#It is not entirely his fault on 01/28
ongakunotenshi · 3 months
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Choi Jae-rim as the Phantom of the Opera
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chosenimagines · 3 years
01 Damn! You are telling me this is what I could have had?!
02 Could he/she/they make you feel this good?
03 Betrayed! Betrayed by you…
04 Stop flirting with my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner right now!
05 I cannot accept that
06 You did what?!
07 What is this?
08 Of course it is your fault!
09 I am so done
10 Infront of me! How is it possible this happens infront of my eyes?!
11 How is it that I am always getting stuck with you?
12 They trusted you! I trusted you!
13 I am no hero! I have never been a hero. No one wants me to be the hero
14 I am still in love with you/them/him/her!
15 God, I can’t fucking stand you
16 For the first time in my life I am doing what is good for me and not your jealous ass
17 Then go with them/him/her!
18 Of course you are happier with them/her/him
19 I don’t want you to be with them/her/him
20 Were you going to tell me about that?
21 It was just a dance
22 I saw you
23 That never should have happened
24 It was just a kiss
25 Do you have an issue with it?
27 That- you’re mine!
28 You fucking promised me that you would stop that!
29 With them/him/her?!
30 You are sick!
31 I can't loose you to them/him/her!
32 Is that really appropriate?
33 Oh, you are actually seeing them/her/him?
34 You make me choose?!
35 You have everything I want, you little bitch!
36 Not again!
37 I am sick of your jealousy!
38 A party kiss? Only a party kiss?!
39 Are you fucking serious?!
40 You want to meet them/him/her?
41 I can’t believe you’ve done this
43 Hell yeah I am jealous!
44 You are being ridiculous
45 I wanted to make you jealous
46 I did that on purpose
47 Jealousy looks ugly on you
48 Am I dreaming?
49 I am NOT jealous
50 Don’t worry, I’m all yours
51 I hate it when they  look at you
52 What would I be jealous about?
53 Oh sure! Go and see them/him/her!
54 Woohoohoohoo, you’re jealous!
55 You’ve got something that I want
56 Please don’t make me choose
57 Should I be?
58 What has happened to forever?
59 Look… I don’t like you spending time with them/her/him
60 Why aren’t you answering your phone?
61 You are ridiculous
62 It’s nothing
63 Shoving your tongue down someone else’s throat is NOT being friendly
64 That’s JUST what happened
65 You had to steal it
66 You disgust me
67 Go and make out with them/her/him! I am out of here
68 That is just in your head!
69 Don’t give them/her/him that look
70 You make me sick!
71 You will never see them/her/him again
72 I want you to delete that number from his phone
73 Never talk to them/him/her again! Ever.
74 They/her/him are not going to have what belongs to me
75 I am pretty sure I saw a spark there
76 Why can’t I be the first one that you think of? Why is it always her/him/them?
77 I don't believe you
78 You lied to me and now you are talking about truth and honesty
79 It was kinda cute actually
80 You’ve always been my top priority, but whenever she’s in trouble, you leave me hanging.
81 I know you told me not to worry, but I’m so afraid that someone better will want you, and you’ll leave me.
82 You have someone that belongs to me
83 I can't take it anymore
84 Forget it! You are just a fucking bastard
85 Do/es they/she/he make your heart beat like this?!
86 I can’t believe you missed our date for this!
87 If you trusted me, you wouldn’t be so jealous.
88 I am just using you to make them/him/her jealous
89 Sometimes I wish you weren’t this beautiful. Everyone looks at you wherever you go.
90 Your jealousy is the reason for our break up
91 They/she/he just undressed you with their/her/his eyes!!!
92 Will you really let me go like this. Can they/he/she love you like I love you?
93 I never wanted to be just a friend. I wanted to be what they/he/she is to you.
94 I wanted you to be one that I wake up next to BUT YOU JUST HOOK UP WITH THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE
95 Who are you?
96 They/him/her can’t have you! You are mine
97 You were never mine to begin with, but it hurts me to see you with someone else.
98 You are still in a relationship with me even though you want to be with everyone but me!
99 Am I really not enough?
100 I did not see that coming
101 Oh NOW you thought about it?!
102 You were never interested in a closed relationship, and I feel like I’m just holding you back, but I can’t bear to think of you with someone else.
103 I KNOW you are cheating on me!
104 What can I change to make you want me again?
106 How could you choose them/her/him over ME?!
107 Don’t ever look at her/him/them like that again! She/he/they is/are mine!
108 If I had known you were this popular I never would have gone out with you.
109 Don’t look at them/him/her! You are MINE
110 I know it’s not your fault that he/she/they kissed you, but it still you guys freaking kissed
111 How about this: I’ll go kiss someone else too. After all, it’s just a kiss! Nothing to be jealous about, right?
112 Why did you have to love them/him/her? I would never have hurt you the way they did but they/him/her has got everything I love
113 I’ve always been second best, but now I finally want to beat you at something.
114 Because it was always them/him/her! I was always the second choice. I don’t want to be second choice because of them/him/her
115 When I think of my future, you’re always there, but for you, it’s always been they/her/him.
116 I can’t believe you would let me go for a scumbag like them/her/him! 
117 Why can’t you kiss me like you kissed them/her/him?
118 You said you would love me, so do it properly, stop pining for them/her/him.
119 Soooo… who’s that bitch?
120 Me? Jealous?! Never.
121 You have to go with… *cough* them/her/him
123 Just shut up! I can’t believe you tried to make me jealous by cheating on me!
125 Everything that happened to me is your fault! You are always pushing me into your shadow
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dynyamight · 3 years
meet cute number 47 is interesting!
send me a writting ask
47. Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
“You got all that, right?” Shinsou asks, readjusting his stance, so others can leave their classroom door easily.
Midoriya hums absentmindedly. He’s still quickly jotting down the last few digits onto his planner. “And, you said tomorrow morning, around 7? At the library?”
“Yeah,” Shinsou shrugs, “Or anytime really. The deadline isn’t until next month, you know.”
“I kinda just want to get it done, as soon as possible.”
Shinsou breathes out a snort. “Figured you’d say that much. Just make sure you got my number. Repeat it, if you need to.”
“No time.” Midoriya drops his bag to the side, shoving his now closed notebook inside. “Thank you! I’ll text you later tonight!” He offers hurriedly, before taking off down the campus halls.
Shinsou’s warning falls deaf to his rushed mind.
He has to run the entire way, in order to graciously catch the last bus for the hour. Sweaty and flushed, Midoriya slumps into his seat in relief. Fortunately, he was able to cop a seat for himself, settling by the window and his backpack right next to him.
Staring out, Midoriya tries to remind himself of the rest of his priorities he needed to do.
He still needed to start on Doctor Chiyo’s online Physiology exam, and gather his notes for the open book portion. It was a bit bothersome to handle tests online, but if the rest of class prefers it, there’s nothing Midoriya can do about it.
Speaking of which, Ochako had requested for copies of those exact same notes, since apparently she barely writes anything during lectures. He wants to suggest to her to just simply take better notes, but alas, he will gladly help her out.
And, finally, Midoriya has to collect reliable, approved research articles for his and Shinsou’s debate, in their argumentative project in Communications. Being assigned “PRO SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE”, while being the most uninvolved people on the internet, Midoriya and Shinsou had a lot of work to do.
Not to mention it was already 18:00 by the time he reached the school’s dormitories. And yet, he needed to shower, make dinner, water his plants, and watch the newest episode of his favorite drama, airing tonight.
University was eating him alive.
Thankfully, he’s able to complete half of his list.
He finishes the exam with a 98%, and quickly snaps the pages of his notes over to Ochako and Iida, making sure to highlight the main topics questioned in the exam. Ochako sends a ‘thank you’ gif, and Iida texts a long, yet endearing message of gratitude.
Midoriya doesn’t have time to shower, instead blasting the TV volume loud, as he waters his indoor plants at the same time. He overwaters them a little bit, busy glancing back at the screen for too long. But, at least he’s able to watch the episode. He pouts when it ends on a cliffhanger, almost drowning his bonsai tree in frustration.
He’s only able to warm up a plate of leftovers, and read through only one research article, by the time it’s already blinking 21:30 on his phone. Sighing, Midoriya closes his laptop and grabs his cell phone instead.
An all nighter wasn’t preferable. But, if Shinsou is working overtime at his late night job, Midoriya supposes he can stay up and keep looking through more articles, until he has at least the required ten.
Flipping open his planner, Midoriya inputs Shinsou’s number into his phone. He adds his name, a contact photo of him sleeping, and finally taps a quick message.
(21:38) < You working?
When Shinsou doesn’t respond right away, Midoriya simply sets aside his phone on his desk. Stretching his arms, he sighs in defeat, now expecting Shinsou to be stuck at work.
He’s never worked at a restaurant, but he bets Friday nights can get pretty busy. And, Shinsou always complains that group outings and dates tend to stay over, even after the place is supposed to close. And, Midoriya trusts his word.
So, by the time his phone dings, Midoriya has been clicking through more articles on social media, bookmarking a few to go over later, as he went.
He lifts his phone, and with a bright screen, a message stares back at him.
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > Who’s this
Oh, he did forget to specify. But, Midoriya smiles, having a small prank in mind. There was no harm in teasing his friends, let alone Shinsou, who definitely needed a good laugh, now and then.
(21:58) < It's the cutie from your communications class ;)
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > So, no one
(21:59) < Haha! I guess you’re right about that
(21:59) < Anyways, it’s Izuku! You still working late, Hitoshi?
shinsou hitoshi (21:59) > This ain’t Hitoshi
Midoriya's face drops, blinking. Oh god, did he mistype the number?
(21:38) < Wait, you’re not???
Another text pops up, shortly after.
shinsou hitoshi (22:02) > You got the wrong number
Embarrassment burning his entire face red, Midoriya wishes he could delete himself from the world.
(22:03) < I’m so so so so sorry!
(22:03) < God, I thought I wrote down my friend’s number right
(22:03) < But, I was in this stupid rush to get on the bus that I didn’t make sure
(22:04) < And, listen, if I had missed that bus, I would’ve had to wait
(22:04) < Not like a few minutes wait
(22:04) < Like, a whole two hours wait!
shinsou hitoshi (22:05) > I didn’t ask
Deleting the conversation, Midoriya erases the new contact completely. And instead, he looks back to his planner, and retypes the numbers in his phone onto a new conversation.
Hopefully, he has typed the correct series of digits.
(22:07) < Hey, Hitoshi! It’s Izuku
unknown (22:08) > ...
unknown (22:08) > What the actual fuck
unknown (22:08) > You've still got the wrong number, you goddamn idiot
Slamming his phone onto his desk, Midoriya grabs a pillow off his bed and shoves it in his face. The temptation to scream sounds awfully pleasant, but it’s too late at night to do so. His dorm neighbors would definitely wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
What’s wrong? Oh, he has completely done one of the most dreaded imaginary scenarios in his head; text a complete stranger. Twice.
What was he supposed to do now? Never text back? Delete it? Block it?
How is he supposed to contact Shinsou now?
His phone dings again.
Lifting the pillow off his face slightly, Midoriya eyes his phone warily from his swivel chair.
That definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. Another text from the same stranger sounds a bit unheard of.
After a seconds-long hesitation, Midoriya lifts his phone and opens it once more.
unknown (22:13) > Double check next time
unknown (22:13) > You can fucking wait the two hours, dumbass
Midoriya grows a little irked. He has a bad feeling that his stranger isn’t too friendly, to say that least.
There was literally no reason to text back something so rude.
(22:14) < Well, that wasn’t nice
unknown (22:15) > Wasn’t trying to be
(22:15) < ..Are you always like this?
unknown (22:16) > Pretty much
(22:16) < That’s sad
unknown (22:17) > What’s fucking sad is that I was woken up from my sleep
unknown (22:17) > Because a damn moron didn’t write down the right number
Midoriya winces. He hadn’t even thought about the other person’s predicament, let alone if he had interrupted anything.
(22:20) > I really didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry :(
unknown (22:22) > Yeah whatever
(22:24) > You should try to go back to sleep, then
unknown (22:25) > I was
unknown (22:25) > But the same moron from before keeps texting me
(22:27) > Who?
(22:33) > Oh.
(22:33) > It’s me, huh?
unknown (22:34) > No shit
(22:35) > Right, of course. My bad!
(22:35) > I’m going to just stop now
unknown (22:36) > Thanks
(22:36) > For the umpteenth time, sorry! ><
(22:37) > Okay, Okay! I’m stopping now, for real
Midoriya desperately needs to call it a night.
After going through his nightly routine, he slips under his bedsheets, exhausted. He sets an alarm for 5:00 on his phone, hoping Shinsou will show up at the library, regardless of the missing confirmation text on Midoriya’s end.
He keeps his phone on awhile longer, swiping through his professors’ emails, before a surprising text notification pops in front of him.
unknown (23:01) > FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
(23:02) > …
(23:02) > What was that for??
unknown (23:04) > I CAN’T SLEEP
unknown (23:05) > AND IT’S YOUR FAULT
(23:06) > What do you expect me to do????
unknown (23:07) > HAHAHAHA OH DON’T WORRY
unknown (23:07) > IF I CAN’T SLEEP, NEITHER CAN YOU
(23:09) > Wait
(23:09) > No, please
(23:09) > My alarm is on my phone, I need it on
(23:10) > I need to go to an important meeting for a group project at 7:00!
unknown (23:10) > Aw, really? :0?!
(23:11) > Yeah! I really do!
unknown (23:11) > Sike. I don’t fucking care
unknown (23:12) > Hope you eat shit tomorrow
(23:13) > ..Why are you like this?
(23:13) > I could literally be a twelve year old, for all you know
unknown (23:14) > I doubt fucking twelve years do group projects
unknown (23:15) > But whether you’re a damn infant, or grown adult, I hate you
(23:16) > I wouldn’t say I hate you. That’s too harsh
(23:16) > But, wow, you are very unlikable :/
unknown (23:17) > That’s the fucking nicest thing anyone has said about me
(23:18) > It wasn’t supposed
(23:19) > Nevermind.
(23:19) > Do you have any friends? Just might as well ask
unknown (23:21) > Surprisingly yeah
(23:22) > Oh, so you also agree. That it’s a surprise
(23:22) > At least you’re self aware :0
unknown (23:23) > Yeah, they are annoying as hell
unknown (23:24) > But, also pretty good people, I guess
(23:25) > Pretty good or pretty dumb?
unknown (23:26) > SHUT IT
unknown (23:27) > Only I can make fun of them
unknown (23:27) > You. Don’t.
(23:28) > You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that
(23:29) > I’m sorry :(
unknown (23:30) > You like apologizing, huh
(23:29) > There’s a lot to apologize for tonight
unknown (23:30) > Still, you don’t have to say it every damn minute
(23:32) > You probably don’t ever apologize
unknown (23:33) > Fuck no
(23:35) > Right, of course
(23:36) > Well, you know what I need to do tomorrow
unknown (23:37) > Unfortunately
(23:38) > What about you?
unknown (23:39) > I’m covering a shift at my shit job at the ass crack of dawn
(23:40) > Unnecessary visual, but I digress
(23:40) > Uh, where do you work?
unknown (23:42) > No. I don’t even know your damn name
(23:43) > I told you?? It was in my first text
unknown (23:44) > Yeah, I ain’t scrolling
(23:48) > Well, it’s Izuku. Midoriya Izuku :)
unknown (23:49) > Great. I still ain’t giving you mine
(23:50) > ?? Is there anything I can know about you??
(23:50) > You know more about me, than I do about you
unknown (23:51) > You know I hate you
unknown (23:51) > That’s plenty
(23:52) > But, I have been staying up for you :(
unknown (23:53) > Because it’s your fault I can’t sleep
(23:54) > You aren’t feeling sleepy yet?
unknown (23:56) > ..Are you
(23:57) > I asked you first
unknown (23:58) > I asked you second
(23:59) > That
(23:59) > Look, it’s almost midnight
(24:00) > Oh, now, it’s actually midnight
unknown (00:01) > I have fucking eyes. I can see the time
(00:02) > And we BOTH have places to be tomorrow
(00:02) > So, let’s just sleep. Call a truce, please
unknown (00:03) > What about my petty retribution
unknown (00:10) > FUCK
unknown (00:10) > FINE
The rest of the night, Midoriya hears his phone go off, but he doesn’t bother to open the messages. Fortunately for him, the time staying awake quickly catches up to his body, the moment he shuts his eyes. And, in an instant, he falls asleep, heavy.
However, he’s jolted awake by the ringing of his phone, the tone alerting him of an incoming phone call. Banging his head on the headboard, Midoriya blindly grabs and answers his phone. “Uh, H-Hello?” He blurts quickly.
“Tch.” A low voice emits, “You owe me, Deku.”
Click. The phone call ends.
Confused, Midoriya hurriedly rubs his eyes open. Running his messy curls through his fingers, he lifts his bangs up, in order to correctly look at the time.
The time was 5:10. And, his 5:00 alarm had been off the entire time.
And, instead, that same unknown number from last night was his saving grace.
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claudeng80 · 2 years
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#can you imagine how torou would disbelieve if someone told her how her daughter has half of wistal castle wrapped around her little finger
My Top Posts in 2021
Whiskey and Books
The Strange Case of Starship Iris, during the insignificant 12 hours
tscosi-week, Day 1, “Violet”
By the time the sixth round of “Whiskey in the Jar” fades into drunken cacophony, Violet’s throat is made of sand and broken glass. She’s going to sound like a crow tomorrow if she can speak at all, but it’s not the singing that’s done it. The coughing is still held somewhat at bay by the medicine she’s been swigging - she glances at her watch, and there’s time for one more dose in half an hour if she’s going to take another just before they land - and Sana’s moonshine soothes the words of the song.
It’s that she hasn’t laughed so hard in years.
Maybe ever.
Read the rest on AO3 (link added)
26 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 15:00:53 GMT
The Surgeon’s Bed (Temeraire AU/Dragon AU)
Following The Surgeon’s Lover
Twilight falls before they make it to the Dover covert, the need to ease the strain on Itinerum’s wing membrane forcing them to moderate their pace. Sagitta leads on into the failing light by compass, and as Captain Mitsuhide sees her midshipmen swarming the topside to settle with windproof lanterns, he sends back the order for Fraternitas’ middies to do the same. The smaller dragons fly without lanterns, their golds and grays fading into orange and red as the sun drops toward the horizon.
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27 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 11:41:30 GMT
Star Bright
There are buildings in Wistal Castle Shirayuki has never seen, hallways she’s never been down. But Zen pulls her on, grinning from ear to ear. His longer strides drag her into a near-run, but her hand is sure in his. “What’s the hurry?”
“I don’t want to miss it,” is all he’ll say, fetching up at the bottom of a spiral staircase and dropping her hand to bound up it like a royal gazelle. She follows at a more measured pace, astounded there are yet more steps to climb. He’s already led her up enough staircases that they should have popped out the roof already.
It must be a tower, she decides several minutes later, pausing to catch her breath. Lilias was a city of terraces and slopes, but she’s been back in Wistal for so long she’s lost the knack. “We’re almost there,” Zen’s voice echoes down from above, and she pushes on.
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32 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 21:57:23 GMT
Number Nine is a Problem
For once, it’s all Ryuu’s fault.
Obi assumes the boy is the victim, at first, when Ryuu wakes him from his afternoon library doze. “Have you seen a small corked vial, about this size?” He talks nearly too fast to understand, stretching out his fingers a couple of inches apart, and Obi has no immediate help to offer. He’s been lulled by the ambient murmur of science and the gentle cadence of Shirayuki’s teaching voice, entirely insensible to any potential medicine theft.
There are no rivalries and backstabbing in Lilias, Suzu had assured him more than once. Obi had hoped he was right, but people are people. It’s disappointing, this time, to be proven right.  “What was it?” Not that the technical name would make it any easier for Obi to identify the missing goods, but understanding the motivation behind a crime can be helpful in tracking down the criminal responsible.
Ryuu’s lips pinch together, and his gaze drops to the floor. “It’s a- remedy. One I really shouldn’t have lost.”
“Poisonous?” He’s pretty sure he already knows the answer, when for nearly every medicine the only difference is in the dose. Ryuu’s told him that a hundred times.
“Worse,” Ryuu says, and his voice goes flat even for him. “It’s a psychoactive medication acting on areas of attachment and affection.”
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33 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 11:30:35 GMT
The Mountain Lion’s Daughter
yumi-cha​ it’s been so long you probably forgot you even sent this -
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But I got there eventually!
This war will never end. Zen will grow old here, dumping the same rocks out of his boots, getting dripped on by the same trees, and watching the same muddy trails, day in and day out, forever. The king of Tanbarun will keep sending his smugglers and raiders up into the mountains until Izana convinces him to stop.
And as much as he loves his brother, as much faith as he has in him, it all seems awfully far away right now.
Not that it stops him from daydreaming. If Tanbarun surrendered tomorrow, he’d go somewhere warm and not budge again until Izana sent letters begging him to come back to Wistal. He’s heard that Yuris has sandy beaches, not a muddy rock or an evergreen tree on the whole island. None of this misty white sky where you’re squinting at everything but can’t even tell what time of day it is.
“Dreaming about the sun again?” Mitsuhide moves too quietly for someone his size, and it’s not fair to Zen or his horse. She sidles, confused by Zen’s startlement, and if they were any closer to the ledge they could have both died right then and there. Mitsuhide just smiles like Zen’s heart isn’t pounding at a gallop.
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35 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 11:14:54 GMT
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recentanimenews · 3 years
SPOILER-FILLED REVIEW: Talking About That Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Ending
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  A note on safety: The following movie review undertook the strictest of safety procedures to watch the anime film in cinemas in Japan, including washing hands with disinfectant before and after, sitting in seats apart from others, going to a cinema outside of the busy metro area, and wearing a mask during the entire runtime of the movie. We strongly urge everyone to follow the recommended safety protocol in your country and always wear a mask when in public — not just for your sake, but everyone else’s as well.
  For those who are outside of Japan and want to know how the latest (and final) Evangelion film stacks up, we have already published our completely spoiler-free review. For those that want to know more, please read on.
    After the airing of the NHK documentary which followed Hideaki Anno and the four-year production of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, the unofficial “spoiler ban” was lifted by Studio Khara on March 22. This means, as much as Khara is concerned, we are free to discuss anything and everything Evangelion: 3.0+1.0, like how [omitted for spoilers] kills [spoilers] and LCL [spoilers]. 
  Seriously though, if you don’t want to read any spoilers for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0, then leave. Immediately. Close the tab, don’t scroll down.
  This is a warning.
  I’m not kidding.
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    I’m putting an image here as a buffer. It's sweet right?
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    If you scroll past the next image you will be spoiled for everything in the film. This is your last warning.
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  "Asuka" as a kid
  Welcome to Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time where I may have lied in my previous review, cause things go tumbling down — but in a good way. You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t recall the exact right terminology here on out: between the Doors of Guf, the hundreds of Evangelion models and ships we see, and that ending, it’s hard to keep it all in one head. That’s why this film has four directors. 
  If you’re already here, you’ve probably read the synopsis going around the internet right now. Yes, it explains what happens on screen, but experiencing it is a different story. Evangelion 3.0+1.0 takes a lot of cues from The End of Evangelion in its final act, but prior to that it is mostly a story of growth for Shinji, where he rejects being depressed (after a heart to heart with black-suit Rei, who then turns into LCL), learns that things aren’t 100% his fault. Shinji goes on to tackle his source of depression head-on; owning up to his past mistakes and taking down his father, who is now literally just a vessel of his own desires.
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  Unholy Gendo
  Something truly missing from Evangelion 3.0, and one of the reasons I loved Evangelion 2.22, was just the gang hanging out together and interacting with the — very scarred — world around them. That scar has vastly grown throughout the 14 years Shinji was missing from the actual 3rd impact (the one at the end of 2.22 was a “near-impact event”) which saw the world covered in the red haze we saw in 3.0. Luckily, WILLE has purification pods that keep the core-ification of the world at bay. We saw that being used in the 12-minute preview, but throughout the film, they’re used extensively to keep the Evangelion wandering the landscapes on the red earth away from the villages that are helping the WILLE cause. They need to get food from somewhere.
  This is where we spend a lot of time learning how the characters from Shinji’s class all survived, got paired off, and that Asuka is staying (and is probably in love) with Kensuke. She confesses to Shinji that she loved him when they were kids, but 28-year-old Asuka can’t keep loving someone who hasn’t changed in 14 years. Shinji does accept the confession, saying to her that he loved her too, and she turns into LCL — though that’s in the Anti-Universe and after Asuka meets the “original” Asuka (I’ll get into that). As I said, it’s The End of Evangelion 2.0.
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  Rei discovering herself in the village
  One of the nicest parts of the film is black-suit Rei discovering human emotion and society in the village. Being a clone that likely spent all of her time locked in her room (and without the love of the now inhuman Gendo, which original Rei got), it was unlikely that she learned anything that makes humans human. The concept of “hello” and babies from Toji and Hikari confuses her as she finds a place herself in this village. Admittedly, it was sad to see her go and turn into LCL (from a lack of LCL exposure), but serving as the catalyst for Shinji to get over himself and face his demons was worth it … I guess?
  After this, Shinji grows up. Even Mari on a re-introductory sniff claims as much. During his time in the village, he discovers how the settlement stays afloat and that the 14-year-old son of Misato and Kaji (the latter perished in the real 3rd impact) helps keep the village alive. A picture of Shinji and Kaji Jr. helps warm Misato’s chilled heart and gives her the confidence to let Shinji pilot Unit 01 again, much to the disdain of multiple members of the WILLE crew.
  All of this is nice. Unlike the despair and hopelessness felt in 3.0, the entire first three parts of the film are uplifting and bring moments of joy. Seeing black-suit Rei smile as she came to terms with herself was just utterly beautiful.
  Then Shinji decides to get in the robot. 
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    This is where I’m going to get into the Hideaki Anno talk, because this film, as well as the rest of the anime versions of the Evangelion franchise up to this point, is basically just a self-examination of the man’s mental state. In the spoiler-free review, I called Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 the antithesis of Evangelion: 3.0. And that’s true, but it is also an antithesis to The End of Evangelion: A rejection of the depression Anno felt while creating the 20-plus-year-old film. There’s no doubt in my mind that the journey of Shinji through these Rebuild films is the journey of Anno creating Evangelion, with 3.0 being the lowest point.
  But this isn’t just felt in the story of 3.0+1.0, it’s also felt in the way it was presented. The entire final act of the film is basically a happier version of the “tumbling down” scene from The End of Evangelion, just with some more interesting aspects to it along with some inventive filmmaking — including making Lillith’s face live-action. That was haunting.
    This includes the above scene, which got a lot of flak on social media for being very poorly animated when it appeared in a trailer. Even I was confused over the inclusion of such poor animation in what is one of the most hyped anime films of all time. Funnily enough, it was Anno trolling. The scene comes from the ending, where the two Eva’s fight through the history of Evangelion, with this scene either representing a testing stage for CGI or one of the many Evangelion video games. The poor animation makes sense in the film … mostly.
  Over multiple film-like sets, the two Evangelions duke it out — one with Shinji, the other Gendo — over their ideals. This takes them to Misato’s apartment, the school, and even where Pen-Pen (or his offspring, I don’t know how long Penguins live) resides in 3.0+1.0. Before cutting to each of the different scenes, an Eva smashes through the set wall and onto a production stage. 
  I also said in the spoiler-free review that Anno “takes everything he knows about animation and filmmaking to deliver the perfect end to Evangelion,” and it shows when you see the (animated) production stage filled with props, miniature cities, and controls that you’d probably see on a production stage for a live-action Evangelion. Again though, this part is animated.
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    Mari at the End
  The surrealness doesn’t end here. When Shinji “wins” and chooses to reset the world without Evangelion, the animation breaks. Shinji devolves into key animation, then layouts, then into a storyboard, which is then broken by Mari bringing color back into Shinji’s world on that beach. No “how disgusting” here, only happiness.
  The film ends with an adult Mari and an adult Shinji at Ube Station. As the music of Hikaru Utada’s “One Last Kiss” swelled up through the speakers, the animated backgrounds slowly transitioned into a live-action drone shot of the area surrounding the hometown of Hideaki Anno. 
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  A poster for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 showing Shinji on the tracks outside Ube Station, which I discussed when the poster was first released. 
  This is how I know Hideaki Anno is done with Evangelion. While yes, he has said he is done and feels no personal connection to the franchise anymore, the end of the film is a deeply personal one that clearly shows the anime creator cares about his creation and is now happy enough to see leave home and become its own thing — if anyone else chooses to pick it up.
