itsmxbee · 8 months
When Stede closed the curtains, I blacked out.
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colealexart · 7 months
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story time! i met the cr cast this past weekend at mcm london and they were the kindest people imaginable, but my interaction with laura and marisha was just. incomprehensibly sweet and the best thing to ever happen to me.
first up was laura. my friends izzy (@wvearp) and abby (@overnighttosunflowers) went before me in the queue and they got my art signed by her. when they did, she said “oh, best art” and they told her that they were here with the artist. she immediately was like “what?! where?!” and started looking around frantically. i was standing just to the side and i waved awkwardly and she was like “NO WAY! YOU!! i favourite this shit on twitter ALL THE TIME!” which i find hilarious because yeah, i freak out a little every time she does.
when it got to my turn, i said hello and asked her how she was doing. she did not answer my question and instead said “cole, are you kidding me? these are gorgeous” about the two prints i handed to her. (the one pictured and a different one i got signed.) she said she remembers seeing this after the episode aired and i was like “yeah, it airs at 3am here so i drew this in a frantic, sleep deprived stupor at 7am” and she said “you did it so fast, i remember! i sent it to marisha! people are SO QUICK with the fanart, you guys are insane.”
after she signed the print, she held onto it for a moment and just sat and admired it, before looking at me with the BIGGEST smile and saying “you are seriously the best. thank you.” and i don’t know how to handle sincerity so i handed her the dice i got for her. she was so excited about them and immediately rolled the d20 and got a 10 (edit: i misremembered, she got a 3 lol). i then asked if we could play rollies and she beat me. i got a 5 and laura got a 7. i said i’m sorry they’re not rolling well and she was like “it’s fine, they just need charging up!”
i also got a selfie too, but the guy helping her at the table took the photo for us instead of me trying to take it because i suck at taking selfies. she gave me a really tight side hug and when it was done, she thanked me again with the biggest smile.
i also didnt realize until afterwards but instead of writing a character quote, laura wrote “you are everything” on my autograph 😭
next was the group photo op. as we walked up i said hi again to laura and she immediately recognized me from before. she grabbed onto my shoulders and literally spun me around to marisha and was frantically saying “marisha marisha, this is the person that does the amazing imodna art!” but there was a lot going on and marisha was looking at me with the most bewildered expression, until she eventually understood what laura was saying but we had to rush to take the photo. laura held onto my arm and marisha leaned against me and i didn’t realize until afterwards but liam and tal also had their hands on my shoulders lol. it was A Lot. i told marisha i would probably be heading to her autograph queue next so i’d see her there and she was like “awesome, i cant wait!”
so after that, i met marisha. i was probably the most nervous to meet her because she’s just so cool and intimidating but in reality she is just so warm and has such a calming presence about her. she was like “cole, good to see you again!” and i handed her the same imodna print that i had laura sign. she said “ohh, aww this is amazing! this is what laura was talking about, i was so confused!”
then we talked a bit about the live show because her voice was hoarse and i asked her how she was feeling. she said it was just her voice that was gone, but we agreed that it was absolutely worth it because the live show was incredible. i also congratulated her on the how do you wanna do this, then gave her the dice i got for her and we played rollies too. we both got an 18 at first and when we rerolled, she beat me with another 18 to my 16. then she was like “oh these roll really well, i’m definitely gonna use these!”
we took our photo together and afterwards she said “thank you for your art and everything. seriously, you’re so talented” while rubbing my shoulder, and then i headed off to join ashley’s queue.
i’m probably gonna make a separate post about meeting ashley and sam. i just wanted to write this down mostly to immortalize on my blog. i expected them to be kind but i did NOT expect to feel so loved and appreciated. laura was about as excited as i was, and made me feel so special. (this is also a pretty small thing but i dont think i pass very well, so the fact that laura said ‘person’ and didn’t misgender me meant a hell of a lot too.)
i did bring extra prints to give to them as a gift but was overwhelmed and forgot lol
anyway, that’s it! for anyone wondering if the critical role cast are as kind in person as they seem online, they absolutely are and then some. i’ll never forget this past week.
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mamaestapa · 5 months
Team Dinner Disaster
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• pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
• series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
• chapter summary: The Bengals team dinner turns into a complete disaster after an encounter Joe has at the restaurant
• word count: 2.8k
• warnings: pregnancy, vomiting, angst, lots of angst, crying, mentions of cheating, Joe gets mad and v upset, get the tissues ready babes...
series masterlist
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June 26, 2023
6 months pregnant
You were laughing along with Morgan and Holly as Tee told a story about his bar experience from a couple nights ago. As you were attentive to the story Tee was telling about a fan encounter, Joe was dealing with his own fan encounter...
"Excuse me." An unfamiliar feminine raspy voice spoke from beside you. You glanced in the direction of the voice, eyebrows furrowing as you looked at the source of this new voice. A tall woman with wavy copper red hair, bleach blonde highlights and blue doe eyes approached Joe with a soft smile on her plump red lips. You figured it was just a fan so you turned your attention back to the group you were conversing with before.
Joe turned his head to the left to look at the woman who looked to be in her early twenties. A half smile half smirk pulled at his lips as he looked at her.
"Hi Joe," she said, flashing him her best smile, "I don't know if you remember me, it's Izzy."
"Yeah I remember, we talked on the phone last week about the..." Joe glanced over in your direction, careful not to say his next words too loudly, "uh arrangement."
Your head perked up at a few of the words you picked up through your left ear: Izzy and arrangement.
Who's Izzy and what is this arrangement?
You eyed the two carefully, half listening to the conversation you were having with your friends and half listening to Joe's interaction. Izzy smiled as she placed a hand on Joe's shoulder, her infectious laughter filling your ear. You turned to look at the interaction your boyfriend and this Izzy girl were having. You couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the hand placement and the smiles on their faces as they spoke.
It almost seemed like they had some sort of history together...
"You never called me back." Izzy said, voice laced with slight disappointment as she spoke, "I get you're busy but, I need to know if this will work Joe."
Joe nodded in response, "I know and we will, but," he glanced around the table full of his teammates and friends before bringing his face closer to Izzy's, "Can we talk about this later? I don't want Y/n to know."
You felt your heart drop to your stomach at the mention of your name. The conversation you were having was now long forgotten as you gave your full attention to Joe. You turned towards him, folding your arms over your chest and letting them rest on your belly as you looked at him.
The red head, Izzy, made eye contact with you as she spoke, "Sure sweetie. Don't forget to send me the details." Joe nodded at her words as he spoke, "I'll send them to you tonight so you'll be prepared. Thanks Iz."
Prepared for what? You didn't know exactly, but you'd make it your mission to find out and get to the bottom of it. Izzy smiled at you, saying a soft hello and congratulations before she sauntered away from the table. Your lips parted as you just watched her walk away from Joe like nothing happened. Your thoughts were running wild, all of them going to the worst possible case scenario. There was no reasoning with yourself on this one.
Joe was cheating on you. He had to be.
You looked at Joe with an expression full of hurt and confusion. How could he do this to you? How could he do this to your little family? You just got back on good terms with Sam and now you have to deal with this.
"Joe?" You squeaked out softly, making your boyfriend turn around to look at you. His face filled with worry as he looked at you. Joe took in your hurt expression, teary eyes, and flushed cheeks. You looked like you'd just seen a ghost and were about .2 seconds away from a breakdown.
"Y/n," he said softly, tone growing worried, "what's wrong?"
You were fine just a few minutes ago. You were upbeat, happy, laughing with Tee and seeming to enjoy the team dinner. Right now, your whole demeanor took a full 180. Joe figured it was just the hormones making you feel this way, after all you have been having some mood swings lately.
You scoffed at your boyfriends obliviousness, "What's wrong?" You shook your head, "You're seriously asking me what's wrong?"
It's definitely not mood swings.
Joe parted his lips as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Y/n, baby I don't know what's going on but-."
"Was I not enough for you?" You asked, voice full of hurt. You placed your hands on your bump as you looked directly into Joe's confused blues, "Were we not enough for you?"
"I-" Joe stuttered, "I don't know what you're talking about? Of course you are. Both of you are."
You wiped a tear away as you sniffled softly, trying to compose yourself and not make a scene in the restaurant. You were feeling so many different emotions and it was a matter of time before they all came pouring out.
"Then who the hell is Izzy? What kind of arrangement do you have with her Joe, hmm?" Joe's face fell at your words. Now he looked like one that had just seen a ghost. "Y/n, you weren't supposed to hear that."
"Yeah I figured." You said, voice cracking with emotion as you tried to sound bitter. Joe's Adams apple bobbed as he gulped. His mind was going crazy with thoughts on he was going to explain this to you. He knows what it looks like to you.
"Was I ever going to find out or were you going to keep sneaking around behind my back?"
The hurt in your voice and the distraught look on your face had Joe's heart breaking. He stayed silent. He couldn't find the right words to explain himself, at least not in the middle of team dinner. You shook your head in disbelief at his silence. You stood up from the table and gathered your things. You walked away from the group, leaving a few of your friends and Joe's teammates stunned as they saw the tears rolling down your cheeks. That's all the confirmation you needed.
You choked out a sob as you jogged out of the restaurant, ignoring the looks from the concerned hostess and couple waiting tone seated. You pushed open the doors of the restaurant and stood by the entrance, chest heaving as tears rolled uncontrollably down your cheeks. You knew you looked crazy, insane even. But you had no control over your emotions right now--none at all.
You were feeling absolutely gutted. You were certain that Joe was cheating on you. Why else would some random, hot, model like twenty something year old approach Joe about a certain arrangement in public? He had to be cheating.
Your chest heaved up and down as you choked out painful sobs. The tears poured down your cheeks as cried into your hands. Each time your thoughts wandered to Joe your sobs grew harsher, almost to the point where you felt sick.
This almost hurt worse than the drama with Sam.
As you continued to cry and let out all of your emotions, you started to feel sick. Extremely sick to your stomach. The sudden wave of nausea crept up your throat and your mouth filled with saliva. Before you knew it, you were hunched over and throwing up all the content of your stomach. You grabbed your hair pulling it back as your chest heaved. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles as they shushed you softly. The touch was so gentle, almost like if it was any harder it would shatter you into a thousand pieces. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, letting out a soft sniffle as you did so. You wiped your cheeks and turned to see whose hand was on your shoulder. Your heart dropped and you let out a pained cry as you saw who it was.
"Don't touch me," you cried out, pulling away from his touch, "Please."
Joe pulled his hand back, a deep frown was on his face as he looked at you. You never pulled away from his touch no matter how upset you were with him. He must have really fucked up.
"Y/n," he said softly, "it's not what you think-."
"Then what is it, Joe." You seethed, turning around to face your boyfriend. You wiped the tears off your cheeks as you looked at him with a look full of sadness and a hint of disgust. "What could it possibly be if it's not what I think."
Your emotions were running wild. Pregnancy hormones really show no mercy.
Joe let out a sigh as he ran his hands down his face, "I," he hesitated, "I can't tell you."
You scoffed as more tears welled in your eyes. Why can't he say?
"If you're cheating on me, please tell me now." You looked into his eyes, a tear rolling down your cheek as you continued, "Because I don't want to find out through a gossip site that you got another girl pregnant. Was one not enough for you?"
Ouch. Joe couldn't deny it, that one hurt.
"Y/n," Joe pleaded as another sigh escaped his lips, "I'm not cheating on you." He said desperately, trying to reach out for you.
You shook your head, turning away from him once again. Your chest heaved as your sobs picked up again. Joe's heart broke as he watched the woman he loved more than anything in the world. The woman carrying his baby boy that he already loved more than life itself. Break down into shambles all because of him and some stupid surprise he was trying to plan for you.
