#Israel defense force
Currently my country is under attack.
Currently I’m serving in the IDF
Currently at least 10 of my friends are at the Gaza strip as soldiers of IDF, trying to rescue over 20 captives
Currently my family, friends and I are in uncertainty
Right mow, we know about at least 150 deaths and at least 1500 injured people
Right now my superiors might call me any time of the day to come to the base and help the array
Right now I’m not emotionally stable, I’m anxious and scared, i had 2 panic attacks and its not even the end of the day
To all the people in Israel, please stay safe,
To all the people around the world, please spread the message, Israel is currently under attack, we could use any help we can get
Rest in peace to all the people, that their life was stolen from them by terrorists,
May god be with us
עם ישראל חי!
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v-v-x-x · 8 months
Seeing you idiots on this site praising hamas is really not surprising and just very laughable. Hamas is not trying to liberate their people since are busying capturing and r*ping women instead. But sure, let's all be delusional here. The videos of hamas kidnapping Israeli women and children would never get spread around like a virus and shown on the news.
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giannic · 1 month
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lajicarita · 2 months
Book Review: A Day in the Life of Abed Salama—Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy by Nathan Thrall
Reviewed By KAY MATTHEWS Abed Salama lives in Anata in the West Bank. Author Nathan Thrall, an American journalist, lives in Jerusalem. Thrall can travel wherever he wants in Israel. Salama, a Palestinian, has to have a permit—and he often finds himself with the wrong kind of permit—to travel outside the separation wall between the West Bank and Israel and can’t enter the city of Jerusalem. This…
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paulthepoke · 2 months
Iran Launches at Israel; Dubai Cloud Seeding
Iran Launches at Israel; Dubai Cloud Seeding
Ezekiel 38:5 Persia… 300+ launches.99% interception rate. This is the breakdown of Iran's attack last night: pic.twitter.com/aRPvxSutW2— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) April 14, 2024 Israel has released an infographic showing where the Islamic regime and its Proxies launched drones and missiles at Israel from pic.twitter.com/IXHR9IZbcG— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 14, 2024 Israel received…
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indizombie · 6 months
The terrorist attack on the rave and the kibbutz was both provoked and monstrous. Human actors aren't just symptoms of their situations. Hamas's fighters had volition; they could have chosen not to kill women, children and unarmed civilians. Likewise, the Israel Defense Force's response to Hamas's atrocities was provoked and monstrous. It will eventually be more monstrous than Hamas's worst efforts because of the sophistication of Israel's arsenal, its total air superiority, and over two million people trapped in a locked-down strip of land with nowhere to go… In the history of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israelis have killed well over ten times as many Palestinians as Palestinians have Israelis.
Mukul Kesavan, ‘Philistines and Pharisees’, Telegraph
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spicemeatbal · 1 year
Thinking about how the IDF posted the Hamas costume and yet have not provided me one when I asked
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irreplaceable-spark · 2 years
Benjamin Netanyahu | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 130
Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s life has been spent serving the state of Israel, from the Israel Defense Force to serving 5 terms as prime minister, and he’s shown no signs he’s done yet. 
During his first term in the 90’s, the prime minister was foundational in tearing out most of the socialist government in Israel. His ongoing strategies resulted in fundamentally remaking the country, particularly in regards to economic freedom and military strength. 
In our episode, PM Netanyahu recounts his lengthy career and explains what it looks like to continue keeping peace while on the edge of disaster at all times. Plus, he tells us about how he managed his relationship with the United States and what he has on the agenda if he is reelected.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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"Fuck the Imperialist Death Factory! (IDF)" (EN: English)
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love-israel · 7 months
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Amen 🙏❤🇮🇱
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Its so mind blowing to me that people call IDF soldiers killer and murderers when most of the people who fight right now are literally 18 years old kids. Literal kids. Most of them graduated high school in the past 3 years. Kids their age around the world is going to colleges and universities, getting married and living their life, while in Israel, every person that turns 18 have to serve in IDF.
Do you why? Because ever since we got our independence, we went through multiple wars, operations and attacks - and not even in single one of those, Israel was the one that attacked first. if it wasn’t mandatory to serve in the military , Israelis would have most likely cease to exit. The IDF, as its name - ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES, are protecting civilians from terror attacks.
Hamas is an organization that recruits people from various ages for terror purposes against any non-islamic people, specifically Israelis and jewish people. If you would do your research just for a little bit longer, you can find horrible and awful records of the unforgivable things Hamas did in the past month only.
I understand why some of you are supporting the people in Gaza, but by doing that you support a terror organization. Hamas was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council , the parliament of the Palestinian Authority, in January 2006, so by making any contributions and donations for the people in Gaza, you actively donate to the terrorism that Hamas is committing. Please don’t believe everything you see on social media, take it from someone who’s actually live in here.
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awetistic-things · 2 months
no matter what, help to the people of gaza should always be supported, however seeing japan speak against israel as if they aren’t the modern-day version of the imperial japanese army makes me absolutely lose my mind
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
The Israel Defense Forces says troops operating in the northern Gaza Strip have located dozens of rockets hidden under boxes with UNRWA markings in a residential home, and other weaponry belonging to Hamas.
Troops of the 7007th Reserve Battalion were searching a home in a neighborhood when they found a room full of boxes bearing the logo of the UN agency that supports Palestinian refugees.
Underneath the boxes, dozens of rockets, mortars and other explosives were found, the IDF says.
Separately, troops of the 414th combat intelligence collection unit operating in a home in northern Gaza found grenades, weapon parts and other military equipment inside a child’s bedroom, the IDF says.
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splosh-crime · 8 days
Israel trained our police. Let that sink in. Israel is and has been training American police officers for years. The same Israel that is currently committing a genocide and denouncing a humanitarian organization as terrorists have been teaching our police how to approach protesters and “suspected terrorists.”
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paulthepoke · 2 months
This Week in Prophecy: Red Heifers Named; Israeli Army; Turkish Elections; Persia/Iran in Damascus; Taiwan Quake
This Week in Prophecy: Red Heifers Named; Israeli Army; Turkish Elections; Persia/Iran in Damascus; Taiwan Quake
Numbers 19:1-2 Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “This is the statute of the law which the Lord has commanded, saying, ‘Speak to the sons of Israel that they bring you an unblemished red heifer in which is no defect and on which a yoke has never been placed. March 27, 2024: A red heifer conference was held in ancient Shiloh. The red heifers have been named. The red heifers have…
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itisiives · 8 months
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