#It's too recent to be the og because it's been a couple of years since I read it...
biorg · 2 months
Reading a fic which I think is plagiarizing another fic
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie was M.I.A. and Buck was too.
The video above includes the scenes from S6 where Buck and Eddie were either missing or weren't mentioned even though they should have been.
During Season 6, Eddie was M.I.A. (missing in action) from several scenes even though he should have been present and Buck was either not mentioned or he was missing too even though he should have been present.
While I was watching 6x4 when it originally aired, I noticed Buck wasn’t on a call while the rest of the team was at work and as 6A progressed, it became a pattern.  For the duration of 6A and well into 6B, Buck’s or Eddie’s absences became even more noticeable and they were so prevalent that they were JARRING AND GLARINGLY OBVIOUS.  By the end of 6A, viewers were wondering what happened.  The showrunner (KR) said in an interview that they were trying new pairings which was fine but hindsight is usually 20/20 and when I started analyzing the scenes that didn’t include one of them, it kind of seemed like she may have been telling a half truth.  I mentioned how storylines and pairings were affected in a post I did in November 2022 but now I believe their absences or the lack of mentioning the other one was INTENTIONAL.
Buck and/or Eddie not being present bothered me and I wanted to know why but I didn’t research it until recently because of the way season 6 ended.  With the way TM (the OG showrunner) has been releasing and rereleasing photos of Buddie and Bathena for the last few weeks, I believed their absences in season 6 became too glaring for me to continue ignoring them.  For Buck and Eddie to be drastically removed from each other’s lives had to be on purpose and IMO, it was done so the audience would realize how them not being with each other didn’t make sense.  Let’s be real, regardless as to whether a viewer ships Buck and Eddie as a romantic couple, their presence in each other’s lives and the Buckley-Diaz family’s dynamic has become a staple on the show and when they’re not included, people notice.  Everyone knows how close they are so for them to be separated and viewers along with journalists writing about it was perplexing to say the least.
Before I delve into this, please understand these are MY OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS of the things I noticed during season 6, therefore, it’s ok if someone doesn’t agree.  Everyone interprets media differently so it’s ok for two differences of an opinion to coexist without someone trying to force their thoughts onto the other person.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I believe it all started with the scene below when Eddie asked, “Buck!  Where the hell you going?” because their absences started right after it and they continued through the early part of 6B.
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In 6x4, Buck was off work while Bobby, Chimney and Eddie were all at work but there was no explanation given as to why Buck was off.  Everyone knows Buck loves being at the firehouse especially since he filed a lawsuit to get back to the team after the ladder truck explosion (whether he was right or wrong in filing the lawsuit will not be discussed here.  It happened more than four years ago and I’ve moved on from it).  He wasn’t sick so it’s not like he used a sick day but maybe he used a personal day or he used some PTO time but either way, the audience wasn’t told why he wasn’t with the 118.
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He went to Hen’s house to discuss Connor's request for him to be his sperm donor but since she was on leave, no explanation was needed for why she wasn’t at work.  Reminder, Buck wasn’t on leave so he could have gone to her house to talk to her after their shift ended but he didn’t.  His absence was noticeable especially since at the beginning of the episode, he was sitting at the other end of the table alone and away from the group while Eddie, Chimney and Hen talked about Eddie disciplining Chris for skipping his science club meetings.
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In 6x5, Eddie took Hoover the dog to Buck’s loft but the audience didn't see it.  It was the only handoff that wasn't shown in CANON but the question is, why?  What was the issue with the audience seeing Eddie give Buck the dog ?  The only thing that makes narrative sense is they wanted viewers to not see it so they would notice.  Interesting!
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In 6x7, Eddie didn't mention Buck at all when he told Felisa about Chris being lost in the Tsunami but once again the question is why?  Everyone who watched 3x1-3x3 knows Eddie took Chris to visit "His Buck" that day and Eddie showed Hen and Chimney a selfie of Buck and Chris while they were on a call. In the photo, Buck and Chris were at breakfast earlier eating pancakes.  Also, after the first wave hit, we know Buck saved Chris and they got separated so Eddie’s scene with Felisa was another glaringly obvious one where Buck wasn’t mentioned and it had to have been done for a reason.  Reminder, Eddie told Felisa “My wife died… and six months later my son was on the pier when the Tsunami hit.”  Well, Chris wasn’t there alone so 👀.
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In 6x8, Buck was missing when Eddie and Chris were getting ready for Chris' first school dance. Carla was there but it was kind of off putting and it seemed like she shouldn’t have been the one Eddie was talking to the same way she shouldn’t have been talking to him in 5x10 when he was preparing to leave the 118.  If they didn’t want Buck there, then it could have easily been a father and son moment between Eddie and Chris especially since she didn't do anything but say she thought it was Chris' first crush after they went into the kitchen.  It was only one of the two episodes she was in for the entire season, so what gives?
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Later in the episode, Eddie ended up telling Buck and the 118 about it anyway and based on Buck’s reaction, it's likely Chris had already told Buck about his crush (post linked here).
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In 6x10, Eddie was present and at the firehouse while Buck and Chimney cleaned the fire engine and the ladder truck.  He was on the floor throwing a baseball with Hen.
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But Eddie was missing from the call when a lightning strike hit the car and the woman gave birth but reminder, the scene happened after he was AT THE FIREHOUSE with everyone else.   It's possible he could have been man behind but the point is he was missing.  Also, why was he missing?  Buck helped Bobby with the baby and Bobby had to call Hen and Chimney over for assistance which means Eddie’s help as a medic was needed for all three victims but it was kind of like the show wanted him to be absent so the viewers would notice and we did.
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In 6x11, Eddie was only in Buck’s coma dream at the beginning when Daniel told him the next time he goes up a ladder, he should have someone to have his back and Buck said he did.  Other than that initial interaction, Eddie WASN'T there and his absence was glaringly obvious.
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In 6x13, Eddie was M.I.A. twice. The first time was after a call that he went to with Buck and Hen.  It was the one where the couple misplaced a "toy".
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Chimney wasn't on the call with them but when they were leaving work and Buck was calling all the women he slept with to see if he satisfied them (which was 🙄 I don’t even have words), Eddie wasn't there but Chimney was.  But the question once again is why? Could it be the show was making a point since Buck had just had a conversation with a victim’s husband about an article he read that stated 80% of women aren’t satisfied by their partners (related post about Buck’s woodworking skills linked here)?
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In 6x13, Eddie wasn’t at the loft while Buck and Chris were baking cookies and it appears to be a call back to 5x3 when AF was caring for Chris during the blackout (related post linked here).  Reminder, AF left a mess in Eddie’s kitchen but Buck’s kitchen was clean and organized while him and Chris were baking cookies for Chris’ whole class.  They even talked about cooking the steaks Buck and Eddie won while they played poker for dinner.
What was the reason for all of this?
Initially I, like many others was pissed at the lack of Buck and Eddie, Buck, Eddie and Chris and Buckley-Diaz Family scenes in 6A.  I’m still annoyed by it but like I mentioned above, hindsight is 20/20 so it’s possible the show was trying to get the audience to realize how important they are in each other’s lives by omitting them from specific and important scenes.
Did they do a good job of illustrating it?  NO!
They could have done it differently like a lot of other things but the season ended messily and by then it was too late to change it.
The point of this post is whenever Buck and Eddie are absent, it's noticeable and it can't be denied.  KR said they were mixing up the dynamics (related post linked here) but that can't be it because in 6x9 Hen ended up talking to her best friend Chimney about the way she was feeling about Denny wanting to meet Nathaniel after Eddie and Buck dropped off their four-way call, so she wasn't telling the whole truth.
Could their absences be a coincidence? No. Why?
Because in 6x7 Athena said she didn't believe in them and in 5x17 Karen said once is a mistake, two times is a coincidence and three times is a pattern.  Well, their absences happened more than three times so Buck and Eddie missing in action from each other's lives was a pattern in season 6 and it seems to have been done on purpose.
It appears the omittances of Buck and Eddie from specific scenes in season 6 was in preparation for season 7 but the question is, will anything come of them?  Who knows except for the showrunner (TM), the writers, producers and the actors and actresses so we shall see.
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aria-ashryver · 20 days
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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lostacelonnie · 2 months
Hi, don't know if you remember me but you recently rbed my post about how Siegfried reuniting w his daughters was a rushed scene and I wanted to hear your opinions on the matter? Sorry if it's overstepping but im just curious haha.
Have a nice day!