"Sweetheart," Joe said softly, "please look at me." The crack in his voice made you reluctantly look at him again. Joe's blue eyes were watery as he looked at you wearing a guilty expression. Once you locked eyes with Joe, he continued speaking.
"I would never cheat on you. I would never do that to you or peanut. Ever."
The mention of your unborn baby's nickname made you place your hands on your six month baby bump. The little boy moved wildly inside of you, clearly sensing your emotional turmoil. You whispered a soft "I'm sorry" down to your protruding belly, knowing your son was probably starting to become just as distressed as you were. You sniffed a coupled times as you just listened to Joe's soft pleas for you to listen to him.
"Y/n please," he pleaded as a tear rolled down his cheek, "you have to believe me. You know I'd never do that to you."
You closed your eyes tightly at his words. You wanted to believe him, you really did. But something just seemed off to you. Yes he denied that he was cheating, but he wouldn't tell you what was actually going on. You shook your head at his pleading, more tears falling from your eyes as you looked at him again. Your heart broke at the sight in front of you. Joe looked absolutely distraught. Lost. Worried. Heartbroken.
"I guess we'll find out how true that is." You said, your eyes showing off every bit of emotion you were feeling. Joe furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he wiped away his tears, "What do you mean?"
"I mean I can't have this conversation right now Joe. I mean I don't know that I believe you."
Joe's breath hitched in the back of his throat at your words. Your confession absolutely gutted him. How could you believe he'd actually cheat on you? After everything you've been through, all you've done for each other, how could you even doubt your relationship?
"Y/n," Joe said softly, his voice wavering, "we have to talk about this."
You shook your head, sniffling as you spoke just above a whisper, "I can't. Not right now."
"Why not?"
"Because I can't have your parents think that everything is fine between us tomorrow when it's really not. We take about this here, right now, I don't think I'll make that trip." You explained, your voice wavering as you spoke.
Joe gulped as he watched you try to gather yourself before speaking again, "So I'd rather wait to have this conversation somewhere else because I don't think I can handle any more right now."
Between your raging hormones and your heightened emotions, anymore talk about the current situation was only going to make things worse and cloud your judgment even more.
You needed a few days.
Joe's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach at the mention of his parents. His parents. Joe totally forgot that the two of you were traveling to Athens tomorrow morning to stay with his family for a few days before heading to California for his off-season training.
How was he going to explain all of this and pretend everything was fine between the two of you to his parents?
"We can't have this talk at my parents." Joe said shaking his head, "I don't want them to know about this?"
"Why because it's true?" You seethed, snapping at Joe and making him step away from you. Joe shook his head at you. His jaw clenched as he gazed at you.
"There's just no reasoning with you is there?" Joe snapped, his tone matching yours. He continued to speak harshly, "You convince yourself shit is true so it must be true then, right? And that's not all. You refuse to hear anyone out, ever. That is why we get caught up in shit like this Y/n."
Tears welled up in your eyes again at Joe's words. You choked out a sob as you took his words to heart. Ouch.
"Fuck you, Joe." you said, voice cracking with emotion, "I'm done." You slowly started to back away from him as you spoke, "I'm going home with Emma and Sam. You can pick me up there tomorrow on your way through. I can't even look at you right now."
Joe scoffed at you as he shook his head. The air grew tense between you the longer you stood in each others presence.
"Fine by me." Was all he uttered to you. You shook your head in disbelief as the tears threatened to fall from your eyes once again. Both of your hearts were breaking from this conversation, but you knew spending the night away from each other was best.
What a complete disaster of a team dinner.
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hi loves!!
see, i told you it was an angsty one. everyone say thank you anaheim ducks😚 (that damn jamie drysdale trade had me in shambles for days)
what do we think? is joe innocent and is y/n just overreacting? or is something going on…
it feels like forever since i’ve updated this lol. i need to get back on the daddy issues grind…ive been slacking very bad and i apologize. i need to start making it a goal to have this series updated at least once a week again!
i hope you’re all still interested in this series! i promise the angst is almost over, there’s so much fluff coming in the near future. you’ll be in your dad joe feels when those chapters come out, trust me ;)
as always, thank you for all the love and support you all continue to show me on my work and just in general! you are all so amazing and you mean so much to me. i love you all!🫂🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @unsaidjaelinrose @sinners-98-world @ozwriterchick @hornyforherbert @fangirl-madz @fantasywritersstuff @jackharloww @bernelflo @austinswhitewolf @emherb10
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
for #PL1 can you please do some jake seresin fluff with 15 18 👀💗 also congratulations on reaching the milestone!!!! u deserve it sm ♥️♥️
15 - “She’s/he’s not my boyfriend!”
18 - “I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.”
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Okay what else do we need?” You asked your daughter as you strolled the isles of the grocery stores looking at your list as you both did this week's weekly shopping haul. 
“Aunty Nix said we need plums—“ Isabella reminded you politely as she held onto the side of the shopping cart. “And washing powder, because Rooster broke the glass jar, remember?” Neither of those items were on your list—but both items you needed. 
“Okay, you go get the plums for me and I’ll grab some ham for your sandwiches alright?” You watched as your seven year old nodded and let go for the shopping cart. “Okay, grab about eight? And watch out for bruises okay.” 
“I got it mum!” Izzy called out as you chuckled softly and watched her make her way through the fresh produce section as you strolled over towards the deli and took a number. 
You and your daughter had moved to Fightertown for a few months after you and your husband finally settled your divorce. You were still looking for a place to settle into so you were currently living with your half sister Natasha. From your mom's second marriage. Seems as though you were following in her footsteps when it came to love.
For a while it was just you and Izzy—but then you finally met the one and only Jake Hangman Seresin. To be quite honest Natasha was purposefully trying to keep you and Jake from meeting as long as she could. She knew once he’d met you it was game over, he’d weasel his way into your life on a more permanent basis eventually. 
And that’s exactly what Jake was trying to do. 
“Hi there Izzy girl.” Jake beamed as he ran into your daughter by the plums in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. “Stone fruit season is pretty good isn’t it?” 
“I guess, whatever the hell that means?” Izzy shrugged, focusing on picking out the best of the bunch. Jake just chuckled out his nose as he looked around, trying to see if he could spot you.
“Where’s your mum?” Jake asked as he picked up a quarter of a watermelon and placed it in his basket. Izzy just pointed in the general direction of the deli. Jake followed your daughter's trajectory and soon enough he felt the heat rising in the apples of his cheeks as he caught the sight of you. “Ah, hey—do me a favour will you and say this to your mum when you go over to her.” 
Jake crouched to whisper in your daughter's ear and she giggled. She knew you liked Jake and that Jake liked you. She saw the way he looked at you like you were some sort of goddess who walked amongst mere mortal beings. Bradley looked at her Aunty Nix the same way and they were engaged, surely it had to mean something right? 
Izzy knew that Jake really liked you because she couldn’t ever remember a time when she’d seen her dad look at you the way Jake does. 
“Child labour is a real thing you know.” Izzy sighed as she turned all her attention to Jake, he absolutely adored your daughter. She was so vibrant and witty and kept everyone around her on their toes. “What’s in it for me?” Izzy asked as she kept Jake's stare, just waiting for him to fold. 
“Five bucks—“ Izzy contemplated Jake's offer for a few seconds before she politely accepted the transaction. She could buy a few lollipops with five dollars. What a score. “Go.” Tussling Izzy’s hair, Jake grinned as she laughed organically. “Before I call child protective services on your mother for letting you out of her sight.”
Isabella took off without much to add with her bag of plums in her hand and a cheeky grin smeared across her face as she ran back toward where you’d just ordered two handfuls of shaved ham off the bone. 
“I'm back.” She exclaimed as she held up the bag of fruit. “I ran into your boyfriend too.” Izzy laughed as she watched your eyes widen in shock horror at what she’d just said. “He said to tell you that he thinks you’re really pretty mommy.” 
Looking around the fresh produce section, your eyes scanned every square foot before they landed on none other than Jake Seresin. Immediately you felt yourself getting hot with embarrassment, 
“He’s not my boyfriend honey.” You tried to play it cool as Jake made his way over, ever so casually placing a gentle kiss to the warmth of your cheek. It made you melt into a puddle at his forwardness. The feeling of Jake's large hand splayed across the small of your back made your heart do leaps inside your chest. “Hi Hangman—“ 
“Hi mama, fancy seeing you here on a Sunday morning?” Jake cooed, his signature smile plastered across his perfect face. You’d only just made it back to your sister’s place this morning before Izzy was waking up, you’d stayed the night at Jake’s after dinner at Alfonso’s diner. 
“Just doing the weekly shop—“ You replied as Izzy watched the two of you interact, watching a live story play out before her very eyes. “What about you, Flyboy?” 
“Same thing, maybe we could carpool next week? Save on gas?” Jake teased as he watched you try and calm down, still flustered to the highest heaven after your daughter had referred to Jake as your boyfriend. “Oh you should see your face Y/n, I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.”
Leah’s 4K celebration 🎊
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berzahoes · 5 months
you and me | izzy stradlin
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summary: no matter what axl told him, izzy could never stop loving you.
an: it’s about time i wrote something for my man izzy <3 not an exact timeline of how things actually went but hey, that’s fanfiction for ya!
warnings: axl rose that should always be a warning
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the moment izzy saw you, he swore he was in love. at the time, you were both in high school. he had long hair and beat up shoes that were years old. on the other hand, you were the nicest clothes and shoes while your hair was perfectly cut and brushed. he noticed that you always wore a locket, maybe a family member had given it to you as a present.
you were known as the nicest girl in school. nobody had anything bad to say about you until a certain lead singer saw how in love his friend was with you.
“she’s a prude. why waste your time on her?”
izzy would immediately defend you. “you don’t know her. stop saying shit if you don’t know her.”
it was after your high school graduation that you and izzy began to talk. your family had thrown you a party. as you were helping your mom bring in decorations from her car, izzy just so happened to walk by since your houses were close to each other. you noticed him and waved for him to come over. he couldn’t believe that the most popular girl from high school was about to talk to him.
“hi, jeffrey.” you said in your sweet voice that izzy loved.
“you know my name?” he asked.
“well, yeah. we went to the same elementary school. remember mrs. smith? she wore those big glasses?” you said.
“i remember now and i remember you doing a project about the ocean and you said your favorite animal was a betta fish and some kid made fun of you for liking a fish.” he realized how much information he remembered. was it normal to remember all that? he probably looked like a creep—
“it still is. it’s a pretty fish.”
izzy only nodded.
“do you want to come over later? i’m having a graduation party and i would love for you to come.”
“yeah, thanks. maybe i’ll drop by. i’ve been busy with my band.”
“you’re in a band? that’s cool! what kind of music do you play?”
izzy wished he didn’t even the band, but at the same time, he wanted to share what he loved with you. “it’s just a . . band. you know, rock, we play that.”
“cool, maybe i can come see you guys perform?” you questioned.
“if you don’t mind sitting on a old couch in a garage.” he joked.
“every band starts somewhere, jeff.”
“izzy, i go by izzy.” he was nervous about what you thought about his name. did you like it? did you hate it so much that it made you not want to talk to him ever again?
“well, izzy, i still mean what i said.”
during the party, you introduced izzy to your parents. izzy thought it was a bad idea since most parents took one look at him and instantly thought he looked like trouble. but your parents weren’t that type.
“mom, dad, this is izzy. we went to the same elementary school. he graduated too.” you said as izzy shook hands with your parents.
“nice to meet you, izzy. congratulations on your graduation. any plans for your future?” your mom immediately asked.
