#I've had several people ask me if they can ride my horses without knowing ANYTHING about them
kelpiemomma · 2 years
Okay so just because it happened today, a friendly tip/reminder/hint:
If your friend has a horse or multiple horses, please don't ask if you can come over and ride it or get a lesson on it.
For one, your friend probably isn't qualified to give lessons and as someone who's been riding for almost 20 years and has ridden a decent variety of horses, not every horse is qualifed to give lessons. You could get seriously hurt, or hurt the horse.
Secondly, it's kind of rude and assumptive. Are you going to ask your friend "when are you going to invite me to your house to play in your pool?" or "when do I get to come over and pet your dog?" before they invite you? Are you going to ask them when they're going to make you dinner?
Thirdly, you probably don't know the horse. You don't know the training on it. You don't know how old it is. You don't know if it's got traumatic history. Does your friend even ride their horse, or is it a companion animal? Maybe it's had an injury that keeps it from being ridden. Maybe their horse is old. Maybe it's young. Maybe it has training in it's youth but has been sitting for a few years. Maybe it's got quirks, like you need to leave it's mouth alone or if you put your feet in the wrong place it rears. I've known horses who went backwards because someone who didn't know what they were doing got on them.
If you're invited out to ride or pet or interact, that's fine. I've invited a different friend out, purely because she's been around horses before but not taught the proper way to interact and she wants to learn how to handle them on the ground before riding. But don't invite yourself out, or ask when you get to come ride. You don't know the horse, and you don't know the circumstances.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
Very long convo with gran today that was basically me just rehashing points I'd made before but all at once. I think I got her to see how her situation where she wrote and burned a letter to her deceased abusive mom is not the same as me not wanting to make small talk with my aggressively evangelical mother who doesn't respect my autonomy and reports on me to my abusive dad. I don't think gran's accepted that this isn't a problem she can 'fix.' She knows I've given my mom some assigned reading to try and get us to a point where we can actually have an informed conversation about gender and maybe politics. But the fact is that while she adheres to biblical fundamentalist beliefs my mom will never be able to respect me, and those beliefs mean more to her than I do. Nothing anybody can do to change that.
Gran still wants to ramble on about the 'grudges' and 'hate' I'm 'holding on to,' so that probably won't be the last I hear of that. She can't grasp that I don't have any anger toward them. Just a feeling of disappointment. She can't understand that all I did was recognize these people in my life who were acting in a way that was unhealthy toward me, ask them to stop, and when they didn't, I removed myself. Of course, gran doesn't respect me very much either, not enough to care about my name or pronouns or any of the things I'm really passionate about, so it's weird having these talks over and over again.
She tried several times to convince me that my relationship with my mom would be solved if we just agreed to never talk politics or religion again. I don't understand how anyone could think that would work in any kind of meaningful relationship. I asked her what the point of pretending to get along with my mom would be and she didn't really have an answer. I smiled and pretended to be civil in my dad's company for two years and what did that solve? Now I had to block his number and he's been sending me sinister vague emails. A relationship without mutual trust and respect is one you're better off without.
Most interesting part of the convo was when I asked her what the best case scenario looks like for her. I asked her what she thinks having a loving family means. All I could get out of her was 'I wish you could go to the lake with us again,' by which I'm gonna assume she means Quality Time. All she wants is to be surrounded by family and friends at the lake. That's probably doable, honestly. I'd still go to the lake and drink all my uncle's whisky while I write my book in the corner with my headphones on so that I don't have to listen to all the latest morally depraved conservative talking points. It's not like my dad will ever go to the lake because he's too homophobic to visit a house owned by my gay uncle (who is also a conservative yeah). The only barriers to me visiting are usually my latest peasant labor situation or my uncle's partner deciding he doesn't want dogs on the designer carpets. I've offered to camp in my car with the dogs. C'mon, that would be objectively funny on their fountain rotunda driveway. Me? I still want a family that cares enough to go to a protest or a rally with me. Hell, I'd settle for a family that clicked 'like' on my comic posts or showed up once a year to watch me ride a horse. I feel like that's not a huge ask but it would make me feel loved. They don't do those things because they haven't taken time to understand or care about me in a decade. There have been times when they showed up for me in the past. There were times when I felt loved. That was a long time ago. I don't think enough people ask themselves what a loving family looks like.
Then we went shopping at a decor store and I bought a pumpkin with a cute little snake on it. Gran gave me a hug goodbye and her perfume still smells like home. I love her for caring enough to meet up and talk to me even if we didn't 'fix' anything.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - Land of Thieves - #ChapterSeven
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Summary: When you were a child, you swore that no matter how high the reward in your head, she could always count on you. Life as an outlaw in the west is not easy, but you believe that train robberies are still easier than asking a pretty girl to dance. Land of Thieves, also know as your love story with Wanda Maximoff in the Wild West.
AO3> Land of Thieves 
Warnings:  18+, explicit language, explicit violence, slow burn, childhood friends to lovers, cursing, blood.
tags: @mionemymind
It doesn't take long before you reach the town, trotting lightly on the road while keeping your hat concealing your face. You have been to Rhodes a few times before, mostly to play Black Jack at the hotel in town. 
You know it's not the best place to find money-making opportunities, but you lead your horse toward the hotel, where the only decent bar in town is located, to try to find something. Saloons and hotels are always good places where you can hear about business opportunities.
You are relatively surprised to find Carol's sorrel, tied up in the driveway with other horses. You smile, and pet the animal as you dismount from your own horse. And then you walk toward the entrance, ignoring the curious glances that the civilians cast at you, most of them curious to see an outsider woman wearing pants.
Not finding Carol on the fist floor, you immediately assume that she is playing on the second floor, and go up the stairs. You wave your hat at two ladies who look at you in surprise as you reach the second floor.
Looking around as you walk towards the card table, you smile as you notice Carol letting out a laugh as she wins a round. You cross your arms and stop behind the table, watching the game.
- I was told that you were looking for a job in Rhodes. - You mock loudly, attracting the attention of everyone at the table. Seeing that Carol is quick to let out an exclamation sound, suggesting that she knows you, the other players just turn their attention back to the game. 
- Why don't you play with us for a while? - She suggests as the dealer begins to deal the cards again.
- I have work to do. - You say and Carol smiles wryly.
- We always have work to do. - She replies, and you laugh lightly. You watch her win another round, and then she signals that she is done playing. The table lets out an exclamation of disappointment, but Carol just shrugs her shoulders, walking toward you.
- Your friends are upset. - You sneer as she catches up with you and you walk toward the stairs.
- They will survive. - She replies with amusement. You reach the lower level, and walk to the bar. Carol buys herself a drink while you lean on the counter.
- Have you found anything interesting here? - you ask.
- That depends. - She speaks with amusement, and takes a sip of her beer before continuing. - I've encountered rednecks and ranchers with their boots buried in shit who think they are living in the best place in the country. - She sneers, and you laugh lightly. - But I also met the sheriff. They have some kind of feud between two families in this place.
- Really? - You ask and Carol nods.
- They look like those families from that story you liked as a child. - She says, gesturing as if she is trying to remember. - The one with the couple that dies.
- Romeo and Juliet. - You reply in an amused tone, finding the book's description funny.
- Yes, yes, that cheesy thing. - She says. - All I know is that they are filthy rich and they are trying to kill each other.
- Wow, that sounds promising. - You say as you think of the opportunities that might arise with these families of yours.
- I'll check out the families' properties later. - Carol says - I'll ask if they need more guards, or drivers. You know how rich people love to have several employees.
You laugh, agreeing. You are thoughtful for a moment, and Carol frowns.
- What is it with you anyway? - she asks and you shrug.
- I don't know, I'm a bit upset. - You say, turning to lean completely on the counter. - Potts just told me about Knight.
Carol put her hand on your shoulder, as she put the beer on the counter. 
- You know, you could use a drink. - She said as she asked the bartender to pour you both a whiskey. With the drinks in front of her, she raised her glass to make a toast. - To Knight.
You both turned the glass over afterwards, the drink burning in your throat. Carol shook her head and laughed lightly at the strong taste, and you laughed at her frown. 
- Keep it coming, honey. - She told the barman, who served you again. - I remember when I lost my first horse. - she said thoughtfully, before flipping another glass of whiskey. - Talos, he was the fastest Appaloosa I ever rode. Strong and stubborn. Wouldn't let anyone ride him but me, and then he was shot during a robbery.
- That's too bad. - You comment, drinking again. 
- Don't worry, kid. We'll find you another horse. - Carol says, and she gets annoyed at the bartender's delay in serving her and asks him to leave the bottle. After that, your glasses no longer remain empty.