AH HI!!! right yes i did thank you for reminding me!!!! i have very strong opinions on the matter so ill be happy to share.
(for people who haven't seen the og post, here it is)
THE SHORT VERSION: i agree with you completely and am Extremely Angry at mihoyo because EVERYONE is mischaracterized in that scene. or rather, in the entirety of moon arc, but that's something for another post.
I Am So Fucking Mad.
so first of all, im probs gonna focus on bianka a lot in this because im unbelievably obsessed with her. and goddamn was that scene so bad. and also repeat a lot of things you Already Said.
to begin. it's very rushed!!!!!! this scene in its Base Format is inherently flawed simply because... bianka would not reveal her origin that early. like obviously at that point she was already being written very ooc [LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ARC. SERIOUSLY. IM SO ANGRY ABOUT THAT] but arrrghgh. at least before this scene they at least pretended to preserve bianka's. how do i call it. General Cautiousness?
this is something that clearly means a lot to her and is shown before trying to figure out how to break the news in a gentle way. she is simply not a person who would say [in a very strangely spoken way] "oh im your daughter by the way". She Would Not. this is a woman who would awkwardly try to hang out with these two for a solid 2 months as she feels out how to Tell Them. while obviously, during moon arc she had already spent enough time with the rest of the main cast to Chill Out a bit, she's still just!! kind of emotionally and socially awkward!!! but in a completely different way than showcased in moon arc. does that make sense
also bianka does not speak like that istg if mhy doesn't learn the difference between a character that is Kind Of Serious and a character that sounds like they use a thesaurus for most their sentences-
but kiana and siegfried aren't safe from this either!!!!!! as you said. they departed on Not Great terms and have been separated for years. while they act as if its been maybe a couple of days. its very disappointing for me personally to see the complete lack of regard for the fact that yes, they do care about each other and this reunion is a very happy one, but still!! their bond was. a rocky one.
plus, there's a giant difference between a preteen and, at that point, an adult woman so. siegfried is not meeting the same person he lost. kiana has changed, and due to her experiences- probably even abnormally so, so they NEED to rebuild their relationship simply because even IF before their separation there was no conflict, it would change the fact its been far too long to treat each other as if they have never been apart.
AND the fact that kiana especially was so... unbothered? by the fact that DURANDAL IS HER SISTER. like. do i even have to elaborate. kiana kaslana, world's #1 identity crisis haver, someone who idolized, hated, and respected bianka [in that order], was just like. okay 💗 yay 💗? sighs so deeply. look at how they massacred my girls
theres much more i could say but i dont quite know how to put most of my dislike of this scene into words so like. arrggh. it was personally very very frustrating to me because, as i said, i am a big fan of both kiana's and bianka's. identity, and especially family heritage, is an extremely important part of both of their characters and it was physically painful for me to see a scene i looked forward to A Lot be dismissed like this.
which, unfortunately, is true for most of the moon arc, since it was the worst offender for characterization [or rather, lack thereof] in the entire game, with basically everyone being reduced to a mildly philosophical much so devoid of personality i probably couldn't tell their lines apart if presented with a couple. but alas.
at least salt snow holy city arc was amazing
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cameronthecryptid · 2 months
My Tomodachi Life Couples
Just posting my current tomodachi life couples for fun. Draw art if you'd like!
Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village and Habit from EverymanHYBRID, who are newlyweds. There is actually some drama with them and another person here (Pepsi).
Stoking from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and Big Face (a character that I made as a joke), their girlfriends. I accidentally make Big Face a male while making him instead of a woman and you unfortunately can't change that. So I just say that Big Face is a he/him trans woman and that they are girlfriends.
Jonathan Combs from Welcome to Hell and a Witch, who were one of the first couples to get married. If I'm correct I made Jonathan 17 years old but gave him a random birthday, so he soon became a grownup and then he and Witch just got together and very quickly one of them (can't remember who) popped the question. No kids but they're happy and that's all that matters.
Mephistopheles from Welcome to Hell and a Swan/Odete (she's just a humanized swan but she has a Swan Princess Swan Lake thing going on), one of the og couples of the island I think. They've been together for a long time but no one has wanted to pop the question.
Sock from Welcome to Hell and Retina (a cyclops girl), another og couple. They're really cute to see and I like seeing them out one dates and being cute.
Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and The Batter from OFF, quite the odd couple but from what I know they're happy. I'm pretty sure Panty was the one to ask Batter out and I let her just to see what would happen. To my surprise, he said yes. And so now they are a thing and it's weirdly wholesome. They often ask me to give date location ideas. I honestly hope they get married someday along with Stocking and Big Face.
Providence from Welcome to Hell and The Coca-Cola Bear (who I named Pepsi), they've been married for a long time too but they recently had a baby girl named Scarlett who is the first baby of the island.
The Lady D - Habit - Pepsi drama: Pepsi is actually Lady Dimitrescu's ex-boyfriend and they were actually doing pretty good in their relationship. But one day Habit just decided that he was in love with Lady D and asked her out by offering her a pearl necklace. I let Habit do that because I thought Lady D would reject him since she was already with Pepsi. BUT THEN SHE SAID YES! And I was SHOCKED and had to help Pepsi with his heartbreak. Later on, Pepsi and Prov become a thing and get married but it was something that I always thought about and still do up until Lady D and Habit finally got married.
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faiell · 3 months
hello, nice to meet you!
i'm back at the top after rambeling about how i got into drarry, and so here is the fic rec: "genesis (you don't know what it means to win)" by crossourbridges on ao3. you don't have to read the rest if you don't want to.
i also got into drarry 20 years late, but let me tell you another secret: i've never read a page of a harry potter book in my life.
all my knowledge about it is from a friend that i like to listen to her obseasions and pick the ones i wanna get into (while i still enjoy hearing about the ones i don't). one time though she sat me down and we watched the movies, like 1-5 and i got bored at some point so we left it, but one thing that stayed with me was the character of draco.
i saw a sad, hhhhorney loser who just craves attention from EVERYONE, every gender, every house, the poor dude just needs to get layed, but without knowing the canon i'm pretty sure he never will.
that was a couple of years ago, and recently i suddenly remembered him bc i noticed i enjoy ships that are "a harmless prick loser and the misfourtunate everyman that the prick fell in love with, who is actually just insane enough himself to slowly but surly love the prick back".
and so i was like "i'm sure draco and harry are a ship. i wonder what their fanfics are like" and now for weeks i've been in this rabbithole of PROFOUND SHIT THAT MADE ME BELIEVE IN LOVE FOR A HOT SECOND, so yea. this is the reason i'm reccomending you this one. it's one of those stories that are the perfect length and much too short at the same time.
i hope you enjoy :)
first off, thank you so much for the fic rec! i will definitely check it out.
the journey of you becoming a drarry fan is a hilarious read, i'm so happy you shared it with me! hats off to you for being that friend who enjoys hearing about others' obsessions. we need more like you in the world. it's amazing that you absorbed just enough from her all those years ago to have the instinct to say AHA!! i bet people love making these two losers kiss! and u were right.
my turn! let me ramble (for even longer than you did) abt how i happened to the same drarry pit of "profound shit that made me believe in love for a hot second" with you. so on the contrary, i've always been a big HP fan, in the sense that i grew up with the book series and watched the movies. the books are why i became a big reader when i was a kid. i've always been a shipper, i always knew drarry existed, and many of my close friends were obsessed with it throughout the years--like losing weight because they were reading so much fic in bed their muscles atrophied kind of obsessiveness. for some reason, i never engaged. i was like yeah, obviously there's good stuff there, but i'm just not going to dip in.
then one day a few months ago (oct 2023 to be exact), i was bored at work and saw a thread on my home page titled something along the lines of 'absolute favourite fic regardless of fandom'. i was curious and maybe just itching for something fun to read so i clicked in and a highly upvoted reply caught my eye. the user's fav fic was the HP rewrite Mirror of Ecidyrue series by starbrigid. i was honestly really bored, and a draco POV retelling sounded fun, so i dove straight in.
i loved it, and holy shit it was long. i think the entire fic is longer than the og books? but yeah basically i rly enjoyed it, and i read it fast, finishing in only a week or so. i think ever since the transphobia bs happened i distanced myself from everything related to the franchise--i used to reread the books every few years, and i had stopped doing that. reading that fic made me realize how much i missed the world and characters, and how i could have it all again without shame by reading fic! i mean, starbrigid had basically rewritten the entire series and added their own interesting lore and worldbuilding, and that was even better than going back to reread the books like i used to. i also really enjoyed draco pov… i knew i definitely wanted more of that.
and so i went into the ao3 drarry tag to find more content, because i'd heard years ago from my obsessed friends that there was a goldmine of good HP fic there, and i never resurfaced lol. i feel like once u go in u can't ever get out cause it's a good ship and the writers are so talented, and there's YEARS, decades of content to catch up on. i remember also thinking that i'd be satisfied just reading and eating it all up (whereas i'm usually pretty active in making fanart when i join a fandom), but um, a few weeks ago i was like kinda like hmm i wanna see what MY brand of drarry looks like. so now im here posting art of it!
they are thankfully super fun to draw. i'm just having fun here, but i do have a small goal - i wanna draw fic fanart to sort of… give back some joy and show gratitude towards my fav writers. other than that, i'm here to chill and look at pictures and words of them making out.