“honey, the boy just got out of school. the last thing he wants to do is think about college,” your dad said. “our daughter says she wants to travel for a bit before she goes to college. we told her that as long as she has the money and she’s with someone we trust, she can travel as much as she can.”
then you whisper something into izzy’s ear that had both of your parents wondering. when you finished, izzy chuckled and nodded.
“he let me say this, izzy is actually in a band.” you blurted out.
“a band? that’s great. you know, i was almost in a band once. . .” your dad spoke.
and that was your cue to take izzy someplace else so you ended up in your old treehouse that your dad built. the party was still going on as you and izzy layed on the wooden floor.
“do you want to go to college?” izzy asked.
you sighed. both your parents went to college so they expected you to go as well. but all of you wanted to do was travel. you were born and raised in lafayette, the only time you went out of state was for your cousin’s wedding in georgia that you didn’t remember because you were five years old.
“I don’t know. you know how our teachers always say you have to go to college to get a good job and good money? i don’t think that. i want to go anywhere, everywhere. i don’t need a math degree or read shakespeare,” you explained. “i want to go to los angeles, i want to experience it so bad.”
“then let’s go.” izzy said casually.
“what?” you turned to him.
“let’s go to los angeles, you and me.” he repeated.
“but what about your band?” you asked.
“we were never going to make it out of the garage anyways. maybe los angeles has something for me.”
so after a few weeks, it was decided. you and izzy were going to the city of angels. when you told your parents, they were hesitant, but you reminded them of your dad’s words. they helped you pack and even gave you extra money so you wouldn’t worry.
back at izzy’s house, axl was trying to talk him out of leaving, especially with ‘the prude’ as he nicknamed you. but izzy wasn’t listening to him. he continued packing as axl listed all the reasons why it was a bad idea.
“she’s not going to survive the streets of los angeles, izzy. look at her! she’s going to break and then she’ll come back crying to mommy and daddy.” axl stated.
“she won’t because she’ll have me.” izzy replied.
“then you’re both dead.”
soon, you and izzy were on your way to los angeles. your parents had payed for your plane tickets. when the plane touched down in lax, you smiled at the feeling of being out of indiana.
“you ready?” izzy asked, grabbing your hand.
you nodded. “ready.”
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you and izzy now called los angeles your home. it took months of working and saving up money, but you and izzy found a nice small house in a good neighborhood. your parents often called to make sure you were okay. you would sometimes find izzy on the phone with your dad.
when you and izzy arrived to the city of angels, you immediately started looking for a job. a record store owner hired you since the store had just opened and the way only had two employees. it was definitely a dream job for you.
it was a spring break when izzy’s friend, axl, decided to join you and permanently move to los angeles.
“you’re still here?” axl asked you when he saw you walk through the door of your house. he was sitting on the couch, feet up on the coffee table. he definitely took the phrase ‘make yourself at home’ too literally.
“yes, axl, i’m still here. this is my home.” you clarified as you walked towards your and izzy’s shared room. you dropped your purse on the floor then threw yourself on the bed. you were exhausted from work and all you wanted to do was sleep, but of course when axl rose is in your house, sleep is not an option.
“hey, you hungry?” you heard izzy ask from the doorway.
you could smell mac and cheese. “not right now, izzy. my feet hurt, i have a headache and i have the opening shift tomorrow.” you groaned.
“you have to eat something.” izzy encouraged.
“she doesn’t want to eat, let her starve i guess.” axl took the pot of mac and cheese from izzy’s hands so he could eat it.
“what is he still doing here?” you had enough and got up from your bed.
“don’t even start with me, bitch!” you heard axl yell as izzy closed the door to your bedroom.
“i’ll make him leave. he’s only here because we were rehearsing. we got a few gigs coming up. i promise he’ll be gone soon.” izzy assured you.
“he just gets in my nerves.” you sighed.
“i know. but he’ll be gone soon and you and i can continue where we left off this morning.” he started kissing you. then axl happened.
“you guys fucking in there?” he pounded his fists on the door.
“i’m going to fucking kill him.”
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Headcanons: Hugging the Crew of the Revenge
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All of them are my blorbos. I want to hug them. So, here’s that. First time posting on this account! Sorry if this sucks! Platonic or Romantic, up to you!
Probably not very experienced in giving hugs
Always liked the idea and wanted to hug people but it’s not very ‘proper’ and the poor guy didn’t really have any friends so hasn’t gotten to give many hugs
Has many stored up hugs waiting to be unleashed
Would be very eager but would probably overthink it
Give him a heads up. He wants to set up the ideal hug! Tea, pillows, blankets, the whole nine!
He would go and change into his softest clothes for the occasion
Fumbles his way through the first few seconds but once he gets a good handle on it, he gives very good hugs
Hugs you very gently 
Would be happy to read to you while hugging you if it would make you feel better
(It would also make him feel better)
Very soft (fine fabrics) and smells amazing
Just one hug from Stede and you’ll be smelling like flowers for the rest of your day 
Probably does the awkward dad pat on the back
Probably also not super experienced in hugs
But also very very excited
A very forceful hugger
He gets very excited okay?
Also he strong 
He will 100% squeeze the air out of your lungs
Would also appreciate being squeezed
(Ed would love weighted blankets and I will die on this hill)
Also probably the most likely to pick you up and swing you around
He won’t drop you don’t worry 
Despite all the shenanigans, his hugs feel very warm and sturdy
He was probably overthinking just as much as Stede but he’s just better at bluffing confidence
How does he win a hug?
If you tell him you he did a good job with it, congratulations, he will now hug you whenever he sees you 
Will probably ask for another hug right after putting you down
Hugs for the rat-man
Local meow-meow has never been hugged
Will insist up and down that he doesn’t want/need a hug
He absolutely does but will never ask
Also no way is he self aware enough to even consider the possibility that he might need one
If you somehow manage to give him a hug, he will have absolutely no idea what to do 
Will probably stand there, hands awkwardly in the air like someone has him at gunpoint until you tell him it’s okay to touch you
Once he properly is hugging you he will melt immediately
This man is incredibly touch starved and this is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to him 
He gets one (1) kind gesture and he immediately has an existential crisis
Might cry and if you let him hide his face in your shoulder he’ll cry harder
Let him cry. Poor guy needs a good cry
Hugs incredibly gently by default (He doesn’t want to hurt you)
Will probably never ask for another hug but will be thinking about it for a long time
Please hug him again
Gives very good hugs, nice, comforting 
Definitely knows what to say to make you feel better 
Also pretty open with affection in general 
Loops his arm over your shoulder when talking etc.
Would probably whisper something flirty in your ear just to watch you get flustered (If you’re alright with it of course)
Would also go for the ass grab (he asks first of course)
If you’re strong enough to carry him, he would 100% ask you to
Though if you say yes even once he will keep asking. He’s kind of lazy and very flirty so he would be living the dream getting carried around
Also wouldn’t hesitate to rally the entire crew to give you a group hug if he thought it would help you 
Black Pete
Would initially insist he’s too cool for hugs
This doesn’t last more that ten seconds because he actually really likes hugs and will fold very quickly even if you don’t push
Seamlessly switches over to claiming he gives the best and coolest hugs
They are pretty cool hugs admittedly 
Comfy but a bit on the tight side 
Would give you a very strong pat on the back
Like a little too hard but he means well
He’s trying
Doesn’t strike me as someone who likes hugs all that much
Not very physically affectionate in general 
If they did give one they’d probably be very gentle and they’d do their best to move slowly not to spook you since that’s what they’d prefer
Their hugs feel very safe and comforting
Jim would feel protective of you while they’re hugging you
They’re glaring at everyone over your shoulder 
If Oluwande dragged them into a group hug they’d be a bit more comfortable with that 
They’d probably prefer slinging their arm over your shoulder and sitting next to you to a proper hug
Comfortable but not too much touching involved
Very very good hugs
I can not emphasize enough how comfy and good his hugs would be 
A true master of hugs 
Knows exactly how much force to use and how long to make it 
Would gently rub your back 
Tells you that everything is going to be okay and you can’t not believe him
His hugs feel so safe you could easily fall asleep in his arms
He would let you if you did
Also probably send Jim to make sure everyone else keeps it down so you can sleep
10000/10 hug
Loves hugs and physical affection 
The kind of person who would greet you with a hug
Careful at first but that’s mostly because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable 
Once you give him permission, he will hug you whenever he can
If you hug him from behind he can also play something for you
Cuddles. So many cuddles 
Will happily share a blanket or a pillow with you
Wee John
Loves hugs
Very comfy and soft and warm
Probably very careful about how tightly to hold you
Would pick you up and carry you around
He might drop you
Depending on where you both are and how close you two are he might just book it running 
For the chaos
Would totally let you sleep on top of him (He is a very cozy bed)
This might be overly specific but I think he’d be the type to run up behind you and jump scare you with a hug from behind 
If you do it back to him he would be pretty happy and proud
Personally I don’t think that startling someone on a ship where most people are armed is a great idea but in his mind if he gets stabbed he can fix it
What’s a little stabbing but a garnish on a hug?
Generally likes hugging from behind
If you’re trying some food he made for you he’d probably be draped over your shoulders like a blanket while waiting for your opinion 
The Swede
The Tackle Hug™
He got excited and just went for it
Sent both of you flying
He felt really bad about it and apologized a lot
Will do it again the next time he wants to hug someone 
No matter how many times it happens, he will never learn
Stede might suggest that the Swede uses it again during a raid as an attack and you have mixed feelings about that 
Hug neutral
If you need one or if a hug would make you feel better he’d be fine with that 
Probably won’t seek out hugs on his own though
You can cry or fall asleep in his arms and he’ll be fine with that
Will happily take care of you
I think he would be a little nervous 
He hasn’t given many hugs and he really doesn’t want to mess up
Would probably tell you that he’s nervous 
Once you assure him everything’s going to be okay he gives you a very good hug
Gets very excited and will be grinning for a while 
Very safe and warm
Would give surprisingly good hugs
Gives you a comforting pat on the back
Grandpa hug vibes
Karl or Olivia would probably join in and perch on your head or shoulder (They also want you to know they support you)
Buttons would insist that the sea gives the best hugs. (You have no idea what to make of that. He probably isn’t threatening to throw you overboard. Probably )
Also make sure you do not ask him while he is moonbathing
He would absolutely pause the moonbathing to hug you 
But he will not pause to put on pants
Be warned
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house-afire · 3 months
you can have a little revenge, as a treat (Izzy/Lucius)
(tw: references to noncon)
Izzy knew Lucius was tailing him back to his cabin. He didn’t stay so close it was stupid—more like a nervy cat’s way of following than a puppy’s—but he was still as subtle as a cannonball. He wasn’t surprised when there was a knock half-a-minute after he got inside.
“I’d say ‘fuck off,’ but you don’t like listening, do you?”
The door creaked open. “Did you know it was me, or is that just, like, how you greet people?”
“It can be both.”
“Fair.” Lucius slipped in and sat down, like he’d had a real invitation. He gave Izzy a fierce, almost angry look. “I asked Pete to be my matelot.”
He didn’t know what he’d expected this to be about, but it sure as fuck wasn’t this. “And you came to me for congratulations?”
“Uh, no. I can see why that would be weird, if I’d done that. No, I want to—” He pressed his lips together. Turned out that was one last bolstering-up of the dam before he kicked it to pieces. “Stede doesn’t want to listen to what happened to me after Blackbeard pushed me overboard, and he said I shouldn’t tell Pete every dark little detail, either. And he was right. It’s a lot, and I shouldn’t … track filth around. But if I don’t tell someone about it, I’m going to lose my fucking mind. You’re not squeamish, and you won’t cry over me.”
