#Jesus what’s the point about having weird baby soft skin if it doesn’t help the spots people actually see bc you did too much sun damage 🙄
tamakissimp · 3 years
headcanon- galaxy s/o
summary: they have an s/o with galaxy eyes and with the quirk ‘moondust’. Moondust grants its user the ability to create a sleepinducing powder, tasting similar to vanilla sugar.
characters: Bakugo, Shinsou, Sero, and Hawks
request: anon- Bakugo, Shinsou, Sero, and Hawks with a fem!s/o that has galaxy eyes. She has purple-blue eyes with star patterns and constellations in them that changes when she blinks, doesn’t blush red instead her skin gets these star freckles and dust on her face and ears when flustered (if she has dark skin, it makes the stars pop out even more), and if she ever cries, her tears are hella sparkly. If she has a quirk, her quirk allows her to use Moondust which is like a sleeping powder depending on the amount but she likes to use it to help others sleep and relax (she can even make them into tea and powdered sugar for treats)
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟛𝟜𝟟
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He is a hardcore simp for you. He will stare into your eyes for hours on end.
Never gets enough of the way the colours swirl and change.
Bakugou starts to get into astronomy. He wants to know what stars and constellations are displayed on your skin and eyes.
"That's the small bear. And that's sagitta. And that's-"
"I know what's on my face, Bakugou.".
Ever since he learned that stars pop up on your skin instead of a blush, he made it his mission to make you blush whenever possible.
Bakugou likes to tease everyone. Throwing insults at people, weird nicknames or just screaming at them. He loved to teach you, though, in a sweeter way.
He would randomly come up behind you and whisper things in your ear. Most of the time, just sweet nothings. Other times compliments or words of encouragement. And every time he achieved his goal. Sparkling stars popping up on your cheeks and the galaxies displayed in your eyes seemed to glow brighter.
"Teddy bear," Bakugou says. His hand snakes around you to rest on your waist. His sweet caramelly scent floods through your nose. You smile up at him.
Bakugou's vermillion eyes stare into yours. "Blink for me, baby," he says. You do as he commands. The colours swirling in your eyes change from bright green to dark indigo. Constellations move around your pupil. Bakugou could stare at your eyes forever. Your eyes, plus the stars that glistened on your skin whenever he's around always made his heart swell.
"Again," he says, softer this time. His free hand moves up to cup your cheek. His thumb brushes over the constellations on your skin. He remembers them, he always does. Your skin seemed to reflect the stars above, changing along with them.
"You're kinda beautiful, idiot," he whispers. More stars pop up on your cheeks, dusting over your nose and onto your forehead.
"Just kinda? I'm hurt," you say as you put on a fake pout. Bakugou rolls his eyes before removing his hand from your cheek.  
"Okay, Jesus, you're really beautiful," he says. "Happy now?". You nod at him. He groans but you can see through his tough-guy facade.
"You're beautiful too," you say before pressing your lips softly against his. A blush reddens Bakugou's cheeks. His normal response would be to pull away and call you names. Though, he doesn't. He can't. His body moves on its own and melts in your touch.
Bakugou's arms snake around you as your hand travels up to lace through his spikey hair. "So beautiful," you whisper.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟜𝟟𝟠
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He is a simp for you but unlike Bakugou, he will admit it. He has no shame in telling you - or others for that matter - how beautiful you are.
The wallpaper on his phone is probably a zoomed-in picture of your eyes. It scares the crap out of you every time you open his phone.
Shinso would have already shown you off to other people, regardless of your quirk. But now, he likes making you blush in front of others. Just so they can see that someone as beautiful as you would want to be with him.
It's a known fact that Shinso is a terrible insomniac, so he definitely uses your moondust.
The only sound in the kitchen is the slow breathing coming from both you and Shinso and the soft bubbling from the milk. You gently turn the stove off and grab a mug. You pour the milk from the little pan into the mug. Wisps of steam float up from mug.
You hold your hand above the mug. The white powder flows out of your palm and into the milk. A soft vanilla aroma circles through the kitchen. You grab the spoon you had grabbed and place it in the mug, swirling the milk around for a bit before handing the steaming beverage to Shinso.
"Thanks," he whispers. His voice is so soft that you could have almost mistaken it for the wind blowing outside the building. You shoot him a soft smile, though he can't see it in the dark. All he sees are the galaxies swirling in your eyes and the stars on your cheeks. Soft speckles of light illuminating your features just enough for him to know one thing: you're beautiful.
Shinso keeps his eyes focused on you as he takes small sips of hot milk. Vanilla coats his tongue in all the right ways. Your quirk immediately takes effect on his body. Warmth rushing through his cells as if someone has just draped a blanket over his body.
Time slows down as Shinso's eyes grow droopy. A lazy smile tugs on his lips. "Sleepy yet?" you ask. He nods before drinking the final sip of his milk. He places the mug onto the counter a little too roughly, as the clanking echoes through the deserted kitchen. "Come on," you whisper.
He nods before walking over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he lets you guide him towards his dorm. Shinso's eyes are fixed on cheeks. Lazily, one of his hands reaches out to touch them. More stars pop up on your skin at his touch.
"Thank you," he says again. You look over at him and smile. His heart warms up at the sight of you.
"It was just milk, 'Toshi," you say. Pride flows through him at the nickname. Shinso shakes his head. He lets go of you momentarily to open his dorm room. He lets you enter first before gently closing the door behind you.
"Not just the milk," he says. Shinso walks over to you and grabs your wrist before dragging you towards the bed. You get the note and climb into it, lifting the covers for him. He slides into the warm bed and snuggles into your side. "Thank you, for loving me.".
You blink a couple of times at him at the words. Quickly though, a smile tugs on your lips. You place a couple of kisses on top of his head. "Thank you for loving me," he whispers a final time before drifting off into sleep.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟚𝟝𝟞
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Hanta is more mesmerized by your eyes than your cheeks. He can see the stars every night in the sky but he can't see the galaxies that are swirling in your eyes anywhere else.
He'll lay in his hammock with you for hours on end while gazing into each other's eyes.
He'll show you off to the Bakusquad all the time. Dragging you around along with him while goofing off with Kirishima or Denki became a regular thing.
If you're even the tiniest bit insecure about your looks, he'll keep on showering you in compliments until you feel better.
"No way," Sero says. "If I can't use simp than thembo is not a word.". Kirishima shakes his head at his friend while taking his letters of the scrabble board.
"That's kinda transphobic. Not very manly," Kirishima says. Sero immediately perks up.
"Is not!" he exclaims. "Thembo's are totally valid but if I can't use simp than it's not a word. Mi Amore, back me up!". He wraps his arm around your shoulder as he shoots you a hopeful smile.
You look between Hanta and Kirishima. "I mean," you say. "Hanta has a point.". Kirishima puts on a fake pout. While Santa laughs his ass off. "Rules are rules.".
"You're just playing favourites," Kirishima says before laying another word down onto another word, a real one this time. Fuji, the small pieces say.
"That's the best you got?" Bakugou scoffs before placing his letters onto the board. Kaki. Not a super good word but he managed to put it down in a way that he got two triple-word-values.
"God fucking dammit," Hanta says. He looks down to his letters and then up at you. "Let me see those pretty eyes. I need my lucky charm.". Stars start to pop up on your cheeks as you gaze up at him. You blink a couple of times and Santa gets entranced by the swirling colours.
He gets pulled out of it when Bakugou's voice echoes through his room. "Fucking simp," he says. Hanta looks up.
"So now it's a word, huh?" he says before looking back to you again. "Don't worry babe, I'll be a simp for you all day, any day.". He places a kiss onto your cheek before turning back to his game of scrabble again.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟚𝟞𝟛
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Hawks have always liked the stars. Midnight flights have a therapeutic effect on him. So when he saw your eyes for the first time, he felt weirdly at peace.
Now, it's become a daily thing. Before he goes to work and right after, he places you in his lap. He encases you both with his wings while he stares into your eyes for hours.
He has trouble falling asleep most night. His mind is always plagued by nightmares, so he often uses your moondust. Either it's placebo or it has a second effect than drowsiness, but he never has nightmares when he uses it.
Just like Shinso, his wallpaper on his phone is a picture of your eyes. When Hawks is on patrol, he'll ask for videos of your eyes.
He loves the stars on your cheeks. He won't call himself a simp, but, he definitely is one for you when he sees the bright stars twinkling on your skin.
"Why are you looking at me?" you ask. You can feel Keigo's eyes burning into your skin, though you keep your eyes focused on the sky above you. A stargazing date on top of a skyscraper, how romantic.
"Because you're pretty," he says. He's leaning his elbow on the gravely ground so he can rest his chin in his palm. You roll over slightly so you can look back at him.
His golden eyes always shine the prettiest underneath the stars. A stary blush dusts itself over your cheeks. "But the stars are up there," you say.  Keigo shakes his head.
"No," he says before pointing at your face. "They're over here.". More stars taint your cheeks. You bring a hand up in an attempt to hide them but Keigo swats it away. "Baby, I want to see them.". His voice is whiney, yet full of love.
You maintain eye contact with him for a couple of minutes. Neither of you says a word. The bustling sounds coming from the city beneath you seems to calm you both down.
"The stars can never compare to you," Keigo suddenly says. He crawls closer to you until you can feel his breath against your cheek. One of his wings stretches out above you, acting as a shield. The crimson feather blocks the moonlight from illuminating your face.
In the darkness, your eyes seem to glow even brighter. One of Keigo's hands comes up to caress your cheeks. His thumb brushes over the twinkling stars dusting your skin. "Nothing can compare to you," he breathes out.
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calixwrites · 3 years
tell me a picture
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🎞 Pairing: Hoseok x Taehyung ft. Jungkook 🎞 Rating: explicit 🎞 Genre: PWP 🎞 Words: 1.3k 🎞 Warnings: voyeurism/exhibitionism, hand job, dirty talk 🎞 Summary: Jungkook wasn’t supposed to find the incriminating photostrip … or was he? 🎞 AN: Inspired by Photobooth (with permission). Thanks to @wwilloww and @bluewhale52.
🎞 🎞 🎞
“Jesus shitballs on a cracker!”
Jungkook comes rushing out, red in the face, waving the incriminating slip of photos. 
Frame 1: Bare legs, erect cock and smooth balls visible at the top of the frame. Taehyung is licking the side of one knee while looking directly into the camera. The skin he’s licking is tan and dotted with gooseflesh.
Frame 2: A blur of bare ass in motion. A swish of fabric in motion. A whirl of activity as the participants move in limited space.
Frame 3: Taehyung alone. His shirt is off, revealing distinct collarbones and a bite-shaped bruise on his shoulder. He’s biting his lower lip; eyes closed and head thrown back in ecstasy, hands reaching out.
Frame 4: Taehyung looking into the camera again, parted lips wet and red, hand resting on something shaggy at the bottom of the frame. His expression is both frank and a little dazed.
“Hyung! What the fuck is this? Whose dick is this?” Jungkook points an accusing finger at the first frame, as if willing the photographic evidence to speak up and announce its identity. “Whose fucking dick, hyung?”
Taehyung shrugs. “Not mine.”
“Yours is the only one I can safely count out. Whose dick was in your face?”
“Hoseok’s. Pretty, isn’t it?”
“Why do you have photobooth pictures of it, you kinky cumstain?”
“I like being able to look at it, obviously. Maybe I get off on it.”
“But in public?”
“I should have come to you, actually. Asked you to set up video for us. A GCF special production, if you will.”
“Why would you think I’d want to be involved in that?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him, Gguk.” There’s no judgement behind it, just a simple statement of fact. 
“I — no!”
“Why bother denying it? I’m not mad.” Taehyung’s voice goes deep and soft. “We talk about you sometimes. About how much it would turn me on if you were listening through the wall if we fucked here instead of at his place. About how hot you are.”
Jungkook freezes, the hand still holding the incriminating photos suspended in mid-air.
Taehyung continues. “Sometimes I think about what the two of you would look like together. The sounds he’d make if you fucked him. The face you’d make coming inside him.”
“What the fuck,” whispers Jungkook.
“Don’t tell me you hate it,” says Taehyung, looking pointedly at the unmistakable bulge in Jungkook’s sweatpants.
“Don’t call me out like that, bro.” Jungkook glares at him and turns on his heel, heading back to his room, photos still in his hand.
“Suit yourself,” calls Taehyung. “But the offer stands.”
🎞 🎞 🎞
The offer continues to stand. Taehyung makes that obviously clear. They start fucking at Tae’s place. Frequently. Enthusiastically. Loudly. Jungkook is pretty sure they rearrange the room so that the bed is directly against the shared wall. There’s a whole symphony of sounds that travel through the wall. Soft, low voices. Thumps. The bang of something hitting the wall directly. Sharp slaps. The distinct sound of flesh on flesh. Moaning. Unmistakable, ecstatic moaning. It’s just moaning all the fucking time now.
If he didn’t know better, he’d think they were putting on a show for him.
He invests in a better set of headphones. Sometimes he even wears them. 
🎞 🎞 🎞
“Baby, what did you say to him?” asks Hoseok as he slips his hand down the front of Tae’s loose trousers. 
“Not much. He found the pictures. I said we talked about him and thought he was hot.”
“And he didn’t seem interested?” He’s touching Taehyung lightly through his boxers, trailing teasing fingers up his thighs and over his soft cock.
“Physically yes, mentally no.”
“Aha,” muses Hoseok. “Shy?”
“I — fuck — can’t think with you doing that.”
“How about this, then. Better?” He wraps his hand around Tae’s hardening length and squeezes. A desperate groan slips past Taehyung’s lips.
“No. Not better. Words.”
“You’re thinking about him now, aren’t you?”
Taehyung nods mutely, too entranced to even think about denying it. 
“I know we talked about letting him fuck me, but I think you wouldn’t mind getting in on the action either. Isn’t that right?” Hoseok pauses to reach for the bottle of lube on the bedside table as Taehyung shucks off his trousers and underwear. He pours a bit in the well of his palm, carefully snaps the bottle shut, and sets it aside. 
“Baby, what are you up to?”
“Hmm,” hums Hoseok. “Why don’t you close your eyes and imagine it?”
Taehyung’s gaze darts to the door as Hoseok smooths his slick hand down the length of his dick, spreading the lube. 
“Maybe he’ll walk in on us, get to see your cock down my throat.”
Tae’s eyes flutter closed as he lets himself imagine the scenario — the soft sound of the door releasing from its catch, Jungkook’s gasp of surprise… the image of him standing in the doorway with those huge, dark eyes focused on nothing but the obscene sight in front of him.
“He’d see that look in your face. The one that’s far away and focused at the same time. And then he’d look at me and see how much I’m enjoying it — the way I love it when you use me like a toy.”
Hoseok’s hand picks up speed, sliding wetly. 
“That’s it, you’re picturing it now. He’d get so hard watching us, wouldn’t be able to help himself. Wouldn’t be able to look away.”
In Taehyung’s mind, Jungkook is leaning against the doorframe, palming himself, eyes wide and startled. He’s worrying his lower lip between his teeth to keep himself quiet, no sounds coming from him other than shaky, measured exhalations.
“He’d get scared, though — you know how he is — he’d want to join in but not know how to say it. So he’d go back to his room and think about it while he listened. Like he’s listening right now.”
Taehyung’s eyes fly open. “You think he’s listening now?”
“Mhmm. I know he is. He’s just on the other side of that wall, trying to talk himself out of jerking off.” He raises his voice, loud enough to carry clearly through the drywall. “Go ahead, Gguk!” Hoseok taps his ear with his dry hand and smirks as he mouths “listen.”
Taehyung’s mouth drops open in a perfect O as the faint sound of a zipper and the shuffling of fabric permeates through the silence. He’s so engrossed by the faint, almost inaudible groan from the next room that Hoseok's tongue along the underside of his dick takes him by surprise, pulling a needy stream of obscenities through his lips. 
“You like that, don’t you? Like knowing you’re both getting off at the same time.” Taehyung can’t tell if Hoseok is talking to him or to Jungkook. He doesn’t care. He can hear Jungkook panting through the wall, can match his abbreviated grunts to the mental image of him fucking his own fist.
Hoseok continues, loud enough for both of them. “You’re thinking about what he looks like right now — sweat beading on his forehead, eyes half closed — dick hard as steel. God, what I wouldn’t do for a taste right now — to feel it pulse on my tongue just before you cum — ”
Jungkook’s noises through the wall reach a frantic pace. 
“That’s right, baby, go ahead. Right on my face.”
The moans on the other side of the wall get louder and then stop as Tae’s cum splatters across Hoseok’s lips and chin, then stop entirely, replaced by silence. 
“Should I go check on him?” asks Hoseok quietly.
“Unh. Uh-huh. In a minute.”
“I don’t wanna make it weird.”
“It’s weird already.”
“Okay, then let’s see just how weird we can make it.”
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Pairing: Marcus Moreno/Reader
Word Count: 1,246
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but has some mentions of spice and some really bad insecure thoughts. 
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Whenever you’re insecure about your body, Marcus will kiss wherever you’re insecure about to remind you that he loves all of you. So what happens when you hate how your entire reflection looks?
A/N: A short author’s note before we get onto the fluff. I know that people will always be jerks, and this fandom is typically very accepting, but I’m starting to get nervous when I post, and that is never something I wanted from this writing. This isn’t to say I’m quitting writing for the Pedro Boys, but I might take a break to write without pressure to post and get myself right in the head again. Plus, my personal life is upside down right now and honestly, I need a break. If I do take one, rest assured I will not stop writing, and I will be back with all new content for you guys! Sorry this ended up being longer than I thought, and enjoy the fic!
Marcus really liked to kiss you. 
This love of kissing wasn’t an odd thing or anything you bothered to question. In fact, it was kind of endearing. Marcus would kiss you whenever he could and wherever he could, and it typically made you giggle when his facial hair tickled your skin. You suspected he did it because he was worried you’d forget he loved you otherwise. Or maybe because he lost his wife, and he never knew when he would get his last kiss. No matter what the reason was, you loved it when he kissed you. 
But his favorite time to kiss you was when you felt bad about yourself. Like right now, for example. 
You sighed, turning in the mirror and groaning. “This doesn’t fit!” 
Marcus poked his head back into the room. “What? That shirt fit two days ago when you tried it on.” 
“It doesn’t fit now,” you mumbled sadly, wrapping your arms around your chest. You were really disappointed. Marcus had bought you the shirt for this party, and now it made your stomach sink. Two days ago, it had been a beautifully flattering shirt, but now you noticed how it stretched across your arms and made them look weird. The self depreciation about your arms spread, and suddenly, you were noticing how your thighs looked off in your pants, and was your stomach always like that?
“Baby,” Marcus murmured, coming up behind you and putting his hands on your stomach, breaking you from your thoughts. “Where doesn’t it fit?” 
You blinked away tears. “Here!” You cried, oddly hysteric. “It makes my arms look fat.” 
Marcus’s face turned to stone. “My house doesn’t have many rules,” he said firmly. “But one of those rules is that we don’t use that word, at all, ever.” 
You turned back to the mirror, the horrible sinking feeling still overtaking your body, making your eyes water and your throat constrict. “Marcus.” 
“My love,” Marcus replied. “I guess this isn’t just about the shirt, is it?” 
“No,” you said in a small whisper. “It isn’t.” 
Marcus put his head against your shoulder, so you could only see the top of his head in the mirror. “One of those days?”
You nodded slowly. 
A grin bloomed on Marcus’s face as he pulled himself off you. “Well then,” he said, taking your hands and spinning you around, so you were no longer facing the mirror. “Shall we?” 
You were confused. “Marcus?” You said, following Marcus to the bed. “What are you doing?” 
Marcus nudged you until you were seated, looking up at him. “I’m proving I love you,” he said, stroking a hand over your hair. “Even if you don’t love yourself.” 
That didn’t clear much up, so you remained confused until Marcus stepped closer, so he was standing between your legs. He pressed a feather light kiss to the top of your head, smiling as he did so. “Clove?” 
“Yeah,” you said without moving. “I thought I’d give the clove shampoo a try.” 
“I like it,” Marcus decided, moving so he could kiss your forehead, where your hairline lay. “Your hair is really nice.” 
The comment made you giggle. “You sound like a stalker.” 
Marcus gasped dramatically, smiling. “I can’t compliment your hair?” 
“Not like that!” You said, overcome by laughter. “You sound super creepy.” 
“I sound romantic as hell,” Marcus said, kissing the tip of your nose. “Would it be creepy to compliment your face?” He kissed each of your cheeks, resting his hands on either side of you so he could lean forward without losing his balance. 
You hummed, face turning red. “Does it deserve compliments?” You asked softly. 
Marcus nodded, catching your lips for a soft kiss. “Of course,” he murmured against your mouth. “All of you is deserving of praise.” 
He moved downward, planting kisses to the pulse points below your jaw, tipping your head up as he did so. His lips found your collarbones, causing your heart to flutter and your face to curl into a smile when his facial hair tickled your skin. 
Marcus silently leaned back, drawing one of your arms with him. He held it, bearing all the weight as he kissed the sensitive inner skin of your elbow. “Such strong arms,” he said, trailing his kisses to your wrist. He turned your hand over and kissed it too, smiling. “And I love holding your hand. It fits perfectly in mine.” 
Now you were full on blushing, your grin never wavering as Marcus edged you back, so you were laying down on the bed. He was above you, shoving the shirt you hated away so he could kiss your sternum, trailing his kisses down your belly. “My sweetheart,” he said, kissing just above your belly button. “So beautiful.” 
“Marcus,” you whined, squirming and giggling as his kisses tickled your sensitive skin. “Marcus!” 
“Yes?” Marcus said, raising his head and looking up your body at you. “Am I doing something wrong?” 
