#In my personal headcanon the nyos are also a part of it
I kind of really don't like how the Risorgimento in Hetalia is framed as a thing done solely by Veneziano and how it supposedly came as a surprise to Romano. First of all, it was kind of a long process, so it's been boiled down way too much, but I can forgive that because it's meant to be funny.
What I can't really forgive is that Romano is made obsolete in the comic, despite how influential the South actually was in making the Risorgimento happen. Just based on the Wikipedia page (I don't have the energy to go through an actual history book rn), there was the Carboneria formed in Southern Italy, not to mention that the unification happened under the House of Savoy, which admittedly was northern, but they first gained the title of king when they took over Sicily, and later exchanged it for Sardinia. Previously, Savoy ruled over duchies, but it was first when they gained the title King of Piedmont-Sardinia they started to consider uniting Italy. Those two are just the most obvious examples, but there's plenty more if you look into it.
It's not so much that South Italy did not want the Risorgimento or had no hand in it, it's rather that the results of it ended up being a betrayal, not just to the South, but anyone who was not Piedmontese – however, that betrayal was felt especially by the South. At least that's how I'm reading it. I'm sure I still ended up simplifying it a lot, and if anyone wants to expand on this, please do so.
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floralcrematorium · 9 months
you got me thinking about Henry marrying Nyo England and getting mad when she kept coming back after he beheaded her because she can't bear children.
*reawakens from my Tudor queens hyperfixation*
Get ready for the longest nonsensical ramble nobody asked for. Does this make sense? I don’t know, let’s find out together.
My personal headcanon is that Nyo!England, or Alice, wasn’t married off to other royalty but instead powerful nobles. In the 1600s after the fall of the Tudor dynasty specifically.
She hated it for obvious reasons.
On top of that, I have a feeling that she’s somewhere on the ace spectrum and is demiromantic. If she were ever to fall in love it would be the slowest slow burn of all. I also don’t see her having a gender preference, but I digress. She’s always been a bit of a prude regarding nudity and “risqué topics.”
In regard to the Tudor period, I think this is abouts when a lot of personal changes happen for Alice because of the English Reformation, her life at court, and subsequent arranged marriage(s).
As far as her relationship with the king, I don’t think Henry VIII would’ve pursued Alice as a romantic partner, but the thought of Alice continuously popping back up after being “executed” is an interesting thought.
I see her being a well respected lady at court, in rank nearly equivalent to Anne of Cleves’ following her divorce (Anne of Cleves was the highest ranking English woman after the Queen Consort and Henry’s daughters, who had by this time been reinherited. If I’m wrong, then at least Mary was reinherited thanks to Jane Seymour). Imagine whatever Arthur’s rank would be at court, but the feminine equivalent for the early 1500s. Alice relished being at court, it gave her a feeling of power she hadn’t felt growing up. She had more freedom in her adolescence, but this was the first time she had political sway (she was part of the Queen’s household).
She would have had a rather positive relationship with Catherine of Aragon. I think they’re actually both very similar; Well educated for women of the time, smart, enduring, and headstrong. Alice also would have been Catholic, seeing as how England largely practiced Catholicism until Henry VIII formed the Church of England and mandated the practice of Protestantism.
I think the English Reformation shatters Alice on a variety of levels; Her relationship with religion becomes difficult, she is reminded yet again that women are not safe regardless of their social rank (albeit royal and noble women had it far better than the average person — Tudor England had the highest rates of educated women among the nobility in Europe), and finds herself endangered as well.
The Wars of the Roses had been a tumultuous time politically and I haven’t figured out Alice’s role before the 1490s other than the ye ol’ horse girl to court gossiper pipeline.
This is when a lot of things click for Alice. This is when she’s no longer the perfect “English Rose,” an ideal lady of the court. I think this is when she starts to become more cynical, especially as she’s probably near reached physical adulthood (I haven’t figured out how she ages yet smh). She honestly probably would have gotten executed at least once for having a similar attitude to the progression of England’s governing and religion that Catherine of Aragon and Mary did. Clearly seen in Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard, and other high ranking women’s case, nobody was safe from the executioner’s block.
I don’t think she would have been unkind to Henry’s future queens (my personal bias), but there may have been some resentment. I have a soft spot for young Katherine Howard, though I feel like she would’ve been Alice’s least favorite.
Following the death of Henry, Alice would’ve fared alright during the reigns of his children. I have no clue what she was doing during Edward’s reign. She would’ve been fine during Mary’s reign considering her support for her mother. I also think she would’ve been fine during Elizabeth’s reign.
Admittedly my knowledge about English history and royal history fizzles out when the Stuart dynasty comes into play (1603 w/ death of Elizabeth I), but it’s around this time when Alice is used as a political pawn in marriage.
I could see her having formed some sort of deep connection with a human who is a constant presence in her life, or maybe another nation (you can take the person (me) out of Hetalia fandom, but you can’t take the FrUK out of the person). This is ripped away from her when England tests the waters with marrying Alice off for the first time. She’d had brief arranged engagements before, but they’d never gone through.
This one did and he was terrible.
He’s some made up man and all I know is that he’s terrible enough that Alice is willing to consider killing him to get out of the marriage and inherit his land.
Alice convinced her husband to have a nice countryside vacation, she studies some plants because she likes gardening, and one thing leads to another — he’s been poisoned and Alice is being tried for witchcraft in the 1660s/70s.
She gets put through ordeal by water.
She is very, very reluctant to return to court life, seeing as how the last time she was there she was treated like property. I’m unsure if she would retain her ex-husband’s estate after her second attempted execution.
She eventually does return to court because it’s a. her only choice and b. the allures of the potential for personal power and greed (enter the colonial period and imperialism).
Alice leaves the 17th century with newfound fears of arranged marriage (marriage at all tbh) and being fully submerged in water, a desire for some sort of control, and a discomfort living in rural areas despite her upbringing having been in small villages.
If she’s ever to marry again, it wouldn’t be until the late 20th century or beyond.
I also feel like her relationship with Arthur is. Difficult. They coexist but he will always be the main personification of England. They’ve had similar experiences, with both being immortals who age so slow that they don’t seem to age, but they can’t ever fully understand each other. In my head they’re related in some vague way, but have a strained sibling sort of relationship.
Admittedly I have a lot of research to do before I can feel comfortable with using my canon-divergent Nyo!England for anything. Most of my knowledge regarding English history comes from my AP European and World History classes in high school or my personal research into the royal family (Tudor and Victorian-Windsor period specific). My knowledge more so comes in the form of factoids about various English royals and not politics or culture, so I have a lot of blind spots. I’ve done my fair share of research into Tudor court life, but even then I’m not even sure if anything I’ve said above is valid.
Anywho, that’s the end of my ramble. Alice is a WIP because I have a lot of work to do regarding her role as a nation through each century. Hopefully when I’ve done the proper research I can do something with her, but my focus is on the Margaritaville AU right now. I’ll come back to her, though!!
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95jezzica · 8 months
Your replies are closed, so I'll send this as an ask instead. I strongly agree with your idea of "Canon-Canon Nyo Nations", where the male and female characters represent regional cultures within the same country instead of making the female nations a "dream universe" gimmick. Expanding on this idea, what do you think about OCs who represent regions of the same nation? I would think it's a logical next step because 2 characters per country still wouldn't be enough to represent all regional cultures.
