estia Num. Both of them died within minutes of each other.” Your mouth goes dry, fists clenching as your heart shatters. So, you had an uncle, but even he is dead. “Estia escaped one night with Estiv’s help, and she gave birth to a little girl in the woods near the cliff. Estiv returned back to the castle shortly after she died. His punishment for aiding in Estia’s escape was his own death.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“It was a shame, Estiv and Estia were among my father’s favorite servants,” Dooku continues, “having lost his most humble ones, he went a little mad. Other servants were killed as a result of his anger.”
“Get to the point already,” you say, fists starting to tremble. 
Dooku turns to you then, a look of shame in his eyes that catches you off guard. “Your mother’s death, as well as her brother’s and all the other servants, are a result of my own personal mistake. I was the one who brought Qui-Gon here. If I hadn’t, he would have never met your mother, and she’d still be alive, along with her brother. But, you wouldn’t be here,” he adds, “both miracles and tragedies can come from one small action.”
“I still don’t understand why you’re telling me this,” you say while shaking your head. 
“It is to tell you of your life before you were even here. Your family’s fates. I know it is not what you want to hear, but you deserve to know. Estia was a kind, strong woman. I see much of her in you. Estiv was the same, he loved his sister fiercely and would have done anything to protect her. And he hated Qui-Gon with a fiery passion. I can sense your strong feelings, your hate. You must learn to control them, otherwise you will fall,” Dooku says before opening a door. Your body freezes as you look inside. Everything seems to shatter all around you, but it’s only your imagination, and your heart. “You will fall,” Dooku says again as tears build in your eyes, “like she did.”
Tayah turns then, and you see her sickly yellow eyes lock onto your own. You can sense every small bit of change that she has gone through. She stares at you with hatred and fury, and your knees go weak. “T-Tayah,” you choke out, but it’s only a weak whisper.
“My offer,” Dooku says, “is to free Tayah of the Sith’s curse, in exchange for the return of Estia Num’s daughter, y/n Num.”
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iightbringer · 2 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲. ︱ introduction.
hello all, thank you for taking the time to read this silly little blog intro!  my name is lucifer and you may use any pronouns you feel fit for me, i’m not picky in the least. i am nineteen, going on twenty this year and a proud virgin— i mean .. virgo. i’m terrible at writing bio’s, so here’s just a few things to know about me — i come from a land down unda, i sow chaos, confusion and mild amounts of concern in the hearts of everyone i meet and oh, did i mention how much i fucking love frogs? like, i can’t get enough of those funky little guys. that muppet has inexplicably and irreparably ruined me. and now, moving right along with a word from our sponsor, who just so happens to be the most beautiful, amazing girl in the entire world — my darling girlfriend! love you, boo <3
❝⠀⠀ hi. i'm lucifer's 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 &. today i'm here 2 talk abt the one nd the only: lucifer. first, they vvv friendly. it's almost scary bc who tf is that nice. well i have news for u. they are. i'm still shy to approach them even if we're tgt bc they like. rly talented. they modest asf but they're rly good at everything they do. esp writing. nd art. like girl i can't even begin to tell u. u hve to see for yourself. also: charming. so playful but in endearing way. and. that dumbass never fails to make me smile. 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭: so. protective. their loyalty is absolutely. shocking. nd they dn't just give that away. next slide: observant. and so focused on details &. ideas. constantly thinking abt smth. seeing them brainstorm or voice their opinion will never not be fascinating. furthermore: they genuine &. best believe they'll keep it 𝟏𝟎𝟎 w u. they dn't play w bs yk. it took a lot for me to understand they hve good intentions. they're good to me, &. they treat me so well. but now ik it's bc they truly love me. to close: i'm not the type to say sappy things. even tho that's all i did. but meeting them would be so worth it. it was for me. but u better not hurt them. or i'll hve a nice chat with u. anyway. ty for reading this far. if u need me, i'll be busy planning lucifer's demise. farewell.⠀⠀❞
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ signed, 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆. ⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲𝓲. ︱ interests.
  ⠀⠀⠀these are the things i enjoy doing⠀…
★ ⠀⠀writing. cosplaying. crafting. roleplaying. drawing. gardening. painting. gaming. singing (badly).
  ⠀⠀⠀and these are a few of my favourite things⠀…
★ ⠀⠀horror movies. fizzy drinks. the colour white. jensen ackles. stuffed animals. religious imagery. vintage music. zombies. andrew scott. musical theatre. mod fashion. imagine dragons. aussie representation. theology. gore. trixie mattel. rainbows. mental stability. pokemon. cats. shopping. crime shows.