You shook your head. “It tickles,” you said, reaching down to run your hands through Marcus’s hair, effectively ruining the neat style he had put it in. 
Marcus smiled. “You mean this?” He asked, kissing over your belly again. As his lips made contact, you felt your muscles contract as you resisted the urge to kick. It was incredibly hard, but you were given a reprieve when Marcus tugged the waistband of your pants down to kiss each side of your hips. “You can sit back up,” he said, smoothing a hand down your leg. 
You sat up, flushed. Marcus was waiting for you, leaning back on his heels. He gently nudged your legs apart, waiting for permission to pull your pants around your ankles. When you lifted your hips to grant him access, he smiled. “I love you,” he murmured, pulling your pants down and off. 
“Marcus, are we still going to that thing,” you said, watching Marcus press a warm kiss to the inside of your left knee. “Because if we were, we were supposed to leave five minutes ago, and- Jesus,” your initial sentence cut off as you all but moaned the last word when he found a sensitive spot, pressing your hand over your mouth so you wouldn’t make any more obscene noises. 
Marcus smiled, continuing to alternate left and right leg as he worked his way up, kissing whenever he changed sides. When he made it up to the top of your thigh, he gently pulled your hand off your mouth. “Let me hear you,” he said, pupils wide. 
You shook your head, desperately grabbing Marcus’s hair. “Missy’s still in the house,” you reminded him weakly. 
“To hell with Missy,” Marcus said, kissing the inside of your thigh again. 
“I am not subjecting that poor girl to hearing you pound me into the mattress,” you said, pulling Marcus up so you could kiss him. “Later, when she’s at her friend’s sleepover.” 
Marcus sighed, but nodded, kissing your forehead. “Do you believe me?” He asked as he helped you up, handing you a new shirt and turning to fix his hair. 
“Every part of you is beautiful,” Marcus said. “And worth my love.” 
You smiled, taking another look at yourself in the mirror. You still weren’t happy with your reflection, but when you looked at your body, all you could feel were Marcus’s kisses against your skin, and you suddenly felt warm inside. “Yeah. I agree. Now c’mon, we shouldn’t be late.”
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moonofthenight · 3 years
Skip a Beat
This chapter is honestly pure fluff
Chapter One can be found here
Credit for the characters goes to @lumosinlove
CW for food and beverages, talk about polyamorous relationships
Chapter Two
This morning, Leo was the first one up, feeling Logan’s back against his chest, listening to the soft breathing. Leo loved mornings like this, all warm and cosy and soft. He lifted his head a bit, glancing over Logan’s shoulder to look at the clock. It was early but late enough to wake his boyfriend up. A loving smile made his way onto Leo’s face, as he started to press light kisses to Logan’s spine, moving up to his neck, nuzzling his head into his curls.
“Lo, baby. Wake up.”
Logan let out a small groan, followed by fidgeting, resulting in Leo almost getting hit by Logan’s elbow.
“Careful sweetheart, I would like to keep my nose”, he said teasingly but the smile was never leaving his face.
Logan slowly opened his eyes, stretching his limbs, looking rather satisfied when he heard some of his joints pop.
Leo brought their heads together, nuzzling their noses.
“Bon matin.”
“Bon matin, Le.”
Leo was about to get up, when Logan threw his leg over Leo’s hip, straddling him.
“No, don’t leave. You are warm and I want cuddles”, Logan whined.
Leo laughed softly, wrapping his arms around Logan’s body, pulling him close to his chest, kissing his forehead.
“Five minutes, I’m hungry.”
Logan didn’t even bother to answer, pressing himself further into Leo’s warmth instead. This is what Logan loved about days off. There was absolutely no rush in the mornings, lots of cuddles and kisses and Leo. Lots of Leo, his sunshine boy. He relaxed completely, listening to Leo’s heartbeat, the feeling of Leo’s thumb tracing over his tattoo causing a chill to run down his spine.
“Alright love, time to get up. Chocolate pancakes?”, Leo whispered.
“That’s not on our diet plan”, said Logan, laughing.
“Coach doesn’t need to know.”
Leo carefully rolled over, laying Logan onto his back, before pushing himself up to sit at the edge of the bed. He grabbed his hoodie from the floor, throwing it behind him for Logan to catch, knowing his boy hates the cold air in the morning.
“I’m gonna give you some time to wake up properly.”
He leaned over to press a quick kiss on Logan’s lips, making his way over to the door.
“Are you not going to wear a shirt?”, he heard Logan say behind him.
“Are you going to complain?”
Leo didn’t even look back, knowing very well that his boyfriend is not going to complain about the missing shirt. Once he entered the kitchen, he pulled out the ingredients and placed them on the kitchen counter before turning on the radio. Just as he started to pour the flour into a bowl, he heard the sound of soft padding behind him. He turned around, only to see a grinning Logan leaning against the doorframe.
“I love you.”
Leo’s smile went soft.
“I love you too. Now come and make yourself useful. You can set the table.”
Logan made his way over to Leo, giving him a kiss on the cheek before he pulled the plates out of the cupboard.
I think he knows his footprints
On the sidewalk
Lead to where I can't stop
Go there every night
“Oh my god Leo, I love that song.”
Logan quickly placed the plates onto the table, sliding to the radio, turning the volume up.
“He got my heartbeat, skipping down 16th Avenue. Got that, oh!”
Leo laughed at Logan’s bad attempt to sing along, starring fondly at his now dancing boyfriend. If you can call it dancing.
He clumsily spun towards Leo, almost knocking the bowl out of his hands.
“Woah, Lo!”
But Lo wasn’t listening, instead, he started to press himself against Leo’s side, wiggling and moving to Taylor Swift. After 10 seconds, Leo couldn’t stand still anymore and started to move his hips too, causing Logan to let out a triumphant sound. Leo sat the bowl down, still dancing and turned around to face Logan, wrapping his arms around his neck.
“I ain't gotta tell him, I think he knows", Leo whispered against Logan’s lips as he leaned down, kissing him soundly.
“Yeah, I do know”, Logan said when they parted, pressing their foreheads together. Both boys where content to just feel the other’s skin but Logan couldn’t resist to press another kiss to Leo’s lips, sighing happily, causing Leo to smile. Leo’s hand wandered to Logan’s chest, resting right over his heart, feeling it beat in double time.
“Let me finish the pancakes so we can eat yeah?”, Leo said when they parted.
Logan nodded, turning on the coffee machine next to them to produce some of the life saving liquid. They moved around each other comfortably, knowing the other inside out but still occasionally bumping into each other. Sometimes it was as if something was missing to navigate them around each other, like a chair or a plant.
Once the pancakes were done, they ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the warmth, provided by the sunlight.
“When is the lesson today?”, Logan asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Around 1pm I think, Finn mentioned we could go there a bit early if we want to.”
“Oh, right, I remember. Well, we have time, what do you want to do?”
“Weeee could move to the couch and cuddle?”
“I knew I liked you for a reason.”
Leo laughed loudly, standing up to put the dishes into the sink. Logan was already wrapped into a blanket when Leo made his way into the living room. He threw himself onto Logan, causing the brown-haired boy to let out a pained groan.
“Jesus Leo! Get of me.”
Leo moved himself, lifting up the blanket to cuddle himself next to Logan, pressing against his side and resting his head on his chest. Logan picked up his phone, using his other hand to play with Leo’s hair, who let out a soft noise in return, pulling Logan even closer. Leo let his eyes fell shut, his breath evening out.
“Baby? Look what I’ve found. Have you ever heard about that?”
Leo opened his eyes again, the phone right in front of his face.
Everything you need to know about polyamory
“Oh! Well, I have heard the term polyamorous before but never looked more into it.”
“It is defined as practicing or being open to intimate relationships with more than one person. Dating as a polyamorous person means you’re not looking for just one person to share a romantic or sexual connection with.”, Logan read out loud.
The room was quiet for a few seconds before Leo pushed himself up to look at Logan.
“I mean, it’s not something I would say I can never imagine myself to do, you know. I like the idea of having more than one person to love. Not like you are not enough, that’s not what I mean-“
“Hey, Le, it’s okay. I know what you mean, I think so too.”
Leo looked at Logan and nodded.
He laid down on his chest again, now wide awake.
“Can we look a bit more into it?”, asked Leo, his voice a bit shy.
“Of course, sweetheart. Let me get the laptop real quick.”
And that’s how they found themselves a few minutes later, the laptop in between them, several tabs with different articles and reports open. Their heads were pressed together, bot of them reading on their own but occasionally talking about their opinions on different things. They both loved that about their relationship, they talked about stuff without being scared if the other might think it’s weird.
“Oh, shit Leo! It’s half past twelve, we need to go.”
Logan slammed the laptop shut, both boys nearly falling over their own feet as they stumbled in the direction of their bedroom, throwing on some comfy clothing. Leo grabbed two water bottles from the fridge before running down the stairs behind Logan, his shoes in his other hand.
The moment Leo slammed the car door shut, Logan drove off. Leo secured the bottles between his legs, slipping into his shoes.
“And now we have ‘Watermelon Sugar’ by Harry Styles for you.”
Leo started to smile, wanting to turn up the volume but Logan was faster.
“Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin’ and it sounds just like a song”, Leo and Logan sung, or well, screamed at the top of their lungs, breaking out in a fit of laughter right after. They drove to the dance school, listening to Harry Styles, doing silly dances.
Logan parked the car safely in front of the school, Finn was already holding the door open for them.
“You are late.”
“Oh, come on Finn, by two minutes!”
Logan made a mental note to himself; Finn doesn’t like people being late
The three boys walked through the hallway, waving at June before entering the studio, the music was already playing.
“Alright boys, do you remember what we did in the last lesson?”, Finn said with a smile as they walked to the middle of the room. Leo and Logan nodded.
“Great, we are going to take a step back. What I want you guys to do, is to tap your right foot. Just tap it next to your left foot, if possible, to the beat Leo”, Finn explained, laughing a bit at the last part. They did this for a few seconds and just as it got boring, Finn stopped.
“You are doing great! I know this will turn boring at some point but your brain needs to remember what it has to do. Therefore, you need specific exercises that help you with that. Moving on, we are going to take two steps forward like last time but instead of tapping your foot, I want you guys to lift your leg up. Same backwards. It’s absolutely fine if you don’t get it at the first try, just keep going until you get the grip.”
Logan really liked this trait of Finn, never making him feel bad. He knew him for what? Two hours in total maybe, but still. It was a nice feeling. Completely platonic of course.
“One, two, up. Three, four, up.”
Finn’s voice was loud over the music, his smile bright, his enthusiasm contagious. Logan needed a bit more time than Leo but he got it right eventually.
“Now, that would look a bit stupid if you dance it out like that, so are you ready to try it like two days ago?”
“Yep”, said Leo, letting the ‘p’ plop.
“I’m going to start slow but will go faster from time to time. Try to keep up babes.”
Logan’s head snapped up at the pet name, resulting in him missing the start of the song. He focused on Finn again, finally finding the right moment to join in, smiling happily when he got it right a few times in a row.
The two boys where so concentrated, looking at themselves in the mirror, they didn’t even notice Finn stopping and turning around to look at them.
“Yes!”, shouted Finn, his eyes shining with proudness.
“Did we do it?”, asked Leo, glancing at Logan with such pure joy, his heart melted.
“You did! I’m so proud of you! We have a few minutes left so I want you to do it together now. Leo, you need to do it the other way around now.”
“I need to do what?”
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jeonqquk · 3 years
tattooing | jjh
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Pairing- Jaehyun X Reader
Genre/ Tags- fluff, crack, bi jaehyun, lucas royally fucks up, tattooing
Age rating- 13+
Word count- 2.6k words
Summary- Tattooing doesn’t go as planned.
POV- Third person
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Your whining wasn’t gonna get you anywhere, you were well aware of the fact. But you supposed that you might as well give it a shot. The ‘it’ here being the fact that you really wanted Jaehyun to get a tattoo. It wasn’t that you wanted to somehow blackmail Jae into getting a tattoo. Oh god, no. You’d never want that. It was just that you had always been fond of tattoos, the meaningful ones, not the totally unnecessary, really weird looking, out of the world ones. Jaehyun with a tattoo would be fucking hot though, that was just a plus point- not the main reason as to why you wanted him to get one. 
You were thinking a sweet quote or something, but that would only be possible of he was willing to get one.
“Jae, baby, what do you think about getting a tattoo?” your boyfriend of 3 years sighs, rubbing his hand on your knee that had been placed on his thigh. “I don’t know..maybe later. Why are you so intent on me getting a tattoo though?” he wiggles his eyebrows, suggestively or whatever, and you look at him in confusion, trying your level best to stop the blood threatening to creep up your cheeks. You clear your throat and reply simply “I feel like a tattoo would be beautiful. Just permanently inked onto your skin. It should be something purposeful though. I don’t want you going bald and tattooing a zipper on your scalp.” 
A snort is heard from him “Don’t worry, I’m not going bald. Although it’s a very tempting idea.” Rolling your eyes at his lame comment, you sit up and move over to cuddle closer to him on the couch. He wraps his left arm around you “Why don’t you get a tatto Y/n?” he questions and you look up at him in mild shock. Well, you could get a tattoo. You are of legal age and stuff but the thought had never crossed your mind. You don’t know why.
“....I could...” Jaehyun smiles, his dimples popping out and you can’t help but mirror the sweet action. “So why don’t you? We’re not even doing anything and I know for a fact that you have a lot of designs saved on your Pinterest board. Even if they were for me, you can try finding one that suits you too.”
Suddenly feeling giddy, you quickly grab your phone from the coffee table and unlock it, clicking on the app you needed. As you find the board, you see that you’ve gained 18 followers in the time span of 2 weeks. Huh.
As you scroll through the pins of small intricate designs that could be engraved onto a finger or hand, Jaehyun points out one that looked like watercolour art and was in the form of a small flower with red petals. It did look quite cute, to be honest. “Hmm, this does look nice. Won’t it look good on my collarbone?” Jaehyun nods in agreement “I was thinking that too.” Smiling up at him, you look into his eyes “Well, should I get this?” Your boyfriend chuckles at your excitement, and pats your head in adoration. “I know that you’re excited, sweetie. But don’t you wanna try looking at other designs before deciding?” Humming, you scroll a bit more as Jaehyun reads a novel. But you don’t find anything that captures your attention a lot. Sure the sweet quotes, couple tattoos and nature-related  designs are great ideas for a tattoo but you were set on the one with the rose.
Jaehyun coos when you tell him that, squishing your cheeks and telling you that the two of you could go to a shop tomorrow and get design inked onto your collarbone forever. 
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It’s 9:28 am when you wake up from your slumber and turn to give Jaehyun who looks like he had also woken up just a few minutes ago a peck on his lips. His dimples are visible as he smiles and greets you. The two of you get up and freshen up before you’re sitting at the dining table to eat blueberry pancakes. 
The clock shows that it’s 10:30 am by the time you two leave the house and head for the tattoo store you had researched last night. It takes 15 minutes to reach said shop and Jaehyun parks the car before looking at you with concern evident on his face. “Y/n, you are sure about this right?” Smiling fondly at his worry, you keep your hand on his cheek ��I’m sure Jae. Don’t worry.” One kiss is enough to relax him and you pull away before you get too carried away and end up dirtying his car again. Oops.
You enter the cosy shop hand-in-hand with Jaehyun and see someone sitting at the reception wearing an oversized blue shirt. Definitely not the vibes you had expected to get from a fucking tattoo parlour but oh well. You had expected everyone to be intimidating and were ready to hide behind Jaehyun as soon as you entered. But it seems as if that wasn’t happening because all you had deciphered from the shop called Inkphoric was that it was built in a way not to scare the people who had gathered the courage to even stop foot in it. 
The receptionist, she said her name was Nara, leads you both to a room in a corridor. Your hands are sweaty and thankfully she allows Jaehyun to go inside as well. When you’re seated on the chair comfortably, Jaehyun grabs a stool to sit beside you and you wait for the tattoo artist. The wait isn’t long because a minute later, a man who looks about your age is walking towards you all. His all black get-up matches the tattoos littering his arms and he also seems to have a piercing in his right ear, a silver dangling. 
“Hello, I’m Lucas. I’ll be tattooing…” he introduces himself and looks between the two of you, silently asking which one of you he would be tattooing. Honestly, you would have expected him to at least  know who he would be drawing on but quickly brush the thought off as you greet him, telling him that you would be the one getting the art onto her skin. He smiles cutely and nods, and you look at Jaehyun, his comforting smile relaxing your tense body. 
Nara talks to Lucas for a minute or so and then walks off, shooting you an encouraging smile before closing the door behind her. 
“So what is it that I’ll be tattooing onto you, ma’am?” Lucas speaks and you show him the image of the flower. Jaehyun is holding your left hand in his, the warmth seeping throughout your entire body and you’re grateful for Jae’s beautiful ability of being able to calm you down in only a matter of seconds- no matter how serious the situation would be. 
“Oh, that’s very pretty.” “Thank you.” you smile at him, and he prepares his stuff. You’re pulling down the hem of your shirt slightly and exposing part of your left collarbone, where you want your collarbone. 
Lucas says that he’s tracing the design out first and you wait patiently. 
“Now, don’t be scared. It’s gonna hurt at first, especially at the bone but it will soon go away. You can hold your boyfriend’s hand.” he instructs and gives you an encouraging look as Jaehyun moves to your  right to give Lucas space, his large hand completely enclosing yours. 
“Okay, here goes…” the sound of the gun whirring to life fills the room that has tattoo designs filling the wall. 
“Fuck!” your voice pierces through the air and you jolt from the sudden pain. It felt as if someone was impaling you with a sword- which was partly true- but they were doing it continuously. Jaehyun is shocked from your sudden movement and struggles to catch you in his arms. Lucas quickly tears the gun away from your neck and you whimper out, the pain searing through your entire being and Jaehyun tries shushing you, his attempts all going in vain. 
Shitshitshit. This is torture. It’s only the first touch of the needle against your skin and you’re already this close to crying. How the fuck do people get those huge ass tattoos?! Trying your best to calm down and ignore the pain spreading throughout your entire being, you squeeze Jaehyun’s hand hard enough for it to pain but you don’t really care at this point, the throbbing of your collarbone enough to send you flying. He’s stood up from the stool by now, standing behind you.
“Okay..sorry sorry, you can continue.” you whisper out and clamp your lips shut so as to not let out any more weird noises. You’re sweating by the time Lucas gets the gun closer to you and bite your tongue hard enough to draw blood when the feeling of the needle pressing against your skin fills you up again.
Holy heck, I can’t do this. 
Your face is an accurate representation of agony, your entire body tensing as Lucas tattoos your collarbone with his long hair slightly brushing against your neck. You try leaning your head back and lean against Jaehyun. He’s whispering soft comforting words as countless profanities leave your mouth and you feel sad for Lucas, having to hear the shit you were spewing. 
“It’s alright, baby. Just think about other things, happy things.” your boyfriend pecks your cheek and hugs you lightly, trying not to disturb Lucas.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale inh-
“I think I just popped a boner.”
You gasp. Lucas chokes. He moves. You shriek.
“Ah, shit!” the gun’s needle scraped against your skin, it was all so sudden. The pain suddenly shoots throughout your entire body, tears filling your eyes. Nononono. 
“Jesus! It’s paining too much!” you’re sobbing by now, Lucas is frantic and Jaehyun..well..he is burning. He’s too busy regretting all his choices to even notice what’s happening around him. Jaehyun bends down to fix his problem and emerges 5 minutes later, when you’re still twisting in torment. Everything is red, your lip being abused by your teeth in order to calm down.
“Y/n! Ma’am! I’m so sorry! Shit, no!” Lucas apologises and sprints over to get a cloth to wipe something you feel trickling down your chest now. Blood. You’re bleeding. 
Writhing in agony in your seat, you clench your hands as if that would somehow reduce the sting, and pant, trying to relax. Your eyes are widened at an attempt of keeping it all in but the throbbing just doesn’t seem to dissipate.
Oh God…
Lucas is now carefully dabbing at the source of blood with panic written clearly all on his face. You look at Jaehyun through the ache to see that he is now coming back to reality and upon seeing your state, a gasp tears his throat and he’s looking at you with his eyes widened. 
The distress prevents you from speaking properly but you manage to call out, “J-Jaehy..Jaehyun.” Said man is desperately looking between your blood gushing out and your face twisted in discomfort. He figures it out and as soon as he does, takes your whimpering form into his, murmuring endless apologies and if you could, you would stop him from saying that but the sting is still there, only lessening a tad bit.
It’s hell, trying to clean the blood away and getting it sorted out. You cried a bit during the process as well but you were perfectly entitled to do that, the gun had pierced your skin quite deep when Lucas had jolted upon hearing what Jae suddenly said. 
30 minutes later, you’re hiccupping slightly and trying to breathe normally after the mad incident. Surprisingly, no one had come in during that time and you were thankful for that, not having wanted anybody to see the mess that had been caused because of Jaehyun’s unexpected confession. Speaking of which, you wince and turn around to look at him and when his eyes meet yours, ask him what he meant “What was that about you popping a boner?” the incredulity just hit you now and you wait for his response impatiently.
“Nothing babe...just forget it. I’m so sorry for saying it so randomly, though. I should’ve thought before speaking. I’m so careless.” the look on his face melts  and you are about to pull him into your chest when you realise that you can’t.
