#Just Like Us
jbaileyfansite · 22 days
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jbayleaf: THANK YOU for you continued knockout donations to @justlikeusuk and to everyone at @hackneymoves for making this a very special day for thousands of people💥
Jonathan Bailey's thank you post on IG. You can continue to donate here.
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frameacloud · 3 months
Maria Morava (March 31, 2023). "Most anti-trans adults don’t actually know a trans person in real life, new study reveals." PinkNews. https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/03/31/trans-day-visibility-report-just-like-us/
tl;dr: Some of the things that a large study by the UK charity Just Like Us found: most adults who don't support transgender people don't know any. Meanwhile, "personally knowing a trans person doubles the likelihood of trans allyship." Lesbians have the greatest tendency to do so of all LGBTQ people. Nearly all lesbians know and are supportive of transgender people.
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eidolons-stuff · 5 months
Wednesday: "Since Xavier is incompetent, I will go search for a suitable picnic blanket"
Thing: *signs* "hehe must be perfect for your date"
Wednesday: "Be quiet"
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statelysapphic · 1 year
The fact that Janine could hear her mother’s footsteps from down the hall, I just-
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velidewrites · 1 year
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I typed "unhinged duckling" in the search bar, I don't know what I expected
I hope you don’t mind the lil Nessian moodboard (which I made extra slutty to show my love and devotion)
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luchorgasm · 7 months
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Sami and Seth happy that he’s in.
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beanhusk · 6 months
The TARDIS has Donna back for all of two minutes and she gets so excited she starts teleporting all over time and space while singing. Mood
she's just like me!!!
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jbaileyfansite · 21 days
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Jonathan Bailey raised more than $30k for Just Like Us in one day, thanks to his half marathon! You can continue to donate until the end of June here.
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tadcandmurderdrones · 2 months
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yall need to stop literally consuming my posts its terrifying anyway here followers and rebloggers and likers EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT YOUR MEAL HERE .
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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merge-conflict · 11 months
Now imagining Alt amusing herself by modding Johnny’s engram model while she waits for him and V to get their shit together and call her for Ultimate_Revenge_Plan_v3 Final_ACTUAL.pdf
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titsbeauvillier · 2 years
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bloomxng-per4wxnkle · 5 months
I saw Noury's tweet today....
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Just Like Us: Part 4
The deal was that he had to get through this lesson first. Everything had to go as normal so the robots wouldn't think anything differently. Moxy and the others swore to stay in the office and not cause a commotion.
It was a good thing he had predetermined that the students would be doing written tests. He could hardly focus on anything other than the fact that he was harboring fugitives in his office. The robots had full access to his office -- privacy wasn't allowed when it concerned him. They monitored nearly every second of his waking moment.
"Fill out the papers within half an hour. If it takes you longer than that, something's wrong." Lou had his arms folded behind his back, walking along in front of the desks. "Don't know an answer--skip it. Everything should be common sense." His eyes caught one of the robots in the distance headed toward the mansion. Lou looked toward the stage. Another robot was staring dead at him. He straightened and tried to appear indifferent. "Timer starts now."
"Huh," Luckybat was looking through the shelves of books. There was one placed solitary from the others. It was huge. He hopped up on the stepstool and pulled it down. The weight of it nearly toppled him over, but he managed to steady himself. Setting it on the ground, he read aloud the title: "Prototype Rulebook?" He flipped through a few pages. Rules after rules. The others wandered over to peer over the pages. "Rule #1: All dolls are allowed to run the Gauntlet, excluding the prototype."
"Prototype?" Moxy echoed. "What's that?"
Lucky answered as he kept skimming over the rules. "It's like...something that's a trial run, of sorts. Like the original that the rest are based on." His wing hovered underneath another rule. "Rule #10: Prototype must not allow any dolls who do not meet the company's standards to go to the Big World. They must...be recycled."
Ox frowned, nudging Lucky to the side so he could read it for himself. "This...This is Lou's rulebook. He's a prototype." He flipped back to rule number one, rereading it. "That's why he didn't pass the Gauntlet."
"And whoever gave him this book isn't a fan of us, apparently. Or anything ugly," Wage noted dryly.
Ox skimmed a few other rules, his distaste growing more defined on his face. "Rule #15: Prototype must remain in perfect condition always to uphold company standards. Failure to do so will result in punishment." He narrowed his eye down to another rule, "Number 20: Prototype must not engage with other dolls beyond teaching. Failure to do so will result in punishment." The bunny shakily flipped through the plethora of pages. "Result in punishment...result in punishment...punishment...punishment...it's...i-it's nothin' but rules and punishments."
"Punishment like what?" Moxy wrung her hands together.
"It doesn't say," Ox shook his head, flipping to the back of the book to see if there were any answers. He skimmed over the last few rules: "Prototype is not allowed to go to the Big World. All included in that are forbidden as well. Any sign of an attempt to leave will result in punishment...Rule #346: Prototype will be monitored by the installed chip. Any attempt to remove this chip will be fatal. Do not attempt. Failure to heed to this rule will result in punishment if still sentient." He couldn't read anymore. It was putting a nauseating knot in his stomach. He stepped away from the book, brushing a paw over his ears.