  Shin Evangelion (the Japanese name for the film) is the true form of Evangelion that Anno set out to create over 25 years ago. While it wouldn’t have looked anything like it does now, the emotion poured into one of the longest animated films ever made makes that point as clear as the bright blue sea.
  Some other various interesting spoiler points:
  I’m not sure if character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto was lying about him not knowing Mari’s story and just making that one-shot chapter of the Evangelion manga on a whim or whether Anno took what Sadamoto wrote and expanded on it, cause Mari was right there in school with Gendo and Yui exactly as the chapter laid it out. Unless she’s also a clone...
There’s a really good shot of CG Asuka trying to force-feed Shinji, which was a direct evolution from this test footage back in 2018.
On the topic of Asuka, she had a small version of a purification pod in her eye that, when opened, unleashed an angel, and in turn let her meet her “original.” It’s not explained whether the original is Langley Soryu from the TV anime series or not.
Also, she’s a clone, like Rei and Kaworu as part of the “Shikinami” series. Interestingly, Mari Makinami also has “nami” in her name...
Ritsuko did nothing but shoot Gendo, mimicking the scene from The End of Evangelion. The shot was as useless as her character arc in the Rebuild films.
This film has to be set in at least the third continuity of Evangelion, as the TV series is directly referenced in the production stage and thrice does mean three...
Sakura is one of the most grounded characters in the film, with her asking the true question of “why the heck are you letting him in ANOTHER Evangelion?!” Let’s hope the live-action world she is now in is good to her.
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      Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is currently showing in theaters across Japan, there’s no word on an international release at this stage.
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        Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
By: Daryl Harding
41 notes · View notes
Nov 15 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “THE EVE OF REVOLUTION (dream SMP)”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
01:46  tagging everyone in the channel member discord / level 231 03:43  agenda book / revolution tomorrow / slept through stream time / sleeps twice a day for 4 hours 05:21  “I did not write 100 pages. Or did I. Maybe I have a traitor manifesto on the other 99 pages” / no steering wheel / coronablade jokes are very funny / went to the doctor and figured out his cough / “Stomach acid is useful for at least one thing” 08:47  can’t believe no one told him these things about post 1.8 / splash potions, regen, thorns / thorns aren’t intuitive and no one told him / youtube ads 12:50  “At least I didn’t insult the Ethans, the Ethans are everywhere” 16:02  “I was gonna talk about something on the way but I forgot. And now it’s gone forever” / “They found your base” “Well I have livestreamed it” 17:04 wants to buy a gong to be the ultimate sellout timer / “I would get kicked out of my parents house so quickly, but for the day it takes them to do that I would get so many subscribers” 20:31  thorns stacking 25:21  “There’s actually some pretty affordable gongs out there” 27:32  vc with BBH and Tommy / confusing Tommy and Tubbo / “Don’t you hate it when people just consider streamers an extension of their famous friends Tommy” / “I’m just the child from Technoblade’s videos 29:08  “Let's be allies. Can I have your helmet and boots?” / saying he’s rude for hijacking the call but forgetting to leave call / double sellout 33:55  “Me and Techno the leaders of Pogtopia” / “That is a fair assumption” / “I can’t believe Badboyhalo hates his fans” 34:57  BBH offering Tommy a bow / “Tommy you are so broke” / “Average sized man” / no one believes Tommy is 6’3” / Techno is taller in game 36:34  just wearing a face mask / “I do not support any of the views being espoused by this particular individual” / Tommy trying to imply covid but BBH asks if he’s talking about bigfoot 37:39  Techno hunting down BBH / Midair stabbing / “I’M SO GOOD AT MINECRAFT” / Tommy desperately trying to be included 40:41  “Oh Badboy halo~” / “It just doesn’t work when your name is 4 syllables” / detective work to find BBH 42:52  “So you want Tommy to be successful?” / “I wouldn’t go that far. I want my enemies to be unsuccessful” 43:58  battle ender chest plan / “I’m going to deafen. I don’t know why I’m explaining to you my pvp tactics” 46:15  “I would be absolutely furious if Tommy stole my 4th fastest horse. Tommy and I go way back” / being excited to see Tommy / Tommy could have sworn at BBH as an attack 47:34  “I guess I could spare a little bit of iron” / “I think that was a sarcastic joke that I didn’t understand” / Techno picked youtube over girls many years ago / Subpoena pet war 50:37  recruiting Techno to fight Sapnap / place where Tommy ran over Dream 55:22  vc with Tommy and Sapnap 56:51  “Sapnap I hate men so much. If I see a man in the street I grab a knife and plunge it into his neck” / “Wow surprise attack” / thought it’d be a real fight 59:09  needs Sapnap to come geared / “audience retention” / “I saw Sapnap fighting Punz earlier and they had potions and full netherite an it was fun” Tommy tries to suggest Techno sit the fight out / “You asked for me to be here” / “Tommy I’m stabbing someone with armour and it might just be you” 1:00:29  arranging a fight with BBH / “Not now sellout timer I haven’t earned it” / 161k / “New phone who this” (to Tommy) / 2v1 with BBH and Antfrost 1:04:38  hasn’t done a lot of fully geared 1.16 fights / trying not to make fun of Antfrost’s fire prot helmet 1:06:30  Sapnap and Tommy have worked out their differences and don’t need Techno 1:07:34  “I love my fans, I forgot to plug my cha nnel and they’re all reminding me” / “Only 1v2” “I could only find 2 guys” 1:09:25  “I’m so unbelievably lost” / “I have to have seen a location to add it to my human gps” / Techno hates the ugly pranks that take forever to fix 1:11:28  server losing connection / guy who Techno told not to drop out is going back to school 1:13:20  “That’s the thing about senior yearbook quotes, its right at the end of the year...the amount of time to beat you up is shockingly low” 1:16:24  offering Tommy assistance / the Dream Team has logged on / “I have to be quiet...My parents are threatening to turn off the wifi” / “You’re getting owned in every world” / Techno taking his sweet time 1:19:11  “We want to kill Sapnap” “agreed” / “Dream alliance pog” / “unless he meant to add a comma” / vc with Dream and George / Techno talking over Tommy 1:21:28  “I feel like Thunder is a werewolf” / Tommy questioning Dream and George / “I have my swag and no one has that” “Well they’d have that if they killed you and picked up your swag” 1:32:22  “You guys all work for me” / everyone killing Tommy / “anti Sapnap expedition” / “ask George ask George” “ask Dream” 1:23:54  stream crashes / and also his whole pc / asking for viewers to come back from Tommy 1:26:39  joining vc / Dream recap / cutting back on calling Tommy lame 1:28:01  photoshoot / “So much clout in this one picture” / Sapnap begging Tommy to kill his pets / “What if [the pets] belong to some god tier pvper” / S-L-A-V 1:30:12  “L-A-M-E” / “Shoutout to the slavs” / giving the fox a grapple 1:31:20  Dream taking off his leggings / fox eating the gapple / “Dream you are a highly unusual individual” / back to 125k 1:34:05  “People can’t yelling me for not roleplaying when Dream is mooning us in the background” / “You can disrespect my family, you can disrespect my religion, but you can’t disrespect minecraft” / “I hate this man” “NO” 1:35:40  Tommy challenging Sapnap a fight / Tommy trying to make Techno kill pets for him / Karl thirsting for the animatic 1:39:34  “If you make it out alive, give this to Sapnap’s cat for me” “If I make it out alive all his pets actually die” / Techno shooting the start arrow / “I’ll do the countdown...because I am an impartial mediator” / “You know how between those fight they have those sexy girl?” (Dream takes off his armor) / very engaging fight 1:42:31 post fight / “My chat’s spa.mming lame. It’s not my fault chat, Tommy doesn’t know how to crit” / “You might as well be naked” “Please don’t say that Dream” 1:44:28  “I wouldn’t say you’re that far from S-Tier” / “What tier am I in Technoblade?” “Who are you?” / “That was not an insult, I don’t know people’s voices” / “This entire server is just people that have killed Tommyinnit” 1:45:40  SMP Earth / “What country did you have” “I owned the world” / “A single country? (Dream) / trying to thorns kill Thunder / “Maybe if you die again the armor will come back” 1:47:12  Techno letting Karl trap him / Quackity tempting fate / snitch Dream / framing George 1:49:44  Dream complaining about trident flight / Techno bailing bc of boredom 1:57:19  Awesamdude leaving a potato trail / vc with Quackity and Sam / lying for content / complaining about getting free stuff 1:59:58  still lying to Quackity / “Quackity my entire chat is spa.mming lame, you’re going to need to pick up the pace” / heading to the jungle base 2:02:18  saturation stew is useful / “especially for content” / “If Carl dies I’d be okay with that, but not Andrew” 2:03:49  “Is Carl the orphan you said you were going to adopt” “Let’s go with that” / “If Carl dies I stop donating 2:04:31  Awesamdude snitching on Quackity / “I would be furious if I came back and Carl wasn’t in the exact block I left him” / lots of threats    2:06:41  “I’m not an orphan” “Not yet” 2:11:03  “It’s not an experiment, I’m just putting my hypothesis through multiple controlled trials where I adjust variables and record the results” / “I care about about the armor much more than the horse” 2:13:01  “Are you betraying anyone?” “No. I would never betray my personal ideals” / “What if the people you’re fighting alongside have different ideals?” “We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it” 2:17:28  Quackity’s failed forgery in chat
11 notes · View notes
kwanisms · 5 years
English is My Favorite Subject - 1
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⤑ genre: smut, college au, enemies to lovers ⤑ pairing: Chan x Reader (female) ⤑ warning: *ahem* smut, S I N, soft dom!Chan, rough sex, phone sex, sexting,  slight degradation, mention of alcohol, foul language ⤑ summary: After taking the English tutoring position at your university, hell comes to you in the form of Lee Chan. He needs help passing his exams and tutoring is his only option. As your time with him passes, you come to realize that maybe he’s not the cocky and arrogant asshole you previously assumed. ⤑ word count: 19.2k (lmao I’M SORRY. This got out of hand)
⤑ {01} | 02 | 03
a/n: I’ve been sitting on this WIP for literally M O N T H S. So I’m finally posting it because Chan is hot asf (despite being 6 years his senior). And most importantly he’s legal What was supposed to be one part has morphed into something else entirely and it’s now going to be three parts (kill me lmao) so here, enjoy! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. IF YOU CAN, READ THIS ON DESKTOP. The tumblr app has been screwing up and getting rid of my read more lines. ~K♡
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You would have never taken this position if you knew beforehand that he needed a tutor. You would have been content not taking the job but unfortunately, you needed the money and it looked great on your resume. The moment he walked into the room provided by the university, your worst nightmare began; being stuck in a room with Lee Chan for two hours, twice a day every week.
You cursed whatever deity deemed it necessary to send this demon your way.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Lee Chan; you hated him. Your disdained was mirrored when Chan entered the room and saw you sitting there and immediately swore under his breath. Or maybe it was because he hadn’t seen or spoken to you since the party where you threw a drink in his face and called him a tasteless asshat.
He leaned up against the wall, his backpack slung over one shoulder and narrowed his eyes at you. “Tell me this isn’t real,” he said, his voice deeper than you remembered. He’d grown over the few years since you’d last spoken. He wasn’t the baby faced freshman you remembered. You shook your head. 
“Unfortunately, it is. I’m your tutor, and seeing as you already paid for your lessons, we might as well get this over with. The sooner we finish, the sooner we don’t have to see each other,” you said as you straightened up your side of the table.
Chan sat across from you, dropping his bag on the floor with a desolate thud. “Alright, teach, what are we learning?” he asked dropping his previous demeanor for a pleasant one. The cheerful tone took you by surprise and you decided to shake it from your head. “Well, looking at your grades, we clearly-” you began before Chan interjected.
“Wait, you have my grades?!” he snapped and you stared at him. “Uh, yes? I’m your tutor. Your professor sent your grades over so I knew what exactly you needed help with?” you said in a harsh tone, making it painfully obvious. Chan clicked his tongue and looked away at the wall littered with flyers. “Fine,” he said, his jaw clenched before he turned back to you.
He was pissed. You could see it in his eyes and if you weren’t the same person you were now, you might have coward in fear, but luckily, you weren’t shy and intimidated easily. You stared back with as much ferocity as you could muster, staring him down as if you were an alpha wolf beating a lower one into submission with your gaze. Chan eventually gave in and looked down.
Pleased with your show of dominance you continued. “As per your grades, it seems as if you need the most help with grammar. Your professor noted that your comprehension of the language and vocabulary is excellent which is great. Less for us to work on. You just need to focus on the grammar section,” you said as you flipped through the file you had made.
“You sound awfully glad about that,” Chan said with a sneer and you sighed, rolling your eyes. “It means we have to spend less time together. If you needed help with everything, we would be meeting everyday from now until your exams. Instead, twice a week, two hours a day until the week before your exam is sufficient enough. The week of, however, we will have to up it to an hour everyday until the day before. This is the only reasonable schedule I see,” you said.
Chan huffed, crossing his arms. “So do I get to pick the days?” he asked and you nodded. “Yes. I know you have extracurricular activities, as do I, so we will have to work together to make the schedule work. I don’t like this any more than you do, but this is where we are and we better make the best of this until we can go back to our lives without seeing each other,” you said watching him as he clenched his jaw. After a few moments, he nodded silently.
“Alright, just because I have to pass this class. I need to, for baseball,” he said and you nodded. “Of course,” you said shifting in your seat and opening his folder to a page labeled “schedule” in all capital letters. “Let’s get this schedule figured out and then we can go. I won’t make you start today,” you said with a grimace. Chan nodded and leaned forward to look at the paper.
The two of you had agreed to meet on Wednesdays before dinner and Sundays around 9:30 in the morning. You jotted the schedule down as well as Chan’s number since you would need it in case something came up and you needed to contact him. After finalizing the schedule, Chan sat back in his chair. “Can I go now?” he asked and you nodded without looking up.
You heard the chair feet scrape against the tiled floor as he stood up and bent over to grab his bag. “So,” he said and you looked up. “See you Wednesday?” he asked and you nodded. “Yup, Wednesday,” you said and he turned without a word and opened the door, hesitating in the doorway. He turned to look at you and you waited for him to speak. Instead he shook his head and called out a, “later,” before leaving you in the small room alone.
You could tell this was going to be a rough six weeks.
The following Sunday, you woke up early, rolling out of bed to head for your bathroom and shower. After cleaning and drying off, you got ready for the day, dressing in some comfortable clothes as you would be spending two hours sitting at a table, helping the person you couldn’t stand the most learn the language he hated the most. After leaving the warmth and safety of your dorm, you braved the cool, dreary morning to head for the student center.
It had rained the night before, leaving behind little puddles on the streets and sidewalks. As you neared your destination, the promise of coffee and a muffin in your mind, you pulled open the door and stepped in. Your phone buzzed in your sweatpants pocket, alerting you to a new text. Pulling it out, you opened the texting app. It was from Chan.
[2019/09/29] L.Chan [09:20]: Hey, I’m gonna be like 10 minutes late.
Letting out a sigh, you typed in a quick response before getting in the nearly nonexistent line for your morning refreshments.
You [09:21]: K
With that taken care of, you turned your attention toward the barista behind the counter as he graced you with a warm smile, the dimples in his cheeks growing. “Hey (Y/N),” he greeted you cheerfully. You returned the smile and replied with a, “I don’t know how you’re so cheerful all the time, Namjoon. It’s so admirable.” He smiled wider, dropping his gaze before fixing his eyes on you again.
“What’s the point in being miserable and grumpy all the time? If I’m positive and upbeat, maybe I can pass that off to other students stopping by to get their coffee,” he said with a shrug. You didn’t need to peruse the menu on the chalkboard behind him. You always got the same thing.
“So, are you going to switch it up on me,” he asked pressing on the screen in front of him. “Or are you going to be as predictable as always and get your usual?” he asked and you placed your hand on your chest. “You wound me with your words. It’s not my fault you make the best caramel macchiato and serve the most delicious banana nut muffins. This is your doing,” you playfully accused him as he rang up your order with a chuckle. He gave you his employee discount, something he did occasionally.
“Your total is $5.32,” he said and you handed over the change. Namjoon cashed you out and started on your coffee. “I forgot to ask,” he said turning to you. “Did you want that iced or hot?” he asked and you smiled. “Make it iced today,” you said before pulling out your phone to check your texts. You had a couple from your best friend, Jeongguk, and another from Chan.
[2019/09/29] Kookie [09:24]: are you awake? Kookie [09:24]: I want to go get pancakes Kookie [09:24]: and you’re the only person who will go with me Kookie [09:25]: ): pls be awake. I really want pancakes. You laughed before typing in your reply. You [09:25]: Sorry Gguk. I have a tutor lesson this morning. Raincheck?
His reply was instant.
Kookie [09:25]: UUUGGGHHHHH U SUCK ):< Kookie [09:25]: I’ll just go alone and order your favorite pancakes and eat them all! Kookie [09:26]: that’ll show you! You [09:26]: well, you’ll be paying for them lol I would hope you eat them Kookie [09:27]: …i did not think this through. ): how long is the lesson? You [09:27]: two hours… kill me. Kookie [09:27]: …I hate you D:< I’ll just go with Tae and Jimin You [09:28]: D: but pancakes are our thing!! Kookie [09:28]: NOT ANYMORE ):< You [09:29]: y must u hurt me like this? 💔 Kookie [09:29]: because u won’t go get pancakes with me 😤 You [09:29]: I have a lesson! Kookie [09:29]: E X C U S E S You rolled your eyes and left him on read to open Chan’s message. L.Chan [09:24]: Are you already at the student center? You [09:29]: yes. I’m here.
Namjoon’s voice brought you out of your thoughts and you pocketed your cell phone before stepping forward to grab your order. “Have a good day, (Y/N),” he said with a pleasant smile, one you returned. “You too, Namjoon!” you said before heading for the tutor room. You unlocked it with the key you were given by administration and set up your space. You unpacked your bag that contained an english book, the accompanying workbook, Chan’s file, as well as a small array of pencils, pens,  highlighters, and whiteout. You opened your bag and pulled out the muffin before digging in.
Your phone buzzed on the table and you checked the notification. It was Chan.
[2019/09/29] L.Chan [09:30]: I don’t think I can make it.
You felt your blood boil and set your muffin down to type in your answer.
You [09:31]: and why not?
His reply came quickly.
L.Chan [09:31]: I’m not feeling well.
You narrowed your eyes before shooting a text to Jeongguk.
[2019/09/29] You [09:32]: hey, can I ask you something? Kookie [09:32]: that depends, are you going to cancel your lesson and come get pancakes with us? Kookie [09:32]: [image1279.jpg] You [09:32]: 1. Who tf took that picture?? You [09:33]: 2. 🙄 I’m serious, Gguk Kookie [09:33]: fiiiiine. what’s up? You [09:33]: was there a party last night? Kookie [09:34]: uhhh, not that I attended, why? You [09:34]: trying to catch someone in a lie Kookie [09:35]: ask Mingyu. I know you have his number and he’ll tell you anything. You [09:36]: ...shit u rite. Thanks. Kookie [09:36]: CANCEL YOUR LESSON AND COME GET PANCAKES. Tae misses you ): Kookie [09:36]: I MISS U (Y/N) - Tae You [09:37]: gimme a sex You [09:37]: SEC* gdi Kookie [09:37]: I’ll give you all the sex 😉 - Jimin You [09:38]: 
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Kookie [09:38]: D: - Jimin
You closed the thread with Jeongguk and opened Mingyu’s texts.
[2019/09/29] You [09:39]: Hey Gyu, are you awake?
Waiting for his response seemed to take forever but it was only a few minutes before he replied.
[2019/09/29] K.Mingyu [09:41]: yeah, what’s up? You [09:41]: was there a party last night? K.Mingyu [09:42]: yeah. It was at the Iota Nu Delta house. K.Mingyu [09:42]: The baseball team usually has their parties there after we win a game. You [09:42]: was the whole team there? K.Mingyu [09:43]: yeah! We all always go! We never miss an after game party! K.Mingyu [09:43]: why? You [09:43]: trying to catch someone in a lie. Thank you~ K.Mingyu [09:44]: …oh no. Am I in trouble? 😰 You [09:45]: not at all! ☺ you helped me. I’ll bring your fave to your next lesson~ K.Mingyu [09:46]: …ur the best tutor ever. ilysm 😍
You returned to Chan’s text.
[2019/09/29] You [09:47]: make sure to take some medicine for your hangover. I heard the party last night was a rager L.Chan [09:47]: i didn’t go to a party last night. You [09:48]: don’t lie to me. I expect to see you early on Wednesday or you can kiss your precious championship goodbye because i will not help you with your English course. L.Chan [09:48]: has anyone ever told you that you’re a vindictive bitch? You [09:49]: And make that three hours on Wednesday to make up for today. You [09:50]: have a good day~ 🤗
You closed his messages and got up, grabbing your things and packing them away before slinging your bag over your shoulder and sending a text to Jeongguk.
[2019/09/29] You [09:51]: wait for me. I’m coming for pancakes.
You got a notification for a new message and opened it.
[2019/09/29] [PANCAKE SQUAD] Kookie [09:52]: hello buttermilk bitches. Taehyungie [09:52]: ...don’t ever fucking call us that again. Minnie [09:53]: yeah that was weird. You [09:53]: G R O S S 🤢🤮 Minnie [09:53]: (Y/N)!! My baby~😍 Taehyungie [09:54]: she’s not ur baby Kookie [09:54]: N E WAY. Pancakes. Let’s get some. You [09:55]: I just gotta drop off my bag and I’ll be ready. Minnie [09:55]: cool, I’ll swing by on my way to pick the losers up. Taehyungie [09:56]: I live with you tho Kookie [09:56]: u better not pick (Y/N) up and forget us Jimin, istg Taehyungie [09:56]: I'm literally your roommate Minnie [09:56]: on my way (Y/N)~ Taehyungie [09:57]: JIMIN U ASS WAIT FOR ME You [09:57]: Okay!~
Your walk back to your dorm took no time at all and you were able to stash your bag and grab your wallet before heading back down to meet Jimin outside your building. Taehyung sat in the backseat with his arms crossed. He didn’t look happy. You made your way to Jimin’s car when he rolled the window down. “You’re up here with me, gorgeous!” he said and you opened the front passenger door to get in.
Jimin pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to Jeongguk’s building. “Why do you look like a mad owl, Tae?” you asked peering over your shoulder at him as he sulked. “He literally yelled at me when I tried to get in the front seat. ‘YOU CAN’T SIT THERE!’ ‘(Y/N) IS SITTING THERE!’ he was so mean. Like, I’m your roommate, does that mean nothing to you?” he asked looking at Jimin in the rear view mirror. Jimin laughed as he made the turn onto Jeongguk’s street.
“It does. But you aren’t a beautiful woman,” he said glancing up at the mirror. Taehyung huffed and sank lower in his seat. “You are a handsome man though,” you said looking back at Taehyung who smiled at you. “Thanks (Y/N),” he said as Jimin pulled to a stop and honked the horn. Jeongguk appeared moments later, running down the steps to the curb where the car waited.
He got in behind you and leaned forward to hug you against the seat. “I missed you,” he said, his face smashed against the back of your headrest muffling his voice. You laughed as you patted his arm. “You saw me two days ago,” you reminded him. “I know, but I’m used to seeing you everyday!” he said peering around the headrest at you.
The car ride was boisterous with the three of them yelling at each other and Jimin turning the music up on the stereo loud enough to drown out Taehyung and Jeongguk as they bickered. Jimin pulled into a space at the local breakfast cafe and the four of you hopped out. Jeongguk immediately rested his arm around your shoulder as he led the way into the cafe, Jimin and Taehyung brought up the rear.
This cafe had been your go to spot on Sunday mornings. It was a little off the beaten path so it was never hit with the post church crowd, especially when you went while services were going on. The hostess smiled at you as you entered. “Just four?” she asked and Jeongguk nodded while she grabbed four settings. “Booth, if possible!” Jimin added and she nodded, acknowledging his request.
She led the four of you through the cafe to the back corner to the only corner booth in the whole restaurant. You slid in, Jeongguk on the outside and Jimin next to you, Taehyung on the other side. The hostess set the menus down in front of you and told you that your server would be with you soon.
You looked over the menu, browsing the different pancake options. You usually got the same thing so you weren’t sure why you bothered looking at the menu. “What are you getting?” Jeongguk asked as you set your menu down. “The same thing I always get,” you said as the server arrived and asked for your drink orders. She left and returned moments later with an array of coffee, water, and juice.
You added sugar and cream to your coffee as she wrote down everyone’s orders and left to put them in. “So, who were you supposed to tutor this morning?” Jeongguk asked taking a sip of his banana milk. “Lee Chan,” you said taking a sip of your coffee. Jimin snorted into his own coffee. “On the baseball team?” he asked and you nodded. “He needs a tutor?” he asked stifling his laughter.
“As I recall, Jimin,” Jeongguk said glancing up at his friend. “You needed a tutor last year for math and had it not been for our very own (Y/N), you would have failed your exams. She didn’t even charge you for your lessons,” he added. Jimin’s ears turned red as he blushed and avoided his friends’ gazes. “Yeah, she charged me for my lessons!” Taehyung said leaning forward and glaring at you.
“She did charge me!” Jimin insisted and you agreed with a nod. “I did charge him for his lessons though. Not all of them, but I did that for you too,” you said looking at Taehyung. “I charged you for like 80 percent of them. Same with you,” you said as you looked over at Jeongguk. “So you charged us for only 80 percent of our lessons?” he asked and you nodded. “And it’s not even full price. Mingyu and Chan pay full price. I didn’t give a discount to anyone else,” you said taking another sip of coffee.
“That’s not true,” Taehyung said smirking at you and your heart sank. If he was about to call you out and reveal what you thought he was, you would never hear the end of it. “Who else did she give a discount to?” Jeongguk asked looking up at his friend. Taehyung’s smirk widened before he opened his mouth and said the two words that were certain to seal your fate and condemn you. “Kwon Soonyoung.”
“Really? Why Soonyoung?” Jeongguk asked looking at you. Taehyung chuckled before condemning you even further. “She has a crush on him.” Jimin whipped around to look at Taehyung before rounding on you. “Really?? Kwon Soonyoung?!” Jimin asked and you shushed him, peering anxiously around the cafe. “Yes. I had a crush on him. That was last semester!” you said quickly.
Taehyung snorted and shook his head. “Liar. I saw you fawning over him last week,” he said and you shot daggers at him with your eyes. If looks could kill. “Awww, our widdle (Y/N) is growing up so fast~!” Jeongguk said in a cooing voice as he pinched your cheek. You slapped his hand away and shot him a disgruntled look. He laughed and picked up his glass. “I’m just teasing, (Y/N),” he added.
Jimin took your hand and pressed it against his chest. “Feel that?” he asked and you looked from your hand against his shirt up to his face. The pained expression on his face present as he said dramatically, “that’s my heart breaking.” You scoffed and pulled your hand away. “Stop teasing me, guys,” you said and saw the server returning with your food. You had never been so happy to see a server in your life.
Once the food arrived, the boys couldn’t tease you anymore. You dug into your pancakes happily and ignored any questions hurled your way about Soonyoung and your obvious crush. “I just want to eat in peace,” you said looking at Jimin and Taehyung, the latter cackling softly as he cut up his pancakes into bite size pieces. The four of you continued to eat, speaking and joking occasionally.
When the bill came, the boys played Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who would pay for breakfast. Jeongguk lost and had to pay for everyone. After paying the bill, the four of you made your way out of the building and towards the car where something, rather someone, caught your eye.
Lee Chan was getting out of a black sedan a few spaces behind Jimin’s car and with him was a strikingly beautiful woman. She had long straight black hair, very round eyes, a slim figure, and long legs. She wore a cute light pink dress with long sleeves, her legs painted in the espresso color of her tights and ankle high boots on her feet, giving her a much taller appearance. Chan’s eyes locked with yours and you felt your blood boil. First he cancels his appointment because he’s hungover and now this?
A smirk made an appearance on his face as he passed, cocking an eyebrow as if to say, ‘what?’ You narrowed your eyes and turned sharply from him to press yourself against Jeongguk, who had his arm around your shoulders. “Let’s get out of here,” you said to your friends, opening the back passenger door and getting in with Jeongguk. Jimin got into the driver’s seat and looked back to pout at you.