The pain has subsided by now, it’s bearable and you turn to look at Lucas who- when he catches your gaze- immediately walks over to you and starts speaking. “Ma’am, I’m so sorry! That was so sudden and I messed up your tattoo. It’s all my fault, please forgive me if possible.” he looks scared, and you understand why. He probably thinks you’ll sue him or something but you weren’t planning on doing anything of the sort. “It’s alright Lucas. I’m also not gonna tell anyone. We’ll just tell everyone that as soon as the gun touched me, I chickened out and told you to stop.” you keep your hand on his head that’s bowed and he looks up. There are tears brimming his eyes and you don’t know if it’s out of fear or the fact that he genuinely feels terrible for what he did. It really wasn’t his fault anywhere though. You didn’t understand why he was so stressed. 
“I’m sorry Lucas, I just said something stupid without even thinking before. You don’t need to take nay of the blame.” Jaehyun’s voice fills the room and Lucas’ features relax a little before he smiles forcefully. “Well, if your cuts get better, then maybe I can continue the design?” he jokes and you laugh along, knowing all too well that you wouldn’t be coming here again. Your first tattoo and this had happened.
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“So do you wanna tell me about that boner-popping now? Lucas isn’t even here.” you’re sitting at the dining table, having just finished your dinner with empty bowls of pasta in front of each of you. Jaehyun shifts slightly in his seat and you wonder if you made him uncomfortable, although you don’t understand why- the reason couldn’t have been that  bad. As soon as you start to backtrack, Jaehyun’s voice is heard.
“Well..just..you know when you were getting the tattoo?” you nod slightly “Lucas was just, his black clothes..and he was bending over and I don’t know. You were whimpering..” “So the scene was too hot and you popped a boner?” you complete his sentence and he meekly nods before you’re howling with laughter, almost falling iff the chair and forgetting about the pain around your collarbone. The bisexual in Jaehyun was showing and he was afraid to admit it, you don’t now why. He had told you about this when you started dating, and you were totally fine with  it, because you knew that he wouldn’t cheat on you. 
“Hey..” your boyfriend half-heartedly attempts to stop you but you’re too far gone to realise that he may be feeling bad. When your laughing fit is over, though, you look at him for any trace of sadness but are relieved to see that he’s only blushing lightly, his dimples showing when he smiles. 
“So, do you wanna get a  tattoo now?” the answer is obvious, given the fact that today did not go as planned. You’re surprised when he answers.
“I don’t think so. My body is a shrine and a tattoo will take away its chastity.”
“Shrine indeed.”
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Ty for reading! Yes lmao ik the ending is weird asf, as is the entire story, but nvm
Feedback is always appreciated!
this was supposed to be a drabble for jae’s birthday 😭excuse the typos they’re terrible and i’m literally the most impatient living being you’ll ever encounter
also, the shop name lmao i just got it from google- not creative i know
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Tagging: @neoculturedtrash , @jeongjeffrey , @orange-lemon-cross , @nanasimp , @bluejaem​
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cellard0ors · 3 years
Fic: Made For You (3/3)
Remember this? I got it done - lol. If you'd like to read the complete story, here is the AO3 Link. As a quick recap: In response to Rhett ‘not judging’ Link for any potential mannequin actions per GMM # 2014. This final part is Link and the Rhett-equin getting *frisky*
Their kissing continues - passionate, riotous - and while a small part of Link’s mind is circled around the fact that this isn’t actually Rhett, he does his stalwart best to ignore it, because this is his chance. His one and only, and when the doppelganger pulls back and looks him in the eyes, it’s so very easy to forget. More so when he asks, “How do you want this?”
“I’m-? You-?” Link licks his lips and he looks away, heat flaring up beneath his skin in his embarrassment to confess this, even to a facsimile of the person he’s long since desired, “You, um-?” he jerks a thumb over one shoulder, “Behind me?”
Rhett nods before kissing him again and then they work together, sort of rearranging everything, stripping Link of his clothing and when Link finds himself on all fours, he lets out a shuddering breath.
It’s the kind of breath he feels as if he’s been holding in his whole life. It practically whooshes out of him, all the air in his lungs fleeing as he faces the mattress and a big, warm hand runs down his spine, “Easy, brother. Easy.”
Easy, Link lets out a shaky laugh. As if anything about this can be construed as easy. He’s about to have sex with this…being. This one who looks like Rhett and sounds like Rhett and thinking of him as Rhett makes this even more nerve wracking. Almost to a point of being unbearable. This in mind, he rubs his face against the bed and breathes, “I’m ready.”
“Not yet you’re not,” Rhett rumbles and Link hears something behind him, the opening and closing of a nearby drawer and how Rhett knows where to find his secret stash of lube, he’s not going to ask. It’s rare – extremely rare – that Link takes care of things here. The Creative House wasn’t purchased for, well, that. Or this, really.
Yet here he is.
He hears a light popping sound and then cool, gentle fingers stroke teasingly between his upturned ass cheeks. Link’s breath hitches and his hips instinctively push back. Funny that. That the instinct to move towards an intrusion is just…there. Buried within him. It probably always has been. Yet Rhett takes his time, just…working over him.
Getting his skin slick and ready, only the tip of one finger occasionally circling the rim of his entrance, lightly dipping in, but with no real intensity. It’s more of a shallow exploration and Link whimpers, toes curling as he slurs, “You can do more.”
“I can,” Rhett agrees, but he doesn’t. In fact, if Link knows anything, he knows when the sound of a smile is contained within his friend’s words and he glowers, pushing his hips back again as if waving a flag. Rhett chuckles and on his next pass, his fingertip goes deeper. It surges in up past the first knuckle and Link gasps, his dick twitching heavily beneath him.
It’s been more than half hard this entire time and now it’s beyond full mast as Rhett eases the finger out and then back in, surer this time and with greater intent. A second joins and Link lets out a tiny cry – part distress, part elation and Rhett just shushes him again, runs his free hand down along his spine again. It helps. The pain dies so fast, lost more to the flow of joy.
So much so, that when the third finger comes, when all three are working in tandem to open him up, Link’s hips are surging back and forth easily, accepting the act with eager enthusiasm, as his throat opens – allowing cries of sheer ecstasy to spill out.
He’s never heard himself like this. So high-pitched, so desperate. He feels like if Rhett doesn’t do something soon, if he doesn’t take him, he will honestly and truly die. It’s ridiculous and overdramatic beyond belief but it’s true and when Rhett withdraws his fingers Link almost wants to weep, only to be met with a soft, shaky, “Now you’re ready.”
“Yes,” Link pleads, pressing his forehead down, pushing his ass upwards and Rhett has both of his hands on Link’s hips as he draws him backward, as he lines them up. It takes very little finagling on Rhett’s part to take hold of himself and ease in, to push inside, and Link lets out more startling sounds that cross between the realms of pain and pleasure.
His body is being stretched, filled, but it – Jesus – it feels so right. And pleasure easily wins out when Rhett begins to move. Somehow, the actions of his slight withdrawal followed by a steady re-entry take the sting out of the action. Link finds his body becoming numb to it, numb to any sort of resistance and quickly turning over towards a warmed, hot heat – one that curls like molten liquid within the pit of his belly.
“Rhett,” Link’s voice warbles over the name and Rhett's hand – the one that’s been occasionally stroking his back – goes for his hair. It buries fully into it, fingers curling around both dark and silver strands alike and tugging just so and Link lets out a ragged wail, because – yeah, this isn’t going to last long. His balls feel full – drawn taunt – and he can just catch sight of his full cock lolling thickly between his legs, jutting up towards his belly.
Rhett’s thrusts have picked up their pace and there’s the lewd sound of slapping flesh and Link can feel Rhett’s hips flush against his ass cheeks – smacking into them again and again and Rhett tightens his grip on Link’s hair as he rumbles, “It’s okay, baby. Let go.”
Link does.
With a wail he cums; shooting across the mattress, his own legs, coating everything in a flood of long held release and if there’s an answering relief from Rhett, Link doesn’t feel it, too lost in his own jubilant climax to sense it. In fact, not long after, Link feels something else crash down on him. A hard and heavy wave of exhaustion. A curtain of sleep that takes him before he can think a second thought.
Link wakes up alone.
Alone and…sticky.
He sits up with a troubled grunt to see he’s in the Creative House in his room. He’s fully clothed and the Rhett-equin has been knocked to one side. He sees it there, lying on the carpet and it occurs to him that he probably knocked it over in his sleep.
…as a matter of fact, he did more than just that in his sleep, and shifting about, he knows for certain that he came in his sleep. Cursing, he falls back and throws an arm over his eyes. He hasn’t had a wet dream in…? Christ, he can’t remember the last time he had one. Much less one like this. One so extreme and…weird.
Groaning, he rolls upwards again and rises to his feet. He rights the Rhett-equin and looks in its eyes. Does he see a sparkle there? Probably not. Sighing, he runs a hand over one of its cheeks and sighs, “You give me that dream last night, big fella?”
There’s no answer, but Link pats his cheek as he murmurs, “Well, if you did. I owe you one. It was…?”
He shrugs, not sure what to say it had been. Cathartic? Insane? Stupid?
Whatever it had been, it had certainly been…something. Something enough that Link finds himself rising up on his tip toes and giving the Rhett-equin another little peck and a laugh, “Whatever. You were a good purchase, man. No other way to slice it.”
That said, Link leaves the room to go and shower.
And the Rhett-equin?
It stays there.
It stays there…with a little twinkle in its eyes.
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ethvn-torchio · 3 years
Walls Could Talk | Chapter Two
a/n: sorry this chapter took so long! writer’s block is a bitch 😩✌
Summary: Steve and Peggy's search brings them to Paris - where they happen to meet up with an old friend.
Warnings: an intense makeout session/implied sexual content (it’s not smut, i haven’t decided if I’m putting actual smut in this fic)
Wordcount: 1.5k (unedited, also I'm sorry it's so short 🙃)
AO3 | prev chapter | next chapter (coming soon!)
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ᴏᴄᴛ 𝟸𝟿, 𝟷𝟿𝟺𝟿
ᴏxғᴏʀᴅ, ᴇɴɢʟᴀɴᴅ
Steve wakes up in a cold sweat, bolting upright in bed. Was he still dreaming? Was this...was this real?
He gazes at Peggy - to make sure she was there, that all of this wasn't a mere fantasy, who begins to stir.
So, not a dream then, at least. His heart is racing, his mind buzzing and yet still confused and his breathing erratic. She's speaking to him, saying something, and he isn't quite listening, his heart thundering his ears. Adrenaline surges through his veins.
“I’m...I’m sorry, Peg. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispers. His pulse was still racing.
Lightning illuminates the room for a split second and he can see the sympathy in her eyes.
"It's quite alright, Darling. Will you tell me what's wrong?" She asks, trailing her fingers through his hair.
"I...I don't- I don't remember much," he admits. "It was just...some stuff from the past...or, future..." he could almost laugh at that if he was in a better mood.
She nods sympathetically. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
He drinks in her appearance, nodding slightly. He presses his lips against hers softly.
He kisses her, gently and imploringly at first.
His one hand softly trails down her back, and he notices her sharp intake of breath when his hand ghosts over her lower back.
"This hurt?" he asks.
She nods stiffly. "I do believe I forgot to tell you with everything that happened tonight. I had a bit of a scuffle in the restroom with a Hydra agent. She slammed me against the sink," Peggy explains.
An idea forms in Steve's head; a single minded goal to make her forget.
He would make the only thing on her mind be him.
Wordlessly, he smiles and dips his head towards her neck, brushing his lips against it. His teeth graze against a sensitive spot on her neck and she makes a soft "Oh,"
His hands go to rest against either of her thighs. He pulls back, pupils blown.
“Steve,” she whispers. She lifts her hips in a silent invitation.
He leans down to kiss her, his lips against hers, and she's already breathless. He doesn't want to rush things, but he can't resist her.
Her hand slides down his back, and she lets out a soft moan against his mouth. His hands trail up her shirt, he can feel the goosebumps on her skin. He kisses her neck, and she can feel his hot breath against her skin.
"God, you're so beautiful. I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," she replies.
He pulls her in for a desperate kiss once again, pulling her close.
The rain came and went, and with it sunshine followed.
“Peggy. Peggy, wake up,” is the first thing Peggy is greeted with in the morning.
Peggy groans, rolling over in an effort to ignore him. “No, not now,” she mutters, burying her face in the pillow.
Peggy feels weight on the bed as Steve sits down next to her. She tries in vain to ignore him.
"Oh, c'mon now, Peg. It's a new day, it's time to get up," he says.
“You are far too cheerful considering how early it is,” Peggy complains, shielding her eyes from the light pouring in from the blinds.
“...Peggy, it’s eleven in the morning.”
Peggy groans, glancing at the clock as if to make sure he’s right. “Point withstanding, you’re still too cheerful.”
“Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Steve teases, narrowly missing a pillow flung haphazardly at him.
“Do shut up, Steve.”
He snickers.
Peggy yawns, stretching her sleep-infused joints. "Where are we going, again?"
"Word is our target's in Paris,” Steve replies. “Or at the very least, someone important is.”
Peggy hums, sitting up. The blanket wrapped around her falls off, revealing her bruised back.
"Jesus, Peg. Have you seen your back? That looks like it hurts," Steve notes.
"Yes, thank you for that insightful observation."
"I just mean- do you want ice or something?"
Peggy shrugs nonchalantly. "It doesn’t quite hurt. I can deal with it, I’ve faced worse."
“To be fair, you are the woman who fell asleep standing up in a trench.”
“Exactly,” Peggy winks. She stands up, beginning to sift through her suitcase. “So tell me, Steve. When’s our train leaving?”
ᴘᴀʀɪs, ғʀᴀɴᴄᴇ
A few hours later, they arrive at their dingy, rundown hotel just outside of Paris. The lobby smells like bleach and old carpet, and a radio plays a somber, mellow jazz tune.
Peggy clears her throat, waiting for the receptionist to acknowledge them.
The receptionist does not, however, care to notice.
“Can we have a room, please?” Peggy asks the woman at the front desk.
The woman hardly looks up from her magazine. “Name?”
“Carver,” Peggy answers automatically before Steve can.
The receptionist takes a long, seemingly never ending sip of her tea. Finally, she says. “Take the elevator to the third room, first one on the left. Here’s your key,” the woman says, sounding as disinterested as she possibly can. “Enjoy your stay,” she adds dryly.
Peggy eyes her warily. There was something a bit...off, about that woman.
Perhaps it was just her imagination.
They make their way to the elevator, and Steve finally breaks the silence. “So...is it just me or was there something weird about her? I mean, she could’ve just been a disgruntled employee, but…” he trails off, scratching the back of his neck.
Peggy hums. “No, I happen to agree. Though, perhaps we were just inconveniencing her by making her do her job.”
The smile fades from her face. “Stop,” Peggy whispers. She tilts her head toward the door, which was ajar. She clutches her gun in her purse.
Steve snorts. “Maybe,”
She laughs right along with him, but she pauses abruptly outside their door.
It could be the maid...but they haven’t even gotten into the room once.
Silently, the two stalk toward the door. The smell of smoke escapes from the room when Steve nudges the door open.
Which, in both of their experiences, usually did not happen to be a good thing.
In the chair in the corner, there sat...
Howard Stark.
A collective groan escapes the couple.
“Howard, must you break into our hotel room?” Peggy scolds, turning on the light.
“We thought you were an intruder.” Steve adds.
Howard smirks, taking a long drag of his cigar. “Technically, I am. But don’t you kids worry - I bring a peace offering. By peace offering, I mean I’m inviting you to stay in my Paris apartment instead of this dump,” Howard gestures loosely. “I mean, I don’t think this building even has heat.”
Steve shrugs. “Wouldn’t it be better to stay somewhere inconspicuous?”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Peggy agrees, her arms crossed.
Howard sniffs. “Okay, fine, don’t accept my extremely generous offer to let you stay at my apartment. I know when I’m not wanted. Just know I’ll remember that in the summer when you want to come over because I have air conditioning and you don’t.”
Peggy rolls her eyes. “Quit the melodramatics, Howard. We’ll stay with you,”
Steve wraps an arm around her. “Yeah, we- wait, we will?”
“...What? This building doesn’t have heat, and quite frankly I enjoy summer visits to Howard’s house.”
“Attagirl, Peg.” Howard beams. “I’ll meet you two in the lobby,”
Later, the trio eats lunch at Howard’s apartment.
"-you are not funny, Howard." Peggy informs him, pointing at him with her fork. "You could've at least feigned innocence."
"Innocent? If you looked up "innocent' in the dictionary, you'd see my picture on it," Howard says defensively.
Peggy snorts at that. "Oh, please, Howard. With your history you could easily father a small country,"
Howard grimaces. "Eugh, kids hate me. Plus, who has time to tend to a baby all the time? I mean sure, kids probably aren't annoying when they're...late teenagers? But for most of their lives, kids just seem so clingy and needy."
Steve picks at his plate absentmindedly, reminded of a conversation he had with Tony.
"Clearly, you must've met a different version of my father. He was cold. He was calculating. He never told me he loved me, he never even told me he liked me."
The sound of Peggy’s voice brings him back to reality. "...That's because they're children, Howard. Babies aren't self-sufficient from birth. Do you expect them to come out of the womb ready for rocket science?"
"Well, thank you for absolutely shattering my argument, Agent Carter." Howard mutters, downing his coffee. Deciding to change the subject in order to deflect attention off of himself, he says, "Steve, you still with us?"
Steve snaps to attention. "I, uh, yeah. I was just daydreaming, I guess."
Peggy makes a mental note to ask Steve about that later.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Howard asks.
Steve shrugs noncommittally, continuing to eat with much less gusto than before. "Just thinking about our mission,”
Peggy eyes him carefully, choosing to say nothing but clearly knowing something was wrong. In due time, she would ask.
In due time hopefully meant whenever Howard left the room.
lmao so like i was listening to a bunch of james bond songs bc they’re dramatic and spy-ey right (cough cough tho a song that fits the general tone of the fic would be "the world is not enough" by garbage)?? and then there’s absolutely none of that in this chapter lmao. sorry if this chapter was boring compared to last one but i mean we can’t have constant action in the fic, silly goose. 
also can we talk about how it took me like 8 DAYS TO WRITE THIS and it’s this short i’m sorry ajsjdfkgjjklk 😶✌
taglist (dm me if you’d like to be added!):
everything taglist: @return-of-the-simp​ @thereblogcrusader @stillmourningtonystark ​
walls could talk taglist: @deedepee​ @rizwritesfandom​ (extra thanks to riz for helping me when i was struggling with being descriptive u a real one) @mcu-academy​​
If you enjoyed, please rb/leave a comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Cam Boy 1~ (One Shot) Valentino X Mark OC (Hazbin Hotel)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, Another Hazbin Hotel one this one being with Mark OC Aka my co author if she was a man and Valentino we hope that you all enjoy this chapter!]
(marks pov)
I smile at the camera doing my usual tease show. It was always nice I never had to do anything else, especially since..funnily enough, I was a virgin, so I didn't have to lose it to a piece of plastic, plus, I got payed some good money..though I never know when Val will ask for his pay, he hasn't yet. I smiled at the camera as I removed the fur coat Val had given me as a present (pause I'm sorry as a present? A fur coat, a casual gift? Bitch you have any idea how expensive they get, and even faux fur (which is what j get ) can be expensive) as I show off my outfit as I looked at the comments.
'new choker?'
"oh, it is, my boss got it for me, so sweet of him." I said my fingers glazing the heart ring choker as I smiled. "Well we should get started yeah? I'm sure you're all excited, I know I'm getting excited~ maybe you'll see past my underwear this time~"
'do you actually like your boss?' I look at the comment.
"I really do, he's really nice. I care about him." I said as my eyes went to the gift Box on my desk as I smiled before the door was opened. "Oh one second guys." I hear the comments go off. "I know I know babes I'll be right back though~" I said blowing a kiss as I see it was Val as I smile up at him still on the bed and cover my mic.
"Hey boss, everything okay? You need me to get you anything?" I asked.
(I mean look mark got it fucking good here. He isn't paying Val, Val is getting him things, he doesn't have to fuck himself on camera and just strips, gets his own room, gets fucking fur coats.. so no wonder he's like that)
(He got it good)
“I am going to be a guest star in your show~” he says and stroked my cheek
I was confused as I went to speak as he took his cigar out of his mouth. "I've got to set up some extra cameras, here. Why don't you just take a few puffs doll while I do that?"
"O-Oh I don't really smoke val--"
"I know. Bit I want you too." He said as I looked at it. "Well if you want me too.." I said as I lifted it to my mouth
(Mark no!)
(Dont do it small bean!)
I take a few drags while they set up the cameras. I started to feel even more hot and bothered than normal. It was weird, I could only describe it as a tingling feeling as I let out a small cough when I inhaled to much.
(...yeah both me.and mark, we are asthmatic..not a good idea Val to leave him unsupervised)
He took it away and took a long drag himself. I then sat on the bed~ Oh was it always this soft~
(oh god mark our poor baby mark)
(his adhd and sensory did not need this kind of a boost xD)
I can't believe I've never noticed it. I take one of the stuffed animals on the bed he had gotten me my first week in hell as I gave a small giggle as I stroked the soft, fuzzy material.
(Jesus what kind of drugs were in that thing?)
(I would say Val is better than this..................but he's not.
(No he is not XD)
He smirked and got on the bed with me and push my hair out of my face gently.
I shudder at that. Were his hands always so cold? I feel my face heat up more as I looked at him, my y whole body, it felt odd..
"B-Bossss...I-I feel..S-So warmm it's unbearable..~" I whined.
“I will put on the air and you can take some clothes off~” I say.
I nod and slowly took off all my clothes I feel so sticky and warm~
I slowly peel off the skirt, my shirt, I kick off my heels before he told me to stop, leaving me in my bra and panties (let me guess..) that he bought me (yup) and the choker he gave me. He looked at me and smirked as he got back to the bed with some ice chips. He had me lay down and slowly trails and ice chip over my belly.