It doesn't take long for the ground at your feet to start spinning along with your head. You are laughing at something, but not sure what. The musician in the bar is playing something very lively on the piano, and you join the people dancing, with Carol leaning an arm on your shoulders. You dance and dance until you stumble out of the bar, looking for a place to relieve yourself.
You stumble between giggles around the outside of the hotel, and Carol leans on you to avoid falling to the ground. You realize that it is already night, and tell the blonde next to you this in a false tone of fear.
- Our wives are going to be so angry. - She comments in a whisper, before laughing again. You follow her.
- Hold on. - You say, as you try to balance yourself. - I think we came from that side.
Carol nods, escorting you back to the hotel. 
You laugh all the way down the hall, and then you feel someone caress your face and your waist making you look up.
A harlot smiles at you, looking at you maliciously. You are too drunk to process exactly what is going on, but you let out a disgruntled grumble.
- Hey sweetie, do you want to come up to my room? - She asks as she presses your bodies together.
- No. - You say, feeling your head spinning. The other woman's perfume was confusing you. You're trying to remember exactly why you weren't enjoying being touched like that, but the alcohol wouldn't let you think straight. You thought it had to do with a redheaded woman. The harlot giggled, realizing your state. You tried to look for Carol, but you didn't see her anywhere.
- Come on, sweetheart. Let's have some fun. - The woman spoke again. You tried to lift her arms off her shoulders, but your muscles didn't seem to respond.
- Sorry, ma'am. - You say half breathlessly. - I think I'm married. - You almost beg, remembering Carol's line. - She'll be angry.
The woman laughs lightly.
- I don't see a ring. - She says holding up your hand. You blink, feeling your eyes tear up.
- Oh my god, have I lost my ring? - You whimper, your stomach starts to turn. 
- Come, I'll make you feel better. - She says, pulling you by the hand. You nod without really understanding what she is saying. She drags you around the room, and you finally see Carol, passed out on the drink counter. You call out to her, but your voice fails you.
And then you are no longer being pulled, and you look forward to see a woman you don't recognize, looking at you with a mixture of anger and concern. She pushes the harlot away, saying words that your drunken brain doesn't understand. And then she turns to you, her lips moving as she places her hands on your cheek, and the warm touch makes your body throb. You think someone is calling you, and you blink in confusion, trying to clear your thoughts. 
- Are you even listening to me? - says the woman, and lets out a grumble. - God, you're completely drunk. - She looks over the back of your shoulder, and you let your eyes wander to her neck, it looks so attractive. You blink in confusion as you are pulled around the hotel, your feet dragging.
- No, ma'am. I'm married, my wife will be upset. - You grumble, feeling your head spinning. 
The woman laughs.
- Oh yes, and who are you married to? - she asks jokingly. Before you know it, you've reached one of the bedrooms.
- I don't remember. - You whine. - My friend told me that my wife would be angry.
The woman doesn't answer, mumbling in response. She sits you down on the bed in the bedroom, taking off your boots. You start humming a song that you think you like.
- Getting wasted in an unknown city, you are so irresponsible. - You listen to the woman grumble, you don't understand why she sounds angry, but you hope she won't be angry with you too.
- Madam, I think I lost my ring. - You mumble, looking down at your hands. The woman helps you onto the bed, and you feel the soft pillows against your head. - Will you help me look for it?
- Yes. Get some sleep and I'll help you when you wake up. - she whispered tenderly. You smile, staring at the green orbs staring back at you with a slight frown.
- I wish you were my wife. - You murmur with a smile before closing your eyes. 
Your head hurts. A lot. You realize it as soon as you try to open your eyes. You grunt in pain, trying to get out of bed. You don't even remember how you got into a bed. And then you look around, realizing that it is a hotel room. Sitting up straight in bed, you run your hand over your face, trying to wake yourself up. 
You are very thirsty and you frown to find a glass of water already waiting for you at the head of the bed. Without thinking much about it, you grab the object and quickly pour the liquid down your throat.
The door opens next, and you let out a surprised exclamation when you see Wanda entering the room.
- Good, you're awake. - She says, but she seems annoyed. And then she lays a set of clothes on the bed. - Put these on.
And then you realize that you're only wearing a nightgown. You frown in confusion, trying to remember anything about last night.
- What happened? - Your voice comes out a little hoarse and you leave the now empty glass on the table. Wanda closes the door and crosses her arms, leaning against the wall.
- You and Carol got completely blasted last night. - She says, a serious expression on her face.
- Where is Carol?
- With Maria, in the next room. - She replies. You nod, stretching your body.
- How did you find me? - you ask, ignoring the latent headache.
- Well, Potts told me you had work to do. And Carol hadn't come back yet, so Maria came to look for her. We found Carol passed out drunk on the bar counter, and you were being dragged by a whore into one of the rooms.
- Oh, God. - You mumbled in shame, covering your face with your hands. 
- No, it's okay. - Wanda retorted, her voice slightly high-pitched with anger. - The woman was clearly trying to take advantage of you, and I told her to go fuck herself. Then she left you alone.
You let out a short laugh, finding Wanda's aggressiveness amusing. But the redhead looked angry, you frowned as you stood up, looking at the clothes she brought you.
- Why are you angry? - you asked, unfolding the shirt. Wanda snorted incredulously.
- You are supposed to be working and I find you completely drunk, almost having sex with a stranger! - Wanda exclaims angrily. You raise your eyebrows in surprise.
- What is it now, Wanda? It's not like I never drink. - You grumble, loosening the threads of your sweater. You pull it off over your head, leaving only your underwear on to put on the clean garments Wanda brought you. Since you are both pissed off now, neither of you really registers this. - Besides, I was upset. With Knight's death and all. Carol just wanted to cheer me up a bit.
- Oh, of course. - Wanda said with a tone of debauchery as you put on your blouse. - You clearly tried to cheer yourself up in the first bed that came along!
You laughed wryly. Where were those accusations coming from, anyway? You didn't even remember anything.
- You just said nothing happened. 
- Because I came on time! - Wanda countered. - If I had stayed at the camp, you would be waking up in her bed right now!
- This is ridiculous. - You grumble, sitting up in bed to put on your boots after your pants. 
- But you know what, I don't even know why I'm saying this to you! - She exclaims flatly, and you don't look at her, just wishing this stupid fight would be over with. - You don't owe me any explanations about who you' re going to bed with.
- What?" - you murmur, but then Wanda comes out of the room, slamming the door. You sit there for a good few minutes, trying to understand exactly what has happened.
You hear a knock on the door, and then Maria pokes her head into the room, smiling at you.
- Hi Maria. - You greet her, getting up.
- Hi Y/N. We're going back to the camp, are you coming? - She asks, and you just nod, a sad smile on your lips.
- I still have work to do, and I don't think Wanda wants to talk to me right now.
Maria waves sadly to you, and leaves the room, closing the door. You let out an annoyed sigh, grabbing your hat from the headboard before leaving the room.
Carol waits for you at the bar, and she is drinking water. She doesn't seem upset.
- Hey, good morning. - She says hello and you accept when she pours you some water.
- Not so good. - You mutter as you sit down. Carol giggles.
- I'm sorry about your fight. - She says, and you frown with confusion. She shrugs. - You both talk loud.
You nod in agreement, leaning your face against your hands. 
- Is everything okay with Maria? - you ask, and Carol nods.
- She was worried, but not really angry. - She says, and grabs her own hat, which she had left resting on the counter, and puts it on her head. - Let's focus on work for a few hours, shall we?
- Okay. - You murmur, getting up to follow Carol out of the hotel.
Carol rides beside you as far as the city limits, humming softly. You are lost in your own thoughts, reviewing the argument with Wanda, when you hear her calling you.
- You need money, right? - she asks.
- Yes. - You simply reply.
- I have a hint. - She says. - I helped a fellow at the station. He told me about a carriage. 
You laugh.
- What fella, Danvers? - You ask, and Carol rolls her eyes, laughing lightly.
- It doesn't matter. - she says humorously. You continue riding in silence for a few minutes, then Carol checks her watch. - Well, tell me if you are going to participate or not. I have to be at the meeting point.
Blinking in surprise, you straighten your posture.
- Damn, I didn't know it was this time already. - You comment. - I'm in, of course.
Carol smiles, and leads the way. You slightly speed up the gallop of the horses.
- This is it. - Carol says when you stop in a rather isolated area of the countryside. You thought you were near Saint Denis. - They will come from that direction. Let's wait behind those trees.
Stealing carriages was not a difficult job in general. One just had to be careful that things didn't get out of hand. Fortunately, Carol's contact was precise enough with the number of guards. You fired quickly, giving them no chance to react. And then you noticed the army crest on the carriage and frowned.