“You don’t want to sit up here with me?” he asked as Taehyung got in and you smiled. “I already rode up front. It’s someone else’s turn,” you said and Jimin glared at Taehyung who in turn gave him his big boxy smile before the ignition started and Jimin drove out of the parking lot. He headed back toward your dorm. “You sure you don’t wanna watch us practice?” Taehyung asked and you shook your head.
“I should study. Pretty sure my calculus professor is planning a pop quiz next class, so I want to be prepared,” you said and Jimin sighed loudly. “I just want you to come to one practice!” he said and you laughed, shaking your head. “Sorry, Minnie. I’ll be at the game though. I wouldn’t miss that for anything,” you added and when the car pulled to a stop you unbuckled your seatbelt.
“I’ll see you guys later.” You got out and waved as your friends pulled away before heading back up to your room to wrap yourself in a blanket and study. Seeing Chan had made you pretty mad. He was so damn smug and it irked you to no end. Who gave him the right? You were definitely not looking forward to his lesson next Wednesday.
The following Monday, you had stopped by to get your usual coffee and muffin. “(Y/N)!” What a surprise! What brings you here?” Namjoon asked jokingly and you rolled your eyes. “I came to see my favorite barista, of course!” you said as you approached the counter and Namjoon put your order in. You paid him and stepped aside to let the next person order, bumping into someone behind you.
You spun around, apologizing profusely when the breath was stripped from your lungs. You had run into Kwon Soonyoung, the same crush your friends had teased you about on Sunday. He smiled down at you, stunning you. God he was so handsome. 
“Hey, (Y/N)!” he said and you saw Chan’s face appear from behind Soonyoung. Of course they were together, you thought. They’re best friends. Chan rolled his eyes and looked away uninterestedly. “Sorry, Soonyoung,” you said breathlessly and he waved his hand, dismissing your apology. “Don’t be. I’m fine,” he said with a wink.
A small nervous giggle escaped your lips but Soonyoung didn’t seem to notice. Chan, however, definitely noticed. His eyes turned upon you, his eyebrow raised and the corner of his lips twitched as your cheeks flushed light pink. He finally join in the conversation. “You know (Y/N)?” he asked his friend, feigning interest. Soonyoung nodded smiling at you.
“(Y/N) was my tutor last semester. She helped my pass my English exams. She’s amazing,” he said, his praise causing you to choke on your own saliva. “I’m n-not. I just wanted to help,” you stammered. Again, either he didn’t notice or didn’t care, Soonyoung just smiled at you. Chan knew. He could see it in your face and your body language. You were really dreading his next lesson.
Wednesday came and passed and soon it was 5:45 pm. You sat in the tutor room and the door opened. Chan entered and you were glad he was at least on time. He sat down across from you and dropped his bag on the desk, not looking up from his phone. “Let’s get this over with,” he said popping a piece of gum. “Put your phone down, then,” you said and his eyes snapped up to yours.
They had a darkness to them but he did as you said and set his phone face down on the table surface. “So, what are we learning?” he asked and you nodded pulling out the work book. You pushed it toward him. “Let’s get started,” you said and Chan sighed before opening the workbook while you went over the key grammar points of the language. You tested his vocabulary and were pleased when he did well.
An hour passed by quickly in this form and you stopped for a bathroom break. “So,” Chan said as you walked down the hall of the student center toward the restrooms. “Does Soonyoung know you have a huge crush on him?” he asked and you nearly stumbled. “W-what?” you asked incredulously. “I do not,” you insisted and Chan laughed loudly. “I may be failing English, but I’m not stupid. I saw you. You like him,” he said with a smirk and you shook your head. “No,” you said adamantly.
“You definitely do. I can tell that much,” he said and you ignored him, heading for the safety of the women’s bathroom. He laughed as you hurried away and into the confines of the tiled room, the door swung shut behind you. You were mad at yourself for slipping up in front of Soonyoung, but you were more mad at Chan for teasing you about it. How dare he?
You did your business and washed your hands. Outside the bathroom, Chan was waiting for you, leaning against the wall while he typed on his phone. You froze as you watched him. He had a smirk on his face, looking at the screen. What was he doing? Was he telling Soonyoung right now? You would never be able to face Soonyoung again if Chan told him.
You stormed up to him and stopped a few feet from him. Chan looked up and his expression shifted, his smirk dropping immediately. “What?” he asked and you glared at him. “Don’t tell him anything or I swear I will make your lessons hell,” you said and the smirk returned. “Oh? What makes you think I haven’t already told him?” he asked crossing his arms, tucking his phone close to him.
Your heart leapt into your throat at the idea that he may have. “D-did you?” you asked and Chan laughed standing up straight and opening his messages before showing you his texts with Soonyoung. “No, I haven’t. But maybe I will,” he said and your fingers curled, balling your hands into fists. “Do it and I will up your lessons to three times a week, four hours each,” you threatened and Chan’s smirk fell again.
“You wouldn’t,” he said softly and this time a smirk crossed your features as you leaned in, looking at him. “Try me,” you dared and he gulped. “Fine. I won’t say anything,” he said and put his phone in his pocket. You stood straight before nodding once and making your way back to the room, Chan in tow.
The rest of the lesson passed easily, Chan falling into line and doing as you asked. At the end, when you were packing up he turned toward you as he reached the door. “(Y/N)?” he asked and you looked up. “Yes?” you asked and he hesitated. “Nothing,” he said and shook his head. “See you Sunday,” he called as he left you sitting in the room, confused as hell. What the hell was that?
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“That’s so stupid! It makes no sense!” Chan shouted throwing his pencil down and you groaned, dropping your head into your hands. Two weeks has passed since these forsaken lessons began and at every instance, Chan was getting on your last nerve. He was either stubborn or just plain stupid if he had this much trouble grasping the concept.
“It’s how it’s supposed to be said!” you said, as equally frustrated. “Why?” he asked and you groaned. Not this again. “I don’t know! That’s just the rules!” you said angrily. “What rules?! English has no rules! It beats other languages up in dark alleys, then rifles through their pockets for loose grammar and spare vocabulary!” Chan shouted and you paused, staring at him.
“What?!” he yelled and before you could think, you burst into laughter. Chan stared at you bewildered. “What the hell is so funny?” he asked and you pointed at him. “What you just said!” you said in between laughs. His angry facade dropped as he broke into a smile and started laughing along with you. “Well it’s true!” he said and you wiped a tear from your eye. “I mean, yeah it is,” you agreed before looking down at the worksheet and then at your watch. “Let’s stop here,” you said looking up at him.
“What?” he asked. “Why?” he leaned forward. “We’ve been at his nearly two hours and I didn’t get to eat lunch earlier since I was running late,” you said as you began packing up your things. Chan watched as you stacked your papers and put them away. “Well, let’s go get something to eat,” he said beginning to pack his things up. You froze, staring at him. “Let’s?” you asked and Chan looked up from his bag.
“Yeah, I’ll buy,” he said as he zipped up his bag and got to his feet. You stuffed your things in your bag and slung the strap over your shoulder, standing up slowly. “You don’t have to do that,” you said softly. “I was just going to go back to my room to eat,” you admitted and Chan scoffed. 
“And what? Eat some instant ramen?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. You glared at him. “I’m offering to buy you real food, so come on,” he said and waved you to follow him. After a few minutes of hesitation, he poked his head around the door frame. “I’m not going to wait all day, come on,” he said and disappeared again.
You hurried out of the room after him. You followed him out of the student center and headed out to the parking lot. He led you over to a black sedan and you looked at him as he pulled the keys out and unlocked the doors. “Get in,” he said nodding at the car. You followed suit, opening the passenger door and sliding into the black interior of the car. 
Clicking your seatbelt into place, Chan started the car and pulled out of the parking space. He drove out of the lot, heading for a side street instead of the main road. “Where are we going?” you asked looking around at the residential area he drove through.
“I found this quiet little diner in this neighborhood while I was on a run one day. I decided to come back and check it out later that week and fell in love with it. It’s definitely off the beaten path but it’s well worth it,” he said as he made a right turn and a small strip of business nestled in between houses came into view. Chan pulled around back into one of the handful of parking spaces and cut the engine.
You got out, leaving your bag in the car. Chan led you to the door and pulled it open, letting you go in before him. Once inside the building, you could see why he liked the place so much. It was small and cozy. Like a little cafe. There were only five tables in the whole restaurant. 
Chan led you to one in the corner and the two of you took your seats. Moments later, a young waitress appeared, roughly about your age. She smiled at the two of you as she pulled a pad of paper and pen out of her apron.
“What can I get you two to drink?” she asked and you looked over the small menu in front of you. “Water,” Chan said smiling at her. You looked over the beverages before ordering the same. She walked away to get your drinks while you looked over the menu again. 
“I always get the same thing here,” he said and let you look over the menu. When the server returned with a glass pitcher full of ice water which she then set on the table before holding her pad ready to write down your orders. “What can I get for you?” she asked.
“I just want the Mac and cheese with chicken,” Chan said without touching the menu. The server nodded, scribbling that down before turning to you. “Uh, just the chicken Florentine,” you said setting the menu back on the table. She jotted that down and turned to put your orders in, leaving you in silence. Chan looked out the window across the room from your table.
You took the time to look around the room, taking in the decor. The walls were a medium to dark brown wood, matching the wood on the floor. The small round tables seated four people at most and were covered in white table cloths. Each table had a small arrangement in the center, a little collection of tealights and a slender vase with a couple white flowers sticking out of the top. Crystal goblets with silver rims sat upside down on the tables not in use.
The chairs were adorned with white gauze that tied into simple knots in the back before draping down toward the floor. Huge windows faced the street, letting in as much natural light as allowed, the rest of the light came from the strings of warm white lights that crisscrossed overhead across the restaurant. Sconces on the walls added more warm light to the room. Two large ceiling fans spun at a medium speed above the string lights keeping the room nice and cool.
Chan cleared his throat softly and snapped you out of your trance as you lowered your eyes from the ceiling down to him. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” he asked and you nodded, uncertain of what to say at this point. You hadn’t expected this to be such an intimate setting and you certainly hadn’t expected Chan to bring you to it of all people. He surprised you and you weren’t sure if you like it.
“Yeah,” you replied softly looking away from him. You felt the tension between you rise but it was broken when the server returned with your food. The two of you thanked her for the food but you were more grateful that you had something to keep you occupied. The food was definitely delicious and you were extremely surprised by the place. You would have to remember how to get here in the future.
When you had eaten as much as you could, you set your utensils down as Chan finished his bowl of mac and cheese. He looked at your plate and then up at you. “Do you want to take that with you?” he asked nodding at your leftovers as he pulled his wallet out. “Oh,” you said and looked down at the plate, nodding. “Yeah,” you said quietly as the server came to drop off the bill. “Could we get a to-go box?” he asked, handing her his card and she nodded.
You bit your bottom lip and looked out the window at the darkening street. You turned your head back and saw Chan watching you. Warmth grew in your cheeks and you looked away again. The server returned with Chan’s card and a box which she handed to you. Thanking her, you took the box and started to dump your leftovers in the box, shutting it and setting your plate down.
Chan signed the slip and put his card back in his wallet before pulling out a couple bills and setting them on the table. He turned to you. “Are you ready?” he asked and caught you off guard. It seemed like he was treating this like a date and you didn’t know how to proceed, so you just nodded and stood quickly, grabbing the box with your food in it. Chan led you out of the restaurant and out to the car parked in the back. You got in, setting your food in your lap and buckled your seatbelt quickly.
Without a word, Chan started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, taking a familiar route back to the campus. Silence surrounded you, bathing you in it as a tension rose between you again. The air was thick with it as neither one of you said a word. Chan pulled onto a street on campus. “Where is your dorm?” he asked and you looked over at him. “Oh, I live in Ha Rin Hall,” you said looking over at him. “You live in Unicorn Hall?” he asked with a smirk.
“Hey, it has suites! I don’t have to share my room,” you snapped and Chan held up a hand. “I’m not judging!” he said and you rolled your eyes. “Whatever,” you said looking out your window. The drive took only a few minutes and before you knew it, he had pulled up outside your dorm hall entrance. “Here,” he said and you looked up before turning to him as you unbuckled your seatbelt. “Thanks, for dinner,” you said as you grabbed your things. He nodded. “Sure thing,” he said.
You got out of the car and shut the door. Chan rolled the window down. “See you Sunday!” he called and you turned back as you headed up the sidewalk. The look in his eyes caught you off guard and you stumbled over your words. 
“Y-yeah. S-Sunday!” you agreed before turning back toward your building and racing up to the door and punching in the code. You rushed inside and to the elevator, pressing the button several times. When the doors opened, you launched yourself inside and pressed the button for your floor.
Your heart hammered against your ribs and you weren’t sure if it was from running inside or the look Chan had given you when he called out to you from inside his car. You opted for the former, refusing to acknowledge the look. It didn’t happen, so forget it.
Once on your floor, you passed your common room and unlocked your door to your room, shutting and locking it behind you before depositing your things in your chair. You put your leftovers in the mini fridge and shook your head. It was nothing. Stop thinking about it!
You got ready for bed, determined to just pretend like the whole night was normal. You changed into your pj's, brushed your teeth and made sure your alarm was set. You climbed into your bed and pulled the covers up, sleep soon taking you over.
The next morning, you woke before your alarm did and decided to get up anyway, despite having 20 minutes left. You showered and dried off, getting ready for your first class of the day. After leaving your dorm, you stopped by the student center to grab a coffee and a muffin before your first lecture.
You had just reached the end of the line when you heard your name. Looking up, you saw Chan and Soonyoung standing near the pickup counter, Soonyoung waving at you. Chan eyed him suspiciously but ultimately looked away from his friend to nod at you. The two walked over after getting their coffee.
“Hey,” you said smiling at Soonyoung. “Chan told me how his lessons are going,” he said looking at his friend who immediately looked at him wide eyed. “Oh?” you asked nervously. Soonyoung nodded. “He told me I was right and that you are a good teacher,” Soonyoung said. You glanced at Chan to see his cheeks a soft pink. “Did he now?” you asked, slightly smug.
Soonyoung nodded. “Yeah,” he said patting his friend on the back. “Aren’t you also tutoring Jeon Jeongguk? He’s spoken quite highly of you,” Soonyoung said and you nodded. “Yeah. He’s my best friend, but I tutor him on Tuesdays and Fridays,” you said.
A feeling of uneasiness washed over you. The look Chan was giving you burned through your body. His expression was blank but it was unmistakable. He was livid. You didn’t know what his problem was. “Hey, aren’t you taking her lessons, too?” Soonyoung asked looking at his friend. Chan forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah, Sundays and Wednesdays,” he said.
“You’re a pretty popular tutor!” Soonyoung said winking. “Chan on Sundays and Wednesdays, Jeongguk on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Mingyu on Thursdays and Saturdays! You’re a pretty busy girl!” Soonyoung said with a laugh. You chuckled, still feeling unnerved by the look Chan was giving you.
“Well, we won’t keep you, see you around (Y/N)!” Soonyoung said before pulling Chan along, no doubt heading for an early morning practice for baseball. You sighed a breath of relief before approaching the counter to place your order. “Iced caramel macchiato and a banana nut muffin?” the blonde haired barista smiled. You chuckled and nodded. “Pretty predictable, huh?” you asked as you fished your wallet out. “It’s nice to have a semblance of continuity,” he said as he rang you up.
“I won’t charge you for the muffin,” he added. “Just don’t tell anyone,” he added in a whisper. “Your secret’s safe with me,” you replied in a whisper. “Thanks Namjoon,” you added. He smiled as you paid for your coffee and stepped aside to wait for it. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out. It was a text from Chan.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [06:41]: how many students do you tutor? You [06:42]: like 4 or 5. Why? L.Chan [06:42]: … L.Chan [06:43]: why didn’t you say you were tutoring more students? You [06:44]: does it matter? L.Chan [06:44]: no L.Chan [06:45]: nvm. Forget i said anything. See you Sunday.
You stared at your phone in confusion before Namjoon’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. He held out your coffee and a paper bag. “Thanks,” you said with a smile. “Have a good day, (Y/N). See you tomorrow!” You headed for your class and ate your muffin on the way.
Your first lecture passed quickly but your phone kept buzzing in your pocket so you turned the vibration off. Upon leaving you checked your phone. You had 10 missed texts. Two were from Mingyu explaining he couldn’t make his lesson for the day. You shot back a text that his workload would double on Saturday and he better not skip. He replied instantly.
[2019/10/10] K.Mingyu [08:03]: I’ll be there I promise! My mom has her follow up for her test today and I really wanted to be there for her. I’m sorry I had to cancel. You [08:03]: I’m only jesting, Gyu. Take care of your mom. I hope everything goes well. Let me know how she’s doing. I’ll see you next Thursday. Take Saturday off to be with her. K.Mingyu [08:05]: you are literally the best. Thank you so much, (Y/N)!
You turned your attention to the eight other missed texts. They were all from Chan.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [07:21]: who else are you tutoring? L.Chan [07:23]: me, Mingyu, Jeongguk, who else? L.Chan [07:25]: Not that it matters. I’m just curious L.Chan [07:31]: Have any of them taken you to dinner?? L.Chan [07:32]: wait nvm don’t answer that. L.Chan [07:40]: … actually, answer that. L.Chan [07:44]: why the hell aren’t you answering me?? L.Chan [07:56]: shit. You’re in class. Duh. i’m stupid. Ignore me.
You stared in disbelief at your phone until the ellipsis at the bottom of the screen appeared indicating he was typing. You panicked and closed your texting app and locked your screen before shoving your phone deep in your bag. You didn’t want to know what he said.
Instead you headed for the student center to take advantage of the quiet room to finish going over your homework to make sure it was finished. You had just sat down when you heard footsteps approaching and you looked up to see it was Chan. He stopped right in front of you before he grabbed your bag and started rifling through it. “Hey!” you whisper yelled trying to take your bag back. He pulled your phone out and shoved it at you. You stared at him for a few moments. He nodded at your phone, indicating you to look at it. You rolled your eyes and opened it, checking his message.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [08:07]: where are you? L.Chan [08:10]: I know you read my messages which means you’re out of class. I know you have a free period. I want to talk. L.Chan [08:12]: why are you ignoring me?
Chan snatched your phone out of your hand and look at the screen. You angrily snatched your phone back and grabbed your bag before pointing to the exit and led the way, Chan following closely behind you. Once exiting the quiet room, Chan grabbed your arm and led you away from the crowded court of the student center and away toward an empty classroom.
“What are you doing?” you hissed as he opened the door and shoved you in, shutting the door behind you. “I wanted to talk to you!” he said and leaned against the door, arms crossed in front of him. “Well, then talk!” you snapped and he narrowed his eyes.
“What is your problem?” he asked and you scoffed. “My problem? What is your problem? All those texts? Following me to the quiet room and looking through my bag? Taking my phone? Why are you acting like some jealous boyfriend?!” you snapped and Chan froze.
He regained his composure before slipping into a cool facade. “I am not. I just forgot that you were in a lecture, that’s all.” You crossed your arms. “Okay, then why are you asking me about my other tutor students like it’s somehow your business?” you asked and he shrugged. “I told you, I was curious,” he reiterated. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Right, sure,” you said.
“I’m not jealous. I just didn’t realize your schedule was so full,” he said and you nodded slowly. “So, can I go now? I need to finish going over my homework. It’s due my next class,” you said and Chan nodded but didn’t move. You waited patiently for him to stand up but he didn’t. You groaned and moved forward, determined to push him out of the way if you had to.
Upon reaching the door, Chan grabbed you by the arm and spun, pushing you against the door and pining you there. You let out a small yelp as he did. He stood there, his body pressing yours against the door, his hands pressed against the door on either side of your head. “What are you doing?” you whispered, your heart racing and finding it hard to breathe.
Chan stared at you, his head lowering until his lips were mere inches from yours. A loud crack of thunder sounded across the campus catching you, and thankfully, Chan off guard. He jumped and this allowed you enough of a window to open the door and race out of the room and as far away from him as possible. You took refuge in the ladies bathroom, ignoring the chime of the clock tower as eight thirty hit.
You were late for your class but you knew your professor would grant you a pass for turning in your assignment late. She loved having you in class. You hid in the bathrooms for nearly twenty minutes before braving the halls and heading back to your dorm, deciding to skip your classes and submit your homework from the safety of your room instead.
You made it back without instance and once you were locked in your room, you submitted the rest of your homework virtually and tucked yourself away in your bed. You were glad that Mingyu had decided to cancel his lessons for the day as you were a mess.
What the hell had gotten into Chan? What gave him the right to behave like that? What did he think you were to him? He took you to dinner one time and he thought you suddenly belonged to him? Bullshit. You wouldn’t stand for it. You would set him straight the next lesson.
You decided to order food instead of go out and interact with anyone. You sat in your room, eating your pizza when the first text came in.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [18:22]: Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. L.Chan [18:23]: You’re my tutor and I shouldn’t have done that. Let’s just forget this and put it behind us. I’ll see you on Sunday? You [18:25]: Sunday. Consider it forgotten.
You threw your phone on your sheets and laid back, groaning when you felt the vibration near your foot. You reached down to grab the device and read the message.
L.Chan [18:26]: K
You threw your phone back down on the blanket and pulled the edge over your head and screamed into your pillow. He was a confusing asshole and you needed to put all of this out of your mind if you were going to get through the rest of his lessons without anymore incident.
Safe to say, you were dreading Chan’s Sunday lessons as they drew closer. Jeongguk noticed you seemed a little more tense that usual on Friday. “What’s wrong?” he asked, placing his hand on yours as you fiddled with your pencil. You shook your head. “Just class,” you lied and he squeezed your hand softly. Looking up, you were met with his warm eyes. You sighed, knowing he saw right through your lies.
“It’s these lessons with Chan. He’s such an asshole!” you said in a whisper yell. Jeongguk laughed as he sat back. “What’s new? He’s always been a brat,” he said and you glared at him. “Not helping,” you said and he shrugged. “What do you want me to say?” he asked and you shook your head.
“I just don’t get him. First he’s an asshole and teasing me about my crush on his best friend, and then he’s all sweet and takes me out to eat, and then-” you spilled out but Jeongguk held his hands up to stop you. “Whoa, wait a second. He did what?!” he asked and you covered your mouth when you realized you had forgotten to tell Jeongguk about Wednesday. “He took you out to eat?” he asked incredulously and you nodded slowly.
“When the hell were you gonna tell me this?” he demanded angrily and you shrugged. “Sorry,” you whispered. Jeongguk shook his head and gestured for you to continue your rant. You launched back into it. “And then,” you said and gulped, knowing the next part would set your best friend off again.
“And then, what?” he asked and you hesitated, looking at Jeongguk. His arms were crossed, his expression unreadable but his eyes told you all you needed to know. He was waiting patiently for you to continue. You took a deep breath and spoke again. “Then he found out I’m tutoring people other than him and he got… upset? He asked why I didn’t tell him I was tutoring other people. I told him it didn’t matter but he was still mad, so when I tried to leave, he pinned me against the wall and almost kissed me,” you finished and Jeongguk leaned forward. “What the fuck?” he hissed.
“You should have told me this! I would have knocked his lights out!” he added and you looked down at the table to avoid his gaze. The two of you were silent until he finally broke it. “I’m calling an emergency and cancelling this lesson,” he said and you looked up at him. “We’re going out. You need a night out,” he said and you shook your head. “You can’t cancel lessons,” you chuckled and he stuffed his things in his bag and started packing your things up.
“Jeongguk! Only I can cancel lessons!” you said before he grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your feet. You let out a little squeal and erupted into giggles as he dragged you to your dorm room from your floor’s common room. “You’re going in there and you’re going to change. It’s Friday night, you seem stressed so as your best friend, I’m taking you out tonight, we’re going to get drunk and then you can sleep in tomorrow since Mingyu cancelled!” he said as he pushed you toward your door.
“You can’t make that decision!” you laughed and Jeongguk shook his head. “I’m not listening until you change into something that gets the blood flowing!” he said over you. Rolling your eyes, you unlocked the door and stepped inside, Jeongguk following behind you. He sat on your bed as you entered your bathroom and shut the door. He was right. You needed a break and what better way than to drink and let loose. You started to pull stuff out of your closet, trying them on before showing him.
“That top, yes, those bottoms? No,” he said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Don’t you have any clubbing dresses or something?” he asked and you shook your head. “I’m not wearing that again, I told you already!” you said and Jeongguk hopped up, pushing his way into your closet to search for the dress you were both talking about. He found it crumpled on the floor and picked it up, shaking it and holding it up.
"You’re wearing this,” he said and you shook your head. “No, the fuck I’m not!” you shouted and he raised an eyebrow. “Either you’re going to put this on yourself, or I will strip you and put it on you myself,” he threatened. You snatched the dress from him and shoved him out of your bathroom, shutting the door and locking it. You stripped down to your bra and panties and pulled the dress on.
“I need you to zip it up,” you called through the door. You unlocked it, letting Jeongguk in. He zipped the back of the dress up for you and whistled when you turned around. “Goddamn, if you weren’t like a sister to me, I’d totally take you home with me tonight,” he said with a wink. You pushed him out and gagged. “Disgusting. You’re disgusting!” Jeongguk laughed as you searched for a pair of shoes to go with the dress. Once dressed, your hair done, and makeup on, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
“I hate you so much,” you said as you fished your ID and debit card out of your bag and handed them to Jeongguk. He tucked them in his wallet for safekeeping before checking his watch. “Come on, Cinderella, or we’ll be late for the ball,” he said jokingly as you took one last glance in the mirror.
The dress was a stunning black velvet with an off the shoulder sweetheart neckline and sleeves the extended down just past your wrists. The tulip skirt stopped about mid-thigh, hugging your hips snugly. Under the dress you wore your favorite black lace bra and gray panties. The heels you chose were the same ones you had worn for a New Year’s party. Gold faded into black with red bottoms.
You grabbed your phone off the desk and followed Jeongguk out of your room. He led you to the elevator which you took down to the lobby and caught an Uber to the club Jeongguk frequented. “I can’t believe you haven’t gone out since that night,” Jeongguk said shaking his head. He was speaking, of course, about the same night you threw a drink in Chan’s face at a frat party.
“Oh, can it, Gguk,” you said as the car pulled to a stop at the curb. Jeongguk got out, helping you out after him. He took your hand and led you to the end of the line.  In no time, you reached the doors. While waiting, a particularly loud group of guys exited the club and you recognized them. It was Chan and his friends from the baseball team, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Jeonghan, and their captain, Seungcheol.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Soonyoung. A huge smile on his face as he and his friends left the club. He looked particularly stunning in the tight black jeans he was wearing with small rips on his upper thighs and again at his knees. The black bomber jacket he wore open showed off the plain white tee shirt underneath. Your breath stunted as he brought a hand up to brush his hair back, showing off his forehead. A simple gesture, but something that still made your knees weak. God he looks good.
As the group passed by, Soonyoung caught sight of you and called out. “Hey, (Y/N)!” he said and Chan’s attention snapped to you as the group stopped. He was wearing a bright red hoodie under a black jacket with black jeans. He looked surprised to see you. You said hello to the guys why Jeongguk handed the bouncer both your IDs. “Holy shit,” Soonyoung said as he looked you over. Your heart beat faster while your stomach did somersaults at his reaction.
“Damn, why the hell are we leaving?” he asked, turning to look at Seungcheol who laughed and waved at you. “Because we’re not even supposed to drink the night before a game,” he said with a smile. Chan’s eyes were glued to you as he looked you up and down. Jeongguk placed a hand on your lower back to get your attention.
“Let’s go,” he said softly and both Soonyoung and Chan looked at him, startled as if they hadn’t noticed him standing next to you the whole time.. “Oh! Jeon!” Soonyoung said smiling brightly at him. “You’re a lucky guy!” Jeonghan said nodding toward you with a wink. Jeongguk laughed and shook his head. “No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends. We have been for some time,” he said and you nodded, avoiding Chan’s gaze.
“It’s a damn shame we have to leave,” Jihoon said also giving you the once over and a smirk. Your cheeks burned pink with embarrassment. “I’m going to strangle you in your sleep,” you said to Jeongguk. “I made her wear this,” he said nodding at your ensemble. “Good choice,” Jeonghan said, nodding in approval. Your cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink and when your eyes met Chan’s you felt something stir deep in your stomach. The way he was looking at you was so… primal.
You looked away quickly as the group began to depart. “Have a good night!” Soonyoung called as he grabbed Chan and pulled the younger man away. When you peered over your shoulder, you saw Chan look back at you before Jeongguk led you into the club. Inside was loud, hot, and packed. Strobe lights blinded you as Jeongguk made his way through the crowd, pulling you along as he headed for the bar.