(Oh sensory play :3)
(XD those drugs were not just for making you relaxed XD)
(XD I can see that xD)
I jerked at that as instinctively, I tried to suck my stomach in to not feeling the freezing cold sensation, but after a moment it felt..good, a welcomed change to the burning of my skin as I squirm, feeling the water slowly trickle down my navel, and the sides of my stomach. I jerked at that as instinctively, I tried to suck my stomach in to not feeling the freezing cold sensation, but after a moment it felt.. good, a welcomed change to the burning of my skin as I squirm, feeling the water slowly trickle down my navel, and the sides of my stomach. He smirked and after the cube melted moved to my thighs dipping them into the inner upper thighs. I was moaning at this point and rock hard~
I never felt this kind of feeling before, I..I want to keep feeling it~ "o-oh~ y-y-you're hands are so cold~" I moan as it helped stave off the burning on my skin though I felt like I could feel every microscopic movement of his hands.
"Do you want to feel them more baby~" He says and stokes my arm and side with just his finger tips teasing me.
"Yes bosss~" I moan.
"Call me daddy~" He tells me and I nod.
"Yes daddy~" I moan louder and arch into his hands. I needed it. "More daddy~ please~"
“Anything for you baby~” he says and starts to stroke my body then leaned down and kissed me
My eyes widen briefly before closing as I moan and wrap my arms around him as my hands feel around before feeling something soft and feathery.
(...girl that's his antenne xD I mean they do look soft fun fact you know why moths have antennae it's to find and smell a mate, and some male.moths can smell a mate from over 6 miles away)
(Oh no XD mark can't run)
(XD he really can't. Not that he could even if he wanted to especially in this state seriously Val how are, do you just smoke them so much you aren't as effected by them? Or is mark just a lightweight?)
(I think both XD)
I took off his hat to get closer to it playing with it as I giggled and moaned into the kiss he moaned as well kissing me deeper. His hands were rubbing all over my body...well except my cock.
(Man and he still teases mark xD)
I pulled away panting. "Pl-Please.. Please daddy, i-It's not fair.. y-you haven't touched my cock once~" I whine.
(XD such foul language for a young LADY mark xD)
"Beg me baby~" He says and ghost his fingers over my cock.
I let out a moan. I hate begging, but I'll do whatever it takes.
"Please, please I need it daddy, I want to feel your hands pumping my cock please I'll do anything just please, touch ittttt~" I cried out, it was straining beneath the fabric so much I felt it may rip it, and the friction was driving me crazy.
(So true XD)
(Valentino's POV)
I smirked and looked at him tearing the panties off of his body into shreds and then taking his cock in my hands and he moans so needfully.
I'll admit when I gave him my cigar..I wasn't expecting this much of a reaction. maybe a little fuzzy feeling, a little more relaxed..but this..this worked for me~ perhaps he really was just a nympho~
"S-So..g-good~" he moaned as he thrust his hips slightly as I feel a hand on my crotch.
His hand found his way into my pants and he began to jerk me off. God he was good with his hand or I was just a simp.
(You are a simp >:3)
He then sat up and yanked down my pants and took my cock in his mouth sucking on it. I love this side of mark~ I start to thrust in and out of his mouth and he cries swallows around me pushing me over the edge. I pant and he takes his mouth off my cock.
"More daddy~"
(Oh boy XD)
[This is just part one and we hope that you will all continue to read this, stay sexy all my friends!]
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domesticmail · 4 years
pairing: jj maybank x reader
word count: fuck if i know lmao
requested: nope!
summary: idk how i’d explain this one. reader is frustrated that the pogues keep treating her like a baby, so she takes things into her own hands, and when she gets hurt, things come to a head in the kitchen of The Chateau
warnings: ANGST. cursing, blood, and ANGST BABY ANGST
a/n: starts quick, gets sad/angry, ends content and kinda happy! also for reference the Pogues are all 17 and the reader is 16 here!! might make this a multiple part fic, who knows !!
Your feet hit the ground, rubber soles slamming against pavement. Broken pieces of road and rubble crunch under your feet. The sound of pebbles cracking under your weight is lost in the commotion of noises, your heart throwing itself against your ribcage, the friction of your hand sliding against a wall, cold air blowing in and out of your lungs.
Splinters embed in your skin as you scramble up the fence, wood cutting into the meat of your thigh. As your body hits the dirt, you swear you can feel the wound opening, blood painting the ground. A ringing fills your ears, but there’s not room in your schedule today to worry about that - you’re on a bit of a time constraint here, if you hadn’t noticed. With that in your mind, the panic of falling behind floods your veins, and you’re up again, sneakers throwing dirt and rocks in your wake as you high-tail it away from your bad decision.
Shouts come from behind you, telling you to stop, but clearly they haven’t gotten the message: you’re not sticking around. You round the corner and haul ass down a few twists and turns before finding your final destination, a friend’s house. You burst through the front entrance and slam it shut, leaning back against the front door, chest heaving.
John B. raises an eyebrow at you. “Woah. Hey, Y/N.”
You don’t respond - you’re busy doing that mental-checklist thing you always do.
Shoes? Ratty old converse, several years old, scuffed on the sides - but they were like that before. Check.
Cut on your leg? Not too big, hurts like a bitch, though. Can be fixed with a towel, rubbing alcohol, and some pressure. Check.
Any other cuts? Some splinters in your palms, yes, but nothing else major. Thank fuck.
A pat of your back pocket reveals that your wallet is still there, secure. Your earrings - still there. Phew. Necklace didn’t break or fall off when you hopped the fence? It’s still dangling around your neck, holy shit. Check. 
Aside from the cut and some flecks of dirt dug into the arm you landed on, you’re in remarkably good shape for someone running from hired security.
You shoot a grin at John B., who’s now been joined in his confusion by the rest of the group: Kie and Sarah looking worried, Pope looking exasperated and mildly concerned, and JJ looking very, very confused. Walking past them to the kitchen, you start rooting around for supplies to clean up your leg. Nobody’s said anything yet, and you know why. It’s not common for you to come home like this, out of breath, roughed up a little, bleeding. You can feel them holding their tongues, waiting for you to explain.
The silence stretches into uncomfortable territory. You’re too busy trying to fix your cut to care, really. You know what comes next, anyway - you’ve seen them do it to JJ about a thousand times. The quiet, palpable tension of concern, and then the inevitable eruption.
Just as you expect, as soon as you hop up on the counter and begin your at-home wound treatment, showing no signs of speaking first, everyone explodes at once.
John B. “So no explanation? You’re just gonna walk in here like this is normal?”
Kie. “What the hell, Y/N? We didn’t know where you were! You could’ve died!”
Pope. “That’s a huge cut, what is wrong with you? What were you doing that was so stupid you got a cut like that?”
Sarah. “We were so worried! You weren’t picking up! Are you okay?”
And, of course, JJ. “Who did this to you?”
You’re applying pressure to your leg (fuck, fuck, ow, fuck, shit, bitch, motherfucker no thank you, ow), listening to your friends voice their concerns, when something hits you - JJ thinks someone hurt you?
More importantly, why is JJ so angry about it?
You’d been expecting him to be the least concerned, to give you a high five or a compliment or at least a proud grin, but no, you’re facing anger, frustration, radiating off of him. This is unprecedented - you never thought you guys were close like that.
Don’t get it wrong, you’re close with all the Pogues, just as family as the rest of them - JJ just isn’t really your person. You tend to be glued to Sarah and Kie at the hips, tagging along with them when it’s not a whole-group outing, so their worry makes sense. (You usually tell them everything, like sisters, but a two-day long excursion to do some very reckless shit hadn’t felt like something you should tell them. They’d just try to convince you not to go, and you were having none of that, two mornings ago.) But JJ? If anything, you were each other’s least favorite Pogues. The youngest and maybe the most reckless of the group (excluding Pope), you’re typically the one who reminds JJ of all the stuff that can go wrong with his ideas and schemes. You would think he’d be glad to see you get into a bit of trouble.
But there he is, jaw clenched, those eyes fixed directly on yours. His neck’s gone all tight (you’ve been around him long enough to know that only happens when he’s angry; it’s a little endearing, actually, a little cute), the hand not placed protectively on your knee clenching into a fist laid on the counter. And there’s something in that touch, the way he’s got his hand on your knee - there’s affection there, emotion, something you’ve never felt from JJ before.
All of a sudden, it’s like the greatest hyperfixation in the world is JJ’s hands. They’re not soft, necessarily, not the type of hand you want to hold just because it feels like it’s gentle and kind. Maybe that’s why you’re so drawn to this weird, unexpected touch. You can feel the callouses on his palm pressing into the pink, scraped (oh, you missed a spot in your checklist, your knees look wrecked from that fall over the fence; probably shouldn’t do that again) flesh of your knee, the pads of his fingertips pulling your attention away from the group and to him.
To put it lightly: it’s a very intimate three seconds.
You want to disappear for a second, want to vanish in a puff of smoke and not exist, because the intensity with which he’s looking at you is scary. Not like you’ve done something wrong, but like whoever he thinks did this to you is going to pay, and pay a hefty fee at that.
You don’t like it. Not at all. You would do anything - anything - for him to never look at you like that. Like he’s going to kill someone.
“What - Nobody did this to me, JJ,” you scoff, matching his intense gaze with an annoyed look. “If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine.”
He doesn’t look convinced. “You’re covering up for them. What did they say they’d do to you? I’ll do worse to them, Y/N, I swear, just tell me who did it.”
You scowl at him, scooting over to move your knee from his hand. This isn’t about you and JJ - this is about you wanting to prove yourself. This is about you showing them you’re not a baby. That you can handle yourself. Not that you need JJ to get all weird and protective over you. “I did this, JJ, back off. I don’t need you to be weird about it.”
The rest of the group has been quiet, but John B. pipes up. “He’s not being weird about anything. We were all worried.”
“I don’t need you guys to be worried about me. I’m fine.”
“You’re not fucking fine, you have a fucking cut on your leg - “
“I’m fine, JJ - “
“If you were okay you wouldn’t be fucking bleeding, Y/N - “
“Will you stop acting like I’m a child for two seconds? Nobody did this, it wasn’t Topper or Rafe or - “
It’s like a lightbulb goes on in JJ’s head. “It was Rafe, wasn’t it? I’ll fucking kill him, he has no right to put his hands on you - “
“JJ, shut the fuck up!”
He looks at you in stunned silence, leaning back a little as though your words had physically struck him. 
You’re fuming now, blood running hot. This is exactly why you didn’t tell them your plan - they’d start with this shit. The constant babying. You understand, they’re seventeen, you’re sixteen, you’re younger and they want to protect you, but jesus christ, it’s not like they had some worldly experience - they’re seventeen years old, for fuck’s sake. “Don’t use my actions as a reason for you to go beat up Rafe, JJ. I’m not a fucking excuse for you to get in a fight. I did this for a reason, so how about you leave me alone and let me get to it instead of acting like I’m a fucking child?”
Everyone is silent.
The group looks actually stunned, like they’ve all been sucker-punched. Where the hell did this come from? You’ve never yelled like that. You’ve never yelled, period. You’re never the angry one - you’re the quiet one, the one who would rather be helping at The Wreck or on the HMS Pogue than be at the Boneyard at a kegger. 
JJ, after the initial shock, looks even angrier now. He pulls away from you and storms off, running a hand through his blond hair. The sound of his shoes on the hardwood floor echoes through The Chateau, and you sit on the counter quietly, tears filling your eyes.
Not tears of sadness, though. You’re not sad.
You’re fucking angry. At all of them. For bringing you here. For pushing you to this point. For making you feel like a child. 
“You treat me like a kid,” you say quietly, but with force, scowling at your tears.
Sarah’s the first to approach, wrapping her arms around you softly. You want to push her away, to refuse the affection, but you don’t. You just accept the distance, reluctantly hugging her, resting your head on her shoulder and just breathing, breathing, breathing. Maybe the tears’ll go away if you just breathe.
Pope is the next, not Kie. (She’s still surprised that you yelled. The indignation of being yelled at is fading, her initial annoyance becoming gentle concern.) He envelops you and Sarah.
Kie joins next, and then John B., and it’s when you feel his hand on your back that your breathing, breathing, breathing, becomes choked sob after choked sob, cries wracking your body into Sarah’s shoulder. You feel like you’re breaking down into them all, like the anger is pouring out of you like a waterfall, just gushing and gushing and gushing. It’s so frustrating, so difficult, so annoying, you just can’t deal with it anymore.
You don’t know how long you’ve been crying when your sobs recede their way to gentle hiccups. Your face is dry from the tears, and when everyone pulls away, you see tears in Sarah’s eyes. She offers you a weak smile, one you return.
There’s a conversation then, right there in the kitchen. It’s not one full of anger, or sadness, or anything especially negative. It’s just tired. The words float out of your mouth - “I’m sorry” - and it’s like you’re disconnected from yourself. It lasts maybe twenty minutes, apologizing from all ends, promises to do better, and at the end, you feel so full of love that you’re nearly bursting at the seams. We’re family, we love each other, you could’ve just told us if we were being frustrating, reassurances floating their way through your head like water, pushing out all the anger. 
You don’t know how you ended up on the hammock with the rest of the group - excluding JJ - one arm thrown across John B., snuggled in with Pope, legs resting on Sarah and Kie’s, who are laying together the opposite way. The warmth of the sun on your arms and your friends around you is lulling you to sleep slowly, the hammock swinging gently from side to side.
You know you’re going to have to talk to JJ.
But you’re falling asleep now, and you’re losing your train of thought quickly, words floating into oblivion.
You’ll talk to JJ tomorrow.
For now, you’re going to sleep.
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period-dramallama · 4 years
Spanish Princess Episode 5: many many thoughts
Strap yo selves in 
-WHERE WAS THE APOLOGY?? Lina’s just back with Catherine like nothing happened?? 
-Katherine, I get why you’re upset, but you kind of should be unsurprised?? Your dad was unfaithful to his wife, most kings were. Henry VII and Richard III were the exceptions, and even they had illegitimate sons before their marriages. Many kings also had official mistresses that everyone knew about, so by the standards of the time Henry and Bessie are actually being pretty tactful in at least trying to keep their affair out of sight. (Sexy dancing aside). 
-Honestly it would have been so much more moving if KoA was like “I know kings take mistresses...but I thought...I was so sure... he would be different...”
-”they gave me a purse of gold!” It’s expected that you give the monarch lavish presents, lmao Ursula and Stafford would do that even if they hated each other and you
-”everybody loves a masque” the only sensible thing Henry has said so far in this show. Also court probably had way more masques than we see in the show, and it would standard to have a masque every holiday. 
-”she is not a boy” hurry up with your character development and learn to love Mary already i am so TIRED of this miserable BS
-seems a rather depopulated masque? If the Chateau Vert pageant is anything to go by putting on a masque was a court activity, with most of the ladies performing.  
-Bessie Blount in her cute masque costume... sweet mother i cannot weave Aphrodite has overcome me with GAAAAAAAAAAAAY
-”I never enjoyed carousing...my mother scolded me” look i love the Neville sisters with my whole heart but a) Margaret was 3 at most when her mother died, how does she remember her? She’d have clearer memories of her double-uncle and double-aunt, Richard III and Queen Anne b) Isabel Neville in the White Queen was established as very prim and proper, a well-bred girl who cared about enforcing decorum, she refused to ‘carouse’ and she certainly would never bring a 3 year old to a party c) we saw little Margaret as a girl at the end of the White Queen and she didn’t seem at all shy. 
-”she died young, didn’t she” ...yes? most people did?
-”they both did” understatement of the year. Isabel Neville died young because she was ill, George died young (in the universe of The White Queen, at least) BECAUSE HE WAS FORCEFULLY DROWNED IN A VAT OF MALMSEY WINE. THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME! I do at least trust the writers of this show that the understatement was intentional, I’m sure even Emma Frost couldn’t forget a major character getting violently drowned.
-So the court only noticed the plague when one of their own got it so obviously and then died? Yes, plague could move fast, but if there was a whiff of plague the court would flee with the speed of the Looney Tunes road runner. If an acquaintance of an acquaintance of a cook had a cousin who saw someone with the plague, the court would flee to the country. How have these people not died of terminal stupid?! Like Compton was in the same building as the heir to the throne
-To be fair, it makes sense that they’re surprised Compton’s dead. Because the real Compton died of the sweating sickness. In 1528. Also he was involved in Buckingham’s downfall so... you just wrote yourself into a corner.
-Oh wow an actual good reason for More and Pole to be quarantined together i am amaaaaaazed
-”attend the queen” Boleyn, what do you think your daughter’s been doing all season if not attending the queen? Playing tetris?
-Katherine helping Anne into the wagon...I actually like that little moment. Like it does make sense, because the two have no reason to hate each other yet. (And who couldn’t like Anne? She’s such a babby!)
-Thomas More in the Tudor equivalent of casual clothes... much better. Shame about the 1930s lady’s wig.
-”what else should we do?” Maggie, this cannot be the first epidemic you’ve ever lived through. Have you forgotten the sweating sickness of 1485? You’ve probably lived through more epidemics than Oviedo has, you should know the protocol better than him.
-Oviedo continues to be the only man with rights. I wish we could see him crying and missing his wife and babies, but then my lil heart would break so maybe it’s for the best.
-They burn Maggie’s weird blue hood AS THEY SHOULD! IT WAS UGLY AND STUPID! I NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN NOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH! yes they also burned her nice dress with the strawberries on it but honestly it’s worth it, bc now i can rest easy, knowing the evil hood has been defeated.
-”you were a plaything” Katherine is so obviously insecure. I’m getting second-hand embarrassment. Like if she really was certain Bessie wasn’t important, she wouldn’t need to say it, would she? Except to rub it in. Which this KOA would absolutely do. 
-literally all Bessie said was good morning?? Like Bessie is doing her best?? The masque was Henry’s idea, not hers, she hasn’t shown off about her affair, she hasn’t demanded money or titles, she hasn’t demanded any status to rival Katherine’s, she doesn’t flirt with or even speak to Henry when Katherine’s around, she acts like they’re strangers, she doesn’t even react when Katherine loses her temper...someone please please stick up for Bessie!
-”the rocking of the cart is unsettling to the stomach” is Anne naive, or is she covering for Bessie? I hope it’s the latter, in which case Anne is the one person looking out for Bessie...the babby is Soft, I repeat the babby is Soft!
-the irony of Mary being cold to Bessie when she’s next in the firing line...
-”it is not the rocking” Thank you Lina, where would we be without your gift for stating the obvious?
-”where did Wolsey get his money”...He’s a churchman...at the top of the church hierarchy...how do you fuckin think he got wealthy. Have y’all not been in the sixteenth century for five minutes? Why do you think Luther is so mad at the church?
-”I know of no other man in her bed most nights” Honestly wow I’m surprised KoA wasn’t like “well :/ a girl like that :/ who knows how many men process in and out of her bed :/” KoA gets half a point for being less bitchy than usual. Also Bessie looked so uncomfortable with Henry groping her stomach in front of Katherine. I pray the next man in her life treats her right and that Fraham don’t prematurely kill her off like they did with Compton.  
-”the future king” if you’re regent on his behalf, then he’s already king! “Civilised companionship” back at it again with the Scots-are-barbarians.
-Laura Carmichael is utterly stunning this episode, with her hair down. The cinematography was beautiful in general this week.
-”freedom to speak and licence to speak are two different things” hey look at that one of Thomas More’s actual beliefs. I am giving all the credit to the historical advisor for that, I don’t believe for one second Fraham knew that beforehand.
-Maggie I love you but no, God does not sanction adultery. For any reason. 
-KOA smirking and gloating about Bessie’s pain...she has never been so punchable. I would understand, if not condone it, if Bessie was manipulative, or greedy, or ambitious, or trying to supplant Katherine. But Bessie’s been betrayed by Henry too, and there’s no concrete evidence she ever gloated about her affair, to anyone let alone Katherine.  
-”You think only of your own fate while London is struck down with plague” Earth to Katherine?? What concern have you shown for the Londoners?? Also calling Bessie selfish...Bessie’s not the one who lashed out at Lina, was jealous at Lina for having twin boys, and who wanted to continue a war for personal reasons. And then Bessie proves KoA wrong 5 hot seconds later by sticking up for Mary. Bit rich of KoA to be all “how dare you leave my daughter unattended” when she herself won’t even hold Mary. 
-”Louis didn’t last a year” What! Is! The Timeline!
-Meg in that cloak reminds me of the Scottish Widow adverts. Georgie is so greedy- she steals every single scene she is in! Even when she’s raging she has more dignity and more presence than KoA ever has.
-”YOU LYING SOD” i burst out laughing it’s really not the little two-timing shit’s day, is it?
-Mary receiving Charlie B in the most Extra way possible. A++
-Why does Wolsey look like he’s about to cry?
-”thoughts are not actions” Lina I love you but... that is NOT what the New Testament says. Jesus said evil thoughts are very very much sins. I’ll give you a pass because maybe you haven’t been Catholic as long as Katherine has? Idk your backstory.
-Aaand now she’s wishing death on Bessie and her unborn baby and Lina isn’t disgusted? At least Katherine is feeling guilty. AS SHE SHOULD.
-”must it always fall to me to be magnanimous?” Katherine, you think only of yourself, for 23 out of every 24 hours. 
-”God wants me to be compassionate to Bessie because of my sins” God wants you to be compassionate because that’s how Christianity is supposed to work. It’s not very selfless of you to decide to be selfless so that you can get what you want. 
-oh wow look at that! She’s getting some self-awareness, i never saw that coming.
