#Indian shot
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sinnerenjoyer · 2 months
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[x] darren talking about jannik... he's such a nerd 😭
also the screaming? literally me during his matches (especially when he attempts another drop shot)
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evelili · 11 days
As an immigrant child, your new fic had resonated with me. It made me tear up eating dinner with my family.
When Saffron said, “This selfish desperation to know that I haven’t lost my connection to my home." It instantly took me back to being constantly teased by my friends for not being 'in tuned' with my culture like how they were, or how I desperately tried speaking in my native tongue with my parents, despite having a very clear american accent and them constantly assuring me that speaking in english is fine. My grandmother had passed earlier this year, she was the grandparent that I knew the least. I started asking about her from her sisters as my mother isn't in the state to answer anything, I've tried so hard to pick up the pieces of what her sisters have told me to construct an image of her personality. She used to constantly ask me to call her so when I read about Saffron talking about how video calls have were never the same and never enough, it hit me like a load of bricks.
Your fanfiction is so tremendously beautiful in describing the feelings I have felt all my life. How I know that where I am right now isnt home, but my actual home has been so unfamiliar after my grandmothers passing. I have constantly felt like I have disappointed her, so when Sunset confessed to the same thing, I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. The ending with Saffron talking about how she would be waiting for Sunset to come home if she was her mother made hope that was true with me and my grandmother, if I were to ever reunite with her again when I pass away myself.
Thank you so much for writing this story. It was the most comfortable yet intense stories I have ever had the blessing to read. I am sorry for rambling and I hope this entire message makes some sort of sense? I hope whatever you're dealing with gets solved to the way you have hoped it would.
You have also made me see dal in a new light, it was never a food that I used to like, but I am willing to give it another shot lol
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i looked at this ask earlier and had to take some time to process how to respond to this. i think tho i still dont really know how to, so i hope thats ok!
first of all, thank you so much for being comfortable enough to tell me ur story. it really means a lot that you would open up to me, a stranger, and the fact that you did so bc something i made had an impact on u quite actually moved me to tears. im a bit of a soggy mess rn lol. thank you again, truly.
second, i want to express my empathy for you and your situation with your grandmother. my grandad passed away before i could graduate, and it was during the height of lockdowns, so i hadnt seen him in a while. i didnt go to visit him in the hospital, so theres always this feeling of "what if i had called more? what if i had tried harder to visit? what if i spent more time with him?" that doesnt really go away. and, as a kid of 2 immigrant families, i can also really empathize with feeling a disconnect from your culture--when ur not surrounded by ur parents culture but u also visibly dont look like ur "from" the one u were raised in, it can feel really alienating, even though you havent done anything except just. exist in this sort of inbetween?
all of this i guess is to say that, i put a lot of my own experiences into this fic. and it's almost relieving in a way to know that u saw what i put there, and that this experience is something that other people have felt as well. thank you so very much again for reading ;v;
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justlemmeadoreyou · 1 month
okay just an idea but like hb a one shot of harry and yn having an Indian wedding??
i mixed it up a bit! hope you don't mind but I added some dancing in between! hehe
words: 2.2k
warnings: cute fluff, alludes to smut!
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The sound of jubilant music and joyous laughter filled the air as Y/N took Harry's hands in her own, gazing at him with all the love in her heart.
It was the day they had been dreaming of for what felt like an eternity - their beautiful Indian wedding celebration. After months of careful planning and preparation, it was finally time to declare their everlasting love and commitment in front of their closest family and friends.
As Y/N looked into Harry's bright green eyes, she felt herself getting choked up with happy tears. He was the most gorgeous sight she had ever seen in his ivory sherwani with delicate embroidery and a baby pink safa atop his unruly chestnut curls. A radiant smile lit up his entire face as he mouthed "I love you" to her.
Y/N hoped her own appearance took Harry's breath away just as much. She was draped in a stunning red and gold lengha with the most intricate designs she had ever seen. Golden jewelry adorned her neck, wrists and fingers, while a striking tikka rested on her forehead. After hours of professionalmehndi application, her hands and feet were works of art covered in the most beautiful henna patterns.
Their wedding mandap looked like it was straight out of a dream, covered in layers of vibrant red fabric and masses of exotic flowers. The entire venue was bursting with rich colors, from the ornate rugs underfoot to the twinkling strings of lights hanging overhead. Harry and Y/N had spent endless hours with the planners to ensure every last detail was absolutely perfect for commemorating this special day properly.
As the ceremonies began, they went through each traditional rite and ritual with profound reverence and care. When the time came to exchange floral varmala garlands, Harry could barely contain his boyish grin as he struggled slightly to get the hanging blooms around Y/N's neck. She laughed lightly as she did the same for him, feeling like her heart could burst with love and happiness in that moment.
The ceremonies paused briefly for the jaimala, a ritual where the couple tried to be the first to successfully garland each other. Amid a chorus of cheers from the guests, Y/N and Harry playfully danced around for several minutes, narrowly missing each other until finally Harry swept in and captured Y/N's neck with the floral necklace.
She gasped in delight as he pulled her in close, pressing their foreheads together tenderly. "I've got you forever now," he murmured, just for her to hear. Y/N felt herself melt at the warmth and adoration in his voice as she reached up to cradle his face in her hands.
"And I've got you," she whispered back reverently. "Always and forever."
Harry leaned in to capture her lips in a soft, lingering kiss, forgetting about their audience for a brief moment. A joyous howl went up from the guests that broke them apart with sheepish grins. Their loved ones had anxiously awaited this special union, and they were determined to savor every second of it.
The rest of the rituals and pheras passed by in a beautiful, colorful blur. Y/N felt herself getting choked up again as they took their sacred vows, promising to love, honor and cherish one another until their very last breaths. Harry gazed at her adoringly, stroking her cheek tenderly with his thumb as they repeated the powerful words.
"You are my soulmate, my partner, my everything," he said throatily, his eyes shining with unshed tears of happiness. "Thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world by becoming my wife."