  ⠀⠀⠀shows i’m into ⠀…
★ ⠀⠀house m.d. supernatural. the walking dead⁺. banshee. you. hannibal. dexter. sherlock. american horror story⁺. criminal minds. scream queens. lucifer. squid game. the boys. the last of us. hazbin hotel. fallout.
  ⠀⠀⠀games i’ve played ⠀…
★ ⠀⠀bioshock⁺. mass effect. resident evil⁺. outlast. beyond: two souls. telltales the walking dead⁺. undertale. alice: madness returns. the quarry. detroit: become human. baldurs gate 3. batman: the telltale series⁺. heavy rain. alien: isolation. we happy few⁺. the last of us. until dawn. death stranding. corpse party.
and for a comprehensive list of horror movies i’ve seen, click here. 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲𝓲𝓲. ︱ information.
if you’re interested in a roleplay with me, please do feel free to send me a message and i’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. i do not & will not roleplay with anyone under the age of eighteen.
  ⠀⠀⠀ do not follow this account if you ⠀…
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ are sexist, any sort of phobic, racist, etc. 
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ promote/post about drugs, alcohol or smoking oorp.
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ are a nsfw blog or frequently post nsfw content.
and i think that’s all, folks. thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day, wherever you are. peace!
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gurugirl · 2 years
The Tiffany Club Part 14*
Summary: Harry goes to London for a week and he and Camille have to find a way to relieve their urges even when they're on different continents.
AN/Warning: I will have a * by the parts when smut is included. This warning list is comprehensive for all parts, not all contain smut or listed warnings. NSFW, smut, oral (male and female), 18+ only (as always), angst, dom & sub themes, sex work, light alcohol use, occasional mentions of disordered eating and food restrictions, DDlg, angst, unprotected sex, aggressive male behavior
Pairing: Sex club worker Camille x CEO!Harry Styles | Sugardaddy!Harry
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Part 13*
Part 14*
Camille’s texts to me are inappropriate and dirty. I’ve been in London now for five days and I have another three to go before I’m back in New York City with her again. I knew I was going to miss her. I basically told the girl I would marry her and take care of her and I meant it. I’m a complete sap but I don’t even care. She’s an angel and I’m falling for her. There’s nothing about our relationship that’s normal by most standards but we work so well together when I’m not being jealous of the things she does with other men at her job. It makes me want to pull my hair out when she’s at work and I can’t be there.
Right now I’m in a dinner meeting and she’s been sending me pictures of herself and audio clips. I’ve warned her that she can’t touch herself when I’m not able to be alone and talk her through it, but she’s not listening and she’s being a brat. I’m also trying to get through this dinner so I can get back to my flat and take care of my cock that keeps threatening to plump up. I’ve had to put the phone away because she won’t stop.
Gerry is taking his sweet ass time and has ordered a Carajillo for an after-dinner drink and no one seems to be in a rush to get the fuck out of this stuffy restaurant like I am. But I’ll wait and be patient for another 20 minutes and then I’m calling a cab and getting Camille on the phone to finally address all the teasing she’s done all day.
“We are going to miss your presence, Harry! Having you in London every other month might be hard on everyone.” Cindy laughs and I offer her a fake chuckle in return. Cindy’s been trying to subtly flirt all night now that she knows Lindsay and I are over again. I had a thing with Cindy a year ago. It didn’t last long. Lindsay is friends with Cindy so she must have told her I broke it off with her. And if I weren’t feeling the way I do about Camille I’d take Cindy back to mine and take care of her tonight like I know she wants. She’s cute and her outfit is just revealing enough that she’s looking quite desperate, which is something I love.
Today is different, though. As fuckable as Cindy looks right now, Camille is on my mind and she’s the only one I want to fuck.
When we’re all finally heading to the front of the restaurant to catch cabs to go home I pull my phone out to take a peek and Camille has sent me a full on video with herself stuffed with a toy I bought her. I have to quickly close my phone before anyone sees. It immediately has me plumping in my pants again and I cannot get out of here fast enough.
I say goodbye to everyone and hail a taxi, when Cindy appears, her little hand reaching for my forearm to get my attention, “Harry… would you want to come to my place and have one more drink, a night cap?” She raises her brows and her offer is tempting. I’d much rather fuck her soft pussy than my own fist tonight (or my masturbation sleeve) but I have a task at hand, and that’s dealing with Camille.
“Sounds enticing, Cin. I probably should tell you I’m seeing someone else back in New York, though. I’d say yes, otherwise.” I smile down at her and she doesn’t release my arm at first. She just licks her lips and blinks her eyes at me.