-”you betrayed Bessie” 5 points to Katherine of Aragon for standing up for Bessie when Henry screwed her over. Finally, some positive character development.
-is henry so dumb he thinks that baby is Katherine’s? Katherine was so obviously not pregnant
-When a baby’s born his skin needs to touch his mother’s skin so they can bond. They should have at least an hour’s cuddle time. Katherine of Aragon is literally traumatising a baby the very minute he is born. For her own selfish, selfish desires. 
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
34. “i know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”
50 NSFW starters 
it’s a rare luxury, being home alone.
most of the time it seems like there’s always someone in the house with them. they hardly ever get a moment of privacy with the amount of people coming and going through the house, banging on her door to ask for advice or help with their homework or to borrow an outfit or accessory. 
even when she does manage to flip the lock and shut the lights off, it’s almost impossible to set a mood in her bedroom. the walls are so thin they pretty much always hear kaitlyn’s music or chris’ tv or zach talking on the phone. 
and it isn’t like they can meet up at zig’s. his situation is more or less the same, worsened by the fact that the school-issued dorms are even more cramped and loud.
so -- a roommate-less house is certainly something to celebrate. and make good use of.
which they are, if the way zig’s been going down on her for the better part of the last thirty minutes is any indication. he’s been stopping each time her hips rock up too quickly to pull away and kiss her thighs, working intermittently on sucking the world’s largest hickey into the crease by her left hip while his fingers keep her on edge.
she has an arm thrown over her face while she arches up against him, her cheeks flushed beneath it while she squirms on the bed.
old habits die hard, so -- she’s not exactly making much noise, even though she knows they’re alone. even though she could.
and zig is zig, so -- he’s watching her with every last bit of his attention, his eyes fixated on the way she’s twitching under his touch, on how her body responds to the lightest kisses and scrapes of his teeth. he seems pretty pleased with himself, actually, for how easily he’s been able to wind her up.
though that’s not anything specific to tonight. her body is always quick to go into total meltdown mode for zig and his dirty mouth and self-assured smile and that thing he can do with his hands. 
“ask me for it,” he implores against the inside of her thigh, when her kicking in the sheets has grown just a touch too restless, “go on.”
“zig.” her voice is a breathless moan, her free hand slipping through his hair in an attempt to get his head lined back up where she really wants it. “please, just -- don’t stop this time.”
he laughs a little, the sound quiet and intense, sending a shiver down her spine. “erica,” he says, an edge to his words this time, “ask me for it.”
“jesus christ.” her face scrunches up, flushing red with embarrassment. still, she can feel herself tighten around his fingers as she slowly sighs and mutters, “will you please make me come?”
this time, when he laughs, she feels the ghost of his breath over her center. he’s so close it takes everything she has not to cry out, her teeth digging into her bottom lip with restraint. “what was that?” he asks, like an asshole, “i didn’t get all of it.”
“zig,” she repeats, twitching desperately in the sheets, “come on --”
��you come on,” he corrects, and without even looking at him, she can picture his grin perfectly. “i know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”
true, her mouth has gotten them caught plenty of times. she’s pretty much the sole reason his roommates give her weird looks when she sleeps over and her roommates bang on the walls and call out to her to shut up or ask seriously, erica? when they’re trying to enjoy some time alone.
“now’s your chance to do it,” zig goads further, his face dipping in closer and closer towards the persistent and worsening wetness between her legs, “while there’s no consequences. there’s no one home. so -- let’s hear how loud you can get, yeah?”
without warning, he shifts his hand out of the way to replace it with his mouth, his tongue delving between her legs to lick a wet stripe through her where her arousal has her soaked. his tongue flattens against her and when he moves just a touch too roughly over her clit her hips jerk forward and she groans loudly, more loudly than even he was probably hoping for.
“zig,” she moans, her hand tightening his hair, her squirming in the sheets renewed, “oh, god. oh, fuck --”
he doesn’t let up. each brush of his mouth is relentless, and she can feel herself rapidly approaching that edge again, until it’s all too much and there’s no holding it back. 
zig doesn’t stop this time -- thank god. he only gets sloppier with his movements, his strong hands holding her thighs open to give him room to work. each swipe of his tongue is more pointed than the last, as he uses everything he’s learned about her body in all the time they’ve been dating to drive her completely out of her mind with pleasure, until she’s shaking apart with a whine so loud her roommates probably can hear it, wherever they are tonight.
he kisses up her body quickly, pausing to nuzzle his face first between her breasts, and then into the side of her neck. “you’re so sexy when you say my name, babe.”
her vision’s slowly returning to her, along with the realization that she had screamed his name, somewhere in there, intermixed with all the swear words and demanding sighs and sharp groans. “ugh.”
zig’s laugh winds up swallowed by her as their mouths meet for a kiss, a shiver tripping down her spine as soon as she tastes herself on his tongue. his cock is still hard where it’s pressed against her, and she shifts against him encouragingly, letting her legs fall open again where they’d clamped shut tightly around his face mere moments ago. 
they’re lucky no one’s home, because the way he starts fucking her feels too good to keep quiet, and she knows she’d be teased relentlessly for the way she’s gasping with every thrust, clinging to zig’s broad shoulders so tightly she’s probably hurting him.
but each movement is heightened by the way he doesn’t stop looking at her, not even for one second. their eyes stay locked as he grips her hips and pushes forward relentlessly, his perfect hair flopping into his equally as gorgeous eyes and framing out his handsome face when he mumbles, “fuck, erica. you feel so fucking good.”
“you, too,” she moans, flushing deeper under the weight of his gaze and the intensity in his touch. part of her feels so overwhelmed, but she couldn’t turn away even if she wanted to, she’s pinned so securely under his hands and the wild look in his eyes. “zig.”
“that’s it, baby, say my name,” he encourages, just as the headboard starts to bang into the wall behind her. each rhythmic slide against the hardwood floor is a reminder that they’re blessedly alone, for once, and that she doesn’t have to hide a thing; she wraps her legs around his waist just as his hands hold onto the bed behind her for purchase so he can move faster against her, until everything feels dizzyingly perfect and her vision starts to blur at the edges, her cunt pulsing around him.
“zig,” she gasps obligingly, “zig, zig, zig, please, i’m going to --”
“go ahead. let me see that pretty face --” his own voice breaks halfway through the word, a gratifying shudder wracking his frame. “-- fuck, erica. you’re so beautiful. you’re so -- you’re perfect, i swear to god.”
that’s all it takes. her eyes finally snap shut and squeeze tight when zig swings his hips forward forcefully, pushing her up the bed and slamming the frame into the wall; her vision whites out as everything around her fades away, all thoughts of the empty house and her roommates disappearing from her mind in favor of zig, zig, zig, the weight and shape of him above her the only anchor she has to keep her from falling apart completely.
she’s so lost in her own pleasure that she’s only distantly aware of him following her over the edge and subsequently gathering her into his arms, his hands shifting to smooth her hair off her face while his soft lips press gentle kisses to her pink cheeks and bare shoulders to help her calm down.
when she finally speaks, she realizes her voice is hoarse from screaming, and blinks in surprise -- she’d been so out of it she hadn’t even realized how loud she’d gotten. “that was amazing.” she licks her lips, then clarifies, “you’re amazing.”
“only because i’m always trying to impress you,” he answers, so that she can feel the shape of his grin against her collarbone. another flurry of sweet kisses rain down against her skin. “is it working?”
“i’ll let you know when i feel up to standing again,” she mutters, warmed by the answering sound of zig’s warm laughter.
his hands slide over her body soothingly, pulling her in as close as she can get. the sound of the both of them still working to catch their breath is loud in the stillness of her bedroom, but not loud enough to cover the commotion that comes when the front door jangles open abruptly downstairs, her roommates’ voices and laughter floating up and under her closed door.
“we brought pizza!” kaitlyn calls out, and though her stomach rumbles almost immediately, she can’t stop herself from turning her face into zig’s chest with a groan of discontent.
there’s no telling when they’ll get the chance to enjoy the quiet again. 
they share the same sentiment with just a look, zig’s smile turning sympathetic as he presses one last kiss to her forehead.
then, his eyebrow quirks, and he drops his voice low. in a whisper, he suggests, “we could always pretend like we’re not here.”
his lips spread into a smirk. “if you think you can be quiet, that is.”
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musette22 · 4 years
Anal Fingering 101
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Anal Fingering 101
By @paper-storm​​​​ & @musette22​​​
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (Evanstan)
Word count: 6.6k
Rating: E (so 18+ only please!)
A/N: Yup. Anal Fingering 101. That’s what we’re calling it. That’s the fic. We're just still quarantine horny and got excited about this concept after discussing the above gif and then we wrote this. It got weird but also (we think) strangely sweet and hot. We hope you agree 🤷🏻
Summary: The one where Sebastian (jokingly) suggests they should make a sex tutorial video and upload it to PornHub, Chris (not jokingly) agrees, and Sebastian doesn't know what he's gotten himself into.
Read on AO3
Sebastian stretches languidly. Feels a slow moan rumble through his chest, unsure if it actually escapes his lips or if it dies before it gets there. He’s warm, and the sheets below his bare skin are soft, and it feels like hours, they’ve been at this, Sebastian laid out on their bed like a sultan and Chris down between his legs, two fingers buried in him. It’s leisurely, this time.
Certainly not always. They have their quick, we have to be there in less than an hour, hurry up! times and their intense, emotional times and their wild times where Chris is worked up and is rough and punishing, making Sebastian see stars and hiss in pleasure-pain and forget his own name six times before they’re done. Other times, like this one, Chris likes to go meticulously slow. Take his sweet time, sliding his warm tongue over every inch of Sebastian’s body, touching him gently and then taking his hands away to prolong it, playing Sebastian like a treasured instrument so that by the time he finally comes, eons later, it’s not with a kick and a shout but unhurried and deep and soulful, like it’s trapped in honey.
He loves every possible way they do this, every single thing Chris does to him and every single thing he does to Chris in return, but it’s possible this is his favorite way. When Chris just adores him, slathers him in attention and kisses to his hipbones and quiet, heartfelt praises. It’s also possible his favorite way is whatever is currently happening, and he’ll change his mind by tomorrow.
“Mm,” Sebastian hums, making a real noise this time, as the tips of Chris’s talented fingers find his prostate again and rub slowly against the gland.
“Feelin’ good?” Chris asks, Boston charm, sweetly eager to please him, while at the same time smug because he knows he is.
“Yeah,” Sebastian sighs. “You gonna get on with it at some point? Or just torture me forever?”
“Hmm.” Chris pretends to think about it. While he contemplates, he takes the head of Sebastian’s leaking cock into his mouth, and swirls his tongue around the head, into the foreskin, where it’s hot and sensitive. Then he slides down, taking Sebastian fully into his mouth, sucking just once before he rises up and lets it fall away. Sebastian swears in a whisper and pants, the tease lighting him up, the cool air on his now-wet dick making him shiver and ache for more.
“Chris,” he says, on a shaky laugh, draping an arm over his eyes.
“I’m undecided,” Chris says, even though he isn’t. He cups one of Sebastian’s legs, just under the knee, and lifts it, so he can slide his tongue along Sebastian’s inner thigh, leaving trails of moisture and blowing on them. The fingers of his other hand, still massaging Sebastian’s prostate, withdraw and press back in a few times, but slow enough that it couldn’t be described as a thrust. Just teasing him.
“You’re evil,” Sebastian tells him.
“You’re beautiful,” Chris returns, earnest against the junction of Sebastian’s hip and thigh.
It makes Sebastian shiver again, for reasons other than physical this time.
“Love this so much.” Chris puts Sebastian’s leg over his shoulder and leans back down, nuzzling into his heavy balls as he continues, “love this body. Love you letting me have it. Love the noises you make.”
His fingers search, again finding that fireworks spot inside and working it, a little more insistent, now, but still meant as a tease. It’s one of those times, Sebastian can tell. It will be ages before Chris lets him come. Chris might not even fuck him. They might not even get that far. He might just stay right where he is, massaging inside, until Sebastian gets too close to the edge of that cliff and can’t stop himself from tipping over it.
“You’re… oh,” Sebastian breathes, chest heaving suddenly, as Chris rubs harder unexpectedly, just for a moment, and then lets up again. “Fuck. You’re good at this.”
“I had a good teacher,” Chris says, earnest again, all that sweetness that ruined Sebastian so thoroughly when they’d first met.
Sebastian closes his eyes and smiles, remembering. Remembering how Chris had experimented a few times with other guys but it had mostly consisted of quick, shameful hand-jobs or hurriedly sticking his dick down some extra’s throat in a back office, before rushing back out onto a set feeling hot and wrong. He remembers showing Chris so many things, when they finally stopped dancing around each other and gave into what they’d both wanted since the moment they shook hands.
“The student has become the master,” Sebastian jokes, and Chris rumbles out a chuckle. “I mean it. You should do like, one of those sex tutorials on PornHub. ‘Finding the G-Spot 101’, except for anal fingering.”
“Ooh, baby, say anal fingering again,” Chris says, faking a moan, and Sebastian giggles and covers his face, his whole body flushing, but in a good way.
Chris returns to his task, dragging the flat of his tongue up the underside of Sebastian’s erection, digging the tip in below the head. Then, in a contemplative voice, he says, “maybe we should.”
Sebastian laughs again, and reaches down to thread his fingers into Chris’s hair, soft right now because they’d showered earlier and Chris hadn’t put any product in it. “Sure,” he says.
Chris looks up at him. Blue eyes shining, through his thick eyelashes, blinking at him with an expression that takes Sebastian by surprise. He pushes up to his own elbows, so they can exchange a more significant look. Not breaking their eye contact, Chris licks at him again, making a show of sliding his tongue in a zigzag across Sebastian’s dick, apparently intent on breaking Sebastian’s brain.
Chris replies to the question in Sebastian’s eyes with a shrug. “Let’s do it,” he says, and Sebastian can’t, for the life of him, work out whether Chris is still kidding.
But then Chris crooks his fingers while his soft, lush lips close around the head of his cock again, and for a while Sebastian forgets everything that isn’t heat and slide and wonderful, delicious pressure.
“So, about that video.”
Sebastian lowers his book and looks up at Chris upside down, from where he’s resting his head in Chris’s lap. “Huh?”
“That tutorial you mentioned last night.”
Instead of replying, Sebastian gets temporarily sidetracked by Chris’s ridiculous eyelashes, fanning out delicately over his cheekbones. When the words finally register, he blinks.
“Tutorial? What are you – oh.”  
“Whaddaya say?” Chris asks, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Sebastian’s own eyebrows rise slowly towards his hairline. “You’re not serious.”
“Why wouldn’t I be? Come ooooon, Sebby,” he cajoles. “It’ll be fun.”
“So,” Sebastian says pushing himself up into a sitting position and turning to look at Chris. “You wanna like… roleplay? Pretend we’re shooting some sort of porn video?”
Chris shrugs easily. “Who says we’ll be pretending? You know me, I’m a show off. I kind of like the idea of showing other people how to please their partner.” He raises an eyebrow. “Plus, I’d be showing off my beautiful boyfriend in the process, right? And you can’t tell me you don’t like the idea of me putting you on display and having my way with you in front of thousands of strangers.”
Sebastian swallows. There really isn’t any use trying to pretend he doesn’t like the sound of that – Chris knows him far, far too well for that, judging by the devious twinkle in his eye.
“Think about it,” Chris goes on, slowly running a hand up Sebastian’s thigh. Sebastian helplessly lets his legs fall open a little bit wider. “I’ll lay you out on the bed, make sure the camera captures all of that beautiful, smooth skin. Spread those beautiful legs wide to give ‘em a good view, hm? And then I’ll slick you up and rub on you a little until you’re all pliant and relaxed, slide a couple’a fingers inside, one by one, open you up slowly for everyone to see. And then I’ll show ‘em how to find your sweet spot, all the way up inside you, rub it nice ‘n slow until you start makin’ those pretty little noises for me…”
“Jesus, Chris,” Sebastian breathes, blood rushing in his ears, dick throbbing in his sweats. “You’re a fucking menace, you know that? Everyone thinks you’re this big, happy golden retriever, but really your mind’s in the gutter twenty-four seven.”
Chris’s grin isn’t repentant in the slightest. “Only when I’m around you, sugar. Can’t help it, you’re just so fuckin’ sexy all the time. ‘Sides, there’s no need to act all virtuous, baby. I’ve got your number. I know you need it just as bad as I do.” To prove his point, his big hand slides over the bulge in Sebastian’s sweatpants, squeezing it lightly.
Sebastian curses, hips jerking into Chris’s grip, which only makes the smirk on Chris’s handsome face that much more smug.
“So?” Chris asks again, leaning in to press his nose into the spot just below Sebastian’s left ear. “You in, sweetheart? You gonna let me show you off?”
“Fuck you, Evans,” Sebastian says weakly, tilting back his head to give Chris better access. “Of course I’m fucking in, what do you think?”
“I can’t decide whether you’re being a good boy or a brat right now,” Chris rumbles in his ear, teeth nipping briefly at his earlobe. “But I guess it doesn’t matter so much if I’m getting what I want.”
Before Sebastian can object, Chris is climbing off the couch, his big, lean body towering over him as he holds out his hand. Sebastian takes it instinctively and Chris pulls him up so quickly Sebastian stumbles a little.
“Whoa, we in a hurry or something?” he asks, steadying himself on Chris’s tiny waist.
“To get you naked?” Chris grins, leaning down to steal a quick kiss. “Always.”
“Move up a little higher for me, baby.”
The instruction comes from where Chris is squatting behind their side table, looking at Sebastian through the lens of his expensive camera, which he propped up against a stack of books – Foucault’s History of Sexuality among them, Sebastian notes with faint amusement. He wonders briefly how Michel would’ve felt about his seminal work being used for this particular purpose, and then decides that he probably would’ve cheered them on.
“Shift that pillow a bit to the right, don’t want it hiding that pretty face of yours.”  
Sebastian still blushes like Chris hasn’t called him pretty a thousand times before, and does as he’s told. “Like this?”
Chris regards him critically, tilting his head a little as if he’s assessing the shot. He’s got his director’s hat on, Sebastian thinks, and something about that, about Chris looking so capable and in charge, has him feeling hot under the collar. Well, that’s if he were wearing one. As it is, he’s not wearing anything at all. He’s stretched out in the center of the king-size bed, propped up a little on a couple of pillows, as naked as the day he was born.
“Perfect,” Chris decides. “Stay right there for me.”
“Yes, sir,” Sebastian mumbles, and Chris shoots him a look that says, don’t get smart with me, sweetheart.
All that does is make Sebastian squirm, which earns him a raised eyebrow, which only makes him want to squirm more. It’s a vicious circle, really. Chris can play him too easily.
“Now what?” he asks, eyes tracking Chris’s movement through their bedroom. Chris is wearing dark wash jeans and a white, short-sleeved t-shirt that strains across his shoulders and biceps but hangs loosely around his waist. His proportions are so ridiculous, it’s damn-near impossible to find shirts that fit him properly. Sebastian thinks he should probably mind that Chris gets to be fully clothed for this while Sebastian’s got all his most private parts out for everyone to see, but he can’t find it in himself to object. If he’s honest, he likes it. Likes it a whole lot.
Chris grabs the lube from the nightstand, tossing it onto the mattress. “Patience,” he says, belatedly replying to Sebastian’s question. “All I need you to do for this one is lay back and look pretty.” He comes to stand at the side of the bed, one hand on the mattress as he leans over Sebastian and brushes a feather-light kiss over his forehead, his cheeks, the cleft in his chin. “You think you can do that for me, Sebastian?”
Sebastian exhales, feeling a little unsteady. “Yeah, I think so,” he nods. He tilts his face up, shamelessly angling for a proper kiss.
Chris laughs silently but obliges, catching Sebastian’s lips in a soft, fairly innocent kiss that still leaves Sebastian feeling like there’s an electrical current running through his skin. When Chris pulls back, Sebastian runs the tip of his tongue over his tingling lips. He wants more, wants Chris to climb on top of him, kiss him again, devour him, but Chris doesn’t, and other parts of Sebastian are left tingling as Chris turns his attention toward the camera and Sebastian realizes again how utterly naked he is while Chris is still fully clothed.
“So, hi,” Chris starts. His voice is different. Higher, clearer, like he’s performing. Which, Sebastian realizes with a swoop in his gut, he is. “I’m, uh, Chris. Evans. You probably know that already. Or maybe you don’t, I don’t wanna act like I’m some big shot.”
He chuckles, and shrugs modestly, and Sebastian snorts. “You’re Captain America,” he reminds him.
“Yes, I am,” Chris agrees, grinning down at Sebastian, and then back at the camera. He gestures at Sebastian, who cringes as he’s slapped in the face with how completely ridiculous this is. “This gorgeous slab of man-meat is Sebastian Stan, my – oh. I guess technically most of you didn’t know, yet, that he’s my boyfriend.”
“Well they fuckin’ know now,” Sebastian cracks up, a little delirious at the notion of what a completely insane way this would be to come out to millions of people. “Man-meat?”
“I also said you were gorgeous,” Chris points out, winking.
Sebastian laughs. “That makes it better.” He feels crazy, like he’s spinning around on an amusement park ride and can’t get off. They’re not going to actually post this. There’s no way Chris was serious, Sebastian thinks. But he doesn’t know. And that thrills him a little more than it probably should.
It’s all hot and confusing and Sebastian is undeniably turned on even though Chris has barely touched him below the shoulders, his cock thickening where it’s laying against his belly.
“Today, we’re going to show you how to… God, how do I even say this?” Chris giggles, embarrassed, and then gives himself a shake and restarts. He points authoritatively in the direction of the lens. “No, this is important. Today we’re going to show you how to make your biologically male partner feel real good using just – ” he wiggles his thick fingers, “ – these.”