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cadybear420 · 3 months
Best and Worst LI from each series
Inspired by this post by @choices-binglebonkus from a couple of years back. I came across it recently and I felt compelled to do my own.
Keep in mind that I haven't played some of these stories in a while, and there are a handful where I haven't even started or completed them. So a lot of stuff here is subject to change.
Best: For Kenna: I'm not sure. For Dom: probably Sei because I loved their relationship in Book 2. But it's been a while.
Worst: For Kenna: I'm still not sure. For Dom: either Rose because of how she's written out of Book 2 with the inability to transfer data, or Will Jackson with how he was so obviously a last minute addition.
[MW: Haven't played yet, and IIRC this one didn't really have any LIs or romance.]
[TFS: Haven't played yet.]
Best: As pleasant as the 3 main LIs were, all their romances with MC felt very empty and rushed, which to be fair is expected when Nana's forcing you to marry by the end of the summer. As for the other characters, it's still hard to pick one that's the best cause I didn't find any of the romances particularly remarkable. I'd have to go either with Party Twin's LIs or cousin's romance with Chaz because they were the only ones that didn't feel like clusterfucks.
Worst: Like I said, all of MC's romances were empty. But since I'm including the other characters' romances too, easily Audrey and Elena. Audrey was a very unpleasant character towards Bookish Twin in Books 1 and 2. And same for Elena in part of Book 2 and all of Newlyweds; she had every right to be upset at Brother for hiding his past ex wife, but she acted incredibly petty and immature over it.
Best: I didn't really get to romance anyone in my playthrough but either Jake or Estela. Jake has some really funny one-liners and nicknames. Estela I saw has the "Dont. Touch. My. Husband/Wife!!!" line that makes me really want to do a romance with her as a m!MC. I love protective gfs, I aspire to be a protective gf.
Worst: None of them because all of them are great characters. But if I had to choose... maybe Quinn? She didn't feel as fleshed out to me as the other 3. But it's been 2 and a half years since I last played so yeah.
Best: None of them really grabbed me, but I'd have to go with either Leah or Ben. Ben is just a sweetheart, but I also liked the interactions between Leah and MC in Book 2.
Worst: Mark wasn't bad, but I couldn't buy into the relationship with him as well as I could the other two.
Best: Eleanor for sure. She is partly responsible for my realizing that I'm not straight. She's supposed to be this stoic ghost woman, but gets super flustered and blushy when you flirt with her??? Bye bye heterosexuality.
Worst: Victor wasn't bad but he was just... a total non-character. Yeah, a rare story where a female LI takes the spotlight and a male LI is sidelined.
TRR: I haven't really played past Book 1, but I've already deemed Liam as my favorite LI. Though I am biased because this is the first book I started when I first got into Choices back in February 2021 (I'm a fandom baby I know), but he won my heart instantly in that premium scene where MC can take him on a boat to see the statue of liberty. And throughout the rest of the book he's just a very sweet and pleasant character. So I'm just gonna leave it at that and not deem a worst LI just yet.
Best: It's been a long time but I strongly remember quite liking Grayson. He was sweet and cute. Kenji was also pretty decent but I don't think I liked him quite as much as I did Grayson.
Worst: Eva isn't a bad character, but she was introduced way too late into the story for me to truly care about her.
As if it wasn't obvious, I love everything about him and he's easily my favorite Choices character of all time. For one, I love male characters who are more on the soft and gentle side. Aiden is definitely that, and his tendency to get flustered and blushy is adorable. For two, he's passionate, dedicated, just very earnest and down-to-earth. And especially in Book 1, we see how he struggles with self-esteem. He's passionate, but he doesn't consider himself as such. He considers himself a failure for the screwed up halftime performance. He doesn't feel he knows how to communicate to MC right and thinks lower of himself for preferring to communicate through music.
I found a lot of these aspects very relatable myself, outside of music though, because I can't play an instrument to save my life. But I do have a passion for stuff like drawing, writing, and editing. And I think relating to Aiden so much sort of added to how authentic the romance route with him and MC felt for me. There were a couple of moments where I could have my MC sort of connect with him– the rooftop scene where MC can say that seeing how passionate he is inspires them to do better, their scene at homecoming in the band room where MC can say that social interactions don't come easy to them either despite how confident they can be.
And just... the whole romance route feels so earned and well-paced? I mean I'm sure all of the routes in HSS are like that but I especially love it here. How you can give him time of day to listen to him play piano, slowly help him step out of his comfort zone, I love how protective you can be of him in Book 2 and how you can be there for him when Isa and his parents are punishing him, and how he's then being there for you during the Book 3 drama when you're accused of sabotage. And all the moments such as becoming official with him, him confessing his love to MC and how you can confess back... it just all feels so organic.
Also the romance route with him hits so much different if you romance him as a band kid. You get extra moments with him, not to mention when you're about to play his song at the spring concert and they say how "there's a glint in his eyes you haven't seen before" and after you play it they say "his eyes gleam with pride" like HELLO??? That extra bit of connection they have when they're *both* musicians???? Shit like this is why I sing my praises to this trilogy so much.
Worst: None of them! Okay but if I had to choose... well, this is gonna pain me to say this, but Michael.
I adore his character arc and he's my second most favorite HSS character and Choices LI, but when I tried romancing him (and I did so twice), I noticed he actually felt a lot more underdeveloped in comparison to the other LIs. Specifically in Book 2, as he's the only character who isn't really struggling with anything. He felt very lacking in presence for the first half of that book– even moreso than Emma, whose subplot didn't even have anything to do with the main Isa plot. And so Book 2 kinda felt like this big gap in the relationship journey that he and MC can have.
Then again, maybe he and Evie Ayana (my MC) just don't have all that much chemistry and I should try romancing him as a brand new version of the MC.
Best: My personal favorite is Lucas, but honestly? It's a tough tie between him, Andy, and Ava. Andy I'd say had the stronger character arc, but I personally related more to Lucas. Ava however is certainly the most memorable and witty of them.
Worst: Connor. He's not bad and I quite liked some of the banter between him and MC, but he is lacking in ways that make him stick out like a sore thumb. All these other LIs are characters attending school with MC, that MC has been friends with since childhood, who have all experienced Jane's death up-front as kids. Connor lacks all of that, being Stacy's older brother of 2 years and not really part of the friend group. And he doesn't really have much of a character arc like the others do to make up for that. I don't mind MC romancing outside of their close childhood friends, but it just felt a bit harder to connect with him on the same level as the others.
Best: Wyatt was probably the most memorable of the bunch.
Worst: Nick was annoying, but he did get better in the second half of the story. Holly was alright but very bland.
[RCD: Haven't played yet.]
Best: Hayden without a doubt, though I'm certainly very fond of Sloane too. Hayden is a literal robot, yet they still feel more like an actual human being than like 90% of the customizable LIs we've been getting. The whole arc with them basically having an existential crisis upon realizing they're an android, then eventually going on to start a new identity for themselves... I loved it. And as a bonus, the customizable aspect is kind of integrated in the story itself rather than being a meta choice.
Worst: None of them. Maybe Alana and Khaan, cause they seemed to be somewhat pushing some romance with them in Book 2, but it felt very muddled and unclear.
Best: All of them. But I'm probably most fond of Kamilah "I'm *her* queen. And she's mine." Sayeed. Jax and Lily are close seconds though as they're incredibly memorable (also the mass fandom hatred for Lily that was apparently a thing... yeah very sus to me. why did y'all hate her.)
Worst: None of them. I'd say maybe Adrian didn't stand out quite as much as the others?
[VOS: Haven't played yet.]
Best: None of the LIs really stood out to me but my favorite would probably have to be Jen, she was sweet and always tried to help MC.
Worst: Derek had to be the most lackluster of them all IMO.