- Damn, they were feds? - You exclaimed as you dismounted from your horse, Carol looked as surprised as you were.
- Shit, Alden. - she grumbled. You figured Alden was the name of her contact. - Let's just steal the locker soon, and get out of here.
You nodded, crouching down to feel the carriage vault at the bottom. It didn't take long to find it, and you pulled it to the floor. Using your revolver to break the handle, you let out a hiss as you saw the amount of bills.
- Good job, Miss Danvers. - You joked, counting the money. You divided it into three parts: yours, Carol's, and the Camp's. 
Carol smiled and thanked you, but she continued with that worried look on her face as you mounted again, and rode away.
You were silent for another moment, Carol was strangely thoughtful, so you decided to ask.
- I'm trying to find out if Alden would set me up. - she said, without taking her eyes off the road. - He's not exactly someone who makes enemies. He gives tips for carriage robberies in exchange for a share of the profit.
- Maybe he didn't know. - You comment.
- Yes, I don't think he knew. - She says. - But this is still suspicious. The information he had was that a landowner's carriage was going to pass by. Easy money, few guards. 
- So someone lied about the registration of the trip. - You say, without really caring about it. - Rich people lie all the time. Maybe it is an illegal service. 
- I hope so, kid. - Carol says. - I wouldn't want it to bring trouble.
You nod, and you ride off again in silence. 
It took a while for you to get all the items on Potts' list, but when you finally finished, you stowed the items in the load on your horse, and rode back to camp. Carol was no longer with you, she said she needed to investigate the two families in town, and you waved goodbye.
The camp was quiet, most members were going about their daily chores. You watched Thor demonstrate to Monica how to skin properly, as you passed the hunting wagon, carrying the wrapped items that Potts asked you to buy.
You smiled at Pepper as you handed her the items, and she thanked you by ruffling your hair lightly. 
Looking around the camp, you let out a low grumble, remembering that you had to talk to Wanda. You decided to take a shower first, because even in clean clothes, you still smelled like booze.
- Trouble in paradise? - You tripped in shock while bathing, suddenly hearing a male voice. It was Pietro, who sat on the edge of the lake where you were standing. You had chosen a far corner of the camp to bathe in.
- Hi, Pietro. - You greeted, lathering your own hair again.
- Wanda is pissed off. What happened? - he asks after a moment. You feel your body tense at the mention, but do your best to cover it up.
- We had a disagreement. - You tell. - Actually, I don't really understand what happened.
- Tell me what happened so I know what to say. - He asks with slight amusement in his voice. You roll your eyes.
- Carol and I have had a few more whiskeys than we should have. - You start, and Pietro raises his eyebrows in irony, but you just ignore him. - And then Wanda and Maria came to pick us up in Rhodes.
- Okay, this doesn't seem like a big deal. We already drank more than we should together several times and it never bothered Wanda.  - he comments. And he assumes a thoughtful expression for a moment. - Nothing else has happened?
- I am not sure. She told me that Carol was passed out when they arrived, and that I was being dragged away by a harlot. - You say.
- Sorry, repeat that last part for me, please. - He asked with a mixture of seriousness and humor in his voice.
You frowned, as you repeated the words. It took a minute, and Pietro burst out laughing. You splashed water on him, and he stood up quickly, stepping away.
- She almost punched me when I asked her to switch our chores. - Pietro began, still laughing. - All this because she is jealous.
- What? - You asked in surprise, feeling your heart racing.
- You two are a disaster, I swear. - He commented, as he turned and walked back to the camp.
You spent several minutes trying to understand what happened at the hotel, replaying the interaction you had with Wanda. And then you let out a laugh, feeling your cheeks flush a little. It was funny to think that Wanda was jealous of you, if only she knew how completely in love you were with her, and no one would ever take her place.
Finishing your shower, you put on your clothes and walked towards the campsite, hoping that your girlfriend would be willing to talk to you about it.
Your eyes search for Wanda the very second you enter the tented camp area. You find her at the edge of the lake, away from the rest of the camp, and standing in front of one of the long trees, fishing. You bite your lip to keep from smiling, thinking that she looks absolutely adorable.
You walk beside her, making a noise with your feet so as not to scare her. Wanda turns her head to look at you for a moment, but doesn't smile, turning her attention back to the water.
- Can we talk? - you ask as you stop beside her.
- We are talking. - She replies, still not looking at you. You smile, turning your head to face the water.
- Your brother has an interesting theory. - You begin. - He believes that you are jealous.
Wanda lets out an incredulous laugh, looking at you with irritation. You think she looks pretty.
- Are you trying to irritate me even more? - Wanda says, and you turn to her. 
- Let me show you something. - You ask, offering your hand to Wanda. She rolls her eyes impatiently, throws the fishing rod on the ground, and takes your hand. You smile, but don't take her very far. You pull her gently behind the tree, hiding you from the rest of the camp. You lean your back against the wood as you pull Wanda by the hand to yourself. 
Wanda holds her breath at the proximity, and you smile as you stare at her lips.
- You know, Wanda, you don't have to be jealous. - You whisper, and she blinks in confusion and irritation.
- I’m n...
- Let me finish. - You interrupt with amusement. Wanda shifts her weight from her feet and rolls her eyes, but she doesn't refuse when you place one of her hands on your waist.
- I wanted to show you... - You begin, and use your hands together to guide Wanda's hand down to the level of the buttons on your pants. You feel your heart race, but guide her hand down to your belly, slowly making its way through the fabric of your pants along with the cotton of your panties, until it superficially touches your wet pussy. You both gasp at the contact. - How much I want you. - You close your eyes, bringing your foreheads together. - Nobody makes me feel this way, Wands.
Wanda says nothing for a moment, you feel the tightness in your waist increase. You try not to shiver against her fingers, biting your lips to keep from moaning at feeling her so deeply.
- You'd better not forget that. - Wanda whispers with a mixture of aggressiveness and teasing that makes the spot below your stomach clench. She removes her hand from your pants, and gives you a kiss on the cheek before walking away, leaving you alone, hot and horny against the tree.
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saksukei · 3 years
prince joshua au
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you loved your job more than anything,, serving the king and his family as a knight, was an honor that wasn't bestowed upon many so you considered yourself lucky
the king was looking for a husband for his wonderful daughter,, and she had rejected so many princes
the king had then called on to some palm readers and soothsayers that had said that the ‘prince’ destined to be his daughter's husband is currently trapped in a tower
the king did more research and came in contact with a small country, who's king and queen had died and their own child, the prince, was locked in a tower guarded by a dragon
the king then appointed you to find the tower, rescue the prince who would marry the princess as a sign of gratitude and they could rule the smaller country together
you agreed obviously
you were cheered on by everyone as you embarked on the journey, alone, with nothing but your horse to listen to your mindless chatter
and honestly, everything was going well like the trip wasn't too tough it was just really long
when you finally reached the castle, instead of causing a scene and all to you know ‘slay the dragon’ you simply found a back way to get up to the tower
you opened the door and then you heard someone singing, “prince joshua?” you called out and the singing stopped
then you came across one of the most handsome men you had ever seen,,, he had black hair, the face of a Greek god with well toned arms and hE LOOKED MORE LIKE A KNIGHT THAN YOU DID??
“are you here to rescue me?” he asked, nonchalantly, as he flipped open a book.
“yes!” you answered, in an unusually chirpy tone.
“cool– get out of here right now because I'm not going anywhere,” he told you quite bluntly
and you were like ??? this mf I crossed half the fuckin land but this ungrateful bitch eye
“i'm sorry,,, but don't you think that I would be rather capable of escaping this shit hole if wanted too?” he hissed. “but I don't– because I don't want to escape and I don't need anyone's help either.”
“prince joshua, I understand what you mean,,, but the princess is waiting to marry you!” you replied.
“oh great– another stuck up princess who wants to marry me.”
“actually,, our princess is great. she's an absolute sweetheart and she's one of the finest bachelorettes in the country,” you explained.
“then why has she rejected,,, fifty other princes and wants to go after the one trapped in a tower?” he deadpanned.
“because–the palm reader said so,,, but this isn't important–”
“i don't need your princess– so just go away,” he told you.
after thinking for several minutes, you came up with a solution
“look how about this? you come back with me, meet the princess and if you like her you can marry her, if you don't, well– I'll help you escape back to this tower,” you suggested, finally catching his attention.
“how do I know you'll keep your word?” joshua asked, setting his book down.
“i am a knight, sir, loyalty is one of the few idiosyncrasies we can offer.”