He sits, making the mattress dip next to Sebastian’s hip, and looks down at him. There’s nerves and excitement swimming in Chris’s clear turquoise eyes, and he smiles a little, and Sebastian feels like that one is just for him. He’s likely pleading again, with his own eyes, for a kiss, because Chris braces a hand next to his arm on the bed and leans further over to slide their mouths together. His tongue slips in, and Sebastian moans quietly around it, bringing his hands up to hold Chris’s face.
Chris is smiling into their kiss and whispers, “love you,” barely loud enough for Sebastian to hear. Then, louder, talking to the camera and their future audience again, he says, “you gotta warm them up first. Never wanna just dive right in, gotta get them feelin’ good and relaxed and turned on.”
Again, Sebastian is about to say something, add to the commentary somehow, but he’s too embarrassed so he doesn’t. The heated flush travels all the way down his chest. Chris follows it with his lips, sucking small bruises into Sebastian’s neck, collarbone, lips finding a nipple and closing around it. Teeth squeeze the bud and then his tongue soothes the sting and Sebastian gasps a little and buries his fingers in Chris’s hair.
“Not all guys are into this so much,” Chris says, as he moves over to the other nipple. He turns his head to look at the camera, adding, “try it out, though, so you know for sure. ‘Cause he is.”
“I’m –” Sebastian begins, searching for something to protect his dignity, but the words die in his throat as Chris closes his lips around his other nipple and sucks, hard. Sebastian twitches, and pleasure rolls through him, and he whimpers.
Chris lingers, for a lot longer than he needs to, like he forgot himself a bit and got lost it kissing and licking at Sebastian’s chest. By the time warm fingers curl around his erection as Chris sits up, Sebastian barely needs them before they move onto the reason they’re actually here. He’s already hard, moisture already left in trails across his hip, but Chris strokes him anyway, looking down at him with darkened eyes that leave Sebastian shivering. Chris squeezes, twists his fist, works him just perfect, and Sebastian reaches out, patting his forearm.
“Chris,” he breathes. Get on with it, is what he’s trying to communicate, if you want me to last. It’s hardly been anything, it’s humiliating that he’s this worked up already, but it’s everything. Sebastian can’t lie even to himself, the idea that a camera is rolling, that thousands, maybe even millions of people might watch this, has his head spinning. It isn’t news to him that he has tendencies like this, that he likes being on display and appreciated, consumed by hungry eyes and maybe embarrassed a little. It’s news to him that he likes the idea of strangers watching him quite this much.
“Kinda wanna do everything to you,” Chris murmurs to him, probably loud enough that the microphone will pick it up, but soft enough that he’s talking to Sebastian and not their audience. “Show ‘em how to suck you off, how to eat you out, how to fuck you.”
“Chris.” Sebastian shivers again, hot and cold running through him like a fever, and gets dizzy at the thought of it. At people he knows seeing him like this. Seeing him laid out and cherished, brought to orgasm in any number of ways by Chris’s talented hands and mouth and cock. Seeing him loved, but also used. It’s a confusing, desperately arousing tangle of emotions deep in his gut.
“Make sure your fingernails are short and clean,” Chris instructs, suddenly all business again, focusing back on the camera and his task, “and use lots of lube.”
Sebastian can’t even tell if he’s also turned on, because he’s still in jeans and Sebastian can’t really see his lower half from this position. Sebastian almost wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t – if Chris was taking this so seriously, so earnestly, like he does everything, that it wasn’t even affecting him in that way. Too busy being a professional, too busy caring about what they’re doing as if it’s actually important. That thought thrills him too. That in a way, this isn’t even really sex. Not if Chris isn’t getting off on it, too. It’s entirely performative.
“Especially if they’ve never done it before. It’s gonna feel a bit strange at first, before he gets used to it and knows what to expect, so making sure it’s nice and slippery helps. You don’t want it to hurt.”
“Speaking from experience?” Sebastian asks, finally finding his voice enough to make a shadow of a quip.
Chris grins at him. “Yeah, I am.” He looks back at the camera, but nods his head toward Sebastian. “He’s pretty good at this, too. Maybe we’ll have to show you that, sometime.”
Sebastian shudders at the thought. He’s pretty sure he’d be so embarrassed he’d melt right out of his skin, if he was expected to run this show. He’s also pretty sure he’d love it. Getting his hands on Chris’s body and waxing poetic about it are kind of two of his favorite things in the world, after all.
“Now,” Chris goes on, “find a position that works for you both. Your partner could be on his front for this, which could give you easier access, but Sebastian here usually prefers to be on his back.” He pauses and quirks a cheeky eyebrow at the camera before adding, “he likes to watch.”
He’s not wrong. Sebastian can never get enough of watching Chris’s face while they make love, seeing the awe and hunger and adoration there as he lavishes attention on Sebastian’s body, wringing every last drop of pleasure from it. It’s humbling and intoxicating and so goddamn sexy. Still, Chris saying those words to the camera, in that tone, makes Sebastian feel almost dirty, like he’s some sort of voyeur, peeping on his own life. A voyeur and an exhibitionist, it seems.
Chris is kneeled on the mattress now, between Sebastian’s spread legs. “As you can see, Sebastian likes to keep himself nice and tidy. Some people will opt to go natural – not everyone’s going to like waxing or shaving and that’s completely fine, as long as you make sure you’re clean.”
Oh God, Sebastian thinks, a trickle of shame running through him. This shouldn’t be hot. He’s discussing intimate hygiene, for crying out loud. Chris talking about whether Sebastian washed his ass before he presented himself like an offering should not be turning him on, and yet it does. It’s something about the detached tone of Chris’s voice, his almost clinical instructions, that have Sebastian feeling like he’s there just for Chris’s convenience and enjoyment. Like he’s a prop; an instrument that Chris is teaching their audience how to play. It makes Sebastian so wildly, unreasonably horny, it’s almost unbearable. He tries to hide how much it’s affecting him, to steady his breathing as much as possible, but Chris doesn’t even seem to notice, focused as he is on his task.
“Lube’s naturally quite chilly,” Chris states matter-of-factly, as he squirts a generous amount of it onto the fingers of his right hand. Some spills onto the comforter, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. “So you’re gonna want to warm it up a little, by rubbin’ it between your fingers. It’s not imperative, but it is the nice thing to do.”
Sebastian huffs a breathless laugh. “Thanks,” he says weakly.
Chris winks at him. “Anytime, sweetheart.” His expression turns a bit more serious. “Ready?” he asks, as if making sure that Sebastian is still up for this.
“God, yeah.”
Chris smirks and turns towards the camera. “If you’ve done a good job warming him up, he’ll be pretty eager at this point. That’s good, ‘cause that means he’ll be more likely to be relaxed and receptive.”
Sebastian’s face is flaming. He can’t believe Chris is calling him out like that, basically calling Sebastian a needy bottom, but fuck if that isn’t true, at this point. He almost wants to tell Chris to hurry up, to put his fingers inside him already, but stays silent. He doesn’t get to make demands right now. He just gets to lie there and look pretty, let Chris use him however he sees fit.
The next moment, Chris is reaching down, sliding his slippery fingers between Sebastian’s cheeks and starting to slick him up. Sebastian shivers, goosebumps erupting all over his body at finally being touched where he’s been aching for it.
“Like I said before, it’s important to use lots of lube, make sure he’s nice and wet. When that’s done, you can start by rubbing on him a little, to try and relax the muscle as much as possible before you penetrate it.” He does exactly as he says, rubbing slow, insistent little circles around Sebastian’s entrance with his thumb, before switching to his forefinger and finally pressing the wide tip of it inside.
Even though this is hardly the first time Chris has done this to him, Sebastian still clenches instinctively around Chris’s thick forefinger, and Chris reaches for Sebastian’s cock with his left hand, slowly stroking him as he pushes his finger in deeper.
“Always start with a single finger, and go slow when you push it in. It’s normal to feel resistance, it’s the body’s natural response to an unusual intrusion, but do make sure your partner is comfortable and try to help him relax as much as possible.”
“Mmm,” Sebastian sighs, wiggling his hips a little bit to spur Chris on.
Chris chuckles, a low, rumbling sound. “For some people, it might take a while before they get used to the feeling, so make sure you give them time to adjust before you try to up the dosage. Other people, like Sebastian here, are more… experienced, and will want you to start moving right away.” He demonstrates by pulling his finger most of the way out again before pushing back in, rotating his finger as he slides it in and out of him easily. “As you can see, Sebastian has no trouble taking a single finger. He also likes it when it burns, just a little bit – don’tcha, baby?”
Already, Chris is lining up a second finger next to the first and starts to push against his rim, forcing his middle finger inside, too. Sebastian blows out a quick breath, trying to relax. It still burns a bit, because Chris’s fingers are solid and wide, but like Chris said, he does like the sting.
“Uh huh,” Sebastian groans, gritting his teeth.
“Yeah,” Chris replies, sounding almost contemplative, “that’s it. See how well he takes it?”
That last bit is aimed at the camera again, and Sebastian has to stifle a moan. Jesus. Hearing Chris talk like that, as if Sebastian isn’t even there, is so much hotter than he would ever have anticipated.
“Now, with two fingers, you can start scissoring a little. Don’t try to force anything, just incrementally widen your fingers, gently loosening that tight ring of muscle, coaxing him open. Be patient. Don’t rush, and don’t forget to keep checking in on your partner, see if he’s doing alright. You want to be making him feel good, first and foremost. If he’s not feeling good at this point, chances are you’re not doin’ it right.” Chris has been mostly watching either his own hand or the camera up until this point, but now he’s looking up at Sebastian, his expression earnest and attentive. “You feelin’ good, sweetheart? Nothin’ hurting?”
Sebastian, struggling to keep his breathing level, shakes his head. “Nothing hurts. Feels good.”
“Good,” Chris hums, satisfied. “That’s good, baby.”
It’s not even really praise, and yet Sebastian lights up at Chris’s words. Chris is pleased with him. He’s being good. That knowledge alone feels almost as good as the two thick fingers buried in his ass, rubbing against his inner walls as Chris starts to slowly fingerfuck him.
Getting distracted from his lesson plan for a moment, Chris leans down and licks up the underside of Sebastian’s dick. He takes it into his mouth, the same way he had the other day. He sucks, slow and controlled, and Sebastian swears and covers his face. It’s so good, and at the same time it feels dangerous, because they didn’t discuss him doing that.
Chris lets it fall out of his mouth again, and turns back toward where the camera is still rolling, faithfully capturing every inch of this hot, confusing, crazy thing Chris managed to goad him into. “Seb likes just being fingered for a while, not having it immediately leading anywhere, just enjoying the sensations. Other guys might not be into that, so keep communicating.”
He does as he says, just slowly sliding his fingers in and out of Sebastian, slippery from the lube, catching on his rim, Sebastian’s whole body still thrumming with the dirty thrill of having an audience, even though that audience doesn’t technically exist yet.
“When you want to find the prostate,” Chris says, a little quieter, the only sign he’s affected at all by any of this, “you wanna aim about two inches in, and upwards. It’ll feel like… you’ll feel it, when you find it. Kinda unmistakable. Then crook your fingers up and towards yourself, like you’re doing that ‘come here’ motion.”
He does it, and Sebastian gasps.
“Right there?” Chris asks, a self-satisfied grin apparent in his voice.
Sebastian nods and feels like he can’t open his eyes or the room will spin away into space. “Fuck, yeah. There.”
“It feels really good,” Chris tells the camera. “Orgasms from just this are out of this world, I’m tellin’ you. You can also provide additional stimulation of the prostate from the outside, by rubbing your thumb over his perineum, applying light pressure.”
He keeps talking as he fingers and strokes, but Sebastian can’t hear him anymore. It’s just more instructions, more tips, and it all falls away into the white noise rushing through his head. He’d meant what he said, when he made the comment that started all this. Chris is good at this. Too good at it, and Sebastian’s whole body is on fire. Warmth spreads out, his skin prickles, and he wants Chris’s mouth back on his dick but at the same time, like this, he can focus solely on the other sensations because there aren’t competing ones.
“Chris,” he mumbles, feeling it bubble up unexpectedly fast, whether because Chris is paying so much attention to the gland inside or because the idea of doing this on camera is so hot and shameful all wrapped up into one, he couldn’t say, but his gut is clenching. He tries to warn Chris, tries to stop it, but then Chris’s fingers press right there, unrelenting right on the perfect spot, and Sebastian loses it. He grunts and comes in slow, all-consuming waves, cock spilling over his quivering stomach as his breath comes in pants so harsh they burn in his lungs.
Chris stops mid-sentence, and his fingers stop moving, and when Sebastian opens his eyes Chris is staring at him, eyes wide and lips slightly parted. Sebastian wants to hide. To recoil into himself, dive under the covers and never, ever come back out. He wasn’t supposed to do that. They’d discussed it, all the details, this morning. It was meant to be educational, Chris had dutifully insisted with doe-eyes, not actual pornography. Chris was going to demonstrate what needed to be demonstrated and then turn the camera off, and keep the ending just between them. Chris may be a show off, as he’d said, but he’s also possessive, and didn’t want anybody else to see what Sebastian looks or sounds like when he comes. Chris wanted that to remain just his.
Renewed embarrassment flies like wildfire over Sebastian’s bare skin, and he covers his face with his hand. “I’m sorry,” he whines.
Chris is quiet just for another moment, and his fingers slowly retreat and leave Sebastian’s body, and Sebastian prepares himself to be scolded. Instead, Chris’s fingers drag through the mess Sebastian left on his stomach. Sebastian looks down at it, the mess of sticky white on his own skin and Chris’s fingertips in it, and then up at Chris, blinking in confusion. Chris looks back, his mouth still open and his eyes wild.
“Jesus Christ,” he whispers, shaking his head, and then he’s surging down, mouth crashing into Sebastian’s so hard it hurts, devouring his lips in a ravenous kiss.
“That felt so good,” Sebastian breathes, admitting it into the space between them, and Chris growls low in his throat.
“You’re so fuckin’ sexy, I can’t stand it,” he says, sounding almost pained.
It’s a half hour at least before they remember the camera is still rolling.
They take a shower, and a nap, and order a pizza. Neither of them brings up watching the recording, but Sebastian knows they both want to. Chris doesn’t mention it, so Sebastian doesn’t either, but it remains unspoken between them. Finally, well after the sun has gone down, Chris just grabs the camera and an HDMI cable and starts hooking it up to the T.V. in his living room, without a word. Sebastian gets nervous all over again, and excited, and ashamed, that confusing jumble of emotions returning in his chest as he settles on the couch and Chris plops heavily down beside him.
“What if it’s awful?” he asks, with a laugh, trying to make it a joke to hide how unsure he is about it. He’s heard horror stories, of people making their own sex tapes and finding out they don’t look nearly as good as they thought.
“Then we delete it and never speak of it again,” Chris says. He puts an arm around Sebastian, pulling him in and kissing his hair. “But it won’t be. You’re gorgeous. Everyone thinks so.”
“Everyone hasn’t seen my dick,” Sebastian points out, and Chris chuckles warmly.
“I’m glad to hear it. But, that’s gorgeous too.” He presses a button on the remote, and they appear on the screen, Sebastian naked on the bed and Chris’s voice behind the camera.
The thing is, Sebastian is an actor, and as such he’s used to seeing himself on the screen. Not that he watches his own movies in his spare time or anything like that, but since he has to attend his own movie premieres, he sees all of his movies at least once. So he’s not a stranger to watching his own face. Watching his own, stark naked body on a T.V. screen, however, is a bit of a novelty. He’s been pretty damn close to fully nude on camera a couple of times but between the combination of movie magic and stunt doubles, it was nothing like this. This is just him. No filters, no clever angles. Bare in a way he never has been before, the shot immobile and continuous and leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.
“That’s what I look like naked?” He’s seen himself in the mirror, but somehow this feels different from that, too.
“It is,” Chris says into Sebastian’s hair. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I look…” Sebastian hesitates before finishing, “…pretty good.”
Chris huffs, jostling his shoulders. “You don’t gotta be so modest, baby. Admit it, you look incredible.”
“I don’t look incredible,” Sebastian protests, but that’s the moment when on-screen Chris leans over on-screen Sebastian and kisses him, and Sebastian transforms. From one moment to the next, he goes from self-conscious and tense, seemingly hyper-aware of the fact that he’s naked and being filmed, to just melting into Chris’s touch. The Sebastian on the T.V. positively flourishes, turning into Chris like a flower turns to the sun, moaning softly as Chris kisses his neck, his chest and then pays special attention to his nipples. Real-life Sebastian’s skin prickles watching it, like feeling ghosts of those lips on his body right now.
And suddenly, Sebastian thinks Chris kind of has a point. Together, they look pretty stunning.
“Oh,” he says, softly.
“Wow,” Chris whispers, seeing it too, just as captivated as Sebastian. “I’ve never… I mean, I see you, all the time. But never like this, never get to just sit back and watch you… fuck, sweetheart. So responsive, so perfect for me, I can’t believe-” He trails off, distracted by the scene unfolding on the T.V. screen.
Sebastian’s not sure whether to focus on the way Chris is lavishing attention on his chest as Sebastian arches up to meet him, or the way Sebastian can see his own cock thickening against his stomach the longer Chris loves on him. It’s mindboggling and strangely exciting at the same time. Watching Chris turn his attention back to the camera, going methodically through his instructions about lube and clean fingernails, fills Sebastian with the same dirty thrill as it did at the time. Although watching it back, he feels a lot less like he’s just a body for Chris to demonstrate on. He sees love in Chris’s open expression, that he hadn’t noticed when it was really happening.
“See that?” Chris asks, as if there’s any chance Sebastian could not be watching the screen right now. He couldn’t tear his eyes away if he tried. Chris is so close to him, still with his arm snug around Sebastian’s shoulders, talking reverently into his hairline. “Now you see why I can’t keep my eyes or my hands off you? You’re fucking gorgeous, Seb, especially when you’re naked and laid out like that, all open and willing. Wanting me so badly.”
“Needy, you mean,” Sebastian murmurs.
“Sexy as hell,” Chris corrects, lifting Sebastian’s left hand to his face and pressing a kiss to the back of it. He nods towards the screen. “Look at yourself. Look how turned on you are from just one of my fingers inside you. Imagine how that makes me feel.”
“How?” Sebastian asks breathlessly, eyes still glued to the screen, where Chris is now pushing a second finger into him, all the while describing what he’s doing while Sebastian tries his hardest not to burst into flames.
From the corner of his eye, he can see Chris turning his head to look at him. When Sebastian does the same and meets his gaze, he shivers at the naked want and adoration reflected back at him.
“Like I’m the king of the fucking world, baby,” Chris tells him in that almost painfully sincere way of his, leaving Sebastian with no choice but to attack him with kisses, breathless, rash and joyful.
A loud moan from the direction of the T.V. pulls their attention back to the screen, just in time to see Sebastian’s eyes rolling back as he comes with his dick untouched, spilling onto his own stomach while Chris looks at him like he’s one of the seven wonders of the world. With a rush of heat in his gut, Sebastian remembers how embarrassing that was, and how hot it was at the same time. How intense it felt, how intense it looks, his own chest rising and falling as on-screen Chris reaches out to drag his fingers through the mess Sebastian made of himself.
“Holy shit, Sebastian,” real life Chris curses, and Sebastian – surprising even himself – giggles. It’s just all so absurd. Hearing himself moan like that and watching himself having sex on T.V. like he’s in some sort of cheap, homemade porno (which he supposes this is, actually) is just a bit of a trip, really.
His laughter is infectious, it seems, because soon Chris is giggling right along with him, pulling him into his arms as Sebastian winds his arms around Chris’s waist and buries his face in Chris’s neck again.
“So yeah,” Sebastian says dryly, once they’ve calmed down a little, “we’re probably not going to actually put this online, are we?”
Chris snorts into Sebastian’s hair. “Probably not, no. This was really fun but also really fucking weird.”
“So weird,” Sebastian agrees, then feels compelled to add, “but I kinda really enjoyed it, too.”
“I had an inkling you might have, yeah.” There’s a pause, before Chris asks, “So we’re totally gonna make more of these, right? Just for us?”
“Fuck yes.”
“God, I love you.”
And then Chris is pushing him back into the couch cushions, while in the background, on-screen Chris and Sebastian are getting increasingly noisy. It’s kind of odd, the notion of having sex to the soundtrack of themselves having sex, but it’s like, good odd. Sebastian and his body are fully on board with it. No one ever claimed actors were not slightly narcissistic creatures.
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lololil · 4 years
Requested by @nachtumringt from this prompt list - the way you said “I love you”. I appreciate you greedy being, thank you for the request. I hope you’ll enjoy it. 🍃✨
2. With a hoarse voice under the blankets
Lucas doesn’t know when it became love. Maybe it always has been. He remembers seeing Eliott for the first time, a clumsy little boy carrying boxes into the house next door. The feeling in his belly - like infinite little stings - and the heat spreading through his tiny body were definitely something new.
He even asked his maman what it meant, afraid he might have had an allergic reaction, but she just smiled and kissed his forehead. “One day you’ll know, mon chérie.” But he wasn’t sure he wanted to know, it may have been warm and fuzzy, but it was prickling, urgent. “Now, don’t you want to go meet the new neighbors? Take them this.” She stuffed his short arms with a basket filled with fruits and some sweets. He wasn’t sure he wanted to go, of course he wished to see the boy again, but what if that weird feeling ate him up?
If only had he known...
The feeling did, in fact, eat him up. To the point each two of three thoughts in his head would be about Eliott - that’s the boy’s name.