“Well, she doesn’t have to know, right? I won’t tell. Doesn’t have to be anything serious, Harry.” She grins and I’m so close to just giving in and going back with her but I know it wouldn’t feel right after and I want to get on the phone with Camille fast because I miss her. I take a deep breath and look up as the taxi is pulling over to give me a ride.
“Here, take this taxi. I’ll get another one. I really can’t, Cindy. Believe me when I tell you I’d love to but it’s not going to happen. Okay?”
Cindy takes that as my final answer and I’m glad she didn’t pull out more stops to try and convince me because right now I’m horny and on edge thanks to Camille. But I wouldn’t cheat on her. I wouldn’t betray her. She means too much to me.
Back at my flat I immediately call my girl on Facetime and she answers the phone completely naked. Her tits on display for me, her hair a mess.
“Daddy… where have you been? I need to you to tell me I can come. I’m using the dildo you got for me and it feels so good. Not like your cock, though.”
I unbutton my shirt and begin to take off my layers as I head to my bedroom, “Told you not to touch yourself until I could direct you on how to do it. Now I’m not sure I want you to come at all. You’ve been a bad girl. I might just have you watch me come instead. Not sure you’ve been good enough to deserve an orgasm.”
I’m left in only my briefs as I rummage through my box of goodies and get out the lube and my masturbation sleeve. I’m already hard and it’s feeling painful.
I settle into my bed as I watch Camille purposely defy my orders as she continues sinking the dildo into her cunt and moaning.
I pull my briefs down and then set up the phone so she can see me as I stroke my cock and pour lube over my shaft and inside of the silicone sleeve.        
“Ooh, been missing that big cock all day. So pretty. I wish I could fill my mouth with it right now. I’m so horny for you Daddy!” She moans and then does a close up of her pussy with the toy inside and I groan at how turned on I am.
“Yeah? Wish I could fuck your face and leave you to suffer with no orgasm after you’ve choked down my come. You’re still being naughty, Camille.” I bring the toy up to my tip and push it over my thick head. It feels so good to be finally alone with her and to be able to touch my prick.
“Mmm… that’s better than not being with you. I’d take anything you give me, Daddy. But you’re not here so I’m feeling bad. I want to be bad. I want you to punish me when you get back.”
I grunt out a laugh as I get going with my own toy. It feels good but not as good as a nice warm pussy. Camille’s is the best pussy I’ve ever had.
“Oh, don’t worry about that, baby. I’ll be giving you exactly what you deserve when I’m home. You’re in for it.” We are silent for a bit as we continue masturbating. We’re both on edge and I’m so close to coming already its embarrassing.
“Daddy… please. Please. I wanna come so bad. I wish it was your cock inside of me. I hate you being away.”
I grunt as my toy moves over my length and I begin to fondle my balls. My legs are spread and she has a view of everything I’m doing as if she were laying in between my legs watching me.
“Mmm… this toy feels really good, Camille. Probably feels better than your little pussy even. Might have to just fuck into this every night instead of you. At least this sleeve won’t disobey Daddy and act like a brat.”
I hasten the pace a bit, really feeling the beads inside of the sleeve, wishing it was Camille. Watching her on the phone, though, this is a pretty close second to the real thing.
“No! I would die. I need you always. Need your cock, your tongue, your fingers, your words… I need you, Daddy. Please don’t replace me.”
She whines as she lets go of the dildo, finally stopping her movements and so it’s just filling her hole now, not being lodged in deeper like she was.
“Just sit there looking pretty for Daddy, don’t move that toy anymore. I want to watch your pretty cunt stuffed full while when I come.”
“Yes, Daddy. I’ll do anything you want.” She whimpers and shifts her hips before spreading her legs wider apart and watched the screen of her phone while I’m fucking into my soft sleeve.
“Coulda had another pussy tonight. Coulda gone to someone else’s place and fucked her soft cunt like she wanted me to and I might have if I’d have known you were gonna be so bad. Teach you a lesson about being a brat.”
“No! Harry! Oh my god!?” Camille sits up and pulls the phone up to her face and I can see the big pout on her mouth, “Are you serious?”
I stop what I’m doing and realize I might have taken it too far. Camille gets very sensitive when she’s subby and I was feeling too horny and dazed out in dominance, forgetting that she is just as possessive as I am.
I laugh lightly and pull the phone up to my own face, “No, baby. I would never do that. I was just trying to get a rise out of you. I promise I don’t want anyone but you. Sorry. I didn’t mean to fuck this up.”
She’s still frowning and I watch as she leans over and sits the dildo down on the blanket. “Harry, I don’t like that. Did someone really ask you to fuck them tonight? Is that why you were gone so long? Now I’m really worried.” Her sweet eyes turned sad and it made me feel guilty.