[Picture ID: Jamtland send an additional ask which says: "Whoops, I forgot to include this part in my first ask about "Canon-Canon Nyo Nations". What are your ideas for which regional cultures the female Nordics would represent, and what would the differences between them and the male Nordics? Picture ID End].
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Oh yeah, sorry, the replies are still turned off. I have a post which seems to summon a lot of hateful idiots, so eventually I got too annoyed by it and turned off replies.
For the rest I will preface my answer with the fact I saw you're also Swedish on your profile, but I'll likely leave some extra information for any non-Swedes who might also read this, since I mostly use Sweden as an example. Also, fair warning to everyone: Long Post. [Below "Read More"].
For simplicity sake I've also choosen to just call nyo!Sweden Svea, and our canon-canon Sweden for... Well, Sweden.
Now, I personally don't make a lot of OCs unless they're humans or I'm making a human AU. (For an example I made Finland some "AU Parents", because I got REALLY tired of people always making Finland the orphan with no other family). With that said making OCs for regions and the likes is obviously still valid.
I also agree 2 personifications are too few for many countries, but I also understand why Hima wouldn't want to draw 3-100 characters for every country. Identity within a country is complicated too, because it depends a lot on who you're talking with as you describe your own identity.
If we take myself as an example. If I was talking with someone from another country I'd probably just say I'm European and/or Swedish, and perhaps mention I live on the west coast if they ask and/or seem more familiar with Swedish geography. If another Swede or Nordic asked I'd probably mention I live pretty close to Gothenburg - and if they live nearby I might go into more details, because my lil' hometown is small enough that there's no chance even other Swedes has heard of it unless they live somewhat close/have family in the area anyway.
My point is that it'd be difficult to make a representation for all kind of national-/regional-/state- identity within a country.
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However, if we once again take Sweden as an example, I think (hws) Sweden would likely represent a lot of the middle/pretty far up in the west coast. Think the old Goths, and/or possibly Dalsland, Värmland, Dalarna.
Dalarna has the bonus of having a strong identity of their own in their region, and all three are placed close to (irl) Norway. It'd make sense how (hws) Norway and Sweden got to know each other early on then, but also how they might have met (hws) Denmark early.
Svea at the other hand is someone I view more as being further north-east, likely the literal ol' Svea, and someone I headcanon to have been among the first Swedish personification(s) to get into contact with the Finnish personifications.
It's weird though, because neither Sweden nor Svea really gives off "Stockholm vibes" (sorry non-Swedes/Nordics, I have no idea how to describe what "Stockholm vibes is) - but then again they are all based on Japanese stereotypes about the Swedes, so I guess it makes sense. x)
Another possibility I can imagine is the Swedish personifications in modern days being divided into something like this:
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[Picture ID: A map of real life Sweden cut into three parts. From up to down: Norrland in strawberry red, Svealand in autumn leaf yellow, and Götaland in bright sea blue. End of Picture ID].
... with perhaps an additional personification for the far north and south. However, we have to keep in mind a lot of the far north of real life Sweden's lands would still be in the ice age early on and/or simply not be Swedish - and parts of what today is the real life far south Sweden would be with Denmark instead.
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[Picture ID: An edited version of the previous picture, now with almost all of Norrland and the far south of Sweden faded out, since they weren't part of real-life Sweden at this point. Only a small part of south-east Norrland remains, now coloured and part of Svealand. The names are now also edited to say "North Swe" instead of "Norrland", "Svea" instead of "Svealand", and "1p!Sweden" instead of Götaland. End of Picture ID].
The picture above is a quick edit made by me and should by no means be used as a picture of research, so obviously not exact accuracy or anything, but it's a rough estimate of what (irl) Sweden would have looked like very early on, and also roughly what I headcanon (hws) 1p!Sweden and nyo!Sweden to represent/have represented respectively.
In history the Svea people more or less forced a union with the goths, but I headcanon (hws) Svea had absolutely no interest in working with the humans leaders and basically dumped all the responsibility and work on our (hws) Sweden instead. While Sweden was forced to work more closely with royals and leaders, Svea set to truly live like their people. That's not say say (hws) Sweden didn't interact with the "common people" at all, because he's a rebellious shit in his own right, but he was still forced to take on a lot of the responsibility and work with his leaders.
It didn't help that once Christianity was brought up in Scandinavia together with a less favourable view of women, 1p!Sweden no longer had a real choice than to take on the work. I think (hws) Svea moved back in with Sweden around the time Christianity became more common in Sweden (the lands and people), too. Partly because she felt guilty over having just dumped all the work and responsibility onto (hws) Sweden, but also because it was safer to live with someone she viewed and could claim as her brother. Svea would also have started out to (secretly) help Sweden out with work around this time, which only became official closer to modern days.
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For the rest of the Swedish personifications I don't have a clear picture of what they'd look like, but the personification of "south-south" Sweden (in old days more viewed as "east Denmark") is likely around the same age as Denmark, Sweden and Svea, while the personification of Norrland is much younger than the rest of the Swedish personifications. I'd say (hws) Norrland likely didn't pop up until the Swedish population grew much bigger in the north and the Sami people were pushed further and further out in their lands by the Swedish population.
(cough). So I know I've basically only covered Sweden so far, but this post is already getting ridiculously long, so I will cheat a bit and refer you to @ifindus for Norway's regions instead. xD
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[Again, art and OCs of the Norwegian regions made by @ifindus .]
Findus fully uses OCs for the regions to be fair, so I'm not entirely sure what I would make nyo!Norway represent since I really like Findus' OCs. x') . Maybe nyo!Norway could be more specifically the Oslo area? Because Oslo Norwegians are very different from Norwegians in the rest of Norway.
As generalization I'd say most of the Nordics probably have at least 3-5 personifications though, with one of them being the nyo. For an example Denmark might be divided into Jylland, Syddanmark, Sjælland, Hovedstaden - or it'd go a bit more detailed like cutting up Jylland in North & South like most maps.
(The Faroe & Greenland would obviously also have their own personifications, btw).
Hope this was helpful, and sorry I didn't get to cover them all in the post! x)
If inspiration hits me I might make another posts with the rest of the Nordics in the future. \^w^/
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gilsart · 10 months
OK ok OK i hope you don't mind this but since i love your take on N. and S. Italy I was wondering... what are your opinions on the nyo! versions? Are they the same with longer hair or ultra different personalities? My own personal opinion and all is that I lowkey hate when the fem versions are made either way more competant or super nice and kind to each other. I want them to be as pathetic and ridiculous and envious as their male counterparts! I hate when they get the ""only braincell"" treatment if that makes sense. Love me the messy and as gross and brutal as necessary girlies.
i love how my posts are leading to this i have another ask in my inbox about my headcanons 😭💕
i don't like it when generbend versions are the same as their "canon" versions. now, taking to the side the fact that i like both of them as women more (it just makes more sense with our culture, i think), i believe they are as bitter as i portray their male counterparts, but i also think there is a considerable amount of misogynistic treatment they get from people and have got during the history of our nation.
plus, religious influence might have played a bigger part in their lives than it did with their male counterparts.
i mean, let's face it: women's rights aren't even in our government's "top 5 things to worry about". so there's that.