And now, twelve years later, they are in the exact same position. Lucas observing him from his house, analyzing how his muscles contract differently with each movement, how the breeze makes his strands dance around, how his eyes shine even though the sun decided to stay hidden behind the dense clouds. Boxes are being carried, but this time from the house and into the car. Eliott’s car. The one he will drive away in first thing in the morning, away to college. Away from Lucas.
Funny thing is, he did find out what that feeling he felt so many years back was. But now he has only been left with his chest ripped open, his heart sore, imploding, bleeding. 
Eliott’s eyes catch his and he can’t help but smile. His friend looks worried, lifting his shoulders with a clear question what is it. Lucas shakes his head and Eliott, as the stupidly perfect boy he is, starts running towards Lucas with a childish jog despite his huge limbs.
“What’s wrong?” Eliott asks, keeping his hands behind his back.
“Nothing! I was smiling!” He points to his own mouth and makes an exaggeratedly fake grin. “See?” Eliott huffs and takes one hand to Lucas’ hair, playing with it.
“Yes, I guess we’ve established that that is my role in this relationship.” He points to both of them and something shines in Eliott’s eyes.
“I have something for you.” Lucas’ features brighten and he jumps excitedly. He was always incapable of feeling down around Eliott.
“What is it?” Eliott laughs and takes his hand from behind his back. Presenting Lucas with a stuffed raccoon. The raccoon. “What? Eliott, you can’t give me this. I already have my hedgehog.” And well it was kind of ridiculous, but they had bought them when they were younger, Lucas only agreed because Eliott had the most gorgeous smile on his face and he wanted it to last a bit longer.
“Yes, but I want you to have it. Please. So you can remember me when you look at it.” He looks taken aback, bashful, and it’s so honest and so sweet Lucas could kiss him. God, he wants to kiss him.
It’s not like I could spend a minute without thinking of you he almost says. “Ok. But only if you take my hedgehog.” Eliott smiles so angelically it’s hard to breathe.
“Ok.” He agrees and Lucas takes the stuffed animal giving it his all not to squeeze it. “You are cute.” It isn’t unusual for Eliott to say random stuff like this and Lucas never knows what to do. Obviously, his immediate response is always a heat accompanied by a deep crimson spreading through his features.
“Okay, please don’t. Come on, we still have a lot to do before you leave.” Eliott ruffles his hair once more and takes Lucas’ shoulder, leading them into the latter’s house.
Hours later, after spending the evening rewatching all their favorite movies, they are in Lucas’ bedroom, tucked under his covers, talking. This is one of the things Lucas loves the most, spending time next to Eliott talking about everything and nothing. Just existing next to him.
After they’ve settled in a comfortable silence, Eliott turns his body in Lucas’ direction and they stare at each other before Eliott starts talking.
“Do you remember how we used to read stories under the covers?” Lucas laughs.
“How could I forget.” Indeed, how could he. Eliott wiggles his eyebrows.
“So, wanna do it again? For old times sake?”
“For old times sake.” Lucas imitates him exaggeratedly. “Gosh, you are just a big baby and want excuses to read child books.” Excuses, just excuses. It’s what came to Lucas’ mind instead of running to get under the covers just to be closer to Eliott.
“I don’t see any kids' books around here. Do you? I mean, it is your bedroom, so if there were I guess that would make you the big baby.”
“Oh shut up and just get under the blankets.” And it’s beautiful, how Eliott beams with excitement. Just like a child.
“Ah, I’ll just get my phone, because I know how you get. Afraid of the dark and stuff.” At that, Lucas has no choice other than roll his eyes and tackle Eliott onto the mattress. Wrong choice, they end up close, really close, and Lucas has to strain himself not to join their lips. He quickly goes under the covers and Eliott follows after, turning his lantern on. “Excited, are we?” He teases, but Lucas is too entranced by the way the light reflects on Eliott’s features to respond. “For someone so opposed to the idea you sure got down here pretty fast.”
“Jesus, shut up!” Lucas says kicking him maybe a bit harder than necessary, making Eliott let out a high pitched squeal and they both burst out laughing. Their bodies squirm and it gets harder to breathe under all the blankets but none of them dare to resurface.
The laughter dies gradually, disappearing into a stuffed silence. Through the badly lit space, he can see Eliott. He seems lost in thoughts.
“Lucas, I’m scared.” He whispers, the light barely hitting his face, but Lucas can still see the deep worry in his eyes, how they are darker than usual, heavier. And how Lucas wants to touch him, take this feeling away, make that beautiful smile appear on Eliott’s face again. “I don’t want to lose you.” Eliott’s voice sounds broken and a shiny tear travels down his cheek, making a perfect trail to his mouth. Lucas follows its path with his thumb, drying it softly. Eliott’s skin is so warm under his hand.
“You could never lose me.” Eliott closes his eyes, creasing his eyebrows. More tears slide down his face. “It’s true.” Lucas can’t stand this, so he gets closer, until their noses touch. And Eliott opens his eyes, pupils blown. “You will never lose me.” They stare at each other, minutes spent looking at the galaxy that is Eliott’s eyes.
“Lucas.” His voice is only a tone louder than a whisper, a soft hoarse to it. He backs up a little, his hand traveling up to cup Lucas’ jaw. Eliott studies his face for a minute, eyes landing on each and every spot of Lucas’ features before they return to his eyes. “I love you.” All his thoughts get blurred, he can’t command his body to move, he can’t do anything except from widening his eyes in utter shock. He had wished to hear those words coming from Eliott’s mouth with that meaning countless times, but he never really expected it to happen.
Eliott must sense Lucas’ inability to form any coherent sound, so he lands a kiss on his cheek, it’s warm and sends a shiver down Lucas’ body. “I love you.” A croaky whisper against the skin there. His mouth travels to Lucas’ ear, warm lips caressing it. “I love you, Lucas.” He lets out with a warm puff and realigns their heads, trailing his thumb across Lucas’ lips and capturing the lower one. Lucas wants to bite it. “Can I kiss you?” He asks. Grave.
Lucas wants to scream yes, finally. But his brain is still short circuiting from the revelation, so he just joins their lips. It’s far better than he could have ever dreamt of. Warm like a summer breeze, but as refreshing as inspiring winter air.  They move in perfect synchrony, pulling desperately at each other, their bodies touching completely. It’s like they have been doing this forever. Might as well have been.
Lucas has to part, words finally coming back to him.
“I love you, Eliott.” The boy smiles, dumbfounded. It’s a beautiful image and the duvet over their heads with the dim light makes it even more magical. “God, I love you. So much.” Eliott lets out a laugh, maybe a bit relieved, and pulls Lucas on top of him, their mouths join again, no sight in detaching.
The next day, when Eliott leaves, Lucas still feels like a part of him has been ripped. Like maybe a vital organ is missing. But at least now he knows what Eliott’s mouth tastes like, what it feels like to touch and be touched. And that, that is something nothing can take away.
And now, when everything seems too much, they can always go back under the blankets. Just the two of them. Stolen peace in the middle of chaos.
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lexicals · 4 years
This first part is as usual gonna be completely out of order. Anyway
VESPA WAS SO SOFT THIS EP ;; I lover her sm I love her and buddy I love them communicating I love vespa comforting buddy who is allowing herself to be vulnerable for once
Speaking OF, aside from just the fantastic character development for buddy and the point abt her being a narcissist needing to listen to Her Own Goddamn Advice
The parallels between her and nureyev were more prominent than EVER this episode!! Jet suggesting that she leave him in command!! Her bit about her persona only ever having been a mask!! Saying that she's one of the best equipped people to spot an act in progress because she's done it herself for so long!! The obsession with being Good Enough and keeping up that flawless persona!! LIKE MOTHER LIKE SON GIVE ME THIS CONTENT
He had so much good shit this episode. First of all he actually sounded like capital N Nureyev, not ransom or anyone else. Second of all he was so willing to put himself in harm's way for this heist!! He's acting so much like he was when he was younger, desperate to get the job done, insisting he can do it even when it's obvious he's overreaching because he wants it so badly
Also vespa calling nureyev selfish and saying that she bets he's never sacrificed anything in his life?? When I say I shouted OUCH out loud jesus christ
Like okay do I think the debt subplot is gonna come to a head next episode (juno's episode)?? Absolutely. Do I think that nureyev is gonna try to make a break for it with the four items now that they've finished the heist? YUP. Do I also think he's doing it because he's scared and is trying to do as little harm as possible while trying to protect himself? YEAH.
His speech about symbols being all anyone has and just,, ooooof god. God. Someone give this poor man a hug
Also he deffo stole the knife right at the end there huh. "Lost" my ass
Juno being a fucking first rate detective once again mr steel I love you I love you you dumb whiny baby
I love buddy and vespa being so jokingly disparaging of them all T~T They're family and they give each other shit and they love each other!!
Vespa called juno by his name!! Not by steel!! Admittedly I'm p sure it was only to buddy but Still
"You're not the only one on this ship with medical secrets" vespa???? Hello????? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
Nureyev quoting buddy's line from the end of man in glass a YEAR after she said it to him and after he spent all of MiG quoting mag?? One hit KO to my heart. She's as much a parent and mentor to him as mag ever was and I need SO much more content of the two of them bonding & being mother & son
I definitely need to listen to this ep again at LEAST once. Jesus. Spent the whole thing bouncing up and down and screaming. In fact I think I have given myself a headache by overheating my brain so I will add more to this Later
Thoughts after the fact:
What vespa was saying about nureyev acting differently..... could be read as him being nervous but I can't help but think with him having been talking in his own voice all episode, what if he just wasn't putting up a persona? I don't think it would be much of a leap to think that nureyev in actuality is much quieter than the personalities he wears, but idk, just a thought
This is further to discussions that were had on the tpp adults server but uhh juno is So smart and should have been listened to earlier not just in this episode, but like going back to part one he's been pointing out buddy's questionable decisions she's made to put off this heist for almost the whole year!! Listen to juno challenge cb crew smh
I know..... that jet has been lined up as buddy's successor...... but like idk I feel like that's not a role that suits jet rly?? Yes, he's calm and steady and logical but he doesn't have buddy's strategic mind or charisma, and yes I am saying this because nureyev does and I want this to be plot relevant besides making for interesting parallels
Second listen notes:
I just. Love buddy sm the way she speaks is so fun to listen to
“How are your children? Which is to say your car”
Nureyev is like, legit so loyal to buddy? He defends her a lot and clearly respects her immensely. Pls kabert can we have mother and son bonding
Buddy and jet’s relationship....... I cry I cry I cry
Like I literally cannot pick out my fav lines from this ep bc there’s SO many of them I’d just be quoting the whole thing
I love. Hearing buddy and vespa just talking though. Ragging juno and nureyev, being sweet with each other, laughing together..... vespa being like “one thing first - I love you :>” healed me
“If our places were switched, what would you say to me?” [CRYING CAT EMOJI]
Juno’s little “Yes, yes! Yes” just, T~T
The fact that buddy gets her advice referenced from every crew member...... jet, vespa, nureyev, and then rita..... not juno though? Idk if that’s because we just haven’t heard from juno yet or ??? idk. Weird though
Listen not to go back to this but jet does NOT sound like he wants the captain role...... and like, even on a meta level I’m not so sure he suits it but like buddy says he hates it when she says it and LET NUREYEV SUCCEED BUDDY 2020
Vespa is so excited abt the prime ;; Like SO excited, which is so sweet, but also I’m very very interested in that writing on the bottom
She’s so SOFT with buddy as well, and so calm...... I’m cry I’m cry she’s just like “okay, so you’ve got a problem, let’s fix it then”
“We’ve all had to put up with juno and ransom [acting like newlyweds] long enough” YELL. The fond family ragging of it all but also jupeter confirmed for completely insufferable
Couple of additional things:
I find.... nureyev’s little speech abt symbols and stuff rly interesting. Idk my running theory abt his debts is that his name is being used as leverage against him with the stipulation being “if you don’t pay, we’ll release your name and face to the public” meaning not only will he be in danger, but brahma as well, if we assume that the GAS has been deactivated since he left. The symbol he left behind is the only thing keeping the citizens of brahma safe - and not even that tbh, it’s only providing the illusion of safety, if this is actually the case. Idk I really wanna get my hands on the script now I think that speech says a lot abt his mental state rn
I don’t like the sick nureyev theory tbh but ):
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holycrapharry · 4 years
The Girl on the Left
Another night in. My life is always a night in. Why does the takeout guy ask me if it’s for two? I can’t be ordering that much. Finally, I hate this elevator. “Oh wait! Can you hold it?” Does she live here too? “Thank you so much. I was gonna have to wait forever for this thing to come back down again.” She’s gorgeous.
“No problem. What floor?” She smells like cookies.
“Three, please.” That’s my floor. Why haven’t I seen her? I definitely would’ve remembered, especially with an ass like that. Don’t think with your dick, Harry. *ding* “Oh you live on three, too? That’s so funny. What’s your name?” Don’t blow it.
“Harry. I’m Harry.” I bet her name is something cute. Her hand is soft. I’m glad she wanted to shake.
“Well, I’m y/n. Nice to actually talk to someone who lives here. Like your accent”. I wish she would’ve stayed. I don’t mind watching her walk down the hall. I hope she doesn’t think I’m following her. No way does she live beside me. No way that she’s the girl on the left. The girl who I can hear through the wall. The girl I can hear moan when she’s alone. The moans that drive me to jack myself off.
“This is kind of strange. I didn’t know you were my neighbor…” She’s laughing,
“Oh my gosh! You’re the one who’s watching Chopped every Friday night! This is gonna sound weird, but I watch it with you.” Why is she home on a Friday night? She’s far too hot to be single.
“It’s not weird. It’s a good show.” I think we’re both smiling at each other. It’s awkward. “Well, until next time.” I could’ve been smoother.
Y/n. I like her name. And I like how she said mine. She’s got the nicest eyes and her lips looked so soft. I can’t believe she’s the girl on the left. I wish I could hear the softest of moans. I wish I could hear her say, ‘Harry, Harry, Harry. Right there’. I need to snap out of it.
“Ohh.” I’ve lost track of time. “Ohhhh.” Fuck. She’s doing it. How is she so loud? That soft voice, making these dirty noises. It gets me harder than before. Knowing what she looks like has made it somewhat real. I can see her hands touch herself all over and her ass raising off the bed. I’m already hard. She’s gotten a head start. I bet she would know how to play with me, oh I bet she’s the type to sit on your face. Mm. Yeah. Y/n sitting on my face. “Oh. Oh god.” I would love it. Shit, this feels good. She sounds so good. I bet she plays with her tits. Tugs on her nipples. I wanna bite them. “Fuck, Harry.” Oh, my god. She’s using me. I’m fucking her and she’s fucking me. Say my name. Please say it again. “Right there.” She’s close. So am I. Say it. Say it. Who’s fucking you? “Yeah. Mmm, Harry” Fuck that’s what I needed. That’s it. Ugh. That girl is going kill me. I’m still hard and I bet she’s still wet. I want to clean her. I want to fuck her. I don’t care if we’ve just met. I want her to come for me by my hand, not hers. I’m going over. I’m going to give it my best shot. Open the door. I know your home. I know you’re there.
“Oh, hey. What’s a…what’s up?” She looks wild. Her hair is all frizzy and her mascara is a little smudged. I love it.
“Why are you alone tonight?” She’s so beautiful and anyone would be proud to please her.
“What?” I hope I didn’t offend her. I just don’t understand why she’s alone.
“Can I come in?” She’s ushered me into her home. It’s cozy. I smell snickerdoodle.
“How did you know I was alone?” I can’t help but stare at her. Don’t blurt it out. Don’t be weird.
“Because I can hear you.” Look up. Look up to check if she’s not calling the cops or ran out the door. Oh. She’s looking at me. “I’m sorry, I, um…”
“You can hear me? Like, you can hear me? Oh my god…” She looks positively red. Shit. She still looks so cute in her little jammies. I like her cat socks. Does she do it in her socks? Focus Harry.
“Um, I just needed to tell you. It drives me wild and I don’t-” She walking closer to me.
“It drives you wild?” She’s right in front of me. I didn’t notice she was this much shorter. “So you heard me tonight?
“Yes.” I can’t even hesitate. We both know why I really came here. I need it and so does she. “You watch chopped with me, I get off with you.” She’s biting her lip. Jesus Christ. Please come here. Please come to me. I’m dying.
“You thought of me?” I tell her that I did today, and I will tomorrow. She asked me what I thought about. I can’t tell her that. “Tell me Harry, tell me what you thought about.” She’s got her hand on my arm and her touch is so delicate. The same touch that gets her off.
“I heard you moan and I thought about watching you. How your hand looked when you were touching yourself. Then I thought about what you would do in bed, would let me touch you, how you would you want me to. I thought that you might be the type to, um, sit on my face.” She’s brought my hand to her face, she warm and her skin is soft. Oh, she’s biting my thumb. I should’ve worn looser jeans.
“I could be if that’s what you wanted.” My thumb is completely in her mouth and my dick is screaming to be let out. “Hmm? Is that what you want?” I didn’t think of her has this kind of girl. I pegged her to be dominating and to get it how she wants.
“Is that what you thought about? Doing as I say? You wanna obey me, be a good girl for me?” Her eyes have gotten big and her mouth has stopped playing with my thumb. “I think that’s what you want. Y/n, you can be good for me any night of the week.”
“Can I be a good girl for you tonight?” She has that pout down. I can’t help but smile, she’s so eager.
“That’s up to you now isn’t it, baby?” Her arms have wrapped around my neck and her nose has nuzzled into my ear. Her chest is against me and I know she can feel hard I am. She even whines before speaking.
“I like when you say that. I like how you sound.” All of her little ear nibbles are killing me. She’s a good girl in many different ways.
“Take me to your room. Show me where you were.” She shows me her bed. Soft and full of white fluffy blankets. I lay her down on them and kiss her slowly. Her mouth tastes so good. I want to fuck her, but she’s worth the wait. What is it about her? Why am I so smooth with her? She began to wiggle her hips. Don’t rub your dick on her. Kiss her, savor it. “You know, you smell like cookies and your lips tastes like sugar. What does the rest of you taste like?” She has no response, she whimpers. I kiss down her neck and suck at her collar bones. Her nipples feel good against my tongue. She likes this. Yes, moan for me. “I love that sound.” She’s giggling at me. “I love that sound.” She’s smiling. I make my way back up to her neck, her hair is still so wild. I want to feel how wet she is. “I want you to take your clothes off, can you do that for me?” She’s doing it. Her body is marvelous. Her ass is bouncy and full. I’ll put that to use later. “Lie back down for me, love.” Her body is so close to mine. I can’t believe I’m here. “You want me to touch you?”
“Yes. Yes, please.” She’s covered in goosebumps. She’s moaning into my mouth. I could breathe her in every second of the day. Her legs are pressed so tight together. “If you don’t want me to, I don’t have to.” Oh, that’s it. She’s so wet for me.
“No, I’m just kind of nervous.” I kiss her and rub her clit.
“No reason to be nervous, let me make you feel good. Let me hear you.” I slip two fingers in and she’s already singing for me. I put my mouth to her ear, giving her words of encouragement. “You sound so good. A good girl, yeah? Tell me what you want, show me how good you can be.” She shuffles in the bed and kisses me. She kisses me with hunger and determination.
“I want your mouth.” She wants me to eat her and I can’t get down her body fast enough. Her pussy is wet and the warmth puddles on my tongue. Her body is shaking from the contact. Her clit is sensitive, passing it with my tongue makes her gasp for air.
“Give me your hand, show me how you touch yourself.” She starts slow, her technique is captivating. She spreads herself with one hand and rubs herself with another. Her actions are short-lived. I move her hands out of the way, holding them to her sides, then dip my head down. I eat her feverishly, licking and sucking. This is what she sounds like through the walls. I love it, but I want to make her scream. I get off the bed and undress. She’s resting on her elbows as she watches me. “Do you like to be on the top or the bottom?”
“I’ll be wherever you want.” She really is a good girl.
“Get on top of me.” I sigh as she sinks down on me. I hold her close to my chest and her hands are in my hair. “You’re such a good girl, baby. I want you to hold onto my shoulders and ride me until your legs hurt. Use me to make yourself come.” Her small hands grip my shoulders and she wastes no time. Her pussy has engulfed my cock and her chest is right in my face.
“You feel so fucking good, Oh my god.” The last time I checked, ‘Good girls’ don’t curse. I spank her and she juts forward and groans. “Mmmph. Harry.”
“I thought you were a good girl? Do good little girls say curse words? Apologize, y/n.” She does so but in only a few minutes’ curses under her breath. I slap her ass once more and she yells out my name. I flip her on her back and give her all I have. “Being on top is a privilege,” her hands try to find something to grab onto so I hold her arms down, she moans at my actions and tries to push herself even closer to me. “All of the nights I heard you fucking yourself, I wondered if I could get you louder. I think I can.” I know I can, she’s whimpering and yelling every time I hit hat spot.
“Harry, I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come.” I can feel her pulse around me. I let her arms tree and my hands land on her hips. I pound into her until she can no longer make sense of things and don’t let up until I’m coming. Shit. I’ve never felt so good. When I pull out of her she points at the trash can at the corner of her room. On my way back to her bed I see her full body again. I could stay here all night.
“This is not how I thought my night would end.” She gets closer to me, her nose touching mine. I give he small kisses and hold her by her hip. “So, what now, love?”
“Well, we can always go to yours and watch chopped.” The girl on the left is by far, the best neighbor I’ve ever had.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Vice Versa
Rating: Mature Relationship: Alien X Female!Human Warning: Dirty talk, strong language, Alien/human relationship, Body swapping, Extreme fluff
Word Count:4846
An Alien and his girlfriend screw around with some mysterious tech on an abandoned ship and end up switching bodies.
