wombywoo · 5 months
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"smile!" 📸
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wispscribbles · 2 months
you know the art you made of Soap "accidentally" giving Ghost a kiss before going on a mission? (before they started dating) what do you think happened when Soap came back from the mission? :3c
follow up to this post
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They start dating of course! <3
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crestapex · 2 months
Price: What kind of girl do you prefer?
Ghost: My wife.
Price: Now what kind of girl do you prefer?
Soap: Ghost’s wife.
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al4thea · 5 months
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This was so much fun to draw, easily one of my favorite drawings this year. It's all thanks to @tapioca-milktea1978 for this commission °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° the collaboration of ideas were so funny- I hope you guys find this as entertaining as us♡
Based on the Chainsaw Man car meme Commission still open!
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yooo-lets-go · 1 year
Oooh how do Ghost and Soap get together in your stories???
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Smooth operator
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
dear god please I’m begging you on my hands and knees for more ghost soap reader action, you do it so right. I’m feral
“you do it so right” is a crazy compliment you’re going to make me AHHH 🫶🏼 (this is afab!reader btw just no pronouns)
simon knows his friend has a crush on you, didn’t have to be a fuckin’ psychic to work that one out.
it was written all over his fucking face from the moment he met you, still there when you wrapped your lips around the head of his cock.
“oh L.T, that’s fuckin’ nice”
you ignored the fact that, whilst you were the one with johnny’s cock in your throat, it was your boyfriend he’d chosen to speak to. you ignored it because you knew if you thought about it too long, you wouldn’t be lasting.
simon was practicing his patience on the other end of the couch, large hands gripping his thighs so he wouldn’t rip you off your knees and place you straight in his lap.
he was practicing generosity.
johnny had been whinging his ear off about how long it’d been since he’d had a good shag and he’d got a little too bold talking about how good L.T must have it at home.
“bet ye’ open the door and yer’ one s’already fuckin’ kneeling”
“that the first thing ye’ do when you get home? empty a couple loads?”
“gaggin’ for it with you, L.T- i bet”
simon had had enough, mainly because johnny was absolutely correct and he needed to go home and deal with it- but also because it was doing his head in.
the man had enough dirty thoughts about you to power the fuckin’ atom bomb and simon thought it might be worth putting it to work. there was gains to be made on multiple fronts.
johnny had one arm along the back of the couch and the other was at your face, fingers softly stroking your cheek as you made the most deplorable sounds.
somehow, you could make choking on cock a bit cute.
it wasn’t lost on simon the way your back was arching as you forced more of his friend into your mouth, your ass shaking a little bit as you stuck it out.
an invitation.
simon was practicing generosity but that didn’t mean he had to practice total altruism. there were gains to be made on all fronts.
so whilst you were knelt with your palms flat on johnny’s thighs, his hands coaxing your head in a rhythm, simon was on his knees behind you with your trousers around your knees.
two thick fingers took one long drag up your slit, prodding at your entrance and making you jolt forward. the sudden motion had you gagging on johnny, his head tipping back with a thick moan ripping out of him.
part of being so quiet meant simon would never say it, but maybe if you asked him at just the right moment he could tell you that, to him? he had the best view in the house.
best view in the fucking world.
johnny looked the picture of ruin as your spit dribbled down the side of his cock, matting his trimmed pubes to his skin. you were rolling your hips back into simon’s hand, reaching back to spread yourself a little for him.
“patience,” strong hand cracking down on your ass cheek. “you’ll get what you deserve”
your mouth was full but johnny could’ve sworn he heard you mumble “yes, si” around him at the order (it very well could’ve been “yes, sir” he was undecided)
when he didn’t think his evening could possibly get better, johnny felt a moan leave your chest and absolutely choke him up. his eyes flew open and he was met with a sight.
your eyes, squeezed shut and spit fucking flying out the corners of your mouth. simon- L.T on his fucking knees with his mouth buried in your cunt.
he thought he might die.
all the blood that wasn’t currently keeping johnny hard went straight to that spot and soon his head was spinning, resorting to closing his own eyes so he’d be able to make it through the night.
simon ate your pussy like a man possessed, two hands spreading your cheeks and tongue forcing its way into your entrance. pulling back only to spit on your clit before he dove back in.
giving it enough time and focusing on the sweet motions of your mouth, johnny figured it safe to reopen his eyes and take a another glimpse.
fucking silly move.
knelt before him was his L.T handling the biggest cock johnny thinks he’s ever seen this side of the internet, and he’s bullying it inside of your tight cunt.
johnny swears he didn’t mean to moan, it just slipped out the minute simon started to speak.
“hold tight, johnny- this one’s about to sing”
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carriondell · 7 months
soap makes you wear his dogtags when you ride him. they swing between your pretty tits, clinking in time with the roll of your hips. you whine whenever the cool metal hits a bruise, a hickey, or even your nipples. and if he wants to tease he yanks the chain, makes you slant and bend where he likes you, holding you low and humming smugly as you strain towards him, and rewards you with a much deserved kiss. but mostly he gets off on how they unambiguously, loudly mark you as his, his, his.
his alone.
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pippynsworld · 18 days
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wombywoo · 11 months
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pining ♡
based on @valiants historical au which I can't stop thinking about...
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dudeiloveflan · 10 days
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I had to do it Happy pride month!
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bressynonym · 2 months
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meat man 🔪🥩
come get ur meats or whatever
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moongreenlight · 2 months
Soap (who you’ve never met before ever in your life) being your server during an anniversary dinner with your long-time boyfriend except he took one look at you by the host stand and decided he had to have you. 
Calls you “sweet thing” while he unwraps a straw and puts it in your water glass for you. 
Asks if you’re out with your brother (without making eye contact with your boyfriend) and even after you told him no, he still ‘makes the mistake’ a few other times during the meal. 
Stops over way more than is necessary. Probably has the kitchen intentionally screw up your appetizer so that when you bring it up he can make you feed him off of your fork. For quality control, of course. “Cannae have a sweet thing like you wasting the talents of a pretty mouth like that on something below par.”
Your boyfriend is pissed. Sends back his food twice and makes such a scene that the manager comes over. When he throws accusations of an “overly fucking friendly waiter,” you try to smooth the situation over by saying that everything was fine. Your boyfriend gets so riled that he throws a fistful of cash on the table and tells you it should cover his meal and your ride home. 
Soap swoops in while you’re sobbing at the table. Slides in your side of the booth carrying a scoop of vanilla ice cream topped with an obscene amount of whipped cream and a cherry. Squashes you up against the wall while he coos kind things in your ear. Like he’s reading off a script meticulously chosen to include all of the right things that make you let down your guard enough to agree to let him drive you home. 
“Wouldnae hear of you driving yourself home in this state, kitty.”
And once he finally gets you back to his, he goes in for the kill. Keeps saying the right things, keeps wrapping his arm around you and pulling you right into his side, keeps pushing his face close to yours. So much so that it almost feels like it’s your idea when you- still hiccuping and sniffling softly- lean forward and close the centimeters wide gap between you.
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hopefulonion · 9 months
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Love bomb 💓💣
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adas-trashheap · 9 months
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''dream a little dream of me''
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captainfern · 5 months
price and simon refer to you as “the missus”
soap and gaz refer to you as “my girl”
“just gotta check with the missus”
“m’just gonna ask my girl”
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chamomiletealeaf · 3 months
Johnny who insists on fucking you while you’re sick because he says he wants to make you feel better, but really it’s so he can feel how much warmer your pussy is from your fever and every time you cough, turning your face away from him into your arm, you squeeze around him making him moan like a whore while he buries his face in your neck trying to muffle his whines.
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