“Baby… I was at a work dinner. There is a woman that asked me back to hers but I declined. Obviously I only want you. It’s why I’m on the phone with you now. If I were a douchebag I would have taken her up on it and you wouldn’t have heard from me at all tonight. I told her I was seeing someone. Nothing happened.”
She lays back onto her bed, her hair sprawled out behind her head, a pout still on her face.
“I believe you but I don’t like anyone thinking about you like that. I’m going to London next time and coming with you everywhere so no woman will ever think she even has a chance.”
I laugh and shake my head, “Baby, no one’s got a chance. Now that I’ve met you… my dream girl, you’re all I want.”
Camille smiles, finally and then she seems to brighten up, “That’s good to hear. Is she pretty, though?”
Uh oh. Here we go with this. I think to myself what the best plan of action is. Tell her the truth and let her know that Cindy is a knockout who I’ve had the pleasure of fucking in the past, or tell her a lie…
I clear my throat, “No. Now that I’ve met my dream girl, no one compares to you. Not even close. You had me on edge all night with all your texts and videos. Couldn’t even think about anyone but you, baby.”
It was partly true. No one really can compare to Camille. But I was thinking a little bit about Cindy because she was looking really tasty tonight and I’ve had her before so I know what she looks like naked. Even with that, I still didn’t want her as much as I wanted to come back to my flat and call Camille, even though I can’t have Camille physically.
She nods and grins at me, “Okay, Daddy. But I am coming with you to London next time. Don’t want to be away from you.”
I nod and get back into position, still sporting a raging boner that needs attending, “Now, let’s get back to it, shall we? I think since Daddy was insensitive I’ll let you come as an apology. How’s that sound, baby?”
 Camille is quick to adjust herself and reinsert the dildo. We quickly get back to our mutual masturbation and I talk her through everything while she mewls and moans.
“Slowly. There you go. Don’t want you coming to fast. Daddy wants to come with you. Wish it were your sweet little pussy I was fucking into right now. This sleeve feels good but it’s no comparison to you. Daddy needs his baby badly.” I groan out as the beads press into my frenulum just right.
“Oooh, yes, Daddy! That makes me feel so good. I’m pretending this is you fucking into my cunt but it’s so hard because you stretch me out like nothing else. I miss how deep you get into my tummy, how hard you thrust into me and poke things inside of me that nothing else has ever touched.”
We both pant and moan for a bit and my orgasm is coming back quickly.
“Just a few more days, baby and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you. Gonna have you squirting all over me. Make it so you can’t walk. You’ll have to take off work for a whole week just so I can tend to you and fuck you and make up for lost time. How’s that sound?”
“Yes! I want it. I want you. I need you to beat my ass hard too, so I can’t sit and then you have to help me with everything so you don’t leave my side, and you just fuck me softly for hours and we both miss work…”
She gasps and I can hear how wet she is. It’s driving me insane. I want her so bad. I want her with me all the time.
“I’ll do whatever you want, baby. We’ll do it all together, okay. Now, daddy’s about to come so I need you to tell me how close you are. Are you rubbing your clit nice and firm how I told you?”
“Fuck… I am… I’m going to come as soon as you allow me. I’m ready to gush all over this dildo, daddy. Please!”
I stroke the sleeve over my cock quickly and focus on my tip where my frenulum is and I whine her name as my thighs begin to shake.
“You’re Daddy’s good girl, aren’t you? Fuck baby. I’m gonna come, just imagining coming inside of your hot pussy and filling you to the brim. Shit. Shit!” It feels good and looking at her mouth dropped open with her fingers rubbing over her clit and her other hand being used to fuck the dildo into her cunt has me tipped over to the end as I begin to come into my sleeve with a loud groan.
“Come with me now, baby. Let me hear you, come. Daddy’s coming right now!”
The connection we have on the phone just doesn’t do this moment justice. It’s as hot as it can be since we’re on different continents, and I can see her but it’s not like being with her in person. Her moans are muted from the way my phone lets her voice come through, the picture is pretty good, but it’s nothing like seeing how shiny she gets and how she drips down to her asshole. I want to lick her up and feel her shaking as she comes around my cock. Having sex with her is like nothing else.
I can hear she’s orgasming and I wish I could see better how wet she is, but I can hear the slick noises and her own whimpers as she comes down from her orgasm.
I slow down my movements and breathe out a sigh as I wither into my bed. I needed that. I think she did too.
When we’re both back to our senses we laugh and clean up together. I take my phone with me into my bathroom and she goes into hers.