“alright then,, I trust you– you better not let me down,,” joshua spoke as he grabbed a backpack with all of his belongings.
you used the same way to avoid the dragon and started on with your journey
at first,,, you truly thought joshua was some stuck-up prince but the more you spent time with him,, the more you realized that joshua was literally a gentleman who would be the perfect ruler of the country
he acted like an asshole before because he was sick and tired of people trying to rescue him and take all the glory
you understood his anger and ever since then joshua had been so sweet,,,
joshua wouldn't let you carry his bag, he'd make sure you were getting enough rest during the journey and one day he even offered to keep an eye out so that you could sleep
you on the other hand, taught joshua on how to light a fire etc and even some basic etiquettes,, cause I mean even if he was a prince he was trapped in a tower for so long
one time, you guys had stopped to stay by the river for the night and soon it was early morning and you woke up and saw joshua wasn't near you??
and you immediately ran around the place only to find him in the river,, waist deep into the water, except– he was half naked??
and boi where you shocked
cause joshua was so damn gorgeous
his perfectly chiseled jawline with that broad chest of his, his adam's apple poking out, his abs, his arms, his wet hair jUST HIM???
you were lucky, because he didn't bring it up so you assumed he never noticed you standing there and gawking at him lmao
but all in all, you had fun with joshua he always managed to make you laugh but you could always have those late night talks with him
like when he asked you why you became a knight ,,,,,
“well, as a kid, when the knights would come back from winning the battle and the streets would be lined up with roses and people cheering from them, I knew at that point that, that was who I wanted to be.”
and he was like wow you're so cool omfg
also joshua gets impressed every time you hold your sword
he says he wants to learn how to use a sword too because he's a prince but he's really scared
you: josh hold my sword, it's literally not gonna do anything just hoLD IT
and you were like I think staying in the tower for too long has lowered your IQ level
but you also told Josh that if he didn't like holding a sword, then he doesn't have to, because you were there to protect him with your life
and you didn't realize but Joshua was looking at you with HEART EYES
soon enough, reached the palace and you were kinda upset that you know joshua had to go and well,,, get married and part of you really wished it wouldn't work out
because you had bonded with him so well you just ,,,,, started liking him and it broke your heart knowing you couldn't have him
besides, he didn't reciprocate anything either so it'd be useless to even imagine
but when you told the king and queen and they met joshua
they were like ??? you didn't get the message??
and you were like what message??
“the princess already found someone she liked and she's getting married in like a month–?”
and you were pissed more than you were happy
not because all this effort was for nothing but the fact that poor joshua,,, he might have been looking forward to this
so you talked to the king and queen and they said that joshua should go back to his country now
you left the room and started crying because you felt as if it was all your fault
“hey, are you okay?” you heard a voice behind you say,,,,, it was joshua
you wiped your tears, “y-yeah I'm good,” you managed to choke out.
and before you could leave, joshua wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, where you broke down and told him everything
you especially kept on apologizing to him and said that you'd make everything right and even find him a princess if you have too
“its okay if the princess doesn't want to marry me,,,, cause I found my princess right here,” he cooed and you chuckled because he was so cheesy,, typical Joshua
“but still josh, I'll take you back to the tower and all,” you told him
“nope, no need too– I need to go back to my country and look after my people as well, I've done enough damage as it is.”
“are you going to come with me if I go?” he asked, hoping you'd say yes
“I'm a knight, i can't leave the country....” you answered.
and then Josh was like okay hollup I'll talk to the king and the queen
and boi went into the room where the king and queen were while you waited outside and they called you inside eventually
and the king and queen were like,, “we would like you to resign,,, so you can marry joshua and go rule his country.”
and you were like ??????HOW DID HE SWEET TALK THEM INTO THIS EYE
the king and queen said they'd like to give you an official good bye if you could stay for another two to three days and you and Josh agreed
Josh had to stay in one of the palace rooms
and it was 7am you were going to talk to joshua about something very important and you knocked and opened his room door
“o-oh my god,,,, IM SO SORRY!” you yelled, as you covered your eyes and bowed profusely
and Joshua chuckled, as he walked towards you, removing your hands from your eyes, eventually pining you against the door,,,
“darling– don't like act like this is the first time you've seen me naked,,,,, we both know you've been quite scandalous.”
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6knotty6thotty6 · 3 years
So a couple of months ago, I saw a YouTube video that was an audio recording of season 5, episode 6 of Bojack Horseman, “Free Churro.” In the episode, the main character, Bojack Horseman, spends 20 minutes giving a eulogy at his mother’s funeral. There’s one big problem though, his mother was an abusive bitch. His eulogy is him trying to contemplate what she meant by her drying words, “I see you,” and whether or not she loved him. As someone who has a dead parent who was abusive, this is probably my favorite episode of any show ever for how much it helped me understand my feelings. The comments section is filled with people sharing their pain with their abusive families, but one comment stood out to me above all the others by how raw and relatable it was. This comment was by a YouTuber named Moonstruck. At the bottom of this post is a link to her channel. Please support her. After reading this, she deserves a million subscribers. Also please watch Bojack Horseman. (I corrected some of the grammatical errors to make it easier to read)
Disclaimer: Child abuse, bullying, trauma, and mental health:
This is a great monologue, but one part of it, in particular, really caught my attention was the 'grand gesture' bit.
When I was a kid, I read this book called "Chicken Soup for the Soul." There's a shitload of them. I don't remember which particular one it was. I hated the whole series because it's just someone profiting off a bunch of other people's stories rather than trying to write their own, in my opinion. 
This one story that I remember, the ONLY one I remembered,  was sent in by a little girl. She wrote about how her father never told her that he loved her. He never once, in her whole life, said the words "I love you." I don't remember her mom being mentioned, maybe she was dead; it doesn't matter. The point is her dad was basically an emotionless asshole. Well, one day, this girl gets sick. Really sick. Possibly on her deathbed sick. She wrote that one day she woke up to find a necklace sitting on her nightstand that had a pendant that looked like her dog. She said she held it to her heart and cried because that necklace said all the things her father never had.
I thought, "What a load of bullshit."
A cheap trinket doesn't make up for years and years of emotional neglect. Anyone can buy a thing and toss it your way. Hell, he didn't even hand it to her himself, just left it there for her to find if/when she woke up, then left her alone again to possibly die.
A lot of people say that actions speak louder than words, in cases like political protests and shit. While that's true, scenarios that this that girl are different. Gifts can never replace the words, "I love you."
When I was a kid, my father never told me he loved me. My mother didn't either, but she's a whole other kettle of fish. I would say 'my biological mother or father,' but I never got adopted ones, so who gives a shit. Anyway. My father was rarely around, and when he was, he just spent the entire time fighting with my mother and leaving again. He would do and say anything that could get him to spend less time in the house with her. With us. I can't blame him. If I could've left during those times, I would have. I tried more than once. I even earned the nickname 'runaway' from a family friend because of it. 
I was told that I was worthless as early as I could understand words. I don't know what it is about me that set my mother off, but she HATED me. I was always told how expensive I was to keep alive and how I wasn't worth it. If I dared ask for anything, she would remind me how much she spent just to keep me from starving to death and that it was too much already. On the rare occasion I was given something, it was so she could use it as a threat. She was like, "Sure, you can have that toy horse since we got your sister a real one, but you better behave or we'll give it to her and let her break it." Or "Oh, fine, we can keep this dog as a FAMILY pet (NOT YOURS), but if you do something we don't like, we'll take it away and kill it." 
Oh, yeah. I have a sister. She’s cut from the same cloth as our mother. I don't consider any of them family anymore. She was two years older than me. She was the "we should have stopped while we were ahead" kid. Anything she wanted, she got. 
"Mom, can I have an award-winning horse and expensive dressage lessons?"
"Mom, can I have a car?"
"No problem!"
"Mom, can you pay for my ballet lessons?"
She was the golden child. The one that could do no wrong and wasn't a mistake. Even after she totaled her car, got arrested for an underage DUI, and got pregnant three times in high school, she was still the good one. I never even asked to go to school dances, parties, or go out with the one friend I had. My sister liked to see me in pain. She'd tell our mom that I did things just to get me in trouble. Whether it involved blaming me for things she did or fabricating stuff, she'd say whatever it took to get my mother to beat me while she watched and laughed. Oh, yeah, our mom was BIG on physical punishment. I've been whipped with everything from a riding crop, a wooden paddle, spoons, and especially belts. Anything that was close at hand when my mother got irritated, I've been hit with it. 