That glare of his, Izzy saw now, had just a hint of desperation to it.
He’d never talked about anything more than he’d had to—swallowed it all down like his fucking toes—but he had, as the whole cursed lot of them knew by now, sicked up enough before to know that it could help. And if you were going to spew, better to do it in private.
“Fine,” Izzy said.
Lucius boggled at him for a moment, like a fish pulled out of the water, and then said, “Right, I expected that to be a lot harder.”
He sat down on the other end of the bed, as far from Izzy as he could get. Crossed his legs and uncrossed them, scowling at his knees like they’d betrayed him. He fixed his gaze somewhere over Izzy’s shoulder.
“I went between a lot of ships, after I got picked up. Wasn’t really by choice, not after the first … first bad one. A good ship—a good ship will let you leave, and you don’t know until it’s too late that if they’ll let you go, you might be … might be better off staying. I should never have left the first berth I got. They only wanted me as a whore, but that’s not so bad, is it? I mean, you’d probably say that’s most of what I did around here anyway.”
His gaze flickered over to Izzy like he expected him to laugh or nod. Izzy didn’t do either: you didn’t fuck about when you could see there was a storm on the horizon.
“Okay. Fine. Be understanding, like that’s not creepy.” He shifted around again, fidgeting like his own skin wasn’t enough to keep together, like he had to hold on to himself. “The other ships were all worse. I thought most pirates were—”
“Like Bonnet?” Izzy said incredulously.
“Like you,” Lucius said. “I thought the worst I’d have to contend with would be a whole ship of Izzy Hands, and I’d just be annoyed and stressed or, fine, dead, but in a—normal way. But you never—you wouldn’t—”
He dug his fingers into his arms. He’d wind up with bruises from it.
“The worst ship was called Dead Man’s Folly. And they had a little dog named Pepper, and they liked having puppet shows in the evenings, and I just fucking need—somebody—to fucking listen.”
Izzy didn’t know the details yet, but the puppet shows were a cursed enough notion for him to tell the outline of it already. Nothing curdled like whimsy; nothing was worse when it turned dark.
He listened. And as Lucius told him all of it, he stowed away a few things in particular.
Dead Man’s Folly. Captain Graves.
It took another fortnight—and a through-gritted-teeth request about it to Bonnet, who was so shocked Izzy would ask him for a favor that he gave in at once—but Izzy saw to it that they made one of the Dead Man’s Folly’s regular ports of call.
“I never had the impression you were all that enamored of shore leave,” Bonnet said, watching as Izzy scanned the ships crowded into the bay. “Care to share your holiday plans?”
Izzy’s lips flexed, hard, as he found the flag he was looking for. “Not responsible for what you don’t know about,” he said. “Better to leave it.”
“If you’re looking for trouble, you ought to have company!”
“Not for this,” Izzy said. “You’d approve, at least in theory, but you won’t want to see it. It won’t be very … gentlemanly.”
Bonnet looked crestfallen, but he said, “Well, if that’s what you think, I suppose I agree. I—trust you, Izzy. God, never thought I’d be saying that.”
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” Izzy said.
“It is a bit weird, yeah. Nice, though.”
Almost against his will, Izzy said, “Yeah, it’s nice.” He cleared his throat. “Keep Lucius and Black Pete on the ship, even if everyone else goes to shore for the night. I don’t know, throw them a fucking engagement party.”
Bonnet brightened. “I have been meaning to do that, you know. Of course, you can’t plan a proper celebration in one night, but—”
“Whatever,” Izzy said, putting his foot into the rigging and starting down. It took more presence of mind to do this these days, but it wasn’t so bad once you got used to it. “Just no cake.”
“Yes, I think we all learned our lessons on the cake front. Have no fear! Roach is a pastry virtuoso. There doesn’t exist a confection that he can’t master.”
Perfect. A night of sugar and blood. Captured their lives here pretty well, really.
It wasn’t hard to find the Dead Man’s Folly. Ships captained by assholes always made themselves known sooner or later.
Some of Bonnet’s luck must have rubbed off on him, because he got the sweetest of chances: all hands in port for the night, and just Graves and his first mate aboard.
Easiest thing in the world for Izzy to hail them, plain and simple, and get welcomed on. The first mate didn’t even ask him his business, though he found it out in a hurry. Izzy didn’t make a meal out of that one: it was Graves he’d come here for, Graves who had been the rotten core of Lucius’s story.
Graves, who was drinking the night away in his cabin.
He wasn’t completely soused yet, which was good. Izzy wasn’t going to give him a chance to retrieve his sword or pistol—he was here to murder, not raiding or dueling; the usual rules of the profession didn’t apply—but he wanted him sober. He wanted Graves to know what he was paying for.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Curious passerby,” Izzy said. “My ship dropped anchor here, same as yours, and I’d heard so many rumors about the fearsome Captain Graves that I had to come myself to see what was what.”
The fact that Graves didn’t immediately blink at him and ask if he was taking the piss was a marvel and a half. As far as Izzy was concerned, the only pirate worth that kind of slobbery adulation was Edward himself—and Edward had tired of it a long time ago.
“What rumors would those be?” Graves said, hungry for any morsel of a reputation.
“I heard,” Izzy said, “that you picked up a pretty little piece of one-time jetsam a while back.”
Graves earned himself an even slower death by not even being able to fucking remember at first, like he fished bitchy scribes out of the sea every week at least.
“Oh,” Graves said, comprehension finally dawning on him. “Rat Boy. I wouldn’t go as far as pretty.”
Fucking hell, at this rate, Izzy was going to have to spend most of the fucking year killing this prick.
“Rat Boy. That’s the one.” He gave Graves a smile that would’ve sent a smarter man running. “Heard something about a bit of puppetry too, I think. Sounded … inventive.”
Graves, not content with all previous acts of wanton fucking stupidity, took this compliment at face value too. “Keeps the crew entertained on the slow nights. Everybody loves a good show.”
“Yeah? You come up with that yourself, then?”
Graves spread out his hands. “I’m a great innovator, unrecognized in my time.”
“Oh, I bet recognition’s right on its way,” Izzy said. “Nipping at your heels. You really got your whole hand up his arsehole, then.”
“He squirmed, but in it went,” Graves said, wiggling his fingers.
“You like that, watching him squirm? Wouldn’t go so far as to call him pretty, no, but you liked how he looked with you wrist-deep in his arse and making a show of him? Liked having him catch rats with his teeth? You must have. Liked it so well you didn’t even call him by his right name. Do you know it?”
It was, to Izzy’s great pleasure, finally starting to dawn on Graves that Izzy hadn’t really come here to have a wank to his great ingenuity. He stared at Izzy, the damp whites of his eyes looking like Roach’s poached eggs.
“My first mate is right up on deck—”
“He is. All over the deck, you might say.” Izzy leaned back in his chair. “Now, him I didn’t have much of a conversation with, so he didn’t have a chance to make things worse for himself. Just as dead as you’re going to be, though. Had it coming too, because a first mate’s responsible for everything that happens on his ship.”
Graves stared up at the ceiling, like blood was going to start dripping down right on cue. Izzy hoped he had a vivid picture of what all over the deck could mean. He gave Graves time to think about it. Then some more time to think about how much worse Izzy might do to the man who’d just been running his mouth about being the brains behind the human fucking puppet.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Izzy said, drawing his sword and laying it across his knees. “If you can come up with his name, I won’t cram a fat bilge rat down your sorry throat until you choke on it. I don’t really want to go looking for one anyway. This is going to take enough time as it is.”
Graves was sputtering now, like he was trying to save Izzy the rat-finding trouble by choking on his own spit first. “But he—he—”
“Made it back to his own ship.”
“He couldn’t have,” Graves insisted. “He—he said his captain there threw him overboard!”
“I’m not his fucking captain,” Izzy said. “Come up with that name yet?”
Graves’s pulse was fluttering in his throat, rapid as a lady’s fan. Thinking so hard beads of sweat were popping out on his brow: the great innovator at work.
“Reasonable gamble,” Izzy allowed. “Thing is—it’s not right by even a letter.”
He ran Graves through, pinning him to his fancy chair; rapped the hilt with two fingers and set it to quivering in Graves’s belly. The screams were easy enough to ignore. Just part of the mess, like the blood.
He’d intended to make Lucius Spriggs the last thing Graves ever heard, but it seemed like Lucius’s name deserved better than being dragged back into this room with all its filth. Stupid thought, but there it was.
Instead, he said, “S’pose it doesn’t matter. Saw a dead rat right outside—seems a shame to waste it.” He hadn’t, but he figured Graves deserved to die with that thought in his head. And one more for good measure: “I’m not much for imagination; save that for the captains of the world. But I do work out how to make the fucking plans happen, even yours. The way I see it, all I have to do is cut your hand off—” He tapped a dagger blade against each of Graves’s wrists. “And then I can shove it up your arse. Put on a puppet show just the way you like.”
“You can’t do this,” Graves said. Blood was already hitting his lips as he whined, which meant he was dying faster than Izzy would like, and the bastard was too fucking dimwitted to know it.
Aided in the fuckery, at least.
“Oh, you’ll squirm, but in it’ll go,” Izzy told him. “You said as much yourself. It’ll be slick enough with your own blood, that ought to make it easier.”
He let Graves wriggle and bleed for another few minutes, but there wasn’t any satisfaction to it once the man was well and truly out of his head. Nothing to be gained by hurting a dumb animal. Izzy cut his throat to finish him off.
He stood there a while, breathing in the scent of blood. (And shit. He bet Bonnet’s tales of piracy never talked about how often dying men shit themselves.) He hadn’t paid Graves back for even what the fucker had done to Lucius, but there was revenge and then there was fucking monstrosity. He’d had enough of the latter to last him a lifetime.
Mutilating a corpse, though—that was run-of-the-mill pirate shit, honestly.
“Not saying he’ll make you the centerpiece of the fucking wedding,” he said to Graves’s body, “because he’s still a bit too soft for it, even after what your lot did to him. Which is almost fucking impressive. But he is, God help me, enough of a pirate to appreciate a token.”
Not the head. You walked through port swinging a man’s severed head like a sack of fucking apples, you wound up having to talk about it. Hand wouldn’t attract nearly as much attention—stray hands were as common around here as the pox—but Lucius wouldn’t want one. Not with where Graves’s had been. Fucking reminder, not a proper keepsake. Foot? He glanced down at his hoof—smiled a bit—and then scoffed. Jesus Christ, if he took Graves’s foot, Twatty would never fucking shut up about how interesting it must be inside Izzy’s head. He’d grow old and die before he heard the end of it.
Ear, he decided. Graves had been thoughtful enough to wear some gaudy emeralds there, might as well make use of it.
He sawed off the left one; it had a bit missing off the top, tapering to a lump of scar tissue, so between that and the fucking jewels, it’d be plain enough who it belonged to.
He spat on Graves’s body, before he went.
Frenchie was playing his lute when Izzy got back, and he shot Izzy a shy smile and plucked the first few notes of the tune he’d somehow gotten in his head was Izzy’s favorite. He raised his eyebrows.
Izzy waved him off—don’t change it on my account—and Frenchie drifted back to the other song.
Unbefuckinglievable that he’d somehow wound up with a life where people cared what fucking music he wanted. Fucking smiles and moonlight.
And a man’s ear in his pocket. Couldn’t say he’d ever had that before either, strictly speaking. Not as such.
Sugar and blood, he thought.
He found Lucius tucked up in Black Pete’s arms, listening to the music. Little fucker had always been bold as brass when it came to lazing about, never one to spring into action, but this was a new development, this melting back into his boyfriend’s chest and fucking relaxing more as Izzy came close.