“You’re definitely coming with me next time. As much as I enjoy phone sex with my girl, there’s nothing better than having the real thing. I want you with me at all times. Even if I have to kidnap you.” I chuckle, only half kidding. I’m ready to force her to quit her job and be with me all the time. Waiting for me when I get home, no panties, dripping she’s so desperate because she’s missed me while I’m work all day. I just want her to myself and I can admit I’m totally gone for her.
Once I’ve gotten into bed she stays on the phone with me until I’ve fallen asleep. She’s got work and with the time difference, it’s still midday for her. I find myself whining about her having to go to work before finally falling into a peaceful sleep.
Part 15*
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silenthillmutual · 8 months
i keep looking at my own fic ideas from like a couple years ago that i have outlines for and going "wow, i really don't want to write these!" so here's a comprehensive list of fanfics i still have on my desktop which i have started but made litle progress on:
masterpiece theatre - an akira/mob psycho 100 crossover. the premise of this one was that tetsuo managed to create an alternate universe at the end of the film/manga, which was the mp100 universe. he's just kind of there trying to live a normal life while navigating the trauma from his past life. naturally this does not work out well and he winds up both meeting people from the akira 'verse and people from the mp100 'verse. i think i had in mind that it would end roughly around the first season of mp100. anyway this was roughly inspired by my musings about mp100 reminding me of a sort of inverse of akira's storyline that i can no longer articulate because it has been years since i read mp100 all the way through.
cause - this was just going to be a complete rewrite of rebel without a cause where i fixed what i saw as a pacing issue with the film and also gave more context to the characters' lives because i have a love/hate relationship with the original
it's not my party, but i'll still cry if i want to - a really short fic that was taking characters from rebel without a cause and plopping them into a modern 'verse just for the sake of having jim infodump about the 50s while sulking because he thinks judy & plato are doing something together and generally having rsd
where worlds collide and days are dark - all i got is that it's for mgs and i still have a hold of this document despite it just being snippets of fic i wrote like years ago.
statement of daniil dankovsky // statement of artemy burakh - magnus archives crossovers for pathologic, the first one being daniil's statement about the world being alive (based on pathologic classic) and the second one being artemy's statement about seeing daniil die, only to be "replaced" by another actor the following day while everyone else acts like nothing ever happened.
when you finally get involved, face to face - danganronpa ishimondo fic that was a project to see if i could focus long enough to write 100k. instead of getting together as teenagers, the fic would take place over the span of 10 years, where they'd get together as adults. i was really excited about this one when i started it, but people started being transmisogynist in the comments so i stopped working on it and got into pathologic instead.
a document titled 'cool ishimaru has a chill day with boyfriend' which i think was about ishimaru discovering he's trans, that was meant to be a non-despair au and with everyone being generally supportive of him.
flaws - danganronpa fic where taka talks to makoto about feeling possessive and how horrible it feels but i never actually finished or published it. it's pretty much done now... i could go back and edit it down to where i'm satisfied with it but i don't know :/
i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead) - some kind of au where either it's non-despair or everyone lives... it was going to have hina and taka bonding over having crushes on their best friends who are oblivious. it was gonna be from hina's pov bc i love her
in the middle - okay this one i swear i will write one day... whenever i replay trigger happy havoc... it was going to be a polyamory fic where mondo is dating chihiro, who used to date taka and desperately wants mondo and taka to be friends. they'd be in college here. chihiro is transfem and taka is transmasc and mondo realizes he's nonbinary i think was a plot point. anyway,
an untitled danganronpa fic wherein hope's peak decides the classes need mentors and taka picks juzo, w ho came out of the closet for the express purposes of getting out of having to mentor anybody. but taka thinks it was very brave of him and wants advice on coming out despite being a public figure.
letters - this was just going to be eight, thirty-one from taka's pov
jojo's despaire adventure - jojo characters put in a danganronpa situation. pretty sure polnareff was going to be the protag of this one. it was going to be a simulation dio was running to try and rewrite the universe, hence why so many characters from so many parts were there and also had no memory of each other. i think kakyoin was going to be the first casualty.
all of my started but unfinished assorted jjba works you can still find on ao3: next chapter of cherry wine was going to have a karaoke section because fox gave me the funniest image of hol horse singing a shitty maroon 5 song. i have no idea where i was headed with heads on a science apart. not sure what the next chapter of heart of glass was going to be and i don't feel like pulling up the outline but i can tell you how it ended if anyone is curious about that. she told me to come but i was already there - there was going to be a battle of the bands kind of thing wherein we were going to get hol horse singing 'ride a horse, save a cowboy'. that was the highlight of the chapter and i don't remember what else i had planned for it. starfish crusaders was going to have a mechanic where some of the joestars were part merpeople and could transform at will. warmth, though, i have no idea where i was going with that.