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hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 11 months
Hetalia Troupe Writing Prompts
You know those age-old troupes and alternate universes (aus) in fanfiction? Whether you love them or hate them, they're common in fandoms all over the internet, including Hetalia. I also decided I wanted to make my current Tumblr look like my 2016 DeviantArt page, so I'm doing a cute little writing prompt thing that begins as soon as I hit post and will continue indefinitely
The Rules: You'll have 3 categories to choose from; Aus, Genres, and Troupes, and I'll either write headcanons (a list) or a one-shot (short story), your choice
GENRES (Choose up to 1)
Slice of Life
AUS (Choose up to 1)
N/A (Canon)
Actor Au (The characters are actors in the live action comedy "Hetalia" and their roles as countries are the parts they're playing, their human names are their real identities)
Animal Au (Cat ears, bird wings, snake tails, etc., it's all anthropomorphic animals here)
Apocalypse Au (Zombies, nuclear winter, natural disasters, it’s characters thriving in unlikely conditions)
Coffee Shop Au (Barista/Customer, Barista/Barista, Boss/Customer, a cute story contained in a coffee shop setting)
College Au (Characters in an American college or university setting, can include student/student or professor/professor)
Cops and Robbers Au (Theif/Detective is the most common, though anything along those lines fit)
Deity Au (The most common example is with Greek mythology where a tale will be told with characters and/or the reader, the story of Hades and Persephone was regularly reimagined)
Fairytale Au (Cinderella, Rapunzel, Beauty and The Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.)
Famous Au (Musicians, performers, or famous for being country personifications)
Genderswap Au (Nyo!talia, is combinable with two more Aus)
Hallmark Au (Character A is a hardworking person who moved to a snowy town and meets B, a fun-loving person who shows them the true meaning of the season- and love)
Harry Potter Au (Fuck JK Rolling but the HP Au was a huge portion of this fandom early on for me personally, so I wanted to add it)
High School Au (Characters in a high school setting, can include student/student or teacher/teacher, student/teacher is not permitted, regardless of ages)
Historical Au (Any time period, I will be doing some cursory research on the time period before and while I write just to make sure things are at least a bit historically accurate)
Human Au (The characters are normal humans with regular human lives, often overlaps with high school/college au, though they're not necessarily linked)
Magic Au (High or urban fantasy, your choice)
Mythology Au (Vampires, werewolves, fairies, mermaids, etc.)
Paranormal Au (Ghosts, demons, angels)
Pirate Au (Would you be an ‘arrg’ type of pirate or a ‘yo-ho-ho’ kind?)
Royalty Au (Princes, princesses, kings, queens, royal advisors, butlers, maids, go crazy)
Soulmate Au (Timer, heterochromia, red string, there’s a variety of options and I’ll write for any of them)
Spy/Assassin/Hitman Au
World Acadamy Au (The "multicultural private educational institution located in New York", it's a school setting in which the countries set, based off of a spin off game and a few episodes)
TROPES (Choose up to 2)
Arranged Marriage
Body Swap
Character Death
Didn't Know They Were Dating
Drunken Confession
Enemies To Lovers
Exes Getting Back Together
Fake Relationship
First Kiss
Forbidden Love
Huddle For Warmth
Last Kiss
Long-Distance Relationship
Love Triangle
Mutual Pining
Only One Bed
Pregnancy (accidental or otherwise)
Pen Pals
Road Trip
Secret Relationship
Sex Pollen/Heat (*Not applicable with angst)
Single Parent(s)
Snowed In
Unrequited Love
Please submit your request by stating it's for the Troupe Writing Prompts, followed by your choices and the character/characters involved and I'll get to it when I can, thank you for taking the time to read <3
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feynavaley · 3 years
Aw, sad but really nice writing! ★ for the Nyo Baltics (if you write for them, that is)
Thank you so much! I have to admit I don't think that often about the Baltics but this doesn't mean I can't make up an answer. 😊
★ – Sad headcanon
Tatjana (Nyo Lithuania): She's the 'mom friend', the one who always looks after everybody else and cleans up their messes. But as a part of this, she also feels like she has to hide any issues she has as nobody would be there to help her. This isn't true. Tatjana's friends would actually be glad to step up and give her a hand, she's just so good at pretending she has everything under control that they all think she actually does. Tatjana's struggles with this are her own misconception, but one that isn't going away any time soon as clearing it up depends solely on her speaking up. Which she won't.
Evelin (Nyo Estonia): Her confidence makes her speak quite bluntly. She often sounds arrogant and sometimes even judgemental – but she's completely unaware of that. Just as she's unaware that many people dislike her due to her attitude, which she would fix if she just knew she had to. It wouldn't even be that hard for her as she doesn't want to be rude or unpleasant, the only real issue is her being unaware of the problem.
Rozalija (Nyo Latvia): As a naturally fearful person, she buys a lot into all the exaggerations and self-victimizing of the struggles women face and lets that limit her life a lot. She’s afraid of going out alone even in non-dangerous places and if she does she’s constantly anxious, she hides her medical issues because ‘doctors don’t believe young women anyway’, and, even worse, she hides her interest in engeneering and mechanics because ‘a woman in that field wouldn’t go far due to constant belittling and discrimination’. She’s essentially a self-fulfilling propecy: she doesn’t try because she ‘knows’ it would only go wrong and then, of course, she doesn’t reach her goal on the ground of not even trying. Which leaves her constantly dissatisfied, but still unwilling to try.
Since you asked, I want to say another few words. 
First of all, thank you for being so considerate, I really appreciate it. Yeah, I have to admit I'd rather answer questions about characters I'm more familiar with as I'm not making up OCs nor am I interested in that for Tumblr's purposes – in other words, all my headcanons are based upon the characters' canon personalities (the way I read them, clearly. I'm not claiming my interpretation to be the only correct one or that I own the absolute truth). This is why the more I know/I'm interested in a character, the more I enjoy writing headcanons about him/her. 
I take a similar approach with the Nyos, too: while they're separate people from their canon counterparts, I picture them having a similar personality. (This is why you'll see me talking a lot about headcanons tied to their feminity when I get asked about Nyos, by the way – because that's one thing that, instead, sets them apart from their canon counterparts. And their being women, with the difference this makes in their experiences and everything else, creates some differences in their personalities as well.)
That being said, it isn't like I don't enojy fleshing out other characters as well, from time to time, as long as I can still spend most of the time thinking about my favourite characters! 😊 My headcanons may just not be so canon-compliant as there might be something I don't remember and I don't have enough time to review all the material. But I hope it’s still okay!