Unable to contain herself a moment longer, Y/N let a few tears slip free as she beamed at her new husband. She leaned up on her tiptoes to wind her arms around his neck, pulling him in close.
"There is no one else on this earth I would rather spend my life with than you," she said in a trembling voice thick with emotion. "I am so grateful to now be your wife, and to finally be able to call you my husband. I love you endlessly, Harry."
The tenderness of their embrace was only broken by the sound of loud cheers and clapping as their guests celebrated the joyous union. It was official - Harry and Y/N were finally married, bonded together for all of eternity.
As the ceremonies concluded, everyone made their way to the outdoor reception area where the real festivities could begin. Servers circulated with trays of delicious Indian delicacies, from vegetable samosas and pakoras to spicy curries and flaky, buttery naan bread. One of the first dances kicked off with Harry and Y/N taking center stage, all gazingadoringly at each other as they swayed to the romantic hindi music.
"My beautiful wife," Harry murmured in her ear as they slowly revolved on the dance floor. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of calling you that."
Y/N's face lit up in a bright smile as she gave him an eskimo kiss. "And I'll never get tired of being called your wife, my husband."
Eventually it was time for the grand sangeet celebration, filled with vibrant musical and dance performances from all of their loved ones. It brought tears of laughter and joy to Harry and Y/N's eyes as they watched silly skits, entertaining dances, and heartfelt songs dedicated to their everlasting love.
When their own performance came around, Y/N's heart was pounding in her chest with excited nerves. For months they had been secretly rehearsing an intricate choreographed dance routine to a romantic hindi mashup. As the first few notes of the song rang out, Y/N locked eyes with Harry, giving him a breathtaking smile. There was nowhere else she would rather be than on that dance floor with him, her husband, her forever love.
Harry smiled back like she had hung every star in the night sky, his eyes shining with pure adoration. Even after months together, Y/N's beauty and the depth of love she had for him still managed to take his breath away.
Their dance was utterly captivating and joyous, filled with playful movements and longing gazes as they spun and twisted around each other. At one particularly romantic section, Harry couldn't resist gathering Y/N up into his strong arms, dipping her low as she arched back in a graceful curve. They hovered like that, faces mere inches apart, both of them breathing heavily with beaming smiles.
"I love you so much," Harry mouthed to her fervently before pulling Y/N back up to crush his lips against hers in a heated, passionate kiss.
A roar of approval and applause sounded around them from their cheering guests. They didn't care one bit, choosing instead to lose themselves in their tender liplock for a few heated moments before finally pulling apart, dizzy and breathless with elation.
"And I love you eternally, my husband," Y/N whispered ardently, tracing the line of Harry's parted lips with the pad of her thumb.
The incredible night seemed to whirl by in an unstoppable blur of celebrating, feasting, singing and dancing after that. Every time Y/N locked eyes with Harry, she felt her heart overflow with the depths of her love and commitment for this incredible man that was now her spouse. His radiant smile and looks of pure adoration warmed her down to her very soul.
As the hours ticked by, Y/N felt herself growing weary but still riding cloud nine from the blissful events. Harry seemed to sense her fatigue, coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist and press a soft kiss to her temple.
"What do you say we get out of here, wife?" he murmured in a low rumble against her skin. "I've got plans for celebrating our new marriage in private…"
Y/N immediately felt a rush of heated desire course through her veins at his suggestive words and tone. She grinned and turned in his arms, pressing a sensual kiss to his parted lips.
"Whatever you say, husband," she replied huskily.
The two of them slipped away from the raging celebration largely unnoticed, both too eager to begin their new life together as spouses. Every second felt so surreal and dreamlike to Y/N, a real-life fairy tale come to life. She felt so incredibly blessed and overflowing with love.
Once they made it back to the privacy of their honeymoon suite, Harry effortlessly swept Y/N up into his arms like she weighed nothing. She let out a surprised giggle, winding her arms around his neck as he carried her over the threshold. His lips instantly crashed into hers in a searing kiss filled with fiery passion and overwhelming love.
They stumbled their way across the romantic suite, shedding clothes and flowers as they went, unable to get enough of each other. Whispered words of adoration and biblical devotion were exchanged between heated kisses and roaming caresses.
Finally, Harry laid Y/N down on the plush bed covered in fragrant rose petals, hovering over her in breathless awe. His talented fingers deftly undid the remaining jewels and ornaments adorning her body until just her beautiful bare skin remained.
"You are the most gorgeous creature I've ever laid eyes on," he rasped out, trailing reverent kisses along the delicate golden patterns of her mehndi. "My breath was taken away the second I saw you today."
Y/N felt a fresh wave of desire crash over her at his words, a soft whimper escaping her parted lips as his mouth continued worshipping every inch of her. She pulled him back up, crashing their lips together in a tangled dance of tongues and teeth while her nails raked deliciously down the taut muscles of his back.
"And you looked positively sinful, my love," she panted heavily between fevered kisses. "Like the most delectable dream come to life right before my eyes."
Harry growled low in the back of his throat, rolling them over until Y/N was straddling his hips. He looked up at her with hooded, lust-blown eyes, skimming his large palms reverently over the curves of her body.
"You're going to be the most beautiful sight to wake up to for the rest of my days," he said in a gravelly rumble.
Y/N could only whimper and capture his full lips in another bruising kiss as she rolled her hips wantonly against his nude form. The friction and delicious heat between them quickly became maddening with need. Soon they were joined together, moving in an ancient rhythm of love and desire.
All the emotions of the joyous day came pouring out in their lovemaking - the uncontainable happiness, the bone-deep reverence, the overwhelming passion, the profound intimacy. Harry and Y/N clung to each other like they were the only anchor in the raging sea, breathing celestial words of worship and forever into kiss-swollen mouths.
"Mine…my husband…my eternal love…" Y/N chanted like a prayer as her nails dug deliciously into the strong muscles of Harry's shoulders.
"My gorgeous wife," Harry groaned back in adoration, capturing her lips in a searing liplock as their arching bodies found blessed release and sublime rapture together.