alexithymia - a patho fic exploring the turmoil of not knowing, understanding, or articulating your own feelings. with daniil, of course.
something just titled 'angst outline' that is for a long form pathologic angst fic i was never going to write because i was convinced nobody was going to read it. it was going to be burda but with even more problems and issues and angst for the sake of angst.
a fic about artemy's insomnia
some unspcified fics about daniil being autistic
bio murky - okay this is really obvious but the reason to read the fic was that it was transmasc artemy. essentially artemy and daniil met and hooked up and maybe started falling in love in the capital and then artemy left for home unexpectedly... because he was pregnant. i think this was going to be an everyone lives kind of au or potentially even a no-sand pest au.
a blurb about andrey and his bipolar disorder
e pluribus unem - if i ever actually write this one i'll have to find a title that won't invoke such a knee-jerk reaction but anyway this was a fic about daniil going about wooing artemy by making amends/friends with those of artemy's bound. it was going to be told in little shorts of daniil meeting with the kids. originally i wrote this from daniil's pov but i think if i write this one i'll do it from the kids' povs.
a blurb about daniil having a breakdown after the end of classic
let's climb the cliff edge and jump again - this was gonna be a fic about daniil and andrey's tentative friendship in university where andrey is a horrible influence, a horrible friend, and a horrible brother. it was loosely inspired by my toxic girl friendships i had in college [a/n: i was a girl in college] and the first time i got high. i wanted it to be My Dandrey Fic but without happy dandrey at the end... hints of griefdrey instead... and again thinking about andrey's bipolar disorder because i'm always thinking about it!
a mark/rubin fic that was gonna be nsfw.
mystical inclinations - a soulmate au with tattoos i think? polyamory and platonic soul mates were going to be a thing in this au but i kind of don't remember what i was doing with it.
another pregame burda au
a fic i started where rubin is mortified to be caught in between artemy and daniil's...whatever
a fic about artemy & daniil's first kiss
talk too much - daniil, who is usually a smoother talker, has a habit of sticking his foot in his mouth whenever artemy is around
another fic entry in my modern au thing, where artemy's kids meet daniil for the first time
vince malum bono - clara talking to each of her bound on the last few days of the plague, patho-2 version
when my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold, dark earth - this was going to be mashing up daniil and artemy's routes (and at the end, clara's as well). with burda. of course.
when the day met the night - burda fic where daniil is about to get taken out by the government because he's a criminal against common sense and good morals, and artemy panics and tells the emmisaries who show up that they can't take daniil because they are to be married, and they can't take the menkhu's husband. and of course the emmissaries aren't stupid so they say they'll be back for the wedding. very romcom.
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greypetrel · 1 year
For the character meme - what are Aisling's religious views if any? I know she has valislin (god I hope I spelled that right) but what weight or significance does she feel towards them?
Oh this is interesting, thanks for asking!
Tis the prompt list
Aisling's religious views.
She indeed has her Vallaslin and it's pretty extended (you can see it here!). She is very proud of it, so much so that Radha -bigger sister, came south to check on her- will be tipped off that she's not really well as she says she is because she's letting hair fall on her forehead, covering her tattoos. Which is something she never did, she used to braid her hair in half ponytails so everyone could see. It's a prove of devotion, of her beliefs and what values she seeks and tries to bring in the world (guidance and direction, mainly, but also hallas mean kindness and comprehension and working together even if we are different creatures and can't communicate directly).
She's a Keeper First and she was very happy with her role. That included religion and religious practice, it was for her a moment of communion and unity with the clan, and of finding meaning and soothing when the sky is grey and things are grim.
She's not a bigot, tho, she doesn't feel the need to convert people and respect that everyone has their own beliefs. Cullen will ask her about it and she will reply and tell him lore and myths, won't expect him to convert if he's not the one to ask it. She will much agree with Ameridan's uniting beliefs, why not? She had no problem when Cassandra told her to consider Andraste as existing to believe it. If the Creators are there, why not Andraste and the Maker too, guarding over humans and those city elves that worship them? (she didn't pay too much attention to the real meaning of the comment until the Temple of Mythal, because she expects the same from others).
Her religious mentality is very old Norse-like (ONLY partaking to the view of religious practice and how religion mixes in everyday life, her faith has NOTHING to do with Norse religion of course): she doesn't consider herself a priestess, but she knows how to perform rites to thank the Creators, pray them for their favour for strenght and guidance, which she still does in Haven and Skyhold, for herself first, and for Radha and Loranil later when they'll join. She doesn't do it to have a favour, but it's a way to you know. Not being alone if you need sustainance, worship is not utilitaristic and to have something back, but a way to think deeper and mind your actions more, for her.