Lucius looked up at him through his eyelashes. “Joining us?”
“Oh, get up,” Izzy said, nudging at him with the toe of his boot. “I’ve got a … matelotage gift for you. Just you, not him.”
“Well, color me intrigued,” Lucius said. He twisted around enough to press a kiss to Black Pete’s lips. “Save my seat.”
“Of course! And if he’s giving you what I think he’s giving you, babe, you’re gonna have to let me know if he put a bow on it first.”
They made it around to a quiet side of the deck—as private as anything ever got, with a ship this unwholesomely chummy—and Lucius flicked his gaze downwards and says, “Does it have a bow on it? I’ve always liked unwrapping presents.”
“For fuck’s sake.” Izzy reached into his pocket and pulled out the handkerchief-swaddled ear. It still felt warm. “Here.”
“I swear,” Lucius murmured, “the number of otherwise lovely gifts I get with blood all over them ….” He unfolded the handkerchief and his breath caught in his throat. He stared down at it. “This is—his.”
Izzy nodded.
“That’s what you did tonight. You went out and cut a man’s ear off for me.”
“Killed him too,” Izzy said. “And the first mate.”
“Killed. You walked onto another pirate ship, killed its officers, and brought me back an ear.” Lucius tugged roughly at the earring, like he was half-tempted to tear through the earlobe and yank it free. “How did you even get away with that alive?”
Izzy shrugged. “They’d given the crew shore leave. Otherwise I would’ve had to settle for just the captain, and it would’ve been trickier. Easy enough as it was.”
Lucius wrapped the handkerchief up again. His fingers were shaking. “And here I had this whole vastly symbolic shark telling me I had to move on.”
“You are moving on,” Izzy said. “Or did you miss where it was a fucking wedding present? You’ve got Pete. You’re not sulking about the ship anymore, letting your whole life fester. You fucking talked it out, like you’re Bonnet Jr. You’ve just got some bastard’s ear now too, little piece for the mantel.”
Lucius took a deep breath and then said, “Don’t stab me, because it will so ruin the moment,” and leaned in fast and pressed his lips to Izzy’s cheek. The touch was light and warm. “This is honestly one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me.”
“Fuck off,” Izzy said, even if it took a moment or two too long. His face felt hot. “It’s a severed ear, not a bunch of flowers.”
“I love it.”
“Yeah.” There was more open appreciation in his voice than he’d meant to put there. “Figured you were enough of a bloodthirsty little shit for it.”
“Speaking of which—you’re not … expecting me to cut off Blackbeard’s ear for you, are you?”
“You couldn’t give him so much as a fucking haircut,” Izzy said.
“I know that, but I figured I should, you know, offer.”
“Mm. You didn’t quite, though.”
“I said that I knew I should,” Lucius said. “That’s almost the same thing. I’m self-aware.”
Izzy snorted, and Lucius smiled—victorious and alive and prettier than fucking Graves could have ever fucking hoped to be.
“Don’t tell me you commit glorious, bloody acts of heroism for all the boys,” he said, slipping the bundled-up handkerchief into his pocket. “I don’t need to be a one-and-only, but I still like to feel special.”
He wasn’t quite a one-and-only, Izzy thought, looking over towards the stern, where the ship’s captains and her company was lounging about listening to their moonlit music and probably fiddling with their own beloved severed ears. But he was one of just a few. And special wasn’t the worst word for it, if Izzy were going to talk about it, which he absolutely fucking wasn’t.
“Oh,” Lucius said quietly, following his gaze. “I can certainly work with that.” He kissed Izzy again, on the mouth this time, even more softly than before. It hit Izzy like a kind of slow lightning strike and left him tingling. “Come and sit with us? God, that would be something. One valiant defender of my honor on either side. And Frenchie will play that song he’s absolutely convinced you like.”
“Don’t know why he thinks that,” Izzy said, following Lucius, “but I might be coming around on it.”
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arianatwycross · 2 months
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The Process of Wanting
Chapter 5
for @jilymicro-oops prompt: Inadequate
James thought that after their less-than-conventional conversation, he would feel even more on edge around Lily but when the time came, it was almost the opposite.
It might have helped that he was amid his third beer and that the boys had just finished a rather jovial game of pool.
Lily had walked up, a glass of wine in her hand and her friends trawling behind her.
“Potter,” She grinned, giving him a warm smile. James, surprised by her appearance, immediately returns the smile, leans his hip on the now-empty pool table and brings his beer to his lips.
There’s a mischievous sparkle in her eyes and a murky flashback to the two of them flirting at the party weeks ago flickers in his memory. It’s been happening more often after their conversation, sharp images of Lily laughing, James’s stomach whirling, her hand on his bicep – it’s been driving him mental (amongst her proposal).
“What are you girls up to tonight?” He asks, taking another swig of his beer, not allowing his eyes to leave hers.
There’s that underlying tension again, but tonight it feels more alive, more purposeful. He supposes it's because he knows she fancies him – at least on a physical level.
“Mary’s celebrating getting an internship in town, and well it's Friday.” She shrugs with a smile.
He notices the others then, glancing over her shoulder to find her friends greeting his friends. But he couldn’t care less about them right now, he just wanted to continue absorbing himself in the feeling she gave him just by being in her presence.
“Hm,” he mumbles, taking a step towards her, watching her pupils widen, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip.
Is this normal? He thinks. To be so entranced by one person so quickly and so persistently.
He’s just about to touch her, just a light touch of her arm will be enough for him when someone hovers up beside him.
The voice rattles something inside of him, and his body gives an anxious jerk, stepping away from Lily and looking up at Isabelle.
She looks the same. Same black sleek hair tied up into a high ponytail, and the same sharp make-up, making her round eyes look more cat-like. His ex-girlfriend (if you could say that) is eyeing him up in a similar way before she looks over at Lily.
“It’s been a while, how are you?”
James glances at Lily to find her one step closer to him than he realised. Her arm brushes against his and with a shy smile he seems to find himself leveling out of his mild panic.
“Yeah, good thanks. You?”
“Wonderful, I’m transferring to York next year!”
James offers his congratulations before he takes Lily’s hand in his and with a pointed glance, says his goodbyes.
“Izzy?” Lily asks once they’re safe in a small booth in the corner of the pub, thighs pressed against one another.
“We dated for a few months, she’s the uh one that I got all up in my head about – the one I told you about the other day.”
James’ cheeks heat terribly, but Lily’s face doesn’t falter. She listens to him, eyes on his, body twisted towards him.
“She told you; you were inadequate?”
The word hits a tight chord deep in his chest, the reverberations from the pain make his palms instantly sweaty, his brows furrow.
It’s not the first time, someone has said something hurtful to him. He’s a wealthy white boy with privilege up to his elbows, his personality can be described as cocky and loud but it was one of the first times a girl he had admired so much, had said something so heart-wrenching. It wasn’t like she had said it out of the blue either, it was in a very heated moment that went from (what he thought was) passion to bitterness quickly. So quickly, she had said that vicious word and James hadn’t looked back since.
“I think you already know this, but you are so much more than adequate, James,” Lily says.
He does know it…he thinks.
“It’s ok. I just need to forget it all. Start fresh…with you.” He tacks on, eyes sliding to the empty beer glass on the table in front of him.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Lily asks, her voice uncharacteristically timid.
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black-stede · 8 months
after stede recovers from the heartbreak and they regroup and he sees that somehow there is peace, happiness between jim, archie, olu and zheng yi, that somehow something that should have been by society’s standards convoluted and messy and painful turned out quite lovely actually, he thinks
he thinks of ed. it’s always been ed, since the day they laid eyes on each other as stede laid bleeding out on the deck of his ship. it was ed when they crashed the party and watching the ship go up in flames and saying he wore fine things well and as he was stabbed through his stomach after not going to doggy heaven and through acts of grace. through the shaving of beards and miscommunications and backslides to old habits
it was ed when he threw love notes in bottles into the salty waves and when two women were poisoning each other and the house went up in flames and buttons turned into a fucking bird. as they celebrated calypso’s birthday and they were being tortured and when stede killed the man who hurt his crew and insulted ed. when he slammed him into the wall and ed nodded and they slept together under the fireworks. even when he left, it was still ed
except now there’s a man with a horse leg who he kind of loathed for months but now is something like a friend, a confidant even? who has trained greats and might even have something to teach stede. who slaps his ass to get him to rope swing and tells him like it is and guides him to be the captain he can be. who commiserates with him about falling in love with the same broken man. who sings as he and ed make love and congratulates them in the morning. who is there after ed leaves. who stays by him, watches over him when no one else does.
and the thing is, stede had never anticipated ed. even on his whim of piracy there was never anything beyond that. except then there was ed and maybe he is capable of love after all. and then there’s this annoying man that he doesn’t hate anymore and then ed leaves him and he is lost.
there is a way out, he knows. this can’t be the end for him and ed he is sure. except izzy is the only one at his side when he challenges zheng yi and he is grounding him when the attacks happen and suddenly if ed is his ship, izzy is his anchor. or something like that in this weird analogy he thinks up.
and then he sees archie’s arm around jim who is leaning on olu who is holding zheng yi’s hand gently and they are all covered in soot and blood and panting with exhaustion but together. he doesn’t know exactly how it will work, but apparently they do because they all seem content, happy to simple be in the others’ presences
and he thinks
and he thinks
and he lets himself hope
maybe this isn’t the end
maybe it’s the beginning
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amuseoffyre · 1 month
Thinking about the fact that Stede has the flashback to two of the most impactful moments in his childhood immediately after killing Ned.
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The moments where he was:
chased and beaten for being gentle and soft and tied to a dinghy and pelted with rocks
forced to watch his father kill a living creature and was told this was what he had to do in order to be a man and that this is something he will never ever be because of his nature
He retreats to hide. This is the man who said "what if it wasn't like that?" and has wanted to avoid killing if at all possible.
And then Ed comes to him in the room and he grabs him, urgent, panicked, desperate to know he hasn't done something wrong. And Ed, who told him they should go slow, suddenly agrees, changes his mind about the going slow and pulls him in.
In a way, it's kind of solidifying this idea that is lodged in his head that this is what Ed wants in him. He doesn't see Ed look away, stricken, when he strikes the killing blow.
It ties back to the dream in 2x1, when he projected the kind of pirate he thought he had to be when he found Ed: a swashbuckling, masculine bearded equal to him. Also someone who will do the violence in a way he never really has. "Killing. And having to kill". The stuff that sent him into a panic spiral in 1x1.
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The fact that his dream!Ed specifically compliments his beard and he says "I'm trying something new" is so much of Stede's messy subconscious stuff.
Something something, him getting his ear pierced is trying to manifest the piratey appearance he dreamed for himself.
He's never believed he could be enough as himself: "I'm afraid your life is better without me" and agreeing with Chauncey when he's called a plague and a defiler of beautiful things.
So some twisted up logic in his brain is saying "this is what Ed wants" because Ed sleeps with him after he does a man's work. Layered onto that is Ed congratulating him on his fame and encouraging him to enjoy it.
So surely, this is what Ed wants, right? Ed has wanted him to be more like this the whole time, hasn't he? He can do that! He's being a real man! He even has a man in a bloody apron telling him he's "the fuckin' dude". He's accomplished Real Man status! He's not going to be seen as the soft-handed, weak-hearted, lily-livered little rich boy anymore. He's accepted and celebrated and people "like me for me".
Only then, out of nowhere for him, Ed tells him it was a mistake and leaves him. His entire perspective of what's been happening crumbles around him. Ed's tendency to deflect with metaphor and subtext and Stede's need for directness clash so hard. Ed has so much spiralling in his noggin, but he doesn't explain any of it, and Stede can't see any reason for what's happening.