The newlyweds laid spent and utterly sated in the tangled cocoon of the sheets afterward, both glowing with the afterglow of their sacred union.
"To have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer…" Harry murmured, reciting the marriage vows as he nuzzled his face into Y/N's neck, placing tender kisses along her fluttering pulse point. "In sickness and health…until death do us part."
Y/N turned her head, finding his mouth with her own to kiss him deeply and devotedly. "I am yours, and you are mine," she whispered the solemn promise against his parted lips. "From this day forward, until our souls leave this earth."
Harry let out a trembling exhalation at the powerful words, gathering his wife even closer to his body. He felt utterly undone and overwhelmed by the depths of his all-encompassing love for her. After years of searching, he had found his soulmate, his twin flame, his everything.
"I've never felt more complete, more whole, than I do in this very moment with you," he said in a hushed, reverential tone. "My love for you defies articulation, Y/N. You are my heart, my light, my forever."
Their mouths collided in a searing, all-encompassing liplock then, pouring every ounce of their overwhelming love and commitment into the heated embrace. In that singular, blissful moment, there was nothing else in the entire universe except the profound, everlasting truth of their fated union.
As the newlyweds eventually drifted off in a tangle of sated, sleepy limbs, Y/N felt like the luckiest woman in the world to call this incredible man her husband. And Harry felt like the most blessed man alive to have Y/N as his wife, bound together for eternity through their sacred vows and unbreakable love.
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kalhamamor · 3 months
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Always working on outdoing myself 🌹
📸Mike Likes to Shoot Film
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fishnets-fingers · 1 year
Underneath the Stars
“So, accept defeat,” he urges.
“Fine. Tell me where the alpha centauri is,” she demands.
“What would my compensation be?”
“How about not making you walk the plank at dawn,” she scoffs.
 “You drive a hard bargain, Princess. I was thinking less along the lines of not drowning and more along the lines of this,” he mutters as his hands reach to cup her full cheeks. They are warm under his palms, even against the biting gust, his thumb moves to caress her pillowy lips, eyes flicking down to her mouth landing on the crescent birthmark by her chin.
PAIRING - spy!harry x princess!y/n
a/n -  i wrote so much. so, i’ve decided to split it into two parts. i made a banner for forbidden hours and it took me a lot longer than anticipated but i think it tured out great. as always, like and reblog. feed back is not only appreciated but much welcome. happy reading!
Word Count - 6.2k (not proofread) 
நீள்பயணம். Voyage. News had spread far and wide across the expanse of the empire about the Princess’ journey far East. Throngs of people gathered on the docks to bid farewell to her and scream out wishes of luck and fortune. It was a busy day, filled with fanfare from the subjects, priests blessing the vessel and ministers of court spewing out strategies whilst handing bundles of parchment of the meticulously crafted plans. 
A journey always stirred up feelings of unbridled joy, especially since the aim of this particular voyage is to draw up a treaty with Handuman - three small islands that lie smack in the middle of a crucial trade route between the Cholas and Burmese. A tiny island kingdom that was a thorn on Y/N’s side for the past year; with news of shipment from Burma being pillaged and sabotaged at sea constantly thwarting her plans of bringing components of machinery to assemble aiding with agriculture. She put together a counsel which oversaw striking a peaceful agreement that would mutually benefit both nations, a long drawn process of negotiations with a vacillating King that finally culminated to this day.
A day where she set sail on a three week journey to visit the islands, attend a ball hosted in her honour, and cap it off with signing the treaty. Needless to say the kingdom was ecstatic with the promise of the Princess Royal bringing more riches into the land. All of Y/N’s voyages to neighbouring kingdoms resulted in astounding successes, so people did have a shred of doubt that this one would go south. At the break of dawn, the majestic vessel was filled with her entourage - guards, a trade minister, the guard captain who was responsible for her safety, the sail crew, two of her handmaidens, and her lady-in-waiting, Shobhita.
Shobhita has been by Y/N’s side since they were partnered together for dance lessons fifteen years ago. As kids, Y/N took it upon herself to teach her how to conduct herself properly in court. Despite not liking the bossy Princess Royal, things took a turn for Shobhita when some children of nobility made fun of her lineage - going so far as to calling her ‘murky blood.’ She had light blue irises and hair the colour of sticky toffee - resembling her overseas mother, far different from what everyone else looked like and that made her an easy target. Though Y/N was not around for the name calling, she personally gave the other kids a stern talking, going so far as shoving one them and getting confined to her quarters by the Queen Mother. The two have been thick as thieves ever since. 
“Remember Y/N, you are representing our Dynasty from the second you dock there until you set sail,” the Queen Mother starts. 
“I know. I know, grandmum. Best behaviour and all,” Y/N rolls her eyes. 
“You know better than to roll your eyes at me?!?” The older woman narrows her eyes in warning. 
“Have I not conducted myself well on my trips so far?”
“I’m not saying that you haven’t, but be wary. I’ve heard nothing but vile things about the Prince of Handuman. I’ve seen to it that your guards have been doubled.”
“Is that why I’m going there alone without any advisors? You know I can take care of myself-“
“I know you can,” the Queen Mother interrupts her. “Keep an eye out on all our girls.” She whispers, taking her palm in her hands and gives it a warm squeeze, before walking towards the chief. 
When she gets a minute to herself, Y/N turns away from the enthusiastic crowd, gripping on to a wooden mast, she closes her eyes, picturing her garden. The patch of flowering shrub - right by her reading bench - which attracted the prettiest of blue butterflies. She feels the tightness in her shoulders ebb away, only to have it disrupted when she feels someone pull on her braid. She flicks her head around in annoyance to find her little brother sheepishly looking at her. 
“What do you want?”
“You’re sleeping standing up,” Karthi notes. 
“I was not. I was trying to relax,” she sighs. 