[D&D: Haven't played yet.]
Best: For MC: I was most fond of Kepler the buff queen and Meridian the sweet medic. For Eos: Gee Zekei, how come PB lets you be a romance option for two playable characters? For Pax: Holmes is precious.
Worst: IDK honestly. I wasn't a fan of Zaniah's betrayal or whatever it was. But IDK.
[BSC: Haven't played yet.]
Best: Objectively speaking, Skye. She's the one thing that HSS:CA enjoyers and HSS:CA critics and haters can agree that is good about the series, and honestly that's deserved. Everything about her character storyline is pretty damn immaculate. That being said, I romanced Ajay and I'm personally very fond of him. Although I didn't care much for him in Book 1, Books 2 and onwards make him a much more sympathetic and compelling character. And personally, I tend to chalk up the whole siding against MC thing to be lazy OOC writing considering A) he'd warned MC about Danielle in the earlier chapters and B) directors generally have a responsibility to stay unbiased in these kinds of situations, and given how seriously Ajay takes being a director, realistically I think he would have tried to stay unbiased and tell the other accusers to fuck off. PB, you did my boy dirty.
Worst: Rory. I didn't hate them and they're a pretty decent character on their own, but they're easily the weakest LI of CA and of HSS as a whole. They have zero character development over the trilogy. Book 1 forcing our MC to crush on them and agonize so much over wanting their first kiss with Rory on stage was obnoxious and unnecessary, and it didn't help that their entire personality in said book didn't really go much beyond "popular theatre heartthrob". They try so hard to force us to like them by flaunting how popular they are and having Cunt and Nasty– sorry I mean Clint and Natalie– constantly fawn over them. Rory was thankfully no longer forced in Book 2 and had somewhat more character (also the way they called out Morgan's hypocrisy and single handedly destroyed her campaign is peak Rory), but the whole election plotline did nothing for their character. Book 3 gives them some sort of conflict with their parents, but it's just the group thinking Rory's dad is cheating only for it to be the good ole misunderstanding cliche.
Best: Tom. Parker was pretty adorable too, but nothing beats the part in the premium lake day scene where Tom wishes he'd won a giant teddy so he could put it in the passenger seat and be able to go into the fast lane and then MC can give him the teddy they won (if they did win).
Worst: Danni for how she can be needlessly callous towards Parker's memory if he ends up leaving the group. Even if he's dead. It comes off as extra hypocritical if Danni ended up caving to Astrid's temptations as well.
[TE: Haven't played yet.]
Best: Either Syphax or Cassius for their loyalty to MC.
Worst: IDK.
Best: Eris Huang is an icon. "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals".
Worst: I didn't care for Sonia. I mean she was alright and I liked her redemption arc, but she just didn't vibe with me as a LI.
Best: Colt is the only LI I felt had any real character depth, any real significance, any real reason for me to give a shit about him.
Worst: The pushing of Logan as the main LI felt very forced, unnecessary, and undeserved. Like... there wasn't anything all that special about him.
OPH: I haven't really played past Book 1, but I'm quite fond of Bryce.
[PTR: Haven't played yet.]
[WT: Haven't played yet.]
Best: Katherine the "I don't like being saved" was fun to romance as a male MC. But either Vera or Cal would have to be the strongest character-wise.
Worst: None of them really. None of them are super amazing to me, but I didn't have any problems with any of them.
[PT: Haven't played yet.]
[SK: Haven't played yet. Tried to once but I got bored and quit 5 chapters in]
Best: Aisha for sure. She's just a very vibrant and fun character.
Worst: Reed and Ash were nice and cute, but other than that... not much. They were pretty useless to the plot too.
Best: All of them. IDC. They're all super compelling.
Worst: None.
[StD: Haven't played yet.]
[TRM: Haven't played yet.]
Best: Mayor Dixon was really fun to romance. The female version especially contributed to my possible bi awakening.
Worst: I liked Clint as a character but the first chapter tries wayyyyyy too hard to get the player to be turned on by the thought of having his babies. The Clint fangirls in that scene were so clearly written by someone who's never met a single woman in his life outside of some stereotypical textbook-definition Facebook Karen moms I'm sorry
[HC: Haven't played yet.]
Best: Well well well, this seems to be the first ever single-LI story on the app. And personally I think Dakota was a pretty decent and compelling character.
Worst: None
BOLAS: I haven't started Book 2 yet but I already know my favorite is Imtura. I especially love how shamelessly RoleReversal her romance is with a male MC. Praying it carries over to Book 2.
Best: None
Worst: This book was boring and Simon/Ava's motives for making a fake marriage with the MC felt very contrived.
Best: Cassian. This book sucks but Cassian was at least a pleasant character.
Worst: None.
Best: None.
Worst: None. Honestly I don't have many feelings for the characters in this one.
Best: Sam Dalton. I mean he's not brilliant or anything but I do have a bit of a soft spot for them because TNA 1 was the first Choices story I ever completed. Also the first time a f!MC was allowed to get up in her m!LI's bootyhole.
Worst: Also Sam Dalton because of all the "+Desire +Desire +Desire +Desire +Desire +Desire" and shit
QB: I've twice attempted playthroughs of this and ended up neglecting both of them halfway through Book 1. But I did quite like Ian/Ina.
TUH: I started a playthrough back when it was releasing to all and then ended up neglecting it by like Ch10. I'll need to start playing again, but I remember being quite fond of Mr. John Somerset.
Best: All the LIs were pretty compelling characters, they just had shit stories with a shit MC. But of the three of them, Ava was probably the most compelling to me.
Worst: None.
Best: IDK. I'm tempted to say Jack/Jacqueline because I did like their banter with the MC, but other than that they were rather bland.
Worst: Like I said, Jack/Jacqueline felt very bland outside of the banter they could have with MC.
[RT: Haven't played yet]
Best: Morgan was easily the most fleshed out and compelling of the two LIs.
Worst: Bastien is derivative as all hell. Seriously, pick up any werewolf-themed YA erotic story and the male werewolf LI in it will almost certainly be identical to Bastien.
[FA: Haven't played yet]
Best: This is a tough one. Chef Flint's character was a lot more derivative and I personally preferred being around Julia(n). But Julia(n) was also an incredibly useless character, you could remove them from the story and nothing important would change.
Worst: See above.
Best: As much as I didn't care for the series, I did find both LIs pretty decent. But of the two of them, Aislinn is much more fleshed out.
Worst: Gabe, who wasn't bad but wasn't nearly as fleshed out as Aislinn.
Best: Manu was a pretty interesting character. The relationship with them is pretty straightforward, but it was interesting and even a bit sweet later on. And apparently your bond score can determine whether or not you survive in the last chapter? Also this is the only single LI story I know of where you can choose a more platonic route with the LI.
Worst: None.
Best: I think I liked Angel the most. She was fun.
Worst: I'm not sure really.
Best: None. None. None. Noooooooooooone.
Worst: Fuck Reagan Thorne. Worst LI on the app ever. I'll admit Book 2 does go a little more in-depth with their background, but as someone who has been in a similar situation, God they botch it horribly because 90% of this book is spent doubling down on Reagan's toxicity. And just when MC finally gets the self-respect to leave them after that awful "When a woman agrees to be my sub she agrees to obey" line, they then throw it right in the trash with how easily she ends up getting back with them. Bruh throw the whole LI in the trash.
Best: Trystan is a fun character and their relationship with the MC is very refreshing. They're both equals for once in a single LI story, and it'll be interesting no matter which gender you choose for each character (whereas in most single LI stories they're really only interesting if you play as anything other than wlm).
Worst: None.
Best: None.
Worst: Kit is the textbook definition of a soulless personality-less customizable LI. They try to push them as this "player" except it's moreso just people flocking to Kit rather than Kit flirting with others.
Best: Clarke was a fun character and the female white sprite also contributes to me knowing I'm not straight.
Worst: Devon was nice but they were kind of bland and useless.
TCH: I've only played Book 1 so far and haven't yet started Book 2, but I found Kieran pretty decent and I enjoyed their development.
ID: Gabe was sweeter and I kind of liked their interactions with the MC, but Cas was more interesting, so I'm not sure. But there's a Book 2 on the way so I can't properly judge anyways.
Best: Tyler! He's arguably the least developed of the LIs but he was my favorite because he's just so babygirl. I miss when we had true softie male LIs. Also, bonus points for the dialogue changes about him realizing he's not straight if you romance him as a male or enby MC.