At one point, my sister had three tall, beautiful show-worthy horses. I was allowed to keep a sickly old pony for all of a week before she was taken away, then I'd get called ungrateful for asking why we had to get rid of HER instead of one of the horses. Even though my mother said it cost too much to keep them all. With horses being obviously too rich for my blood, I asked for something cheaper, and for once, I got it. I was given a baby goat that one of our neighbors' goats had abandoned for being too weak, and they didn't have time to raise. I loved that goat. I bottle raised him, and named him Ben. He was my best friend for a while. When he grew up, he got so big that I was able to stand on his back to grab tree branches and pull them down so he could eat the leaves. I walked him on a leash like a dog every day. I loved him so much. My mother had me enter him in a show, and we won ninth place! I was thrilled to have something to show against my sister's collection of dressage show ribbons. I finally had proof that I could do something right! Sure, the prize money was taken away from me, but I still had Ben.
But Ben didn't come home with me after the show. It turns out he was sold to a slaughterhouse because that show was for meat goats. I didn't know until he was already gone. Of course, my mother punished me for being upset and even forced me to write a thank-you card to the people who bought his meat. 
My mother was always like that. Anything I loved was used as a threat. I eventually accepted that loving anything was a waste of time. I learned to detach myself from my feelings, and I got really good at it. I can completely turn off my emotional reaction to anything. One time I had to put down one of the egg-laying hens at work that got too sick to save, and I felt nothing while bringing down the ax. When I lost out on a job that could have changed my life, I told myself how stupid it was to hope for anything good. Any positive emotion I felt got me punished, so I learned to feel nothing at all. To this day, I still have trouble feeling things, even when I want to. I'm taking pills now, and they help, sometimes. 
I've had several suicide attempts. I keep a box of razor blades in my desk just to have them close. I got a tattoo of a heart with rainbows on my wrist. Partially for LGBT solidarity, but mostly to remind myself that there is still beauty in the world. I still struggle with wonder if I actually believe it or not. 
I've tried so hard to be a good kid. I never partied, never drank, never smoked even when the chances were there, and I would have greatly loved anything to make the pain stop or even just dull it a little bit. I was in the gifted and talented program at school and was able to graduate at fifteen. For a while, I was sent to a children's home where I was passed around to many people I didn't know, including a clown who I may or may not have actually been related to, until I eventually wound up out here where I am now. It's all pretty hazy, and the details get scrambled. 
It's been 10 years since I've had contact with my mother and sister. I can't even keep in touch with the one friend I had, even after I lived with her. She's tried to reach out to me, but I just… can't. I try, but I can't. Sometimes, I can almost pretend that my past wasn't real. It's just a hazy fog that isn't really there. I want to believe that if I don't allow something, or someone, who was part of that past, someone tangible and real, into my life again, then the fog will go away. This is why I can't do it. I know I'm a terrible friend. Ariel, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. You're better off without me in your life anyway. 
I typed all of this out because sometimes, about fifty dollars or so shows up in my PayPal from my father's email address. I don't know if it's from him or from her using his email, but it doesn't matter either way. The point is I know my mother is the one sending the money.
I know my mother likes to think she's a good person. She went to church every Sunday, and probably still does. She organized a lot of church events and participated in every church function. I had to be an altar server for several years until I aged out of it and was in the choir. She kept going to that church even after the priest got drunk, called me many horrible names in front of everyone, and was revealed to be a pedophile that raped a little boy at gunpoint. She probably still goes to that same church and organizes things. She likes being in charge. She likes having people look at her and say, "That there is a good person."
But are you, though, Mom? Are you really a good person? Were you a good person when you hit me? When you lied to me? When you laughed with my sister about how much I got hurt for things I didn't do? Were you a good person every time you told me you'd kill my cat or leave my dog at the pound? Were you a good person when you sold Ben to be eaten, knowing that I loved him? Were you a good person when you made me read "A child called It" and told me that you'd start doing the things in that book to me if I didn't behave? Were you a good person every time you told my father I was a liar whenever I tried to tell him what you were doing to me? Were you a good person when you told me I wasn't worth the cost of being alive? Were you? 
Fuck you, Mom! Keep your fucking money! A necklace on the nightstand isn't enough. A trinket can't heal years and years and years of abuse and hurt. You can't hide these scars under dollar bills. I hope you die alone. I know I probably will, but I don't even care anymore. I lost the ability to care thanks to you. You can't make up for the things you did and the things you didn't say now. Too little, too late! 
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kian-bera · 4 years
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Merlin was exhausted from work. Trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of customers at Christmas was exhausting. He loved to help people find the magic of books though, they were all he had left of the world he once knew. The world when Camelot and all of Avalon still existed. The world, where Arthur was still alive. There was a knock at the door and Merlin just sighed before getting up. He opened the door and saw Leon standing there with Christmas Eve dinner, just like every year.
"Happy Christmas." Leon said sadly as he leaned against the door post.
"Happy Christmas Leon. Come in." The two men walked to the kitchen table and sat down, the only light came from the street lights and a few lights that lit Merlin's small tree in the corner. "Do you ever think this will end?"
"I do not know Merlin. Maybe one day, somehow we will see Avalon rise again, we will see Arthur and Gwen and all of our friends once more gathered at the round table. Or we will be here for another 1500 years wishing and hoping that we can find a way to end this stupid immortality thing and finally just die of old age."
Merlin just nodded and dug his food out of the fast food bag in front of him. The two sat in silence as they ate, the only sound was that of the cars and the late city life down below. Leon and Merlin eventually made their way to the couch and curled up together to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" as they have always done since the movie came out. Leon put a blanket over Merlin once he finally fell asleep halfway through the movie. When they woke up, the news was on about two men who had been arrested early that morning. Leon nudged Merlin awake.
"Merlin, my eyes could be deceiving me, but is that Arthur and Gwaine?" Leon asked, shaking his head. The news reporter popped up on the screen.
"Good morning London. This morning, these two men were caught soaking wet and screaming for the mythical wizard Merlin. One keeps claiming he is the King of Camelot himself Arthur, while the other insisting he is Sir Gwaine of the infamous round table. If anyone can come and get them, the officers who arrested them would be grateful." The camera cut to a picture of Gwaine and Arthur sitting in a holding cell still in armour. Their swords and Arthur's cape had been taken and the armour might have been taken, but it looks like they put up a fight.
Merlin and Leon jumped up and threw on a pair of matching Christmas sweaters Leon had gotten them years ago as a joke gift. Merlin quickly grabbed his keys and ran to his car. After all these years of having one, he still did not completely understand how all the mechanics worked even though he had a drivers license. He preferred his bike, but he would need more than one seat.
When they got to the police station, Merlin and Leon walked up to the information desk and inquired about Arthur and Gwaine. Leon told the officer that the two had been drunk at a dress up Christmas party and had gotten drunk. They had wandered off and no one could find them. Leon paid the bail while Merlin waited for Arthur and Gwaine to come up. Once they were there, the men were given back their chainmail and swords before Merlin tackled Arthur.
"Where are we, and why won't these knights listen to me?" Arthur questioned, a bit annoyed.
"Arthur, I will answer all your questions later, okay? We need to get you back to my flat and out of the armour."
"You are right Merlin, it really does need polishing doesn't it?"
"Yes, now come on." Merlin dragged Arthur and Gwaine to his car where Leon was waiting for them. Merlin helped them into the car and just sat there in the passenger seat, mixed emotions swimming through his brain. When they got back to Merlin's flat, Merlin and Leon took them inside.
"Do you have any spare clothes?" Leon asked Merlin.
"Why would I want to wear Merlin's clothes?" Arthur asked plopping down on the couch.
"Because you need to fit in." Merlin told him going to his closet in his bedroom. Gwaine followed him to the bedroom.
"What is all of this new stuff? Like what was that carriage that we were just in?" Gwaine questioned watching Merlin throwing clothes into his bed.
"I will attempt to explain everything to you and Arthur. Please go back to the living room with them." Merlin shooed Gwaine out of the room. Once Gwaine was out, Merlin shut the door before running over to his pillow and screaming into the soft fabric. Afterwards he sat up, and grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants someone had given him, that were big on himself. He came out and told Arthur to change into them in the bathroom while he found something to wear for Gwaine. The issue was Gwaine was taller than he was, so he wanted to find something that would be long enough to cover his legs.
"MERLIN COME HELP ME PLEASE!" Arthur yelled from the bathroom. Merlin just laughed as Arthur tried to get his head through the turtle neck shirt he had given to Arthur. "Don't just stand there, help me." Merlin just shook his head and went over to help Arthur with the shirt.
"Arthur what do you remember?" Merlin asked, pulling the neck of the shirt over Arthur's head.
"I was stabbed by Mordred. You have magic. I died with you holding me in your arms. What happened after Camelot lost their King Merlin? How did Guivere fair? Did she remarry? Was their an heir to the throne? Who all survived? Did my knights make it home? I mean Gwain was with me when we came from the lake, so I suppose he died."