“I’m sure that the vast blue of the water is relaxing enough. Never knowing what’s under the thousands of leagues under the sea. Maybe there’s a giant fish with razor sharp teeth as long as the mountains waiting to capsize the boat. Shame, won’t even know it’s coming in the dark of the night with nothing but pitch black in the horizon-“
“Shut up, Karthi!”
“Calm down,” he throws his hands over her shoulder, pulling her into his side. “You really think Dad is gonna let that happen to his favourite child. There’s no way this voyage was approved by him without contingencies for every single thing that could go wrong. He’s not gonna let the people’s Princess get lost at sea.”
“I appreciate you trying but it’s not helping. Why are you still here anyway? Didn’t Dad want you at the capital yesterday?”
“It can wait,” he shrugs it off. “I’m not going to leave without saying goodbye to my favourite sister.” He bends down to engulf his big sister in a hug. 
“I’m your only sister,” she chuckles, swatting him away. “In other words you hung around for morsels of attention from Shobhita.”
“Give me some credit!” He says feigning being wounded. “I brushed my hand against her arm,” he whispers, pointing to his left palm. 
Y/N shakes her head at the smirk that tugged at the corner of her little brother’s lips. They’ve had a crush on each other from when they were both old enough to understand what that meant. Being the daughter of a vassal king, who happened to be close friends with her father, it was agreed upon by the elders that Shobhita and Karthi were to wed. Though Shobhita was a Princess of a small hilly region in the dynasty, it was thought best by the parents to have her grow up in the palace and serve with Y/N as her lady-in-waiting to learn the ropes of handing the responsibilities that would fall on her shoulders once she married. 
Right as Y/N was going to say something witty, their attention was pulled to the commotion at the gangplank. When Y/N peers over she sees Harry hold up his royal seal to the guards before lugging up his things. 
“What’s he doing here?” Y/N asks her grandmother, but finds the Queen Mother cluelessly staring at her grandchildren. 
“Your majesties,” Harry bows, and wordlessly hands the Queen Mother’s guard the parchment before it’s passed to the old woman. 
His eyes flit over to Y/N with a small smile tugging but he finds her pointedly staring over his shoulder with a scowl. He frowns, did she forget our time at the docks? The last time he saw her was filled with fiery passionate kisses and sweet nothings. He didn’t expect the Princess Royal to throw herself at him in front of everyone but was he not warranted a polite smile. 
“It’s from your brother,” the Queen Mother tells the siblings. “Looks like Harry over here would also be travelling with you.”
“What? Why?” Y/N asks, dreading the thought of being locked in close quarters with the spy. 
“He wants Harry to accompany you and be added to oversee your guard detail along with the chief.”
“But that makes no sense, he’s hardly a guard,” she protests. 
“That’s quite true, Princess but I do know a thing or two about fighting. The Crown Prince wants you to be protected, that-“
“I do not require your protection, Mister Styles,” she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“The Crown Prince has spoken. His reasons are clear,” the Queen Mother tells Y/N firmly, handing her the parchment. “Harry Styles will be accompanying you.”
The texts spoke of the majestic wonders of the sea in all its boundless beauty, sailors talked about the vast bodies of water being their companion; the sea was glorified by almost everyone Y/N had met and even by herself - she’d allow herself to stand at the edge of the shoreline and daydream about what life on the other side of the water looked like. There was immeasurable poetry that was either written at sea or took place at sea, but what none of them talked about was what it did to your psyche. Four days of constantly bobbing about the tides, with nothing around but endless blue and a blanket of darkness at nightfall, not to mention the terrifying sounds that accompanied no visibility. She missed the feel of the earth beneath her feet, the smell of her freshly watered gardens, the buzz of bees, birdsong, the vivid colours of her flowers against the green.
She brushed them aside as champagne problems for the first two days but the confines of close quarters were slowly creeping up on her. It didn’t help that she was avoiding Harry on top of all this, so she’d holed herself up in her room with Shobhita working on a project for the gala that’s being thrown in her honour. That’s how she found herself standing at the stern, hands clasped firmly on the wooden banister, at an odd hour in the night. She had her eyes closed, not that it made much of a difference in pitch darkness as she felt the wind against her face. It was eerily quiet, yet noisy as the vessel zipped through the tides, and everytime she flicked her eyes open she would only stare into the vast expanse of the hazy abyss. An insidious fear crept in which made her bones tremble about the nightmarish creatures that would leap out from the water at any moment.
“Careful there, Princess, any more harder and you might splinter the wood,” Harry’s voice cuts through the silence, the teasing apparent in the undercurrent of his tone.
She blinks down at her the way her knuckles have gone pale from gripping onto the wood. Sighing she turns her head to the side, to catch a sweet smile painted on his face as he bows spitting out the formalities. 
“Mister Styles,” she acknowledges him halfheartedly, turning her attention back to the abyss.
“Trouble sleeping?” He enquires, stepping forward but the guard captain steps out from the shadow, directly in front of him, blocking his path. Harry throws his arms up, pausing. “I don’t mean any trouble, Captain.”
“You may not approach her royal highness,” he warns, the captain towers over Harry.
“It’s alright, Captain. He may step closer,” Y/N says.
“Princess, no man is allowed in your vicinity without a chaperone,” the Captain reminds her, and it doesn’t escape Y/N, the way he flexes his mammoth muscles to intimidate the spy. 
“He is no ordinary man, remember. The Crown Prince has instated him to oversee my guard detail,” she points out. “I think it is time he took over the watch. I have kept you up for three nights now, and it’s high time you get some sleep. You may retire to your cabin for the night, Captain.” She smiles, wordlessly thanking him for being diligent enough to follow her each night.
He nods, muttering something to Harry as he hands over his spear to him. He bids Y/N goodnight and disappears down to his cabin.
“Whew,” Harry breathes out in relief. “Thought I’d be tossed overboard. Thanks for the save.” He mutters, making his way to the banister, leaving a comfortable distance between the two in case the Captain decides to check in on him.
“Don’t go thanking your lucky stars yet, I can certainly see to it that it’s arranged,” she bites back at him.
“You’re angry with me,” he states, making her chuckle.