She does believe in them guiding her actions and giving them strenght and signs, and always insisted with everyone that she was not the Herald of Andraste, thank you very much, she doesn't see why Andraste would choose her of all people, if she doesn't even believe in her and has no intention to (she likes Andrastianism well enough in practice, but doesn't want to have a deity dying for her, also the Chantry is a big, big nope for her), the one silver lining about Adamant was knowing that indeed she was right and it was not Andraste. Not that everyone believed her...
Trespasser hit her hard, yes. Because sure, things changed and acquired different meanings -which is the reason she will learn to be ok again with her Vallaslin in the end. For the meaning it had for her and the story behind, and the love Deshanna put into her skin, the tradition and how it speaks of her past. In terms of religion, tho, I don't think she'll be able to get back, and will settle in a form of agnosticism, or something closer to the Avvar's Spirits (because she'll LOVE spending time with the Avvar in Jaws of Hakkon! LOVE IT! First-Thaw will be the title she'll actually keep with joy and honour, I haven't really decided the timings, but I can picture her going to the Frostback Basing after the Exalted Council to just... Get back on track, find some more stability and accept what happened. Will spend a lot of time with the Seer. She won't convert, exactly, but believing in Spirit? Oh yes, that she can do, there's Cole right there, after all, and she learnt a lot from him.)
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josephdean87 · 4 months
Three Ways To Determine Your Digital Advertising Budget
In this episode, we revisit a number of issues digital entrepreneurs should keep in mind. We speak about three of the most typical mistakes that we see enterprise homeowners make and ways to keep away from them. We all know that success doesn’t happen overnight, and obviously, you can’t build an enormous model like Google or McDonald's after one marketing campaign. However, we as marketers are most likely to fall victim to shiny objects syndrome. The level we need to get across in right now's podcast is that marketing know-how isn't a technique, it’s a tool. This knowledge is vital to breaking down the general budget by individual channels. Let’s say that your B2B industrial lighting company has a minimum of $1000 per order. Therefore, it’s safe to say that each sale will yield a minimum of $1000 in revenue for your business. A purchaser persona is a fictional illustration of your target buyer. You can have more than one purchaser persona, however attempt for not extra than 5; after all, not everyone may be your audience. This methodology permits you to connect immediately with leads that wish to hear from your business. You’ll want to allocate funds towards this method as a outcome of it’ll drive useful outcomes. However, with the rising reputation of the Internet, it’s essential that you allocate sufficient money to advertise your corporation online. An engineer recruited by Google, she loves solving essentially the most complicated enterprise growth problems and utilizing technology as solutions. She loves wonderful UI/UX, out of the field search engine optimization ways and ahead thinking paid campaigns.
At a fundamental level, you need to know what quantity of prospects minimum you have to visit your site or view your advertisements. This quantity shall be impacted closely first by your website’s conversion rate of tourists to leads and then by your gross sales team’s conversion of leads to gross sales. The listing is totally hypothetical and solely serves to be an instance of how you can allocate your finances. In the end, everything is dependent upon the channels your corporation plans to use and the advertising activities you'll be participating in. Ultimately, how advertising funds are allotted is decided by the monetary investment and the channels concerned. The template consists of categories for market research, branding, public relations, lead generation, digital advertising, events, sales help and travel. Organize your annual advertising plan while tracking monthly bills. This template could be as detailed as needed relying on the scope of your advertising campaigns. This enables you to easily regulate your price range based mostly in your goals and other locations you would like to allocate funds to. You can do an analogous calculation if you want to estimate what number of clicks you count on to get in your spend, assuming you plan on using the CPC pricing mannequin. This means you just have to divide your finances by the price per click to get the number of clicks. Digital marketing budgets are barely different from standard ones. You’ll find comprehensive templates that embody loads of categories you'll otherwise neglect or fail to include. Additionally, if you need assistance with calculations, there are many on-line instruments that can assist you with that task. To get began determining your B2B marketing finances, remember to obtain our B2B Marketing Budget Template. It’s a free spreadsheet that permits you to plug in budgets for numerous advertising techniques so you can create a highly accurate B2B advertising price range. We're always requested, how can I spend $1 in adverts to generate $100 in new business? In at present's episode of Growth Marketers, we cover tips, tricks, (and secrets!), that you need to remember when growing your Facebook Ad campaigns. On this episode of Growth Marketers, we talk about the philosophy of survivorship bias. The thought behind survivorship bias could make or break the success of your business– together with your advertising efforts. Listen in to be taught how you can catch survivorship bias and keep away from it from hurting your organization. Don’t count on to achieve unimaginable outcomes with a small amount of cash. Make certain your objectives are achievable and correspond