Worst: Not sure. Maybe Donovan because he could be a bit callous to the MC in the earlier chapters. I get why he was acting like that, but some of it did seem a bit excessive. But even then, he's still a very fleshed out character and his callousness doesn't go on for too long, so it's hard to, in good faith, deem him as the "worst". But I will also say that Stevie being MC's childhood best friend felt very poorly set up.
Best: None of them. Rowan was underdeveloped and Agent Grey was mostly very one note. They have some alright interactions, but I personally found the two hookup options Lou and Alexis far more interesting.
Worst: Like I said, Agent Grey was very one note. They seemed to be trying to go for the whole James Bond trope with having a companion that he has a bit of bantery romance with, except there wasn't much flavor to the relationship between MC and Agent Grey. Grey's character is pretty much entirely just being a tsundere.
[GNV: Haven't played yet]
[KOD: Haven't played yet]
[GG: Haven't played yet]
Best: None.
Worst: Drew had some alright character development, but I found them mostly unremarkable. "Baby Bird" was also very infantilizing.
Best: None.
Worst: How is it that every single character on-screen, even Sky who's a complete stranger, could figure out MC was scheming against Rebecca, but Rebecca's partner themselves apparently could not? Blake is either spineless as all fuck, or was just doing shrooms during the entire trip. Or both.
[TDA: Haven't played yet]
[KND: Haven't played yet]
Best: None
Worst: Cole/Callie is bland as all hell and very unreliable. Tries to use a baby to save their and Daphne's relationship and then proceeds to cheat on Daphne. Only in like the last chapter do they talk things out like actual grown ass adults, but it's too little too late.
DLS: I'm still catching up but I'm enjoying Charlie King.
[APH: Haven't started yet]
[SOD: Haven't started yet]
[Unbridled: Haven't started yet]
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daman19942 · 6 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Thank you to @executables-sims for the tag! Took me a few days, but this was fun to fill out.
What’s your favorite Sims death?
Easy, death by Cowplant! It's so iconic and peak Sims-ridiculousness. That it made its way into future games is no surprise. Plus, I don't have a ton of accidental death in my game, and the Cowplant keeps me on my toes.
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match as much as possible. I love TS2's aesthetic, even is some of it appears dated. My game certainly looks better in 2023 than it did in 2004, but it is still recognizably TS2
Do you cheat your sims weight?
No, I let it happen organically. Especially because I use Simler90's Slower Fitness Increase and Nopke's Fitness Decay, both of which really make you work for it. They are essential to my gameplay, but mean more of my sims have a high body skill than is probably normal. They are doing their best!
Do you move objects?
Of course. Why it isn't enabled in my UserStartup file is a question I ask myself daily.
Favorite Mod?
I have more than 500 mods so I don't know how I can pick. I could just say NUMENOR in all-caps to say everything he's done. But I'll go with a recent favorite, Nyami's Actual Alcohol Mod, because it adds chaos to gameplay and chaos is good.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Living. We are in Live Mode, folks!
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
In an older prompt, I answered with Daniel Monona, but since then it's definitely been Duke Patricio. I've made him 3 times (in my OG 2000's game, where he married Nina Caliente, in a Base Game Starter hood, and again in my 2020's game). He and Zeeshan are my favorite couple and I'm sad they are so close to old age because I've had so much fun playing them (but I've also been giving them way too many extra days with Elixir of Life or Life Fruit).
Ari is #2, but I haven't played him for a bit because I'm stuck on what to do with him as a Vampire...
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Have you made a simself?
Nope, only one of my old TS2 Exchange avatar, which was intentionally not what I look like.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Never really thought about this, but maybe black?
Favorite EA hair?
Two male hairs, Rocker and Shortmop. Those two haircuts were iconic in my 2000's saves. Jeanette is my favorite CC hair.
Favorite life stage?
Teens. It's where my sims start to develop their personalities, and I begin to think about what I want them to do. They also haven't fully grown into their facial features yet, so you can get all sorts of good and bad surprises. Plus, they can cause lots of of trouble.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I still consider myself a builder, even though I play my game much more frequently these days. But I think 400+ uploaded lots in my time playing this game allows me to hold onto that label.
Are you a CC creator?
I guess so! Learning how to mesh and use Milkshape in the last year has radically changed how I see myself in the TS2 community, and has stolen so many days from me (the trial and error of making, and the trial and error of uploading), but its been a very fun skill to develop.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I love my mutuals but I don't interact with other accounts too often. I don't post on a Sims discord or anything. Maybe I should?!
Do you have any sims merch?
I do not.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
No and I would definitely not have time to produce one!
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Loaded question time! For one, my game is much more LGBTQ+ than when I shared neighborhood save files with my siblings growing up. Now that it's my game, exploring different relationships with my sims is one of my favorite parts of play.
I've also become much more Maxis Match as I get older. The 2000's were a wild west for CC creation, and my old saves are bursting at the seams with painted-on clothes and the mid-decade emo aesthetic that I have absolutely no interest in playing in 2023.
Lastly, my build style used to be modern and CFE heavy, but now I prefer traditional (modern works better in TS3) and makeovers.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I'll take a historical approach to answering this, because there are many active creators whose work I love, but I also try to preserve the legacies of the original TS2 pioneers. Here are 5:
Numenor - The Modfather. His mods did more to expand this game than just about anyone in the heyday of TS2. If you are reading this, you know who Numenor is. Need I say more? Windkeeper - Probably the best Maxis Match CC of the old era. Her stuff holds up remarkably well. en7en - aka "That Pagoda Guy." Yeah, he's the CFE genius who made the Eiffel Tower and disappeared way too soon. A huge inspiration on my old build style. Ehaught58 - one of the great builders across many different Sims eras. I need to upload some of his old TS2 lots. I wish I could still access his Exchange page because it was a treasure trove. His lots were often huge and unfriendly to old machines but would be fine now. A very recognizable build style (dark woods, earth tones). Daihtnaoz7 - If he did nothing but discover CFE he'd still be a legend. But he also wrote the single bridge, double bridge, and atrium tutorials, demonstrating how to best take advantage of this new cheat. A literal gamechanger. I paid tribute to him here.
Honorable mentions: Cyclonesue (TSR), Hatshepsut (TSR), Tiko (TSR), PiaNouka (Exchange), GoddessByline (Exchange), Wintermuteai1, Minideidad (Exchange), Cireking213 (Exchange, still around as CK213 for TS3 and TS4).
How long have you had Simblr?
I think I made this in Spring 2020. Right as COVID was shutting everything down, I found myself playing TS2 a lot more and eventually discovered Simblr. The old, big sites are either shells of their former selves (MTS), or don't allow TS2 content anymore (TSR), so I figured if I wanted to be active in the TS2 community nearly 20 after the game came out, I had to be on Tumblr.
How do you edit your pictures?
I have a Photoshop action that crops, brightens, and sharpens, and somehow pictures still take me way too long.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
Answering for the first 3 games (as I haven't played TS4)
TS1 - Makin Magic! A perfect final EP for the first game. Though Unleashed was probably my very first EP. TS2 - University (I'm in the minority here, but it's so much fun when you have big dorms or chaotic houses). Seasons is #2 TS3 - Late Night. Bridgeport is gorgeous and the new lot styles were fun and I wish they could be ported in TS2.
Tagging: @katatty @lilakartoffelbrei and @bayoubashsims if you haven't gone yet!
#Tag meme
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12am-motivation · 13 days
HIHI Mo!! It’s so nice talking to you again 😊😊 Even though I don’t keep up to date with any big lore or plot from Enstars or Obey Me I still casually stay in the loop so feel free to let me know about anything big 😉 like I saw there were new Enstars characters?? after HOW LONG?? I was so shook
(Also the Triworlds song is such a classy banger they have been COOKING)
Heya, Avery! Thank you so much for the ask! Nice to see you too~ ^^
Now that you ask me about recent Enstars and Obey Me developments, I have... much to say about them so I'll put them under the cut; brainrot time!!
I have a massive, MASSIVE Enstars brainrot to the point that I even made a sideblog to dump my RyuseiP stuff because I don't wanna overshadow my Obey Me stuff here lol
In case you missed it, there are new albums per unit with new songs and solos
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And YEAHHH HappyEle really went and had us adopt 5 new kids just recently and they're adorable! I found myself immediately attached to Yume (the purple-haired one) when he was first introduced in the 9th anniv livestream because we share a birthday, not to mention he also plays piano and does cosplay??
It made me a little giddy about it like did they put my OC on Enstars or something /j what are the odds I suddenly have a buncha things in common with an Enstars character— (Plus coser representation!!)