“Wonder what gave that away,” she mutters, directing an eye roll at him.
He ignores her retort and continues, “You’ve been avoiding me since the minute I came on board.”
“That’s two for two. Gee for a spy, you sure do have a knack for picking up on the fucking obvious,” she shakes her head. 
“I don’t understa-”
“Of course you don’t,” she huffs out a weak chuckle. “Apologies start with an I’m sorry.”
“Princess-” he starts, running his hand through his locks. “Y/N, I don’t understand why you’re cross with me. Is it because I’m sailing with you unannounced?”
“God, you’re thick,” she lets out a weak chuckle. “A storm hit the coast two days after you set sail to Lanka, Harry. I didn’t know for weeks if Karthi got the message on time!”
“I’m a good spy, am I not? When have I ever faltered in keeping to your word? Prince Karthi reached the Port Palace two weeks ago, according to your word, did he not?”
“That’s not the point, you idiot!” She turns to face him. “I did not hear from you! I did not know if you made it there. For three whole months! I didn’t know what to think.”
“Oh.” His face reddens as warmth spreads across his chest. He doesn’t understand why but he feels his face split into a wide grin as he replies, “I was doing my job and protocol states that - .”
“And you rode off to Vikram up north,” her tone was still accusatory.
“I had to, Y/N.”
“Why? Why did you have to get to him with such urgency? Was it Karthi’s orders? Why was it so important that you come with me all this way? Don’t give me all that poppycock about me needing extra security. My brother and I trust the captain with our lives. He’s overseen our protection since we were children.”
“Vikram’s mingled with the close friend of the Prince of Handuman. He’s foul, according to his best friend’s admission. He hits women and beds them without consent. He has complete disregard for matters of the court and he is well known for schmoozing -”
“Why does that even matter?” 
Harry lets out a frustrated groan, “Will you please just listen to me.” He continues when Y/N quietens down. “The royal astrologer had seen to it that your portraits were sent to all neighbouring kingdoms - under your father’s orders - for matrimony. Prince Vinay had come across it when you were liaising with them for the trade deal. He, um, publicly vowed to…”
“Vowed to what?” She implores when he trails off.
“I’m sorry for being crude but he said that he wanted to ‘tear off your clothes, pin you against his throne and thrust some obedience into you while the court watches.’” He takes in a long breath before he continues, “So you will be under his pinkie and he can boast that the great Chola Princess was another notch on his bedpost.”
Y/N’s face twists in disgust as she processes what Harry had just shared with her. “Vikram knows I can handle myself around such odious men. I have more protection during this trip than I ever had in my life. Why did he send you to supervise my security? You have no experience…”
“It was my idea actually. I asked him to sign that decree to let me join this company and this was the only way to not raise any eyebrows among our men. I know you can handle yourself around the Handuman Prince, but I would not forgive myself if something were to happen to you…” He pauses, eyes roaming around for any lurking shadows, what comes next is communicated in a murmur, “This could provide a perfect cover for a Chola spy to be digging around Handuman.”
“A cover for what?” Her eyebrows scrunch, mouth twisting down in displeasure of being kept in the dark.
“Too many ears around,” he reminds her. He interjects before she can protest, “You will be the first to know once I have evidence.”
They hear a heavy splash making the ship drag, and the two lurch forward at the sudden movement. Y/N gasps, grabbing hold of the bannister and tightening her grip as a strong hand wraps around her elbow and tries to pull her away. 
Things feel dissonant for her, there’s a ringing in her ears that’s managed to make all other sounds feel like it’s echoing from deep inside a well, she feels her body spasm as she struggles to draw in breaths, like her throat has something blocking the way. Her vision fades around the edges making her scrunch her eyes shut, but that only makes the successive shallow drum of her heart louder. She can feel the way the boat has a pull under her feet, like it was lugging around something heavy as it resists the sway of the vessel. She’s experienced unease before, but this time was different. This uneasiness was not fleeting. It was a type of fear. Fear oozes from the centre of her bones, slowly following its wake across everything it could consume inside her being. Paralysing to her anomalous senses. “I knew it,” she whispers. “Consumed by the waters, of course.”
If this was how she was going to perish, so be it.
“Princess,” his voice is distorted and faint but she picks it up. “Y/N.” It’s louder this time, floating closer. “We’re fine.” She feels his arms tightening around her frame. “Y/N, look at me.”
Harry does not understand what’s happening. Once second, he hears the men throw the anchor into the water and the next Y/N’s crumpled over the banister beside him. She looks to be in pain, her face ashen under the silver beam, he tries to tug her back - away from the edge but she’s bolted, hunching over the banister. He tries getting her attention, but can hear her mutter something about being engulfed by the water and it all makes sense to him. Why she was so hesitant to get on his boat when they were at the docks, how uncomfortable she was sitting opposite him, what made her hole up in her quarters all this time, the way she was gripping onto the banister earlier. The ocean petrified her. 
He understands why she was mad for not hearing from him sooner. He left right before a storm hit the coast, showering her in kisses and whispering sweet promises. Promises. Well, promise. He promised to be safe and he did keep up his word, and he left for the battle tents of the Crown Prince, like he normally would when his job was done. But things were not normal. They’d kissed. Several times in fact. And he’d confessed his fondness for her.
He never faltered in his duties, he’d kept them up this time too. He had not realised a duty had implicitly fallen in his shoulders to bear when their lips met. To let her know that he was safe and not taken by the treacherous waters of the stormy seas as she’d let herself imagine. She had been worried about him. He made her worry.
“We’re fine,” he reassures, moving closer to her, holding her close to him. 
It takes him a few tries but he gets her to look at him and a few more to convince her to let go of the banister. Her quivering lips and glassy eyes pierce his heart, but he manages to get her to slump to the floor beside him. It takes her a long while to stop trembling but he tightens her torso to his side, hoping to instill some warmth into her.