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drowning-in-dennor · 3 years
go on tell us about nor for that ask post 👀
First impression: He’s just some guy — I didn’t really care for him until I read some Nordic fics, but I got attached to nyo and 2p!Nor before I did his canon character
Impression now: I am a lesbian but he is an exception, @tolyys and I hold daily simping hours in the Nordictalia server. Hands-down my favourite Nordic, I will read Anything if he’s in it
Favourite moment: Not sure if it’s canon, but the bit in the Fantasia audio drama where Nor kind of hides behind Den and admits he’s really shy is so cute. Close second is also from the drama where he just goes “we’re lost and it’s Den’s fault lmao” all sing-song like
Idea for a story: Currently planning a ScotNor fic with genderfluid Nor, they spent part of the fic as a centaur because I can
Unpopular opinion: Not sure if it’s too unpopular, but I still write and headcanon him as really feminine and delicate even though most of the fandom’s moving away from that
Favourite relationship: Look at my url,,,, I don’t know how I got into DenNor because my OTP was SpaMano for a long time but it just. happened idk
Favourite headcanon: Hoe Nor/whimsical Nor/pure Nor, because I am a simp, ie he is either the most fuckable person in this cafe, basically a Disney princess with many animal friends or he is a precious fairy prince who draws snowflakes on his cheekbones and hugs pillows,,,, hngh
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peonycats · 3 years
i saw ur lovely post with china and his nyo (!!!) and wanted to know do you think there are any personality/characterization diffs between him and his nyo?
oh definitely! I think in nationverse, nyo china and heta china def have diffs given with the roles amab and afab people played in chinese society throughout history and cultures
Disclaimer: I do headcanon both nyo china and heta china starting in northern china, but I based a lot of nyo china’s personality and mannerisms off my grandma and my family is from south/central china so it may not be 100% accurate (tbf what i know of chinese stereotypes is that northerners are tough and hard drinkers sdjfjsjkfs- tho wtf is with yalls food????? i believe in south china cuisine supremacy)
Okay so!! She’s 100% a very energetic grandma and super outgoing- since the country opened up in the 80s, she loves dragging her friends and nation pals out to go travelling to all different countries, and she’s always loved sight seeing and exploring, even when out for work reasons- part of it is her natural curiosity, partly because for much of her life, her freedom of movement was highly restricted.
Her fashion sense is... equally questionable as Yao’s. You know when your mom/relative buys some really strange article of clothing and makes you try it on and declares “you look so good!” and is mad when you don’t wear it? ya that’s her
One thing I think she can’t stand is weakness or sensitivity- Like, living for so long, and living so long as the female representative of a very patriarchal nation-tan means she’s had to develop an incredibly thick skin and practical mindset, and has adapted many tactics to survival. As a result, I think she looks down on traits like sensitivity and emotional vulnerability, and could be very harsh in punishing her juniors when she sees those traits in them, reasoning that they won’t be able to survive with such “weaknesses”
I think some diffs between her and yao is that she is more sociable and open with her affections with her friends. yao reserves that for people he’s friendly, but condescending to. She also cares abt her looks more often than he does lmao. They’re both about equally proficient when it comes to politicking (whether it be international diplomacy or court manners) and military strategizing (there are numerous female generals throughout chinese history!) 
They’re also both on the gender/gender identity non-conforming spectrum, because like when you reach a certain age and seen ideas abt gender flip back and forth and back you just stop giving a fuck. There’s also an interesting discussion to be had about how much nations can truly fulfill the gender/societal expectations of their cultures- for many societies, many individuals who couldn’t perform certain expected duties or rituals (marriage, childbearing and rearing, and death) were ostracized and dehumanized to some degree- kinda fitting for nations, hm? but that is like another conversation I’ve thought way too much abt sdghfhsdfjsd- Due to a combo of their old ages, their fluidity in their roles as nations allowing them some flexibility (but not complete freedom) from their assigned genders, they have developed a lot of skills and personality attributes associated with one or the other gender!
I also think she much more fully embraced the modernization of China compared to Yao. Like yeah the cycle of dynasty after dynasty collapsing and millennia of tradition crashing against traumatic encounters with europeans and westernization was Big for everyone don’t get me wrong, but women especially saw such a dramatic upheaval in their status and roles in society and culture within a mere 200 years compared to the preceding 4000-5000 years??
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captkirkland · 3 years
Alright, so some Arthur Kirkland headcanons from me per @shithole-state’s request:
Arthur is genuinely such a complicated guy that it’s hard to really.. quantify him easily in words, I think. At times, he can seem like the complete antithesis of himself, and it’s not like he does that specifically on purpose, but there are certainly things he does do to throw people off about him.
Firstly, to me he’s.. a very small man. Like 5’4”-5’6”. Not that this is bad, but it makes his life even more complicated because people tended not to take him seriously when he was younger. It was a quick and harsh realization that he needed to harden himself against a sharp world that’d run him through if he didn’t.
Having grown up the way he did, the youngest of four brothers, who (in the canon I usually write from full of my own hcs,) had to deal with quite a lot of bullshit from them and his father during his upbringing. He looks more like Britannia than Celt of course, but that is for some very specific reasons. (Cough. The saxons being such a big part of early English history. Cough. Those were Germanic, not Celtic.) Often times I feel like he was the subject of bullying, considering those very early on English traumas, and I don’t really feel like he ever came across a genuine way to express himself. Emotionally, he’s stunted as hell, and he doesn’t preform in very healthy ways in regards to himself.. which.. y’know, eventually did come out in the way he treated others. He was a magic user, a witch, which obviously did not work very well with the sharp rise of Christianity, Catholicism, and Protestantism— and really that only made things so much worse.
I have a very specific view of how the personified nations behaved compared to how the governments of certain times did, because I absolutely believe that sometimes the countries, as their own people, did not agree with their bosses all the time! How could they? Their own people are getting hurt, the people of their friends, family. They are severely impacted by the wants of the people they represent, the land they call themselves— so of course they’d dissent. That comes out a lot in my specific canon with my friends a lot because we like to merge the 2Ps, Nyos, and even 2P Nyos into the canon verse to get a wider view of history. But, saying that, I fully believe that pirate Arthur specifically had a moment in time where he was.. literally a pirate. Against the East India Company, thieving, fighting, what have you. It was short lived, but he’d been a privateer and a sailor much longer, the literal pirate bit was towards the end when he started disagreeing hard with his own actions and the actions of his nation as a whole. I mean, how could a dude colonized to fuck and back very PERSONALLY entirely agree with that? But there was a part of his head that wanted land, wanted people in his “family.” It wasn’t right or okay, but at the start.. the idea of an empire didn’t seem so bad to him. It’d just be people in a family. Even if it’s a little hard, families are hard. Plus, it gave him such a rush and surge of power. What could be so bad about it? Which.. is the thought process that lead to a lot of self loathing during those lapses of (coined term with my friends) “country brain,” where he could make out what what going with those affected humans and what was actually happening. He started drinking then more than ever before, and it’s really never gone away.
He takes the harder roads of English history I think, out of some wish to keep Oliver from having to deal with that, believing he’s a touch more steeled than the other. Though, granted, it’s a thought in folly. A lot of his thoughts of himself are skewed, which really plays into how he behaves. He doesn’t care for people knowing his real feelings, hardening himself against prying eyes with an anger and a pissy face he’s had ever since his childhood. He hates the thought of being belittled and ruled, yet for a bit that’s what he did to people. He’s a hypocrite, and the worst part is that he knows it. He hates so much about himself, and yet even that twists himself because he has to carry himself highly. Nobody can hurt him if he does it first, and nobody can hurt him if he makes himself untouchable. So, he comes off narcisstic at times, probably because he is one after so many years. There’s so much going on in his head that’s unchecked, and he’s too prideful and staid in his ways to get it looked into on his own. Sometimes it all becomes too much though, and that’s when he has almost visceral breakdowns and has lapses in sanity (Britannia Angel, anyone?) before it all snaps back and he’s embarrassed about even carrying himself that way. These days he needs to have a more gentle nature outwardly, because that’s what’s been deemed as appropriate. He needs to be a gentleman in front of everyone, but especially both those he hurt, those who are afraid, or those who would judge him harshly if he didn’t. However, the facade is absolutely shatterable. There’s so many cracks in it sometimes that it confuses people sometimes about what kind of person he is. Dude had a huge one during the rock movement, which is incidentally where he gained back quite a bit of actual confidence in his own personal abilities, which is why I think his guitar is so damn important to him. But he also was partaking in quite a bit back then, the man has a real problem with addiction, but these days he’s cut back on mostly everything but smoking and drinking. unfortunately you can’t take the bottle out of his hand, or the music out of his head no matter what it sounds like! (sea SHANTIES) but all in all I find the man absolutely fascinating just because he is so diverse as a person on his own. This doesn’t even touch on the fact that he feels responsible for most of the world and is willing to absolutely lay down his life for the people he cares about either. There is just so much I could say about him, like he was a knight once! he loves high fantasy, he plays dnd! the list goes on, he’s such a complex person because the life he’s lead has been so— but at the end of the day he’s at home watching the bake off and doing needlework and I absolutely can’t stand him LOL
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hetalia-wishers-au · 4 years
This AU functions by American laws, because the admin is an American. This means anyone under the age of 18 is considered a minor, and anyone above the age of 18 is considered an adult.