I haven't read much but based on a few simple translations, the new main story arc involves certain ES idols auditioning for a worldwide(?) dream unit in a show called "4piece" and we even have a new producer!
I think what's interesting about this arc is that it would focus more on the idols' individual strengths outside of their respective units
Also, I think Chiaki's also part of the audition based on how he appeared on the PV they showed in the 9th anniv livestream so I'm looking forward to it~
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I'm not sure if you've seen this one too but JPstars' April fools gag this year was so WILDDD they even have a full song for it
They basically collaborated with Yagami Chitose, who is an actual shoujo mangaka artist, for the story and illustrations in the MV
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The story itself involves a ton of shoujo manga tropes (including Hajime / the MC somehow bumping into 4 people at once) and it was a fun read lol
You can even change the characters while the text and their voices change accordingly so imagine the opportunities for both yumes and shippers 👀
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Unfortunately for Obey Me Nightbringer, I've yet to catch up to the Main Story again because of the card grinding ;w;
But aside from Anniversary and All the Feels, they've been cooking with cards too! It takes a toll on players' funds because you need card dupes for them but the new Premium Picture feature looks so divine?? Don't even get me started on the shower pics—
Even though I was a bit iffy about the sudden story reboot in the new game, I still appreciate some of the details they changed, including MC living with Solomon at Cocytus Hall instead of them staying with the brothers (since it makes a bit more sense that they'd be closer to Sol as a fellow human), and Satan's more evident wrath compared to the OG game
We even get to enjoy random domestic moments with Sol like this one~ Since we pretty much live together with him, we sound like a married couple (though a lot of those moments involve banning him from the kitchen)
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sorry for the really long answer— here's a niki beena
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Shipper Tag Game!
I was tagged by @theflagscene thanks for the tag <3
1 - What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don’t care about anymore?
Ron and Hermione. But I was basically offline for most of my teen years so it was a private obssession.
2 - Which ship would you consider your first one?
These two
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From the anime Kodomo No Omocha, the anime was called Rossana In Italian, still the best theme song in the world, that song is basically instand magic nostalgia button for me, I was a child and basically the age of the characters when I watched it, maybe a year or two older, they bewitched me body and soul.
3 - Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Written, I have never written anything that could be consider fanfic. Maybe once I wrote a single scene fic for an Italian Show but that's it.
Read on AO3: Stranger Things post s1 fics and Still Star Crossed fics were the first fandoms. I don't have the old fanfiction.net account and my shitty memory doesn't let me remeber shit from that time so, I will go with that.
4 - Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
Not really, my memory is bad. Maybe Stydia, teen wolf was my first tumblr fandom along side GMW. Or Shameless.
5 - Did you ever get into ship discourse?
I have been aware of ship discourse. And I once pettily unfollowed someone because they shipped my NOTP at the time. But not really.
6 - Did you used to have a NOTP or have any currently?
I did used to consider ship NOTPs, but I don't currently use that term anymore, I am way into my ship and let ship era. I don't feel like any of the ship I dislike now are strong enough to be a notp. Even if there are a few that almost qualified.
7 - Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Got curious because someone mention some Nick/Sand and some Nick/Sand/Ray stuff on my dash and looked up some Only Friend fics for the first time since the show ended.
8 - Currently do you have any OTPs?
Too many. I have been mostly watching BLs and QLs recently. Honestly shipping as become a little more low-key recently. I can love a ship and even read fanfic for them (although small confession I am becoming far more picky and It's super hard now to read a fic I enjoy especially in the BL sphere). And I am watching so many shows at the same time I don't think any of them could be called an OTP, in that omg I am so obsessed with them way. I feel like my attention is too split for that.
Not that I am not enjoying having so many ships and couples to choose from, I love it here in BL land.
If I had to pick a single ship that is consuming me body and soul like stuff used to I have to go with PheeNon from Dead Friend Forever, because this show put itself in my head and is going to stay there until it's over.
9 - Is there any couple that to this day you are extremely mad about them not getting together?
Does it have to be an old ship?? Because I only rember some recent stuff.
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10 - Is there any ship that you used to dislike but now you think are kind of interesting?
Not sure, I have come around a couple of BL ships I didn't initially like at first viewing. Nothing special though.
11 - Do you have a ship that in the past was considered ‘normal’ but now you would be cancelled over?
I am not sure, I used to be the kind of person that followed canon and didn't get the appeal of crackships at the time. Or shipping non canon ships.
I guess maybe some het ships that I know now either have a very obviously gay coding (both or just one) or it's more common to put in a gay ship. But I am not sure anything too controversial.
I kind of read some early Mame fanfics and enjoy some of the mame ships does count?
12 - What’s your favourite crack ship?
Taking crack fic too mean there is basically no evidence of this in canon and there is little to no fics about them.
Ming/Yo from 2Moons (the og) I will die on this hill, the actor that played these two had amazing chemestry.
Anwar and Maxxie from Skins Gen 1. There are 3 fics of them on ao3. 3!!!! I feel like the only person that see this.
13 - Who is the couple you’ve read the most fanfics of?
I think maybe it's either Hannigram or Buck and Eddie from 911 a show I am feeling very over right now. So that will definately change.
14 - What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Not much. I enjoy different types of dynamics.
15 - What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I have come to a point where if I can see the chemestry and I like the characters and I can get into the characters head and I think the relationship is interesting I can forgive bad or clunky writing. Or tropes like miscommunication and noble idiocity.
There is one trope that almost always kills a ship for me. Years long seperation in the final act. This is pretty much a bl only trope. But I have seen it in Het shows before I think.
I can understand a seperation for a couple of weeks or even months due to externel pressures and maybe some noble idiocity, or even something like I need to sort myself out a little first like Until We Meet Again. I don't love it. But it's fine. But YEARS!! That shit pisses me off. That is why even if I can understand the writing decision behind I hold a grudge over Ghost Host, Ghost House. I understand it was a good drama and the writing was good and the ship is cute. BUT I HATE THAT TROPE.
Not sure how did already so I will only tag @respectthepetty and @callipigio @benkaaoi
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hermioneismyrealname · 7 months
Ok everyone.
Let's put some chronic internet buffoons in their place, shall we?
Let's first talk about the OG thai bl. Love sick. I was there. Let's talk about the one that got thai bl some traction. Love by chance. I was there. How about the one that put thai bl on the map, tharntype. I was there. Now KinnPorsche. The one that got global attraction from (mostly) everyone. Here still.
Before Asian bl, I was here for hannibal, supernatural and fucking merlin since day 1. Yuri on ice, been waiting for that movie for how many years now? And don't get me started on banana fish, given or all the bl manhwa, manhua and Manga. Call me fujoshi? Yeah aight but I'm here for the gl series (give me more) and the well written straight shit too.
The difference between the two kinds of media I present to you is deliberate fan service and fan acknowledgment.
If I were to categorize shows like merlin or Teen Wolf, I would put it as unfortunate writing. Supernatural and hannibal were not really a romance focused genre. Considering how early game these shows were, I wasn't surprised with the ending of all 4 of these series. Which is why good omens, heartstopper, young royals, and our flag means death is refreshing. These four bring a genre where LIFE is portrayed with romance being the center of it. They don't always give a happy ending. They have a realistic ending. I cannot always say the same for asian dramas.
In the early days of Asian bl, Thai especially, it focused on plot, actual plot, not hot guys who look great, but great actors. A good example is SOTUS and Until We Meet Again. A recent addition that I can add is Your Name Engraved Herein. It was also about getting society comfortable with LGBTQ+. Also, it tackled the ridiculous education system and challenged it. Up for some football anyone? This used to be a art form of portrayal and storytelling. Taiwanese drama has maintained a good story plot throughout most of it productions but it is a shame that it goes underrated most of the time.
Now, I observe the market for bl. I do blame KinnPorsche of this, but if I were to truly put a pin in it, I would stab it at tharntype. The thai entertainment industry is going to suffer. The primary reason for the inevitable doom is the unfortunate marketing ploy the actors have to do off-screen. Take tharntype, an unfortunately perfect example. While mame (previously) never re-used the actors in her universe, post tharntype, mew and gulf were expected to act again together. Why? The off-screen fan-service. Behind the scenes show actors being comfortable at their workplace. On stage in front of screaming, fans is just another act. If they did love each other, they wouldn't flaunt it as they did. Even now, there are wanjaai still thinking gulf is mew's affianced. It took mew to personally address the fans' ridiculous behavior and yet, here we are; bubbles mourning and the... I can't remember the ohmnannon fan base. I saw the panic when saint wouldnt be with perth again, and then when saint wouldn't be with zew. HAHAHAHA. Remember pretty recently when Freen's privacy was invaded and fans felt betrayed? pathetic.