“We’re fine now,” he reassures, squeezing her hands. “The men tossed the anchor overboard. That is what made us jerk forward along with the ship. It takes a while for the anchor to latch onto the seabed. They’ve retired to their cabins for the night. It’s just that. It has happened everyday since we boarded the ship. It will keep happening until we reach home. We will sail again just before the break of dawn. Nothing is wrong with the ship. We are not in the way of any harm.” 
She nods as he continues, “I apologise for not letting you know that I had reached Lanka in one piece. I’m sorry for all the worry I have caused you. I never intended to. I promise to never make you fret again.”
“Okay,” she tells him in a quiet voice, closing her eyes, as she forces her shallow shuddering breath to regain its steadiness. 
He looks around once more, making sure that they’re truly alone, before focusing on her blinking back her watery eyes. “Why did you agree to the voyage in the first place?”
“King’s orders,” she tells him softly.
“You’re terrified of the ocean,Y/N ,” he reasons. 
“I have duties, Harry. I get to experience all the luxuries one can imagine, compared to all that-” she shrugs. “Champagne problems, I guess.”
Harry shakes his head, she says king like it wasn’t her father. He would never do something that he didn’t want to, no matter who’s orders. But it was important to the princess in front of him and there was no use trying to challenge that. This was her deal, and it only made sense that she saw it through - she owed her people that. Instead he picks a different route, one that would help him understand her better, “What’s got you this scared? I’ve never seen you like this before.” It’s true. She was the first Chola Princess to be trained in combat alongside her brothers - demanding her father that when it came to the worst, she wanted to defend her people. She did not want to be holed underground with other women of court or in a temple praying for victory. She was an excellent rider, often would compete in races and encouraged young girls to follow suit. 
“I do not wish to say,” she says hesitantly. She leans back and scoots away, her face slowly regaining composure.
“I don’t mean to pry, Princess. I grew up sailing the waters, I understand not wanting to recount a time -”
“It’s not that. I don’t have a harrowing story or anything.” She adds the next part quietly, “It is risible,” and her cheeks heat in response. Harry quickly notes the way she blushes, making him smile down at her in endearment.
“I promise not to laugh. Sailor’s honour,” he crosses over his heart.
Y/N lets out a peeling giggle in response, “You’re no sailor, Harry.”
“Yes, I am! Was practically born on a ship, Y/N.”
“You were born on a ship?” Y/N asks, sometimes it felt like he knew more about her than she did him. 
Harry shakes his head, “Was born in my mother’s cottage in North England.”
“Did you grow up there?”
He shakes his head again, this time quicker with a frown. “No. I grew up on my father’s ship. Back to what we were talking about; you can’t discredit me as a sailor.”
Y/N’s brows scrunch at the sudden pivot in the conversation, but she doesn’t press on further, opting to say, “I thought you were a spy.”
A warmth blossomed in Harry’s chest from the mocking undercurrent of her tone. He’s never had anyone volley a conversation with him, and it came easy with her. “I am more of a ‘Jack of all trades’ kind of person.”
“Ah, I see,” she chuckles, bringing her knees up to her chest and encircling her arms around it. “So a master of none?”
Harry laughs, a high pitched carefree one, “Better than a master of one.”
Companionate silence blankets around the two, Harry passes her his leather water flask - that was clasped to his belt - and she quickly drains it muttering a quiet thank you. Harry leans back on his elbows, looking up at the shimmering moon above, it’s lovely tonight, he thinks. He’s spent many nights in a bobbing vessel with nothing around but the moon as company but he doesn’t feel the familiar solitude tonight. There was no intolerable silence this particular night, just the tinkle of Y/N’s anklet and silent sighs that escapes her lungs. His gaze flits over to her cheek, smushed against her arm, her gaze is fixed on her fingers as they fiddle with the ornament. A simple gold rope with a small lotus motif made from three pink diamonds and an emerald, clasped around her ankle. 
Her foot. That’s what caught his attention, not the precious stones, but the curve of the arch of her bare feet. He wonders if it would tickle when he runs his lips over them, as he slowly nudged her knees apart, the fabric slipping away, the way her anklets would tinkle over his shoulders in sync with his head between her thighs. He shakes his head, rubbing his face, shifting to conceal his hardening cock and shoots her a polite smile.
“Not knowing,” Y/N says. “I do not like the deep waters because I have no idea what’s underneath.”
“No one does, Y/N,” he reminds her.
“I know. It is uncomfortable to not know. It feels like I am at its mercy, with the currents that can drag me under in a split second, if I’m not careful enough. It’s vast, and we have not explored these territories. I met with this woman that studies living creatures, and she believes that there is a high possibility of colossal squids and fishes deep down. There are old sailing accounts and drawings as proof. You have seen giant sharks and whales, have you not?”
Harry nods, as she continues fidgeting with her anklet. 
“Life began in the waters, Harry, and we hardly know a thing about it. We cannot survive diving the depths; we certainly cannot compete with the predators that we know of. Imagine being at mercy of something unknown. It is the biggest mystery known, quite possibly the worst because it takes up much of our planet and we cannot even begin to understand it. The ocean has had a longer time to evolve than us, and we know much of the sky than we do about what is below.” 
Y/N looks up at him, chin resting on her arm, as she waits for a response. She feels a pang of regret opening up to him when she is not met with anything. You expect him to comfort him just because you kissed a few times, a voice rings in her head followed by her grandmother’s lecture of having one’s cards close to your chest. No royal ever spoke of things that frightened them, she never did either. So, why did she think this was a good idea? Her maternal great - grandfather, a Chera king, was thrown into the castle moat filled with crocodiles by his subjects. He was vain and cruel to his people - granted that could have been the reason - but it had been prophesied that he would meet his end by the scaly reptilians, so he rewarded people to poach every last one of them and had them all in his moat. Ironically, he actively participated in furthering his prophecy while trying to avoid it. People would not have picked death by crocodiles if they never knew about his irrational fear. The kingdom was in shambles for many years until the birth of her mother, which enabled them to forge an alliance with the Cholas through matrimony.