- DON’T LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE! This can cause legal problems. Just be honest. You can put -18 or 18+ if you don’t want to state your exact age, but you MUST tell us whether you’re a minor or an adult. (By American standards, at least.)
- This is essentially a soulmate AU. Legally, to be on tumblr or discord you must be at least 13 years old, but due to the AU's nature, and the fact that I, the admin, am 26 years old, I am uncomfortable with having members that young. So to join this AU, you must be at least 16. Ideally older than that still, but I recognize that most of the fandom is that age. If issues arise, the age restriction will be increased later on.
- On the same note, as this is a soulmate AU, please make sure your partner is of an appropriate age compared to yours, even if your characters would be a platonic soulmate. (ex: I am 26, if you are 16 then your character will NOT be partnered with my character no matter what, but if you're 18+ then that's fine. Or, if you are 16 and someone 20+ asks to have your characters paired, DO NOT accept. Let me know immediately so I can handle the situation.)
- As most of the members of this Fandom in general are minors, I must ask that 18+ members be cautious of what they say around younger members, and keep all NSFW content in their respective discord channels and/or tagged properly.
- Please understand, while the island these characters live on isn't located in America, the age of consent there is still 18. As a 26 y/o American admin, it feels wrong to see 15 and 18 year old characters in relationships, even if it's fictionalized.
- No shipping wars! As long as a ship isn't inherently harmful (pedophilia or CONFIRMED incest between family members, things like that), don't start arguments/debates over ships
That being said: Relationships are going to be different than canon (or even one's personal headcanons) in this AU. Not everyone you expect to be related will be related, and vice-versa. Ask, don't assume.
For the most part, there won't be any family relations in this AU, due to the lore. There may be some exceptions, but still please ask instead of assuming.
- This AU is application-based. This means you must fill out and submit an application, and have it approved, before making a blog. This is so we don't have any misunderstandings or doubles of characters.
If you make a blog before your application is accepted, you will not be allowed to join even if you submit a proper application. This is not an open AU for anyone to make blogs for.
- Once your application has been accepted and you've been cleared to make a blog, the URL of your blog should be “ask-wishers-country”. i.e. ask-wishers-prussia or ask-wishers-2pamerica. This keeps it organized and allows people to find blogs easier!
- Please state clearly, on your blog, which role you chose ( Destinian or Wisher), your character and their human name, and the character's age
- Please come off anon or leave a URL if you wish to reserve characters! Reservations will not be accepted if there’s no way to verify your identity!
Reservations last 30 days from when the reservation ask is answered. Meaning, if you send in an ask to reserve a character, and it's answered on 11/26/2020, it'll last until 12/26/2020. (Using mm/dd/yyyy format!)
- Don't try to control, change, or rewrite someone else's characters or interactions. You can provide advice and constructive criticism, but also keep in mind not everyone may want it.
Muse Rules
You may only apply for one muse in the beginning. If you prove you can handle two muses, and update regularly (i.e. several times a week) for at least one month, you may apply for a second muse.
After getting your second muse, you must prove you can handle a third muse, and be active on both blogs/with both muses for an additional two months before being allowed to apply.
Don’t try to bring a second/third muse in without applying for it/before your application is accepted. Just because you’re in the AU already doesn’t mean your application will be accepted.
If you try to apply for a muse before you’ve reached the minimum time requirement, or while you’re inactive on your blogs, your application will be denied. We check these things.
some exceptions may apply here as well, if you wish to start out with two characters, please send a message and we can discuss how that would work
- 2Ps, Nyos, and OCs are allowed!
- Muses will be addressed with their human names, not their country/representative names.
- If you wish to change a large aspect of your muse's character (such as age, role, stuff like that), you must ask a moderator! This way, things don't get messy. Please also discuss the changes you want done to your muse with your partner to make sure they're still okay with the pair!
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aphreni · 4 years
Controversial Hetalia Meme Ask
Since I don't get asks I'm just gonna offer my opinion out there lol 
 Do you consider the 2Ps to be insane or no? 
Oh yes definitely. I know some fans are against the idea of insane 2P characters but I've been on board with it since I've first discovered it. When it comes to 2P!, I don't think these Hetalia characters exist in the same world/dimension. That's why when fans ask "oh what does 1P!America think of 2P!America," I don't even think exist in the same verse. 
 Opinions on HRE? 
I was never into chibitalia and HRE but one things certain, I truthfully believe Germany is HRE. 
What do you consider a big no-no in the fandom? 
France is a r*pist and Spain is a p*do really bothered me. Fans don't realize how hard it is for France to be such a passionate, loving nation only to live for so long without having an s/o to grow old with. Spain loves children I believe so I feel he'd be so disheartend to hear fans think of him that way.
Thoughts on Seychelles? 
I'll say this, Seychelles was a way for Hima to embody Hetalia fangirls and in the end she was crucified by the same fans who felt she was a threat to their ships. Think about it, Seychelles is cheerful, and shy which I know very well many fangirls act the same way. She was even the main character of Gauken Hetalia which was Hima's way to put us in her place, like we were part of the hetaliaverse. Maybe this is a western fans perspective but the way she was treated was horrible. She deserves so much better...
Thoughts on any of the Hetalia girls? 
They obviously don't get enough screen time and if there was a movie about them, I would support it. But let's be honest, Hetalia is fan service and Hima isn’t obligated to showcase diversity compared to western creators. I really like Taiwan and Seychelles because I think they're like me! 
Do you think the Nyos are offensive? 
I would be perfectly fine with the Nyos if it wasn't for their skimpy clothes. As soldiers, I thought it'd be cool to see them in proper uniforms but they weren't :( But like I said, fanservice, you've got to cater to the crowd.
Thoughts on controversial ships? (i.e: UsUk, Spamano, Itacest, etc.) 
I've never been a shipper tbh because I'm more of a historical hetalia fan. I've never liked USUK or Spamano because I feel these characters grew up like brothers. Especially Spamano, I don't feel right thinking Spain sees Romano in a romantic way after taking care of him as a young boy. Itacest, Germancest, and AmeCan is a big no no for me. It makes me uncomfortable tbh. 
Do you think the fandom is toxic? 