"Arthur calm down one question at a time okay? You will overload yourself. Camelot mourned for you Arthur. The people, they loved you. Every year on the eve of when you died there was a vigil. Guivere was out of it for a while, royal advisors kinda took over making decisions. Once she came around, she was a wonderful queen. She did you proud, Arthur." Merlin took a step back and smiled.
"What about the rest of my questions?"
"Those should be answered by the man in the living room with Gwaine."
"Wait there was someone else here?" Arthur questioned heading for the door.
"Yes, I wasn't driving the car with magic. Right you don't know what a car is or how it works. Right."
Leon and Gwaine sat at the table laughing. Gwaine had found the basket of apples Merlin kept in the kitchen to snack on when he was writing. His laptop sat on a small table with a bunch of sticky notes around it on the wall.
"By the way Merlin, when I saved your busts at the tavern, that was an act of heroism, I mean who else would take on those bullies." Gwaine said smiling. He took the Apple core and tossed it into the trash can.
"Good morning Arthur." Leon said, smiling. Arthur gasped and ran over to Leon. "I've missed you. Merlin has been teaching me poetry you know."
"How dare he teach you poetry, that's my thing." Arthur gave a small laugh. "Merlin said I should ask you about what happened to Gwen after I died. Does Merlin not know?"
"He does, but it was a rocky time for him. About three years after your death, I...Gwen and I got married and I became the new King of Camelot. We had two sons. The oldest we named Arthur in honor of Camelot's once and future king. The younger of the two we had several years later, we named him Elyan after Gwen's brother. They grew up to be strong knights and princes, and long after Gwen passed away, I stepped down as King and let Arthur and his wife Elizabeth take over as King and Queen. They ruled Camelot with honor and dignity until they died and then their son Emeyrus took over as King. So the line went down for another 250 years. Then one harsh winter, a famine took over Camelot and all of Avalon. All the kingdoms fell to the Saxons and Avalon was lost forever. All that's left is the pillar in the lake, Merlin and myself."
"If there is one more question I may ask? What happened after the battle?" Arthur asked tears in his eyes. Leon knee what he meant by everyone.
"Only myself and Percival survived." Arthur just nodded. "I'm not sure if Gwaine remembers but he was tortured to death by Morgana."
"So, Merlin got mad at you for taking Gwen's hand in marriage?"
"Merlin calm down please..." Leon went to lay a hand on his shoulder, but Merlin pulled away, tears streaming down his eyes. He wanted to run far away, where no one knew who he was, or what had happened. "Merlin please, I know you are still upset about Arthur. We all are, but we have to move forward for the sake of Camelot."
"For the sake of Camelot." Merin echoed. "Camelot this and Camelot that, everything is done for the sake of Camelot." Merlin shook his head and ran off to the stables. He had a bag packed and a horse ready to leave. He hopped up and took off into the forest. He went to the one place he felt safe. He rode to the lake.
When Merlin arrived, he left his horse in the tree line and went down to the edge of the lake. The water was lapping against the shore harshly as a storm was blowing in from the north. Merlin did not care though. He did not want to hear the wedding bells.
"Hi Arthur, so Leon and Gwen are getting married today. I want to be happy for them, I really do, but at the same time, I want you to be home. I want you to come home like they said you would. I want to believe more than anything that you will rise from the lake. It hurts without you Arthur, as annoying as you could be dollaphead, I never realized how much I needed you." Merlin heard a snap and turned around. Percival came down to the water and sat beside Merlin. "I thought you would be a Leon and Gwen's wedding."
"I was going too, but then I saw you ride off and crying. I figured you'd be here talking to Arthur. It's what you do when you're upset."
"Thank you Perse. I guess I just hoped that Arthur would return."
"We all do." Percival told  Merlin, hugging him close.
"Yeah he wouldn't talk to me for weeks, but he finally came around and accepted our marriage. I think he was just hoping you would come back and fix everything."
"Thank you Leon, for everything." Arthur told him.
"Of course Arthur, while I may have become the king, you were and still are my king and I am proud to serve by your side." There was a bright flash of light from outside the flat and people started screaming. The four ran to the window and glanced down. There she was, Morgana in the flesh standing on the ground with Aithusa by her side. Morgana glanced up at the boys and smirked. She began to chant and Merlin told everyone to get away from the windows. The window shattered, and Merlin took most of the damage as he was still right in front.
"MERLIN!" Leon ran over and checked for damage. Merlin was bleeding but he had curled up that most of the glass didn't hit anything major.
"COME OUT HERE COWARDS OR SHALL THIS NEW CITY AND KINGDOM FALL TOO!" Morgana shouted from the ground. Arthur ran over to the window, glancing down at her.
"You will never win Morgana, now go back from whatever corner of the death that you came from."
"Never, I lost my chance once, I will not lose this battle again." Morgana hopped on Aithusa and rode off into the distance. Arthur just stood there glancing at the people below who were confused and scared.
"Hey Leon...er King?" Merlin asked, trying to figure out how to address the new ruler.
"Just Leon is fine Merlin. You are an old friend and such formality is not needed."
"Okay Just Leon." Merin cracked a small smile and laughed.
"Is that a smile I see?" Queen asked, walking over to the men.
"Maybe....." Merlin replied. Leon hugged him close. "We have missed this Merlin."
"Well dollaphead I should get to work then. What will it be, polishing armour, scrubbing the floors. Have I mentioned polishing armour." Merlin gave the first true smile he had given in three years. Gwen laughed and hugged Merlin as well.
"Armour sounds good, but we have a trip to go on first." Leon told him. Leon took him down the hall and to the great hall.
"The stables are that way Leon." Merlin said, pointing in the opposite direction.
"I know they are, but this trip is within the castle walls." When they got to the room, Leon had Merlin close his eyes and led him across the room. "Now open." Merin opened his eyes to see a red curtain.
"Wow Just Leon, that's impressive." Leon scoffed and nudged Merlin.
"Let then open the curtain first." The curtains opened and there stood a bronze statue of Arthur and Merlin. They stood side by side, swords drawn. Merlin hugged Leon and sobbed into his chest. "Shhh it's okay Merlin, I knew you would want something to honor Arthur and I thought that having you two together would be even better. You two were always together no matter what."
"Thank you Leon. For everything. I'm glad you became the king." Merlin took a step back and wiped his eyes.
Arthur returned to where Leon was helping Gwaine pick glass out of Merlin's side. Arthur sat beside them and tried to help. Every time they pulled out a piece, Merlin flinched. Arthur eventually had to pull away because he started to tear up. They had only been reunited for less than a day and Merlin was already hurt trying to save him.
"Is there anything I can do? Like get some water?" Arthur asked, pacing the floor.
"Uh yeah, the cups are in the cabinet. Sink water is fine." Leon told Arthur pointing to the kitchen. Arthur went over and found a cup.
"Where did you say the pump was?" Arthur asked.
"Oh see the sink?"
"Pull that silver lever gently." Arthur nodded and put the cup under the spout and pulled the level.
"Wow it doesn't stop after a few seconds. You don't have to pump the water."
"No you don't, it's quite nice." Arthur brought the cup of water back and went back to playing with the sink. "Arthur dont run too much water, we have a high water bill as it is."
"Water bill? Like you have to pay to have this running water?" Arthur asked.
"Yes you do." Leon told him helping Merlin, who was now awake, to the table.
"I never did ask. What year is it?" Arthur questioned finding other things in the kitchen to play with.
"It's 2020." Merlin replied weakly.
"But that means...It's been 1500 years." Gwaine said sitting down.
"Yeah." Leon and Merlin replied in unison.
"Hey Leon calm down, it will be alright. Gwen is a strong woman. She will be fine." Merlin told Leon trying to  calm him down. After a few hours, Leon was finally allowed inside Gwen's bedroom. She was asleep, but her lady In waiting was holding a newborn baby boy. She handed Leon his son and smiled.
"He is perfectly healthy Sire, no problems at all. And Gwen is fine, she is just tired and needs some rest." She explained to the king.
"Oh yes of course, can I?"
"Go ahead sire." Leon held his newborn son close to his chest and smiled at the small child wrapped in a wool blanket. He walked to his chambers while Merlin ran ahead and opened the door. Leon sat on his bed while Merlin stood there awkwardly.
"Merlin why don't you take the rest of the day off. You were up with me early this morning and have been there for me all day. It is the least I can do after all you've done."
"Are you sure Leon?"
"Yes I'm sure now shoo, flee, go enjoy yourself. I'll have a guard find you if I need you." Leon smiled at him and waved him out.