He ordered both of you two shots each and a drink for you. He was determined to get you drunk. Once you were three shots in, he pulled you onto the dance floor. “You’re going to have fun whether you like it or not!” he said in your ear over the bass as he pulled you into him and started moving to the beat. If he had been any other guy, you would have pushed him away, possibly even slapped him.
You had known Jeongguk for so long that you felt the most comfortable dancing with him because you knew he would never take it too far. The heat of the bodies around you mixed with the alcohol made your head swim and you leaned into Jeongguk, asking him to get you some water. He nodded and left the dance floor to get you some. A very bad move.
A few moments later, you felt two hands on your hips. Assuming it was Jeongguk you leaned into the frame behind you. “Did you get my water?” you asked over the music. You felt his lips near your ear but the voice that spoke wasn’t Jeongguk’s. “Are you thirsty?” 
You spun around and were met face to face with Chan. His hands held your hips in place. “What are you doing?” you asked and he smiled, pulling you into him. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked and you gulped. If you said no, things would progress and you knew they would go too far. If you said yes however he would leave and you didn’t want that.
Luckily, you didn’t have to answer. Jeongguk returned with your water and pulled you out of Chan’s grip. “Don’t you have a baseball game tomorrow you should be getting rest for?” he asked over the music. Chan shrugged. “It’s still pretty early and the game isn’t until tomorrow evening.” Jeongguk handed you the water, keeping a protective hold around your waist as you took a huge gulp of water.
“Regardless, I brought her here and I’m responsible for her,” he said. Chan laughed, rolling his eyes. “Do you honestly think I would do anything to hurt her? I’m not that kind of guy and you know it, Jeon!” Chan said over the bass. Jeongguk still didn’t release you. “Unless she tells me to buzz off, I’m not letting her out of my sight,” he said as you finished your water. “Jeongguk,” you said with your head a little clearer.
He looked down at you. “I think one dance is okay,” you said to him. Jeongguk looked from you to Chan. “Just one,” you added, pointing at Chan. He nodded in agreement and Jeongguk reluctantly let go of you. He slipped between the crowd, no doubt going to keep watch somewhere. Chan took your hand and pulled you into him. “Once dance, Chan, I mean it,” you said and he smirked at you.
“After once dance, you’ll want another, and then another,” he said and you rolled your eyes, lightly slapping him on the shoulder. “No I won’t,” you said as he held your hips and turned you so you were facing away from him. His lips brushed against your cheek before he whispered, “one dance and you’ll want to come home with me.” Your heart leapt in your chest as you tried to control your breathing. Get it together, (Y/N), you told yourself. This is Chan, not Soonyoung.
Without warning, Chan pulled your hips back against his and you nearly moaned at the feeling of his obvious erection pressing against your backside. His lips trailed up your neck before stopping by your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “Do you see what you do to me? Do you feel what you do to my body?” he breathed rolling his hips against you. A small moan left your lips and Chan wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Come back with me. You know you want to,” he hissed and you shook your head. “I can’t,” you whimpered. He chuckled lowly in your ear, one of his hands sliding down and around to grab your hip, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh. “Come on,” he said, pulling your hips back against his crotch again, causing another hot moan leaving your throat. “God you sound so good,” he whispered.
His hand on your hip slid to your stomach to hold you against him again. “Come back with me. Let me take care of you,” he said as you continued to sway to the music, your ass grinding against his hips. “Let me taste you, (Y/N). I’ll make you feel so good, baby,” he said, nipping at your neck. “Please, Chan. I can’t,” you breathed.
He stopped, turning you so you were facing him. “Can’t or won’t?” he asked and you shook your head. “I can’t, Chan,” you repeated. Chan scoffed, letting go of your hips as he backed away. You looked into his eyes hooded with lust before cocked his head. “One last chance,” he offered and when you hesitated, he turned and walked away leaving you on the dance floor and taking your breath with him.
Jeongguk must have seen because he was by your side in seconds. “Let’s get you home,” he said and led you off the dance floor and toward the door. “He’s such an L.Chan,” you hissed as Jeongguk led you out into the cool night air. “What?” Jeongguk asked as he pulled his phone out and requested an Uber pick up. You fell silent and when the car arrived, Jeongguk didn’t ask anymore questions.
He took you back to your dorm to drop you off, making sure you made it safely before he left and headed back to his building. You unzipped your dress and slid it off, replacing it with your pajamas. When you threw your dress in your hamper, you heard your phone go off. You walked over to check it. A text from Chan.
L.Chan [00:13]: why wouldn’t you just come back with me? Do you know how much I want you? You [00:14]: I couldn’t just leave Gguk L.Chan [00:14]: so you left with Jeon?? L.Chan [00:14]: Did you go back to his place? L.Chan [00:15]: Are you gonna fuck him?? You [00:15]: i told you, Jeongguk is my FRIEND. I’m not interested in him like that. L.Chan [00:16]: so are you in your room right now? You [00:16]: yes. L.Chan [00:17]: alone?? You [00:17]: yes, goddamn L.Chan [00:18]: prove it. Prove it to me.
You took a picture of you laying in your bed and sent that in the text with the caption, “would i send this if i wasn’t alone?”
L.Chan [00:19]:...are you teasing me?? You [0019]: and what if I am?
It was a moment before he responded and when he did, he sent an image. Upon opening it, you saw it was the outline of his erection through his boxers, his blanket pushed just below it.
L.Chan [00:19]: you did this, now come and fix it. You [00:20]: make me~ L.Chan [00:20]: I’m coming over, let me in You [00:20]: you have a game tomorrow L.Chan [00:21]: i don’t give a shit. I’m coming over and i’m gonna fuck you You [00:22]: no you’re not. L.Chan [00:23]: why the hell not? 😠 You [00:23]: because I said so. L.Chan [00:24]: then send me a picture. Help a guy out 😣
You scoffed and threw your phone on your bed. He has some nerve. You weren’t normally the kind of girl to send provocative pictures, but in your drunken state, it was tempting. Your thoughts were interrupted but a vibration on your mattress which caught your attention. Chan had sent you a picture.
You opened it much too quickly. In the picture, Chan had pulled himself out of his underwear and your jaw dropped. He was much larger than you thought. You felt your phone buzz again.
L.Chan [00:25]: you like the picture? 😉 L.Chan [00:25]: Come over and let me fuck you. L.Chan [00:25]: At least let me taste you. L.Chan [00:25]: Bury my face between those gorgeous thighs of yours and make you come all over my 👅
The temptation was there. You would be lying if you said you didn’t want to. Instead, you sat up, taking off your shirt before lying back and pushing your shorts off, throwing them on the floor. You took another picture in the semi darkness of your room. You sent it to Chan.
You [00:26]: I’m too drunk to come over. 🤪
He answered quicker than he had in the past.
L.Chan [00:27]: fuck you’re beautiful. I want to come all over that lace bra 💦 You [00:27]: keep saying that and I’ll up your lesson plan 🙅🏻‍♀️ L.Chan [00:28]: goddammit, i want to bend you over the table in that stupid room L.Chan [00:28]: fuck you until you can’t walk in the morning. You [00:30]: … you can’t do that. Not in there L.Chan [00:30]: why not? L.Chan [00:30]: don’t want everyone to know what a dirty slut you are? 😏 You [00:31]: i’m not the one sending dick pics to his tutor L.Chan [00:32]: pics of a dick you want to choke on 🍆 You [00:33]: bold of you to presume that L.Chan [00:33]: send me another picture. This time, no bra You [00:33]: so demanding 🙄 L.Chan [00:33]: shut up and just do it. I want to see you You [00:36]: what do i get in return? 🤷🏻‍♀️ L.Chan [00:36]: gimme a sex L.Chan [00:36]: sec* lol
A few moments later, a video clip appeared in the thread. You clicked on it. Chan’s hand was wrapped around the shaft of his cock, slowly moving up and down. You heard him hiss in the background. “I wish this was your mouth instead of my hand,” he whispered.
Your walls clenched around nothing and you immediately got up, walking over to your full length mirror, you wrapped an arm under your breasts, pushing them up and snapped a picture, the strap of your bra slipping down your shoulder. His reply was instantaneous.
L.Chan [00:39]: ugh stop teasing me baby 😫
A giggle escaped you as you slid your panties down your thighs before undoing your bra and slipping that off. You raised a finger out in front of you, covering your breasts and sex all at once before snapping another picture and sending it to Chan. Might as well make him suffer.
L.Chan [00:39]: fucking hell 😳😍 You [00:40]: are you still touching yourself? 👀 L.Chan [00:40]: yesss You [00:41]: you want to Facetime? 😘 L.Chan [00:42]: fuck. Yes. 😍
Your phone lit up with an incoming call. You hopped into your bed before answering it. Half expecting to be met with Chan’s dick, you were surprised to see his face instead. “I wish you would have just let me come over,” he said in a breathy voice. “Sorry~,” you said in a sweet voice. “Don’t lie to me,” he said, a small moan leaving his lips.
“I’m not. I am sorry. I’m being responsible, Chan. I’m your tutor,” you said and he groaned. “Only in that room. Outside of it, you’re my peer. Peers can fuck. So let me fuck you,” he said, his breath speeding up. “Are you close?” you asked and he nodded. “Keep going,” you said softly, watching the way his eyes fluttered shut and he bit his bottom lip to keep quiet.
“Do you have a roommate?” you asked and he shook his head. “Then don’t hold back. Let me hear you,” you said, your hand wandering to your already wet core. “Are you touching yourself to this?” Chan asked and you smiled before nodded. “I am,” you replied feeling the wetness seeping between your folds. “Let me see,” Chan said and you tapped to switch to rear facing camera where it was pointed at your hand disappearing between your thighs.
“Fuck that’s so hot,” Chan’s voice said and you returned to front facing camera. “I want to taste you so bad, (Y/N),” he whimpered. Your walls clenched when he let out a moan. Your fingers worked against your clit, teasing yourself as you brought yourself closer and closer to the edge. “Keep going, keep touching yourself,” he said when a small moan slipped between your lips. “Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to hear that in person.”
“Do you want my cock, baby?” he asked and you nodded, slipping a finger inside your wet heat. “God, I want you inside me so bad,” you whined. “Should have let me come over,” he said with a smirk. You groaned, curling your fingers to hit your sweet spot. “Fuck baby, do that again. Let me see what you’re doing,” he demanded. You turned the camera and continued to fuck yourself with your fingers.
“How many fingers are you using?” he asked. “Two,” you replied. “Add another, that’s how many I would use to get your ready to take me,” he said and you complied, adding a third finger, enjoying the slight sting as your stretched yourself. “I bet you’re nice and wet, perfect for me to slide right in. God I want to fuck you so bad. Pound into you. I want you to scream my name.”
You whimpered at his words, speeding up your pace. “Would you like that, baby? My hard cock in your tight hole?” he asked and you nodded. “Yes, I want your hard cock inside me, Chan,” you moaned. He chuckled lowly. “Such a good little slut for me. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” he asked. “Yes,” you breathed feeling your orgasm draw closer. “Yes what?” he asked. “Yes, I’m a good girl,” you breathed.
“Are you close?” he asked, his breathing shallow as he neared his climax. You nodded with a whimper as you bit your lip. “Good, keep going baby. Come for me all over your fingers like a good slut,” he said as he sped up. “Only if you come all over yourself,” you breathed and Chan chuckled again. “Okay baby. I’ll do that. Now don’t stop until you come. Tell me how good you feel,” he said and you moaned.
Your orgasm approached rapidly, your toes curling in bliss as you continued to pleasure yourself at his words. “Does it feel good, babygirl?” Chan asked you. “Yes, yes,” you moaned. “I’m so close,” you whined. “Keep going, baby. Be a good girl and come for me,” Chan whispered, barely audible. Your high hit you and you came with a whimper and a moan of Chan’s name as you continued to ride out your climax.
“Fucking shit, baby,” Chan groaned as he released on his end with a low moan. He shuddered on camera, eyes shut as he came down from his orgasm. The two of you sat there in your beds silent as you both basked in the afterglow of your orgasms. “God damnit (Y/N). Next time just let me come over and fuck you,” Chan said, panting. You let out a shaky laugh. “Next time,” you murmured.
“Get some sleep, Chan. You have a game in the morning,” you said as you sat up. “What are you going to do?” he asked, his face squished against the pillows on his bed. “I’m taking a shower and then going to bed,” you answered. Chan smiled and nodded. “Okay. You do that. I’ll text you tomorrow,” he said and you shook your head. “You don’t have to do that,” you answered. He merely shrugged, with a smile and said, “I want to. Goodnight, (Y/N).” He hung up before you had a chance to answer. “Night, Chan.”
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The next morning you awoke to knocking on your door. You groaned as you opened your eyes and looked around. Your floor was littered with your clothing from the night before. You had fallen asleep naked. Your head throbbed as the knocking continued. A small whimper left your lips as you rolled over and wrapped the blankets around you. You slid off the bed, making sure you were covered before you unlocked and cracked the door. Jeongguk was on the other side.
“I come bearing gifts,” he said holding up a paper sack and a coffee. “I also brought Tylenol,” he added and you opened the door, hiding behind it so no one would see you wrapped in your blanket. Jeongguk entered the room and whistled when he looked around. You shut the door and padded over to your bed. “Who did you fuck last night?” he asked as he handed you the coffee and bag.
You shook your head and hid in your wrap as you opened the bag. Inside were two breakfast burritos and a small side of hash browns. You whispered a blessing upon Jeongguk as you unwrapped a burrito and dug in. Jeongguk looked at your clothes on the floor again. “If you didn’t fuck anyone last night, why are your clothes everywhere?” You looked up at him, mouth full of burrito.
“Cause I was drunk and too lazy to put my clothes away?” you answered and Jeongguk laughed. “Or to put clothes on I see,” he said nodding at your bare shoulders and collar. “Fuck off,” you said before taking another bite of burrito. Jeongguk stood up and made his way into your closet. “Jeongguk, get out of my closet you pervert!” you called in a groggy voice. You lifted the coffee to your lips and took a sip, sighing at the sweet taste of the sugar and creamer.
Jeongguk returned moments later with clean underwear, a tee shirt, sweatpants, and a hoodie. “Get dressed, loser. I’m taking you to the baseball game,” he said throwing your clothes on the bed. You glared at him, narrowing your eyes. Jeongguk laughed again and turned away so you could put your clothes on. You pulled on the sports bra and underwear before sliding off the bed and into your sweats. The shirt he had chosen was your the shirt you had gotten with your university acceptance package.
You rolled your eyes before pulling on your hoodie and taking a look in the mirror. You whistled and told Jeongguk to give you five minutes to make yourself presentable. Jeongguk grabbed the unopened burrito and sat on your bed. “I’ll just eat this,” he said and you pouted before going into the bathroom to wash your face and apply some sunscreen and BB cream. You weren’t focused on grabbing any attention, you just wanted to not look hungover or sick.
After that you pulled your hair up into a messy ponytail and returned to your bed to finish your burrito and hash browns. “Let’s go idiot,” you said to Jeongguk and he rolled out of your bed. The two of you made your way out of your room and down to the lobby. Jeongguk told you about his night after he dropped you off at your dorm. Apparently he had run into an old friend and they ended up hooking up.
“That wasn’t stupid, right? Cause she gives some really good head,” he said as you walked toward the baseball stadium. You rolled your eyes at him. “It’s not stupid, just so long as you are on the same page,” you said. You reached the field in no time and Jeongguk bought your tickets before leading you down toward the dugout. He liked to sit front row at the games since his basketball team always attended the baseball team’s games.
You sat down next to him in literally the front row, looking out at the field over the fence. The two teams were warming up, the visiting team on the other side of the field. You were talking to Jeongguk when you noticed Chan out on the field warming up with Seungcheol. “Hey, (Y/N)!” you heard and looked down to see Soonyoung had just emerged from the dugout with Jihoon. You smiled and waved back at them.
Soonyoung ran over and you scooted forward in your seat to rest your arms on the fence. “What are you doing here?” he asked smiling up at you. “Jeongguk brought me,” you said nodding back at your best friend. Soonyoung greeted Jeongguk with a nod. “So, what position are you?” you asked drawing Soonyoung’s attention. “Shortstop! Jihoon is catcher.”
Jihoon looked up at you, giving you a smile which you returned. “Seokmin,” Soonyoung said looking behind him and pointing to another member on the team, one with reddish curly hair. “He’s our pitcher. Minghao is first baseman,” Soonyoung pointed to tall and slender member with longer black hair and glasses who was practicing with another member with short blonde hair, “and he’s practicing with our second baseman, Junhui.”
Seungcheol is right field, Jeonghan is left field, and Joshua is center field,” Soonyoung added pointing out the three respectively. “Chan is our third baseman. In the dugout we have Wonwoo our relief pitcher, Seungkwan is one of our utility infielders along with Mingyu but he’s out today, and Vernon is our pinch runner.” Soonyoung continued, naming the rest of the team in the dugout.
“Then there’s also our closing pitcher Minhyuk, our LOOGY Changkyun, Hyunwoo is backup catcher, Mark is first baseman relief, Jinyoung is second baseman relief, and Kihyun is third baseman relief. Jooheon takes over for me if I need the break, Hoseok is our pinch hitter, Yugyeom is our Designated hitter for Seokmin, and Jackson is equipment manager. Bambam and Hyungwon are also utility outfielders while Youngjae and Jaebum are utility infielders.”
You nodded slowly and Jeongguk laughed leaning forward. “She has no idea what you just said,” he laughed. Jihoon chuckled and readjusted his hat. “I catch, Seokmin and Wonwoo throw, Minghao, Junhui, and Chan stay on the bases, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol catch balls in the outfield, Soonyoung gets to run all over infield, and everyone else subs,” Jihoon explained.
“Yeah, that speaks more my level of baseball knowledge,” you said. Soonyoung laughed, the sound drawing Chan’s attention. He squinted and noticed you before tossing a ball back to Minghao. One of the coaches called Jihoon over and he excused himself. “So, what are you doing tonight?” Soonyoung asked when Jeongguk sat back in his seat.
You shrugged. “I have no idea. I was supposed to have a tutor lesson with Mingyu, but like you said, he’s out today and had to cancel,” you admitted. Soonyoung perked up. “So you have no plans?” he asked and you nodded. “Then, how about this? Whenever we win a game, there’s always a party at the Iota Nu Delta house. If we win today, be my date?” he asked and your cheeks turned pink.
“O-okay,” you said and Soonyoung broke into a huge grin. “Okay, I’ll be on the field all game, so cheer for me, okay?” he asked and you nodded before he took off when the coaches called him over. Chan looked from Soonyoung to you before turning back to his teammates.
The game would be starting soon. You sat back in your seat and looked at Jeongguk. “Did Soonyoung ask you on a date~?” he asked not looking up from his phone and you nodded. “Yeah, I guess he did,” you admitted. Jeongguk gave you a sly smirk and you slapped his shoulder. “Can it, Gguk!” you giggled before you heard someone call your name. You looked back at the field and saw Soonyoung wave at you. Your face turning red, you returned his wave and slid down in your seat.
You missed the way Chan glared at his friend in favor for the start of the game. The announcer came on the intercom and started the beginning of the game. He announced the teams and the players on each team, taking extra care to mention the key players on the home team. When each of their names were announced, the players stepped forward and waved and posed to a torrent of screams and cheers.
After announcing the players, the first pitch was thrown by the home team with Seokmin as starting pitcher. You watched the field as Jeongguk explained the mechanics of the game to you in between plays. The home team, your university’s team, was amazing. The guys were fast, catching hits and throwing them to the bases or back to Jihoon behind the home plate. They didn’t even let the visiting team score. When they were up to bat, you had never seen anything like it.
The fastest members were probably Minghao or Chan. They zoomed around the bases like little bees. They scored left and right, running the bases. Jeongguk explained how every time the teams swapped, the inning changed. Right now he said they were in the bottom of the fourth ending. “Bottom?” you asked and Jeongguk smiled and leaned forward.
“So when an inning starts, it’s called the top of the inning when one team is batting. When three outs are made, the teams switch so the fielding team will be up to bat, which will then be the bottom of the inning. The inning ends when the second batting team gets three outs.” You looked from Jeongguk to the field. “Okay! That makes sense!” you said nodding.
As the game progressed you noticed Chan watching you more and more from third base. You tried to ignore the look he gave you and focus on the game. By the top of the ninth inning, you were totally invested in the game cheering and encouraging the team. They were on the field with two outs. “I’ve never seen you get this much into sports,” Jeongguk laughed and you looked back at him with a wide grin. “I never realized I liked baseball so much!” you admitted. The home team caught the third out and the teams switched, signaling the start of the bottom of the ninth inning.
First up to bat was Changkyun. He was one of the only left handed batters on the team and also being the left handed pitcher. He hit the ball toward the bases and took off for first, making it before the opposing team even scooped the ball up. His teammates erupted into applause while he mocked bowing before taking his stance on the base.
Up next was Hyunwoo. He was a guy you’d seen around campus before usually with his best friends Hoseok and Kihyun. Hyunwoo was a particularly well built guy with broad shoulders, tall and muscular. He filled out his uniform well as he took his stance on home plate, swinging the bat a couple times before he stood ready to swing. The opposing team’s pitcher threw hard but Hyunwoo swung right, his aim true and he hit the ball into the outfield before the players had time to catch up. He made it to first, Changkyun on second.
Next to bat was Yugyeom stepped up to the plate. He was, as Soonyoung said earlier, designated hitter for the pitcher, Seokmin. Yugyeom also hit toward the bases and made it to first, the other two rotating around so each base had a member on it. The coach of the opposing team swapped out the pitcher for a new guy and Jeongguk sat closer to the edge of his seat. “They’re trying to switch it up, catch our guys with a new pitcher. They’re gonna try to get a triple play,” he said resting his arms on the fence.
You turned your attention to the practice section for the next batter and saw it was Jeonghan but the manager ran up to him and said something. Jeonghan looked over at the dugout as another member came out ready to bat. Jeonghan nodded and swapped places with the new guy. “Fuck yes,” Jeongguk exclaimed softly and you looked at him. “The pinch hitter,” he said and you looked back at the guy stepping up to the plate. It was Lee Hoseok. If Hyunwoo was built, then Hoseok was ripped.
They guy adjusted his gloves and tapped the bottom of his shoe with his bat before taking his stance and swinging the bat three times before holding it steady. He smirked at the new pitcher and waited. The first ball thrown was called foul, giving the opposing team one out. The second ball was also foul, giving for another out. You grabbed Jeongguk’s hand and he laughed. “You’re worried for nothing,” he said as the pitcher geared up to throw a third ball. Hoseok swung so fast and hard that all you heard was the crack of the ball making contact with his bat before he dropped it and took off.
Changkyun crossed the plate first, followed by Hyunwoo, then Yugyeom. Cheers erupted from around the stadium and the dugout as the ball crossed over the far barrier and Hoseok brought up the rear laughing as his teammates rushed out to jump on him. “What?” you looked at Jeongguk. “Told you not to worry,” he laughed. You looked over as the team celebrated their victory. You cheered along side the rest of the stadium before Jeongguk finally pulled you out of your seat. “Come on! They’re gonna celebrate with a party later, let’s go so you can get changed,” he said and you followed him and his basketball teammates up the steps.
It took some time to get out of the stadium and into the parking lot where the rest of Jeongguk’s friends piled into cars, you sitting in the front seat of Seokjin’s car. Jeongguk was squashed in the back with Jimin and Taehyung. Seokjin pulled up outside your building and you promised to be quick. You rushed up to your room to change and get ready to go to a house party. You hadn’t been to one in years so you decided to put a little effort into your appearance.
Once satisfied with your look, you headed out to the elevator. You pressed the button taking it down to the lobby. Your phone buzzed in your hand and you opened it to find two messages waiting. One from Soonyoung and the other from Chan.
[2019/10/12] Soonyoung [21:06]: you’re still coming to the party, right? (: You [21:06]: I’m on my way now!
You checked Chan’s text and froze, your heart pounding.
L.Chan [21:05]: So there’s a party at the Iota Nu Delta house, if you wanted to come. Hopefully I’ll see you there? You [21:08]: yeah, i’m heading there now actually. Soonyoung invited me L.Chan [21:08]: oh. cool. See you soon
Soonyoung had sent you another text and you opened it.
Soonyoung [21:08]: you are going to dance with me, aren’t you? ;) You [21:09]: we’ll see haha
You made it back out to the car and got in the front seat again. “Ah! We’re ready!” Seokjin announced before starting the car. He pulled out of your building’s parking lot and turned right, driving through the campus as he made his way toward the Iota Nu Delta house. Seokjin parked on the street behind Yoongi’s car and you followed the guys up the lawn toward the front door.
Upon entering, you saw that the party was fully underway and you grabbed Jeongguk’s arm. “Please don’t leave me alone!” you whispered at him and he nodded, following Taehyung and Jimin further into the house. Once entering the kitchen at the back of the house, you found a large group gathered around a pong table. Jeongguk led you past the group to get drinks and a familiar face caught your eye.
Soonyoung smiled at you from the crowd before pushing his way through to reach you. “Hey!” he said breathlessly as Jeongguk poured some soda into a cup and handed you a slice of pizza from one of the many boxes on the counter. “Eat, then drink!” he said and the nodded at Soonyoung. 
You took the slice and bit off a piece. Jeongguk handed you the cup with soda in it. “Drink that. Pizza and soda before you get alcohol!” You rolled your eyes and turned to Soonyoung who reached across the island to grab a slice of pizza.
Jeongguk smiled at a girl who passed him before turning to Jimin and Taehyung. He said something to them and then leaned toward you. “I gotta go do something, stay with Jimin and Taehyung. They’ll keep an eye on you. Well, Taehyung will,” he said and you nodded before he took off, handing a drink he made for you to Tae and pointed at you. Taehyung took his spot at the counter, standing behind you and keeping his eye on the crowd. He turned to Jimin to say something, nodding at the crowd.
“So, you going to come dance with me at least once?” Soonyoung asked as you finished your slice of pizza and downed the rest of your soda. You took the cup Taehyung held and took a sip. “Maybe, you gonna convince me?” you asked. Soonyoung laughed and bit his bottom lip. 
“I can always try,” he said with a wink. Your stomach did little flips but it wasn’t Soonyoung’s words. Instead it was Chan appearing in your line of vision. You turned to Taehyung. “I’m gonna go dance with Soonyoung,” you said over the loud music. Taehyung nodded and told you he would be right there when you got back.
You turned to Soonyoung, taking another gulp of your drink before handing it to Taehyung. Soonyoung took your hand and led you out of the kitchen and into the living area of the downstairs, right past Chan. You tried to ignore the way his eyes followed you as you passed him with his best friend. Or the way his jaw clenched as Soonyoung immediately pulled you into him, his hand on the small of your back. You moved your hips against Soonyoung’s to the beat of the music, not really caring about the people around you.
Soonyoung lowered his head, whispering in your ear, “I feel like the luckiest guy in the room.” You smiled, pink tinting your cheeks before you responded. “Why is that?” you asked. “Look at you. You’re stunning. I kind of regret not asking you out a lot sooner,” he whispered in your ear, his breath tickling your neck. You giggled, pressing a hand to his chest.
“Really? Well, what about now? Are you going to ask me out?” you asked and Soonyoung smiled against your cheek. “Didn’t I already, asking you to be my date tonight?” You sighed when his lips pressed softly against your cheek. “I’m not going to lie, (Y/N). You know that’s not really my style. But I’ve actually wanted to ask you out ever since I ran into you the other day.” His hands held your hips in place while he spoke.
“You have?” you asked breathlessly and Soonyoung smiled, nodding his head. “I have. I’ve just been too shy until now,” he muttered and you let out another sigh when his lips met your jawline. He would have continued had Jeongguk not interrupted. “Sorry, Soonyoung, I need to steal (Y/N) for a second,” he said over the music and grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you from Soonyoung’s grasp.
Jeongguk led you to the kitchen and towered over you. “I told you to stay with Taehyung!” he said and you groaned. “Gguk!! I like Soonyoung! He’s a really nice guy! And you heard him ask me out earlier!” you said exasperatedly. He was essentially cockblocking you. He shook his head. “I don’t like it. Something is off,” he said and you groaned. “What about Chan?” he asked and you shrugged. “What about him?” you asked. Jeongguk looked around before leaning in.
“Are you forgetting about last night?” You rolled your eyes. “That happened because we were both horny and intoxicated. It was nothing,” you said shrugging. Jeongguk eyed you suspiciously. “Does he feel the same way?” he asked and you nodded. You were sure that Chan felt that it meant nothing to him, too.