 While the Princess was caught in her own dilemma, Harry had a similar one running through his mind. He wants to assure her how secure ships are. He wants to explain how when you’re in the middle of nowhere with dwindling supplies, you start to see and hear things that aren’t really there. He wants to tell her that worrying would do her no good, especially the things that were occupying her mind because they were simply out of her control. All of the things he’d come to learn from his father’s experiences and his own. She was right, they barely knew about the ocean, but it wasn’t something to lose sleep over. But he understands, Harry was also scared of the ocean as a child before he got used to it. This was Y/N’s first time, and fears aren’t supposed to be rational. It wasn’t far-fetched, she had her nose stuck in books for answers and was born into duties, which required she understood the workings of life. She prided herself for being a step ahead of people around her and to do that one needed control. But the moment didn’t call for revelations; she needed solace. 
He gives her a sympathetic smile before going on to say, “I was scared of the endless ocean as a child too, especially at night. You’re right, we don’t know much about the sea but we do know a lot about the sky.
“Look up for me, Princess,” he continues and they both take in the twinkling dots in the blanket of the night. 
“It’s beautiful,” she whispers, beaming up at the gleaming moon. 
“It is. We’re so caught up by things around us, we often forget to look up. The sky's the one thing that will not change. The moon will wax and wane and the stars will stay right where they are, flickering, guiding us to shore. It helped to look up at the sky when I was scared or in trouble. To be reminded that in the grand scheme of things, my fears didn’t matter. For whatever reason, the cosmos flows through me and that would mean my existence is a marvel. Even for a speck - no bigger than a grain of sand on the beach - the sky has many wonders in store for me.”
She stays quiet, her eyes glassing over, blurring her vision. Harry quickly catches the stray tear from the corner of her eyes with the backs of his fingers. He coos, leaning over to brush his lips against her temple, “I apologise for saying something out of line, Y/N.”
“You're not out of line, Harry,” she hastily blinks back her tears. “It helps. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to-“
“I want to.”
Anyone else pondering their significance by looking out into the universe might end up feeling helpless, paralysed even, but she feels none of that. She was born into significance and her roles only cemented the burden of upholding the legacy of the Crown. So, letting herself feel like a mere speckle was liberating. 
The days that follow the same routine - the Princess holes herself up in her cabin during the day with Shobhita. Harry’s unsure what she was up to - and formulating any judgement from the box of fabric spools one of the handmaidens carted into her room, and the occasional laughs from behind the door - he’s happy she was occupied. It was hard to catch a glimpse of her when the sun was shining; there were guard’s stationed outside at all times and he did not want to tick off the guard captain.
The nights. That solely belongs to the two of them. She would come out of her cabin two hours before midnight to catch some fresh air to find him softly smiling at her. He'd readily stand, at the ship’s bow, with a spear in his hand by the intricately carved wooden swan figurehead. Y/N had ordered the guard captain to retire at night, since he’d been stationed by her cabin all day. When he’d resisted - uncomfortable that the Crown Prince had instated a young man with no prior expertise as head of security- she’d gently reminded him that it was best for Harry to learn what guarding actually entailed in the safe confines of their ship. They’d spend the nights in each other’s companionship, Y/N’s heart swelled with Harry’s stories. Particularly the one of him as a boy, where he was convinced that someone had left a giant bunny up the moon. She looked at him endeared as he pointed out the outline of the rabbit in the dark markings of the full moon. It soothed her, looking up at the heavens with someone made her confining thoughts about the ocean melt away.
This night was no different, the Princess pads to her usual spot to find a blanket spread out with two pillows. Her eyes fly to meet him and he gives her the same smile he did every night, bending down to light the two oil lamps, illuminating the jade of his eyes. “Your highness,” he bows, stepping away.
She nods, shooting him a surprised smirk as she curls up with her book. Harry eyes the old parchment she unfolds, a star catalogue, and he can’t help the chortle that escapes his lips.
“Stop it, Mr. Styles,” Y/N shoots him a warning look, not wanting to draw the attention of the crew.
“I apologise, majesty,” he murmurs, but Y/N notices the mocking smile that paints his lips.
She pointedly ignores him with a roll of her eyes, as she focuses her attention on Aryabhata’s text in front of her. Harry had challenged her last night, and she was determined not to lose.
The crew had dropped the anchor and had retired below deck a short while ago, and Harry could not help but admire the furrow in between her brows as she concentrated. Harry had spent the last few nights pointing out different constellations that Y/N simply could not fathom. Harry was amused that it bugged her so much that she couldn’t map out the stars in the night’s sky with ease. Her anklet falls on the blanket, and he’s sure that she had loosened the clasp from how much she fiddled with it while reading. She sighs, turning her attention back to the gold rope, fastening it in place, making sure to press down on the hook.
“Rijl al-Qinṭūrus”, she reads out loud in Arabic after a long while, flicking up to look at the sky. The star map had a figure of a centaur and all she had to do was find the brightest one right at the bottom. Her head cranes to find the brightest spot in the sky - the alpha centauri.
The only problem was, there were multiple bright specks and she lets out a defeated sigh, pushing her hair back, “Fuck this,” she mutters.
“Not very royal of you, Princess,” Harry’s teasing tone floats over, she finds him slumped over the bannister looking at her. 
“It is the brightest and biggest star to spot at night,” he reminds her.
She narrows her eyes at him, looking back at the star catalogue again, and slumps back in defeat. “There’s something wrong with this star catalogue,” she declares. “There has to be, Harry.”
“Or maybe you are inept at this,” he smirks, coming to sit beside her. 
“I am not!” She protests. “The illustrations are misleading. None of the constellations look like this,” she points to the image of a centaur holding a spear on one hand and a dead goat on the other.
“That’s because it’s meant for people like you,” he chuckles.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She arches her brow.
“Someone who learns from books. It only makes sense the catalogue has full fledged pictures of animals on there, otherwise it would be a mess of lines connecting one dot to another. So, accept defeat,” he urges.
“Fine. Tell me where the alpha centauri is,” she demands.