Every fandom is toxic but Hetalia got so bad at one point and now I think it won't go back to that unless there is a huge revival (ex. new season/movie). Idk if I'm a new side of the fandom but I really like the historical hetalia side because they are all educated, exciting and go past the two-dimensional character personalities.
What do you think makes a "bad ship"? 
I can't really imagine a bad ship because if you love two characters seperately and think they will get along, it's up to you. Like Prussia and South Korea? I would never imagine an interaction between the two but I think they would be fun together. 
Thoughts on cosplays using historical taboo outfits? (i.e: Germany as a Nazi, etc.) 
Ugh, this was such an issue in the fandom and I agree, it's horrible. I honestly don't understand why they would do that in the first place because Hetalia disregards the connection between Germany and the nazi government.
Thoughts on political fanart? 
I think depictions of war are okay but it's a big no no to do recent events or Germany or Prussia in concentration camps.
Thoughts on cosplayers cosplaying as a character of a different nationality/race? 
As long as their not doing blackface, or yellowface it should be fine in my opinion. I don't really care about cosplay. 
How do you feel about younger people in the fandom? 
I joined the fandom when I was like 12? My advice is always be weary about who you interact with in the fandom. Some fans may not realize what they spout... 
Do you think certain ships are canon/will become canon? 
No not at all, I think Hima is good at teasing tho. I think everyone agrees GerIta is mostly canon but Hima won't outright admit it. Example would be Buon San Valentino because he dropped so many hints but it wasn't "exactly" a canon relationship. It'll stay that way unless two countries unite together like AusHun. 
Do you think Hetalia is taken too seriously? 
When people talk about how it's propoganda and racist (pfft) definitely yes. People tend to forget this show is based off of Japanese stereotypes and not every show is westernized. If it was really racist, each character would be horribly called out on a past event or their physcial appearances are exaggerated. Their flaws are something we point out and laugh about because, yes, Americans really are too loud and friendly. See? Harmless. 
Thoughts on headcanons about a character that defies canon? (i.e; changing a character's gender, race, etc.) 
I can't think of an example of this but I always strictly follow canon.
Thoughts on straight ships? 
Again, I'm not a shipper but I do like PruHun to an extent. I wish I had an idiot like Prussia lol 
What ships do you consider abusive? 
Again, I don't pay attention to ships. 
Do you think a blogger should have to Trigger Tag a ship or character? 
That sounds a little ridiculous because I don't consider any ships or characters triggering tbh. If someone did, then I’m sorry i have too many posts to go back and tag everything.
What ships do you consider toxic? 
Do you think any characters are/will be canonly LGBT? 
Oh yes definitely! But they have to be picky-choosy with which era they choose to be open about it. You cannot tell me Spain was openly gay for most of the middle ages under the Catholic church. In modern time, it's no big deal so I see them willingly going out and flirting or crushing on all genders. Then, I also see Prussia (who is former Teutonic Knight) who had a promise with God about virginity. I think his mindset and values are the same so he rarely gets involved with anyone. It happens every century or so? 
Do you think Hetalia sugar coats/numbs actual historical events?
If Hetalia didn't sugar coat historical events, it wouldn't be a cutesy anime. They have to sugarcoat as to not offend anyone and because the nature of the show is purely comedy. There have been numb moments in the show like all of Davie but that's to show a deeper perspective that nations face as immortals.
How do you feel about Mafia AUs? 
I used to really like them, but realized it's the same thing as cartels and gangs. If someone did a cartel AU for all the latin countries I would raise hell, so I imagine Italian fans feeling the same way. Idk I'm still deciding on it... 
How do you feel about WWII AUs? 
Being a historical hetalia fan I actually really like it. Of course if it's done in a respectful manner. I like hearing about fighter pilot America and sniper Russia. I like to hear about how Prussia was treated like shit because he wasn't the ideal blonde hair, blue eyes like his brother. I like to hear France and England having to team up despite not liking eachother and how devastated England was when France fell to Germany. I also like to hear about Denmark protecting all the Danish jews and defying against Germany. I like to hear the amounting pressure Japan must've felt having to please his boss while backstabbing China and Korea, the people he loves dearly as family, at the same time. So yes, I do like WWII AUs but I'm happy Hima has strayed away from that topic. It's not everyone's cup of tea...
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AU Rules 
This AU is 14+ only. You must be 14 years of age or older to apply.
This AU is application-based. This means you must fill out and submit an application, and have it approved, before making a blog. This is so we don’t have any misunderstandings or doubles of characters.
If you make a blog before your application is accepted, you will not be allowed to join even if you submit a proper application. This is not an open AU for anyone to make blogs for.
We’re not saying you can’t make My Hero Academia/Hetalia crossovers, or blogs for said crossovers! We don’t own the rights to this concept, obviously, but to be a part of this specific group of blogs requires going through an application process. You can even interact with people in this AU without being a part of it.
Don’t try to control, change, or rewrite someone else’s characters or quirks. You can provide advice and constructive criticism, but also keep in mind not everyone may want it.
Please understand, while the island these characters live on isn’t located in America, the age of consent there is still 18. As an American admin, it feels wrong to see 15 and 18 year old characters in relationships, even if it’s fictionalised. 
No shipping wars! As long as a ship isn’t inherently harmful (pedophilia or CONFIRMED incest between family members, things like that), don’t start arguments/debates over ships.
That being said: Relationships are going to be different than canon (or even one’s personal headcanons) in this AU. Not everyone you expect to be related will be related, and vice-versa. Ask, don’t assume.
Once your application has been accepted and you’ve been cleared to make a blog, the URL of your blog should be “ask-hetaaca-country”. i.e. ask-hetaaca-prussia or ask-hetaaca-2pgreece. This keeps it organised and allows people to find blogs easier!
Please state clearly, on your blog, which role you chose, your character and their human name, and what your muse’s quirk is (only if they have a quirk, of course)!
Please come off anon or leave a URL if you wish to reserve characters! Reservations will not be accepted if there’s no way to verify your identity!
Reservations last 30 days from when the reservation ask is answered. Meaning, if you send in an ask to reserve a character, and it’s answered on 05/26/2020, it’ll last until 06/26/2020. (Using mm/dd/yyyy format!)
Muse Rules
You may only apply for one muse in the beginning. If you prove you can handle two muses, and update regularly (i.e. several times a week) for at least one month, you may apply for a second muse.
After getting your second muse, you must prove you can handle a third muse, and be active on both blogs/with both muses for an additional two months before being allowed to apply.
Don’t try to bring a second/third muse in without applying for it/before your application is accepted. Just because you’re in the AU already doesn’t mean your application will be accepted.
If you try to apply for a muse before you’ve reached the minimum time requirement, or while you’re inactive on your blogs, your application will be denied. We check these things.
2Ps, Nyos and OCs are allowed!
Hero/Villain names are mandatory! But if you haven’t thought of one yet, you can always ask for help and come back to it!
Muses will be addressed with their human names or their hero names, not their country/representative names.  
Don’t make your muse overpowered! We all want to have fun, but it doesn’t work if you make your character literally stronger than everyone else’s (this especially applies to the students of World Academy W)!
Don’t make your muse “Number One Hero”! To keep peace in the AU there are no such things as “Top Heroes” in Perpetuum. There may be some that are more “relevant” than others, but that’s about it!
Quirks such as All for One/One for All are strictly prohibited. (See the point about overpowered muses)
If you wish to change a large aspect of your muse’s character (such as age, quirk, class, stuff like that), you must ask a moderator! This way, things don’t get messy.