“I’m not so sure,” Jeongguk said and you shook your head. “It’s fine, Gguk!” you repeated. You waved him off and went back to Soonyoung who was waiting in the same spot as before. Once you were back in earshot, he asked, “what was that about?” You shook your head. “Just my best friend being cautious and protective as usual!” you said in his ear as his hands rested on your hips.
Soonyoung pulled you in closer as the song changed to something slower and more sensual. It wasn’t until you felt someone bump into you that you stopped moving to look around. Chan was making his way up the stairs, his eyes locking with yours when you looked up. He was leading a random girl up the steps. Your heart leapt in your throat and you turned your attention away from him.
You felt Soonyoung’s lips against your cheek before he whispered in your ear, “something wrong?” You shook your head and allowed him to direct your hips again. “No. Nothing,” you said. You felt him smile against your skin before his lips trailed down to your neck. 
A tiny gasp left your lips, eyes snapping open when you realized you were still in the living room, surrounded by a ton of your peers. You pulled back slightly and Soonyoung gave you a quizzical look before he looked around and understood.
He nodded his head, jerking it up toward the upper floor and you nodded, biting your bottom lip. Soonyoung took your hand and pulled you toward the base of the stairs and began leading you up, passing people who were standing there watching the crowd. Upstairs in the hallway, Soonyoung led you through the people waiting for the bathroom and those who hadn’t made it to a bedroom yet and were making out against the wall.
Soonyoung grabbed the handle of a door near the end of the hall and turned it. The unlocked door opened and inside a half naked girl with wavy short brown hair was straddling- “Oh shit! Sorry Chan!” Soonyoung laughed. Upon hearing his name, Chan looked up at the door and saw you standing there with his best friend, your hand in his.
You turned and stepped out of the room while Soonyoung backed out and shut the door before taking your hand again and leading you to another room which was thankfully empty. Soonyoung shut and locked the door behind him before pulling you into him, a smile on his face.
“Alone at last, he whispered, his free hand cupping your cheek before his lips brushed against yours, testing the waters before taking the plunge and pressing them against yours. You felt dizzy, like his kiss took your breath away. The hand that wasn’t cupping your cheek snaked around your waist, pulling you in closer. Your hands felt like putty against Soonyoung’s chest.
Without breaking the kiss, he walked you backwards until your legs hit something soft. A bed. Your heart began racing and your stomach twisted with what you assumed were nerves. Soonyoung broke the kiss and pulled away before studying your face, a lopsided grin on his face. “God you’re gorgeous,” he said brushing a few stray strands of hair out of your face. Pink tinted your cheeks and you looked down.
“If I’m moving too fast, tell me,” he said and put his finger under your chin, lifting your head so your eyes met his. “I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable,” he said and you nodded. He sat you down on the bed and as you scooted back toward the center, climbed on, hovering over you before dipping down to kiss you again. His lips parted yours, allowing his tongue to slip between.
One hand was on your hip while he used his elbow to keep from weighing down on you. A soft whimper left your lips when he pressed his hips against yours, pressing his erection into your core. “Ah, that was cute,” he whispered against your lips and repeated the action, earning a deeper moan from you. You felt him smile. Soonyoung moved from your lips to your neck, kissing down to the collar of your shirt before nipping at the skin. You moaned, arching into him.
He sat back up, kneeling between your thighs before pulling his sweater off over his head, leaving him in a white tee shirt. Soonyoung leaned back down, kissing you with more vigor, his hands roaming until they found the buttons of your blouse. He undid the first two buttons, lips leaving yours again to press against your now exposed collarbone. His hand continued to make quick work of your shirt.
He pushed the fabric aside before sitting up to admire your black lace bra. His fingers skimmed over the material before he smiled up at you. He laid between your thighs, leaving kisses along your collar and down your chest, passing between your breasts as he moved lower and lower until he reached the waistband of your jeans. He slowly undid the button and zipper before pulling them down your thighs and discarding them. 
Your heart was hammering in your chest, your breathing ragged and your head spinning still. Soonyoung placed soft, wet kisses along the inside of your thigh before your stomach twisted again and this time you knew it wasn’t nerves. It was nausea.
“Stop,” you said hoarsely. At first, Soonyoung didn’t hear you so you cleared your throat and repeated yourself. Soonyoung sat up quickly, looking at you as you sat up and began buttoning your shirt. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked and you shook your head. 
“No, I just feel nauseous,” you said in a low grumble. Your head was pounding. Soonyoung hopped up and retrieved your pants, helping you into them before kneeling by the bed and putting your shoes on for you. He helped you stand up, grabbing his sweater and pulling you toward the door.
He led you back down the stairs and into the kitchen where Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin stood. Taehyung noticed you first and nodded. Jeongguk spun around and immediately rushed to your side before rounding on Soonyoung. “What happened?” he demanded. “She said she feels nauseous so I brought her to you. She needs to go home and sleep this off,” he said. Jeongguk eyed him suspiciously.
“You didn’t do anything to her, did you?” he asked and Soonyoung shook his head. “Absolutely not. We were upstairs making out and then she said she wasn’t feeling well,” he said and Jeongguk relaxed as he took you from Soonyoung, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“Thanks, we’ll take it from here,” he said. Soonyoung nodded before looked back at you. “Text me when you wake up, okay?” he asked and you nodded, getting wobblier by the minute. “I’ll text you when we get her back to her dorm,” Jeongguk promised and Soonyoung thanked him.
Jeongguk led you out onto the deck out back where you were met with the cold night air. “Seokjin!” Jeongguk called and his friend turned to look at him. “We need to take her home. She doesn’t feel good,” he said and Seokjin turned to say goodnight to his conversation partner. He led the way out of the house and to the car where Taehyung and Jeongguk helped you into the car.
Seokjin pulled out and took the familiar route back to your dorm building. “Did she take a drink from anyone?” Seokjin asked and Jeongguk shook his head. “Not that I saw, and I trust Soonyoung didn’t give her anything,” he said. “Maybe she just drank too much too fast?” Jimin asked from the front passenger seat. “Yeah, maybe,” Jeongguk said.
They reached your dorm with ease. It took Jeongguk and Taehyung to get you out of the car and up to your room. Jeongguk sent Taehyung out while he attended to you. “Do you need to throw up?” he asked and you shook your head. “I think being out of that house helped a lot,” you admitted. “I feel much better now,” you added. Jeongguk sat next to you on the bed and rubbed your back.
“Did Soonyoung do anything?” he asked and you shook your head. “No, he was a gentleman.” Jeongguk nodded, watching you sober up a little. “Well, do you need me to stay here?” he asked and you smiled. “I’ll be okay,” you admitted. “But go ahead and send up Jimin. I could use his cuddles,” you joked and Jeongguk scoffed. “I’m offended you think his cuddles are better than mine,” he said, pretending to be hurt. You giggled and leaned into him. “I’ll be fine, Gguk. Thank you.”
Jeongguk got to his feet and made his way to your door. “Anytime, (Y/N),” he said with a smile and left. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and you pulled it out. It was from Soonyoung.
[2019/10/12] Soonyoung [23:05]: you make it home, alright? You [23:05]: yeah. Sorry i ran out like that :/ Soonyoung [23:06]: don’t be sorry! I’m just glad you’re home safe! Don’t worry about me. I would rather you be okay. We can always go get a cup of coffee some time. My treat of course (: You [23:07]: i would like that (: Soonyoung [23:07]: then it’s a date ;)
Another text came in while you were texting Soonyoung. You opened it to see it was from Chan.
[2019/10/12] L.Chan [23:08]: hope you have fun. You [23:08]: you too.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep but you woke up to your alarm blaring at 8:45 am. You groggily pulled yourself out of bed, your head swimming before stripping and getting into the shower. After cleaning yourself up, you got dressed and headed out with your bag for Chan’s lesson.
Upon reaching the student center, you were greeted with a sign that informed you the center was closed for maintenance. You groaned, fishing your phone out of your bag to shoot Chan a text.
[2019/10/13] You [09:19]: the student center is closed so no lesson today. See you on Wednesday.
After sending the text you head back to your dorm, determined to go back to bed and get an extra hour to sleep off your pounding headache. You had just walked in your door when your phone buzzed and you checked it. Jeongguk had texted you.
[2019/10/13] Kookie [09:47]: good morning my little croissant~! How did you sleep?? You [09:47]: ugghhhhh i got up to go to Chan’s lesson and the student center is closed. Now i’m back in my room and i’m going back to bed. My head hurts 😫 Kookie [09:48]: Soonyoung texted me last night to make sure you got home safe. Please date him. He seems like a hella nice guy and actually seems to care about you. You [09:48]: we’ll see. For now, sleep~ 😴
You kicked off your shoes and got into your bed, pulling the covers over your head and shutting your eyes. A vibration made you open them to check your phone.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [09:50]: morning, beautiful. You’re probably still sleeping but I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were feeling okay. Text me later~
You smiled and set your phone aside, more determined than ever to get some sleep. It came to you quickly and you slipped into slumber, awakening hours later to a setting sun. It was nearly 5 pm. You sat up and stretched. Your head felt much better but you were really thirsty now.
You got up from your bed and opened your mini fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging half of it before searching for your phone in the recesses of your blankets. Your fingers brushed the smooth screen of the device and your grabbed it before bringing it up to look at it.
You had two missed calls and several missed texts.
[2019/10/13] Kookie [10:08]: i know you said you were going to sleep but can you wake up? I’m bored 😞 Kookie [11:36]: pls? Jimin and Taehyung are still sleeping too ): Kookie [13:27]: ugh this sucks. I wanna talk~ Kookie [14:03]: Soonyoung asked me if you were okay. I told him the truth that you were hibernating because you’re a fucking bear, not a human girl. Kookie [16:32]: wake up grizzly 🐻
You shook your head, taking another sip of water before opening the next set of messages.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [11:09]: are you awake yet? Soonyoung [12:01]: you really sleep a long time, don’t you? Soonyoung [13:42]: i was hoping we could get coffee today but you must still be sleeping ☹ Soonyoung [14:06]: i texted Jeongguk. I just wanted to make sure you were okay Soonyoung [14:09]: he says you channel your inner grizzly and hibernate on the weekends 🐻🐻 Soonyoung [14:12]: ngl that’s really cute :3 Soonyoung [15:35]: I’m not gonna keep blowing up your phone so just message me when you wake up
[2019/10/13] L.Chan [13:05]: Sorry i didn’t answer earlier. I had a LONG night lol
You answered Jeongguk’s text first.
You [16:54]: grizzly 🐻 is awake. Winter is over ❄☃️
You sent Soonyoung a reply next.
You [16:55]: yeah haha i sleep a lot. It’s a bad habit and the reason why i usually miss things ):
Finally you answered Chan.
You [16:56]: Don’t worry about it.👍🏻
The first to respond was surprisingly Chan.
[2019/10/13] L.Chan [16:58]: i was up pretty late lol You [16:59]: ...okay L.Chan [16:59]: Did you have a good night? You [17:00]: it was good. L.Chan [17:00]: ...just good? Mine was great. I wonder why you didn’t have as good of a night? You [17:01]: … 😒 L.Chan [17:02]: well, I mean, did you see Mina? I think it’s pretty obvious why I had such a great night lol
You scoffed and tossed your phone as another text from him came in but you ignored it. When your phone buzzed again, you checked it. Soonyoung had replied. You opened his messages quickly.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [17:05]: THERE you are! I was getting worried ☺ You [17:06]: yeah haha here i am Soonyoung [17:07]: awwww you should have let me come over Soonyoung [17:07]: We could have napped together :3 You [17:07]: that actually sounds wonderful. Raincheck?
While you waited for Soonyoung to answer, you checked Jeongguk’s text that came in.
[2019/10/13] Kookie [17:01]: well goddamn it’s about time! You [17:08]: yeah, yeah I know. Grizzly 🐻 and all that 🙄 Kookie [17:09]: more importantly how are you feeling? You [17:09]: much better than last night Kookie [17:10]: good but go back to sleep now. Get plenty of rest for tomorrow (:
You returned to Soonyoung’s text, ignoring the other text that came in from Chan.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [17:09]: of course! (: maybe next week? You [17:11]: that sounds perfect (: Soonyoung [17:12]: your place or mine? ;) You [17:12]: we can iron out the details later (: Soonyoung [17:13]: sounds good to me (: look I gotta run. I have some errands to do, I’ll text you later (: You [17:13]: okay! Have fun and be safe~! Soonyoung [17:14]:
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Soonyoung [17:14]: ugh 😫 how are you so sweet? You [17:15]: 😚
After sending Soonyoung a text, you decided to open Chan’s messages as he kept sending them.
[2019/10/13] L.Chan [17:03]: she’s got these killer legs. I’m sure you saw L.Chan [17:03]: and her lips? God she could kill a man L.Chan [17:04]: she almost killed me 🍆👀 L.Chan [17:04]: she could make a guy fall in love 😍 L.Chan [17:05]: she knows exactly how to drive a guy crazy L.Chan [17:05]: and she’s such a tease lol L.Chan [17:07]: i’m meeting her again tonight. L.Chan [17:09]: should i bring her back to my room? L.Chan [17:11]: I think I will 😏 L.Chan [17:14]: what are you up to tonight? L.Chan [17:14]: staying in i bet? L.Chan [17:14]: why not invite Soonyoung over?? 😜 L.Chan [17:15]: I’m sure he’d love to see you again.
You turned his notifications off as your blood ran cold. Something about his wording wasn’t right. Like he was trying to make you jealous. What is his deal anyway??
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P.S: WOOOOOW That was long. This is only part one!! If I had left this one piece, it would have been a behemoth. I’m really glad I split it up. I hope you guys enjoyed this! Leave any comments, keyboard smashes, or send me some asks or messages! I love talking to you guys (: Thank you so much for reading! ~K♡
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enbyboiwonder · 4 years
Tagged by @frozenmemories1987
So I don’t really understand how this one works, so I’m just gonna answer all the questions and number them consecutively. Upfront I’m gonna say that I’m not tagging anyone, but as always, if you wish to do it, consider yourself tagged. Also, this is going under a read more. Save the thumbs of any mobile users
01. What was the last movie you watched in theaters?
It’s been months, so I can’t remember, sorry
02. What’s your favorite game to play?
Currently it’s Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2. I hadn’t played it since I got it (and beat it all in one go), and I forgot just how much I love this game. It’s like Pokémon meets Dragon Quest, and it’s amazing. On the one hand, making a team entirely of dragons might be a bad idea, but on the other hand, I freaking love dragons. I should probably synth one with a healing skillset if I’m gonna do that - possibly Cure-all since that’s got Multiheal. My current party is a Lv 20 great argon lizard named Rory, a Lv 24 slime stack with Cure-all named Sticker, and a Lv 19 aquestrian gladiator with Huntsman named Mizuno. When I leave them to their own devices, Mizuno really loves using Penny Pincher, which tbh I cannot fault him for - normal damage plus the chance to pinch a few gold coins? Heck yes. At least he’s got 44 MP, so I haven’t had to change his tactics to “Don’t Use Magic” yet (the skill costs 2 MP)
03. Chocolate or vanilla?
04. What’s the last show you binge-watched?
NUMB3RS (though I’m still working on that one)
05. Do you have any pets?
06. What’s your favorite fairy tale?
I dunno. I don’t actually read very many fairy tales
07. Who’s your favorite superhero?
Superhero stuff doesn’t normally appeal to me, but I do like Cisco Ramon/Vibe and Ray Palmer/The Atom from CW’s Arrowverse
08. Who’s your favorite Disney princess?
Erm, Rapunzel, I guess?
09. Where’s the first place you’re going to go after social distancing is over?
I know I’m gonna hang out with my friend like we were planning to before this started, but as for where... probably Barnes & Noble since that’s where we usually go, but who knows (I say, knowing full well that neither of us know where to go, and we go to HPB when we’re specifically looking for a book but default to B&N bc of the café and seating area)
10. Cookies or cake?
11. What show could you watch over and over?
Monk, CSI, and Psych, to name a few
12. Favorite song lyric?
See, I have to believe that there’s more than this seems More than a soul in a boat in a sea of sinking dreams And I have to be sure that there’s gonna be a cure ‘Cause, somewhere down the line, I lost that part of me that’s pure
 - Where We Belong by Thriving Ivory
13. Favorite season of your favorite TV show?
S14 of CSI, probably
14. What never fails to make you smile/happy?
Seeing I’ve got a comment on AO3
15. How are you doing with all that’s going on in the world (coronavirus, having to do social distancing, etc.)?
My lifestyle hasn’t changed at all, though for some reason I’ve actually been getting way more crocheting and video-gaming done than usual (at the expense, of course, of less reading and writing and TV-watching. Unfortunately). But we have lost business at the doughnut shop so I haven’t been working as many days - usually I work Monday and Friday - which, on the one hand, less money, but on the other hand, I’ve gotten more rest so my bruised ribs (from coughing; I had strep about a month and a half ago, and that always leaves me with a cough for a while, though it’s never been this bad before) are mostly healed now
16. We all love new music to listen to. Name an artist that is underrated/you think people should check out:
Thriving Ivory/Midnight Cinema (same band, different songwriters; Thriving Ivory is more piano-driven and leans more toward alt/alt-rock, while Midnight Cinema is more pop)
17. TV shows or movies?
TV shows
18. Favorite holiday?
19. A song that describes you:
I’ve always related to Some Kind of Home by Thriving Ivory
20. Describe your tumblr in three words:
“hella queer animal-lover” idk
21. What’s your favorite hobby?
It depends on my mood, but rn it’s crocheting!
22. What’s your favorite book and/or a really good book you’ve read recently?
CSI: Miami: Cut and Run by Donn Cortez is amazing. I read it back in January and then reread it this month. Probably will be rereading it again before long tbh
Another really good one I’ve read recently is How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse by K. Eason. It just came out like six months ago, so the second one won’t be out any time soon, but I am ready for it when it does (more than ready, actually; I can’t wait)
23. What’s your favorite ship that will never happen (or hasn’t happened yet)?
I really wish they had done something with Greg/Hodges. I mean, they had the perfect setup for it in 11.07 Bump and Grind, what with their “man-dates” (that never get mentioned again)!! Their man-dates become a regular thing that they do like every week or whatever, eventually they realize that they’re actual dates and have been for a while and they start consciously dating. Maybe Greg already knows he’s bi and is totally cool with it, maybe David’s been repressed and realizes that, oh, that’s why something’s always seemed like it was missing when he tried dating before: he’s gay.
Unsurprisingly, I have a few 11.07 fics in my WIPs
(But also, considering CSI’s track record with respecting queer people [poor], I’m kinda glad they didn’t. Woulda been nice, though, long as they'da done it right)
A ship that I’m really hoping will happen is Penelope and Schneider from One Day at a Time. I love them so much
24. If you could spend the day with any living celebrity, who would it be?
I would rather meet a celebrity in passing than spend a day with them. I am far too awkward and anxious, and I’m afraid it would not be an enjoyable experience for either of us
25. The best worst movie you’ve ever seen - a movie that you know objectively is trash but you can’t help but really enjoy it:
I don’t think I have any like this
26. When you read, do you prefer an eReader or an actual, physical book?
Paper books all the way, baby
27. Favorite movie?
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, probably
28. What does a normal day look like for you?
I stay in bed reading or playing games on my phone (or, more recently, on my DS) for as long as possible, dick around on here for a while whilst also trying to get at least some SwagBucks in another window, try not to forget to eat lunch, play the free money apps I have on my phone while either listening to music on my laptop or watching shows either on my laptop or the TV, try not to forget to eat dinner, watch some more TV or get some reading or gaming in, try not to stay up too late, take over an hour to fall asleep, maybe if I’m lucky get some writing done at some point during any of this (and if I’m really lucky it won’t be while I’m trying to sleep, but usually it is, damn brain)
29. Have you ever watched a show/movie for one character? If so, who?
Normally when I watch something specifically for someone, it’s for an actor I like, but I started watching CW’s The Flash specifically for Cisco Ramon (well, and Harry Wells and their relationship, but mostly Cisco) and Legends of Tomorrow specifically for Ray Palmer, whom I fell in love with in his ep on The Flash lol
30. What is your ultimate concert (musicians/bands from any period, alive or dead)?
I don’t go to concerts (they seem like they’d be very overwhelming), so, none, I guess
31. Book that you were forced to read in school that you hated the most:
God, I fucking hated To Kill a Mockingbird. Actually, I think the only one I actually liked was The Importance of Being Earnest
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Season 1, Episode 7: Tick Tock
(to the tune of tik tok by ke$ha) don’t stop, we’ll bring to light what we really didn’t want, tonight we’re gonna find it’s worse than we thought, tik tok on the clock but it’s what we don’t wanna know-o-o-o (oh!) o-o-o- (oh!)
[21:27] this is the one where shit just goes sad right
[21:17] (opens with gears, zooms out and Kai says “The guy just broke his own record, it’s inhuman!”) i’ve been spoilt and everything is just gonna hurt till the revelation happens huh
[21:07] how is the fish comfortable enough to be pet. Zane must do this often, huh
[20:45] “We’ve been training for so long, I don’t think we can get any better!” Do you really want to make me laugh in 11+ seasons
 [20:30ish] sweet, sweet montage
[20:15 maybe?] I love how Jay’s and Kai’s are related to their elements and Cole’s is just he’s really fucking buff
[20:00ish] I swear to god though he’s just really fucking buff!
[19:45ish] Uhoh what’s going on
[19:42] “My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd has gone missing.” Well, it’s pretty early for this, but here comes the Oh God Wu’s Family Is So Goddamn Wild And Not In A Good Way comment.
[19:03ish] okay can we pplleeease get some info
[18:51] Holy shit we’re actually getting stuff okay
[18:05] “He told me not to put off what could be done today,” That’s an echo. That’s a bloody echo.
[17:16] Holy shit… It wasn’t Wu’s fault but I realise that he almost certainly blamed himself. That’s gotta hurt a lot. One bite, and boom! Your brother and your best friend is instantly gone, replaced with a complete asshole. And that’s just the start.
[17:06] And is this why he is so focused on the inner self? Because he had to force himself not to blame himself for something he didn’t do? This episode  I knew would be sad, but I had no clue how bad it could get.
[16:58] And yet he still partially blames himself. Holy shit. It’s just ... if  my sister was in Garmadon’s place and I was in Wu’s, I doubt I could even manage to be somewhat mentally stable after that, let alone able to mentor the ninjas. Is that why he seems so distant at times? Because he’s got that little fear in him that the Devourer is still out there (and it is, but closer than he thought), and could strike one of the Ninjas? Is that why Nya is with the Ninjas, because he couldn’t get himself to separate her from Kai? Is this why he kept Lloyd for no apparent reason?
[16:17] But holy shit, he’s leaving. Okay.
[14:55] Kai, you’re slipping.
[14:46] uhhh Zane to Earth? Zane, you there?
[14:25] Hiiii Falcon!
[13:39] Was gonna say “just use your weapons” but aside from Jay they can’t really do that here, huh?
[13:11] Okay but you can totally use your weapons here, they can transform into cars and a plane, remember?
[12:37] Welp, off goes Zane, who will totally not find out anything about himself.
[12:22] big F to the Falcon
[12:18] Jeez, better not show this to the Birds Aren’t Real guys (or maybe do it’ll be funny)
[12:00ish] Oh god those are suspicious noises
[10:50] He kills the robot by smacking it’s back a bit.
[10:21] If Gravity Falls has taught me anything, it’s a 50/50 chance that a tree will be useful. I have a bad feeling it’s gonna be less of a Journal 3 and more of whatever the hell that bunker’s deal was.
[10:18] Okay, definitely a bunker. Could have a shapeshifting nightmare fueller in there.
[10:09] And we see… stuff. Robotics stuff mostly.
[10:01] I can’t help but d'aww at that Falcon. I hope it gets fixed. I like birds.
[9:50] Yay!
[9:39] Oh… oh not yay.
[9:32] O H SHIT
[9:30] OH Sh- you’re really hamming it up. I mean, fair enough your whole life is a lie but still.
[9:03] Welp, cut to Wu trying to get some Traveller’s Tea.
[8:46] Back to the bunker, which was the bad half of the 50/50. Well, hope the other ninjas don’t freak out.
[8:37] welp i’m in very much dreading this mode
[8:30] Hoooooo boy this is gonna be something hard to break
[8:02] You know, I was going to make a comment for how horrifying this all is (like his entire sense of self is totally fucked by this, i can imagine. like…) but goddammit I’m just going with whatever’s happening now
[7:57] remember that uhhh the frog on the unicycle. because i’ve been… reminded.
[7:44] Alright, song’s over, let’s go back to the fact that ZANE’S NOT HUMAN(??? lego????) THAT HAS GOTTA HURT.
[7:15] First off, props to the others for trying their best to cheer Zane up. Second off, holy shit this episode rules. It’s killing me inside, but things have gotten just… far more interesting than I thought it would be. I didn’t think I’d take hold to it, and when I first actually felt invested I thought I just had shit taste, but… No. I think it’s genuinely good.
[6:51] Oh god those are Treehorns? Those are horrifying.
[6:21] But seriously. Cole is super fucking buff. (You spin me right round, baby right round, like a record baby, right round, round round)
[6:06] Memory switch? That’s not a good sign.
[5:54ish] I’m sorry WHO IS THAT
[5:41] oh boy this isn’t going to end well huh. this is… too happy for this not to end badly considering zane didn’t know anything about where he came from.
[5:13] OH NO.
[4:56] NOOO
[4:53] NO.
[4:43] oohhh my god. oh my god. i really underestimated this show, didn’t i.
[4:13ish] “What’s gotten into Zane?” Well, he did just find out about who created him, and had to witness his own … dad’s? his own dad’s death so not much really.
[3:43] Aaah, love the smell of “it’s gonna be hard to sleep tonight” in the evening.
[3:22] I can’t believe Zane’s fucking Ascended
[2:52] !!!!! hELL YEAH
[2:48] ouch
[2:38] and everything is kinda okay for now! yay
[2:29] :’)
[2:19] :’’’D
[1:56] uhoh the snake juice is leaking
[1:43] goddammit Pythor I forgot you existed
[1:28] dammit the villains are going to get an advantage oh no oh damn
[1:17] I know I already made the “Wu’s family is just so goddamn wild and not in a good way” comment but I’m making it again. Wu’s family is just so goddamn wild and not in a good way.
[1:06] Jesus christ, what’s in that tea?
[0:42] Dammit made the comment too early.
[0:00] Holy shit. I swear, if I saw this episode when I was a wee Jaimeling, I would’ve probably been haunted by it like that one Magic Schoolbus episode where that buzzkill redhead took his helmet off in space and froze because IT’S SPACE YOU DUMBASS. So I’m happy I saw it now, when I can actually process (I use that lightly) what’s happening.
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w34rdk1dc0r3 · 5 years
Why Killed Markiplier EXPLAINED (notes)
Hi these are my notes- they’re very sparatic and hard to understand but I figured y’all might want them. They were made while watching Markiplier’s latest stream—the time stamps are for DAMIEN and when Mark paused to explain. I don’t have the time stamps for where he explained everything though!! Sorry!
TLDR; this is me frantically taking notes on whatever Mark said related to DAMIEN. :)) these are unedited, so take the spelling errors and stuff with a grain of salt.
WKM notes:
-0:57 (Go Back to Sleep reference) “oh these are parallels - yeah you’re right these are parallels”. Opening shot of Damien from 0:04 of GBTS. Go back to sleep = wanted to make Damien. “This is the mood I want”. DIRECT PARALLEL.
-1:05 Celine is an observer, waiting for him to come back.
-2:11 Wanted to flesh our Celine as a character. Celine = Unknown. “I am not a perfect writer, I’m not a great writer; I’m better than I was.” Celine introduced as not a perf character: motivations UNKNOWN/never determined. “Don’t trust the seer” =\= don’t know what she does/represents. Damien brother/sister canon; had something to care for. THERE TO PROTECT HER BROTHER!!!!! Damien has simple job.
-3:22 “mostly like- I wanted to write dialogue to establish relationship” Celine = overprotective controlling older sibling. Nice dynamic/friendly/showcase flower is not normal. THINGS ARE LOOPING; Celine stops “did u really see a flower?”; strange. SQUISHED. “Starting to sound like mom”
-3:30ish Damien SUDDENLY GETS TIRED. On a LOOP. Winter will be over soon. Trees covering hills = every day he goes to cut a tree. Endless trees. Living SAME EXACT DAY. Celine goes out at night to do business/job. NUMBER OF TREES NOT THE POINT. PURGATORY. FLOWER = FIRST CHBGE.