"What a shit hole," I kick a wet napkin away. I tighten my hold on my toolbox as I step over the pile of damp trash.
"Probably why its abandoned, maids stopped showing up," Sander laughs to himself. I glance over my shoulder at his calm demeanor. His bottom set of hands are in the pockets of his jumper, the others are crossed over his chest. He looks around at the dark ship, stretching his neck as he looks behind him. His muscle tee is loose over his shoulders, tucked into the tied-up mechanic's jumper. Something falls from the ceiling, dusting his head with debris. He raises one hand and swipes it off his crew cut.
"well at least it looks better than my first apartment," I look around, "perhaps this place has actual running water too."
"You humans and your subpar living spaces," he shakes his head.
We walk through the hallway, searching each room we pass for any residents. The place seems truly abandoned. Trash and debris litter the walkway. No tracks or signs of the previous life is available. No one has been here for a while, which is fine by us. We are just here to see if we can’t kick start the engine. Then guide it to the U.S. Marsh to be dismantled for parts.
Working on a scavenger ship isn't a good life but it’s simple. Especially when you are a valuable asset, get better meals then. I've been working for a little over two years, having been mentored by Sander a few weeks after showing up. We both hit it off and one thing led to another. Now he is my partner in more ways than one. After a year we became inseparable, taking work together. Everyone on board knows by now that if they want something done right, it was sander and me to call.
As I’m distracted looking at the holo-map I jump when I feel something run up my leg. I jump and take a quick step back. Sander begins to laugh, watching me as I investigate my leg. I look up and see his tail flicking lazily around where I stood.
"Fucking asshole," I sneer. He laughs a little louder at my dismay.
"What," he shrugs, "You know I have no say in what that thing does."
I look down at his tail again, "Thing is just as perverted as you are."
He simply shrugs again, "at least the thing has its priorities in check, always finds its way to you."
I fight back the smile creeping on my face, "Flattery will get you nowhere." Sander walks over to me, grabbing at my arm. I playfully jerk away from him, making him fight for it. He gets a firm hold on my forearm and pulls me close to his chest. His bottom pair of arms grab onto my waist. His top plays with my hand, the other petting my hair back.
"Are you sure about that," he grins. I roll my eyes and he pecks me on the nose, "So damn cute."
I can’t stop the smile this time. I push him away and bring up the map again, "Alright, we need to get to the elevator and the engine is on the bottom floor."
"Lead the way mistress," he flourishes his hand. Sliding his bottom pair back into his pockets.
I guide us both to the elevator at the end of the hall. Making our way to the bottom floor. As the doors open, we are both hit by a rancid smell.
"God, that’s like a punch in the nose ain't it," Sander winces.
"yea, smells like damn spoiled eggs," I grimace. We both reluctantly walk out of the lift. Looking around at the complete disarray of the room. The walls are rusted, and the metal sheets are prying away. The floor is covered in an oily sheen and more garbage. Carcasses of rodents litter the corners.
"Put on your mask, I think there is a gas leak," Sander warns. I reach into my tool kit and find the small gas mask. I take it out and strap it to my face. I look over and give him a thumbs up. He copies the gesture. He doesn’t adorn a mask, having a better capacity at rejecting toxins in the air. One of the many reasons he is normally chosen for tasks like this.
We make it to the end of the hall, the door opening at our nearness. Inside the next room is what we came for. The large hydrogen-powered engine. This was an out of date ship it seems. Everyone is all about nuclear or solar-powered ships, not needing great power if you never intend to land on a planet. Just using it for long travel and orbiting.
Looking the engine over it seems a bit off. There are lines of green all around it, giving it a stereotypical alien vibe. Having some bits and pieces beaten out of the sides, leaving chunks missing. Looks like someone attacked this engine.
"Someone shut it off," Sander says from behind the machine. I follow around and see the large switch turned down.
"explains why it took the jaws of life to rip the door open," my voice coming out in echo around the mask. Getting into this disastrous beast was strangely difficult. Like someone made sure the doors were welded shut. Sander shrugs and goes to flip the switch. When it clicked there is a soft whirling then nothing.
"Can never be that easy," He sighs. He switches it off again and looks around the engine. Pulling out a flashlight to look inside the bits that are removed. I walk over to a table aside from the wall, setting down my case. I lean against the wall letting him figure out what's wrong.
Stopping at the front he squints his eyes to get a better look. I can’t help but admire the focus. Sander is amazing at his job, having done it since he was a kid. He loves doing this, this kind of stuff just makes sense to him.
"Seems to be missing a very large part right here," he mumbles to himself. I walk over and look with him. He steps aside, keeping the light still. Looking into the compartment I see what he is talking about. A bunch of wires connected to a splice lay haphazardly at the bottom of the empty space. Looks like someone yanked something out of here, ripping the cords from the connector.
"Well that’s a problem," I sigh. I lean back and look up at Sander, "What now?"
He looks around the room," Maybe it’s in here? Doubt it, but its worth a shot." I nod as we both part to investigate the room.
The tables around are littered with garbage and torn apart machines. Boxes are filled underneath the stands. We search through each one, picking any machine we find. After some time I find a large cube. In the back there are some wire protruding, seeming unnaturally welding to it.
"Hey, I found something," I shout. Turning the machine over I hear sander's footsteps. He crouches down next to me, watching as I fiddle with the wires. Feeling a soft buzz in my hand.
"Looks right," he mumbles," hand it over."
I turn and pass him the machine. As his fingers touch there is a loud pop then a pulse going up my arm then blinding my eyes. I drop the machine and lose my footing, falling against the hard floor. I faintly hear the box drop along with Sander. My eyes can’t focus, blurring and swarming with black dots. The last thing I see is sander passed out on the floor.
With a jolt, I snap my eyes open. I sit upright, wincing when I see the light ahead. My torso is heavy, and my feet feel sensitive. I raise my hand to my head, jumping when I see two hands raised. I stare down shocked at the dark green skin and clawed hand.
"Wha-," I start. I grip my fist, watching as both hands do so. I try to raise one but they both follow. There is something familiar about this arm like I’ve seen it a hundred times. I look down at my chest, noticing immediately my lacking parts. I’m covered by a black muscle tee. My lower half covered by a blanket. I throw the sheet back and look down at the all too familiar jumper tied around my waist.
"No," I whisper. I jump out of bed, catching vertigo as I stand. My top feeling heavy and a large weight down my spine. I turn around and catch sight of a very familiar tail. "No," I say louder. I spin in a circle, following the- my - tail. "No," I shout.
Across the room, I hear a groan, looking up I see someone lying in bed. Feeling the familiarity but not placing it I walk over. I stumble a bit, not use to having such long legs. I catch myself with my two left hands at the end of the bed. I look down at the human. She has an all too familiar look, something I know I’ve seen a thousand times. Seeing that face every day in the mirror.
I’m looking at myself in bed.
"No," I shout, stumbling away from the bed.
"God, I’m trying to fucking sleep. Shut up," I- they - say from the bed. It’s very strange to hear my own voice, it's higher than I realized.
"Jesus, do I sound like that," I wince. My voice sounding extremely deep. I cough and grip my throat, "God, I sound weird."
My body sits up from the bed in a jolt. They look at me immediately, giving a once over. Their eyes widen, pointing at me before covering their mouth.
"Wha- wait, Fuck," she says. She looks down at her hands, flipping them over multiple times. She rubs her eyes then repeats. She jerks her hands to her side, feeling along her ribs. "Where are my arms," she whimpers. I watch in shock as this person controls my body.
She jerks her head to me, "Who are you?"
"Uh, you," I wince. They look down at their body.
"Who am I," she asks. Turning towards the side table she grabs the metal bowl. Checking her reflection, turning the item this way and that. "no," they whisper. Dropping the bowl she turns to me, "Baby girl?"
"Sander," I ask back.
"No fucking way," she-he- shouts. Sander- I- jump out of bed, falling immediately onto the floor. I see his hand-my hand- slap onto the bed. Pulling himself up he glares at me. "Where did we meet?"
I stare confused, "What?"
He stands up, staring at me cryptically, "How do I know that you are who you suggest, where did we meet?"
"Uh, I worked beside Larkin in Storages. You caught me fixing the lift and offered to mentor me," I rush out.
He squints at me, "Anyone could know that, where did we first have sex?"
"That’s appropriate," I drop my hands to my hip. I wince when I see the multiple arms. It’s easy to forget.
"Answer me, where did we first make love," he snaps.
"You considered our first time as making love," I blush. He slaps his hand onto the bed.
"Answer the damn question," he shouts. It’s very strange to hear my voice yell at me.
"Was my room because yours was a shoebox compared to mine, on the living room couch" I answer. His posture relaxes and he stares concernedly at me.
"Doll, what happened," he sounds so small. Which I guess for the time he is small. My voice not helping at all, making my heart break a little.
"I have no idea; I woke up and now I have two sets of arms. Then a fucking tail," I manage to lift my tail. I stare down confused as I shift it either way. Flexing it and twirling it. "You fucking liar, you have full control of your tail," I snap at him.
"Yep, it really is you," he smiles. I have a cute smile, I notice. He walks around the bed, stumbling as he goes. He stops in front of me, giving me a once over. "Damn, you make me look good," he chuckles.
"I don’t think right now is a good time for jokes," I scold. I try to lift my hand but still manage to lift both at the same time. "Also how the fuck do you control these damn things," I wave my arms around. I lift both sides and try to drop just the bottom set. I strain with the effort and manage to drop them to my sides.
"Takes practice, Doll," he plays around with his new hands, "Also your voice is very strange to hear coming out of my mouth. Well, I guess your mouth."
"Yea, your voice vibrates through my chest," I rub a hand down my torso.
As we investigate our new bodies someone walks in. we both turn and see a nurse.
"Oh you both seem to be up and at em," the woman smiles. She is a Krattin, or Kraxin. I'm not familiar with the name but she just reminds me of my Aunt's cat, Phillip.
"Do you know what happened," Sander tries to walk around me. He stumbles still, scolding himself. "How the hell is it so hard to walk with your legs," he barks over his shoulder. The nurse stares at him confused.
"Are you having weakness in your legs miss," the nurse asks.
Sander sneers at her, "Do not call my miss. She is miss, I'm Sander." he points back at me then to himself. The nurse is more confused.
"No, that’s Sander," she points to me.
"No, I’m Sander. That’s my Girlfriend," He clarifies. I can’t help but chuckle at the situation. Sander glares which makes me laugh more. Glared at by my own face isn't that intimidating
The nurse steps closer to Sander," Perhaps you hit your head a bit too hard, lay down and ill check you out."
As the nurse reaches over, sander bats her hand away, "Babe, your help would be divine right now."
"Yea alright," I laugh, "miss, there seems to have been a mishap because I’m not who I’m supposed to be." the nurse looks up at me with her head tilted.
"What do you mean," she asks.
"Well, I’m in the wrong body for starters. I generally don’t have four arms or a pointless tail," I gesture to my tail.
"It’s not pointless, I’m hella top-heavy. It balances me out," sander scolds.
"I’ve seen plenty of men with huge torsos that don’t require a tail," I snap back.
He folds his arms," I have four arms, that’s pretty top-heavy. Your human men hardly count at such with their pathetic muscles."
"Pathetic? How would you know, you have a swimmer's body," I gesture to myself.
"Don’t give me that bullshit, you know you love my slender physique," he tries to purr. It just comes out awkward.
"It’s too weird to be hit on by yourself," I shake my head.
He looks down at his body," Yea, it weird to talk to myself as well."
The nurse stands by watching the exchange with pure confusion," OK, now I’m lost."
We both turn to her, "Right, I’m sorry. I hope that explains it. We seemed to have body swapped."
"Ugh, don’t say it like that. This isn’t that stupid movie you made me watch," Sander winces.
"Which movie? There is a bunch like that," I turn to him.
"The uh," he flips his hand about, "the two women. Switches with the mom."
"Freaky Friday?"
"Yes, that one. Fucking stupid," he goes back to crossing his arms. We turn back to the nurse who looks on the verge of calling security.
"Well, I'm going to check your vitals. Perhaps order for a scan of your brains," she says slowly.
"We aren’t crazy," Sander snaps.
"I never said you are, just sometimes in a tragic situation like near-death that people can make up things," she tries to explain.
"Do you think we are making this up," I ask.
"No, I think you honestly believe that you have swapped but most likely just mimicking their actions and believe such thing as mental swap actually happened,” she makes an excuse. It would be a solid excuse if I wasn’t the one dealing with it. I know I’m not who I should be. The ground is way too far away from my head. I have way too many arms, and I have a prehensile tail.
"Here, how bout we answer some question that only we would know," Sander suggests. He was always the one to try to quickly face a problem. "call Peter and Macy. They know more about us than anyone," he waves his hand.
With that suggested the nurse leaves the room. We both assume to collect our friends, but more likely to talk with someone about the situation. We converse amongst ourselves, admiring our new bodies while we wait.
Around an hour later the room is filled with people. Peter and Macy stand in front of us. A few nurses are poking and prodding our heads as a small group of people are surrounding us. It seems word got out fast about our predicament and a few brave souls have shown up for the freak show.
"Alright, sander," Peter starts," Last Christmas I got super hammered. What was the favor I asked you the next day?"
Sander bats the hands of the nurse away, "Easy, you asked that I don’t tell Katy about that Huxst you were hitting on." a few people around the room chuckle. A Huxst is a species of Lethargic creatures. They are very intelligent but very slow, keeping weight like no one's business.
"I should have picked a less embarrassing question," peter winces, "But she could have guessed that"
"Then why pick that question, rule was that you pick one only I would know. That only Sander would know," He corrects himself.
"Fine, give me a second," Peter thinks," ok, last week you asked me to pick up something for your girl. You wanted it to be a surprise, so I know she has no idea about it." I look over at sander, curiosity peaked.
Sander glanced up at me blushing," Different question."
"No, answer that one," Peter scolds. Sander looks up at me then back at the floor.
"Fine," He hisses, "it’s a signed copy of her favorite vinyl. It was in mint condition so I know she could use it whenever she wanted. The sleeve was worn but you could clearly see the signature from everyone in the band." I’m a bit floored by his revelation. It’s a very considerate gift. I have an old beat-up record player I got from my dad when he passed. It has fond memories every time I play one of his records. I know exactly what band he is talking about. It was a very old rock band. The fact that he didn’t just find one but one that was signed it beyond me.
"Really," I ask. I set my hand on his arm. Feeling strange touching my own skin with his.
He looks up at me," yea, it was meant for your birthday next month." I smile down at him, pressing my hand to my heart.
"I'd kiss you but I rather not kiss myself," I laugh. I get a chuckle out of him as well.
"I guess that answers it," Peter claps his hands, "They switched bodies." a few people around the room grumble as some exchange funds. I guess in that short time there were already bets.
Macy steps forward with her arms out," Wait. We have to make sure they are switched with each other. He could be anyone" She gestures to me.
"Well then Macy, ask me a question that only id know," I fold my top set of arms over my chest. Copying Sander's signature pose by putting my lower arms in my pockets.
Macy gives me a once over as she thinks, "When you first met Sander's do you remember what you told me?"
"That he is an ass," I chuckle. Sander flicks me in the arm.
"No, well yes but not what I meant," She smiles, "We sat in your room after y'alls first time. You were all gushy and giddy, hugging the pillow he slept on." I remember that day clearly. It was the afternoon after we first had sex. He stayed the night but left the next morning to work. I met up with Macy, needing to talk to her. I couldn’t stop smiling as I gave her the details of our date. I looked at her said -
"I think he is the one."
There were a few awes from the crowd, but I was too embarrassed to look up. I hid my face in my hand, not wanting anyone to see the blush on my cheeks. I felt a hand on mine, pushing it aside. I look upon my own face, filled with admiration.
"You really knew by then," He whispers. Keeping his voice down so no one can hear our private moment.
"Of course, you were wonderful," I can’t help but smile. He smiles back, bumping his head into mine.
"God you are such a softie," He has a wide smile, "I think I have to kiss you"
I lean back," No, I’m not going to kiss myself."
He grabs my face," Too bad, that was too adorable. I have to kiss you, its law." I fight against his hands, finding it easier now that I’m the stronger one. "Nope, don’t fight it," He laughs. I give in, letting him peck me on the lips. I drop my head to his shoulder.
"Fuck, I wish these people weren't here," I grumble. I feel Sander turn his head and regards the group.
"Proof enough," He asks the crowd," Now someone fix this, please. I’d like to kiss my girlfriend with my own mouth."
Everyone left the room besides the nurses who are still trying to poke and prod. We gave up trying to fight them a while ago. As we sat in relative silence we jump when the door opens. A few people roll in some machines on a dolly cart. One of the machines caught our eye immediately.
"that one," Sander shouts. He jumps out of bed, getting used to his new legs, and stops in front of the box. "this little fucker," He growls.
I hope out of bed and stop behind him. He leans down to pick it up but thinks better of it.
"Do we know what this is," He asks the workers in the room. I look around to see they are his workers. The mechanics that do more of the tinkering and fixing of the place.
"No, but it does emit a strong power. Rodney assumes it’s a battery of some kind," one of them that I recognize as Krait says.
"A battery," Sander rolls his eyes, "The thing is some magic body swapper device and you assume it’s a fucking battery."
"Chill out, they know as much as we do," I rest my hand on his shoulder.
"Excuse me for being a bit tense," He scolds over his shoulder," Fuck, I can’t even scold you properly. When did I get so damn tall!"
"Sucks being short doesn’t it," I laugh.
He sneers up at me," We better figure out how to switch back soon because I will have you on your back in seconds."
"promises, promises," I shake my head.
"Damn straight it’s a promise," he snorts. He looks down at the box, using his covered foot to nudge it a bit.
"How did you two switch to begin with," Krait asks.
"Well I found the thing and handed it to him," I point to Sander," and then there was a flash and we woke up here."
"You feel the weird buzzing up your arm and to your head first," Sander looks up at me.
"Yea, it was like being shocked," I rub my arm.
"Then let’s do that again," Krait suggests, "She picks up the box and hand it so Sander."
"I guess it’s worth a shot," Sander shrugs, "Can’t imagine we can get more fucked up."
"Hey, watch yourself. That my body you are 'fucked up' in," I nudge him.
He pets his hands down his chest, groping himself as he does so." and what a lovely body it is too." I kick him in the back of the knee, making him buckle. "Fucking ow," he winces. He rubs his knee as he eyes the box. He glances up at me next, "Ladies first?"
"According to the genitals in the room, I'm afraid to say that it’s you who is the lady," I smirk.
"On your back, screaming my name. that will happen even if we aren't switched back," He glares at me.
"Then let’s hope we can switch back because If we don’t I will be the one topping you," I laugh. He continues glaring but with a bit of mirth.
"Guys, please touch the creepy alien box before I vomit," Krait cringes. We both smile at each other at Krait's expense.
Sander reaches out first and grabs the box. Without my command, my tail wraps around his ankle. He looks down and grins.
"Told you I don’t have control over it," he glances back up. I shake my head as I tighten the tail's grip. Sander lifts the box from the dolly and turns to face me. "If you are in any pain, I want you to say so, I know how stubborn you are," he demands.
"I promise, it’s going to be ok," I console. I timidly reach out my top arms. Hovering my hands over the box, feeling the electric pulsing already. With a quick breath, I slap my hands to it.
Just like before I feel the current run up my arms and into my head. This time I feel like my skull is going to burst. I feel the heat behind my eyes and all I see is white. Then in a second, my legs buckle, and I fall to the floor. My head bouncing as it cracks against the tiles.
I wake up with déjà vu. I'm sprawled over a hospital bed but this time I’m not wrapped in a blanket. I squint at the ceiling lights, making a note to tell the nurse to dim them for anyone who has been knocked out. I rub my eyes, feeling the softness of my own skin. I run my fingers through my long hair, brushing it away from my face.
"You are damn slow to the catch," I hear a deep voice beside me. I look over and see Sander sitting up in bed, watching me with a smile. I squint at him confused before it clicks. I jolt up in bed, "there she is. Hi, doll."
"It worked," I twist off the bed. He does the same, planting his- HIS- feet on the floor.
"Yes it did, lovely to see you again," he laughs as he walks over to me. I grab his bottom arms and pull him close. He kneels and wraps both sets around me. "God it feels so good to touch you with my own hands," He rubs his face on my head. I can’t stop the choked laugh that escapes me. It really worked, it fucking worked.
I lean back and grab his face. Pulling him down and taking his lips to mine. He gives no fight, tilting my head with his hand. His other hands petting me, memorizing everything. Perhaps having a new admiration for touching with his own skin when he lost it before. I reach up and grab his hair. Tugging on the short strands the way I know he likes. He groans into my mouth, grounding his hips into the bed.
"I’ll take it that it worked," I hear a voice call. We part and I turn to see Peter and Macy.
"Yea," I answer softly. Sander brushes his nose around my ear, still groping and petting me.
"I guess we should leave you two alone," Macy says. She grabs peter and drags him out of the room.
I turn back to Sander, resting my forehead on his.
"Hi," I smile.
"Hi," he answers back.
"What should we do now?"
"Fulfill a promise," he lifts me from the bed. His lower arms hold my thighs around his waist while his top ones hold my hips. He walks me towards the door, opening it to a nurse.
"Where are you two going," the nurse asks as she steps aside. we walk past her.
Halfway down the hallway, Sander yells out, "I'm going to make love to my girlfriend."
I laugh while peppering his face with kisses.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refrenced the only two body swap movies i know. Vice versa and Freaky Friday. This was meant to have more to it but it was already getting long so it's cut short. still reads well in my opinion. Check out my archive
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