For those interested in Student muses: Each class has a cap of 12 students. Once there are 12 students in a class, you won’t be able to put a muse in there until someone leaves.
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gnostic-heretic · 5 years
I'm an aph lithuania fan who is considering the hc that he's trans. Any reasons to adopt this headcanon? ( or like... what about Liet screams 'trans' to you or how does this compliment his character?)
Ah well I think it does compliment his character in a way, though I’m not sure how to explain it.
I guess it’s just that I came up with an entire backstory and a long series of headcanons related to his gender identity I guess... and I love the idea of him being trans because I project a lot of my feelings on this low budget anime man and plus... I love the idea of characters I like being trans in general.
Maybe I can talk a little about my headcanons for him? Idk it’s just a really hard question to answer anon. Because to me that alone is enough to like it and if you flipped it upside down — why should I headcanon Lithuania as a cis man? Why and how would that compliment his character?
... let’s just say people don’t ever ask this question because cis is perceived as default state of being for humans and that’s a bad idea in and for itself. But I’m going to assume you’re engaging in good faith here because it sounds like you are!
Like first of all for me it’s a way (just like all my other trans headcanons) to see more different kinds of trans people in a story and concept I like (hetalia). Cis characters in fiction usually get multifaceted portrayals but trans stories are reduced to pity porn about transitioning and how hard and sad it is and usually written as really sad people. I don’t think that’s necessarily accurate... our lives and history are filled with things that, as Mari Kondo might want to say, spark joy and more trans characters = more chances to show that. Plus we all think of ourselves and our own identity in different ways, its not necessarily simplistic as most portrayals (x trapped in y body is a popular one) would make you think. Lithuania is trans but he doesn’t think about himself and his gender in the same way Poland does for example. That’s something I love to write :D because it shows that we are all different.
I think Lithuania would be very proud of who he is and how far he’s come. His gender identity is important to him because he’s always felt like he’s a part of his people, and wants to be closer to them- so he views his own “transition” not necessarily as “female to male” (because he never thought of himself as “female” in the first place) but as the gender neutral nature of a “nation”, who is dehumanised and put on a pedestal, to “man” — the feeling of finally belonging with other humans. Tolys is a man because it’s what felt most true to him and his sense of self- and he’s lived as himself since he was very young, so his confidence is rarely shaken at least when it comes to his own sense of identity.
(I guess this is aspirational for me in a way but oh well I’ve warned you about projecting)
Also when I say “cis characters in fiction are mulitifacted while trans characters get only to be one dimensional” I also mean that the usual trans narrative is completely centered around gender conforming straight trans people when it’s... not necessarily so. In fact most trans people I know aren’t straight
For one thing views on sexuality and gender have changed so much throughout history that when a person has lived for hundreds of years there’s no such a thing as “gender conforming”. I headcanon Lithuania as bisexual with a preference for guys so decidedly not straight! And as far as presentation goes. When Lithuania first started presenting as male (the Middle Ages) in the Baltic area long hair was considered standard for men to wear. And even in this age he likes to keep his hair long because that’s how he prefers it to look and it’s a good low maintenance hairstyle— plus I wouldn’t call his sense of style masculine as much as I would call it a disaster, he just likes what’s comfortable and cheap and not too flashy. Which usually lines up with men’s fashion but not necessarily in an overtly “masculine” way
Its interesting to have a trans character like Lithuania or really all hetalia characters who lived for hundreds of years across different and very relevant historical changes because he has seen his own “position” change so much throughout history. For starters while trans people have existed forever, the label of “trans” and medical transition science are a fairly recent thing... which is why in historical fics I never use the word “transgender”, but reduce it to the bare fact of life. Lithuania knew he was a man and meant to live as one so that’s what he did.
Now take everything I say as basically speculative fiction based on OTHER pagan religions across the ancient world because there’s not much we know about Baltic paganism in the Middle Ages and the few records we have come from Christians- they’re biased, incomplete and sometimes untrustworthy. I’ve looked into the stances of modern Baltic paganism (Romuva) on lgbt people but found nothing at all— which doesn’t surprise me and wouldn’t surprise me if their stance on lgbt rights was negative because after all in Europe we live in a society (cit) that is strongly shaped by Christianity even if we try to steer away from it.. and Lithuania isn’t the most lgbt friendly place in Europe for that matter— neither is Italy, by the way, this is no moral judgement. IF anyone who knows more than me wants to correct me and or add more info I’d be not only extremely grateful but STOKED please tell me more about the forbidden romuva knowledge because I’m dumb and can’t speak Lithuanian so a lot of (i would even say most...) sources aren’t accessible to me. 😔😔😔
The way I base it on other pre-Christian religions across the world Lithuania’s gender variance when he was a young teenager was not perceived as a negative or strange thing. For one because he’s a nation and nations were and are perceived as supernatural beings (sort of demigods) and unquestionable, at least by humans. And secondly because I like to think that in pagan times gender variance wasn’t perceived as a threat to the “natural order” (Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve and so on) but as a part of that same natural order. So a person identifying as a sort of “third gender” or “no gender” (like I headcanon nyo Lithuania would) and a person kinda deciding that their birth assigned gender doesn’t fit and he’d rather be a man, socially (because back then medical transition didn’t exist) wouldn’t be met with fear or disgust but with sympathy.
Lithuania got to transition socially in a supportive environment and then was kind of thrown into the Polish court to a complete 180 in terms of acceptance. The thing is trans/gender variant people used to be a less-known phenomenon until a few decades ago, let alone centuries ago, it used to be easier to be stealth when the regular joe had no idea what a “trans” was — so that’s what he did. And while he found support and solidarity and (gasp) romance in the company of Poland, he also found someone who conceptualised his own identity in a wholly different manner (but this is a post about liet so I won’t get into it ffs) — I don’t think it must needst be remarked that the Russian empire and Soviet Union were just as unsupportive — if not more unsupportive, but we are not here to pass moral judgement. Being stealth would have made dealing with it more simple but being stealth comes with risks and that comes into play a lot when it comes to his anxiety.
...However I think the problem would’ve been and still be mostly humans because fellow other nations (people who- again- have lived hundreds of years and likely have seen a trans person before if they’re not trans themselves) would be open to understanding and learning and not thinking of Lithuania being transgender as a big deal. In the canon hetalia lore we have chibitalia and Hungary as examples of nations who lived as one gender for a long time and then as another. And whether you see this as a trans narrative or not (I sure do) it’s worth noting that we don’t see anyone in the hetalia canon giving them a hard time over it, or being outwardly unaccepting of their gender.