-4:40 flower: PINK!!!!! dialogue EXACT LINES from WMLWS. Winter -> spring, leaving purgatory. Flower = warfstache peeling back layers covering up world/crack code of matrix/starting to spread out. Flower just a result of warfstache coming to terms with what’s happening and where it’s going. Time is wishy washy. Time has no start or finish of it. Exists = always existed. Everything unified space, someone breaking rules over HERE spills out and effects others in that place. Rules change = rules change for everyone. Dialogue saying that THIS is a RESULT of warfstache, not!!! a conscious choice.
-5:21 pattern!!!!! established
-6:52 something is definitely changing and Celine is worried. Celine goes out to HUNT FOR ACTOR!MARK, NOT TO GUARD. GONNA KILL ACTOR!MARK. Go back to sleep/wake up: duality of two characters having to share a body. Celine made THIS place for broken things(Damien!!). Celine made mistakes in WKM; misjudged actor capabilities. Celine always tries to protect Damien!!!’ she would do LITERALLY ANYTHING to protect Damien. “YOU NEED SLEEP”-damien can stay “alive” only because he sleeps. Not getting enough sleep= you absolutely need to sleep while Celine is out bc you can only be yourself if that is so.
-7:45 bc warfstache is unintentionally breaking universe they’re in, actor!mark can take advantage of it. NOT deception. This day is important because change started NOW—everything before was looping. Damien cutting wood/useless task = Celine’s stuff in an endless loop too (finding mark). SOME control, not IN control. No one is IN CONTROL. Matter of them both being in purgatory until warfstache comes to term with his place in the world.
-8:32 can see shadow of figure in ice.
-9:33Damien’s led to believe Celine is in the water lol. Door of cabin locked from outside. (Flower)= no meaning. “Everything is very plain. With this, it is similar. Everything is very plain.” Too focuses on the details. Winter = seems like purgatory.
-10:02 voices - wanted something to fill the spaces of everything. Auditoría Kay engaging. Hearing things behind the scenes. “Why are you hearing voices?” Not abt what the voices are saying.
-10:13 Actor!Mark; very hard to voice 2 diff characters and have them sound remotely different.
-11:01 Wilford/A!Mark same line. Convey two different people who both (at this time of story) were saying apologies. TWO confrontations happen = similar (detective warfstache/Damien Mark). Similar convos, different people. Things happen in different ways because who they are. Will actually says an apology, actor mark NEVER apologizes.
-12:07 very first conversation we have with the actor. ONLY SAID ONE LINE “welcome welcome one and all, etc.” If something is not ON THE SCREEN or implied in some way, it isn’t 100% proven. Going through summary is PROOF of his crime. “Plans weren’t exactly properly executed”. What he wanted only happened 50%
-13:01 “Celine needed to have motivation to have a character/drive”. Can’t just say actor wanted revenge without painting the kind of person he is. He can’t imagine other people not loving that; thinks he’s doing Damien a favor. HES A NARCISSIST. “Nobody is fully evil or fully good”. Reason he thinks he’s the hero is bc if his perspective, he IS; everyone else is the villain/did him wrong.
-13:43 “oh yeah Wilford STOLE Celine from me lol” STUPID AND NARCISSISM WACK. His career tanked after she left. “It’s her fault bc he lost everything”. “I’m gracious because I decided to move on”.
-14:28 Damien starting to remember but doesn’t understand everything; big dummy softy. Doesn’t realize he’s KINDA dead. Rotten corpse = his reflection.
-14:59 actor wants MORE characters in his story; he wants a villain. Confusion of what you’re supposed to do- represents Damien’s confliction “when do I have a CHOICE??”
-15:30 for so long Wilford/actor have been “If Celine even saw me she would rip my heart out”; “Celine is a FUCKISBNG badass.”
-16:18 Damien just wants to make a choice “life is ours to CHOOSE”. Fire going out = Damien feels dead. Cold, dead.
-17:07 music=wanted to carry on emotional connection. Celine: “I’m tired” she has never slept; watching, hunting, NOT RESTING. Celine is a creature of willpower that she powers through it. Damien: “Am I dead?” Celine: “NO!!” Not on my watch; wall cracking-> sanctuary crumbling. “...no” :(( “I’m so tired”. Celine both starts to admit defeat, but then she picks herself back up. Damien cares so much about her and is very protective about her. Shared line: “just be careful/I can take care of myself (I don’t need help, especially from you.” If she keeps going down this path, she’ll never get out of it (same thing with Abe). Damien/Will want to help.
-17:23 “I know you can’t take care of me forever”; Damien making a choice, IMPORTANT. He trusts that Celine is trying to do the best for him; knows whatever she’s doing/her motives are, at the end of the day, she’s his sister and he wants to help. Whether or not that means things will change for him. Damien’s one moral: This is a story about coming to terms that life throws at you. About someone that didn’t choose things to happen to them, but (In mark’s mind) it’s not about what happens, it’s about how you respond. The choices you make when that happens; it may not always work out but those choices define who you are as a person. At the end of it all, Damien doesn’t understand but he knows Celine can’t do “this” alone.
-17:54 Damien knows he can’t go back to the life he had, and he’s okay with that. “He’s OK that Celine tried to fix, but trying to fix him will get her killed. And he’s okay with him not being fixed”.
-19:49 Celine has been doing everything herself; Damien is offering help. CELINE ISNT DEAD HECK YEAH. “This isn’t a place of the mind-“ fake water. SHE IS SLEEPING UWU UWU. MARKIPLIER TV INSTANTLY AFTER THIS.
•Overarching meaning/story: “These are stories.” In the universe, the world they live in after WKM is stories. They’re acting our scripts/videos because they are characters in stories. It doesn’t matter what was said, it matters why. Celine/Damien live in that story because she made up a narrative for them. Nothing happening in DAMIEN is truly real. Actor wants the ideas of hero’s/villains, he wants to imagine and play pretend. The house is just an analogy for Mark’s imagination/head. CANON that there are plot holes.
EX Detective Abe: (WMLWS) He is going to be the detective in every story. Whatever detective role he needs to be. Doesn’t know why he has to hunt Will down. Hasn’t lived “The Detective”’s life, so he doesn’t know the details, doesn’t have the script. Wilford is acting out of the script because he isn’t IN the script; he’s having FUN.
•Damien: empathy / Warfstahce: insanity, zany, doesn’t always make sense, goofy, fun!!! / ACTOR: Narcissistic part of Mark.
•In “this universe” (the Masson/mark’s Brain), characters act out their lives-> transformed where life doesn’t make sense.
•Not all characters are a part of MARKIPLIERS personality. Characters not representing mark were before actually mark. Went in the mansion ->they were trapped there, the mind (of another Mark?).
•The viewer is, under those terms (an observer), right there, behind the class. They’re the viewer.
•After WKM, we’re watching everything unfold. We’re forced to be an observer -> we can’t change or do anything, only watch. We aren’t trapped with the characters.
•In CANON, Damien -> Markiplier TV.
•A Date with Markiplier doesn’t wrap in with this. Everything happens AFTER WKM.
•Actor SPIRALED bc he couldn’t accept that he lost roles/his wife left him. His choice was to create a situation that tore his entire friendship/ppl that cared abt him apart. He killed/destroyed lives/did terrible things bc that’s how he replied.
•Warfstache was thrown into situation where former friend contrived a situation that took everything away from him. Justification was madness; things didn’t make sense to him so he choose to role with it and enjoy things while they were there. Temporary nature of life is why it’s so precious. Lives in the NOW, the MOMENT.
•Damien has no choice of what was happening. Didn’t understand why his friends tore themselves apart/Will didn’t care/Mark dead/sister suddenly there performing occult things. He was robbed and had things stolen from him; he’s the kind of person that wants to help, he also wants revenge. But the point is: the choices that led him to where he was were choices that helped the ppl he cares abt.
•Who is the character in this universe that is the opposite of Mark (what he said abt darkiplier)?
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f4liveblogarchives · 5 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #130
Fri Jul 26 2019
[07:17 PM] Bocaj: I wish that the frightful Four kept losing their female members so the writers would have to keep introducing more female villains [07:18 PM] Wack'd: Ehhh it would inevitably be because they turn face though [07:18 PM] maxwellelvis: Well, I think Thundra's more of a wild card, but [07:18 PM] Bocaj: Maybe they go independent because they realize the others are dinks? [07:18 PM] maxwellelvis: fair enough [07:18 PM] Wack'd: It'd be nice! [07:18 PM] Wack'd: But we've only just now hit the point where folks are thinking "hey, maybe female honorific shouldn't be defined entirely by marital status", so
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[07:20 PM] Wack'd: So it turns out Thundra's fascination with Ben wasn't some weird sex thing after all--but it is now!
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[07:20 PM] Bocaj: Dammit [07:20 PM] maxwellelvis: He's got kavorka, that rockmonsterman [07:21 PM] Wack'd: Flint tries to murder Ben to keep Thundra from turning face and Thundra stops him, claiming that her sole mission here was to humble and humiliate Ben [07:21 PM] Wack'd: So maybe it was a little bit a weird sex thing [07:22 PM] Bocaj: Thundra tops [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Wizard decides that with Johnny and Ben down their next task is to destroy the Baxter Building [07:25 PM] Wack'd: I'm sure Collins is gonna be thrilled [07:26 PM] Wack'd: Meanwhile--Johnny! [07:27 PM] Wack'd: Turns out Black Bolt hasn't turned evil, he just wanted to get a word in with Johnny before he saw Crystal, and thought this was the only way to do it [07:27 PM] Wack'd: Johnny...reacts about as well as you'd expect [07:28 PM] Wack'd: Well okay he reacts better than you'd expect. He doesn't threaten genocide this time. [07:28 PM] Wack'd: He just leads the guards on a goose chase [07:29 PM] Wack'd: Intra-issue cliffhanger! Whatever is going on here we're not gonna find out until next issue. Which is lovely because I was planning on taking a break after this. Ah well.
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[07:30 PM] Bocaj: Why is crystal still wearing her ff duds? [07:30 PM] Wack'd: Nostalgia? [07:31 PM] Wack'd: Inhuman cosplay contest? [07:31 PM] Wack'd: Budget cuts? [07:31 PM] maxwellelvis: Lost her old costume two Inhuman home bases ago? [07:31 PM] Wack'd: Back to Reed! Who can't focus on his work with all of the drama going on. He hears someone at the door and rushes to get it, hoping Sue or Johnny has returned so he can make amends. [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Reed: Sandman! I should've known! [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Flint: You should've known? That's what you always say--after I catch you flat-footed! [07:33 PM] Wack'd: Reed is incapacitated. Flint wants to know why they don't just murder 'em--turns out Thundra "holds no truck with ungallantry towards the weaker sex." [07:35 PM] Wack'd: So the Frightful Four make their way into Reed's lab to loot it
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[07:36 PM] Wack'd: One of Reed's laser cannons goes off on its own, causing the team to presume betrayal--but nope! [07:36 PM] Wack'd: Sue gets some footprints in Pete's paste and is forced to reveal herself. [07:37 PM] Wack'd:
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[07:38 PM] Wack'd: Unfortunately, Sue proves to be too much for them, so Wizard takes the low road and threatens Franklin to force a surrender [07:39 PM] Wack'd: OH SHIT HERE WE GO
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[07:39 PM] Wack'd: MIRACLE BABY [07:39 PM] Wack'd: (Why didn't you free your mom, kid?) [07:41 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Wizard panics and forgets the Thundra-inflicted "no killing men" rule [07:42 PM] Wack'd: And gets his ass handed to him by Thundra [07:42 PM] Wack'd: Before he can kill Ben [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Good [07:43 PM] Wack'd: Ben frees Reed, Reed frees Sue, Sue frees Medusa. Four on four. Let's do this.
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[07:44 PM] Bocaj: The Fantastic Four minus one of the jerks in it plus a Queen [07:45 PM] maxwellelvis: !!!!!!!!!!11 [07:45 PM] maxwellelvis: I think I know what the "End of the Four" they're talking about is. [07:45 PM] Wack'd: I fucking love that Sue's main strategy at this point is inflicting body horror on people
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[07:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Sure is lucky Sandman is intensely stupid. [07:47 PM] Wack'd: This has fairly reliably worked on the other villains and even her own family members! [07:47 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they're just weirded out and don't think she's actually disintegrating them like Sandman is. [07:47 PM] Wack'd: Fair [07:47 PM] Wack'd: Reed and Sue get into an argument about whether Sue should be fighting or getting Franklin out of here [07:48 PM] Wack'd: Sue's like "I can do both, Franklin's in a force field" and Reed is like *doesn't say anything because the Wizard ambushes him* [07:49 PM] Wack'd: I'm not sure if Thundra's "applying female stereotypes to men" shtick is good praxis but I'm finding it very amusing
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[07:51 PM] Wack'd: Thundra decides to cut it short, fells Ben with a knee to the solar plexus, and engineers an escape for the rest of the Frightfuls in case she needs them later [07:51 PM] Bocaj: Hah [07:52 PM] Wack'd: Medusa's like "hey we kicked some real ass" and Reed's like "maybe we would've done better if Sue had listened to me" [07:52 PM] Wack'd: And then-- [07:53 PM] Wack'd: I'm assuming max guessed right
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[07:54 PM] maxwellelvis: Yup [07:54 PM] Wack'd: Well dammit, now I have to keep reading, because I'm intrigued! [07:54 PM] maxwellelvis: I think this is like, the first time Reed and Sue are separated like this. [07:55 PM] Wack'd: I'm really hoping this sparks some real development from Reed, at least short-term [07:55 PM] maxwellelvis: Granted I think your thing was going to happen after Valeria was born, but still... [07:55 PM] Wack'd: Because he's being a massive dick here [07:56 PM] Wack'd: And, like, it's interesting because. I honestly think that if Thomas had just softened this behavior--written off the sexism as a relic of the 60s, simply moved forward as though Reed weren't a dink--I'd be a lot more generous to him now [07:56 PM] Wack'd: Doubling down is by far the more interesting choice--not as interesting as putting Reed in exile instead of Sue. [07:56 PM] Wack'd: But interesting. [07:57 PM] Wack'd: But what happens next will irrevocably color Reed as a character going forward. And I doubt it will be pretty. [07:57 PM] Wack'd: Yeah [07:58 PM] maxwellelvis: Reed being the one leaving the Baxter Building/4 Freedoms Plaza does have interesting implications of its own. [07:58 PM] Wack'd: There's definitely something to be said about the fact that Sue is like "you didn't think of me as a member of the team or as your wife, only as the mother of your child, so I'm going to stop being a member of the team and your wife and just be the mother of your child." That's incredibly clumsy. [07:59 PM] Wack'd: And makes this feel more like a spite move than a principled stand--which is definitely unintentional. [08:00 PM] maxwellelvis: Suddenly I'm picturing Reed being hounded by paparazzi whenever the news of a separation breaks in your thing. [08:01 PM] maxwellelvis: And then the thought just popped into my head, "Would the Daily Bugle be one of the news outlets trying to get in on that?" [08:01 PM] Wack'd: Depends on the writer [08:02 PM] maxwellelvis: I mean, would you see Jonah doing that? [08:03 PM] Wack'd: So let's go into how Reed deals with this. Firstly he projects--Sue *certainly* isn't the one neglecting Franklin. Just a few issues ago Reed completely missed an appointment to go see him, then sent Sue to retrieve hi on her own when Agatha retired. [08:04 PM] Wack'd: He doubles down. He refuses to engage with her critique of his behavior, or say anything to make this more amicable. In fact, he even stops Sue from trying to soften the blow. [08:04 PM] Wack'd: He frames this entirely as her decision, which is nice on an female agency level but means he's refusing to take any for himself. This is his fault. He needs to admit that. [08:05 PM] Wack'd: And then he decides he's going to continue to power around with her little brother? [08:05 PM] Wack'd: Jeez. [08:06 PM] Wack'd: And in the context of the Thomas run as a whole--I gave him shit for his "greatest hits" routine earlier but I think we definitely needed a reminder of what normalcy looks like before he pulls a move like this. [08:06 PM] maxwellelvis: And this is just like a handful of issues into his run, too [08:07 PM] Wack'd: And even if his plot structure is fairly rote, I have to credit him for pulling in Thundra and Kala--the fact that this is kind of a boy's club is clearly on his mind. [08:08 PM] Wack'd: This is actually closer to the end of his first (short, as all 70s *Four* runs are) run than the beginning [08:08 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh [08:08 PM] Wack'd: Gerry Conway will be in shortly [08:09 PM] Wack'd: Thomas does come back a few times though, for fairly significant spurts of time [08:09 PM] Wack'd: He'll be in and out until 1977 [08:10 PM] Wack'd: So I guess this is kind of the beginning of an era for him? Just one with lots and lots of guest writers [08:10 PM] Wack'd: Which makes sense, he is also editor in chief. [08:10 PM] maxwellelvis: It's the beginning of an era for the Four, at least. [08:10 PM] Wack'd: I'm very curious to see how long this lasts.
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einhcrjar · 5 years
Iron Dad and Spider-Son --- closed / private verse with @undxroos​
≫≫( 𝘝𝘌𝘙𝘚𝘌 201.) 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺. 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘢𝘯. 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯? 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯.
OCTOBER 20 2000
“Sir, a Mary Fitzpatrick is calling... on your personal line.”  “Mary Whowhatsit? Send her to voicemail.” “Sir, she insists.” “Alright patch her through.”
The last time that Tony felt as though his entire life was uprooted was when he was thirteen, and it wasn’t in less than five words. “I’m pregnant, and it’s yours.” There’s a long pause while she explains and fuzzy memories become more concrete as she patches together a night that he didn’t even have a chance of remembering otherwise.
He has excuses, alternate scenarios, different possibilities. But the numbers add up, there’s no denying it. He does the math. Twice. 
AUGUST 10 2001
It takes a bit of negotiating. Both of them decide against lawyers. She doesn’t want money. He wants a few days every week. It’s amiable. They decide that Tony gets Peter Monday morning until Wednesday night. He meets Richard and decides that he’s nice enough. They’re sitting outside of the hospital room, sharing quiet laughs. They’re good people. The nurse comes out and settles PETER in Tony’s arms and he’s an absolute goner already.
Any doubt that he had about being ready for this, or really wanting it at all go out the window. 
JANUARY 01 2002
The media has a field day when Tony walks into his first board meeting as the youngest CEO of a fortune 500 company. He’s 21, and thriving in the position and Peter is napping through a good portion of the discussion anyway. What difference does it make?
DECEMBER 28 2005
Tony feels like he can’t fucking breathe when the police officer calls. He hears every few words. Car accident. Peter. Mary. Richard. No one’s fault. And yet? He still feels like it’s his.  It’s a damn miracle, but Peter is perfectly safe, save the fact that Tony’s going to have to sue whoever left Peter’s blanket in the wreckage. 
MAY 10 2006
The case settling is the best present he’d ever received. 
However, when he looks over at Ben and May Parker, Peter’s uncle and aunt... it doesn’t feel like winning. So he does what any reasonable person would. 
Sets them up in a comfortable apartment in Queens, and makes sure they always have enough food, enough to pay the bills. Because May makes a great and reliable babysitter. One he, and Peter trusts. That alone is invaluable. 
It’s only kindergarten. ONLY KINDERGARTEN. Tony still lingers on long after Peter runs inside, making fast friends with a little boy named Ned who lives ( conveniently ) down the street from Aunt May. It’s a little soon. And it hurts a lot. But when Peter comes home with a scathing letter from his teacher about how he doesn’t know his colors, but can name all of the transition metals from the periodic table... Tony knows they’re going to be JUST FINE.
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lacertae-dreamscape · 5 years
The Sentai and the Cultist [28/?]
Please do reblog, my blog has been erased from tags and I can only spread this through other fans.
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This fic (on AO3)
Pairing: Genji/Zenyatta
Rating: mature for overall fighting scenes n stuff just to be on the safe side
Summary: The Sentai have discovered there is more to the Cultist than meets the eye, and have thus gained an ally, but things are still far from being solved. It is only the start…
The Sentai and the Cultist
Chapter 28
The laboratory was in the middle of the industrial area of Numbani, far from the actual city.
The industrial area had factories, storage sheds and other similar buildings that operated under the city’s jurisdiction, but away from residential blocks and historical areas, and was located in the southern periphery.
While the rest of the city appeared rather technological in style and architecture, mixing together tradition with modern appeal, the industrial area had changed very little in the past hundred or so years, as most of the factories and societies building there had no need for appealing facades.
As the ORCA slowly manoeuvred down into the empty lot, the shimmer of its masking feature keeping it from sight, Genji looked anxiously outside, observing their surroundings.
It looked like any other place, the same grey buildings, the same factory shapes and cement squares, the only difference was the distant curving skyscrapers of Numbani, and perhaps a few more trees than expected in an attempt to help keep the air cleaner around the factories.
“Lynx Seventeen is online and ready to help,” Athena’s voice alerted them, startling Genji from his staring.
“Well then,” he spoke up before Ana could. “Can you hack into that place to let us in?”
There was a soft, metallic scoff from the speakers of the jet. “Listen here, if you have nothing better to do than ruin the reputation of your hero team by barrelling into that laboratory like a drunk elephant into a crystal shop, be my guest. But I’m fairly sure I’m speaking for the rest of your team when I say it would not be entirely conductive to the stealth part of your mission, yes?”
Someone snorted behind Genji, but when he looked above his shoulders, everybody kept a carefully blank expression, and he glared at them.
“Why would that prevent you from hacking their cameras?” he asked, shoulders hunched up. “Just… do some trick so we can go in.”
A slow, artificial exhale. “You cannot barge into that laboratory by simply disabling the security cameras, genius. If that was a normal laboratory dealing with nanomachines, it would still have heightened security requirements due to the delicate subject of their studies, but… we have already established it’s not a normal place, right?” Lynx Seventeen’s voice shifted through the jet’s speakers, until a screen flickered online from the seat in front of Genji, revealing the omnic hacker’s face plate. “They are probably monitoring things, and if Sombra is now updating their security, they will know of any obvious tampering, and will act accordingly… and the worst part is that you would be at fault if caught. You are, essentially, acting like thieves –and because of this, you need to be subtle. Think you can manage that, flashy hero?”
Genji gritted his teeth, annoyed at Lynx’s attitude.
Part of him knew the omnic was right and Genji needed to calm down, but… ten days. It had been ten days already and the fact that he could be close, that Zenyatta might be just in that building, held against his will and treated like an object, made Genji’s guts twist unpleasantly.
He’d waited enough –he could barely stand still, anticipation like an itch on his skin– and he needed to do something, anything, to make that feeling go away.
He needed to find him.
“Before you attempt to fight the hacker who’s helping us,” Jesse interjected, his drawl slow and at ease as he reached out to tap Genji’s shoulder with one knuckle, “maybe we can focus on getting through this lab shit and check whether Zenyatta’s really in there.”
“The weird cowboy’s right, listen to him,” Lynx said, amusement in their tone. Jesse’s lips twitched up in a small smile. “What we’re doing is a more… delicate hacking. Luckily for you, I’m the expert here. You leave the details to me and just follow my lead.”
“Alright then, bunny hacker. What should we do?”
Lynx Seventeen had no eyes to roll, but the small movement they did with their shoulders and head made it obvious that had been the intent. “You should be more inventive, I’ve heard that one already.” They turned to look at Orisa, who until then had remained quiet in a corner of the ORCA jet, happy to just wait. “Your programmer was kind enough to share with me the full extent of your abilities. We have two slots of ten minutes to work with to slip into the laboratory and then back out, and Orisa, your recharge time for that particular skill is–”
“Thirty minutes at least, but I recharge faster during the day.” Orisa happily replied, lifting her left hand.
The device had been built right onto the top part of her forearm, in the guise of a green ornamental plaque.
“Unfortunately, we are unable to do this by day, due to its… delicate illegal ramifications,” Ana commented drily. “So, Lynx… what is the plan?”
“Orisa’s ability, although still in beta, can be used to disrupt a part of the laboratory’s camera feed, which I will use to hack into the system. While her ability offers us ten minutes, I will need at least five to start my work, which leaves you the same amount to get into the laboratory. Once inside, you have an autonomy of thirty minutes before Orisa activates her ability to cover your escape.”
Genji frowned. “Why thirty minutes? Can’t we stay longer?”
“The laboratory guards will investigate the situation, and start a routine maintenance setup. That will only take a few minutes, and they will rule it out as a random malfunction, but they will monitor the cameras in case it happens again. And once it does…”
“They will know it was not random at all.”
“If it happens once, it’s possibly a glitch. If it happens twice, you look into it and search the cause. Thirty minutes is long enough to have whoever is guarding the laboratory relax before they get suspicious, and then checking the feed will keep them busy enough for you to leave the laboratory.”
“If I may,” Hanzo spoke up with a frown, “Would that not cause suspicion, if the glitch happens twice with no apparent reason?”
“Indeed. This is why you have me. I will infect the system with a virus that will be traced down to someone using their systems to view uncensored porn. It is one of the most common reasons for security faults found in systems all around the world, and even without an actual scapegoat, it will only result in a scolding of all the guards on duty tonight. But once they work through the virus, they will strengthen the security. Thirty minutes is also to keep you from getting caught by guards patrolling the area, so that’s your time limit. And after that, you will not have a second chance.”
“So we have to navigate the laboratory in thirty minutes, find what we need and then leave, and it’s all we get.”
Genji’s eyes narrowed in determination. “Then we will do it in that time.”
“What about our identities?” Jesse turned around to look at Ana, recognizing her as the one in command. “I get that your friend there is an incognita, but we can’t have anyone recognizing us.”
“Yes, Jesse, you wouldn’t want people to reconsider the bounty on your head, right?” Angela flashed him a small smile and received an impish one back.
“You first get a list of past infractions at least half as long as mine, darling, and then you can come at me,” Jesse shot her a slow, amused grin. “This is your first one. Go on, I’ll tally ‘em up for you from now on.”
“As I said,” Lynx Seventeen spoke again, deadpan, “this is why you have me.”
A compartment of the ORCA slid open near Ana, revealing a set of what looked like wireless headsets, but without a mic addition. They were black, without any distinctive symbol or brand on them. Ana grabbed one of them, eyes narrowing. “Hmmm…” then she tugged her hair away from her ear and gently set it over the curve of her ear. “How is this activated?”
“There is a button on the flat tip. Press it once to activate, twice to turn it off.”
Some sort of energy field flickered around her body, spreading from her ear to cover her face with a haze of transparent azure light. At her side, Pyrite seemed startled, his hands moving into a flurry of motions that Genji could not follow, nor decipher.
“So this is what it does?” Ana answered easily, lips stretched into a thin smile.
“Intriguing,” Hanzo took a step forwards, eyes narrowed. “It seems to be interacting with sight in some way. Such work seems rather refined. How did you manage to prepare those in so little time?”
“I’m good, but not that good. I’ve been working on these for months. Had them shipped to you the moment I knew we would have to go a little under the radar. They are my special project, so I would highly recommend for them to be returned to me without a scratch.”
“What are those?” Jesse picked one up, fiddling with the small thing. “Not exactly my choice for fashion style, have to admit.”
“Your fashion will be grateful to have something less tacky, cowboy,” Lynx replied without missing a beat. “They are equipped with a minor masking technology that will disrupt normal facial recognition in any surveillance system. They have a limited range of action and are somewhat delicate, so don’t go mashing your heads on stuff for the sake of it.”
Jesse didn’t seem offended at the jab at his fashion sense, far too interested in putting the single headset on his left ear. “Neat. Can I keep one?”
“Nah,” Lynx chuckled, propping their chin on one hand. “If I find one missing I will personally come to cash in your reward bounty.”
“Roger that.”
There was some quiet shuffling as they all grabbed one of the headsets and attached it to their ears, except Pyrite who inserted it into a slot of his armour, where he could activate it without worrying about losing it.
“What if we are caught by a guard, then?” Angela asked, fiddling with her headset. “It does not seem to impede a human sight, though it appears omnics’ sight is affected,” she motioned for Pyrite, who answered with a sharp nod of his head.
“Pray you won’t, darling,” Lynx answered, and that was it.
Genji swallowed, anticipation and wariness settling like stones in his stomach.
Thirty minutes to do everything they needed to do –a short window, and he was afraid that if he saw any hint of Zenyatta in there he would be unable to leave. He’d been part of the sentai for long enough to know his place as their leader, know when to retreat and when to fight, but he’d always been the rebel one, the person who rushed into things, and though he knew, rationally, that he would not be able to save Zenyatta right away…
He also knew that if he saw Zenyatta in there, he would not be able to think about anything else except getting him out.