Just thinking about it makes me laugh because even the japanese actors have their boundaries. Take Keita Machida for example. Not only did he get featured in Alice in Borderland, but he is also married. There was some backlash but not as much as Cha Seo Won from Unintentional Love Story and definitely not as much as any Thai BL actor. These are talented actors who are capable of so much. Take Fluke Natouch. He is a wonderful actor and is trying not limit himself to a ship/pairing/couple. Talk to me when you have seen Red Wine in the Dark Night. Imagine what the industry could truly be if markets wouldn't limit them.
If however, this is about the comfort of the actor, then FINE! But don't condemn them when they suddenly aren't paired up with each other again. For this, I put forward PremBoun (yes i just did that), NetJames and TutorYim. I will not mention FortPeat or BossNoeul because I can see all four of them going independent and succeeding whilst maintaining a brilliant friendship. Peat and Noeul especially. Cant wait for that to rock people's boat.
Need I remind these people that THEY ARE ACTORS! NOT DOLLS OR PUPPETS! Heck need I remind the public of the 227 scandal?
As fans, shouldn't we support the actor for acting? Not the ship for putting on smiles?
Now I sip my tea as I watch the ships. Actually, my eyes aren't on the ships; they are watching the idiots who can't take nuance and are chronically online. I watch them cry when their ships sink as me and my fellow veterans relax on our sundeck enjoying our teas, coffee and martinis with those tiny little umbrellas. Been through this all before and this whole manifesto was completely useless because nothing is going to change. Looking at the idiots in Macau for Bible's recent fanmeet.
*lifts my half empty teacup* Perhaps I am just @absolutebl but more chaotic and less diplomatic. Do I care about how many shippers this hurt? Considering some of their bullshit behavior, I'm gonna say how it is. I've been dealing with death threats since 2012 and the threats of chemical castration from my own government, I cant seem to fucking care. Cheers to chaos.
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aotopmha · 9 months
So, I got in an Attack on Titan mood again.
It's been a while.
I think I might actually be ready to redo my favourite character list I thought I would do when the story ended, but that got delayed because I wanted to get my thoughts on the story as a whole cleared up and ended up getting into other stuff, as well (read: FF14's story).
But first I did a little catch-up on what people think about the story now that almost two and a half years have passed since the ending of it.
And it's kind of the same, but much more chill.
With the exception of some of the more extreme people, which at this point is pretty concerning. (Which is how the extremes of tribalism usually go.)
But I also reread the ending again and once again gained more perspective on it, which I am much more satisfied by.
And right now I think the ending was just really insecure. It tried to address so many elements that so many of them just ended up as a couple of lines, but at the same time, those couple of lines were important and none of the elements really could breathe.
I think it is important Eren wasn't completely condemned, but because that got so little time, you can read it as the story not following through with the framing the entire final arc built around him.
His friends condemning him for the bad, but remembering him by the person he used to be for themselves should've been the much stronger focus point because I think that's what the spirit behind all of the awkwardness seems to be – especially in context with 138.
But instead the criticism (which in my eyes was some of the strongest writing of the final arc) the story gives Eren prior to the ending almost disappears, kept to nuances or a couple of panels, when it should be center stage.
I don't need another lecture on how morally wrong his actions were. The entire arc was about that.
But for a story that so far so strongly cared about the suffering of the weak – for OG Ymir and Ramzi and everyone stuck in Liberio, for the faceless soldiers who are a focus of an entire opening sequence in the anime – it's so strange to see almost none of that.
For a story that so values freedom to basically push Historia in a box and not even address the biggest parts of her character arc even in passing, it feels strange for this ending to not be the same as the ending of other arcs, which always give voice to all of the perspectives.
I'm a massive proponent of creator freedom, but something tells me as much as Isayama loved Eren, he did not wish to excuse him or free him from any responsibility. I think he can relate to Eren and he cares deeply about him, it's just that the final chapter was 40 pages, not 100.
Again, chapter 131 and 138 exist.
And if it did, and the desire to cast Eren in a more positive light came from a desire to be non-conformist and he related to him more than you'd think, then why not go all in with that?
I really think he wanted a middle ground – be it because of his own perspective or a desire to make it satisfying for the fans, which the story is usually really good with, too.
But for some reason it ended up being so insecure. And maybe it really were nerves and expectations catching up with him because I think in terms of sentiment 137 and 138 were really, really confident.
I love most of the material with Eren in the final arc because it did his motivations with such good balance. You understand why he does what he does while he is doing awful shit. And it's all presented in a super confident way, too.
Another thing I learned after the break is that I think in recent interviews Isayama actually has said as much as I speculate/get the sense of, too.
More pages and a context without massive expectations might've actually been the true elements chapter 139 might've needed.
And I think this has enabled me to finally truly breathe easier about this story as a whole.
The negatives and positives sort of slowly clicked in place for me in a different way every time I've reread this ending and this was always something I couldn't put into words even after I thought I had my take figured out.
It really is super insecure, down to Eren's 'I don't know', isn't it?
And I think that's a new one for me. So many bad endings are super confident. There are so many endings that are non-endings and so many endings made from corporations meddling in creative decisions or from similar reasons. I think so few truly falter because of human insecurity.
And suddenly it became so much more of an 'interesting' ending.
You can talk about how art is made by human beings.
You can talk about fan pressure and expectations.
You can talk about 'true' authorial intention vs just wanting to make a good product and making fans happy.
I hope Isayama will still revisit the story at some point in some way now since we know he wanted to do more based on interviews.
The very tail end of the anime is still also coming. Maybe that'll be a chance to do more on Isayama's part.
But, huh, now that I reread it again, that really is the vibe I got because it never had a malicious/hateful tinge to me, as much of an issue I took with Historia's fate, for example. I've consumed deeply, truly hateful art and this isn't it.
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(#) people you want to get to know better
I saw it on the (handwavy gesture) timeline thanks to @saltysatellite804 so I'm gonna do it with my usual lack of brevity :)
1) three ships:
1. I also have many a ship so I'll go with the one I brainrotted really hard for over the last few years, yalex (yassen gregorovich/alex rider) my beloved from the series alex rider! [assassin with a soft spot/extremely reluctant teen spy] dynamic, there's a shit ton of parallels between them, the metaphorical ghost that is alex's dad haunting the both of them, lots of angst-hurt/comfort potential, some infamous lines from the book that is nothing short of describing yassen in unneccesary detail or a literal love confession, I don't take concrit, thank you! thanks to the tv series there's been more fics but I would definitely still categorize it as a rarepair. somehow there still feels like there's such a wealth of excellent writing though!
2. next is adayu (adachi tohru/narukami yu) from the hit game persona 4 or persona 4 golden. [super nuanced jaded cop that goes too far/new in town protag who gains friends as a bit of a butterfly effect from said antag's actions] dynamic, yin-yang opposite sides of the same coin or two roads diverged mirrored equals, and definitely the darker accomplice!yu ending which leads to a lot of creative headcanons and whatnot. also a rarepair that within the last 3 years got a couple of excellent new longfics thanks to the various ports! I have an active discord server for the pairing with about 60-ish people total so we're going strong >:3c
3. finally I'll go with the ship that was the first "fandom" environment I participated in, eobarry (eobard thawne/barry allen) in all media forms, honestly. ngl I was kind of... young then cough so I tried not to be perceived as much as possible... I respect past!fel's enthusiasm but that's about it LOL. simple yet delicious [obsessed antag who is ready to ruin protag's life at a moment's notice/heart of gold protag who messes up... sometimes] dynamic that I need to get back into in order to describe it further. as you can tell, I'm all about the "but they're just opposite sides of the same coin" trope because this one's literally the flash and the reverse flash. from what I remember, I adored eowells but was always craving for more OG thawne in the tv series. in fact, I scoured through the recent flash movie trailer like a goddamn madman in hopes of catching a glimpse of the reverse flash, but no dice. did a little bit of ranting about it here and there on various platforms but since there's visible elements of change in the trailer such as kara instead of kal-el or how barry actually talks to his alt!self and doesn't knock him the fuck out or phase him out of existence, there's a chance they're gonna pull the whole barry vs evil!barry shtick again and I'm going to have to have to write self-cest. also again. rooting for suprise thawne in the theater when I go and watch it to reignite this possible flame, yeah?