And the next we see of him, miserable in the pub, Izzy scatters his new 'friends' with a word. Suddenly he's alone again and not even adequate enough for people to stay with him. Everyone leaving him because even when he's the Celebrated Gentleman Pirate, he's not enough.
And that's why we get the framing of him exactly as we did in the scene when his father tore verbal strips out of him and told him he was worth nothing.
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For a moment, Izzy manages to ground him, reassure him and stop him doing something reckless that'd get him killed.
And then the rest of Stede's crew choose to start leaving him and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back, because Ed leaving is bad but his crew - his found family - leaving him for someone who planned to execute half of them? Like he's nothing to them? That's the thing that shatters him, so he goes toe-to-toe with Zheng, despite knowing she is his superior in every possible way.
Like Ed, he's going to watch the world burn or die trying.
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In honor of my finished uni work (woohoo!), if i have not missed wednesday prompts, can I request Alec studying something for his own interest? Maybe in the deruned verse where he has realised he has choices about his life now?
oh goodness!! congratulations! that is incredible I wish you good luck and fortune for whatever is next! and you were about in the middle of prompts sent in so you were perfectly fine! I hope you enjoy this!
Alec tries to rest, like Magnus wants him to. Like Alec wants to want to.
It’s easier now, connected and tied to Magnus and with Magnus’ runes on him, but it’s not enough. Alec has this itch under his skin and while he’s still adjusting, he can’t over exert himself so he wallows and he hates it.
He’s never rested so much in his life and while Magnus offered to take time off, Magnus has taken off enough time for Alec. So he smiles — it’s easier now and mostly real — and assures him he’ll be fine. Magnus can leave while Alec’s awake — Alec knows Magnus has been trying to only leave while Alec’s asleep — and Alec will occupy himself.
It does not go as well as he first hoped.
So he tries things.  Lots of things.
The worst thing he tries is cooking, remembering the stew he and Izzy made for their mother except, it tastes awful. Like ash in his mouth as memories overwhelm him and he dumps the pot and leaves the food to Magnus’ magic.
He tries books and he loves them. Books are something Alec has always treasured and enjoyed and he’s always longed for more time to read them, to explore the world through written pages.
It’s not enough now.
Oh it’s nice enough to read with Magnus, but not when he’s alone. Alec will get lost in the words, forget to turn the pages and get stuck back there, in the haze of pain and the feeling of being adrift.  
Before Magnus bound them together.
He discovers the roof by accident. A magical mishap of a garden and Alec breathes in deeply of the rich, fresh air and the crisp scent of mint in the breeze.
He finds himself still there, hours later with a book from Magnus’ library, identifying the various plants and their different needs and how to care for them.
He slips back downstairs before Magnus is home. Alec knows Magnus has wards on every room of the house, on Alec even. Magnus knows Alec went to the roof and stayed there for hours but his face is soft and he doesn’t ask, waiting for Alec to open up.
Magnus doesn’t push, even when Alec stays silent about his new hobby for days. 
The silence stays until Magnus enters the rooftop one night, when he’s supposed to be gone, arguing in another language on his phone and magic sparking from his skin. He spots Alec immediately and his golden eyes get huge before he says something sharp and upset into the phone.
He’s angry now where he was just in a hurry before, but Alec knows he’s not angry with him.
“Darling,” Magnus says and he lifts his hands a little helplessly, like he thinks Alec won’t always want Magnus’ touch on him.
Like Alec hasn’t craved it since they met, before this whole mess happened and this became the new normal.
“I’m so sorry, Alexander. I forgot to check if you were still here.”
“It’s okay.” Alec says, because it is and he smiles, completely real this time. “Was it important?”
Magnus huffs and rolls his eyes, “important for someone but not an emergency and not important enough to interrupt you here. Not until you’re ready at least.”
“I think I’m ready.” Alec admits and he gets up from where he’s kneeling, just in his boxers and his shirt in the thick moss where he’s gently moving some wintermint into a pot. “I mean, I’d like it if you’re the only one who just comes in when I’m here.” And Alec can’t help his blush or the way he motions to himself.
It’s not the state of undress, though by Magnus’ darkening eyes that is part of it for him, but it’s the vulnerability. Magnus has offered to help him find weapons that aren’t strictly adamas, but Alec isn’t ready for that.
Not yet anyways.
He can’t handle touching a blade and knowing it won’t light up. He’s not unarmed though, not in the rest of the loft. Magnus keeps a series of rattan staffs on hand for Alec and Alec doesn’t bring them to the garden. There’s something sacred and safe about the small place and he’d like to keep it that way.
“Come see?” Alec says, a little shyly because this is new. Helping something grow instead of killing. And Alec doesn’t mind the killing, slaughtering demons is fun in its own way but this is soothing and safe, like how Magnus was hoping Alec would heal. Like Alec has never let himself heal.
“Always, let us look this instance.” Magnus agrees, eyes crinkling with his smile and Alec wants to kiss him, just a press of lips together but he also doesn’t think he’s ready yet for what that would unlock.
“Don’t you need something for your client?” 
“You mean that thoughtless, demanding, inconsiderate imbecile who caused me to break one of my most precious promises to give you space and respect your sanctuary.” 
“You never promised me anything like that, Magnus.” Alec protests, because, “I never asked you to. I would never want you to.”
“I promised myself, darling. That I would let you have time, all the time you need, however much you wanted even if it spanned decades. Your trust has been betrayed enough for a thousand lifetimes, Alexander.”
Alec hides his head in Magnus’ neck, so that the tears will disappear into the fabric and strong arms curl around him. Magnus’ muscles are heavy and strong and promising Alec to hold him together. To keep him standing so he won’t drown and he wraps his own arms around Magnus in return. And then, because he’s still new at this, he turns just a little and presses a kiss to Magnus’ jaw.
Magnus freezes, arms tightening to near pain and Alec sighs in contentment because Magnus is holding him and Magnus is safe and then he forces himself to let go and Magnus, very slowly, lets go of him as well. He looks as upset about it as Alec does so Alec reaches out, his fingers aching for Magnus’ own and Magnus’ is so pleasantly surprised by it. Alec can see it on the face and he can’t wait until the day Magnus is pleased, but not surprised by the intimacy Alec will learn to offer. 
“I really like your garden. The plants here are incredible and they thrive with your magic.” Alec shrugs, “I know they’re fine on their own but it’s nice, sometimes. To help things grow, to see new life and be here, in the light of your magic and the things you create.” 
“Your garden, lovely.” Magnus says and he reaches out to cup Alec’s jaw. “Anything you need Alexander, anything you want.”
“Our garden?” Alec asks, because it doesn’t sound right, the garden belonging just to him when it thrives because of Magnus and was built by him.
“Ours then.” 
Magnus looks pleased, something darker in his eyes and Alec’s heartbeat triples in delight. He loves when Magnus gets like that. Covetous, possessive, demanding of Alec’s attention and time and Alec wishes he always let this side of himself show.
Alec adores every bit of Magnus with everything that he is and it has nothing to do with the tie between them. Alec never once wanted to worship Raziel the way he wants to worship Magnus, but Alec’s been thrown away before and while he knows Magnus won’t do that — that Magnus made it so Magnus couldn’t, just for Alec — it's still a lingering fear.
Soon it will fade, like a shadow into the growing night but Alec finds that he likes this, a slower pace. After all, what else has he to do, but learn to love Magnus and learn to love himself, the way he knows Magnus already does. 
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natalynsie · 11 months
Candy (Noco Oneshot)
Cody’s afternoons consisted of normal teenage things. Playing video games, doing homework, and thinking about Gwen.
So, a usual Thursday afternoon, Cody was laying in bed, watching a youtube video but not fully paying attention, and thinking about Gwen.
He thought about how she looked today in Spanish, and the things she said, all the typical stupid delusional teenage boy things that consumed Cody’s life.
Yeah. By this point, Cody knew he had no shot with Gwen. He stopped flirting with her for the most part. And they were chill as friends. Well, more like acquaintances. Either way, he stopped all of that because at this point he knew he was being annoying. But that didn’t stop him from thinking about her.
Cody yawned and turned off his phone.
Spanish was great. Cody loved sitting behind Gwen. When the teacher wasn’t being a stickler, Cody had a good time talking to Trent, Gwen, and Noah. And he did. And Gwen looked so good. She put her hair up in a half-up-half-down and she couldn’t have looked cuter. Cody was 79% sure she caught him staring.
Cody rubbed his eyes, adjusting his pillow.
Noah looked pretty cute too. He wore jeans today, and this cute little button-up shirt. Cody wondered why Noah had dressed so nicely these past few weeks. Whatever it was, Cody was not complaining. He didn’t mind a little eye candy.
In English that morning, they played grammar games. It was table versus table, and the winners each round got candy. If that wasn’t a motivator, Cody didn’t know what was.
Unfortunately, the rest of the class thought the same way.
“The second sentence should have a comma. You need to move you’re in the way. should have a comma between move and you’re. Congratulations to Eva’s table.”
Eva smirked at Cody and his table.
Ms. Brown walked to Eva’s table with a bowl of candy.
“Thank you Ms. Brown,” Harold said dryly. Leshawna, Ezekiel, and Eva just responded by taking their candy.
“You won this time Eva, but we will be victorious!” Izzy exclaimed.
“Calm down Izzy,” Noah suggested.
Izzy shook her head at Eva before returning her eyes to her own table with Noah and Cody.
“We gotta step up our game, guys,” Cody heard Courtney say from another table with Duncan and Alejandro. Cody turned his attention to Trent’s table, but it seemed he, Tyler, and Justin weren’t really interested. The other two tables did seem in-the-game, though.
“Okay, gameplan,” Noah began. “Me and Izzy do the work. Cody checks us over if we get our paper returned. Owen gives the paper to Ms. Brown when we tell him to because he sits the closest. Ready?”
“Wow, Noah. I didn’t know you liked candy that much,” Izzy expressed.
“Yeah, I thought you weren’t big on sweets,” Owen confessed.
“I’m just competitive,” Noah stated.
“No, you aren’t,” Cody replied. “You’re in my gym class. I’ve never even seen you touch a dodgeball.”
Noah crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. He took a quick glance at Cody before looking away. “I’m just into the game.”
“Ohhh,” Owen smiled. “I get it.”
“Get what?” Cody asked.
Owen laughed. “Nothing.”
Cody remained confused, but brushed it off. “Well I’m glad you’re doing whatever you’re doing, because I love candy.”
“We know,” Noah stated.
“I didn’t,” Izzy told the group.
Ms. Brown handed out the new papers. “Three, two, one, turn your papers over.”
Papers all around the room were immediately turned over.
Cody watched as Izzy and Noah stared at the paper, analyzing every word.
"Capital," Noah deadpanned, scratching the paper with his pencil.
Izzy made some changes all well before Noah handed the paper to Owen.
Owen charged for the teacher's desk, but unfortunately he came back with the paper. "We got the first 3 right but we're missing something."
"Cody," Noah said, shortly.
Cody nodded and immediately took the paper. "You forgot punctuation here," Cody pointed to a spot that read "I asked for a ham sandwich" he said. "Wait. Comma or period?"
"Comma," Noah answered quickly. "Dialogue with dialogue tags after it always has a comma instead of a period."
Cody quickly added a comma and handed the paper back to Owen.
After skimming two other papers Ms. Brown took Owen's.
"Good job. Owen's team wins this round."
Ms. Brown explained why Noah's team won, a few groans at simple mistakes were heard around the room.
Ms. Brown took the candy bowl and let the group each take a piece.
Cody quickly grabbed a green apple jolly rancher and popped it in his mouth.