together with your general business strategy. General marketing KPIs are KPIs that must be tracked by all marketers. As counter-intuitive because it sounds, you must begin with your corporation goals for revenue first, and then determine the way to reach that together with your advertising budgets. You should develop a separate portion of your finances in your SEO campaign, percent change calculator assists to calculate the percentage of your price range for your search engine optimization campaign. Hence, in the digital advertising price range calculator, you have to select the industry from the dropdown menu, which greatest encapsulates your company and the line of business you're coping with. Please remember that the figure you're going to get from the digital marketing budget calculators solely indicates a chance and nothing absolute. Therefore, take this figure into primary consideration when you set up the campaigns. In short, there’s lots of components you should take to consideration to determine this quantity. He's speaking to them about ad impressions, social media follower counts, average Google Search positions, and website visits. B2B sectors are anticipated to see a 10% progress in digital advertising spending within the subsequent 12 months, as per CMO Survey. Therefore, about 8-16 % of a company’s income is generally spent on advertising. While your digital advertising success is tied to the income it generates for your small business, it additionally works the opposite way round. Allocating a portion of your revenue to your digital marketing initiatives might help you get the outcomes you want. In truth, B2B businesses make investments 12.3% of their general income in advertising initiatives. Social Media Marketing Service in Washington DC
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milesbutterball · 11 months
Everyone is a creator
The universe is as large as your awareness. Cultivate your awareness to increase the size of your universe
Art is our portal to the unseen world
Be finely tuned to moments that take your breath away, coincidences, surprises. These are all opportunities to trust your gut, leaning into feeling more then intellect. It’s not unusual for science to catch up to art, nor art the spiritual
The more aware you are, the more clues you’ll notice. Look for what you notice but no one else sees
We tend to think of artists by their output, when in reality being in
Nature is the most enduring and powerful teacher
Focus on the sensations of the inner world for there are powerful insights there. The transition art period between wake and sleep a have profound insights too. We don’t know why or how this subconscious works but you’re robbing yourself if you don’t pay attention and cultivate this internal world
It’s better to follow the universe than those around you
Why is sometimes out of our comprehension. And that’s ok
Distractions and physical movement can keep the conscious mind busy and unlock new perspectives
The purpose of the art is to awaken something in you first and then to awaken something in others
Keeping mind that rules are not laws. They are limitations and if not helpful, break them. Rules direct us towards mediocre behavior
Don’t sleepwalk through life. Be truly present and engaged. Imagine how different life would be if you approached all you did with the same focus as if you were landing a plane. Don’t just life life as if you’re knocking off things from your to do list. Patience is required for the nuanced development of your craft
Sometimes knowing less leads to breakthroughs. Innovation through ignorance
If you know what you wanna do, and you do it well, you’re a craftsman. If you begin with a question and let that guide you in your journey of discovery, you’re an artist.
Often, the best way to see if the seed of an idea is worth following through is if there is an emotional response rather than intellectual one. Let excitement and delight be the guiding force in the early stages.
Failure is the information you need to get where you’re going
To test an idea, you must build it. You can’t rely on the abstract – you have to bring it into the world to play with it feel it and only then can you judge whether it’s worth pursuing or not
Art is often the bending, ignoring or breaking of rules. However, sometimes the temporary rules and limitations, spark creativity is it focuses the mind
Pay close attention to strong reactions, whether positive or negative. There could be deeper meeting there if you seek to understand that strong emotion.
Enhancing our self-awareness is one of the best things we can do as an artist. Becoming more aware of what I sent it to us, what moves us, what makes us feel positively and negatively of enrich our artistic process
Living in a mode of discovery, rather than assumption, it’s preferable in any situation
If we’re making something we love, there’s nothing at all to figure out. We need not hyper rationalize everything. We can simply do it because we love it and find it fun
The artists’ job is never done. Being an artist is a way of being, a way of living, not simply something you do.
In a creative process, it’s often more difficult to achieve something by aiming at it.
You need not stand for your art, nor your art for you. You do not do not need to offer any explanation to anyone, including yourself. We have no responsibility other than to the art itself
The only practice that matters is the one you consistently do
There is an artistry in how you practice your art as well. You must work tirelessly, but also give yourself brakes to rest, recover, and detach. Similar to how you breakdown muscle and then have to wait for the muscle to build up, so must the artist recover.
The call of the artist is to follow the excitement for where there is excitement there is energy and where there’s energy, there’s light.
The best work is the work you’re excited about
True art is pure play
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