TLDR I hope I could convey even just 0,0001% of my love for trans man liet to you and if I didn’t... well this is just my headcanon and I’m not forcing it on anyone, you do you. Thank you for being open to hearing about it anon because a lot of people just discard the idea before they can even consider it— but most excuses for it (it’s unrealistic, it is weird, i just can’t see it) are based on biases (are trans people not real? why are we seen as “weird” in the first place? why does our existence seem like an impossibility?) and imo not very good. So to wrap this up my question would be how does headcanoning Lithuania as cisgender compliment his character? Well in my opinion it doesn’t— it takes away nothing and I don’t mind it, but it also doesn’t add all the interesting possibilities that being trans gives to his character at least to me. :D
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Puella magi au: lorena garcia(nyo!ecuador)
Name: lorena garcia
Age: in this au she is 17
Grade: 5th grade of highschool
Family: she lives with her twin brother jose(my headcanon name for aph ecuador)
Appearance: lorena has semi lenght brown hair light tanned skin and brown eyes
Personality: lorena is a smart cheerful friendly and social girl. she likes animals especially lamas and turtles and she is fascinated about latin american legends.she also loves cute things
Wish: to save forests from being destroyed
Soul gem: orange with a turtle symbol(located on the upper part of her left leg when she is transformed)
Weapon: shield
Outfit: she wears an orange dress that makes her left leg to be seemed(like nanami in puella magi magia record) and a bracelet with her soul gem on it. She also wears a pair of gold bracelets on her hands and a pair of orange shoes on her feet
Witch form: her witch form is called tupac(goddess in the procolombian legends of ecuador) and she is a woman dressed up in a simple old white dress who kills her victims by using a mysteirious nature magic of the procolombian cultures. Her labyrinth is based on the latin american nature sceneries
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feynavaley · 6 years
I'm not sure if this blog is headed in this kind of direction, neither would I want to taint it with my way too general question, but if you are willing to answer, do you have some, or any headcanons about Canada in a romantic sense? I mean like what kind of a person he'd fall for, what kind of a boyfriend he would be, and the likes :) By the way, this blog is really lovely and really alive, I love your background with the leafs. :)
Thank you so much, I’m glad you are enjoying my blog :)  by the way, here is the background picture [x]. I edited it a bit to make the colours darker and fainter, though, (I think I played with the saturation and contrast? I’m not sure, it was a while ago) it looked a bit too vivid for a background.
As for your question, I’m really sorry, but you guessed right: this blog isn’t headed towards a headcanon blog to submit requests for shipping/romantic scenarios. I’m sorry about this, I’m really not into romance in general and I don’t like it when Hetalia is concerned, in particular.
But, I think you deserve a further explanation: the reason I write down headcanons in the first place is that I write fics set in the canon-verse. And to write fics, you also need to have clear a lot of things Himaruya has left vague or not explored at all, because they’re still part of the characters. When I write a character, I have to know everything about him/her, from the exact shade of his/her skin tone to what he/she would eat for breakfast and if he/she wears socks into bed or all these other random things. And this is where headcanons are needed. Since I made them up anyway, I figured that writing them down wouldn’t be any harm :)
Said this, I love answering people’s questions because they often make me think about scenarios I hadn’t thought before or, if I already had, I elaborate them better, so it’s always an enriching experience. (I mean, these are headcanons, but the starting point is always considerations on canon material, even if obviously filtered through my interpretation. Questions might make me ponder aspects I had never thought about before.)
However, romance is a different matter altogether. In the rare cases I’m interested in shipping, what I like is imagining the most wholesome romantic story you can possibly have – two people getting together because they have something in common and at the same time their differences balance each other out, they grow up and mature together and live the rest of their lives together. This is the only kind of romance I’m interested in, when I’m in the mood for it (and I should also mention that it’s a rare occurrence, I still prefer to focus on non-romantic interactions and relationships), while casual shipping has absolutely no appeal for me.
And the problem is, in Hetalia, you can’t have something like this: Nations aren’t human beings, so the relationship with a human wouldn’t truly work for obvious reasons – however, even the relationship between two different personifications couldn’t be something like this, because the intrinsic nature of being a personification doesn’t allow for something so stable, considering that they still have to obey from the order of their bosses. (aside from the fact that I really don’t see so much shipping-oriented content in canon. I mean, a there are scenes that can be taken as such if people want to, but 99% of them could just be normal interactions between normal people who are close to each other, they aren’t necessarily romantic.) This is why I don’t like making up romantic scenarios with Hetalia characters, aside from my general preference for friendship/family relationship.
I mean, it would be slightly different if you considered Matthew in a human AU (and even here, I’m not such a fan of romance), I’m actually even writing a more romance-oriented story with Marguerite (Nyo!Canada) as the main character and have a couple of other ideas for her, but in these cases my headcanons are tied a lot to the circumstances of the AU, aside from taking into consideration her gentle and sensitive nature. I actually just tried to write down some very general headcanon, but I immediately realized that doing this without mentioning a specific partner (and so tying it to a specific story I have in mind) leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t know why I dislike this so much.
I’m really sorry for not answering this question, but I want to keep this blog as romance-free and shipping-free as I can. I also realized when I was halfway through writing this answer that it might sound very patronizing – I hope this isn’t what comes across because I really didn’t mean to! I just really hate not meeting people’s expectations, but at the same time this blog is my main relaxing outlet so I don’t want it to become an obligation, and I wanted to explain my point of view at the best of my abilities, but I might have exaggerated this a bit. I apologize for this.
Anyway, the bottom line is: I’m really flattered and grateful for your interest but I preferer sticking to gen scenarios, so I won’t answer shipping/romance-oriented questions. I hope it’s also clear that I’m not attacking anybody nor casting any judgement against shipping or romance in general, it’s simply a matter of personal preferences. Again, sorry about this!
And I should probably add this in the ask page.
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Your muses
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: really if I'm being honest she's cis. But. I find I relate a lot to her and parts of her personality I tend to adopt. Or maybe more accurate would be to say I take parts of her where she has a trait I have ramped up to eleven and we balance out by both winding up around five. And so I also project onto her? Hence I've been leaning towards headcanoning her as nonbinary lately
A ship I have with said character: 2p nyo NorFin! Fluffy times and they have kids and they eat ice-cream and have midnight feasts together
A BROTP I have with said character: Mildri and Vegard, they go out drinking together and talk about their problems. Mildri and 2p nyo Sweden - not allowed to go out drinking together because it leads to very illegal things happening. Mil and 2p Norway - they fight for fun, flirt to mess with people, and in reality they're like childhood friends/siblings.
A NOTP I have with said character: her and Vegard, they're twins for me, her and 2p nyo Iceland, that's her baby sister. 2p nyo DenNor, my particular portrayal of 2p nyo Denmark, Karina, is... Not a great person, to put it mildly.
A random headcanon: She's comforted by small enclosed hiding places when she's in a bad state of mind. And for something more lighthearted, she does often drink Pepsi so there's a few empty bottles on her desk usually
General Opinion over said character: she's. As a character she's fun and interesting. As the person playing her, again, she's super fun and easy to play with. But sometimes I hate her so much.
Sexuality Headcanon: it's a mystery?
Gender Headcanon: cis guy.
A ship I have with said character: 2p nyo Svalbard x 2p nyo Scotland, actually. It's fluff. My 2p nyo Scotland is a sweet bean
A BROTP I have with said character: he's a loner so 2p nyo Norway, maybe 2p nyo Faroes or 2p Svalbard if he ever talked to them for any length of time although for all of them their idea of socializing is sitting in the same room doing their own thing and not talking.
A NOTP I have with said character: him and Mil. Obviously. Twins.
A random headcanon: this is more both of them but since 2p nyo Scandinavia was a sexist prick and the rest of his kids are girls, Vegard was The Perfect Son and he hates the distance that made between him and Mildri - it's also the reason he's physically older than his twin, since he got so much attention and support - as well as the fact that like his sisters he's really protective of family so to see her hurt by their father, it really hurt him.
General Opinion over said character: Would die for him.
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