"I can't believe you like green apple," Noah stated, twirling his snickers bar between his middle and pointer finger.
"It's the best flavor, no questions asked," Cody responded.
Noah rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Want my chocolate?"
"I wouldn't say it if I wasn't offering."
"Okay. Sure." Cody took Noah's snickers, smiling widely.
Noah smiled back.
Cody sat up in bed. He looked at the clock for a moment before staring back at his wall.
When the hell did I start thinking about Noah?
How did he get from Gwen to Noah? He was just thinking about how beautiful Gwen looked and all the things she did today and then he started thinking how beautiful Noah looked and all the things he did today.
And Noah looked so beautiful today.
Why was Cody thinking about how beautiful his friend was?
"Fuck," Cody whispered. "I like him"
Cody laid back down. He liked him. He liked Noah. Of all people.
And why? Because he wore a goddamn button-up shirt and gave him a candy bar in English. Izzy really was right when she said his type was girls who are mean to him and boys who are nice to him.
Cody did not need to like a boy. That was not something he needed to do. Especially with his parents.
Well to look on the bright side, maybe this would help him get over Gwen. Hopefully. But he hoped it wouldn't give him another useless unrequited crush.
Either way, this was a problem for morning Cody.
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mamaestapa · 5 months
Chapter twenty-three sneak peak...
"You never called me back." Izzy said, voice laced with slight disappointment as she spoke, "I get you're busy but, I need to know if this will work Joe."
Joe nodded in response, "I know and we will, but," he glanced around the table full of his teammates and friends before bringing his face closer to Izzy's, "Can we talk about this later? I don't want Y/n to know."
You felt your heart drop to your stomach at the mention of your name. The conversation you were having was now long forgotten as you gave your full attention to Joe. You turned towards him, folding your arms over your chest and letting them rest on your belly as you looked at him.
The red head, Izzy, made eye contact with you as she spoke, "Sure sweetie. Don't forget to send me the details." Joe nodded at her words as he spoke, "I'll send them to you tonight so you'll be prepared. Thanks Iz."
Prepared for what? You didn't know exactly, but you'd make it your mission to find out and get to the bottom of it. Izzy smiled at you, saying a soft hello and congratulations before she sauntered away from the table. Your lips parted as you just watched her walk away from Joe like nothing happened. Your thoughts were running wild, all of them going to the worst possible case scenario. There was no reasoning with yourself on this one.
Joe was cheating on you. He had to be.
You looked at Joe with an expression full of hurt and confusion. How could he do this to you? How could he do this to your little family? You just got back on good terms with Sam and now you have to deal with this.
"Joe?" You squeaked out softly, making your boyfriend turn around to look at you. His face filled with worry as he looked at you. Joe took in your hurt expression, teary eyes, and flushed cheeks. You looked like you'd just seen a ghost and were about .2 seconds away from a breakdown.
"Y/n," he said softly, tone growing worried, "what's wrong?"
You were fine just a few minutes ago. You were upbeat, happy, laughing with Tee and seeming to enjoy the team dinner. Right now, your whole demeanor took a full 180. Joe figured it was just the hormones making you feel this way, after all you have been having some mood swings lately.
You scoffed at your boyfriends obliviousness, "What's wrong?" You shook your head, "You're seriously asking me what's wrong?"
It's definitely not mood swings.
Joe parted his lips as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Y/n, baby I don't know what's going on but-."
"Was I not enough for you?" You asked, voice full of hurt. You placed your hands on your bump as you looked directly into Joe's confused blues, "Were we not enough for you?"
"I-" Joe stuttered, "I don't know what you're talking about? Of course you are. Both of you are."
You wiped a tear away as you sniffled softly, trying to compose yourself and not make a scene in the restaurant. You were feeling so many different emotions and it was a matter of time before they all came pouring out.
"Then who the hell is Izzy? What kind of arrangement do you have with her Joe, hmm?" Joe's face fell at your words. Now he looked like one that had just seen a ghost. "Y/n, you weren't supposed to hear that."
"Yeah I figured." You said, voice cracking with emotion as you tried to sound bitter. Joe's Adams apple bobbed as he gulped. His mind was going crazy with thoughts on he was going to explain this to you. He knows what it looks like to you.
"Was I ever going to find out or were you going to keep sneaking around behind my back?"
The hurt in your voice and the distraught look on your face had Joe's heart breaking. He stayed silent. He couldn't find the right words to explain himself, at least not in the middle of team dinner. You shook your head at his silence. You stood up from the table and gathered your things. You walked away from the group, leaving a few pf your friends and Joe's teammates stunned as they saw the tears rolling down your cheeks. That's all the confirmation you needed.
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the angst in this one…you guys are not ready👀 not as bad as the earlier chapter angst but still just enough
i’m so excited for you to read the full thing, which will be out tonight or tomorrow!
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barbex · 6 months
hiiiii happy friday!! “Shut up and kiss me.” + anders/isabela?
Thank you for this @dadrunkwriting prompt! It turned out a bit different than I thought.
"Hey, Sparklefingers, how are you?"
"Izzy. I'm good, should I ask?" Anders looks her up and down. Isabela usually only shows up when she got seriously hurt, or when she caught some infection. 
"Everything is clean and healthy, thank you very much." She saunters over to him, putting her hand on his hip and leans closer. "I want to ask for a favour."
"A favour? In that you owe me one?"
Isabela leans closer, her breasts pressing against his chest. "Yes, that sounds good. I need you to make Hawke jealous."
"Hawke? Jealous? Why would Hawke get jealous?" Only now he notices that Hawke hovers at the door with Varric, watching them with a smile. "Knowing her, she'll be happy for you and congratulate you." 
Isabela throws her arms around his neck. "Shut up and kiss me." 
Anders leans closer to whisper in her ear. "It's not gonna work." 
With a defeated sigh, Isabela drops her arms and steps back. "But what else can I do? She doesn't notice anything! I keep telling her how amazing she is, how she changed my life and she just —" Isabela makes a helpless gesture towards Hawke, who waves her enthusiastically, giving her a thumbs up. "See that?" Isabela pinches the bridge of her nose. "It's hopeless."
Desperately fighting for his composure, Anders puts his hand on her shoulder, fighting not to laugh. "I can't believe I have to be the one to tell you this. Go to her and kiss her."
"But —"
"No Buts. Pull her against your tits and kiss her senseless."
Isabela still hesitates, looking more vulnerable than Anders has ever seen her. "Oh shit, this really means something to you, doesn't it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Isabela says with an annoyed huff.
"Of course. Why are you not kissing her then?"
"Fine!" Isabela throws her hands up and stomps over to Hawke. Before Hawke can react, Isabela grabs her by the waist, dips her back, and kisses her like her life depends on it. Anders watches Hawke stare at her with wide eyes at first, and then melt into her, her arms coming around Isabela's neck. 
Varric sneaks around the two women and comes up to Anders. He takes a sip from a metal flask and then hands it to Anders. "About time, I'd say."
The liquid burns down his throat when he takes a sip from Varric's flask. Anders nods. "Yes, about time."
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
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tw: mild language, Y/N giving birth.
Papa Levi holding his baby for the first time.
Isabel Ackerman was born on a sweltering summer day.
“Imma fucking kill you, Levi!!!” Your ear-splitting shrieks take captive the maternity ward, the nurse is trying to calm you down and Levi’s on the brink of losing his hair. His scalp burns with your menacing pull. “You fucking did this to me!!”
Your hair is tied in a messy bun and some strands curl over your ears, others are glued to your burnished forehead. All your face is glistening with sweat. The insufferable pain wrenches tears through your clamped eyes, squeezed so tight your eyeballs threaten to explode. Scrunched up face, clenched jaw, gritting teeth.
Inhaling, exhaling.
Your breath comes in and out of your mouth in rushing gusts of air as if to appease the pain.
But it doesn't work.
Wailing, screeching, whining. Your tears blend with the beads of sweat that stream down your face.
Someone says, “push.”  
And Levi rasps, “You’re doing great.”
The motherfucker only contributed in the fun part of this.
And then the room falls in utter silence, seconds lengthen to minutes. The air is dense. White walls, cozy lights. And the deafening silence breaks with baby triumph cries. Her lungs work fine. Finally, the torture ceases. Elation and exhaustion swarm you; you're emotionally and physically drained. And Levi’s holding your hand tight as if to melt with yours.
“I’m proud of you,” he coos and kisses your head. “You did great.”
Everything is blurry. Through bleary leaden-eyes, you see the nurse approaching, her silhouette becomes larger. “Congratulations.” She smiles. “It’s a beautiful, healthy girl.”
Isabel is swaddled in a blanket, and the nurse lays her in your arms. Your tiny cocoon.
Jolts of joy fizz through you.
“Oh walls! Oh walls! Oh walls!” Tears of sheer happines well up in your eyes and you’re trembling. Levi drags his chair closer to you.
“I’ll be outside if you need me,” the young woman says, getting your attention. You both nod, and she leaves. The door thumps close, and your red, swollen eyes drift to Levi, whose lips are parted and fumbling, and his gaze glints with a weave of fright, pride, joy, and bewilderment. He sniffs and wipes off his seeping tears with the sleeve of his shirt.
You still don't get used to see him crying.
“Look at her, Levi. Look at her!” you jabber, your eyes scoot back to your tiny bundle of joy. You tug down the blanket under her chin to get a better look. Her chubby cheeks are tinged with a pinkish glow, and her scanty black hair screams Levi.
It seems Ackerman genes are dominant.
“She’s so beautiful and small and…” He muses in utter awe; words clog in his throat. Splurges of love and tenderness spread across his chest. Love at first sight. His eyes droop, and a small smile creeps across his lips.
You carefully count her fingers and toes; her hands are curled in tiny fists. She yawns and you both let out a giggle, enraptured, as if it were the most amusing thing in the world.
Your eyes entangle with Levi’s, his lashes are glittering with tears.
“Wanna hold her?”
His eyes go round, and he gulps. You can see the fear in his eyes. The man who faced any threat without hesitation is scared to hold his baby in his arms.
He’s scared to break her, to hurt her. Everything he touches withers.
He shakes his head to toss away those nagging thoughts, then his ebony strands of hair slither trough his fingers as he lets out a deep sigh.
Levi mimics the position of your arms, like a cradle, and you pass Isabel off to him. He freezes and holds his breath, afraid that any flimsy move would break her.
And right then, as soon as he takes her in his arms, she weaves a nest in his heart, his eyes gleaming, his heart is all hers, unconditionally, and he'll never ask her for it back.
He looks at her with so adoration and tenderness, mesmerized in her steady breathing. Her lashes are long, like yours.
“Hey, Izzy,” you murmur. “He’s your daddy. He’s grumpy and high-strung, and most of the time, he’s scowling,” he frowns at you “but he’s a good guy. He loves you so much and will always protect you.”
Levi relaxes a bit, and his eye draws her tubby face. He can’t believe his blood runs through her veins. Something so cute, fragile, and beautiful came from him.
He doesn’t want to let go, he could stare at her forever.
His little summer girl.
Do you know how difficult it is to find a love so pure and innocent?
And he found it.
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Dadvi 2022 masterlist
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I've so many thoughts and questions about the 'wake myself in the shadows' AU. It has my entire heart (which I say about most of of your AU's, so it has ~1/12th of my heart.)
Does Eddy ever soften and come around to the realisation that Izzy wasn't targeting them? How does Charlie handle the allergy scares? Do they ever find Read in this verse? Does Izzy find anyone at all or is he swept up in the whirlwind that he and Charlie create for each other?