Luckybat kept reading some of the rules while they talked. Moxy glared down at the book. "So, all of that before...the training, the recycling, everything...that was because of this book? All these ridiculous rules he has to follow?"
"Who even made this book?" Wage tilted the front part up while Lucky read. "And how'd they even manage to think up so many rules?"
"Guys," Lucky got their attention. "Look at this last rule. Number 350: Prototype is not able to pass through the portal. Attempt is futile. Failure to heed this rule will result in punishment."
His fingers tapped against his wrist anxiously as he stood on stage. The students had about ten minutes left, and the robot headed toward the mansion had disappeared into the building. He was praying that it wasn't headed to his office. The other robot was still staring him down.
Eight minutes...
He clapped his hands together loudly, startling the students. "Early dismissal! Whatever you have on your tests will have to be turned in as is. The Big World doesn't give you time and neither will I." They trudged over and handed in their papers nervously. Lou barely looked them over. He straightened them out and placed them in his folder. The robot stood before him as he turned to leave.
"Lessons must take the allotted time."
"I'm aware, thank you. This won't happen again." It better not. Lou slid past the robot and -- as nonchalantly as possible -- walked briskly to his office. Hopefully the office door was locked. But the robots have a key...maybe the dolls hid? Would they know to hide? They weren't too good at hiding during the Gauntlet. They were far too loud and boisterous to stay secret.
His heart seemed to overcome the soft clicks of his shoes down the hall. There was no one at his door, which was a good sign. Hand on the knob and taking in a breath, he let out one final prayer before opening the door.
It was locked.
Lou blinked and turned the knob more forcefully. Panic began rising in him--
"What's the password?" A voice came from the other side of the door.
Lou's eyes twitched. Of course the little sock puppet would do this. He forced his heart rate to slow down. "What password?"
"The secret one, duh." Moxy even sounded like she was rolling her eyes.
"Its me, idiot. Now let me in."
"How do I know it's you?"
"Because who else would it be!?"
"I don't like your tone!"
Some rustled on the other side. "Moxy, please, just open the door for Doll's sake." There was a clock and Ox appeared on the other side. Lou slid in, shutting the door with his back. "You're early."
So the little bunny hadn't forgotten Lou's schedule. Fascinating. "I saw one of the robots head toward this building."
"Aw, you were worried?" Wage crossed her arms with a sneer.
"Don't be ridiculous. I'd just hate to waste all the trouble you've caused me because you all can't keep your mouths shut." His eyes met Moxy's. She was glaring up at him, water brimming her eyes. "What?"
"I'm sick of you lying to us," her voice was strained.
Lou blinked. "I'm not lying! I ended class early--"
"About the stupid portal, Lou!" Her hands were fisted by her sides. "You know you can't get through and yet you told us you would! You told ME that you'd be coming and you lied!"
Lou was speechless for a moment. "Look, I don't know where you got that from, but--"
"From your huge rule book!" Moxy pointed to the hefty object laying on the floor. Lou stared at it with wide eyes. "What in the world is all of that? You're banned from doing anything! I'm surprised you're allowed to breathe! And what the heck are the punishments that's listed on every page!?"
He took a steady breath. "Look, Moxy, it's none of your concern. We need to focus on getting you all to the Big World."
"Forget the Big World!" She flared her arms out. "I'm not gonna walk through that portal to run away when THIS world needs to be fixed." He, for once, didn't have anything to say. "You promised me, Lou..."
Lou calmly walked up to her, kneeling down. She wasn't stupid enough to be blind to the tears forming in his eyes. "There's nothing that can be done. I was made to be here till the day I die. I've accepted it. That being said, YOU aren't bound by that rule book. You can leave. So do it. I...," His voice wavered for a moment, "would give a lot of things to be in your place. Don't waste that."
Moxy had tears streaming down her face. "So, what?" She whispered. "We just...leave and you stay here to do the same thing every day until you die? You really think I can live with myself if I let that happen?"
"There's nothing you can do to make it not happen, Moxy."
"You don't know that--"
"I've TRIED...everything. I've tried so many times to escape this place and each time I've failed. It's not meant for me. This place is my home and it will be my grave. Please...understand that and move on."
Moxy looked down at the floor. She shook her head, smiling shakily. "I'm sorry...but I can't do that."
"I'm either going to get you out of here or make this my grave too. I'm not letting you suffer any more than you already have."
Lou stared at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She whispered in his ear when he slowly hugged back. "I'm not walking out on you, Lou."
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debbeh · 6 months
Will Negatus eat cake
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He will try…
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gyamfieric · 1 year
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some other days...
a rendering of one instance of the violence that exists between photography and the art world/art institutions
...photographs are things with bodies
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