"Thank you Leon." Merlin smiled and walked out the door. He knew that Leon had told him to go, but he sat right outside the door and fell asleep.
"So, what kind of story are you writing?" Gwaine asked Merlin trying to get him to talk.
"A story about Camelot. The true story, not what legend has told. Oh Arthur pulled this fancy sword name Excalibur from a stone and now he's this king of this amazing kingdom. Like sorry, but he was already king when he pulled Excalibur from the sword. That was just reassurance that he was the true king of Camelot since he had lost faith."
"You are telling the truth." Arthur replied, smiling.
"I'm telling our story." Merlin told him, smiling back as he tried to sit up in his chair. "Now enough dilly saddling. Morgana is back, what are we going to do?"
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The Sword of the Solstice
Chapter 6: The City of Reneumel.
The party is silent as Tsuyu walks over to the party. Ochaco sighs, and sits down. A distraction. She thinks, in relief. Tsuyu smiles. “You just keep finding new members, don’t you?” Says the Tortle, with a smile. Izuku unclips the scabbard from his belt and sets the Solstice Sword on the table. “Well, we found the only member of the party that's alive that you sent after this sword.” He points to Ochaco, and Tsuyu frowns. “I feared that was the case...”
She points to the sword. “So you found it?” Izuku nods, and taps the table. “We were wondering if you knew more about it? And the legend that’s attached to it?” Shoto asks. She laughs. “Oh, I was a young Tortle when the last bearer was here. How long ago was that?” She taps her chin. “35 years ago? Yes, she was a nice young lady. Was a dwarf, I think.” Eijiro gasps. “You knew the previous bearer?”
She nods, with a smile. “Oh, yes. Her name was Nana Shimura. She told me that she was on her way to a Dwarven City known as Panotha. Although I think nowadays it is just ruins. Rumor has it a great serpent destroyed it.” She sighs. She drones on, saying things about Panotha’s culture. Katsuki groans. “About the sword, Tsuyu?” He interrupts. She hits her forehead. “Oh, you youngsters, can’t appreciate art!” She shakes her head. “What is it you need to know?” She asks.
Izuku sighs. “Well, do you know anything about Lathander’s Lightning?” He asks. She nods, and tells them about the group of Lathander clerics, known as the Order of Light, who channel energy from the Light to keep the Darkness of Dendar at bay. She continues by saying that it is believed that there is an order of dark clerics of Dendar, known as the League of Darkness. They supposedly have the power to consume the world in darkness.
The only reason they haven’t, legend states, is because of the Mage of Luminescence. A very powerful individual who wielded a sword created by the Order of Light, imbued with magic power, in particular, Lathander’s Lightning. The sword was given to this great Mage of Light on the Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year. He fought the League of Darkness and was said to have stopped them.
“But...” She finishes. “I have heard rumors of strange cloaked figures with glowing eyes being abroad. They say that you see them, and then you blink, or look away, and POOF! They’d vanish!” Ochaco swallows. “You uh, said that their eyes were glowing. Were they purple?” Ochaco asks. Tsuyu frowns, and slowly nods. “Yes, I believe they did say that...” Eijiro frowns. “Do you know something, Ochaco?”
She pulls her hat down, concealing her face. “I think I may have seen people like that before...” She whispers, and everyone goes silent. “I uh, I saw a man sitting in the corner there.” She points towards the corner of the tavern. “He looked just like the man that made me a Mage of Dendar’s cult... but he disappeared when I looked over at you guys.” Momo frowns, as she grabs her sword.
“Miss Ochaco, why didn’t you say anything?” Ochaco bites the inside of her cheek. “Because I was hoping it was just my mind playing tricks on me.” Katsuki growls. “So what you’re saying is, we have a cult that wants to use a sword to destroy our world, a bunch of demons patrolling the streets, AND a creepy man that maybe has something to do with your past?” Ochaco nods.
Izuku frowns. “We need to find these guys, and fast.” Eijiro says. Shoto and Momo stand. “I think our best course of action is to head to Reneumel, as we know this cult has been there before.” Shoto says, the others nod. Tsuyu sighs. “I didn’t think I’d see two bearers in my lifetime, but may the Light shine upon you, dear Izuku; Mage of Luminescence!” Izuku clips the sword to his belt.
“Well, let’s move out, everyone. We must make haste.” Izuku says, and the six of them gather up their things, pay Tsuyu for the rooms, and rush down to the stable to retrieve their horses. They hop onto their horses, and head off to Reneumel.
Shoto sighs. “Lady Momo, you know the way to Reneumel, so lead us there.” She nods, as she urges her horse forward, with Ochaco riding behind her. “Where exactly is Reneumel?” Izuku asks, pouring over a map while riding behind Shoto.
“It's not on any map I've seen before.” He adds. Momo sighs. “You are no doubt aware of the East-West Road?” She asks, and he nods. “About 11 and a half leagues down that road is a crossroad, er, well, a new crossroad, that is called Rena Passage. Take that passage through Ghia Forest for 20 and a third leagues, and you've reached Reneumel.”
Izuku pulls out a graphite pencil, and draws the passage on his map, and the Kingdom of Reneumel to the northeast of the passage. “Huh, so we're not so far away from this place.” Katsuki says, as he and Eijiro ride closer to see Izuku's map.
Momo grips her horse's reins tightly. “It may be short distance-wise, but the shadow of Dendar looms over this small pass. We must be quiet and slow, so they do not see us coming.” She looks back at Shoto. “Especially not you, my lord. They would not want the heir of Reneumel to reclaim his throne.”
Shoto frowns. “All the more reason to get there safely.” He says. They go down the East-West Road for a while, the sun rising above the trees. Momo pulls her horse to a stop. “This is the crossroad. Keep an eye out for traps or ambushes.”
Izuku clears his throat. “I can help with that. Traps and ambushes are my area of expertise.” He climbs off of Shoto's horse, and walks ahead of the girls and Momo's horse. He does a full turnaround, but shakes his head. “I can't see anyone. But I do think we should exercise extreme caution.”
They keep on the passage, Izuku walking in front to keep his eyes out for traps or bandits. He holds his hand up, and pulls a dagger out. The party stops. Momo and Shoto grab hold of their greatswords. Izuku flings the dagger at the ground in front of them.
The dagger gets caught in a net, that flies up into a tree. “A net trap?” Ochaco asks. Izuku sighs. “Yeah, it appears so.” He climbs the tree, and undoes the trap. The dagger starts to fall, but he snags it out of the air, and hops down.
“Wow, Deku. SO COOL. Can we get back on track?” Katsuki asks, getting impatient. Izuku nods. “Let us move along then.” Shoto says. Thus the party began on their journey again. Eijiro looks around at all of the trees, and to him it felt like the forest closed in around him.
To Katsuki's annoyance, Eijiro repeatedly jumps at every little noise. A creak from a tree branch, a squirrel chattering, or a twig snapping under the horses' hooves were like the end of the world to him. Katsuki groans. “Scales? Can you do me the PLEASURE of not jumping at EVERY stupid noise in this forest?”
Eijiro whimpers. “S-sorry. As a Draconic, I admit I don't see wildlife much... We usually live in caves or deep in a mountain...” Katsuki grunts. “Well, get used to it.” He snaps. Izuku gasps. “Kacchan! Be nice!” Katsuki rolls his eyes. “Whatever, just try and contain your fear in a nice and quiet place in your brain.”
Eijiro nods. “Yeah, okay.” He looks around them, and the trees seem to have faces that are scowling at Eijiro. He swallows, and starts to pick at his scales to distract himself. Izuku glances around, still waiting for someone to ambush them. Ochaco looks ahead, and sees a cloaked figure. “Stop for a second.” She says, and hops down.
Momo frowns. “What is it, Miss Ochaco?” She asks. Ochaco walks closer to where she saw the figure. A taller fellow stands with his back turned ahead. She points him out to Izuku, and Izuku gets his shortsword out. Shoto, noticing the figure too, climbs off his horse.
“Do you think we can sneak by him?” He whispers, and Izuku taps his chin. “We'd have to be very stealthy.” Eijiro grins. “I can cast Pass Without Trace? So that we'll look like nothing?” He suggests. The others nod. “Yes, do that, please.” Ochaco says.
Eijiro closes his eyes, and chants in Draconic. A veil of shadows appear over them. Katsuki groans. “Not to sound ungrateful, Scales, but why didn't you do that at the beginning?” Eijiro's nose twitches. “I can only hold it for an hour, and can do it once a day...” He explains.
“Well, we can move fast in an hour, so let's get going.” Shoto says. He and Ochaco get back on their respective horses, and make their way towards the figure. As they get closer, they see that this figure is a man who has black hair.