“Genji, you ok?” Jesse tapped his shoulder. The flicker around his face was distracting, so Genji looked outside the jet instead.
“Yes,” he lied, and Jesse snorted.
“Care to try again?”
“… I will be once we find Zenyatta. Or… anything that I can use to find him.”
“That’s a little better, thank you.”
They turned to look at Ana, who was having an entirely quiet conversation through sign language with Pyrite, her back carefully turned towards them even though they could not understand what they were saying.
The conversation ended sharply when Ana turned around, ignoring the way Pyrite’s hands were moving in urgent, curt movements, as she faced the others instead. “Genji, Jesse, Hanzo, Angela. You will go. Pyrite and I will stay behind to offer support in case you need it, and we will keep the ORCA ready to leave at the first hint of danger. Orisa will be a bridge between us, as she needs to be closer to the laboratory to use her ability. I don’t think I have to tell you to be cautious.”
“Let’s go,” Genji muttered, looking at the laboratory in the dark.
“Do we get codenames?” Jesse asked, trying to keep his voice down.
The parking lot surrounding the laboratory was empty, save for three cars –one on the front and two on the side, barely visible from where the group was standing. The metallic fence was rusted but sturdy, tall enough that a normal person would be unable to climb on it.
As they moved closer, attempting to keep out of sight, Lynx followed them through the comms, careful to guide them away from the cameras; Orisa lagged behind, heavy on her feet and slower than they were, so the four had to slow down to let her catch up.
Angela kept glancing around in the dark, wincing when Orisa’s footsteps echoed heavily in the silence, and hoped no one would come out to investigate this soon into the operation.
“That’s stupid,” Genji muttered back to Jesse, not even looking at him. “Who cares about that?”
“I do, since I can’t use your names in case we’re overheard.”
“Just call me ‘you’ and that should be enough.”
“Why not spice up the situation, though? A lil’ fun–”
“Listen.” Genji did stop mid-crouch, swirling his head back to glare at Jesse, and though the only light in the area came from one of the streetlights behind them Jesse could see the fury in Genji’s face, in his tightly clenched fists. “This isn’t fun. I don’t care about stupid codenames. I just want to get in there and find out where Zenyatta is.”
Jesse’s mouth closed with a noticeable click of his teeth, and Hanzo’s hand fell heavily on Genji’s shoulder, stopping him.
“We all feel the gravity of the situation,” he told his brother, voice even, “and just as well, we can feel the tension, and it needs to be broken or it will break you.”
Shaking his shoulder to shrug off Hanzo’s hand, Genji shook his head and turned around to check on Orisa’s progress, satisfied when he saw she was close enough for them to continue. He did not heed Hanzo’s implied suggestion, nor did he apologize for his snappy attitude to Jesse.
Hanzo and Jesse shared a look, the former looking almost pained, and Jesse offered him a mirthless grin and a tiny shrug, to indicate he was not hurt by Genji’s behaviour.
The laboratory building was close now, but they needed to make sure they were in the right position.
“Are we close enough, Lynx?” Angela asked quietly in an attempt to divert the attention away from the building tension.
“That should be enough,” was the answer. “There is still quite a good distance to go once you pass the fence and get into the parking lot, but there is…” a pause “a door somewhere in front of you.”
Angela nodded, her hand closing around the tiny card-key Ana had given her earlier. It was a modified passe-partout, and once Lynx had deactivated the security field keeping the laboratory secured, they would send the codes to open the door to the card.
“Remember,” Lynx said, redundantly, “wait until Orisa receives my signal, and then you have five minutes to get through the parking lot, locate the door and get inside. To keep interferences to the minimum, I will refrain from contacting you once inside unless there are problems. Time yourselves and be back to the door before the time runs out. You have five extra minutes while Orisa sets up her barrier again, but any more than that and you will be stuck –and I won’t be able to help.”
“Fine,” Genji hissed, eyes narrowed. “Let’s start.”
Lynx did not answer, but Orisa moved forwards, carefully placing herself as close to the fence as possible without touching it, and extended her arm in front of her. The tech built on her forearm flicked on, emanating a pale glow in the dark, then expanded from her body like a force field, tiny bubbles of light flaring up to form what appeared to be a translucent shield.
“For your safety, please move behind my barrier,” Orisa said, shuffling and then sitting down. “The electromagnetic pulse might interfere with your friend Lynx’s gadget.”
They all hurried to get behind her as the barrier expanded further, stabilizing around them.
The nearby lamppost flickered twice, the sound of electricity being disrupted the only outward sign that something was happening.
Genji fought the urge to bite down on his nails, unable to stand this moment of inactivity now that they were supposed to get ready; instead, he flexed his legs, rubbing his hands down his arms and looking around as Hanzo kept watch, steely expression focused on the fence.
“Question,” Jesse murmured, his voice unnerved. “How are we passing through the fence?”
“Climbing,” Genji replied, uncaring.
A beat. “And for those of us who do not possess ninja abilities or can’t go Spiderman?”
Angela let out a small huff of dry amusement.
“You can climb on my back to reach the top of the fence,” Orisa offered kindly. “I hope you will jump down without trouble?”
Jesse hummed, patting her shoulder in thanks. “That should be fine, thank you.”
“You are most welcome, Jesse McCree.” Orisa’s digital expression shifted into a happy one, before her eyes glowed. “Three minutes down. Please get ready.”
Genji tensed up, eyeing the dark building in front of him.
It looked too small, too quiet, too unassuming –yet, Genji felt his dragon unfurl from deep within his consciousness, stirring up to soothe the worry it could feel from its wielder.
“Are we sure it’s workin’?” Jesse asked, eyeing Orisa.
“Please do not doubt Efi’s abilities, Jesse McCree,” Orisa answered, sounding chiding, and Jesse winced.
“One minute,” Hanzo murmured, and there was a minute shift in his stance –he moved his weight in preparation, hunching his shoulders.
Jesse hurried to get closer to Orisa, and Angela licked her lips before doing the same.
For a moment, all was quiet. The darkness around them was only broken by the flickering lights above and by Orisa’s shield, and then–
“The five minutes start now,” Orisa said, and without warning the barrier around her fell, plunging the area into darkness, including the lampposts around the base. “Good luck!”
Jesse and Angela scrambled to her side but Genji was already sprinting forwards, blind and deaf to anyone except the mission.
He jumped high –his dragon bubbling under the surface, aiding him– and he rose into the air and above the fence, hovering there for a split second before falling down again, this time inside the parking lot.
Hanzo was right behind him, using his heightened abilities to quickly climb through, even if with a few seconds delay, though by the time he landed in a crouch inside the perimeter, Genji was already speeding off towards the laboratory, unmindful of the ones he’d left behind in his haste.
“Genji, wait for us! Damn it– this is harder than it looks…” Jesse was still halfway onto the fence, fingers fumbling to keep his weight off from Orisa’s back and to hoist himself over, and Angela was not far behind, though in a better position to squint and watch as Genji reached the door.
“I will stop him before he can barge inside.” Hanzo turned around, as collected even now as he was before, then turned around and sprinted to follow Genji, footsteps quiet as he ran across the parking lot.
“Damn Shimada family and their knack for being quiet,” Jesse grumbled, hurrying to the top of the fence and vaulting over, stumbling and falling on his ass on the other side. “Need a hand, Angela?”
She sighed, knuckles white where she was holding the fence, still on the wrong side of it. “Yes, please.”
Together, they jumped over the fence and chased down Hanzo and Genji, so they could enter the laboratory together.
~Seven days earlier~
Time felt like it had lost all its meaning since his capture.
It was not unusual for him to be alone, since the scientists assigned to him were reluctant to engage with him after the first few times, and extremely mindful of Reaper’s words of warning as well, which meant long bouts of time without seeing anyone.
He had no idea what this solitary confinement was meant to achieve –he had been social, before turning into the Cultist, but ever since his change had made him into a monster, he had learned to cope with lack of company. If they thought he would crack due to solitude, then they were wrong.
The first few days of captivity had taught Zenyatta more about the laboratory and those within it than what his captors had learned about him, he suspected; the thick glass keeping him secure was more for the sake of the scientists than for his actual confinement, as it seemed its only merit was to prevent his monstrous aura from affecting them.
His presence clearly unnerved them even when they could not feel the aura, and while at first Zenyatta had been too tired and out of it to use this as leverage, he’d quickly found out that words could easily do what his aura did… and considering he had nothing else on his side, seeing them be wary of him, distancing themselves from the room, was as much of a victory as he could afford.
An escape was still not even a remote possibility, after all.
Possibly due to Sombra’s hacking, his battery levels were not simply severely depleted –they were internally damaged, and due to that he felt constantly tired. He passed from fits of troubled unconsciousness to wake with little to no warning, disorientated and with clouded thoughts, and with no change in light or window, he only had his own internal clock to keep the time.
He was not a threat, confined and restrained like this, and the thought… hurt.
Since his arrival, Zenyatta had not been subject to any test or experiment either; he had expected he would be shown no mercy, yet the scientists had secured him in his containment unit and then left without doing anything. It was concerning, rather than reassuring.
Any window of opportunity he noticed was short lived and narrow, yet he kept on the lookout regardless, hoping his patience would eventually be rewarded.
Still, while it took far too long for his batteries to repair themselves, there had been a slight improvement, and he could now stay awake for longer periods of time provided he kept most of his processes on low priority.
Whether his abandonment was due to some other higher priority experiment happening elsewhere in the laboratory, or for reasons he could not begin to comprehend, Zenyatta still felt grateful –waking up alone and fuzzy was scary enough without considering the implications of his captivity.
Yet, it was getting better. He was able to stay awake without sluggish processes, and it meant he could start fixing himself up.
First, Zenyatta ran another diagnostic test on himself. It returned somewhat positive, his batteries still damaged but able to retain now up to 20% of his energy –which gave him an estimated hour of wake before being pulled down once again. The rest of his processes were alright, and he was grateful that despite the monster DNA changes within his body, for the most part he was still mechanical, rather than organic. Being kept in a cage like this for so long would have cramped his muscles, if he had any.
Standing took a lot out of him, but Zenyatta felt a rush of relief when the movement was not accompanied by any sort of vertigo, though he had to lean on the glass panel of his containment unit to avoid stumbling back on the floor.
There was no safe way to get out of his cage, or even crack the glass –he suspected even if he had his energy back, it would prove to be futile– but just the fact that he was standing filled him with a sense of purpose that had been missing until then.
The next step had Zenyatta hesitate before he focused within himself.
Sombra’s hacking might have messed with his battery and who knew what else, but she had no power to prevent him from using his spiritual energy, nor his omnic energy either –humans could barely comprehend them, let alone harness or control what omnics could.
From within him, Discord was the first to answer, but at the cold touch Zenyatta dropped the connection instantly, burned by the still fresh memory of losing himself to it after his kidnapping. The cold lingered in the back of his mind like a taunt, and Zenyatta’s hands closed into fists, upset at his own falter and his failure to control himself.
Discord… no, he could not hope to control it now, not when he still felt unbalanced.
Harmony took longer for him to feel –a small, frail warmth coming from the depths of fatigue and despair surrounding him, but when the connection was made Zenyatta welcomed the sensation fully, closing his optical receptors to focus on it. The trickle of golden light spread from within him slowly, barely able to soothe some of his anxiety before it flickered off, but that, too, Zenyatta considered as a victory.
With his soul feeling so weary, lost in a sea of uncertainty and worry, Zenyatta had not been sure he would be able to reach for the Iris, let alone touch its Harmony.
Such a small thing was enough to reassure him, and he felt some of the tension drain away as he sent a grateful thought to the Iris for its blessing.
A quick check on his battery confirmed that it had taken a dip, yet not one as big as he had feared due to how quickly he’d severed the connection to the Iris; he was in no state to attempt to Transcend, and while it would probably fix his batteries fully, he was not sure he could withstand the Iris enough not to crumble under its touch.
Zenyatta had first-hand experience dealing with the unknown, and even though he’d spent years exploring the depths of the Iris, in faith and in mind, under the guidance of Mondatta and the other Shambali, he was acutely aware of how little they truly knew about it, and how easy it would be to get truly lost, on that path of knowledge. That the Iris allowed them this connection was just proof of their hard work, yet it would be far too easy to misstep, and then…
There might be little left of Zenyatta, if he forced himself that much.
Shaking his head slowly, Zenyatta straightened his back a little and strained his auricular receptors, but he could hear nothing at all. The room was soundproof, unfortunately.
Between this and how sterile the room looked, especially under the constant, artificial lights, Zenyatta knew he would find little of interest and yet he still looked; the machines in the corner hummed quietly, connected through the dome to him, and Zenyatta did not trust himself enough to disentangle the wires yet, not until he had his energy back.
His scans did not reveal much about them –just that they existed as a bridge between the computers and him, but they were not… doing anything, at least for now.
He observed the cables from where they disappeared on the back of one of the bigger screens, a seed of uncertainty chipping at his carefully constructed shield.
What were the scientists waiting for?
Refusing to allow this train of thoughts to destabilize him again, Zenyatta forced himself to pay attention to what was in the room instead, optical receptors making a list of everything he could see around him. Despite the size, the room did not seem to have much other than the machinery and the containment units, and nothing close to him either, except…
The room might be sterile, but it was not clean. There were balls of crumpled up paper scattered in the corners, and one of them was close to his unit.
His orbs had been taken somewhere else, probably out of fear that he would be able to connect with them, but he wondered…
Slowly, he extended one arm, a trickle of omnic energy travelling down his fingers.
It would have been better if instead of paper, he could have had something mechanical or magnetic to try this on, though he was not sure it would work, but… it was worth a try.
The thick glass barrier appeared to contain his omnic energy –the sparkle hit the dome and fizzled out– so Zenyatta looked down, directing another spark to the cables connecting him with the machines outside.
It took more focus than he’d expected to, and he could feel his battery take a hit due to the increased power he was directing outside of him, but the omnic energy wriggled out of the dome, a glint of translucent blue barely visible in the still air of the laboratory.
Forehead array buzzing in distress, the tentacles around his face slack with fatigue, Zenyatta kept his focus as sharp as possible and directed the tiny trail of omnic energy towards the crumpled paper ball, enveloping it, then–
–he pushed.
The paper ball rustled slightly, as if hit by an invisible breeze, but at first it did not move. Even something this light was too heavy in his weakened state, but Zenyatta did not allow himself to give up, sending against his better judgement another wave of omnic energy to chase the rest.
He pressed one hand against the glass, feeling the drain on his processes, but kept at it, waited until the second wave of energy had reached the ball before pushing again, and this time…
The ball of paper rolled a bit on the side, then started to rotate in place, an inch above ground level.
Relief washed over him; it was such a small thing, but if he could keep at it, if he could conserve his energy enough, then maybe–
The laboratory door slid open with a soft whoosh and Zenyatta’s focus broke, scattering his omnic energy into nothingness as Reaper stormed inside.
Circuits buzzing with adrenaline, Zenyatta dropped his hand at his side, straightening his back and doing his best to appear unaffected; this was the first time he’d seen Reaper in over three days, ever since he’d been confined in this sterile room, and he wondered, distantly, if this meant they would finally start experimenting on him.
He did not felt ready, but he would not show it.
Reaper did not deign to look at him, but rather than head over to Zenyatta’s containment unit he walked to the empty one at his right –or rather, stumbled to it. Zenyatta’s forehead array flashed in confusion, not understanding Reaper’s apparent fatigue, but his surprise quickly turned into shock as Reaper pushed one gloved hand down on a panel on the wall, and the empty glass dome slid open with a hiss.
Zenyatta’s optical receptors caught a flicker of something on the edge of Reaper’s arm, and as he looked at the spot, he could see the nanomachines fray and drop away from Reaper’s body, buzzing and falling to the ground, where they seemed confused, sluggishly rolling back to melt into Reaper’s leg.
It was only then that Reaper did look his way, catching Zenyatta’s focus and growling, deep in his throat. “What are you looking at?”
Zenyatta hummed. “You seem… perturbed,” he said, after a small moment of silence, and was grateful that his voice did not shake. “Is there something hailing you?”
Reaper barked what sounded like a bitter, incredulous laughter. “What hails me, Cultist?”
He extended his arm towards the glass dome with Zenyatta inside, fingers splayed wide apart, and Zenyatta watched as his hand melted into nothing, dropping on the floor like wet, dark ink, wriggling at his feet like worms.
Zenyatta’s head snapped back –not at the sight, but at the intense wave of Discord and pain that hit his senses, even with him attempting to keep his barriers up.
It was… worse. So much worse than before, and as Zenyatta’s instinctive reaction was to step back, stumbling a bit from Reaper, he couldn’t help but feel more of that same Discord wrap around him, thick and dark, and it took him a few seconds just to gather enough strength to close himself off, hands curled at his sides to prevent Reaper from seeing how much they were shaking.
The nanomachines that were part of Reaper’s body seemed to fight against each other and him, and Zenyatta… it sent him back for a moment, replaying his own fight with the nanomachines he’d absorbed from Genji.
Reaper was not… he was not fully in control, and against better judgement Zenyatta opened himself again, drowning for a few seconds in the waves of pain and distress that Reaper was emanating, hoping to understand.
It was like slipping, sinking into his Discord, and it was an eternity later that Zenyatta finally closed himself off again. Mere seconds had passed, no indication of his actions on the outside, and Reaper scoffed at him before slipping into the glass dome.
Slowly, sluggishly, the nanites that had fallen from him wriggled inside as well, pulled by invisible, weak strings.
“What is happening to you, Reaper?” Zenyatta’s synthetic voice did not contain a trace of the horror he felt, though there was enough of it to make him dizzy.
“I am sure you will find this amusing, Cultist –but you’re not the only one who is doomed, inside here. You’re just one of many.” Reaper grunted as the panels of his own glass dome closed up around him, sealing him inside. “Computer. Initiate program two-delta-zero-five.”
Around them there was a sudden flicker, and though there was no answer from the computer, one of the screens on the far right lit up, and Reaper’s cage started to vibrate.
Something heavy pressed against the inside of Zenyatta’s head, and he recognized the sensation –there was an electromagnetic field surrounding Reaper’s containment unit.
Zenyatta’s optical receptors whirred as he adapted them and suddenly the room shifted to greyscale, particles in the air now solidly visible as they concentrated around Reaper’s body.
The magnetic field pushed against him, and Reaper grunted, a flare of pain passing through to Zenyatta’s senses. It did not seem to have any visible effect that Zenyatta could see, at least at first.
“This is no spectacle, Cultist.” The tired tension in Reaper’s tone snapped Zenyatta’s attention back to his masked face. “You should be more worried about yourself.”
“My worries are not limited to my current situation. You chose to trap yourself here, after all, so you will have to mind my curiosity. After all, there is not much else for me to entertain myself with.”
“You will not find a weakness to exploit here –you are trapped in this laboratory, and that is the harsh truth.” Despite the cutting tone, his words meant as an obvious provocation, Zenyatta felt no real animosity coming from Reaper, as any emotion other than pain and fatigue felt distant in comparison.
“What does that say about you, Reaper? Are you trapped in here as well, then?”
By chance, by choice –Zenyatta could puzzle Reaper’s options later. With the few pieces in his possession, and Reaper’s actions and words still clear in his mind, he knew there was more to this than what Reaper wanted him to know.
“Even if I was…” Reaper hissed, curling both hands into fists at his sides, “It is nothing that concerns you.”
Silence fell between them, Reaper tense and panting while Zenyatta was quiet, observing him for what felt like a long time.
The nanomachines in Reaper’s body were buzzing still, but his appearance seemed to be more stable, as if the electromagnetic field was helping him keep them under control, tight around his frame.
It did not feel like a solution, and Zenyatta watched on, aware of Reaper’s pain, thinking, analysing, as if he needed more than a second to make his decision.
Reaper’s frame jolted in shock when he felt a warm glow brush against his mind. Behind his mask, eyes snapped open to find a frail, pale golden light hovering in front of his chest, offering nothing more than a dull numbing of the pain spreading through his unstable frame.
He’d felt this already once –the gentle, soothing warmth from the Cultist’s inexplicable healing abilities, though this time reduced in intensity.
Not as overpowering as during their fight, yet Reaper’s nanomachines flocked to it, bubbling to eat at the soft golden light, slipping out of his control even with the magnetic pulse keeping them at bay.
His head snapped towards Zenyatta, anger bubbling up within him. “Do not pity me, Cultist.”
Zenyatta’s face plate, motionless and without emotion, was unreadable for him, the tentacles slack, the green glow conspicuously dimmer. He slid down to sit on the table inside his dome, but the warmth from the light in front of Reaper remained steady.
“This is no pity”.
Gritting his teeth, Reaper tried to push the light away, denying the comfort it brought, nauseated by its presence and by the fact that the monster trapped by his side was the one who was offering it to him, in spite of everything. “Whatever it is, you can keep it,” he hissed. “I have no need for it.”
“Need might not be, yet your soul is in pain, and I could not help but answer its call.”
“How nice,” he sneered “that you would offer the enemy who put you in here such mercy.”
There was no answer –and after a few seconds, Zenyatta’s forehead array flicked off as he powered down again, his energy depleted by the Harmony he’d shared with Reaper.
The moment Zenyatta regained consciousness, his internal clock stabilizing to alert him that he’d lapsed for half a day, he became aware that he was not alone.
It was not Reaper –the absence of the familiar cloud of Discord from his senses was telling– but someone else was there, and Zenyatta tensed even before powering up his optical receptors to look around.
“Oh, you woke up. Splendid, I was getting so bored around here.”
The familiar, snarky voice had Zenyatta’s shoulders jolt, and his optical receptors flicked on, focusing on the figure standing near the door.
Sombra was leaning against the wall, twirling a pen in her fingers, and though the colourful face paint she wore did a good job hiding her expression, Zenyatta was good at reading people’s body language –he could tell she was excited he’d woken up.
“I will make sure to appear properly sorrowful for the lack of stimulating pastimes to reflect your disappointment,” he spoke, straightening his back.
Zenyatta could manage Reaper, he could keep steady with the scientists, so scared of him –but Sombra had been inside his head, messing with him. She had worked through his processes, controlled him, controlled his anger.
She had rendered him useless. She was the one who had ultimately caught him.
In her presence, Zenyatta felt exposed, in a way he did not like.
“Yeah, yeah, do that. Watching you sleep is just… ugh. Here I thought being assigned to here would get me some fun but noo, you have to be boring.”
“Why, if I did not have to deal with faulty batteries I would probably offer more witty banter. The company is not as nice as I would like it either, but we all have to make do with the hand we’re dealt.”
Sombra glanced at him, body going slack enough that he could not read her.
“Ugh. Why am I even here.”
“if you have problems with the company, you are free to leave.”
“Nah, it’s not like I have anything better to do so I guess we could have a friendly chat, right Cultist?” she stepped closer to the dome he was in, and Zenyatta, despite himself, had a hard time staying still and not shift away from her, though he knew he could not escape her presence. “We never did get… acquainted, did we? Get to know each other, all that nice stuff.”
“Is that why you are here?” Zenyatta knew Sombra was attempting to intimidate him, and it stung that she could do it successfully.
“Yeah, sure. That, or I could do some… tests on you. What do you think?” Sombra watched him stiffen with a wide, amused smile before snorting. “Oh man, did you know your tentacles do this… weird little wriggle when you’re scared? If you weren’t so creepy, it’d be cute. I wouldn’t do any tests –I’m a hacker, not a scientist. Much better.”
Zenyatta did not reply to that. His battery had barely recovered from earlier, and he did not want to engage Sombra more than he should.
Sombra did not seem to mind his silence, because she shifted back, away from him, and stretched her arms in the air in a fake, casual pose. “Mind you, I’m here because of you. You’re pretty interesting, and definitely better than the stuffy people I have to talk with normally. Even though you’re pretty scary.”
While he could not glare at her, he did level her with a small, stern gaze, and Sombra must have picked up on his mood because she laughed again.
“Listen, you’re the one thing that makes all of this somewhat bearable. I had to poke around a lot to find you, and unlike most people I meet, I actually don’t know anything about you. I heard your sentai ranger friends calling you Zenyatta, yet I can’t find anything on you anywhere. It’s a challenge. Oh, wait, don’t say anything–” she raised one hand to stop him as he attempted to speak, “I’ll eventually find out who you are. I’m the best hacker around, after all. But the challenge is amusing. Talon doesn’t let me have any fun, but I’m stuck here until I’ve done my part of the deal. You know… better have them as friends than not.”
And that… Zenyatta might have missed other cues, but he did not miss this one.
Someone like Sombra, with no attachments to her name, no information, no face anyone could recognize behind her costume… she was a dangerous, worrisome person, and yet… for her to say so casually that Talon was dangerous enough even for her…
Zenyatta felt his core stutter.
Who was Talon? Why did they capture monsters who had been… human, omnic, once? What was the reason they employed people like Reaper in their ranks?
Sombra’s eyes narrowed and she looked at him.
“Oh, c’mon. Don’t make that face. I’m not a cruel person. I don’t really want to see any of this. It’s not how I vibe. But I can’t do much that wouldn’t come bite me later, you know? But let me tell you something.” She leaned closer again, but this time Zenyatta did not move, sensing that whatever sombra was about to say would be important. “You saw there’s others like you in here, right? But you don’t know that there’s one in particular who is kept separate from the rest, just like you… but worse. Too unstable to be used, you know? And not even the people here can control him, so they keep him tied up and confined all alone. He’s untreatable, and he barely seems human at all. Haven’t seen him with my own two eyes, but I hacked into the camera feed –not something you’d want to meet at night.”
Auricular receptors buzzing, Zenyatta had nothing to say to this, but the idea that they were hosting another mutated monster, one that had regressed enough to be dangerous… it made Zenyatta think about the aquatic omnic, about Reaper, who seemed to be unstable… was that was awaited him?
Was it what awaited all of them?
Sombra tapped one finger against the surface of the glass, and Zenyatta’s attention moved there for a second as pink flashed across the dome like ripples on a spider web. “You were a successful experiment, Cultist. He… well, he wasn’t that lucky. What a pity, isn’t it?”
Then she looked at Zenyatta right in the optical receptors, lips stretched into a mirthless smirk. “Though in this situation, you are also rather unfortunate. Though luck.”
Zenyatta felt confused for a moment –Sombra’s unusual chatty mood had given him… a few things to ponder about, and information he did not have before, yet it felt like she was playing with him, with rules only she knew.
With so little he could control, the hacker’s attitude just made it worse.
The glove on one of Sombra’s hands flashed pink, and she looked down at it, her tiny smirk turning into a displeased pout, but it disappeared quickly back under her careless mask.
“I’m not as bored now,” Sombra offered Zenyatta a small, cheeky wave. “Guess I kept you company long enough, better get going. See you later~”
Zenyatta was looking at her, and when she teleported away, his optical sensors caught the translation, though the technology she used seemed to be rather complicated, and definitely not something he could understand. Yet, he’d caught her glove flaring with power, which implied she had a transmitter there that was connected with her teleporter unit, wherever that might be.
He had no way to find it or steal it from her, nor replicate her ability, but analysing it could still offer him some sort of aid in the future…
The door of the laboratory slid open, and Zenyatta, startled out of his thoughts, turned to look at it, surprised at the specific timing –he and Sombra had been alone until then, but the moment she decided to leave was seconds before someone else arrived… that was somewhat suspicious.
Did Sombra not want others to know she’d been there?
Still tense, Zenyatta felt a little relieved when, rather than a scientist or some incognita, it was Reaper who stomped into the room again, looking no better than he had been before.
it was a testament of how things had progressed that Zenyatta’s processes did not classify Reaper as a threat anymore –despite his scathing words and his animosity, he had not attempted to harm him since his capture, and it seemed like once Reaper had absolved his assignment, he had no further interest in engaging with Zenyatta, despite them having to share a room.
If anything, Zenyatta was… concerned about him.
He was not sure if he truly did care –Reaper was part of the reason why he’d been caught, and Zenyatta still felt Discord deep within his soul at the thought, but…
Any other person might feel resentful, yet Zenyatta could not –it was probably the depths of Reaper’s pain that skewed his perspective on the matter, and he knew it was pointless to worry about one of his captors, and yet…
And yet.
Zenyatta could not rationalise what he felt no more than he could stop his own monstrous aura.
“Back so soon, Reaper?” he asked instead, voice even.
He received a distorted grunt as his only answer, but there was a spike of anticipation in Reaper’s aura, though it was drowned out in no time by the pain.
“It seems we will have to coexist in the same place again, Cultist.”