(Ok, few short answers first: No, Eddy doesn’t ever come around. She stops thinking that it’s being done at her when they go on being married and barely talking to Stede for literal years, but she never works through her issues with Izzy and goes on thinking he at the very least started the relationship on purpose to attack them.  Izzy stays far more insular with Charlie and doesn’t meet a lot of people or see the need to bond with them. Until Lucius re-enters their lives. And on that note on to allergies and Read......) 
Israel: don’t panic. I’m going to be fine. But I’m in the ER. 
Charlie: what?! 
Israel:  had a reaction at the grocery story, probably contact. Everything is fine. 
Charlie: you’re lying 
Israel: I’m not. Just hives and some minor breathing impairment. 
Charlie: I’m coming right now. 
Israel: finish your class. I’ve got company anyway. Some idiot girl got herself stabbed non-fatally and apparently no one is in a rush around here so I’m wrapping her up. 
Charlie: that is only making me show faster, you know that right? 
Charlie has to call for an Uber. Israel has been suggesting that he re-take his driver’s test for a while now, just in case. Maybe it is time. The accident was years ago now and they don’t really live in a place with great public transit. Someone will have to pick up the car from the grocery store lot eventually. 
He fidgets his way through the ride, checking and re-checking his phone with no updates. He gets to the E.R. almost certain that something awful has happened. Instead, he sees Israel right away. He knows that silver-streaked head anywhere, can pick him out in far larger crowds. He’s seated beside a blond giant, who is listening very intently to whatever lecture Israel is giving her.  Charlie’s heartbeat reluctantly evens out. 
Israel looks up as soon as he sets foot into the waiting area, that innate sense of each other sparking. He reaches a hand out for him as soon as he sees him and Charlie does not run across the room, but it’s a near thing. 
“Told you I was fine,” he says. 
“Like I’m just going to believe you,” Charlie scoffs, taking his hand and holding it tightly. Israel’s callouses catch against his skin, a reassurance, a grounding and Charlie sits down heavily beside him. “Who’s your friend?” 
“Read, this is my husband Charlie. Charlie, this is Read. She brought fists to a knife fight.” 
“Bad luck for you,” Charlie summons a smile for her. 
“Bad luck for them,” Read corrects and she’s got a nice voice, mellow and low. The accent is familiar, like something he would’ve heard in undergrad. “I won. And now I have a knife.” 
“Congratulations,” he says sincerely. “Are you still bleeding?” 
“Don’t seem to be,” she pushes up her sleeve. Someone, Israel presumably, has wound strips of fabric over the bleeding wound. The fabric is black. Israel is wearing a sweater, so presumably it’s his t-shirt in tatters underneath. Charlie’s heart gives up being steady all over again. “I should go, actually. I don’t have insurance and I’m fixed.” 
“Is that so?” Israel says and his grip on Charlie’s hand tightens.  
“Stick around,” Charlie says lightly. “Let us get dinner. I owe you for making sure Israel didn’t give the nurses a piece of his mind loud enough to get kicked out.” 
“One time,” Israel grumbles, but Charlie reads his relief. Message received. Israel likes the giant and he doesn’t want her wandering out into the night. 
“All right,” she concedes too quickly. Charlie looks her over again, no longer clouded with concern over his slightly hive-ridden husband. She’s too thin for her frame. Her clothes are clean, but threadbare. “He helped me more than I helped him though.” 
“A meal will call it even.” 
They call Israel in shortly thereafter. He’s already been waiting hours so they only have to linger for one more before he’s declared out of danger and given the usual warnings. He takes everything with a sigh, including the prescription for a new Epi-Pen which Charlie insists they fill on the way home.
“I thought you meant at a restaurant,” Read frowns as they bicker about that. “I’m not sure I-” 
“He can’t eat out,” Charlie cuts her off. “Or you two wouldn't have met at all. It’s not a trap, but we’re not rolling the dice twice today.” 
“Okay,” she concedes warily. 
Their usual pharmacy is near enough to the grocery store that they get the car back. Israel isn’t shaky, but Charlie knows he’s got a headache, can practically feel it in his own skull. When they get home, he draws him to the side, kisses him, 
“Go take advil and lay down. I’ll take care of your stray.” 
“She’s not mine,” Israel protests. 
“I’ll make sure she gets food and your phone number. Go sleep.” 
Israel, reluctantly, went. Charlie goes back into the kitchen. Read hasn’t poked around. She’s barely moved. 
“He’s going to close his eyes for a bit, but there’s choices for dinner. You want stir fry, honey chicken or beef stew?” 
“I’ll eat whatever,” she says quietly. 
“I helped make all of it, so I’ll eat all of it,” he shrugs. “You choose or I will and you’ll just have to cope and deal.” 
“Chicken sounds good,” she admits. 
“Cool, sit, I’ll heat it up. There’s rice and veg too,” he opened the fridge, pulling out the relevant tupperware. 
“This is a nice place,” she says, alighting on one of the stools they keep at the island. It’s Charlie’s second favorite place in the apartment, after their bed. He’s spent many happy mornings perched in here, watching Israel move efficiently around the kitchen. 
“Thanks. We like it. Doesn’t sound like you’re from around here.” 
“I’m not.”   Stonewalled. He could appreciate that. 
“Neither are we. I grew up a few hours west. Israel was a city boy.”
“He said you were working on your doctorate.” 
“Did he?” Charlie puts a pot on a burner. The microwave works, but he prefers to reheat things on the stove top.  Pop was big on that.
“He did. He thought I was a student too.” 
There was no way Israel had thought that, but he must’ve had his reasons for saying so. Prying information out of her most likely.
“It’s a college town. Hard to avoid students. Sometimes I trip over the undergrads I T.A. in the strangest places.” It’s one of the reasons they’d started going further afield to find hookups. Charlie liked his sex scandalous, but had no interest in an actual sex scandal.  “What brought you here then?” 
“Looking for work,” she shrugs. “Why does anyone go anywhere?” 
“I came for school."
"What about Israel?"
“Mmm," Charlie considers then says with only a little irony, "He came for love.”
“How long have you been together?” She asks and instead of judgment, concern, the usual nonsense, Charlie just hears interest. That’ll take her a long way in his books. 
“Six years. We got married two years ago.” 
“I can see why,” she says. 
“You can?” Charlie has to turn at last to face her. 
“Anyone looked at me the way he looks at you, I’d marry them too." She exudes sincerity, and Charlie can't help, but like that. There's enough sarcasm in this place to fill a town usually.
“Yeah well,” he smiles at the floor, turns back to the pot, stirring so nothing burns. “Just lucky.” 
Charlie isn’t much for small talk. He has little use for getting to know people most of the time, but he tries his best. Read doesn’t offer much in return. Stalemated, he tosses other things at her and finds to some relief that she has a passing interest in baseball, but hasn’t kept up with the season. Good enough. He catches her up the standings, talks about some of his favorite plays of the season. Israel doesn’t care for the game much, so it’s nice to have a new audience for it. 
“It’s late,” she says eventually, eyes flickering to the clock. 
Charlie sighs, “I know. I’m trying to keep you here so you’ll accept sleeping in our guest room.” 
“I have-”
“If you tell me honestly that you own more than what’s in your backpack, I will take you at your word,” he says, doing her the grace of not making eye contact. “But if you don’t, we have a guest room. The door locks. If I let you go out there tonight, knowing full well you don’t have a sure place to sleep then my husband is going to have words with me.” 
“He do this a lot?” 
“Never before,” Charlie shrugs. “But he only commits one way to ideas: All the way.” 
She has the backpack at her feet. It’s been there the whole time, bulky, swollen with objects and a dusty color like it’s been outside more than in. 
“I don’t want to make you guys fight.” 
“Good. Take the bed. I’ll show you.” 
He hands her an extra towel too, then makes it a point of going into his bedroom and shutting the door. Charlie doesn’t bother being quiet, Israel sleeps to lightly for it to be worth it. He locks their door too, just in case, then crosses the room shedding clothes, tossing them into the hamper then getting under the blankets. 
“Didn’t hear the front door,” Israel winds an arm around Charlie’s waist, draws him in close. 
“Because she didn’t leave.” 
“Thanks,” Israel kisses Charlie’s shoulder. 
“What’s the plan? Keep her like a pet? Cause I don’t think she’ll go for that.” 
“One of my clients needs a part-timer. She says she knows a bit about cars. I’ll get her fixed up. Get a pay check going and she’ll land on her feet.” 
“You did quite a character assessment in just a few hours.” 
“Only needed half that,” Israel snorts. Charlie rolls towards him, thrusts a knee between his thighs to slot closer. “I know the type.” 
“What tall, young, blond, atheltic and adorable?”  
“Hungry,” Izzy corrects. “You and she aren’t much alike. She needs someone to take care of her.”
“You think I didn’t?” Charlie stares at him, able to find every familiar line in the dark. 
“I know you didn’t. You just wanted someone to care at all. You did the rest by yourself.” 
“Don’t say that like it’s nothing,” Charlie swallows thickly. “It was everything. It is everything.” 
Israel does him a mercy and kisses him. The words stop. They talk the way they know best. Afterwards, Israel falls back asleep. Charlie stays awake a long time, running fingers up and down Israel’s arm, dancing over the place a bone once broke and healed, years before Charlie was ever born.
Read isn’t a permanent installation in the sense that Israel does get her a job and she does find a place to live. She is one in the sense that she does not leave their lives. Israel feeds her regularly, teaches her to make the things that she likes best. He teaches her how to survive past the basics. Things Pop and Mom had guided Charlie through before he even left for college. Things he figured out on his own living in the city with Amir.
Charlie, at first, only watches. Bewildered and in his deepest ugliest parts, jealous. But Israel doesn’t talk to her like he talks to Charlie. He treats her like she’s new to the world. Like an innocent, even though the woman has clearly seen things that Charlie can only shudder to imagine. Read even seems to like that or at least accept that rough care. 
For all he and Read were the same age when Israel meets him, he treats her like a mostly grown child and Charlie was always an equal. Israel had never tried to teach Charlie anything unless he explicitly asked. And it wasn't like Charlie hadn't taught him a few things.
“The power company keeps sending me emails,” Read complains one day over lunch. Charlie sighs, holds his hand out for the phone. Israel had sent Charlie in his stead, too busy with work. He looks it over. 
“Okay, so right now you’re paying a monthly fee,” he explains the budget plan to her. They go over the numbers. 
“Thanks,” she says when he finishes. “Maybe I should just ask you instead. Izzy would’ve called me like five names by now.” 
“Yeah, that’s kind of his love language.” 
She snorts, “Whatever, I don’t hear him calling you shit.” 
Israel only calls him Charlie. Occasionally, demon, but Charlie likes to think he earns that along with the breathless 'fuck fuck fuck oh god's he's coaxed from him over the years.
“You’ll have to come over next time Lucius visits,” Charlie decides. “It’s an insult badminton game.”
“I thought they liked each other.” 
“Yeah, that's my point.” 
And she does come over the next time Lucius is in town. It’s kind of fun to have someone else sit on the couch with him while Lucius and Israel do their verbal sparring. They’re tongues are sharp even as they’re so far into each other’s personal space that they might as well be fucking. 
“What am I watching?” Read hisses. 
“The rare mating dance of the North American bartender and his accountant,” Charlie snickers. “They’re fluffing their plumage at each other.” 
“What does that make you?” She glances at him.
Charlie watches as Lucius literally tugs at Israel’s hair. Israel doesn’t even pretend to stop him, just goes quiet for a second, eyes shuttering to half-mast, then raking over the living room to find Charlie’s gaze. They stare at each other for a long heated moment. Charlie nods and Israel sways towards Lucius for a kiss, then moves away again. 
“Lucky,” Charlie laughs. “Very lucky.” 
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