“What would my compensation be?”
“How about not making you walk the plank at dawn,” she scoffs. 
“You drive a hard bargain, Princess. I was thinking less along the lines of drowning and more along the lines of this,” he mutters as his hands reach to cup her full cheeks. They are warm under his palms, even against the biting gust, his thumb moves to caress her pillowy lips, eyes flicking down to her mouth landing on the crescent birthmark by her chin. They hadn’t kissed since he’d left for Lanka and every night he’d spend in her presence, Harry’s mind could not stop drifting to the way her mouth pressed against his with urgency.
Y/N eyes flutter shut, leaning towards him, nudging his cupid's bow with her lips. Her mouth brushes his as she whispers, “Not before I get my information, spy.” She backs away, observing the way his pupils dilate under the soft buttery light.
“You can’t spot the alpha centauri-”
“I know, which is why I asked you.”
He rolls his eyes at her hastiness. “No one can, because it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.”
“You tricked me,” she gasps. 
He shrugs, as he tugs her to him, wasting no time in capturing her lips against his. It was more heavenly than he’d remembered. Y/N’s hands snake up to bury them in the baby curls at the nape of his neck, bringing him closer. She melts against his chest, curiously slicking her tongue against his lips, smiling as he parts his mouth for her. She tasted like the tamarind candy she loved. Harry drops one of his hands from her cheek, finding home in the curve of her hip. It’s heady, both greedily smacking wet kisses the curve of their jaw when they part to draw in air. Harry’s heart thumps loudly against his chest, sending him rhythmic reminders that he was twitterpated by the woman trailing her lips against the stubble of his jaw. Plebeians and royalty don’t mix, and on the rare occasion that they did, it never ended well. But until midday tomorrow - when they would reach the port of Handuman - she was just a woman, made from the same stardust as him, whom he wanted to keep melding lips with.
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vijayasena · 5 months
Okay so I was thinking about something I don't know if anyone wants to read it or not but I want to write something about or boys in blue I don't know what it would be but I have this thought in mind what do you people say ???
@hum-suffer @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @mad-who-ra @chaleaana @ishuess @mayakimayahai @ms-potato @whimsicalfaeries
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hellish-cruelty · 10 months
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Bindi and Mirrors in Satyajit Ray's films
Pather Panchali (1955), Mahanagar (1963), Charulata (1964), Apur Sansar (1959)
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phil-the-stone-art · 9 months
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i am nothing if not a bench who has eras
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bluespring864 · 3 months
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Hsieh Su-wei and Elise Mertens win the Indian Wells women's doubles final vs.Kateřina Siniaková and Storm Hunter (6-3, 6-4)
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never-fair · 10 months
green kurta || remus x you
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Remus was absolutely terrified. In front of the mirror, he was practicing what he was going to say to your parents who he was going to meet in just about 3 hours.
He glanced down at his watch and his eyes widened. Scratch that, make that 2 more hours. It was safe to say that the sandy haired boy really cared about the situation that was going to come into play and your heart melted when you saw him getting into a kurta just to make your father happy.
He was fiddling with the collar of the bright green kurta. You know he only picked it out because you said it looked nice. The green made his eyes pop and match dreadfully well with the intricate gold designs that were sewed into the cloth.
It made him look ethereal but not as ethereal as you.
You decided to wear a nice and simple salwar kameez. It was a gorgeous dark red with gold that made the red seem even more dark and enchanting. You smiled softly as Remus who was now fidgeting around with the hem of the kurta, turning his body and checking all sorts of things with it.
You slowly made your way to Remus and snuck your arms around his waist. He giggled and turned around to meet your face before his eyes widened and jaw dropped down to his feet.
"Darling, you look ravishing in red," Remus whispers in your ear, his hands moving to your hips. Your breath hitched in your throat while you stuttered out a 'what' as your cheeks got red.
He smirked at you and gave you a quick peck before letting you go, you sighed deeply and looked into Remus's eyes.
The moment was disrupted when an alarm suddenly rang and in a split second, both of you were out the door, running to the car.
Of course, that didn't stop Remus from opening your car door and buckling your seat belt for you when you both got in the car.
The drive to your parents home was about 25 minutes from the hotel you were staying at and as the GPS kept signaling you were getting closer, the more nervous you and Remus got.
You hadn't even told your parents you had a boyfriend until a month ago and you yet you did tell them that he was white, you were still terrified.
Remus seemed to notice your distress and laid a firm.hand on your thigh. You turned your head and smiled at him, blushing ever so slightly.
"Don't worry dove, I got a few tricks up my sleeve," he said, making the final turn to your childhood home.
A few hours had passed and all was going wonderfully well. Your parents were very welcoming of Remus and he couldn't be any happier. At first, they had their own thoughts about their daughter being with someone of a different race, but Remus did in fact pull that trick.
The entire time Remus was near your parents, he spoke Hindi.
You were amazed at his skills and knew it must've taken ages for him to learn. It took you a solid 2 years to get a grasp of the conjunction itself but Remus was gliding through it all, even adding a few jokes here and there.
Remus got to look at some of your old baby photos and sneakily took one from the album to keep with him and tease you about when you got home.
At one point, your mother even came over to you, whispering in your ear how you had won the jackpot when Remus said he could cook wonderful Malai Kofta.
You nodded, not really paying attention to her. Instead, you were entranced by Remus enthusiasm as he chatted with your father about the upcoming cricket game, the both of them laughing and having a splendid time.
Oh how you loved Remus.
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dilfenthusiast · 25 days
Trying to listen to Blood Meridian
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steffigraf · 1 year
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hubert hurkacz in the indian wells 2023 preview interviews
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cafffine · 4 months
I need the plot twist in my heart is a chainsaw to literally break my knees bc so far i’m not fully understanding the reviews calling it groundbreaking 🫥 I’ll always welcome another take on the genre aware horror but that’s kind of all it is so far so !!!???
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kalhamamor · 5 months
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Take me on vacation 🫶🏽
📸 Eric Weisse
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