That was yet another fragment of Sombra’s puzzle that he could not access –she knew his name, but had not shared that with Reaper. Maybe she had, but he did not care enough to use it, or maybe she had kept the information to herself… for some reason.
“Forgive me if my abilities to heal are not up to par,” Zenyatta continued without missing a beat, “but as it seems, they have been dampened considerably by the situation at hand. I am sure you understand… captivity does not do well on someone’s strength.”
Reaper choked out a raspy laugh. “I believe we both know how that works. Thankfully, you do not need to… exert yourself. The Doc will be here and she’ll take care of this herself.”
The tension inside Zenyatta snapped at this, flooding his body with anxiety, fizzing through his circuits until he felt he could start shaking at any time now.
Reaper had little care for respect or property –the laboratory scientists had been waved off with a mere few words, and his attitude with Sombra also spoke volumes of how he acted– but he knew this was different.
If the doctor mentioned was coming to treat whatever was wrong with Reaper –and Zenyatta’s suspicions seemed to be confirmed with every meeting he had with him– it meant they would be a potential danger to Zenyatta himself.
“Don’t worry your ugly tentacles over this, Cultist,” Reaper grunted out, leaning heavily against the containment unit, “she will have enough time to give you some attention as well, no need to be envious. After all, she’s been waiting for this meeting for a long while, now.”
Zenyatta had little time to puzzle what this meant –there were footsteps coming from the corridor outside the lab room, but rather than the ‘Doc’ Reaper had mentioned, it was simply a lone scientist who walked into the lab room, looking uncomfortable and wary in the presence of both Zenyatta and Reaper in the same place.
“Uh… Reaper, sir, maybe you should…” the man swallowed compulsively, shoulders twitching, and Zenyatta watched him with curiosity, not understanding his jumpiness until Reaper scoffed and slid inside the second containment unit. Under Zenyatta’s optical receptors, the man seemed to relax minutely, the tension in his shoulders fading the moment Reaper was shut inside. “Yes. Thank you. Now, uh, let me just…”
As he hurried to the computers in the corner, tapping away on the keyboard to pull up charts monitoring Reaper’s health, the truth finally clicked inside Zenyatta’s mind.
Reaper had a monstrous aura now.
He hadn’t had one before, not that he could remember –he’d seen Sombra interact with him normally, and the scientists at the lab acted without fear around him before, yet now…
Things had changed.
Reaper’s health was deteriorating, and Zenyatta did not need to read the charts on the computer in front of the scientist to know this. Somehow, the monster DNA within him was growing stronger, and corrupting Reaper, changing him, forcing his body to…
To do what? The nanomachines seemed to deteriorate and fall apart, but the constant pain did not seem to change, not that he could feel…
“I assume you have no interest in me,” Zenyatta spoke up, and watched as the scientist jumped at his voice. “it must be rather important, if you put aside such an esteemed guest as I am to devote all your focus on my captor.”
“N–” the man shook his head and ignored him, his eyes steady on the screen in front of him.
Zenyatta hummed, making it sound like he was amused. “I guess one should always treat their own side with common courtesy, even when they are… deathly afraid to be in the same room as them.”
Again the man twitched, yet resisted to speak up once more. Zenyatta did not mind –just unnerving him meant he could get under his skin.
“You ought to consider shutting up,” Reaper grunted at him, chest heaving. “You are not as important as you think you are.”
“Oh, so perhaps my capture was a mistake, then? That would be truly a relief –that I have been dragged here and kept hostage for no reason whatsoever. Or is it that your status is of greater use to your… organization… that whatever you could extract from me?”
“Of course,” the scientist scoffed, “it’s why we’re working to keep him stable.”
“I am afraid he is not as stable as you wish him to be,” Zenyatta answered, almost pleasantly. “Unless melting is an expected side effect of… stability.”
“No, that is… bad.” The scientist casted a glance at Reaper, face almost worried, and then the magnetic field around his containment unit powered up again, forcing a grunt out of Reaper as it pushed around him. “It has gotten worse, possibly due to his recent exertion…”
“Indeed. Must have been quite a daring experiment, to have lasted so long without… complications.”
“Oh, she knew it would happen, the inevitable corruption of organic tissues due to the intrusive nanomachines corroding themselves almost constantly–”
“Shut. Up.” Reaper hissed out, and Zenyatta was startled by the way his voice tilted lower, like an abnormal hiss. “Don’t you have work to do?”
The scientist jumped in fright, but Zenyatta had been given enough information as it was that it confirmed his unfortunate deductions already.
“I suspect,” he commented, toneless voice not giving away the horrified realization that he had been right, “that Reaper might be as much of a failed experiment as the one in your solitary confinement unit.”
Both the scientist and Reaper snapped their attention to him, and Zenyatta felt a wave of barely hidden shock at his carefree admission –they had no idea how he had gained such knowledge, as he was kept alone in the room with little to no contact.
Zenyatta ignored the man, looking at him with even more fear in his eyes –did he believe Zenyatta had more ‘powers’ that had never been exposed before? Did he believe him supernatural, now?– to turn to look at Reaper.
The cloud of pain was still thick, but Zenyatta could feel now, just as strong, his fear.
“Will you end up there, as well, Reaper?” he asked.
Reaper was deathly silent for a long while –enough that the scientist’s fingers on the keyboard and the vibrations of the magnetic field around him were the only sounds in the room for a long time. Then, he looked away, shoulders hitched up, hands clenched into fists.
“You know that answer already,” Reaper hissed.
There was no tone to his voice, but what Zenyatta could sense for him was enough.
Zenyatta did not know what to do –it was not like he could offer much, and Reaper would not accept it from him either, but the inevitability of his descent, and the fear that bubbled within him, were frightening for him as well.
He took a step forwards, hand pressed on the surface of his prison, staring right at Reaper, about to speak–
The sound of short heels clacking against the floor, rhythmically growing closer and closer, made him hesitate and Reaper, dropping all pretenses, grunted and pushed all his weight against the glass at his back, using it to keep himself upright.
“Guess it doesn’t matter,” he hissed. “She’s here now.”
As Zenyatta’s optical receptors turned to the door, the infamous ‘Doc’ entered the laboratory room, giving it a cursory glance before her heterochromatic eyes moved to stare right into Zenyatta’s face plate, his tentacles going slack in shock.
“Delighted to see you have settled so well, Cultist,” Moira murmured, thin lips set into an unpleasant smile, “Though I am afraid you will have to wait just a little longer. More urgent matters require my attention, now.”
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wolfie-dragon-rider · 6 years
Bursts of Light 1: Holding Hands
Hello everyone, welcome to my Nanowrimo 2018 project! I recently finished Blind Spots, and I'm a little done writing more big stories in this universe, but there were a lot of little tales and headcanons I never could find the room to explore in Blind Spots. So in this we explore those, based on 30 drabbles. I'll post one every day. The prompts are as follows:
01 - Holding hands 02 - Cuddling somewhere 03 - Gaming 04 - On a date 05 – Kissing 06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes 07 – Cosplaying 08 – Shopping 09 - Hanging out with friends 10 - With animal ears 11 - Wearing kigurumis 12 - Making out 13 - Eating icecream 14 – Genderswapped 15 - In a different clothing style 16 - During their morning ritual(s) 17 – Spooning 18 - Doing something together  19 - In formal wear 20 – Dancing 21 – Cooking/baking 22 - In battle, side-by-side 23 – Arguing 24 - Making up afterwards 25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes 26 - Getting married 27 - On one of their birthdays 28 - Doing something ridiculous 29 - Doing something sweet 30 - Doing something hot
You can find the rest of my Blind!Hiccup universe HERE, but I don’t think you’ll have to have read those to enjoy some light Hiccstrid romance here. You just might not get some references. 
Well, I’ve rambled enough, here’s the first drabble, Holding Hands:
"OWWWWW" Hiccup groaned as Gothi rubbed more salve into his burns. The old woman wasn't bothering to be gentle.
"I think she wants to tell you that if you didn't want this pain, you shouldn't have stuck your hand into a pile of hot coals," Gobber said, and Hiccup resisted to urge to curl his other hand into a rude gesture at the man.
"I didn't mean to. I couldn't see them. Why did you move that furnace anyway? It was supposed to be against the wall," Hiccup slowly said, trying to control his frustration. It had been a nice happy day. He was working in the forge, Astrid assisting him, when Gobber had rushed through 'to grab something real quick'. Apparently that involved moving the coal oven Hiccup had been using, so when he tried to grab a hammer, his hand went straight into the burning coal instead.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I thought Astrid would warn ya," Gobber said sheepishly.
"Well, she didn't notice, and then that hammer fell on her hand when she tried to help me," Hiccup said flatly, trying not to worry too much about her. She was strong, she had overcome way worse injuries than this. But still… she and Vali had been in the other room for a long time.
"Okay, it's slightly my fault. How about I make it up to you and not let you work for the next two weeks?" Gobber said. It didn't cool Hiccup's anger.
"Oh, you mean the exact amount of time I can't use my right hand?" he remarked sarcastically as Gothi finished bandaging said hand.
"Uhhhh… okay, a full month then. You can just use the forge for whatever you want, or go out with Astrid, or whatever you want to do," Gobber conceded, and Hiccup was about to accept when the door opened and Astrid walked through.
"Hey love. How bad is it?" Hiccup asked as he jumped up and awkwardly walked in her direction.
"I can't use my left hand for a while. It's not broken exactly, thankfully, but I can't move it for a couple weeks. See, it's in a cast," she said as Hiccup moved to feel it gently. He could hear she was trying to stay strong and fearless, but that she was far from okay.
"Hmm, we match. I can't use my right hand for two weeks. Not quite in a cast, but I'm not allowed to do anything with it either," he said, running his left hand over her cast. "At least we both lost our non-dominant hand."
Astrid chuckled despite her obvious pain. They stood there for a second, just there for each other without having to say a word.
"Well then. Time for you to head on home and rest and forget this ever happened!" Gobber said awkwardly, shattering their moment, and with a sigh they followed him outside.
"Wanna hang out at my house for a bit? Stormfly is acting weird, maybe you can figure out what's wrong," Astrid asked, and he smiled.
"Sure!" he said, and lifted his right hand automatically to search for her left. It was only when bandage met cast that he remembered.
Holding hands had become a completely automatic action for them. Her left hand in his right. It was a way to be close and connected when they couldn't see each other's faces. She could guide him gently as he walked, and they could exchange messages and emotions through their linked hands.
And no one on Berk would think much of it beyond calling them lovebirds.
"Oh, uh… This is kinda weird," Hiccup said, quickly retracting his hand.
"Yeah, it's, uhm… maybe we should switch positions? So we can hold hands that aren't injured?" Astrid said, and they awkwardly moved past each other so his left hand was now next to her right. Hiccup tried to grab her, but it didn't feel as intuitive and right.
They started walking down the many steps of Gothi's house, talking about how Gobber should have been more careful.
Their linked hands were in the back of Hiccup's mind the entire time. It was weird, they fit together, but it still felt wrong. He tried to write a symbol on the back of her hand, but his finger was unsure how.
"I'm sorry, this is just… I don't think this'll work," he said as they reached the bottom of the stairs, releasing her hand.
"Yeah, you're right. It's like everything is the wrong way around. And what if we learn everything this way now, and then when our hands heal the old way will feel wrong!" Astrid said, laughing nervously.
"It's okay. Maybe this is something we can try. See if I can walk with you without you guiding me. If we can… communicate, you know?" he said softly, and she suddenly ran her fingers up his cheek.
"I like that idea. Just let me know if something is wrong, okay?" Astrid said before kissing him gently. Hiccup nodded as she stepped back again, chuckling awkwardly.
"I will. Now let's cheer up Stormfly!" he said, before walking towards where he thought Astrid's house was. She nudged his shoulder a bit and he rotated along, and they walked the rest of the way together yet on their own, talking happily all the while.
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iforcedabot-blog · 5 years
I Forced a Bot To Watch Every TNG and DS9 Episode and Write One of Its Own
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You may have seen “I forced a bot to watch” posts where someone claims to have “forced a bot” to read or watch hours of video and written it’s own script. Those weren’t real but in recent history it has become possible to do it for real in a pretty convincing way with OpenAI’s GPT-2 system. This is an unbroken, unedited sample of GPT-2 ‘fine-tuned’ on all the TNG and DS9 scripts. Note that television scripts have have distinct formatting and style and all of that is copied perfectly by the bot. It even *almost* gets understands page numbers (in the first example – 28, 28, 28A).
28   EXT. PLAZA/SURFACE - DAY (OPTICAL)    Data and Worf as before.                    DATA                (puzzled)            You left him there? He left him            there?                    WORF            Yes. He had been there for            hours... then decided that I            was going to kill him.    Data frowns, he can't figure out how to phrase what    he did...                    DATA            I do not understand.                    WORF            You knew?                    DATA            I was afraid.    They exchange a look... Data thinking quickly, is    back to the source...                    DATA                (continuing)            I could have programmed some            medical bank monitors to monitor you            for a pulse response when you            could enter Klingon memory.                    WORF            We would have --        STAR TREK: "The House... " - REV. 08/10/94 - ACT FOUR       45. 28   CONTINUED:                    DATA            But I was afraid that it would            disrupt my memory.                    PICARD            I'll tell you what I have to do.    They look at him and then Picard EXITS. Data sits in    command.                                           CUT TO: 28A  INT. WORF'S QUARTERS    The room is DARK and distant. Worf is struggling to    regain his senses as Picard ENTERS.                    WORF            Captain... everything I saw is            gone... everything.    Worf regards him for a moment... then he starts to fight    it off... he stops in surprise... he doesn't know how    all this is going to impact his relationship with    him... he's uncertain what to do... he glances at the    wall panel and frowns, surprised at the way he sees    Worf... he glances around the room and tries to    find a way to fight it off-kilter... it's pretty    night... Worf hits the wall panel and it OFF.                    WORF            I was... heading somewhere.                    PICARD            Worf... what's the matter?    Worf decides to break for a moment... he EXITS.
That was one the first scenes I generated that impressed me, though it cheats a bit with by being mysterious enough that it’s hard to rate how coherent it is. But you could almost see as one of the more moody and experimental character-focused episodes in Season 7 TNG. Earlier networks could copy the formatting of a TV script but they totally fell apart when you tried to actually understand the content. Even which characters were present in a scene did not stay consistent from line to line. GPT-2 handles this amazingly keeping track of not just characters but subject of conversation in a scene.
Here are some more samples chosen mostly for the humor:
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                  DAX            I think we're lucky this was            just a bad batch of            equipment.                    KIRA            I'm glad you think that.                    DAX            I'm glad we're lucky.                    KIRA            Okay.  I'm going to let you use            the Bajoran storage bin to backup            your data on this trip.    And with that, Kira heads off down the Corridor.  We    HOLD on a thoughtful Dax. 19   INT. OPS    Kira and Dax EXIT the turbolift, followed by Sisko, who    goes to the Transporter Room in frustration.             DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT ONE            12. 19   CONTINUED:                    KIRA            It's not working.                    DAX            I'm having trouble retuning the            transceiver.  The adaptors            won't work.                    KIRA            Maybe they should replace us by            rentals.                    DAX            With what?                    KIRA            With your arms.                    DAX            With your hands.                    KIRA            Your arms.                    DAX            You're lifting your arms.                    KIRA            My arms.                    DAX                (the hurtiest)            Your arms.  They're my hands.    Kira takes a beat, looks down at her arms for a moment.                    KIRA            They're your hands.                (a beat)            You know what I see when I get            this...                    DAX                (laughing and crying)            Kira, you never told anyone about            your arms.             DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT ONE            13. 19   CONTINUED: (2)                    KIRA            When you get to the wormhole, you            should see them grow into shape-            shifters.  And you'd be right...            because their arms are like that...            closer than you can get.  They            grip off your arm.  Bad dreams.                    DAX            I thought you weren't going to talk            about me.                    KIRA            I told myself I was not.  But when            the time comes... I want to figure            out what we're doing and what we            are.  I always figure it out.    Dax looks at her own hands.  Kira's too fast for her    good measure.                    KIRA            I'm holding all the cards.  I'm            playing them all.  I'm a prisoner            in here.  I can't be happier.                    DAX            You seem like you've got a lot.                    KIRA            You have me all.    Kira takes one last look at her hands.  Kira can't help    her enthusiasm.  Her hand.  Kira takes another step toward the    desk.                    KIRA            You're not going to hurt me.                    DAX            You're not.  And that's a            good thing.
This is from a later batch where I stripped out some of the very repetitive content in the scripts before training — mostly headers and footers that repeat the exact same information every page. Another sample that was weirdly hands and arms themed:
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42   INT. ENGINEERING    Geordi and Data at their respective consoles.                    GEORDI            We're ready when you are, Data.                    DATA            I will prepare enough data for your            desire, Commander.                    GEORDI            Good. Data, what was the vessel            in which the shuttle was            launched?                    DATA            The vessel was slightly more            complex than the starship I            estimate, sir. It chose a            specific set of coordinates to            target the specific            nodes on the Enterprise-D.                    GEORDI            And it didn't work. That's            your fault, Data.                    DATA            I fault is very fault, sir.            I should have realized that.                    GEORDI            If you had, the Enterprise-C            could have taken out a few more            nodes...                    DATA            I do not believe we could have             survived the attempt on the            shuttle, sir.       STAR TREK: "The Loss" - REV. 10/10/90 - ACT FOUR       51. 42   CONTINUED:                    GEORDI            I know Data, it would have been            difficult for you to break into            hands and legs and grab a few            nodes... I've never run into a            shuttle in my life that didn't            get that lucky.    Geordi looks down at his hands and arms, frowning.                    GEORDI            What are you so angry about?                    DATA            My heart... and possibly my entire            psychology.                    GEORDI            That's not good.                    DATA            I am angry that Starfleet has            let you down, Commander.                    GEORDI            I know... but I was relieved            that no one tried to destroy            my shuttle.
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INT. DATA'S QUARTERS    Data, still in his Starfleet uniform, is sitting at a desk    working at the computer. The door CHIMES.                    DATA            Enter.    The door OPENS and Geordi ENTERS.                    GEORDI            Data, what are you doing here?                    DATA                (stands)            This is my quarters.    He looks at the desk for a beat, then EXITS.                    DATA                (continuing)            You are here to examine my            computer.                    GEORDI            Computer, is there anything I can            do about your...            computer?                    DATA            Computer, are you aware of what I            have just said?                    GEORDI                (nods)            In case you're wondering... I've            told you something before...                    DATA            I have never spoken to my computer            before.                    GEORDI            That can't possibly be the case...    Data shakes his head.                    DATA            I have been trying, but I            have been unable.                    GEORDI            Why?                    DATA            I have been trying for over            three, four nights.                    GEORDI            It must be a pretty long night.                    DATA            As long as it is not.                    GEORDI            And what does it feel like?                    DATA            I have been experiencing a            sustained, transient, and            unsteady increase in the            emotional neurotransmitter-like            activity in my cerebral cortex.            The same as if I were completely            offered a cup of tea, or a            coffee, or an air horn.                    GEORDI            That sounds like someone who            has been through a lot.    Data nods.
I experimented with mixing other TV show scripts, the complete set of Frasier in this case. GPT-2 learns very quickly never to mix characters and language from the shows — too well, I wish it would mix them! But I swear the samples trained with some Frasier feel more like a sitcom:
ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL)    Riker's face...                    RIKER            Captain, I am detecting a Class-M            planet with high radiation            unaffected by the sun.                    PICARD            Which planet did you detect?                    RIKER            Class-M.                (beat)            I'm sure it looked like a Class-            M planet...                (beat)            What is it?                    PICARD            A small planet with low surface            radiation.                    RIKER                (laughs)            Not class-M.
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Here’s another one that feels more like a sitcom, in particular, the repeated dialog lines are something I see a lot in the post-Frasier samples.
======== SAMPLE 15 ========                    KIRA                (to Dax, explaining)            Dax, we were just talking about you.              I realize you're upset about            me, but I've always looked            good in a tuxedo.                    DAX            I don't look good in a tuxedo.              I've always looked good in a            clutch, Benjamin.  And I'm glad to            say, I haven't seen you since I left            the homeworld.                    KIRA                (smiles)            I know you're upset, but I've            always looked good in a chiffo            uniform.                    DAX            And I'm glad to see you've never worn            it anymore.                    KIRA            I've never looked good in a chiffo            uniform.                    DAX            Well, I've seen you look good in            it all... when you're wearing            anyone else's tux.                    KIRA                (smiles)            I never look good in a chiffo            uniform.                    DAX                (smiles)            I'm glad you said you were going to            be happy at the Bajoran wedding.                    KIRA                (smiles)            I'm glad you said that.    Dax smiles and they walk off.                    DAX                (re: the wedding)            I suppose I'll have to mention it            to someone.                    KIRA            I'm not planning to.                    DAX            Who's next?                    KIRA            My husband.                (a beat)            I guess he'll be staying with us            this year.                    DAX            He'll probably be staying with us            this year.                    KIRA            I know.  I just got here last            night.                    DAX            I mean it's just a question of...            who?                    KIRA                (beat)            I'm still not sure.  I've got a            surprise planned for the next few            weeks.  Besides, it sounds like            somebody's going to need a place to            keep me warm.                    DAX            I'm sure they will.                    KIRA            I'm sure they will.                    DAX            Now what about you... are you sure            you don't want to stay with me for            a while?                    KIRA                (re: the wedding)            I have a job to do... I'm a            pretty gal...                    DAX                (reacts)            I hear you're married...                    KIRA            That's right.                    DAX            And what about Jake?                    KIRA            He's leaving Starfleet.                    DAX            A few weeks ago he was sent back            to the Institute.                    KIRA                (reacts)            He's gone?                    DAX            He's been living on the station            all his life...                    KIRA                (beat)   ======== SAMPLE 16 ========
This sample is as long as you can get right now the limit on the output is about 1000 words in the tiny version of GPT-2 that OpenAI let’s us play with. It would still be possible to create an entire script by taking the output from one sample and using it a ‘prompt’ to generate the next sample, over and over until you have a complete script. Since the scripts do clear structure like page and act numbers it should eventually get to ACT 5 or stick an ending on there. Maybe a project for the future.
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sambart93 · 5 years
2018.09.30 KAT-TUN CAST in Miyagi, Sendai [Report]
No change in the song list (posted here). I’ll go through things that happened in song order (hopefully)...
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We had such great seats for the con! We had ‘stands’ and the second row of the ‘back area’ but it basically meant we were first row for the Encore trolley that the boys are on, so we’d be super spotable when they came around! Also, we didn’t realise until the con started, but when KT get on the big lifts that take them around the arena, they ended up on the same level as, and about 10 feet away from us! They were so damn close to us for such a long majority of the show!! It was amazing!!
ALSO with the size and the way Sendai’s arena is set up, there’s no seating at the ‘back’ of the stage so they had turn around and face us rather than out into the stands like they do at Tokyo Dome. Also we could see a lot more of the staff working. We could easily see staff running around and moving cameras and moving the various stands and apparatus the boys stand on during the con; and the sound system and sound director was in plain sight. I love being able to see these things so I spent a lot of time watching them in Sendai xD
OH! AND! Nakamaru talked (the night before at the con) about how much he loves Zunda, and so for Saturday, Sunday and Monday all the Zunda stalls in Sendai station were sold out before the end of the day?! Damn influence! We saw so many fans lining up for it! And I LOVE ZUNDA but because of how things played out (stupid typhoon), I didn't get to buy it *cries* next time I shall! But I am so happy Maru loves Zunda just as much as me haha
UPDATE: The friend I went with is a freaking angel and managed to get the Gin/GenTape from the concert for me!! I am so freaking happy!!
Now let's get into the report.
01. New Genesis: So me and my friend knew this time where they’d start so me and my friend were keeping an eye on the chandeliers (I'm calling them that okay?!) to see when they would get on them, and we saw them getting into place and everything which was so fun and interesting to see. I absolutely love the Juniors outfits and theme during this too!
10. Don’t wait and Sweet Birthday: Ueda was right in front of us for ages and he undid his shirt as he was going past and right in front of us so obviously, everyone in the entire back left side of the arena went completely crazy. My friend was barely alive after it. It’s so ridiculous how well defined his abs are and how even on the other side of the arena, you can see clearly see and distinction on his chest xD
Kame and Maru ended up surprising Ueda for his birthday. Kame came out with a cake from the bottom right of the stage while Maru was playing ‘Zunda zunda’ on repeat on his DJ deck xD but when Kame came out everyone freaked out so he put his finger to his mouth, but it took the camera men a long time to get that shot of him so it took a while for fans to figure out what was going on xD And then Nakamaru started talking non-sense while Kame was trying to hurry and put the lights on the candle. And the Kame signaled us to stand up, but we all took it as a ‘please sing’ so we started singing Happy Birthday, and then he started freaking out (again) and waving his hands about for us to stop. Finally Nakamaru queued Ueda to come back on stage, and he walked on, saw the cake and his face was a picture. It was absolutely hilarious; it was half 'deer in the headlights’ and half angry confusion. Then we all started singing and he grew into an embarrassed face. Eventually the song finished, he blew out the candles and his face lit up. He was like 'I had no idea this was being planned. I did hear someone in my ear piece say something like 'please say happy birthday’ but I thought it was to the staff!’ and then Kame started saying 'it’s all Nakamaru’s fault this was a mess!’, and Maru replied 'sorry I got too caught up in my DJ-ing of 'Zun-Zunda-Zun-zun-zunda!’ that I forgot to tell everyone to be quiet and I forgot Kame was going to come out’ xD Then Maru did a remix with the boys and in ended up being a call and response of:
Maru: UEDA! Fans: UEDA!!!! Maru: Omedetou! Fans: Omedetou!!! For ages and Ueda was loving it, he was like 'Louder! LOUDER! LOOUDDDERRR!!!' xD He absolutely loved it once his embarrassment faded off (which was rather quickly) haha
Kame also told Ueda to try the cake, so Ueda just stuck his finger into it and then licked the icing off his finger. Of course this made the fans go CRAZY, and Maru was like 'THAT'S how you try it?!'. Then Kame spotted green grapes in the cake but was like 'HEY MARU!!! THERE'S ZUNDA ON HERE!!! It looks like Zunda!' poor Maru xD
14. UNIVERSE (宇宙Six): The audience was a bit more fair to these guys at Sendai. At Yokohama everyone except the Junior fans sat down for their song and turned their penlights off and such. But at Sendai, more people stayed standing and had their penlights on. Me and my friend really liked their song in Yokohama so we also stayed standing and danced along to their performance at Sendai. Their song is REALLY good! I hope it’s on the DVD and/or somewhere else so other people can enjoy it!
19. ツイテオイデ: Nakamaru was on the far right of the stadium and all the fans were fanning him with their uchiwas - it was ridiculously hot in the stadium! Even Ueda was sweating like mad and Ueda NEVER sweats!!
22. DON’T U EVER STOP: Ueda was right in front of us again for this!! And I was half trying to sing but also half try to make a face that wouldn’t look weird in front of him xD I’m not the best looking person so I have to at least TRY and look decent xD
23  KISS KISS KISS - I already mentioned just how hot it was in the stadium that whenever they had a free chance, they were getting water bottles from the staff below. And just before this song started, Kame grabbed a bottle from the staff and he took a big drink and then instead of handing it back, he just put the entire bottle in an inside pocket and kept it with him.
28. Peacefuldays: Kame spotted us during the encore of Peaceful Days and he gave me and my friend proper looks and stares before giving us fanservice which was like a wink pose thing which we all loved!!! It was great!! We totally freaked out in front of him xD
Before and after the concert people, including myself, were freaking out because a big typhoon was coming and the JR railway had decided to stop all it’s trains for 8pm.... Well the concert wouldn’t finish until about 7:30 and people wouldn’t be able to get back to Tokyo until at least 10pm. So because many trains were being cancelled, I was rushing to find a hotel to stay in so I could just take a train tomorrow, people were leaving the concert early in order to make it for their train home before it got stopped, it was chaos. Also Kame was supposed to be doing GOING! that night at midnight so fans were like ‘he won’t make it to the shinkansen in time right? Will he just not do it tonight? How will he get home?!’ but he made it for the show, somehow, and we figured Ueda and Maru stayed in Sendai because they ended up filming Tame Tabi there on the Tuesday after the cons. So because of this, during the End Greetings the three of them were like ‘thank you so much for making it and coming here today even though we have this terrible typhoon coming. Please get home safe!’ and we were all like ‘YOU TOO!’. It was mental.
And that’s all! This one was a lot shorter because I already flailed about my favourite parts in the first report.
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