2) first ever ship - it's not something I actually remember because it was that long ago. I can, however, tell you that the first three ship fic I wrote were hetalia character/reader-insert fics over on ff dot net about eight years ago. they didn't even last half a year before I wiped them from existence LOL but I've not deleted anything after that ‘cause I not longer care to
3) last song - it's still pulled up right now on my device, heh. it's shadow from the album "face the sun" by the kpop group seventeen. it's a gorgeous song, and if you look up the lyrics, they definitely hit too. about accepting the flaws in yourself, fears, shadows, etc etc
4) last movie - I actually rewatched the animated "flashpoint" movie recently because of the new flash trailer, ha. still can't get over thawne walking out of the shadows mid-movie stirring a mug of (?) so casually jsdfhsdkjfs
5) currently reading - like any other mentally well person, I have over 150 ao3 tabs open, so I'll choose the one that's most recent and relevent. the fic's called "something rich and strange" that's (the distortion/martin blackwood) for the magnus archives. take care to read the tags if you click into the fic^^
6) currently watching - not watching anything at all that can't be finished in one sitting because I've been so busy. the only thing I can think of is my once per week saturday blue lock episode. blue lock's a really well animated and cool-looking hardcore soccer anime that I would say is a totally different genre from something like haikyuu. it's about growth and egocentrism and super fun to watch; it's in-progress but there's over 12 episodes out already
7) currently consuming - the last thing I ate was some pani puri and naan >:P
8) currently craving - you don't understand how badly I need to see that flash movie. I need a flash that's a new flavor from the CW's and I also desperate crave for eobard thawne's entire ass character to exist again. if we're talking food, it's a bit too cold for me day after day so a heart and body warming meal of hot pot with lots of greens and root veggies, mushrooms, fish balls with roe, slices of beef and other meats or seafood, various tofus, and a delicious spicy soup base sounds so good right about now but I'd have to pester my roommate to drive me somewhere to grab it... maybe next week heh! another thing might be, hmm, dragon age 4? get in my mouth right now, dreadwolf.
lastly, the (totally optional) tag line: @suzie-shooter, @that1qb, @lastlymatt, @aurastiel, @spicavenius, @kelbrid, @weavingmemories
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Feysands have fanfics for days and I love them all so much, I would just say commissions became more popular in the last year or two so the older series pays the price of not being in this era where people do commissions unfortunately, but if fans would do art for them more often that’s when the content would be more balanced. But if we all don’t put in an effort it’ll be expected to dwindle yk. The difference is that and Acosf stans dedicate themselves to commissions, it’s a full thing. So what’s going on makes sense. But I do some people doing quite a few commissions lately! Which is amazing 😭 They’ll always be loved they’re just the og’s so they aren’t the main focus. In CC3 I think they’ll play a big role though so we have that to look forward too 😏
Sadly, I think it's very natural that the fandom is moving on from being Feysand-centric since ACoSF’s release. I also get the sense that the fandom, in general, is waning as the time between releases continues stretching.
I’ve seen this idea that Feysands should commission more art floating about quite a bit recently and I admit that I’m skeptical of its origins. I think that Feysands were originally less inclined to commission art because, as the main characters of the series, art of Feyre and Rhys arose more naturally than for side characters. I haven’t noticed that there’s less art of Feysand than other couples, even now, and I’m not convinced this narrative hasn’t come from people simply being upset that ships they don’t like are being commissioned/becoming popular. (Not saying this reflects you specifically, anon, it's just my thoughts on the narrative that’s been circulating).
Art is expensive to commission and I don’t love the idea that fans should feel pressured to do so in order to keep up with other ships. It’s not a competition. I honestly think the *best* thing we can do for the Feysand fandom is to just keep having fun with our ship and not worry about what other people are doing.
I know that me and @separatist-apologist and @highqueenmorrigan have all commissioned Feysand art for this month. We did it simply because we love the characters ❤️ Just today I got a delviery for a piece I'm really excited to share with y'all so I really hope you enjoy it!
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politely requesting ramblings/info on any gin to kin merch or pachinko machines that may exist i cannot get enough of those funky guys
Unfortunately there's not much in the way of merch the same way there is for kaiji/akagi, but there is a HISTORY that gtk has.
Like 7 movies. 7 entire live action movies. Seven Whole Films. each over an hour long, all about an hour 30 min.
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Cannot understate that this franchise has had more live action films than any fkmt work. Seven whole MOVIES
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Since I have a series where I watch and react to live action fkmt adaptations (as slowly as i've been updating that...), I will watch them eventually! but since they're only available unsubtitled and untranslated, I plan to save them for last to give myself the most time to really Prepare so im not just sitting there trying to process things the whole time without talking about what's happening.
I have 3 rental discs from this series :) they don't work and they're old and scratched up, but they're a neat collectors item (dirt cheap too)
There ARE also multiple pachinko and slot machines! I have a couple dvds from them (promotional discs, so they just contain like 4-7 minutes of ads)
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The slot machines (made by Taiyo Elec) take on a more 2d style
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While the pachinko machines (made by Maruhon) have more of a 3d style to them! both images are screencaps from the discs I have (Havent uploaded anywhere yet because the contents r copy protected but I havent tried in a LONG time so I’ll give it another shot)
As one might also guess, there are no known video game adaptations of gtk. BUT, the characters have been featured in two games to my knowledge
1. This kaiji social game from 2013 that was only around for a year
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2. The recent Poker Chase collaboration
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Yeah that’s really it to my knowledge
...as for merchandise, there’s not much.
The largest source for gin to kin merch, and most merch for underrated fkmt properties, is allstars
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Some different keychains and straps exist for fkmt allstars ginji and morita
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For the og manga, there’s whatever this is. Seems to be promoting the drama, or the version of the manga that was printed around the time the drama was out.
Which brings me to the drama! In 2017 there was a live action drama
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Honestly I don’t know how to feel about it. It was one of the very few legally accessible fkmt adaptations for a long time being on U.S. amazon prime so i’d watch it ENDLESSLY but since it’s removal I’ve barely watched it on my own time (I like to have my media downloaded offline so i do have it+other fkmt dramas just in a folder)
There is a piece of merch for this drama, being a mug
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He Ollie! It's Cef. You might remember me. I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you are doing well. I still love that you are posting t-fics left and right! I miss you all very much! The reason I left the community was because I finally found some meds that work really well for me, except I almost completely lost my love of tickling. I can't really explain it because I have the same reaction as any other regular person now but I do miss everyone here. I just hope you all are doing well still.
cef!!! of freaking COURSE i remember you, you're one of the OG sasi tfic blogs i ever followed!!! (right behind august and dani, right before spikey, pineapple, and felix dfhfdjsk) i actually just recently was thinking about your blog and your writing!
(confession time: i've mentioned before i had a private tfic account before starting this one, and on that tfic account i still have like, TONS of old posts/fics/art that i've reblogged from 3-7 years ago. some of it i can't access if it's behind a readmore and the op has deactivated, but if it's not behind a readmore, i can still read it so..... yeah i have a collection of extremely 2017-2019 sasi t-word posts that would maybe shock the OPs if they knew about it lol)
((and cef, i actually have an old masterpost of urs saved there, i think most of the links are unreachable now since you've deactivated, but it also has 2 links to freaking,,, google doc self insert teases from logan and roman that i just reread recently LMAOOOOOOOO. so yes, of course of COURSE i remember you and the impact u had on my writing and life :3))
and yeah, i still try to stay active around here, even when my tfic writing isn't coming as easy as it used it. it's crazy that u say that abt ur meds bc lowkey that kinda happened to me too... i started antidepressants for the first time last may (almost a year?? holy shit) and although i had been having writer's block for about 3 months prior to starting those meds, i can honestly say that yeah, the meds did change my brain chemicals a lot, to the point where tickling fell wayyyyyy to the backburner of my mind lol. coupled w how busy i've been for the past... solid year lmfao and this blog just hasn't been able to be a priority like it used to be
HOWEVER, not to get any hopes up or anything, but within the last month i have had a p extreme resurgence of thinking about t-word stuff often, rereading old favorites, going through the tags, etc. and i am graduating college (!!!) in less than a month so..... mayhaps. MAYHAPS. there may be more writing coming from me somewhat soon. WHO KNOWS SJDHFGHDJ
but i digress!!! cef, it was really good to hear from you and know you're doing well. when i saw your blog was deactivated, i was surprised but i understand why u did it, and i'm glad to know u remember all those years on here as fondly as i do :3
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