He seems to have been severely burned. The skin under his eyes, his chin and neck are reddened, and held together by metal clippings. His eyes are blue not unlike blue flames. He lifts his arm up, to reveal that he also has burns there.
They walk up to him, and he looks up. Everyone freezes. “He can't see us or hear us, right?” Ochaco asks, her voice shaking. Eijiro frowns. “He shouldn't be able to...” The man furrows his brow, and walks closer. He stands right by Izuku, close enough that Izuku could stare him in the eyes.
Izuku starts to lift his shortsword, but the man shrugs. “Ugh, this forest gives me the creeps. Hopefully one day I'll be assigned to work for Mistress Dendar in Loyaci.” He says, as he walks back to the tree he had been standing by.
Ochaco gasps. “Loyaci is where I was born.” She says. Momo frowns. “Then you were born before no soul could enter there.” Momo sighs. “They say a dark spell rules the city of Loyaci...I have never thought to associate it to Dendar...”
Izuku grunts. “We'll have to check it out soon.” Izuku says. They agree, and rush out of the burnt man's sight. For although they are cloaked by Eijiro's spell, none of them wanted to overstay their welcome. They are rattled by this encounter.
They keep along the path, but it seems like the worst was behind them. They reach the wooden gate of Reneumel. Eijiro frowns, as he looks up at the gate. “Maybe you should reconsider using wood for this...” He says, and Momo grimaces.
“We don't have the funds nor the manpower to get anything stronger... As unfortunate as that may be.” Shoto sighs. “If all goes well, Eijiro, you can fix our defenses for us, seeing as how you're Draconic.” Shoto says, and Eijiro bows his head. “It'd be my honor.”
Momo climbs off her horse, and walks up to the guards at the gate. “Lady Yaoyorozu!” They say. Momo sighs. “Yes, I have returned. Have Sir Iida, Sir Ojiro, Sir Aoyama, and Lady Kaminari returned? I sent them to search for Sako Atsuhiro.”
The guard shakes his head. “I'm afraid not, my Lady.” She sighs. “Very well. I'm sure they will find their quarry.” The guard nods. “Indeed they will!” He turns around and looks through a slit in the door. “Open the gates, Lady Yaoyorozu returns!”
Multiple voices can be heard shouting “yes, sir!” The gates open, and Momo grabs the reins of her horse, and guides him towards the open gates. Shoto and Katsuki guide their horses behind her, and after they are inside, the guards pull the door closed. They ride into the city, which consists of stone houses, and small wooden stands and stalls. Momo explains that since the attack of the dragon and now with the Cult destroying most of the buildings, no one have the resources or the time to make elaborate buildings.
They stop at a small stable at the foot of a mound. A man with yellow hair walks up to them. He has a black streak in his hair on the left side. Momo walks up to him, and hands him the reins. “Take care of these horses.” She says, and he nods. He motions for the others to come closer. “I shall put the horses into a safe place, ma’am.” She smiles, as Ochaco gets off the horse.
“Has Kyoka came back?” The man asks, looking concerned. Momo shakes her head. “No word has been heard, Mr. Kaminari.” He bites his lip. “Oh. Very well, I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” He says, as he pulls Momo’s horse towards the stable. Shoto and Izuku hop on Shoto’s horse, which disappears as Shoto releases his hold on the spell. Eijiro hops off, bumping Katsuki on the way down. Katsuki grumbles for him to watch it.
He walks up to the stable hand, and smiles. “Hello, I’m Eijiro Kirishima!” He holds his hand out, and the man chuckles. “Denki Kaminari.” He says, and sighs. Eijiro notices his dejected state, and frowns. “What is the problem, friend?” Eijiro asks. Denki plays with a ring on his left ring finger. “My wife, Kyoka, is a paladin. It appears that she hasn’t come back from her mission yet.”
Eijiro smiles. “Oh, I see. It must be hard to have a wife as a paladin...” Denki nods. “It has been a challenge, but we make it work.” Katsuki grunts. “Can you make friends later, Scales? We kind of need to work out some things?” Katsuki says, exasperated. Eijiro frowns. “Oh, my bad!” He turns around. Momo points up to the mound. “My lord’s palace is up there.” A building is at the top, it has a stone staircase which seems to be carved into the face of it, leading up to the wooden building.
They all make their way up, and the sides of the stairs have stones carved out onto the sides. Once they reach the top, there is a roof over the entrance which has three arches, made of red-ish stone. The building has a picture of a sun on a horizon overlooking water on the front, towards the roof. On the roof, is two cats with their heads intertwined, made of gold. 2 buttresses extend from the sides, with cats on top, overlooking the palace.
Two flagpoles with golden threaded flags that have the same symbol as the building on them stand nearby. There is also a bench made of metal there. Momo leads them to the entrance, and stops. “My lord, please head on in.” She says. Shoto steps forward to see the large wooden doors have cats in gold inlay on them. Katsuki chuckles. “You elves are obsessed with cats, huh?” He asks. Ochaco hits him.
“It’s the visage of Lathander, nitwit!” She says. Shoto nods. Katsuki rubs his arm, but keeps silent. Izuku walks up to the door, and runs his finger along the inlay. Eijiro frowns. “Quite a lot work went into this building... You really need defenses.” He remarks. Shoto pushes the doors open, and sighs. “We can figure that out soon.” Shoto says.
He walks in, with Izuku and Eijiro behind him, with Ochaco, Katsuki, and Momo in the back. Shoto looks around, there are 8 pairs of circular wooden supports with white cloth around them. For each pair, and arch connects them, with golden inlay in it. They look up to see banners not unlike the flags outside hang from the rafters. There are wooden tables under the arches, and they have white and gold rugs running down the middle.
Three candelabras hang over the middle, with candles burning brightly in them. They walk past a door on the left, which Momo says leads to the King’s Quarters and other such chambers. They reach the back, where the throne lies. It is elevated by three steps. Over them is a large arch, and two smaller ones either side of it, held up by thin wood pillars. Above the arches is a carving of the symbol on the flags and the front of the buildings.
Ochaco gasps. “This place is beautiful!” She says. Momo smiles. “Thank you.” She says. Katsuki grunts and goes to sit at one of the tables, and Eijiro follows. In the wall behind the throne itself are pillars and arches. In each is a different colored banner with the symbol on them. From left to right the colors are; green, red, yellow, blue, and finally black. Shoto walks up the steps, and stands before the throne.
It’s wooden and is engraved with various designs of cats and suns. He kneels, placing his hand on the seat. Izuku frowns. “Something wrong, Shoto?” He asks. Shoto swallows. “You recreated Father’s throne?” He asks, turning to Momo. She shakes her head. “That’s the original.” Shoto scoffs. “But the castle was razed to the ground!” He says, standing up. She shakes her head again.
“No, the throne room survived.” She says. Shoto laughs. “That arrogant, impossible fool... even when destroying his own kingdom, he couldn’t let go of symbol of his power.” He looks at the throne in contempt. Ochaco frowns. “You really don’t like him, huh?” She asks. Izuku sighs. “He’s dead.” Izuku explains. Momo gasps. “You saw him die?” She asks.
Shoto nods, and explains what happened at the Draconic Cave on the Myki Pass. “So, he was a servant of Dendar then...” Momo says, as she methodically rubs the hilt of her greatsword. Both Shoto and Izuku nod. “And your Draconic friend ended him.” She adds, looking over at Eijiro, who is laughing at something Katsuki said. Again, they nod. “How do you know that he isn’t the one that...?” She whispers.
Shoto bites his lip. “I admit the thought has crossed my mind. But I do not think he is the Draconic that destroyed Neumel. I saw that one. That one was pink. Father said he was gonna spare me.. Said I had a purpose.” They others frown. “That’s not ominous at ALL.” Ochaco says. The doors to the palace swing open, one of the paladins that were with Momo burst through them. He is a rather tall man, with glasses. They hang on a hinge on the brim of his nose.
“My lady! My lord! Come outside!” He says, panting. Momo looks at Shoto and back at the paladin. “What is going on, Sir Iida?” She asks, and the paladin looks back towards the city. “The League! Their attacking the village!” Katsuki jumps up. “That’s bad, right?” He asks, as Shoto pulls out his greatsword. “Have no fear, I shall take care of this.” He says, running towards the door, and pushing past the paladin. “My lord!” Momo shouts, as she runs after him.
I admit I take loads of inspiration from D&D things, and Lord of the Rings in this au story. In fact Reneumel is heavily inspired by Edoras (capital of Rohan in LotR). I also based the palace off of the Golden Hall in Edoras.
(For those who don't know, I LOVE LOTR. And Dungeons and Dragons, although I haven't played it before).
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